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Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13

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  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1thesis proposal stage

    wherein thesis groups present their

    proposals to their respective panels ofadvisers for approval

    THSECO2final thesis writing stage

    thesis groups defend their final paper

    before their respective panels ofadvisers

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies METRESE

    A thesis group[1]must seek a panels permission to beadmitted as the latters advisee in THSECO1 by

    presenting the prospective paper to selected panels[2](based on the panels expertise) during the last fewweeks of the thesis groups METRESE term.

    [1] A thesis group may be made up of a minimum of one (1)

    student and a maximum of four (4) students.

    [2] Panels are comprised of two to three professors and are grouped

    according to their expertise.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1

    Once accepted into a panel, the members of thethesis group should enroll in the THESCO1section handled by one of their panel of

    professors. THSECO1 and THSECO2

    The thesis group secures a thesis tracking formfrom the Department, which must be signed bytheir panel and returned to the Department by the

    third week of the term (deadlines are posted onthe Department bulletin board). NON-SUBMISSION OF TRACKING FORMS BY THEGIVEN DEADLINE IS GROUNDS FOR FAILINGTHE THSECO COURSES.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1 and THSECO2

    The thesis group starts to meet with the panel to

    present the progress of their research starting the

    second week of the THSECO term.

    All presentations and consultation related to the

    thesis will be conducted only on Tuesdays or

    Thursdays, 1:00-2:30 pm. The schedule (either

    Tuesday or Thursday, depending on a particular

    panel) and venue of meetings are posted on the

    Department bulletin board.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1 and THSECO2

    Evaluation: Each member of the panel evaluatesthe quality of the written paper and thepresentation based on the following criteria:

    Written output (70%)

    Quality of the research output 25%

    Quality of writing 10%

    Consistency of research objectives withtheoretical framework and methodology 20%

    Organization 15% Oral presentation (30%)

    Delivery- 15%

    Facility to answer questions-15%

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1 and THSECO2

    The average of the grades awarded by each member ofthe panel is adopted as the thesis groups final grade inTHSECO1, with respect to the transmutation table

    below.0%-69% = 0.0

    70%-74% = 1.0

    75%-79% = 1.5

    80%-84% = 2.0

    85%-88% = 2.589%-92% = 3.0

    93%-96% = 3.5

    97%-100% = 4.0

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1 and THSECO2

    A thesis group that receives an

    average grade of less than 70% failsthe course and will need to retake it in

    the succeeding trimester.

    Each panel is responsible for giving

    their advisees their grades inTHSECO1 and THSECO2 at the end of

    each term.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1 and THSECO2

    Policy on Group Homeworks/Seatworks/OtherAssignments: The Department reiterates thateach group is given the right to expel a non -

    cooperative or shirking member. Upon approval ofthe recommendation of the group in question, theprofessor will ask the expelled member to write thepaper by himself without aid from other groups. Ifthe expelled member refuses to do so, he willreceive a failing mark in the requirement. Any

    evidence showing that acts of academic dishonestyhave been committed in the conduct of writing thepaper will be punishable with a grade of 0.0 in theentire course, without prejudice to the filing ofappropriate case with the Discipline Office.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1 and THSECO2

    Please be reminded that as a matter of policy,

    when a member of the group commits an act of

    dishonesty, the entire group will be heldaccountable. This means that all members of the

    said group will automatically get a grade of 0.0 in

    the entire course, not just in the exercise/particular

    requirement. This is just an application of university

    policy on academic dishonesty as explained in theStudent Handbook. Of course, each student has

    the right to contest the allegations.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO2

    Submission of Final Paper:All thesis

    groups are required to submit bound andsoft copy of their papers the deadline for

    which is usually during the final

    examination week.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO2

    In addition to the bound and soft copy,

    nominees for best thesis are also requiredto submit a summary of their study that

    adheres to a Department required format

    (refer to the CBE Best Thesis Summaries


  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO2

    Best Thesis: A thesis receiving a grade of 93 andabove automatically qualifies for nomination for the bestthesis award. A thesis receiving a grade of 89 to 92 can

    qualify for nomination provided that 2 out of the 3 panelmembers vote in its favor.

    All best thesis nominees must agree (sign a consentform/waiver) to have their executive summariesreviewed and, if qualified, uploaded unto the AKI websiteas part of AKI Working Papers Series

    All best thesis nominees will be encouraged to submit apolicy brief paper based on their thesis to AKI. Acceptedpapers will be remunerated.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO2

    AKI Policy Brief:All nominees for

    Departmental Best Thesis/Paper areeligible to submit a policy brief for AKI


    AKI has the right to select the papers for

    inclusion in the AKI Policy Brief Series.All papers submitted must follow the

    format specified by AKI.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies METRESE

    Application and interview during finals week forTHSECO1

    THSRAP1 and THSRAP2 Research assistants are instructed to meet withtheir mentors during the first week of the term.

    They are expected to have their RA ConformeForms signed (formalizing the arrangementbetween the student and the mentor) and


  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies Research assistants and mentors are advised

    to agree on the following during the first two


    minimum number of meetings during the term

    time, day and venue of the meetings

    expectations of both the student and the mentor

    regarding the work to be assigned to the former

    acceptable modes of communication (i.e., e-mail)

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSRAP1 and THSRAP2

    Research assistants are advised to keep the

    attendance sheet provided by the Department

    and obtain the mentors signature after everymeeting to keep track of their attendance.


    Research assistants are expected to work with

    their mentors for two terms: THSRAP1 and

    THSRAP2. The relationship can only be severedfor cause (i.e., attendance, quality of work, etc.),

    which requires the mentor to give the student a

    0.0 in either course.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSRAP1 and THSRAP2

    A mentor is responsible for giving their advisees

    their grades in THSRAP1/THSRAP2 at the end of

    each term. Research Assistants enrolled in THSRAP2 who

    receive a grade of 3.5 or better are eligible for the

    Departments Most Outstanding Research

    Assistant award given during the College

    Graduation Rites. To secure the award, mentorsmust nominate eligible RAs in writing.

  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1, THSECO2, THSRAP1, and


    Important Dates:

    Jan. 15 - Meeting with the Coordinator

    Jan. 17 & Jan. 22 - First Panel Meeting

    Jan. 30 - Tracking Form & Mentor-

    RA Conforme Forms Deadline

    Mar. 21 & 26 - Thesis DefenseApril. 10 - Signed Revision Sheets


  • 7/29/2019 Economics Department Thesis Policies 32012-13


    Economics Department

    Thesis Policies THSECO1 and THSECO2 (RAs and Thesis Groups)

    Important Dates:

    Apr. 13 to 17 - RA Interviews for 1st Term,

    AY2013-14 RAs Apr. 17 - Bound Copy and CD

    (THSECO2 thesis groups)

    Apr. 17 - Best Thesis Executive

    Summary Deadline (THSECO2 thesis groups)/

    Publication Consent Form (Waiver)/AKIPolicy Brief

    Apr. 17 - THSRAP2 RA Bound Paper

    & CD
