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Economy of Nigeria

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Economy of Nigeria The petroleum-based economy of Nigeria , long hobbled by political instability, corruption, and poor macroeconomic management, is undergoing substantial economic reform following the restoration of democratic rule in 1999. [citation needed ] Nigeria's former military rulers failed to diversify the economy. The economy has overdependence on the capital-intensive oil sector, which provides less than 25% of GDP , despite providing 95% of foreign exchange earnings, and about 65% of government revenues. The largely subsistence agricultural sector has not kept up with rapid population growth, and Nigeria, once a large net exporter of food, now imports some of its food products. In 2006, Nigeria successfully convinced the Paris Club to let it buy back the bulk of its debts owed to the Paris Club for a cash payment of roughly $12 billion (USD). [1] [edit ] Overview Nigeria’s economy is struggling to leverage the country’s vast wealth in fossil fuels in order to displace the crushing poverty that affects about 57 percent of its population. Economists refer to the coexistence of vast wealth in natural resources and extreme personal poverty in developing countries like Nigeria as the “resource curse ”. Nigeria’s exports of oil and natural gas—at a time of peak prices—have enabled the country to post merchandise trade and current account surpluses in recent years. Reportedly, 80 percent of Nigeria’s energy revenues flow to the government, 16 percent cover operational costs, and the remaining 4 percent go to investors. However, the World Bank has estimated that as a result of corruption 80 percent of energy revenues benefit only 1 percent of the population. In 2005, Nigeria achieved a milestone agreement with the Paris Club of lending nations to eliminate all of its bilateral external debt. Under the agreement, the lenders will forgive most of the debt, and Nigeria will pay off the remainder with a portion of its energy revenues. Outside of the energy sector, Nigeria’s economy is highly inefficient. Moreover, human capital is underdeveloped—
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Economy of NigeriaThe petroleum-based economy of Nigeria, long hobbled by political instability, corruption, and poor macroeconomic management, is undergoing substantial economic reform following the restoration of democratic rule in 1999.[citation needed] Nigeria's former military rulers failed to diversify the economy. The economy has overdependence on the capital-intensive oil sector, which provides less than 25% of GDP, despite providing 95% of foreign exchange earnings, and about 65% of government revenues. The largely subsistence agricultural sector has not kept up with rapid population growth, and Nigeria, once a large net exporter of food, now imports some of its food products. In 2006, Nigeria successfully convinced the Paris Club to let it buy back the bulk of its debts owed to the Paris Club for a cash payment of roughly $12 billion (USD).[1]

[edit] Overview

Nigeria’s economy is struggling to leverage the country’s vast wealth in fossil fuels in order to displace the crushing poverty that affects about 57 percent of its population. Economists refer to the coexistence of vast wealth in natural resources and extreme personal poverty in developing countries like Nigeria as the “resource curse”. Nigeria’s exports of oil and natural gas—at a time of peak prices—have enabled the country to post merchandise trade and current account surpluses in recent years. Reportedly, 80 percent of Nigeria’s energy revenues flow to the government, 16 percent cover operational costs, and the remaining 4 percent go to investors. However, the World Bank has estimated that as a result of corruption 80 percent of energy revenues benefit only 1 percent of the population. In 2005, Nigeria achieved a milestone agreement with the Paris Club of lending nations to eliminate all of its bilateral external debt. Under the agreement, the lenders will forgive most of the debt, and Nigeria will pay off the remainder with a portion of its energy revenues. Outside of the energy sector, Nigeria’s economy is highly inefficient. Moreover, human capital is underdeveloped—Nigeria ranked 151 out of 177 countries in the United Nations Development Index in 2004—and non-energy-related infrastructure is inadequate.[2]

From 2003 to 2007, Nigeria attempted to implement an economic reform program called the National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS). The purpose of the NEEDS was to raise the country’s standard of living through a variety of reforms, including macroeconomic stability, deregulation, liberalization, privatization, transparency, and accountability. The NEEDS addressed basic deficiencies, such as the lack of freshwater for household use and irrigation, unreliable power supplies, decaying infrastructure, impediments to private enterprise, and corruption. The government hoped that the NEEDS would create 7 million new jobs, diversify the economy, boost non-energy exports, increase industrial capacity utilization, and improve agricultural productivity. A related initiative on the state level is the State Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (SEEDS).[2]

A longer-term economic development program is the United Nations (UN)-sponsored National Millennium Goals for Nigeria. Under the program, which covers the years from 2000 to 2015, Nigeria is committed to achieve a wide range of ambitious objectives involving poverty reduction, education, gender equality, health, the environment, and international development

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cooperation. In an update released in 2004, the UN found that Nigeria was making progress toward achieving several goals but was falling short on others. Specifically, Nigeria had advanced efforts to provide universal primary education, protect the environment, and develop a global development partnership. However, the country lagged behind on the goals of eliminating extreme poverty and hunger, reducing child and maternal mortality, and combating diseases such as human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and malaria.[2]

A prerequisite for achieving many of these worthwhile objectives is curtailing endemic corruption, which stymies development and taints Nigeria’s business environment. President Olusegun Obasanjo’s campaign against corruption, which includes the arrest of officials accused of misdeeds and recovering stolen funds, has won praise from the World Bankcitation?. In September 2005, Nigeria, with the assistance of the World Bank, began to recover US$458 million of illicit funds that had been deposited in Swiss banks by the late military dictator Sani Abacha, who ruled Nigeria from 1993 to 1998. However, while broad-based progress has been slow, these efforts have begun to become evident in international surveys of corruption. In fact, Nigeria's ranking has consistently improved since 2001 ranking 147 out of 180 countries in Transparency International’s 2007 Corruption Perceptions Index [3] and placed 108 out of 175 countries in the World Bank’s 2006 Ease of Doing Business Index.[4]

[edit] Macro-economic trend

This is a chart of trend of gross domestic product of Nigeria at market prices estimated by the International Monetary Fund with figures in millions of Nigerian Naira.

Year Gross Domestic Product US Dollar ExchangeInflation Index

(2000=100)Per Capita Income

(as % of USA)1980 50,849 0.78 Naira 1.30 7.221985 98,619 2.83 Naira 3.20 1.871990 286,374 8.94 Naira 8.10 1.491995 1,928,642 54.36 Naira 56 1.282000 4,676,394 102.24 Naira 100 1.112005 14,894,454 131.01 Naira 207 1.96

For purchasing power parity comparisons, the US Dollar is exchanged at 75.75 Nigerian Naira only.

Current GDP per capita of Nigeria expanded 132% in the Sixties reaching a peak growth of 283% in the Seventies. But this proved unsustainable and it consequently shrank by 66% in the Eighties. In the Nineties, diversification initiatives finally took effect and decadal growth was restored to 10%.

Due to inflation, per capita GDP today remains lower than in 1960 when Nigeria declared independence. About 57 percent of the population lives on less than US$1 per day. In 2005 the

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GDP was composed of the following sectors: agriculture, 26.8 percent; industry, 48.8 percent; and services, 24.4 percent.[2]

In 2005 Nigeria’s inflation rate was an estimated 15.6 percent. Nigeria’s goal under the National Economic Empowerment Development Strategy (NEEDS) program is to reduce inflation to the single digits.[2]

In 2005 Nigeria’s central government had expenditures of US$13.54 billion but revenues of only US$12.86 billion, resulting in a budget deficit of 5 percent. Nigerian tax authorities face the challenge of widespread tax evasion, which is motivated by complaints about corruption and the poor quality of services.[2]

Average wages in 2007 hover around $4–5 per day.

[edit] Agriculture

Nigeria ranks twenty fifth worldwide and first in Africa in farm output.

Agriculture has suffered from years of mismanagement, inconsistent and poorly conceived government policies, and the lack of basic infrastructure. Still, the sector accounts for over 26.8% of GDP [1] and two-thirds of employment. Nigeria is no longer a major exporter of cocoa, groundnuts (peanuts), rubber, and palm oil. Cocoa production, mostly from obsolete varieties and overage trees, is stagnant at around 180,000 tons annually; 25 years ago it was 300,000 tons. An even more dramatic decline in groundnut and palm oil production also has taken place. Once the biggest poultry producer in Africa, corporate poultry output has been slashed from 40 million birds annually to about 18 million. Import constraints limit the availability of many agricultural and food processing inputs for poultry and other sectors. Fisheries are poorly managed. Most critical for the country's future, Nigeria's land tenure system does not encourage long-term investment in technology or modern production methods and does not inspire the availability of rural credit.

Agricultural products include cassava (tapioca), corn, cocoa, millet, palm oil, peanuts, rice, rubber, sorghum, and yams. In 2003 livestock production, in order of metric tonnage, featured eggs, milk, beef and veal, poultry, and pork, respectively. In the same year, the total fishing catch was 505.8 metric tons. Roundwood removals totaled slightly less than 70 million cubic meters, and sawnwood production was estimated at 2 million cubic meters. The agricultural sector suffers from extremely low productivity, reflecting reliance on antiquated methods. Although overall agricultural production rose by 28 percent during the 1990s, per capita output rose by only 8.5 percent during the same decade. Agriculture has failed to keep pace with Nigeria’s rapid population growth, so that the country, which once exported food, now relies on imports to sustain itself.[2]

[edit] Industry

Nigeria ranks 44th worldwide and third in Africa in factory output.

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The oil boom of the 1970s led Nigeria to neglect its strong agricultural and light manufacturing bases in favor of an unhealthy dependence on crude oil. In 2000, oil and gas exports accounted for more than 98% of export earnings and about 83% of federal government revenue. New oil wealth, the concurrent decline of other economic sectors, and a lurch toward a statist economic model fueled massive migration to the cities and led to increasingly widespread poverty, especially in rural areas. A collapse of basic infrastructure and social services since the early 1980s accompanied this trend. By 2000, Nigeria's per capita income had plunged to about one-quarter of its mid-1970s high, below the level at independence. Along with the endemic malaise of Nigeria's non-oil sectors, the economy continues to witness massive growth of "informal sector" economic activities, estimated by some to be as high as 75% of the total economy.

Nigeria's proven oil reserves are estimated to be 35 billion barrels (5.6×109 m3); natural gas reserves are well over 100 trillion ft³ (2,800 km³). Nigeria is a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), and in mid-2001, its crude oil production was averaging around 2.2 million barrels (350,000 m³) per day. The types of crude oil exported by Nigeria are Bonny light oil, Forcados crude oil, Qua Ibo crude oil and Brass River crude oil. Poor corporate relations with indigenous communities, vandalism of oil infrastructure, severe ecological damage, and personal security problems throughout the Niger Delta oil-producing region continue to plague Nigeria's oil sector. Efforts are underway to reverse these troubles. In the absence of government programs, the major multinational oil companies have launched their own community development programs. A new entity, the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC), has been created to help catalyze economic and social development in the region. Although it has yet to launch its programs, hopes are high that the NDDC can reverse the impoverishment of local communities. The U.S. remains Nigeria's largest customer for crude oil, accounting for 40% of the country's total oil exports; Nigeria provides about 10% of overall U.S. oil imports and ranks as the fifth-largest source for U.S. imported oil.

The United Kingdom is Nigeria's largest trading partner followed by the United States. Although the trade balance overwhelmingly favors Nigeria, thanks to oil exports, a large portion of U.S. exports to Nigeria is believed to enter the country outside of the Nigerian government's official statistics, due to importers seeking to avoid Nigeria's excessive tariffs. To counter smuggling and under-invoicing by importers, in May 2001, the Nigerian government instituted a full inspection program for all imports, and enforcement has been sustained. On the whole, Nigerian high tariffs and non-tariff barriers are gradually being reduced, but much progress remains to be made. The government also has been encouraging the expansion of foreign investment, although the country's investment climate remains daunting to all but the most determined. The stock of U.S. investment is nearly $7 billion, mostly in the energy sector. Exxon Mobil and Chevron are the two largest U.S. corporations in offshore oil and gas production. Significant exports of liquefied natural gas started in late 1999 and are slated to expand as Nigeria seeks to eliminate gas flaring by 2008.

Oil dependency, and the allure it generated of great wealth through government contracts, spawned other economic distortions. The country's high propensity to import means roughly 80% of government expenditures is recycled into foreign exchange. Cheap consumer imports, resulting from a chronically overvalued Naira, coupled with excessively high domestic production costs due in part to erratic electricity and fuel supply, pushed down utilization of

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industrial capacity to less than 30%. Many more Nigerian factories would have closed except for relatively low labor costs (10%–15%). Domestic manufacturers, especially pharmaceuticals and textiles, have lost their ability to compete in traditional regional markets. However, there are signs that some manufacturers have begun to improve competitiveness.

Nigeria's official foreign debt is about $28.5 billion, about 75% of which is owed to Paris Club countries. A large chunk of this debt is interest and payment arrears. In August 2000, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and Nigeria signed a one-year stand-by arrangement (SBA), leading to a debt rescheduling agreement in December between Nigeria and its Paris Club creditors. By August 2001, despite continued dialogue with the IMF, Nigeria had been unable to implement many of the SBA conditions. The IMF consented to extend its SBA by a few months and seek out revised targets and conditions for a new agreement. As of September 2001, only a few of Nigeria's creditor governments had signed bilateral rescheduling agreements. Another obstacle to debt restructuring involves World Bank classification. Any long-term debt relief will require strong and sustained economic reforms over a number of years.

The last paragraph is dated. "In April 2006, Nigeria became the first African country to fully pay off its debt (estimated $30 billion) owed to the Paris Club."Paris Club

In the light of highly expansionary public sector fiscal policies in 2001, the government sought ways to head off higher inflation, leading to the implementation of stronger monetary policies by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and underspending of budgeted amounts. As a result of the CBN's efforts, the official exchange rate for the Naira has stabilized at about 112 Naira to the dollar. The combination of CBN's efforts to prop up the value of the Naira and excess liquidity resulting from government spending led the currency to be discounted by around 20% on the parallel (non-official) market. A key condition of the Stand-by Arrangement has been closure of the gap between the official and parallel market exchange rates. The Inter Bank Foreign Exchange Market (IFEM) is closely tied to the official rate. Under IFEM, banks, oil companies, and the CBN can buy or sell their foreign exchange at government influenced rates. Much of the informal economy, however, can only access foreign exchange through the parallel market. Companies can hold domiciliary accounts in private banks, and account holders have unfettered use of the funds.

Expanded government spending also has led to upward pressure on consumer prices. Inflation which had almost disappeared in April 2000 reached 14.5% by the end of the year and 18.7% in August 2001. In 2000, high oil prices resulted in government revenue of over $16 billion, about double the 1999 level. State and local governments demanded access to this "windfall" revenue, creating a tug-of-war between the federal government, which sought to control spending, and state governments desiring augmented budgets, preventing the government from making provision for periods of lower oil prices.

[edit] Services

Nigeria ranks 63rd worldwide and fifth in Africa in services' output. Low power and telecom density has crippled the growth of this sector.

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Since undergoing severe distress in the mid-1990s, Nigeria's banking sector has witnessed significant growth over the last few years as new banks enter the financial market. Harsh monetary policies implemented by the Central Bank of Nigeria to absorb excess Naira liquidity in the economy has made life more difficult for banks, some of whom engage in currency arbitrage (round-tripping) activities that generally fall outside legal banking mechanisms. Private sector-led economic growth remains stymied by the high cost of doing business in Nigeria, including the need to duplicate essential infrastructure, the threat of crime and associated need for security counter measures, the lack of effective due process, and nontransparent economic decisionmaking, especially in government contracting. As of 2007, 29% of Nigerians in urban areas did not own bank accounts.[5]

While corrupt practices are endemic, they are generally less flagrant than during military rule, and there are signs of improvement. Meanwhile, since 1999 the Nigerian Stock Exchange has enjoyed strong performance, although equity as a means to foster corporate growth remains underutilized by Nigeria's private sector.

[edit] Transport

Main article: Transport in Nigeria

Nigeria's publicly owned transportation infrastructure is a major constraint to economic development. Principal ports are at Lagos (Apapa and Tin Can Island), Port Harcourt, and Calabar. Docking fees for freighters are among the highest in the world. Of the 80,500 kilometers (50,000 mi.) of roads, more than 15,000 kilometers (10,000 mi.) are officially paved, but many remain in poor shape. Extensive road repairs and new construction activities are gradually being implemented as state governments, in particular, spend their portions of enhanced government revenue allocations. The government implementation of 100% destination inspection of all goods entering Nigeria has resulted in long delays in clearing goods for importers and created new sources of corruption, since the ports lack adequate facilities to carry out the inspection. Four of Nigeria's airports—Lagos, Kano, Port Harcourt and Abuja--currently receive international flights. Government-owned Nigeria Airways ceased operations in December 2002. Virgin Nigeria Airways started operations in 2005 as a replacement and serves domestic and international routes. There are several domestic private Nigerian carriers, and air service among Nigeria's cities is generally dependable. The maintenance culture of Nigeria's domestic airlines is not up to internationally accepted standards.

[edit] Labor force

In 2005, Nigeria had a labor force of 57.2 million. In 2003, the unemployment rate was 10.8 percent overall; urban unemployment of 12.3 percent exceeded rural unemployment of 7.4 percent. According to the latest available information from 1999, labor force employment by sector was as follows: 70 percent in agriculture, 20 percent in services, and 10 percent in industry. Labor unions, which have undergone periods of militancy and quiescence, reemerged as a force in 1998 when they regained independence from the government. Since 1999, the Nigerian Labor Congress (NLC), a union umbrella organization, has called six general strikes to protest domestic fuel price increases. However, in March 2005 the government introduced

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legislation ending the NLC’s monopoly over union organizing. In December 2005, the NLC was lobbying for an increase in the minimum wage for federal workers. The existing minimum wage, which was introduced six years earlier but has not been adjusted since, has been whittled away by inflation to only US$42.80 per month.[2]

According to the International Organization for Migration, the number of immigrants residing in Nigeria has more than doubled in recent decades – from 477,135 in 1991 to 971,450 in 2005. The majority of immigrants in Nigeria (74 per cent) are from neighbouring Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and that this number has increased considerably over the last decade, from 63 per cent in 2001 to 97 per cent in 2005. In spite of Nigeria's importance as a destination for migrants in the region, more people are emigrating from, than immigrating to, Nigeria with the negative net migration rate (per 1,000 people) steadily increasing in recent years, from -0.2 in 2000 to -0.3 in 2005, and this trend is expected to continue. According to recent estimates, the net migration rate could reach -0.4 in 2010. [6]

[edit] Gradual reform

The Obasanjo government supports "private-sector" led, "market oriented" economic growth and has begun extensive economic reform efforts. Although the government's anti-corruption campaign has so far been disappointing, progress in injecting transparency and accountability into economic decisionmaking is notable. The dual exchange rate mechanism formally abolished in the 1999 budget remains in place in actuality. During 2000 the government's privatization program showed signs of life and real promise with successful turnover to the private sector of state-owned banks, fuel distribution companies, and cement plants. However, the privatization process has slowed somewhat as the government confronts key parastatals such as the state telephone company NITEL and Nigerian Airways. The successful auction of GSM telecommunications licenses in January 2001 has encouraged investment in this vital sector.

Although the government has been stymied so far in its desire to deregulate downstream petroleum prices, state refineries, almost paralyzed in 2000, are producing at much higher capacities. By August 2001, gasoline lines disappeared throughout much of the country. The government still intends to pursue deregulation despite significant internal opposition, particularly from the Nigeria Labour Congress. To meet market demand the government incurs large losses importing gasoline to sell at subsidized prices.

[edit] Diversification

In 2007, mining and hydrocarbon industries accounted for well over 95 per cent of the Nigerian economy. Diversification of the economy into manufacturing industries remain a long-term issue.

[edit] Investment

Although Nigeria must grapple with its decaying infrastructure and a poor regulatory environment, the country possesses many positive attributes for carefully targeted investment

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and will expand as both a regional and international market player. Profitable niche markets outside the energy sector, like specialized telecommunication providers, have developed under the government's reform program. There is a growing Nigerian consensus that foreign investment is essential to realizing Nigeria's vast but squandered potential. European investments are increasing, especially since Belgian consultancy companies such as Genco are exploring the Nigerian market.

Companies interested in long-term investment and joint ventures, especially those that use locally available raw materials, will find opportunities in the large national market. However, to improve prospects for success, potential investors must educate themselves extensively on local conditions and business practices, establish a local presence, and choose their partners carefully. The Nigerian Government is keenly aware that sustaining democratic principles, enhancing security for life and property, and rebuilding and maintaining infrastructure are necessary for the country to attract foreign investment.

The stock market capitalisation of listed companies in Nigeria was valued at $97.75 billion in February 15 2008 by the Nigerian Stock Exchange. [2]

[edit] Foreign economic relations

Nigeria’s foreign economic relations revolve around its role in supplying the world economy with oil and natural gas, even as the country seeks to diversify its exports, harmonize tariffs in line with a potential customs union sought by the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), and encourage inflows of foreign portfolio and direct investment. In October 2005, Nigeria implemented the ECOWAS Common External Tariff, which reduced the number of tariff bands. Prior to this revision, tariffs constituted Nigeria’s second largest source of revenue after oil exports. In 2005 Nigeria achieved a major breakthrough when it reached an agreement with the Paris Club to eliminate its bilateral debt through a combination of write-downs and buybacks. Nigeria joined the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries in July 1971 and the World Trade Organization in January 1995.[2]

[edit] External trade

Nigeria's exports in 2006

In 2005, Nigeria imported about US$26 billion of goods. In 2004 the leading sources of imports were China (9.4 percent), the United States (8.4 percent), the United Kingdom (7.8 percent), the Netherlands (5.9 percent), France (5.4 percent), Germany (4.8 percent), and Italy (4 percent). Principal imports were manufactured goods, machinery and transport equipment, chemicals, and food and live animals.[2]

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In 2005, Nigeria exported about US$52 billion of goods. In 2004, the leading destinations for exports were the United States (47.4 percent), Brazil (10.7 percent), and Spain (7.1 percent). In 2004 oil accounted for 95 percent of merchandise exports, and cocoa and rubber accounted for almost 60 percent of the remainder.[2]

In 2005, Nigeria posted a US$26 billion trade surplus, corresponding to almost 20 percent of gross domestic product. In 2005, Nigeria achieved a positive current account balance of US$9.6 billion. The Nigerian currency is the naira (NGN). As of mid-June 2006, the exchange rate was about US$1=NGN128.4.[2]

In recent years, Nigeria has expanded its trade relations with other developing countries such as India. Nigeria is the largest African crude oil supplier to India — it annually exports 400,000 oil barrels per day to India valued at US$10 billion annually.[7] India is the second largest purchaser of Nigeria's oil which fulfills 20 to 25 percent of India's domestic oil demand.[8] Indian oil companies are also involved in oil drilling operations in Nigeria and have plans to set up refineries there.[9]

[edit] Remittances

According to the International Organization for Migration, Nigeria witnessed a dramatic increase from USD 2.3 billion in 2004 to 17.9 billion in 2007, representing 6.7 per cent of GDP.The United States accounts for the largest portion of official remittances, followed by the United Kingdom, Italy, Canada, Spain and France. On the African continent, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Chad, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and South Africa are important source countries of remittance flows to Nigeria, while China is the biggest remittance-sending country in Asia. [6]

[edit] Debt

In 2008, Nigeria’s external debt was an estimated US$3.3 billion.

[edit] Foreign investment

In 2007, Nigeria received a net inflow of US$5.2 billion of foreign direct investment (FDI), much of which came from Nigerians in the diaspora. Most FDI is directed toward the energy and banking sectors.[2]

[edit] Swiss Banks to return Abacha Funds

The Swiss foreign ministry says it has done all it can to ensure that funds stolen by the late Nigerian dictator Sani Abacha were used properly in his homeland. The authorities were responding to allegations that $200 million (SFr240 million) of $700 million handed back by the Swiss Banks to Nigeria had been misappropriated. [3]

[edit] Economic assistance

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As of October 2005, World Bank assistance to Nigeria involved 19 active projects with a total commitment value of about US$1.87 billion. Since Nigeria joined the World Bank in 1961, the World Bank has assisted it on 120 projects. In October 2005, the International Monetary Fund approved a two-year “policy support instrument” designed to promote the growth of the non-oil sector and to reduce poverty.[2]

The United States assisted with Nigeria's economic development from 1954 through June 1974, when concessional assistance was phased out because of a substantial increase in Nigeria's per capita income resulting from rising oil revenue. By 1974, the United States had provided Nigeria with approximately $360 million in assistance, which included grants for technical assistance, development assistance, relief and rehabilitation, and food aid. Disbursements continued into the late 1970s, bringing total bilateral economic assistance to roughly $445 million.

The sharp decline in oil prices, economic mismanagement, and continued military rule characterized Nigeria in the 1980s. In 1983, USAID began providing assistance to the Nigerian Federal and State Ministries of Health to develop and implement programs in family planning and child survival. In 1992, an HIV/AIDS prevention and control program was added to existing health activities. USAID committed $135 million to bilateral assistance programs for the period of 1986 to 1996 as Nigeria undertook an initially successful Structural Adjustment Program, but later abandoned it. Plans to commit $150 million in assistance from 1993 to 2000 were interrupted by strains in U.S.-Nigerian relations over human rights abuses, the failed transition to democracy, and a lack of cooperation from the Nigerian Government on anti-narcotics trafficking issues. By the mid-1990s, these problems resulted in the curtailment of USAID activities that might benefit the military Government. Existing health programs were re-designed to focus on working through grassroots Nigerian non-governmental organizations and community groups. As a response to the Nigerian military government's plans for delayed transition to civilian rule, the Peace Corps closed its program in Nigeria in 1994.

In response to the increasingly repressive political situation, USAID established a Democracy and Governance (DG) program in 1996. This program integrates themes focusing on basic participatory democracy, human rights and civil rights, women's empowerment, accountability, and transparency with other health activities to reach Nigerians at the grassroots level in 14 of Nigeria's 36 states.

The sudden death of General Sani Abacha and the assumption of power by General Abdulsalami Abubakar in June 1998, marked a turning point in U.S.-Nigerian relations. USAID provided significant support to the electoral process by providing some $4 million in funding for international election observation, the training of Nigerian election observers and political party polling agents, as well as voter education activities. A Vital National Interest Certification was submitted to Congress in February 1999 by President Clinton to lift restrictions on U.S. Government interaction with and support to the Government of Nigeria.

Since that time, USAID has supported Nigeria to sustain democracy and to improve governance by providing training on the roles and responsibilities of elected officials in a representative democracy for newly elected officials at the federal, state, and local levels prior to their installation in May 1999 and assisting with conflict prevention and resolution in the Niger Delta,

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civil military relations, civil society, and political party development. In the economic area USAID supports programs in strengthening economic management and coordination, encouraging private sector development and economic reform, helping Nigeria reap the benefits of AGOA, improved agricultural technology and marketing and smallscale and microenterprise development. In addition, health assistance, focusing on HIV/AIDS, nutrition, and immunization, education, transportation and energy infrastructure, are priorities for bilateral assistance.


Where We Are

This section presents the current economic situation in three sub-sections. Subsection 1 is an overview of Nigeria's economic performance. Sub-section 2 presents the basic economic philosophy that has guided such affairs to date, while sub-section 3 gives details of sector by sector performance.

Overview of Economic Performance

Table 1 below provides a profile of selected macro-economic aggregates for Nigeria.



  198019851990199119921993199419951996Domestic Output                  Real GDP (=N=Billion) 96.2 68.9 90.3 94.6 97.4 100.0 101.0 103.5 106.9

Real GDP (Growth Rate %) 5.5 9.4 8.1 4.8 3.0 2.7 1.3 2.2 3.3

GDP Per Capita (=N=) 1487 913 1042 1069 1071 1069 1053 1047 1051

                   Manufacturing Capacity Utilisation (%)

70.1 37.1 40.3 42.0 41.8 37.2 30.4 29.3 32.5

Inflation Rate (%) 9.9 5.5 7.4 13.0 44.6 57.2 57.0 72.8 29.3

                   Money and Credit (Growth Rate %)                  

Net domestic credit 21.7 4.3 17.1 45.3 69.1 91.4 29.2 12.4 5.0

Net credit to Government 4.4 4.8 14.9 82.9 109.7 121.6 27.7 (8.6) (10.1)

Credit to Private sector 32.8 5.9 18.4 23.7 34.6 51.6 32.2 51.8 21.9

Narrow money (MI) 59.1 8.7 44.9 32.6 52.8 54.4 47.8 8.1 26.3

Broad Money (M2) 46.1 10.3 40.4 32.7 49.2 49.8 39.1 10.3 25.7

                   External Reserves(=N=Billion)

5.4 1.6 35.0 44.2 12.3 29.3 36.3 101.4 284.6

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                   Fed. Govt. Finances(=N=Billion)                  

Fed. Govt. Retained Revenue

15.2 14.6 85.3 101.0 53.3 126.1 132.2 249.8 281.1

Fed. Govt. Expenditure 14 11 60 67 93 234 203 248 244

Overall Fiscal Bal. (% of GDP)

4.1 2.3 8.5 12.4 (7.2) (15.4) (7.7) 0.1 1.6

Actual Ext Debt Sm. (%of GDP)

- - - - 7.5 5.6 3.9 6.3 6.4

Sch. Ext. Debt Serv. (% of GDP)

- - - - 26.7 13.2 9.6 16.4 17.9

Actual Ext. Deft Serv. (% of Exp.)

- - - - 20.1 17.9 17.3 15.2 13.3

Sch. Ext. Debt Serv. (% of Exp.)

- - - - 71.3 42.0 42.6 39.3 37.4

                   Gross Fixed Capital Formation *(=N=Billion) (Real)

25.7 5.6 10.4 10.7 12.3 10.8 5.8 4.0 -

Gross National savings(=N= Billion)(Real)

26.7 3.9 25.7 21.7 15.4 5.9 2.5 1.6 -



* It excludes changes in stock

Source: FOS, CBN & NPC

The profile shows that after many years of declining growth, Nigeria's economic condition, as at the end of 1996, improved marginally. The tempo of economic activities, as measured by the growth of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), increased from 2.2 percent in 1995 to 3.3 percent in 1996, while inflation declined considerably from 72.8 percent to 29.3 percent during the period. In addition, other macro-economic indicators stabilised.

However, the international comparison, as shown in Figure 1, indicates that in 1995, Nigeria was ranked the 19th poorest nation in the world, with a per capita income of around $260 , almost the same as it was in 1972. This compares with $3,890 per capita income for Malaysia, $980 for Indonesia, and $390 for Ghana. In 1965, Nigeria's GDP was $5.8 billion, compared with $3.8 billion for Indonesia, $3.1 billion for Malaysia and $9.8 billion for Venezuela. Thirty years later, in 1995, Nigeria's GDP had increased to $26.8 billion (3.6 fold increase), Malaysia's to $85 billion (27 fold increase) and Venezuela to $75 billion (20 fold increase). The implication is that these countries have left Nigeria far behind in terms of productivity, income generation and general economic development.


GDP Per Capita Income and World Ranking, Nigeria compared with other countries (1995)

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Per Capita GDP, US dollarsRanking according to Per Capita Income (Out of 133 countries)

Source: World Development Report (World Bank ) - 1997

In addition, the overall quality of life of the average Nigerian, as measured by the Human Development Index (HDI), is low when compared with countries like Ghana, as depicted in Fig. 2. Nigeria's HDI for 1993 was 0.4, compared to 0.48 for Ghana, 0.68 for Indonesia and an average of 0.6 for developing countries. Figure 2 compares the HDI for Nigeria and other Third World countries. On the average, Nigerians have a life expectancy of 52 years, compared to 59 years for Ghanaians; 64 years for Indonesians and 71 years for Venezuelans and Malaysians. Eighty Nigerian children per thousand die at birth, compared with 73 Ghanaians, 51 Indonesians, 23 Venezuelans and 12 Malaysians.

The HDI is a composite of three key indicators namely, Life Expectancy, Education Index and Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Per Capita Income.


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Source: UNDP Human Development Report (1996)

Economic Philosophy

Several strands characterised Nigeria's economic philosophy over the years. These include primary export-oriented philosophy during the colonial period, planned public sector-led economic development, import and thereafter substitution, indigenisation, Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) and guided deregulation.

Primary Export Led Development Process

The colonial period was dominated by export led process, which reflected the basic policy of linking the Nigerian economy to the British economy. The 10-year development plan, 1946-1956 was an integral part of the process.

Public Sector/State Led Development

A combination of factors encouraged government to aggressively seek to play a dominant role in the economy since Independence. These were:

The consideration that government was better positioned to rapidly develop and industrialise the economy in a planned and balanced manner in the absence of a viable private sector

A genuine desire to rapidly improve the economic base and the well being of all citizens

Substantial inflow of revenue from oil since 1970s which made it possible for government to assume a dominant role in the economy.

Import Substitution Industialisation (ISI)

The idea behind the ISI strategy was to industrialise the country and to produce what was being imported, thereby conserving scarce foreign exchange. The importation of machinery and equipment would be paid for by the export of domestic raw commodities. The local industries would be protected from foreign competition by high import barriers. Consequently, government invested in heavy

industries including steel rolling mills, machine tools, vehicle assembly, fertilizer manufacture, sugar mills, aluminium ,plants, paper mills, development banks, textiles, insurance, etc. The private sector also went into the import substitution industries and in no time found that there was not enough foreign exchange to meet import requirements. ISI strategy did not succeed therefore, because protected industries became inefficient and import-dependent.


Measures to assist Nigerian enterprises proactively have been going on from the 1960s, as a process of translating political independence to greater participation in the economy by Nigerians. Before the oil boom, banking and finance industries and significant sections of the retail trading business were dominated by foreign companies., Foreign companies also held 65% equity share in the oil industry.

The Indigenisation decrees of 1972 and 1977 gave Nigerians greater opportunities to effectively participate in the productive sectors of the economy. The idea behind indigenisation was to localise ownership through equity transfers to individuals, and direct government participation and listing part of

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the equity of foreign companies on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. In addition, the decrees sought to limit the sectors of the economy in which foreign companies could operate. The aim was to push foreign capital into higher technology areas, thereby creating opportunities for Nigerians in other areas. While successful in part, indigenisation did not generally shift control to Nigerians and it significantly reduced foreign direct investment and interest in Nigeria.

The Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP)

The SAP was a major departure from public sector led development process. It reintroduced market oriented development process with emphasis on smaller government, efficient resource allocation and market determined prices. The major instruments of SAP include, trade liberalisation, deregulation of interest rates, public sector reforms and privatisation.

Guided Deregulation

The philosophy of guided deregulation in which government still plays a major role in the economy but within the ambit of market forces and enhanced private sector involvement, was introduced in 1995.

Where We Are On Specific Economic Issues

Economic issues are presented below:

Macroeconomic Issues

Fiscal Policy, Monetary Policy International Trade, Trade and Distribution, and Policy Process.

Real Sectors

Agriculture, Solid Minerals, Industry,Petroleum-Upstream and Petroleum- Downstream.

Development Issues

Rural Development, Poverty Alleviation, Small and Medium-scale Industries and Infrastructure.

Capital Mobilisation Issues

Banking and Finance, Capital Markets, Domestic Savings, Debt Management.

Macroeconomic Issues

The Macroeconomic issues are:

Fiscal Policy

Although the government in recent years has moved towards a low tax regime, the current tax rates, both corporate and personal, are still relatively too high to promote compliance and attract investment. The tax administration is

weak and there is still a lot of tax evasion. There is also corruption in tax administration and at the ports. Refunds of taxes as well as duty draw-back administration are inefficient.

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The Federal Government's expenditure in the years 1995-1997 amounted to 75 percent of total expenditure of all tiers of government, excluding parastatals. This gives a picture of high degree of centralisation. It is also observed that the Federal Government's recurrent expenditure is about 45 percent of total expenditure. Although this percentage is similar to those of some developed countries like UK, in the case of Nigeria, a substantial portion of the recurrent expenditure is for external debt serving. This position is not considered healthy and needs to be redressed.

Inadequate resources have been allocated to the maintenance of existing assets, while a lot is wasted on capital projects which are often abandoned or inefficiently maintained.

There has been a substantial increase in non-oil revenue in the years 1995-1997. This increase is mainly attributable to the improvement in the collection of Custom and Excise Duties and Value Added Tax (VAT) and not as a result of any marked increase in productivity in the real sectors.

Monetary Policy

The institutional arrangements for the execution of monetary policy have been severely constrained with the promulgation of the Central Bank of Nigeria (Amendment.) Decree No 3 of 1997. Attempts at deregulated interest rate and credit management since the 1980s have not really succeeded due largely to delays in policy reaction. Excess liquidity has remained an abiding feature of the system and has compromised picture stability.

International Trade:

In 1995, Nigerian exports accounted for about 0.3 percent of total world trade, compared to 1. 1 percent for Thailand and 1.3 percent for Malaysia. While other rapidly developing/industrialising economies, like Malaysia, have managed to increase their share of world trade, Nigeria has not. A key feature of Nigeria's exports is that in 1995, about 95 percent of export earnings was accounted for by oil alone. Whereas in 1970, about 36 percent of the total export earnings was accounted for by products other than oil, mainly agricultural produce. Nigeria is one of the few countries in the world where a single commodity accounts for such a large proportion of total export earnings.

Countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, which have a similar natural resource base as Nigeria, have managed to significantly improve their total exports by increasing the volume of value added manufactured goods in particular. Weak technological skill base, inadequate infrastructure, poor product quality, the persistence of Import Substitution Industrialisation and ineffective implementation of export incentives are among key reasons for the poor performance of Nigerian non-oil exports.

Trade and Distribution:

Nigeria has a very large market potential, with a population of over 100 million spread across 923,773 square kilometres of land with varied vegetation. The Trade and Distribution sector now accounts for about 13 percent of the GDP The market potential has remained underdeveloped due to the following:

Dilapidated infrastructure, over-dependence on road transport, which is in a bad state, and the lack of other cheaper transportation modes such as rail and waterways.

high cost of doing business due to too many layers of distribution, numerous and ever-changing tariffs, lengthy and cumbersome port procedures which require operators to pass through many "check-points" and "toll gates"

predominance of cash payment system and difficulty in accessing credit

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poor quality of Nigerian products and presence of fake, adulterated, illicit and poorly copied products in the markets

inadequate preservation facilities such as cold stores, silos and warehouses have resulted in the loss of perishable goods and their high cost during off seasons

poor implementation of regulations, thereby inhibiting free trade but high incidence of smuggling

lack of integrity which erodes confidence and trust, thereby increasing the cost of doing business

low level of knowledge and skill of market operators.

Policy Process:

Many Nigerians believe that the country's economic problems arose more from poor implementation of policies than from poor policy formulation. The reality, however, is that policies have often suffered from both poor formulation and implementation for the following reasons:

Policies are made without consulting the institutions directly affected, such that inconsistencies often exist in their interpretations

poor co-ordination of government policies

use of parallel structures to implement government policies

rapid turnover of people in positions of authority has often led to policy inconsistency and lack of clear direction. Associated with this is the frequent change in governments at all levels

frequently changing policies which often cause confusion

corrupt practices, embezzlement and diversion of funds.

Real Sectors

The Real Sectors are:


The agricultural sector in Nigeria is composed predominantly of small-holder subsistence farmers with only a small number of commercial farms. Farms below 10 hectares account for almost 95 percent of the total agricultural production. In 1996, the sector accounted for 30.1 percent of Nigeria's GDP Approximately two-thirds of the Nigerian population earn a living from the sector. Output from this sector has been extremely erratic in the last three and a half decades and the sector has been plagued by fundamental problems.

In the 1960s, primary agricultural exports accounted for an average of 62 percent of total export earnings and a similar proportion of GDP As oil output and prices increased during the 1970s, the share and role of agriculture in the Nigerian economy declined considerably. Windfall earnings from the oil sector encouraged the neglect of the nation's agricultural export potential. This led to a sharp decline in agricultural output during the 1970s. The SAP was, among other things, designed to reverse the decline in agriculture, but it was only partly successful. Although it improved the export of cash crops, the gains could not be sustained. Ineffective government support has prevented agriculture from playing the

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dynamic role it could have played in the development of the country, neither has it provided a source of rising income for most Nigerians.

The key constraints on the development of the nation's agriculture can be summarised as follows:

weak and poor funding and inadequate technological support for peasant farmers

failure to transfer technology to the sector has meant low productivity and low income growth

poor infrastructure, including the absence of road networks to move goods to the market

unclear land tenure and acquisition policy which prevents long-term commercialisation of agriculture

continued dependence on nature for performance

substantial rural-urban migration during the oil boom years which robbed agriculture of virile manpower

poor or non existence of preservation and storage facilities, often leading to substantial post-harvest losses

poor linkage to agricultural processing and transformation industries.


The contribution of the manufacturing sector to GDP in Nigeria in 1996 was only 6.9 percent, compared to the very high percentage contribution recorded in some of the Asian tigers' economies such as South Korea, Malaysia and Philippines. Although Nigeria and the rapidly growing economies started out with the same Import Substitution Industrialisation policies in the 1960s, the Asian economies were able to successfully switch to an export-led growth strategy, while Nigeria got stuck in inward-looking strategies. The Nigerian economy is mono-cultural with oil dominating its export while agriculture and manufacturing have gradually stagnated. The reasons cited for the failure of the Nigerian industrialisation process include:

High import dependence for skilled manpower and industrial input

funding problems (lack of domestic savings and restrictions on foreign ownership)

poor implementation of plans

inadequate infrastructure

lack of an enabling environment (political, legislative, macro-economic, inconsistent policies, bureaucratic obstacles;)

failure to promote linkages with other sectors of the economy

lack of venture capital.

Solid Minerals:

The exploitation of solid minerals accounts for about 0.3 percent of Nigeria's GDP despite the considerable abundance of precious, semiprecious and industrial mineral deposits. Moreover, the country

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imports such minerals as salt and iron ore, which could be exploited commercially in Nigeria. The factors that have contributed to the sector's dismal performance include:

An absence of a policy framework

retrogressive and non-competitive laws and regulations

inadequate funding

lack of infrastructure

absence of an enabling environment

dearth of trained manpower and technological know-how

insufficient promotional activities.

Petroleum - Upstream:

Currently, Nigeria produces about 2.2 million barrels of oil per day (mbpd), including condensates, which is about 3 percent of world production. In addition, the country has a reserve base of 22 billion barrels of crude oil. The export of oil accounts for about 95 percent of Nigeria's export revenues and over 80 percent of the Federal Government's revenues. The industry is faced with five key challenges:

Poor funding inhibits the growth of output and future government revenues. Additional difficulties in the business environment include erosion of value of incentives due to inflation, lack of a level playing field in terms of the incentives offered to companies and lack of consultation with industry partners before making policy changes.

Lack of effective dialogue and openness between the government and stakeholders. This has created a climate of mistrust and prevented the development of an effective road map favourable for steady growth of the upstream sub-sector.

Community disturbances related to environmental pollution and inadequate compensation for loss of the means of livelihood have caused revenue losses and created a climate of uncertainty, thus discouraging new investments.

The development of gas, much of which is currently flared, is affected by inadequate pricing, markets, investments, timing cycles and incentives.

Although up to 75 percent of the professionals and management staff of oil companies are Nigerians, the absence of a linkage with local industries, infrastructure and skills inhibits the rapid domestication of the industry. Thus, there is no meaningful indigenisation and local content addition in the operation of the petroleum industry.

Petroleum - Downstream:

From 1970 to date, the nation has invested substantially in pipelines, refineries, petrochemical and fertiliser plants. The foregoing notwithstanding, the downstream petroleum sub-sector is in a state of decay, characterised by inadequate funding, poor operating conditions, insufficient and irregular supply of products and a highly regulated environment. Not only does the government allocate crude to the refineries, it also determines how much money is used for the maintenance of these facilities. Although

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the installed capacity of all refineries is 445,000 barrels, the operational capacity is much lower due to the lack of maintenance.

Allocation of crude to the refineries this year (1997) has been cut from the required 320,000 barrels per day to 250,000 barrels per day. Owing to their low level of capacity utilisation, the refineries were not able to refine even this reduced quantity. The output of petroleum products has thus been considerably reduced. The shortfall in supply has been met by continuous importation of refined products has thus been considerably reduced. The shortfall in supply has been met by continuous importation of refined products at great cost to the economy, while the importers enrich themselves. Moreover, the 40-day mandatory strategic reserve has been depleted and is yet to be replenished. Domestic supply has thus nearly collapsed and the government is considering alternatives such as turning over the management of the refineries, pipelines and depots network to the private sector. Also, two private refineries have been approved, but are yet to be built.

Development Issues

Small and Medium-scale Enterprises (SMEs):

In Nigeria today SMEs can be categorised in two ways, namely by size and by legal status. By size, SMEs can be divided into:

Cottage industries, which usually have less than (N1 million investment;

small-scale enterprises which usually have not less than N40 million capitalinvestment; and

medium-scale industries which usually have less than (N150 million capitalinvestment.

The SME sector:

- Is highly labour intensive, employing about 80 percent of the nation's labour force

- is a veritable source of mobilisation of small domestic savings

- locates readily anywhere in the country

- promotes indigenous technology

- enhances the dispersal of economic activities.

SMEs are categorised into formal and informal sectors. The formal sector SMEs are defined as those with capital of less than N150 million or a labour force of less than 35 where managers are also at least part owners. Informal sector SMEs are defined as those enterprises where the owner provides most of the capital and their mode of operations is not formalised. Mostly indigenous they hardly keep accounts or/any pay taxes.

Although the Federal and Regional Governments had been instrumental in promoting SMEs before independence, the Federal Government increased the tempo in the Second Development Plan (1970-74) when the Small-scale Industries Credit Scheme was started in the then 12 states. Since then, there has been a steady increase in the number of institutions and programmes that aid SMEs. Despite these

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laudable efforts, the contribution of the sector to the economic development of the country has remained low.

Key problem areas identified include the following:

Inconsistency in and poor implementation of policies

problems with access to credit and other incentives

poor account keeping habits, weak financial planning

dominance of political loyalty in the loans allocation process

lack of mutual trust amongst business partners

lack of infrastructure which significantly increases the cost of doing business

poor consumer purchasing power

poor linkages among vibrant SMEs, large-scale enterprises and the rest of the domestic sector of the economy generally

SMEs have to be located in the rural areas to qualify for NERFUND credit

policy incentives are tilted in favour of large-scale industries.

The Informal Sector:

The private sector can be sub-divided into the formal or organised private sector and the informal sector. Most official references to the private sector invariably but erroneously refer to the organised sub-sector. The informal sector has not attracted appropriate public policy attention.

The informal sector comprises the rest of the indigenous economy outside of the public sector and the organised private sector. It is made up largely of petty traders, artisans and peasant farmers, and market women to mention but a few. Available evidence suggests that the informal sector accounts for about 70 percent of economic activities in Nigeria. However, not much is known about its structure, strengths, weaknesses and mode of operations. This has a negative impact on accurate assessment of the size of the economy and the efficacy of national planning and economic development.

The attainment of the objectives of the Vision requires an articulation of the features of the informal sector. In this regard, a mechanism should be developed without delay to ensure effective integration of the informal sector is the national planning and development process. It also requires that the reasons for the neglect of that sector be understood. These reasons include:

The large and fragmented nature of this sector made up of numerous economic units with activities spread over equally numerous sectors (small scale).

Very little information about the sector to assist in the formulation of relevantpolicies.

Low level of education, training and technological know-how of the operatorsin this sector.

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Notwithstanding the above constraints, the informal sector has, over the years benefited the economy in the following ways:

high unemployment. The sector is estimated to be responsible for 60 percent of total employment in the country. In particular, it employs that level of the population which, under the existing criteria, would not have been employed by the public or the organised private sector

it has provided the major source of capital formation, particularly in the rural areas of the economy

it has provided a cheap source of low level technical manpower to many industries

it is a reservoir of indigenous technical capacity

the sector has provided the major and sustained source of income generation in the country. It has, thus, provided the main elements of resilience in the economy and the society at large.

Rural Development:

Over the years the government has undertaken several integrated rural development programmes such as Operation Feed the Nation (OFN), Green Revolution, Agricultural Development Projects (ADPs), Directorate of Food, Roads and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI), Better Life Programme (BLP), Family Support Programme (FSP) and Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP). In spite of these laudable efforts, the conditions in the rural areas leave much to be desired. Sixty-two percent of Nigeria's population lives in the rural areas. Moreover, 70 percent of the nation's poor and 95 percent of the extremely poor live in the rural areas. Five key factors affect the development of these areas, namely. healthcare, education, communications, land tenure and technology.

The provision of healthcare in the rural areas is affected by endemic shortage of drugs and clinics. Uncompleted infrastructure and cuts in recurrent expenditure have resulted in drastically reduced levels in the quality of services rendered to the populace.

The quality and quantity of educational facilities in the rural areas is inadequate, compared to that in the urban areas. Poor education and ineffective use of research findings have inhibited the ability of rural dwellers to acquire and utilise technology, thereby reducing their ability to improve productivity and income. Rural dwellers' access to land is still limited. Poor telecommunication links, postal services, television reception and virtual non-existence of road networks in most areas hinder the access of rural dwellers to a better quality of life.

Urban Development:

Thirty eight percent of Nigeria's population is urban. Although urbanisation is a global phenomenon, Nigeria's urban growth rate of 5-7 percent makes it one of the most rapidly urbanising countries in the world. By present trends, the proportion of urban population is estimated to reach over 50 percent of the country's population by the year 2010.

This very rapid rate of growth has overwhelmed the capacity of urban management agencies and is compounded by cumbersome land resource allocation for provision and maintenance of infrastructure. As a result, urban centres in Nigeria have become chaotic. The infrastructure have nearly collapsed; and there is increasing homelessness and congestion due to housing shortage; environmental pollution due to poor waste management facilities; inadequate and poorly maintained public utilities and social facilities; and rising level of insecurity due to crime and the breakdown of law and order. Government effort at managing urban centres so far appears inadequate.

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During the Vision period, Nigeria should attain a controlled and manageable urban growth; an improved urban economy to support poverty alleviation and create employment. To achieve this, the Nigerian Urban & Regional Planning Commission should be established in line with the provisions of Decree 88 of 1990.

Poverty Alleviation:

Poverty is a condition in which a person is unable to meet minimum requirements of basic needs of food, health, housing, education and clothing. The current legal minimum wage of N250 per month and the minimum pay of N1,250 per month in the public services, are far below the N3,920 per month required by an individual Nigerian for minimum sustenance. A family of five would also need N13,462 per month just to live above the poverty line. The level of poverty in Nigeria is further assessed by the aggregate low quality life of Nigerians as follows:

About 50 percent of Nigerians live below the poverty line despite the country's vast resources

only 40 percent of the population has access to safe water

about 85 percent of the urban population lives in single rooms with about 8 occupants per room on the average

about 62 percent of the population has access to primary health care

about 50 percent of Nigerians are illiterate

most Nigerians consume less than one-third of the minimum required protein and vitamins intake due to low purchasing power.

There are wide differences in the distribution of the poor. The majority of the poor live in the rural areas and within communities with serious ecological and climatic problems. The government over the years has embarked on many poverty alleviation measures with little impact on poverty levels, mainly due to poor programme design and implementation and the declines in general economic growth indices.


Infrastructure include all facilities that support economic and social activities. These include power, communication (telecommunications and postal services), water, transportation (railways, inland waterways, seaports, airports and roads) and information (e.g. data, maps). These infrastructural facilities are dilapidated, unreliable, uneven in distribution and in a general state of disrepair and even on the verge of collapse in some sub-sectors. While the government has invested substantially in these facilities, they have proved to be inadequate to sustain the rising population and economic growth.

Far instance:

Only 34 percent of the population has access to electricity and its consumption per capita is barely sufficient to light a 40-watt bulb for a few hours a day

the number of telephone lines in Nigeria is only 4 per 1,000 persons as most of the lines are confined to the major urban areas

although Nigeria has an extensive road network, the quality is generally poor, thereby imposing a high cost in terms of vehicle operating costs.

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Captal Mobilisation Issues

The capital mobilisation issues are:

Banking and Finance:

The banking and finance sector grew phenomenally with the increase in the number of banks from 26 in 1980 to 120 in 1990 before decreasing to 115 by December 1996. During the same period, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) took on some non-core functions such as retail banking. These developments, together with the inability of the CBN to expand its regulatory capacity to cope with the phenomenal expansion in the banking and finance sector as well as its inability to resist political intervention, impaired its regulatory functions. The degree of direct control on banking operations was very high.

The banking sector is plagued by a host of institutional, operational and legal difficulties. Amongst the key operational difficulties are poor management and technical skills, dominance of short-term funding, high transaction costs, a dearth of financial products in the market and high rate of default. Institutional difficulties include uneven geographical spread of financial institutions, banks and branches. and low professional ethics. Legal difficulties include insufficient enforcement powers, restrictive legal procedures, government interference and inconsistent. policies and poor knowledge base of regulators. In addition, the insurance industry suffers from weak supervision and poor image.

The foregoing, together with asset-liability mismatch, capital inadequacy, weak internal controls, fraud and poor management, among others, contributed to the emergence of a lingering distress syndrome in the banking sector.

Capital Market:

The Nigerian capital market is yet to be fully developed. compared to those in the countries indicated in the following table:



Country No. of ListedCompanies

Market Capitalisation($bilion)

Nigeria 184 13.0*

India 5,999 153.2

Malaysia 621 296.7

South Africa 626 233.4


*($1 =N22)

Source: IFC Fact Book, 1997

Unfavourable investment climate and laws since 1972 when the Nigerian Enterprises Promotion Decree (NEPD) was promulgated, coupled with an unstable political climate, have contributed to slow growth of the Nigerian capital market. The problems of the Nigerian capital market include call-over trading system, as well as the cumbersome and unacceptable procedures for managing foreign portfolio investments.

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Accordingly, the Nigerian capital market is shallow and narrow relative to the economy it is supposed to serve. The stock market is relatively illiquid and largely unsophisticated in its current form to serve as a source of long-term business finance.

Domestic Savings:

The level of domestic savings is low and inadequate to fund and sustain the level of investment consistent with the country's economic growth targets. For example, Nigeria's current ration of Gross Domestic Savings to Gross Domestic Product averages 11 percent , compared to Malaysia's 37 percent . Indonesia's 31 percent , South Korea's 36 percent and Chile's 28 percent .

Nigeria's level of domestic savings is comparatively poor due to a combination of socio-cultural and economic factors. Some of these factors include:

Harsh macroeconomic environment that is characterised by high inflation and unemployment rates

low nominal disposable income

inconsistent tax regime

undeveloped savings mechanisms

prevalence of conspicuous consumption.

Debt Management:

How judiciously Nigeria manages her debt impacts significantly on the development process. The debt is divided into two - domestic and external.

The demands of servicing the public sector's domestic debt reached such high levels in 1992 that it led to a higher level of budget deficits. The debt service ratio reached a record 27 percent of total public sector expenditure in 1992. Since then, as a result of low interest rates, declining inflation and tight fiscal policy, the proportion of debt in 1996 came down to 17.3 percent of GDP and debt service ration has since declined to 9.9 percent of public sector expenditure.

Total external debt at the end of 1996 stood at $28 billion, of which $19 billion was owed to the Paris Club of creditors. If Nigeria were to fully service all maturing debt obligations as and when due, the debt service would absorb more than 35 percent of her total export revenues. In 1996, the government sought to limit the country's total debt servicing to 12 percent of total exports in order to release funds for development. While Nigeria has been able to successfully re-negotiate the London Club debt, the Committee notes that the country is having difficulties in renegotiating a debt reduction programme with the World Bank/IMF and the Paris Club of creditors.

Where We Want To Be

In view of the lessons of the present global and Nigerian economic realities, Nigeria's economic aspirations shall henceforth be

to make Nigeria a moor industrialised nation and economic power that continually strives for sustained economic growth and development towards improving the quality of life for all Nigerians.

Elements of these aspirations include the following:

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Development of a strong public and private sector partnership which fosters a strong economy that is private sector-driven with the government as the enabler

Enhancement of exploitation of the nations hydrocarbon, agricultural and mineral resources, tourism and sporting talents

Promotion of entrepreneurship and competition within the ambit of fair, equitable and enforceable laws

Massive investment in education, health, technology and infrastructure

Involvement of the community project from conceptualisation through execution to maintenance

Movement towards export-oriented production, manufacturing and industrial sectors

Promotion of indigenous entrepreneurship and building of a strong and viable indigenous private sector

Opening up the economy to participation by more indigenous and foreign investors.

How To Get There

The overall economic policy targets are:

GDP growth rate of not less than 10 percent per annum through the period to 2010

inflation rate of not more than 5 percent per annum through the period to 2010.

The summary of objectives required to achieve these goals is presented below:

Core Economic Objectives

The overall economic goal for Nigeria is to achieve an average of 10 percent annual GDP growth rate and inflation rate of not more than 5 percent through the period to 2010. This may appear to be an ambitious goal, considering that between 1976 and 1996 the average annual growth rate was only 1.6 percent per annum.

However, if the quality of economic management does not improve significantly the growth rate of GDP may not exceed an average of 2.2 percent per annum between now and the year 2010. A combination of low (2.2 percent per annum) growth rate and high population growth rate (2.83 percent per annum) with a high debt overhang portends great danger for the Nigerian economy in the years ahead.

About 45 percent of the population is below the age of 15 years, whilst only 3 percent of the population is above 64 years. About 52 percent of the population is in the 15-64 age group which constitutes the labour force. The critical school age of 5-24 years constitutes about 48 percent of the population. Basically, in the next five years over 50 percent of the population would be in the job market.

Per capita income and consumption will decline, while the proportion of those who live below the poverty line will increase. With likely social discontent and dislocation, greater effort and resources have to be expended in maintaining law and order as the economy moves into deeper and deeper recession. Thus, Nigeria has no choice but to record a higher growth rate to meet the basic needs of her people and ensure security of life and property.

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A 10 percent average GDP growth target is perceived as the minimum for sustainable growth and development of the Nigerian economy. While this target is

achievable, it will not be easy to accomplish. It will require a fundamental shift in the ways things are done and a lot of sacrifices in the short term.

The shifts required will be from a society

Where corruption is prevalent to one where positive values are adequately rewarded and recognised

where there has been significant under-investment in the acquisition of skills required to compete globally to one that has drastically reshaped expenditure patterns to give education and skills acquisition the pride of place they deserve

which has over time become closed to the outside world to one which eagerly embraces the new global realities, and has a more liberalised environment where competition is encouraged

where infrastructure in near ruins to one where infrastructural development is a major priority

where the level of domestic savings is low to one where domestic savings are significantly boosted to provide a veritable source of funding required to build the future for Nigerians.

These shifts will not come easy, but they have to be made. The core objectives required to achieve these targets and goals are to:

Reduce the dominance of the public sector in the economy and develop a viable, dynamic, highly motivated, socially and environmentally responsible private sector. Develop a strong public and private sector partnership which fosters a strong economy that is private sector-driven with the government as the enabler.

use Nigeria's wealth of gas, petrochemicals, agriculture, solid minerals, cultural and other resources to diversify the economic base through the development of an internationally competitive and export-oriented production, manufacturing and industrial non-oil sector. Nigerian products must meet international standards and be able to compete in the global market-place, thereby significantly increasing the volume and proportion of non-oil exports so that the country can reduce the current dependence on oil.

develop and/or acquire production technologies to accelerate the growth and development of small and medium-scale businesses to provide wider economic opportunities and employment, and alleviate poverty.

develop fully the oil and gas sector to provide the launching pad for the development of the rest of the economy.

develop a modern, well-structured, efficient and competitive financial system that provides for the long-term funding needs of the economy.

put in place an effective macroeconomic framework that attracts investments, promotes economic stability, sustains non-inflationary (single digit inflation rate) growth and social justice.

invest massively in and develop education, health, technology, information systems and infrastructure as drivers of quantum leap forward to support economic development needs in both urban and rural communities as this will serve as a lever for attracting investment, generating employment.

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opportunities and meeting the basic needs of the people (See Table 6).

maintain all assets effectively.

make Nigeria a preferred country for investments by both Nigerian and foreign investors and increase significantly the level of domestic savings as a source of sustainable funds for development.

achieve food security.

reduce population growth rate from the current 2.83 percent to under 2.0 percent.

In sum, during the Vision period, Nigeria's development process will be people-centred, broad-based, market-oriented, highly competitive, self-reliant and private sector-driven. Since the well-being of all the people is the ultimate purpose of the economy, it is envisaged that as a minimum by 2010, the people's conditions would have improved significantly in many areas, as exemplified by the data in the tables below:

The implied appropriate growth rates of the key sectors of the: economy needed to achieve these targets are as follows:



  Real growth Rate %p.a

Investment GrowthRate %p.a.

Petroleum and Gas 7 24

Manufacturing 22 40

Agriculture 6 18

Transport and Communication

15 25

Mining 9 26

Building and Construction 25 22

Education and Health 14 30

Utilities 13 28




1996 2000 2005 2010

Crops 24.8 24.3 19.5 12.7

Livestock 4.6 4.5 3.6 2.3

Forestry 2.9 2.8 2.2 1.4

Fishing 0.9 0.9 0.7 0.5

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Crude petroleum and gas 29.3 25.1 23.2 17.4

Other mining and quarrying 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.4

Manufacturing 6.4 8.7 11.9 24.8

Utilities 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.9

Building and construction 2.0 3.9 8.7 10.9

Transport 3.4 3.2 3.1 6.1

Communication 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5

Wholesale and retail trade 12.5 12.8 13.7 12.9

Hotels and restaurants 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1

Finance and insurance 1.5 1.4 1.1 0.6

Real estate and

business service 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1

Housing 3.4 3.2 2.6 2.2

Producers of govt. services 6.0 7.2 7.7 6.2

Comm. D pers. services 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.2

Total GDP 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0



Source: Linkage to Plans Group Report


1995 2000 2003 2010Agriculture (Primary) 1.8 4.0 5.0 8.0

M/SM Agric. 0.2 2.0 8.0 15.0

Manufacturing 0.7 2.0 5.0 8.0

Gas 0.0 1.0 4.0 5.0

Solid Minerals 0.0 0.5 1.5 2.0

Crude Oil 97.4 90.5 76.5 62.0



Source: International Trade Group Export


 NICs Nigeria

19941994199820002005 2010Per Capita Income at constant             1996 Prices (US S) - - 420 514 823 1600

Primary Enrolment Ratio (%) 100 93 95 96 98 100

Secondary Enrolment Ratio (%) 65 29 35 39 51 65

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Primary Pupil/Teacher Ratio (%) 25 39 37 34 29 25

Secondary Pupil/Teacher Ratio (%) 20 38 35 32 25 20

Adult Illiteracy Rate (%) 13 49 41 34 21 13

Infant Mortality Rate (per 000 live births) 26 81 61 53 40 26

Child Mortality Rate (per 000 live births) 34 191 124 100 58 34

Maternal Mortality (per 000 live births) 32 103 77 66 46 32

Life Expectancy (years) 68 52 53 55 58 62

Access to Safe Water (%) 66 4b 43 48 55 66

Access to Health Care (%) 94 67 70 74 83 97

Per Capita Energy Consumption 1701 162 227 317 735 1701

Population per Doctor (persons) 3473 5199 4908 4633 4011 3473

Population per Nurse (persons) 467 856 785 720 580 467

Population per Hosp. Bed (persons) 747 599 589 613 677 747



  * Average of Newly Industrialised Countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia and Phillipinnes.

Source: Vision 2010's Linkage Group Report (Model Simulation)

Economic Strategies

The strategies, which are the ways and means or methods for achieving the above economic objectives, are the most crucial of the overall economic action agenda. Their proper implementation will ensure the achievement of the economic action agenda. Detailed action steps are in Chapter 7 of this Report. The strategies for each of the economic objectives are as follows:

Objective 1:

To reduce the dominance of the public sector in the economy and develop a viable, dynamic, highly motivated, socially and environmentally responsible private sector. Develop a strong public and private sector partnership which fosters a strong economy that is private sector-driven with the government as the enabler.


Make government more efficient

Increase public/private sector interaction

Deregulate and liberalise the economy

Objective 2:

To use Nigeria's wealth of gas, petrochemicals, agriculture and solid mineral, cultural and other resources to diversify the economic base and develop an export-driven production, manufacturing and industrial non-oil sector. Ensure Nigerian products are of international standards and are able to compete in the global market-place; significantly increase the volume and proportion of non-oil exports to reduce Nigeria's dependency on oil.

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All gas currently flared to be fully utilised

make gas the fuel of first choice for industry

attain complete self-sufficiency in primary petrochemical production and become largely self-sufficient in secondary petrochemical production

make tourism a significant foreign exchange earner.


Establish a comprehensive set of aggressive fiscal incentives for under-developed and high potential industries e.g. rubber, palm oil, solid minerals, petrochemicals, cotton/textiles, leather products, gas, plastics and sugar.

Encourage participation in primary extraction, manufacturing or exports in specific industries, as well as provide a minimum level of capital funds for research in these industries.

Actively promote competition by deregulating and liberalising the economy

Reduce imposed cost of doing business.

Establish one-stop business information centres in strategic locations - trade centres, export processing zones (EPZs), Ministry of Trade and Commerce.

Simplify and computerise export/import procedures to make them as efficien as those which obtain in developed countries.

Reform land ownership laws to make land readily and speedily accessible to both local and foreign investors; provide infrastructure such as access roads and utilities at strategic locations.

Implement supportive regulations - intellectual property, consumer protection rights, anti-corruption, ports regulation, system of contracting between SMEs and large-scale enterprises, patronage of "made in Nigeria" goods; policy, laws and regulations governing solid minerals exploitation.

Objective 3:

To develop and/or acquire production technologies to accelerate the growth and development of small and medium-scale businesses to provide wider economic opportunities, employment and poverty alleviation.


Establish and promote SME industrial clusters which specialise in products and technologies for specific industries; provide infrastructure such as access roads, electricity, water and telephone link in these locations.

Encourage and support local contracting capability to achieve competition with foreign service providers in quality and price; make it a requirement for oil companies to set aside a specific percentage of contracts for local contractors and provide quality assurance to ensure target standards are met.

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Minimise community-related disruption of operations by making the community a stakeholder in the operations of the sector.

Actively promote competition by deregulating and liberalising the economy.

Maintain environment friendly conditions; continue to upgrade oil production and export facilities to the latest international standards to minimise the industry's impact on the environment; maintain high standards of practice in operations to ensure healthy and safe conditions for staff and the community.

Objective 4:

To develop a modern, well-structured, efficient and competitive financial system that caters for the long-term needs of the economy.


Review, update and implement existing provisions in the relevant laws and regulations designed to ensure professionalism and probity of owners, operators and regulators.

Grant Central Bank of Nigeria autonomy in the area of its core functions.

Provide incentives to promote and support specialised institutions to facilitate easy access to credit.

Broaden and deepen the capital market.

Put in place systems to support the development of an effective credit and financial management culture.

Objective 5:

To establish an effective macroeconomic framework that attracts investments, promotes economic stability and sustains non-inflationary (globally competitive level of inflation) growth and social justice.


Maintain a low and unified, effective and unbiased (corrupt free) taxadministration.

Ensure the growth of the public sector does not exceed real GDP

Achieve a major shift in government expenditure to emphasise higher investments in education and infrastructure.

Objective 6:

To massively invest in and develop critical sectors of the economy as drivers of quantum leap forward to support economic development needs in urban and rural communities and as a lever for attracting investment, generating employment opportunities and meeting the basic needs of the people; maintain all investments effectively.


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Make formal and informal education a clear investment priority.

Encourage private sector investments by:

Promoting Nigerian multinational corporations;

investment in non-oil sectors such as minerals and manufacturing;

promoting non-oil exports and

promoting investment in agricultural processing.

Promote youth development and empowerment intensively.

Provide access to skills relating to entrepreneurial and leadership training formen and women to increase their investment and productive capacities.

Put in place a suitable and efficient information system in the country that will ensure the availability of properly collected, collated, processed and stored data and information in all areas of national endeavour which will be accessible and disseminated to end users within and outside the country, utilising leading information technology tools.

Put in place effective and efficient infrastructure; actively promotecompetition by deregulating and liberalising infrastructural development.

Establish the Nigerian Urban and Regional Planning Commission in line with the provisions of Degree 88 of 1990.

Objective 7:

To become a preferred country for investments by both Nigerian and foreign investors; significantly increase the level of domestic savings as a source of sustainable funds for development.


Implement actions that will give the right signal of a change in the right direction.

Consciously build up domestic investment base; enact a new Pensions Law and put in place incentives that will help promote an effective savings habit.

Adopt and implement policies that will widen the scope, depth, sophistication and integrity of the Nigerian capital market.

Deregulate and liberalise the economy and, at the same time, consciously and deliberately attract foreign direct investments to Nigeria.

Implement all other political, socio-cultural, economic and overall objectives and strategies.

Objective 8:

To reduce population growth rate from the current 2.83 percent to under 2.0 percent.

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Enlighten and educate the general public - revise and re-launch 1988 National Population Policy and sustain publicity beyond 2010 AD; expand and support family planning schemes with adequate facilities, education and incentives.

Educate women and provide incentives to encourage them to complete secondary school;

Enforce compulsory education by 2010

Use legislation and moral suasion-. vigorously discourage marriage below the age of 18 and enlist the support of religious organisations.

Objective 9:

To direct attention to the informal sector with a view to enhancing its positive impact on the economy.


Conduct baseline studies to obtain vital information about the sector with the view to formulating policies and programmes which will enhance its effectiveness.

Provide infrastructure to enhance the activities of this sub-sector.

Provide an effective loans scheme tailored to the specific features and needs of the sector.

Facilitate virile organisation of the sector into trade or business groups.

Provide subsidy and tax incentives to assist their technical training and acquisition of technology.

Objective 10:

To achieve food security.


Provide incentives for input in agriculture

Develop and encourage use of simple agricultural implements

Provide rural infrastructure

Reduce pre- and post-harvest losses

Improve food preservations/storage

Provide agricultural extension services

Establish strategic reserves

Develop effective information/transportation to facilitate movement of food crops

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Develop agro-allied industries, especially in processing.


It has been established that the attainment of the Vision of a united, industrious, caring and God-fearing and democratic society is hinged on positive mutual reinforcement of the political, socio-cultural and economic dimensions. There is an absence of a political philosophy or a coherent set of underlying principles and others which give meaning and direction to the country's political culture and institutions.

This situation has resulted in chronic instability in the polity. Socio-culturally, Nigeria is in search of a common set of values that all Nigerians can relate to. Economically, Nigeria has pursued policies, programmes and strategies which, though well intended, have not significantly met the aspirations of her citizens. What is required is a paradigm shift in the country's political, socio-cultural and economic values.

Politically, Nigerians need to build a society that upholds and defends the principles and practice of democracy, respects fundamental human rights and the rule of law, cherishes and promotes unity in diversity.

Socio-culturally, Nigerians need to build a society that emphasises national identity and merit, rewards excellence, honesty, integrity, respect for the rule of law, caring for one another and the environment, as well as co-operation and harmony.

Economically, Nigeria needs a change in philosophy in favour of a strong public and private sector partnership to achieve sustainable economic growth and development that is private sector-driven with the government as an enabler.

The foregoing call for several imperatives, which include:

Getting everyone on board in the drive for change

recognising and appropriately responding to the forces of globalisation, liberalisation and technology

consistently pursuing co-ordinated macro-economic policies

managing the country's population growth rate effectively

investing massively in the provision of basic needs of Nigerians

investing massively in infrastructure such as roads, air, seaports, telecommunications and power

eliminating corruption

devolving appropriate power to state and local governments to reduce the concentration of power at the centre.

Above all, Nigeria must institute a stable and democratic system of governance that guarantees economic prosperity within a culture of the rule of law.
