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ECOS Winter 1991

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  • 8/11/2019 ECOS Winter 1991



    No. 68 WINTER 1991



    Registered by Australia Post Publication No. VBP 90 9878

  • 8/11/2019 ECOS Winter 1991




    o. 68 WINTER 1991

    3 Upfront

    Tasmania's ear on the sky

    Foxes attacked

    Pulp mill research

    CSIRO goes to Hollywood

    Message received


    The goal: sustainable


    6 How high could the sea


    The sea will rise if the world keeps

    warming the big question is:

    by how much?

    10 Quick, complete waste


    'Plasma arcs', hotter than the

    surface of the Sun, can be

    harnessed to destroy hazardous

    wastes as they are produced.

    13 Methuselah of the deep

    Orange roughy, a delicacy of the

    deep with a remarkably long life

    span, is under threat from


    18 Tracking climate

    change air under the


    Precise measurements of the

    composition of the atmosphere,

    and of ancient tree rings, are

    assisting climate-change



    A subscription to Ecos costs only $18 for

    one year or $34 for two years. Please send

    your order and payment (made out to

    Ecos) to: Ecos subscriptions, P.O. Box 225,

    Dickson, A.C.T., 2602. Or you can phone us

    with your subscription order, quoting your

    Bankcard or Mastercard number; phone

    (06) 276 6313.

    25 Fungi to control pests

    in the soil

    Biological control of soil-dwelling

    insect pests by specially selected

    fungi is looking promising.

    28 Plants in the sun

    Scientists are examining how an

    increase in harmful ultraviolet

    radiation due to ozone depletion

    may affect plant life.

    31 Spectrum

    Planning for future needs

    An elusive vitamin under the


    Unwanted nitrates the

    termite connection

    36 No more 'bonsai'

    banana trees?

    A 2-mm-long wasp tackles the

    banana aphid.

    Ecos, CSIRO's science-and-the-environment

    magazine, is published four times a year (in

    February, May, August and November).

    Editor: Robert Lehane

    Staff Writers: Roger Beckmann and

    Carson Creagh


    Brian Gosnell

    Typesetting: Francois Bertrand


    assistance: Yvonne Roberts

    Correspondence should be addressed to:

    The Editor, Ecos, P.O. Box 225, Dickson, A.C.T.

    2602, Australia. Phone: (06) 276 6584. Telex:

    62003. Fax: (06) 276 6641.

    Material in Ecos may be reproduced;

    acknowledgement of both CSIRO and Ecos

    is requested.

    Cover photo: Graeme Johnson

    Printed for CSIRO, Limestone Avenue, Camp

    bell, A.C.T., 2601, by A.E. Keating (Printing)

    Pty Ltd, 299 Williamstown Road, Port

    Melbourne, Vic. 3207.

    ISSN 0311-4546

    2 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    Tasmania's ear on the sky

    A glance at the weather map reveals

    how important Antarctica and the

    Southern Ocean are to Australia's

    climate. Yet little is known about just

    how they exert so much influence on

    our weather: hardly surprising, given

    the storms and glacial cold that make

    up so much of these regions' own


    A new generation of

    environment-monitoring Earth

    resources satellites will be launched

    this decade as the world urgently

    seeks to add to its knowledge of

    global environmental processes

    and it just happens that Tasmania is

    ideally situated to take advantage of

    the stream of information they will

    beam down to us.

    Scheduled to be in operation by the

    end of this year, the $2-3 million

    Tasmanian Earth Resources Satellite

    Station (TERSS) is a joint venture

    between the CSIRO Division of

    Oceanography and the University of


    Historically, satellites have

    transmitted information at low

    frequencies on the S-band, between

    2-2 and 2-3 gigahertz (GHz). This has

    Foxes attacked

    The fearsome fox, an introduced pest,

    has been and continues to be a

    disaster for our small native

    mammals, as well as a nuisance for


    Accordingly, the CSIRO Division of

    Wildlife and Ecology has set up a

    program to devise an efficient

    method of control. With a grant of

    $250 000 from the Commonwealth

    government in 1990, and further

    funding from the Australian National

    Parks and Wildlife Service's

    endangered species program, the

    Division has brought together a team

    of eight to target the fox.

    The biologists' strategy centres on

    rendering the pests sterile by using

    their own immune systems to attack

    their gametes (eggs and sperm). In

    effect, the animals will be inoculated

    against themselves. But rather than

    injecting the animals, the researchers

    hope to use a virus, to which genes

    for proteins found on fox egg and

    sperm will be added, to perform the


    The plan calls for the release of the

    modified virus specific to foxes

    into the wild population. As it

    spreads, causing disease but probably

    made signal tracking relatively easy,

    but it limited the amount of

    information that could be transmitted.

    The new Earth resources satellites will

    transmit data at much higher rates on

    the X-band, between 8 and 84 GHz,

    and nations wishing to benefit will

    need ground stations capable of fine


    Australia already has one such

    station, at Alice Springs (this station

    receives information covering the

    northern part of the continent, as well

    as parts of the Indonesian archipelago

    and the island of New Guinea), and

    TERSS will permit coverage of

    southern Australia, New Zealand and

    Antarctica providing invaluable

    insights into the forces that shape our


    Building on satellite data-capture

    technology developed at the CSIRO

    Marine Laboratories in Hobart and at

    the Division of Radiophysics in

    Sydney, TERSS incorporates a high

    degree of Australian technology. The

    first satellite to come 'on line' will be

    the European Space Agency's ERS-1,

    launched in April, and TERSS is

    designed to receive data from planned

    Japanese, Soviet and United States


    little mortality, it will also be quietly

    inoculating the animals against their

    own germ cells. The normal

    immunological response against the

    invading virus will also include the

    production of antibiotics that attack

    the fox-gamete proteins that it carries.

    Thus the female foxes' antibodies

    will attack their own ova, and males'

    their own sperm. Another feature is

    that the females' antibodies could also

    attack the males' sperm. The results

    should be painless sterility and

    eventually a decline in the numbers

    of this pest. We'll let you know the

    results as the research unfolds.

    Pulp mill research

    The CSIRO is managing a $15-million

    pulp mill environmental research

    program on behalf of the federal

    government. The program, funded

    by the Commonwealth, States and

    industry, will play a key role in

    enhancing the existing standards and

    assessment procedures for the

    approval and operation of any new

    bleached eucalypt kraft pulp mills in


    The 5-year National Pulp Mills

    Research Program started in 1990

    will investigate the technologies

    used in the kraft chemical pulping

    process, and evaluate the

    environmental impact of bleached

    eucalypt kraft mills. To keep

    everyone up to date, an important

    function will be communication with

    the industry and public.

    A variety of CSIRO Divisions will be

    involved in the research, along with a

    range of universities and other

    research institutions. The Division of

    Forest Products will examine the

    composition of effluents, as well as

    the pulping and bleaching technology

    used in mills. The Division of

    Chemicals and Polymers will assess

    alternative means of making effluents

    environmentally benign by adapting

    some existing treatment strategies.

    The Division of Oceanography,

    using knowledge of currents and

    water movements, will provide

    advanced models to simulate the

    dispersal of effluent, while the Centre

    for Advanced Analytical Chemistry

    in the Division of Fuel Technology

    will research a bioassay system able

    to detect contaminants in the

    environment. And finally, CSIRO's

    Biometrics Unit in Adelaide will work

    on applying the mathematical

    techniques of risk-assessment

    developed originally for economic

    and human health problems to the

    environmental issues involved.

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 3

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    Message received

    The ingenious experiment that uses

    sound to monitor the oceans'

    temperature (see Ecos 66) has

    reported its first successful


    An underwater transmitter near

    Heard Island in the southern Indian

    Ocean sends sound waves around the

    globe, which are picked up at various

    recording stations. Sound travels

    faster in warmer water, and precise

    measurements of the travel times

    over several years will reveal whether

    average ocean temperatures are rising.

    Scientists stationed aboard two

    research vessels made experimental

    transmissions from the sea off Heard

    Island this summer. These were

    successfully received by a range of

    listening stations in Bermuda, South

    Africa, Canada, India, Oregon,

    California, Christmas Island and

    elsewhere. Noise travels faster in the

    sea than in the air it took just

    3 hours for the signal to reach


    The scientists carried out extensive

    biological surveys before, during and

    after the transmissions to see whether

    these had any effect on nearby

    whales, dolphins and seals. Happily,

    the animals appeared to behave

    normally during the transmissions

    and the researchers observed no

    adverse reactions.

    The experiment, and the

    trans-Pacific collaboration it

    represents, looks set to continue.

    Watch this space.

    As we head into winter, Ecos

    introduces its new look for the

    nineties. Hope you like it.

    You might not notice indeed, if the producers are successful,

    you'll be too scared but the movie Arachnophobia includes

    some eight-legged stars as all-Australian as Crocodile Dundee.

    Mr Russell Moran of the CSIRO Division of Entomology

    provided expert advice when the producers were looking for

    spiders large and menacing enough to scuttle, lurk and

    generally provide inspiration for leading actor Jeff Daniels's

    fear of spiders. Keeping company in the movie with South

    American bird-eating spiders is Delena cancerides, a common

    and quite harmless Australian huntsman... and a species

    regarded with affection by many householders.

    However, the specimens of Delena featured in the movie

    didn't come direct from Australia, since our laws forbid the

    export of most kinds of wildlife. In fact, the spiders were

    collected in New Zealand, where they arrived by accident. And

    there's even greater irony in the situation: Australian redback

    spiders (Latrodectus hasseltii) that apparently came to Australia

    again, by accident late last century have since been

    accidentally introduced into New Zealand... where they are

    competing with the katipo, that country's native species of


    Dr Hugh Tyndale-Biscoe of the

    CSIRO Division of Wildlife and

    Ecology comments: The behaviour of

    the crows that Mr Campbell describes

    is interesting.

    In South America several predators

    have developed similar strategies for

    attacking toads by avoiding the

    poison glands on the shoulders and

    there have been observations similar

    to those of Mr Campbell for some

    Australian birds and mammals. In the

    case of mammal predators the toads

    are thrown on their backs and

    attacked from the belly.

    However, as well as the shoulder

    glands, which secrete a strong poison,

    the eggs contained in the ovaries of

    females are also highly toxic and

    must be avoided by predators.

    In the Northern Territory

    crocodiles have been observed eating

    cane toads without ill effect. They use

    a different strategy; they grasp the

    toads in their jaws and shake them

    vigorously before swallowing. The

    inference is that in the process of

    being shaken the toads eject most of

    the poison from their shoulder


    Other species such as goannas that

    live in areas where toads occur avoid


    Write to Letters, Ecos, PO Box 225,

    Dickson, ACT 2602.


    I read with interest your Up Front

    article 'Targeting toads'.

    I live on an acreage block on the

    northern outskirts of Brisbane. We

    have quite a number of crows in the

    area in fact they nest here.

    I have observed, on a number of

    occasions, crows feeding on the inside

    of toads. They wrap their claws

    around the neck of the toad, forcing it

    to open its mouth, and then start


    I had found from time to time dead

    toads in and around the yard and was

    curious as to what was killing them. I

    realise there are far more toads than

    crows in our area, but I was pleased

    to find they had a natural predator.

    J. Denis Campbell

    Narangba, Qld

    4 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    The goal: sustainable development

    If Australia is to maintain high

    iving standards and a growing

    population without continuing

    environmental damage, it needs ESD

    ecologically sustainable

    development. That's easily said, but

    is ESD an achievable goal? A major

    federal government project is

    attempting to come to grips with the

    complex issues involved, define the

    main areas needing action and

    determine what that action should be.

    Dr Roy Green, Director of the

    CSIRO Institute of Natural Resources

    and Environment, is a key player in

    the exercise. As chair of the ESD

    working groups on agriculture,

    fisheries and forestry, he takes

    seriously the Prime Minister's

    message that consensus among

    working group members should not

    be achieved at the cost of 'lowest

    common denominator' conclusions

    that would 'do little to progress a

    move towards ecologically

    sustainable development'.

    Dr Green believes that the

    recommendations from the nine ESD

    working groups will play a big part

    in shaping Australia's future. He

    expects some will be fairly easy and

    inexpensive to implement, but others

    will involve major attitudinal change

    and expense and require a possibly

    unprecedented degree of local, State

    and national co-operation.

    Sustainable development has many

    definitions. One of the most popular

    comes from the World Commission

    on Environment and Development's

    report 'Our Common Future',

    published in 1987, which defines it

    simply as 'development that meets

    the needs of the present without

    compromising the ability of future

    generations to meet their own needs'.

    According to our government's

    discussion paper on ESD, 'the task

    confronting us is to take better care of

    the environment while ensuring

    economic growth, both now and in

    the future'.

    Last year the nine working groups

    began the job of identifying the main

    issues, policy options and costs. Each

    group has members drawn from theCommonwealth and State

    governments, industry, conservation

    interests and unions, and focuses on

    one of nine major industry sectors

    agriculture, forestry, fisheries, energy

    production, manufacturing, mining,

    transport, energy use and tourism.

    Issues that extend across sectors, such

    as climate change, 'biodiversity' and

    public health, will be the subject of

    an additional report.

    Working to tight deadlines, the

    groups have until July to produce

    draft reports for circulation and

    comment and then until October to

    finalise them. Recommendations are

    due to be discussed at a Premiers'

    Conference in November, with

    decisions following soon after.

    How is it going? Very well, says Dr

    Green. His three groups meet

    monthly, usually spending one day indiscussions with people from the

    industries concerned and another

    preparing their report. To encourage

    involvement in the consultation

    program, they are holding meetings

    around the country.

    The groups have commissioned a

    range of papers on issues and

    strategies many from CSIRO

    support teams set up to provide

    technical input to each group. Dr

    Green is heartened by the

    co-operative attitudes and

    willingness of the groups to explore

    different points of view displayed so

    far. Nevertheless, he expects some

    'frank exchanges' within the working

    groups before their reports are

    finalised and envisages that some

    recommendations may not be

    unanimous, which is hardly

    surprising, given the importance and

    nature of some of the issues they have

    to confront.

    For example, the agriculture

    working group, in coming to grips

    with the massive problems of salinity,

    erosion and acid soils, will have to

    consider whether ecological

    sustainability requires an end to

    cropping in some areas and

    reductions in stock numbers

    possibly even complete destocking

    in others.

    Any such recommendation would

    have major ramifications involving

    the livelihoods of the farmers

    involved and of business people who

    provide services to them, with

    changes in rural life-style, not to

    mention demands on government for


    Dr Green sees 'economic

    instruments' (preferably incentives

    rather than penalties) as an important

    means of bringing about necessary

    changes in agricultural land use. He

    suggests that we need a tax regime

    that rewards management strategies

    that preserve the land: again, easily

    said but hard to come to grips with in


    For agriculture, at least the facts

    about the state of the land and the

    way it is used, which the working

    group needs as a starting point, are

    generally available. But for fisheries

    the information needed to set

    sustainable catch limits on the size

    of fish stocks, 'recruitment' rates and

    so on is severely lacking. In

    coming up with recommendations

    aimed at ending Australia's sorry

    sequence of collapses of over-exploited

    fisheries, the working group will be

    looking for efficient ways to improve

    the data-base and to implement

    conservatively set catch quotas.

    Despite the prominence of forests

    in environmental controversy, Dr

    Green suspects the forestry working

    group will have less difficulty than

    the other two he chairs in setting a

    course towards ecological

    sustainability. He foresees short-term

    problems in maintaining the forest

    industries without adversely affecting

    the native forests. In 20 or 30 years,

    however, he expects plantations and

    restricted areas of intensively

    managed forest will provide most of

    Australia's timber needs, dramatically

    reducing the demand for logging in

    other areas.

    As a sign of the high priority it has

    given the sustainable development

    exercise, the government has

    arranged monthly meetings between

    the three group chairs and the

    Ministers mainly concerned with the

    issues under examination. (Professor

    Stuart Harris of the Australian

    National University heads the groups

    on energy production, manufacturing

    and mining and Professor David

    Throsby of Macquarie University

    those on transport, energy and


    The reports of the nine working

    groups will take a common approach

    setting out 'where we are now' and

    'where we need to be' to achieve

    sustainability, comparing the two and

    then providing conclusions and

    recommendations. The tenth report

    will deal with issues that span the

    industry sectors. In its 80-100 pages,

    each report will set out the key issues,

    offer practical policy approaches and

    identify as accurately as possible

    what costs will have to be faced.

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 5

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    Predictions of sea-level rise

    due to global warming range

    from minor to catastrophic.

    Oceanographers have now

    delved into the complexities

    of the problem and produced

    some firmly based answers.

    he average air tempera

    ture at the surface of Earth

    has risen this century, as

    has the temperature of

    ocean surface waters. Be

    cause water expands as it

    heats, a warmer ocean means higher

    sea levels.

    We cannot yet say definitely that

    the temperature rises are due to the

    greenhouse effect; the heating may be

    part of a 'natural' variability over a

    long time-scale that we have not yet

    recognised in our short 100 years of

    recording. However, assuming the

    build-up of greenhouse gases is res

    ponsible, and that the warming will

    continue, as seems likely, scientists

    and inhabitants of low-lying coast

    al areas would like to know the

    probable extent of future sea-level


    But calculating that is no easy task.

    Models used for the purpose have

    tended to treat the ocean as passive,

    stationary and one-dimensional. Scient

    ists assumed that heat simply diffused

    into the sea from the atmosphere.

    Using basic physical laws, they would

    then predict how much a known vol

    ume of water would expand for a

    given increase in temperature. But the

    oceans are not one-dimensional, and

    recent work by CSIRO oceano

    graphers, taking into account a num

    ber of subtle facets of the sea

    including vast and complex ocean

    currents suggests that the rise in

    sea level may be less than some ear

    lier estimates had predicted, although

    still of concern.

    The 'Villach Conference' on climate

    change, held in 1986, produced widely

    publicised figures for likely sea-level

    rises of 20 cm and 1-4 m, corres

    ponding to atmospheric temperature

    increases of 1-5 and 4-5C respectively.

    But Dr John Church, Dr Stuart God

    frey, Dr David Jackett and Dr Trevor

    McDougall, of the CSIRO Division of

    Oceanography in Hobart, estimate

    that the ocean warming resulting

    from those temperature increases by

    the year 2050 would raise the sea level

    by between 10 cm and 40 cm.

    That comparison does not tell the

    complete story, as the CSIRO model

    only takes into account the tem

    perature effect on the oceans and their

    consequent thermal expansion; it does

    not consider changes in sea level

    brought about by melting of ice

    sheets and glaciers, and changes in

    groundwater storage. When we

    add on estimates of these from the

    work of others, we arrive at figures

    for total sea-level rises of 15 cm and 70

    cm respectively.


    6 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    ut first, how did the CSIRO

    scientists arrive at their conclu

    sions? It's certainly not easy try

    ing to model accurately the enormous

    complexities of the ever-changing

    oceans, with their great volume,

    massive currents and sensitivity to

    the influence of land masses and the

    atmosphere. Indeed, nailing jelly to

    the wall could be easier.

    For example, consider how heat en

    ters the ocean. Does it just 'diffuse'

    from the warmer air vertically into the

    water, and heat only the surface layer

    of the sea? (Warm water is less dense

    than cold, so it would not spread

    downwards.) Conventional models of

    sea-level rise have considered that

    this is the only method, but measure

    ments have shown that the rate of

    heat transfer into the ocean by vertical

    diffusion is far lower in practice than

    the figures many modellers have


    To help visualise this diffusion of

    heat, imagine placing one end of a

    metal bar near a fire. Eventually, the

    other end will warm up. A similar

    limited vertical diffusion of heat from

    atmosphere to ocean was used in pre

    vious models.

    Much of the early work, for reasons

    of simplicity, had to ignore the fact

    that water in the oceans moves in

    three dimensions. By movement, of

    course, scientists don't mean waves,

    which are too small individually to

    consider, but rather movement of vast

    volumes of water in huge currents. To

    understand the importance of this, we

    now need to consider another process


    Imagine smoke rising from a chim

    ney. On a still day it will slowly

    spread out in all directions by means

    of diffusion. With a strong directional

    wind, however, it will all shift down

    wind. This process is advection the

    transport of prop

    erties (notably heat

    and salinity in the

    ocean) by the move

    ment of bodies of

    air or water, rather

    than by conduction

    or diffusion.

    Massive ocean

    currents called gyres

    do the moving. These

    currents have far

    more capacity to

    store heat than does

    the atmosphere. In

    deed, just the top 3

    m of the ocean con

    tains more heat than

    the whole of the at


    he origin of gyres lies in the fact

    that more heat from the Sun

    reaches the Equator than the

    Poles, and naturally heat tends to

    move from the former to the latter.

    Warm air rises at the Equator, and

    draws in more air beneath it in the

    form of winds (the 'Trade Winds')

    that, together with other air move

    ments, provide the main force driving

    the ocean currents.

    Water itself is heated at the Equator

    and moves poleward, twisted by the

    Earth's rotation and affected by the

    The 3-D sea






    How water masses

    move and temperature

    varies in the Southern


    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 7

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    Oceanographer lowering a probe that

    measures electrical conductivity,

    temperature and pressure as it falls. Each

    provides an ocean profile of salinity and

    temperature; many such measurements are

    needed to work out the complex pattern of

    water movement in the ocean.

    positions of the continents. The re

    sultant broadly circular movements be

    tween about 10 and 40 N and S are

    clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere

    and anticlockwise in the Southern.

    They flow towards the east at mid lat

    itudes, and back to the west in the

    equatorial region. They then flow to

    wards the Poles, along the eastern

    sides of continents, as the well-known

    warm currents the Gulf Stream, the

    East Australia Current or the Kuroshio.

    When two different masses of water

    meet, one will move beneath the other,

    depending on their relative densities,

    in a process termed subduction. The

    densities are determined by tem

    perature and salinity.

    The convergence of water of differ

    ent densities from the Equator and the

    Poles in the interior of the oceans caus

    es continuous subduction. This means

    that water moves vertically as well as

    horizontally. Cold water from the Poles

    travels at depth it is denser than

    warm water until it emerges at the

    surface in another part of the world in

    the form of a cold current.

    For example, in our own hemi

    sphere, water from the Southern Ocean

    sinks at the Antarctic convergence, at

    about 60 S, when confronted with

    warmer water from more northerly lat

    itudes. It then flows northwards at a

    depth of about 1000 m. It will still be

    about 600 m deep just south of the

    Equator and will then flow westwards

    at this depth, rising slowly back to the

    surface in the Southern Ocean.

    Thus, ocean currents, in three di

    mensions, form a giant 'conveyor belt',

    distributing heat from the thin surface

    layer into the interior of the oceans and

    around the globe. (Don't be confused

    by the idea of a 'cold' current distrib

    uting heat; if the surface water at 60 S

    were heated just a degree or two more

    than usual, because of a warmer at

    mosphere, then it would carry a large

    quantity of extra heat into the ocean in


    Water may take decades to circulate

    in these 3-D gyres in the top kilometre

    of the ocean, and centuries in the deep

    er water.

    With the increased atmospheric

    temperatures due to the greenhouse

    effect, the oceans' conveyor belt will

    carry more heat into the interior. This

    subduction moves heat around far

    more effectively than simple diffu


    Because warm water expands more

    than cold when it is heated, earlier

    workers had presumed that the sea

    level would rise unevenly around the

    globe. However, Dr Church and his

    team point out that the inequalities

    cannot persist; winds will act to con

    tinuously spread out the expansion,

    and their model is the first to consider

    this. Of course, if global warming

    changes the strength and distribution

    of the winds as it may do then

    this 'evening-out' process may not oc

    cur, and the sea level could rise more

    in some areas than others.

    The ultimate test of any model

    is how it fits reality. The CSIRO

    scientists can't test their pre

    dictions until the global temperature

    has risen substantially, but they can

    look at what has been happening in the

    past and see how it squares with what

    their model says should have hap


    Measurements from around the

    world during the last hundred years or

    so have shown that the sea level has in

    deed risen, probably by 10-20 cm.

    Most estimates fall in the lower half of

    this range. (The difference in estimates

    depends partly on whether scientists

    take into account the upward move

    ment of the Earth's crust, which is 're

    bounding' in slow motion after being

    pressed down by the weight of glaciers

    during the last Ice Age. The uneven

    distribution of sea-level gauges around

    the globe and inconsistent monitoring

    further confuse the picture.)

    Recent work has shown that the con

    tribution to sea-level rise made by

    melting around the edges of the ice

    sheets in Antarctica and Greenland is

    probably very small. Indeed, although

    in some areas the ice is decreasing, in

    other places ice sheets are actually

    growing because of increased snowfall

    brought about by greater evaporation

    from the warmed oceans.

    Using estimates of 0'4-0-6C for the

    increase in average global temperature

    from 1880 to 1980, the model put for

    ward by Dr Church and his colleagues

    8 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    Possible sea rise by 2050

    extent of sea rise (cm)



    I- 50

    produces a figure for sea-level rise dur

    ing the past century of about 7 cm. The

    contribution from the melting of tem

    perate glaciers is estimated to be 4-6

    cm; added to Dr Church's value, this

    gives a total of 11-6 cm in the range

    of the measured reality. The fact that

    these figures alone seem able to ac

    count for a good proportion of the rise

    lends support to the idea that the con

    tribution of ice-melt in Greenland and

    Antarctica has so far been small.

    The CSIRO scientists have concentra

    ted on thermal expansion in their work

    on sea-level rise because they believe it

    will be the biggest component at

    least for the near future. To arrive at es

    timates of total rises, they have used

    figures from others' work for ice-


    The chart shows two sets of figures

    for three different temperature rises

    that may occur between now and 2050.

    One set of values represents the rise

    brought about by thermal expansion

    only; the other shows possible total fig

    ures, which include values for ice-melt.

    Even the worst case where a 4-5 C

    average global temperature increase

    produces a total rise of 70 cm falls

    short of most previous estimates. How

    ever, as the scientists point out, the

    upper extreme of their estimate is still

    large enough to cause considerable

    concern for many nations.

    The variability in the figures now lies

    less in our knowledge of the oceans'

    thermal expansion than in the pre

    dictions for global temperature rise,

    and the extent of ice-melting. Of

    course, estimating local changes in sea

    Gary Critchley

    level is a different matter; they also de

    pend on local winds and geography,

    and on changes in atmospheric pres


    Whatever future awaits us, now that

    the CSIRO oceanographers have in

    troduced the complexities of ocean

    behaviour into the debate, the

    greenhouse-model-builders will be

    incorporating the findings to give

    increasingly refined predictions, to en

    able society to make more informed


    Roger Beckmann

    Currents near Australia

    1 - 5 3 4 - 5

    atmospheric temperature increase (C)

    rises brought about by thermal expansion

    total rises (including ice-melt)

    More about the topic

    A model of sea level rise caused by

    ocean thermal expansion. J.A.

    Church, J.S. Godfrey, D.R. Jackett

    and T.J. McDougall. Journal of Cli

    mate, 1991,4, (in press).

    A ^

    South Equatorial Current


    South Equatorial


    ^ Leeuw in Cur ren t

    West Australian ^Jk



    This view of the situation around Australia indicates the complexity of surface currents.

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 9

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    Hotter than the surface of the Sun, 'plasma arcs' work like lightning to

    destroy hazardous wastes safely


    Ralph Judd

    complete waste


    H l f - ^ l d

    f t



    CSIRO laboratory technician Mr Alan

    Mundy prepares material for

    pyrolysis by Plascon.

    lchemists once sought

    the secrets of the uni

    verse through the trans

    formation of the im

    pure into the heavenly.

    They looked on the

    transmutation of base metal into gold

    as a symbol of that transformation

    and, incidentally, as a convenient way

    of rewarding their patrons.

    Since science has revealed the struc

    ture of the universe (and the re

    grettable impossibility of the trans

    mutation of elements), alchemy has

    become a symbol of magic rather than


    Yet science can itself verge on the

    magical. Imagine the satisfaction an al

    chemist would feel if he were to be told

    of an arc of pure energy, hotter than

    the surface of the Sun, safely contained

    and available at the flick of a switch to

    blast the most horrific poisons ever de

    vised into benign atoms.

    Plascon, the plasma converter (also

    known as a plasma arc furnace) de

    veloped by a research group led by Dr

    Subramania Ramakrishnan, of the

    CSIRO Division of Manufacturing Tech

    nology, may be based on the same

    principles as lightning or the arc weld

    er, but it has a magical potential to de

    stroy hazardous toxic wastes by break

    ing them down into their constituent

    elements and, because its high tem

    perature prevents the formation of

    large molecules characteristic of haz

    ardous chemicals, virtually eliminating

    the risk of 'leakage' of hazardous sub


    Best of all, it is so efficient in design

    that the whole apparatus, including

    scrubbers and cooling systems, takes

    up less space than a shipping container

    and can be built into production lines.

    It could become an integral part of

    industries that need to dispose of dan

    gerous wastes and, at a unit cost of less

    than $2 million, represents an econom

    ical solution to a problem of increasing

    environmental, social and political con-

    10 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    Plascon's 'heart' is surprisingly compact,

    and its protective sheathing means little can

    be seen of the arc itself, although it is hotter

    than the surface of the Sun.

    waste material

    gas supply

    An electric arc consists of plasma,

    the 'fourth state' of matter an

    ionised gas made up of mole

    cules, atoms, ions and electrons that is

    electrically neutral. If plasma is not to

    discharge itself quickly (as plasma in

    the form of lightning does), the supply

    of free electrons must be maintained by

    adding energy at a temperature of at

    least 5000C.

    This is best achieved by adding an

    electric current, which means the plas

    ma need not depend on oxygen; in

    principle, any gas can be used, so that

    plasma for waste destruction works by

    pyrolysis (degradation by heat) rather

    than incineration (degradation by ox


    Toxic waste, in the form of gases,

    liquids or even finely ground solids

    mixed into a liquid, is fed under pres

    sure into the core of an incandescent

    arc between two copper electrodes,

    using the same principle as the arc

    welder but working at stupendous

    temperatures 10 000 to 15 000, con

    siderably hotter than the surface of the


    So much heat causes the molecules

    of the material for disposal to dis

    sociate into atoms that recombine as

    safe, non-toxic compounds. In the case

    of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs),

    the hydrogen and chlorine recombine

    to form hydrochloric acid that can be

    used in industrial applications, while

    99-9999999% of the toxic chemical is de

    stroyed. Further, when combustion

    takes place without oxygen, the con

    stituents of the PCBs cannot recombine

    to form dioxins.

    Plascon had its beginnings in a collaborative research venture, be

    tween the Division and Siddons

    Ramset Ltd, to investigate industrial

    applications for electric arcs. That ven

    ture has already resulted in the com

    mercial release of the Synchropulse

    CDT pulsed-arc welding machine (an

    international success that has led to

    other commercially significant de-

    Waste is fed under pressure into the core of

    the incandescent arc, and converted into

    simple, harmless molecules.

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 11

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    velopments), a number of innovative

    flux cored welding wires, new arc

    welding processes and the plasma

    torch for bonding metallic and ceramic


    Plasma arc furnaces for disposal of

    hazardous wastes have been mooted

    for more than a decade, but attempts to

    design commercial-scale apparatus

    have in the past been frustrated by the

    fact that the waste stream must be

    directed accurately at the core of the

    arc if complex toxic molecules are to be

    destroyed completely. The stream of

    cold waste also tends to cool the arc,

    displacing the zone of maximum

    temperature away from the core and

    resulting in incomplete pyrolysis.

    Dr Ramakrishnan's group has over

    come those problems with a patented

    electricity and for the gas used to carry

    the waste into the arc.

    Although the commercial-scale Plas

    con unit uses 200 kW of power, smaller

    units using as little as 20 kW

    could be constructed for industries that

    produce less waste. The maximum

    practicable limit is unknown, but ac

    cording to Dr Ramakrishnan it would

    be more efficient and economical to

    link a number of 200-kW furnaces in

    parallel rather than construct a single,

    much larger, unit.

    He also stresses that Plascon is not

    intended as an alternative to conven

    tional high-temperature incinerators

    (which operate at a fraction of plasma's

    temperature). Instead, it represents an

    invaluable addition to them.

    Conventional high-temperature in-

    system that feeds waste directly into

    the arc and sets up a thermal process in

    which heat is generated within the

    waste much like a domestic micro

    wave oven.

    The swirling gas flow stabilises the

    arc column to ensure even heat dis

    tribution, and an external magnetic

    field interacts with the ionised gases to

    maintain the arc in the correct shape,

    maximising its effectiveness.

    Dr Ramakrishnan and his research

    group initially developed a 150-kW ex

    perimental laboratory plasma torch,

    testing it with safe chemicals such as al

    cohol and isopropynol. They then built

    a 50-kW protoype converter to dispose

    of chlorophenols to simulate industrial


    Plans are well advanced for a 200-

    kW unit that will be able to dispose of

    50 litres of waste per hour. They es

    timate that, running 24 hours a day

    (with a shutdown every 100 hours to

    replace the electrodes), the 200-kW unit

    will be able to dispose of a dozen 100-

    litre drums of toxic waste every 24

    hours for no more than a dollar a litre

    and that most of that cost will be for

    cinerators can dispose of large volumes

    of waste, including contaminated soils,

    organic compounds, pesticides, solids,

    sludges even the containers used to

    store toxic wastes but the fact that

    their operating temperatures are too

    low to prevent the recombination of

    large molecules limits their use for dis

    posing of toxic or hazardous wastes

    (most of which are gases, liquids or sol

    ids that can be ground and mixed with

    liquids for treatment by Plascon).

    Rotary-kiln incinerators, for ex

    ample, operate at temperatures of 650

    to 1200C, with a 'residence time' the

    time taken to destroy waste within the

    incinerator up to several hours.

    Fluidised-bed incinerators work more

    quickly, but at similar temperatures

    (750-1000); two-stage infrared in

    cinerators, designed primarily for

    PCBs, dioxins and contaminated soils,

    have a total residence time of 10 to 180

    minutes and operate at 1250C.

    The major disadvantages of all con

    ventional incinerators are the relatively

    low temperatures at which they work,

    allowing the possibility of producing

    dioxins or other toxic chemicals even

    after incineration, and long residence

    times. The 'high-temperature' incinera

    tor under investigation for Australia,

    for example, operates at 1200C and

    needs about 20 minutes' residence

    which also means the incinerator takes

    20 minutes to come to a complete stop

    after it has been shut down.

    In contrast, Plascon has a residence

    time measured in milliseconds... and if

    it has to be shut down, it will take only

    milliseconds more to destroy the ma

    terial (less than 1 cubic centimetre) al

    ready in the system.

    One of the most compelling ad

    antages of Plascon, for in

    dustry and the environment

    alike, is its small size; a 200-kW unit,

    including power supply, scrubber and

    gas supply, is no larger than the aver

    age office. It can be installed in-line and

    on-site, as part of a factory's pro

    duction line, and waste can be de

    stroyed as it is produced.

    Some conventional incinerators can

    be constructed at a transportable size,

    but they have such low capacity and

    such high energy requirements that

    mobile systems are only marginally

    economic. It is easier to transport waste

    to a central incinerator and store it be

    fore disposal, but this involves high

    costs and hazards during both trans

    port and storage. Full-sized Plascon

    units, on the other hand, could easily

    be moved by rail, truck, ship or air to

    hazardous-waste storage sites.

    The commercial-scale unit under

    development at the Div is ion of

    Manufacturing Technology's Preston,

    Melbourne, laboratories will be under

    going on-line trials with a leading Aus

    tralian chemical manufacturer within

    12 months and will serve as a demons

    tration model for the European, Scan

    dinavian and United States firms that

    have already approached Dr Rama


    One company has expressed interest

    in using Plascon to dispose of Ameri

    can chemical weapons on Johnston

    Atoll a task for which it is well suit

    ed, not only because of its efficiency in

    destroying hazardous substances but

    also because of its ease of trans

    portation. Dr Ramakrishnan, however,

    says he would prefer 'to demonstrate

    the technology working in Australian

    industry and use that as a launching

    pad for exports.

    'It is an excellent opportunity for us

    to prove to the world that we can win

    the race to instal on-site waste-

    elimination systems in our factories.'

    Carson Creagh

    12 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    Photo: Thor Carter

    You wouldn't normally expect a piece of fish that you are eating to be older

    than your most aged acquaintance, but, if the fish is orange roughy, it could

    well be. Most of the fish we eat, like the other animals we use for food, have

    life spans considerably less than ours. Orange roughy, the quaintly named

    fish that has only recently arrived in our shops and restaurants where it

    is often called deep-sea perch is a striking exception.

    Although the fish as a species had been known for some time from its occurrence in

    small numbers in the Northern Hemisphere (with the scientific name Hoplostethus

    atlanticus), sufficient quantities to make it a commercial proposition were discovered only

    about 10 years ago by New Zealanders, and shortly thereafter near Tasmania.

    Australia's fishing fleet started taking the new fish in 1985, with a catch of 400 tonnes.

    But then fishermen found dense aggregations of roughy off Tasmania's north-western

    coast, and elsewhere shortly afterwards, and catches rose to 4600 tonnes a year later.

    They have been increasing ever since.

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 13

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    Orange roughy eggs.

    carried out a survey of the fish off St

    Helens in July 1990 during an annual

    spawning aggregation. The fishing

    ground, centred around an underwater

    'hill', had by this time been closed to

    commercial fishing.

    Fisheries biologists have developed

    various techniques to estimate the bio

    mass of fish stocks, and as nobody

    knew which would be most suitable

    for assessing orange roughy spawning

    aggregations because nobody had ever

    tried to estimate this species' stocks, the

    CSIRO team adopted several different


    One involved counting the eggs

    released. Using a plankton net

    more than a metre in diameter,

    lowered to a measured depth and then

    hauled up vertically, the scientists were

    able to measure the number of eggs in

    a known volume of water. This was

    also useful because for the first time it

    allowed larvae to be caught, and en

    abled researchers to record stages in

    the development of the egg. Of course,

    relating this to fish numbers relies on

    knowledge of the average egg pro

    duction per fish, and of whether a sig

    nificant proportion of eggs sink to the

    bottom and escape measurement

    factors that are not yet fully es


    The most effective tool was an acous

    tic sounder, which sends out a sound

    and detects anything that reflects it.

    Obviously the sea-bed does, but so too

    do schools of fish and, with luck and

    skill, scientists can distinguish their dif

    ferent echoes from the bottom signal.

    (The particular device used sent out a

    split beam, producing a stereo effect to

    improve detection.)

    The problem lies in knowing wheth

    er the 'marks' that register on the echo-

    sounder's screen are orange roughy or

    other species. (Fish do have various

    'reflectivities' but the differences are

    rarely great enough to permit un

    ambiguous identification of a species.)

    To help solve this, the scientists low

    ered a camera down through the acous

    tic marks, taking photographs at

    known depths. They saw most orange

    roughy at the bottom, whereas many

    echoes had been above it. They then

    put down trawling nets to depths close

    to the sea-bed where marks had re

    gistered. But the nets caught relatively

    few orange roughy.

    Were all the marks other species

    then? Some were, as the roughy are

    hunters and feed off smaller fish. But

    soon it became clear that, as the camera

    on its mounting came within about 100

    metres of a 'mark', whatever comprised

    the mark started to disperse. To help

    reveal the nature of the schooled fish,

    the scientists placed the transducing

    part of the echo-sounder near a mark

    but at least 100 m away to avoid scat

    tering the shy fish, and such closeness

    enabled the acoustic system to resolve

    individual fish as marks. Many of the

    fish detected in this way were indeed

    of orange roughy size, suggesting that

    they did comprise many of the 'dis

    appearing' marks.

    Despite the 15 000 tonnes taken fromSt Helens Hill by commercial boats be

    fore that fishery was closed, it's clear

    that not everything around the area is

    orange roughy. Hence, estimating the

    biomass of the spawning aggregation

    by echo-sounding is no easy task, and

    the scientists are still analysing their

    data, and preparing for further field

    work this year using the new CSIRO re

    search vessel 'Southern Surveyor'. So

    far, the best estimate of the biomass in

    that area is 57 000 tonnes although

    the egg-sampling technique suggested

    The fish fetch high prices.

    a greater abundance but Dr Koslow

    stresses that the true figure could lie

    between half and double this weight.

    Orange roughy is now our largest

    'fish crop', in terms of both

    monetary value ($50 million in

    1989) and tonnes netted. But for such

    an important fishery it has a woefully

    small biological data-base. Dr Koslow,

    in collaboration with Divisional col

    league Dr Cathy Bulman, has recently

    completed research on the diet of

    roughy in south-eastern Australian wa

    ters, in an attempt to make good some

    of our ignorance of the basic biology of

    this denizen of the deep.

    Tasmanian Department of Sea Fisheries

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 15

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    What's where in the deep blue sea

    top few tens of metres


    40-100 m

    deep sea trevalla

    100-600 m

    500-700 m

    500-800 m (occasionally near surface)

    orange roughy 1000-1200 m

    The ocean depths 1 km or more down are home to orange roughy.

    stocks of roughy can only occur where

    prey is not limited. It also explains

    their slow growth rate. If they live in a

    zone that is relatively poor in food

    compared with the top 200 m, yet are

    also active, then they have little energy

    left over for rapid growth. That is why

    it takes them 20 years to reach a length

    of just 30 cm.

    Clear ly , such s low-growing fish

    differ greatly from other species

    caught for human food con

    sumption. Knowledge of other fish

    eries is inadequate when applied to

    roughy. It's clear that the fish cannot

    regenerate their stock as fast as other

    commercially exploited species. Can

    the roughy boom continue?

    The opinion of the CSIRO scientists is

    that it cannot. If we wish to have this

    exceptionally valuable fish available to

    earn export dollars years from now,

    then we must reduce the quantity that

    we are currently netting. Dr Smith be

    lieves that, for the east coast Tasmanian

    stock, the 'total allowable catch' must

    be reduced from its current 12 000

    tonnes (at which it was set without ac

    curate knowledge of stock sizes) to no

    more than 2700 tonnes. Even if this fig

    ure is wrong by a factor of two (which

    it could be in either direction), clearly

    we can't continue taking the fish at the

    level that we have for the last few

    years, which is bad news for the 54

    roughy-fishing boats operating in the


    Of course, orange roughy exists else

    where in our territorial waters, in

    cluding southern Tasmanian waters

    and the Great Australian Bight. Suffice

    it to say that only further research and

    its careful application will enable us to

    know how much roughy from other

    sites constitutes a sustainable catch. We

    should then be able to exploit this new

    high-quality resource for a long time to


    Roger Beckmann

    More about the topic

    Age determination of orange roughy,

    Hoplostethus atlanticus (Pisces, Tra-

    chichthyidae) using 210Pb/226Ra dis-

    equilibria. G.E. Fenton, S.A. Short

    and D.A. Ritz. Marine Biology, 1991,

    108 (in press).

    St Helens roughy site 1990 season. J.

    Lyle. Australian Fisheries, 1990, 49

    (10), 27-8.

    Biomass survey of orange roughy at St

    Helens. A. Smith and A. Koslow.

    Australian Fisheries, 1990, 49 (10), 29-


    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 17

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    High-tech measurements and ancient

    tree rings and ice cores are

    helping clarify climate-change





    P o l i t i c i a n s a n d t r e a s u r e r s

    aren't the only people wor

    ried about balancing bud

    gets: scientists studying the

    greenhouse effect are put

    ting increasing effort into

    investigating the pattern of with

    drawals from and deposits to the

    global atmosphere trace-gas budget.

    Without a better understanding of the

    cycles involved, predicting future cli

    mate change will remain an uncertain


    Researchers are striving to learn

    more about how our atmosphere is

    changing by upgrading conventional

    approaches as in GASLAB, described

    below and are also looking at less

    conventional avenues such as tree

    rings studies, which not only have

    much to tell us about the past but also

    provide hints of how the past affects

    the present and the future.

    Most trees lay down annual growth

    rings, and for some species and in

    some regions there's a clear relation

    ship between climate and the width of

    rings. Interest in tree-ring studies, as an

    indicator of climate change, focuses on

    trees whose rings are reliable indi

    cators of annual growth: eucalypts in

    arid Australia, for example, aren't suit

    able because they produce growth

    rings in response to rainfall more thanto seasonal changes in temperature.

    The most suitable species for tree-

    ring dating (dendrochronological)

    studies are forest trees from temperate

    and boreal (cold) regions, where low

    winter temperatures ensure minimum

    growth followed by strong summer

    growth... and thus well-defined growth

    18 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    A remote mountain lake in western Tasmania, site of recent tree-ring climate studies

    on sub-alpine Huon pine.

    rings. Temperate and boreal trees also

    exhibit marked variation, or 'sensiti

    vity', in ring widths from year to year,

    so it is easier to recognise distinctive

    ring width patterns and common

    'signatures' that, presumably, represent

    a common response to climate change

    (or dendroclimatology).

    Measurement of ring widths among

    a large number of trees in one area pro

    vides a 'site chronology', a record of

    ring behaviour that smooths out the

    skewing effect of shading, nutrient

    depletion or insect attack on individual

    trees. However, the regional effects of

    large-scale insect infestation, pollution,

    changes in land-use or even variations

    in flowering and fruiting cycles are

    harder to eliminate from calculations,

    so researchers look for the right kinds

    of trees (long-lived species with well-

    defined annual-growth ring patterns)

    in the right kinds of areas (where trees

    experience some environmental stress)

    to measure the impact of climate on

    tree growth.

    The trees of Tasmania's cool rain

    forests may provide the best

    opportunity yet to study past

    climate change, since several species

    suitable for ring-width dating grow

    side by side there; Huon pine

    (Lagarostrobus franklinii), King Billy

    pine (Athrotaxis selaginoides), celery-top

    pine (Phyllocladus aspleniifolius), pencil

    pine (Athrotaxis cupressoides), a hybrid

    King Billy-pencil pine (Athrotaxis laxi-

    folia) and Dyselma archeri.

    Not only do these species show dif

    ferences in their responses to climate

    change, allowing scientists to separate

    physiological effects from climatic

    ones, but they are also found in a

    variety of environments, from low-

    altitude high-rainfall river flats to

    exposed sub-alpine plateaux. And, even

    better, at least four of them live for

    1000 years or more. Such long chrono

    logies are very important: researchers

    can trace the effects of age more easily

    in long-lived species, follow slow

    changes in the environment and assess

    the impact of human influence during

    the past 100-200 years against a much

    longer period of equilibrium.

    Ice cores also provide records of past

    climate change, but tree rings have the

    advantage of being easier to collect and

    can provide more accurately dated

    information. Snow may take decades to

    compress into ice, so the air (which sci

    entists use to study changes in isotopes

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 19

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    over long periods) that is trapped by

    this process may be many years

    younger than the ice surrounding it,

    while the cellulose in each tree ring

    reflects the composition of the atmo

    sphere during the year in which it was

    laid down.

    And, because tree-ring material can

    be dated to a particular year, clim-

    atologists can study precisely periodic

    phenomena such as the El Nino effect

    over thousand-year time scales and

    can compare tree-ring evidence for

    even longer-period changes, such as

    changes associated with ocean circula

    tions, with data from other sources.

    The study of Tasmanian tree rings,

    as well as satisfying scientific interest

    in ancient climates, also has much to

    tell us about more immediate concerns,

    such as the greenhouse effect.

    Curiously, one of the most important

    tools for examining recent changes in

    the atmosphere is also used to look at

    the distant past radiocarbon dating,

    which measures the gradual decay of

    the carbon-14 (14C) isotope.

    An 8000-year-long continuous se

    quence of tree rings and partially fossil

    ised ('sub-fossil') logs in the Northern

    Hemisphere has been used to calibrate

    the radiocarbon 'calendar' that is

    extrapolated to date organic material

    formed over the past 40 000 years or so.

    But the Southern Hemisphere has a

    quite different history of climate and

    carbon exchange between organic

    material and the atmosphere, so the

    discovery of 1000-year-old living

    Tasmanian pines and of sub-fossil logs

    up to 13 000 years old

    offers an exciting

    opportunity to verify

    t h e N o r t h e r n

    Hemisphere calendarand to extend it

    beyond 8000 years to

    the most recent ice

    age, some 12 000

    years ago a period

    during which the

    planet underwent rapid changes on a

    scale similar to those threatening us



    asmanian tree-ring research has

    involved CSIRO scientists on sev

    eral occasions during the past

    decade. Early Tasmanian exploratory

    work was carried out by Dr John

    Ogden of the Australian National

    University and by Dr Don Adamson of

    Macquarie University, with extensive

    Southern Hemisphere tree-ring sam

    pling by the late Dr Val LaMarche of

    the University of Arizona Tree Ring

    Research Laboratory in the 1970s.

    Climatologist Dr Barrie Pittock of the

    Division of Atmospheric Research

    worked with Dr LaMarche in Tucson,

    Arizona, to construct a chronology of

    summer temperatures in Tasmania

    since 1780, having discovered that

    growth rings in several Tasmanian spe

    cies of pine show a response to changes

    in summer temperatures.

    In 1979, Division of Atmospheric

    Research scientist Dr Roger Francey

    obtained a grant from the National

    Energy Research Development and

    Demonstration Council (NERDDC) to

    investigate whether the isotopic com

    position of cellulose in Tasmanian tree

    rings could be used to chart changes in

    atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2)

    levels as a result of fossil fuel combus

    tion. Since CO2 from the burning of

    fossil fuels is depleted in 13C, and since

    trees obtain all their CO2 from the

    atmosphere, the tree rings should show

    this change.

    Dr Francey and his colleagues (in

    cluding Mr Trevor Bird of the CSIRO

    Division of Forestry, Dr Mike Barbetti

    of the University of Sydney, Dr Gerald

    Nanson of the Univers i ty of

    Wollongong, Dr Roger Gifford of the

    CSIRO Division of Plant Industry and

    Dr Graham Farquhar from the

    Australian National University) con

    ducted field work at Stanley River in

    north-western Tasmania each summer

    from 1979 to 1982.

    Dr Francey found that the stable iso

    topes trapped in tree rings did not just

    record the composition of atmospheric

    C02, they also indicated that trees had

    adjusted to increased levels of this gas

    in the atmosphere. In fact, his results

    suggested that trees increased their

    assimilation of C02 by 10% between

    1870 and 1970. At the same time, Dr

    Barbetti began the huge task of con

    structing a fossil tree-ring chronology

    back to the most recent ice age.

    In 1989 Mr Mike Peterson of the

    Tasmanian Forestry Commission dis

    covered stands of sub-alpine Huon

    pine (this species was previously

    thought to be restricted to river plains

    and margins). These high-altitude trees

    demonstrated a much more marked

    sensitivity to temperature pre

    sumably due to the harshness of their

    mountain-top environment than the

    Stanley River material.

    Prompted by Trevor Bird, Dr Ed

    Cook of the Lamont-Doherty Labora

    tory for Climatic Research, New York,

    spent 2 weeks in 1990 conducting den-

    droclimatological studies of Tasmanian

    Air sample n

    Monthly samples of air

    collected around the

    world come to GASLAB

    for analysis.

    20 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    In 10 years

    concentration (parts per trillion)



    , . - "





    ^ ^ - ^ ^ - ^ C F C - 1 1




    9 7 8 8 0 8 2 8 4 8 6 8 8

    Concititrations of the chlorofluorocarbons

    CFC-11 and CFC-12 rose by about 5% per

    year in the 1980s. Measurements are from

    Tasmania's Cape Grim 'baseline'

    monitoring station.

    tree-ring samples: Dr Cook returned to

    Tasmania last summer and, assisted by

    Mr Bird, Mike Peterson, Mike Barbetti

    and Roger Francey (with logistical sup

    port from the Tasmanian Forestry

    Commission, CSIRO, the Hydro-Electric

    Commission and Tasminco), collected

    living tree cores and sub-fossil wood.

    Among the striking results of his pre

    liminary study of sub-alpine material is

    that ring widths are larger today than

    at any time in the past 1000 years, most

    likely as a result of the greenhouse

    effect. This finding is consistent with

    Dr Francey's earlier observations.

    Tasmania's pines are providing an

    opportunity to tackle two of the most

    vexing questions in the whole mystery

    of the global carbon balance the

    response of vegetation to changing

    atmospheric composition over long

    periods and the stability of ocean air-

    sea exchange over centuries.

    Despite its association with such

    volatile phenomena as fire and

    rust, oxygen is a remarkably

    stable element so stable, in fact, that

    the oxygen isotopes trapped by grow

    ing Tasmanian pines 1000 years ago

    represent a 'time capsule' replete with

    information about the climate of that

    era. Scientists studying global climate

    change can compare this information

    with similar time capsules of oxygen

    from the ice of Greenland, Scandinavia,

    North America and Antarctica, and

    with samples of air from these and

    other locations. They need such a

    broad range of collection sites because

    land masses and oceans and hence

    biomass are so unevenly distributed.

    The bulk of humanity lives in the

    Northern Hemisphere, which is where

    most greenhouse gases are emitted; but

    the great oceans of the Southern

    Hemisphere also drive climate change.

    Researchers have therefore set up a

    world-wide sampling network to trace

    the paths of atmospheric gases through

    time and space, in an effort to learn

    more about the forces that shape the

    world's climate.

    For measuring greenhouse and

    ozone-depleting gases, GASLAB (Global

    Atmospheric Sampling LABoratory) is

    the newest 'star' on the world stage. It

    was officially opened by CSIRO Chief

    Executive Dr John Stocker late last year

    at the Div is ion of Atmospher ic

    Research's Aspendale headquarters,

    Melbourne. This major laboratory facil

    ity is devoted to the most precise and

    efficient measurement of atmospheric

    gases whose names have become

    household terms as concern for the

    health of Earth and its atmosphere has


    Its leadership in the measurement of

    greenhouse-effect and stratospheric

    ozone-depleting gases stems from the

    combination of the state-of-the-art spe

    cially modified instruments for all of

    the major gas 'species' involved that

    have been installed.

    The Finnigan-MAT252 stable iso

    tope ratio mass spectrometer was

    released in Germany last year, and

    GASLAB houses only the second such

    instrument manufactured. Its specifica

    tions exceed those of any previous,

    similar instrument: GASLAB's MAT252

    has an attachment especially modified

    by Dr Francey that enables the auto

    matic extraction and analysis of CO2 in

    air, making it the most powerful faci

    lity for atmospheric CO2 isotope stud

    ies in the world. It will be further

    enhanced this year, in association with

    scientists in New Zealand, to permit

    precise measurement of the stable iso

    topes of methane (CH4) and carbon

    monoxide (CO) in air.

    A Carle S-Series gas chroma-

    tograph (GC) is optimised for the high-

    precision determination of atmospheric

    methane concentrations; a second

    (borrowed) Carle GC is currently

    optimised for the analysis of CO2 in

    very small samples, such as those

    obtained from ice cores.

    A trace-analytical GC analyses

    carbon monoxide and hydrogen (H2)

    concentrations in air. While neither

    species plays a direct role in the green

    house effect or in stratospheric ozone

    depletion, CO is an important pre

    cursor for CO2 in tropical regions; and

    both CO and H2 are intimately

    involved in the chemistry of the atmo

    sphere and help determine the destruc

    tion rates of other, important gases

    such as CH4.

    A Shimadzu GC measures nitrous

    oxide (N2O), which is responsible for

    about 3% of greenhouse warming; this

    instrument was specially modified by

    an American colleague, Dr Jim Elkins,

    to optimise its efficiency and precision

    for c lean air measurements. A

    Shimadzu dual-column GC (also mod

    ified by Dr Elkins) measures the

    chlorofluorocarbons CFC-11, CFC-12,

    CFC-113 and other halocarbons, chlo

    roform, methyl chloroform and carbon

    tetrachloride. These are greenhouse

    gases, but they also include the main

    culprits in the destruction of strato

    spheric ozone.

    A further GASLAB feature involves

    the development of automated, multi-

    sample carousels. Data from all

    Antarctic ice-core measurements show how concentrations of the two

    main contributors to greenhouse warming have shot up this century.

    Methane levels have risen by more than 100% since the increase

    began, and carbon dioxide levels by about 25%.

    From the ice record

    carbon dioxide

    (parts per million by volume)







    (parts per billion by volume)


    1600 1700 1800

    1900 year


    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 21

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    instruments are stored in a centralised

    computer, which also controls mea

    surement sequences, makes decisions

    on data quality and assists with pro

    cessing and analysis.

    The Div is ion has appointed Dr

    aul Steele to play a central role

    in the upgrading of GASLAB's

    instruments and the use of its facilities

    to unravel many of the trace-gas uncer

    tainties that hamper accurate forecasts

    of future atmospheric conditions.

    Following groundwork by Dr Paul

    Fraser of the Division of Atmospheric

    Research, Australian-born Dr Steele

    established, developed and operated

    the United States National Oceanic

    and Atmospheric Administration CH4-

    monitoring network.

    How does GASLAB use this formid

    able array of instruments? Division of

    Dr Colin Allison with GASLAB's new

    high-precision mass spectrometer, used to

    study isotopes of greenhouse gases.

    Atmospheric Research scientists have

    two basic strategies to put the labor

    atory's facilities to the best possible


    The first involves collecting a series

    of precise and comprehensive 'snap

    shots' of the world's atmosphere, with

    the aim of understanding in detail the

    sources, sinks and exchange mechan-

    g isms of its principal gases. In particu-

    s lar, the accurate definition of regular

    I daily, seasonal and 4- to 5-year (El

    Nino) variations will help determine

    net exchanges of gases forced, for

    example, by temperature and/or

    biology, or by ocean mixing. In the

    future they will extend this sort of

    'biogeochemical' modelling approach

    to decades as records accumulate.

    The second measurement strategy

    involves (usually less-precise) infor

    mation that spans much longer periods

    from decades to millennia by

    examination of 'archived' air or clues in

    preserved material such as ice cores,

    tree rings and so on. Identifying the

    impact of human activity and pre

    dicting future levels of key gases are

    easier if measurements cover hundreds

    of years or more, making the enhanced

    sensitivity of GASLAB's instruments

    'Defrosting' the climate of the past from Antarctic ice

    Polar ice sheets provide a natural archive of past atmospheric

    records; they sample the global 'background' atmosphere

    unperturbed by cities or forests. A range of information is

    recorded together in the same medium ancient air in the bub

    bles, temperature-related isotopes in the ice and trace

    substances that relate to atmospheric circulation, volcanic erup

    tions, nuclear weapons 'events' and solar activity and, of

    course, ice cores can be dated from such information. Natural

    ice is generally a good storage material for gas species, in

    some cases even better than man-made containers.

    Law Dome, 100 km from Australia's Casey Station, is an

    ideal site for collecting ice cores. Its simple flow pattern and

    relatively high annual snowfall allow ice layers to build up undis

    turbed and unmelted for most of its 1200-m thickness. Ice cores

    with excellent age resolution can be drilled, from recent times

    (containing air from the 1970s, which can be compared with

    measurements from baseline stations in other locations) back to

    pre-industrial times and even to the last ice age, about 12 000

    years ago.

    To obtain core samples from depths of less than 500 metres,

    AAD glaciologists use thermal drills. An electrically heated metal

    head melts its way through the ice at about 2 m per hour, taking

    cores 100-200 mm in diameter in sections about 2 m long.

    Below 500 m the borehole closes during drilling if not filled

    with a fluid, because of the overburden pressure of the ice.

    Glaciologists use mechanical drills consisting of a motor-driven

    rotary cutting head at the end of the drill, itself suspended on a

    cable some kilometres long (monitoring the borehole's distortion

    itself provides information on the flow dynamics of the Antarctic

    ice sheet, which in some locations is more than 4 km thick). The

    glaciologists conduct initial core analysis and sampling at the

    drill site, then package and ship the remainder of the cores to

    Australia in refrigerated containers.

    Back in Melbourne, aad glaciologists determine the ice chro

    nology by counting annual layers: these are seldom visible, but

    are revealed by analysis of species that vary seasonally, such

    as the isotopic concentration of 180 (which is temperature-

    dependent) or hydrogen peroxide (produced in the atmosphere

    by sunlight). They then check this kind of dating by identifying

    signals in trace substances that are attributed to specific events

    for example, the sulfuric acid peak from the eruption of

    Tambora, Indonesia, in 1815 A.D.

    The air enclosed in bubbles, however, is younger than the

    surrounding ice. Snow only becomes dense enough to seal air

    into bubbles at depths of 70 m or so: but Law Dome accu

    mulates snow quickly enough in some places, the equivalent

    of 1 -2 m of water each year to enclose air that can be dated

    to within several years, an obvious advantage for studies of the

    atmosphere over the past century or two.

    At the Division of Atmospheric Research, researchers extract

    air from the ice at icelab, where they place carefully prepared

    samples (cooled to -80 to reduce the water vapour pressure

    and to make the ice more brittle) in a crushing flask. They evac

    uate the flask and crush the ice, which contains about 120 mL

    of air per kilogram, then vacuum-dry the liberated air and con

    dense it in traps at -269 before taking the traps to GASLAB and

    measuring the gases mentioned above.

    The results show that significant changes have occurred in

    many trace gases. Prior to 1800 A.D., CO2 concentrations

    appear to have fluctuated around an average of about 285

    parts per million (p.p.m.), but have since increased to 345

    p.p.m. a rise closely associated with the CO2 released from

    fossil-fuel consumption. Methane concentrations began to rise

    about 50 years earlier than CO2, possibly due to agriculture,

    and have since doubled. Nitrous oxide has increased by about

    8%, mostly during this century.

    Australian Antarctic Division

    A glaciologist retrieves an

    ice core from a depth of

    300 m in Law Dome,

    Antarctica. Air extracted

    from the ice at ICELAB is

    measured in GASLAB to

    study past changes in the

    composition of the


    22 Ecos 68, Winter 1991

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    even more relevant: the MAT252

    system, for example, requires air sam

    ples less than 1 /500th as large as used

    by the Division's previous instruments.

    E i the r way , GASLAB has pa r

    icularly good access to samples

    for both kinds of measurement. In

    1984, with funding from NERDDC,

    Division scientists Roger Francey, Paul

    Fraser and Dr Graeme Pearman set up

    a pilot global network of six stations

    focusing primarily on the isotopes of

    C02, but also providing GC analyses of

    C02, CH4, CO and, on occasions, CFCs.

    The program's results were so valuable

    that it was continued and expanded to

    the present world-wide network (see

    the map on page 20).

    Monthly samples of clean air in 5-L

    glass flasks come to Aspendale from

    the Arctic (Alert, Canada, and Point

    Barrow on Alaska's northern coast),

    North America (Fraserdale, Canada;

    Cheeka Peak, Washington; and Niwot

    Ridge, Colorado); Asia (the province of

    Gujerat, in north-western India); the

    Pacific (Mauna Loa, at 4169 m Hawaii's

    second-highest peak; and Samoa);

    Australia (Darwin-Jabiru; the Great

    Barrier Reef; Cape Grim, Tas.; and

    aircraft sample-collection over Bass

    Strait and the Great Australian Bight

    by commercial Australian Airlines

    flights and by CSIRO aircraft); New

    Zealand (aircraft sample-collection by

    that country's Meteorological Service);

    and Antarctica.

    As well, the CSIRO research vessel

    Franklin and Australian Antarctic

    Division (AAD) re-supply ships collect

    samples at sea; AAD also supports reg-

    Dr Roger Francey with cylinders of air

    collected at Cape Grim, Tasmania, since

    1978, which have been 'archived' for future


    ular sampling at Macquarie Island and

    at Mawson Station. Recently, German

    scientists have provided Northern

    Hemisphere stratospheric samples from

    high-altitude balloon flights launched

    from Sweden.

    The 'anchor' of the sample network is

    the Cape Grim Baseline Air Pollution

    Station in north-western Tasmania.

    Operated by the Bureau of Meteoro

    logy in co-operation with the Division

    of Atmospheric Research, Cape Grim is

    closely integrated with GASLAB.

    For examining change over longer

    eriods, GASLAB is focusing on

    archived samples held in stainless

    steel cylinders and on Antarctic ice

    cores with unparalleled time re

    solution. With considerable foresight,

    almost 20 years ago Paul Fraser ini

    tiated a program to store Cape Grim air

    'for a rainy day'. In anticipation of

    changing atmospheric composition and

    improved instrumentation (now pro

    v ided by GASLAB) , sys temat ic

    Trevor Bird (left) and Dr Ed Cook remove core samples from fire-killed Huon pines.

    collections of air one to four times a

    year began at Cape Grim in 1978,

    under conditions of strong south

    westerly Southern Ocean winds.

    Air is collected in oxygen tanks

    made of stainless steel (from World

    War II aircraft) and in specially pre

    pared aluminium gas cylinders. These

    are all but submerged in a container of

    liquid nitrogen, which lowers the inter

    nal temperature of the flasks to about

    -180 and creates a partial vacuum.

    When the top of the flask is opened, air

    rushes in (with the help of a small

    pump) and liquefies. On thawing, the

    cylinder pressure reaches a level of

    about 30 atmospheres.

    As well as collecting atmospheric gas

    samples at Mawson and the South

    Pole, AAD also provides Antarctic ice

    cores for GASLAB analysis. Air is

    removed from bubbles within the cores

    by ICELAB (Ice Core Extraction

    LABoratory), an annexe to GASLAB.

    As part of the Division's ICELAB

    initiative, Mr David Etheridge was

    recruited from AAD to design and

    implement improved methods for air

    extraction from ice cores and to play a

    central role in collaborative ice core


    Ice cores from polar ice sheets and

    glaciers provide layers of atmospheric

    and climatic information up to thou

    sands of years old... layers that in

    many ways resemble the growth rings

    of trees. Field teams from AAD collect

    cores from Law Dome, Antarctica, and

    transport them to cold storage in

    Melbourne, where annual layers are

    dated and past temperatures are cal

    culated from the relative numbers of

    lsO isotopes in each sample (see the

    box on page 22).

    For measurement of trace gases, ice

    core samples are crushed under

    vacuum and the air released from the

    bubbles is collected in traps immersed

    in liquid helium at -260. These traps

    are transported to GASLAB, where ana

    lysts check for a range of gas species, in

    particular for C02, CH4, N20 and halo-

    carbons by gas chromatography, and

    for CO2 and CH4 carbon isotopes by

    mass spectrometry. Graeme Pearman is

    developing a new instrument to meas

    ure the very small decrease in oxygen

    expected to accompany fossil-fuel

    combustion, while Mr Ian Galbally is

    designing an O3 detector to look for

    possible changes in tropospheric chem

    istry over the industrial period.

    The GASLAB-ICELAB complex, which

    represents the integration and sub

    stantial upgrading of several relatively

    independent research efforts, was

    Ecos 68, Winter 1991 23

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    The gases gaslab measures

    OXYGEN (02)

    Photosynthesis and respiration, the key processes of life, keep oxygen the

    second-most abundant gas in the atmosphere circulating. As human populations

    have expanded, the combustion of fuels and the destruction of forests have not only

    increased carbon dioxide levels, but may also have caused a very small but poten

    tially measurable depletion of atmospheric oxygen.

    Because 02 is essentially insoluble in the oceans (unlike C02), the effects of the

    human impact on global 02 should be reflected directly in atmospheric measure

    ments. A small-volume, high-precision oxygen analyser will measure historical

    changes in atmospheric 02 using air trapped in Antarctic ice, while GASLAB's

    MAT252 mass spectrometer traces changes in isotope ratios.


    Levels of atmospheric C02 have risen by about 25% since 1800 due largely to the

    burning of fossil fuels, deforestation, agriculture and cement production. C02 is the

    main contributor to enhanced greenhouse warming. The GASLAB Carle gas chro-

    matograph provides precise measurements of it from samples as small as 10 mL.

    The scientists hope their research will add to our knowledge of the roles of oceans

    and plants in absorbing excess C02.


    N20 contributes about 3% of the enhanced greenhouse warming and atmospheric

    levels have risen since the industrial revolution by about 9%. Sources of atmo

    spheric N20 include the oceans, soil disturbance, biomass burning, fertilisers and

    fossil fuel combustion. Since N20 and C02 have the same molecular mass and are

    not distinguished by the mass spectrometer, GASLAB uses N20 data to correct iso-

    topic measurements of C02 in air samples. N20 levels are measured by the gas



    Levels of CH4, the second-largest contributor to the greenhouse effect, have risen

    by some 125% since 1800, mainly as a result of fossil-fuel combustion, biomass

    burning and emissions from livestock, rice fields and landfills. Changes jn CO and

    H2 (as well as CH4) reflect atmospheric levels of hydroxyl radical (OH ), a major

    'scavenger' of atmospheric pollutants. Motor vehicles are an important source of the

    increase in CO levels, which, like CH4, are measured by gas chromatograph.


    Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have contributed an estimated 11% of the enhanced

    greenhouse warming since their wide-scale use began in the 1950s, and are the

