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ECOLOGICAL FUNCTION (K VERHEYEN, SECTION EDITOR) Ecosystem Services from Small Forest Patches in Agricultural Landscapes Guillaume Decocq 1 & Emilie Andrieu 2 & Jörg Brunet 3 & Olivier Chabrerie 1 & Pieter De Frenne 4 & Pallieter De Smedt 4 & Marc Deconchat 2 & Martin Diekmann 5 & Steffen Ehrmann 6 & Brice Giffard 2 & Elena Gorriz Mifsud 7 & Karin Hansen 8 & Martin Hermy 9 & Annette Kolb 5 & Jonathan Lenoir 1 & Jaan Liira 10 & Filip Moldan 11 & Irina Prokofieva 7 & Lars Rosenqvist 8 & Elsa Varela 7,12 & Alicia Valdés 1 & Kris Verheyen 4 & Monika Wulf 13,14 Published online: 29 January 2016 # Springer International Publishing AG 2016 Abstract In Europe, like in many temperate lowlands world- wide, forest has a long history of fragmentation and land use change. In many places, forest landscapes consist of patches of different quality, age, size and isolation, embedded in a more or less intensively managed agricultural matrix. As po- tential biodiversity islets, small forest patches (SFP) may de- liver several crucial ecosystem services to human society, but they receive little attention compared to large, relatively intact forest patches. Beyond their role as a biodiversity reservoir, SFP provide important in situ services such as timber and wild food (game, edible plants and mushrooms) production. At the landscape scale, SFP may enhance the crop production via physical (obstacle against wind and floods) and biological (sources of pollinators and natural enemies) regulation, but may, on the other hand, also be involved in the spread of infectious diseases. Depending on their geographic location, SFP can also greatly influence the water cycle and contribute to supply high-quality water to agriculture and people. Globally, SFP are important carbon sinks and are involved in nutrient cycles, thus play a role in climate change mitiga- tion. Cultural services are more related to landscape values than to SFP per se, but the latter may contribute to the con- struction of community identity. We conclude that SFP, as local biodiversity hotspots in degraded landscapes, have the Curr Forestry Rep (2016) 2:3044 DOI 10.1007/s40725-016-0028-x This article is part of the Topical Collection on Ecological Function * Guillaume Decocq [email protected] 1 UR Ecologie et Dynamique des Systèmes Anthropisés (EDYSAN, FRE 3498 CNRS), Jules Verne University of Picardie, 1 rue des Louvels, F-80037 Amiens Cedex 1, France 2 UMR 1201 Dynafor, Inra, Chemin de Borde Rouge, CS 52627, F-31326 Castanet Tolosan, France 3 Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Box 49, SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden 4 Forest & Nature Lab, Ghent University, Geraardsbergsesteenweg 267, BE-9090 Melle-Gontrode, Belgium 5 Institute of Ecology, FB02, University of Bremen, Leobener Str., D-28359 Bremen, Germany 6 Faculty of Biology, Department of Geobotany, University of Freiburg, Schänzlestr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany 7 Forest Sciences Center of Catalonia (CTFC), St. Pau Historical Site, St. Leopold Pavilion, c/St. Antoni Maria Claret 167, 08025 Barcelona, Spain 8 IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Box 210 60, SE-100 31 Stockholm, Sweden 9 Division of Forest, Nature and Landscape, University of Leuven, Celestijnenlaan 200E, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium 10 Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Lai 40, EE-51005 Tartu, Estonia 11 IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Box 530 21, SE-400 14 Gothenburg, Sweden 12 Center for Agro-Food Economy and Development, CREDA-UPC-IRTA, Edifici ESAB. Parc Mediterrani de la Tecnologia C/Esteve Terrades 8, Castelldefels, E-08860 Barcelona, Spain 13 ZALF Institute of Land Use Systems, Eberswalder Straße 84, D-15374 Müncheberg, Germany 14 Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam, Maulbeerallee 2, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany
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Ecosystem Services from Small Forest Patches in AgriculturalLandscapes

Guillaume Decocq1& Emilie Andrieu2

& Jörg Brunet3 & Olivier Chabrerie1 &

Pieter De Frenne4 & Pallieter De Smedt4 & Marc Deconchat2 & Martin Diekmann5&

Steffen Ehrmann6& Brice Giffard2

& Elena Gorriz Mifsud7& Karin Hansen8


Martin Hermy9 & Annette Kolb5& Jonathan Lenoir1 & Jaan Liira10 & Filip Moldan11


Irina Prokofieva7 & Lars Rosenqvist8 & Elsa Varela7,12 & Alicia Valdés1 & Kris Verheyen4&

Monika Wulf13,14

Published online: 29 January 2016# Springer International Publishing AG 2016

Abstract In Europe, like in many temperate lowlands world-wide, forest has a long history of fragmentation and land usechange. In many places, forest landscapes consist of patchesof different quality, age, size and isolation, embedded in amore or less intensively managed agricultural matrix. As po-tential biodiversity islets, small forest patches (SFP) may de-liver several crucial ecosystem services to human society, butthey receive little attention compared to large, relatively intactforest patches. Beyond their role as a biodiversity reservoir,SFP provide important in situ services such as timber and wildfood (game, edible plants and mushrooms) production. At thelandscape scale, SFP may enhance the crop production via

physical (obstacle against wind and floods) and biological(sources of pollinators and natural enemies) regulation, butmay, on the other hand, also be involved in the spread ofinfectious diseases. Depending on their geographic location,SFP can also greatly influence the water cycle and contributeto supply high-quality water to agriculture and people.Globally, SFP are important carbon sinks and are involvedin nutrient cycles, thus play a role in climate change mitiga-tion. Cultural services are more related to landscape valuesthan to SFP per se, but the latter may contribute to the con-struction of community identity. We conclude that SFP, aslocal biodiversity hotspots in degraded landscapes, have the

Curr Forestry Rep (2016) 2:30–44DOI 10.1007/s40725-016-0028-x

This article is part of the Topical Collection on Ecological Function

* Guillaume [email protected]

1 UR Ecologie et Dynamique des Systèmes Anthropisés (EDYSAN,FRE 3498 CNRS), Jules Verne University of Picardie, 1 rue desLouvels, F-80037 Amiens Cedex 1, France

2 UMR 1201 Dynafor, Inra, Chemin de Borde Rouge, CS 52627,F-31326 Castanet Tolosan, France

3 Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre, Swedish University ofAgricultural Sciences, Box 49, SE-230 53 Alnarp, Sweden

4 Forest & Nature Lab, Ghent University, Geraardsbergsesteenweg267, BE-9090 Melle-Gontrode, Belgium

5 Institute of Ecology, FB02, University of Bremen, Leobener Str.,D-28359 Bremen, Germany

6 Faculty of Biology, Department of Geobotany, University ofFreiburg, Schänzlestr. 1, D-79104 Freiburg, Germany

7 Forest Sciences Center of Catalonia (CTFC), St. Pau Historical Site,St. Leopold Pavilion, c/St. Antoni Maria Claret 167,08025 Barcelona, Spain

8 IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Box 210 60, SE-10031 Stockholm, Sweden

9 Division of Forest, Nature and Landscape, University of Leuven,Celestijnenlaan 200E, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium

10 Institute of Ecology and Earth Sciences, University of Tartu, Lai 40,EE-51005 Tartu, Estonia

11 IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute, Box 530 21, SE-40014 Gothenburg, Sweden

12 Center for Agro-Food Economy and Development,CREDA-UPC-IRTA, Edifici ESAB. Parc Mediterrani de laTecnologia C/Esteve Terrades 8, Castelldefels,E-08860 Barcelona, Spain

13 ZALF Institute of Land Use Systems, Eberswalder Straße 84,D-15374 Müncheberg, Germany

14 Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, University of Potsdam,Maulbeerallee 2, D-14469 Potsdam, Germany

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potential to deliver a wide range of ecosystem services andmay even be crucial for the ecological intensification of agro-ecosystems. There is thus an urgent need to increase ourknowledge about the relationships between biodiversity andecosystem services delivered by these SFP in agriculturallandscapes.

Keywords Biodiversity . Cultural services . Lowlands .

Provisioning services . Regulating services . Supportingservices


Habitat fragmentation is widely acknowledged as a majorthreat to biodiversity worldwide [1–3], but see [4]. It encom-passes at least four interacting processes: (i) pure habitat loss,which usually directly destroys sessile organisms (e.g. plants)and constrains mobile organisms (e.g. birds and mammals)that retreat into remnant patches of habitat; (ii) reduction offragment size, which reduces species richness and populationsizes, increasing the risk of local extinction [5]; (iii) increase inedge:interior ratio, which can promote the colonisation of hab-itat generalists and species from neighbouring habitats to thedetriment of habitat specialists that have retreated to remnants[6]; and (iv) increase in spatial isolation of remnant habitatpatches, which reduces the movements of individuals betweenpopulations [7] and disrupts metapopulation and meta-community functioning [8, 9]. In Europe, forest has a longhistory of fragmentation and land use/cover change [10–12].The clearance of forests for agriculture and their recovery onabandoned lands resulted in patchy forest cover with patchesof different quality, age, size and isolation embedded in a moreor less intensively managed agricultural matrix. Ecologically,these forest patches often exhibit homogenized stand struc-ture, either because they are intensively managed or originatefrom plantations or afforestation of former farmlands [13–15],or management can be neglected [16].

The increasing demand for food and the promotion ofbioenergy crops in the context of a bio-based energy transitionhave led to an increasing demand for new agricultural areasworldwide and increased crop production to the detriment ofsemi-natural habitats, including forests [17]. Therefore, land-scape change in the forms of clearance of existing forestpatches and afforestation of abandoned lands are still ongoingprocesses in European lowlands [18•]. In general and at thesame time, forests are of major importance to human society,delivering several crucial ecosystem services [19••], but alsosome disservices (e.g. diseases [20]). There is growing evi-dence that biodiversity is vital to ecosystem functioning[21–23, 24•, 25, 26]. By decreasing biodiversity, fragmenta-tion may thus impact ecosystem processes such as nutrientcycling and energy flows and ultimately affect flows of

ecosystem service [27, 28••]. Ecosystem services (ES) areoften categorized as provisioning, regulating, cultural andsupporting services [29]. Costanza [30] proposed an alterna-tive classification based on the spatial characteristics of ES,using five categories: in situ, local-proximal, directional flowrelated, global and user movement related.

Compared to large forest ecosystems, e.g. [19••, 31], littleis known about the role of biodiversity of small forest patches(SFP, from less than 1 to 50 ha; [32]) in delivering ES tosociety [33•, 34••] in agricultural landscapes, which cover40 % of the Earth’s surface [35]. The research effort has in-deed mostly focused on how forest fragmentation actuallyalters the delivering of ES. Furthermore, these SFP are poten-tially threatened by urbanisation, expanding croplands andagricultural intensification despite their potential to maintainbiodiversity and contribute to the Becological intensification^of agro-ecosystems [36] and human well-being. Thus, there isan urgent need to increase our understanding of the relation-ship between biodiversity and ES delivered by SFP embeddedin an agricultural landscape matrix (Fig. 1). We here reviewthe literature on the topic, with a special focus on temperateEuropean landscapes and make profit from still unpublishedresults of the smallFOREST BiodivERsA project into whichall co-authors of this paper were involved. FollowingCostanza’s classification [30], we successively review in situES (i.e. that are delivered locally, within the ecosystem), local-proximal ES (i.e. that depends on the spatial proximity of thefocal ecosystem), directional flow-related ES (i.e. from theecosystem to the point of use), global ES (i.e. independentfrom ecosystem location) and user movement-related ES(i.e. involving a movement of people towards the ecosystem)(Table 1).

In Situ Services


Most contemporary SFP are young, in an early secondary-successional stage, homogeneous in their structure, and, as aconsequence, host only a few forest-specialist species[37–40]. The sensitivity of biodiversity components to rem-nant habitat size and habitat structural quality varies signifi-cantly [41–43]. Sessile and less mobile organisms are morethreatened by habitat degradation [40, 44–46] in comparisonto species with good dispersal or mobility [47, 48•]. The effectof fragmentation on species richness and community compo-sition in forests is mediated by four main groups of variables:(1) forest patch quality in terms of soil variables, notably pH,nutrient availability and light [11, 49]; (2) patch heterogeneity,i.e. the variability of environmental drivers and stand diversity[50, 51]; (3) habitat configuration in terms of forest patch sizeand isolation [49, 52]; and (4) the history of the patch,

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especially whether it has been continuously forested for cen-turies (ancient forest) or afforested on agricultural land (recentforest) [52, 53]. Generally, the number of species in SFP in-creases with increasing patch area, decreasing isolation, in-creasing heterogeneity and temporal continuity, while the ef-fects of patch quality are more complex and often speciesspecific. Edge effects may have negative impacts on forestspecialists due to alteredmicroclimate (e.g. [54, 55] for fungusspecies diversity). Forest management and the creation ofnovel forest habitats such as parks do not always have a

negative effect on forest biodiversity, as the optimization ofstand structure can result in SFP that support a high diversityof vascular plants [56, 57], insects [58, 59] and bats [60, 61].The positive effect of management on biodiversity, however,is generally driven by the increase of habitat generalists oropen habitat species [43, 62]. As a result, the positive spe-cies–area relationship underlying the patch size effect in somecases has been weak or absent (e.g. [63] for plants; [64] forarbuscular mycorrhizal fungi), meaning that even SFP maycomprise a high number of species [65]. Moreover,

Fig. 1 Various aspects of small forest patches in European agriculturallandscapes. Small deciduous forests look like isolated patches withinintensively cultivated open fields (a) or more or less connected byhedgerows within grasslands (b); even sometimes as small islets in aconiferous-dominated landscape (c). These small forest patches areoften hotspots of biodiversity within agricultural landscapes, with aspecies-rich herb layer (d) and a mixture of deciduous tree species (e).These patches are sometimes managed for wood production (f) but areoften unmanaged (g). They potentially deliver a wide range of ecosystemservices to neighbouring crop lands (h) and pastures (i), such as pest

biocontrol and shelter for grazing animals, respectively. a Open fields inNorth-West Germany (A. Kolb); b bocage of Thiérache (A. Jamoneau),North France; c agricultural landscape in Central Sweden (G. Decocq); dunderstory in an alder stand in North-East Germany (M. Wulf); eunderstory of Flanders in Belgium (E. Brosens); f fuel wood harvest inNorth France (J. Lenoir); g unmanaged woodlot in North France (G.Decocq); h forest edge in an open field landscape of North France (G.Decocq); i forest edge in an open field landscape of North France (G.Decocq)

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irrespective of the variation in the environment, a dense net-work of SFP can contribute to counteracting the disruption ofthe meta-population functioning of the landscape with respectto new colonization events [9], depending on the species dis-persal ability [43, 66]. On the other hand, many long-livedorganisms, such as some vascular plant species, may persistover many decades even under non-favourable conditions.This Bextinction debt^ of species in SFP offers an opportunityto halt biodiversity loss by taking conservation action in time[67•].

Wood Production

SFP may be important for local timber and firewood produc-tion as a provisioning ES. In Western Europe, a heavilyfragmented region with a mean forest cover of c. 26 %,93 % of all forests were available for wood supply [68]. Intotal, 172 million cubic metres of wood were harvested in thisregion in 2010. Nevertheless, the mean patch size of privateforests, for instance, in Belgium, the UK and Germany is only2, 13 and 10 ha, respectively [69]. Wood production in theseforests is faced with management challenges like a high num-ber of forest owners and a patchy occurrence of the woodresource, which—nevertheless—could partly be resolved bya specific local organization [70]. Close-to-nature manage-ment systems such as continuous cover, retention forestry orselective logging of single trees can often be a good option forwood production in SFP because they most likely sustain thecontinued delivery of other ES [71, 72•]. Given that the de-mand for fuel wood is expected to continuously increase in thenear future, the pressure on SFP to provide local inhabitantswith wood in densely populated areas is expected to increaseover the next few decades [73].

Wild Food Production

Wild food provision, of which the most iconic components aregame hunting and mushroom picking, is hardly accounted forin any mapping of ES in Europe. A key aspect that regulatesthe availability of wild food (including hunting) is a heteroge-neous landscape that is threatened by agricultural intensifica-tion [30, 74, 75]. SFP can provide a wide range of edible plantproducts (e.g. wild berries and nuts) and mushrooms, whichare commonly used by local populations and/or marketed. Arecent study revealed that 11 wild plant species were still usedas food in Sweden but none as medicinal plants, whilst in theeconomically less developed rural areas of Ukraine, 26 and 60species are used as food and herbal, respectively, suggestingthat the consumption of wild food and medicine is influencedby the socioeconomic situation in a country [76]. In westernEurope, a considerable number of forest plant species havebeen used in the past (22.2 and 13.6 % for food and medicinalapplications, respectively, out of a total species pool of 1024species; smallFOREST project, unpublished data). Thus,gathering of wild food may be considered more of a culturalservice in Europe and part of people’s identity [77], with thepotential for increasing demand in response to industrializa-tion [78].

SFP can also act as a refuge for game animals (e.g. roe deer,wild boar, hare, rabbit and pheasant). Mammals such as haresand roe deer are generalist herbivores that move and foragefreely across agricultural landscapes and can use SFP as asource of food and as shelter during periods of agriculturalactivity in neighbouring croplands [79, 80]. Their value ashunting reservoirs is often one of the main reasons that haveprevented these SFP from being converted into agriculturalland [81].

Table 1 Ecosystem servicesdelivered by small forest patchesembedded in agriculturallandscapes that are assessed inthis review (right part), grouped infive classes according to theirspatial characteristics (left part),after [30]

In situ services

= services delivered within the forest patch

• Biodiversity

• Wood production

• Wild food production

• Biological invasion risk (disservice)

Local-proximal services

= services depending on the spatial proximity of the forest patch

• Disturbance regulation

• Habitat & refuge

• Biological pest control

• Pollination

• Infectious diseases (disservice)

Directional flow-related services

= services extending from the forest patch to the point of use

• Water regulation

• Water supply

• Erosion control

Global services

= services independent from the forest patch location

• Carbon storage & climate regulation

User movement-related services

= services involving a movement of people towards the forest patches

• Recreational activities

• Aesthetics

• Construction of local identity

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Biological Invasion Risk

Habitat loss and fragmentation are thought to promote thespread of invasive species. An increased risk of biologicalinvasion can be seen as a disservice provided by SFP, and itmay alter some of the beneficial ES and thus have huge coststo society [82]. In some countries, exotic tree species havebeenwidely used for reforestation [83]. However, the assump-tion that SFP are more exposed to invasion mainly comesfrom percolation-based model simulations [84], and empiricalevidence is still scarce. It has also been suggested that frag-mentation may slow down invasion spread, at least for speciesthat are not dispersal-limited [84], and therefore, SFP mightalso provide a beneficial ES in this sense. A negative relation-ship between patch size and exotic species richness has beenrepeatedly found [85–87], but other landscape factors (e.g.landscape composition and configuration, management inten-sity and proximity from seed sources) interact with patchinvasibility. Although forest ecosystems are usually consid-ered as resistant to biological invasion but see [88], fragmen-tation creates more edge, which offers a more suitable habitatthan the forest interior for many exotic species that are notdispersal-limited and able to move through the landscape ma-trix [89]. It is likely that the (dis-)services associated to inva-sive species do not fundamentally differ between SFP andother forest ecosystems. For example, the Asian shrubLonicera maackii, one of the most widespread invaders ofUS woods, has been shown to reduce the survival, growthand fecundity of native herbs and tree seedlings [90], hence,to negatively impact local biodiversity. A recent meta-analysisfound that pollinator communities of bees and bumblebeeswere negatively impacted by the combined effect of fragmen-tation and biological invasions via the disruption of plant–pollinator networks [91]. Another potential disservice is seeddispersal from small forests into adjacent cropland, but thishas been shown to be limited, so that the forest edge cannot beregarded as an important source of weed infestation of cropfields [92].

Local-Proximal Services

Disturbance Regulation

Flooding, storm, wildfire or fast spread of pests and pathogensare disturbances that strongly affect human activities and haveheavy financial consequences. Their frequency or their conse-quences are influenced by landscape characteristics, such asconnectivity, that may contribute to the expansion of thesedisturbances. SFP may play a key role in this process and thenprovide a regulation ecosystem service. However, the lowfrequency of these events renders the study of how SFP mayreduce their consequences challenging yet crucial since the

occurrence and magnitude of such extreme events are predict-ed to increase with global warming [93]. Lindner et al. [93]reviewed the impacts of climate change on European forestswith a special focus on the risks of greater disturbances, butwithout taking into account the spatial patterns of forest frag-mentation. The analysis of past disturbance in European for-ests during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries did not ad-dress spatial patterns either [94] and as such little is known.SFP may, depending on their location in relation to farmlandor housing, act as windbreaks and protect land against erosion,although there is a little research on this topic. It is generallyadmitted that several SFP scattered across agricultural and flatlandscapes might be better than a one single large forest standat reducing, breaking up and dissipating wind storms, butempirical results [95] do not always fit with this assumption,underlying the need for more detailed studies.


Of around 220 forest plants in northwest and central Europe(list in prep. by the FLEUR network, http://www.fleur.ugent.be/), two-thirds have been found in SFP along a latitudinalgradient from southern France to central Sweden [96••].Small forest fragments are therefore important habitats forthese habitat specialists. Moreover, it has been demonstratedthat several habitat specialists can persist for many decades oreven longer in SFP [67•, 97]. In general, SFP may serve astransitional habitats or stepping stones in a network of isolatedforest habitats [59, 98•]. On the other hand, SFP can act asBlifeboat^ habitats for species, particularly in landscapes witha high degree of fragmentation [99]. These fragments couldultimately act as climate refugia in the current context of cli-mate change [100], as long as surface area is large enough tosustain a viable population and species are not bounded bymatrix habitat and therefore unable to migrate due to climatechange. However, obviously, microhabitat conditions withinSFP offer short-term (e.g. minutes to days for wildlifeinhabiting agricultural landscapes) protection from anthropo-genic disturbances dominating in the surrounding matrix andthus act as Btransit shelters^ or Brefuges^ for biotas [101] (cf.disturbance regulation). Less obvious, the cooler and morestable conditions generated by forest canopy closure in SFPcompared with the highly disturbed agricultural matrix (cf.vegetation-cover effect in [100]) may be partly responsiblefor the buffering effect on warming-induced community com-position changes that have been reported in lowland forests[102, 103]. Coherently, it has been demonstrated through amanipulative experiment that light accelerates warming-induced changes in understory plant communities [104].Given these recent findings, we argue that SFP have a strongpotential to provide climatic refugia (cf. involving longer timescales than refuges), as a local-proximal ES. This is especiallyimportant in lowland agricultural landscapes [100], which are

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heavily disturbed by humans and where both habitat frag-mentation and long distances between isotherms hinder spe-cies range shifts that are lagging behind climate change[105]. Noteworthy, the identification of climate refugia,such as SFP, within anthropogenic-disturbed lowland eco-systems and the assessment of their capacity for conserva-tion planning under contemporary and future climatechange has recently been highlighted as a daunting but time-ly endeavour [106].

Biological Pest Control

Biotic interactions associated with biodiversity can provideimportant local-proximal, regulating ES, particularly in termsof pest control in crop fields through natural enemy diversityfrom proximal non-crop habitats [107]. As a rough estimate,the value of pest control attributed to insect predators andparasitoids, which are primarily responsible for natural controlin 33 % of cultivated systems [108], has been estimated at$4.5 billion per year [109].

SFP host a broad spectrum of natural pest-predators, frommicrobial pathogens to small mammals. Edges of forest frag-ments generate wider boundary areas, which operate as asource for biocontrol agents dispersing into adjacent matrixhabitats just before pest outbreak [48•, 110–112]. Since SFPare often the last semi-natural habitat scattered across a matrixof agricultural landscapes [62, 113, 114], they have the poten-tial to offer environmental (reduced need of chemical pesti-cides) and economic benefits (reduced yield loss free ofcharge) to crop production [61, 115–119]. Although it is likelythat smaller forest fragments provide fewer natural enemiesthan larger fragments, both in terms of richness and abun-dance, several SFP might be more efficient in providing asufficient pressure of natural enemies on crop pests acrossan entire agricultural landscape than just a single large forest[120, 121], simply by providing more edge habitat. Mitchellet al. [34••] found that insect herbivory regulation in soybeanfields in Canada was maximized adjacent to forest fragmentsand decreased with distance from the forest fragment edge.Thompson and Hoffmann [122] showed that species of para-sitoids and predators strongly aggregate close to SFP.Shackelford et al. [123] found a positive effect of the compo-sitional complexity of agro-ecosystems (proximity to, diversi-ty of or proportion of natural or non-crop habitats) on theabundance and richness of natural enemies, although thistrend was mainly driven by spiders. Spiders are very mobileand generalist predators and have therefore a large potential incontributing to the natural pest control [124]. This confirmedformer findings from Bianchi et al. [125] who showed thatnatural enemy populations were greater and pest pressure low-er in heterogeneous landscapes containing a good mixture ofcrop fields and non-crop habitats (including SFP).


Almost 90 % of the world’s Angiosperm plant species andabout 75 % of the most important global food crops depend,at least partly, on animal pollination [126, 127]. Pollinatorsthereby play a critical role in the maintenance of biodiversityand provide an essential intermediate ES to society. Habitatloss and fragmentation may influence pollination processes byaffecting plant densities, pollinator densities and pollinatorbehaviour, all of which in turn may affect plant pollinationsuccess [91, 128–131]. Effects are often negative, for exam-ple, plants in fragmented populations may receive fewer flow-er visits, smaller pollen loads or pollen of poorer quality, there-by suffering pollen limitation and reductions in reproductivesuccess [132–135], which may lower population viability andincrease local population extinction risk.

However, SFP within agricultural landscapes are also hab-itats for insect species that provide pollination services in ad-jacent fields. The compositional complexity of agro-ecosystems has been shown to increase the abundance andspecies richness of crop pollinators, an effect which was evengreater than the positive effect on natural enemies [123]. Thisfurther highlights the importance of non-crop habitats such asSFP in delivering local-proximal ES [136]. Indeed, crop pol-lination declines with the distance from natural or semi-naturalhabitats, with patterns being stronger in tropical than in tem-perate regions [137]. Moreover, Garibaldi et al. [138] foundthat temporal and spatial stability of pollination services alsodecrease with isolation from natural areas such as forest.

Infectious Diseases

SFP might also have a negative impact on human societythrough the provision of what has been called ecological dis-services [139]. Among the most important disservices is theprevalence of ectoparasites like ticks (mainly Ixodes ricinus)that can transmit a variety of viruses, bacteria or parasites andthereby play an important role in providing infectious diseasesto a wide range of animal hosts, including humans [140].Lyme Borreliosis, which has Borrelia burgdorferi sensu latoas causative agent, is the most common infectious diseasetransmitted by ticks and seems most prevalent in centralEuropean countries [141]. Other tick-borne diseases includetick-borne encephalitis with ever increasing case numbers allover Europe (see [142] for a comprehensive study on allknown tick-borne diseases occurring in Central Europe). InNorth America, landscape fragmentation seems to play a cru-cial role in explaining patterns of tick abundance and LymeBorreliosis prevalence mediated by ungulate and small mam-mal dynamics [143]. The influence of the landscape context isnot yet completely understood in Europe, but there are indi-cations that landscape fragmentation is responsible for pat-terns of tick-borne encephalitis in European agricultural

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landscapes [144] and the prevalence of B. burgdorferi in for-ests and pastures [145]. This is presumably due to the greateramount of edges in fragmented landscapes where small verte-brates, ungulates and medium-sized mammals act as reservoirhosts. An important concept, the dilution effect, is based onhigher diversity of potential tick-host species. Higher speciesrichness results in fewer interactions between ticks and thosehost species known to be infective to ticks. A loss of biodi-versity associated to landscape fragmentation might thus con-versely increase the prevalence of pathogens in fragmentedlandscapes [146, 147].

Among emerging diseases, the African swine fever (ASF)might have an increasing socioeconomic impact (OIE-CICJoint Meeting on ASF 2014). A close link between wild boar(Sus scrofa) ecology and the spread of ASF can be assumed,since both wild boar and domesticated pigs are vulnerable toASF [148] and are suspected to infect each other [149]. Wildboar are known to show generalist life-history traits and whileother medium to large mammals occur less frequently infragmented landscapes, wild boar is less sensitive to fragmen-tation [150]. However, the response of infectious diseases lessrelevant to humans directly, and in particular diseases of do-mestic animals, to landscape fragmentation is still largelyunknown.

Directional Flow Related

Water Regulation

Water quality is not only important for drinking supply butalso to other hydrologic services, including recreation andfreshwater biodiversity. Forests have important regulatoryfunctions on the water cycle by fixing soils, modifying soilstructure and producing litter. Due to their capacity forrestricting or delaying water flow, forests regulate water flowsin the ground, streams and rivers [151, 152], providing sub-stantial economic values to human societies and activitiesdownstream. As high-water-retention ecosystems, forests de-crease both flood peaks and low flows [153], but the intensityof this effect varies with plant water use throughout the year,which depends upon interactions between seasonal growthpatterns and local climate. Riparian forests promote the infil-tration of surface water to groundwater, which reduces floodpeaks while increasing base flow, thus increasing the predict-ability of water availability [154].

Since agriculture is widely acknowledged as a majorsource of water pollution, the water quality regulation ESprovided by neighbouring SFP is of great interest. Trees areindeed able to capture, transform and store a wide range ofchemicals, pathogens, excess nutrients, salts and sedimentsfrom surface and groundwater [155].

Water Supply

Water supply is crucial to a number of domestic, agricultural,commercial, industrial and electric power uses but also to thefreshwater life. According to FAO, agriculture representsabout 70 % of the water use on Earth, of which 80 % comesfrom rainfall stored in soils [156]. Water storage in soil de-pends upon plant cover, organic matter content and the bioticcommunity [118]. Forests might increase infiltration whiledecreasing the total water volume due to transpiration [155].The hydrologic effects of forests have been extensively debat-ed, but in general the volume of surface and groundwateravailable from forested watersheds is lower than that fromwatersheds dominated with other land cover types [157].

In agricultural landscapes, water is a key factor to be man-aged to enhance the agricultural production. In rain-fed farm-ing systems, maximizing soil infiltration of rainfall water andsoil water holding capacity ensures good growth of crops.Land cover type and cycling through soils are hidden partsof the water cycle albeit crucial. It has been suggested thatimproving rainfall water retention by soils is a more suitablestrategy than irrigation to increase crop productivity [156].

Erosion Control

The negative effects of soil erosion encompass water pollutionand siltation, crop yield depression, organic matter loss andreduction in water storage capacity [158]. Forest ecosystemsprovide the most effective vegetation for preventing soil ero-sion, thereby contributing to soil protection [159, 160]. Soilloss is generally more than an order of magnitude lower inforests than on arable land [160]. In managed forests, heavyforestry vehicles and mechanical operations associated withlogging, as well as clearcutting practises cause important dis-turbances of the upper soil layers and ground vegetation, thusexpose these areas to water run-off and soil erosion [161].Since SFP are usually less intensively managed, the terrainthey cover would be less prone to soil loss and run-off.

Global Services

The northern hemisphere is currently acting as a net terrestrialcarbon (C) sink which has mainly been attributed to C seques-tration in forests [162], of which a significant part is in borealforests [163]. Current increases in the C stock of forest bio-mass have been estimated to range from 50 to 100 Tg C year−1

for Europe [164–167]. Most of the annual changes in theforest C stock are influenced by forest management, such asclearcutting and replanting, whereas smaller changes are dueto natural disturbances [69, 167, 168]. In the wake of climatechange, C sequestration and storage play an important roleacross all ecosystems [169]. The forest C stock is influenced

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by anthropogenic drivers such as climate change and nitrogen(N) deposition [170]. The magnitude of the C pools in forestsoils depends on soil properties, particularly temperature andhumidity [171] and dominant tree species [172, 173].

Forest fragmentation has the potential to affect C and nu-trient cycling, through decreased area, increased isolation andgreater exposure in forest edges [174, 175]. Fragmentationleads to drier and warmer edges with altered light availabilityand wind microclimate [176–178]. Advection and inflow ofair cause forest edges to trap and concentrate wind-borne drydeposition of soil nutrients and pollutants from adjacent agri-cultural or industrial areas [179]. The large spatial variation innutrient deposition fluxes in forest edges [180–184] generallypoints to the deposition of N being up to four times higher inthe edge of the forest (0–200 m) than in the forest interior.

In temperate forests, the total C accumulated in biomass isgenerally limited by the availability of N since the cycling ofC and N is closely linked [185]. Increased supplies of plantavailable N from deposition may stimulate tree growth andlitter fall and result in increased biomass production and, con-sequently, additional C sequestration [186–188] as, for exam-ple, in a fragmented landscape with a higher forest edge den-sity. This elevated forest productivity has been hypothesizedto increase soil organic C stocks by increasing the C input tothe soil and by reducing the decomposition of soil organicmatter. There is evidence from respiration and litter decompo-sition studies that the effect of added N on the soil organicmatter decomposition rate is negative [189–191] and that itmight be responsible for up to a 10 % increase in soil organicC stocks [162]. Remy et al. [unpublished data] recentlyshowed that both C and N soil stocks were increased by ap-proximately 30 % at the forest edges compared to the forestinteriors. Other unpublished data (Ginzburg, personal com-munication) found no edge effect on soil C stocks. In sum,the impact of forest fragmentation on C cycling and storage isstill uncharted territory and should be the focus of futureresearch.

User Movement Related Services

User-movement ES from SFP are represented by the recrea-tional and aesthetic values they provide. The recreational po-tential of a forest is determined by access rights and customarytraditions and, more specifically, by a series of factors such aspopulation density, substitutive or complementary characterof forests [192, 193], and proximity and accessibility to theforest patch [194–196]. Actual recreational values that peoplederive from forest stands can also depend on the activities theycarry out in the forest [197]. Still some general trends havebeen ascertained such that the recreational preference for aforest increases with increasing tree size and stage of stand

development [198, 199], including provision of view as animportant factor [200].

In the case of SFP, the assessment of these values maybe even more challenging since their contribution is high-ly determined by the agricultural matrices in which theyare embedded. In general, more heterogeneous landscapesare appreciated [201–203] and SFP contribute substantial-ly to heterogeneity in the agricultural landscapes.Assessing social values of the cultural services providedby these SFP may be more related to the assessment ofthe landscape values [204] rather than their role as forestsper se [203, 205, 206]. The preference for a given type oflandscape increases with the number of SFP and their size[202], although our perception of the landscape and itsbeauty varies depending on our background and knowl-edge [198–200, 207]. Analyses of social preferences forchanges in forest area and forest structure of SFP inPicardy (northern France) and Flanders (northernBelgium) (Varela et al. submitted) found that social pref-erences varied depending on the intensity of disturbanceof the agricultural landscape where citizens lived. It washypothesized that this variation may be linked to the char-acter of the population in these areas, as people living inlandscapes with intensive agriculture had a more urbancharacter, while people living in areas with less intensedisturbance were more rural. These two regions showed aproportion of forest close to 6 % in the agricultural land-scapes and the surveyed respondents were willing to in-crease the area covered by SFP. The preferences of peoplewith a more urban-like profile were determined by foreststructure and also by biodiversity aspects; in contrast, thepopulation in rural areas was mostly concerned about fea-tures related to the forest structure.

The recreational and aesthetic experience people derivefrom SFP may differ greatly from that in large forests, wherethe focus is placed on the stand features: recreationists mainlyenjoy the forest-interior; in contrast, SFP embedded in agri-cultural matrices may be also valued as part of the agriculturallandscape where they are situated, being likely to be consid-ered as relicts of wilderness or naturalness [202]. Thislandscape-based appreciation depends on their size and shape.In landscapes of north France and north Belgium economicvaluation surveys have shown that patches are enjoyed fromboth outside and inside the landscape (Varela et al. submitted).Hence, these in-out recreational components did make a dif-ference in the way forest features are valued. People enjoyingthe forest-interior were more concerned than the average pop-ulation to enhance biodiversity (e.g. paying for measures thatwill increase the number of bird or butterfly species), whilepeople enjoying the patches from outside were more willingthan the average population to increase the area of thesepatches (Varela et al. submitted). Forest interior and forestedlandscapes have also long been a source of inspiration for

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painters (e.g. BBirch forest^ from Gustav Klimt, 1903 orBDans la forêt^ from Paul Cezanne, 1898–1899). Their worksprobably contributed to the positive perception of forest struc-ture and forest patches by the society.

SFP may also contribute to the construction of commu-nity identity [208••], since a community forest can be anelement for local legends [209] signifying sanctuaries, so-cial events. When dealing with private forests, some loca-tions may be of personal significance for the forestowners and their families [210]. It has been observed thata share of the farmers owning land in the analysed land-scapes of north France and north Belgium was reluctant toenhance the structural properties of these SFP to promotehigher biodiversity levels. This may be related to theirforest use, linked to hunting or wood extraction thatmay be to some extent hindered by (lack of) managementmeasures aimed at increasing such structural diversity.

Conclusion and Perspectives

SFP influence their surroundings through ecological process-es, mediated by patch characteristics such as their speciescomposition, age, size and shape. Some of these processesare the basis for ES that benefit (or harm, in the case of dis-services) different human activities. Mitchell et al. [28••] re-cently proposed a general and comprehensive framework foranalysing the consequences of forest fragmentation on severalES (carbon storage, crop production, decomposition, pest reg-ulation, soil fertility and water quality regulation). Accordingto their work, forest fragmentation reduces the provision ofmost of the ES, mostly due to the negative consequences offragmentat ion on biodiversi ty, but this could becounterbalanced by the fact that fragmentation, at a certainlevel, can increase the flow of ES to more beneficiaries (e.g.food foraging, hunting, and walking) through an easier acces-sibility. Hence, SFP produce fewer services than larger forests,but more people can potentially benefit from them. The spatialpatterns of fragmentation (patch isolation, size andedge:interior ratio) are among the key drivers of the supplyof many of the local and proximal ES, but there is still a strongneed for more research to link given patterns to levels ofservices.

Moreover, new ES may emerge from fragmentation orexisting ES may increase in intensity. For example, manylocal-proximal ES are strongly associated to the so-calledBedge effect^. Since a primary effect of forest fragmenta-tion is the increased edge:interior ratio, one can expectthat those local-proximal ES will increase as well. Thespatial arrangement of forest patches in agricultural land-scapes also matters: for a same total area and number,forest patches evenly distributed throughout the landscapeare more effective in delivering local-proximal ESs, such

as, e.g. pest biocontrol, than clumped patches [136]. Forsome ES, such as soil protection and water regulation, thelocalisation of forest patches within the landscape is likelyof utmost importance. For instance, steep slopes are moreexposed to soil erosion and water run-off than flat areas; aforest patch will thus be more efficient with respect to soilprotection on the former. Similarly, it is obvious that for-est patches located along streams are more efficient atregulating water flow and quality than distant patches.

Agriculture intensification threatens biodiversity inmany rural areas and can jeopardize the delivery of mul-tiple ES [211]. How to meet the rising demand for agri-cultural land and crop production without compromisingbiodiversity and associated ES is thus a critical challengefor the twenty-first century in lowland agricultural land-scapes. Only recently attention has been paid to ES andmany unresolved issues still remain, especially in the con-text of fragmented ecosystems such as SFP embedded inagricultural landscapes. ES delivered by SFP have thepotential to mitigate the disservices provided by agricul-ture, including loss of biodiversity, agrochemical contam-ination of the environment, soil erosion, emission ofgreenhouse gas and other pollutants [212]. However, thereis still an urgent need to document individual and com-bined (synergistic and antagonistic) ES flows and theirimpacts on agriculture and agricultural landscapes and toanalyse whether so-called intrinsic and functional biodi-versity values of these SFP can go hand in hand. Otherresearch challenges include the determination of the spa-tial and temporal scales at which ES significantly contrib-ute to agricultural productivity and thus, at which spatialand temporal scales management should be implementedto increase their efficiency; and how to design incentivesto promote the provision of ES in agricultural landscapesand, ultimately to green agriculture and increase their bio-diversity and scenic beauty.

Acknowledgments This research was funded by the ERA-NetBiodivERsA project smallFOREST, with the national funders ANR(France), MINECO (Spain), FORMAS (Sweden), ETAG (Estonia),DFG/DLR (Germany) and BELSPO (Belgium) part of the 2011BiodivERsA call for research proposals.

Compliance with Ethical Standards

Conflict of Interest Guillaume Decocq, Emilie Andrieu, Jörg Brunet,Olivier Chabrerie, Pallieter De Smedt, Marc Deconchat, Brice Giffard,Elena Gorriz Mifsud, Karin Hansen, Martin Hermy, Jonathan Lenoir,Jaan Liira, Filip Moldan, Irina Prokofieva, Lars Rosenqvist, ElsaVarela, Alicia Valdés and Kris Verheyen declare that they have no con-flicts of interests.

Pieter De Frenne, Martin Diekmann, Steffen Ehrmann, Annette Kolb,and Monika Wulf report grants from research foundation-flanders duringstudy.

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Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article doesnot contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by theauthor.


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