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Edendale News 2 May 2012
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Rosemary Vivien Principal Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025 Telephone: 09 846 6340 Facsimile: 09 846 3997 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/ Edendale News THE EDENDALE EXPERIENCE: THINKING, LEARNING, CREATING 2 May 2012 Next issue: 16 May 2012 Principal’s Message Kia ora, Kia orana, Namaste, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei, Ni hao ma, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Asalam alikum! Welcome A warm welcome to all new families who have started at Edendale this term! A special welcome also to our newest staff members; Rosie Cook who is teaching in Room4, Angela Lythgoe who has joined our office staff and Tom Foster, our new caretaker. We are delighted that you have joined our school family and look forward to getting to know you all. Morning tea for parents new to Edendale There will be a morning tea to welcome all families new to Edendale on FRIDAY 18 MAY at 10:15am in the staffroom. Do come along so we can have a chat and get to know you. KnowledgeNET Evening Thank you to the forty-five parents who came along to the parent education evening held in the hall last night to learn about how KnowledgeNET works. We hope you found the evening useful and informative. Our thanks to Annette Herbert and her KnowledgeNET men- tor team for their preparation and presentations. We appreciate the additional work you put in! School Playground After Hours A reminder that our adventure playgrounds will close at 3:30pm daily. Please note that students playing on school equipment after hours must be di- rectly supervised by parents/caregivers. Footsteps Dance Company A teacher from Footsteps Dance Company , (currently setting up in NZ) will be coming to Edendale on the morning of 18 May to give all our students the opportu- nity to participate in a free 30 minute dance lesson. Student groups will be rostered in team/class groups during the morning. Please talk to you child about the lesson afterwards. If there is enough community inter- est, we may be able to offer dance lessons on a regular basis (lunchtime or after school). This would be an at- tend by subscription programme (similar to music/ gymnastics that are currently offered at Edendale). Enjoy your week! Rosemary Vivien, Principal Term Two Community Dates PARENT EDUCATION SEMINAR Coming up next week! Wednesday 9 May 8.309.30am Reading Writing Maths (Year 1-3) Bring your queries about core curriculum to the Meeting Room (next to the foyer). All welcome! Jackie Procter will be leading this discussion. Friday 11 May - Reminder! TEACHER ONLY DAY - Students stay home Professional Development: Reporting to families Friday 18 May - 10:15 Staffroom Morning tea for new families Friday 18 May Footsteps Dance Lessons Tuesday 26 June 5:30pm & 7:00pm Hui and Fono Edendale Student Code I am an Edendale student. Therefore, I show respect to everyone; I am kind to others; I behave in a sensible way. I take care of my school, my belongings and the environment. I am honest and reliable; I am responsible for my actions. I have fun with my learning; I participate at school and try my very best!

Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

Edendale News


2 May 2012

Next issue: 16 May 2012

Principal’s Message

Kia ora, Kia orana, Namaste, Talofa lava, Malo e lelei,

Ni hao ma, Fakaalofa lahi atu, Asalam alikum!


A warm welcome to all new families who have started

at Edendale this term! A special welcome also to our

newest staff members; Rosie Cook who is teaching in

Room4, Angela Lythgoe who has joined our office staff

and Tom Foster, our new caretaker. We are delighted

that you have joined our school family and look forward

to getting to know you all.

Morning tea for parents new to Edendale

There will be a morning tea to welcome all families new

to Edendale on FRIDAY 18 MAY at 10:15am in the

staffroom. Do come along so we can have a chat and

get to know you.

KnowledgeNET Evening

Thank you to the forty-five parents who came along to

the parent education evening held in the hall last night

to learn about how KnowledgeNET works. We hope

you found the evening useful and informative. Our

thanks to Annette Herbert and her KnowledgeNET men-

tor team for their preparation and presentations. We

appreciate the additional work you put in!

School Playground After Hours

A reminder that our adventure playgrounds will

close at 3:30pm daily. Please note that students

playing on school equipment after hours must be di-

rectly supervised by parents/caregivers.

Footsteps Dance Company

A teacher from Footsteps Dance Company, (currently

setting up in NZ) will be coming to Edendale on the

morning of 18 May to give all our students the opportu-

nity to participate in a free 30 minute dance lesson.

Student groups will be rostered in team/class groups

during the morning. Please talk to you child about the

lesson afterwards. If there is enough community inter-

est, we may be able to offer dance lessons on a regular

basis (lunchtime or after school). This would be an at-

tend by subscription programme (similar to music/

gymnastics that are currently offered at Edendale).

Enjoy your week!

Rosemary Vivien, Principal

Term Two Community Dates


Coming up next week!

Wednesday 9 May 8.30—9.30am

Reading Writing Maths (Year 1-3)

Bring your queries about core curriculum to the

Meeting Room (next to the foyer). All welcome!

Jackie Procter will be leading this discussion.

Friday 11 May - Reminder!

TEACHER ONLY DAY - Students stay home

Professional Development: Reporting to families

Friday 18 May - 10:15 Staffroom

Morning tea for new families

Friday 18 May

Footsteps Dance Lessons

Tuesday 26 June 5:30pm & 7:00pm

Hui and Fono

Edendale Student Code

I am an Edendale student. Therefore, I show respect to everyone; I am kind to others; I behave in a sensible

way. I take care of my school, my belongings and the environment. I am honest and reliable; I am responsible

for my actions. I have fun with my learning; I participate at school and try my very best!

Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

School Information and Programmes

Edendale Playground

Good Behaviour Tickets

Taonga Winner: James—R12

These children were seen...

Being brave and forgiving: James—R12

Being brave and kind: Louis—R3

Keeping our grounds clean: Yusra—R22,

Sophia Rose—R16, Fatima—R15, Ethan—R9,

Sriharish—R8, Charlie L—R6, Annie—R28

Playing nicely with others: Havshini—R25

Being thoughtful: Eashan—R1


Soccer Coaching

Soccer coaching will be on

Wednesdays (from 2 May)

3:15-4:15pm on the bottom

field. Cost: $8 should be paid to

Mr Wilson in Room 24. Children must be

collected afterwards by 4:20pm.

Key Dates

Eden/Albert Cross Country Y5-6 at

Fowlds Park on 10 May

Eden/Albert Rugby Y5-6 at May Road on

17 May

Garden to Table Sweet treat

At the end of Term 1 we celebrated with a cupcake stall and were nearly swamped by the rush! Many a pleased person devoured the delicious passionfruit cupcakes. The cupcakes raised nearly $500 to-wards Garden to Table resources and allowed students and parents from across the classes to sample baking incorporating our orchard harvest.

Show the love! Missed out on a cupcake? Then you’ll know to be quick for the Mothers Day stall, on after school on Wednes-day 9th May. Bring your loose change to buy strawberry plants and preserves - great presents for mum!

Thank you Many thanks to the Telecom Gen-i staff who shoveled, barrowed and raked a huge pile of mulch onto the new Pollinators Gar-den. They enjoyed working alongside staff and students – and were also treated with some of the popular cupcakes!

Thanks too to our weekly volunteers. We’re pleased that all 10 of our

volunteers are coming back for Term 2! We still need a more volun-teers so anyone who’s interested please contact the school office.

What’s a Pollinator Garden?

The sloped garden (beside the drive to the bottom field) will become a lush and flowery year-round refuge for pollinating insects. Flower polli-

nation by insects is essential for many plants to bear fruit, so the more pollinators we entice to the school the better our harvest. This topic will be focused in on Term 3’s ‘Friend or Foe’ theme.

This Term But before we get to Term 3 we have Term 2! Students’ creativ-ity will be coaxed out as they design, build and plant their own

gardens outside classes 23 – 28. In the kitchen students will whiz up some scrummy savory quiches and muffins using the schools’ autumn harvest of pumpkin, broccoli and feijoa. No wonder there’s so much enthusiasm in our classes!

Jodie and Sarah

Yummy Apple Stickers

Last year we raised $500 worth of sports equipment

By collecting yummy apple stickers and bags, let’s see if we can better our total for 2012

Please continue to collect yummy stickers / barcodes from plastic yummy bags.

There will be a surprise for the student and class which collects the most completed sheets.

Students can collect a sheet from the office / or print out a sheet from home on www.yummyfruit.co.nz


1-24 June

Okra Espresso Lounge & Gallery

A worm’s eye view of our orchard and

edible gardens by 5-year-old photog-

raphers in Year One! Go for coffee and

see the exhibition! Opens 5pm 31 May

Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

Manaaki Artists and Authors • Notices

Extended Leave

If you know your child will be absent from school during term time, you must send a letter to the office

explaining the reason for the absence. If your child is absent for more than 20 days, you need to bring a

current rates, power or phone bill in to the school office on the first day that your child returns to school

to confirm that you still reside within our school zone. This proof of address must be no older than one

month and we do not except photocopies or downloaded copies. Your child will not be able to attend

class until we have seen this documentation. Thank you for your co-operation.

Newsletter Delivery

Our newsletter is distributed fortnightly. Families

who do not have email at home will continue to

receive a paper copy. If you do have an email

address and do not receive an electronic copy,

please contact the school office with your child’s

name, room number and your email address.

Year 3 and 4

Thanks to all the girls who turned up on Monday for our first set of trials. What a great response! This year, due to parent interest, we have decided to put together a Year 3 and 4 netball team. This will be during school lunchtimes, where the girls will practice and hopefully play in an inter-school competition, with 4 teams playing each other in rotation every second week. This will run over Terms 2 and 3. Girls will be expected to turn up for trainings and games every Monday after lunch eating time. They will need to bring sports shoes (no jandals), a drink bottle and a great attitude. Parent help is welcome. Please see Libby Snushall in Room 28 or email on [email protected] if interested.

Pastel and Dye – By Room 3

Last term we were learning about sustainabil-

ity. We decided to use insects as inspiration for

our art work.

Andrew Rm 3

Mahnaz Rm 3

Georgia Rm 3

Fran Rm 3

Netball 2012

Year 5 and 6 We had a great turn out for our netball trials the first week back of term one. There was a lot of talent which made it hard to pick our two teams. Our teams are as follows The following girls are in the A team (Year 6): Eva (Rm 25), Alyssa (Rm 26), Zoe (Rm 25), Lydia (Rm 25), Rose (Rm 25), Una (Rm 27), Katie (Rm 28), Maddison (Rm26), Caprice (Rm 27), Zheina (Rm26), Terry (Rm 26) The following girls are in the B team (Year 5 & 6): Winona (Rm 25), Kaisarina (Rm 25), Caroline (Rm 23), Lina (Rm 25), Emily (Rm 23), Letele (Rm25), Siutaisa (Rm 26), Rebecca (Rm 26), Joan (Rm 23), Ella (Rm 27) Thank you to the parents who have volunteered to help with coach-ing and managing our teams this year. It is wonderful to have the support and give our girls the opportunity to play. A big thank you to our team coaches and managers

Coach A: Miss Snushall Manager A: Bridgit Williams Umpire A: Sana Finch Coach B: Folole Sialafau Manager B: Catherine Oxenham Umpire B: Folole Sialafau

Committee members: Kathryn Wealthall and Catherine Oxenham Games will begin on Saturday 12th May at Mt Roskill Intermediate.



Class photos will be taken on Wednesday

23 May 2012

Rosemary Vivien Principal • Edendale Primary School, 419 Sandringham Road, Sandringham, Auckland 1025

Telephone: 09 846 6340 • Facsimile: 09 846 3997 • Email: [email protected] • Website: http://www.edendale.school.nz/

See our website for info on upcoming events, BOT news and more! www.edendale.school.nz

Board of Trustees

Next meeting will be held in the Meeting Room

Tuesday 29th May at 7:15pm

All welcome to attend

Edendale PTA Next meeting will be held in the Meeting Room

Thursday 17th May at 7:00pm

All welcome to attend

News from Edendale’s PTA

2012 School Calendar

Term 1: 2 February - 5 April Term 2: 23 April - 29 June Term 3: 16 July - 28 September Term 4: 15 October - 18 December

Public Holidays falling on school days: Wednesday 25 April - Anzac Day Monday 4 June - Queen’s Birthday Monday 22 October - Labour Day


Friday 11 May - Teacher Professional Development

Balmoral School - Intermediate

Enrolment Dates for 2013 Year 7

18 July 2013 Applications open and available from

Balmoral Office

24 July Information Open Evening for parents and Y6

children 6:30pm-8:00pm

25 July Intermediate Open Morning for parents and Y6

children 9:30am-12:15pm

15 October In Zone & Out of Zone Applications close

23 October Ballot for Out of Zone Applications

2 November Last day for Out of Zone applications to confirm

their acceptance

30 November Orientation Day for all Year 7 students 2013


The Performance.net offer acting, singing and dancing

classes run by our team of fabulous hand-picked tutors. If

you want to boost your child’s confidence, focus and social

skills you need to give our classes a go. If you have a pas-

sion for performing or even if you’ve never tried a perform-

ance class before, you’ll improve your concentration and

find a creative outlet to make friends and have fun. Email

our friendly staff now at [email protected] for

your free trial class. We’re confident that your budding per-

former will love it. Watch your child’s self esteem soar as

they learn performing arts skills that will be invaluable in

their future life.www.theperformance.net

Auckland Deaf Society, 164 Balmoral Road

Wednesdays 3 .30-4.30 4-7 years and 7-10 years

4.30-5.30 4-7 years and 7-10 years 5.30-6.30 10-15 years

News from Edendale’s PTA

Entertainment Books: The 2012/2013 Enter-

tainment Book is out. This book is crammed full

of a huge range of discount vouchers for dining,

recreation and travel and is only $65, with $13

from each sale going to our school. Place your

order at the school office.

Tom Cooper & Aamel Rahmati


Quiz Night & Fundraising Auctions

Looking for a fun night out

and test your knowledge?

Then bring your friends and family along to

Edendale PTA’s Quiz Night.

Get your fancy dress costumes on old, or new and let’s have some fun, whilst raising

money to support the school.

Friday 8th June Edendale Primary School Hall

Fun starts at 6.30pm – 10.00pm

$20 per person or

$150 per table/team (8 people)

Tickets will be sold outside Room 9,

from Monday 21 May.

Hurry as numbers are limited

Auction donations are welcome,

please drop off to the office

or contact Kathy White on 021 212 0271
