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Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1922-12-13. · Office No Gl Residence,No.17...

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Office No Gl Residence, No. 17 Wednesday, December 13. ¿OCAL ÄND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. J. Maner Lawton have gone to Charlotte and will later go to Rockingham, N. C., to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fuller who have been making their home in HOnea Path have returned to Edge- field to reside. Miss Mamie Frances Self of Plum Branch has been spending the past week with her sister, Mrs. John R. Griffis of the Cleora section. Rev. G. W. M. Taylor will preach at Edgefield Methodist church Sun¬ day morning at 11:30, and. at Trenton Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Mr. J. H. P. Roper of North Augus¬ ta was a visitor in Edgefield Monday and was very cordially greeted by his old friends. Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson attended the U. D. C. convention in Green¬ wood last week as the representative -of the Edgefield chapter. J. D. Kemp & Company announce this week that they are ready for the holiday shoppers with a full stock of good things to eat. Messrs. J. Wm. Thurmond, P. B. Mayson, E. H. Folk and S. McG. Sim- kins attended the funeral of Judge F. B. Gary in Abbeville Saturday. An attractive list of suitable Christmas gifts is given in the ad¬ vertisement of Charles F. Bird and Company this week. Read this attrac¬ tive list. The school children are almost counting the minutes until the close of school exercises next Tuesday, when their Christmas vacation will begin. So far everything points to a Christmas of unusual sobriety in and around Edgefield. In fact, but little whiskey has been in evidence in some time. Mr. Israel Mukashy gives a list of appropriate gifts for men and women this week. Every department of his large stock has many things that are suitable for Christmas tokens. Be a part of the music on Christ¬ mas night when all the singers in town will join in Christmas carols. Go to the home of Mrs. B. B. Jones Fri¬ day evening and prepare. The Corner Store announces this week that beginning Saturday, - De¬ cember 16, it will conduct a great bargain sale which will be a real money saving opportunity. Visit this popular store for bargains. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holland of Greenwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Agner of the Flat Rock section last week and left their little girl, Ruth, with them to remain through the holidays. Mitchell & Cantelou call attention " to their attractive holiday assortment of stationery, perfumery, confection¬ ery and many other things that should appeal to the holiday shoppers. Read what they say. The Huggins Store at the depot should be of especial interest to the housewives who are looking for all of the season's good things for the holiday festivities. See the list of good things this week. The resignation of Mr. L. T. May as clerk of the board of county com¬ missioners will create a vacancy which the board will probably fill at its first meeting in the new year, as the services of a clerk are needed at every meeting. We see by the papers that an Al¬ lendale farmer goes Mr. W. L. Dun- ovant one better in the matter of growing large sweet potatoes. He re¬ ports one weighing 16 pounds and in the hill from which this potato was taken was a total weight of potatoes of 29 pounds, practically a half-bush¬ el from one vine. It is hardly believable in this year of business depression, yet true, that the Yonce Motor Company' has sold during 1922 about 150 automobiles and trucks. This is positive proof that there has been a marked im¬ provement in business over last year. Mr. Yonce can now fill your order for any style car. Edwin Rives and Miss May Rives went to Columbia to spend Thanks¬ giving with relatives and contracted influenza and were unable to return to Edgefield until last Sunday. The Edgefield chapter, D. A. R, will meet Tuseday afternoon, Decem¬ ber 19, at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. A. A. Woodson. All mem¬ bers are urged to attend and pay their dues. Mrs. Grover Fowler and children, who have been guests of Mrs. Julian Webb for the past week, have return¬ ed td their home in Edgefield. Mr. Fowler came up Sunday to accompa¬ ny them home.-Greenwood Index- Journal. Mr. J. E. Ingram who has accept¬ ed a position with Mr. M. W. Shive has moved his family to Edgefield. They are occupying the Mims resi¬ dence on Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Ingram will make valuable additions to our citizenship. Mr. Rubenstein makes a full page announcement of his Clean Sweep Sale which will begin Friday, De- cember 15. Read the long list of bar¬ gains, each item meaning a great saving to the holiday shoppers. Mr. Rubenstein will make good every statement in his advertisement. The game of basketball played Friday afternoon between the Edge- < field girls and the team from the Bamberg high school was very fine. It was quick and snappy from start to finish, the score being 21 to 20 in fa¬ vor of the visiting team. We are very proud of the way our girls played. Mr. H. G. Eidson, the Ford dealer of Johnston, has a large and attrac¬ tive advertisement this week in which he states that he has just received a shipment of cars and trucks and can make immediate delivery. Com¬ mencing Saturday, December 16, he will give FREE an article with every purchase of $5 or $10. Read what Mr. Eidson says in his advertisement in this issue. Not a Christmas package should be sent out in person or through the mail without a Christmas seal being place upon it. Help by your mite to swell the fund for stamping out tu¬ berculosis. Mrs. P. M. Feltham has charge of the sale of Christmas seals in Edgefield, Mrs. J. H. White has charge in Johnston, and Mrs. J. D. Mathis in Trenton. Let Edgefield county do her full part. _ Enters Upon Duties Thursday. Mr. L. T. May will formally enter upon his duties tomorrow as clerk of court. He has received his commis¬ sion from Governor Harvey and his bond has been approved. The Adver¬ tiser predicts that this newly install¬ ed member of the county's official family will make creditable and high¬ ly satisfactory record as a public servant. Mr. May will retain Mr. P. L. Cogburn as deputy clerk which will be altogether pleasing to the friends of both the outgoing and incoming clerk. Resolutions by Baraca Class on Death of Wallace Prescott Whereas it has pleased our Heav¬ enly Father to remove from our midst our brother, Wallace Prescott, who departed this life in Greenwood on the 20th day of November, 1922, Re¬ solved 1. That while we bow in humble submission to the will of Him who doeth all things well, we realize that in the death of our brother we have lost a good and true member, the wife a devoted husband, and the lit¬ tle daughter a fond and loving father. 2. That this class extend to the be¬ reaved family our heart-felt condo¬ lence and sympathy in this hour of sorrow, and ask the Divim» blessings upon them from Him who alone can console their broken hearts. 3. That as a mark of respect and esteem a mentorial page be set apart and that they be published in the two county papers, and a copy be for¬ warded to the family of our deceas- er brother. J. S. BYRD, E. C. ASBELL, T. A. HIGHTOWER, Committee for Baraca Class. Put a new Ford in the family stocking Christmas morning and make a real merry Christmas for the entire family. YONGE MOTOR COMPANY. NOTICE ! All persons are hereby warned not to hunt on land owned or controlled by me. A. S. J. MILLER. Rev. John Lake and Mrs. Lake Coming. All of Edgefield association will be made to rejoice when our people learn that Rev. John Lake and Mrs. Lake will arrive in Edgefield Jan¬ uary 3 and will remain over Sunday the seventh. They do not know what is being planne ù for them, but the coming to Edgefield is the home com¬ ing, and the Baptist church is Mr. Lake's home church. On Sunday, January 7, an all day meeting is being. planned, when the church will be the hostess for all the people of the association. Sunday morning there will be speciai music and sermon by Mr. Lake, and follow¬ ing this dinner on the grounds or in the dining room, according to the weather. In the afternoon the following pro¬ gram will be carried out: Afternoon, W. M. U., Mrs. J. L. Mims presiding. Hymn, "How Firm a Foundation." Scripture: Mr. Gardner. Welcome from Sunbeams. Lake Sunbeam Song by Sunbeams of Edgefield Association. " Talk, Mr. Orlando Sheppard. Greeting from Cirls' Auxiliary. Royal Ambassador Welcome. Address, Mrs. John Lake. Song, Mrs. M- B. Tucker. Message from Y. W. A. Welcome from W. M. U., voiced by Mrs. W. J. Talbert. Response, Mr. John Lake. Song, "The Morning Light is Breaking." At this meeting all the Woman's Missionary Union societies of all grades will be invited and expected to take part and later information will be given. All the pastors in the association will be expected, and if for any rea¬ son they can not attend the morning sermon, they will be expected in the afternoon. Further plans for the morning and evening services will be published next week. The people of our association are peculiarly blessed in having these consecrated and successful mis¬ sionaries all for our own to pay us a love visit in the new year of 1923. Week of Prayer Program at Baptist Church, Jan. 3-7. Prayer Meeting service, Wednes¬ day evening, January 3. Thursday Afternoon, Jan. 4. Mrs. J. L. Mims, Leader. Subjecct: Japan. Devotional: Mrs. J. W. Peak. Talk, S. B. C. Schools in Japan: Mrs. Abner Broadwater. Prayer for all Christian school work in Japan. Recitation: Elizabeth Padgett in Japanese costume. Reading-, "Buddha or Christ:" Mrs. W. E. Lott. Hymn for the year: "How Firm a Foundation." Friday Afternoon, Jan. 5. Leader: Mrs. E. C. Asbell. Subject: Europe and Africa. Devotional: Mrs. W. B. Cogburn. Talk, America's Debt to Europe: Rev. A.. T. Allen. Prayer for Missionaries in Europe. Vocal solo: Mrs. M. B. Tucker. Talk, What Does the Bible Say About Africa?: Miss Eliza Mims. Prayer that the Cradle Home of Christ may not be forgotten by His followers: Mrs. J. W. Thurmond. Leaflet: Camping T- in Af¬ rica: Miss Kellah Fair. Hymn "Am I a Soldier of the Cross." Saturday Afternoon, Jan. 6 Young People's Session. Mrs. A. T. Allen, Leader. Eureka News. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson and family were the spend the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Satch- er and family were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McGee oil Sund&y. Mr. George Rhoden made a busi¬ ness trip to Trenton one day last week- Mrs. Price Timmerman, Miss Ellie Mae Jackson and Mr. Louis Jackson are on the sick list at this time. Miss Ruth McGee was the week¬ end guest of Miss Nelle Rhoden. Miss Myrtle Rushton spent the week-end at her home near Saluda. Messrs. Frank Timmerman, Ben Lewis, Bob Williams and John Har¬ ley motored to Warrenville and Graniteville Sunday. Messrs Leonard and Otis Yonce and D. 0. Hartley went to Metter, Ga., last week-end. Miss Verna Derrick spent the week-end with Miss Pearle Franklin. Miss Lucile Franklin has been sick. Mr. Toole and Mr. Moody made in¬ teresting talks at Plateau school last Friday afternoon. Mr. E. J. Timmerman and. Miss Sue Timmerman visited Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Mathis, Jr., at Trenton last week-end. Mr. Darling Jackson who has been quite sick is able to be out again. Letter From Mr. R. S. Kemp. Mr. J. L. Mims, Edgefield, S. C. Dear Sir: .I am enclosing herewith check for $4.15 for two years' subscribion to The Advertiser, to date from last May. Am sorry that I have overlook¬ ed this matter for so long a time. With best regards, I am Yours very truly, R. S. KEMP. P. S. Think I shall visit Edgefield again in the near future. Denver, Colorado, 2201 16th St. NO REASON FOR IT When Edgefield Citizens Show a Way. There can be no reason wny any reader of this whs. suffers the tor¬ tures of an aching back, the annoy¬ ance of urinary disorders, the pains and dangers of kidney ills will fail to heed the words of a neighbor who has found relief. Read what an Edge- field citizen says: Mrs. R. C. Miller, Columbia, St., says: "I complained a great deal with my back and there was a dull, steady misery across my kidneys. My kidneys did not act properly and were a source of annoyance. I started using Doan's Kidney Pills and they bene¬ ficed me from the first. Continued use of Doan's cured me of the trouble and I have had no return. I never hesitate to recommend Doan's" ' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy- get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same that Mrs. Miller had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Sheriff's Sale Under Execution. 'STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF EDGEFIELD (In the Court of Common Pleas.) The Farmers Bank of Edgefield, S. C., Plaintiff, Against W. A. Strom and The Dixie Highway Hotel 'Company of Edgefield, Defend¬ ants. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of the power and au¬ thority of an execution in the above entitled action issued out of the Court of Common Pleas in and for said County and State in behalf of Plaintiff above named, I have levied on the personal property herein be¬ low described and owned by the De¬ fendant, The Dixie Highway Hotel Company of Edgefield, and will, be¬ fore the Court House door in the Town of Edgefield, said county and state, during the legal hours of sale on Salesday in January, A. I)., 1923, same being Tuesday, the second day of said month, sell the following de¬ scribed personal property owned by the said Defendant, The Dixie High¬ way Hotel Company of Edgefield, to wit: All the furniture, fixtures, lin¬ en, towels, slips, sheets, pillows, pillow cases, bed covers, spreads, blankets, comforts, mats, matting, linoleum coverings and runners on floors, carpets, rugs, tables of every kind, beds, bedsteads, chairs of ev¬ ery kind; bureaus, wardrobes, chiffo¬ niers, stools, grip racks, fiber rush suites, table, fibre rush settees, desks for writing, dining tables and all other tables; refrigerators, ranges and cooking stoves, dressers, mat¬ tresses, cooking utensils of every kind and description; table-ware of every kind and description; china, glass wares, cutlery, table cloths, napkins, kitchen knives, table knives, all forks, spoons, silver ware, pots, pans, win¬ dow shades, screens, detached coun¬ ters, store cabinets, kitchen cabinets, office cabinets, shelving, hat racks, office desk, dishes and crockery of every kind and description, also all other personal property of every kind and description whatsoever, whether mentioned above or not and which is now in use or for use in the Dixie Highway Hotel or in any of the stores under the Dixie Highway Hotel, situate in the Town of Edge- field, County pf Edgefield, State of South Carolina. Levied on as the property of the Defendant, The Dixie Highway Ho¬ tel Company of Edgefield. Terms of Sale: CASH. W. R. SWEARINGEN. Sheriff of the County of Edgefield, State of South Carolina. December 15th, 1922. LOWEST PRICES In the History of the Ford Motor Company $235 269 298 380 530 595 Chassis . . Runabout . N Touring . . Truck Chassis Coupe . . Sedan . . All Prices F. O. B. Detroit At these lowest of lowprices and with the many new refinements, Ford cars are a bigger value to¬ day than ever before. Now is the time to place your order for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. YONCE MOTOR COMPANY Edgefield, S. C "Good Eats" for Christmas We want the housewives to know that we have a large stock of everything good to eat. All of the season's delicacies, as well as the staple fancy and heavy groceries, can be had at our store. Fresh shipment of Nuts, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Figs, Dates. Citron, Apples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Candy and smoking goods. Come in to see us. J. D. Kemp & Company t * * * * * * * * * * * * + I I Some of the Good Things At Our Store Coty's L'Origan Extract Coty's L'Origan Powder Floramye Toilet Water Dj er Kiss Perfume Sets Mary Garden Perfume Sets Mavis Perfume Sets Hudnut's Twin Compacts Azurea Toilet Water Waterman's Fountain Pens Parker's Gold Pencils Parker's Silver Pencils Keith's Gift Stationery La Tausca Pearls Scarf Pins, Cuff Buttons General Asst. Jewelry Cigars, Holiday Packages Eastman Kodaks High-Grade Bulk Chocolates 60c. per Pound * t + i * i t i + PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS EDGEFIELD, S. C. T T l " i i T i l l I ll *. . f * S I 'I' I 'I I "J"J 'J *l l S *
Page 1: Edgefield advertiser.(Edgefield, S.C.) 1922-12-13. · Office No Gl Residence,No.17 Wednesday,December13. ¿OCAL ÄND PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. J. Maner Lawton have gone to Charlotte and

Office No Gl

Residence, No. 17

Wednesday, December 13.


Mr. and Mrs. J. Maner Lawtonhave gone to Charlotte and will latergo to Rockingham, N. C., to visitrelatives.

Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Fuller whohave been making their home inHOnea Path have returned to Edge-field to reside.

Miss Mamie Frances Self of PlumBranch has been spending the pastweek with her sister, Mrs. John R.Griffis of the Cleora section.

Rev. G. W. M. Taylor will preachat Edgefield Methodist church Sun¬day morning at 11:30, and. at TrentonSunday night at 7 o'clock.

Mr. J. H. P. Roper of North Augus¬ta was a visitor in Edgefield Mondayand was very cordially greeted by hisold friends.

Mrs. Agatha A. Woodson attendedthe U. D. C. convention in Green¬wood last week as the representative-of the Edgefield chapter.

J. D. Kemp & Company announce

this week that they are ready for theholiday shoppers with a full stock ofgood things to eat.

Messrs. J. Wm. Thurmond, P. B.

Mayson, E. H. Folk and S. McG. Sim-kins attended the funeral of JudgeF. B. Gary in Abbeville Saturday.

An attractive list of suitableChristmas gifts is given in the ad¬vertisement of Charles F. Bird andCompany this week. Read this attrac¬tive list.

The school children are almostcounting the minutes until the closeof school exercises next Tuesday,when their Christmas vacation willbegin.

So far everything points to a

Christmas of unusual sobriety in andaround Edgefield. In fact, but littlewhiskey has been in evidence insome time.

Mr. Israel Mukashy gives a list ofappropriate gifts for men and womenthis week. Every department of hislarge stock has many things that are

suitable for Christmas tokens.

Be a part of the music on Christ¬mas night when all the singers intown will join in Christmas carols. Goto the home of Mrs. B. B. Jones Fri¬day evening and prepare.

The Corner Store announces thisweek that beginning Saturday, - De¬cember 16, it will conduct a greatbargain sale which will be a realmoney saving opportunity. Visit thispopular store for bargains.

Mr. and Mrs. John P. Holland ofGreenwood visited Mr. and Mrs. SamAgner of the Flat Rock section lastweek and left their little girl, Ruth,with them to remain through theholidays.

Mitchell & Cantelou call attention" to their attractive holiday assortmentof stationery, perfumery, confection¬ery and many other things that shouldappeal to the holiday shoppers. Readwhat they say.

The Huggins Store at the depotshould be of especial interest to thehousewives who are looking for allof the season's good things for theholiday festivities. See the list ofgood things this week.

The resignation of Mr. L. T. Mayas clerk of the board of county com¬

missioners will create a vacancywhich the board will probably fill atits first meeting in the new year, as

the services of a clerk are needed atevery meeting.We see by the papers that an Al¬

lendale farmer goes Mr. W. L. Dun-ovant one better in the matter ofgrowing large sweet potatoes. He re¬

ports one weighing 16 pounds and inthe hill from which this potato was

taken was a total weight of potatoesof 29 pounds, practically a half-bush¬el from one vine.

It is hardly believable in this yearof business depression, yet true, thatthe Yonce Motor Company' has soldduring 1922 about 150 automobilesand trucks. This is positive proofthat there has been a marked im¬provement in business over last year.Mr. Yonce can now fill your order forany style car.

Edwin Rives and Miss May Riveswent to Columbia to spend Thanks¬giving with relatives and contractedinfluenza and were unable to returnto Edgefield until last Sunday.The Edgefield chapter, D. A. R,

will meet Tuseday afternoon, Decem¬ber 19, at 3:30 o'clock at the homeof Mrs. A. A. Woodson. All mem¬

bers are urged to attend and paytheir dues.

Mrs. Grover Fowler and children,who have been guests of Mrs. JulianWebb for the past week, have return¬ed td their home in Edgefield. Mr.Fowler came up Sunday to accompa¬ny them home.-Greenwood Index-Journal.

Mr. J. E. Ingram who has accept¬ed a position with Mr. M. W. Shivehas moved his family to Edgefield.They are occupying the Mims resi¬dence on Main street. Mr. and Mrs.Ingram will make valuable additionsto our citizenship.

Mr. Rubenstein makes a full pageannouncement of his Clean SweepSale which will begin Friday, De-cember 15. Read the long list of bar¬gains, each item meaning a greatsaving to the holiday shoppers. Mr.Rubenstein will make good everystatement in his advertisement.

The game of basketball playedFriday afternoon between the Edge- <

field girls and the team from theBamberg high school was very fine. Itwas quick and snappy from start to

finish, the score being 21 to 20 in fa¬vor of the visiting team. We are veryproud of the way our girls played.

Mr. H. G. Eidson, the Ford dealerof Johnston, has a large and attrac¬tive advertisement this week in whichhe states that he has just receiveda shipment of cars and trucks andcan make immediate delivery. Com¬mencing Saturday, December 16, hewill give FREE an article with everypurchase of $5 or $10. Read whatMr. Eidson says in his advertisementin this issue.

Not a Christmas package should besent out in person or through themail without a Christmas seal beingplace upon it. Help by your mite to

swell the fund for stamping out tu¬berculosis. Mrs. P. M. Feltham hascharge of the sale of Christmas sealsin Edgefield, Mrs. J. H. White hascharge in Johnston, and Mrs. J. D.Mathis in Trenton. Let Edgefieldcounty do her full part._

Enters Upon Duties Thursday.Mr. L. T. May will formally enter

upon his duties tomorrow as clerk ofcourt. He has received his commis¬sion from Governor Harvey and hisbond has been approved. The Adver¬tiser predicts that this newly install¬ed member of the county's officialfamily will make creditable and high¬ly satisfactory record as a publicservant. Mr. May will retain Mr. P.L. Cogburn as deputy clerk which willbe altogether pleasing to the friendsof both the outgoing and incomingclerk.

Resolutions by Baraca Class on

Death of Wallace PrescottWhereas it has pleased our Heav¬

enly Father to remove from our midstour brother, Wallace Prescott, whodeparted this life in Greenwood on

the 20th day of November, 1922, Re¬solved

1. That while we bow in humblesubmission to the will of Him whodoeth all things well, we realize thatin the death of our brother we havelost a good and true member, thewife a devoted husband, and the lit¬tle daughter a fond and loving father.

2. That this class extend to the be¬reaved family our heart-felt condo¬lence and sympathy in this hour ofsorrow, and ask the Divim» blessingsupon them from Him who alone can

console their broken hearts.3. That as a mark of respect and

esteem a mentorial page be set apartand that they be published in the twocounty papers, and a copy be for¬warded to the family of our deceas-er brother.


Committee for Baraca Class.

Put a new Ford in the familystocking Christmas morning and makea real merry Christmas for the entirefamily.


NOTICE !All persons are hereby warned not

to hunt on land owned or controlledby me.


Rev. John Lake and Mrs. LakeComing.

All of Edgefield association will bemade to rejoice when our peoplelearn that Rev. John Lake and Mrs.Lake will arrive in Edgefield Jan¬uary 3 and will remain over Sundaythe seventh. They do not know whatis being planneù for them, but thecoming to Edgefield is the home com¬

ing, and the Baptist church is Mr.Lake's home church.On Sunday, January 7, an all day

meeting is being. planned, when thechurch will be the hostess for all thepeople of the association. Sundaymorning there will be speciai musicand sermon by Mr. Lake, and follow¬

ing this dinner on the grounds or inthe dining room, according to theweather.

In the afternoon the following pro¬gram will be carried out:

Afternoon, W. M. U., Mrs. J. L.Mims presiding.Hymn, "How Firm a Foundation."Scripture: Mr. Gardner.Welcome from Sunbeams.Lake Sunbeam Song by Sunbeams

of Edgefield Association."

Talk, Mr. Orlando Sheppard.Greeting from Cirls' Auxiliary.Royal Ambassador Welcome.Address, Mrs. John Lake.Song, Mrs. M- B. Tucker.Message from Y. W. A.Welcome from W. M. U., voiced

by Mrs. W. J. Talbert.Response, Mr. John Lake.Song, "The Morning Light is

Breaking."At this meeting all the Woman's

Missionary Union societies of all

grades will be invited and expectedto take part and later informationwill be given.

All the pastors in the associationwill be expected, and if for any rea¬

son they can not attend the morningsermon, they will be expected in theafternoon.Further plans for the morning and

evening services will be publishednext week.The people of our association are

peculiarly blessed in having theseconsecrated and successful mis¬sionaries all for our own to pay us

a love visit in the new year of 1923.

Week of Prayer Program at

Baptist Church, Jan. 3-7.Prayer Meeting service, Wednes¬

day evening, January 3.

Thursday Afternoon, Jan. 4.

Mrs. J. L. Mims, Leader.Subjecct: Japan.Devotional: Mrs. J. W. Peak.Talk, S. B. C. Schools in Japan:

Mrs. Abner Broadwater.

Prayer for all Christian schoolwork in Japan.

Recitation: Elizabeth Padgett in

Japanese costume.Reading-, "Buddha or Christ:" Mrs.

W. E. Lott.Hymn for the year: "How Firm a

Foundation."Friday Afternoon, Jan. 5.

Leader: Mrs. E. C. Asbell.Subject: Europe and Africa.Devotional: Mrs. W. B. Cogburn.Talk, America's Debt to Europe:

Rev. A.. T. Allen.Prayer for Missionaries in Europe.Vocal solo: Mrs. M. B. Tucker.Talk, What Does the Bible Say

About Africa?: Miss Eliza Mims.

Prayer that the Cradle Home ofChrist may not be forgotten by Hisfollowers: Mrs. J. W. Thurmond.

Leaflet: Camping T- in Af¬rica: Miss Kellah Fair.Hymn "Am I a Soldier of the

Cross."Saturday Afternoon, Jan. 6

Young People's Session.Mrs. A. T. Allen, Leader.

Eureka News.Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jackson and

family were the spend the day guestsof Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Jackson.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Williams andfamily, Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Satch-er and family were guests in the homeof Mr. and Mrs. L. A. McGee oil

Sund&y.Mr. George Rhoden made a busi¬

ness trip to Trenton one day lastweek-

Mrs. Price Timmerman, Miss EllieMae Jackson and Mr. Louis Jacksonare on the sick list at this time.

Miss Ruth McGee was the week¬end guest of Miss Nelle Rhoden.

Miss Myrtle Rushton spent theweek-end at her home near Saluda.

Messrs. Frank Timmerman, BenLewis, Bob Williams and John Har¬ley motored to Warrenville andGraniteville Sunday.

Messrs Leonard and Otis Yonceand D. 0. Hartley went to Metter,Ga., last week-end.Miss Verna Derrick spent the

week-end with Miss Pearle Franklin.Miss Lucile Franklin has been

sick.Mr. Toole and Mr. Moody made in¬

teresting talks at Plateau schoollast Friday afternoon.

Mr. E. J. Timmerman and. MissSue Timmerman visited Mr. andMrs. J. D. Mathis, Jr., at Trentonlast week-end.

Mr. Darling Jackson who has beenquite sick is able to be out again.

Letter From Mr. R. S. Kemp.Mr. J. L. Mims,

Edgefield, S. C.Dear Sir:

.I am enclosing herewith check for$4.15 for two years' subscribion toThe Advertiser, to date from lastMay. Am sorry that I have overlook¬ed this matter for so long a time.With best regards, I am

Yours very truly,R. S. KEMP.

P. S. Think I shall visit Edgefieldagain in the near future.

Denver, Colorado,2201 16th St.

NO REASON FOR ITWhen Edgefield Citizens Show a

Way.There can be no reason wny any

reader of this whs. suffers the tor¬tures of an aching back, the annoy¬ance of urinary disorders, the painsand dangers of kidney ills will fail toheed the words of a neighbor whohas found relief. Read what an Edge-field citizen says:

Mrs. R. C. Miller, Columbia, St.,says: "I complained a great deal withmy back and there was a dull, steadymisery across my kidneys. My kidneysdid not act properly and were a

source of annoyance. I started usingDoan's Kidney Pills and they bene¬ficed me from the first. Continueduse of Doan's cured me of thetrouble and I have had no return. Inever hesitate to recommend Doan's"

' Price 60c, at all dealers. Don'tsimply ask for a kidney remedy-get Doan's Kidney Pills-the same

that Mrs. Miller had. Foster-MilburnCo., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.


(In the Court of Common Pleas.)The Farmers Bank of Edgefield, S.

C., Plaintiff, Against W. A. Stromand The Dixie Highway Hotel'Company of Edgefield, Defend¬ants.Notice is hereby given that under

and by virtue of the power and au¬

thority of an execution in the above

entitled action issued out of theCourt of Common Pleas in and forsaid County and State in behalf ofPlaintiff above named, I have leviedon the personal property herein be¬low described and owned by the De¬

fendant, The Dixie Highway HotelCompany of Edgefield, and will, be¬fore the Court House door in theTown of Edgefield, said county andstate, during the legal hours of saleon Salesday in January, A. I)., 1923,same being Tuesday, the second dayof said month, sell the following de¬scribed personal property owned bythe said Defendant, The Dixie High¬way Hotel Company of Edgefield, towit: All the furniture, fixtures, lin¬en, towels, slips, sheets, pillows,pillow cases, bed covers, spreads,blankets, comforts, mats, matting,linoleum coverings and runners on

floors, carpets, rugs, tables of everykind, beds, bedsteads, chairs of ev¬

ery kind; bureaus, wardrobes, chiffo¬niers, stools, grip racks, fiber rushsuites, table, fibre rush settees,desks for writing, dining tables andall other tables; refrigerators, rangesand cooking stoves, dressers, mat¬tresses, cooking utensils of every kindand description; table-ware of everykind and description; china, glasswares, cutlery, table cloths, napkins,kitchen knives, table knives, all forks,spoons, silver ware, pots, pans, win¬dow shades, screens, detached coun¬

ters, store cabinets, kitchen cabinets,office cabinets, shelving, hat racks,office desk, dishes and crockery ofevery kind and description, also allother personal property of everykind and description whatsoever,whether mentioned above or not andwhich is now in use or for use in theDixie Highway Hotel or in any of thestores under the Dixie HighwayHotel, situate in the Town of Edge-field, County pf Edgefield, State ofSouth Carolina.

Levied on as the property of theDefendant, The Dixie Highway Ho¬tel Company of Edgefield.

Terms of Sale: CASH.W. R. SWEARINGEN.

Sheriff of the County of Edgefield,State of South Carolina.December 15th, 1922.

LOWESTPRICESIn the History of theFord MotorCompany


Chassis . .

Runabout .N

Touring . .


Coupe . .

Sedan . .

All Prices F. O. B. Detroit

At theselowest oflowprices andwith themanynew refinements,Ford cars are a bigger value to¬

day than ever before. Now isthe time to place your orderfor reasonably prompt delivery.

Terms if desired.


"Good Eats" for ChristmasWe want the housewives to know that we have a

large stock of everything good to eat. All of theseason's delicacies, as well as the staple fancy andheavy groceries, can be had at our store.

Fresh shipment of Nuts, Raisins, Cocoanuts, Figs,Dates. Citron, Apples, Oranges, Grape Fruit, Candyand smoking goods. Come in to see us.

J. D. Kemp & Company








Some of the Good ThingsAt Our Store

Coty's L'Origan ExtractCoty's L'Origan PowderFloramye Toilet WaterDjer Kiss Perfume Sets

Mary Garden Perfume SetsMavis Perfume SetsHudnut's Twin CompactsAzurea Toilet Water

Waterman's Fountain PensParker's Gold PencilsParker's Silver PencilsKeith's Gift StationeryLa Tausca PearlsScarf Pins, Cuff ButtonsGeneral Asst. JewelryCigars, Holiday PackagesEastman Kodaks

High-Grade Bulk Chocolates 60c. per Pound







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