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EDHS Senior Project El Dorado High School prides itself on producing graduates who are Honorable, Academic achievers, Well-rounded, Knowledge-seeking, and Service-oriented. The senior project is designed to encourage and highlight these attributes in our Golden Hawks. Part of the PYLUSD graduation requirement is to complete 40 hours of community service. The Senior Project is designed to make those hours as meaningful as possible. It is a 4-year process that requires you to research a social issue and address that issue at the local level through community service. If chosen wisely, this opportunity could be turned into an advantage for you in the future as a job reference or as a potential job. On campus, all teachers and administrators become involved in facilitating your success. They will listen to your speeches, provide feedback, and serve on the panels that judge your speeches at the end of the year. All required forms are available online and if a student does not have access to a computer, they are expected to use a school computer to print forms. Table of Contents Freshman Year 2 Sophomore Year 3 Junior Year 4 Senior Year 5-7 Dressing for your project hours 8 Preparing for Senior Project Boards 9-10 Early Hours approval form 11 Parent Letter 12 Evidence Sheet 13 Mentor Agreement 14 Mentor Evaluation 15 Sample Rubric for Senior Boards 16 Thank You Letter Format 17
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EDHS Senior Project

El Dorado High School prides itself on producing graduates who are Honorable, Academic achievers, Well-rounded, Knowledge-seeking, and Service-oriented. The senior project is designed to encourage and highlight these attributes in our Golden Hawks. Part of the PYLUSD graduation requirement is to complete 40 hours of community service. The Senior Project is designed to make those hours as meaningful as possible. It is a 4-year process that requires you to research a social issue and address that issue at the local level through community service. If chosen wisely, this opportunity could be turned into an advantage for you in the future as a job reference or as a potential job. On campus, all teachers and administrators become involved in facilitating your success. They will listen to your speeches, provide feedback, and serve on the panels that judge your speeches at the end of the year. All required forms are available online and if a student does not have access to a computer, they are expected to use a school computer to print forms.

Table of Contents

Freshman Year 2

Sophomore Year 3

Junior Year 4

Senior Year 5-7

Dressing for your project hours 8

Preparing for Senior Project Boards 9-10

Early Hours approval form 11

Parent Letter 12

Evidence Sheet 13

Mentor Agreement 14

Mentor Evaluation 15

Sample Rubric for Senior Boards 16

Thank You Letter Format 17

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Students will conduct research on a social issue of their choosing and complete an outline in MLA format, along with a Works Cited page with at least 3 sources and parenthetical citations

for each part of the outline as noted. They will create a google portfolio for Senior Project within their Google Drive.They must include one image (appropriate for all ages) concerning the social

issue on Google Drive. The image could be a picture, map, chart, or graph. They should provide a caption for their image.

What is the social issue/need of interest facing society? Why are you interested in this issue?

Why does this issue exist? What is being done to confront it? Cite at least 2 sources.

I. Identify the Issue

a) Time and Place - For instance, if you are doing hunger you would identify if you are

doing childhood hunger in the inner cities of America or world hunger in sub-Saharan

Africa. (parenthetical citation)

b) Statistical Information -

- at least 2 specific statistics with parenthetical citation

II. Factors leading to this crisis or situation (at least three, each with

parenthetical citation)




III. What is being done to confront the issue? (at least three things, each with

parenthetical citation)




IV. Why are you interested in this issue? (no citations needed)



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Students will choose an organization connected to their area of focus and gather information

from digital sources on how that organization helps to solve/alleviate the problem identified.

Based on their research, the students will also explain how they can contribute to the betterment

of their community. They will cite the sources using MLA format. The research will be

submitted in essay form in 400-500 words and be saved in the student’s Google Drive account.

Research Question

How does [insert local organization] help to solve/alleviate the problem of [insert social

issue/area of need]? Or how does [local organization] serve the community?

Students will choose an organization connected to their area of focus and gather information

from digital sources on how that organization helps to solve/alleviate the problem identified.

Based on their research, the students will also explain how they can contribute to the betterment

of their community. They will cite the sources using MLA format. The research will be

submitted in essay form in 400-500 words and be saved in the student’s Google Drive account.

Part 1. It is expected that students will complete four paragraphs comprising of the following:

1. Introduction of the the local organization, including purpose, history and founder, and

how it fits into the scope of the social issue

2. What is it that the organization does to serve the community? Describe in detail.

3. What are the fundraising efforts of this organization or how do they get the funds to

support the community? Describe in detail.

4. Conclusion that explains how the student can specifically contribute to the betterment of

their community

Part 2. The students will also be expected to start a collection of images (3 minimum) of the

local organization to be saved on the Google Drive.

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Students will interview a primary source with knowledge of or personal experience with their

area of focus. Based on their interview, the students will also give a narrative reflection on the

experience itself. The Interview and narrative reflection will be typed in MLA format to submit

and saved on the student’s Google Drive account.

The requirements for this part of the project include:

● A face-to-face interview

● Ten questions that are prepared beforehand and approved by the LA 3 teacher

● Five of the questions will be standardized and provided by the teacher - The other 5 will

be created by the student. They should be open ended and reflect the student’s prior

research and experiences with their area of focus.

● Notes taken while conducting the interview. These must be signed and dated by the


● A typed and correctly formatted final copy of both the questions and the response from

the interview.

● A reflective response based on the interview experience. This should be a narrative

which includes: a descriptive setting that is tied to purpose, connection to past research,

reflection on responses to questions, a clear sense of sequence, and evaluation of the

overall interview experience.

While the 15 required hours for the completion of the senior project are not introduced until

senior year, juniors who have special circumstances can be pre-approved to start the hours in

the summer between their junior and senior year. Pre-approval must be obtained by discussing

project plans with the senior project coordinator and obtaining the required signatures on the

pre-approval form which is included in this handbook. Pre-approval will only be granted if the

hours that the student is planning on completing CANNOT be completed during the regular

school year.

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FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13 Signed Parent Informational Letter

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 18 Non-Profit Evidence Sheet

FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 Mentor Agreement

FRIDAY, APRIL 22 Community Service Hours Form and Mentor Evaluation

MONDAY, MAY 23 Mock Boards

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1 Senior Project Boards

TBD by LA TEACHER Mentor Thank You Letter

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Students will spend fifteen hours working with the organization they identified as a sophomore, or another organization of their interest. Upon completion of their fifteen hours, they will give a speech to a

panel of judges from the community.

1. Parent/Guardian Informational Letter: Due Date-Friday, November 13, 2015 This must be turned in to your LA IV teacher. You will be given an informational letter to take home to a parent/guardian that details project deadlines. Although most major components of the project are due second semester, all seniors begin the project in early November and thus are afforded multiple opportunities to complete hours outside of the school day. This letter strongly requests that students are NOT ABSENT from school in order to complete any portion of the project. This letter must be signed by a parent/guardian.

2. Non-profit Evidence Sheet: Due Date-Friday, December 18, 2015 This must be turned in to your Language Arts IV teacher.

You will complete a worksheet that will give you the opportunity to research a non-profit organization that you are interested in completing your hours with. The worksheet is intended to help you learn a little about the organization while allowing you the chance to figure out how your skills might benefit the organization. The worksheet is included in the Senior Project Handbook.

3. Mentor Agreement: Due Date- Friday, January 22, 2016 This must be turned in to your Language Arts IV teacher.

Mentor Qualifications: You should select someone who is generally interested in working with you, has the time to spend advising you and will be fair and honest with you. They must work in some capacity for the non-profit that you have chosen. You may NOT choose: your current employer, a family member, or anyone under the age of 21. Also, this individual must have at least 5 years experience to be considered a legitimate mentor. The experience does not all have to be with the same non-profit, but it should be with a similar type of organization. You WILL receive community service hours for time spent working on your senior project as long as you turn those hours in by the required deadline.

When you have identified a possible mentor, contact the person by telephone. Identify yourself, explain the project and be specific about the mentor’s responsibilities and the time commitment. If the person agrees to mentor you, arrange for a time to meet in person so you can discuss the following:

• What you hope to learn from the experience • How your time will be spent / the extent to which you will be participating in daily

activities • If you have an idea for a project-based experience with the organization or plan on

volunteering in some other capacity (ie: I want to work in your food pantry/I want to organize a shoe drive/I want to create a mural for your community room).

• Mutually agreeable dates for the 15 hours of internship/job shadowing. Every attempt must be made to complete these hours outside of the regular school day.

Don’t become discouraged if a person declines your invitation to be a mentor. Ultimately, you want someone who is willing to work with you and who will be helpful, encouraging, and reliable. If, after searching on your own and consulting with your LA IV teacher, you cannot find a mentor, schedule an

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appointment with the Senior Project Coordinator, Mrs. Switzer (Little Theatre), as quickly as possible; your mentor agreement must still be submitted by the due date for credit.

4. Community Service Form and Mentor Evaluation: Due Date - Friday, April 22, 2016

This must be turned in to your LA IV teacher.

The Community Service Form is a record of your community service hours. You will complete your form once all hours are complete and your mentor must sign to verify the hours. In addition, your mentor will complete an evaluation of you. The Community Service Form is the same form you complete for all your service hours and is available in the front office. The mentor evaluation can be found in the appendix of this handbook. Please print a copy and take it to your mentor to fill out. Make sure that you give it to your mentor with enough time to return it to your Language Arts teacher by the due date. The mentor SHOULD NOT mail this form. They should return it to you.

5. Mock Senior Boards: Due Date - Monday, May 23, 2016 This will be done with an EDHS staff member during the late start period in the morning.

In order to prepare for the formal presentation of your Senior Project, you will practice with a staff member. This will take place during school hours the week before Boards during a 2nd period assembly. A sample of the rubric is included in the appendix. This is the same rubric that will be used for your formal presentation to the community.

7. Senior Boards: Due Date - Wednesday, June 1, 2016

(Failure to complete will result in a 10% deduction to final grade) This will be presented to the community.

The culminating event of the Senior Project is your Senior Boards. You will present your findings to a panel of three or four judges from the EDHS faculty, the PYLUSD administration, parents, and community/business leaders. Your Boards will include a 4-6 minute presentation with a visual or multimedia aid followed by a 4-5 minute interview. Your use of technology should enhance your content; not be your sole source of content. Failure to show up for your assigned time will result in a failing grade on the project. There will be no make-up times for missed Boards.

8. Mentor Thank You: Due Date to be determined by your Language Arts teacher This must be turned in to your Language Arts IV teacher.

You will submit a typed letter written to your mentor/advisor thanking him/her for taking the time to help you with your Senior Project. The letter should include some reference to your thoughts on the experience and what you feel you have learned. Along with the letter, you will be required to submit a stamped envelope addressed to your mentor. A sample is included in the appendix of this handbook.

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While you are completing your service hours, you are representing El Dorado High School. It is important that you dress in a manner that is appropriate and professional. Please see the list below for expected attire for the completion of your 15 service hours.


● Dress in a manner that is professionally appropriate to your position. If you are working in a

business setting, you should wear slacks and a button down shirt.

● T-shirts are not appropriate attire unless you are working in a recreational setting and the

shirt is associated with your organization (i.e. coaching a basketball team).

● Shoes should be appropriate for the activity in which you will be engaging.

● Clothing should be neat, clean, and pressed.

● Attire should adhere to the EDHS dress code policy.

● Your hair should be neat and clean.


● Dress in a manner that is professionally appropriate to your position. Generally, you should

wear clothing that covers all undergarments and is conservative in nature. Short shorts and

skirts, tube tops or spaghetti strap tops are not acceptable. T-shirts are not appropriate

unless you are working in a recreational setting and the shirt is associated with your

organization (i.e. coaching a basketball team).

● Make-up and nail polish should be understated and flattering; shades that are neutral to

your skin tone are generally advisable.

● Shoes should be conservative and fairly low-heeled. They should be in reasonably good

condition, not scuffed or run-down at the heels. They should be appropriate for the activity

in which you will be engaging.

● Clothing should be neat, clean, and pressed.

● Attire should adhere to the EDHS dress code policy.

● Your hair should be neat, clean, and conservatively styled.

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WHEN? Wednesday, June 1, 2016 HOW MANY POINTS IS THIS WORTH? It is not worth points. It is a pass/fail grade that is only detrimental if you do not complete it. If you pass, your grade will remain the same. If you fail, your grade will drop by 10%. HOW WILL I KNOW MY APPOINTMENT TIME? You will be given an appointment and an on-campus location about a week before your boards. You may want to check out your board location ahead of time to figure out technology and become familiar with the layout of the room. WHO WILL BE MY JUDGES/BOARD? You will have anywhere from 3-5 adults listening to your presentation. Two of these people may be staff from EDHS. The others will be volunteers, district employees, and members of the community. HOW LONG DOES MY ACTUAL PRESENTATION HAVE TO BE? Between 4-6 minutes. WHAT DO I HAVE TO PRESENT? Anything having to do with your experience. You could talk about what motivated you to choose this non-profit, your overall experience, a specific incident, or an area of common interest relating to your chosen non-profit. Your presentation should be interesting and engage your panel of judges. Your use of technology should enhance your content, not be your sole source of content. WHAT IS THE REST OF THE 15 MINUTE TIME PERIOD GOING TO CONSIST OF? You will be invited to sit down with the judges, and they will ask you a series of questions relating to your topic and presentation. This is conversational and you are the expert. You are not going to be “grilled” but you should prepare by anticipating questions so that you are able to respond confidently. SOME GUIDELINES: 1. DRESS: You want to look professional. You don’t want what you’re wearing to overshadow what you

are saying. Try sticking to earth tones and simple prints. Gentlemen should wear collared, long-sleeved shirts with a tie. Dress shoes should be worn along with a nice, ironed pair of slacks or dress pants. Jeans and/or tennis shoes are inappropriate. Ladies should wear a nice dress, pantsuit, or skirt set. Cocktail dresses, short skirts, spiked heels, plunging necklines, and bare midriffs are inappropriate. A guideline to remember is that this is not a date, the prom, or a typical school day. This is a BUSINESS INTERVIEW. You want to make a good impression from the minute you appear before the judges. This is done through your appearance.

2. FIRST IMPRESSION: Arrive to your room 10 minutes prior to your appointment time. Wait outside

the door until a judge comes out to invite you into the room. Remember that a presentation will still be going on in the room when you arrive, so do not go into the room until you are invited. You can use this time to become centered, go over your notes, and prepare yourself. DO NOT BE LATE TO YOUR APPOINTMENT. - When invited into the room, enter with a smile. Body language speaks volumes. Stand up

straight, confidently walk over to the first panel member and shake his/her hand. Make the handshake firm, with two shakes. Say to each judge as you shake his/her hand, “Hello. YOUR NAME. Nice to meet you.” Be sure to keep eye contact, wait for the reply (Probably “Hello, Nice to meet you”). Hint: don’t wipe your hand before you shake their hand. A sweaty palm never killed anyone. After you have done this (intro + handshake) with one judge, move on to the next judge and do the same thing. You will then stand at the front of the room, take a breath and arrange any presentation materials. A judge will alert you when to begin.

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3. THE SPEECH: You have to decide for yourself what you want to present. Some good ideas include demonstrations, personalization, or anecdotes. Remember that you only have 4-6 minutes, and you want them to feel like that time has flown by. Keep your topic interesting, brief and engaging.

- You MAY NOT use a note card or podium. Your speech must be well prepared. - Be sure to keep smiling, and look at all of the judges as you speak.

- You will be expected to stand as you speak. The judges will be sitting in desks in front of you.

- Your posture should be straight, feet firmly planted on the ground. REMEMBER EYE CONTACT! Look at each judge but not as if you’re watching a tennis match.

- A possible outline for your speech:

INTRO: An anecdote, personalize it! Why did you choose this non-profit? How long have you wanted to do this? Ask a question. DO NOT say, “I did my Senior Project on…” or jump right into your speech. FIRST IMPRESSIONS COUNT and you are still making yours. BODY: What you did. An experience. A demonstration. What an experience has taught you. Be a storyteller. CONCLUSION: What is the most significant thing you learned? Did what you learned have any impact on your choices regarding college or your future? Did the experience change you in any way? DO NOT conclude with “Well, that’s it” or “The End.” Keep your composure because you are not done yet.

- A judge will be timing you. Your speech should be well prepared and timed before you give it.

- A judge will wait for your pause at the end of your speech and invite you to sit down. You will then sit in the chair that is provided.

4. QUESTION AND ANSWER: Sit very carefully. Don’t plop down in the chair. Cross your legs or

cross your ankles, keep your legs together. Place your hands in your lap, make eye contact, keep your back straight, and smile.

- Judges will ask you questions about your experience. Even if you don’t know THE DEFINITIVE answer, discuss the issues presented with your judges. You want to come off as being well-informed, intelligent and competent.

- 5. DISMISSAL: After Q and A, a judge will thank you for coming and stand up. You will then shake

each of the judges’ hands and say, “Thank you for taking the time to listen to my presentation” or “Thank you for coming.” You will still want to appear professional, make eye contact, and smile.

AFTER YOUR DISMISSAL: OK. Now you are done! Take a deep breath and wait until you are outside to give a sigh of relief. Your results will be given to you sometime during the next week. Your Language Arts IV teacher will add up the judges’ scores and give you the average. You will receive the score sheets and comments, but your judges’ names will be omitted.

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Early Hours pre-approval

In order to use hours completed in the summer between junior and senior year, or in senior year

prior to the formal introduction of the senior project, you MUST get permission, in writing, from the senior project coordinator. Summer hours will only be approved if they are hours that would not be able to be completed during the regular school year (i.e. working for a summer camp or for an event that only takes place over the summer).

Student Name:_________________________________________________________ Organization name:______________________________________________________ Mentor Name:__________________________________________________________ Explanation for the need to start hours early:______________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Student Signature: ___ Parent Signature: ___

Junior Language Arts Teacher Signature of Approval:________________________________ (required for summer hours) Senior Language Arts Teacher Signature of Approval:________________________________ (required for early start senior year) Senior Project Coordinator Signature of Approval:___________________________________ (required for ANY early start)

*please submit this form and a completed mentor agreement to the Senior Project

Coordinator prior to beginning your hours. Hours completed early will not count if these two forms have not been submitted AND approved.

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Student Name _________________________

Parent/Guardian Informational Letter

This informational letter, which details senior project guidelines, is to be read by a parent/guardian and then signed.

The intent of this letter is to create an awareness of the scope of senior project, indicating that ample time is

provided students in the completion of all project components. Although most major components of the project are

due second semester, all seniors begin the project on November 9 and are thus afforded multiple opportunities to

complete hours outside of the school day. Because students have several months to fulfill components of the project, this letter strongly requests that students

are NOT ABSENT from school in order to complete any portion of the project. As many students work after

school or participate in extracurricular activities, they must plan ahead, taking advantage of late starts days,

minimum day schedules, and holidays in order to meet the required 15 service hours.. In order to avoid missing school, please encourage your son/daughter to pay close attention to deadlines and plan

accordingly. Due dates are as follows: Friday, November 13 Parent/Guardian Informational Letter Friday, December 18 Non Profit Evidence Sheet Friday, January 22 Mentor Agreement Friday, April 22 Community Service Hours form/Evaluation Monday, May 23 Mock Senior Boards Wednesday, June 1 Senior Boards * This schedule, as well as a copy of the Senior Project Handbook, is available on the EDHS website *

Please Note:

· If a senior does not complete the Senior Project Boards, it will result in a letter grade drop for second

semester Language Arts. · In order to receive credit for the Senior Project Boards, each previous component of the project must be submitted in sequence. You will not be allowed to turn in an assignment if the previous one has not been submitted. · If you are absent from school on a due date, you must submit your paperwork to your Language Arts IV teacher by the end of the school day. This work must be TIME STAMPED by attendance.

Parent/Gaurdian Signature:____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone number: ___________________________ Best time to call, if necessary : _____________________________________ Email address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Language Arts IV Senior Project Evidence Sheet

Student Name: Period:


1. What is the mission statement of the non-profit organization?

2. What population or area of the world does it serve?

3. When was this organization started? Who started this organization and


4. Where does its funding come from?

5. What are the achievements and results of the program thus far?

6. Does it work with other organizations on a local, regional, or national


7. How could your skills and talents be used in this organization?

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1651 N. Valencia Ave. Placentia, CA 92870 Re: ____________________________________________

(Student Name) Dear Mentor:

The above-named student has identified you as a potential mentor for his/her Senior Project. Thank you for

your willingness to commit your valuable time and expertise in helping this young person prepare for his or her

future. As a mentor, you are agreeing to assist and guide this student through 15 hours of exploration of your non-

profit organization. These 15 hours must be completed by Friday, April 22, 2016. The student will be responsible

for an interview, observation, and hands-on experience, if practical and at your discretion. Your role is to direct

and guide the student in a manner that will fulfill the student’s need to understand the organization and function in

our community. If you agree to serve as this student’s mentor, please complete this agreement by filling in the spaces below

and returning it to the student for filing with my office. Soon after April 22, a faculty or staff member from El

Dorado High School will be contacting you to verify the student’s hours and request an evaluation of the

student’s performance. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. I will be happy to assist in any way possible.

For informational purposes, a copy of the student’s Senior Project Handbook can be found at www.edhs.org under

the Academics tab. You can reach me at El Dorado High School between 7:30AM and 2:45 PM. at (714) 986-7580

ext. 11451 or at [email protected]. Again, thank you for your assistance and interest in our students. Sincerely, Kathleen Switzer, Senior Project Coordinator

I agree to mentor the above-named student through the 15 hours required by his or her El Dorado High School

Senior Project. Mentor Name (print or type) ______________________________________________

Job Title______________________________________________ Years with organization___________

Organization Address________________________________________________________________________

City_________________________Zip Code_____________ Daytime Phone_____________________

Email address_______________________________________________________________________________

Brief description of how student will spend hours:_________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________________________________ Mentor Signature__________________________________________Date______________________

Please attach a business card, if available.

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Senior Project Hours Log and Mentor


Student Name ________________________________ _LA 4 Teacher’s Name ________________________


( + ) Exceeded expectations ( P ) Met expectations ( - ) Below expectations

Description of Student Work Score

Student arrived on time to job site based on arrangements made with mentor

Student dressed appropriately

Student followed all directions / rules stipulated by mentor

Student conducted himself / herself in a professional manner

Student took responsibility for arranging meeting dates and interview

Overall rating


Mentor signature: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________________ Mentor Name (print or type)__________________________________________________________________________ Job Title________________________________________ Company Name____________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________ Zip Code________________ Daytime Phone______________________ Email address ___________________________________________________ Best time to call to verify hours and evaluation: ____________________________________________________________

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SPEAKER’S NAME_________________________________TOPIC____________________________ EVALUATOR’S NAME________________________________________________________________

The Speaker will be evaluated in the following areas. (FYI: The speaker has already been evaluated on attire.) Using a ballpoint pen, please circle the numerical score the student has earned in each category. Only circle ONE number. Use the bullets to help guide your scoring. Additional comments to clarify the score are useful and appreciated, especially if you give the student an “average” or “poor” rating, typically indicated by a score of “7” or lower.

Categories Poor Average Good Superior Comments


• Engages audience

• Clearly identifies topic

5 6 7 8 9 10


• Easy to follow

• Coherent and unified

• Clear & appropriate closing

5 6 7 8 9 10


• Effective and informative

• Provides an overview

5 6 7 8 9 10


• Uses visuals or technology to enhance content

5 6 7 8 9 10


• Proper posture

• Does not fidget

5 6 7 8 9 10


• Good pace and volume

• Omits fillers (“um”, “like”)

5 6 7 8 9 10


• Each judge is addressed • Not fixated or distracted by visual

or technology component

5 6 7 8 9 10


Please record student’s exact speech TIME: ____________ (min : sec)

QUESTION & ANSWER EVALUATION The student will respond to questions that are asked concerning his/her prepared speech and/or Senior Project experience. Please circle the numerical score the student has earned for this section. Only circle ONE number. Add comments to clarify the score, if necessary. Categories Poor Average Good Superior Comments

Student responded directly

to the questions and was well


Student spoke to the entire

panel with confidence and poise

5 6 7 8 9 10

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* A card is not acceptable *

Your Street Address City, State Zip Name and title of person you are writing to Company Name Street Address City, State Zip Date Dear Mr./Mrs./Miss/Dr. _______________: First paragraph: Purpose – tell why you are writing this letter. Second paragraph: Body – mention what you liked and have learned from the experience Third paragraph: Closing – thank the person again for their time and effort in working with you. Sincerely, (hit “enter” four times)

Your Signature

Type your name
