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Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium 1 August 1, 2007 Electronic Data Interchange Transaction Set Implementation Guide 811/820 MORTGAGEE COVERAGE NOTIFICATION, BILLING AND PAYMENT OF INSURANCE PREMIUM Implementation Guide Version 2.0 (3030) August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Electronic Data Interchange Transaction Set Implementation Guide


Implementation Guide Version 2.0 (3030)

August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

State Farm Insurance Companies

Specific information for using the ANSI Standard Format

1. State Farm will send the two position Operation Center Code in the REF02 (REF*32) of the 811 invoice which must be returned in the REF02 element (REF*32) of the 820 remittance.

2. State Farm expects the following information to be supplied in the BPR segment of the 820 remittance.

BPR12 01

BPR13 011001234


BPR15 0106151

BPR16 The settlement date


3. State Farm will only accept a 15-position trace number in the TRN02 element of the 820 remittance. Additionally, the TRN02 element of the 820 remittance must be unique with each transmission sent to State Farm.

4. State Farm requires the REF02 element (REF*IV) in the 820 remittance be returned with the same number that was sent in the BIG02 element of the 811 invoice.

5. State Farm requires the use of code LN in the ENT03 element of the 820 remittance and the existing loan number in the ENT04. When the loan number is a corrected loan number, then code CL should be used. If the billing cannot be identified, then the ENT03 and ENT04 need not be sent.

6. State Farm will receive in the 820 remittance both escrow and non-escrow policy information. Non Escrow policy information will be identified by returning zero in the RMR05 element of the 820 remittance. Escrow policy information will be identified by returning the value of the IT104 element in the 811 invoice in the RMR05 element of the 820 remittance.

7. Reason Codes H1, H2, H3 H4, H5, H7, H9, K1, and K2 in the ADX02 element of the 820 remittance should only be sent when the RMR04 element is zero.

8. Reason Code H6 in the ADX02 element of the 820 remittance should only be used when the RMR04 element is less than the RMR05 element

9. Reason Code K3 in the ADX02 element of the 820 remittance should not be used.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

10. State Farm Numbers

State Farm Tax ID 370533100

State Farm Fire NAIC 25143

State Farm Lloyds NAIC 43419

State Farm General NAIC 25151

State Farm Florida NAIC 10739

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Table of Contents

State Farm Insurance Companies ................................................................................................2 Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................4 Preface.............................................................................................................................................7 Background Information (811 and 820) ..........................................................................................7 Document Mapping .........................................................................................................................8 How to Use the Tables and Segment Definitions ............................................................................9 Special Notes for Financial EDI ....................................................................................................10 Interchange Control Structure........................................................................................................10 Interchange Control Structure........................................................................................................12 Functional Group Control Segments .............................................................................................12 Transaction Set Control Segments.................................................................................................12 Segment: ISA - Interchange Control Header ................................................................................13 Segment: IEA - Interchange Control Trailer ................................................................................16 Segment: GS - Functional Group Header .....................................................................................17 Segment: GE - Functional Group Trailer......................................................................................19 811 Mapping - Segment Uses and Sequence..............................................................................20 Header (Table 1) ............................................................................................................................20 Detail (Table 2) ..............................................................................................................................21 Trailer (Table 3).............................................................................................................................27 Segment: ST - Transaction Set Header.........................................................................................28 Segment: BIG - Beginning Segment for Invoice..........................................................................29 Segment: N1 - Name.....................................................................................................................30 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ..............................................................................32 Segment: N3 - Address Information .............................................................................................33 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ............................................................................................34 Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact ..........................................................36 Segment N1- Name........................................................................................................................38 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ..............................................................................40 Segment: N3 - Address Information .............................................................................................41 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ............................................................................................42 Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level................................................................................................44 Segment: LX - Assigned Number.................................................................................................45 Segment: REF - Reference Numbers............................................................................................46 Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level................................................................................................48 Segment: LX - Assigned Number.................................................................................................49 Segment: AMT - Monetary...........................................................................................................50 Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference........................................................................................51 Segment: QTY - Quantity..............................................................................................................52 Segment: N1 - Name.....................................................................................................................53 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ..............................................................................54 Segment: N3 - Address Information .............................................................................................55 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ............................................................................................56 Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level................................................................................................58

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: LX - Assigned Number.................................................................................................59 Segment: PID - Product Item Description ....................................................................................60 Segment: REF - Reference Numbers............................................................................................62 Segment: AMT - Monetary Amount.............................................................................................64 Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference........................................................................................66 Segment: IT1 - Baseline Item Data...............................................................................................68 Segment: SI - Service Characteristic Identification......................................................................71 Segment: MSG - Message Text ....................................................................................................73 Segment: N1 - Name.....................................................................................................................74 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ..............................................................................75 Segment: N3 - Address Information .............................................................................................76 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ............................................................................................77 Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level................................................................................................78 Segment: SLN - Subline Item Detail ............................................................................................79 Segment: SI - Service Characteristic Identification......................................................................82 Segment: REF - Reference Numbers............................................................................................84 Segment: DTM - Date/Time .........................................................................................................86 Segment: TDS - Total Monetary Value Summary .......................................................................87 Segment: CTT - Transaction Totals..............................................................................................88 Segment: SE - Transaction Set Trailer..........................................................................................89 820 Mapping - Segment Uses and Sequence..............................................................................90 Header (Table 1) ............................................................................................................................90 Detail (Table 2) ..............................................................................................................................91 Trailer (Table 3).............................................................................................................................92 Segment: ST - Transaction Set Header.........................................................................................93 Segment: BPR - Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice .............................94 Segment: TRN - Trace ..................................................................................................................99 Segment: REF - Reference Numbers..........................................................................................101 Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference......................................................................................102 Segment: N1 - Name...................................................................................................................104 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ............................................................................105 Segment: N3 - Address Information ...........................................................................................106 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ..........................................................................................107 Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact ........................................................109 Segment: N1 - Name...................................................................................................................111 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ............................................................................112 Segment: N3 - Address Information ...........................................................................................113 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ..........................................................................................114 Segment: REF - Reference Numbers..........................................................................................116 Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact ........................................................117 Segment: N1 - Name...................................................................................................................119 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ............................................................................120 Segment: N3 - Address Information ...........................................................................................121 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ..........................................................................................122 Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact ........................................................124 Segment: ENT Entity..................................................................................................................126

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name...................................................................................................................128 Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information ............................................................................129 Segment: N3 - Address Information ...........................................................................................130 Segment: N4 - Geographic Location ..........................................................................................131 Segment: RMR - Remittance Advice .........................................................................................132 Segment: REF - Reference Numbers..........................................................................................134 Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference......................................................................................136 Segment: ADX - Adjustment......................................................................................................138 Segment: SE - Transaction Set Trailer........................................................................................141 Appendix A: Payment Alternatives.........................................................................................142 Appendix B: 811 Example........................................................................................................164 Appendix C: 820 Example........................................................................................................166 Appendix D: Payment Exception Codes .................................................................................167 Appendix E: Acord Table 244 - Line of Business ..................................................................170 Appendix F: Acord Table 003 - Type of Trans ......................................................................171 Appendix G: Functional Acknowledgment ............................................................................172 Change Summary.......................................................................................................................188

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007


This implementation guide contains the recommended format and data standards for use of the ANSI X12 Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement (811 transaction) and Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820 transaction) developed for "Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premiums." Mortgage Companies and Insurance Companies are to be considered as "Trading Partners" in this endeavor.

The following recommendations were developed by the Property and Casualty Policy Task Group within the ANSI X12 Insurance Sub-committee. The group includes representatives from insurance carriers, mortgage companies and service providers, banks, software companies, ACORD and independent agencies.

Background Information (811 and 820)

The ANSI 811 and 820 formats are being used for an electronic application to eliminate the need for insurance companies to send paper billing and coverage documents to mortgage companies (or their servicing agents), as well as to simplify the payment of these insurance premiums.

The project capitalizes on the ANSI 811 Invoice as the method of billing and coverage notification from an insurance company to a mortgage company. The 811 insurance "invoice" includes data to indicate whether the policy premiums are held in escrow (impound) by the mortgage company, or whether they are direct billed (non-impound) to the customer.

The ANSI 820 Remittance Advice is used for the payment information from the mortgage company to the insurance company for those premiums that were held in Escrow. The 820 may be "enveloped" into addenda records as an ACH (CTX) electronic payment transaction originated by the mortgage company bank to the insurance company bank. Or, it may be used as an EDI remittance transmission from the mortgage company to the insurance company, with the funds to be settled separately. This option allows some flexibility for varying systems capabilities between the trading partners.

The basic data elements conform to requirements set forth by the MBA (Mortgage Bankers Association). These facts are important in order to understand the concept and vision of the project. The Task Group envisions that this format will ultimately be used by most insurance companies and mortgage companies using national EDI and EFT network(s). Using this format, insurance companies may (if they so choose) direct invoices from multiple branches too many mortgage companies through one "mailbox" network. A mortgage company may receive data from many insurance companies, in one transmission, by "connecting" to the same mailbox network. The mortgage company may, (if they so choose) subsequently pay all of the invoices too many insurance companies through one (ACH or EDI) network in one process.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Document Mapping

1. Purpose

The purpose of this section is to present and explain the application of the ANSI X12 standards. This will enable the user of these guidelines to successfully translate their own internal format to the ANSI standards.

The following data element list is based on the definitions of the ANSI X12 version 003030 Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement (811) document and version 003030 of the Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820) document. This document does not specifically state all of the ANSI syntax, and the reader should reference ANSI requirements.

2. X12 Standards

Each element within a segment is separated by a "Data Element Separator". An asterisk (*) will be used as the separator, unless otherwise agreed upon as an exception by specific trading partners. "*" is HEX '5C' in EBCDIC, HEX '2A' in ASCII. The element separator is defined in the ISA envelope.

The end of a segment is denoted by a "segment terminator" or "new line" character. "N/L" will be used as the terminator, unless otherwise agreed upon as an exception by specific trading partners. "N/L" is HEX '15' in EBCDIC, and a HEX 'OD' (carriage control) in ASCII. The segment terminator is defined in the ISA envelope.

Optional data elements are not required to be transmitted unless specifically agreed upon by the trading partners. When an optional data element is not used, the separator is used to acknowledge the omitted optional data. This will result in back-to-back separators (**).

When the data element(s) being omitted is at the end of a segment, the segment terminator immediately follows the last data element being used.

The ANSI standard provides means for verifying the content and completeness of each transmission. Every transmission should be monitored to be certain it has successfully completed.

3. Mapping Documentation - ANSI X12 Attributes (Codes)

Data Element Attributes

M Mandatory - must be transmitted.

X Relational - dependant on the value or presence of other data elements within the segment.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

O Optional - appearance of this element is at the option of the sending party, or by agreement of the trading partners.

NU Not used in this application (Mortgagee Billing/Remittance Usage Only)

Data Element Type

AN Alpha Numeric - left justified and space filled if field is required to be a specific length.

Nn Numeric - the first "N" signifies numeric, the second "n" signifies the number of decimal places to the right of a fixed decimal point. (The decimal point is not transmitted for this data element type.)

R Numeric decimal - the decimal point is required to be transmitted when fractional values are present.

ID Contains a code value - Codes are contained within predetermined lists maintained by the ANSI X12 standards committee.

DT Date format - yymmdd is:

yy - last two digits of year (00-99) mm - numeric month (01-12) dd - numeric day (01-31)

TM Time format - hhmm is:

hh - military hour (00-23) mm - minute (00-59)

Data Element Length

The number to the left of the "/" specifies the minimum length of the field as required by the standard.

The number to the right of the "/" specifies the maximum length of the field as required by the standard.

The field has a fixed length when the minimum and maximum lengths are the same.

For data type "R", the length does not include the sign or decimal point.

How to Use the Tables and Segment Definitions

Table 1 is essentially "header" data that identifies the transaction originator, the transaction receiver, other routing information, and the payment total. Table 2 provides the details: loan and policy data, insurance customer names, addresses, policy line codes, and payment amounts.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Table 3 is essentially trailer information and provides segment counts and totals used to generate functional acknowledgements to the sender.

In the following examples for Table 1 and Table 2, note the sequence that the Segment ID's are listed. The subsequent pages, that provide the details for these segments, follow the same sequence as Table 1 and Table 2.

These examples are provided as an aid in understanding the format of the transaction set tables and the segment definitions. The tables show the ANSI X12 requirements. (Remember, trading partner options can be used only with "optional" fields.)

The Segment ID (Seg. ID), Sequence Number (Seq. No.), and Reference Number (Ref. No.) columns are ANSI X12 identifiers. The data in the column labeled ANSI X12 Attributes is identified in Item 3, above.

The Maximum Use (Max. Use) and the Loop Repeat are also ANSI standard.

Special Notes for Financial EDI

To standardize the use of the ISA/IEA envelope for financial EDI transactions that move through the banking system, the following convention is recommended:

1. All financial EDI transactions should be treated as point-to-point so that the addresses carried in the ISA/IEA envelop will reflect the identity of the immediate sender and receiver as they move through the banking system.

2. Receivers of financial EDI transactions that move through the banking system can obtain the originating company ID from the BPR10 element. In order to facilitate this process, the originating company must consistently provide the originating company ID when formatting the BPR segment.

3. The sender and receiver codes in the GS loop should be passed along without modification.

Interchange Control Structure

An EDI message is comprised of several components. These include the Interchange Control Header/Trailer (ISA/IEA), Functional Group Header/Trailer (GS/GE), Transaction Set Header/Trailer (ST/SE), and Detail Segments.

A transaction set is the collection of data that is exchanged between trading partners equivalent to an electronic business document intended to convey pertinent information. A hierarchical structure of headers and trailers allows transaction sets of different types to be transmitted from one trading partner to another in the same transmission. This allows the information to be separated logically for easy interpretation by the receiver. The hierarchical structure of an EDI message is illustrated below.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

ISA Interchange Control Header I


GS Functional Group Header F T


ST Transaction Set Header T N R


Detail Data
















SE Transaction Set Trailer R E


GE Functional Group Trailer V


IEA Interchange Control Trailer L

Note: The shaded area above represents the Consolidated Service/Invoice (811 Transaction Set) or the Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820 Transaction Set) described in their own sections later in this document.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Interchange Control Structure

Interchange Control Header/Trailer (ISA/IEA)

An interchange "envelope" consists of an "ISA" header and an "IEA" trailer. The interchange header and trailer envelop one or more functional groups in a transmission. The interchange control segments (ISA/IEA) provide identifying information between communicating partners that applies to the entire transmission as defined in ANSI X12.5 Interchange Control Structures standard.

Functional Group Control Segments

Functional Group Header/Trailer (GS/GE)

A functional group "envelope" consists of a "GS" header and a "GE" trailer. The functional group envelops like transaction sets. The functional group segments (GS/GE) provide information including the application sender code, application receiver code, version number, and control information. The GS/GE segments may be used to envelop batches of similar transactions for audit and control purposes.

Transaction Set Control Segments

Transaction Set Header/Trailer (ST/SE)

A transaction set consists of segments that are intended to communicate pertinent business related information (for example, an invoice or a payment order/remittance advice). The ST/SE segments are used to indicate the beginning and end of a transaction set and provide identifying control numbers and a count of transmitted segments.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: ISA - Interchange Control Header

Level: Control


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To start and identify an interchange of one or more functional groups and interchange-related control segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name MrtgReq.

ANSI X12 Attributes

ISA01 I01 Authorization Information Qualifier M M ID 02/02

ISA02 I02 Authorization Information M M AN 10/10

ISA03 I03 Security Information Qualifier M M ID 02/02

ISA04 I04 Security Information M M AN 10/10

ISA05 I05 Interchange ID Qualifier M M ID 02/02

ISA06 I06 Interchange Sender ID M M AN 15/15

ISA07 I05 Interchange ID Qualifier M M ID 02/02

ISA08 I07 Interchange Receiver ID M M AN 15/15

ISA09 I08 Interchange Date M M DT 06/06

ISA10 I09 Interchange Time M M TM 04/04

ISA11 I10 Interchange Control Std ID M M ID 01/01

ISA12 I11 Interchange Version Number M M ID 05/05

ISA13 I12 Interchange Control Number M M N0 09/09

ISA14 I13 Acknowledgement Requested M M ID 01/01

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name MrtgReq

ANSI X12 Attributes

ISA15 I14 Test Indicator M M ID 01/01

ISA16 I15 Subelement Separator M M AN 01/01

Mortgagee Billing/Payment Usage Notes

This segment is required. It is used to indicate the start of an interchange.

ISA01 This element contains a code to identify the type of information in the Authorization Information.

ISA02 This element contains information used for additional identification or authorization of the sender or the data in the interchange. The type of information is sent by the Authorization Information Qualifier.

ISA03 This element contains a code to identify the type of information in the Security Information.

ISA04 This element is used for identifying the security information about the sender or the data in the interchange. The type of information is set by the Security Information Qualifer.

ISA05 This element contains a qualifier to designate the system/method of code structure used to designate the sender or receiver ID element being qualified.

ISA06 This element will contain an identification code published by the sender for other parties to use as the receiver ID to route data to them. The sender always codes this number in the sender ID element. Typically this number is a 9-digit DUNS number or other number agreed upon trading partner/mailbox identifier.

ISA07 This element contains a qualifier to designate the system/method of code structure used to designate the sender or receiver ID element being qualified.

ISA08 This element will contain the identification code published by the receiver of the data. When sending, it is used by the sender as their sender ID, thus other parties sending to them will use this as a receiving ID to route data to them.

ISA09 This element contains the interchange date (YYMMDD).

ISA10 This element contains the interchange time (HHMM).

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Billing/Payment Usage Notes

ISA11 This element contains a code identifying the agency responsible for the control standard used by the message that is enclosed by the interchange header and trailer. This element should be coded as "U", U.S. EDI Community of ASC X12, TDCC, and UCS.

ISA12 This element contains a version number which covers the interchange control segments. The recommended value is "00303", Draft Standard for Trial Use Aproved for Publication by ASC X12 Procedures Review Board Through October 1992.

ISA13 This element will contain a unique control number assigned by the sender. Typically this number is automatically assigned by the sending software. It is suggested that the sender, receiver and all third parties be able to maintain an audit trail of interchanges using this number.

ISA14 This element contains a code sent by the sender to request an interchange acknowledgment.

ISA15 This element contains a code to indicate whether data enclosed by this interchange envelope is test or production. This element should be coded "T" during testing and altered to a "P" when the trading partners are ready to enter production status.

ISA16 This element is reserved for future expansion in separating data element subgroups. (In the interest of a migration to international standards, this must be different from the data element separator.)



Note: * = blanks

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: IEA - Interchange Control Trailer

Level: Trailer


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To define the end of an interchange of one or more functional groups and interchange-related control segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name MrtgReq.

ANSI X12 Attributes

IEA01 I16 Number of Included Functional Groups M M N0 01/05

IEA02 I12 Interchange Control Number M M N0 09/09

Mortgagee Billing/Payment Usage Notes

This segment is required. It is used to indicate the end of an interchange.

IEA01 This element contains the total number of functional groups in this interchange.

IEA02 This element contains the control number used in the corresponding header (ISA13).



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: GS - Functional Group Header

Level: Control


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To indicate the beginning of a functional group and to provide control information.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

GS01 479 Functional ID Code M M ID 02/02

GS02 142 Application Sender's Code M M AN 02/15

GS03 124 Application Receiver's Code M M AN 02/15

GS04 373 Group Date M M DT 06/06

GS05 337 Group Time M M TM 04/04

GS06 028 Group Control Number M M N0 01/09

GS07 455 Responsible Agency Code M M ID 01/02

GS08 480 Version/Release Identifier Code M M ID 01/12

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Billing/Payment Usage Notes

This segment is required. It is used to indicate the beginning of a functional group.

GS01 This element contains a code identifying a group of application related Transaction Sets. For Mortgagee Billing, it should be coded "CI", Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement (811). For Mortgagee Payment, it should be coded "RA", Payment Order/Remittance Advice (820).

GS02 This element contains a code identifying the party sending the transmission. Codes are agreed to by trading partners.

GS03 This element contains a code identifying the party receiving the transmission. Codes are agreed to by trading partners.

GS04 This element contains the date (YYMMDD) format.

GS05 This element contains the time (HHMMSS) format.

GS06 This element will contain an assigned number originated and maintained by the sender. It must be identical to the same data element in the associated Functional Group Trailer GE02 element.

GS07 This element is used to identify the issuer of the standard. It will be coded "X", Accredited Standards Committee X12.

GS08 This element contains a code indicating the version, release, and sub release and industry identifier of the EDI standard being used, including the GS and GE segments. Positions 1-3, version number; positions 4-6, release and sub release level of version; positions 7-12, industry or trade association identifier (optionally assigned by the user). Recommended value is "003030".



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: GE - Functional Group Trailer

Level: Trailer


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To indicate the end of a functional group and to provide control information.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

GE01 097 Number of Included Sets M M N0 01/06

GE02 028 Group Control Number M M N0 01/09

Mortgagee Billing/Payment Usage Notes

This segment is required. It is used to indicate the end of a functional group.

GE01 This element contains the total number of transaction sets in the functional group.

GE02 This element contains the control number used in the corresponding header (GS06).



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

811 Mapping - Segment Uses and Sequence

Header (Table 1)

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X1 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

1.01 010 ST Transaction Set Header M M 1

1.02 020 BIG Beginning Segment for Invoice M M 1

030 NTE Note/Special Instruction NU O 100

040 CUR Currency NU O 1

050 REF Reference Numbers NU O >1

060 PER Administrative Communications Contact NU O 3

070 ITD Terms of Sale/Deferred Terms of Sale NU O 5

080 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O >1

090 TXI Tax Information NU O 1

100 N1 Name Insurance Company (Sending Partner)

M O 1 N1/>1

110 N2 Additional Name Information O O 2

120 N3 Address Information O O 2

130 N4 Geographic Location O O 1

140 REF Reference Number NU O 12

150 PER Administrative Communication Contact O O 3

1.03- 1.08

Occurrence 1: Sending Partner (Insurance Entity)

1.09- 1.13

Occurrence 2: Receiving Partner (Mortgage Co./Service Bureau)

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Detail (Table 2)

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

2.1 010 HL Hierarchical Level Level 1 (Branch/Region)

M M 1 HL/>1

2.2 020 LX Assigned Number M O 1 LX/>1

025 VEH Vehicle Information NU O 1

030 SI Service Characteristic Identification NU O 2

040 PID Product/Item Description NU O 200

045 MEA Measurements NU O 20

2.3 050 REF Reference Numbers Occurrence 1: Routing Transit Number Occurrence 2: Account Number Occurrence 3: Branch Number

M O >1

060 AMT Monetary Amount NU O 5

070 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 2

080 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

090 QTY Quantity NU O 1 QTY/10

100 SI Service Characteristic Ident. NU O 1

HL Hierarchical Level 2 NU

2.5 010 HL Hierarchical Level Level 3 (Mortgagee Level)

M M 1 HL/>1

2.6 020 LX Assigned Number M O 1 LX/>1

025 VEH Vehicle Information NU O 1

030 SI Service Characteristic Identification NU O 2

040 PID Product/Item Description NU O 200

045 MEA Measurements NU O 20

050 REF Reference Numbers NU O >1

2.7 060 AMT Monetary Amount Total Policy Premiums

M O 5

2.8 070 DTM Date/Time Reference Remittance Due Date

M O 2

080 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

2.9 090 QTY Quantity Total Number of Policies

M O 1 QTY/10

100 SI Service Characteristic Ident. NU O 1

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August 1, 2007

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

2.10 110 N1 Name Mortgagee Name

M O 1 N1/1

2.11 120 N2 Additional Name Information Mortgagee Name Line 2 Mortgagee Name Line 3

O O 2

2.12 130 N3 Address Information O O 2

2.13 140 N4 Geographic Location O O 1

150 REF Reference Numbers NU O 2

160 PER Administrative Communications NU O >1

170 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

2.14 010 HL Hierarchical Level Level 4 (Policy Detail)

M M 1 HL/>1

2.15 020 LX Assigned Number M O 1 LX/>1

025 VEH Vehicle Information NU O 1

030 SI Service Characteristic Identification NU O 2

2.16 040 PID Product/Item Description M O 200

045 MEA Measurements NU O 20

2.18 050 REF Reference Numbers Occurrence 1: Line of Business Occurrence 2: NAIC Co. Code Occurrence 3: Loan Number Occurrence 4: Policy Number Occurrence 5: Account Number Occurrence 6: Number of Units in Building

M O >1

2.20 060 AMT Monetary Amount Occurrence 1: Dwelling Coverage Occurrence 2: Policy Premium Occurrence 3: Estimated Replacement Cost

M O 5

2.21 070 DTM Date/Time Reference Occurrence 1: Effective Date Occurrence 2: Expiration Date Occurrence 3: Cancellation Date Occurrence 4: Policy Issue Date

M O 4

080 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

090 QTY Quantity NU O 1 QTY/10

100 SI Service Characteristic Ident. NU O 1

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

110 N1 Name NU O 1 N1/1

120 N2 Additional Name Information NU O 2

130 N3 Address Information NU O 2

140 N4 Geographic Location NU O 1

150 REF Reference Numbers NU O 2

160 PER Administrative Communications NU O >1

170 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

180 ITA Allowance, Charge or Service NU O 1 ITA/>1

190 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 1

200 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

2.23 210 IT1 Baseline Item Data(Invoice) M O 1 IT1/ 999999

2.26 220 SI Service Characteristic Identification M O 2

230 PID Product/Item Description NU O 200

235 MEA Measurements NU O 20

240 INC Installment Information NU O 1

250 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

260 REF Reference Numbers NU O 1

270 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 10

2.28 280 MSG Message Text O O >1

285 AMT Monetary Amount NU O 1

290 QTY Quantity NU O 1 QTY/>1

300 SI Service Characteristic Ident. NU O 1

310 ITA Allowance, Charge or Service NU O 1 ITA/10

320 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 1

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August 1, 2007

330 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

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August 1, 2007

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

2.29 340 N1 Name M O 1 N1/>1

2.30 350 N2 Additional Name Information O O 2

2.31 360 N3 Address Information M O 2

2.32 370 N4 Geographic Location M O 1

380 PER Administrative Communications NU O 3

HL Hierarchical Level 5 - 7 NU

2.33 010 HL Hierarchical Level Level 8 (Policy Transaction Detail)

O M 1 HL/>1

2.34 390 SLN Subline Item Detail M O 1 SLN/>1

2.36 400 SI Service Characteristic Identification M O 2

410 PID Product/Item Description NU O 200

415 MEA Measurements NU O 20

420 CUR Currency NU O 1

430 INC Installment Information NU O 1

440 ITA Allowance, Charge or Service NU O 10

450 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

2.38 460 REF Reference Numbers Occurrence 1: Policy Number Occurrence 2: Line of Business Occurrence 3: Account Number

M O >1

470 PER Administrative Communications NU O 3

2.40 480 DTM Date/Time Reference M O 10

490 AMT Monetary Amount NU O 10 500 MSG Message Text NU O >1

510 QTY Quantity NU O 1 QTY/>1

520 SI Service Characteristic Identification NU O 1

530 N1 Name NU O 1 N1/>1

540 N2 Additional Name Information NU O 2

550 N3 Address Information NU O 2

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August 1, 2007

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

560 N4 Geographic Location NU O 1

570 REF Reference Numbers NU O 2

580 PER Administrative Communications NU O 3

590 TCD Itemized Call Detail NU O 1 TCD/>1

600 SI Service Characteristic Identification NU O 2

610 TXI Tax Information NU O >1

620 USD Usage sensitive Detail NU O 1 USD/>1

630 ITA Allowance, Charge or Service NU O 2

640 TRF Rating Factors NU O 18

650 QTY Quantity NU O 1 QTY/>1

660 SI Service Characteristic Identification NU O 1

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Trailer (Table 3)

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

3.01 010 TDS Total Monetary Value Summary M M 1

020 ITA Allowance, Charge or Service NU O 1 ITA/>1

030 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 1

040 BAL Balance Detail NU O 1 BAL/>1

050 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 1

060 N1 Name NU O 1 N1/>1

070 BAL Balance Detail NU O 1 BAL/>1

080 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 1

090 ITA Allowance, Charge or Service NU O 1 ITA/>1

100 DTM Date/Time Reference NU O 1

3.02 110 CTT Transaction Totals M O 1

3.03 120 SE Transaction Trailer Set M M 1

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: ST - Transaction Set Header

Level: Heading


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number.

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

ST01 143 Transaction Set ID M M ID 03/03

ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M M AN 04/09

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and indicates the transaction set number '811'.

ST01 This element contains a code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set. It should be coded "811", Consolidated Service Invoice Statement.

ST02 This element contains an identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set function group assigned by the originator for a transaction set. This number is used to aid in error reconciliation and research and must be the same as the number in the SE02 element.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: BIG - Beginning Segment for Invoice

Level: Heading


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To indicate the start of an invoice transaction set and to transmit identifying numbers and dates.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

BIG01 245 Invoice Date M M DT 06/06

BIG02 76 Invoice Number Assigned by Sender M M AN 01/22

BIG03 323 PO Date NU O DT 06/06

BIG04 324 PO Number NU O AN 01/22

BIG05 328 Release Number NU O AN 01/30

BIG06 327 Change Order Sequence Number NU O AN 01/08

BIG07 640 Transaction Type Code NU O ID 02/02

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It provides information that uniquely identifies the bill.

BIG01 This element should contain the billing cycle date of the 811 as YYMMDD..

BIG02 This element should contain the invoice number assigned to the 811 transaction.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify party by type of organization.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 98 Entity ID Code M M ID 02/02

N102 93 Name O X AN 01/35

N103 66 ID Code Qualifier M X ID 01/02

N104 67 ID Code M X AN 02/17

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

At least two N1 loops should be used for all transaction sets to identify the sending partner (Insurance Entity) and receiving partner (Mortgage Entity/Service Bureau) as parties to the transaction.

Occurrence 1:

This segment is required and is used to communicate insurance company identification information.

N101 This element should be coded "IN" to indicate an insurance company is sending the data.

N102 If used, this element will contain the name of the insurance company.

N103 This element should be coded "FI" to indicate the taxpayer identification number is being used.

N104 This element should contain the taxpayer ID number of the insurance company.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 93 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 93 Name O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 1:

This segment is optional. If used, it will contain additional name information for the insurance company.

N201 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N102.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the location of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address Information O M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address Information O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 1:

This segment is optional. If used, it will occur once containing the address of the insurance company.

N301 This element contains the first 35 characters of the address of the insurance company.

N302 This element may be used if the address specified in element N301 is longer than 35 characters, or requires two lines.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name O X AN 02/19

N402 156 State/Prov. Code O O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code O O ID 04/09

N404 26 Country Code O O ID 02/02

N405 309 Location Qualifier NU X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Identifier NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 1:

This segment is optional for the insurance company.

N401 If used, this element contains the trading partner city name.

N402 If used, this element contains the trading partner state or province name.

N403 If used, this element contains the trading partner postal code.

N404 If used, this element is used to indicate a country code other than the United States.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify a contact name to be called for trading partner issues.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

PER01 366 Contact Function Code O M ID 02/02

PER02 93 Name O O AN 01/35

PER03 365 Communication Number Qualifier O X AN 02/02

PER04 364 Communication Number O X AN 07/21

PER05 365 Communication Number Qualifier NU X ID 02/02

PER06 364 Communication Number NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 1:

This segment is optional. If used, it appears once for the insurance company and contains information on a contact person.

PER01 If used, this element should be coded as one of the following: "AD" - Indicating the contact is the Accounting Department. "AR" - Indicating the contact is the Accounts Receivable Department. "EA" - Indicating the contact is the EDI Coordinator.

PER02 If used, this element should contain the name of the person to be contacted for trading partner communication.

PER03 If used, this element should be coded as "TE", to indicate the communication number will be a telephone number.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

PER04 If used, this element should contain the telephone number of the communication contact listed in PER02.


PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(NL)

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment N1- Name

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify party by type of organization.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 98 Entity ID Code M M ID 02/02

N102 93 Name O X AN 01/35

N103 66 ID Code Qualifier M X ID 01/02

N104 67 ID Code M X AN 02/17

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This segment is required. The second occurrence in the N1 Loop describes the recipient of the transaction set.

N101 This element should be coded as one of the following: "SQ" - Indicating the recipient is a service bureau. "MM" - Indicating the recipient is a mortgage company.

N102 If used, this element should contain the name of the recipient.

N103 This element should be coded "FI" to indicate the taxpayer identification number is being used.

N104 This element should contain the taxpayer ID number of the service bureau or mortgage company.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 93 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 93 Name O M AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This segment is optional. If used, it will contain additional name information for the recipient.

N201 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N102.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the location of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address Information O M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address Information O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This segment is optional. If used, it will contain address information for the recipient.

N301 This element contains the first 35 characters of the address of the recipient.

N302 This element may be used if the address specified in element N301 is longer than 35 characters, or requires two lines.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name O X AN 02/19

N402 156 State/Prov. Code O O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code O O ID 04/09

N404 26 Country Code O O ID 02/02

N405 309 Location Qualifier O X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Identifier O X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This segment is optional. If used, it provides the branch or region information identification number of the recipient.

N401 If used, this element contains the service bureau or mortgage company city name.

N402 If used, this element contains the service bureau or mortgage company state or province name.

N403 If used, this element contains the service bureau or mortgage company postal code.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

N404 If used, this element contains the country code of the service bureau or mortgage company that is different from the United States.

N405 If used, this element should be coded "RJ" to indicate the following location ID will be the branch or regional office of the service bureau or mortgage company.

N406 If used, this element contains the service bureau or mortgage company branch or regional office identification.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level

Level: Level 1 (Insurance Company Branch or Billing Center)

Loop: HL Repeat: >1

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify dependencies among the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

HL01 628 Hierarchical ID Number M M AN 01/12

HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID M O AN 01/12

HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M M ID 01/02

HL04 736 Hierarchical Child Code NU O ID 01/01

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It will occur once for every insurance company region or billing center.

HL01 This element should be valued with a unique number to identify a particular HL data segment within the transaction set.

HL02 This element is omitted at the first HL level. This element contains the number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the current HL level is subordinate to. Since HL level 1 is the highest level in the hierarchy, this element is not needed.

HL03 This element should be valued with a '1', indicating that this hierarchical level 1, Service Billing Provider (Insurance Company Branch or Billing Center).



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: LX - Assigned Number

Level: Level 1 (Branch or Billing Center)

Loop: HL/LX Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To reference a line number in a transaction set.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrt Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

LX01 554 Assigned Number M M N0 01/06

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required.

LX01 This element should be assigned a value of "1" in the HL level 1 loop.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: REF - Reference Numbers

Level: Level 1 (Branch or Billing Center)

Loop: HL/LX

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M M ID 02/02

REF02 127 Reference Number M X AN 01/30

REF03 352 Description NU X AN 01/80

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and will occur three times. The REF segments in HL level 1 (Branch or Billing Center) are used to communicate Branch or Billing Center Number, Bank Routing Number and Transit Numbers. This information is coded using the following sequence.

Occurrence 1:

REF01 This element should be coded "01", indicating that the following REF02 contains a Bank Routing Transit Number.

REF02 This element will contain the Bank Routing number of the Branch or Billing Center that is to receive the payment for the policies listed in this bill.

Occurrence 2:

REF01 This element should be coded "11", indicating that the following REF02 contains a Bank Account Number.

REF02 This element will contain the Bank Account Number of the Branch or Billing Center that is to receive the payment for the policies listed in this bill.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Occurrence 3:

REF01 This element should be coded "BF", indicating that the following REF02 contains a Branch or Billing Center Number.

REF02 This element will contain the Branch or Billing Center Number.





Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL Repeat: >1

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify dependencies among the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

HL01 628 Hierarchical ID Number M M AN 01/12

HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID M O AN 01/12

HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M M ID 01/02

HL04 736 Hierarchical Child Code NU O ID 01/01

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It provides mortgage company identification information and will occur once for every mortgage company included on the bill.

HL01 This element should be valued with a unique number to identify a particular HL data segment in the transaction set.

HL02 This element should contain the number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the current HL level is subordinate to. The HL01 value of the corresponding level 1 HL.

HL03 This element should be valued with '3', indicating that this is hierarchical level 3, Group (Mortgage Company).



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: LX - Assigned Number

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL/LX Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To reference a line number in a transaction set.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

LX01 554 Assigned Number M M N0 01/06

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required.

LX01 This element should be assigned a value of "1" in the HL level 3 loop.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: AMT - Monetary

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL/LX

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 10

Purpose: To indicate the total monetary amount.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

AMT01 522 Amount Qualifier Code M M ID 01/02

AMT02 782 Monetary Amount M M R 01/15

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It occurs only once per Mortgage Company and describes the total of all the line item premium amounts indicated in IT104.

AMT01 This element should be coded as '1' indicating the following amount is the total of all the line items.

AMT02 This element should contain the total of all premium amounts (escrow and non-escrow) found in the IT104 in Level 4.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL/LX

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify pertinent dates and times.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

DTM01 374 Date/Time Qualifier M M ID 03/03

DTM02 373 Date M X DT 06/06

DTM03 337 Time NU X TM 04/06

DTM04 623 Time Code NU O ID 02/02

DTM05 624 Century O O N0 02/02

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It is used to communicate the Remittance Due Date.

DTM01 This element must be coded as "013", indicating that the following element contains a "Due Date".

DTM02 This element will contain the due date for the policies billed.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the remittance due date.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: QTY - Quantity

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)


Usage: Optional

Max Use: 10

Purpose: To indicate a quantity count.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrt Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

QTY01 673 Quantity Qualifier M M ID 02/02

QTY02 380 Quantity M M R 01/15

QTY03 355 Unit or Basis for Measurement Code NU O ID 02/02

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It occurs once per Mortgage Company and indicates the number of policies (escrow and non-escrow) that are included in Level 4.

QTY01 This element should be coded as "46", indicating that the quantity is the total number of transactions, for a Mortgage Company.

QTY02 This element should contain the total number of policies included in Level 4.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL/N1 Repeat: 1

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify party by type of organization.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 098 Entity ID Code M M ID 02/02

N102 093 Name O X AN 01/35

N103 066 ID Code Qualifier M X AN 01/02

N104 067 Identification Code M X AN 02/17

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and is used to communicate the taxpayer number of the mortgage company.

N101 This element should be assigned a value of "MM", indicating the entity identified by the N1 segment is a mortgage company.

N102 This element's use is optional, if used this element will contain the mortgage company's name.

N103 This element should be assigned a value of "FI", indicating the next element is the mortgage company's "Federal Tax Id Number".

N104 This element contains the mortgage company's tax id number.


N1*MM**FI*742222209 (NL)

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL/N1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 093 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 093 Name O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

The segment is optional. If used, it will contain additional mortgage company name information.

N201 If used, this element will contain additional name information that would not fit in N102.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201.


Use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) should be sufficient to identify the Mortgage Company and therefore, no example is given.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL/N1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To specify the location of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address O M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is optional. If used, this segment will contain mortgage company address information.

N301 If used, this element contains the first 35 characters of the address for the payee.

N302 If used, this element may be used if the address specified in element N301 is longer than 35 characters.


Use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) should be sufficient to identify the Mortgage Company and therefore, no example is given.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Level 3 (Mortgage Company)

Loop: HL/N1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name O X AN 02/19

N402 156 State/Prov. Code O O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code O O ID 04/09

N404 26 Country Code O O ID 02/02

N405 309 Location Qualifier O X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Identifier O X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is optional and if used, communicates a mortgage company's branch or region number.

N401 The use of this element is optional, if used this element should contain the city name.

N402 The use of this element is optional, if used this element should contain the state or province code.

N403 The use of this element is optional, if used this element should contain the postal code.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

N404 This element is optional. This element is used to indicate the mortgage company's country if it is different from the United States.

N405 If used, this element is required and should contain a "RJ" to indicate that the next element contains the mortgage company's Branch or Region code.

N406 If used, this element is used to indicate the mortgage company's branch or region number.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL Repeat: >1

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify dependencies among the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

HL01 628 Hierarchical ID Number M M AN 01/12

HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID M O AN 01/12

HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M M ID 01/02

HL04 736 Hierarchical Child Code NU O ID 01/01

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It provides policy detail information and will occur once for every policy included on the bill.

HL01 This element should be valued with a unique number to identify a particular HL data segment in the transaction set.

HL02 This element should contain the number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the current HL level is subordinate to. The HL01 value of the corresponding level 1 HL.

HL03 This element should be valued with '4', indicating that this is hierarchical level 4, Group (Policy Detail).



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: LX - Assigned Number

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/LX Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To reference a line number in a transaction set.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name MrtgReq.

ANSI X12 Attributes

LX01 554 Assigned Number M M N0 01/06

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required.

LX01 This element should be assigned a value of "1" in the HL level 4 loop.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: PID - Product Item Description

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/LX

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 200

Purpose: To describe a product or process in coded or free-form format.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

PID01 349 Item Description Type M M ID 01/01

PID02 750 Product Character Code M O ID 02/03

PID03 559 Agency Qualifier Code M X ID 02/02

PID04 751 Product Description Code M X AN 01/12

PID05 352 Description NU X AN 01/80

PID06 752 Layer/Position Code NU O ID 02/02

PID07 822 Source Subqualifier NU O AN 01/15

PID08 1073 Yes/No Condition Response Code NU O/Z ID 01/01

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment can repeat 2 times. The first occurrence is required, the second optional. The first describes the policy as either paid by the Mortgagee (escrow policy) or paid by the insured (non-escrow policy). The second occurs only if 'Full Value Replacement' applies to this policy.

Occurrence 1:

PID01 This element should be coded as 'S', indicating the information in the following elements is in a structured format.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

PID02 This element should be coded as '02', indicating the information concerns an ACORD table.

PID03 This element should be coded as 'AD', indicating ACORD Industry Codes are used in this segment.

PID04 This element should be coded to indicate whether the policy being paid by the mortgagee or the insured. Possible values are:

MG Policy premium is paid by the Mortgagee (escrow policy).

IN Policy premium is paid by the insured (non-escrow policy).

Occurrence 2: (Optional)

The second PID would occur only if full value replacement exists.

PID01 If used, this element should be coded as 'S', indicating the information in the following elements is in a structured format.

PID02 If used, this element should be coded as '214', indicating the information concerns an ACORD table.

PID03 If used, this element should be coded as 'AD', indicating ACORD Industry Codes are used in this segment.

PID04 If used, this element should be coded as 'FVREP' to indicate Full Value Replacement or Guaranteed Replacement Coverage endorsement exists on the dwelling.




Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: REF - Reference Numbers

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/LX

Usage: Optional

Max Use: > 1

Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M M ID 02/02

REF02 127 Reference Number M X AN 01/30

REF03 352 Description NU X AN 01/80

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

The segment can repeat 6 times. The first 4 occurrences are required, the fifth and sixth are optional. Occurrences contain information that identifies the policy line of business, the insuring company, the policy number, the loan number, a policy account number and the number of units in a building.

Occurrence 1:

REF01 This element should be coded as 'TV', indicating that the following element contains a 'line of business' code.

REF02 This element should be coded from the ACORD code list found in Appendix E for the appropriate line of business.

Occurrence 2:

REF01 This element should be coded as 'NF', indicating that the following element contains the NAIC code of the insuring company.

REF02 This element should be coded as the insuring company's NAIC identification code.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Occurrence 3:

REF01 This element should be coded as 'LD', indicating that the following element contains the loan number for the insured home/property.

REF02 This element should be coded with the loan number for the insured home / property.

Occurrence 4:

REF01 This element should be coded as 'IG', indicating that the following element contains a policy number.

REF02 This element should be coded with the policy number of the policy covering the insured home/property.

Occurrence 5: (Optional)

REF01 If used, this element should be coded as '32', indicating account number

REF02 If used, this element should be coded as the account number of the policy to further define the policy to the trading partner.

Occurrence 6: (Optional)

REF01 If used, this element should be coded as 'LU', indicating the number of units in a building.

REF02 If used, this element should be coded with the number of units in the building being insured.








Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: AMT - Monetary Amount

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/LX

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 5

Purpose: To indicate the total monetary amount.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

AMT01 522 Amount Qualifier Code M M ID 01/02

AMT02 782 Monetary Amount M M R 01/15

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment may occur twice. The first occurrence is mandatory and the second is conditionally required. The first occurrence describes the coverage amount for the insured dwelling. The second occurrence describes the policies premium when a netted item is billed. When a policy is billed as a netted line item, the full premium amount of a policy is required to ensure the accuracy of a policy's loan escrow analysis.

Occurrence 1:

AMT01 This element should be coded as 'AU' indicating the following amount is the dwelling coverage amount.

AMT02 This element should contain the dwelling coverage amount.

Occurrence 2:

AMT01 This element should be coded as 'PE' indicating the following amount is the full premium amount for the policy. This occurrence is required when a netted billed item, such as a Cancel/Rewrite is communicated.

AMT02 This element should contain the full premium amount for the policy.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Occurrence 3:

AMT01 This element should be coded as 'AW' indicating the following amount is the estimated replacement cost for the policy.

AMT02 This element should contain the Estimated Replacement Cost for the policy. This amount is not intended to be used as the actual future cost to rebuild the dwelling.





Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/LX

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 4

Purpose: To specify pertinent dates and times.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

DTM01 374 Date/Time Qualifier M M ID 03/03

DTM02 373 Date M X DT 06/06

DTM03 337 Time NU X TM 04/06

DTM04 623 Time Code NU O ID 02/02

DTM05 624 Century O O N0 02/02

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment can repeat 4 times, the first two occurrences are required, the third and fourth are only applicable to cancellation and new policy transaction respectively. The first contains the policy effective date and the second, the expiration date. The third, date contains the cancellation date of the policy and the fourth date a new policy was issued.

Occurrence 1:

DTM01 This element should be coded as '007' indicating the following date is the policy effective date.

DTM02 This element will contain the effective date of the policy in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the policy effective date.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Occurrence 2:

DTM01 This element should be coded as '036' indicating the following date is the policy expiration date.

DTM02 This element will contain the expiration date of the policy in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the policy expiration date.

Occurrence 3:

DTM01 This element should be coded as '177' indicating the following date is the effective date of cancellation of a canceled policy.

DTM02 This element will contain the cancellation date of the policy in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the policy cancellation date.

Occurrence 4:

DTM01 This element should be coded as '102' indicating the following date is the date the policy was issued.

DTM02 This element will contain the issue date of the policy in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the policy issue date.






Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: IT1 - Baseline Item Data

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/IT1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the premium dollar amounts listed for a specific policy.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

IT101 350 Assigned Identification O O AN 01/11

IT102 358 Quantity Invoiced M M R 01/10

IT103 355 Unit of Basis for Measurement Code M M ID 02/02

IT104 212 Unit Price M M R 01/14

IT105 639 Basis of Unit Price Code M O ID 02/02

IT106 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT107 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT108 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT109 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT110 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT111 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT112 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT113 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT114 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT115 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

IT116 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT117 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT118 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT119 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT120 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT121 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT122 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT123 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

IT124 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

IT125 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and is used to communicate premium dollars owed for each policy. Please take special note of the following:

Credits and Partial Payments: The mortgagee billing standard supports net billed items such as partial payments and credits from cancel/rewrite policies. Bet billed items are communicated by placing a "NE" in IT105 and the net dollar amount due in IT104. Additionally, debit and credit policy transactions should be listed in the SLN (Subline item) loop in HL Level 8 and the full premium amount should be placed in the second occurrence of the AMT segment in the LX loop of HL Level 4.

Credits should not be sent in the IT1 segment as line items on an invoice. Placing credit line items on an invoice is an unorthodox business practice and should not be used for mortgagee billing. Credit line items are more appropriately placed in an 820 and communicated as a refund transaction.

Policy Cancellations: If the policy specified in Level 4 is a cancellation, the IT104 amount should be zero.

IT101 This element is not required, if used this element will contain a sequential number

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

to identify this baseline item.

IT102 This element indicates the number of items invoiced and should be set to 1.

IT103 This element indicates the unit of measurement of element IT104. This element should contain a value of "EA", indicating EACH.

IT104 This element contains the dollar amount due for the policy. The value in the IT104 should be either a positive number or zero.

IT105 This element indicates the type of premium dollar amount requested. Possible values are:


Annual Mid-Term Endorsement Net (Net unit price) Monthly Quarterly Semi-Annual



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: SI - Service Characteristic Identification

Level: Level 4 (Policy Transaction Detail)

Loop: HL/IT1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To identify service characteristics associated with the subline item.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SI01 559 Agency Qualifier Code M M ID 2/2

SI02 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M M ID 2/2

SI03 234 Product/Service Id M M AN 1/30

SI04 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI05 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI06 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI07 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI08 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI09 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI10 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI11 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI12 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI13 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI14 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI15 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SI16 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI17 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI18 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI19 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI20 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI21 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and is used to describe the type of policy transaction that is being sent in the detail line item in level.

SI01 This element should be coded as 'AD' to indicate ACORD agency code list.

SI02 This element should be coded as '01', indicating policy transactions code list.

SI03 This element should be coded with the one of the following codes to indicate the type of activity that is being sent on this policy.


New Business Renewal Endorsement or Policy Change Cancellation Reinstatement Insurance Verification



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: MSG - Message Text

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/IT1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: > 1

Purpose: To provide a free form format that would allow the transmission of text information.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

MSG01 933 Free-Form Message Text O M AN 01/264

MSG02 934 Print Carriage Control Code O O ID 02/02

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

Use of this segment is optional and is strongly discouraged. Including message text in EDI documents is disabling to the automation process.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/IT1/N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Required

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name and code.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 098 Entity ID Code M M ID 02/02

N102 093 Name M X AN 01/35

N103 066 Identification Code Qualifier NU X ID 01/02

N104 067 Identification Code NU X AN 01/17

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required. It appears once per policy. It contains the name of the insured.

N101 This element should be coded as 'IL', indicating the following name is that of the insured.

N102 This element should contain the name of the insured. This name appears for reference purposes only. The name should be formatted as follows: "LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME".



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/IT1/N1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 093 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 093 Name O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is optional. If used it appears once per policy. It contains additional name information for the insured.

N201 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N102.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201. You must have an N201 if you have an N202.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/IT1/N1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To specify the location of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address M M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and appears once per policy. It describes the insured's property location.

N301 This element should contain the first 30 characters of the address for the insured.

N302 Optional. If used, this element contains additional address information for the insured.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Level 4 (Policy Detail)

Loop: HL/IT1/N1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name M X AN 02/19

N402 156 State/Prov. Code M O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code M O ID 04/09

N404 026 Country Code O O ID 02/02

N405 309 Location Qualifier NU X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Code NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and appears once per policy. It contains the insured's city, state, and Zip code.

N401 This element should contain the insured's city name.

N402 This element should contain the insured's state code.

N403 This element should contain the insured's zip code.

N404 This element should contain the insured's country code.


N4*SAN ANTONIO*TX*782501234(NL)

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: HL - Hierarchical Level

Level: Level 8 (Policy Transaction Detail)

Loop: HL Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify dependencies among the content of hierarchically related groups of data segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

HL01 628 Hierarchical ID Number M M AN 01/12

HL02 734 Hierarchical Parent ID M O AN 01/12

HL03 735 Hierarchical Level Code M M ID 01/02

HL04 736 Hierarchical Child Code NU O ID 01/01

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is optional but is required when a netted policy premium is billed. This loop provides policy adjustment transactions that net to the amount shown in IT104. This loop is used to communicate netted items such as Cancel/Rewrites.

HL01 This element should be valued with a unique number to identify a particular HL data segment within the transaction set.

HL02 This element should contain the number of the next higher hierarchical data segment that the current HL level is subordinate to. The HL01 value of the corresponding level 4 HL.

HL03 This element should be valued with '8', indicating that this is hierarchical level 8, Line Detail (Policy Transaction Detail).



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: SLN - Subline Item Detail

Level: Level 8 (Policy Transaction Detail)

Loop: HL/SLN Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify product subline detail item data.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SLN01 350 Assigned Identification M M AN 01/11

SLN02 350 Assigned Identification M O AN 01/11

SLN03 661 Configuration Code M M ID 01/01

SLN04 380 Quantity M M R 01/15

SLN05 355 Unit of Measure Code M M ID 02/02

SLN06 212 Unit Price M X R 01/14

SLN07 639 Basis Unit Price Code NU O ID 02/02

SLN08 662 Subline Price Change Code ID NU O ID 01/01

SLN09 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN10 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN11 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN12 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN13 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN14 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN15 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SLN16 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN17 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN18 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN19 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN20 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN21 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN22 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN23 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN24 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN25 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN26 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

SLN27 235 Product/Service ID Qualifier NU O ID 02/02

SLN28 234 Product/Service ID NU X AN 01/30

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

The SLN loop is required. It provides detailed information about each policy. There is one loop occurrence for each policy.

This Segment is required and appears once per policy. It is used to describe policy transactions

SLN01 This sequential number should be valued with the Assigned Identification of the corresponding Baseline Item Detail.

SLN02 This sequence number should be incremented each time a new transaction, within the HL8 loop, is described.

SLN03 This element should be coded as an 'I', indicating that this is detail information about a policy included in the Baseline Item Detail for the policy.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

SLN04 This element should be coded as '1' indicating the number of transactions described by the segment / loop occurrence.

SLN05 This element should be coded as 'EA' indicating that policy transactions are described individually.

SLN06 This element should be coded as the transaction activity for the policy. This amount could be negative if the policy transaction resulted in a return premium.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: SI - Service Characteristic Identification

Level: Level 8 (Policy Transaction Detail)

Loop: HL/SLN

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 2

Purpose: To identify service characteristics associated with the sub line item.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name MrtgReq.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SI01 559 Agency Qualifier Code M M ID 2/2

SI02 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier M M ID 2/2

SI03 234 Product/Service Id M M AN 1/30

SI04 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI05 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI06 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI07 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI08 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI09 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI10 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI11 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI12 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI13 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI14 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name MrtgReq.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SI15 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI16 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI17 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI18 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI19 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

SI20 1000 Service Characteristics Qualifier NU X ID 2/2

SI21 234 Product/Service Id NU X AN 1/30

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required when Level 8 is used and describes the type of policy transaction that is being sent in the detail line item in level.

SI01 This element should be coded as 'AD' to indicate ACORD agency code list.

SI02 This element should be coded as '03', indicating billing transactions code list.

SI03 This element should be coded with the one of the following codes listed in Appendix F to indicate the type of activities that transpired on the billed policy.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: REF - Reference Numbers

Level: Level 8 (Policy Transaction Detail)

Loop: HL/SLN

Usage: Optional

Max Use: > 1

Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M M ID 02/02

REF02 127 Reference Number M X AN 01/30

REF03 352 Description NU X AN 01/80

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

The segment can repeat 4 times. All occurrences are optional. The occurrences are used to specify a policy number, account number, line of business and NAIC that is different than the one specified in Level 4. For example, these reference fields should be used to specify a policy number when a credit transfer is made from a cancelled policy to the one specified in Level 4.

Occurrence 1:

REF01 This element should be coded as 'IG', indicating that the following element contains a policy number.

REF02 This element should be coded with the cross reference policy number in the case of transfers credits or debits.

Occurrence 2:

REF01 This element should be coded as 'TV', indicating that the following element contains a ‘line of business” code.

REF02 This element should be coded from the ACORD code list found in Appendix E for the appropriate line of business.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Occurrence 3:

REF01 This element should be coded as 'NF', indicating that the following element contains the NAIC code of the insuring company.

REF02 This element should be coded as the insuring company's NAIC identification code.

Occurrence 4: (Optional)

REF01 If used, this element should be coded as '32', indicating account number

REF02 If used, this element should be coded as the account number of the policy if the trading partner has the ability to separate fields.






Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: DTM - Date/Time

Level: Level 8 (Policy Transaction Detail)

Loop: HL/SLN

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 10

Purpose: To specify pertinent dates and times.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

DTM01 374 Date/Time Qualifier M M ID 03/03

DTM02 373 Date M X DT 06/06

DTM03 337 Time NU X TM 04/06

DTM04 623 Time Code NU O ID 02/02

DTM05 624 Century O O N0 02/02

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required when level 8 information is communicated and is used to specify the effective date of the policy adjustment.

DTM01 This element should be coded as '306' indicating the following date is the policy adjustment effective date.

DTM02 This element will contain the effective date of the policy adjustment in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the policy effective date.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: TDS - Total Monetary Value Summary

Level: Trailer


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the total invoice discounts and amounts.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

TDS01 361 Total Invoice Amount M M N2 01/10

TDS02 390 Amount Subject Terms Discount NU X N2 01/10

TDS03 391 Discounted Amount Due NU O N2 01/10

TDS04 362 Terms Discount Amount NU O N2 01/10

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required and will contain the sum of all the policy premiums included in the transaction.

TDS01 This element will contain the sum of all the IT104 elements included in this transaction which represents a net invoice amount.



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August 1, 2007

Segment: CTT - Transaction Totals

Level: Trailer


Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To transmit a hash total for a special element in the transaction set.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

CTT01 354 Number of Line Items O M N0 01/06

CTT02 347 Hash Total NU O R 01/10

CTT03 81 Weight NU O R 01/10

CTT04 355 Unit/Basis Measurement Code NU X ID 02/02

CTT05 183 Volume NU O R 01/08

CTT06 355 Unit/Basis Measurement Code NU X ID 02/02

CTT07 352 Description NU O AN 01/80

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is optional.

CTT01 Some translators automatically generate this segment.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: SE - Transaction Set Trailer

Level: Trailer


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To indicate the end of a transaction set and to provide a count of the transmitted segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SE01 096 Number of Included Segments M M N0 01/06

SE02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M M AN 04/09

Mortgagee Billing Usage Notes

This segment is required.

SE01 Number of included segments.

SE02 This element contains the control number assigned by the trading partner for each invoice in a functional group. Typically this is a software assigned number and it must be the same as the number in the ST segment.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

820 Mapping - Segment Uses and Sequence

Header (Table 1)

Page No. Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

1.1 010 ST Transaction Set Header M M 1

1.2 020 BPR Beginning Segment - Payment Order/Remittance Advice

M M 1

030 NTE Note/Special Instruction NU O >1

1.8 035 TRN Trace M O 1

040 CUR Currency NU O 1

1.10 050 REF Reference Numbers O O >1

1.11 060 DTM Date/Time Reference Occurrence 1: Invoice Date Occurrence 2: Due Date |Occurrence 3: Processed Date

O O >1

070 N1 Name O O 1 N1/>1

080 N2 Additional Name Information O O >1

090 N3 Address Information O O >1

100 N4 Geographic Location O O 1

110 REF Reference Numbers O O >1

120 PER Administrative Communications Contact O O >1

1.13 - 1.17

Occurrence 1: Payer (Mortgage Company)

1.19 - 1.24

Occurrence 2: Payee (Insurance Entity)

1.26 - 1.30

Occurrence 3: Service Bureau ID

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August 1, 2007

Detail (Table 2)

Page No.

Pos. No.

Seg ID

Name Mrtg Req.

X12 Req.

Max. Use

Loop Repeat

2.1 010 ENT Entity O O 1 ENT/>1

2.3 020 N1 Name O O 1 N1/>1

2.4 030 N2 Additional Name Information O O >1

2.5 040 N3 Address Information O O >1

2.6 050 N4 Geographic Location O O 1

060 REF Reference Numbers NU O >1

070 PER Administrative Communications Contact NU O >1

2.7 150 RMR Remittance Advice M O 1 RMR/>1

160 NTE Note/Special Instruction NU O >1

2.9 170 REF Reference Numbers O O >1

2.11 180 DTM Date/Time Reference Occurrence 1: Effective Date Occurrence 2: Expiration Date

O O >1

2.13 210 ADX Adjustment O O 1 ADX/>1

220 NTE Note/Special Instruction NU O >1

230 PER Administrative Communications Contact NU O >1

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August 1, 2007

Trailer (Table 3)


Seg ID

Name MrtgReq.

X12 Req.


Loop Repeat

3.1 SE Transaction Trailer Set M M 1

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: ST - Transaction Set Header

Level: Heading


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

ST01 143 Transaction Set ID M M ID 03/03

ST02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M M AN 04/09

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes


This element contains a code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set. It should be coded "820", Payment Order/Remittance Advice.

ST02 This element contains an identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set. This number aids in error reconciliation and research and must be the same as the number in the SE02 element.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: BPR - Beginning Segment for Payment Order/Remittance Advice

Level: Heading


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To (1) indicate the beginning of a Payment Order/Remittance Advice Transaction Set and Total Payment Amount or (2) to enable related transfer of funds and/or information from payer to payee to occur.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

BPR01 305 Transaction Handling Code M M ID 01/01

BPR02 782 Monetary Amount M M/Z R 01/15

BPR03 478 Credit/Debit Flag Code M M ID 01/01

BPR04 591 Payment Method Code M M ID 03/03

BPR05 812 Payment Format X O ID 01/10

BPR06 506 (DFI) ID Number Qualifier M X/Z ID 02/02

BPR07 507 (DFI) Identification Number M X AN 03/12

BPR08 896 Account Number Qualifier Code X O ID 02/02

BPR09 508 Account Number O X AN 01/35

BPR10 509 Originating Company Identifier M O AN 10/10

BPR11 510 Originating Company Suplemental Code O O AN 09/09

BPR12 506 (DFI) ID Number Qualifier X X/Z ID 02/02

BPR13 507 (DFI) Identification Number X X AN 03/12

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

BPR14 896 Account Number Qualifier Code X O ID 02/02

BPR15 508 Account Number X X/Z AN 01/35

BPR16 513 Effective Entry Date X O DT 06/06

BPR17 1048 Business Function Code X O/Z ID 01/03

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is mandatory. It contains transfer of funds information from payer to payee.

BPR01 This element contains a code designating the action to be taken by all parties.

Valid Codes:

C Payment Accompanies Remittance Advice The 820 is used as an instruction/advice that the payment and remittance data will or has moved together.

I Remittance Information Only The 820 is used as an advice that remittance data will or has moved separately from the payment.

X Handling Party's Option to Split Payment and Remittance Dollars and data move together through the banking system or the dollars and data have been re-associated for advising purposes.

BPR02 This element specifies the payment amount. The total payment amount cannot exceed specifications within various payment system rules. For example, when converting to a NACHA format, the total payment amount cannot exceed eleven characters, including the decimal (i.e., 99999999.99).

BPR03 This element contains a code indicating whether unit price difference or amount of adjustment is a credit or debit amount. Code value "C" is a credit to the receiver and a debit to the originator. "D" is a debit to the receiver and a credit to the originator.

BPR04 This element contains a code used to designate the actual funds transfer method.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Valid Codes:

ACH Automated Clearing House (ACH)

BKW Book Entry

BOP BOP means the financial institution will select the payment method based upon prior arrangements.

CWT Clearing House Interbank Payment System (CHIPS) - Funds/Wire Transfer

FEW Federal Reserve Fund/Wire Transfer - Repetitive

FWT Federal Reserve Fund/Wire Transfer - Non-repetitive

PBC Pay by Check This option is not recommended and should be used only for exceptions.

BPR05 This element contains a code identifying the payment format to be used. This element is mandatory if one of the codes below applies:

Valid Codes:

CTX Corporate Trade Exchange (CTX) (ACH)

CCP Cash Concentration/Disbursement plus addenda (CCD+) (ACH)

CCD Cash Concentration/Disbursement (CCD) (ACH)

PBC Commercial/Corporate Check

If BPR04 is PBC, the valid BPR05 payment format code is PBC.

If BPR04 is ACH, the valid BPR05 payment format codes are CTX, CCP, or CCD. If BPR04 is not any of the above, omit this data element.

BPR06 through BPR09 relate to the Originating Financial Institution (ODFI) and account.

When using this transaction set to initiate a payment, all or some of BPR06 through BPR16 may be required depending on the conventions of the specific payment mechanisms being used and the arrangements with the originating financial institutions.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

BPR06 This element contains a code identifying the type of identification number of the Depository Financial Institution (DFI). BPR06 refers to the originating financial institution

Valid Codes:

01 ABA Routing Transit Number including Check Digit (9 digits)

03 CHIPS (3 or 4 digits)

BPR07 This element contains the Depository Financial Institution (DFI) identification number. It is the originating financial institution identifier.

BPR08 This element contains a code identifying the type of bank account at the originating financial institution. If "ACH" is used in BPR04, then one of the codes below must be used.

Valid Codes:

DA Demand Deposit

SG Savings

BPR09 This element contains the originating company's account number.

BPR10 This element contains a unique identifier designating the company initiating the funds transfer instructions. The first character is a one-digit ANSI identification code designation (ICD) followed by a nine-digit identification number which may be an IRS employer identification number (EIN). The ICD for an EIN is 1, followed by the Mortgage Company Tax ID Number.

It is strongly recommended that this data element be used to identify the sender to the receiver.

BPR11 This element contains a code defined between the originating company and the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) that uniquely identifies the company initiating the transfer instructions. If used, this element contains the Mortgage Company Branch Number.

BPR12 through BPR15 relate to the Receiving Financial Institution (RDFI) and account and are required for EFT.

BPR12 This element contains a code identifying the type of identification number of the Depository Financial Institution (DFI). BPR12 refers to the receiving financial institution.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Valid Codes:

01 ABA Transit Routing Number including Check Digit (9 digits)

03 CHIPS (3 or 4 digits)

BPR13 This element contains the Depository Financial Institution (DFI) identification number. It is the receiving financial institution identifier.

BPR14 This element contains a code identifying the type of bank account at the receiving financial institution. If "ACH" is used in BPR04, then one of the codes below must be used.

Valid Codes:

DA Demand Deposit

SG Savings

BPR15 This element contains the receiver's account number.

BPR16 This element contains the date the originating company intends for the transaction to be settled.

For ACH payments:

(A) For credits: the date the originating company (the payer) intends to provide good funds to the receiving company (the payee).

(B) For debits: the date the originating company (the payee) intends to receive good funds from the receiving company (the payer).

For check payments: the check issuance date.

For Fed wire payments: the date the originating company (the payer) intends to provide good funds to the receiving company (the payee).

BPR17 This element contains a code identifying the business reason for this payment. This element should be coded "VEN" to indicate that this 820 is a vendor payment.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: TRN - Trace

Level: Heading


Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To uniquely identify a transaction to an application.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

TRN01 481 Trace Type Code M M ID 01/02

TRN02 127 Reference Number M M/Z AN 01/30

TRN03 509 Originating Company Identifier M O/Z AN 10/10

TRN04 127 Reference Number O O/Z AN 01/30

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is mandatory. It contains information identifying this payment order/remittance advice transaction.

TRN01 This element contains a code identifying which transaction is being referenced. This element should be coded "1" indicating that this is the trace segment for this transaction.

TRN02 This element contains a reference number or identification number as defined for a particular Transaction Set, or as specified by the Reference Number Qualifier.

This element contains the reference number that identifies this Payment Order/Remittance Advice. This number should be unique within a sender/receiver relationship and assigned by the originator's application if possible. If payment and remittance are split, this number can be used for reassociation.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

TRN03 This element contains a unique identifier designating the company initiating the funds transfer instructions. The first character is a one-digit ANSI identification code designation (ICD) followed by a nine-digit identification number which may be an IRS employer identification number (EIN). The ICD for an EIN is 1, followed by the Mortgage Company Tax ID Number.

TRN03 and BPR10 should be identical.

TRN04 This element contains a reference number or identification number as defined for a particular Transaction Set or as specified by the Reference Number Qualifier. This element uniquely identifies a subdivision within a company. If used, this element contains the Mortgage Company Branch Number.

TRN04 and BPR11 should be identical.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: REF - Reference Numbers

Level: Heading


Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M M ID 02/02

REF02 127 Reference Number M X AN 01/30

REF03 352 Description NU X AN 01/80

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment occurs once.

REF01 This element should be coded "IV", indicating that the following REF02 contains an Invoice Number.

REF02 This element will contain the Invoice number. This should be the same value as the BIG02 data element which contains the invoice number assigned to the 811 transaction.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference

Level: Heading


Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify pertinent dates and times.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name MrtgReq.

ANSI X12 Attributes

DTM01 374 Date/Time Qualifier M M ID 03/03

DTM02 373 Date M X DT 06/06

DTM03 337 Time NU X TM 04/06

DTM04 623 Time Code NU O ID 02/02

DTM05 624 Century O O N0 02/02

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment appears 3 times, all occurrences are required. It contains the Billing Cycle Date of the 811, the Remittance Due Date, and the Process Date generated by the sender.

Occurrence 1:

DTM01 This element should be coded as "003", indicating the following date is the Invoice Date.

DTM02 This element will contain the billing cycle date of the 811, BIG01 data element in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the invoice date.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

DTM01 This element should be coded as "013", indicating that the following date is the Due Date.

DTM02 This element will contain the due date for the policies billed.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the due date for the policies billed.

Occurrence 3:

DTM01 This element should be coded as "009", indicating that the following date is the Process Date.

DTM02 This element will contain the process date generated by the sender.

DTM05 Optional. If used, this element contains the century of the process date generated by the sender.





Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name and code.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 098 Entity ID Code M M ID 02/02

N102 093 Name O X AN 01/35

N103 066 Identification Code Qualifier M X ID 01/02

N104 067 Identification Code M X AN 02/17

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

At least two N1 loops should be used for all payment methods to identify the payer and payee as parties to the transaction. A third N1 loop used to convey information related to service bureaus is optional.

Occurrence 1:

N101 This element should be coded as "PR", indicating the entity identified by the N1 segment is the Payer.

N102 Optional. If used, this element will contain the mortgage company (payer) name.

N103 This element should be assigned the value of "FI", indicating the next element is the mortgage company's "Federal Tax ID Number".

N104 This element contains the mortgage company's tax ID number.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 093 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 093 Name O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 1:

This segment is optional. If used, it contains the mortgage company (payer) name in the N1 segment which may need to be expanded for length.

N201 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in the N1 segment.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201.


The use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) in N104 should be sufficient to identify the payer. Therefore, no example is given.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify the location of a named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address Information O M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address Information O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 1:

This segment is optional.

N301 If used, this element contains the first 35 characters of the address of the mortgage company (payer).

N302 If used, this element should contain address information that would not fit in N301.


The use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) in N104 should be sufficient to identify the payer. Therefore, no example is given.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name O X AN 02/30

N402 156 State/Prov. Code O O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code O O ID 03/09

N404 026 Country Code O O ID 02/03

N405 309 Location Qualifier O X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Identifier O X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 1:

This segment is optional for the first occurrence of the N1 loop containing payer information.

N401 Optional. If used, it contains the mortgage company (payer) city name.

N402 Optional. If used, it contains the mortgage company (payer) state or province name.

N403 Optional. If used, it contains the mortgage company (payer) postal code. The extended nine-digit zip code must not include punctuation (hyphenation).

N404 Optional. If used, this element contains a code identifying the country.

N405 If used, this element should be coded "RJ" to indicate the following location ID will be the branch or regional office of the mortgage company.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

N406 If used, this element contains the mortgage company branch/region (payer) identification number.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

PER01 366 Contact Function Code O M ID 02/02

PER02 93 Name O O AN 01/35

PER03 365 Communication Number Qualifier O X ID 02/02

PER04 364 Communication Number O X AN 01/25

PER05 365 Communication Number Qualifier NU X ID 02/02

PER06 364 Communication Number NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is optional. If used, it identifies administrative contacts.

Occurrence 1:

If used, this PER segment would contain information related to the first occurrence of the N1 loop - mortgage company (payer) loop.

PER01 If used, this element should be coded as one of the following: "AD" - Indicating the contact is the Accounting Department. "AR" - Indicating the contact is the Accounts Receivable Department. "EA" - Indicating the contact is the EDI Coordinator.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

PER02 If used, this element should contain the name of the person to be contacted for trading partner communication.

PER03 If used, this element should be coded as "TE", to indicate the communication number will be a telephone number.

PER04 If used, this element should contain the telephone number of the communication contact listed in PER02.


PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(N/L)

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name and code.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 098 Entity ID Code M M ID 02/02

N102 093 Name O X AN 01/35

N103 066 Identification Code Qualifier M X ID 01/02

N104 067 Identification Code M X AN 02/17

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

At least two N1 loops should be used for all payment methods to identify the payer and payee as parties to the transaction. A third N1 loop used to convey information related to service bureaus is optional.

Occurrence 2:

N101 This element should be coded as "PE", indicating the entity identified by the N1 segment is the Payee.

N102 If used, this element will contain the insurance company (payee) name.

N103 This element should be assigned the value of "FI", indicating the next element is the insurance company "Federal Tax ID Number".

N104 This element contains the tax ID number of the insurance company.



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 093 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 093 Name O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This segment is optional. If used, it contains the insurance company (payee) name in the N1 segment which may need to be expanded for length.

N201 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in the N1 segment.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201.


The use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) in N104 should be sufficient to identify the payee. Therefore, no example is given.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify the location of a named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address Information O M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address Information O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This segment is optional.

N301 If used, this element contains the first 35 characters of the address of the insurance company (payee).

N302 If used, this element should contain address information that would not fit in N301.


The use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) in N104 should be sufficient to identify the payee. Therefore, no example is given.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name O X AN 02/30

N402 156 State/Prov. Code O O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code O O ID 03/09

N404 026 Country Code O O ID 02/03

N405 309 Location Qualifier NU X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Identifier NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This segment is optional.

N401 If used, it contains the insurance company (payee) city name.

N402 If used, it contains the insurance company (payee) state or province name.

N403 If used, it contains the insurance company (payee) postal code. The extended nine-digit zip code must not include punctuation (hyphenation).

N404 If used, this element contains a code identifying the country.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: REF - Reference Numbers

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 12

Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier O M ID 02/02

REF02 127 Reference Number O X AN 01/30

REF03 352 Description NU X AN 01/80

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 2:

This REF segment is optional. If used, it contains information related to the second occurrence of the N1 loop - insurance company (payee) loop.

REF01 If used, this element should be coded "BF", indicating that the following REF02 contains a Billing Center Number for the insurance company (payee).

REF02 If used, this element will contain the Branch or Billing Center Number for the insurance company (payee).



Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrt Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

PER01 366 Contact Function Code O M ID 02/02

PER02 93 Name O O AN 01/35

PER03 365 Communication Number Qualifier O X ID 02/02

PER04 364 Communication Number O X AN 01/25

PER05 365 Communication Number Qualifier NU X ID 02/02

PER06 364 Communication Number NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is optional. If used, it identifies administrative contacts.

Occurrence 2:

If used, this PER segment would contain information related to the second occurrence of the N1 loop - insurance company (payee) loop.

PER01 If used, this element should be coded as one of the following: "AD" - Indicating the contact is the Accounting Department. "AR" - Indicating the contact is the Accounts Receivable Department. "EA" - Indicating the contact is the EDI Coordinator.

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August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

PER02 If used, this element should contain the name of the person to be contacted for trading partner communication.

PER03 If used, this element should be coded as "TE", to indicate the communication number will be a telephone number.

PER04 If used, this element should contain the telephone number of the communication contact listed in the preceding PER02 element.


PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(N/L)

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August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name and code.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 098 Entity ID Code X M ID 02/02

N102 093 Name O X AN 01/35

N103 066 Identification Code Qualifier X X ID 01/02

N104 067 Identification Code X X AN 02/17

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

The third N1 loop is conditional. If present, it is used to convey information related to service bureaus.

Occurrence 3:

N101 If used, this element should be coded as "SQ", indicating the entity identified by the N1 segment is the Service Bureau.

N102 If used, this element will contain the name of the service bureau providing the insurance data.

N103 If used, this element should be assigned the value of "FI", indicating the next element is the service bureau "Federal Tax ID Number".

N104 If used, this element contains the tax ID number of the service bureau.



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August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 093 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 093 Name O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Occurrence 3:

The third N1 loop is conditional. If present, it is used to convey information related to service bureaus.

This segment is optional. If used, it contains the service bureau name in the N1 segment which may need to be expanded for length.

N201 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in the N1 segment.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201.


The use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) in N104 should be sufficient to identify the service bureau. Therefore, no example is given.

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August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify the location of a named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address Information O M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address Information O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

The third N1 loop is optional and is used to convey information related to service bureaus.

Occurrence 3:

N301 If used, this element contains the first 35 characters of the address of the service bureau.

N302 If used, this element may be used if the address specified in element N301 is longer than 35 characters.


The use of this field should not be necessary. Tax Identification Number (TIN) in N104 should be sufficient to identify the service bureau. Therefore, no example is given.

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August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name O X AN 02/30

N402 156 State/Prov. Code O O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code O O ID 03/09

N404 026 Country Code O O ID 02/03

N405 309 Location Qualifier O X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Identifier O X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

The third N1 loop is conditional. It is used to convey information related to service bureaus.

Occurrence 3:

N401 If used, this element contains the service bureau city name.

N402 If used, this element contains the service bureau state or province name.

N403 If used, this element contains the service bureau postal code. The extended nine-digit zip code must not include punctuation (hyphenation).

N404 If used, this element contains a code identifying the country..

N405 If used, this element should be coded "RJ", indicating the following location ID will

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be the branch or regional office of the service bureau. Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes:

N406 If used, this element contains a code which identifies a specific location of the service bureau.



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August 1, 2007

Segment: PER - Administrative Communications Contact

Level: Heading

Loop: N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To identify a person or office to whom administrative communications should be directed.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

PER01 366 Contact Function Code O M ID 02/02

PER02 93 Name O O AN 01/35

PER03 365 Communication Number Qualifier O X ID 02/02

PER04 364 Communication Number O X AN 01/25

PER05 365 Communication Number Qualifier NU X ID 02/02

PER06 364 Communication Number NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is optional. If used, it identifies administrative contacts.

Occurrence 3:

If used, this PER segment would contain information related to the third occurrence of the N1 loop - service bureau loop.

PER01 If used, this element should be coded as one of the following: "AD" - Indicating the contact is the Accounting Department. "AR" - Indicating the contact is the Accounts Receivable Department. "EA" - Indicating the contact is the EDI Coordinator.

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August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

PER02 If used, this element should contain the name of the person to be contacted for trading partner communication.

PER03 If used, this element should be coded as "TE", to indicate the communication number will be a telephone number.

PER04 If used, this element should contain the telephone number of the communication contact listed in the preceding PER02 element.


PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(N/L)

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August 1, 2007

Segment: ENT Entity

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional (Mandatory if loop is present)

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To designate the entities which are parties to a transaction and specify a reference meaningful to those entities.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

ENT01 554 Assigned Number M O N0 01/06

ENT02 098 Entity Identifier Code O X ID 02/02

ENT03 066 Identification Code Qualifier O X ID 01/02

ENT04 067 Identification Code O X AN 02/17

ENT05 098 Entity Identifier Code NU X ID 02/02

ENT06 066 Identification Code Qualifier NU X ID 01/02

ENT07 067 Identification Code NU X AN 02/17

ENT08 128 Reference Number Qualifier NU X ID 02/02

ENT09 127 Reference Number NU X AN 01/30

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

The ENT loop is required. It provides detailed information about the policies. It appears once per policy. It is used to describe policy payment information.

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August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

ENT01 This element contains a number assigned for differentiation within a transaction set. The number is incremented for each occurrence of the ENT loop.

In a single/single relationship, the ENT01 must be used to satisfy X12 syntax but has no special significance. No other data elements in the ENT segment need be used in this case.

ENT02, ENT03, and ENT04 are used only when a corrected loan number is sent.

ENT02 If used, this element contains a code identifying an organizational entity or a physical location. This element contains the originating company sub entity. This element should be coded "MM" indicating Mortgage Company.

ENT03 If used, this element should be coded "CL" indicating that the following ENT04 contains a Corrected Loan Number.

ENT04 If used, this element will contain either a loan number or corrected loan number as indicated by the value of the preceding ENT03 element.



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August 1, 2007

Segment: N1 - Name

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name and code.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N101 098 Entity ID Code O M ID 02/02

N102 093 Name O X AN 01/35

N103 066 Identification Code Qualifier NU X ID 01/02

N104 067 Identification Code NU X AN 02/17

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Name information is mandatory for inserted policies. This segment contains the name of the insured.

N101 This element should be coded as "IL", indicating that the following name is that of the insured.

N102 This element should contain the name of the insured. This name appears for reference purposes only. The name should be formatted as follows: "LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME".



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August 1, 2007

Segment: N2 - Additional Name Information

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify additional names or those longer than 35 characters in length.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N201 093 Name O M AN 01/35

N202 093 Name O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is optional. If used, it contains additional name information for the insured.

N201 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N102.

N202 If used, this element should contain additional name information that would not fit in N201.

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August 1, 2007

Segment: N3 - Address Information

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify the location of a named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N301 166 Address Information O M AN 01/35

N302 166 Address Information O O AN 01/35

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Address information is required on inserted policies. This segment contains the address of the insured.

N301 This element should contain the first 35 characters of the address for the insured.

N302 This element contains additional address information for the insured.



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August 1, 2007

Segment: N4 - Geographic Location

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/N1 Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the geographic place of the named party.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

N401 019 City Name O X AN 02/30

N402 156 State/Prov. Code O O ID 02/02

N403 116 Postal Code O O ID 03/09

N404 026 Country Code O O ID 02/03

N405 309 Location Qualifier NU X ID 01/02

N406 310 Location Identifier NU X AN 01/25

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Address information is required on inserted policies. This segment contains the insured's city, state, and zip code.

N401 This element should contain the insured's city name.

N402 This element should contain the insured's state or province code.

N403 This element should contain the insured's zip code. The extended nine-digit zip code must not include punctuation (hyphenation).

N404 If used, this element is used to indicate a country code other than the United States.


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N4*SAN ANTONIO*TX*782131234(NL)

Segment: RMR - Remittance Advice

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/RMR Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To specify the accounts receivable open item(s) to be included in the cash application and to convey the appropriate detail.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

RMR01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M X ID 02/02

RMR02 127 Reference Number M O AN 01/30

RMR03 482 Payment Action Code NU O ID 02/02

RMR04 782 Monetary Amount M O R 01/15

RMR05 777 Total Invoice or Credit/Debit Amount M O R 01/15

RMR06 780 Discount Amount Taken NU O R 01/15

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is required. The RMR loop is for open items being referenced or for payment on account.

RMR01 This element should be coded as "IG", indicating that the following RMR02 contains an insurance policy number.

RMR02 This element should contain the policy number of the policy covering the insured home/property.

RMR03 This element is not used.

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August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

RMR04 This element should contain the amount being paid. Assuming no discrepancies, this element is the net amount paid. Inclusive of discounts and adjustments (net paid). RMR04 must be signed if negative. If the value is negative, it reduces the BPR payment amount. If the value is positive, it increases the BPR payment amount. The recommended value for this element is the term premium (including taxes).

RMR05 This element should contain the amount of the invoice (including charges, less allowances) before terms discount (if discount is applicable) or debit amount or credit amount of the referenced item. This element identifies the original or historic value of the document.



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August 1, 2007

Segment: REF - Reference Numbers

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/RMR Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify identifying numbers.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

REF01 128 Reference Number Qualifier M M ID 02/02

REF02 127 Reference Number M X AN 01/30

REF03 352 Description NU X AN 01/80

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

The segment is repeated up to three times for each RMR loop. The REF segments contain information identifying the account number of the policy, the insuring company's NAIC identification code and line of business.

Occurrence 1:

This occurrence of the REF segment is required.

REF01 This element should be coded as "NF", indicating that the following REF02 contains the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Code of the insuring company.

REF02 This element should be coded as the insuring company's NAIC identification code.

Occurrence 2:

This occurrence of the REF segment is optional.

REF01 If used, this element should be coded as "TV", indicating that the following REF02 contains a "line of business" code.

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August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

REF02 If used, this element should be coded from the ACORD appendix to designate line of business.

Occurrence 3:

This occurrence of the REF segment is optional.

REF01 If used, this element should be coded as "32", indicating account number.

REF02 If used, this element should contain the account number of the policy.





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August 1, 2007

Segment: DTM - Date/Time Reference

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/RMR Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: >1

Purpose: To specify pertinent dates and times.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

DTM01 374 Date/Time Qualifier M M ID 03/03

DTM02 373 Date M X DT 06/06

DTM03 337 Time NU X TM 04/06

DTM04 623 Time Code NU O ID 02/02

DTM05 624 Century O O N0 02/02

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment appears two times, both occurrences are required. It contains the policy effective and expiration dates.

Occurrence 1:

DTM01 This element should be coded as "007", indicating the following date is the policy effective date.

DTM02 This element will contain the effective date of the policy in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 If used, this element contains the century of the policy effective date. The first two characters in the designation of the year (CCYY).

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August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes:

Occurrence 2:

DTM01 This element should be coded as "036", indicating the following date is the policy expiration date.

DTM02 This element will contain the expiration date of the policy in YYMMDD format.

DTM05 If used, this element contains the century of the policy expiration date. The first two characters in the designation of the year (CCYY).




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August 1, 2007

Segment: ADX - Adjustment

Level: Detail

Loop: ENT/RMR/ADX Repeat: >1

Usage: Optional

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To convey accounts payable adjustment for the purpose of cash application, including payer-generated debit/credit memos.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

ADX01 782 Monetary Amount M M R 01/15

ADX02 426 Adjustment Reason code M M ID 02/02

ADX03 128 Reference Number Qualifier NU X ID 02/02

ADX04 127 Reference Number NU O AN 01/30

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

This segment is required if the amount paid is different than the amount invoiced. Loop ADX within the RMR loop is the adjustment loop for the remittance detail in this payment. This adjustment loop can only contain adjustment information for the previous RMR segment and affects the amount (RMR04) calculation (RMR04 = RMR05 - ADX01). The interrelationship between the RMR and ADX segments are further illustrated in Appendix D.

ADX01 This element contains the amount of the adjustment.

ADX02 This element contains a reason for credit memo, or to invoice credit memo, or payment.

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August 1, 2007

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

Valid Codes:

H1 Information Forthcoming Awaiting paper correspondence with associated details.

H2 Payment Previously Sent Payee received compensation at a prior time.

H3 Loan Paid in Full Mortgage company no longer has interest in property/loan is paid-up.

H4 Bill Insured Non-escrowed policy, collect premium directly from policyholder.

H5 Loan Service Released Mortgage companies, servicing rights to a loan were sold to another company; therefore the mortgage company no longer has an interest in the property

H6 Partial Payment Remitted Total compensation was not sent

H7 Payment Forthcoming Total compensation will be sent in the future

H8 Bill Mortgagee The mortgage company is informing the insurance company that they are escrowing for a policy that the insurance company indicated as non-escrow.

H9 Coverage Summary Needed The mortgage company is informing the insurance company that coverage information was not provided with the renewal notification

K1 Other Coverage Placed An indication that the insured has obtained permanent insurance from a firm other than the one that is currently billing

K2 Invalid Policy Number The lender was not able to identify policy for which a notification was received

K3 Renewal Not Received The mortgage company is informing the insurance company that they have a loan with an expiring policy for which a renewal notification was not received. This exception code is strictly governed by trading partner approval.

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August 1, 2007

Segment: SE - Transaction Set Trailer

Level: Trailer


Usage: Mandatory

Max Use: 1

Purpose: To indicate the end of a transaction set and to provide a count of the transmitted segments.

Data Element Summary

Seq. No. Ref. No.

ANSI X12 Name Mrtg Req.

ANSI X12 Attributes

SE01 096 Number of Included Segments M M N0 01/06

SE02 329 Transaction Set Control Number M M AN 04/09

Mortgagee Payment Usage Notes

SE01 Number of included segments.

SE02 This element contains the control number assigned by the originating company for each Payment Order/Remittance Advice in a functional group. Typically, this is a software assigned number and it must be the same as the number in the ST02 element.



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August 1, 2007

Appendix A: Payment Alternatives

The movement of the remittance advice and payment order information can be accomplished in many different ways. The remittance information may travel with the payment information as one transaction, or may be split and travel as two separate transactions. The major advantage of the information traveling together is that once the information is received by the mortgage company, it does not have to be re-associated. This re-association (or matching the payment with the remittance advice) can be costly to the receiver, add another level of complexity to the process, and introduces another area for potential errors. For these reasons, having the payment information and remittance information travel together is the preferred method.

Movement of the payment and remittance information in a single transaction can be accomplished by sending a CTX transaction through the Automated Clearing House Association (ACH) network. A second alternative is to split the payment and remittance information, sending the payment through the ACH in either a CCD or CCD plus format and sending the remittance information to the insurance company either directly or through a Value Added Network (VAN). A third alternative is to make the payment using a wire transfer, such as a Fedwire, and send the remittance information to the insurance company either directly or through a VAN. The cost of a wire is many times higher than the cost of an ACH transaction (dollars compared to pennies). While there are other options as to how to exchange the payment and remittance information, these three are the preferred alternatives and are listed in order of preference.

Definitions of the different types of transactions are as follows:

CTX - Corporate Trade Exchange: This format incorporates the strengths of both the ACH fixed record format and the variable length record format of ANSI ASC X12. The actual payment instructions are contained in the ACH portion of the transaction (the Company Batch Header Record, the 5 record and the Entry Detail Record, the 6 record). The remittance information is contained in the Addenda Records (the 7 records) in their native X12 format.

CCD+ - Cash Concentration or Disbursement Plus: This format allows for the movement of fund with the added feature of up to 80 characters of supporting remittance information can be included in a single Addenda Record (the 7 record). This information is in X12 formatted segments or other ACH approved formats. The addenda information can be used to pass either limited invoice information, or an application generated trace number that will exist both in the CCD + transaction and in the remittance information in order to facilitate re-associating the payment and remittance information by the receiver. The later use of CCD + is preferred.

CCD - Cash Concentration or Disbursement: This format allows for the movement of funds and includes no supporting remittance information.

Fedwire Transactions: In creating a Fedwire transaction, a reference number and the Mortgagee TIN and Branch Number needs to be passed in both the Fedwire payment and the remittance advice in order to facilitate the re-association of these items. The TRN segment in the 820 transaction set accomplishes this. The reference number field (TRN02) should be passed in

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August 1, 2007

the Fedwire transaction in the RFB field (Reference for the Beneficiary). This field is variable in length, with a maximum of 20 characters (including the tag RFB=). In addition, the Mortgagee TIN and Branch Number should also be transmitted in the Fedwire. The OBI (Originator to Beneficiary Information) field should be used. This field is variable in length and should be formatted as follows: OBI=nnnnnnnnn; or OBI=nnnnnnnnn:bbb ("nnnnnnnnn" is the mortgagee TIN and "bbb" is the Branch Number). For additional information on the Fedwire formats, please consult your financial institution.

The following sections provide details on how the ACH and Wire transactions should be formatted. The information is not intended to be complete, it contains only the information that is specific to the payment of insurance premiums. For additional information on the ACH and Fedwire formats, consult you financial institution.

Field Inclusion Requirements

The information below defines the need for including certain data fields in ACH entries.

For ACH processing:

M = Mandatory A Mandatory field is necessary to ensure the proper routing and/or posting of an ACH entry. Any mandatory field not included in an ACH record will cause that entry, batch, or file to be rejected by the ACH Operator. A rejected entry will be returned to the Originating Depository Financial Institution (ODFI) by the ACH Operator. A rejected batch or rejected file will be reported to the ODFI or Sending Point by the ACH Operator.

R = Required A Required field contains data which should be included by the Originator and ODFI to avoid processing and control problems at the Receiving Depository Financial Institution (RDFI). The omission of a required field will not cause an entry reject at the ACH Operator, but may cause a reject at the RDFI. An example is the DFI Account Number field in the Entry Detail Record. If this field is omitted by an ODFI, the RDFI may return the entry as non postable.

O = Optional The inclusion or omission of an Optional data field is at the discretion of the Originator and ODFI. However, if a DFI does originate files using optional data fields, these fields must be returned to the ODFI if the entry is returned.

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August 1, 2007

CTX - Company Batch Header Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13





















Inserted by Operator


CONTENTS '5' Numeric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric YYMMDD Numeric Alphameric TTTTAAAA Numeric

LENGTH 1 3 16 20 10 3 10 6 6 3 1 8 7

POSITION 01-01 02-04 05-20 21-40 41-50 51-53 54-63 64-69 70-75 76-78 79-79 80-87 88-94 Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "5" = company/batch header. Field 02 - Service Class Code Identifies the general classification of dollar entries to be exchanged. "200" - ACH Entries Mixed Debits and Credits "220" - ACH Credits Only Field 03 - Company Name The value of this fields is established by the originator for purposes of further identifying the source of the entry, and for descriptive purposes for the receiver. Field 04 - Company Discretionary Data This field allows originators and/or ODFIs to include codes of significance only to them. Field 04 - Company Discretionary Data This field allows originators and/or ODFIs to include codes of significance only to them. Field 05 - Company Identification Originators are identified by a unique identification number. ANSI one-digit identification code designators (ICD) are used, followed by the nine-digit identification number. The ICD codes are: "1" - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) "3" - Data Universal Number Systems (DUNS) "9" - User Assigned Number The first digit is always the ICD followed by the appropriate nine-digit alphanumeric code.

Field 06 - Standard Entry Class Code Identifies the type of transactions. "CTX" = Corporate Trade Exchange

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August 1, 2007

Field 07 - Company Entry Description The originator establishes the value of this field to provide a description of the purpose of the entry. For example, "INSUR PYMT". Field 08 - Company Descriptive Date Established by originator, a date can be used for descriptive purposes. Field 09 - Effective Entry Date This is the date specified by the originator on which it intends the batch of entries to be settled. Field 10 - Settlement Date This date is in Julian format, and is the settlement date for the batch of entries. This should be inserted by the Receiving ACH. Field 11 - Originator Status Code This code refers to the ODFI initiating the entry. The values are as follows: "1" - Identifies the originator as a depository financial institution "2" - Identifies the originator as a federal government entity or agency Field 12 - Originating DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number of the depository financial institution originating the entries. Field 13 - Batch Number This is assigned in ascending sequence to each batch by the sending point within a file.

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August 1, 2007

CTX - Corporate Entry Detail Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


















CONTENTS '6' Numeric TTTTAAAA Numeric Alphameric $$$$$$$$cc Alphameric Numeric Alphameric Blank Alphameric Numeric Numeric

LENGTH 1 2 8 1 17 10 15 4 16 2 2 1 15

POSITION 01-01 02-03 04-11 12-12 13-29 30-39 40-54 55-58 59-74 75-76 77-78 79-79 80-94 Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "6" = entry detail record Field 02 - Transaction Code This identifies the type of transaction. The following values are possible: "22" - Demand (checking) credit automated deposit "23" - Demand credit prenotification "24" - Demand credit zero dollar transaction with remittance data "32" - Savings credit automated deposit "33" - Savings credit prenotification "34" - Savings credit zero dollar transaction with remittance data Field 03 - Receiving DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number used to identify the receiving DFI. This does not include the check digit. Field 04 - Check Digit The check digit is computed on the DFI identification (routing/transit 8 digit number) using Modulus 10 as follows (or this check digit can be obtained from your DFI): 1)Multiply each digit in the transit/routing number by a weighting factor. The weighting factors for each digit are: Position:12345678 Weights:37137137 2)Add the results of the eight multiplications. 3)Subtract the sum from the next highest multiple of 10. The result is the check digit. Example: Transit number: 0 7 6 4 0 1 2 5 Multiply by: 3 7 1 3 7 1 3 7 Sum: 0 49 6 12 0 1 6 35 = 109 Check Digit = 1 (110 minus 109)

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August 1, 2007

Field 05 - DFI Account Number This is the bank account number at the receiving DFI of the receiver of the transaction. Field 06 - Total Amount This is the amount of the transaction. A zero amount is acceptable only with specific transaction codes (zero dollar and prenotes). Field 07 - Sending Company Audit Number This field may be used by the originator to insert their own number for tracing purposes. Field 08 - Number of Addenda Records This number represents the number of addenda records associated with the corporate entry detail record (6 record). Field 09 - Receiving Company Name/Id Number This field identifies the receiver and can be used for descriptive purposes. The field may contain the receiving company's name or an identifying number for the company. Field 10 - Reserved Reserved for future use. Field 11 - Discretionary Data This field allows ODFIs to include codes, of significance only to them, to enable specialized handling of the entry. Field 12 - Addenda Record Indicator This field indicates the existence of an addenda record. A value of "1" indicates that one or more addenda records follow, and "0" means no such record is present. In a CTX transaction there can be many addenda records (up to 9999). Field 13 - Trace Number A trace number is assigned by the ODFI in ascending sequence. Trace numbers uniquely identify each entry within a batch.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CTX - Addenda Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5






CONTENTS '7' '05' Alphameric Numeric Numeric

LENGTH 1 2 80 4 7

POSITION 01-01 02-03 04-83 84-87 88-94 Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "7" = addenda record Field 02 - Addenda Type Code This defines the format for the addenda information (field 3). The value should be "05" for CTX transactions. Field 03 - Payment Related Information This section allows for the transmission of information formatted in accordance with the syntax of ANSI ASC X12.4, X12.5, X12.6, and X12.85. Only the ASC X12 Interchange Control Structures, Application Control Structure, and the 820 transaction set should be in the addenda in the Payment Related Information area of the addenda records. For CTX entries which use multiple addenda, the addenda are, in effect, chained together with each succeeding addenda record carrying the next 80 characters of the message. That is, once the X12 transaction set is constructed, it is divided into 80 character segments and inserted within the addenda records. Each X12 segment will immediately follow the preceding segment, no spaces should be inserted. Field 04 - Addenda Sequence Number This number is consecutively assigned to each addenda record following an entry detail record. Field 05 - Entry Detail Sequence Number This field contains the ascending sequence number section of the entry detail trace number. This number is the same as the last seven digits of the trace number (field 13) of the related entry detail record.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CTX - Company/Batch Control Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

















CONTENTS '8' Numeric Numeric Numeric $$$$$$$$$$cc $$$$$$$$$$cc Alphameric Alphameric Blank TTTTAAAA Numeric

LENGTH 1 3 6 10 12 12 10 19 6 8 7

POSITION 01-01 02-04 05-10 11-20 21-32 33-44 45-54 55-73 74-79 80-87 88-94 Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "8" = company/batch control record Field 02 - Service Class Code Identifies the general classification of dollar entries to be exchanged. "200" - ACH Entries Mixed Debits and Credits "220" - ACH Credits Only Field 03 - Entry/Addenda Count This count is a tally of each Entry Detail Record (6 record) and each Addenda Record (7 record) within the batch. Field 04 - Entry Hash The receiving DFI identification in each Entry Detail Record (6 record) is hashed to provide a check against inadvertent alteration of data contents. Field 05 - Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount This field contains accumulated entry detail debit totals within the batch.

Field 06 - Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount This field contains accumulated entry detail debit totals within the batch. Field 07 - Company Identification Originators are identified by a unique identification number. ANSI one-digit identification code designators (ICD) are used, followed by the nine-digit identification number. The ICD codes are: "1" - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) "3" - Data Universal Number Systems (DUNS) "9" - User Assigned Number

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

The first digit is always the ICD followed by the appropriate nine-digit alphanumeric code. This must have the same value as in the company identification field of the company/batch header record (5 record). Field 08 - Message Authentication Code This is an optional field. An eight character code derived from a special key used in conjunction with the DES algorithm can be used to validate the authenticity of the ACH entries. This will be used based on trading partner agreements. Field 09 - Reserved This field is reserved for future use. Field 10 - Originating DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number of the depository financial institution originating the entries. This must have the same value as in the originating DFI identification field of the Company/Batch Header Record (5 record). Field 11 - Batch Number This is assigned in ascending sequence to each batch by the sending point within a file. This must have the same value as in the batch number field of the Company/Batch Header Record (5 record).

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CCD Plus - Company Batch Header Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13





















Inserted byOperator


CONTENTS '5' Numeric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric YYMMDD Numeric Alphameric TTTTAAAA Numeric

LENGTH 1 3 16 20 10 3 10 6 6 3 1 8 7

POSITION 01-01 02-04 05-20 21-40 41-50 51-53 54-63 64-69 70-75 76-78 79-79 80-87 88-94

Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "5" = company/batch header. Field 02 - Service Class Code Identifies the general classification of dollar entries to be exchanged. "200" - ACH Entries Mixed Debits and Credits "220" - ACH Credits Only Field 03 - Company Name The value of this fields is established by the originator for purposes of further identifying the source of the entry, and for descriptive purposes for the receiver. Field 04 - Company Discretionary Data This field allows originators and/or ODFIs to include codes of significance only to them. Field 05 - Company Identification Originators are identified by a unique identification number. ANSI one-digit identification code designators (ICD) are used, followed by the nine-digit identification number. The ICD codes are: "1" - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) "3" - Data Universal Number Systems (DUNS) "9" - User Assigned Number The first digit is always the ICD followed by the appropriate nine-digit alphanumeric code. Field 06 - Standard Entry Class Code Identifies the type of transactions. CCD = Cash Concentration or Disbursement

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Field 07 - Company Entry Description The originator establishes the value of this field to provide a description of the purpose of the entry. For example, "INSUR PYMT". Field 08 - Company Descriptive Date Established by originator, a date can be used for descriptive purposes. Field 09 - Effective Entry Date This is the date specified by the originator on which it intends the batch of entries to be settled. Field 10 - Settlement Date This date is in Julian format, and is the settlement date for the batch of entries. This should be inserted by the Receiving ACH. Field 11 - Originator Status Code This code refers to the ODFI initiating the entry. The values are as follows: "1" - Identifies the originator as a depository financial institution "2" - Identifies the originator as a federal government entity or agency Field 12 - Originating DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number of the depository financial institution originating the entries. Field 13 - Batch Number This is assigned in ascending sequence to each batch by the sending point within a file.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CCD Plus - Entry Detail Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11















CONTENTS '6' Numeric TTTTAAAA Numeric Alphameric $$$$$$$$cc Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Numeric Numeric

LENGTH 1 2 8 1 17 10 15 22 2 1 15

POSITION 01-01 02-03 04-11 12-12 13-29 30-39 40-54 55-76 77-78 79-79 80-94

Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "6" = entry detail record Field 02 - Transaction Code This identifies the type of transaction. The following values are possible: "22" - Demand (checking) credit automated deposit "23" - Demand credit prenotification "24" - Demand credit zero dollar transaction with remittance data "32" - Savings credit automated deposit "33" - Savings credit prenotification "34" - Savings credit zero dollar transaction with remittance data Field 03 - Receiving DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number used to identify the receiving DFI. This does not include the check digit. Field 04 - Check Digit The check digit is computed on the DFI identification (routing/transit 8 digit number) using Modulus 10 as follows (or this check digit can be obtained from your DFI): 1) Multiply each digit in the transit/routing number by a weighting factor. The weighting factors for each digit are: Position:12345678 Weights:37137137 2) Add the results of the eight multiplications. 3) Subtract the sum from the next highest multiple of 10. The result is the check digit. Example: Transit number: 0 7 6 4 0 1 2 5 Multiply by: 3 7 1 3 7 1 3 7 Sum: 0 49 6 12 0 1 6 35 = 109

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August 1, 2007

Check Digit = 1 (110 minus 109) Field 05 - DFI Account Number This is the bank account number at the receiving DFI of the receiver of the transaction.

Field 06 - Amount This is the amount of the transaction. A zero amount is acceptable only with specific transaction codes (zero dollar and prenotes). Field 07 - Individual Identification Number This field contains the accounting number by which the receiver is known to the originator. It is included for further identification and for descriptive purposes. Field 08 - Individual Name This field entered by the originator provides additional identification for the receiver. Field 09 - Discretionary Data This field allows ODFIs to include codes, of significance only to them, to enable specialized handling of the entry. Field 10 - Addenda Record Indicator This field indicates the existence of an addenda record. A value of "1" indicates that one or more addenda records follow, and "0" means no such record is present. In a CCD transaction there will be no addenda records. In a CCD + transaction there will be 1 addenda record. Field 11 - Trace Number A trace number is assigned by the ODFI in ascending sequence. Trace numbers uniquely identify each entry within a batch.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CCD Plus - Addenda Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5







CONTENTS '7' '05' Alphameric Numeric Numeric

LENGTH 1 2 80 4 7

POSITION 01-01 02-03 04-83 84-87 88-94 Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "7" = addenda record Field 02 - Addenda Type Code This defines the format for the addenda information (field 3). The value should be "05" for CCD + transactions. Field 03 - Payment Related Information This field must contain ANSI ASC X12.4 and X12.85 data segments or NACHA endorsed banking conventions. This field should contain a TRN segment as specified on page ???? of the 820 implementation guide. The TRN segment is used to facilitate re-associating the payment and remittance information when they have been split and sent separately. Field 04 - Addenda Sequence Number This number is consecutively assigned to each addenda record following an entry detail record. For CCD + addenda records it will have a value "01". Field 05 - Entry Detail Sequence Number This field contains the ascending sequence number section of the entry detail trace number. This number is the same as the last seven digits of the trace number (field 14) of the related entry detail record.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CCD Plus - Company/Batch Control Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

















CONTENTS '8' Numeric Numeric Numeric $$$$$$$$$$cc $$$$$$$$$$cc Alphameric Alphameric Blank TTTTAAAA Numeric

LENGTH 1 3 6 10 12 12 10 19 6 8 7

POSITION 01-01 02-04 05-10 11-20 21-32 33-44 45-54 55-73 74-79 80-87 88-94

Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "8" = company/batch control record Field 02 - Service Class Code Identifies the general classification of dollar entries to be exchanged. "200" - ACH Entries Mixed Debits and Credits "220" - ACH Credits Only Field 03 - Entry/Addenda Count This count is a tally of each Entry Detail Record (6 record) and each Addenda Record (7 record) within the batch. Field 04 - Entry Hash The receiving DFI identification in each Entry Detail Record (6 record) is hashed to provide a check against inadvertent alteration of data contents. Field 05 - Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount This field contains accumulated entry detail debit totals within the batch. Field 06 - Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount This field contains accumulated entry detail debit totals within the batch. Field 07 - Company Identification Originators are identified by a unique identification number. ANSI one-digit identification code designators (ICD) are used, followed by the nine-digit identification number. The ICD codes are: "1" - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) "3" - Data Universal Number Systems (DUNS) "9" - User Assigned Number

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

The first digit is always the ICD followed by the appropriate nine-digit alphanumeric code. This must have the same value as in the company identification field of the Company/Batch Header Record (5 record). Field 08 - Message Authentication Code This is an optional field. An eight character code derived from a special key used in conjunction with the DES algorithm can be used to validate the authenticity of the ACH entries. This will be used based on trading partner agreements. Field 09 - Reserved This field is reserved for future use. Field 10 - Originating DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number of the depository financial institution originating the entries. This must have the same value as in the originating DFI identification field of the Company/Batch Header Record (5 record). Field 11 - Batch Number This is assigned in ascending sequence to each batch by the sending point within a file. This must have the same value as in the batch number field of the Company/Batch Header Record (5 record).

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CCD - Company Batch Header Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13





















Inserted by Operator


CONTENTS '5' Numeric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric YYMMDD Numeric Alphameric TTTTAAAA Numeric

LENGTH 1 3 16 20 10 3 10 6 6 3 1 8 7

POSITION 01-01 02-04 05-20 21-40 41-50 51-53 54-63 64-69 70-75 76-78 79-79 80-87 88-94 Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "5" = company/batch header. Field 02 - Service Class Code Identifies the general classification of dollar entries to be exchanged. "200" - ACH Entries Mixed Debits and Credits "220" - ACH Credits Only Field 03 - Company Name The value of this fields is established by the originator for purposes of further identifying the source of the entry, and for descriptive purposes for the receiver. Field 04 - Company Discretionary Data This field allows originators and/or ODFIs to include codes of significance only to them. Field 05 - Company Identification Originators are identified by a unique identification number. ANSI one-digit identification code designators (ICD) are used, followed by the nine-digit identification number. The ICD codes are:

"1" - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) "3" - Data Universal Number Systems (DUNS) "9" - User Assigned Number

The first digit is always the ICD followed by the appropriate nine-digit alphanumeric code. Field 06 - Standard Entry Class Code Identifies the type of transactions. CCD = Cash Concentration or Disbursement

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Field 07 - Company Entry Description The originator establishes the value of this field to provide a description of the purpose of the entry. For example, "INSUR PYMT". Field 08 - Company Descriptive Date Established by originator, a date can be used for descriptive purposes. Field 09 - Effective Entry Date This is the date specified by the originator on which it intends the batch of entries to be settled. Field 10 - Settlement Date This date is in Julian format, and is the settlement date for the batch of entries. This should be inserted by the Receiving ACH. Field 11 - Originator Status Code This code refers to the ODFI initiating the entry. The values are as follows:

"1" - Identifies the originator as a depository financial institution "2" - Identifies the originator as a federal government entity or agency

Field 12 - Originating DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number of the depository financial institution originating the entries. Field 13 - Batch Number This is assigned in ascending sequence to each batch by the sending point within a file.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CCD - Entry Detail Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11















CONTENTS '6' Numeric TTTTAAAA Numeric Alphameric $$$$$$$$cc Alphameric Alphameric Alphameric Numeric Numeric

LENGTH 1 2 8 1 17 10 15 22 2 1 15

POSITION 01-01 02-03 04-11 12-12 13-29 30-39 40-54 55-76 77-78 79-79 80-94

Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "6" = entry detail record

Field 02 - Transaction Code This identifies the type of transaction. The following values are possible: "22" - Demand (checking) credit automated deposit "23" - Demand credit prenotification "24" - Demand credit zero dollar transaction with remittance data "32" - Savings credit automated deposit "33" - Savings credit prenotification "34" - Savings credit zero dollar transaction with remittance data Field 03 - Receiving DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number used to identify the receiving DFI. This does not include the check digit. Field 04 - Check Digit The check digit is computed on the DFI identification (routing/transit 8 digit number) using Modulus 10 as follows (or this check digit can be obtained from your DFI): 1) Multiply each digit in the transit/routing number by a weighting factor. The weighting factors for each digit are: Position:12345678 Weights:37137137 2) Add the results of the eight multiplications. 3) Subtract the sum from the next highest multiple of 10. the result is the check digit. Example: Transit number: 0 7 6 4 0 1 2 5 Multiply by: 3 7 1 3 7 1 3 7 Sum: 0 49 6 12 0 1 6 35 = 109

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August 1, 2007

Check Digit = 1 (110 minus 109) Field 05 - DFI Account Number This is the bank account number at the receiving DFI of the receiver of the transaction. Field 06 - Amount This is the amount of the transaction. A zero amount is acceptable only with specific transaction codes (zero dollar and prenotes). Field 07 - Individual Identification Number This field contains the accounting number by which the receiver is known to the originator. It is included for further identification and for descriptive purposes. This field should be used for the Trace Number (TRN02). Field 08 - Individual Name This field entered by the originator provides additional identification for the receiver. Field 09 - Discretionary Data This field allows ODFIs to include codes, of significance only to them, to enable specialized handling of the entry. Field 10 - Addenda Record Indicator This field indicates the existence of an addenda record. A value of "0" indicates that no addenda record is present. Field 11 - Trace Number A trace number is assigned by the ODFI in ascending sequence. Trace numbers uniquely identify each entry within a batch.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

CCD - Company/Batch Control Record

FIELD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

















CONTENTS '8' Numeric Numeric Numeric $$$$$$$$$$cc $$$$$$$$$$cc Alphameric Alphameric Blank TTTTAAAA Numeric

LENGTH 1 3 6 10 12 12 10 19 6 8 7

POSITION 01-01 02-04 05-10 11-20 21-32 33-44 45-54 55-73 74-79 80-87 88-94

Field 01 - Record Type Identifies record type, "8" = company/batch control record Field 02 - Service Class Code Identifies the general classification of dollar entries to be exchanged. "200" - ACH Entries Mixed Debits and Credits "220" - ACH Credits Only Field 03 - Entry/Addenda Count This count is a tally of each Entry Detail Record (6 record) and each Addenda Record (7 record) within the batch. Field 04 - Entry Hash The receiving DFI identification in each Entry Detail Record (6 record) is hashed to provide a check against inadvertent alteration of data contents. Field 05 - Total Debit Entry Dollar Amount This field contains accumulated entry detail debit totals within the batch. Field 06 - Total Credit Entry Dollar Amount This field contains accumulated entry detail debit totals within the batch. Field 07 - Company Identification Originators are identified by a unique identification number. ANSI one-digit identification code designators (ICD) are used, followed by the nine-digit identification number. The ICD codes are: "1" - IRS Employer Identification Number (EIN) "3" - Data Universal Number Systems (DUNS) "9" - User Assigned Number

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August 1, 2007

The first digit is always the ICD followed by the appropriate nine-digit alphanumeric code. This must have the same value as in the company identification field of the company/batch header record (5 record). Field 08 - Message Authentication Code This is an optional field. An eight character code derived from a special key used in conjunction with the DES algorithm can be used to validate the authenticity of the ACH entries. This will be used based on trading partner agreements. Field 09 - Reserved This field is reserved for future use. Field 10 - Originating DFI Identification This is the transit/routing number of the depository financial institution originating the entries. This must have the same value as in the originating DFI identification field of the Company/Batch Header Record (5 record). Field 11 - Batch Number This is assigned in ascending sequence to each batch by the sending point within a file. This must have the same value as in the batch number field of the Company/Batch Header Record (5 record).

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August 1, 2007

Appendix B: 811 Example

Header - Table 1

ST*811*0002(NL) BIG*920125*911112BANCP00000001(NL) N1*IN**FI*742222109(NL) N2*ADDITIONAL NAME*AND MORE NAME(NL) N3*P O BOX 111111*RURAL ROUTE 1(NL) N4*CITY NAME*IL*61761(NL) PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(NL) N1*SQ*SERVICE BUREAU NAME*FI*572982961(NL) N2*ADDITIONAL NAME*MORE ADDITIONAL NAME(NL) N3* P O BOX 111111*RURAL ROUTE 1(NL) N4****RJ*01(NL) Table 2 - Hierarchical Level 1

HL*1**1(NL) LX*1(NL) REF*RR*11904503(NL) REF*11*60370003155603(NL) REF*BF*01(NL)

Table 2 Hierarchical Level 3

HL*2*1*3(NL) LX*1(NL) AMT*1*60000(NL) DTM*013*071103***20(NL) QTY*46*1(NL) N1*MM**FI*7422222(NL) N4*****RJ*01(NL)

Table 2 - Hierarchical Level 4

HL*3*1*4(NL) LX*1(NL) PID*S*02*AD*MG(NL) PID*S*214*AD*FVREP(NL) REF*TV*HOME(NL) REF*NF*99902(NL) REF*LD*999999999900001(NL)

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August 1, 2007

REF*IG*525720790A(NL) REF*32*5257207(NL) REF*LU*3(NL) AMT*AU*87000(NL) AMT*PE600(NL) AMT*AW*87000*NL) DTM*007*071205***20(NL) DTM*036*071205***20(NL) DTM*177*071205***20(NL) DTM*102*071205***20(NL) IT1**1*EA*600*NE(NL) SI*AD*03*RWL(NL) N1*IL*DOE,JOHN(NL) N2*ADDITIONAL NAME*AND MORE NAME(NL) N3*P O BOX 111111*RURAL ROUTE 1(NL) N4*SAN ANTONIO*TX*782501234(NL)

Table 2 - Hierarchical Level 8

HL*4*3*8(NL) SLN*1*1*I*1*EA*600.00(NL) SI*AD*03*010(NL) REF*IG*525720790A(NL) REF*TV*HOME(NL) REF*NF*99902(NL) REF*32*5257207(NL) DTM*007*071205***20(NL)

Table 3 - Trailer

TDS*3425.12(NL) CTT*02(NL) SE*000076*0002(NL)

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August 1, 2007

Appendix C: 820 Example

Header - Table 1

ST*820*0002(NL) BPR*C*3700.12*C*ACH*CTX*01*021000021*DA*123456*987654321*003001002*01*02000021*DA*654321*071215*VEN(NL) TRN*1*7766554421*1987654321*003001002(NL) REF*IV*99237034(NL) DTM*003*070125***20(NL) DTM*013*071103***20(NL) DTM*009*071214***20(NL) N1*PR*THE MORTGAGE CORP*FI*7422222(NL) N4*****RJ*01(NL) PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(N/L) N1*PE*THE INSURANCE COMPANY*FI*742222109(NL) N4*CITY NAME(NL) REF*BF*01(NL) PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(N/L) N1*SQ*SERVICE BUREAU COMPANY*FI*572982961(NL) N4*****RJ*01*(NL) PER*AD*JOHN DOE*TE*5124984051(N/L)

Detail - Table 2

ENT*1*ME*CL*99999999900001(NL) N1*IL*DOE, JOHN (NL) N3*P O BOX 111111*RURAL ROUTE 1(NL) N4*SAN ANTONIO*TX*782131234(NL) RMR*IG*525720790A**600*600(NL) REF*NF*99902(NL) REF*TV*HOME(NL) REF*32*5257207(NL) DTM*007*071205***20(NL) DTM*036*071205***20(NL) ADX*600*H4(NL)

Trailer - Table 3


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August 1, 2007

Appendix D: Payment Exception Codes

The following are a list of example usages of the payment exception code and an explanation of the interrelationship between the RMR and ADX segments. The Simplest way to explain the relationship between the RMR04, RMR05 and ADX01 is by the following formula.

RMR04 = RMR05 - ADX01.

ADX02 code values H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H7, H9, K1 and K2 are all reasons for non-payment and therefore explain why a payment was not remitted. ADX02 code values H6, H8 K3 explain partial remittances, payments on non-escrowed policies or payments for non-billed items, respectively.

H1 -Information Forthcoming

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'H1' H2 -Payment Previously Sent

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'H2' H3 -Loan Paid in Full

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'H3' H4 - Bill Insured

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'H4'

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August 1, 2007

H5 -Loan Serviced Released

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'H5' H6 -Partial Payment Remitted

RMR04= 550.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 10.00 ADX02= 'H6' H7 - Payment Forthcoming

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'H7'

H8 - Bill Mortgagee

RMR04= 600.00 or RMR04 = 600.00 RMR05= 0.00 RMR05 = 600.00

ADX01= 600.00- ADX01 = 0.00 ADX02= 'H8' ADX02 = 'H8'

H9 -Coverage Summary Needed

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00

ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'H9'

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August 1, 2007

K1 - Other Coverage Placed

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01 = 600.00 ADX02= 'K1'

K2 -Invalid Policy Number

RMR04= 0.00 RMR05= 600.00 ADX01= 600.00 ADX02= 'K2'

K3 - Renewal Not Received

RMR04= 600.00 RMR05= 0.00

ADX01= 600.00- ADX02= 'K3'

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Appendix E: Acord Table 244 - Line of Business

CNT Contractors DFIRE Fire EQKP Earthquake FLOOD Flood HOME Home Owners PPART Apartment PPCHO Condominium Association PPCHR Church PPMBH Mobil Home RDP Rental Dwelling to Others RCUP Rental Condominium Unit Owner FARM Farm Ranch Owners BOAT Boat Owners COTHR Other Commercial BOP Business Owners PAP Personal Artocles PLU Personal Liability Umbrella

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Appendix F: Acord Table 003 - Type of Trans

010 Policy Premium 015 Premium Rewrite 020 Premium Transfer 025 Renewal Premium 030 Policy Adjustment 035 Reinstated Policy 040 Cancellation 045 Cancellation to Rewrite 050 Discount 055 Dividend 060 Discount Adjustment 065 Cancellation Prior Policy Period 070 Tax/Surcharge 080 Payment 090 Payment Rejected and Not Deposited 100 Refunded to Insured 105 Refunded to Third Party 110 Transfer Credit from Another Policy 115 Transfer Debit from Another Policy 120 Transfer Credit to Another Policy 125 Transfer Debit to Another Policy

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Appendix G: Functional Acknowledgment STANDARD

997 Functional Acknowledgment

Functional Group ID: FA

This Draft Standard for Trial Use contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Set (997) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) environment. The transaction set can be used to define the control structures for a set of acknowledgments to indicate the results of the syntactical analysis of the electronically encoded documents. The encoded documents are the transaction sets, which are grouped in functional groups, used in defining transactions for business data interchange. This standard does not cover the semantic meaning of the information encoded in the transaction sets.


POS. #








Transaction Set Header





Functional Group Response Header







Transaction Set Response Header







Data Segment Note





Data Element Note





Transaction Set Response Trailer





Functional Group Response Trailer





Transaction Set Trailer




1/010 These acknowledgments shall not be acknowledged, thereby preventing an endless cycle of acknowledgments of acknowledgments.

1/010 The Functional Group Header Segment (GS) is used to start the envelope for the Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Sets. In preparing the functional group of acknowledgments, the application sender's code and the application receiver's code, taken from the functional group being acknowledged, are exchanged; therefore, one acknowledgment functional group responds to only those functional groups from one application receiver's code to one applications sender's code.

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August 1, 2007

1/010 There is only one Functional Acknowledgment Transaction Set per acknowledged functional group. 1/020 AK1 is used to respond to the functional group header and to start the acknowledgment for a functional

group. There shall be one AK1 segment for the functional group that is being acknowledged. 1/030 AK2 is used to start the acknowledgment of a transaction set within the received functional group. The

AK2 segments shall appear in the same order as the transaction sets in the functional group that has been received and is being acknowledged.

1/040 The data segments of this standard are used to report the results of the syntactical analysis of the functional groups of transaction sets; they report the extent to which the syntax complies with the standards for transaction sets and functional groups. They do not report on the semantic meaning of the transaction sets (for example, on the ability of the receiver to comply with the request of the sender).

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August 1, 2007


Transaction Set Header

Loop: ----- Usage: REQUIRED Repeat: 1 Example: ST*997*0001~


ST Transaction Set Header

Level: Header Position: 010 Loop: ----- Requirement: Mandatory Max Use: 1 Purpose: To indicate the start of a transaction set and to assign a control number. Semantic: 1 The transaction set identifier (ST01) used by the translation routines of the

interchange partners to select the appropriate transaction set definition (e.g., 810 selects the invoice transaction set).


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name



ASC X12 Attributes



Transaction Set Identifier Code

R 3/3

M/Z ID 3/3



Transaction Set Control Number

R 4/9

M AN 4/9


ST01 Transaction Set Identifier Code

Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set

CODE DEFINITION 997 Functional Acknowledgment

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August 1, 2007

ST02 Transaction Set Control Number Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set

The Transaction Set Control Number in ST02 and SE02 must be identical. The number is assigned by the originator and must be unique within a functional group (GS-GE). The number also aids in error resolution research. For example, start with the number 0001 and increment from there. Use the corresponding value in ST02 for this transaction set

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August 1, 2007


Functional Group Response Header

Usage: REQUIRED Repeat: 1 Example: AK1*CI*1~


AK1 Functional Group Response

Level: Header

Position: 020 Loop: ----- Requirement: Mandatory Max Use: 1 Purpose: To start acknowledgment of a functional group.

Set Notes: 1. AK1 is used to respond to the functional group header and to start the acknowledgment for a functional group. There shall be one AK1 segment for the functional group that is being acknowledged.

Semantic: 01 AK101 is the functional ID found in the GS segment (GS01) in the functional group being acknowledged.

02 AK102 is the functional group control number found in the GS segment in the functional group being acknowledged.


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name



ASC X12 Attributes



Functional Identifier Code

R 2/2

M/Z ID 2/2



Group Control Number

R 1/9

M/Z N0 1/9


AK101 Functional Identifier Code

Code identifying a group of application related Transaction Sets.

CODE DEFINITION CI Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement

AK102 Group Control Number

Assigned number originated and maintained by the sender.

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August 1, 2007


Transaction Set Response Header

Loop: TRANSACTION SET RESPONSE HEADER Repeat: 999999 Usage: REQUIRED Repeat: 1 Example: AK2*811*0005~


AK2 Transaction Set Response

Level: Header Position: 030 Loop: AK2 Repeat: 999999 Requirement: Optional Max Use: 1 Purpose: To start acknowledgment of a single transaction set. Set Notes: 1 AK2 is used to start the acknowledgment of a transaction set within the received

functional group. The AK2 segments shall appear in the same order as the transaction sets in the functional group that has been received and is being acknowledged.

Semantic: 01 AK201 is the transaction set ID found in the ST segment (ST01) in the transaction set being acknowledged.

02 AK202 is the transaction set control number found in the ST segment in the transaction set being acknowledged.


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name



ASC X12 Attributes



Transaction Set Identifier Code

R 3/3

M/Z ID 3/3



Transaction Set Control Number

R 4/9

M/Z N0 4/9


AK201 Transaction Set Identifier Code

Code uniquely identifying a Transaction Set.

CODE DEFINITION 811 Consolidated Service Invoice/Statement

AK202 Transaction Set Control Number

Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator of a transaction set.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007


Data Segment Note

Loop: DATA SEGMENT NOTE Repeat: 999999 Usage: OPTIONAL Repeat: 1 Example: AK3*NM1*37~


AK3 Data Segment Note

Level: Header Position: 040 Loop: AK2/AK3 Repeat: 999999 Requirement: Optional Max Use: 1 Purpose: To report errors in a data segment and to identify the location of the data segment. Set Notes: 1. The data segments of this standard are used to report the results of the syntactical

analysis of the functional groups of transaction sets; they report the extent to which the syntax complies with the standards for transaction sets and functional groups. They do not report on the semantic meaning of the transaction sets (for example, on the ability of the receiver to comply with the request of the sender).


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name



ASC X12 Attributes



Segment ID Code

R 2/3

M ID 2/3



Segment Position in Transaction Set

R 1/6

M N0 1/6



Loop Identifier Code

O 1/4

O AN 1/4



Segment Syntax Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3


AK301 Segment ID Code

Code defining the segment ID of the data segment in error. See Appendix A - Number 77.

This is the 2 or 3 characters which occur at the beginning of a segment.

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August 1, 2007

AK302 Segment Position in Transaction Set The numerical count position of this data segment from the start of the transaction set; the transaction set header is count position 1.

This is a data count, not a segment position in the standard description.

AK303 Loop Identifier Code

The loop ID number given on the transaction set diagram is the value for this data element in segments LS and LE.

Code identifying a loop within the transaction set which is bounded by the related LS and LE segments (corresponding LS and LE segments must have the same value for loop identifier). (Note: The loop ID number given on the transaction set diagram is recommended as the value for this data element in the segments LS and LE).

AK304 Segment Syntax Error Code

Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of a segment.

CODE DEFINITION 1 Unrecognized Segment ID 2 Unexpected Segment 3 Mandatory Segment Missing

4 Loop Occurs Over Maximum Times 5 Segment Exceeds Maximum Use 6 Segment Not in Defined Transaction Set 7 Segment Not in Proper Sequence 8 Segment Has Data Element Errors

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August 1, 2007


Data Element Note

Loop: DATA SEGMENT NOTE Usage: OPTIONAL Repeat: 99 Example: AK4*1*98*7~


AK4 Data Element Note

Level: Header Position: 050 Loop: AK2/AK3

Requirement: Optional Max Use: 99 Purpose: To report errors in a data element and to identify the location of the data element.


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name



ASC X12 Attributes



Position in Segment





Element Position in Segment

R 1/2

M N0 1/2



Component Data Element Position in Composite

O 1/2

O N0 1/2



Data Element Reference Number

O 1/4

O N0 1/4



Data Element Error Code

R 1/3

M ID 1/3



Copy of Bad Data Element

O 1/99

O AN 1/99

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August 1, 2007


AK401 Position in Segment

Code indicating the relative position of a simple data element, or the relative position of a composite data structure combined with the relative position of the component data element within the composite data structure, in error; the count starts with 1 for the simple data element or composite data structure immediately following the segment ID.

AK401-1 Element Position in Segment

This is used to indicate the relative position of a simple data element, or the relative position of a composite data structure with the relative position of the component within the composite data structure, in error; in the data segment the count starts with 1 for the simple data element or composite data structure immediately following the segment ID.

AK401-2 Component Data Element Position in Composite

To identify the component data element position within the composite that is in error.

AK402 Data Element Reference Number Reference number used to locate the data element in the Data Element Dictionary.

The Data Element Reference Number for this data element is 725. All reference numbers are found with the segment descriptions in this guide.

AK403 Data Element Syntax Error Code Code indicating the error found after syntax edits of a data element.

CODE DEFINITION 1 Mandatory Data Element Missing 2 Conditional Required Data Element Missing 3 Too Many Data Elements 4 Data Element Too Short 5 Data Element Too Long 6 Invalid Character in Data Element 7 Invalid Code Value 8 Invalid Date 9 Invalid Time 10 Exclusion Condition Violated

AK404 Copy of Bad Data Element This is a copy of the data element in error.

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August 1, 2007


Transaction Set Response Trailer

Loop: DATA SEGMENT NOTE Usage: REQUIRED Repeat: 1 Example: AK5*E*5~


AK5 Transaction Set Response Trailer

Level: Header Position: 060 Loop: AK2 Requirement: Mandatory Max Use: 1 Purpose: To acknowledge acceptance or rejection and to report errors in a transaction set.


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name



ASC X12 Attributes



Transaction Set Acknowledgment Code

M 1/1

M ID 1/1



Transaction Set Syntax Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Transaction Set Syntax Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Transaction Set Syntax Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Transaction Set Syntax Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Transaction Set Syntax Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3

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August 1, 2007


AK501 Transaction Set Acknowledgment Code

Code indicating accept or reject condition based on the syntax editing of the transaction set. CODE DEFINITION A Accepted (ADVISED)

E Accepted But Errors Were Noted

R Rejected (ADVISED)

AK502 Transaction Set Syntax Error Code Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of a transaction set.

This element is required if an error exists


1 Transaction Set Not Supported

2 Transaction Set Trailer Missing

3 Transaction Set Control Number in Header and Trailer Do Not Match

4 Number of Included Segments Does Not Match Actual Count

5 One or More Segments in Error

6 Missing or Invalid Transaction Set Identifier

7 Missing or Invalid Transaction Set Control number

23 Transaction Set Control Number Not Unique within the Functional Group

AK503 Transaction Set Syntax Error Code

Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of a transaction set.

Use the same codes that were listed in AK502.

AK504 Transaction Set Syntax Error Code Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of a transaction set.

Use the same codes that were listed in AK502.

AK505 Transaction Set Syntax Error Code

Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of a transaction set.

Use the same codes that were listed in AK502.

AK506 Transaction Set Syntax Error Code Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of a transaction set. Use the same codes that were listed in AK502.

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August 1, 2007


Functional Group Response Trailer

Usage: REQUIRED Repeat: 1 Example: AK9*A*2*2*2~


AK9 Functional Group Response Trailer

Level: Header

Position: 070 Loop: -------- Requirement: Mandatory Max Use: 1 Purpose: To acknowledge acceptance or rejection of a functional group and report the

number of included transaction sets from the original trailer, the accepted sets, and the received sets in this functional group.

Comments: A If AK901 is 'A' or 'E', then the transmitted functional group is accepted. If AK901 is 'R', then the transmitted group is rejected.


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name




Attributes AK901


Functional Group Acknowledge Code

R 1/1

M ID 1/1



Number of Transaction Sets Included

R 1/6

M N0 1/6



Number of Received Transaction Sets

R 1/6

M N0 1/6



Number of Accepted Transaction Sets

R 1/6

M N0 1/6



Functional Group Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Functional Group Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Functional Group Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Functional Group Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3



Functional Group Error Code

O 1/3

O ID 1/3

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August 1, 2007


AK901 Functional Group Acknowledge Code

Code indicating accept or reject condition based on the syntax editing of the functional group.

CODE DEFINITION A Accepted ADVISED E Accepted, But Errors Were Noted P Partially Accepted, At Least One Transaction Set Was Rejected ADVISED R Rejected ADVISED

AK902 Number of Transaction Sets Included Total number of transaction sets included in the functional group or interchange (transmission) group terminated by the trailer containing this data element.

This is the value of the original GE01.

AK903 Number of Received Transaction Sets Number of Transaction Sets received.

AK904 Number of Accepted Transaction Sets

Number of accepted Transaction Sets in a Functional Group.

AK905 Functional Group Syntax Error Code Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of the functional group header and/or trailer.

CODE DEFINITION 1 Functional Group Not Supported

2 Functional Group Version Not Supported 3 Functional Group Trailer Missing 4 Group Control Number in the Functional Group Header and Trailer Do Not Agree 5 Number of Included Transaction Sets Does Not Match Actual Count 6 Group Control Number Violates Syntax

AK906 Functional Group Syntax Error Code Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of the functional group header and/or trailer.

Use the same codes that were listed in AK905.

AK907 Functional Group Syntax Error Code

Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of the functional group header and/or trailer.

Use the same codes that were listed in AK905.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

AK908 Functional Group Syntax Error Code Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of the functional group header and/or trailer.

Use the same codes that were listed in AK905.

AK909 Functional Group Syntax Error Code

Code indicating error found based on the syntax editing of the functional group header and/or trailer.

Use the same codes that were listed in AK905.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007


Transaction Set Trailer

Usage: REQUIRED Repeat: 1 Example: SE*67*0001~


SE Transaction Set Trailer

Level: Header Position: 080 Loop: ---- Requirement: Mandatory Max Use: 1 Purpose: To indicate the end of a transaction set and to provide a count of the transmitted

segments. Comment: 1 SE is the last segment of each transaction set.


Seq. No.

Ref. No.

ASC X12 Name



ASC X12 Attributes



Number of Included Segments

R 1/10

M N0 1/10



Transaction Set Control Number

R 4/9

M AN 4/9


SE01 Number of Included Segments

Total number of segments included in a transaction set including ST and SE segments

SE02 Transaction Set Control Number Identifying control number that must be unique within the transaction set functional group assigned by the originator for a transaction set

The Transaction Set Control Numbers in ST02 and SE02 must be identical. The number is assigned by the originator and must be unique within a functional group (GS-GE). The number also aids in error resolution research. For example, start with the number 0001 and increment from there.

Mortgagee Coverage Notification, Billing and Payment of Insurance Premium


August 1, 2007

Change Summary

The following changes have occurred between version 1.10 of the guide and the new version 2.0

Version 1.11 • In the Specific Information section on page 2, number 2 has been changed.

Version 1.12 – September, 2004

• Mortgagee 820; Page 93-121; Added 997 Functional Acknowledgement information. Version 2.0 – August, 2007

• Mortgagee 811; Page 62 – 63; Added Occurrence 6 of the REF segment to identify the Number of Units in a Building.

• Mortgagee 811; Page 64 – 65; Added Occurrence 3 of the AMT segment to identify the Estimated Replacement Cost.
