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Editing for film magazine (including all drafts

Date post: 11-Apr-2017
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Page 1: Editing for film magazine (including all drafts


Page 2: Editing for film magazine (including all drafts

This is my first draft for my music magazine – my main inspiration for this magazine is the cover of TOTAL FILM magazine where they featured the film Avatar. The layout really caught my eye and I have used there placement of certain features in a similar essence.

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I have started the process of creating my magazine by using the rectangle tool to create a background colour. I have chose the colour off white as it fit in well with the colour scheme as sets a neutral background – which is easy to work against.

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The next step was to add in my main character for my trailer – Chelsie. By doing this the audience of the magazine can understand that this will mean that there will be a large part of the magazine dedicated to the film/teaser trailer which I have produced. I have used the lasso tool in order to go around the edges of Chelsie in order to get rid of the background which surrounded her, By doing this I could get a clear image of Chelsie and make it look purely about her.

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Using the rectangle tool I added in an outline for my masthead for the magazine, I have chosen the colour orange because I believe that it stands out quite a bit which will make my magazine attractive to the public eye, and should theoretically stand out against any other film magazines.

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I then added the masthead to the orange rectangle, FilmNOW is the name of my magazine, this masthead was gathered through a poll which I had done with students aged 17-18. I have decided to do the now in capital letters in order to make it stand out more, it also looks more original. I have placed the rectangle and title behind Chelsie’s head – this is an idea that I have gathered from many different film magazines. This is commonly used throughout film magazines and I think it is very effective. It makes the main image look 3D and powerful – also making the person who features on it stand out a lot.

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I used the text tool again in order to add a date into the rectangle. This is so that the audience can see when the magazine has been produced; this is an important feature as it allows the audience to see the most recent magazine – and prevents them from reading/picking up a dated magazine

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Again using the text tool I have added a website in order to attract a wider base – as social media is becoming more occurrent in the modern day it allows the younger generation to get more involved.

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To identify the film which is being featured I have included the exact same title from the teaser trailer – what I mean by this is that I have used the same font and the same shadowing which features on the film poster. This creates a clear relation of the film to the magazine – this will further allow the audience to identify the title on the magazine with the teaser trailer and poster when released.

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The next section which I have added in is the small bit of text which just describes a bit about the film – what is featured in the magazine. By including this the audience will be intrigued to read the magazine more than if it were to just have the title by itself.

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I have further used the text tool in order to add more text – Thrilling Exclusive!. This is inspired again by total magazine and encourages the audience more to read on. It works well as an introductory to the film title and eases into the topic rather than bluntly stating the title.

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I added another rectangle to the text putting it behind the text – I feel as though this accentuates the text and makes it clearer to see. It also makes it more eye - catching to the reader making them want to read on. I created this again using the rectangle tool.

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To include the barcode I took an image off the internet and used the lasso tool to even up the edges and I then selected the image and moved it onto my poster – this was added in as a new layer. I have decide to place it in the bottom left corner of the magazine as this is typically where they are situated. I have included a barcode to allow the audience to understand that the magazine has a price. Without giving the magazine a price it would be unable to make any profit and would become unfunctional.

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Using the text tool I have added in some contents – I have got my inspiration again from TOTALFILM – by including a sub title and then the contents. To separate the subtitle and content I have put the sub title in bold and the contents in regular. I have also used the line tool in order to create a border between the two. I have used the same colour as the rectangles for the line in order to carry on the colour scheme of the magazine.

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The same as the previous post I have created another content which is inside the magazine.

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I have used the rectangle tool the include a rectangle – this is so I can include a feature, I have made this rectangle a solid white so it doesn’t look too obvious but so it looks soft against the background.

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Finally I have imported an image for the Cannes Film Festival 2017 – this would attract to my audience as they will be film fanatics and may be aspiring directors/producers – so this competition to enter your own film would bring in a lot of publicity towards the film magazine.

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• Overall I am pleased with the magazine as it looks professional and there is clear conventions of a real film magazine.

• Next steps would be to do a peer assessment for my magazine and gather information from a variety of pupils aged 17-18 – and get a range of positives and negatives about my film magazine where I will then create a second draft including the majority of improvements.
