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Education Us Vn

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EDUCATIONIN THE U.S AND VIET NAMGroup members: Luu Thi Hong Anh Do Thu Hai Tran Thi Minh Ngoc Do Thi Huyen Trang Pham Thi Thu Ha Dang Ngoc Ninh Nguyen Ngoc Linh

OUTLINE1 2 3 4

Main features Educational system Achievements & problems Differences & similarities

MAIN FEATURES1. Facilities & learning resources 2. Interactions between teachers & learners 3. Classroom regulation/ policy

Main features of US education

The structure of education systemThe structure of education system has been expanded considerably with different levels: preschool, elementary school, middle school, high school, post-secondary education Each state within the United States sets a different curriculum standard and each school district within a state may have separate curriculum standards set in place. A 100 point grading system is used for all tested subjects

Interaction between teachers and students

Interaction between teachers and students

An intensive and extensive development in education

InteractionsTeaching methods: - Prefering informal-oriented teaching and learning (informal interaction based on referrals) Teachers are more initiative in interactions with students - Creating comfortable environment and let anyone to express ideas

InteractionsMore participation in US schools

Interaction in socializingMore activities in US schools to keep everyone busy and challenged at the same time

Interactions- Providing feedback and promoting reflections

InteractionsLearning methods:- Students say what they think in their minds, discuss enthusiastically in the class - Students listen actively the lesson, summarizing themselves initiatively and search for more knowledge from learning resources such as libraries, Internet at home - The way students talk to teachers seems to be more comfortable - While class s debating topic, no one has a wrong opinion, all views are welcomed & fairly evaluated

Classroom regulation- Both punishments and rewards which are to create a safe and orderly learning environment - Students often disobey the rules, parents may be contacted or learners may run the risk of receiving a referral to the dean and even being suspended.

Classroom policy in controlling the education- Credit-based education allows students to easily take any classes for a semester that are suitable for their education level provided that they will get all credits to graduate - The inspection from accrediting agencies for schools that help to differentiate between accredited schools and degree/diploma mills - Grading policy: Based on participation, classwork, which includes group work, HW, quizzes, tests, portfolios and projects

Main features of Vietnamese education

I/ Operating organization of educationEducational system of Viet Nam is under control of Vietnamese government. > A broad government-controlled network of schools, universities and colleges at all levels

II/ The structure of Vietnamese educational system5 stages: kindergartens, primary, intermediate, secondary and higher education. It is 5-4-3: 5 years of elementary school (grades 1-5), 4 years of secondary school (grades 6-9) and 3 years of high school (grades 10-12). Higher education lasts between 2 & 6 years.

II/ The structure of Vietnamese educational systemPrimary education is required for every student. It admits children of age 6. After finishing the 5th grade, students need to pass the Elementary Graduation Examination. Intermediate education : students are required to pass the Intermediate Graduation Examination (IGE), 3 subjects are always included foreign language, mathematics, and literature. To go to college or a university, students must pass the University Entrance Examination (UEE).

III/ Rules and policies in Vietnamese schools.Class starts at 6.30 a.m, finishes at 5 p.m and studying days are 6 out of 7 days a week, from Monday to Saturday. A 10 point grading system is applied at all levels. Passing point is 5 . Many rules that children must obey whether they like it or not. Ex: students at primary, secondary and high schools have to wear uniforms. Boys wear black pants and a white shirt, and they must tuck their shirt into their pants before going to school. Girls wear long dresses (ao dai). > Many students feel this environment is hard, and they do not have too much freedom in school.

IV/ Relationship & interaction between teachers and students.Students should respect and obey their teachers in the same manner as their parents. Eg: when the teachers enter or leave the classes, students all stand up greeting and bowing to them. what the teachers give in the lectures is always right, and sometimes it is disrespectful to oppose.

V/ Study methodVietnamese students are taught passively and the teaching method is very teacher-oriented. The teacher writes the summary of the lecture, the students copy everything down and then learns it by heart. Vietnamese students spend more time at class and less time for self-study.

VI/ Studying curriculumStudents learn a lot of theory and do not have many chances to practice and apply what they learn from books and teachers to the real world. In their study program, time for learning formulas and principles is more than time for practicing .


Educational system Curriculum



USA EDUCATIONAL SYSTEMElementary (primary) schools & Secondary education 1. Elementary school: Preschools Kindergarten 1st-6th grades 2. Secondary education: Junior high schools: 7th-8th or 9th High schools: 9th or 10th -12th Post-secondary Education 1. Undergraduate Program 2. Professional Schools (Advanced schooling)

PRESCHOOLSChildren under 6 years old Prekindergarten Head start

ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Elementary school includes kindergarten through sixth grades About 3.6 million children in each grade Public schools: 85% Private schools: 10% Home-schooling: 2.9%

SECONDARY SCHOOLS Junior high school: usually includes seventh through eighth or nineth grade. High school : usually runs either from 9th or 10th through 12th grade. The range bases on the demographic factor

POST-SECONDARY SCHOOLS1.Undergraduate programs Study at a college or university leading to the Bachelor's Degree: B.A, B.S, B.Phil Public schools and private schools State College or University Private College or University Two-Year College Community College Institute of Technology Technical Institute Church-related School

POST-SECONDARY SCHOOLS2. Professional schools2.1 Master's Degree Studies Programs often takes 2 years. Leads to a more advanced degree such as a master's degree: MA,MS,MBA, Some students pursue a graduate degree that is in between a master's degree and a doctoral degree called a Specialist in Education (Ed.S.). Be stepping-stones toward a doctorate (Ph.D.). 2.2 Doctoral Studies


CURRICULUMCurriculum in Vietnam Curriculum in USA

CURRICULUM IN VIETNAMBuilt by the ministry of Education and Training and taught in the whole country


CURRICULUM IN VIETNAM Secondary schoolsAddition: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Technology, Foreign Languages (English, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese), Computer Science (computer or computing)

High schoolsSame subjects with the secondary except for Music and Art Extra classes

CURRICULUM IN VIETNAMVocational schools, Colleges and Universities the curriculum designed by each one. Ex: 4-year college program of Economy major

Total hours in 4 years Economy Politics Foreign language Math and Informatics Other subjects

2183 1451 203 293 169 68

CURRICULUM IN USAAdequate Yearly Progress (AYP) No Child Left Behind (NCLB)

CURRICULUM IN USA Elementary educationBasic subjects

CURRICULUM IN USA Secondary education (Junior and senior high school)basic curricular structure electives advanced courses extra curricular activities

CURRICULUM IN USA College and university4-year college program in USA 1/3 program period 680 hours Basic knowledge required (including the required classes and elective classes in the CURRICULUM IN USA compulsory major) Main major: . The compulsory subjects . The elective subjects The elective in other majors Total 1/3 the program 1/6 the program 1/6 the program 1/3 the program 680 hours

660 hours 1380 hours

CURRICULUM IN USA College and UniversityEx: the major of economyCredit Hou r Introductory microeconomics Introductory macroeconomics Introductory calculus Mathematics Statistics for the social humanities sector Business school introductory survey Intermediate Microeconomics Intermediate Macroeconomics The total hours of compulsory major The total hours of self-selecting major The total hours of the major 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 210 270 480

ACHIEVEMENTS AND PROBLEMS1 2 3 4 Achievement of US Education Achievement of VN Education Problems of US Education Problems of VN Education

ACHIEVEMENT OF US EDUCATIONUS education is among the best educations in the world. Statistics 50 million students attended US public school in 2010 543 billion was spent on education Used to have the highest graduation rate in the world (40 years ago)

ACHIEVEMENT OF US EDUCATIONNo child left behind campaign has had successful results.

ACHIEVEMENT OF US EDUCATIONo The US has the best higher education in the world - Reasons: U.S. spending on higher education as a percentage = 39.4% of all education spending compared to 20.8% for West Germany and 21.4% for Japan According to reliable statistics: 13/20 best universities in the world are in US. - These universities have 70% of people awarded Nobel price The percentage of adults who complete higher education: rank at the third (39%)

Best Universities of US

Harvard University

Yale University

ACHIEVEMENT OF VN EDUCATION The quality of education is more and more improved The anti-illiteracy campaign makes illiteracy rate decrease For example: 2002-2003, the rate of literacy: 95%

ACHIEVEMENT OF VN EDUCATION Vietnam has many talented students- the pride of Vietnamese education - Typical example : Ng B o Chu- a Vietnamese mathematician at the University of Chicago, best known for proving the fundamental lemma for automorphic forms proposed by Robert Langlands and Diana Shelstad

ACHIEVEMENT OF VN EDUCATION Vietnamese students have got many international prizes (Olympic, Robot contest .)

ACHIEVEMENT OF VN EDUCATION The demands for education are better met and granted The education has reached some strategic targets. For example: improving people s standard knowledge, training human resources, fostering talented people) For example: in 2004-2005 there were more than 22 million students/pupils studying in 37000 schools and

PROBLEMS OF US EDUCATION U.S. students' average scores in international comparisons below the average of developed countries The quality of education tends to decrease In details: In the OECD's Program for International Student Assessment 2003, For example: 15 year olds ranked +24th of 38 in mathematics +21st 38 in science +15th of 38 in reading literacy + 26th of 38 in problem solving. Graduation rate ranks at 19th in the world

PROBLEMS OF US EDUCATION In the 2006 assessment, the U.S. ranked +35th out of 57 in mathematics + 29th out of 57 in science. U.S. scores were behind those of most other developed nations. Everyday in the US 6000 students drop out of school 30% of students do not graduate from high school

PROBLEMS OF US EDUCATION There has a big gap in education between white and black students in US Racial discrimination is still a big problem of education in US Violence in school still exists and increase

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATION Mass education s quality is still low. Education s quality and infrastructure are not equal/homogeneous different in regions: urban and rural regions, delta and mountainous regions

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATION There is lack of educational equipment. Bad educational infrastructure

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATION Subjects and curriculum are obsolete Teaching and learning method is still passive, theoretical, uncreative Lack of interaction between teachers and students or among students Students are still lack of common/soft skills (presentation skill, communication skill, work-inteam skill )

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATION Unbalance between theory and practice

Undervalue physical education Can not reach all-sided education target

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATION Curriculum is too heavy and strict

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATIONThe Vietnamese education think highly of achievement/results Unreal achievement/results cause serious bad effect on education-like a disease

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATION The education management is loose and weak. The education management has many problems/ controversial issues

PROBLEMS OF VN EDUCATION In recent years, school violence arises in Vietnam and is becoming more and more serious issue

Violence in school tends to increase

SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCESSimilarities between USA education and VN education Differences between USA education and VN education


Educational policy Studying environment

EDUCATIONAL POLICYThe most important task of two countries

EDUCATIONAL POLICYMore investments for educational facilities

STUDYING ENVIRONMENTMore methods of teaching and studying (present, teamwork especially in university) Higher quality of the lesson

STUDYING ENVIRONMENTBetter relationship between teachers and students and among students

STUDYING ENVIRONMENTMore activities besides studying Outside activities (sports, camps )

STUDYING ENVIRONMENT Voluntary activities (students in universities)

DIFFERENCESCurriculum Studying environment

CURRICULUM In VietnamHeavy theoretical content Little time for practice and Lack of realistic knowledge

In AmericaReverse

CURRICULUM In VietnamUnclear class division and quite a few specializations in each field Lack of professional knowledge and comprehensiveness

In USA: Reserve

CURRICULUM In Vietnam:Almost all subjects are compulsory Students may not choose which subjects they want to learn.

In USA: Students maychoose up to 1 / 3 total s time to learn despite of any branch

CURRICULUMFour-year curriculum in USA s universityCurriculum Basic knowledge required Main faculty - Compulsory education sector - Elective sector in main faculty - Elective sector in other faculty Total Proportion in each term 1/3 1/3 1/6 1/6 660 hours 1.380 hours Duration 680 hours 680 hours

Develop student s abilities and balance studying time

CURRICULUM In Vietnam: Mostly teaching theory, do not teaching method => Students can not develop their creativity and selfstudy habit

In USA: Workshop on methods of thinking, analysis, research and writing dissertations

STUDYING ENVIROMENT In USA: Never does teacher reads, students copy into their notebooks happen Student can access teacher s websites to see the lectures again Teachers often spend about 2-4 hours per week to meet students

In Vietnam: reserve

STUDYING ENVIROMENT In USA: Never do teachers call students to answer questions while they are thinking somewhere Feel free to argue and debate with teachers

In Vietnam: reserve

STUDYING ENVIROMENT In USA: Not only are allowed to eat, but I can use mobile or laptop in class.

In Vietnam: Not allowed

STUDYING ENVIROMENTWay to assess students: In USA: 4-6 exams 1 termKnowledge is absorbed gradually and deeply.

In Vietnam: 2 exams

STUDYING ENVIROMENT In USA:Hundreds of student clubs and many outside activities + extra curriculum Have more chances to practice and get more knowledge

In Vietnam:Few




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