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EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS DIRECTORY GUIA DE INSTITUCIONES EDUCATIVAS REPERTOIRE DES INSTITUTIONS EDUCATIVES Society of Jesus - Secretariat for Education Compañía de Jesús - Secretariado de Educación Compagnie de Jésus - Secrétariat pour l’Education Borgo S. Spirito 4 C.P. 6139 00195 Roma Prati, ITALY Tel:+39-06 6897 7293 FAX: +39-06 6897 7280 E-Mail: [email protected] Http: www.sjweb.info/education/index.cfm




Society of Jesus - Secretariat for Education Compañía de Jesús - Secretariado de Educación

Compagnie de Jésus - Secrétariat pour l’Education Borgo S. Spirito 4

C.P. 6139 00195 Roma Prati, ITALY

Tel:+39-06 6897 7293 FAX: +39-06 6897 7280

E-Mail: [email protected] Http: www.sjweb.info/education/index.cfm





Introduction……………………………………………………………………….. 5

Introducción……………………………………………………………………..... 6

Introduction……………………………………………………………………….. 7

Educational Institutions / Instituciones Educativas / Institutions Educatives

Albania……………………………………………………………………. 8

Algérie…………………………………………………………………….. 8

Argentina..................................................................................................… 9

Australia...................................................................................................… 13

Austria…………………………………………………………………….. 16

België/Belgique…………………………………………………………… 17

Belize……………………………………………………………………… 21

Bolivia......................................................................................................… 22

Brasil............................................................................................................ 24

Burundi......................................................................................................... 29

Cameroun.................................................................................................… 30

Canada...............................................................................................…..…. 31

Chile............................................................................................................. 32

Colombia...................................................................................................... 36

Côte D’Ivoire............................................................................................... 39

Croatia.......................................................................................................... 39

Czech Republic…………………………………………………………… 40

Denmark....................................................................................................... 40



East Timor ................................................................................................... 40

Ecuador........................................................................................................ 41

Egypte.......................................................................................................... 43

El Salvador................................................................................................... 44

España.......................................................................................................... 45

France………………………………………………………………….….. 56

Germany....................................................................................................... 62

Guatemala.................................................................................................... 63

Haitì.............................................................................................................. 64

Honduras...................................................................................................... 65

Hong Kong, S.A.R., China……………………………………………...… 66

Hungary…………………………………………………...………………. 66

India.............................................................................................................. 67

Indonesia...................................................................................................... 126

Ireland.......................................................................................................... 128

Italia............................................................................................................. 130

Jamaica......................................................................................................... 134

Japan............................................................................................................. 134

Kenya........................................................................................................... 136

Korea ........................................................................................................... 137

Kosovo ........................................................................................................ 137

Liban/Lebanon............................................................................................. 138

Lithuania...................................................................................................... 140

Macau........................................................................................................... 140

Madagascar................................................................................................... 141

Malta............................................................................................................ 142

México.......................................................................................................... 143



Micronesia.................................................................................................... 146

Nepal............................................................................................................ 146

Nicaragua..................................................................................................... 148

Nigeria.......................................................................................................... 149

Pakistan........................................................................................................ 149

Panamá......................................................................................................... 150

Paraguay………..…………………………………………………………. 150

Perú……………..………………………………………………………… 152

Philippines………...………………………………………………………. 156

Poland........................................................................................................... 161

Portugal........................................................................................................ 164

Puerto Rico................................................................................................... 165

República Dominicana................................................................................ 166

République Démocratique du Congo........................................................... 167

Russia........................................................................................................... 170

Slovakia…………………………………………………………………... 170

Sudan………………………………………………..……………………. 171

Sweden……………………………………………………………………. 171

Taiwan……………………………………..……………………………... 172

Tanzania....................................................................................................... 173

Tchad………………………………………..……………………………. 173

United Kingdom…..……………………………………………………… 174

United States of America…………………..…………………………….. 177

Uruguay....................................................................................................... 198

Venezuela.................................................................................................... 199

Zambia………………………………………..………………………….. 202

Zimbabwe……………………………………...…………………………. 203




Welcome to Sjweb and to the 2009 Educational Institutions Directory. The Directory contains information on Jesuit educational institutions throughout the world. We have followed the practice of previous editions of the Directory and used a broad definition of the term “Jesuit.” Thus, you will find listed not only Jesuit apostolic works, properly so called, but also institutions which share in the Ignatian spirit, draw upon a common heritage and foster the mission of the Society of Jesus, whatever be their juridical ties to the Society, their structure of governance or their ownership. The Directory is arranged according to country. Under each country the institutions are classified according to four levels: higher (or tertiary) education, secondary education, primary education (including pre-primary education) and “other.” The levels are further divided according to institutional type. On the level of higher education, you will find universities, university colleges, faculties, institutions of higher learning and university residences. On the level of secondary and primary education, you will find the nomenclature used in each country, e.g. colegios, high schools, colleges, collèges, escuelas, preparatory schools, elementary schools, professional schools, technical schools, etc. Under “others” you will find formation centers and special schools. In addition to individual institutions, the Directory lists educational networks. Thus, you will find Fe y Alegria (Latin America), Red Chilena (Chile), Fundación Canaria Radio ECCA, Fundación Escuelas Profesionales de la Sagrada Familia y Fundación Loyola Andalucía-Canaria, Fundación Loyola-Andalucía (España), Dalit Centre, De Nobili, Gnanmata Sadan Society, Konar Village (India), Nativity Schools and Christo Rey Schools (United States). These networks are closely related to the Society and reach a vast number of students. Although we have tried to present a comprehensive view of Jesuit education, we realize that we may have overlooked some valuable programs and activities. We know that some of the information presented may be inaccurate. Please inform us of any mistakes at the Secretariat’s e-mail site: [email protected]. Likewise, the lines between the different levels of education are not always clear. In these cases we have used our best judgment. Finally, we have tried to respect the language proper to each country, except for an occasional use of English for practical reasons. Please allow me to express once again my hope that the Educational Institutions Directory will increase our sense of the international character of the educational apostolate of the Society of Jesus and help us to support one another in our service of the Lord. Sincerely, Thomas E. Roach, S.J. Secretary for Education




Bienvenido a la Sjweb y a la edición 2009 del Directorio de Instituciones Educativas. El Directorio contiene información sobre las instituciones educativas de la Compañía en todo el mundo. Hemos seguido la práctica de las anteriores ediciones del Directorio y hemos usado una amplia acepción del término “jesuita”. Así, usted encontrará un listado no sólo de los trabajos apostólicos jesuitas propiamente dichos, sino también de las instituciones que comparten el espíritu ignaciano, giran en torno a una herencia común e impulsan la misión de la Compañía de Jesús, cualquiera que sea su lazo jurídico con la Compañía, su estructura de gobierno o su pertenencia. El Directorio está ordenado por países. Bajo cada país las instituciones están clasificadas de acuerdo con cuatro niveles: educación superior (o de tercer grado), educación secundaria, educación primaria (incluyendo la infantil o pre-primaria) y “otras”. Los niveles además están divididos según el tipo de institución. En el nivel de educación superior, usted encontrará universidades, colegios universitarios, facultades, instituciones o enseñanzas superiores y residencies universitarias. En la educación secundaria y primaria, encontrará la nomenclatura usada en cada país, p.ej., colegios, high schools, colleges, escuelas, preparatory schools, elementary schools, etc. Bajo “otras” podrá encontrar centros de formación y escuelas especiales. Además de las instituciones individuales, el Directorio presenta el listado de las redes de educación. Así, se puede encontrar Fe y Alegría (América Latina), Red Chilena (Chile), Fundación Canaria Radio ECCA, Fundación Escuelas Profesionales de la Sagrada Familia y Fundación Loyola Andalucía-Canaria (España), Dalit Centre, De Nobili, Gnanmata Sadan Society, Konar Village (India), Nativity Schools y Christo Rey Schools (Estados Unidos). Estas redes son muy cercanas a la Compañía y llegan a un gran número de estudiantes. Aunque hemos intentando presentar una visión amplia de la educación en la Compañía, es posible que hayamos pasado por alto actividades o programas de gran valor. También sabemos que parte de la información presentada puede ser poco precisa. Por favor, comuniquen cualquier error al Secretariado al e-mail: [email protected]. De igual forma, los límites entre los diferentes niveles educativos no son siempre claros. En estos casos hemos usado nuestro mejor criterio. Finalmente hemos intentado respetar la lengua propia de cada país, excepto cuando se usa ocasionalmente el inglés por razones prácticas. Permítame expresar una vez más mi esperanza de que el Directorio de Instituciones Educativas de la Compañía incremente nuestra conciencia del carácter internacional del apostolado de la educación de la Compañía de Jesús y nos ayude a apoyarnos unos a otros en nuestro servicio al Señor.


Thomas E. Roach, S.J. Secretario para la Educación




Bienvenue sur le SJWeb et à la édition 2009 du Répertoire des Institutions Educatives. Le Répertoire contient des renseignements sur les institutions éducatives jésuites à travers le monde. Nous avons suivi la pratique des éditions antérieures du Répertoire en donnant au terme «Jésuite» un sens très large. Ainsi, vous trouverez classées non seulement les œuvres apostoliques jésuites à proprement parler, mais aussi des institutions d’inspiration ignatienne, se réclamant d’un héritage commun et promouvant la mission de la Compagnie de Jésus, quels que soient leurs liens juridiques avec la Compagnie, leur structures de gouvernement ou leur appartenance. Le Répertoire est organisé par pays. Sous chaque pays les institutions sont classées selon quatre niveaux: enseignement supérieur (ou tertiaire), enseignement secondaire, enseignement primaire (incluant enseignement pré-primaire) et «autres». Les niveaux sont eux-mêmes divisés selon le type d’institution. Au niveau enseignement supérieur vous trouverez les universités, les collèges universitaires, les facultés, les institutions d’apprentissage supérieur et les résidences universitaires. Au niveau enseignement secondaire et primaire vous trouverez la classification utilisée dans chaque pays, par exemple: colegios, high schools, colleges, collèges, escuelas, preparatory schools, elementary schools, etc. Au niveau «autres» les centres de formation et les écoles spéciales. En sus des institutions particulières, le Répertoire donne la liste des réseaux éducatifs. C’est ainsi que vous trouverez Fe y Alegria (Amérique Latine), Red Chilena (Chili), Fundación Canaria Radio ECCA, Fundación Escuelas Profesionales de la Sagrada Familia, Fundación Loyola, Fundación Andalucía-Canaria (Espagne), Dalit Centre, De Nobili, Gnanmata Sadan Society, Konar Village (Inde), Nativity Schools et Christo Rey Schools (Etats Unis). Ces réseaux sont étroitement liés à la Compagnie et touchent un grand nombre d’étudiants. Bien que nous ayons essayé de présenter une vue complète de l’éducation jésuite, nous réalisons que nous avons peut-être oublié des programmes et activités dignes d’être mentionnés. Nous savons aussi que les renseignements présentés sont peut-être inexacts. N’hésitez donc pas à nous signaler les erreurs au courriel du Secrétariat: [email protected]. De même les frontières entre les différents niveaux ne sont pas toujours claires; dans tous les cas nous pensons avoir fait de notre mieux. Enfin, nous avons essayé de respecter le langage propre à chaque pays, sauf en utilisant parfois l’anglais pour des raisons pratiques. Permettez-moi encore une fois d’exprimer mon espoir que le Répertoire des Institutions Educatives nous aidera à prendre davantage conscience du caractère international de l’apostolat éducatif de la Compagnie de Jésus et à nous soutenir mutuellement au service du Seigneur.

Cordialement, Thomas E. Roach, S.J. Secrétaire pour l’Education




Scuola di Studi Superiori di Filosofia e Teologia L.V. Shanto,Rr. B. Nopca Shkodër TEL: 355-22/48 263 FAX: 355-22/48 266 E-Mail: [email protected]


Liceo Pjetër Meshkalla L.V. Shanto,Rr. B. Nopca Shkodër TEL/FAX: 355-22/482 68 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1995


Centre d’initiation à des Activités en Recherche Appliquée (CIARA) Maison de Ben-Smen impasse Ahmed Kara DZ 16012 Said Hamdine TEL: 213-21/54 66 92 FAX: 213-21/44 71 94

B. AUTRES (1) 1. Centre Culturel Universitaire (CCU) 15bis Rue Hamani DZ 16000 Alger-Centre TEL: 213-21/63 44 18 FAX: 213-21/63 47 96 E-Mail: [email protected]





A R G E N T I N A A. UNIVERSIDAD (1) Universidad Católica de Córdoba

Obispo Trejo 323 X5000IYG Córdoba http: www.uccor.edu.ar Fundada: 1956


Facultades de Filosofía y Teología de San Miguel Avda. Mitre 3226 Casilla 10 B1663NET San Miguel (BA) TEL: 54-11/4455 7992 FAX: 54-11/4455 6442 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundada: 1932

C. COLEGIOS (Pre-Primaria, EGB y Secundaria)1 (7) 1. Bachillerato Humanista “Mons. Jorge Kemerer” 2

Av. Corrientes 2348 N3300NKY Misiones, Posadas http: www.isparm.edu.ar/humanista/indice.htm Fundado: 1962

2. Centro Educativo P. José Maria Llorens, S.J. Barrio San Martin Manzana “5” Lote 2 y 3 Coop. Libertador 5500 Mendoza TEL/FAX: 54-261/444 6981 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1979

1 Pre-Primaria: Nivel Inicial EGB: Escuela General Básica (Primaria más dos primeros años de Secundaria) Secundaria: En algunas juridicciones de Argentina se denomina Polimodal a los tres ultimos años de la misma. 2 Solo primaria y secundaria



3. Colegio de la Inmaculada Concepción San Martín 1540 S3000FRJ, Santa Fe http: www.colegioinmaculada.edu.ar Fundado: 1862

4. Colegio del Salvador

Avda. Callao 542 C1022AAS Buenos Aires http: www.colegiodelsalvador.esc.edu.ar Fundado: 1868

5. Escuela Madre de la Misericordia

Tucumán 77 3300 Posadas, Misiones TEL/FAX: 54-3752/427 576 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1960

6. Colegio Sagrada Familia

Buchardo 1675 Bº Pueyrredón X50004ETQ Córdoba http: www.sagradafamiliasj.edu.ar Fundado: 1927

7. Colegio San Luis Gonzaga

Colón 93 M5500GEA Mendoza TEL: 54-261/429 1656 FAX: 54-261/429 6518 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1926




Centro de Formación Técnica Profesional Nº 401 (Fe y Alegría) Nuestra Señora de Luján (Colegio Máximo) Sta. Ana y Güemes 1663 San Miguel (BA) TEL: 54-11/4455 5036 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1981

E. ESCUELAS PARROQUIALES (Pre-Primaria, EGB y Secundaria) (9) 1. Colegio Parroquial Nuestra Señora de ltatí3

Marchena y Rivadavia Barrio Santa Brígida 1664 Trujui, San Miguel, (BA) TEL: 54-11/4455 6470 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1982

8. Colegio Parroquial Nuestra Señora de Luján4 Av. Sarmiento y San José Barrio Mitre 1663 San Miguel (BA)

TEL/FAX: 54-11/4455 4910 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundado: 1993 9. Colegio Parroquial Patriarca San José

Muniz yAgüero 1663 San Miguel (BA)

TEL: 54-11/4455 2880 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundado: 1989

10. Colegio Parroquial Santa María de Trujui Isabel la Católica y Pinzón 1663 Trujui (BA) http: www.colegiotrujui.esc.edu.ar Fundado: 1967

3 Solo pre-primaria y EGB 4 Solo pre-primaria y EGB



11. Colegio Parroquial Señor de Mailin5 San Pedro 465 B1614HDI Villa de Mayo (BA) TEL/FAX 54-11/4463 8461 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1992

12. Instituto Parroquial Nuestra Señora de Asunción

Rodrigo de Triana 1771 B1663CEI San Miguel (BA) TEL: 54-11/4455 4077 FAX: 54-11/4455 8612 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1957

13. Escuela San Ignacio de Loyola 6 Barrio San Jorge (Parroquia Nta Sra de Itati)

3300 Posadas, Misiones TEL: 54-3752/455 383 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1968

14. Instituto Virgen de Itatí

Av. Tierra de Fuego y López Torres 3300 Posadas, Misiones TEL: 54-3752/450 095 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1974

5 Solo pre-primaria y EGB 6 Solo EGB



F. FE Y ALEGRIA (12 Centros)

Fe y Alegría Argentina Sanchez de Bustamante 191 Piso 2 Dpto.K 1173 Buenos Aires TEL/FAX: 54-11/4865 4485 E-Mail: [email protected]

Inicio: 1995 G. OTRO (1)

Centro Estudios de Nivel Secundario Para Adultos, No. 4517 Sta. Ana Y Güemes 1663 San Miguel (BA) TEL: 54-11/455 5978 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1974

A U S T R A L I A A. UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE (1) Newman College8 887 Swanston Street Parkville 3052 Victoria http: www.newman.unimelb.edu.au Founded: 1918

7 Educación de adultos 8 Just secondary. Belongs to the Archdiocese of Melbourne. Run by the Jesuits.



B. COLLEGES (Kindergaden, Grade, Middle and Secondary) (5) 1. Loyola Senior High School9 PO Box 145, 91 North Parade Mount Druitt, NSW 2770 http: www.loyolashs.nsw.edu.au Founded: 1991 2. St. Aloysius' College 47 Upper Pitt Street Milsons Point, N.S.W. 2061 http: www.staloysius.nsw.edu.au

Founded: 1879 3. St. Ignatius' College10 2 Manresa Court Athelstone, S.A. 5076 http: www.ignatius.sa.edu.au Founded: 1951 4. St. Ignatius' College11 Riverview Lane Cove, N.S.W. 2066 http: www.riverview.nsw.edu.au Founded: 1880 5. Xavier College12 Barkers Road Kew, Victoria 3101 http: www.xavier.vic.edu.au Founded: 1878

9 Belongs to the Diocese, but it has been run under “contract” for a number of years by the Jesuits. 10 Just secondary 11 Boarding 12 Just secondary. Boarding



C. ELEMENTARY (Kindergarden, Grade and Middle School) (3) 1. St. Ignatius’ College Junior School 62 Queen Street Norwood, S.A. 5076 http: www.ignatius.sa.edu.au Founded: 1951 2. Xavier Preparatory School Burke Hall Studley Park Road Kew, Victoria 3101 http: www.xavier.vic.edu.au Founded: 1921 3. Xavier Preparatory School Kostka Hall 47 South Road, P.O. Box 89 Brighton, Victoria 3186 http: www.xavier.vic.edu.au Founded: 1937

D. PARISH SCHOOLS (Primary) (4) 1. Immaculate Conception Parish School 345 Burwood Road Hawthorne, Vic 3122 Tel: 61-3/9818 1935 2. St Aloysius’ Parish School Box 13 Sevenhill, SA 5453 Tel: 61-8/8843 4172 3. St Ignatius’s Parish School 137 William Street Norwood, SA 5067 Tel: 61-8/8332 0600 4. St Ignatius’s Parish School

326 Church Street Richmond, Vic 3121

Tel: 61-3/8420 6789




A. KATHOLISCH-THEOLOGISCHE FAKULTÄT (Theology Faculty) (1) Katholisch-Theologische Fakultät der Universität Innsbruck Karl-Rahner-Platz 1 A-6020 Innsbruck http: //theol.uibk.ac.at Founded: 1669 B. CONVICTUS (University Residence) (2) 1. Canisianum Innsbruck

Tschurtschenthalerstrasse, 7 A-6020 Innsbruck http: www.canisianum.at Founded: 1858

2. Jesuitenkolleg Innsbruck

Silgasse 6 Postfach 569 A-6021 Innsbruck http: www.jesuitenkolleg-innsbruck.at

Founded: 1562 C. KOLLEGIEN (Secondary) (2) 1. Kollegium Aloisianum

Freinberggstr. 32-34 A-4020 Linz

http: www.aloisianum.eduhi.at Founded: 1851



2. Kollegium Kalksburg13 Promenadeweg, 3 A-1230 Wien

http: www.kalksburg.at

Founded: 1856 (Secondary) 1994 (Primary – Vollkschule Kalksurg)

B E L G I Ë - B E L G I Q U E A. FACULTES UNIVERSITAIRES / UNIV. FACULTEITEN (3) 1. Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix Rue de Bruxelles, 61 B-5000 Namur http: www.fundp.ac.be Date de fondation: 1831 2. Institut Gramme Institut Supérieur Industriel 28 Quai du Condroz B-4031 Angleur http: www.gramme.be Date de fondation: 1906 3. Universitair Centrum St. Ignatius (UCSIA) Prinstraat 14 B-2000 Antwerpen http: www.ucsia.org Date de fondation: 1852 B. FACULTE DE THEOLOGIE (1) Institut d'Etudes Théologiques 60 rue du Collège Saint-Michel B-1150 Bruxelles http: www.iet.be

13 Also primary



C. COLLEGES/KOLLEGEN (Primary and Secondary) (15) 1. Centre Scolaire Saint-François-Xavier 1 rue de Rome, 18 B-4800 Verviers http: www.collegesfx.be Date de fondation: 1855 2. Centre Scolaire Saint-Michel 24 Boulevard St-Michel B-1040 Bruxelles http: www.college-st-michel.info/moodle Date de fondation: 1905 3. Centre Scolaire St-Benoit St-Servais rue Lambert-le-Bègue 44 B-4000 Liège http: www.stbenoitstservais.be Date de fondation: 1838 4. Collège de Godinne-Burnot

Site Burnot: Route de Floreffe, 26 B-5170 Profondeville

http: www.burnot.be Date de fondation: 1927 Site Saint-Paul:

3 Carrefour de l'Europe B-5530 Godinne (Yvoir) http: www.godinne.be Date de fondation: 1927 5. Collège du Sacré Coeur Boulevard Audent, 58 B-6000 Charleroi http: www.sacrecoeurcharleroi.be Date de fondation: 1876



6. Collège Notre-Dame de la Paix Place Notre-Dame de la Paix, 5 B-5101 Erpent http: www.cndp-erpent.be Date de fondation: 1831 7. Collège Saint-Stanislas rue des Dominicains, 15 B-7000 Mons http: www.saintstanislas.be Date de fondation: 1er Collège: 1598 Collège Actuel: 1851 8. Institut Saint-François-Xavier rue de Francorchamps, 12 B-4800 Verviers http: www.sfx2.be 9. Jan van Ruusbroeckollege14 Forumlaan 4 B-1020 Brussel http: www.ruusbroec.be Date de fondation: 1968 10. Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege Frankrijklei 91 B-2000 Antwerpen http://olvc.telenet.be Date de fondation: 1575-1840

14 Just secondary



11. Sint Barbaracollege 15 Savaanstraat, 33 B-9000 Gent http: www.sint-barbara.be Date de fondation: 1552-1833 12. Sint Jan Berchmanscollege16 Ursulinenstraat 4 B-1000 Brussel http: www.sint-jan-brussel.be Date de fondation: 1604 -1835 13. Sint Jozefscollege17 Pontstraat 7 B-9300 Aalst http: www.sjcaalst.be Date de fondation: 1619-21/1831 14. Sint Jozefscollege 18 Koningin Astridlaan 33 B-2300 Turnhout http: www.sjt.be Date de fondation: 1845 15. Xaveriuscollege Collegelaan 36 B-2140 Borgerhout http: www.xaveriuscollege.be Date de fondation: 1935

15 Also pre-primary. Boarding 16 Also pre-primary 17 Also boarding 18 Also pre-primary and boarding



C. INSTITUTS TECHNIQUES (1) Institut d’Enseignement Technique Notre Dame Rue de la Science, 52-62 B-6000 Charleroi http: www.iet-notre-dame.be D. AUTRES (1) Centre International d'Etudes de la Formation Religieuse "Lumen Vitae" rue Washington, 184-186 B-1050 Bruxelles http: www.catho.be/lumen Date de fondation: 1948


A. COLLEGE (Secondary and Tertiary) (1) Saint John's College P.O. Box 548 Belize City http: www.sjc.edu.bz/index.html Founded: 1887 B. PARISH SCHOOL (1)

St Peter Claver Parish School PO Box 25 Punta Gorda, Belize Tel: 011-501/722 2004 Fax: 011-501/722 2779



B O L I V I A A. COLEGIOS (Primaria y Secundaria) (4) 1. Colegio Juan XXIII19 Casilla 1500, Cocaraya, Km 27 Carretera a Oruro Cochabamba TEL/FAX: 591-4/438 5962 E-Mail: [email protected] 2. Colegio Sagrado Corazón20 Junín 691 Casilla 155 Sucre TEL: 591-4/646-2071 FAX: 591-4/646-0533 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1912 3. Colegio San Calixto Jenaro Sanjinés 701 Casilla 283 La Paz TEL: 591-2/240-6900 591-2/240-6833 FAX: 591-2/240-6960 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1882 4. Colegio San Ignacio

Avenida Hugo Ernst 7050 Casilla 4448 La Paz http: www.san-ignacio.edu.bo 19 También internado. Ciclo Medio. 20 También nocturno



B. ESCUELAS TECNICAS (1) Instituto de Aprendizaje Industrial (I.A.I.) Avda. 6 de Agosto esq. Campo Jordán Casilla 603 Oruro TEL/FAX: 591-2/524-3655 591-2/524 4492 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1968 C. FE Y ALEGRIA (439 Centros)

Fe y Alegría Dirección Nacional Calle Cuba No. 1138, Esq. Jamaica Casilla No. 45 Miraflores, La Paz E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1966 D. OTROS (2) 1. Arakuarenda – Charagua21 (Centro de Formación Guaraní para Adultos) Casilla 319 Santa Cruz TEL: 591-3/954 2036 E-Mail: [email protected] 2. CEMSE (Centro de Multiservicios Educativos)22

Pichincha 750 Casilla 283 La Paz http: www.cemse.org.bo

21 Jóvenes que pasan cursillos temporales 22 Niños y jóvenes de 42 unidades educativas fiscals que acceden a los servicios




A. UNIVERSIDADES (3) 1. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro Rua Marquês de São Vicente, 225 Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22453-900 http: www.puc-rio.br Fundada: 1940 2. Universidade Católica de Pernambuco (UNICAP) Rua do Príncipe, 526 Boa Vista 50050-900 Recife, PE http: www.unicap.br Fundada: 1951 3. Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (UNISINOS) Avda. Unisinos, 950 Caixa Postal 275 93001-970 São Leopoldo, RS http: www.unisinos.br Fundada: 1969 B. FACULDADES (4) 1. Faculdade São Luis Rua Haddock Lobo, 400 São Paulo, SP 01414-902 http: www.faculdadesaoluis.br Fundada: 1948



2. Escola Superior de Administração de Negócios-SBC23 Av. H.A. Castelo Branco, 3972 São Bernardo do Campo, SP 09700 http:: www.esan-sbc.edu.br Fundada: 1965 3. Faculdade de Engenharia Industrial (FEI)24 Av. H.A. Castelo Branco, 3972 São Bernardo do Campo, SP 09700 http: www.fei.edu.br Fundada: 1946 4. Fundação “Padre Sabóia de Medeiros” Rua Vergueiro, 165 (Liberdade)

São Paulo. SP 01504-001 http: www.fca.org.br

C. FACULDADE DE TEOLOGIA (1) Centro de Estudos Superiores (CES) Faculdades de Filosofia e Teologia Av. Dr. Cristiano Guimarães, 2127 (Planalto) Belo Horizonte, MG 31720-300 http: www.cesjesuit.br Fundada: 1982 D. COLEGIOS (Infantil, fundamental y médio) (13) 1. Colégio Anchieta Rua General Osório, 181 Nova Friburgo, RJ 28625-630 http: www.colegioanchieta.org.br Fundado: 1896

23 Pertenecente á Fundação de Ciencias Aplicadas. 24 Pertenecente á Fundação de Ciencias Aplicadas.



2. Colégio Anchieta Av. Nilo Peçanha, 1521 Bairro Três Figueiras 91330-000 Porto Alegre, RS Correio: Cx. P. 358 90001-970 Porto Alegre, RS http: www.colegioanchieta.g12.br Fundado: 1890 3. Colégio Antônio Vieira Av. Leovigildo Filgueiras, 683 - Garcia Salvador, BA 40100-000 http: www.colegioantoniovieira.com.br Fundado: 1911 4. Colégio Catarinense Rua Esteves Júnior, 711 Florianópolis, SC 88015-130 http: www.colegiocatarinense.g12.br Fundado: 1905 5. Colégio dos Jesuítas Av. Independência, 1600 - Centro Juiz de Fora, MG 36016-320 http: www.colegiodosjesuitas.com.br Fundado: 1956 6. Colégio Loyola Av. do Contorno, 7919 Cidade Jardim Belo Horizonte, MG 30110-051 http: www.loyola.g12.br Fundado: 1943



7. Colégio Na. Sra. Medianeira Av. Gov. José Richa, No. 10546 Prado Velho Curitiba, PR 81690-100 http: www.colegiomedianeira.g12.br Fundado: 1957 8. Colégio Santo Inácio Av. Desembargador Moreira, 2355 Dionísio Torres - Fortaleza, CE 60170-002 http: www.santoinacio.com.br Fundado: 1903 9. Colégio Santo Inácio Rua São Clemente, 226 Rio de Janeiro, RJ 22260-000 http: www.santoinacio-rio.com.br Fundado: 1903 10. Colégio São Francisco de Sales Praça Saraiva 363/S Teresina, PI 64001-200 http: www.jesuitas-pi.com.br Fundado: 1906 11. Colégio São Francisco Xavier Rua Moreira e Costa, 531 São Paulo, SP 04266-010 http: www.sanfra.g12.br Fundado: 1928 12. Colégio São Luís Rua Haddock Lobo, 400 São Paulo, SP 01414-902 http: www.saoluis.org Fundado: 1867



E. ESCOLA TÉCNICA (2) 1. Instituto de Assistência e Educação São Canísio (IAESC)

Sede Capela Cx. Postal 17 89896-000 Itapiranga, SC TEL/FAX: 55-49/3678 2063 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 2003

2. ETE - Escola Técnica de Eletrônica Av. Sinhá Moreira, 350 Caixa Postal 17 Santa Rita do Sapucaí, MG 37540-000 http: www.ete.g12.br Fundada: 1959 F. ESCOLA PRIMÁRIA (3) 1. Colegio Santo Afonso Rodríguez Rodovia Pl 112, Km. 9 - Socopo Teresina, PI 64070-970 TEL/FAX: 55-86/3234 5468 2. Escola João Paulo II

Av Bahia, s/n - Queimadinha Feira de Santana, BA 44031 440 Tel: 55-75/3221 4624



3. Escola Centro Social Mangueira 2ª Travessa Rubem Amorim, 111 - Maçaranduba Salvador, BA 40411-970 Tel: 55-71/3611-6510 T/F: 55-71/3611-6511 E-Mail: [email protected]

G. FE Y ALEGRIA (8 Centros) Fundação Fe e Alegria do Brasil Rua Rodrigo Lobato, 141, Sumaré São Paulo, SP, 05030-130 http: www.fealegria.org.br Inicio: 1980

B U R U N D I A. SECONDARY (1) Lycée du Saint-Esprit Communauté, S.J. B.P. 825 Bujumbura TEL: 257/2233 2084 257/233 870 FAX: 257/233 915 E-Mail: [email protected]




A. FACULTY (1) Université Catholique d’Afrique Centrale (UCAC) Faculté de Sciences Sociales et de Gestion B.P. 11628 Yaoundé TEL: Campus de Nkol - Bisson: 237/223 7400/01 Campus d’Ekounou: 237/230 5499 FAX: Campus de Nkol - Bisson: 237/223 7402 Campus d’Ekounou: 237/230 5501 E-Mail: Campus de Nkol - Bisson: [email protected] Campus d’Ekounou: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1991 B. COLLEGE (1) Collège Libermann B.P. 5351 Douala-Akwa TEL: 237/3342 2890 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.jesuitespao.com/collegelibermann.htm Date de fondation: 1952 Confié a la Compagnie: 1957



C A N A D A A. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (Tertiary) (1) Campion College (University of Regina) Regina, SK S4S 0A2 http: www.campioncollege.sk.ca Founded: 1917 B. THEOLOGY FACULTY (1) Regis College 15 St. Mary Street Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2R5 http: www.regiscollege.ca Founded: 1926 C. HIGH SCHOOLS (Secondary) (3) 1. Loyola High School 7272 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, Québec H4B 1R2 http: www.loyola.ca Founded: 1896 2. St. Bonaventure’s College25

Bonaventure Avenue St. John's, Newfoundland A1C 6B3 http: www.stbonaventurescollege.ca Founded: 1856 3. St. Paul's High School 2200 Grant Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 0P8 http: www.stpauls.mb.ca Founded: 1926

25 Also grade and midle school



D. OTHER (1) Maison Dauphine pour les Jeunes26 14, rue Dauphine Québec G1R 3W8 TEL: 1-418/694 9616 FAX: 1-418/692 4662 E-Mail: [email protected]

C H I L E A. UNIVERSIDAD (1) Universidad “Alberto Hurtado” Alm. Barroso, 6 Casilla 14446, Correo 21 Santiago 834-0575 http: www.uahurtado.cl Fundado: 1956 C. COLEGIOS (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria) (14) 1. Colegio Carampangue27

Camino Melipilla 270 Talagante, Santiago http: www.carampangue.cl Fundado: 1979

2. Colegio Don Enrique Alvear28 El Resbalón No. 1685 Población Digna Rosa Santiago TEL: 56-2/645 0610 FAX: 56-2/643 5864 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundado: 2000 26 It is an institution for “kids from the street” 27 Colegio Cientifico Humanista. Coeducacional 28 Colegio Técnico



3. Colegio Nuestra Sra. Del Camino Vicente Perez Rosales, 828 La Reina, Santiago

http: www.nuestrasenoradelcamino.cl

Fundado: 1991

4. Colegio Pierre Faure Bellavista 697 Punta Arenas

http: www.colegiopierrefaure.cl

5. Colegio San Francisco Javier Guillermo Gallardo 269, Casilla 57 Puerto Montt 550-2280 http: www.colsanjavier.cl Fundado: 1859 6. Colegio San Francisco Javier de Huechuraba

Los Cedros N° 7550

El Carmen de Huechuraba http: www.colegiosfjh.cl Fundado: 1998

7. Colegio San Ignacio Alonso Ovalle 1452 Casilla 597 Santiago 833-0282 http: www.siao.cl Fundado: 1856 8. Colegio San Ignacio (Concepción)

Paseo Los Batros 2350 San Pedro de la Paz, Casilla 2027

Concepción 403-0570 http: www.sanignacioconcepcion.cl Fundado: 1887 9. Colegio San Ignacio "El Bosque" Av. Pocuro 2801 – Providencia 754-0607 Santiago http: www.sanignacio.cl Fundado: 1956



10. Colegio San Luis Baquedano 855 Antofagasta 125-1662 http: www.colegiosanluis.cl

Fundado: 1929

11. Colegio San Luis Beltrán Avenida Tranque, 1442 Pudahuel, Santiago TEL/FAX: 56-2/645 0610 E-Mail: [email protected]

12. Colegio San Mateo Barros Arana 1361 Casilla 18-0 Osorno 531-2027 http: www.sanmateo.cl Fundado: 1835 En manos de la Compañía de Jesús: 1959 13. Escuela Particular No. 8- San Ignacio29 El Sauce s/n (Correo Calera de Tango por San Bernardo) Calera de Tango, Santiago TEL: 56-2/855 7088 FAX: 56-2/855 7962 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundada: 1953

14. Instituto Alberto Hurtado30 República de Santo Domingo Huechuraba, Santiago TEL: 56-2/625 7563 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1991

29 Sólo primaria y secundaria 30 SoloPre-Primaria y Primaria



C. ESCUELAS (Pre-Primaria y Primaria) (4) 1. Colegio Francisco de Borja Echeverría Santa Teresa 1785 Estación Central 916-0670 Santiago http: www.fundacionloyola.cl Fundada: 1909 2. Escuela Básica José Antonio Lecaros31 Pje. Del Carmelo 182 Estación Central 918-0967 Santiago TEL/FAX: 56-2/779 2183 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundada: 1960 3. Escuela Básica Maria Goretti

Capital Galvez, 4060 Estación Central 916-0612 Santiago TEL/FAX: 56-2/764 4629 E-Mail: [email protected]

4. Escuela Básica San Ignacio de Loyola Eusebio Lillo, 410 Valparaíso 235-0537 http: www.enlaces.ucv.cl/siloyola Fundada: 1870 D. OTRO (2) 1. Fundación Educacional Padre Alvaro Lavín Talleres Prevocacionales Germán Yunge 3791, Estación Central TEL/FAX: 56-2/683 4752 E-Mail: [email protected] 2. Instituto de Formación y Capacitación Popular INFOCAP Avenida Departamental, 440 San Joaquín – 896-0439, Santiago http: www.infocap.cl Fundado: 1984 31 Solo primaria



E. FE Y ALEGRÌA (15 centros)

Fe y Alegrìa Alonso Valle 1480 Apartado Postal 597 Santiago TEL: 56-2/5827 518 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org inicio: 2004



Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Carrera 7 No. 40-76 Apartado 56710 Bogotá 1, D.C. http: www.javeriana.edu.co Fundada: 1623 Suprimida: 1767 Restaurada: 1930

Universidad Javeriana (Seccional Cali)

Calle 18 No. 118-250 Vía Pance Apartado 26239 (Unicentro) Cali

http: www.puj.edu.co

Fundada: 1971 B. COLEGIOS (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria) (11) 1. Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé32 Carrera 7 No. 9-96 Bogotá 1, D.C.

http: www.sanbartolome.edu.co/index.html

Fundado: 1604

32 Solo secundaria. También nocturno



2. Colegio San Bartolomé La Merced Carrera 5 No. 34-00 Bogotá 1, D.C. Apartado 270

http: www.sanbartolo.edu.co Fundado: 1941

3. Colegio San Francisco Javier33

Calle 20 No. 24-64 Pasto-Nariño Apartado 438

http: www.javeriano.edu.co Fundado: 1885

4. Colegio San Ignacio Calle 48 No. 68-98 Medellín Apartado 1077

http: www.sanignacio.edu.co

Fundado: 1885

5. Colegio San José Carrera 41D No. 74-87 Barranquilla Apartado 50058

http: www.colsanjose.edu.co

Fundado: 1918

6. Colegio San Juan Berchmans Carrera 120A No. 16-86 Cali Apartado: 26585 (Unicentro) 5659 (Centro) http: www.berchmans.edu.co Fundado: 1933

7. Colegio San Luis Gonzaga 34

Calle 54 No. 27-35 Manizales, Apartado 339 http: www.sanluisgonzaga.edu.co Fundado: 1954

33 También nocturno 34 También nocturno



8. Colegio San Pedro Claver35 Carrera 28 No. 47-06 Bucaramanga http: www.sanpedro.edu.co Fundado: 1897

9. Colegio Santa Luisa Marillac Carrera 74 # 42C - 40 Sur Bogotá 1, D.C. http: www.acodesi.org.co/santaluisa Fundado: 1972

10. Instituto San José

Calle 39 No. 38-63 Barranquilla Apartado 50058 http: www.acodesi.org.co Fundado: 1917

11. Primaria Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé

Carrera 23 No. 28-55 Sur Bogotá 1, D.C. Tel: 57/1-2788 371 Fax: 57/1-5611 038 Fundado: 1952

C. FE Y ALEGRÍA (73 Centros)

Fe y Alegría Diagonal 34 (Calle) No. 4-94 Apartado Aéreo 27012 Bogotá 1, D.C.

TEL: 57-1/323 7775 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1972

35 También nocturno



C Ô T E D’ I V O I R E


Institut de Théologie de la Compagnie de Jésus (ITCJ) Cocody les deux Plateaux 27 B.P. 884 Abidjan 27 TEL: 225-22/503 700 FAX: 225-22/503 770 E-Mail: [email protected]

B. OTHER Centre de Recherche et d’Action pour la Paix 15 avenue Jean Mermoz 08 B.P. 2088 Adidjan 08 http: www.cerap-inades.org


A. PHILOSOPHY FACULTY/ PHILOSOPHY AND THEOLOGY INSTITUTE (1) Filozofski Fakultet Družbe Isusove (FFDI) Filozofsko-Teološki Institut (FTI) Jordanovac 110 HR-10001 Zagreb, pp 169 http: www.ffdi.hr Founded: 1937 (As a Jesuit Philosophical Institute) 1989 (As a Jesuit Philosophical Faculty) B. JESUIT HIGH SCHOOL (1) Isusovačka Klasična Gimnazija s pravom javnosti u Osijeku Trg Vatroslava Lisinskog, 1 HR-31 000 Osijek, pp 721 TEL: 385-31/215 120 FAX: 385-31/215 123 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1998




Křesťanská základní škola Nativity / Nativity Christian Primary School Potoční 51 Děčín XXXI, 407 11

TEL: 420 733225822 420 731406332

E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 2008

D E N M A R K A. SECONDARY (1) Niels Steensens Gymnasium Sankt Kjelds Gade 3 DK-2100 Kobenhagen http: www.nsg.dk Founded: 1950

E A S T T I M O R A. SCHOOL (Secondary) (1)

Colegio de São José Rua do Colegio das Madres, No. 4 Balide Dili 88010, East Timor http: www.saojose.org



E C U A D O R A. UNIVERSIDAD (1) Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) Apartado 17-01-2184 Av. 12 de Octubre Entre Patria y Veintimilla Quito http: www.puce.edu.ec Fundada: 1946 B. COLEGIOS (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria) (8) 1. Centro del Muchacho Trabajador36

Comunidad – Casa Misionera Av. De la Prensa Aptdo. 17-01-3112 Quito TEL: 593-2/253 2002 E-Mail: [email protected]

2. Colegio Gonzaga37

Av. El Jardín y los Guabos La Armenia Baja – Sector la Siria Valle de los Chillos, Quito http: www.colegiogonzaga.com Fundado: 1931

3. Colegio San Francisco Javier38 Av. del Bombero Via a la Costa, Km. 5,5

Apartado 09-01-4849 Guayaquil http: www.uejavier.com Fundado: 1956

36 También técnico 37 Solo secundaria 38 Solo secundaria



4. Colegio “Nocturno” Veinte de Abril Eloy Alfaro 503 y Manabí Apdo. 09-01-4209 Guayaquil TEL: 593-4/240 3183 FAX: 593-4/241 5138, Ext. 301 E-Mail: [email protected]

5. Colegio San Gabriel39 Ave. América 35-151 y Av. Mariana de Jesús Apartado 17-01-266 Quito

http: www.csgabriel.edu.ec Fundado: 1862 6. Unidad Educativa Borja Vía a Baños, 3-133 Apartado 01-01-191 Cuenca http: www.unidadborja.edu.ec 7. Unidad Educativa Cristo Rey Calle Cristo Rey, entre Sucre y Baquerizo Moreno Apartado 13-01-0014 Portoviejo http: www.cristorey.edu.ec Fundado: 1930 8. Unidad Educativa San Felipe Neri Velazco 24-38 y Orozco Apartado 06-01-105 Riobamba http: www.sfelipeneri.edu.ec Fundado: 1836

39 Solo secundaria



C. FE Y ALEGRIA (76 Centros) Fe y Alegría Movimiento de Educación Popular Integral Dirección Nacional Asunción OE 2-38 y Manuel Larrea Ap. 17-08-8623 Quito Tel: 593-2/321 4455 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1964

E G Y P T E (R.A.E.) A. COLLEGE (Secondaire) (2) 1. Collège de la Ste. Famille40 1 rue Boustan el Maksy B.P. 73 Faggalah 11523 Le Caire http: www.csf-egypt.net Date de fondation: 1879 2. Ecole Saint-Marc41 des Pères Jésuites B.P. 53 61511 Minia TEL: 20-86/2363 687 FAX: 20-86/2363 386 E-Mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1889 B. PETITS COLLEGES (Pre-Primaire et Primaire) (2) 1. Collège de la Ste. Famille 7, rue Kobeissi Daher, Le Caire http : www.csf-egypt.net Date de fondation: 1929 40 Collège et lycée 41 Avec pré-primaire et primaire mais pas lycée



2. Collège de la Ste. Famille 24, rue Farid Héliopolis Le Caire http : www.csf-egypt.net Date de fondation: 1933

E L S A L V A D O R A. UNIVERSIDAD (1) Universidad Centroamericana José Simeón Cañas (UCA) Autopista Sur Jardines de Guadalupe Apartado 01-168 San Salvador http: www.uca.edu.sv Fundada: 1965 B. COLEGIO (1) Colegio Externado de San José Final Pasaje San José, Residencia Decápolis Detrás “POPS” Los Héroes, Apartado 294 San Salvador http: www.externado.edu.sv Fundado: 1921 C. FE Y ALEGRIA (6 Centros) Fe y Alegría c/Mediterráneo S/N entre Av. Antiguo Cuscatlán y Av. Río Amazonas Colonia Jardines de Guadalupe, Antiguo Cuscatlán Apartado Postal 662, Centro de Gobierno San Salvador Tel: 503/2243 1282 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1968




A. UNIVERSIDADES (2) 1. Universidad de Deusto Avda. de las Universidades, 24 Apdo. 1 48007 Bilbao http: www.deusto.es Fundada: 1886 2. Universidad Pontificia Comillas c/Alberto Aguilera, 23 28015 Madrid http: www.upco.es Fundada: 1892 B. CENTROS UNIVERSITARIOS (5) 1. CESTE42

Avda. del Faro, 20 Apartado 241 39012 Santander http: www.eualtamira.org

2. ESADE43

Avda. de Pedralbes, 60-62 08034 Barcelona http: www.esade.es

3. INEA – Escuela Universitaria de Ingenieria Técnica Agrícola Camino Viejo de Simancas, Km.4,5 Apartado 476 47008 Valladolid http: www.inea.uva.es Fundado: 1964 42 Escuela de Turismo 43 Facultad de Derecho; Escuela Superior de Administración de Empresas; Escuela Universitaria de Turismo; Escuela Idiomas



4. INSA-ETEA44 Escritor Castilla Aguayo, 4 14004 Córdoba http: www.etea.com Fundada: 1963 5. Institut Químic de Sarrià Via Augusta, 390 08017 Barcelona http: www.iqs.url.es Fundado: 1916 C. FACULTAD DE TEOLOGIA (1) Facultad de Teología Paseo de Cartuja, 4 Apartado 2002 18080 Granada http: www.teol-granada.com Fundada: 1894 D. COLEGIOS MAYORES (Residencias de Estudiantes Universitarios) (6) 1. Colegio Mayor Comillas

C/ Universidad de Comillas, 1 28049 Madrid http: www.upco.es

2. Colegio Mayor Deusto Camino de Ugasko, 7

Apartado 20037 48014 Bilbao http: www.ugr.es/~ccmmes/deusto.htm Fundado: 1961 3. Colegio Mayor Granada

C/ Callejón de Lebrija, 3 - 18011 Granada http: www.ugr.es/local/cmloyola

44 Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales



4. Colegio Mayor Loyola Pº Juan XXIII, 17 28040 Madrid http: www.cmuloyola.org

5. Colegio Mayor Menéndez Pelayo Ruiz Hernández, 3 47002 Valladolid http: www.menedezpelayo.org 6. Colegio Mayor San Agustín San Agustín, 2 15704 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) http: www.ugr.es/~ccmmes/sagustin.htm E. COLEGIOS (Primaria y Secundaria) (34) 1. Centre d'Estudis Joan XXIII45 Avda. Mare de Déu de Bellvitge, 100 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat (Barcelona)

http: www.j23.fje.edu

Fundado: 1968 2. Centro Educativo Ntra. Sra. de la Merced46 y San Francisco Javier c/Diego Luis de San Vitores, 1 09002 Burgos

TEL: 34-947/266 250 FAX: 34-947/273 525 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1956 3. Centro Educativo Sagrado Corazón47 C/Duques de Nájera, 19 26002 Logroño

http: www.jesuitasrioja.org Fundado: 1956

45 También pre-primaria, formación profesional y cursos de formación 46 También pre-primaria y formación profesional 47 También pre-primaria y formación profesional



4. Colegio Apóstol Santiago48 c/Sanjurjo Badía, 79 Apartado 4050 36207 Vigo (Pontevedra) http: www.colegioapostol.com Fundado: 1872 5. Colegio Borja49 Duc Alfson El Vell, 3 46701 Gandía (Valencia) TEL: 34-962/96 1668 E-Mail: [email protected] 6. Colegio de la Inmaculada

Apartado 425 Hermanos Felgueroso, 25 33205 Gijón (Asturias) http: www.colegioinmaculada.org/ Fundado: 1890 7. Colegio del Sagrado Corazón50 Avda. de S. Juan de Sahagún, s/n Apartado 3264 24007 León http: www.jesuitasleon.es Fundado: 1959 8. Colegio Inmaculada Avda. Denia, 98 03016 Alicante

http: www.colegio-inmaculada.org Fundado: 1957 9. Colegio Inmaculado Corazón de María - Portaceli Avda. Eduardo Dato, 20 41018 Sevilla

http: www.fundacionloyola.org Fundado: 1950

48 También pre-primaria y terciaria 49 También pre-primaria 50 También pre-primaria y terciaria



10. Colegio Jesús María - El Salvador51 c/Cardenal Gomá 13 50009 Zaragoza http: www.jmes.es Fundado: 1879 11. Colegio Kostka Guevara, 26 39003 Santander TEL: 34-942/312 569 FAX: 34-942/216-328 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1960 12. Colegio Montesión52 c/Montesión, 24 07001 Palma de Mallorca http: www.colegiomontesion.es Fundado: 1562 13. Colegio Ntra. Sra. de Begoña Begoñako Andra Mari Ikastetxea c/Dr. Areilza, 32 48010 Bilbao

http: www.jesuitasindautxu.com

Fundado: 1921 14. Colegio Ntra. Sra. del Recuerdo53 Pza Duque de Pastrana, 5 28036 Madrid

http: www.nsrecuerdo.com

Fundado: 1880

51 También pre-primaria 52 También profesional 53 También pre-primaria



15. Colegio San Estanislao de Kostka Avda. J. Sebastián Elcano 185 29080 Málaga http: www.fundacionloyola.org Fundado: 1882 16. Colegio San Estanislao de Kostka Paseo de San Antonio, 42-44 37003 Salamanca

TEL: 34-923/125 203 FAX: 34-923/125 202 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1954 17. Colegio San Francisco Javier54 Virgen de la Cerca, 31 15703 Santiago de Compostela (A Coruña) TEL/FAX: 34-981/581 908 34-981/597 398 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1961 18. Colegio San Francisco Javier55 c/S. Francisco Javier, s/n 31500 Tudela (Navarra) http: www.jesuitastudela.com Fundado: 1961 19. Colegio San Ignacio56 Concepción Arenal, 3 – Apdo 10 28800 Alcalá de Henares (Madrid) TEL: 34-91/887 1114 E-Mail: [email protected] 20. Colegio San Ignacio c/Juan E. Doreste, 1 35001 Las Palmas

http: www.fundacionloyola.org

Fundado: 1917

54 También pre-primaria 55 Solo secundaria 56 También pre-primaria



21. Colegio San Ignacio57 Fuentesila s/n Apartado 171 33080 Oviedo (Asturias) http: www.s-ignacio.com/ Fundado: 1973 22. Colegio San Ignacio c/Bergamín, 32 31004 Pamplona TEL: 34-948/233 800 FAX: 34-948/236 639 E-Mail: [email protected] 23. Colegio San Ignacio c/Calzada Vieja de Ategorrieta, 28 20013 San Sebastián TEL: 34-943/289 500 FAX: 34-943/289 332 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1929 24. Colegio San José Plaza de Santa Cruz, 9 47002 Valladolid TEL: 34-983/299 400 FAX: 34-983/304 574 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1881 25. Colegio San José58 c/San Ignacio 2 Apartado 12 06220 Villafranca de los Barros(Badajoz) http: www.sanjosecolegio.org Fundado: 1893

57 También pre-primaria y terciaria 58 Internado



26. Colegio San José (Ikastetxea) Kurutziaga, 7 Apartado 3 48200 Durango (Vizcaya) TEL: 34-94/681 0050 FAX: 34-94/681 0304 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1880 27. Colegio Santa María del Mar59 Avenida del Pasaje, 69 Apdo. 751 15006 A Coruña TEL: 34-981/283 000 FAX: 34-981/299 008 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1965 28. Colegio Virgen de Guadalupe60 Carretera Corte de Peleas, 79 06009 Badajoz TEL: 34-924/251 761 FAX: 34-924/257 556 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1962 29. Col.legi Casp Sagrat Cor de Jesús c/Casp, 25 08010 Barcelona http: www.casp25.com Fundado: 1881 30. Col.legi Claver61 Finca Vallfonda s/n Carretera de Huesca km. 107 25111 Raimat (Lleida) http: www.claver.fje.edu Fundado: 1970

59 También pre-primaria 60 También pre-primaria 61 También pre-primaria



31. Col.legi Sant Ignasi-Sarrià62 Carrasco i Formiguera, 32 08017 Barcelona http: www.stignasi.es Fundado: 1895 32. Escuelas San José63 Avinguda de les Corts Valencianes, 1 46015 Valencia http: www.escuelassj.com Fundado: 1946 33. Nazareth, Ciudad de los Muchachos64

c/Calpe, s/n 03005 Alicante http: www.nazaretalicante.es Fundada: 1957

34. Sant Estanislau de Kostka - SEK65

Antequera, 2 i 4 8024 Barcelona

http: www.xtec.ec/col-sek Fundado: 1939

F. ESCUELAS PROFESIONALES (8) 1. Centros de Estudios de Nazaret66

Arrasate, 17-19 2005 San Sebastián TEL: 34-943/426 756

62 También formación profesional y centro universitaio 63 También formación profesional 64 Internado 65 También pre-primaria y formación profesional 66 También formación ocupacional y permanente de adultos



2. Centro de Formación Profesional Fundación Revilla-Gigedo67 c/Mariano Pola, 46 33212 Gijón TEL: 34-985/321 315 FAX: 34-985/322 230 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundada: 1929 3. Escola Tècnica Professional del Clot68 c/València, 680 08027 Barcelona http: www.etpclot.fje.edu Fundada: 1900 4. Escuela de Química y Electrónica

Colegio Indautxu c/Dr. Areilza 32 48010 Bilbao

TEL: 34-94/441 5978 FAX: 34-94/427 3559 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundado: 1945 5. Escuela Profesional Padre Piquer Mártires de la Ventilla 34 28029 Madrid TEL: 34-913/15 3947 FAX: 34-913/23 1744 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1966 6. Escuela Profesional San José c/Virgen de las Flores, 23 29007 Málaga http: www.fundacionloyola.org Fundada: 1906

67 Solo secundaria 68 También primaria y secundaria



7. Instituto Profesional Cristo Rey69 Avda. Gijón, 17 47009 Valladolid

http: www.cristoreyva.com Fundado: 1939 8. Instituto Profesional Jesús Obrero c/Francia, 32 01002 Vitoria http: www.j-obrero.es Fundado: 1945 G. PRE-PRIMARIA Y PRIMARIA (1) Escola Sant Pere Claver c/Vila y Vilà, 14 08004 Barcelona TEL/FAX: 34-93/441 8006 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1950 H. REDES (2) 1. Fundación Canaria Radio ECCA70 (18 Centros)

Av. Escaleritas 64 1º. Apdo. 994 35011 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria E-Mail: www.radioecca.org

2. Fundación Escuelas Profesionales Sagrada Familia - SAFA (27 Centros) Dirección Central

Avda. Cristo Rey, 25 23400 Úbeda (Jaén) http: www.safa.edu Fundada: 1940

69 También pre-primaria, primaria y secundaria 70 Centro de educación para personas adultas




Calle Pablo Aranda 3 28006 Madrid Tel: 34-91/590 2672 E-Mail: [email protected] http : www.entreculturas.org

F R A N C E A. ECOLES SUPERIEURES (3) 1. Ecole Supérieure d'Agriculture de Purpan 75, voie du TOEC F-31076 TOULOUSE Cedex 03 http: www.esa-purpan.fr Date de fondation: 1919

2. Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers (ICAM) 6, rue Auber F-59046 LILLE Cedex http: www.icam.fr

Date de fondation: 1898

Institut Catholique d'Arts et Métiers ICAM-Nantes 35 avenue du Champ de Manoeuvres F-44470 CARQUEFOU http: www.icam.fr Date de fondation: 1988 Institut Catholique d’Arts et Métiers de Toulouse 75 avenue de Grande Bretagne F-31100 TOULOUSE http: www.icam.fr Date de fondation: 1993



3. Lycée Privé Ste-Geneviève71 2 rue de l'Ecole des Postes F-78029 VERSAILLES Cedex http: www.bginette.com Date de fondation: 1854 B. FACULTE DE PHILOSOPHIE ET THEOLOGIE (1) Centre Sèvres 35bis, rue de Sèvres F-75006 PARIS Cedex http: www.centresevres.com Date de fondation: 197 C. LYCEES ET COLLEGES (Primaire, Secondaire et Lycèe) (15) 1. Centre Saint-Marc72 10 rue Sainte-Hélène F-69287 LYON Cedex 02 http: www.centresaintmarc.org Date de fondation: 1971 2. CSM – Collège St. Louis de la Guillotiere73 10 rue du Béguin F-69287 LYON Cedex 02 http: www.centresaintmarc.org 3. CSM – Collège St Marc74 11 Soeur Bouvier F-69005 LYON http: www.centresaintmarc.org 3. CSM – Lycée St Marc 10 rue Sainte Hélène F-69287 LYON Cédex 02 http: www.centresaintmarc.org 71 Internat 72 Seulement secondaire 73 Seulement secondaire 74 Seulement secondaire



5. Collège Fénelon – Lyon 1 rue Paul-Michel Perret 69006 LYON http: www.college-fenelon.com

6. Collège et Lycée Saint-Louis de Gonzague75 12, rue Franklin F-75116 PARIS http: www.franklinparis.com 7. École, Collège et Lycée de Provence 42 bd Emile Sicard Saint Giniez F-13272 MARSEILLE Cedex 08 http: www.ecoleprovence.asso.fr Date de fondation: 1873 8. École, Collège et Lycée la Providence76 146 bd de Saint-Quentin F-80094 AMIENS Cedex 3 http: www.la-providence.net Date de fondation: 1850 9. École, Collège et Lycée Le Caousou77 42 av Camille-Pujol F-31079 TOULOUSE Cedex 5 http: www.caousou.com Date de fondation: 1873 10. École, Collège et Lycée Saint-Joseph78 177, rue des Capucins F-51095 REIMS Cedex http : www.saint-joseph.com Date de fondation: 1874 75 Seulement secondaire et lycée 76 Internat 77 Technique professionnel. Internat 78 Seulement primaire et secondaire. Internat



11. École, Collège et Lycée Saint-Joseph-de-Tivoli79 40 avenue d’Eysines F-33073 BORDEAUX Cedex http: www.tivoli.asso.fr/ Date de fondation: 1881 12. Externat de la Trinité80 31 rue de Sèze F-69006 LYON TEL: 33-4/72 83 09 90 FAX: 33-4/72 83 09 99 E-Mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1519 13. Externat Saint-Michel81 4 rue Jules Vallès F-42030 SAINT-ETIENNE Cedex 02 TEL: 33-4/77 49 44 60 FAX: 33-4/77 49 44 61 E-Mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1850 14. Lycée Notre-Dame de Sainte-Croix82 25 rue Antoine de Saint-Exupéry F-72016 LE MANS Cedex http: www.lyceestcroix.com Date de fondation: 1871 15. Lycée St-Joseph83 B.P. 2024 F-84023 AVIGNON Cedex http: www.stjoavignon.com Date de fondation: 1850

79 Avec école technique professionnel supérieur. Internat 80 Seulement lycée 81 Primaire, secondaire et technique. 82 Seulement primaire et lycée 83 Seulement lycée avec internat



D. ÉCOLE PROFESSIONNELLE (2) 1. CSM – Lycée Professionnel 4 rue Sainte Hélène F-69002 LYON http: www.centresaintmarc.org/lycee/lycstmarc.htm 2. Lycée Technique Le Marais – Sainte Thérèse

48 Boulevard Thiers F-42000 SAINT ETIENNE

TEL: 33-4/77 92 86 50 FAX: 33-4/77 92 86 59

E-Mail: [email protected] Date de Fondation: 1913

E. ÉCOLES (Primaire) (3) 1. CSM – École du Sacré Cœur 6 rue Boissac F-69002 LYON http: www.centresaintmarc.org/ecole%20sc/ecosacre.htm 2. CSM – École Ste Ursule 11 rue Soeur Bouvier F-69005 LYON http: www.centresaintmarc.org/ecole%20su/ecoursule.htm 3. École Saint-Louis de Gonzague 84 15 rue Louis David F-75116 PARIS TEL: 33-1/45 03 35 58 FAX: 33-1/45 03 09 29 E-Mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1894 84 Internat



F. AUTRES (6) 1. AFEP Association Forézienne d’Écoles de Production

10 rue Scheurer Kestner F-42000 SAINT ETIENNE TEL: 33-4/77 92 13 55 FAX: 33-4/77 92 13 58 E-Mail: [email protected]

Date de fondation: 1913 2. C.C.M. (Centre Culturel Médical Augustine Fabre)

205 rue Sainte Cécile F-13005 MARSEILLE TEL: 33-4/91 78 64 50 FAX: 33-4/91 78 14 30 E-Mail [email protected]

3. Centre d’Études Pédagogiques (CEP) 14 rue d’Assas F-75006 PARIS

http: www.reseaucep.net 4. Centre Laennec

12 rue d’Assas F-75006 PARIS TEL: 33-1/53 63 89 20 FAX: 33-1/53 63 89 25 E-Mail: [email protected]

5. Maison des Étudiants Catholiques

5 quai Claude Bernard F-69365 LYON Cedex TEL: 33-4/72 71 66 00 FAX: 33-4/72 71 66 09



G E R M A N Y A. PHILOSOPHISCH-THEOLOGISCHE (Hochschulen) (2) 1. Hochschule für Philosophie Kaulbachstraβe 31a D-80539 München 22 http: www.hfph.mwn.de Founded: 1925 2. Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule Sankt Georgen Offenbacher Landstraβe 224 D-60599 Frankfurt/Main http: www.sankt-georgen.de Founded: 1926 B. GYMNASIEN (Secondary) (3) 1. Aloisiuskolleg85 Elisabethstraβe 18 D-53177 Bonn http: www.aloisiuskolleg-bonn.de Founded: 1900 2. Canisius-Kolleg Tiergartenstraβe 30/31 D-10785 Berlin 21 http: www.canisius.de Founded: 1925 3. Kolleg St. Blasien86 Kolleg D-79837 St. Blasien http: www.kolleg-st-blasien.de Founded: 1496

85 Boarding school 86 Boarding school




A. UNIVERSIDAD (1) Universidad Rafael Landívar Vista Hermosa III Zona 16 ApartadoPostal 39-C.01016 Ciudad de Guatemala http: www.url.edu.gt Fundada: 1961 B. COLEGIOS (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria) (2) 1. Colegio Loyola 12a. Avenida 4-30, Zona 1 Apartado Postal 2872 01001 Guatemala TEL: 502/2232 3379 502/2253 6931 FAX: 502/2221 0280 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1958 2. Liceo Javier Boulevard Aguilar Batres, Zona 12 01901 Guatemala http: www.liceojavier.edu.gt Fundado: 1954 C. OTROS (2) 1. Instituto Guatemalteco de Educación Radiofónica (IGER)

11ª Ave. 18-45, Zona 2 Ciudad Nueva, 01002 Guatemala TEL: 502/2412 6666 FAX: 502/502/2412 6704 E-Mail: [email protected]



2. Proyecto Educativo Laboral Puente Belice87 2ª Calle 11-50, Zona 1 Puente Belice – 01001 Guatemala TEL: 502/2253 5887 Inicio: 2007 C. FE Y ALEGRIA (41 Centros) Asociación Movimiento de Educación Popular Integral - Fe y Alegría 12 Avenida 2-07, Zona 1 C.P. (0101) – 01001 - Guatemala Tel: 502/2220 2482 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1976


Comunidad Jesuita 95 Route du Canape Vert Port-au-Prince, W.I. Tel: 509-409 5623 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 2005

87 working with baby gangs



H O N D U R A S A. COLEGIO (Preparatoria, Primaria y Secundaria) (1) Instituto San José Carretera al Hospital s/n Barrio Los Ángeles Apartado 37 23201 El Progreso (Yoro) TEL: Primaria: 504/647 0018 Secundaria: 504/647 4196 FAX: 504/647 0550 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1954 B. INSTITUTO TECNICO (1) Instituto Técnico Loyola (INTELO) Zona de la Compañía Apartado Postal 100 23201 El Progreso (Yoro) TEL: 504/647 0908 E-Mail: [email protected] C. FE Y ALEGRIA (3 Centros )

Fe y Alegría El Progreso, Contiguo al Instituto Técnico Loyola 23201 Yoro Tel: 504/647 3516 E-Mail: [email protected]

http: www.feyalegria.org



H O N G K O N G, S. A. R. C H I N A A. UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE (1) Ricci Hall, University of Hong Kong 93, Pokfulam Road Hong Kong

http: www.hku.hk/ricci/

Founded: 1919 B. COLLEGES (Secondary) (2) 1. Wah Yan College 281, Queen's Road East Hong Kong

http: www.wahyan.edu.hk

Founded: 1919 2. Wah Yan College 56, Waterloo Road Kowloon http: www.wyk.edu.hk Founded: 1919

H U N G A R Y A. HIGH SCHOOL (1) Jezsuita Gimnázium88 Fényi Gyula tér 4 H-3529 Miskolc, Pf.199 http: www.jezsu.hu Founded: 1994

88 Boarding school



I N D I A A. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES (27) 1. Andhra Loyola College

Vijayawada 520 008 Andhra Pradesh http: www.andhraloyolacollege.ac.in Founded: 1953

2. Arul Anandar College Karumathur 625 514 Madurai Dt. Tamil Nadu http: www.arulanandarcollege.edu.in Founded: 1970 3. Institute of Computer Science

c/o St Aloysius College Post Box 720 Kodialbali PO Mangalore 575 003 TEL: 91-824/242 6631

4. Institute of Social Work c/o St Aloysius College Post Box 720 Kodialbali PO Mangalore 575 003 TEL: 91-824/241 0902

5. Kala Darshini – Institute of Fine Arts & Culture Andhra Loyola College Vijaywada 500 008 TEL: 91/0866-2473 250 E-Mail: [email protected] 6. Loyola Academy



Alwal Secunderabad 500 010 Andhra Pradesh

http: www.loyolaacademy.com Founded: 1976 7. Loyola College

Post Box 3301 Chennai 600 034 Tamil Nadu http: www.loyolacollege.edu Founded: 1925

8. Loyola College of Social Sciences Sreekariyam Trivandrum 695 017 Kerala http: www.loyolatvm.org Founded: 1963

9. Loyola Degree College

Pulivendla 516 390 Kadapa Dt. Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-08568/227869 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1979

10. Loyola Junior College Rekurthi, Malkapur P.O. Karimnagar – 505451 Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-0878/2257467 E-Mail: [email protected]

11. North Bengal St Xavier’s College (NBSXC) Boloigach / P.O. Rajgani Dist Japalguri West Bengal – 734 101 TEL: 91-353/6450 328

12. St. Aloysius College



Post Box 720 Kodiyalbail PO Mangalore 575 003, Karnataka http: www.staloysius.ac.in Founded: 1880

St. Aloysius Evening College Post Box 720 Kodiyalbail PO Mangalore 575 003 Karnataka TEL: 91-0824/242 5497 Founded: 1966

13. St. Joseph’s College P.O. North Point Darjeeling ,West Bengal 734 104 http: www.sjcdarjeeling.org

Founded: 1927

14. St. Joseph’s College Post Box 315 Tiruchirappalli 620 002 Tamil Nadu http: www.sjctni.edu Founded: 1844

15. St. Joseph’s Evening College C/O St. Joseph’s College Post Box 315 Tiruchirappalli Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0431/721 307 FAX: 91-0431/721 386

16. St. Joseph's College (Arts & Science) P.B. 27094 Lal Bagh Road Bangalore 560 027,Karnataka TEL: 91-080/221 1429 FAX: 91-080/224 5831 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1882

17. St. Joseph's Commerce College



163 Brigade Road Bangalore 560 025 Karnataka http: www.sjcc.ac.in Founded: 1972

18. St. Joseph's Evening College Post Box 25003 Museum Road Bangalore 560 025 Karnataka TEL: 91-080/2221 1911 FAX: 91-080/2229 1669 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Founded: 1970

19. St. Joseph's College Post Graduate Centre

33 Langford Road Bangalore 560 027 Karnataka TEL: 91-080/229 0123

20. St. Vincent's College of Commerce89

2005/2006 St. Vincent Street Pune 411 001, Maharashtra TEL: 91-020/2635 1162 Founded: 1970

21. St. Xavier's College P.B. 4168 Ahmedabad 380 009 Gujarat http: www.xaviersahmedabad.org Founded: 1955

22. St. Xavier’s College

P.B. 9, Ranchi 834 001 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0651/2301 301 FAX: 91-0651/2207 672 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1944

23. St. Xavier's College 89 Evening College



Trivandrum 695 586 Kerala http: www.stxaviersthumba.com Founded: 1964

24. St. Xavier's College

5, Mahapalika Marg Mumbai 400 001 Maharashtra TEL: 91-22/2262 0661/662/665 FAX: 91-22/2265 9484 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1869

25. St. Xavier's College Palayamkottai 627 002 Tirunelveli Dt Tamil Nadu http: www.stxavierstn.com Founded: 1923 26. St. Xavier’s College

30 Mother Teresa Sarani Kolkatta 700 016 West Bengal http: www.sxccal.edu

Founded: 1860 27. Xavier Institute of Computer Applications

St. Xavier’s College P.B. 4168 Ahmedabad 380 009 Gujarat



B. TEACHER TRAINING INSTITUTES (9) 1. Loyola College of Education

River View Area, Telco Jamshedpur Jharkahand TEL: 91-0657/2286 245 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1976

2. Loyola College of Education90

PO Namchi 737 126 South Sikkim TEL: 91-03595/263 877 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1993

3. Primary Teacher’s Education College91

P.O. Sitagarha Hazaribag Dt. 825 301 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06546/222 455 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1958

4. St. John De Britto’s Adyapak Vidyalaya92

Vasai Road P.O. 401 202 Manickpur Maharashtra TEL: 91-0250/2382 462 Founded: 1943

5. St. Paul Institute of Education

P.Box 9 Kohima 797 001 Nagaland TEL: 91-0370/224 2039 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1976

90 Undergraduate 91 Graduate 92 Undergraduate



6. St. Xavier’s College93 (Dept of Education) 30 Park Street Kolkatta 700 016 West Bengal TEL: 91-033/247 2484 FAX: 91-033/247 9966 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Founded: 1860

7. St. Xavier’s College of Education

Digha Ghat P.O. Patna, Bihar 800 011 TEL: 91-0612/2260 253 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1988

8. St. Xavier’s College of Education Palayamkottai 627 002 Tirunelveli Dt. Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0462/2577 630 FAX: 91-0462/2561 765 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1950

9. St. Xavier’s Institute of Education94

40-A New Marine Lines Mumbai 400 020 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2201 4666 FAX: 91-022/2207 5903 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1953

93 Graduate 94 Graduate



C. MANAGEMENT INSTITUTIONS (11) 1. Loyola Institute of Business Administration (LIBA)

Post Box 3301 Nungambakkam Chennai 600 034 Tamil Nadu http: www.liba.edu

2. Loyola Polytechnic College (Y.S.R.R.)95 Pulivendla 516 390 Kadapa Andra Pradesh TEL: 91-08568/226309 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1993

3. St. Aloysius College of Business Administration

Post Box 720 Kodiyalbail PO Mangalore 575 003 Karnataka TEL: 91-0824/2426 143

4. St. Joseph’s Academy of Information Tech 18 F M Cariappa Road Bangalore 560 025, Karnataka http: www.sjcba.ac.in

5. St. Joseph’s College of Business Administration

18 F M Cariappa Road Bangalore 560 025, Karnataka http: www.sjcba.ac.in

6. Xavier Institute of Communications C/O St. Xavier’s College 5 Mahapalika Marg Mumbai 400 001, Maharashtra TEL: 91-22/2262 1366 E-Mail: [email protected]

95 Technical College



7. Xavier Institute of Management and Research (XIMR) C/O St. Xavier’s College 5 Mahapalika Marg Mumbai 400 001, Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/262 1189 91-022/262 1603 FAX: 91-022/262 5176 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1963

8. Xavier Institute of Management

Xavier Square Bhubaneswar 751 013 http: www.ximb.ac.in Founded: 1987

9. Xavier Institute of Management Action and Studies (XIDAS)

4th Mile, Mandla Road, No. 8 Village Tilheri, P.O. Goreyaghat, via RFRC Jabalpur 482 021, Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-0761/260 2483; /260 1091 FAX: 91-0761/260 6341 E-Mail: [email protected]

10. Xavier Institute of Social Service (XISS) Purulia Road, P.O. Box 7 Ranchi 834 001, Jharkhand http: www.xiss.ac.in Founded: 1955 11. Xavier Labour Relations Institute

Post Box 222 Jamshedpur 831 001, Jharkhand http: www.xlri.ac.in Founded: 1949



D. THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY FACULTIES (1) St. Albert’s College Regional Major Seminary Pontifical Faculty of Theology P.O. Box 5 Ranchi 834 001 TEL: 91-0651/2350133 Founded: 1914 E. MINOR SEMINARIES (4) 1. Minor Seminary

Ambikapur P.O. 497 001 Dt. Surguja Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-0774/230 338 FAX: 91-0774/230 265

2. St. Aloysius Minor Seminary Sisai Road, Gumla P.O. Dist. Gumla 835 207 Jharkhand

3. St. Aloysius Minor Seminary Manresa House, Post Box 2 Ranchi 834 001 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0651/2350008

Founded: 1903 4. St. Paul’s Minor Seminary

PO Mohitnagar 735 101 Dt. Jalpaiguri, West Bengal TEL: 91-03561/255 330

F. RESEARCH CENTRES (11) 1. Centre for Taxonomic Studies C/O St. Joseph’s College 35 Museum Road Bangalore 560 025 Karnataka TEL: 91-080/221 3380



2. Centre for Natural Resources C/O St. Joseph’s College Post Box 315 Tiruchirapalli 620 002 Tamil Nadu

3. Crop Protection Research Center

C/O St. Xavier’s College Palaymkottai 627 002 Tirunelveli District Tamil Nadu

4. Entomology Research Institute C/O Loyola College Post Box 3301 Chennai 600 034 Tamil Nadu TEL: 912-044/826 5542 E-Mail: [email protected] 5. Goethals Library and Research Center

St. Xavier’s College 30 Park Street Kolkatta 700 016 West Bengal http: www.goethals.org Founded: 1998

6. Laboratory of Applied Biology

C/O St. Aloysius College Post Box 720 Kodiyailbail Po Mangalore 575 003 Karnataka TEL: 91-0824/423 217 E-Mail: [email protected]

7. Loyola Centre for Research and Development St. Xavier’s College P.B. 4168 Ahmedabad 380 009 Gujerat TEL: 91-079/630 0386 FAX: 91-079/630 3421 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected]



8. Loyola Institut of Frontier Life and Energy C/O Loyola College Post Box 3301 Chennai 600 034 Tamil Nadu

9. Rapinat Institute St. Joseph’s College Post Box 315 Tiruchirappalli 620 002 Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0431/721 323 FAX: 91-0431/721 457 E-Mail: [email protected] 10. The Center for Biodiversity and Biotechnology

C/O St. Xavier’s College Palayamkottai 627 002 Tirunelveli District, Tamil Nadu

11. Xavier Centre of Historical Research B.B. Borkar Road Porvorim Alto 403 521 Goa TEL: 91-0832/417 772 91-0832/414 971 FAX: 91-0832/417 772 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1975


1. Loyola Community College Post Box 6 South Railway Station Palar Road, Ranipet 632-401 Vellore Dt TEL: 91-04172/271 688



2. Heras Institute of Indian History and Culture96 St Xavier’s College 5 Mahapalika Marg Mumbai 400 001 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2262 0661 FAX: 91-022/2261 3358 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1926

3. St Joseph Community College 5/31 Sala Palli Street Nagapattinam – 611 001 TEL: 91-04365/242 423

4. Xavier Institute of Engineering Mahim, Mumbai 400 016 TEL: 91-022/2446 2267 E-Mail: [email protected] H. HIGHER SECONDARY SCHOOLS (48)

1. Carmel Higher Secondary School

Nagercoil 629 004 Kanyakumari Dt., Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-04652/264765 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1922

2. De Britto Higher Secondary School

Devakottai Extn. 630 303 Sivagangai District, Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-04561/272290 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1943

3. De Nobili School F.R.I. P.O. Dhanbad Dt. 828 108 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0326/238 1373 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1956

96 Historical Institute



4. Dnyanmata High School Nagar Road, Sangamner 422 605 Dt. Ahmednagar TEL: 91-02425/223 528 Founded: 1948

5. Loyola High School

Rekurthi Malkapur P.O. Karimnagar - 505 451 Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-0878/225 6808 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1981

6. Loyola High School

Pashan Road Pune 411 008, Mahrashtra TEL: 91-020/2565 6699 Founded: 1961

7. Loyola H. School C/O Catholic Ashram Baikunthpur P.O. 497 335 Dt. Koreya (C.G.) TEL: 91-07836/232 806 8. Loyola Primary, Middle and Hr. Sec. School97

Bhaiswar Rajauli P.O. 497 339 Dt. Koreya (C.G.)

Founded: 1989

9. Loyola School

Jamshedpur 831 001 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0657/2231 795 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1947

97 Also kindergarden



10. Loyola School PO East Coast Rly Colony Bhubaneswar 751 023 TEL: 91-0674/230 0791 Founded: 2001

11. Prakash Higher Secondary School

Pathalgaon P.O. 496 118 Dt. Jashpur Chhattisgarh TEL: 91-07765/233 882 Founded: 1982

12. Rosary High School

Vadodara Gujerat 390 002 TEL: 91-0265/2792 055 FAX: 91-0265/2785 757 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1946

13. Shanti Niketan High School

Isunath Mandir Zankhvav, Surat Gujerat 394 440 TEL: 91-02629/56 380 FAX: 91-02629/56 739 Founded: 1983

14. St. Alphonsus' Higher Secondary School

Kurseong 734 203 Dt. Darjeeling West Bengal TEL: 91-0354/233 2528 Founded: 1891

15. St. Arulanandar Higher Secondary School Oriyur 623 309 Ramanathapuram Dt. Tamil Nadu http: www.st.johndebritto.org Founded: 1963



16. St. Francis Xavier’s Higher Secondary School Xaveriana 27 Beach Road Thoothukudi 628 001 Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0461/2321 505 Founded: 1884

17. St. John Berchman’s Higher Secondary School

Dhanwarkala Lurgikala P.O. 497 118 Via Rajpur Dt. Surguja Chhattisgarh Founded: 1994

18. St. Joseph’s Boys High School

35 Museum Road P.B. 25003 Bangalore 560 025, Karnataka TEL: 91-080/221 4416 Founded: 1858

19. St. Joseph's Boys Higher Secondary School Silk Street Kozhikode 673 032 Kerala http: www.stjosephsboysschool.org Founded: 1793

20. St. Joseph College Higher Secondary School Post Box No. 315 Tiruchirapalli 620 002 Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0431/721 370 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1854

21. St. Joseph’s Higher Secondary School Gayaganga P.O. 734 426 Dt. Darjeeling ,West Bengal TEL: 91-0353/76 229 Founded: 1963



22. St. Joseph’s High School (School Dept.) P.O. North Point Darjeeling 734 104, West Bengal http. www.sursumcorda.org Founded: 1888

23. St. Joseph's School

Chhani Road Vadodara, Gujerat 390 002 TEL: 91-0265/2791 765 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1951

24. St. Joseph’s School

P.O. Mahuadanr Dt. Latehar 822 119 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06569/252 221 Founded: 1959

25. St. Lawrence High School

27 Ballygunge Circular Road Kolkata 700 019, West Bengal TEL: 91-033/2475 2539 91-033/2475 1959 FAX: 91-033/2474 4034 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1937

26. St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School Post Box 6 Dindigul 624 001, Tamil Nadu http: www.stmaryshss-dgl.org Founded: 1850

27. St. Mary’s Higher Secondary School

Post Box 56 Madurai 625 001, Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0452/2332 017 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1908



28. St. Michael's Anglo-Indian Boys Higher Secondary School P.B. No. 26 Kannur 670 001, Kerala TEL: 91-0497/2761565 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1850

29. St. Michael’s High School

Digha Ghat P.O. Patna, Bihar 800 011 TEL: 91-0612/2262 450 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1858

30. St. Paul’s High School Raghabpur P.O. Nepalganj Kolkata 700 103, West Bengal TEL: 91-033/24974049 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1940

31. St. Peter’s Higher Secondary School Gayaganga P.O. 734 426 Dt. Darjeeling West Bengal TEL: 91-0353/255 6114 Founded: 1990

32. St. Vincent's High School 2005/2006 St. Vincent’s Street Pune 411 001 Mahrashtra TEL: 91-020/2635 2135 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1867 33. St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary School

Bettiah P.O. Dt. West Champaran Bihar 845 435 TEL: 91-06254/235 119 Founded: 1998



34. St. Xavier’s Higher Secondary School Palayamkottai 627 002 Tirunelveli Dt. Tamil Nadu http: www.stxaviershss.com

35. St. Xavier’s High School – Loyola Hall Loyola Hall Ahmedabad Gujerat 380 013 http: www.loyolahallahd.com

Founded: 1935 36. St. Xavier’s High School

Anand Gujerat 388 001 TEL: 91-02692/253 937 FAX: 91-02692/40 178 E-Mail: [email protected]

37. St. Xavier’s High School Press Road Khambhat, Anand Dt., Gujerat 388 620 TEL: 91-02698/220 617 Founded: 1990

38. St. Xavier’s High School P.B. 5 Kalol Gandhinagar Dt., Gujerat 382 721

TEL/FAX 91-02764/20 292 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Founded: 1982 39. St. Xavier’s High School

Sector 8, Gandhinagar, Gujerat 382 008 TEL: 91-079/2322 1431 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1970



40. St. Xavier’s High School Mankroda -Bhiloda Sabarkantha Dt. 383 245, Gujerat TEL: 91-02771/234 566 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1985

41. St. Xavier’s High School

Ambikapur P.O. 497 001 Dt. Surguja Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-07774/230 526 FAX: 91-07774/230 265 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1962

42. St. Xavier’s High School

P.O. Haldia Township 721 607 Dt. Midnapor, West Bengal TEL: 91-03224/263 251

E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1971

43. St. Xavier School Palizi, Via Seppa 790 102 Arunachal Pradesh

Founded: 1999

44. St. Xavier’s School

4, Raj Niwas Marg Delhi 110 054

TEL: 91-011/395 7778 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1960

45. St. Xavier’s School

Bawana Road Sector 26, Rohini Shahbad-Daulatpur, Delhi 110 042

TEL: 91-011/2872 1043 Fax: 91-011/2782 2171

Founded: 1966



46. St. Xavier's School Sector 1, Bokaro Steel City P.O. Bokaro Dt. 827 001, Jharkhand

TEL: 91-0542/46 259 91-0542/46 921 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1966

47. St. Xavier's School

Post Box 19 P.O. Hazaribagh 825 301 Jharkhand

TEL: 91-06546/222 334 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1952

48. St. Xavier’s High School

Ashok Marg Jaipur, Rajasthan 302 001

TEL: 91-0141/2372 336 FAX: 91-0141/2363 222 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1941



I. HIGH SCHOOLS (101) 1. AKJM High School

Kanjirapally 686 507 Kottayam Dt. Kerala TEL: 91-04828/202566 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1961

2. Ara Catholic High School Ara P.O., Dt. Bhojpur Bihar 802 301 TEL: 91-06182/234 877 Founded: 1942

3. Arrupe High School Asha Deep, P.O. Aprol Via Borio, Dt. Sahibganj 816 120 Jharkhand Founded: 2001

4. Cardinal Pimenta Adivasi High School

Varkahand P.O., Dapchari Taluka Dahanu, Thane Dt. 401 606 Maharashtra TEL: 91-02521/20 042 Founded: 1988

5. Catholic Ashram Patelnagar P.O. Bhadaninagar Dt. Hazaribagh 829 105 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06553/289 786 Founded: 1951

6. Gnanamata Advisasi School

Navodaya Sadan Uplat Patilpada Thane Dt., Maharashtra TEL: 91-02521/30069 Founded: 1983



7. Gyan Deep School, Adabari Xavier Sadam Balipara 784 101

8. Holy Family High School Andheri East, Mumbai 400 093 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2687 3702 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1943

9. Immaculate Conception Parish with High School Navrachna Ashram, PO Sagbara, Narmada Dt 393 050 TEL: 91-02649/255 139 E-Mail: [email protected]

10. Janta High School C/O Catholic Church Bardih, Amgaon P.O. Gumla Dt. 835 232, Jharkhand Founded: 1971

11. Khrist Raja High School

Bettiah P.O. Dt. W. Champaran, Bihar 845 438 TEL: 91-06254/32 819 Founded: 1927

12. Kishor Nagar Namkum P.O. Ranchi 834 010, Jharkhand TEL: 91-651/2260 159 13. Loyola English Medium School Mahipala Street, Amalapuram East Godavari Dt. 533201 Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-08556-237 882 14. Loyola High School

Kotipi Road Kirikera P.O., Hindupur 515 211 Anantpur Dt., Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-08556/226663 Founded: 1990



15. Loyola High School Loyola Nagar (PO) Guntur 522 005 Andhra Pradesh http: www.loyolapublicschool.org

16. Loyola High School

Nirmala Nagar P.O. Vinukonda – 522 647 Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-08646/274 932 Founded: 1971

17. Loyola High School Post Box 79 Margao 403 601 Goa TEL: 91-0832/2733 401 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1899

18. Loyola High School

Khunti P.O. 835 210 Ranchi Dt. Jharkhand TEL: 91-06528/220 540 Founded: 1980

19. Loyola High School

Mount St. Joseph I.I.M.B. PO, PB 7645 Bangalore 560 076, Karnataka TEL: 91-080/2658 4690 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Founded: 1982

20. Loyola High School

C/O St. Rita Church PB 6 Mundgod 581 349 Uttara Kannada Dt., Karnataka TEL: 91-08301/222159 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1991



21. Loyola High School Kuppayanallur, Uthiramerur 603 406 Kanchipuram Dt., Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-044/2727 3226 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1992

22. Loyola Public School

Loyola Nagar (P.O.) Guntur 522 005, Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-0863/2290268 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1964

23. Loyola School Didambra Langting 788831 N.C. Hills, Assam TEL: 91-03673/21002

24. Loyola School (English Medium) Loyola Nagar, Suryapet 508 213 Nalgonda Dt., Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-08684/220 242 25. Loyola School

Sreekariyam Trivandrum 695 017, Kerala http: www.loyolaschooltrivandrum.com Founded: 1961

26. Loyola School

Bishnupur PO, Manipur 795 126 TEL: 91-03879/222 332 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1984

27. Loyola School P.B. 17 Kohima – 797 001, Nagaland TEL: 91-0370/2231 001 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1970



28. Masi Marsal School Charhi P.O. Hazaribagh Dt. 825 336 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06546/232 334 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1988

29. Navjyot High School Subir Dangs Dt. 394 716 Gujerat Founded: 1997

30. Nazareth School

Pfutsero 797 107 Nagaland TEL: 91-03865/262 173 Founded: 1985

31. Peace Centre School

Pfutsero 797 107 Nagaland

32. Prabhat Tara High School Sector 4, Dhurwa P.O. Ranchi 834 004 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0651/2404029 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1987

33. Prabodhan Vasatigriha Ambatha P.O. Satkamb, Tal. Surgana Nashik Dt. 422 211 Maharashtra Founded: 1984

34. Primary School, Kochang C/O Loyola High School Khunti P.O. & Dt. 835 210 Jharkhand



35. Raj Rajeshwar High School Barbigha P.O. Dt. Sheikhpura, Bihar 811 101 TEL: 91-06341/236 005 Founded: 1943

36. Rosary English High School Ajra 416 505 Kolhapur Dt. Maharashtra TEL/FAX: 91-02323/246 375 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1967

37. Sacred Heart High School Latonah P.O. Via Triveniganj Dt. Supaul Bihar 852 139 TEL: 91-06471/20 106 Founded: 1955

38. Sacred Heart High School Khuzama P.B. 117, Kohima Nagaland 797001 Founded: 1979

39. Sarvodaya High School

Eachome 670 721 Wayanad Dt., Kerala TEL: 91-04936/286 541 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1950

40. St. Aloysius High School

Post Box 720 Kodiyalbail PO Mangalore 575 003 Karnataka TEL: 91-0824/242 4216 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1880



41. St. Aloysius PU College Post Box 720, Kodiyalbail PO Mangalore 575 003, Karnataka

TEL: 91-0824/244 6275 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 2005

42. St. Aloysius PU College Harihar

P. B. No. 19, Church Road Harihar 577 601 TEL: 91-08192/655 889

43. St. Britto High School Mapusa Goa 403 507 TEL: 91-0832/2252 266 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1946

44. St. Edmund Campion School E/7 Aarera Colony, P.B. No. 2 Bhopal 462 016 Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-0755/2464 426 FAX: 91-0755/2464 404 Founded: 1965

45. St. Ignatius' High School Gayatri Path, By-Pass Chowk Aurangabad Bihar 824 101 TEL: 91-06186/224 412 Founded: 1994

46. St. Ignatius High School

Sisai Road, Gumla Gumla P.O. & Dt. 835 207 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06524/223 838 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1935



47. St. Ignatius High School Rengra Hatu, Tonto P.O. Via Jhinkpani West Singhbhum 833 215 Jharkhand Founded: 1982

48. St. Ignatius' High School P.O. Majlispur, Via Kanki North Dinajpur Dt. West Bengal 733 209 TEL: 91-03525/254 174 Founded: 1954

49. St. Inigo High School – Saparom Sector 4, Dhurwa P.O. Ranchi 834 004, Jharkhand TEL: 91/0651-2816 696 50. St. John Berchmans’ High School

Mundli, P.O. Tinpahar Sahibganj Dt. 816 116 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06426/258648 Founded: 1936

51. St. John’s High School Mahipala Street Amalapuram East Godavari Dt. 532 201 Andra Pradesh TEL: 91-08556/237 882

52. St. John’s High School P.O. Box 9 Ranchi Dt. 834 001 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0651/2314 602 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1887



53. St. Joseph’s Compostite P.U. College Hassan 573 201 Karnataka TEL: 91-08172/262 077 E-Mail: [email protected]

54. St. Joseph’s Pre-University College Post Box 25003 Museum Road Bangalore 560 025 Karnataka

TEL: 91-080/2229 7197 FAX: 91-080/2229 6969 E-Mail: [email protected] 55. St. Joseph’s School

Hassan 573201 Karnataka TEL: 91-08172/269 439 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1957

56. St. Joseph’s Indian High School

2, Vittal Mallya Road Bangalore 560 001 Karnataka TEL: 91-080/2221 2570 FAX: 91-080/5112 0207 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1904

57. St. Joseph’s Night High School 2005/2006 St. Vincent’s Street Pune 411 001 Maharashtra TEL: 91-020/2634 0554 Founded: 1951

58. St. Joseph’s School Pfutsero 797 107 Nagaland TEL: 91-03865/262 173



59. St. Joseph’s School Tinimuhani PO Kendrapara 754 211, Orissa TEL: 91-06727/220123 E-Mail: [email protected] 60. St. Mary’s High School

Samtoli Gotra P.O. 835 223 Simdega Dt. Jharkhand TEL: 91-06525/225 335 Founded: 1933

61. St. Mary's High School (ICSE) Sardar Balwant Singh Dody Marg (Nesbit Road), Mazagaon Mumbai 400 010 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2377 8264 FAX: 91-022/2377 1889 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1864

62. St. Mary's High School (SSC Section)

Sardar Balwant Singh Dody Marg (Nesbit Road), Mazagaon Mumbai 400 010 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2378 1692 FAX: 91-022/2377 1889 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1933 63. St. Mary’s High School

Vikas Kendra, P.O. Kainjalia Bijanbari 734 201 Darjeeling, West Bengal TEL: 91-0354/2260 389 Founded: 1993



64. St. Mary’s School Gunjung – 788819 Via Haflong N.C. Hills, Assam TEL: 91-03673/216016 E-Mail: [email protected]

65. St. Patrick’s High School 9-1-132/136, Sebastian Road Secunderabad 500 003 Andhra Pradesh

http: www.st-patrickshighschool.com

Founded: 1911 66. St. Paul's High School

B.C. 68 Belgaum 590 001 Karnataka TEL: 91-0831/2422 533 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1856 67. St. Paul School

P.Box 9 Kohima 797 001 Nagaland TEL: 91-0370/224 1889 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1974

68. St. Robert's High School Sarle

Hazaribagh P.O. & Dt. 825 301 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06546/262 747 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1971

69. St. Stanislaus’ High School

Patratoli Lohardaga P.O. & Dt. 835 302 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06526/24 206 Founded: 1983



70. St. Stanislaus' High School Hill Road Bandra Mumbai 400 050 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2642 3932 FAX: 91-022/2651 8007 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1863

71. St. Thomas High School

Gande Dungri, Dhatkidih Dudra P.O. Saraikela Kharsawan Dt. 831 002 Jamshedpur 831 001 TEL: 91-0657/6537 305 Founded: 1997

72. St. Xavier's Boys Academy

40-A, New Marine Lines Mumbai 400 020, Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2201 4358 FAX: 91-022/2207 5903 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1957

73. St. Xavier's High School Loyola Nagar Suryapet 508 213 Nalgonda Dt. Andhra Pradesh TEL: 91-08684/220242 Founded: 1975

74. St. Xavier's High School (ICSE and BSEB) Gandhi Maidan Marg Patna, Bihar 800 001 TEL: 91-0612/2224 563 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: (BSEB): 1940 (ICSE): 1999



75. St. Xavier’s School C/O T M Good Shepherd School Gunjung, Via Haflong NC Hills Assam Diyungbra TEL: 91-03673/216016 E-Mail: [email protected]

76. St. Xavier's High School Station Road Bharuch 392 001, Gujerat TEL: 91-02642/241 789 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1975

77. St. Xavier’s High School Ghod Dhod Road Surat, Gujerat 395 001 TEL: 91-0261/365 3383 FAX: 91-0261/365 3749 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] Founded: 1960

78. St Xavier’s High School

Bundu P.O. Ranchi Dt. 835 204 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06530/222 713 Founded: 1989

79. St. Xavier’s High School Sahibganj - 816 109 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06436/222 084 Founded: 1957

80. St. Xavier’s High School P.B. 10 Lupungutu, Chaibasa 833 201 Singhbhum (W), Jharkhand TEL: 91-06582/56 513 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1953



81. St. Xavier’s High School Kolhapur 416 003 Maharashtra TEL: 91-0231/2651 360 Founded: 1957

82. St. Xavier's High School Manickpur, Vasai Rd PO 401 202, Thane Dt TEL: 91-0250/238 1540

83. St. Xavier's High School Yeola Road, Manmad 423 104 TEL: 91-02591/222 835 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1959

84. St. Xavier's High School 289, Lokmanya Tilak Marg Mumbai 400 001, Maharashtra http: www.xaviersfort.org Founded: 1869

85. St. Xavier's High School

Nashik Road 422 101 Nashik Dt., Mahrashtra TEL: 91-0253/241 1644 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1961

86. St. Xavier’s High School Burdwan 713 103 West Bengal TEL: 91-0342/2544 882 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1964

87. St. Xavier’s High School

Mandali, Post Ambliasan Mehsana Dt 382 732 TEL: 91-02762/252 740 E-Mail: [email protected]



88. St Xavier’s Junior College Xavier Sadan, Bamgaon Balipara 784 101 Sonitpur Dt Assam TEL: 91-03714/234 106 E-Mail: [email protected]

89. St. Xavier’s Senior Secondary School 4 Raj Niwas Marg Delhi 110 054 TEL: 91-06112/224 563 E-Mail: [email protected]

90. St. Xavier’s School Barimkh P.O. Mashalpur (B.T.A.D.) Dt. Baksa, Assam 781 372 TEL: 91-03624/234 576

91. St. Xavier’s School P. B. 16 P.O. Doranda Ranchi 834 002, Jharkhand http: www.stxaviersschool.com Founded: 1960

92. St. Xavier’s School A.B.L. Township

Durgapur 713 206 Dt. Burdwan, West Bengal TEL: 91-0343/2502 181 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1963

93. St. Xavier High School 30 Mother Teresa Sarani Kolkatta 700 016, West Bengal TEL: 91-033/2287 7276 FAX: 91-033/2287 5735 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1860



94. St. Xavier’s School Telghani, P.O. Karnajora North Dinajpur Dt. West Bengal 733 130 TEL: 91-03523/250 711 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1999

95. St. Xavier’s School Moirang 795 133 Manipur TEL: 91-03879/262 210 Founded: 1991

96. St. Xavier’s School

Behror, Alwar Dt. Rajasthan 301 701 TEL: 91-01494/220 409 Founded: 1990

97. St. Xavier’s School B. S. Colony, P. B. 28 Bhiwadi, Alwar Dt. Rajasthan 301 019 TEL: 91-01493/230 347 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1990

98. St. Xavier’s School Shamgahan Dangs Dt 394 730 TEL: 91-02631/240 229

99. T M Good Shepherd School Gunjung - 788 819 Via Haflong N. C. Hills Dt., Assam TEL: 91-03673/216016 E-Mail: [email protected]



100. Tribal Research & Training Centre98 Bara Guira, Post Box 10 Chaibasa 833 201, W Singhbhum, Jharkhand TEL: 91-6582/286 177

101. Vimal Mata High School C/O Catholic Ashram B.P. No. 7, Dhandhuka Ahmedabad 382 460 Gujerat TEL: 91-02173/224 167 Founded: 1986

J. TECHNICAL INSTITUTES (22) 1. Loyola Abhyudaya Kendra

Ukkali Road Bijapur Road 586 104 Karnataka TEL: 91-08352/21 718

2. Loyola Industrial Training Institute C/O Mount St. Joseph I.I.M.B. Post 7645 Bangalore 560 076 Karnataka TEL: 91-080/2658 3323

3. Loyola Technical Institute Gnanaolivupuram Post Box No. 20 Madurai 625 016 Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0452/2360 876 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1956

4. Loyola Training Centre (ITI) Loyola Road, Nr Indira Nagar Nadiad, Kheda Dt 387 002 TEL: 91-0268/255 8565 E-Mail: [email protected] 98 There are 100 Rural Education Centres



5. Loyola Vocational Training Centre Shanti Sadan Gurung Busty PO Pradhan Nagar 734 403 Siliguri, Dt. Darjeeling West Bengal TEL: 91-0353/251 2703 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1994

6. Loyola Vocational Training Institute Bawana Road Shahbad – Daulatpur Delhi 110 042 TEL: 91-011/2782 1522 7. Nirmala Industrial Training Centre S.M. Farm, Post Box 3 Pariyaram, 670 502 Kannur, Kerala TEL: 91-0497/280 8649 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1982 8. Pius X Industrial Training Center - Edathua Post Box 3, Edathua Alapuzha 689 573, Kerala TEL: 91-0477/2212 229 E-mail: [email protected] Founded: 1962 9. Shilpalaya Technical Institute Chakala Andheri East Mumbai 400 093 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2687 4795 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1966 10. St. Aloysius Industrial Training Centre

Post Box 720, Kodiyalbail PO Mangalore 575 003 Karnataka TEL: 91-0824/2443 539



11. St. Joseph’s Industrial School Finger Post PO Ootacamund 643 006 Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu http: www.sjis.org Founded: 1959

12. St. Joseph's Technical Institute Shankarshet Road Pune 411 037 TEL: 91-020/2644 7496 FAX: 91-020/2645 0492 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1959 13. St. Ignatius of Loyola Technical Institute

Loyola Training Centre (ITI) Loyola Road, Nadiad Gujerat 387 002 TEL: 91-0268/58 565 91-0268/58 615 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1982

14. St. Xavier's Technical Institute Mahim Mumbai 400 016 Maharashtra TEL: 91-022/2445 5937 91-022/2445 4559 FAX: 91-022/2445 4482 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1937

15. St. Xavier's Technical Institute Manickpur Vasai Road P.O. Maharashtra 401 202 TEL: 91-0250/238 0612 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1958



16. Vocational Training Centre Kerakacchar Sukkhrapara P.O. 496 118 Dt. Jashpur, Chhattisgarh

17. Xavier Community College St. Xavier Nagar Khanapur 591 302 Dist. Belgaum TEL: 91-08336-223 275 E-Mail: [email protected] 18. Xavier Industrial Training Centre

Ankleshwar 393 010, Gujerat TEL: 91-02646/232 425 FAX: 91-02646/232 345 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1991

19. Xavier Technical Institute Sevasi, Vadodara 391 101 Gujerat TEL/FAX: 91-0265/237 0084 E-Mail: [email protected]

20. Xavier Technical Institute Xavier Nagar Khanapur 591 302 Belgaum Dt., Karnataka TEL: 91-08336/23 275 E-Mail: [email protected]

21. Xavier Technical Training Centre Shrirampur 413 709 Ahmednagar Dt. Maharashtra TEL/FAX: 91-02422/222 961 Founded: 1961

22. Xavier Vocational Training Centre

599 South Civil Lines P.B. No. 5 Jabalpur 482 001 Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-0761/326 568 Founded: 1995



K. MIDDLE SCHOOLS (38) 1. Catholic Ashram Kurthidanr Wadrafnagar P.O. 497 225 Dt. Surguja, Chattisgarh TEL: 91-07772/277 506 2. Catholic Church Dumberidh P.O. Rajdanda Dt. Latehar 822 119 Jharkhand Founded: 1981 3. De Bono Middle School - Chilimpur

P.O. Chilimpur, via Nalhati Birbhum Dt. West Bengal 731 243 TEL: 91-03465/246 282 Founded: 1958

4. Gandhi Ashram School

6th Mile Bridge Tashi Ding PO Kalimpong 734 301 Dt Darjeeling, West Bengal TEL: 91-03552/276 091 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1992 5. Gandhi Jayanti Middle School

Mariampahar Bhavan Pathna P.O. 816 119

Sahibganj Dt. Jharkhand TEL: 91-06436/278 004 Founded: 1975 6. Jeevan Jyoti School

Paharia Samaj Sewa Kendra Vill. Satia, P.O., Mohulbona Pakur Dt. 816 104 Jharkhand Founded: 1991



7. Jiwandhara School Jiwandhara Ashram Mahuapali Hattapali P.O. 496 551 Dt. Raigarh Chhattisgarh Founded: 1999

8. Loyola Ashram Shala

Dongripada Ashagad P.O. Taluka Dahanu 401 602 Maharashtra TEL: 91-02528/60 125 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1993

11. Loyola English Medium School

Shrirampur 413 709 Ahmednagar Dt Maharashtra

TEL: 91-02422/223 357 Founded: 1993

12. Masi Marsal School

P.O. Konar Dam Bokaro Dt. 825 315 Jharkhand Founded: 1992

13. Nirmala School, Bhaithabanga

Xavier Sadan, Bamgaon Post Box 1, Balipara 784 101 Sonitpur Dt., Assam TEL: 91-03714/234106 E-Mail: [email protected]

14. Parish of St. Ignatius Middle School Catholic Church, Soso Gumla, P.O. & Dt. 835 207 Jharkhand TEL: 91-651/2829 638



15. Prabhat Tara Middle School Sector 4, Dhurwa P.O. Ranchi 834 004 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0651/240 8079 E-Mail: [email protected] 16. Prabhu Prakash Middle School Catholic Ashram Jamuniatanr P.O. Ranka Raj Dt. Garhwa 822 125 Jharkhand Founded: 1995 17. R.C. Middle School – Maranghada

C/O Sacred Heart Parish Maranghada P.O. Ranchi Dt. 835 210 Jharkhand Founded: 1987

18. R.C. Middle School – Noadih C/O Holy Family Parish Noadih P.O. Gumla Dt. 835 230, Jharkhand TEL: 91-06535/272 353 Founded: 1907

19. R.C. Middle School – Rengarih C/O St. Anthony Catholic Church Rengarih P.O. Simdega Dt. 835 223 Jharkhand Founded: 1901

20. R.C. Middle School – Sarwada

C/O Parish of the Immaculate Conception Sarwada P.O. Ranchi Dt. 835 216 Jharkhand Founded: 1881



21. R.C. Middle School – Tongo C/O St. Paul Catholic Church Tongo P.O. Gumla Dt. 835 206 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06535/826 506 Founded: 1901

22. Sahodaya School

Village Semartand Shahpur

Dt. Palamau 822 101, Jharkhand TEL: 91-06586/251162 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1995 23. St. John’s Middle School

P.O. Box 9 Ranchi, Jharkhand TEL: 91-0651/220 0908 Founded: 1887

24. St. John’s School

Kebedkera (Tepasai) Sarjomhatu P.O. Via Chakradharpur (SE Rly) West Singhbhum Dt 833 102 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06587/288 742 Founded: 1983 25. St. Joseph’s Middle School Tarwa Village P.O. Maheshwar Dt Hazaribagh, Jharkhand TEL: 91-06546/234 939 E-Mail: [email protected] Mail to: Prerana Resource Centre Suresh Colony Mor P.O. Hazaribag 825 301, Jharkhand Founded: 1980



26. St. Louis School Tand Balidih P.O. Jaina Mor, Bokaro Dt 829 301, Jharkhand Mail to: c/o St Xavier’s School Bokaro Steel City P.O. & Dt 827 001 Jharkhand

27. St. Mary’s Middle School Chiro P.O. Orsa Ambakona Dt. Latehar, Jharkhand Mail to: P.O. Mahuadanr Dt. Latehar 822 119, Jharkhand Founded: 1995

28. St. Philomena’s Marathi Vidyalaya Manickpur Vasai Road P.O. 401 202 Thane Dt., Maharashtra TEL: 91-0250/238 2130 Founded: 1943

29. St. Peter’s School Kikruma, C/O Nazareth School Pfutsero 797 107, Nagaland

30. St. Stanislaus’ School Hathimara, Borkeri P.O. (Via) Mahespur Raj Pakur Dt. 816 106, Jharkhand TEL: 91-06423/228 225 Founded: 1981

31. St. Vincent De Paul High School PO Hatighisa 734 429 Dt. Darjeeling, West Bengal TEL: 91-0353/2488 542

Founded: 1967 32. St. Xavier’s

C/O Catholic Ashram School Baikunthpur P.O. 497 335 Dt. Koreya, (C.G.) TEL: 91-07836/232 806 Founded: 1989



33. St. Xavier’s School C/O Shantibhavan Jashpur P.O. 496 331 Jashpur Dt. (C.G.) TEL: 91-07763/223 567 Founded: 1971 34. St. Xavier’s School Pathalgaon P.O. 496 118 Dt. Jashpur, (C.G.) TEL: 91-07765/33 752 Founded: 1953 35. St. Xavier’s School C/O Catholic Ashram Baikunthpur P.O. 497 335 Dt. Surguja, (C.G.) TEL: 91-07836/41 806 36. St. Xavier’s School

C/O Catholic Ashram Karkotti Bhaiyathan P.O. 497 231 Dt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh Founded: 1993

37. St. Xavier’s School

Xavier Sadan Shahpura Road, Koelrai

Umaria P.O. 484 661 Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-07653/222 395 Founded: 1994 38. St. Xavier’s School Kedima P.B. 117 Kohima 797 001 Nagaland Founded: 1979



L. PRIMARY (80) 1. Campion School

P.B. 17 Jakhama Kohima 797 001 Nagaland TEL: 91-0370/2231 089 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1986

2. Catholic Ashram Dorea PO Tamar, Dist Ranchi – 835 225 Jharkhand 3. Christ Rock of Salvation Parish with School Bardipada, Bardipada PO, Via Dolvan, Surat Dt 394 635 4. Christo Seva Ashram Kalna 713 049 Dt. Burdwan West Bengal TEL: 91-03454/255726

E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1963

5. Divyanugarh – Loyola Vidyalaya At Pajikeri, PO Kutiguda Via Kotagarh Dt. Kandhamal 762 105 Founded: 2000

6. Exaltation of the Cross Parish with School Ankalpur Calvary Anklav, Anand Dt 388 510 TEL: 91-02696/282 331 FAX: 02696/282 202 7. Holy Cross Parish School Holy Cross Church Kathal, Kheda Dt 387 630 TEL: 91-02691/243 026



8. Holy Family Parish with School Catholic Church, Meghraj Sabarkantha Dt 383 350 TEL: 91-02773/244 227 9. Jayanti Niketan Kota Rupaula P.O. 484 334 Dt. Shahdol Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-7658/280 204 Founded: 1996 10. Jesus Lover of Children Parish with School Adivasi Sevalaya Vijaynagar, SK Dt 383 460 TEL: 91-02775/254 287 11. Jisu Ashram Pandua 712 149 Dt. Hoogly, West Bengal TEL: 91-03213/266 235 E-mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1997

12. Jisu Niketan School Post Box No. 3 PO Matigara – 734 010 Dt. Darjeeling, WB TEL: 91-0353/2581 922 Founded: 1992

13. Jisu Jaher Garh Loyola School Chaira, PO Mahlisol Via Dalbhumgarh Dt. East Singhbum 832 302 Jharkhand TEL: 91-06585/232 081 Founded: 1999



14. Khrist Jyoti Niwas Bingaon P.O. Bingaon Ranchi Dt. 835 209 Mail to: c/o Manresa House P.B 2, Ranchi 834 001 15. Kristuraja Lower Primary School

Christ Hall, P.B. 1601 Malaparamba P.O. Kozhikode 673 009 Kerala TEL: 91-0495/2371 103 Founded: 1943

16. Labani Aweli School Banpokharia, PO Daldali Via-Hiranpur, Dt Pakur – 816 104 17. Loyola Centre PO Sankhabhanga Via Laxmiposi, Baripada 757 107 18. Loyola Coaching Centre99

Loyola School Jamshedpur 831 001 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0657/231 795 Founded: 1992

19. Loyola Primary School Post Box No. 8 Raichur Road Manvi 584 123 TEL: 91-08538/221 856 E-Mail: [email protected] 20. Loyola School

Rajiv Vihar S.E.C.L Sub P.O., 495 006 Bilaspur (C.G.) TEL: 91-7752/248 847 Founded: 2005

99 Coaching Centre



21. Loyola School Jibonpur Manjhi Tola P.O. Kotalpakur Dt. Sahibganj 816 105 Jharkhand Founded: 1989 22. Loyola School Kathalguri Pengree T. E. (Behind Ranchi Lines) P.O. Pengree – 786 174 Tinsukia District, Assam 23. Loyola Sadan

Laka, Jilling P.O. Via Barabhum Purulia 723 127 Founded: 1998

24. Loyola School Kotla Nihang P.O.

Ropar District, Punjab 140001 TEL: 91-01881/22 620

25. Loyola School Uttar Salbari Mogulkata Bazar P.O. Dt. Jalpaiguri 735 202 West Bengal TEL: 91-03563/270 839 Founded: 1998

26. Loyola School Kathalguri Dingdinga P.O. Kokrajhar District Assam – 783 333 TEL: 91-03669/220352 27. Loyola Yomiuri School 54 Mukund Nagar Station Road Bijapur 586 104 TEL: 91-08352-223 501



28. Mater Dei School Davagre, Williamnagar East Garo Hills 794111 Meghalaya TEL: 91-03658/218 050 29. Milagres Church Parish School

Khanapur 591 302 Dist. Belgaum TEL: 91-8336/222 475

30. Mother of Perpetual Help Parish School Catholic Church, Opp ONGC Colony Ankleshwar, Bharuch Dt 393 010 TEL: 91-02646/225 323 E-Mail: [email protected]

31. Mukti Prakash School C/O Catholic Ashram Boirdadar P.O. 496 001

Dt. Raigarh, Chhatisgarh TEL: 91-07762/221 222 32. Nirmala Boys’ School C/O Nirmala Ashram Jhingo P.O. 497 118 Dt. Surguja, Chhattisgarh TEL: 91-07832/272 600 33. Nirmala School Deopur, P.O. Bethandangal Via Maheshpur Raj Dt. Pakur 816 106, Jharkhand Founded: 1998 34. Parish of Holy Rosary School Patrachauli P.O. Ranchi Dt. 835 303 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0651/277 5738 35. Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe School Catholic Church, Rumtukel P.O. Binda – 835 216 Ranchi Dt., Jharkhand



36. Parish of St. Ignatius of Loyola School Asha Niwas, Keondtanr Banai P.O., via Basia Gumla Dt. 835 229, Jharkhand TEL: 91-651/2822 583 37. Parish of St. Louis School Sogra Kochedega P.O. Simdega Dt. 835 223 Jharkhand 38. Parish of St. Teresa of the Child Jesus School Vijaygiri P.O. Ranchi Dt. 835 225, Jharkhand 39. Parish of St. Thomas School Catholic Ashram, Muri Chotamuri P.O. 835 101 Ranchi Dt., Jharkhand TEL: 91-6522/222 586 40. Premananda Ashram Chamrusai, P.O. Demouli 721 145 Dt. Midnapore, West Bengal TEL: 91-03224/651 66235 (Contact No.) Founded: 1975 41. Saints Peter &Paul Church with School

Deevalaya, Fulwadi Bhensdara, Dharampur Ta Valsad Dt 396 050 TEL: 91-02633/240 875 E-Mail: [email protected]

42. Sasaram – Catholic Church & REAP New Area, Sasaram Rohtas Dt., Bihar 821 115 TEL: 91-06184/222 811 E-Mail: [email protected]

43. Seva Ashram School Jisu Seva Ashram, Nunbatta P.O. Devinagar, Via Maheshpur Raj Dt. Pakur – 816 106, Jharkhand 44. Seva Sadan School

P.O. Ratanpurwa, via Ramnagar Dt. W. Champaran, Bihar 845 106



45. Shanti Nir P.O. Box Haridebpur Kolkata 700 082 TEL: 91-033/24020790 E-mail: [email protected]

46. Shanti Sadan – Vill. Mirga P.O. Karra Via Chhatna 722 132 Dt Bankura, W. B.

47. Shrine of Our Lady of the Camels School Unteshwari Mata Mandir PB 9, Irana Road Kadi, Mehsana Dt 382 715 TEL: 91-02764/277 863 E-Mail: [email protected]

48. St. Edmund School Kigwema P.B. 17 Kohima 797 001 Nagaland Founded: 1986

49. St Francis Xavier Parish with Primary

Jivan Jyot, Residential School Pimpri, Dangs Dt 394 715 TEL: 91-02631/270 012

50. St Francis Xavier Parish with School Dadhwada, Mandvi Ta Surat Dt 394 160

51. St. John de Britto Parish School Catholic Church, Varasda Via Tarapur, Tarapur Ta Ananda DT 388 180 TEL: 91-02698/288 631

52. St. John’s School Khelmati Xavier Sadan, Bamgaon Post Box 1 Balipara 784 101 Sonitpur Dt., Assam TEL: 91-03714/234106 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1998



53. St. John School C/O Catholic Ashram, Kotma Manendragarh Road Kotma P.O. 484 334 Dt. Shahdol Madhya Pradesh TEL: 91-07568/33 182 Founded: 1994

54. St. John’s Primary School Jitarpur, P.O. Jitarpur Via Samsi Dt. Malda, W.B. – 732 139 55. St. John the Baptist Math Primary Schools

Snanika, Arulappara Viratka Math, Deshnur 591 147 Bailhongal Tal, Dist. Belgaum TEL: 91-08288/ 275 431

56. St. Joseph's Junior School Silk Street Kozhikode 673 032, Kerala Tel: 91-495/2365 143

57. St. Joseph Parish School Dolda Sarwada P.O. 835 216 Ranchi Dt., Jharkhand TEL: 91-651/2812 576 Founded: 1992

58. St. Joseph Parish with School

Mandal, PO Kikakui Surat Dt TEL: 91-02624/241 001 E-Mail: [email protected]

59. St. Joseph’s School Shanti Bavan, Nichamari P.O. Sripur, via Dalkhola North Dinajpur Dt. West Bengal 733 201

Founded: 1996



60. St. Joseph’s School Chidimit Chidimit, Nangapa PO Dagal Apal E. Garo Hills – 794108 Meghalaya

61. St. Joseph’s School Jabobpur Dingdinga P.O. Kokrajhar District Assam – 783 333 TEL: 91-03669/220352 62. St. Mary’s Parish with School

Jorve Road, Sangamner 422 605 Ahmednagar TEL: 91-02425/223 067

63. St. Mary’s Primary School Post Box No. 6, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu TEL: 91-0451/421 404

64. St. Mary’s School c/o Archibishop’s House Laitumkhrah Shillong – 793 003 Meghalaya TEL: 91-03654/222 079

65. St. Mary’s School, Dandakol c/o Resurrection Church Resubelpara PO E. Garo Hills – 794108 Meghalaya

66. St. Mary’s School Kezoma c/o St Xavier’s Church BPO Kezocha at Kidima Kohima Village S. O. Kohima 791 003

67. St. Michael’s School C/O TM Good Sheeperd Gunjung via Haflong - 788819 NC Hills, Assam, Dehangi TEL: 91-03673/216016 E-Mail: [email protected]



68. St. Paul’s Parish with School Catholic Church, PB 15 Matar, Kheda Dt 387 530 TEL: 91-02694/285 529

69. St. Stanislaus School, Konapathar Pengree T. E. (Behind Ranchi Lines) P.O. Pengree – 786 174 Tinsukia District, Assam 70. St. Xavier’s

Loyola Sadam Shrirampur 413 709

71. St. Xavier’s School

Survey No. 65 Takadgaon Rd, Georai 431 127 Dist Beed TEL: 91-02447/262 998

72. St. Xavier’s School P.O. Barengabari 781 315 BTAD, Dt. Baksa (Assam) TEL: 91-3666/296 748

73. St. Xavier’s School - Basahatu Bhoya PO Chaibasa 833 201 Dt W Singhbhum Founded: 2001

74. St. Xavier’s School – Deep Shikha Vill. Kamalkaridh PO Karon, Dt Deoghar Jharkhand – 815 357

75. St. Xavier’s School Pengree Pengree T. E. (Behind Ranchi Lines) P.O. Pengree – 786 174 Tinsukia District, Assam TEL: 91-03751/261 214

76. St. Xavier’s Tundi Gadi Tundi, Tundi PO Via Govindpur, Dhanbad Dt 828 142 TEL: 91-6540/282 021



77. St. Xavier’s School La Storta, Manikdih P.O. Dt. Dumka 814 144, Jharkhand TEL: 91-06434/268548 Founded: 1996

78. St. Xavier’s School PO Rutungia Dt. Kandhamal 762 103 Orissa Founded: 1995

79. St Xavier’s School

PB 14, Radhanpur 385 340

80. Xavier Primary School Tokarpada Ashagad P.O. Dahanu Tal Dt. Thane 401 602 Maharashtra TEL: 91-02528/260 125 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1996



M. SCHOOL NETWORK (6) 1. “Asha Deep” Centre for Human Development Human Development Centre Vallabh Vidyangar Andand Dt 388 120 TEL/FAX: 91-02692/237 603 E-Mail: [email protected] 2. Dalit Centre of St. John de Britto (Primary) (52)

Patrakala Village Garri P.O. Karnpura Mail to: Prerana Resource Centre Suresh Colony Mor Hazaribag 825 301 Jharkhand Founded: 1980

3. De Nobili Branch Schools (6) Rani Bandh, Dhaiya PO ISM, Dhanbad 826 004 Jharkhand TEL: 91-0326/2207 240 E-Mail: [email protected]

4. Gnanamata Seva Sadan (4 Secondary, 11 Primary) Talasari P.O. 401 606 Thane Dt. Maharashtra TEL/FAX 91-02521/220 028 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: Different times over a 25-year period

5. Human LifeCentre (1) 2, Unit 9 Bhubaneswar 751 022 http: www.humanlifecentre.com 6. Satsang Konar Extension (Primary, Middle and Night Schools) (26)

Prerana Resource Centre Suresh Colony Mor P.O. Hazaribagh 825 301, Jharkhand Founded: 1988




A. UNIVERSITY (1) Sanata Dharma University Mrican Baru Teromol Pos 29 Yogyakarta 55281 http: www.usd.ac.id Founded: 1955 as Institute of Teachers’ Training and Education 1993 as University B. PHILOSOPHATE (1)

Driyarkara School of Philosophy STF Driyarkara Jl. Cempaka Putih Indah 100 A Jarkarta 10520 TEL: 62-21/424 7129 FAX: 62-21/4224 8661 E-Mail: [email protected]

C. KOLESE (Secondary) (5) 1. Kolese -SMU Adhi Luhur

Wisma Le Cocq d’Armandville Jl. Merdeka Nabire 98815

TEL: 62-984/219 10 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 2000

2. SLT-SMU Kolese Kanisius100 Jl. Menteng Raya 64 P.O. Box 3810

Jakarta 10340 TEL: 62-21/3193 6464 FAX: 62-21/3147 989 E-Mail: [email protected] (SLTP) [email protected] (SMU)

Founded: 1927

100 SLTP (Junior High School); SMU (Senior High School)



3. SMU Kolese de Britto Jl. Laksda Adisucipto 161 Yogyakarta 55281

http: www.debritto-yog.sch.id

Founded: 1948 4. Kolese Ignatius Loyola Jl. Karanganyar 37 Semarang 50135 TEL: 62-24/354 6945 FAX: 62-24/354 8200 Founded: 1949 5. St Aloysius Gonzaga High School

Jl. Pejaten Barat 10 A Jakarta 12550 TEL: 62-21/7804 986 FAX: 62-21/7883 0766

D. TECHNICAL SCHOOL (3) 1. ATMI-SMK Kolese Mikhael Jl. Mojo Nº1 Kotak Pos 215 Surakarta 57102 TEL: 62-271/714 466 FAX: 62-271/714 390 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1964 2. KPTT (Kursus Pertanian Taman Tani)101 Jl. Mayangsari 2 PO Box 110 Salatiga 50701 TEL: 62-298/322 788 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1965 101 Agricultural training center



3. SMTIK PIKA Jl. Imam Bonjol 96 Semarang 50131 TEL: 62-24/354 8671 FAX: 62-24/358 2641 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1952

I R E L A N D A. FACULTY OF THEOLOGY AND PHILOSOPHY (1) Milltown Institute of Theology and Philosophy Milltown Park Sandford Road, Dublin 6 http: www.milltown-institute.ie Founded: 1968 B. COLLEGES (Secondary) (5) 1. Belvedere College Great Denmark Street Dublin 1 http: www.belvederecollege.ie Founded: 1832 2. Clongowes Wood College Clane, Co. Kildare http: www.clongowes.com/ Founded: 1814



3. Coláiste Iognáid - St. Ignatius College) 24 Sea Road Galway TEL: 353-91/501 550 FAX: 353-91/501 551 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1860 4. Crescent College Comprehensive Dooradoyle, Limerick http: www.crescentsj.com Founded: 1862 5. Gonzaga College Sandford Road Dublin 6 http: www.gonzaga.ie Founded: 1950 C. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (1) Scoil Iognáid School of St. Ignatius Boithrin na Sliogan Galway

Tel/Fax: 353-91/584 491

Founded: 1971 E. OTHER (1)

St. Declan’s Special Ed. Needs School102 35 Northumberland Road Dublin 4 Tel: 353-1/668 2939 Founded: 1958

102 School for children with special needs,




A. ISTITUTI PONTIFICI INTERNAZIONALI (3) 1. Pontificia Università Gregoriana Piazza della Pilotta, 4 00187 Roma http: www.unigre.it Fondata: 1551 2. Pontificio Istituto Biblico Via della Pilotta, 25 00187 Roma http: www.biblico.it Fondato: 1909 Pontifical Biblical Institute 3, Paul Emile Botta Street P.O. Box 497 91004 Jerusalem, ISRAEL http: www.pib.urbe.it Fondato: 1927 3. Pontificio Istituto Orientale Piazza S. Maria Maggiore, 7 00185 Roma http: www.pio.urbe.it Fondato: 1917 B. COLLEGI PONTIFICI INTERNAZIONALI (4) 1. Pontificio Collegio Germanico e Ungarico Via S. Nicola da Tolentino, 13 00187 Roma http: www.cgu.it Fondato: 1552 Chiuso: 1798 Riaperto: 1829



2. Pontificio Collegio Pio Brasiliano Via Aurelia, 527 00165 Roma TEL: 39-06/660 591 FAX: 39-06/66069 480 E-Mail: [email protected] Fondato: 1934 3. Pontificio Collegio Pio Latino Americano Via Aurelia Antica, 408 00165 Roma TEL: 39-06/666 931 FAX: 39-06/666 93 777 E-Mail: [email protected] Fondato: 1858 4. Pontificio Collegio Russo Via Carlo Cattaneo, 2/A 00185 Roma TEL: 39-06/448 69 81 FAX: 39-06/448 69 832 E-Mail. [email protected] C. FACOLTÀ DI TEOLOGIA E SEMINARI (2) 1. Facoltà Teologica dell'Italia Meridionale Sezione "San Luigi" Via Petrarca 115 80122 Napoli http: www.teologia.it/pftimsl Fondata: 1898 3. Pontificia Facoltà Teologica della Sardegna Via Sanjust, 13 09129 Cagliari http: www.theologi-ca.it



D. COLLEGI UNIVERSITARI (Residences) (2) 1. Centro Universitario Mediterraneo Via Piersanti Mattarella 38/42 90141 Palermo TEL: 39-091/7216 111 FAX: 39-091/7217 111 Fondato: 1962 2. Collegio Universitario Fondamenta Nuove 4885 30131 Venezia TEL: 39-041/522 9272 FAX: 39-041/241 0158 E-mail: [email protected] E. ISTITUTI (Elementare e Superiore) (6) 1. Centro Educativo Ignaziano103 Via Piersanti Mattarella 38/42 90141 Palermo http: www.ceiscuola.it Fondato: Come Istituto Gonzaga: 1919 Come Centro Educativo Ignaziano: 1997 2. Istituto Leone XIII

Via Leone XIII, 12 20145 Milano http: www.leonexiii.it Fondato: 1893 3. Istituto Massimo104 Via Mass. Massimo, 7 00144 Roma-Eur http: www.istitutomassimo.it/ Fondato: 1879

103 Anche asilo 104 Anche asilo



4. Istituto Pontano105 Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 581 80135 Napoli http: www.istitutopontano.it Fondato: 1976 5. Istituto S. Ignazio106 Via Ignatianum, 23 98121 Messina http: www.csnet.it/s.ignazio Fondato: 1548 6. Istituto Sociale107 Corso Siracusa, 10 10136 Torino http: www.istitutosociale.it Fondato: 1881

105 Solo secondaria 106 Anche asilo 107 Also nursery school



J A M A I C A A. COLLEGES (Secondary) (2) 1. Campion College 105 Hope Road P.O. Box 6 Kingston 6, W.I. http: www.campioncollege.com/campion/ Founded: 1960 2. Saint George's College Winchester Park C.S.O. Box 8038 Kingston 6, W.I. http: www.stgc.org Founded: 1850

J A P A N A. UNIVERSITIES (4) 1. Elisabeth University of Music 4-15 Nobori-cho, Naka-ku Hiroshima (730-0016) http: www.eum.ac.jp Founded: 1952 2. Sophia Junior College (Jochi Tanki Daigaku) 999 Sannodai Kami Ozuki Hadano-shi (257-0005) http: www.sophia.ac.jp Founded: 1973



3. Sophia School of Social Welfare108 (Jochi Shakai Fukushi Senmon Gakko) 7-1 Kioi-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo (102-8554) http: www.sophia.ac.jp/ Founded: 1966 4. Sophia University 7-1 Kioi-cho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo (102-8554) http: www.sophia.ac.jp/ Founded: 1913 B. HIGH SCHOOLS (Secondary)109 (4) 1. Eiko Gakuen Tamanawa 4-1-1 Kamakura-shi (247-0071) http: www.eiko.ed.jp Founded: 1947 2. Hiroshima Gakuin Furue-ue 1-630 Nishi-ku Hiroshima (733-0875) TEL: 81-82/271 0241 FAX: 81-82/271 6784 Founded: 1956 3. Rokko Shinohara Obanoyama-cho 2-4-1 Nada-ku Kobeshi (657-0015) http: www.rokko.ed.jp Founded: 1938

108 Training 109 Junior/Senior High Schools



4. Taisei Terukuni 1-10-10 Chuo-ku Fukuoka-shi (810-0032) http: www.taisei-js.ed.jp Founded: Junior High School: 1984 Senior High School: 1948 C. PRE-PRIMARY (2) 1. Shinboai Gakuen Kindergaten Catholic Church Tono-Machi 133, Hamada-Shi Shimane-ken 697-0027 TEL/FAX: 81-08567/20251 2. Shimane Shinboai Gakuen Kindergaten Catholic Church Nakayoshida-cho 261-1, Masuda-shi Shimane-ken 698-0042 TEL/FAX: 81-08567/20251

K E N Y A A. THEOLOGY FACULTY (1) Hekima College Jesuit School of Theology Catholic University of Eastern Africa Ndemi Gardens, off Ngong Road P.O. Box 21215 Nairobi 00505 TEL: 254-20/692 7000 254-20/387 6831 254-20/387 5368 FAX: 254-20/387 0972 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1984




A. UNIVERSITY (1) Sogang University

1-1 Sinsu-dong Mapo-gu Seoul 121-742 S. Korea Postal Address: C.P.O. Box 1142 Seoul 100-611 S. Korea http: www.sogang.ac.kr/english/ Founded: 1960

K O S O V O A. HIGH SCHOOLS (1) Loyola-Gymnasium Rr. e Tranzitit Petrovë BB 20 000 Prizren http: www.alg-prizren.com Founded: 2005



L I B A N / L E B A N O N

A. UNIVERSITE (1) Université Saint-Joseph Rectorat de l’Université Rue de Damas B.P. 17-5208, Mar Mikhaël Beyrouth 1104 2020 http: www.usj.edu.lb Date de fondation: 1875 B. COLLEGES (3) 1. Collège Notre Dame de Jamhour110 B.P. 45-151 Hazmieh http: www.ndj.edu.lb Date de fondation: 1875 (Beyrouth) 1953 (Jamhour) 2. Collège N.D. de la Consolata Tanaïl, B. P. 70 Zahlé, Beqaa TEL: 961-8/540 733 961-8/543 161/2/3 FAX: 961-8/543 160 3. Collège Saint Grégoire111 Rue de l'Hôpital Orthodoxe Achrafieh, Beyrouth http: www.csg.edu.lb Date de fondation: 1923 110 Avec pré-primaire, primaire 111 Avec pré-primaire, primaire



C. ECOLE PROFESSIONNELLE (1) Institut Technique Notre-Dame de la Consolata Tanaïl, B. P. 70 Zahlé, Beqaa TEL: 961-8/540 733 961-8/543 161/2/3 FAX: 961-8/543 160 Date de fondatione: 1919 D. ECOLES (Primaire) (2) 1. Ecole Notre Dame de la Consolata Jdita Beqaa TEL: 961-8/540 165 Date de fondation: Autour de 1919 2. Ecole Saint-Elie Taalabaya Beqaa TEL: 961-8/506 051/2 FAX: 961-8/506053 Date de fondation: Autour de 1919



L I T H U A N I A A. HIGH SCHOOL (2) 1. Kauno Jézuitų Gymnazija 112 Rotušès a. 9 LT-44280 Kaunas TEL: 370-37/302 993 Fax: 370-37/423 098 E-Mail: [email protected] Refounded: 1991 2. Vilniaus Jézuitų Gymnazija Didžioji g. 32 LT-01128 Vilnius http: www.vjg.lt Founded: 1996

M A C A U, (C H I N A) A. Colegios (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria (2) 1. Colegio Estrela do Mar113 Rua Pe. Antonio 36 Macau TEL: 853/976 464 853/572 293 FAX: 853/976 252 Fundado: 1955

112 Also junior high 113 Con secundaria diurna e nocturna



2. Colegio Mateus Ricci Travessa de S. Paulo, 1-A Macau http: www.riccimac.org Fundado: 1955

M A D A G A S C A R A. COLLEGES (3) 1. Collège Immaculée Conception (CIC)

B.P. 90, Mananjary 317

TEL: 261-20/7209385 E-Mail: [email protected]

2. Collège Saint François-Xavier / Kolejy Masindahy François-Xavier (CSFX/KMFX)114 Ambatomena B.P. 1032 Fianarantsoa 301

TEL: 261-20/755 0337 FAX: 261-20/755 0388 E-Mail: [email protected]

Date de fondation: 1952 3. Collège Saint Michel / Kolejy Masina Misely (CSM/KMM)115 Amparibe B.P. 3832 Antananarivo 101 TEL: 261-20/222 0961 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.samis-esic.mg Date de fondation: 1888

114 Regroupe sur le même lieu (avec les mêmes coordonnées), en externat:

1) Niveau secondaire: 1er cycle général et 2ème cycles général et technique industriel 2) Niveau supérieur: Institut Technique Supérieur (I.T.S.C.S.F.X.), niveau Bac + 2, formation "professionnalisante" en technique

industrielle, aboutissant à un BTS industriel privé, reconnu par l'Etat. Démarré en 1993. 115 Regroupe dans le même lieu (en ayant les mêmes coordonnées), en externat :

1) Niveau Primaire (dit "Petit Collège") 2) Niveau Secondaire – 1er cycle général et 2ème cycle général et technique industriel 3) Niveau Supérieur:

3.1) Enseignement Technique Supérieur (E.T.S.), fondé en 1985(?), niveau Bac + 2, aboutissant au BTS Industriel privé reconnu par l'Etat.

3.2) Ecole Supérieure de l'Information et de la Communication (E.S.I.C), dont l'ouverture est prévue en octobre 2001 (niveau Bac+4)



B. ECOLES PROFESSIONNELLES (2) 1. Centre Artisanal de Promotion Rurale – Tsinjoezaka (C.A.P.R.-Tsinjoezaka)116 Antady B.P. 1327 Fianarantsoa 301 TEL: 261-20/755 0959 E-Mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1963 2. Centre de Formation Professionnelle de Bevalala117

Bevalala B.P. 3832 Antananarivo 101

TEL/FAX: 261-20/243 5039 E-Mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1954

M A L T A A. COLLEGE (Secondary) (1) St. Aloysius' College118 70, Triq il-Ferrovija I-Qadima Birkirkara BKR 10 http: www.sac.jesuit.org.mt Founded: 1907

116 Formation "professionnalisante" informelle, sur trois ans, en artisanat, techniques agricoles et ménagères (niveau équivalent

secondaire), en internat. 117 Regroupe dans le même lieu (avec les mêmes coordonnées):

1) FIFA – Formation "professionnalisante" informelle, par sessions courtes en internat, en agriculture et élevage, pour jeunes adultes ruraux (niveau secondaire) – démarrée en 1973.

2) Ecole Technique du Bâtiment (E.T.B.) – Formation "professionnalisante" informelle, en internat et sur trois ans, en travaux de construction et bâtiment (niveau 2ème cycle du secondaire) – démarrée en 1985.

3) Ecole Professionnelle Supérieure Agricole (E.P.S.A.) – Formation "professionnalisante" supérieure en deux années (Bac + 2), en externat, aboutissant à un BTS agricole. Date de fondatione en 1993.

118 Also post secondary (ages 16-18)



M E X I C O A. UNIVERSIDADES (7) 1. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Occidente ITESO Périferico Sur Manuel Gómez Morín 8585 Tlaquepaque, Jal. 45090 México http: www.iteso.mx/index.jsp Fundado: 1956 2. Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla

Blvd. del Niño Poblano 2901 Unidad territorial Atlixcayotl, Apdo. 1436 72430 Puebla, Pue

http: www.iberopuebla.edu.mx Fundada: 1983 3. Universidad Iberoamericana Torreón

Calzada Iberoamericana No. 2255 27020 Torreón, Coah.

http: www.lag.uia.mx Fundada: 1982

4. Universidad Iberoamericana León Blvd. Jorge Vértiz Campero 1640 Apdo. 1-26 37000 León, Gto http: www.leon.uia.mx Fundada: 1978 5. Universidad Iberoamericana Noroeste Av. Centro Universitario 2501 Playas de Tijuana, Apdo. 185 22200 Tijuana B.C. http: www.tij.uia.mx Fundada: 1982



6. Universidad Iberoamericana Santa Fe Prolongación Paseo de la Reforma No. 880 Lomas de Santa Fe 01210 México, D.F. http: www.uia.mx

Fundada: 1943 7. Universidad Loyola del Pacífico

Av. Heroico Colegio Militar s/n Fracc. Cumbres de Llano Largo 39820 Acapulco, Gro. México http: www.loyola.edu.mx

B. COLEGIOS (Primaria, Secundaria y Liceo) (7) 1. Bachillerato de la Universidad Iberoamericana Noroeste119 Avenida Centro Universitario 2501 Playas de Tijuana 22200 Tijuana, B.C. http: www.tij.uia.mx/uia/bachillerato ´ Fundada: 1983 2. Ciudad de los Niños, A.C.120 Santa Teresa de Jesús 852 Col. Chapalita, Sector Juárez Guadalajara (Zapopan), Jal. Apdo 5-109 45040 Zapopan, Jal. TEL: 52-33/3343 8279(Internado) E-Mail: [email protected] Fundada: 1934 3. Instituto de Ciencias, A.C.121 Av. Manuel Avila Camacho 2935 Apdo. 64 45160 Guadalajara (Zapopan), Jal. http: www.idec.edu.mx Fundada: 1906

119 Solo Liceo 120 Internado 121 También pre-primaria



4. Instituto Cultural Tampico, A.C. Av. Universidad 904 Colonia Lindavista 89107 Tampico, Tam. Apdo. C-76. Aeropuerto 80339 Tampico, Tam. http: www.ict.edu.mx Fundado: 1962 5. Instituto Lux, A.C. Paseo del Jerez 1618 Col. Predio Urbano El Crespo 37280 León, Gto. Apdo. 49, Admón. 10 37370 León, Gto. http: www.institutolux.edu.mx Fundada: 1941 6. Instituto Oriente de Puebla, A.C. Av. San Francisco 1401 Col. San Manuel 72570 Puebla, Pue. http: www.ioriente.edu.mx Fundado: 1870 7. Preparatoria Carlos Pereyra Sección Primaria y Secundaria Calzada San Ignacio de Loyola 250 27105 Torreón, Coah TEL: 52-871/752 6090/1/2/3/4 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1942



M I C R O N E S I A A. SECONDARY SCHOOLS (1) 1. Xavier High School122 P.O. Box 220 Weno, Chuuk, FM 96942-0220 FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA TEL: 11-691/330 4266 http: www.xaviermicronesia.org Founded: 1952

N E P A L A. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (1) St. Xavier’s Campus Matighar G.P.O. Box 7437 Kathmandu TEL: 977-1/4221 365 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1988

122 Boarding school



B. HIGHER SECONDARY EDUCATION (1) St. Xavier’s School Jawalakhel, Lalitpur G.P.O. Box 50 Kathmandu http: www.stx.edu.np/index.html Founded: 1951 C. SECONDARY (3) 1. Moran Memorial School Deonia, P.O. Box 1

Chandragadhi, Jhapa Dt. Mechi TEL: 977-23/522 213

2. St. Xavier’s School Deonia, Chandragadhi Jhapa Dist. Mechi P.O. Box 1 Chandragadhi Jhapa TEL: 977-23/521 708 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1999

3. St. Xavier’s School

Godavari Lalitpur Kathmandu G.P.O. Box 50 Kathmandu http: www.ccsl.com.np/xavier/stxavier.htm Founded: 1951

D. PRIMARY (1) Shishu Bikas Kendra123 8/404 Bagale Tole G.P.O. Box 48, Pokhara TEL/FAX: 977-61/521 115 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1970 123 School for mentally handicapped children




A. UNIVERSIDAD (1) Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) Rotonda Rubén Darío 150 mts al Oeste Apartado Postal 69 Managua http: www.uca.edu.ni Fundada: 1960 B. COLEGIOS (Preescolar, Primaria y Secundaria) (2) 1. Colegio Centroamérica del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Sur de Villa Fontana Apdo. Postal 2419 Managua http: www.cca.edu.ni Fundado: 1916 2. Instituto Loyola De la Iglesia de Santo Domingo 1 cuadra al Lago Managua http: www.loyola.edu.ni Fundado: 1946 C. FE Y ALEGRIA (13 Centros) Fe y Alegría de Nicaragua Movimiento de Educación Popular Integral y de Promoción Social Auto Mundo 3 ½ Abajo Reparto San Martín Nº 36 Managua – Apartado 4063 TEL: 505/266 4994 / 266 0458 FAX: 505/268 5307 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1974




A. HIGH SCHOOL (1) Loyola Jesuit College124 Karu-Karshi Rd. Gidan Mangoro Abuja, FCT

Mail: P.O. Box 7936 Wuse, Abuja TEL: 234-9/315 0175 FAX: 234-9/315 0176 http: www.loyolajesuit.org Founded: 1996

P A K I S T A N A. SECONDARY SCHOOLS (2) 1. St. Mary’s High School for Girls, Al-Mehtab Park C/O Jesuit Center P.O. Box 536 Lahore 54000 TEL: 92-42/758 6963 92-42/586 0586 FAX: 92-42/755 3009 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1986 2. St. Mary’s High School for Boys, Sadat Colony C/O Jesuit Center P.O. Box 536 Lahore 54000 TEL: 92-42/758 6963 92-42/586 0586 FAX: 92-42/755 3009 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1986 124 Boarding. Coeducational



P A N A M A A. COLEGIO (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria) (1) Colegio Javier Calle 4a. Perejil Apdo. 0816-07819; Zona 5 Panamá http: www.javier.edu Fundado: 1948 B. FE Y ALEGRIA (4 Centros) Asociación Fe y Alegría de Panamá El Ingenio, Avenida La Paz Apartado Postal 0834-02777 Panamá TEL: 507/261 8712 FAX: 507/261 8904 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1965

P A R A G U A Y A. FACULTAD DE FILOSOFIA (1) Instituto Superior de Estudios Humanisticos y Filosoficos (ISEHF) Instituto De Ciencias Religiosas Itapúa 148 Casi Sacramento Casilla 3290 1743 Asunción http: www.isehf.edu.py Fundado: 1982



B. COLEGIOS (Inicial o Pre-Primaria, Básica o Primaria, Media o Secundaria [Humanistico y Técnico]) (2)

1. Colegio Cristo Rey Ygatimi 941 Casilla de Correos, 346 1254 Asunción

TEL: 595-21/444 047 FAX: 595-21/498 215 http: www.xtorey.edu.py

Fundado: 1938

2. Colegio Técnico Javier c. Itapúa 148 c/Sacramento

Casilla de Correos 3290 1743 Asunción

TEL: 595-21/290 158 FAX: 595-21/296 187 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundado: 1970 B. ESCUELAS (Inicial o Pre-Primaria y Básica o Primaria) (2) 1. Escuela San Fernando

Proyecto “Escuela para niños sin Escuela” Barrios San Miguel, Área 2, Área 5 San Roque, Bernardino Caballero Ciudad del Este

2. Escuela San Roque González de Santa Cruz c/Pa’i Gómez, 1935 4000 Paraguarí

TEL: 595-531/32216

Fundada: 1953 C. INSTITUTO PROFESIONAL (Educación Media o Secundaria) (1) Instituto Profesional “San Roque de Santa Cruz”· c/Pa’i Gómez, 1936 4000 Paraguarí TEL: 595-531/32412 Fundado: 1953



D. FE Y ALEGRIA (76 Centros) Fe y Alegria Calle Juan E. O’Leary, 1847 E/6ª Y 7ª Proyectadas La Asunción http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1992


Universidad del Pacífico125 Avenida Salaverry 2020 Apartado 4683 100 http: www.up.edu.pe Fundada: 1962


Escuela Superior de Pedagogía, Filosofía y Letras “Antonio Ruiz de Montoya” Av. Paso de los Andes 970, Pueblo Libre Apdo. 21-0132 Lima 21 http: www.uarm.edu.pe Fundada: 1991

125 No es una institución de la Compañía. La Compañía pertenece al patronato de la misma junto a otras entidades.



C. COLEGIOS (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria) (13) 1. Centro Educativo Parroquial Cristo Rey

Avenida Cristo Rey, 450 Apartado 327 Tacna TEL: 51-52/31 4534 FAX: 51-52/314 511 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1962

2. Centro Educativo Parroquial Miguel Pro Centro Cristo Rey del Niño y Adolescente Prolongación Hipólito Unánue 1365 Apartado 127 Tacna TEL: 51-52/425 731 FAX: 51-52/244 081 E-Mail: [email protected]

3. Centro Educativo Parroquial Nuestra Señora de Fátima126 Av. Armendáriz 350 Miraflores TEL: 51-1/446 3119 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1967 4. Centro Educativo Parroquial San Ignacio de Loyola

Sánchez Pinillos 280 Lima 1 TEL: 51-1/423 1623 Fundado: 1950

5. Centro Educativo Particular de la Inmaculada

Calle Hermano Santos García 108 Santiago de Surco Apartado 18-0853 Lima 18 http: www.ci.edu.pe Fundado: 1878

126 Para adultos. Sólo primaria y secundaria



6. Centro Educativo Particular San Francisco Javier Jirón Recuay 760 Breña Apartado 05-0040 Lima 5 TEL/FAX: 51-1/424 5404 Fundado: 1952

7. Centro Educativo Particular San Ignacio de Loyola Av. Independencia W1-18 Urb. Miraflores, Castilla Apartado 86 Piura TEL: 51-73/343 185 FAX: 51-73/343 138 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1958

8. Centro Educativo Particular San José127

Avenida Alfonso Ugarte 977 Apartado 60 Arequipa TEL: 51-54/232 757 FAX: 51-54/236 241 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1898

9. Colegio “Fe y Alegría Nº 22” San Luis Gonzaga Apartado 30 Jaén (vía Chiclayo) TEL: 51-76/431 926 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1976 10. Colegio “Fe y Alegría Nº 44” San Ignacio de Loyola Calle Tacna s/n Andahuaylillas Apartado 896-Cusco TEL: 51-84/307 169 FAX: 51-84/307 190 Fundado: 1995

127 Sólo pre-primaria y primaria



11. Colegio “Fe y Alegría Nº 50” Carlos Schmidt Av. Santa Rosa s/n Distrito San Juan Bautista Ayacucho Tel: 51-66/318 494 Fundado: 2000 12. Colegio “Fe y Alegría Nº 52” Pedro Arrupe Asentamiento Humano 24 de Octubre Pampa Inalámbrica - Ilo Apartado 77, Ilo (Moquegua) Tel: 51-53/966 7400 Fundado: 2000 13. Colegio “Fe y Alegría Nº 55” Valentín Salegui

Yamakai-éntsa, Imaza Bagua (Amazonas)

Apartado 6 Jaén (vía Chiclayo) E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1968 D. OTROS

PEBAL “Inmaculada-San Luis” Av. Bambarén y Av. Solidaridad s/n Villa San Luis – Pamplona Alta San Juan Miraflores Dirección Postal: Apartado 18-0853 – Lima 18 Tel: 54-1/285 0337 E-Mail: [email protected]

E. FE Y ALEGRIA (61 Centros)

Fe y Alegría del Perú Cahuide 884 Apartado 11-0277, Jesús María Lima 11 Tel: 51-1/471 3428 E-Mail: [email protected]

http: www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/1833/ Inicio: 1966




A. UNIVERSITIES (5) 1. Ateneo de Davao University

Jacinto St. 8000 Davao City Mail: P.O. Box 80113 8000 Davao City http: www.addu.edu.ph Founded: 1948

2. Ateneo de Manila University Loyola Heights 1108 Quezon City Mail: P.O. Box 154 1099 Manila http: www.admu.edu.ph Founded: 1859 Ateneo de Manila University Professional Schools128 20 Rockwell Drive Rockwell Center 1200 Makati City TEL: 63-2/729-2000 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1859

3. Ateneo de Naga

Ateneo Avenue 4400 Naga City http: www.adnu.edu.ph Founded: 1940

128 Law School and Graduate School of Business



4. Ateneo de Zamboanga University La Purisima Street 7000 Zamboanga City Mail: P.O. Box 30 7000 Zamboanga City http: www.adzu.edu.ph Founded: 1912

5. Xavier University

Corrales Avenue 9000 Cagayan de Oro City Mail: P.O. Box 24 9000 Cagayan de Oro City http: www.xu.cc.edu.ph Founded: 1933

C. SCHOOLS (Secondary) (8) 1. Ateneo de Davao University High School

(Matina Campus) P.O. Box 80113 8000 Davao City http: www.addu.edu.ph Founded: 1948

2. Ateneo de Manila University High School Loyola Heights 1108 Quezon City Mail: P.O. Box 154 1099 Manila http: www.admu.edu.ph Founded: 1859

3. Ateneo de Naga High School Ateneo Avenue 4400 Naga City http: www.adnu.edu.ph Founded: 1940



4. Ateneo de Zamboanga High School La Purisima Street 7000 Zamboanga City http: www.adzu.edu.ph Founded: 1912

5. Sacred Heart Jesuit High School

H. Abellana Street 6000 Cebu City Mail: P.O. Box 229 6000 Cebu City TEL: 63-32/422 4323 FAX: 63-32/343 6279 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1954

6. Sta. Maria Catholic High School 139 Gen. Blanco Street 5000 Iloilo City Mail: P.O. Box 495 5000 Iloilo City TEL: 63-33/337 5531 FAX: 63-33/336 2903 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1958

7. Xavier High School

#64 Xavier Street Greenhills West San Juan, Metro Manila http: www.xs.edu.ph Founded: 1956

8. Xavier University High School

Pueblo de Oro Campus 9000 Cagayan de Oro City TEL: 63-8822/712-278 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1933



D. SCHOOLS (Elementary) (7) 1. Ateneo de Davao University Grade School

MacArthur Highway Matina 8000 Davao City http: www.addu.edu.ph Founded: 1948

2. Ateneo de Manila University Grade School Loyola Heights 1108 Quezon City Mail: P.O. Box 154 1099 Manila http: www.admu.edu.ph Founded: 1859

3. Ateneo de Zamboanga Grade School La Purisima Street 7000 Zamboanga City http: www.adzu.edu.ph Founded: 1912

4. Sacred Heart Jesuit Grade School Gen. Maxilom Avenue 6000 Cebu City Mail: P.O. Box 229 6000 Cebu City TEL: 63-32/231 0956 FAX: 63-32/231 0951 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1954

5. Sta. Maria Catholic Grade School 139 Gen. Blanco Street 5000 Iloilo City TEL: 63-33/337 5531 FAX: 63-33/336 2903 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1958



6. Xavier Grade School #64 Xavier Street Greenhills West San Juan, Metro Manila http: www.xs.edu.ph Founded: 1956

7. Xavier University Grade School

Macasandig Campus 9000 Cagayan de Oro City TEL: 63-8822/857-1845 Founded: 1933

E. OTHERS (4) 1. Father Leoni Memorial High School

c/o Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe Convento Cabanglasan, 8723 Bukidnon Mail: Jesuit Retreat House P.O. Box 29 8700 Malaybalay City

2. Pangantucan Community HS c/o Nuestra Señora de los Remedios Convento Bacusanon, Pangantucan 8710 Bukidnon

Mail: Jesuit Retreat House P.O. Box 29 8700 Malaybalay City

3. St. Isidore HS & Agricultural Tech c/o Our Lady Convento Zamboanguita 8700 Malaylabalay City Mail: Jesuit Retreat House P.O. Box 29 8700 Malaybalay City

4. St. Therese High School c/o St Therese of the Child Jesus Convento Miarayon, Talakag 8708 Bukidnon

Mail: Jesuit Retreat House P.O. Box 29 8700 Malaybalay City



P O L A N D A. THEOLOGY, PHILOSOPHY AND PEDAGOGY FACULTIES (2) 1. Papieski Wydzial Teologiczny «Bobolanum» (Pontificia Facultas Theologiae, Sectio «BOBOLANUM») ul. Rakowiecka 61 02-532 Warszawa http: www.bobolanum.edu.pl Founded: 1932 2. Wyższa Szkoła Filozoficzno-Pedagogiczna «Ignatianum»

(University School of Philosophy and Education «IGNATIANUM») ul. Kopernika 26 301-501 Kraków http: www.ignatianum.edu.pl Founded: 1932 (As a Jesuit Philosophical Faculty) 1999 (As «Ignatianum») B. UNIVERSITY RESIDENCES (2) 1. Bursa Księży Jezuitów129

ul. Św. Ducha 12 33-300 Nowy Sącz http: www.jezuici.pl/bursans

2. Związek Męskiej Młodzieży Przemysłowej i Rzemieślniczej Associatio Iuventutis Industrialis et Artificialis

ul. Skarbowa 4 31-121 Kraków TEL: 48-12/423 4481 TEL/FAX: 48-12/423 4489 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1906-1950 Refounded: 1989

129 Convictum




Nowicjat I Kolegium Księży Jezuitów Stara Wiés 778 36-200 Brzozów http: www.jezuici.pl/nowicjatpme


1. Gimnazjum i Liceum Jezuitów ul. Tatrzańska 35 PL-81-313 Gdynia http: www.jezuici.pl/gilj/ Founded: 1994

2. Gimnazjum i Liceum Jezuitów

Ul. Skargi 10 PL - 33-300 Nowy Sącz http: www.jezuici.pl/gil Founded: 2004 TEACHER TRAINING (1)

Arrupe Center ul. Tatrzańska 35 81-313 Gdynia http: www.arrupe.org


Stowarzyszenie Chrześcijańskich Dzieł Wychowania (Consociatio Christianarum Operum Educationis) ul Kopernika 26 31-501 Kraków TEL: 48-12/430 3142 FAX: 48-12/430 3145 E-Mail: [email protected]

Founded: 1993



F. OTHERS (4) 1. Centrum Kształcenia i Dialogu130

(Centrum Dialogi ac Formationis «THEOTOKOS») ul. Kopernika 63 A 44-117 Gliwice http: www.theotokos.org.pl Founded: 1997

2. Dom Sopotkań im. Angelusa Silesiusa131 (Domus Obventuum Angeli Silessi) ul. Stysia 16 53-526 Wrocław http: www.silesius.org.pl Founded: 1993

3. Fundacja Edukacji Technicznej “Silesianum” ul. Kopernica 63a 44-117 Gliwice http: www.silesianum.pl

4. Jezuicki Ośrodek Formacji i Kultury «Xaverianum»132 (Centrum Formationis et Culturae «XAVERIANUM») ul. Ojca Józefa Czaplaka 1A 45-055 Opole http: www.xaverianum.opole.pl Founded: 1968

5. Wspólnota Akademicka Jezuitów133 (Communitas Accademica) ul. Kopernika 26 31-501 Kraków http: www.jezuici.krakow.pl Founded: 1960

130 International meeting center offering educational programs and courses 131 International meeting center offering educational programs and courses 132 University Chaplaincy with special activities in spirituality, personal formation and culture 133 University Chaplaincy with special activities in spirituality, personal formation and culture



P O R T U G A L A. FACULDADE (1) Universidade Católica Faculdade de Filosofía Praça da Faculdade de Filosofía, 1 4710-297 Braga http: www.facfil.braga.ucp.pt B. COLÉGIOS (3) 1. Colégio da Imaculada Conceição 3044-519 Cernache http://caic.loyola.pt Fundado: 1955 2. Colégio das Caldinhas134 Rua do Instituto Nun’Alvres, 54 4780-035 Areias STS http: www.colegiodascaldinhas.pt Fundado: 1858 3. Colégio de S. João de Brito135 Estrada da Torre, 28 1769-004 Lisboa http: www.csjb.pt www.ppcj.pt/gracos3.htm Fundado: 1947

134 También pre-primaria, primaria, formación profesional y conservatorio de musica. 135 También pre-primaria y primaria, nocturna




A. COLEGIO (1) Colegio San Ignacio de Loyola Urb. Santa María Saúco 1940 San Juan, PR 00927-6718 http: www.colegiosanignacio.org Founded: 1952 B. COLEGIO PARROQUIAL (2) 1. Academia San Ignacio Urb. Santa María 1908 Calle Narciso San Juan, PR 00927-6716 http: www.asiloyola.org Founded: 1963 2. Colegio Padre Berríos136 Avenida Borinquen, Esq. Calle Tapia ·609 Barrio Obrero, Santurce P.O. Box 7717, Bo. Obrero Station San Juan, PR 00916-7717 Tel: 001-787/726-4851 Fax: 001-787/728 4860

136 K-9





Instituto Filosófico Pedro Francisco Bonó Calle Josefa Brea No. 65 Apartado 1004 Santo Domingo, DN TEL: 1-809/688 1698 FAX: 1-809/685 0120

B. COLEGIOS (1) (Primaria y Secundaria) Colegio Loyola

Avda. Lincoln esq. Washington Apartado 639 La Feria, Santo Domingo TEL: 809/533 1920 FAX: 809/595 1913 E-Mail: [email protected]

C. TÉCNICO-PROFESIONAL (2) 1. Instituto Politécnico Loyola137 Padre Arias, 1 San Cristóbal http: www.ipl.edu.do Fundado: 1952 . 2. Instituto Tecnologico San Ignacio de Loyola (ITESIL) Calle Duarte No. 70 Dajabón TEL: 809/579 8229 FAX: 809/579 8501 E-Mail: [email protected]

137 Formación de maestros y escuela laboral (sabatino)



D. OTROS Escuelas Radiofónicas Santa María (ERSM) Avda Pedro Rivara Apartado 55, La Vega TEL: 809-573 2722 FAX: 809-573 6200 E-Mail: [email protected] E. FE Y ALEGRIA (28 Centros) Fe y Alegria Calle Cayetano Rodrìguez 114 Gascue Santo Domingo Tel: 809/221 2786 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1991

R E P U B L I Q U E D E M O C R A T I Q U E D U C O N G O N.B.: La poste pour le CONGO doit être adressée à: C/O Procure des Missions 141 av. de la Reine 1030 Bruxelles, Belgique

TEL: 32-02/205.10.160 FAX: 32-02/205.10.161 E-Mail: [email protected]

A. FACULTE DE PHILOSOPHIE (1) Faculté de Philosophie

St Pierre-Canisius Kimwenza B.P. 3724 Kinshasa- Gombe Date de fondation: 1954



B. INSTITUTS (Secondaire) (6) 1. Collège Alfajiri 259 av. P. Emery-Lumumba B.P. 1612 Bukavu SUD-KIVU http : www.collegealfajiri.fr.vu Date de fondation: 1941 2. Collège Boboto Av. Père Boka, 7 B.P. 3165 Kinshasa-Gombe TEL: 243-1/514 0052 E-Mail: [email protected] http : www.college-boboto.org Date de fondation: 1938 3. Collège Bonsomi Ndjili-Kinshasa B.P. 7245 Kinshasa 1 Date de fondation: 1967 4. Collège Kubama B.P. 7245 Kinshasa I E-mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1960 5. Collège Ntemo Kasongo-Lunda c/o B.P. 7245 Kinshasa 1 TEL: 243-81/008 3814 Date de fondation: 1960 6. Collège Sadisana B.P. 7254 Kikwit II E-mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1952



C. ECOLE TECHNIQUE (1) Institut Technique et Professionnel de Kikwit c/o B.P. 7245 Kinshasa 1 TEL: 871-762/154 588 FAX: 871-762/154 590 E-Mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1952 D. AUTRES (1) ISAV

Institut Supérieur Agro-Vétérinaire Kimwenza c/o B.P. 3724 Kinshasa-Gombe Tel: 871-234/999 2801 E-mail: [email protected] Date de fondation: 1994



R U S S I A A. PHILOSOPHICAL, THEOLOGICAL AND HISTORICAL INSTITUTE (2) 1. St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy, Theology and History ul. Friedricha Engelsa 46/4, P. Box 27

105005 Moskva TEL: 7-495/261 0146 FAX: 7-495/261 3359 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1992

2. St. Thomas Aquinas College ul. Levitana38, P. Box “Inigo” 630051 Novosibirsk

TEL: 7-3832/779 316 FAX: 7-3832/771 413

E-Mail: [email protected]

S L O V A K I A A. THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE (1) Teologická Fakulta Trnavskej Univerzity Kostolná ul. 1 P.O. Box 173 81499 Bratislava http: www.tftu.sk Founded: 1941



S U D A N A. THEOLOGY FACULTY (1) St. Paul's Major Seminary Kafoury St., Plot 3, House 1 P.O. Box 1629 11111 Khartoum North TEL: 249-185/332 856 249-185/335 219 FAX: 249-185/335 218 E-Mail: [email protected] B. HIGH SCHOOL Loyola High School - WAU Mail c/o Fr. H. Putman Ignatian Spirituality Centre P.O. Box 1629 11331 Khartoum TEL: 249-841/22 842 E-Mail: [email protected]


A. OTHER The Newman Institute for Catholic Studies Trädgårdsgatan 14 753 09 Uppsala http: www.newman.se



T A I W A N (R.O.C.) A. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE (1) Fu Jen University 510, Chung Cheng Road Hsinchuang 242 Taipei Hsien Taiwan 24205 http: www.fju.edu.tw/eng_fju/index.htm Founded: 1929 B. HIGH SCHOOL (Secondary) (1) St. Ignatius' High School 1, Chungshan 1 St. Road Luchou, Taipeihsien 247 Taiwan http: www.sish.tpc.edu.tw Founded: 1850 in Shangai, China 1951 closed by the Comunist regime 1963 refounded in Taiwan C. TECHNICAL SCHOOL (1) St. Aloysius' Technical High School Hsinpu Hsinchuhsien 305 Taiwan http: www.savs.hcc.edu.tw Founded: 1935 in Wu-hu, China 1954 reestablished in Taiwan E. KINDERGARTENS (4)

Aurora, Hsinchu City Tungning Chutung, Hsinchu St Ignatius (Nursery), Taipey County Precious Blood, Taipei City



T A N Z A N I A A. HIGH SCHOOL (1) Loyola High School Kigogo Road Plot Nº1, Block E P.O. Box 9533 Dar es Salaam http: www.loyola.ac.tz Founded: 1995

T C H A D La poste pour le TCHAD doit être adressée à: C.C.F. 17 rue de Phalsbourg 75017 Paris FRANCE A. COLLEGE (Primaire et Secondaire) (1) Collège Charles-Lwanga138 B.P. 87 Sarh TEL: 235-268/1311 FAX: 235-268/1464 E-Mail: [email protected] http: www.jesuitespao.com/charleslwanga.htm Date de fondation: 1960

138 Mixte. 7 Années d’études counduisant au Baccalauréat.



U N I T E D K I N G D O M A. UNIVERSITY COLLEGES (2) 1. Heythrop College University of London

Kensigton Square London W8 5HQ http: www.heythrop.ac.uk Founded: 1971

2. Campion Hall Brewer Street Oxford OX1 1QS

http: www.campion.ox.ac.uk Founded: 1896

B. COLLEGES (Secondary) (5) 1. Mount St. Mary's College Spinkhill Sheffield S21 3YL http: www.msmcollege.com Founded: 1842 2. St. Aloysius' College139 45 Hill Street Glasgow G3 6RJ Scotland http: www.staloysius.org Founded: 1859 3. St. Ignatius College Turkey Street Enfield, EN1 4NP http: www.st-ignatius.enfield.sch.uk Founded: 1894

139 Primary and secondary



4. Stonyhurst College Clitheroe Lancashire, BB7 9PZ http: www.stonyhurst.ac.uk Founded: 1594 5. Wimbledon College Edge Hill Wimbledon London SW19 4NP http: www.wimbledoncollege.org.uk Founded: 1892



C. PREPARATORY SCHOOLS (Primary) (6) 1. Barlborough Hall School (Mount St. Mary’s Preparatory School) Barlborough, Chesterfield Derbyshire S43 4TJ http: www.barlboroughhallschool.com Founded: 1938 2. Corpus Christi 9 Harvey Road, Boscombe Bournemouth BH5 2AD TEL: 44-1202/425 286 FAX: 44-1202/433 667 3. Sacred Heart Presbytery Edge Hill London SW19 4 LU TEL: 44-20/8946/0305 FAX: 44-20-8946 9130 E-Mail: [email protected] 4. St. John's Beaumont Old Windsor Berkshire SL4 2JN http: www.stjohnsbeaumont.org.uk Founded: 1888 5. St. Mary’s Hall (Stonyhurst College Preparatory School) Stonyhurst Clitheroe Lancashire BB7 9PZ http: www.saintmaryshall.com Founded: 1946 6. Wimbledon College Preparatory School

Donhead Lodge 33 Edge Hill London SW19 4NP http. www.donhead.org.uk Founded: 1933



U N I T E D S T A T E S O F A M E R I C A (U.S.A.) A. COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES (Tertiary) (28) 1. Boston College 140 Commonwealth Avenue Chestnut Hill Boston, Massachusetts 02467-3802 http: www.bc.edu Founded: 1863 2. Canisius College 2001 Main Street Buffalo, New York 14208-1098 http: www.canisius.edu Founded: 1870 3. College of the Holy Cross One College Street Worchester, Massachusetts 01610 http: www.holycross.edu Founded: 1843 4. Creighton University 2500 California Plaza Omaha, Nebraska 68178 http: www.creighton.edu Founded: 1878 5. Fairfield University 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824-5195 http: www.fairfield.edu Founded: 1942



6. Fordham University (Rose Hill Campus) Rose Hill Fordham Road Bronx, New York 10458 http: www.fordham.edu Founded: 1841 Fordham University (Lincoln Center Campus) Fordham University at Lincoln Center New York, New York 10023 TEL: 1-212/636 6000 Founded: 1841 Fordham University (Tarrytown Campus) Fordham University at Tarrytown Tarrytown, New York 10591 TEL: 1-914/332 6000 Founded: 1841 7. Georgetown University 37th and O Streets, NW Washington, DC 20057 http: www.georgetown.edu Founded: 1789 8. Gonzaga University East 502 Boone Avenue Spokane, Washington 99258-0001 http: www.gonzaga.edu Founded: 1887 Gonzaga-in-Florence

Study Abroad AD Box 85 502 E. Boone Ave. Spokane, WA 99258 TEL: 1-509/323-3549 or

800-440-5391 FAX: 1-509/323 5987 E-Mail: [email protected]



9. John Carroll University University Heights Cleveland, Ohio 44118-4581 http: www.jcu.edu Founded: 1886 10. Le Moyne College 1419 Salt Springs Road Syracuse, New York 13214-1399 http: www.lemoyne.edu Founded: 1946 11. Loyola College in Maryland 4501 N. Charles Street Baltimore, Maryland 21210-2699 http: www.loyola.edu Founded: 1852 12. Loyola Marymount University One LMU Drive Los Angeles, California 90045-2699 http: www.lmu.edu Founded: 1911 13. Loyola University of Chicago 6525 Sheridan Road Chicago, Illinois 60625 http: www.luc.edu Founded: 1870 Loyola University of Chicago Mallinckrodt Campus 1041 Ridge Road Wilmette, Illinois 60091 TEL: 1-847/853 3000 FAX: 1-847/853 3113



Loyola University of Chicago Medical Center Campus 2160 S. First Avenue Maywood, Illinois 60153 TEL: 1-708/216 9000 FAX: 1-708/216 6227 Loyola University of Chicago Water Tower Campus 820 N. Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611 TEL: 1-312/915 6000 FAX: 1-312/915 7003 Loyola University of Chicago (Rome Center of Liberal Arts) Via Massimi 114/a 00136 Rome, ITALY TEL: 39-06/355 881 Founded: 1962 14. Loyola University of New Orleans 6363 St. Charles Avenue Campus Box 9 New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 http: www.loyno.edu Founded: 1912 15. Marquette University 615 N. 11th Street Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53233-2305 http: www.mu.edu Founded: 1881 16. Regis University 3333 Regis Boulevard Denver, Colorado 80221-1099 http: www.regis.edu Founded: 1877



17. Rockhurst University 1100 Rockhurst Road Kansas City, Missouri 64110-2508 http: www.rockhurst.edu/ Founded: 1910 18. Saint Joseph's University 5600 City Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19131-1395 http: www.sju.edu Founded: 1851 19. Saint Louis University 221 N. Grand Boulevard St. Louis, Missouri 63103-2097 http: www.slu.edu Founded: 1818 Saint Louis University Health Sciences Center 1402 S. Grand Blvd. St. Louis, Missouri 63104 TEL: 1-314/577 8000 FAX: 1-314/772 1307 Saint Louis University in Spain Av. Del Valle, 34 28003 Madrid, SPAIN TEL: 34-91/554 5858 FAX: 34-91/553 3452 Founded: 1967 20. Saint Peter's College 2641 Kennedy Boulevard Jersey City, New Jersey 07306-5997 http: www.spc.edu/ Founded: 1872 21. Santa Clara University Santa Clara, California 95053 http: www.scu.edu Founded: 1851



22. Seattle University 901 12th Avenue Seattle, Washington 98122-1090 http: www.seattleu.edu Founded: 1891 23. Spring Hill College 4000 Dauphin Street Mobile, Alabama 36608-1791 http: www.shc.edu Founded: 1830 24. University of Detroit Mercy McNichols Campus 4001W. McNichols Road P.O. Box 19900 Detroit, Michigan 48219-0900 http: www.udmercy.edu Founded: 1877 25. University of San Francisco 2130 Fulton Street San Francisco, California 94117-1080 http: www.usfca.edu Founded: 1855 26. University of Scranton Linden Street & Monroe Ave Scranton, Pennsylvania 18510-4623 http: www.uofs.edu Founded: 1888 27. Wheeling Jesuit University 316 Washington Avenue Wheeling, West Virginia 26003-6243 http: www.wju.edu Founded: 1954



28. Xavier University 3800 Victory Parkway Cincinnati, Ohio 45207 http: www.xu.edu Founded: 1831 B. THEOLOGY FACULTIES (2) 1. Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley 1735 Le Roy Avenue Berkeley, California 94709-1193 http: www.jstb.edu/ Founded: 1934 2. Weston School of Theology 3 Phillips Place Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138-3495 http: www.wjst.edu/ Founded: 1922

C. HIGH SCHOOLS (Secondary) (45) 1. Belén Jesuit Preparatory School140 500 S.W. 127 Avenue Miami, Florida 33184 http: www.belenjesuit.org Founded: 1854 in Havana, Cuba 1961 in Miami 2. Bellarmine College Preparatory 960 West Hedding Street San Jose, California 95126-1215

http: www.bcp.org Founded: 1851 3. Bellarmine Preparatory School 2300 S. Washington Street Tacoma, Washington 98405-1399

http: www.bellarmineprep.org

Founded: 1928 140 Belén is an extra-territorial school of the Province of the Antilles, transferred from Havana, Cuba.



4. Boston College High School 150 Morrissey Boulevard Boston, Massachusetts 02125-3391 http: www.bchigh.edu Founded: 1863 5. Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School 2801 West 86th Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46268-1925 http: www.brebeuf.org Founded: 1962 6. Brophy College Preparatory 4701 North Central Avenue Phoenix, Arizona 85012-1797 http: www.brophyprep.org Founded: 1928 7. Canisius High School 1180 Delaware Avenue Buffalo, New York 14209 http: www.canisiushigh.org Founded: 1870 8. Cheverus High School 267 Ocean Avenue Portland, Maine 04103-5795 http: www.cheverus.org Founded: 1917 9. Creighton Preparatory School 7400 Western Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68114-1878 http: www.creightonprep.creighton.edu Founded: 1878 10. De Smet Jesuit High School 233 North New Ballas Road St. Louis, Missouri 63141-7599 http: www.desmet.org Founded: 1967



11. Fairfield College Preparatory School 1073 North Benson Road Fairfield, Connecticut 06824-5157 http: www.prep.fairfield.edu Founded: 1942 12. Fordham Preparatory School East Fordham Road Bronx, New York 10458-5175 http: www.fordhamprep.com Founded: 1841 13. Georgetown Preparatory School 10900 Rockville Pike N. Bethesda, Maryland 20852-3299 http: www.gprep.org Founded: 1789 14. Gonzaga College High School

19 Eye Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20001-1400 http: www.gonzaga.org Founded: 1821 15. Gonzaga Preparatory High School 1224 East Euclid Avenue Spokane, Washington 99207-2899 http: www.gprep.com Founded: 1887 16. Jesuit College Preparatory School 12345 Inwood Road Dallas, Texas 75244-8094 http: www.jesuitcp.org Founded: 1942



17. Jesuit High School 1200 Jacob Lane Carmichael, California 95608-6024 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 254647 Sacramento, California 95865-4647 http: www.jhssac.org Founded: 1963 18. Jesuit High School 4133 Banks Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70119-6883 http: www.jesuitnola.org Founded: 1847 19. Jesuit High School 9000 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Highway Portland, Oregon 97225-2491 http: www.jesuitportland.org Founded: 1956 20. Jesuit High School of Tampa 4701 N. Himes Avenue Tampa, Florida 33614-6694 http: www.jesuittampa.org Founded: 1899 21. Loyola Academy 1100 N. Laramie Avenue Wilmette, Illinois 60091-1089

http: www.goramblers.org

Founded: 1909 22. Loyola Blakefield 500 Chestnut Avenue Towson (Baltimore), Maryland 21204

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 6819 Towson , Maryland 21285-6819

http: www.blakefield.loyola.edu Founded: 1852



23. Loyola High School 15325 Pinehurst Detroit, Michigan 48236-1633 http: www.loyolahsdetroit.org

Founded: 1993

24. Loyola High School of Los Angeles 1901 Venice Boulevard Los Angeles, California 90006-4401

http: www.loyolahs.edu

Founded: 1865 25. Loyola School 980 Park Avenue New York, New York 10028-0820 http: www.loyola-nyc.org Founded: 1900 26. Marquette University High School 3401 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208-3896 http: www.muhs.edu Founded: 1857 27. McQuaid Jesuit High School 1800 South Clinton Avenue Rochester, New York 14618-2659

http: www.mcquaid.org

Founded: 1954 28. Red Cloud High School 100 Mission Drive Pine Ridge, South Dakota 57770-2100

http: www.redcloudschool.org

Founded: 1937 29. Regis High School 55 East 84th Street New York, New York 10028-0884

http: www.regis-nyc.org

Founded: 1914



30. Regis Jesuit High School 6400 South Lewiston Way Aurora, Colorado 80016

http: www.regisjesuit.com

Founded: 1877 31. Rockhurst High School 9301 State Line Road Kansas City, Missouri 64114-3299

http: www.rockhursths.edu

Founded: 1914 32. Scranton Preparatory School 1000 Wyoming Avenue Scranton, Pennsylvania 18509-2993

http: www.scrantonprep.com

Founded: 1944 33. Seattle Preparatory School 2400 Eleventh Avenue East Seattle, Washington 98102-4098

http: www.seaprep.org

Founded: 1891 34. St. Ignatius College Preparatory 2001 - 37th Avenue San Francisco, California 94116-1199

http: www.siprep.org

Founded: 1855 35. St. Ignatius College Preparatory 1076 W. Roosevelt Road Chicago, Illinois 60608-1594

http: www.ignatius.org

Founded: 1870 36. St. Ignatius High School 1911 W. 30th Street Cleveland, Ohio 44113-3401

http: www.ignatius.edu

Founded: 1886 37. St. John's High School 5901 Airport Highway Toledo, Ohio 43615-7399

http: www.sjjtitans.org

Founded: 1965



38. St. Joseph's Preparatory School 1733 W. Girard Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19130-1598 http: www.sjprep.org Founded: 1851 39. St. Louis University High School 4970 Oakland Avenue St. Louis, Missouri 63110-1472 http: www.sluh.org Founded: 1818 40. St. Peter's Preparatory School 144 Grand Street Jersey City, New Jersey 07302-4499 http: www.stpetersprep.org Founded: 1878 41. St. Xavier High School 600 North Bend Road Cincinnati, Ohio 45224-1499 http: www.stxavier.org Founded: 1831 42. Strake Jesuit College Preparatory 8900 Bellaire Boulevard Houston, Texas 77036-4699 http: www.strakejesuit.org Founded: 1961 43. University of Detroit High School and Academy 8400 S. Cambridge Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48221-1699 http: www.uofdjesuit.org Founded: 1877 44. Walsh Jesuit High School 4550 Wyoga Lake Road Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44224-1084 http: www.walshjesuit.org Founded: 1965



45. Xavier High School 30 West 16th Street New York, New York 10011-6302 http: www.xavierhs.org Founded: 1847 D. ELEMENTARY (2) 1. Our Lady of Lourdes Elementary School

P.O. Box 7 Porcupine, SD 57772 TEL: 1-605/867 5568 FAX: 1-605/867 5874

2. Red Cloud Elementary School 100 Mission Drive Pine Ridge, South Dakota 57770-2100 http: www.redcloudschool.org E. NETWORKS (2) (24 schools in total)

CRISTO REY SCHOOLS (8) 1. Arrupe Jesuit High School

4343 Utica St. Denver, CO 80212-2435 http: www.arrupejesuit.com Founded: 2003

2. Christ the King Jesuit College Preparatory

5058 West Jackson Boulevard Chicago, IL 60644-4324 http: www.ctkjesuit.org Founded: 2008

3. Cristo Rey High School 6200 McMahon Drive Sacramento, CA 95824 http: www.cristorey.net Founded: 2006



4. Cristo Rey Jesuit High School 420 Chester st Baltimore, MD 21231-2729 http: www.cristoreybalt.org Founded: 2007

5. Cristo Rey Jesuit High School 1852W. 22nd Place Chicago, Illinois 60608 http: www.cristorey.net Founded: 1996

6. Cristo Rey Jesuit High School-Twin cities

2924 4th Avenue P.O. Box 8268 Minneapolis, MN 55408-0268 http: www.cristorey.net Founded: 2007

7. Cristo Rey New York High School 112 E. 106th St. New York, NY 10029 http: www.cristoreyny.org Founded: 2004

8. Verbum Dei High School 11100 S Central Ave Los Angeles, CA 90059 http: www.verbumdei.us Founded: 2002

NATIVITY SCHOOLS (Grades 6-8, Male) (16)

1. Brooklyn Jesuit Prep141 560 Sterling Place Brooklyn, NY 11238

http: www.nynativity.org

Founded: 2003

141 Co-ed



2. Chicago Jesuit Academy At Marillac Social Center 212 South Francisco Avenue Chicago, IL 60612

http: www.cjacademy.org

Founded: 2005

3. Good Shepherd Nativity School142

353 Baronne Street New Orleans, LA 70112

http: www.thegoodshepherdschool.org

Founded: 2001

4. Jesuit Middle School of Omaha143

2311 North 22nd St. Omaha, NE 68110-2207 http: www.jesuitswisprov.org/school-of-omaha.html Founded: 1995

5. Loyola Academy of St. Louis

3854 Washington Boulevard St. Louis, MO 63108

http: www.loyolaacademy.org

Founded: 1999

6. Nativity Jesuit Middle School 1515 S 29th Street Milwaukee, WI 53215-1912

http: www.njms.org

Founded: 1993

7. Nativity Mission Center

204 Forsyth Street New York, NY 10002

http: www.nynativity.org

Founded: 1971

142 Grades K and 1, Coed 143 Grades 4-8



8. Nativity Prep Middle School144 39 Lamartine Street Jamaica Plain, MA 02130

http: www.nativityboston.org

Founded: 1990

9. Nativity School of Worcester

10 Irving Street Worchester, MA 01609-3210

http: www.nativityworcester.org

Founded: 2003

10. Sacred Heart Nativity School145 310 Edwards Avenue San Jose, CA 95110

http: www.shnativity.org

Founded: 2001

11. St. Aloysius - Gonzaga Program

219 West 132nd Street New York, NY 10027

http: www.staloysiusschool.org

Founded: 1991

St. Aloysius - Thea Bowman Program146 223 West 132nd StreetBetween 7th & 8th Aves. New York, NY 10027

http: www.harlemlive.org/community/Education/TrioSchool/TBP/tbp.html

Founded: 1995

12. St. Andrew Nativity School147

4925 NE 9th Avenue Portland, OR 97211

http: www.nativityportland.com

Founded: 2001

144 Grades 5-8 145 Grade 6 146 Female 147 Grade 6, Coed



13. St. Ignatius Loyola Academy 740 North Calvert St. Baltimore, MD 21202-3622

http: www.st-ignatius.net/website/academy.html

Founded: 1993

14. St. Ignatius School148

740 Manida Street. Bronx, NY 10474

http: www.nynativity.org

Founded: 1995

15. The Gesu School149

1700 W. Thompson St. Philadelphia, PA 19121-5023

http: www.gesuschool.org

Founded: 1993

16. Washington Jesuit Academy 900 Varnum Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20017

http: www.wjacademy.org

Founded: 2001

F. PARROCHIAL SCHOOLS (Day Care, Pre School, Elementary) (18) 1. Blessed Sacrament Parish School

6657 Sunset Blvd Hollywood, CA 90028-7166 http: www.blessedsacramenthollywood.org

2. Catholic Central School 1955 Genesee Street Buffalo, NY 14211 http: www.catholiccentralschool.com

148 Coed 149 Grades Pre-K – 8, Coed



3. Church of our Lady of Sorrows School150 21 East Sola St. Santa Barbara, CA 93101-2591 Tel: 001-805/963 1734 Fax: 001-805/965 6461

4. Gesu Rectory School151

17180 Oak Dr. Detroit, MI 48221-3087 Tel: 001-313/862 4400 Fax: 001-313/862 1083

5. Gesu Rectory School152 2470 Miramar Blvd. University Hts, OH 44118-3820 http: www.gesu.com

6. Holy Name of Jesus Parish School

6220 LaSalle Place New Orleans, LA 70118-6236 http: www.hnjchurch.org

7. Holy Trinity Parish Center School153 3513 N St NW Washington, DC 20007-2622 Tel: 1-202/337 2840 Fax: 1-202/337 9048

8. Immaculate Conception Parish School

619 Copper Avenue N W Albuquerque, NM 87102-3140 Tel: 1-505/247 4271 Fax: 1-505/243 0402 E-Mail: [email protected]

9. Most Holy Trinity Parish School 2040 Nassau Drive San José, CA 95122-1795 Tel: 1-408/729 0101 Fax: 1-408/258 4131

150 Only elementary 151 Only elementary 152 Only elementary 153 Only elementary



10. Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish School154 1770 Kearny Ave. San Diego, CA 92113-1128 Tel: 001-619/233 3838 Fax: 001-619/233 3252

11. St. Aloysius Parish School

219 West 132 St New York, NY 10027-7803 Tel: 001-212/234 2848 Fax: 001-212/234 4198

12. St. Charles Borromeo Parish School155 174 Church St. Grand Coteau, LA 70541 http: www.st-charles-borromeo.org

13. St Francis Xavier Parish School 4715 North Central Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85012-1797 http: www.sfxphx.org

14. St. Gabriel’s Parish School 506 N. Beaumont Road Praire du Chien, WI 53821-2232 Tel: 001-608/326 2404

15. St. Ignatius Loyola Parish School156 2309 Gaylord St. Denver, CO 80205-5627 http: www.loyoladenver.com

16. St. Ignatius Loyola Parish School 980 Park Avenue New York, NY 10028-0820 http: www.saintignatiusloyola.org

17. St. Ignatius Loyola Parish School157 3235 Arden Way Sacramento, CA 95825-2081 Tel: 001-916/482 9666 Fax: 001-916/482 6573

154 Only elementary 155 Only elementary 156 Only elementary 157 Only elementary



18. St. Procopius Church School 1641 S. Allport St. Chicago, IL 60608-2131 Tel: 001-312/226 7887 Fax: 001-312/226 7885




A. UNIVERSIDAD (1) Universidad Católica del Uruguay “Dámaso Antonio Larrañaga” Avenida 8 de Octubre, 2738, entre Garibaldi y Estero Bellaco 11600 Montevideo http: www.ucu.edu.uy Fundada: 1985 B. COLEGIOS (Pre-Primaria, Primaria y Secundaria) (3) 1. Colegio del Sagrado Corazón Soriano 1472 11200 Montevideo http: www.seminario.edu.uy Fundado: 1881 2. Colegio Mons. Ricardo Isasa

Alejo Rossell y Rius 1641 11600 Montevideo TEL: 598-2/622 8408 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundado: 1942 3. Colegio San Javier Avda. República Argentina s/n Casilla 78.015 45.000 Tacuarembó

http: www.ucu.edu.uy/colegiosanjavier Fundado: 1954 (Colegio)




A. UNIVERSIDADES (2) 1. Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) Av. Intercomunal LaVega-Montalbán Apdo. 20.332 Caracas 1020-A, Dtto Federal http: www.ucab.edu.ve Fundada: 1953 2. Universidad Católica del Táchira Carrera 14 con calle 14, Nº 14 Barrio Obrero, Apdo. 366 San Cristóbal 5001-A, Edo Táchira http: www.ucat.edu.ve Fundada: 1982 B. COLEGIOS (Preescolar, Básica y Diversificado) (3) 1. Colegio Gonzaga Avda 35 con Calle 92F-250 Los Postes Negros Barrio San José, Maracaibo Apdo. 724 Maracaibo 4001-A, Edo. Zulia TEL: 58-261/783 3080 58-261/783 5160 FAX: 58-261/783 0649 E-Mail. [email protected] Fundado: 1945 2. Colegio Loyola-Gumilla Avda. Guayana -Vía los Olivos Apdo. 99 Puerto Ordaz 8015-A, Edo. Bolívar http: www.loyolagumilla.edu.ve Fundado: 1965



3. Colegio San Ignacio Calle Santa Teresa de Jesús con Calle Los Granados Urbanización la Castellana (Chacao) Apdo. 61.393 Caracas 1060-A, Dto Federal http: www.colegiosanignacio.com.ve Fundado: 1923 D. PLANTELES DE FE Y ALEGRÍA158 (Preescolar Básica y Diversificado) (5) 1. Colegio Andy Aparicio Vereda 3-3 Sector Las Casitas (Parte alta de Los Mangos) La Vega Caracas 1020, Dtto Federal TEL/FAX: 58-212/443 5513 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1991 2. Colegio Padre Gumilla Via Perimetral San Fernando – Biruaca Kilómetro 6, Hato La Guanota Apartado 12 San Fernando 7001 - A Estado Apure

TEL/FAX: 58-247/341 2053 E-Mail: [email protected]

Fundado: 1964 3. Colegio Padre Luis Maria Olaso Calle El Carmen Nº 3

Sector la Pradera, La Veja Caracas 1020, Dtto. Federal TEL: 58-278/514 63

4. Escuela Agropecuaria P. José María Vélaz Dolores 5217 Estado Barinas TEL: 58-273/552 1422 58-273/808 1001 (emergencias) FAX: 58-273/552 1422 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1985 158 Encomendadas a la Compañía



5. Instituto San Javier del Valle Grande Valle Grande Apartado 292 Mérida 5101 – A (Estado Mérida) TEL: 58-274/244 2622 FAX: 58-274/244 2622 E-Mail: [email protected] Fundado: 1979 C. INSTITUTO TECNICO (1) Instituto Técnico Jesús Obrero159 Calle Andrés Bello, Los Flores de Catia Apdo. 30.025 Caracas 1030-A, Dtto Federal TEL: 58-212/862 7172 FAX: 58-212/862 7172 E-Mail: [email protected] E. FE Y ALEGRIA (152 Planteles Escolares160)

Asociación Civil Fe y Alegría Edif. Centro Valores, Piso 7 Esquina Luneta, Altagracia Apartado 877 Caracas 1010 – A, Dtto Federal Tel: 58-212/564 7423 Fax: 58-212/564 5096 E-Mail: [email protected]

http: www.feyalegria.org Inicio: 1955

159 160 Están incluidos los 4 planteles escolares encomendados y regentados por la Compañía.




A. TEACHER-TRAINING COLLEGE (1) Charles Lwanga Teachers’ Training College161 P.O. Box 660193 Monze TEL: 260-3/255 208 FAX: 260-3/255 282 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1959 B. MINOR SEMINARY (1) Mukasa Minor Seminary P.O. Box 630195 Choma TEL: 260-3/220 058 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1966 C. SECONDARY SCHOOLS (1) Canisius High School Private Bag 1 Chisekesi TEL/FAX: 260-3/255 364 Email: [email protected] Founded: 1949

161 For primary school teachers




A. HIGHER EDUCATION (2) 1. Arrupe College162 Jesuit School of Philosophy & Humanities 16 Link Rd. P.O. Box MP320 Mount Pleasant, Harare TEL: 263-4/745 411 263-4/745 903 263-4/745 904 263-4/744 132 FAX: 263-4/745 411 E-Mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Founded: 1994 2. School of Social Work163 P Bag 66022 Kopje, Harare TEL: 263-4/752 965 263-4/752 967 FAX: 263-4/751 903 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1964 B. UNIVERSITY RESIDENCE (2) 1. Mukasa House

20 Dove Crescent Vainona, Harare Tel: 263-4/870 359 E-Mail: [email protected]

2. Prestage House 50 Mount Pleasant Drive P.O. Mount Pleasant, Harare Tel: 263-4/744 506

162 Faculty of Philosophy of the African Assistancy University College associated with the University of Zimbabwe 163 University College associated with the University of Zimbabwe



C. SECONDARY (8) 1. Sacred Heart Secondary School164 P.O. Box 73 Banket TEL: 263-66/2218 Founded: 1999 2. St. Charles Lwanga Learning Centre165 P.O. Box ST194 Southerton Harare TEL: 263-4/661 117 Founded: 1999 3. St. George's College 166 P. Bag 7727 Causeway, Harare TEL: 263-4/702 849 263-4/724 650 263-4/704 064 263-4/702 137 FAX: 263-4/723 832 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1896 4. St. Ignatius College167 P.O. Box CH 80 Chisipite Harare TEL: 263-4/499 403 263-4/499 404 263-4/499 405 263-4/499 406 263-4/499 408 FAX: 263-4/499 407 Founded: 1962

164 Secondary day school: grades 8-11 165 Tutoring and study centre for primary and secondary students with special needs 166 Secondary day & boarding school, grades 8-13 167 Secondary boarding school, grades 8-13



5. St. Paul’s High School168 P.O. Box CH590 Chisipite Harare TEL: 263-78/2482 263-78/2051 263-78/2483 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1923 6. St. Peter’s Kubatana High School

52 Mount Pleasant Drive Mount Pleasant Harare

P.O. Box DH 35 Highfield, Harare TEL: 263-4/611 525 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1973

7. St. Rupert’s Secondary School P.O. Box 774 Chinhoyi

TEL: 263-67/23 362 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1964 8. Visitation High School169 P.O. Box 4230 Harare TEL: 263-4/883 912 263-4/883 913 263-4/883 914 D. TECHNICAL (4) 1. Chinhoyi Rural Training Centre P.O. Box 680 Chinhoyi TEL: 263-67/24 382 Founded: 1980 168 Secondary day & boarding school, grades 8-11 169 Secondary day & boarding school, grades 8-13



2. Silveira House Leadership Training and Development Centre P O Box 545 Harare TEL: 263-4/491 066 263-4/491 067 263-4/491 855 FAX: 263-4/491 057 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1962 3. St. Boniface Training Centre P.O. Box 148 Magunje TEL: 263-64/640 325 Founded: 1992 4. St. Peter’s Kubatana Vocational Training Centre

52 Mount Pleasant Drive Mount Pleasant Harare

P.O. Box DH 35 Highfield, Harare TEL: 263-4/611 525 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1973

E. PRIMARY SCHOOLS (7) 1. Chishawasha Mission Primary School170 P.O. Box GD 100 Greendale Harare TEL: 263-4/499 329 263-4/499 138 Founded: 1895 2. Hartmann House171

P. Bag 7727, Causeway Harare TEL: 263-4/726 841 Founded: 1957

170 Primary day & boarding school, grades 1-7 171 Primary day & boarding school, grades 4-7



3. Makumbi Primary School172 P.O. Box 4230 Harare TEL: 263-4/883 912/4

4. St. George’s Primary School173 P.O. Box 73 Banket TEL: 263-66/2218

5. St. Paul’s Primary School174 P.O. Box CH590 Chisipite, Harare TEL: 263-78/2051 263-78/2483 Founded: 1923

6. St. Peter’s Mbare Primary School175 P.O. Box 66105 Kopje, Harare TEL: 263-4/756 005 Founded: 1913 7. St. Rupert’s Primary School

P.O. Box 774 Chinhoyi

TEL: 263-67/23 362 E-Mail: [email protected] Founded: 1964

172 Primary day & boarding school, grades 1-7 173 Primary day & boarding school, grades 1-7 174 Primary day & boarding school, grades 1-7 175 Primary day & boarding school, grades 1-7
