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Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much...

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Educators Rising BRAND GUIDELINES 05/2015 x
Page 1: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

Educators RisingBRand GuidElinEs



Page 2: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

GEttinG staRtEd


04 Our Brand Voice

04 Name and Tagline

05 Boilerplate

05 Language Choices

Visual ElEMEnts

07 Using the Logo

07 Logo Request Process

08 Logo and Tagline

11 Color Palette

12 Typefaces

13 Merchandise

13 Websites and Social Media

affiliatE loGos

15 Affiliate Logo Guidelines

15 Sample Affiliate Logos

16 Affiliate Names and URLs

GEt HElp!

16 Contact Info

loGo REquEst foRM

taBlE of ContEnts

Page 3: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

2 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

GEttinG staRtEdWhy does all of this brand stuff matter?Let’s put Educators Rising on the map in a clear, consistent, high-impact way. All of our communities and rising educators will benefit when people across the country view Educators Rising as a first-class organization.

The Educators Rising brand system is a way for us — teachers, students, administrators, partners, and supporters — to join together as one voice to communicate the powerful work we do to help prepare the next generation of great teachers. With a strong, consistent brand, we will be able to showcase and expand the strength in our national network.

You are the Brand!As an official affiliate or chapter of Educators Rising, you play a primary role in the way people experience Educators Rising in your state, region, and local community. You bring the brand to life. It is through your courses, internships, and community engagement that students, teachers, parents, administrators, and community members will see, hear about, or interact with the Educators Rising brand.

When each of us uses the brand with consistency, Educators Rising becomes a recognized voice that will inspire and mobilize people to act in communities across the country. Brand recognition will allow us to recruit more students and teacher leaders to participate locally and nationally, encourage funders and partners to support the program, and show the world the difference that our work makes!

using this GuideThis brand manual provides the tools and information you need to promote the right image of Educators Rising in your school and community. Consider it a “cheat sheet” and a way to get ideas for incorporating Educators Rising into your print and digital materials.

If you have any questions, you can contact Allie Strandmark, Graphic Designer, at [email protected] or 812-269-6621.

Page 4: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears


Page 5: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

4 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

ouR BRand VoiCEWhen speaking about Educators Rising, we have created core messages that communicate who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

naME and taGlinEour name: Educators RisingWhen possible, we suggest that Educators Rising is spelled out in full. It’s our name, and we want people to know it. If necessary, Educators Rising can be shortened to EdRising. (This is the only short version of the name that we use.)

taglineThere’s power in teaching

our Vision Every teacher in America has the skills and experience to help all students achieve their potential.

our Mission Educators Rising cultivates highly skilled educators by guiding young people on a path to becoming accomplished teachers, beginning in high school and extending through college and into the profession.

Who We are Educators Rising is a national network of students and teacher leaders who are inspired and excited by the teaching profession.

What We do Starting with high school students, we provide passionate young people with authentic opportunities to experience teaching, sustain their interest in the profession, and help them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators.

How We do it In high school, Educators Rising supports curricular programs where students explore the teaching profession and gain hands-on teaching experience. In college, Educators Rising supports campus-based student groups that promote the development of aspiring teachers. Educators Rising also helps students and teachers connect and deepen their learning through the EdRising Virtual Campus, a cutting-edge online community that offers rigorous resources to support the development of great teachers.

Do Use:

Educators Rising EdRising (if necessary)

ED Rising ER Other shortened or altered versions of the name

Don’t Use:

Page 6: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

5 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

BoilERplatEBoilerplate is the basic language we always use to describe Educators Rising. Use it verbatim in any communications piece that includes “About Educators Rising” copy. Consistent use of our boilerplate demonstrates professionalism and helps us establish a clearer sense of who we are.

About Educators Rising Educators Rising is transforming how America develops aspiring teachers. Starting with high school students, we provide passionate young people with hands-on teaching experience, sustain their interest in the profession, and help them cultivate the skills they need to be successful educators. The result is a pipeline of accomplished teachers who are positioned to make a lasting difference — not only in the lives of their students, but also in the field of teaching more broadly.

Learn more about how you can advance great teaching at educatorsrising.org.

lanGuaGE CHoiCEsWe have a number of specific word choices that we should always use for consistency.

Membership/Chapter languageff Chapters: To refer to the individual schools that have Educators Rising members.

ff Network: To refer to the overall organization. Our network is the thing that every individual, school, and chapter joins.

ff Teacher leaders: To refer to the teachers leading courses, internships, and community engagement at the local chapter level. Our teachers (you!) are making an impact; they are leaders! (“Teacher leaders” replaces the use of “advisors” or “sponsors.”)

ff Rising educators or Members: These terms can be used interchangeably to describe individuals in the network. You might introduce one student in the network by saying

“This is one of our rising educators,” or “This is one of our members.”

“Join” languageWhen talking about membership, use verbs instead of nouns as much as possible. This is more appealing to young people. For example, instead of “Become a member of Educators Rising,” say “Join Educators Rising” or “Connect to our network.”

Page 7: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

Visual ElEMEnts

Page 8: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

7 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

usinG tHE loGoIn an effort to create brand consistency and make things easier for you, we’ve developed templates with the Educators Rising logo. The template library includes:

ff Letterhead

ff Word document with the logo that you can adapt for your needs

ff Certificates

ff Promotional materials

ff PowerPoint

ff Press Release

Templates can be downloaded in the Teacher Leader Community at educatorsrising.org/virtualcampus.

loGo REquEst pRoCEssIs there something missing from the templates we provided? We can help! If you need the Educators Rising logo to create additional materials, please submit a request using the Educators Rising Logo Request Form (p.17).

Logos may be requested by individuals or organizations that are affiliated with the Educators Rising network or by media outlets.

Logos may be used for printed and digital materials, such as websites, social media, banners, brochures, handouts, posters, conference signage, programs, and flyers. The only exception is that they may not be used on clothing without permission from the national office. The trademarked official Educators Rising logo and the Educators Rising name may not be used on clothes, accessories, or items that are re-sold.

Protecting the branD of eDUcators rising is the resPonsibility of the eDUcators rising national office anD its affiliates at the regional, state, anD local levels. Using the eDUcators rising logo means yoU agree to abiDe by the visUal element gUiDelines oUtlineD on P. 8-13.

Page 9: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

8 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

loGo and taGlinEThe Educators Rising logo is made up of two elements: our “badge” symbol and our name (wordmark). Our symbol, conveying a badge of honor, contains an “E” within the negative space, and an arrow pointing up and to the right.

The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears elsewhere on the same surface, or if space is limited.

The logo should always be reproduced from master digital artwork provided and should not be redrawn or recreated. When a design calls for the tagline to appear separately from the logo, use the provided artwork. Do not type out the tagline.


logo/tagline lockUP



Page 10: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

9 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

logo usageClEaR spaCEConsistent use of logo alignment, spacing, and size helps solidify our brand.

For optimal legibility and impact, the logo should always be set apart from other design elements. The minimum amount of space between the logo and other elements should be at least equal to an “E” from Educators.

loGo plaCEMEntDue to the balanced shape of the logo, it may be aligned on the left or right of a page. When centering the logo on a page, it should get a bit less space on the left in order to help it feel visually centered.

Color VersionsWhenever possible, the full-color logo should be used since it best represents our brand. A white background color is also strongly recommended. However, additional logo versions are available for special production situations.

A grayscale logo version is provided for use in black-and-white applications, such as faxes or newspaper ads. The grayscale version should not be used on any materials produced in full color.

A white (reversed) version of the logo is recommended for use on materials where the logo must appear against a dark-colored background. When using this version, always make sure that the background color provides sufficient contrast for the logo to be easily read.

grayscale logo

fUll-color logo

white (reverse) logo

Page 11: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

10 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

Minimum sizeThe logo should always appear large enough to be easily read. Please follow the recommended minimum sizes for the logo versions, with and without the tagline.

1.5" wiDe (print)144 Px (screen)

2.25" wiDe (print)216 Px (screen)

do’s and don’tsThe examples on this page illustrate misuse of the logo that can dilute the strength of our brand. As a rule, always reproduce the logo using the appropriate master digital file and do not modify or alter it in any way.

Do not stretch or change the ProPortions

Do not rotate the logo

Do not rearrange the elements of the logo

Do not change the colors in the logo

Do not aDD DroP shaDows or other effects to the logo

Do not Place the logo on bUsy backgroUnDs

Page 12: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

11 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

CoatEd Pantone 185 c cmyk 0 / 93 / 79 / 0

unCoatEd Pantone 032 U cmyk 0 / 78 / 73 / 0

sCREEn rgb 228 / 0 / 0 hex #e4002b

core colors

sUPPlemental colors

CoatEd Pantone 130 c cmyk 0 / 32 / 100 / 0

unCoatEd Pantone 130 U cmyk 0 / 31 / 90 / 0

sCREEn rgb 242 / 169 / 0 hex #f2a900

CoatEd Pantone 305 c cmyk 54 / 0 / 6 / 0

unCoatEd Pantone 305 U cmyk 54 / 0 / 10 / 0

sCREEn rgb 89 / 203 / 232 hex #59cbe8

CoatEd Pantone 375 c cmyk 46 / 0 / 90 / 0

unCoatEd Pantone 375 U cmyk 39 / 0 / 75 / 0

sCREEn rgb 151 / 215 / 0 hex #97D700

CoatEd / unCoatEd cmyk 0 / 0 / 0 / 100

sCREEn rgb 0 / 0 / 0hex #ooo

CoatEd / unCoatEd cmyk 0 / 0 / 0 / 0

sCREEn rgb 255 / 255 / 255hex #fffff


light blUeorange bright green

black white

ColoR palEttEColor is an integral element of the Educators Rising visual identity, and it is important that it be reproduced consistently and accurately. Because different printing processes and onscreen displays encode color differently, each color in the palette is shown with several equivalent versions.

supplEMEntal ColoRs Our secondary color palette is for limited use and should only be used in addition to our core colors. They should not compete with our primary colors.

The colors represented throughout this guide have not been evaluated by Pantone, Inc and may not match the Pantone system. Consult a Pantone Color Formula Guide for reference. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc.

Page 13: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

12 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

tYpEfaCEsConsistent use of typography strengthens the recognition of our visual identity and helps maintain a sophisticated, professional look for our materials and communications. Use the typefaces shown here to create a unified look across all media. Additional typefaces should be avoided.

Our primary headline typeface is Gotham Black and our text font is Caecilia Light, but we don’t expect you to purchase these! Arial Regular and Bold are our alternate fonts, which are available on all computers. Please use Arial when developing materials — even in Word documents, PowerPoint presentations, and emails.

arial (system font)

arial bolD (system font)



Page 14: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

13 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

WEBsitEs and soCial MEdiaAll Educators Rising communications should have a similar look and feel, even when they are digital. It helps strengthen our online presence. That’s why the same logo standards still apply for the web.

These questions can help guide your website, webpage, and social media design:

ff Is my site/page recognizable as part of the greater Educators Rising network?

ff Is my logo crowded by other elements on the page (p. 9)?

ff Is my logo sized appropriately (p. 10)?

ff Am I using colors that belong to the color palette (p. 11)?

ff Am I using Arial font where possible (p. 12)?

ff Is my online presence friendly, engaging, and appealing to young people?

profile picturesBoth Twitter and Facebook use square images for their profile pictures that often appear as a smaller thumbnail size photo throughout the site. We recommend using the Educators Rising badge for your Facebook/Twitter profile picture. It can be tricky to crop the logo correctly to fit these squares, so we’ve provided smaller versions of the badge for you to use.

Cover photosWe recommend using a cover image that shows your rising educators in action! This is a chance to spotlight students in your district, school, or state.

MERCHandisEWe know students want T-shirts and other gear to show off their Educators Rising pride. While the Educators Rising logo will not be distributed to create apparel or merchandise, our Educators Rising virtual store offers affordable, fun merchandise for students and adults.

The store is available at educatorsrising.org.

yoU can DownloaD the eDUcators rising baDge for social meDia in the teacher leaDer commUnity at educatorsrising.org/virtualcampus.

Page 15: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

affiliatE loGos

Page 16: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

15 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

affiliatE loGo GuidElinEsAffiliate logos are provided to programs that have a formal partnership agreement with the Educators Rising national office. All affiliate logos are subject to the same logo guidelines outlined on p. 8-13.

The logo may only be used by the school or organization that is formally affiliated with Educators Rising. The representation is not assignable or transferable. Additionally, logos should only be applied to materials directly related to the Educators Rising program. Branded materials must be consistent with and directly related to Educators Rising’s purpose.

Please contact the Educators Rising national office for more information about establishing a partnership.

saMplE affiliatE loGos

ashley Kincaid Co-diRECtoR, EduCatoRs RisinG [email protected] 703-988-4037

dan Brown, nBCt Co-diRECtoR, EduCatoRs RisinG [email protected] 703-988-4042

Page 17: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

16 [email protected] | 800-766-1156

affiliatE naMEs and uRlsaffiliate namesTo create consistency across our nationwide networks, affiliates should follow the recommended nomenclature in print and electronic materials, including social media. Educators Rising comes first, immediately followed by the affiliate name with no other punctuation or words.

RECoMMEndEd noMEnClatuRE: Educators Rising [Organization Name]

affiliate uRlsWhen creating Educators Rising-inclusive domain names, affiliates should follow one of these formats.

WHEn inCludEd in YouR oRGanization’s WEBsitE: [Domain Name]/educatorsrising

WHEn CREatinG a nEW doMain: educatorsrising[your state or organization].org

GEt HElp!Have questions? We’re here to help! Please contact Allie Strandmark, Graphic Designer, at [email protected] or 812-269-6621.



www.educatorsrisingarizona.org www.educatorsrisingaz.org


Educators Rising Boston University Educators Rising Arizona

Do Use:

Boston University Educators Rising Educators Rising — Boston University Educators Rising of Arizona

Don’t Use:

Page 18: Educators Rising BRand GuidElinEs · 2017-10-06 · The logo-tagline lockup should be used as much as possible. However, our logo may be used without the tagline if the tagline appears

offiCial loGo aGREEMEnt aCCEptaBlE usE poliCY Educators Rising has registered all of its designating emblems, logos and insignia. State, regional, and local Educators Rising affiliates are permitted to use the trademarked official Educators Rising logo and the Educators Rising name on printed materials, promotional items, and displays with the important exception that they may not be used on clothing without permission from the national office. The trademarked official Educators Rising logo and the Educators Rising name may not be used on clothes, accessories, or items that are re-sold.

The Educators Rising logo must be used in accordance to the design specifications provided in the Educators Rising Brand Guidelines. By signing below and by use of an Educators Rising logo on promotional materials produced, you have consented to the terms as stated above and agree to abide by the copyrighted laws.

Return this signed form to Educators Rising at [email protected]. Logo requests are processed within 2-3 business days.

School or Organization Name:

Your Name:

Your Signature:


Are you a: £ Educators Rising teacher leader

£ Educators Rising State Director

£ Other — explain:

File Format Needed:

Email Address to Send Artwork:

How the logo will be used:

Questions? Contact Educators Rising at [email protected] or 800-766-1156.

