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Creative approaches to enhance student learning BrainSTARS Services Pvt. Ltd. | 1 Creative approaches to enhance student learning Sriraghavan S M BrainSTARS Innovation in Education, Bangalore
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Creative approaches to enhance student learning

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Creative approaches to enhance student learning

Sriraghavan S M

BrainSTARS – Innovation in Education, Bangalore

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Creative approaches to enhance student learning

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The processes of instruction, learning and assessment are integral parts of a school’s

academic environment. All these three together contribute to the learning cycle of a student

and subsequently, a student’s success.

Instruction: Lesson planning based on the 5CTM (Curiosity, Clarity, Competence,

Connectivity, Communication) approach is practised by teachers across all classes. Emphasis

is laid on concept based tutoring rather than exam oriented training. Activities based on

Multiple Intelligence are developed and practised regularly to provide a differentiated

learning environment to students.

Learning: An integrated and interdisciplinary approach is followed that enables

students to enhance their understanding by tapping into their inherent strengths and interests.

In addition to academic content, students are trained on suitable techniques. Mindmapping –

for effective note-making and revisions, Time management – to plan their time and maximize

their study efforts, Study techniques – to help them choose what works best for their learning


Assessment: Multiple Intelligence of students is assessed through simple

questionnaires. Students’ learning at the end of each concept is assessed through 5CTM

assessment rubrics. These ongoing assessment methods enable students to enhance their

learning; and also create a non-threatening learning environment that is not solely focussed

on end of the year examinations.

Keywords: multiple intelligence, differentiated learning, concept based tutoring, 5CTM

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The fundamental purpose of education is to empower learners to emerge into

individuals possessing substantial thinking and reasoning ability, coupled with decent amount

of knowledge in a diverse set of subjects. In order to achieve this, the learning experiences

during one’s formative years need to be well-rounded and well-grounded.

The National Curriculum Framework 2005 has set the following guiding principles

connecting knowledge to life outside the school

ensuring that learning is shifted away from rote methods

enriching the curriculum to provide for overall development of children rather than

remain textbook centric

making examinations more flexible and integrated into classroom life

nurturing an over-riding identity informed by caring concerns within the democratic

polity of the country

On careful observation of the current scenario of school education in India, one can

realise that there is still a long way to go to fully achieve these principles.

One significant step towards achieving holistic development of a learner is to actively put

the learner at the centre of the learning process and delegate the teacher to guide and facilitate


Also, most learning environments involve groups of children with different abilities,

skills, interests and learning styles. To address such diverse groups of learners, it is of

paramount importance for teachers, instructors and school leaders to gain awareness of and

actively implement differentiated instruction (Huebner, T. A., 2010).

It is also of great importance to understand that every child is a unique combination of

Multiple Intelligences (Gardner, H., 1983). Therefore learning environments need to cater to

childrens’ diversified intelligence matrices.

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When learners are actively involved in their own learning processes, the learning

outcomes are long-lasting. In order to ensure active involvement, the 5C™ approach forms

the foundation. The 5C™ learning cycle begins with Curiosity – where the urge to learn is

kindled. This curiosity when followed by appropriate guidance through instruction, activities,

understanding and application provides Clarity. When clarity is achieved continuously and

consistently over a period of time, it leads to Competence. Clarity across multiple concepts

leads to Connectivity amongst concepts, topics and subjects. When all these are successfully

accomplished, Communication of one’s understanding effectively completes the learning

cycle. Although not necessarily sequential, these 5C™s lay the foundation for learning.

In addition to the 5C™ approach, the Multiple Intelligence theory (Gardner, H., 1983)

contributes to the foundation of active involvement in learning. Every learner comes with a

unique combination of eight intelligences – Spatial, Bodily-Kinaesthetic, Musical, Linguistic,

Logical-mathematical, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal and Naturalistic. These intelligences

govern an individual’s ability, skills and understanding. When a learning environment

addresses a combination of all these intelligences, learning processes and outcomes are


NumberNagar® – a Maths Learning Centre has been designed specifically to provide

a differentiated learning environment to students. Mathematics by nature is an abstract

subject and the methods of instruction employed in traditional classrooms are insufficient to

garner a comprehensive understanding of mathematical concepts. NumberNagar® integrates

the 5C™ and MI approaches to make the learning environment active and non-threatening,

hence making the learning experience sufficiently enhanced. Instruction is activity-based and

differentiated, based on the needs and abilities of learners. Learning is engaging and involved

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for every student’s individual ability and pace. Assessment is non-judgemental and

progressive in order to ensure the student’s understanding and steady progress.

Results and Discussion

NumberNagar® has been integrated as the Maths Lab in >12 schools across India. It

has also functioned as an independent learning centre at >8 locations across India. The results

presented in this paper capture the learning experiences of students in group sessions at a

school in South Bangalore; and also learning experiences of students in individual sessions at

multiple centres in South Bangalore.

Case Studies

Case Study 1 – Group sessions

Number of students – 199

Grades – I to VII

Board – CBSE

Table 1 – Summary of concepts learnt in NumberNagar®

Grade No. of

students Concepts learnt in NumberNagar®

No. of sessions in the


1 29

Comparison - numbers

Addition - single & double digit

Subtraction - single & double digit

Multiplication - introduction

Division - introduction

Shapes - 2D & 3D






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2 26


Place value - 3 digit numbers

Even & odd numbers

Ordinal & cardinal numbers





Shapes - 2D & 3D




Measurement of length - units of


Concept of mass


3 32





Shapes - 2D & 3D






4 22





Factors & multiples

Divisibility test


Fractions - operations


Quadrilaterals, circles



Metric units & conversions


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5 29

Fundamental operations


Factors & LCM

Divisibility test

Decimals & Fractions

Numerical expressions

Lines & angles


Triangles - angle measurement

Angle sum property

Perpendicular & parallel lines

Length, mass, time, temperature


Profit & loss


6 32

Place value

Whole numbers


Factors & multiples



Algebraic expressions

Basics of geometry



Ratio & proportion


7 29







Exponents - square & square roots

Triangles & properties


Ratio & proportion

Area & perimeter


Students of grades I to VII participated in sessions at NumberNagar® and covered

concepts across these grades prescribed by the CBSE board (as shown in Table 1). Students

of each grade were actively involved in 28 sessions during the year, where they explored

concepts through activities, games, puzzles in NumberNagar®. Formative assessment was

part of the ongoing sessions and 2 summative assessments were conducted during the year.

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The following observations indicated positive changes in the students’ learning


Students’ fear of mathematics was reduced

Students’ interest to explore and learn was significantly enhanced

Students were more involved and brought exploratory ideas after completion of the

first 5 sessions

Students compelled the teachers after sessions in NumberNagar to connect what they

learnt in class to real life

Case Study 2 – Individual sessions

Number of students – 1

Grade – VI

Board – CBSE

Total number of sessions in NumberNagar® – 44

Duration of programme – 10 months

Scenario before commencement of sessions in NumberNagar®.

The student

- had an aversion and phobia towards Maths

- could not connect classroom learning to real life

- was disengaged and disconnected in classroom

- could not connect Maths with other subjects

- constantly moved from one tutorial to another to improve memory

Action plan

Initial assessment –

- to understand likes & dislikes, learning styles, MI

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- to understand why phobia had set in

- to assess conceptual understanding up to the grade 4 level

Session plan and assessment approach

Sessions were planned based on student’s retention abilities and learning style. Most

sessions were conducted through visuals, puzzles, games – usually swimming and sometimes


Ongoing assessments were based on connecting concepts to everyday experience. Eg:

Place value was connected to swim lanes in swimming pool. Assessments happened

approximately after every 5 sessions.

Learning outcomes

After 10 sessions in NumberNagar® – student had developed a liking to the

NumberNagar® space and the activities they were involved in

After 25 sessions in NumberNagar® – student procured high score in school exams,

which boosted their confidence tremendously

After 40 sessions in NumberNagar® – student secured 2nd rank in Maths exam in

school; school teachers recognised student as Maths expert in their class

Parent feedback over email

Feedback 1 – after 3 months

“I would like to share my happiness about my child’s progress after he joined

BrainSTARS. He has scored 26/30 and 30/30, which he has never scored in the last 2

years. I have seen a lot of positive changes in him these few months.

Thanks to NumberNagar facilitator’s fantastic and innovative way of teaching Maths

concepts in a simple way to my child. He enjoys the games and activities that teach

him mathematical logic. I love the way he connects simple things he sees outside to

what he had learnt from BrainSTARS NumberNagar. After a long search I found this

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place as heaven for my child where he learnt logic and basics required for problem

solving. He loves the environment and is not scared of asking any doubts”

Feedback 2 – after 8 months

“It was a pleasure to come back again to express my warm appreciation to

BrainSTARS NumberNagar. The progress I could see in my son is to be seen to be

believed. His score of 82% in Mathematics in the first quarter examination is

remarkable and I have every reason to believe that it is because of the guidance and

support from your institute and your teachers. The concepts taught by BrainSTARS

NumberNagar is helping him to apply his mind independently and look forward to

your continued guidance to unlock his potential.”

Feedback 3 – after 9 months

“Wish you a very happy and great New Year. Am happy to tell you that my child has

topped his class with 2nd Rank and 28th rank in his school in JEE IIT in last exams.

178 out of 222 (Maths, Chemistry, Physics)”

Case Study 2 – Individual sessions

Number of students – 1

Grade – VI

Board – ICSE

Total number of sessions in NumberNagar – 16

Concepts covered – Sets, Integers, Fractions, Fundamentals of Algebra

Scenario before commencement of sessions in NumberNagar

The student

- had clarity in basic operations, however could not perform these

operations on integers and fractions

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- was an athlete with primary focus on swimming and therefore had fewer

opportunities to catch up with academic progress

- consistently score less than 20% in tests and exams

- enrolled in NumberNagar a few weeks before final exams

Action plan

Considering the primary focus was on athletics, sessions were planned to enhance

clarity of understanding in familiar concepts and prepare the student to face the final exams

with confidence. A combination of activities, revision and practice was employed to achieve

the desired result. Ongoing assessments and mock tests ensured retention of learning.

Learning outcomes

The student gained clarity in the concepts that were needed

The student was able to gain confidence to face the exams

The student scored more than 35% in the final exams

Case Study 3 – Individual sessions

Number of students – 1

Grade – VIII

Board – ICSE

Total number of sessions in NumberNagar – 16

Concepts covered – Algebraic expressions, Simple linear equations, Quadratic


Scenario before commencement of sessions in NumberNagar

The student

- had basic knowledge of algebraic expressions, however could not express

their understanding on paper

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- was an athlete with primary focus on swimming and therefore had fewer

opportunities to catch up with academic progress

- consistently score less than 20% in tests and exams

- enrolled in NumberNagar a few weeks before final exams

Action plan

Considering the primary focus was on athletics and the nature of the student’s

difficulty, sessions focussed on improving communication and writing skills. This in turn

boosted the student’s confidence to face the final exams. Ongoing assessments and mock

tests ensured constant practice in communication.

Learning outcomes

The student improved their communication skills significantly

The student was able to face the exams with confidence

The student scored more than 40% in the final exams

Case Study 4 – Individual sessions

Number of students – 1

Grade – V

Board – IGCSE

Total number of sessions in NumberNagar® – 21

Concepts covered – Fractions, Measurement, Geometry, Time, Money

Scenario before commencement of sessions in NumberNagar®

The student

- had basic knowledge of fractions and measurement, however had difficulty

in geometry

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- attended a school focussed on activity-based learning, therefore the

methodology of NumberNagar® was familiar

- needed constant guidance in problem solving

Action plan

Considering that the student was familiar with activity-based learning, sessions were

action packed with different kinds of activities. Every session was a combination of activities

and problem solving, to enable constant practice.

Learning outcomes

The student improved their understanding in geometry

The student was able to tackle problems with confidence

Parent feedback – addressed to NumberNagar® facilitator

“Wanted to share my views with you. Over the last couple of months, you have been

teaching child at NumberNagar. I am pleased with the way he is responding and

taking keen interest in the subject. He looks more confident about the subject as well.

He enjoys your way of teaching. It's nice to have such a wonderful educator like you.

We look forward to a long association in his learning journey. It has been a pleasure

knowing you.”


Instruction and learning experiences in NumberNagar® have revealed the power of

differentiated instruction and active involvement of the learner in their learning process. All

students who have been part of this experience have shed their inhibitions, become more

curious, become more articulate and gained an enhanced understanding of what they have

learnt. It goes to prove that learners are the most important part of the learning process and

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teachers need to evolve into facilitators of learning. Only when the students take active

control of their learning experiences, their learning creates long term impact in their lives.

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Gardner, H. (1983). Frames of mind: The theory of multiple intelligences. New York: Basic


Huebner, T. (2010). What research says on differentiated learning. Educational Leadership,

67(5), 79-81.

National Curriculum Framework (2005). National Council for Educational Research &

