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Eeg Newsletter

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  • 7/31/2019 Eeg Newsletter


    A A


    Together for a Better Environment

    arch 211


    Villa No. JMR. 68, Jumeirah 1, Between Dubai Zoo and Beach Centre. For more

    info, call EEG at 04 344 8622, or [email protected].

    Editorial Team:

    Moayad Yacoub, Priyanka Menon, Ruth Bibby, Hazel Alfon,

    Maria Reyes, Disha Dave, Jefferson Balisi

    Editorial Team:

    Moayad Yacoub, Pri

    Maria Reyes, Disha

    ka Menon, Ruth Bibby, Hazel Alfon,

    e, Jefferson Balisi

    Join EEGs 2011 Educational Programs

    Teachers WorkshopSustainable Cities

    28 th March (English), 29th March (Arabic)

    Inter-School Environmental Public SpeakingCompetition20-21 April

    To register: [email protected]

    EEG Supports

    Yes, We CAN !

    After the success of the Can Collection Day, Lets put our best footforward for Can Collection Drive on 7th May 2011

    Chairperson's ote


    Corporate ews

    ocal ews

    A A AA

    utreach ailbag and embers pdate

    onthly rogress eport

    Inside this issue:






    CAA in colaboration with


  • 7/31/2019 Eeg Newsletter




    ith the beautiful month of ebruary behind us 211 is now full steam

    ahead. cannot still fathom that two months of the ew ear have

    passed by us and has completed two Community ectures and a

    major Can Collection ay! As the time has come to update you on what

    has been involved with locally and internationally feel it is of great

    importance to emphasize this month the power of people. By this mean

    the power we have as individuals and the power we can accumulate as

    likeminded groups to create change for the greater good.

    he Can Collection ay CC) was organized for the second time since

    the inception of this program in 21. his extra day to collect Cans wasespecially marked for those participants who cannot participate with us

    in the main Can Collection rive in ay as well as served as an extra

    push to achieve our target of 2 kgs of Aluminum Cans! his year

    each of the 12 collection points across the A outdid themselves as a

    total collection of 1 kgs was recorded. also has a new member

    in its family in the form of the CC ascot namely Can-Can. ead more

    about the event on age .

    As is launching its electronic recycling campaign this year it was

    but therefore appropriate to have a Community ecture based on this

    theme. r. Ahmad hadid an nformation and Communication echnol-

    ogy professional who is an active advocate of responsible recycling

    programs explained to the audience the global phenomena of increas-

    ing volume of e-wastes its associated environmental economic and

    social issues were discussed along with the various initiatives to addresssuch issues. his ecture was an eye-opener indeed!

    has also opened entries for the nvironmental rawing Competition


    call upon students from schools across the A to come participatewith us and paint beautiful pictures of the environment you live in. As

    Art is a language that cuts across boundaries religions and languages

    am sure we will have some amazing talent coming our way! have no

    doubt that we will have a tough and deliberating time in judging the

    entries and we will announce the winners on the 5th of une during

    s Annual rize iving Ceremony.



    inister of nvironment and other decision-makers.

    n order to honor our supporters and sponsors in the corporate world

    is hosting its Annual ala inner under the honorable patronage of

    is ighness heikh Ahmed Bin aeed Al aktoum resident - ubai

    Civil Aviation Authority Chairman and C - mirates roup Chairman

    ubai Airports.Apart from felicitating our friends in the corporate sector the event will

    serve as a unique platform for networking opportunities allowing

    relationships to be strengthened and environmental solutions or issues

    to be discussed and debated.

    n the 8 1th of arch the etex 211 exhibition and conference will

    be held at the ubai Convention and xhibition Center. As said

    previously is a partner with A this year and is calling upon

    companies to participate in this prestigious exhibition and conference.

    Be a part of this important regional resourcing platform and meet


    electricity and energy.

    he Annual eachers orkshop which will be held on the 28th and 29th

    of arch in nglish and Arabic respectively on the theme ustainable

    Cities: ealthy ife. t shall also explore the different dimensions of this

    great challenge and study different solutions with focus on the role of


    hus as is said above the coming months are a bundle of hustle-bustle

    and energy! will ensure you receive invitations updates and

    information about each of our programs. n turn we hope you will

    support us by participating in as many programs as you can as well as

    supporting us and sending us feedback!

    abiba Al arashi

    EEG Newsletter Together for a Better Environment

    wish you all a beautiful month of arch!

    elcome the month of archwith open arms....

  • 7/31/2019 Eeg Newsletter




    March 2011

    Together for a Better Environment age

    n 22nd ebruary 211 organized its 2nd

    Community ecture of the year on the theme

    -waste ecycling. he speaker r. Ahmad

    hadid an nformation and Communication

    echnology professional is an active advocate

    of responsible recycling programs.

    he lecture began with a warm welcome by r.

    aeed Al Abbar ember on behalf of

    Chairperson rs. abiba Al arashi to the

    audience which included representatives from

    the corporate government academic sectors

    individuals and families from across the A.

    ighlights of upcoming campaigns

    particularly the Can Collection ay were

    presented while calling everyone to come

    forward to be actively involved in the


    he etex 211 xhibition and Conference

    being a beautiful example of public-private

    partnership to uphold the framework of

    cooperation among various organizations and

    sectors in the community was mentioned and

    corporate bodies were called upon to

    participate and gain from it.

    r. hadid began his ecture tackling the

    various issues related to e-waste recycling. he

    global phenomena of increasing volume of

    e-wastes its associated environmental

    economic and social issues were discussed

    along with the various initiatives to address

    such issues. iven the trend and the scale of

    the issue the solutions require the integration

    of government manufacturer and consumer

    efforts to curb the environmental implications

    of the problem. uring the interactive session

    the audience raised questions about the

    e-waste management programs being initiated

    in the A.

    inally r. Al Abbar provided a vote of thanks

    to r. hadid Abela and Co. for providing the

    snacks Crystal allery for the crystal and

    marat Atrium for the venue and thanked all

    the attendees of the day.

    n the 24th of ebruary 211 more than 28 participants from different

    strata of A society gathered at designated locations across the country

    for the collection of Aluminum Cans. s Can Collection ay was an

    astounding success as a total of 8 kgs of Aluminum Cans were

    collected showing a rise of more than 4% from the previous year. rom

    8. am-1: pm enthusiastic participants thronged the 12 collection

    points across the A.

    rs. abiba Al arashi Chairperson said t gives me great

    pleasure to see the growing participation of people from various walks of

    life businessmen housewives students corporate bodies all coming

    together for a single cause. he amount collected on this occasion hassurpassed our previous collections and call upon each and every one of

    you to help us achieve our target of 2 kgs this year.


    cans to volunteers who in turn weighed and recorded them.

    articipants were offered juice and water sponsored by estle ater and


    fun which also revealed the environmental consciousness of the

    participants and volunteers. A friendly competition was also brewing as

    winners of the Campaign would be awarded during the Annual rize

    iving Ceremony in une.

    he CC has also marked the beginning of the hotography

    Competition organized in association with Canon iddle ast which will

    be open until th ay.


    nvironment and Coca-Cola iddle ast. he Campaign is supported bygovernment institutions such as ubai unicipality Ajman ree rade

    one ujairah unicipality A and marat etroleum as well as

    private organizations such as estle aters Abela Co. Al Ain nglish

    peaking chool Al uttaim Carillion American nternational chool

    Abu habi edex conalds erco iddle ast adisson Blu

    harjah ai roup A enath Branches of harjah adies Club and

    harjah City for umanitarian ervices. is grateful to its edia

    upporters which include ays and ulf ews.


    Aluminum ecycling ideo! his video shows the various steps involved in

    recycling Aluminum advantages of recycling this metal and hazards of


    students and adults alike learn more about Aluminum and realize the

    importance of recycling it !

    EEG Newsletter


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    EEG NEWS March 2011

    EEG Newsletter Together for a Better Environment age4

    n line with the thrust to promote awareness on the importance of proper treatment of e-waste in the A particularly the mobile devices and

    accessories in collaboration with okia iddle ast and Africa once again joined hands in a mobile recycling campaign. ow on its rd phase of

    project implementation the campaign reaches new heights as the program extends its reach to a greater number of target participants from the

    various sectors of the A community. he Borrow-A-Bin scheme shall be one again rolled out among s corporate members where recycling binsshall be placed in the participating organizations premises for a week to provide facility for the employees to take part in the campaign.

    A total of 1 dialogue sessions with 1 selected schools are also in pipeline for 211. he dialogue shall highlight the discussions on environmental


    implementation and okia providing the technical expertise on the issues relating to recycling the success of the dialogue in engaging the academic

    institutions to take active part in the mobile recycling campaign is anticipated.

    Another beautiful addition to the campaign is the scheme to translate mobile phone into trees. t is a project whereby all participating organizations

    and individuals shall have the chance to join in the 11/11/11 celebration on 11 ovember 211 through planting of trees under their respective

    names. All participating organizations that shall be able to collect and deposit a minimum of 1 mobile phones for recycling until 1 eptember 211


    n collaboration with the ubai olice eneral epartment of Correctional

    nstitutions the mirates nvironmental roup ) initiated a pilot program

    to collect dry cell batteries at the Central rison acility in the months of

    eptember to ecember 21.hrough the battery collection campaign in the

    prison facility a total of 12 kgs or 5 pieces of dry cell batteries were

    properly disposed in one of the ubai municipalitys treatment facilities in


    ith the success of the initiative and the ubai olice once again joint

    forces in the advocacy to increase awareness on the hazards of used batteries

    on health and environment and the importance of proper waste disposal. he

    campaign is also an effective platform by which the whole prison community

    could positively contribute to promote a greener and more sustainable


    n 211 the project has taken off in the month of ebruary with the collectionof 55kgs of batteries from the prison facility. ooking ahead it is hoped to

    replicate the project in other ubai olice facilities later within the year.

    EEGs Mobile Campaign

    EEGs Battery Collection Campaign


    in une organized by the r. B College of Architecture BCA). Although there

    are various perspectives on understanding a City from being an economic engine

    to a place of cultural institutions from an organized society to a system of

    complex infrastructure this conference focused primarily on the components of

    urban living environments and the various factors responsible for its making.

    Chairperson stopped over at umbai for a meeting with the inister of

    nvironment whom she presented with publications and also explained in

    brief s scope of work.

    rs. Al arashi gave a presentation on ustainable aste anagement

    ystems under the broad theme of esource anagement on the second day

    of the Conference. his presentation focused on ubai as a case study depicting

    its steady growth through images from the 9s and recent times. he also

    emphasized on the role of the society government civil society and the

    corporate world to develop a sustainable nation.

    ater in the day she also chaired a panel session where speakers made strong presentations on ater Conservation and ater arvesting.

    rs. Al arashi was also invited to draw up a concluding vision paper along with 24 professionals which was to be presented to the unicipal

    Commissioner of une at the closing ceremony of the Conference. his paper encompassed the vision of ealthy Cities from the perspectives of all 25

    members including dentity ell-Being quity articipation Access lurality itality rogression afety ecurity and roductivity.

  • 7/31/2019 Eeg Newsletter


    EEG NEWS March 2011

    EEG Newsletter Together for a Better Environment age5

    Al Hosn Universitys Commencement Ceremonyn the 22nd of ebruary was invited to give the key note address during Al osn niversitys Commencement Ceremony which honored 2

    graduates for their academic achievements. he event at the mirates alace otel Auditorium was held under the patronage of .. t. eneral

    heikh aif Bin ayed Al ahyan A inister of nterior and eputy rime inister and in the presence of .. heikh haled Bin ayed Al ahyan

    ice Chairman of tihad Airways Board. rs. abiba Al arashi urged the students to be successful professionals in their life but wanted them to be

    even greater human beings. uoting the oly uran she said ee ye not how Allah hath made serviceable unto you whatsoever is in the skies and

    whatsoever is in the earth and hath loaded you with is favours both without and within? {uqman: 2} to live and inhabit it e it is ho produced

    you from the earth and has given you to live therein {ud: 1}. At the same time we know that this is a temporary abode and non-permanent and

    in the earth a dwelling shall be yours and enjoyment for a while {Al Baqara: }.

    hus she told the students that each of us had a responsibly to take care of them and improve on what e has given us before we hand it over to


    environmentalism in the A.

    Dar Al Marefa School Visits Glass Recycling Factorytudents of the ar Al arefa chool received a unique opportunity to visit the ebel Ali Container and

    lass actory as part of their nit of nquiry program. hese students are taught that materials are

    used according to their properties and thus they were taken on this trip to see how glass bottles are

    made. he students were taken inside and outside the factory as they watched how the factory

    produces 2 glass bottles per day! hey also saw how recycled glass is used and were able to

    ask questions to the staff. verall it was a very enjoyable and informative trip for these students of

    the ar Al arefa chool.

    Golam: The Servicer of Servicers2-year old olam has been with the eam for three years and is still enthusiastic to pursue his

    vocation of serving his colleagues while doing his share to protect and preserve the environment. was

    recommended by my ncle to the husband of rs. Al arashi. he Chairperson took me even if was notable to speak a word of nglish. he Chairperson was patient to teach me to communicate and encour-

    aged me to learn technical skills like repairing computer printers. am enjoying the learning experience

    here in am developing a lot of skills and am also meeting a lot of people most of them are oyals

    and ignitaries and the Chairperson is always very kind to introduce me to them as part of her eam.

    ow know my family and friends in Bangladesh will be proud of me as have grown very well profession-

    ally olam anuary 24 211 sharing with eam mates]

    olam is a house name in . rom distributing e-mails to printer repairs to ensuring project supplies

    are used judiciously he cheerfully moves around to ensure that things are in order. ot only that he

    ensures that guests and partners who are bringing their recyclable wastes to are well-attended and

    the volume of recyclables are well recorded.

    he Chairperson said that need to learn how to use the computer. he mentioned that to my

    colleagues and everyone is willing to teach me how to do encoding. think when stay long in will

    come back to my home country as a skilled professional. olam]

    Ghaf Tree Planting at DPS,harjah rimary ing elhi rivate chool ) harjah has pledged to

    join s illion ree Campaign which falls under the aegis of s

    Billion ree Campaign by planting the indigeneous haf tree in their

    school campus. he tree was planted by r. A... Abdul alam former

    resident of ndia. he tree was planted as it is the national tree of the

    A and a symbol of Arab heritage.


    MOU for Environmental Preservationhe nvironment Agency Abu habi and ubai unicipality have signed a emorandum of nderstanding ) for the exchange of environmental

    information and data to strengthen their joint efforts in preserving the environment and to combat all forms of pollution in the country for sustainable


    and improving the quality of ambient air in order to take necessary precautions for the reduction of the negative effects of air pollution on humanhealth and the environment.

    he two sides have agreed to activate the electronic link between the network of air quality monitoring in Abu habi and that in ubai and to

    exchange information to improve the quality of air in both the mirates.


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    6/9EEG Newsletter Together for a Better Environment age

    Arabia CSR Updateur sister organization the Arabia C etwork too has had a busy month with big events coming up in arch and April. n arch we will


    which has generated a lot of interest among the corporate sector in the Arab world. he method of ocial eturn on nvestment ) is

    designed to capture these values and assist decision-makers in effectively selecting investments that are aligned with the rganizations

    core values and objectives.


    as the community engaged in the conservation programme - which may be done hassle-free using the alue ame ebtool.

    n April AC will launch the fourth cycle of the Arabia C Awards. he Awards are already a matter of great interest among potential

    participants as we are receiving umpteen calls regarding the launch date questionnaire and other important aspects. e call upon the

    corporate world in the A and the Arab world to come forward and make this a memorable year and compete to be the most sustainable

    companies in the region!

    Best Practice in Sustainability and Social Responsibility:hared alues he orkshop on Best ractice in ustainability and ocial esponsibility: hared alues will be held on the 12-1 arch 211.

    argeted at Cs and C anagers the aim of the workshop is to promote Corporate ocial esponsibility and share values betweenpublic private and civil society sectors through engaging organizations in their development strategy. he speaker r. atthias tausberg

    ead of ublic Affairs edia elations and lobal Compact pokesperson will be providing a closer look at C shared values

    corporate citizenship and value for business. e will also be focusing on C principles and fundamentals of developing C strategy and

    measuring performance.

    LOCAL NEWS March 2011


    nder the patronage of is ighness heikh r. ultan bin ohammed Al asimi upreme Councilember and uler of harjah AA organized the 12thnternational orkshop for the maintenance of

    biodiversity in the environments of the Arabian eninsula in the esert ark-harjah with the

    participation of about regional and international experts and scholars.

    his workshop comes as part of a strategy based on the principle of responsibility and commitment to


    contribute to the industry's strategy for sound biodiversity conservation in the countries of the Arabian




    for implementing the action plans that have been carried out through the discussion of Arab ed ist


    which has been prepared in the 29 workshop showed that about 9% of the natural reserves in the

    region dont have a management plan.

    EPAA celebrates the National Environment Day

    nder the theme of iving esert) AA and Awareness Committee in cooperation with the Arab Cultural Cluborganized a celebration on the occasion

    of the ational nvironment ayon the evening of ebruary .

    he event included the opening of an environmental exhibition which showed paintings from the terrestrial environment and awareness-raising

    posters as well as plant samples from the A. Also organized during the ceremony were competitions around environmental education programs free

    for children and face painting inspired by the terrestrial environment in addition to the technical workshop on the terrestrial environment and play

    dolls for children iving esert).

    n the sidelines a panel discussion on the maintenance of environment and wilderness areas in harjah and the administrative decision o. 1 for the

    year 28 issued by .. heikh r. ultan bin ohammed Al asimi upreme Council ember and uler of harjah that prescribes preservationof the

    desert environment and sustainable maintenance. AA take the annual celebration of national environment day as the basis for planning activities in

    association with the concerned authorities in the emirate of harjah. Choosing the desert environment as the theme for this year celebration falls in

    line with government of harjah trategy towards protecting the wildlife of the emirate.

    WETEX exhibition and Conference 2011

    A the lectricity and ater Authority of ubai will be organizing the 1th cycle of the etex 211 exhibition

    which is the premier forum for water energy and environment from the 8th to 1th of arch. A has announced


    positive growth in this cycle - an increase of 4% in area and % in the number of exhibitors and 9% in the number

    of participating countries.

    he exhibition supported by partners such as the mirates nvironmental roup will attract national regional and international companies

    belonging to 25 countries from different continents. A number of ministries departments and associations of the public sector will also be seen


    he etex 211 xhibition is being organized under the directives of is ighness heikh ohammed bin ashid Al aktoum ice-resident and rime

    inister and uler of ubai and under the patronage of heikh amdan bin ashid Al aktoum eputy uler of ubai and A inister of inance

    and Chairman of the Commission.

    he exhibition aims to display the latest technologies available in the global market in the areas of water energy and environment which is the basis

    for sustainable development. n the sidelines of etex 211 will be a series of seminars and lectures on the topics of electricity water energy and

    global developments.

    A calls upon members from all sections of society to visit the exhibition and has offered free entry to them with an aim to spread awareness to

    a larger slice of the population. hus etex 211 is not just directed towards the corporate sector but also to inform the public on topics such as

    the rationalization of electricity and water consumption to preserve the environmental resources.

    12thInternational Workshop for the maintenance of biodiversity in the environments of the Arabian Peninsula

  • 7/31/2019 Eeg Newsletter


    International Year of Forests!he nited ations eneral Assembly has declared 211 as the nternational ear of orests to raise awareness on sustainable management


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    EEG Newsletter Together for a Better Environment age8


    eachers orkshop: n order to teach the eachers will be conducting its Annual eachers orkshop on the 28th and

    29th of arch!

    nter-chool nvironmental ublic peaking Competition will be conducting its 11th Cycle of it nter chool

    nvironmental ublic peaking Competition. e call upon schools from the A to compete for the prestigious trophy!

    ACs irst orkshop of the year: ocial eturn on nvestment will be held in the month of arch.

    ulf esearch Center: he second annual ulf esearch eeting will take place from uly to 9 211 at the niversity of

    Cambridge in the . t is organized by the ulf esearch Center with the aim to provide an academic environment to

    foster ulf studies and to encourage scholarly and academic exchange among those working on or interested in the


    on the workshop please visit http://grcevent.net/cambridge211/index.php

    etex 211: he etex 211 xhibition and Conference will be held at the ubai orld rade Center from the 8th to 1th

    of arch. hose interested can contact [email protected] to book their stands at a discount of 5%.

    B A

    warmly welcomed 1 new and 1 renewed tudent ndividual members 1 new Academic institution's members 1 new and 12

    renewed Corporate members and 1 renewed C and Associate member in the month of ebruary 211




    CSR Members



    welcomes new members as part of our family. is a professional working organization that provides volunteering opportunities for thecommunity to engage in programs and activities to raise their environmental awareness and contribute to environmental protection.

    to know more about : Call 91) 4 44 822 or ax us at 91) 4 44 8/ og on www.eeg-uae.org ; or e-mail us on [email protected]

    Ambrose Vase

    Hind Sultan Al Souqi

    Ibrahmin Mohd Al Hatawi

    Bhavya Mittal

    Dar Al Marefa Private School

    Moevenpick Hotel Deira



    Arup Gulf Limited

    Coca Cola

    Rana Awwad











    Coca Cola Renewal
















    Nirja Kumar Abdulla Ahmad Al Sowaidi

    Abdulrahman Al Marzooqi

    Kailas Satheesh

    Pulakesh Narendra Lohiya

    Saif Ahmad Al Sowaidi

    Oasis Beach Hotel & Tower

    Cristal Hotel Abu Dhabi

    Clifford Chance LLP

    Pico International Jebel Ali Golf Resort & Spa

    Abu Dhabi SewerageServices Company

    Emirates National Group

    Le Meridien andThe Westin Complex



    MAIL BAG heikha ameela bent ohammed Al asimi irector eneral of harjah City for umanitarian ervices sent to :"e sincerely appreciate and commend your efforts your noble interest in the environment and the adoption of

    environmental issues in our Country. e wish you luck and success in achieving all your environmental objectives"

  • 7/31/2019 Eeg Newsletter

    9/9EEG Newsletter Together for a Better Environment age






    nfortunately this ebruary 211 collection of aper was really disappointing as it has decreased by 4.8% from ebruary 21 with increase in

    number of participants from 9 to 8. he collection of ebruary 211 reached 485 kg which shows a decrease of .14% in collection compared

    with ebruary 211 . embers !!! ets put more efforts to recycle this valuable raw material and contribute in combating the effects of global

    warming. he op collectors were:

    n Can Collection ay; we managed to collect 18 kg of Aluminum Cans through out all the mirates. Along with that we have collected 45kg of

    Aluminum Cans from our regular members. o all together has collected 819 kg of Aluminum Cans in ebruary 211. his shows an increase of

    41.98% compared to ebruary 21. reat ob !!! he top three collectors were:

    ecycling glass means conserving water and energy! thanks the 49 participants for collecting 2422 kg in the month of ebruary 211 a 5%

    increase from ebruary 21 with 2.158 kg collected from 2 participants. Compare to ebruary 211 the collection percentage has decreased with

    11.11 %. ets encourage more people to recycle this material. he top three collectors were:


    e need to involve more people in our plastic recycling campaign. he collection of plastic for ebruary 211 reached only gs from 1

    participants a 12. % decrease from ebruary 21 involving 15 participants. ebruary 211 plastic collection has also decreased 1.8 % compared



    A total of 29 pieces were collected from 22 participants in the month of ebruary 211 a drastic decrease of % from ebruary 211 with total

    collection of 82 pieces. oner Collection for the month of ebruary 211 has also decreased by .2% compared to ebruary 21 with total collection


    he top Collectors for the month were:

    Dubai Womens College Arshad S. KantawalaPetrofacSharjah2330


















    Leen School andKindergartenAUH Emirates Flight Catering Mohammed Ali Badshah

    Jumeirah English Speaking School

    Ajman High School Abela & CompanyAl Garhoud Alisha Mohammed Ismail

    Branch of Sharjah Ladies Club

    Disha Bobby









    Dubai Gem Private School Ibis HotelBarsha

    Cristal Hotel

    Keo InternationalCrystal Gallery (Tie Up)

    ABB Industries

    The ClubAUH

    Emirates Golf ClubGreen Areas

    Divij Duggal

    Kailas S.K.

    American Community School

    Etisalat Academy

    American School of DubaiBarsha Haseena BadshahABB Industries

    Abu Dhabi Indian SchoolAUH Neha SwaminathanInternational TankerManagement










    International School ofChoueifatAUH

    Fujairah Private Academy

    Jams Academy

    Akbar Badshah

    Hussein Dawood

    Abdullah Malallah

    175 10030 307

    65 4115

    50 2140



    Dubai EnglishSpeaking School

    Al Rabee Kindergarten

    Dubai College

    Dubai EnglishSpeaking School

    Al Rabee Kindergarten

    Dubai College

    Mohammed Ali Badshah

    Ursula Garrow Kennedy

    Hussein Dawood

    Schools Companies Individual(pieces) (pieces) (pieces)

    Schools Companies Individual(pieces) (pieces) (pieces)

    Schools Companies Individual(pieces) (pieces) (pieces)

    Schools Companies Individual(pieces) (pieces) (pieces)

    Schools Companies Individual(pieces) (pieces) (pieces)
