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EEM MOD003477 Module Guide

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  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Lord Ashcroft International Business School

    Enterprise andEntrepreneurial Management

    Marketing, Strategy and Enterprise

    Module Code: MOD003477

    Year: 204!"Semester:

    #$ademi$ Year: 204!"Semester!%rimester:

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide


    Module Title............................................................................................................................................... 11. Key Information..................................................................................................................................... 22. Introduction to the Module.....................................................................................................................23. Intended Learning Outcomes................................................................................................................2

    3.1 m!loya"ility s#ills deli$ered in this Module........................................................................................3%. Outline &eli$ery..................................................................................................................................... %%.1 Attendance 'e(uirements...................................................................................................................)). Assessment........................................................................................................................................... *).1 Su"mitting $ia Turnitin+,K -radeMar# /am"ridge and /helmsford students0..................................).2 Su"mitting your or# Students in all other locations at Associate /olleges0.......................................).3 Mar#ing 'u"ric and 4eed"ac#.......................................................................................................... 15).% 'e6Assessment 7resit8.......................................................................................................................15*. 9o is My :or# Mar#ed;....................................................................................................................15. Assessment /riteria and Mar#ing Standards.......................................................................................1%.1 S!ecific Assessment /riteria and Mar#ing 'u"ric..............................................................................1%.2 ,ni$ersity -eneric Assessment /riteria.............................................................................................1)

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    ' (ey )n*ormation

    Module: nter!rise and ntre!reneurial Management

    Module +eader: Ste$e Mc&onald

    /am"ridge@Lord Ashcroft Building@=tension> 2 ste$e.mcdonaldanglia.ac.u#

    Module %utors: Ste$e Mc&onald and &orothy 9a#ins

    $ery module has a Module &efinition 4orm 7M&48 hich is the officially $alidated record of the module.ou can access the M&4 for this module in three ays $ia>

    the Cirtual Learning n$ironment 7CL8

    the My.Anglia Module Catalogueat .anglia.ac.u#@modulecatalogue

    Anglia 'us#inDs module search engine facility at .anglia.ac.u#@modules

    All modules deli$ered "y Anglia 'us#in ,ni$ersity at its main cam!uses in the ,K and at Associate/olleges throughout the ,K and o$erseas are go$erned "y the Academic Regulations. ou can $iethese at .anglia.ac.u#@academicregs . A !rinted e=tract of theAcademic RegulationsE #non as theAssessment RegulationsE is a$aila"le for e$ery student from your 4aculty Office 7all ne students illha$e recei$ed a co!y as !art of their elcome !ac#8.

    In the unli#ely e$ent of any discre!ancy "eteen the Academic Regulationsand any other !u"licationEincluding this module guideE the Academic RegulationsE as the definiti$e documentE ta#e !recedenceo$er all other !u"lications and ill "e a!!lied in all cases.

    2' )ntrodu$tion to te ModuleThis module ill introduce and de$elo! the s#ills and #noledge surrounding entre!reneurshi! and"usiness start6u!. A systematic e=!loration of the current academic literature and its a!!lication to!ractical enter!rise and entre!reneurial management ithin a real "usiness !lanning conte=t ill "eunderta#en. The core to this module ill in$ol$e de$elo!ing an understanding of the #ey stagesassociated ith a "usiness start6u!. In additionE the module ill e=!lore the !ractical s#ills re(uired toesta"lish an entre!reneurial $enture and the !rocesses associated ith> the management of all theelements connected ith "usiness !lanning> for e=am!leF creati$ityE management and leadershi! and"uilding #ey "usiness relationshi!sE financial !lanning and understanding the im!ortance of settingand achie$ing realistic goals.

    ?age 2

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    3' )ntended +earning Out$omes

    1Knoledge andunderstanding &emonstrate an understanding of the #ey stages in de$elo!ing a !lan fora "usiness start6u!E incor!orating current academic theory and literatureE

    alongside real orld a!!lication.

    2 Knoledge andunderstanding

    Identify and assess the challenges and o!!ortunities associated ith ofcreating a start6u! "usiness.

    3 IntellectualE !racticalEaffecti$e andtransfera"le s#ills

    An understanding of the !ractical a!!lication of critical analysisE on6going"usiness e$aluation and achie$ing set targets effecti$ely.

    % IntellectualE !racticalEaffecti$e and

    transfera"le s#ills

    The a"ility to critically reflect on the im!act of self6efficacy alongside thesuccessful entre!reneurial !ractitioner.

    Anglia Ruskin modules are taught on the basis of intended learning outcomes and that, on successfulcompletion of the module, students will be expected to be able to demonstrate they have met thoseoutcomes.

    ?age 3

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    3' Employa-ility skills deli.ered in tis Module

    It is im!ortant that e hel! you de$elo! em!loya"ility s#ills throughout your course hich ill assist youin securing em!loyment and su!!orting you in your future career. &uring your course you ill ac(uire aide range of #ey s#ills. In this moduleE you ill de$elo! those identified "elo>

    ?age %

    S()++ Skills a$/uired in tismodule

    /ommunication 7oral8 =

    /ommunication 7ritten8 =

    /ommercial Aareness =

    /ultural sensiti$ity =

    /ustomer focus =

    &ata 9andling =

    &ecision ma#ing =

    nter!rising =

    4le=i"ility =

    Initiati$e =

    Inter!ersonal S#ills =

    Leadershi!@Management of others =

    Getor#ing =

    Organisational ada!ta"ility =

    ?roHect Management =

    ?ro"lem Sol$ing and analytical s#ills =

    'es!onsi"ility =Team or#ing =

    Time Management =


  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    4' Outline Deli.ery

    k +e$ture Seminar!orksop Student1managed learning

    1 Introduction to the module> identifying andunderstanding #ey terminology

    =!loring the #ey terms> nter!riseEentre!reneurshi! and Inno$ation

    'ead ee#s 1 and 2 of the #ey te=t

    2 Introducing the !ur!ose of "usiness !lans>hy rite itE hat should it include

    Team "uildingE "ridging the ga! "eteentheory and !ractice of "usiness !lanning

    'ead ee# 3 of the #ey te=t

    3 /reati$ity and Idea generation 4ostering a culture of creati$ity and the

    "enefits of a creati$e organisation

    'ead ee# % of the #ey te=t

    % /reati$ity and Idea generat ion 7!utt ing theidea into !ractice8

    =!loring ho to de$elo! an idea into a"usiness o!!ortunity

    'ead ee# ) of the #ey te=t

    ) The im!ortance of accurate mar#et research ?lanning and managing mar#et research 'ead ee# * of the #ey te=t

    * Identifying and communicating ithsta#eholders

    The im!ortance of #noing ho you shouldcommunicate ith hen starting a ne"usiness

    'ead ee# of the #ey te=t

    The im!ortance of cash floE "rea# e$en!oints and financial !lanning

    /reating and understanding /ash 4lo4orecasts

    'ead ee# < of the #ey te=t

    < Business models ,nderstanding the different "usiness modelsa$aila"le to start6u! "usinesses

    'ead ee# of the #ey te=t

    ,nderstanding the assignmentSelf6efficacy and realistic goal setting

    :or#ing on and !lanning the assignment 'ead ee# 15 of the #ey te=t

    15 The im!ortance of "uilding a "rand &esigning a "rand for your "usiness ideas 'ead ee# 11 of the #ey te=t

    11 Identifying the challenges associated ithntre!reneurial $entures

    IdentifyingE com!etiti$e ad$antage for your"usiness idea

    'ead ee# 12 of the #ey te=t

    12 Ad$ice on the assignment 'e6ca! of the information e ha$e co$ered sofar

    'ead ee# 12 of the #ey te=t

    The key text has been specifically compiled to provide you with relevant information relating to the delivery of the module on a weeklybasis. owever, you should also be undertaking additional reading, which can be found in the reading list for this module. All students areexpected to have access to a copy of the key text.

    ?age )

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    4' #ttendan$e e/uirements

    Attending all your classes is $ery im!ortant and one of the "est ays to hel! you succeed in this module.'esearch has found a clear correlation "eteen student attendance and o$erall !erformance. Inaccordance ith the Student /harterE you are e=!ected to arri$e on time and ta#e an acti$e !art in all

    your timeta"led classes. If you are una"le to attend a class for a $alid reason 7e.g. illness8E !leasecontact your Module Tutor

    Anglia 'us#in ill closely monitor the attendance of all students and ill contact you if you ha$e "eena"sent ithout notice for to ee#s. /ontinued a"sence can result in $arious conse(uences includingthe termination of your registration as you ill "e considered to ha$e ithdran from your studies.

    International students ho are non6A nationals and in !ossession of entry clearance@lea$e to remainas a student 7student $isa8 are re(uired to "e in regular attendance at Anglia 'us#in. 4ailure to do so isconsidered to "e a "reach of national immigration regulations. Anglia 'us#inE li#e all British ,ni$ersitiesEis statutorily o"liged to inform the ,K Border Agency of the 9ome Office of significant unauthoriseda"sences "y any student $isa holders.

    ?age *

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    "' #ssessment

    %e assessment *or tis module $onsists o* to parts' Su-mission dates .ary'

    E 5O 204!" 6 C+OSE %)ME 5O S8M)SS)O O5 O( O DE#D+)E D#Y

    9lease note tat *rom te 204!" a$ademi$ year, te $losure time *or te su-mission o* ork onany date tat is gi.en as a *inal deadline in a$$ordan$e it te a$ademi$ $alendar; ill mo.e*rom "pm to 2pm 4:00 ours;'

    9art %ype o* assessment ord or timelimit


    Su-mission dates

    1 Multi!le choice 2)(uestions

    In class :ee#

    2 :ritten re!ort 2E555:ord

    GO LAT' T9AG>Le$el )> Tuesday *thanuary 251) "y2!m


    1. Multiple $oi$e test: selection of 2) (uestions randomly selected foreach seminar class. The (uestions ill "e "ased on the informationco$ered in the !re$ious si= ee#s of the module.

    35 1E2E3

    2. ritten eport:The second !art of the assignment ill re(uire you torite a 2555 ord re!ort hich !resents the !ro!osed mar#et researchto "e underta#en for the indi$idual "usiness start6u! ideaE running as asole trader. The re!ort must include a critical e$aluation of the methodsand a!!roaches chosen for the mar#et research and hy it is im!ortantto underta#e mar#et research "efore setting u! the "usiness.

    5 1E2E3E%

    %O%#+ M#(S 155J

    "' Su-mitting .ia %urnitin

    !" Campus submission# $rademark% &ubmission

    All courseor# assignments and other forms of assessment must "e su"mitted "y the !u"lisheddeadline hich is detailed a"o$e. It is your res!onsi"ility to #no hen or# is due to "e su"mitted ignorance of the deadline date ill not "e acce!ted as a reason for late or non6su"mission.

    All student or# hich contri"utes to the e$entual outcome of the module 7i.e.> if it determines hetheryou ill !ass or fail the module and counts toards the mar# you achie$e for the module8 is su"mitted$ia Turnitin@-radeMar#+. ou /AGGOT su"mit or# for this element $ia the i/entres and Academicstaff /AGGOT acce!t or# directly from you.

    Any late or# 7!osted to Turnitin@-rademar#+8 ill GOT "e considered and a mar# of ero ill "eaarded for the assessment tas# in (uestion.

    ou are re(uested to #ee! a co!y of your or#.


  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    'ff main !" campus only ( i)Centre &ubmission

    All courseor# assignments and other forms of assessment must "e su"mitted "y the !u"lisheddeadline hich is detailed a"o$e. It is your res!onsi"ility to #no hen or# is due to "e su"mitted

    ignorance of the deadline date ill not "e acce!ted as a reason for late or non6su"mission.

    All student or# hich contri"utes to the e$entual outcome of the module 7i.e.> if it determines hetheryou ill !ass or fail the module and counts toards the mar# you achie$e for the module8 is su"mitted$ia the i/entreusing the formal su"mission sheet. Academic staff /AGGOT acce!t or# directly fromyou.

    If you decide to su"mit your or# to the i/entre "y !ostE it must arri$e "y midday on the due date. If youelect to !ost your or#E you do so at your on ris# and you must ensure that sufficient time is !ro$idedfor your or# to arri$e at the i/entre. ?osting your or# the day "efore a deadlineE al"eit "y first class!ostE is e=tremely ris#y and not ad$ised.

    Any late or# 7su"mitted in !erson or "y !ost8 ill GOT "e acce!ted and a mar# of ero ill "e aardedfor the assessment tas# in (uestion.

    ou are re(uested to #ee! a co!y of your or#.

    "'2' Su-mitting your ork .ia %urnitin!&rademark< =Cam-ridge and Celms*ord students>

    ou are re(uired to su"mit your ritten assignment7s8 online $ia Turnitin@-rademar#. ,nless stated onthe assignment "riefE all your assignments should "e su"mitted online. 9ard co!y assignments handedinto the i/entre ill O% "e mar#ed. You must put YO Student )D num-er S)D; as tesu-mission title details -elo;'

    ou ill "e enrolled automatically to to ty!es of Turnitin class> 18 -rademar# /lasses entitled "ymodule nameE to hich you ill su"mit a OG TIM OGL final su"missionF 28 The Originality 'e!ort/lass to hich you can su"mit multi!le drafts for originality chec#ing.

    The -rademar# class !age shos the start date 7hen you can "egin su"mitting or#8E the due date foryour assignment and the !ost date. All assignments must "e su"mitted "y )!m on the due date. Anylate or# ill GOT "e acce!ted and a mar# of ero ill "e aarded for the assessment tas# in (uestion.The !ost date is the date hen "oth feed"ac# and !ro$isional results ill "e !osted online. ou shouldfollo the detailed instructions !ro$ided on the CL>htt!s>@@$le.anglia.ac.u#@sites@LTA@-rademar#@/[email protected]!=

    :hen you su"mit your !a!erE remem"er to>


  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    O+)E S8M)SS)O #D 5EED8#C( %?O&? DEM#(

    At the !ost date you ill get your feed"ac# through Turnitin@-rademar#. :e ha$e im!lemented thisonline feed"ac# system to gi$e you the folloing "enefits>

    More timely recei!t of your feed"ac#F

    Better (uality feed"ac#F

    The a"ility to hand in your or# onlineF

    'eduction in time s!ent (ueuing to hand in and !ic# u! your assignmentsF

    The a"ility to recei$e mar#er feed"ac# hen it is !ostedE regardless of your locationF

    'eduction of "oth yours and the uni$ersityDs car"on foot!rint "y no longer !rinting or#.

    ?O %O @)E YO 5EED8#C(

    /lic# on the class that you ish to $ie and then you ill see the assignments for the module listed./lic# the "lue $ie "utton to o!en u! the document $ieer. A ne indo ill o!en and you ill seeyour feed"ac# on the right6hand side of the screen. Or clic# on the grey arro to donload a co!y ofyour assignment and feed"ac#.


  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    9O)%S %O O%E

    1. The due date as seen in eCision is the official su"mission deadline. Any late or# ill GOT "eacce!ted and a mar# of ero ill "e aarded for the assessment tas# in (uestion. &o not lea$e ituntil the last minute to su"mit your or# the system "ecomes e=tremely "usy and can "esloer during the !eriod of the deadline.

    2. -rademar# final su"mission classes ill "ecome a$aila"le 15 or#ing days "efore the finalsu"mission date. Be aare that or# can only "e su"mitted OG/ to these classes and cannot"e remo$ed or changed.

    3. All or# su"mitted M,ST "e entitled "y your Student I& num"er.

    %. Any or# handed in $ia the i/entre ill GOT "e mar#ed.

    ). The Originality 'e!ort is automatically generated "y Turnitin on su"mitting or#. A !a!er co!y ofthe originality re!ort is not re(uired.

    *. The Originality 'e!ort ill not "e used to ma#e assessment decisions unless concerns arise asto !oor academic !racticeE !lagiarismE or collusion. The re!ort may then "e considered as !art ofthe normal in$estigatory !rocedures underta#en "y the academic team and the &irector ofStudies 7againE !lease see Section 15 of the Assessment 'egulations8.

    . 'e6sits and e=tensions are also to "e su"mitted $ia Turnitin. Ge Turnitin classes ill "e createdfor re6sits.

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    Any late or# ill GOT "e acce!ted and a mar# of ero ill "e aarded for the assessment tas# in(uestion.

    ou are re(uested to #ee! a co!y of your or#.

    "'3 Marking u-ri$ and 5eed-a$k

    The ru"ricE shon in Section .1 S!ecific Mar#ing /riteriaE ill "e used to mar# your or#.


    ou are entitled to ritten feed"ac# on your !erformance for all your assessed or#. 4or all assessmenttas#s hich are not e=aminationsE this is !ro$ided "y a mem"er of academic staff through -rademar# at/am"ridge and /helmsford. At other locations and Associate /ollegesE this is !ro$ided through thecom!letion of the assignment co$ersheet on hich your mar# and feed"ac# ill relate to theachie$ement of the moduleDs intended learning outcomes and the assessment criteria you ere gi$en forthe tas# hen it as first issued.

    =amination scri!ts are retained "y Anglia 'us#in and are not returned to students. 9oe$erE you areentitled to feed"ac# on your !erformance in an e=amination and may re(uest a meeting ith the ModuleLeader or Tutor to see your e=amination scri!t and to discuss your !erformance.

    Anglia 'us#in is committed to !ro$iding you ith feed"ac# on all assessed or# ithin 20 orking daysof the su"mission deadline or the date of an e=amination. This is e=tended to 35 days for feed"ac# for aMaHor ?roHect module 7!lease note that or#ing days e=cludes those days hen Anglia 'us#in ,ni$ersityis officially closedF e.g. "eteen /hristmas and Ge ear8. ?ersonal tutors ill offer to read feed"ac#from se$eral modules and hel! you to address any common themes that may "e emerging.

    On occasionE you ill recei$e feed"ac# and mar#s for or# that you com!leted in the earlier stages of

    the module. :e !ro$ide you ith this feed"ac# as !art of the learning e=!erience and to hel! you!re!are for other assessment tas#s that you ha$e still to com!lete. It is im!ortant to note thatE in thesecasesE the mar#s for these !ieces of or# are un$on*irmed. %is means tat, potentially, marks $an$ange, in eiter dire$tionA

    Mar#s for modules and indi$idual !ieces of or# "ecome confirmed on the &ates for the Official?u"lication of 'esults hich can "e chec#ed at .anglia.ac.u#@results .

    "'4 e1#ssessment resit;

    If you are unsuccessful ith the 1st attem!t of your assessmentE you must com!lete a re6assessment.

    As indicated in Section *.2.. of the Senate /ode of ?ractice. In other modules you may "e re(uired tounderta#e a ne assessmentE hoe$erE in this module you are re(uired to re6or# the originalassignment as it is uni(ue to you. The re6assessment information is gi$en in A!!endi= 1.

    B' ?o is My ork Marked

    After you ha$e su"mitted your or# or you ha$e com!leted an e=aminationE Anglia 'us#in underta#es aseries of acti$ities to assure that our mar#ing !rocesses are com!ara"le ith those em!loyed at otheruni$ersities in the ,K and that your or# has "een mar#ed fairlyE honestly and consistently. Theseinclude>

    Anonymous marking your name is not attached to your or# soE at the !oint of mar#ingE the

    lecturer does not #no hose or# he@she is considering. :hen you underta#e an assessment tas#here your identity is #non 7e.g. a !resentation or MaHor ?roHect8E it is mar#ed "y more than onelecturer 7#non as dou"le mar#ing8

    ?age 11

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    Internal moderation a sam!le of all or# for each assessment tas# in each module is moderated

    "y other Anglia 'us#in staff to chec# the standards and consistency of the mar#ing

    External moderation a sam!le of student or# for all modules is moderated "y e=ternal

    e=aminers e=!erienced academic staff from other uni$ersities 7and sometimes !ractitioners ho

    re!resent rele$ant !rofessions8 6 ho scrutinise your or# and !ro$ide Anglia 'us#in academic staffith feed"ac#E ad$ice and assurance that the mar#ing of your or# is com!ara"le to that in other ,Kuni$ersities. Many of Anglia 'us#inDs staff act as e=ternal e=aminers at other uni$ersities.

    Departmental Assessment Panel (DAP) !erformance "y all students on all modules is discussed

    and a!!ro$ed at the a!!ro!riate &A?s hich are attended "y all rele$ant Module Leaders ande=ternal e=aminers. Anglia 'us#in has o$er 2) &A?s to co$er all the different su"Hects e teach.

    This module falls ithin the remit of the Mar#etingE nter!rise and Strategy&A?.

    The folloing e=ternal e=aminers are a!!ointed to this &A? and ill o$ersee the assessment of this

    and other modules ithin the &A?Ds remit>

    M#(E%)&, E%E9)SE #D S%#%E&Y

    Eternal Eaminers ame #$ademi$ )nstitution 9osition or Employer

    Dr (ostas &alanakis ottingam %rent 9rin$ipal +e$turer

    The a"o$e list is correct at the time of !u"lication. 9oe$erE e=ternal e=aminers are a!!ointed at

    $arious !oints throughout the year. An u!6to6date list of e=ternal e=aminers is a$aila"le to students andstaff at.anglia.ac.u#@eeinfo.

    Anglia 'us#inDs mar#ing !rocess is re!resented in the flochart "elo>

    ?age 12

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    Anglia 'us#inDs mar#ing !rocess is re!resented in the flochart "elo>

    ?age 13

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    Student su"mitsor# @ sits


    :or# collated and !assed toModule Leader

    :or# is mar#ed "y ModuleLeader and Module Tutor7s81. Allmar#s collated "y Module Leader

    for ALL locations2

    Internal moderation sam!lesselected. Moderation underta#en

    "y a second academic3

    ,nconfirmed mar#s and feed"ac#to students ithin 25 or#ing

    days 735 or#ing days for MaHor?roHects8

    =ternal moderation sam!lesselected and moderated "y

    =ternal =aminers%

    Mar#s su"mitted to &A?)forconsideration and a!!ro$al

    Mar#s A!!ro$ed "y &A?)andforarded to Aards Board

    Any issues;

    Any issues;

    Students recei$einitial 7unconfirmed8


    /onfirmed mar#sissued to students

    $ia e6Cision










    5lo$art o* #nglia uskins Marking 9ro$esses

    All or# is mar#ed anonymously or dou"le mar#ed here identity of the student is #non 7e.g.in a !resentation8

    The internal 7and e=ternal8 moderation !rocess com!ares or# from all locations here the module is deli$ered7e.g./am"ridgeE /helmsfordE ?eter"oroughE MalaysiaE IndiaE Trinidad etc.8

    The sam!le for the internal moderation !rocess com!rises a minimum of eight !ieces of or# or 15J 7hiche$er isthe greater8 for each mar#er and co$ers the full range of mar#s

    Only modules at le$els )E * and are su"Hect to e=ternal moderation 7unless re(uired for se!arate reasons8. Thesam!le for the e=ternal moderation !rocess com!rises a minimum of eight !ieces of or# or 15J 7hiche$er isthe greater8 for the entire module and co$ers the full range of mar#s

    &A?> &e!artmental Assessment ?anel Anglia 'us#in has o$er 2) different &A?s to reflect our su"Hect co$erage?age 1%

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    7' #ssessment Criteria and Marking Standards

    7' Spe$i*i$ #ssessment Criteria and Marking u-ri$

    Marking s$eme *or: 0 9#% %O O5 %?E #SSESSME%; ritten report%is report ill -e marked out o* a 00F oe.er, it ill $ontri-ute to 70F o* your o.erall mark

    %e *olloing sould -e$o.ered

    Comments *rom marker Markaarded

    9resentation o* report: All rele$ant sections

    clearly used and in alogical order

    4ormatted a!!ro!riately

    using headings andsu"headings

    ,sed a!!ro!riate

    academic language and#ey terms

    A!!ro!riate use of the

    9ar$ard 'eferencingSystem


    Content o* te report:

    Is there a clearE ell

    structured introductionto the re!ort;

    Incor!orated only

    rele$ant information tothe chosen to!ic

    9as the student ritten

    in !aragra!hs that ha$ea !ur!ose and lin# ith!re$ious information


    ?age 1)

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    Criti$al analysis anda$ademi$ supportinge.iden$e

    9as critical analysis

    "een used throughoutthe re!ort;

    9as a suita"le range of

    a!!ro!riate su!!ortingacademic e$idence"een used andengaged ith;


    Summary ande$ommendations

    9as a clear summary of

    the information andfindings "een !resented;

    9a$e recommendations

    "een !ro$ided

    9as a "rief rationale for

    the recommendations"een !ro$ided


    ?age 1*

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    7'2 ni.ersity &eneri$ #ssessment Criteria

    #&+)# S() )@ES)%Y &EE)C #SSESSME% C)%E)# #D M#()& S%#D#DS +E@E+ " ;

    +e.el " reflects continuing de$elo!ment from Le$el %. At this le$el students are not fully autonomous "ut are a"le to ta#e res!onsi"ilityfor their on learning ith some direction. Students are e=!ected to locate an increasingly detailed theoretical #noledge of the

    disci!line ithin a more general intellectual conte=tE and to demonstrate this through forms of e=!ression hich go "eyond the merelydescri!ti$e or imitati$e. Students are e=!ected to demonstrate analytical com!etence in terms "oth of !ro"lem identification andresolutionE and to de$elo! their s#ill sets as re(uired.

    Mark 8ands Out$ome

    &eneri$ +earning Out$omes &+Os; #$ademi$ egulations, Se$tion 2;

    (noledge G nderstanding)ntelle$tual tinking;, 9ra$ti$al,#**e$ti.e and %rans*era-le Skills





    Achieves moduleoutcome*s+ related to$' at this level

    =ce!tional information "ase e=!loring and analysing thedisci!lineE its theory and ethical issues ith e=traordinaryoriginality and autonomy.

    =ce!tional management of learning resourcesE ith ahigher degree of autonomy@ e=!loration that clearlye=ceeds the "rief. =ce!tional structure@accuratee=!ression. &emonstrates intellectual originality andimagination. =ce!tional team@!ractical@!rofessional s#ills.

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    H' #ssessment O**en$es

    As an academic communityE e recognise that the !rinci!les of truthE honesty and mutual res!ect arecentral to the !ursuit of #noledge. Beha$iour that undermines those !rinci!les ea#ens the communityE

    "oth indi$idually and collecti$elyE and diminishes our $alues. :e are committed to ensuring that e$erystudent and mem"er of staff is made aare of the res!onsi"ilities s@he "ears in maintaining the higheststandards of academic integrity and ho those standards are !rotected.

    ou are reminded that any or# that you su"mit must "e your on. :hen you are !re!aring your or#for su"missionE it is im!ortant that you understand the $arious academic con$entions that you aree=!ected to follo in order to ma#e sure that you do not lea$e yourself o!en to accusations of !lagiarism7e.g. the correct use of referencingE citationsE footnotes etc.8 and that your or# maintains its academicintegrity.

    &efinitions of Assessment Offences


    ?lagiarism is theft and occurs hen you !resent someone elseDs or#E ordsE imagesE ideasE o!inions ordisco$eriesE hether !u"lished or notE as your on. It is also hen you ta#e the artor#E images orcom!uter6generated or# of othersE ithout !ro!erly ac#noledging here this is from or you do thisithout their !ermission.

    ou can commit !lagiarism in e=aminationsE "ut it is most li#ely to ha!!en in courseor#E assignmentsE!ortfoliosE essaysE dissertations and so on.

    =am!les of !lagiarism include>

    directly co!ying from ritten or#E !hysical or#E !erformancesE recorded or# or imagesE ithout

    saying here this is fromF

    using information from the internet or electronic media 7such as &C&s and /&s8 hich "elongs to

    someone elseE and !resenting it as your onF

    reording someone elseDs or#E ithout referencing themF and

    handing in something for assessment hich has "een !roduced "y another student or !erson.

    It is im!ortant that you do not !lagiarise intentionally or unintentionally "ecause the or# of othersand their ideas are their on. There are "enefits to !roducing original ideas in terms of aardsE !riesE(ualificationsE re!utation and so on. To use someone elseDs or#E ordsE imagesE ideas or disco$eries isa form of theft.


    /ollusion is similar to !lagiarism as it is an attem!t to !resent anotherDs or# as your on. In !lagiarismthe original oner of the or# is not aare you are using itE in collusion to or more !eo!le may "ein$ol$ed in trying to !roduce one !iece of or# to "enefit one indi$idualE or !lagiarising another !ersonDsor#.

    =am!les of collusion include>

    agreeing ith others to cheatF getting someone else to !roduce !art or all of your or#F

    co!ying the or# of another !erson 7ith their !ermission8F

    su"mitting or# from essay "an#sF

    ?age 1

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    !aying someone to !roduce or# for youF and

    alloing another student to co!y your on or#.

    Many !arts of uni$ersity life need students to or# together. :or#ing as a teamE as directed "y yourtutorE and !roducing grou! or# is not collusion. /ollusion only ha!!ens if you !roduce Hoint or# to"enefit of one or more !erson and try to decei$e another 7for e=am!le the assessor8.


    /heating is hen someone aims to get unfair ad$antage o$er others.

    =am!les of cheating include>

    ta#ing unauthorised material into the e=amination roomF

    in$enting results 7including e=!erimentsE researchE inter$ies and o"ser$ations8F

    handing your on !re$iously graded or# "ac# inF

    getting an e=amination !a!er "efore it is releasedF

    "eha$ing in a ay that means other students !erform !oorlyF

    !retending to "e another studentF and

    trying to "ri"e mem"ers of staff or e=aminers.

    9el! to A$oid Assessment Offences

    Most of our students are honest and ant to a$oid committing assessment offences. :e ha$e a $arietyof resourcesE ad$ice and guidance a$aila"le to hel! ma#e sure you can de$elo! good academic s#ills.:e ill ma#e sure that e ma#e a$aila"le consistent statements a"out hat e e=!ect. ou ill "e a"leto do tutorials on "eing honest in your or# from the li"rary and other su!!ort ser$ices and facultiesE andyou ill "e a"le to test your ritten or# for !lagiarism using Turnitin+,KD 7a softare !ac#age thatdetects !lagiarism8.

    ou can get ad$ice on ho to use honestly the or# of others in your on or# from the li"rary e"site7.li"e".anglia.ac.u#@[email protected] and your lecturer and !ersonal tutor.

    ou ill "e a"le to use Turnitin+,KDE a s!ecial softare !ac#age hich is used to detect !lagiarism.Turnitin+,K ill !roduce a re!ort hich clearly shos if !assages in your or# ha$e "een ta#en fromsomehere else. ou may tal# a"out this ith your !ersonal tutor to see here you may need toim!ro$e your academic !ractice. :e ill not see these formati$e Turnitin+,K re!orts as assessmentoffences. All students in /am"ridge and /helmsford are also e=!ected to su"mit their final or# throughTurnitin+,K as outlined a"o$e.

    If you are not sure hether the ay you are or#ing meets our re(uirementsE you should tal# to your!ersonal tutorE module tutor or other mem"er of academic staff. They ill "e a"le to hel! you and tellyou a"out other resources hich ill hel! you de$elo! your academic s#ills.

    ?rocedures for assessment offences

    An assessment offence is the general term used to define cases here a student has tried to get unfairacademic ad$antage in an assessment for himself or herself or another student.

    :e ill fully in$estigate all cases of sus!ected assessment offences. If e !ro$e that you ha$e

    committed an assessment offenceE an a!!ro!riate !enalty ill "e im!osed hichE for the most seriousoffencesE includes e=!ulsion from Anglia 'us#in. 4or full details of our assessment offences !olicy and!roceduresE see Section 15 of theAcademic Regulationsat> .anglia.ac.u#@academicregs .

    ?age 1

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    This is an e=tremely im!ortant !rocess hich hel!s us to continue to im!ro$e the deli$ery of the modulein the future and to res!ond to issues that you "ring to our attention. The module re!ort in section 11 ofthis module guide includes a section hich comments on the feed"ac# e recei$ed from other studentsho ha$e studied this module !re$iously.

    our (uestionnaire res!onse is anonymous.

    ?lease hel! us to hel! you and other students at Anglia 'us#in "y com!leting the Module $aluationsur$ey. :e $ery much $alue our studentsD $ies and it is $ery im!ortant to us that you !ro$ide feed"ac#to hel! us ma#e im!ro$ements.

    In addition to the Module $aluation !rocessE you can send any comment on anything related to youre=!erience at Anglia 'us#in totellusanglia.ac.u#at any time.

    ?age 21

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    ' eport on +ast Deli.ery o* Module

    MOD+E E9O% 5OM

    This form should be completed by module tutors *where there is more than one delivery+ and forwarded to Module eaders whocompiles the results on to one form for use at the -rogramme Committee and other methods of disseminating feedback tostudents.

    Module Code and %itle: MO&553% nter!rise and ntre!reneurshi! Management

    #nglia uskin Department: Lord Ashcroft International Business School

    +o$ations; o* Deli.ery: Cam-ridge

    #$ademi$ Year: 203!4 Semester!%rimester:

    Enrolment um-ers at ea$ lo$ation;: 4"

    Module +eader: Ste.e M$Donald

    Oter Module %utors: Doroty ?akins

    Student #$ie.ement -rovide a brief overview of student achievement on the module as evidenced by the range of marks awarded. Adetailed breakdown of marks will be available at the 9epartmental Assessment -anel.

    Students achie$ed a $aried range of mar#s on this module during its last deli$ery.

    5eed-a$k *rom Students 5riefly summarise student responses, including any written comments

    O$erall the students li#ed the content and deli$ery method of this module. Se$eral !ositi$e comments ere made in

    relation to the interacti$e a!!roach to seminarsE the #noledge of the academic staffE relating theory to actual !racticeand the su!!ort students ere gi$en throughout the module

    Module +eader!%utors e*le$tion on Deli.ery o* te Module, in$luding esponse to 5eed-a$k *rom Students*including resources if appropriate+

    As module leader I found the module enHoya"le to teach. 9oe$erE one of the main issues I e=!erienced as studentsattending lectures more than ten minutes late and seminars more than 25 minutes late. This is not only a disru!tion tothe other studentsE "ut also contra$enes the student charter that all students ha$e signed u! to.

    The assignment for the last deli$ery as#ed the students to co$er a lot of informationE !ro$iding a full "usiness !lan fortheir on "usiness idea. :ith this in mind I ha$e changed the assignment to allo for to !oints of assignment to "eunderta#en. The first "eing an in class multi!le6choice e=am hich co$ers students #noledge and understanding on thesu"Hect and ill allo early identification of students ho are ha$ing any !ro"lems ith understanding and meeting thelearning outcomes.

    The final ritten re!ort ill no only as# students to co$er one s!ecific area of the "usiness !lanning !rocess andde$elo! that area for their re!ort

    De.elopments during te $urrent year or planned *or net year *if appropriate+

    &ecisions on this ill "e made after the current deli$ery of the module and resulting from feed"ac# from students

    Eternal Eaminers Comments &tate whether the external examiner agreed the marks and:or commented on themodule

    The le$el of feed"ac# !ro$ided to students on their assignment as clearE informati$e and !ro$ided e=am!les of ho

    or# could "e im!ro$ed. The e=ternal e=aminer agreed that the module had "een mar#ed fairly and accurately

    ?age 22

  • 8/10/2019 EEM MOD003477 Module Guide


    Module &uide

    #ppendi : e1#ssessment )n*ormation

    %?)S )5OM#%)O O+Y #99+)ES %O S%DE%S ?O #ESCCESS5+ ) %?E) 5)S% S8M)SS)O

    D#5% @ES)O 6 ##)%)& EK%E#+ EK#M)E #99O@#+

    #ssessment ill -e $on*irmed -e*ore te re1assessment period

    %e re1assessment *or tis module $onsists o* to parts:

    9art %ype o* assessment ord or time limit

    Su-mission dates

    515 Multi!le6choice in class test 2)(uestions

    'esit !eriod> 1362% uly 251)Ee=act date to "e confirmed onstudents e$ision.

    511 :ritten re!ort 2555 'esit !eriod> 25th uly 251)on TurnitIn "y 2!m

    9art 00 6 #ssignment


    3 Multiple $oi$e test: this ill "e a selection of 2) (uestions randomly

    selected. The (uestions ill "e "ased on the information co$ered in thefirst si= ee#s of the module.

    35J 1E2E3E

    4 ritten eport:The second !art of the assignment ill re(uire

    students to rite a 2555 re!ort hich !resents the !ro!osed mar#et

    research to "e underta#en for your indi$idual "usiness start6u! ideaErunning as a sole trader. The re!ort must include a critical e$aluation ofthe methods and a!!roaches chosen for the mar#et research and hy itis im!ortant to underta#e mar#et research "efore setting u! the"usiness.

    5J 1E2E3E%

    %O%#+ M#(S 155J

    ?lease note that the ritten re!ort is a uni(ue !iece of or# to you 7student8 in relation to youron indi$idual "usiness idea. ou should continue ith this "usiness idea and re6or# theoriginal ritten re!ort you failed. ?lease hand in a co!y of the original re!ort attached to the re6sitE identifying here you ha$e made the rele$ant changes.
