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Effective collaboration for multi-disciplinary teams

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Photo by Mar+n LaBar h/ps://flic.kr/p/ovHV4t Untangling complexity together Effective collaboration for multidisciplinary teams Johanna Kollmann ~ @johannakoll UX Riga, 26 Feb 2015
Page 1: Effective collaboration for multi-disciplinary teams

Photo  by  Mar+n  LaBar  h/ps://flic.kr/p/ovHV4t

Untangling  complexity  together  Effective  collaboration  for  multi-­disciplinary  teams

Johanna  Kollmann ~ @johannakoll UX  Riga,  26  Feb  2015

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Agile  is  becoming  standard  !“57%  of    respondents  said  their  organization  has  5+  agile  teams.  This  number  has  nearly  doubled  in  the  last  two  years  (48%  in  2012,  33%  in  2011).  ” !8th  Annual  State  of  Agile  Survey,  VersionOne,  2013

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Photo  by  Nigel  Howe  h/p://www.flickr.com/photos/40939157@N03/5315358341/



User  story



Stand  up

Scrum  master

Sprint  Zero



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The  Agile  Manifesto  (2001!)  !Individuals  and  interactions  over  processes  and  tools

Working  software  over  comprehensive  documentation

Customer  collaboration  over  contract  negotiation

Responding  to  change  over  following  a  plan  

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Page 6: Effective collaboration for multi-disciplinary teams

Planning  Data  gathering

Implement  high  dev  low  UI  features

Design  for  sprint  2  Gather  customer  input  for  

sprint  3

Test  sprint  1  code  Design  for  sprint  3  

Gather  input  for  sprint  4

Test  sprint  2  code  Design  for  sprint  4  

Gather  input  for  sprint  5

Implement  designs

Implement  designs

Developers Interaction  Designers

Sprint  0

Sprint  1

Sprint  2

Sprint  3

Customer  data

Customer  data

Code Design

Code Design

adapted  from  a  diagram  by  Lynn  Miller

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Photo  by  Anne  Worner  h/ps://flic.kr/p/on6uCz


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While  basically  silent  about  UX  design,  Agile  thinking  offers  a  fundamental  paradigm  shift  about  how  to  interact  and  communicate  with  your  project  team  and  beyond.    !~  Anders  Ramsay  @andersramsay

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UX  is  everyone’s  business  !1)  Understand  each  others  work\lows

2)  UX  techniques:  communication  tools  !3)  De\ine  goals  and  care  about  data

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Photo  by  Alex  h/ps://flic.kr/p/45qaP

UX  is  everyone’s  business

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1)  Understand  each  others’  workMlows

Photo  by  Mar+n  LaBar  h/ps://flic.kr/p/hZgn9Q

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Rituals:  standup

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Information  radiators

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Pairing  across  disciplines

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Teach  &  learn    !Be  present  at  stand-­‐ups,  demos,  retrospectives

Make  your  work  visible  !Responsibilities  over  roles  !Cross-­‐functional  pairing  !Where  can  your  skills  be  most  valuable?

Photo  by  Sean  Winters  h/ps://flic.kr/p/7bueZr

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Page 17: Effective collaboration for multi-disciplinary teams

2)  UX  techniques:  communication  tools

Photo  by  Treesha  Duncan  h/ps://flic.kr/p/d2C29s

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Mental  Model

System  Model

Conceptual  Model

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Collaboration  problems  arise  when  teams  lack  the  tools  to  agree  meaning  and  structure.

Photo  by  Stephen  Begin  h/ps://flic.kr/p/6uFE62

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Photo  by  Stephen  Begin  h/ps://flic.kr/p/6uFE62

Thinking  VS  Making?

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Page 22: Effective collaboration for multi-disciplinary teams

Experience  Map  by  Chris  Risdon,  from  h/p://adap+vepath.com/ideas/the-­‐anatomy-­‐of-­‐an-­‐experience-­‐map

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Use  UX  tools  to  agree  meaning  !Controlled  vocabularies,  content  guidelines

Taxonomies,  navigation  structures

Mental  model  charts,  personas  !User  journey  diagrams,  service  maps,  experience  maps  !Whatever  artefact  you  use:  share  it,  check  it

Photo  by  Sean  Winters  h/ps://flic.kr/p/7bueZr

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Page 25: Effective collaboration for multi-disciplinary teams

Photo  by  Thangaraj  Kumaravel  h/ps://flic.kr/p/9skAQB

3)  DeMine  goals  and  care  about  data

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Lean  Startup  is  about    learning  through    experiments  with  customers.

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Photo  by  Jorgen  Kesseler  h/p://www.flickr.com/photos/58544688@N03/5393485546


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Instead  of    “how  do  we  know  if  it’s  done”,    

ask    “how  do  we  know  if  it’s  good”.    

!~  Lane  Halley  @thinknow

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Triangulate!Usability  testing  (lab)

Web  AnalyticsUnmoderated  


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Analysis  is  a  team  effort  

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Research  is  a  team  sport  !De\ine  hypothesis  and  assumptions  together

Pick  the  best  methods  for  getting  data

Make  qualitative  research  a  habit  !Combine  different  data  sources  to  gain  insight  !Analysis  is  a  team  effort

Photo  by  Sean  Winters  h/ps://flic.kr/p/7bueZr

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Page 34: Effective collaboration for multi-disciplinary teams

Photo  by  *Psycho  Delia*  h/ps://flic.kr/p/fetYwn

UX  is  everyone’s  business  !Understand  each  others  work\lows

UX  techniques  are  communication  tools  !De\ine  goals  and  care  about  data

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Photo  by  *Psycho  Delia*  h/ps://flic.kr/p/fetYwn

😍  Agile  &  Lean  😍  !Working  on  products  !My  understanding  of  UX  

My  skill  set

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Change  takes  time  !“24%  of    respondents  attributed  failing  agile  projects  to  an  opposing  company  culture  or  some  other  form  of  cultural  resistance.” !8th  Annual  State  of  Agile  Survey,  VersionOne,  2013

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ResourcesAgile  and  UX:  Two  tastes  that  taste  great  together,  Lane  Halley,  UX  Week  2013,  http://vimeo.com/74944431  Sustainable  pace,  Agile  &  The  Big  Design  Refactor,  Jonathan  Berger,  Balanced  Team  Conference  2013,  http://design.pivotallabs.com/jpb/jpb-­‐balteam2013-­‐talk/deck/  Case  Study  of  Customer  Input  For  a  Successful  Product,  Lynn  Miller  (2005)  5  Users  every  Friday,  Tom  Illmensee  &  Alyson  Muff,  Agile  2009  Proceedings  Learning  to  play  UX  rugby,  Anders  Ramsay,  http://slidesha.re/GPfK0w  Beyond  Staggered  Sprints:  Integrating  User  Experience  and  Agile,  Jeff  Gothelf,  http://slidesha.re/9Pq3qb  Designing  the  user  experience  in  an  agile  context,  Johanna  Kollmann,  http://bit.ly/p3NmWI  Design  Pairing,  Samuel  Bowles,  UXLX  2012,  https://speakerdeck.com/shmuel/design-­‐pairing-­‐uxlx  Test  everything  you  got  regardless  of  its  polish  or  Jidelity,  Jeff  Gothelf,  http://bit.ly/n6qjTI  It’s  Our  Research:  Getting  Stakeholder  Buy-­In  for  UX  Research  Projects  ,  Tomer  Sharon  Introduction  to  Design  Studio  Methodology,  Will  Evans,  http://uxmag.com/articles/introduction-­‐to-­‐design-­‐studio-­‐methodology  The  KJ  Technique:  A  Group  Process  for  Establishing  Priorities,  Jared  M.  Spool,  http://www.uie.com/articles/kj_technique/  The  new  user  story  backlog  is  a  map,  Jeff  Patton,  http://www.agileproductdesign.com/blog/the_new_backlog.html  Collaboration  games:  http://gogamestorm.com,  http://innovationgames.com/resources/the-­‐games/
