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Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication

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  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication



    Skills!You KNOW what it means


    and you KNOW you are

    fooling yourself!

    Learn the Skill andAbility

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    A Bachelors or


    Degree/Program in

    any Subject, Field,Study, Discipline or



    COMMUNICATIONIs quite like this

    A Bachelors or


    Degree/Program in

    any Subject, Field,Study, Discipline or


    + (PLUS)


    Difficult, Challenging,

    Struggling POOR PAY

    Lots, Easy, More than

    Enough, Living, Enjoying,

    Having FUN FAT PAY

    Lots and lots

    of MONEY

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    4 Weeks | 8

    Weeks | 12 WeeksIs All It Takes

    To Change the

    HAPPINESSequation with the

    DDCC MMeetthhooddStop Thinking and Call ICSPS

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication



    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    Effective Communication SkillsThere are always

    three speeches, for

    every one you

    actually gave. The

    one you practiced,

    the one you gave,

    and the one you

    wish you gave.

    Dale Carnegie


    1.On a subject matter Individuals will demonstrate extremely welldeveloped ideas opoint of view providing supporting details and evidence to elaborate on ideas and

    issues. Will introduce the subject matter and elaborate on key-points in great detail.

    Will demonstrate an extremely well-developed sequence of the procedure for the

    chosen subject matter

    2.On roles and relationships The individual will demonstrate significant use ofpersuasive language including evaluative verbs and adjectives; detailed and accurate

    information including extensive use of subject specific terms and will logicallysequence procedure and consistently use correct command forms.

    3.On mode and medium Individuals will use expertly composed complex sentenceswith attention to all textual features

    4.On presentation the Individual will demonstrate a highly effective use of pace,volume, pronunciation, movement, gesture, and facial expression to convey meaning


    Effective Communication FRIGHTENS many people but its a skill that everyone ca

    learn and master. Its a skill that one should if not must learn and develop for it ha

    become common ground for people to be called upto speak in social and busines

    situations. The FEAR can be gripping and dreadful; however, once you have learnt an

    have practiced this art you will find yourself comfortably easing through any situation.

    A great COMMUNICATOR isnt necessarily a great leader, but every exceptional leade

    out there is an exceptional COMMUNICATOR. It makes sense, since you can on

    influence people to the extent that you can connect with them.

    India is the worlds HUB for service related outsourcing and this is growing year on yea

    besides with the increase in the domestic services output; the demand for Publ

    Speaking and Business Communication has become increasingly IMPORTANT an

    irrespective of a hard technical degree, you will find yourself very challenged ifYOU AR

    NOT a good speaker and communicator.


  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    Note: Effective Communication by ICSPS is an Integrated

    Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication

    The 3 levels of Effective Communication the D C Method

    Level Description What will I learn at this level?


    1Beginner Talking At Your Audience Level one speakers avoid public

    speaking at every opportunity and are

    terrified if forced to give a speech.

    Theyre very nervous, stumble over their

    words and cant wait to escape back intothe safety of the audience.

    You will learn how to: Overcome public speaking nervousness, anxiety and fears Organize your ideas Use gestures and other non-verbal communication skills to reinforce

    the spoken word

    Use the three speaker skills eye focus techniques to bond with youraudience

    Have impressive platform mechanics Have strong voice dynamics Build your self-confidence in a supportive environment And much more


    2Intermediate Talking To Your Audience The level twos are more confident and

    can stand in front of an audience without

    collapsing. They can deliver a reasonablespeech but are word-orientated,

    concentrating on what they want to say

    rather on the audience.

    You will learn how to: Master impromptu speaking Control your audiences attention through your voice dynamics Develop various voice tones for professional speaking Handle questions and answers professionally Enunciate in a professional manner How to handle hecklers and difficult audiences Speak with passion, poise and energy Relaxation techniques that really work And much more


    3Proficient Talking With Your Audience Level threes make it look easy. Theyre

    confident, engage the audience and

    usually leave a lasting positive


    You will learn how to: Use storytelling techniques Work the room Speak at corporate functions Prepare an award winning presentation Handle media and press conferences Be a master of ceremonies Inspire others Be memorable Rehearsal techniques And much more

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    The 5 Progressive Stages

    at every LEVEL

    The Programs encompass the following KSAs (Knowledge,

    Skills and Abilities) an individual will be able to comfortably

    demonstarete as a speaker / communicator

    Stage 1: Verbal Improvisation The training at this stage is aimed at HOW to speak:

    o Eliminate the fear of public speakingo Ensure your speech is impressive, interesting, exciting,

    and lively

    o Learn the various elements of public speakingStage 2: Video Training on Working in Different Genres

    Polish HOW you speak and integrate new techniques inyour speech:

    o Learn more elements of public speakingo Prepare speeches in genres of Convincing speech,

    Storytelling, Making Toasts, etc.

    Stage 3: Effective Verbal Presentation

    The training at this stage is aimed at WHAT to say:o Ensure that your speech is informative, meaningful,

    and well-structured

    o Learn to expertly plan, design and construct a speecho Study over 5 templates to make your presentation

    more effective

    Stage 4: Visual Presentation (Info-graphics)

    Learn to visualize your ideas through the slides inPowerPoint Presentations:

    o Learn to make smart, talking slideso Learn to show various numbers in the forms of graphs

    and diagrams

    o Learn to optimize the slides according to info-graphicsmethods

    Stage 5: Level Graduation in Effective Communication

    /Public Speaking

    Exploit your new skills, integrating them into your publicspeaking:

    o Polish your public speaking skills by participating invarious competitions

    o Help your developed charisma make a big leap in itsmovement

    o Get a very objective assessment of your skill level inpublic speaking

    Achieving success in social networking

    Bringing order into your thoughts Case study analyses and presentations Communicating and selling your ideas effectively Cross cultural awareness and dealing with international

    customers and colleagues

    Developing a strong and assertive personality Developing appropriate Non verbal Communication Developing courage and self-confidence in speaking with


    Development of courage and self-confidence in speakingin public

    Dressing and attiring for success Effective voice projections Email, phone and business etiquette in social and

    business contexts

    Emailing and communication etiquette Enhancing body language, eye contact and gestures How to become a good listener How to tackle and win over difficult people How to win friends and influence people Humour in public speaking and everyday life Impromptu speaking made easy Improving memory to successfully remember names,

    places and events

    Improving the memory activities Improving writing skills Improving your language skills Making successful and impactful business presentations Making successful presentations and speeches Organisation of successful meetings Overcoming your fear or shyness in talking to strangers Saying the right thing at the right time Speeches of introduction and vote of thanks Team building exercises and the importance of working i


    The power of positive thinking The power to independently and without any discomfort

    use your language abilities to negotiate any situation

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    The D C Method (proven, tested and demonstrable)

    General Drills:

    1. Reading2. Speaking3. Writing

    Practise Drills:

    1. Essential Grammar2. Golden Cube (1st, 2nd & 3rd Person)3. Conjugation of English verbs4. Essential Sentence Structures5. The 3 Sentence Types6. Tenses and their usage7. RP PRONUNCIATION

    Vocabulary Drills:

    1. Developing Verbs2. Developing Adjectives3. Developing Nouns

    Delivery and Approach The D C Method

    First 10 hours of each level 70% Instruction and 30% Practical

    Second 10 hours of each level

    60% Instruction and 40% PracticalThird 10 hours of each level

    40% Instruction and 60% PracticalLast 10 hours of each level

    30% Instruction and 70% PracticalWith:Lectures, Individual and Group exercises, Impromptu Speeches, Debate

    Group Discussions, Audio Media of world famous Public

    Speakers/Actors, Video recording of your speeches and playbacks, and

    personal feedback from the Instructor/Trainer, constitutes the method

    and approach.

    TThhee DD CC MMeetthhoodd((pprroovveenn,, tteesstteedd aanndd ddeemmoonnssttrraabbllee))


  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    During & Post Program Activities and Exposure:

    Regular Public Speaking Open Contests Industrial exposure (100 minutes for each student) Batch competitions and level competitions Public Speaking projects with Beginners (for level 3 graduates) FREE membership to ICSPS Public Speaking LAP (learning And Practice )meetings 5000 conversation questions book for every participant 3000 Nouns, Adjectives and Verbs with sentences

    Program Snapshot:

    Levels Duration Engagement Time Method




    4 Weeks


    8 Weeks

    10-Hour weeks (2 hours daily)

    Mon Fri

    Inductive and Deductive Theory based 30 Percent

    Activity based 70 Percent with speaking labs and pee

    group activities

    Levels Duration Engagement Time Method




    6 Weekends


    12 Weekends

    6-Hour weekends (3 hours daily)

    Sat & Sun

    Inductive and Deductive Theory based 30 Percent

    Activity based 70 Percent with speaking labs and pee

    group activities

    Program Fees: (applicable for all levels)

    Program Duration Fee (2 Hours Daily)

    4 Weeks / 40 Hours 6 Weekends / 36 Hours 6,000/-8 Weeks / 80 Hours 12 Weekends / 72 Hours 11,000/-

    ICSPS Programs builds in every participant the following and it is a GUARANTEE1. Knowledge - Know What2. Skills - Know How3. Ability - Know Why

    a. Attitude - the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social behaviorb. Desire - the fundamental motivation of all human action

    Remember: Better Speakers make for Better Leaders

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    ICSPS Adult Programs on Communication Skills

    Levels DescriptionEffective


    Public Speaking Professional




    There are occasional errors or


    Generally I communicate clearly

    and effectively in both spoken

    and written English.

    Level 3

    Level 2

    Level 1

    (for any individual

    above 17 years of


    Level 3

    Level 2

    Level 1

    (for any individual

    above 17 years of

    age. This is highly

    recommended for

    individuals in


    Studies like CA, CS,MBBS, BE among


    Power Speaking Power


    Power Writing Power Personalit




    I understand almost all spoken

    and written everyday English.

    I can speak confidently, even in

    unfamiliar situations and my

    writing is quite good.

    4 Intermediate

    I speak well, but not fluently. I

    understand most spoken English.

    I can read fairly well. I can write

    simple sentences, but make




    I understand quite well. I can

    speak in familiar situations.

    I can read simple English, but I

    find writing difficult.

    2 ElementaryI can understand a little and can

    speak a few words

    1 Beginner

    I do not understand or speak


    What do the level descriptions mean?

    To be eligible to participate in the Effective Communication and Professional Development courses and programs an

    individual should if not must be at the upperintermediate levelon their language abilities. At any level below upper

    intermediate an individual will find following up and catching up extremely challenging and might lead to bouts of


    To be eligible to participate in the Public Speaking courses and programs an individual should if not must be at the

    intermediate levelon their language abilities. This requires a level lower than Effective Communication and

    Professional Development because it lays the foundation for independent usage and mastery of a particular skill in


    Note: we have bridge programs in English to make you eligible for one of our courses and programs.

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    The Instructor, Coach & Mentor

    DAVID is a multifaceted and talented personality and is presently theAdvisory and Consultation member at Remy's People: a complete

    Human Resource Management magazine and an appointment for

    the driven and determined HR (Human Resource) professional.

    David is the Principal Trainer at the 'Institute for Communication

    Skills and Public Speaking' and is in demand for business audiences of

    all types and levels and, professionals looking to develop their

    Communication and Public Speaking skills. David has over 50

    months of experience in Professional Development; including

    facilitating, selling, coaching and management across various


    David further, is a Distinguished Public Speaker and based on his

    experience training and facilitating development programs on

    Customer Service, Sales Excellence, Professional Development, Effective Communication and Leadership Habit

    collated an in-demand workshop program in the communication space the 11 Habits of Highly Successful Public Speakers

    His delivery is fresh, upfront, and very practical. This allows participants to take away readily applied skills to the workplace o


    Professionally, he is an accomplished Sales (inside & field) and Marketing professional. In his professional avatars as an Insid

    Sales/Marketing and Field Sales/Marketing professional has worked in various markets; primarily the US, the European andth

    Asia Pacific regions; in the IT & IT Enabled Services, Outsourcing, BFSI and Consumer products and services industries.

    David has an exceptional ability to individually lead Sales projects/business units; whether as an Individual Contributor or as

    Team Leader. Furthermore, his effective communication / presentation and networking skills comfortably position him at vantage point in negotiating contracts, business opportunities and mitigating/addressing conflicts.

    His practice areas include the following but not limited to

    o Communication Skills Trainings/Workshopso Corporate Trainings & Seminarso Professional Speaking & Keynote addresseso Sales, Marketing & Business Developmento Customer Relationship Managemento Customer & Employee Engagement

    DDaavvii dd CC oonn rraa dd LLiinn uuss Editor | Trainer | Marketer | Salesman | Speaker | Coach

    Presenter | Business & Social Network Developer

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    Upcoming Events and ProgramsCentral Delhi (Karolbagh/Patel Nagar)

    Commencement Date : 7th January 2013 Last date of Registration : 3


    January 2013

    South Delhi (South Extension) Commencement Date : 28th January 2013 Last date of Registration : 24th January 2013

    West Delhi (Janakpuri/Rajouri Garden) Commencement Date : 25th February 2013 Last date of Registration : 21st February 2013

    North Delhi (Mukherjee Nagar area) Commencement Date : 18th Mach 2013 Last date of Registration : 14th March 2013

    Noida Commencement Date : 1st April 2013 Last date of Registration : 28th March 2013

    Gurgaon Commencement Date : 29th April 2013 Last date of Registration : 25th April 2013

    Venues : Star rated hotel conference centres

    Weekday Schedules :

    Mornings: (8am 10am | 10am - 12pm)

    Evenings: (5pm - 7pm | 7pm 9pm)

    Weekend Schedules :

    Saturdays: (9am 12pm)

    Sundays: (2pm - 5pm)

    Note: a late fee equivalent to 20% of the course fee will becharged for those registering after the registration deadline.

    Register 15 days before the

    registration deadline and getupto 10% offon your course fee

    We fill up really fast so its

    highly recommended you call in

    soon and get yourself booked


    Call this number RIGHT NOW!


    Ask yourselves!

    How can I learn from

    instructors who themselves

    cant demonstrate EFFECTIVE


    PUBLIC SPEAKING skills the

    English way?

    Give yourselves the TOOLS the Knowledge, Skill and Ability to take your communication skills to the next competitive leve

    For more information about ICSPS Effective Speaking Skills workshop, contact your ICSPS client partner or call +91 8860572535 to

    be put in touch with someone in your local area who can help you organize a day with ICSPS.


    Everything under - Speaking Skills | Presentation Skills | Writing Skills | Listening Skills is at ICSPS

    Web: www.icspsindia.com | Email: [email protected] | Phone: +91-8860572535

  • 7/30/2019 Effective Communication - Integrated Program on Public Speaking and Business Communication


    Skill, Train and Develop your communication abilities, at all times ICSPS

    About ICSPSICSPS or the Institute for Communication Skills and Public

    Speaking is a blend of industry and academia in Personal

    Skills, CommunicationSkills and SalesExcellence. ICSPS

    understands that todays mechanics of a changing worldincorporates strategic and dynamic personal development

    standards to stay competitive and edgy.

    ICSPS Personal Development programmes in Personal

    Skills, SalesExcellence and CommunicationSkills are

    designed and built to suit both; an Individuals and an

    Organizations needs. Real life strategies, powerful and

    profitable experiences at their workshops and trainings are

    assimilated to make one skilful, developed and trained.

    ICSPS dictum of being continuously pursuant explorers of

    newer ideas and concepts, methods and models; to adoptand incorporate and to bring about effective outcomes

    from trainees, gives them the opportunity to be always

    renewing and growing so that they enable their partners in

    their business quests and successes.

    Program Benefits:


    Communication skills gives you happiness, makes youattractive and confident

    You demonstrate with more passion and develop asatisfaction for work and people

    You experience an increased popularity and asuccessful career starts taking shape

    You develop self control during tough times andunderstand others and yourself

    Your career, your income, your financial future, yourhealth, your fitness and your well-being improves



    Increased productivity personally and as a group;better feedback enhances the quality of work

    Less time is wasted resolving interpersonal problemsbetween co-workers and teams

    Ideas flow smoothly throughout the organization andproblem-solving becomes so much easier

    Less absenteeism from increased workplacesatisfaction which results in positive productivity

    Access to business, diplomacy, travel andemployment all require you to speak good English





    TThhee DD CC MMeetthhoodd


    ((pprroovveenn,, tteesstteeddaanndd ddeemmoonnssttrraabbllee))

    Simple uncomplicated approaches

    to training and learning.

    Easy and ready to implement

    methods and techniques. Results

    those are immediately visible.
