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Effective non verbal Communication Development

Date post: 09-Jul-2015
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Non verbal communication are messages which are communicated by us whether intentionally or unaware, but it gives impact to our communication especially in business communication
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Effective Non - Verbal Communication Development Abhishek Chhilwar Vipul Maheshwari Aditya Dayal Vini Pargain Kapil Sharma Surbhi Arora Shashank Kashyap Presented by ~
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Effective Non-VerbalCommunication Development

Abhishek Chhilwar

Vipul Maheshwari

Aditya Dayal

Vini Pargain

Kapil Sharma

Surbhi Arora

Shashank Kashyap

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The Non Verbal CommunicationIn Business Communication

Messages expressed by Non-Linguistic means-




Vocal IntonationA Powerful mode

of Communication

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Is It Possible to communicate without words?Studies have showed

Over half of the messages are

Communicated though

non-verbal elements:

• Appearance

• Body Language

• Tone and Pace of voice




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Principles of Non-Verbal Communication

All behavior has communication value because:


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Principles of Non-Verbal Communication

• It conveys important

interpersonal and

emotional messages.

• It is ambiguous.

• It has cultural values.

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Interpersonal and emotional messages

• More than 65% one of our meaning is being generated by non-verbal communication.

• Repeating , substituting , regulating and contradicting are important

features of non-verbal


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• Non-verbal communication may have more than one meaning.

• Example: Smile can have multiple meanings.

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Cultural Values

• Different countries will have different cultures of non-verbal communication.

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First Impression Make the Difference

• It Provide vital signals to clients and Prospects.

• First Impression has taken our appearance.

• It show our enthusiasm and sincerity.

• Noted our tone of voice and process all into non verbal message.

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Importance of the First impression

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Non Verbal Communication – Deception

• Non verbal under less conscious control so Deception more likely to revealed .

• Self Monitor and people have Lots of practice in deception are most successful in it.

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Higher Vocal Pitch


Shift there posture more

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Blink there Eyes More

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Silence is the lack of audible sound or presence of sounds of very low intensity.

Silence is also used as total communication, in reference to nonverbal communication.

Silence can convey several feelings like contentment, awkwardness, anger, respect, thoughtfulness, empathy etc.

Silence can also be discomforting some times.

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Proxemics is the study of the cultural, behavioral, and sociological aspects of spatial distances between individuals. Every person has a particular space that they keep to themselves when communicating, like a personal bubble.

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Intimate Distance for embracing, touching or whisperingClose phase – less than 6 inches (15 cm)Far phase – 6 to 18 inches (15 to 46 cm)

Personal Distance for interactions among good friends or family members

Close phase – 1.5 to 2.5 feet (46 to 76 cm)Far phase – 2.5 to 4 feet (76 to 122 cm)

Social Distance for interactions among acquaintancesClose phase – 4 to 7 feet (1.2 to 2.1 m)Far phase – 7 to 12 feet (2.1 to 3.7 m)

Public Distance used for public speakingClose phase – 12 to 25 feet (3.7 to 7.6 m)Far phase – 25 feet (7.6 m) or more.

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Chronemics is the study of the use of time in nonverbal communication. The way that one perceives and values time, structures time and reacts to time frames communication.

Time perceptions include punctuality, willingness to wait, interactions and status.

Cultures are sometimes considered monochronic or polychronic.

A monochronic time system means that things are done one at a time and time is segmented into precise, small units. Under this system time is scheduled, arranged and managed.

A polychronic time system is a system where several things can be done at once, and a more fluid approach is taken to scheduling time.

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Our choice of color, clothing, hairstyles, and other factors affecting appearance are also considered a means of nonverbal communication. According to what people see when they first set their eyes on you, judgments about your personality and abilities are going to be concluded.

We tend to notice obvious things first ( gender), then note attractiveness.Physically attractive people are generally perceived better.

Though importance based on physical appearance can be very damaging as it is what we do is most important not how we look.

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The environment can influence the outcome of communication. For this reason, organization gives careful consideration to office space, factory layout and conference rooms.

The environment should put people at ease and match their expectations.

We surround ourselves with things that are important/ meaningful to us. How people use an environment communicates something about them.

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Projecting Powerful Image

Projecting an image that is consistent with the person you want to be significantly improves your ability to develop trust & rapport.

How would like the sound?

How would like to look?

How did you look and sound?

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Image can be critical to your success

It is definitely a key element of communication

It is rational but people mostly judge the book by the cover.

They expect a totally different image from an executive and a rock musician.

Projecting Powerful Image

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Image consist

Projecting Powerful Image

The first impressions you project

The breadth of your knowledge.

Your Enthusiasm

The depth of your knowledge.

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ê Monotone and weak voice.

ê Poor vocabulary.

ê Cold limp handshake.

ê Messy dressing styles.

ê Dirty shoes, seldom eye contact.

ê Poor posture, bad hygiene.

Create Barrier

The first impression you


Projecting Powerful Image

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• Positive first impression make communications much easier and more comfortable.

• Negative first impression can cut off a relationshipbefore it gets started.

• Many people give up rather than trying to reverse the other people’s negative impression

First Impression Is Last Impression?

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Expertise in Outside Area

• The latest development

in world events.

• Popular books and


• Different areas of


• The latest popular


• The latest trending topics.

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• Most people like to work with

others who are enthusiastic about

their work.

• Enthusiastic people seem to work

harder, longer and more accurately

than those who are not


• Enthusiasm is a projected

behaviour to others and make the

others enthusiastic.

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• The response you receive

from the world around you is

a measure of your success in

interpersonal relations.

• Every word, gesture,

expression an impression is

being seen and evaluated.

• From the beginning to the

end of every transaction with

another person, you are on

the stage.

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Patterns of Business Communications

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Horizontal Communication

• Horizontal communication is the transmission of information between people, divisions, departments or units within the same level of organizational hierarchy.

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Vertical Communication

Vertical communication is thecommunication whereinformation or messages flowswithin the top level of theorganizational structure andbottom level of theorganizational structure.

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Patterns in Group Communication

Communication means transferring messages from oneto another and it has several forms such as intrapersonal,interpersonal, group and mass communication. When itcomes to group communication it has a certain patternsin its own. Few patterns are popular in mainstreamcommunication studies. Such as

• Circle

• Chain

• Y

• Wheel

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Circle Pattern

• In Circle pattern, the sender (Group Leader) can communicate with thereceivers (group members) who presents next to him/her.

• No others group members can’t receive the sender’s message directly andthey receive messages from the other group members who sharing themessage from the sender.

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Chain Pattern

• In this pattern the last member might receive modifiedmessages from the leader.

• In this case the leader can’t find whether the last memberreceives the correct information or not because there is nofeedback to identify the message distortion.

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Y Pattern

• The group is separated into three.

• The group members can communicate with the other members group through leader only

Y Pattern

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Wheel Pattern

• The leader has direct contact with all the group membersand there are no communication problems, time issue andfeedback from the group members.

• But all the group members can’t connect with oneanother.

Wheel Pattern

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