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Effectively integrating information literacy: A conversation about threshold concepts and...

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Presented at the 2014 Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy in February 2014, Blacksburg, VA.
Effectively Integrating Information Literacy: A Conversation about Threshold Concepts and Collaborations Rebecca K. Miller and Sara M. Crickenberger, Virginia Tech Conference on Higher Education Pedagogy | February 7, 2014
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Effectively Integrating Information Literacy: A Conversation about Threshold Concepts and Collaborations

Effectively Integrating Information Literacy: A Conversation about Threshold Concepts and CollaborationsRebecca K. Miller and Sara M. Crickenberger, Virginia TechConference on Higher Education Pedagogy | February 7, 2014

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Conversation OverviewConversation Overview• Who we are• Who you are

• Conversation Session Objectives:• Explain threshold concepts and information literacy (IL)

threshold concepts• Describe an example of how IL threshold concepts can be

effectively integrated into a course• Explore threshold concepts in course and assignment design

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Threshold ConceptsThreshold ConceptsIntroduced by Jan Meyer & Ray Land (2003):

Threshold concepts are the core ideas and processes that define the ways of thinking and practicing for a

discipline, but are so ingrained that they often go unspoken or unrecognized by practitioners

(Townsend, Brunetti, & Hofer, 2011, p. 854)


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CriteriaCriteria• Criteria for threshold concepts (Meyer & Land, 2003)• Transformative – causes a shift in perspective• Integrative – brings together separate concepts• Irreversible – once grasped, cannot be

ungrasped• Troublesome – may be counterintuitive• Bounded – helps define boundaries of a

discipline, or may be unique to a discipline


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ExamplesExamples• Physics: Heat transfer

• Biology: Evolution

• Mathematics: Limits

• Literary and Cultural Studies: Signification

• Economics: Opportunity cost


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Threshold Concepts in ILThreshold Concepts in IL• Hofer, Townsend, and Brunetti (2012)

• Metadata = findability• Good searches use database structure• Format is a process• Authority is constructed and contextual• “Primary source” is an exact and conditional category• Information as a commodity• Research solves problems


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Threshold concepts can help librarians devise targeted curricula by prioritizing trouble spots….

Learners who cross these thresholds are well positioned for academic inquiry.

(Hofer, Townsend, & Brunetti, 2012, p. 403)


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Our ExampleOur Example• English 1106 at Virginia Tech

• Instructor + Librarian collaboration

• Information Literacy Threshold Concepts• Research solves problems• …and others


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Adult LearningAdult Learning• Collaborative

• Problem based

• Relevant

• Immediate/goal oriented

• Reinforcement

• Practical


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English 1106: Writing from ResearchEnglish 1106: Writing from Research

• Collaborative learning process • Traditional collaborators: Students +

Instructor • Missing partner: The research expert

• Ideal collaboration = Students + Instructor + Research Librarian


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Problem BasedProblem Based• First session

• Library environment new/foreign for many• Eases students into research• Students reach basic level of understanding/competence• Works for initial involvement/first projects

• Second session • Stakes ramped up to biggest research project of semester• Factors in place to bring students to deeper level of learning• Opportunity to cross threshold


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Key FactorsKey Factors• Relevant: Research is extremely relevant to problem

in front of student • Immediate/goal oriented: Second session is right

time to deepen skills/understanding of key concepts, facing finite deadline, definite goal

• Reinforcement: Classroom session reinforces, builds on skills introduced, used earlier

• Practical: Using students’ laptops simulates their normal research environment


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The ThresholdThe Threshold

• Crossing the threshold• Internal motivation• Self direction • Both are key factors for adult learners

• Those who are willing to go deeper have the

opportunity and the resources


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• Ultimately learners must be internally motivated

• Some lack motivation to cross threshold, are satisfied with surface-level skills, enough to meet basic requirements

Strategies to enhance motivation

• Allow students to research/write about topics that excite them, capitalize

on life experiences, prior knowledge, existing/personal interests

• Positive reinforcement, including peer review, opportunities to revise,



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SuccessSuccessWhat success is

• Increased understanding about what a quality research source is• Ability to find appropriate sources that solve research problem

What success looks like• More research sources• More high-quality (peer-reviewed) sources• Fewer low-quality electronic sources • The bottom line: stronger research projects/papers


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Conversation: Question 1Conversation: Question 1

• Do you see any value in threshold concepts? Why or why not?


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Conversation: Question 2Conversation: Question 2

• Which information literacy (IL) threshold concepts seem particularly relevant to your disciplines and your classrooms?


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Conversation: Question 3Conversation: Question 3

• How would you integrate any relevant IL threshold concepts into your teaching?


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Conversation: Question 4Conversation: Question 4

• Can you identify any on-campus partners who might be able to assist and support you in integrating IL threshold concepts into your teaching?


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Conversation: Question 5Conversation: Question 5

• What questions do you still have about IL threshold concepts, or threshold concepts in general?


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Further ReadingFurther Reading• Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL). (2000). Information literacy competency standards

for higher education. Retrieved from http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency

• Hofer, A. R., Townsend, L., & Brunetti, K. (2012). Troublesome concepts and information literacy: Investigating threshold concepts for IL instruction. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 12(4), 387-405.

• Meyer, J. H. F. & Land, R. (2003). Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge: Linkages to new ways of thinking and practicing within the disciplines. ETL Project Report. Retrieved from http://www.etl.tla.ed.ac.uk/docs/ETLreport4.pdf

• Meyer, J. H. F & Land, R. (2006). Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge: An introduction. In J. H. F. Meyer & R. Land (Eds.), Overcoming barriers to student understanding: Threshold concepts and troublesome knowledge (pp. 19-32). London: Routledge.

• Townsend, L., Brunetti, K., & Hofer, A. R. (2011). Threshold concepts and information literacy. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 11(3), 853-869.


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Contact UsContact UsRebecca K. Miller, University Libraries

[email protected]

Sara M. Crickenberger, Dept. of English

[email protected]

