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Effectiveness of marketing strategyBy sagar

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    Volkswagen.Das Auto. (Navjivan auto square pvt.ltd, surat) Page 1




    STRATEGIES OF VOLKSWAGEN, SURAT(Conducting on behalf of Navjivan auto square Pvt.Ltd, Surat)(From 5th January, 2010 to 5th March, 2010)

    A Project Report Submitted in partial Fulfillment of therequirement for the

    Award of degree of



    -:Submitted By:-CHOPADA MANISH V.T.Y.B.B.A. (SEMVI)

    Roll No.204

    -:Under the guidance of:-Ms.SUDHADHARA SAMAL

    -:Submitted To:-Principal I/c




    March 2009-10

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    This is certifying that the project report entitled A STUDY ONEFFECTIVENESS OF MARKETING STRATEGYOF VOLKSWAGENIN GUJARAT (Conducted on behalf of VOLKSWAGEN.DAS AUTO.SURAT Navjivan auto square Pvt.ltd.Surat.)Submitted in partial fulfillment ofthe requirement for the award of the degree ofBACHELOR OF BUSINESSADMINISTRATION to VEER NARMAD SOUTH GUJARATUNIVERSITY, SURAT is record of bonafide research work carried out by

    Manish Chopada V. under my supervision and guidance.

    (Ms.Sudhadhara Samal) (Ms. Shehnaz R. Sheikh)

    Lecture in Management Principal I/c

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    Volkswagen.Das Auto. (Navjivan auto square pvt.ltd, surat) Page 3

    DECLARATIONI, Chopada Manish V, hereby declare that the project report


    STRATEGIES OF VOLKSWEGAN. Under the guidance of

    Ms.SUDHADHARA SAMAL submitted in partial fulfillment of the

    requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business

    Administration to Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat is my

    original work- research study carried out during 5th January, 2010 to 5th

    March, 2010 and not submitted for the award of any other

    degree/diploma/fellowship or other similar titles or prizes to any other

    institution/organization or university by any other person.

    Place: AMROLI SignatureDate:

    (Manish Chopada V.)

    T.Y.B.B.A(Sem VI)

    Roll No:-204

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI am very happy to express my sincere thanks to Veer Narmad

    South Gujarat University, Surat to providing me such a great opportunity.

    I would also like to express my sincere thanks to My College for

    exposing me to such field experience. I would also thanks Ms.Shehnaz R.

    Sheikh(Principal I/c) for giving me this opportunity for project work.

    I am very happy to express my sincere thanks to my project

    guideMs. Sudhadhara Samal , for supporting and guiding me during the tenure

    of my project work and sparing her valuable time for me.

    I also express my gratitude to Mr.Amar Anajwala and

    Mr.Bhumin Shroffof Volkswagen, Surat, and other staff members for providing

    me all necessary guidance and information pertaining to my project.

    Lastly, I thank all the faculty members and friends who directly or

    indirectly helped me in completion of my project work.

    Date: Thanking you


    Chopada Manish V.

    T.Y.B.B.A. (Sem-VI)

    Roll No:-204

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    -:PREFACE:-I undertake writing this report of the specialization report because we all

    are of the few students who are presently undertaking education in the spare of

    bachelor of business administration which covers total business activities.

    As a student of management, I must be encouraged by the growth and

    rapid development taken place in the Automobile sector. In India, management is

    growing body. Keeping in mind the ever development field of management and

    great demand for marketing in our country, the university has arranged specialized

    programs in many fields of management. Thus this is our moral and obligatory

    duty to take this part of our studies with great enthusiasm and seriousness and give

    it a due importance.

    The report gives information about Effectiveness of marketing strategies

    of Volkswagen in Surat. The report contains graphical representing &

    interpretations with each graph and charts. For the preparation of this report I have

    used simple random sampling method for our survey. This training proved to be

    an experience which is required to become a true student of business


    I hope this report will help both the evaluator as well as readers.

    Chopada Manish V.

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    -: Contents :-


    No.Particular Page


    1. Introduction 1-6

    2. Theoretical Back ground 7-13

    3. Problem Identification 14-16

    4. Research Methodology 17-22

    5. Data Analysis 23-30

    6. Testing of Hypothesis 31

    7. Findings 32-33

    8. Suggestion 34

    Reference Material 35-37

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    -: List of Tables & Charts :-




    Particular PageNo.

    1. Companys Marketing strategies are being

    Prepared by Whom?23

    2. Is Marketing strategies effective in market? 24

    3. Any commitment from the customer aboutmarketing strategies?


    4. Would company like to improve marketingstrategy after getting comments from customers?


    5. Increment in selling of product by Applingmarketing strategy?


    6. Type of marketing strategy applied by company? 28

    7. After Appling marketing strategy, how muchinquiry company gets?


    8. Any schemes from dealer, company or Ratio{both}?


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    The automobile industry in Indiathe tenth largest in the world

    with an annual production of approximately 2 million unitsisexpected to become one of the major global automotive industries inthe coming years. A number of domestic companies produceautomobiles in India and the growing presence of multinationalinvestment, too, has led to an increase in overall growth. Followingthe economic reforms of 1991 the Indian automotive industry hasdemonstrated sustained growth as a result of increasedcompetitiveness and relaxed restrictions. The monthly sales ofpassenger cars in India exceed 100,000 units. Tata Motors launches itsfirst truck in collaboration with Mercedes-Benz.

    History of Automobile Industry:

    In 1953, the government of India and the Indian private sectorinitiated manufacturing processes to help develop the automobileindustry, which had emerged by the 1940s in a nascent form. Between1970 to the economic liberalization of 1991, the automobile industrycontinued to grow at a slow pace due to the many governmentrestrictions. A number of Indian manufactures appeared between

    1970-1980.Japanese manufacturers entered the Indian marketultimately leading to the establishment of Maruti Udyog. A number offoreign firms initiated joint ventures with Indian companies.

    Challenges faced by Indian Automotive Industry in the new age:

    The Indian automotive industry has been facing new challengesdue to the rapid changes taking place during the last decade. Thisarticle discusses those challenges and initiatives taken by the

    government to overcome them. The Indian auto industry is changingrapidly. During the last decade, many international auto

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    manufacturers, either by themselves or in partnership with Indiancompanies, have started manufacturing activities in India. Theancillary industries have also grown in tandem. The quality ofproduction in small- and medium-scale industries has improved to

    such an extent that they started exporting products to internationalmanufacturers. The major breakthrough of recent years is theunveiling of "Nano" by Tata Motors during the auto expo 2007. Thishas received worldwide attention and proved that India can not onlydesign an automobile of international standards but also execute theproject at a much lower cost through innovative choice ofcomponents, materials, engine design etc. These developments in theauto sector have given new confidence to everyone related to the autoindustry and specifically to the government which resulted in theannouncement of the Auto Policy 2006-2016 by the Ministry of HeavyIndustries. According to the Auto Policy, the Indian auto sector isexpected to grow to US$ 216 billion by 2016 and add 2.5 million new jobs to the economy. Every year two to three million people areexpected to purchase new vehicles. Several million vehicles andcomponents are expected to be exported to both developed anddeveloping nations. To achieve these goals, it is important that thepresent GDP growth rate, which is more than 8 per cent, continues toremain at the same level for the next 8-10 years. The government isalso giving some concessions to the auto industry. To realize the

    above growth predictions, it is important to overcome variouschallenges the industry is facing currently. Two of the foremostchallenges are the spiraling cost of fuel and the paucity of highlyskilled manpower.

    Rising oil price:

    International price of crude oil is rising at an alarming rate. Theskyrocketing crude oil price rise will affect the economic growth ofmost of the nations of the world including India. The prospects of

    India and China of becoming economic superpower will be seriouslyaffected. Also, the rise in oil prices will impact the growth of globalautomotive industry. Unless the use of alternative fuels increases, it isvery unlikely that the situation will change for the better. Thisnecessarily means that more and more investments should be directedtowards R&D, establishing mechanisms to translate R&D results intoproducts and their efficient manufacturing. This will also requireradical redesigning of engines.

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    Human resources:

    The second major challenge is the creation of highly skilledhuman resource required for the auto industry. Auto industry, likemany other industries is facing severe shortage of skilled technical as

    well as managerial manpower. This challenge becomes all the moredaunting because faults lie at a more fundamental level of traininginfrastructure and the social perception.


    The growth of auto industry in India will be contingent not juston domestic demand, but also equally on exports. Therefore, thepresent projections will become a reality if thrust is given to originalresearch that will yield breakthrough results. These results help inaddressing the current global concerns such as environment, fuelefficiency, need for alternate and renewable fuels and materials etc.This can happen only through a consortium approach where variousauto companies and academic institutions work together as in the caseof IT hardware industry. The consortium approach should be extendedto address the trained human resource shortage as well. Thegovernment should act as a facilitator by bringing about necessarychanges in the current laws that will encourage private participation.Finally, there should be mechanisms in place that will ensure thatthere is a balance in the pool of human resources comprising research

    scientists, managers, engineers, designers, technicians, and skilled andsemiskilled workers.

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    Introduction of Volkswagen

    Company Overview

    Volkswagen currently produces everything from cheap smallcars to super high-end luxury automobiles, also boasting an impressivecommercial wing that produces everything from pick-up trucks andbuses to heavy trucks. In addition to factories in twelve Europeancountries, Volkswagen currently has production plants in North

    America, South America, Africa, and Asia. Volkswagen finances thepurchase and lease of its vehicles through a successful financialservices division. Volkswagen's business focus continues to be largelyEuropean and the country has traditionally struggled in the US.Volkswagens North American operations are more of a struggle for

    the company, with the exception of the Audi brand. The VW brandhas limited North American product offerings that are expensivecompared to similar products from Japanese automakers, partiallybecause of the currency effects of importing cars from Europe. Thecompany's offerings also largely ignore the small SUV, truck, andminivan segments. Conversely, the company's offerings matchconsumer expectations much better in Europe, where the companycontinues to be highly successful.

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    History of Volkswagen

    In the early 1930s German auto industry was still largelycomposed of luxury models, and the average German rarely couldafford something more than a motorcycle. Seeking a potential newmarket, some auto industries begun independent projects o(people'sautomobile) - Mercedes' 170H, Adler's AutoBahn, Steyr 55, Hanomag1,3L, among others. The trend was not new, as Bla Barnyi iscredited with having conceived the basic design in the middle 1920's.Josef Ganz developed the Standard Superior (going as far asadvertising it as the "German Volkswagen"). Also, in Czechoslovakia,

    the Hans Ledwinka's penned Tatra 77, a very popular car amongst theGerman elite, was becoming smaller and more affordable at eachrevision. In 1933, with many of the above projects still in developmentor early stages of production, Adolf Hitler declared his intentions for astate-sponsored "Volkswagen" program. Hitler required a basicvehicle capable of transporting two adults and three children at100 km/h (62 mph). The "People's Car" would be available to citizensof the Third Reich through a savings scheme at 990 Reichsmark, aboutthe price of a small motorcycle (an average income being around

    32RM a week).

    Despite heavy lobbying in favor of one of the existing projects,Hitler choose to sponsor an all new, state owned factory. The engineerchosen for the task was Ferdinand Porsche. By then an already famedengineer, Porsche was the designer of the Mercedes 170H, and workedat Steyr for quite some time in the late 1920s. When he opened hisown design studio he landed two separate "Auto fr Jedermann" (carfor everybody) projects with NSU and Zndapp, both motorcyclemanufacturers. Neither project come to fruition, stalling at prototypephase, but the basic concept remained in Porsche's mind time enough,so on 22 June 1934, Dr. Ferdinand Porsche agreed to create the"People's Car" for Hitler.

    Changes included better fuel efficiency, reliability, ease of use,and economically efficient repairs and parts. The intention was thatordinary Europeans would buy the car by means of a savings scheme("Fnf Mark die Woche musst Du sparen, willst Du im eigenenWagen fahren""Save five Marks a week, if you want to drive your

    own car"), which around 336,000 people eventually paid into.Volkswagen honored its savings agreements in West Germany (but

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    not in East Germany) after World War II. Prototypes of the car calledthe "KdF-Wagen" (German: Kraft durch Freude "strength throughjoy"), appeared from 1936 onwards (the first cars had been producedin Stuttgart). The car already had its distinctive round shape and air-

    cooled, flat-four, rear-mounted engine. The VW car was just one ofmany KdF programs which included things such as tours and outings.The prefix Volks("People's") was not just applied to cars, but alsoto other products in Europe; the "Volksempfnger" radio receiver forinstance. On 28 May 1937, the Gesellschaft zur Vorbereitung desDeutschen Volkswagens mbH was established by the DeutscheArbeitsfront. It was later renamed "Volkswagenwerk GmbH" on 16September 1938.

    Erwin Komenda, the longstanding Auto Union chief designer,developed the car body of the prototype, which was recognizably theBeetle known today. It was one of the first to be evolved with the aidof a wind tunnel, in use in Germany since the early 1920s.

    The building of the new factory started 26 May 1938 in the newtown of KdF-Stadt, now called Wolfsburg, which had been purpose-built for the factory workers. This factory had only produced a handfulof cars by the time war started in 1939. None was actually delivered toany holder of the completed saving stamp books, though one Type 1

    Cabriolet was presented to Hitler on 20 April 1938 (his 49th birthday).

    War meant production changed to military vehicles, the Type82 Kbelwagen ("Bucket car") utility vehicle (VW's most commonwartime model), and the amphibious Schwimmwagen which wereused to equip the German forces..

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    Theoretical Background

    Marketing Strategy:

    The marketing concept of building an organization around theprofitable satisfaction of customer needs has helped firms to achievesuccess in high-growth, moderately competitive markets. However, tobe successful in markets in which economic growth has leveled and inwhich there exist many competitors who follow the marketingconcept, a well-developed marketing strategy is required. Such astrategy considers a portfolio of products and takes into account theanticipated moves of competitors in the market.

    The Case of Barco:

    In late 1989, Barco N.V.'s projection systems division wasfaced with Sony's surprise introduction of a better graphics projector.Barco had been perceived as a leader, introducing high qualityproducts first and targeting a niche market that was willing to pay ahigher price. Being a smaller company, Barco could not compete onprice, so it traditionally pursued a skimming strategy in the graphicsprojector market, where it had a 55% market share of the smallmarket. Barco's overall market share for all types of projectors wasonly 4%.

    Even though Barco's market was mainly in graphics projectors,the company had not introduced a new graphics projector in over twoyears. Instead, it was spending a large portion of its R&D budget onvideo projector products. However, video projectors were not Barco'smarket.

    Barco's engineers had been working long hours on their new

    projector that would not be as good as Sony's. Some people thoughtthey should not stop work on that product since the engineers' moralewould suffer after being told how important it was to work hard to getthe product out. However, even considering the morale of the productteam, it would not have been a good idea to introduce a product thatwas inferior to that of Sony. Barco wisely stopped working on theinferior product and put a major effort in developing a projector thatoutperformed Sony's.

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    The Barco case illustrates several marketing strategy concepts:

    Price / Selling Effort Strategies: A firm that follows a skimmingstrategy seeks to be the first to introduce a product with very

    good performance, selling it to the innovator market segmentand charging a premium price for it. It makes as much profit aspossible, then moves on when the competition arrives. The priceis likely to fall over time as competition is encountered. Such askimming strategy contrasts with a penetrating strategy, whichseeks to gain market share by sacrificing short-term profits, andincreasing the price over time as market share is gained.Competitors have certain strengths and abilities. To succeed, afirm must leverage its own unique abilities.A firm should prepare defensive strategies before potentialthreats arrive. If the competition surprises a firm with theintroduction of a vastly superior product, the firm should resistthe temptation to proceed with its mediocre product. A firmnever should introduce a product that is obsolete when it hits themarket.The competition's probable response to a firm's actions shouldbe considered carefully.

    Marketing Research for Strategic Decision Making:

    The two most common uses of marketing research are fordiagnostic analysis to understand the market and the firm's currentperformance, and opportunity analysis to define any unexploitedopportunities for growth. Marketing research studies include consumerstudies, distribution studies, semantic scaling, multidimensionalscaling, intelligence studies, projections, and conjoint analysis. A fewof these are outlined below.

    Semantic scaling: a very simple rating of how consumersperceive the physical attributes of a product, and what the idealvalues of those attributes would be. Semantic scaling is not veryaccurate since the consumers are polled according to an ordinalranking so mathematical averaging is not possible. For example,8 is not necessarily twice as much as 4 in an ordinal rankingsystem. Furthermore, each person uses the scale differently.Multidimensional scaling (MDS) addresses the problems

    associated with semantic scaling by polling the consumer forpair-wise comparisons between products or between one

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    product and the ideal. The assumption is that while peoplecannot report reliably which attributes drive their choices, theycan report perceptions of similarities between brands. However,MDS analyses do not indicate the relative importance between

    attributes.Conjoint analysis infers the relative importance of attributes bypresenting consumers with a set of features of two hypotheticalproducts and asking them which product they prefer. Thisquestion is repeated over several sets of attribute values. Theresults allow one to predict which attributes are the moreimportant, the combination of attribute values that is the mostpreferred. From this information, the expected market share of agiven design can be estimated.

    Marketing strategy is a method of focusing an organization'senergies and resources on a course of action which can lead toincreased sales and dominance of a targeted market niche. Amarketing strategy combines product development, promotion,distribution, pricing, relationship management and other elements;identifies the firm's marketing goals, and explains how they will beachieved, ideally within a stated timeframe. Marketing strategydetermines the choice of target market segments, positioning,Marketing mix, and allocation of resources. It is most effective when

    it is an integral component of overall firm strategy, defining how theorganization will successfully engage customers, prospects, andcompetitors in the market arena. Corporate strategies, corporatemissions, and corporate goals. As the customer constitutes the sourceof a company's revenue, marketing strategy is closely linked withsales. A key component of marketing strategy is often to keepmarketing in line with a company's overarching mission statement.

    Basic theory:

    1. Target Audience2. Proposition/Key Element3. Implementation

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    Tactics and actions:

    A marketing strategy can serve as the foundation of a marketingplan. A marketing plan contains a set of specific actions required tosuccessfully implement a marketing strategy. For example: "Use a lowcost product to attract consumers. Once our organization, via our lowcost product, has established a relationship with consumers, ourorganization will sell additional, higher-margin products and servicesthat enhance the consumer's interaction with the low-cost product orservice."

    A strategy consists of a well thought out series of tactics to

    make a marketing plan more effective. Marketing strategies serve asthe fundamental underpinning of marketing plans designed to fillmarket needs and reach marketing objectives. Plans and objectives aregenerally tested for measurable results.

    A marketing strategy often integrates an organization'smarketing goals, policies, and action sequences (tactics) into acohesive whole. Similarly, the various strands of the strategy , whichmight include advertising, channel marketing, internet marketing,

    promotion and public relations can be orchestrated. Many companiescascade a strategy throughout an organization, by creating strategytactics that then become strategy goals for the next level or group.Each one group is expected to take that strategy goal and develop a setof tactics to achieve that goal. This is why it is important to make eachstrategy goal measurable.

    Marketing strategies are dynamic and interactive. They arepartially planned and partially unplanned

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    Types of strategies:

    Marketing strategies may differ depending on the uniquesituation of the individual business. However there are a number ofways of categorizing some generic strategies. A brief description ofthe most common categorizing schemes is presented below:

    Strategies based on market dominance - In this scheme, firmsare classified based on their market share or dominance of anindustry. Typically there are four types of market dominancestrategies:


    Leadero Challengero Followero Nicher

    Porter generic strategy - strategy on the dimensions of strategicscope and strategic strength. Strategic scope refers to the market penetration while strategic strength refers to the firms

    sustainable competitive advantage. The generic strategyframework (porter 1984) comprises two alternatives each withtwo alternative scopes. These are Differentiation and low-costleadership each with a dimension of Focus-broad or narrow.

    o Product differentiation (broad)o Cost leadership (broad)o Market segmentation (narrow)

    Innovation strategies - This deals with the firm's rate of the newproduct development and business model innovation. It askswhether the company is on the cutting edge of technology andbusiness innovation. There are three types:

    o Pioneerso Close followerso Late followers

    Growth strategies - In this scheme we ask the question, Howshould the firm grow? There are a number of different ways of

    answering that question, but the most common gives fouranswers:

    o Horizontal integrationo Vertical integrationo Diversificationo Intensification

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    A more detailed scheme uses the categories:



    Selling effort strategies(Price effort strategies):

    There are total four classic price/selling effort strategies:

    In general, products are clustered in the low-low or high-highcategories. If a product is in a mixed category, after introduction it willtend to move to the low-low or high-high one.

    Increasing the breadth of the product line as several advantages.A firm can better serve multiple segments, it can occupy more of thedistributors' shelf space, it offers customers a more complete selection,and it preempts competition. While a wider range of products willcause a firm to cannibalize some of its own sales, it is better to do sooneself rather than let the competition do so.




    Low High

    Low Necessity GoodsClassic Skim Strategy

    Vulnerable to new entrants


    Classic PenetrationStrategy

    Luxury Goods

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    The drawbacks of broad product lines are reduced volume foreach brand (cannibalization), greater manufacturing complexity,increased inventory, more management resources required, moreadvertising (or less per brand), clutter and confusion in advertising for

    both customers and distributors.

    To increase profits from existing brands, a firm can improve itsproduction efficiency, increase the demand through more users, moreuses, and more usage. A firm also can defend its existing base throughline extensions (expand on a current brand), flanker brands (newbrands in an existing product area), and brand extensions.

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    Problem Identification


    The first step in research is formulating a researchproblem. It is most important stage in applied research as poorly

    defined problems will not yield useful results. It is rightly said that a

    problem is the half-solved.

    It is difficult to lay down any concise prescription

    for recognizing problem. A person with an inquisive nature and the

    necessary background would recognize a problem or an opportunity in

    less time than another who lacks these qualities. Once the researcher

    has identified two or more than two problems or opportunity, the next

    question he should be concerned with iswhich of the problem is to

    be selected?

    A research problem, in general, refers to some

    difficulty which a researcher experiences in the context of either a

    theoretical or practical situation and wants to obtain a solution for the


    We can, state the components of the research

    problem as under:

    [1] There must be an individual or a group which

    has some difficulty or the problem.

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    [2] There must be some objectives to be attained at.

    If one wants nothing, one cannot have a problem.

    [3] There must be alternative means (or the courses

    of action) for obtaining the objective one wish to attain. This means

    that there must be at least two means available to a researcher for if he

    has no choice of means, he cannot have a problem.


    For the study I went to Volkswagen car dealer in Suratcity.

    I have selected the subject entitle A study on effectiveness

    of marketing strategies of Volkswagen. And my scope is limited only

    to the Gujarat state and has not considered the entire Gujarat state due

    to the time limitation of two months. For the study we are going to

    Volkswagen car dealer.


    I selected the particular topic a study on effectiveness of

    marketing strategies of Volkswagen Company. In order to identify

    effectiveness of marketing strategies.

    On the basis of this study the Company can make

    improvement in current marketing strategies where it needed and

    company can identify and create more need which helps in increase

    growth of company and improve image of company.


    To identify effectiveness of companys marketing strategies.

    To improve marketing strategy of company.

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    To Identify and create need.


    It helps to company to know whether their current marketing

    strategies are effective or not.

    This study plays important role for the company to undertake

    development task.

    This survey makes products progressive for the company.


    During my entire projects study I tried my best to

    make my research study and my report qualitative but during my

    project work the following limitations were faced by me:

    1. Time period allowed for the study i.e. two months were veryshort.

    2. It may happen that some respondent gave careless response.

    3. Within two months, it is hard to cover large area.

    4. Sample unit is limited.

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    Research Methodology

    Meaning of Research:-

    Research in common parlance refers to a search for

    knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and systematic

    search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is

    an art of scientific investigation. The advanced learners dictionary of

    Current English lays down thy meaning of the research as:

    A careful investigation or inquiry especially

    through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge

    Redman and Mory define the research as A

    systematized effort to gain new knowledge

    Research comprises defining and redefining

    problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions; collecting,

    organizing, evaluating date; making deductions and researching



    Marketing Research is the function which links the

    consumer, customer and the public to the marketer through

    informationinformation used to identify and define the marketing

    opportunities and problems; generate, refine and evaluate marketing

    actions; monitor marketing performance; and improve understanding

    of market as a process.

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    Marketing research specifies the information

    required to address these issues; designs the method for collecting

    information; manages and implements the data collection process;

    analyses the results; and communicates the findings and their

    implications. My marketing Research is on Brand awareness.

    However, there are also some limitations of

    marketing research like it is not exact science and is too faulty and

    superficial in industry.


    The Marketing research process involves a number

    of interrelated activities which dont rigidly follow a particular

    sequence. Followings are the various steps in the research

    methodology process:

    [1] Formulating the research problem.

    [2] Choice of research design.

    [3] Determining sources of data.

    [4] Designing data collection forms.

    [5] Determining sampling design and sampling size.

    [6] Organizing and conducting the field survey.

    [7] Processing and analyzing the collected data.

    [8] Preparing the research report.

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    Research design is the plan, structure and strategy

    of investigation conceived so as to obtain answers to research

    questions and to control variance.

    The definition consists of three important terms

    plan, structure and strategy. The plan is an outline of the research but

    structure of the research is a more specific outline and the strategy

    shows how the research will be carried out.


    Research design can be grouped in three board


    [1] Exploratory Research:-

    In the case of exploratory research, the focus is on

    the discovery of ideas. In a business where sales have been declining

    for the past few months, the management may conduct exploratory

    research to find the most likely cause. An exploratory study is

    generally based on the secondary data that are readily available sincethe objective of the research is to generate new ideas, respondents

    should be given sufficient freedom to express themselves.

    [2] Descriptive studies:-

    Descriptive studies are undertaken in many

    circumstances. When the researcher is interested in knowing the

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    characteristics of certain groups such as age, sex, occupation then a

    descriptive study may be necessary in other use, when researcher is

    interested in knowing the proportion of the people in a given

    population who have behaved in a particular manner. The descriptive

    studies are factual and very simple. It is also well structured.

    Descriptive studies can be divided into two categoriescross

    sectional and longitudinal. Cross sectional study is concerned with a

    sample of elements i.e. field studies and surveys while longitudinal

    studies are based on panel data and panel methods which is a sample

    of respondents who are reinterviewed from time to time.

    [3]Causal Designs:-

    A causal design investigates the cause and effect

    relationship between two or more variables. The design of causal

    research is based on reasoning along well tested lines. The method ofagreement and the method of differences are use in causal research

    formulated by john mill.


    There are mainly two types of data collection method:

    [1] Primary data:-

    Data which are collected at first hand is primary

    data for collecting primary data, There are four methods i.e.

    observation method, laboratory experiment method, field experiment

    method and survey method. From that I select survey method. For

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    survey, Questionnaire is necessary which consists the various

    questions relating with the research. The questionnaire should be

    designed well so the study become easy. Questionnaire survey can be

    done through personal interview, telephonic interview and mail

    questionnaire method.

    [2] Secondary data:-

    Any data which have been gathered earlier for

    some other purpose are secondary data in the hands of the data in the

    hands of the marketing researcher. Thus, primary data collected by

    one person may become the secondary data for another. Secondary

    data saves the time, cost and resources of the researcher. But

    secondary data should not be outdated. The sources of the secondary

    data are accounting records, sales force reports, internal experts, other

    responds of company and government publications, nonegovernment and organizations publications etc.


    I) Sampling unit:-

    The target population is everyone in the

    population has equal chance of sampling. The survey was conducted

    in Gujarat state & is done in four of city.

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    II) Sampling size:-

    P= 0.80, q =0.20

    e =0.05Hypothesis =100UNITS

    III) Sampling Method:-

    It indicates how the sample units are selected. Here I have

    select dealer of Volkswagen car to know effectiveness of marketing

    strategies of company and I have to do survey to with the help ofdealer. So we used random sampling method.

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    Q.1: Companys Marketing strategies are being prepared byWhom?

    Table No: 1

    Chart No:1

    Comment : -

    In above chart 75% respondent says that the theirmarketing strategies prepared by Internal body and other 25%respondent says that their marketing strategies prepared by externalbody.

    Answers Internalbody



    Respondent 68 32 100

    Percentage 68 32 100

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    Q.2 : Is Marketing strategies effective in market?

    Table No: 2

    Chart No:2

    Comment : -In above chart 89% respondent says that their

    marketing strategies are effective in market and other 11%respondents says that their marketing strategies are not effectivein market.

    Answers Yes No Total

    Respondent 89 11 100

    Percentage 89 11 100

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    Q.3: Any commitment from the customer about marketingstrategies ?

    Table No: 3

    Chart No:3

    Comment : -In above chart 21% respondent says that they are

    getting comments from customer on their marketing strategies andother 79% respondents says that they are not getting comments ontheir marketing strategies from customer.

    Answers Yes No Total

    Respondent 21 79 100

    Percentage 21 79 100

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    Q.4: Would company like to improve marketing strategyafter getting comments from customers?

    Table No: 4

    Chart No:4

    Comment : -In above chart 76% respondent from who getting

    comments from customer believe that their company would like toimprove their marketing strategies then other 24% respondent fromwho getting comments from customer believe that their companywould not like to improve their marketing strategies.

    Answers Yes No Total

    Respondent 16 5 20

    Percentage 76.19 23.81 100

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    Q.5:Increment in selling of product by Appling marketingstrategy?

    Table No: 5

    Chart No:5

    Comment : -In above chart 47% respondent accept that they get

    high increment in selling of product after applying marketingstrategies ,42% respondent accept that they get medium increment inselling of product after applying marketing strategies and other 11%respondent accept that they get low increment in selling of product

    after applying marketing strategies.

    Answers High Medium Low Total

    Respondent 47 42 11 100

    Percentage 47 42 11 100

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    Q.6: Type of marketing strategy applied by company?

    Table No: 6

    Chart No:6

    Comment : -In above chart 50% respondent says that their

    company applied Rapid skimming strategy, 25% respondent says thattheir company applied Low skimming strategy, 25% respondent saysthat their company applied Rapid penetration strategy.

    Answers Rapidskimming





    Respondent 50 25 25 0 100

    Percentage 50 25 25 0 100

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    Q.7: After Appling marketing strategy, how muchinquiry company gets?

    Table No: 7

    Chart No:7

    Comment : -

    In above chart 78% respondent believe that theyget high number of inquiry from customer after applying marketingstrategies, 16% respondent believe that they get medium number ofinquiry from customer after applying marketing strategies and 6%respondent believe that they get low number of inquiry from customerafter applying marketing.

    Answers High Medium Low Total

    Respondent 78 16 6 100

    Percentage 78 16 6 100

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    Q.8: Any schemes from dealer, company or Ratio {both}?

    Table No: 8

    Chart No:8

    Comment : -In above chart 25% respondent says that all scheme

    provide by their dealer and 75% respondent says that schemeintroduce by ratio (dealer and company).

    Answers All fromcompany

    All fromdealer

    Ratio Total

    Respondent 0 25 75 100

    Percentage 0 25 75 100

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    Testing of Hypothesis

    I have taken 10 samples before survey for Pilot study inwhich I knew through 8 respondents that Marketing strategy of

    Volkswagen is effective and through 2 respondents that Marketingstrategy of Volkswagen is not effective.

    P = 0.80

    Q = 0.20

    I have taken 100 sample sizes for survey; I have knownthrough 89 respondents that Marketing strategies of Volkswagen is

    effective.n = 100p = x/n

    = 89/100= 0.89

    Statement for Hypothesis Testing :

    H0 = Marketing strategies of company is 80% effectiveness.

    H1 = Marketing strategies of company is 20% not effectiveness.

    Z cal. = | p-P |


    = |0.89-0.80|

    0.80 X 0.20/100

    = 0.09/0.0

    Z cal. = 2.25Z cal.> 1.96 so, we do not accepted null hypothesis.

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    75% respondent says that the their marketing strategies

    prepared by Internal body and other 25% respondent says that

    their marketing strategies prepared by external body.

    89% respondent says that their marketing strategies are

    effective in market and other 11% respondents says that their

    marketing strategies are not effective in market.

    21% respondent says that they are getting comments from

    customer on their marketing strategies and other 79%

    respondents says that they are not getting comments on their

    marketing strategies from customer.

    76% respondent from who getting comments from customer

    believe that their company would like to improve their

    marketing strategies then other 24% respondent from who

    getting comments from customer believe that their company

    would not like to improve their marketing strategies.

    47% respondent accept that they get high increment in selling of

    product after applying marketing strategies ,42% respondent

    accept that they get medium increment in selling of product

    after applying marketing strategies and other 11% respondent

    accept that they get low increment in selling of product after

    applying marketing strategies.

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    50% respondent says that their company applied Rapid

    skimming strategy, 25% respondent says that their company

    applied Low skimming strategy, 25% respondent says that their

    company applied Rapid penetration strategy.

    78% respondent believe that they get high number of inquiry

    from customer after applying marketing strategies, 16%

    respondent believe that they get medium number of inquiry

    from customer after applying marketing strategies and 6%

    respondent believe that they get low number of inquiry from

    customer after applying marketing.

    25% respondent says that all scheme provide by their dealer and

    75% respondent says that scheme introduce by ratio (dealer and


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    I think Company should take following actions to makemore effective Marketing strategies as compare to the earlier one.

    1. Volkswagen should do more Advertisement in Gujarat state

    and company should recruit more sales executive.

    2. Company introduce its new car polo like this it should

    make more new car model with low price and good quality.

    3. Company should open maximum showroom in possible city

    so that its car can be available in maximum city of Gujaratand so that it can get fast growth.

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    - www.google.com

    - www.wikipedia.org

    Company informations:

    - www.volkswagen.co.in

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    B) Annexure


    NAME: __________________________________

    AREA: ________________

    AGE: _________________

    Gender: ___________________

    E-mail ID: _____________________________

    Dealer: _________________________________

    Please tick [] the option, which you find

    appropriate.(This survey is regarding to effectiveness of marketing strategy of


    1. By whom your companys marketing strategies are beingprepared?

    [ ] Internal body[ ] Expert body (External)

    2. Is your marketing strategy effective in market?[ ] Yes[ ] No

    3. Is there any commitment from the customer aboutmarketing strategy?

    [ ] Yes[ ] No

    4. If yes, then would you like to make improvement in yourmarketing strategy as per customer view ?

    [ ] Yes[ ] No

    5. How much increment in selling of product by applyingmarketing strategies?

    [ ] High[ ] Medium[ ] Low

    6.Which type of marketing strategy company applied?

    [ ] Rapid skimming[ ] Low skimming[ ] Rapid penetration

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    [ ] Low penetration

    7. How much inquiry do you get after applying abovestrategy?

    [ ] High

    [ ] Medium[ ] Low

    8. Is there any scheme from dealer side or all from companyside?

    [ ] All from company[ ] All from dealer[ ] Ratio

    9. Suggestions for marketing strategy (If any?).




    Thank You!
