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Efficacy of Excision, Cauterization, and Fungicides for Management of Apple Anthracnose Canker in Maritime Climate Whitney J. Garton 1 , Mark Mazzola 2 , Nairanjana Dasgupta 3 , Travis R. Alexander 1 , and Carol A. Miles 1,4 ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Bordeaux mixture, copper hydroxide, Malus ·domestica, Neofabraea SUMMARY. This study was designed to determine the efficacy of canker excision (CE) followed by a subsequent application of cauterization (CAU) and/or fungicide treatment to the excised area for the management of anthracnose canker (caused by Neofabraea malicorticis) on cider apple (Malus ·domestica) trees. Three experiments were conducted from 2015 to 2017, with one experiment each year, in an experimental cider apple orchard in western Washington where trees were naturally infested with N. malicorticis. Treatments were applied once in December and data were collected January through March. Treatments in the 2015 experiment were CE D CAU, CE D CAU D copper hydroxide, CE D 0.5% sodium hypochlorite, Bordeaux mixture (BM) only, and CE D copper hydroxide (control). The 2016 experiment included the same treatments as in 2015 plus one additional treatment, CE D BM. In 2017, one additional treatment was added, CE only, and CAU treatments were removed as they caused significant injury to the trees. Canker size was measured pretreatment, and the treated canker or excised area was measured posttreatment every 2 weeks for 13–15 weeks. Compared with pretreatment, cankers treated with BM did not increase in size, while the excised area treated with CAU increased 28-fold in size on average, and the excised area treated with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite or copper hydroxide increased up to 4-fold in size. Each year new cankers developed in all treatments 13–15 weeks after treatment application, at a time of year when there should not be any spores present to cause new infections. Dark brown streaking, indicative of the disease, was observed in the tissue below the intact or excised cankers 15 months after treatment application all years. Although N. malicorticis was not isolated from symptomatic tissue, symptoms were observed in all treatments including where cankers had not been excised and there was no wounding of the cambium tissue. Findings from this study indicate that of the treatments evaluated, the application of copper hydroxide after CE was the most effective for limiting the number of new cankers, but it did not limit expansion of the excised area. Additional physical and fungicidal strategies need to be tested for effective management of anthracnose canker. I n recent years there has been a rapid expansion of cider apple production in Washington state, with many new plantings occurring west of the Cascades where there is an average reported yield of 36,000 lb/ acre and crop value of $12,960/acre, assuming a fruit price of $0.36/lb (Galinato et al., 2014; Northwest Cider Association, 2016). A major obstacle to long-term orchard pro- ductivity and continued expansion in western Washington is the wide- spread occurrence of anthracnose canker on apple, caused by Neofab- raea malicorticis (Rahe, 2010; Zang et al., 2011). In the absence of effec- tive management of N. malicorticis, anthracnose canker can spread with- in an entire western Washington or- chard in 1 or 2 years, and within 3 or 4 years can kill newly planted trees and structurally weaken established trees (Davidson and Byther, 1992; Garton et al., 2018; Rahe, 2010). Informa- tion on cultivar susceptibility and host resistance to anthracnose canker is limited and contradictory (Borecki and Czynczyk, 1985; Braun, 1997), and currently all cider apple cultivars are considered susceptible (British Columbia Ministry of Agriculture, 2016; Pscheidt and Ocamb, 2017). Neofabraea malicorticis can di- rectly infect intact bark tissue, with most infections occurring through the lenticels (Kienholz, 1939). Stem and trunk infections appear to occur primarily in the autumn but can take place throughout the winter and early spring during mild, moist conditions (Davidson and Byther, 1992; Rahe, 2010). Cankers develop during the autumn and to a lesser extent in the winter. In the following spring, can- kers resume development, reaching full size in the summer, and pycnidia that form on the canker margin are the source of inoculum for new in- fections (Barss, 1925; Creemers, 2014; Rahe, 1997). In midsummer to late autumn, conidia (asexual) are disseminated by rain and wind to other parts of the tree as well as to surrounding trees and fruit, causing new infections (Creemers, 2014). Cankers that overwinter may produce ascospores (sexual) in the spring, which can be carried over substantial distances and may also incite new infections (Powell et al., 1970; Rahe, 1997). Current recommendations for managing anthracnose canker in- clude 1) excising cankers, and 2) applying fungicides to minimize the occurrence of new infections (Pscheidt and Ocamb, 2017). The reported efficacy of canker excision in manag- ing disease incidence and severity (appearance of new cankers, and ex- pansion of existing cankers) on trees is limited and variable. Byther (1986) reported a 45% reduction in the oc- currence of new cankers 1 year after Units To convert U.S. to SI, multiply by U.S. unit SI unit To convert SI to U.S., multiply by 0.4047 acre(s) ha 2.4711 29.5735 fl oz mL 0.0338 0.3048 ft m 3.2808 2.54 inch(es) cm 0.3937 25.4 inch(es) mm 0.0394 6.4516 inch 2 cm 2 0.1550 0.4536 lb kg 2.2046 1.1209 lb/acre kgha –1 0.8922 1.6093 mile(s) km 0.6214 28.3495 oz g 0.0353 (°F – 32) O 1.8 °F °C (°C · 1.8) + 32 728 December 2018 28(6)
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Efficacy of Excision, Cauterization, andFungicides for Management of AppleAnthracnose Canker in Maritime Climate

Whitney J. Garton1, Mark Mazzola2, Nairanjana Dasgupta3,

Travis R. Alexander1, and Carol A. Miles1,4

ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. Bordeauxmixture, copper hydroxide,Malus ·domestica,Neofabraea

SUMMARY. This study was designed to determine the efficacy of canker excision (CE)followed by a subsequent application of cauterization (CAU) and/or fungicidetreatment to the excised area for the management of anthracnose canker (caused byNeofabraea malicorticis) on cider apple (Malus ·domestica) trees. Three experimentswere conducted from 2015 to 2017, with one experiment each year, in anexperimental cider apple orchard in western Washington where trees were naturallyinfested with N. malicorticis. Treatments were applied once in December and datawere collected January through March. Treatments in the 2015 experiment wereCE D CAU, CE D CAU D copper hydroxide, CE D 0.5% sodium hypochlorite,Bordeaux mixture (BM) only, and CE D copper hydroxide (control). The 2016experiment included the same treatments as in 2015 plus one additional treatment,CE D BM. In 2017, one additional treatment was added, CE only, and CAUtreatments were removed as they caused significant injury to the trees. Canker sizewas measured pretreatment, and the treated canker or excised area was measuredposttreatment every 2 weeks for 13–15 weeks. Compared with pretreatment,cankers treated with BM did not increase in size, while the excised area treated withCAU increased 28-fold in size on average, and the excised area treated with 0.5%sodium hypochlorite or copper hydroxide increased up to 4-fold in size. Each yearnew cankers developed in all treatments 13–15 weeks after treatment application, ata time of year when there should not be any spores present to cause new infections.Dark brown streaking, indicative of the disease, was observed in the tissue below theintact or excised cankers 15 months after treatment application all years. AlthoughN. malicorticis was not isolated from symptomatic tissue, symptoms were observedin all treatments including where cankers had not been excised and there was nowounding of the cambium tissue. Findings from this study indicate that of thetreatments evaluated, the application of copper hydroxide after CE was the mosteffective for limiting the number of new cankers, but it did not limit expansion ofthe excised area. Additional physical and fungicidal strategies need to be tested foreffective management of anthracnose canker.

In recent years there has beena rapid expansion of cider appleproduction in Washington state,

with many new plantings occurringwest of the Cascades where there is anaverage reported yield of 36,000 lb/acre and crop value of $12,960/acre,assuming a fruit price of $0.36/lb(Galinato et al., 2014; NorthwestCider Association, 2016). A majorobstacle to long-term orchard pro-ductivity and continued expansion inwestern Washington is the wide-spread occurrence of anthracnosecanker on apple, caused by Neofab-raea malicorticis (Rahe, 2010; Zanget al., 2011). In the absence of effec-tive management of N. malicorticis,anthracnose canker can spread with-in an entire western Washington or-chard in 1 or 2 years, and within 3 or 4

years can kill newly planted trees andstructurally weaken established trees(Davidson and Byther, 1992; Gartonet al., 2018; Rahe, 2010). Informa-tion on cultivar susceptibility and hostresistance to anthracnose canker is

limited and contradictory (Boreckiand Czynczyk, 1985; Braun, 1997),and currently all cider apple cultivarsare considered susceptible (BritishColumbia Ministry of Agriculture,2016; Pscheidt and Ocamb, 2017).

Neofabraea malicorticis can di-rectly infect intact bark tissue, withmost infections occurring throughthe lenticels (Kienholz, 1939). Stemand trunk infections appear to occurprimarily in the autumn but can takeplace throughout the winter and earlyspring during mild, moist conditions(Davidson and Byther, 1992; Rahe,2010). Cankers develop during theautumn and to a lesser extent in thewinter. In the following spring, can-kers resume development, reachingfull size in the summer, and pycnidiathat form on the canker margin arethe source of inoculum for new in-fections (Barss, 1925; Creemers,2014; Rahe, 1997). In midsummerto late autumn, conidia (asexual) aredisseminated by rain and wind toother parts of the tree as well as tosurrounding trees and fruit, causingnew infections (Creemers, 2014).Cankers that overwinter may produceascospores (sexual) in the spring,which can be carried over substantialdistances and may also incite newinfections (Powell et al., 1970; Rahe,1997).

Current recommendations formanaging anthracnose canker in-clude 1) excising cankers, and 2)applying fungicides to minimize theoccurrence of new infections (Pscheidtand Ocamb, 2017). The reportedefficacy of canker excision in manag-ing disease incidence and severity(appearance of new cankers, and ex-pansion of existing cankers) on trees islimited and variable. Byther (1986)reported a 45% reduction in the oc-currence of new cankers 1 year after

UnitsTo convert U.S. to SI,multiply by U.S. unit SI unit

To convert SI to U.S.,multiply by

0.4047 acre(s) ha 2.471129.5735 fl oz mL 0.03380.3048 ft m 3.28082.54 inch(es) cm 0.3937

25.4 inch(es) mm 0.03946.4516 inch2 cm2 0.15500.4536 lb kg 2.20461.1209 lb/acre kg�ha–1 0.89221.6093 mile(s) km 0.6214

28.3495 oz g 0.0353(�F – 32) O 1.8 �F �C (�C · 1.8) + 32

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canker excision (CE) treatment, whileRahe (2010) observed no reductionin the number of new cankers. Thereported efficacy of applying cauter-ization (CAU) and/or fungicidaltreatments to cankers or excisedareas is also quite variable. Studies ofpathogens that incite similar cankerdiseases on fruit trees, such asbacterial canker (Pseudomonas syringae),phytophthora canker (Phytophthoracitricola), and botryosphaeria canker(Botryosphaeria sp.), have demon-strated that CAU or chemical treat-ments applied directly to cankers orto the excised area following CE canreduce or prevent infections (Brown-Rytlewski and McManus, 2000;El-Hamalawi and Menge, 1994;Fawcett, 1915; Hawkins, 1976). Stud-ies on anthracnose canker specificallyhave reported that the effect of CAUtreatments in limiting disease progres-sion does not last more than 1 yearafter application (Byther, 1986; Rahe,2010). Chemical treatments to controlNeofabraea species are predominantlycopper-based fungicides (Barss andMote, 1931; Childs, 1927; Henriquezet al., 2006; Spotts et al., 2009).Byther (1986) found that basic coppersulfate reduced the number of newcankers on trees by 50% when anapplication was made once in mid-October followed by a second dor-mant application in mid-February.In contrast, an in vitro study foundthat copper-based fungicides wereineffective to control N. malicorticis(Rahe, 1997). Early 20th centuryrecommendations for managing an-thracnose canker included applying

Bordeaux mixture (BM) (basic coppersulfate and calcium hydroxide) afterCE (Cordley, 1900; Zeller, 1926).There are no published data on theefficacy of CE plus BM or othercopper-based products to control an-thracnose canker.

Anthracnose canker is an eco-nomic threat to cider apple produc-tion in western Washington andgrowers are in need of an effectivemanagement plan. Cider apple growersin the region are currently usingseveral physical and fungicidal treat-ments alone and in combination inan attempt to control anthracnosecanker during the winter, althoughthere is no evidence of treatmentefficacy. The objective of this studywas to assess the efficacy of varioustreatments on existing cankers oncider apple trees in western Wash-ington, and to assist growers to elim-inate the application of ineffectiveand costly treatments.

Materials and methodsThree experiments that included

a total of seven treatments were car-ried out over 3 years, from 2015 to2017, in an experimental cider appleorchard at Washington State Univer-sity (WSU) Northwestern Washing-ton Research and Extension Center(NWREC) in Mount Vernon, WA.Five treatments were applied in 2015and 2016, and the 2016 experimentincluded one additional treatment(Table 1). In 2017, three of the sametreatments were applied as in 2016plus one additional treatment. The1-acre orchard included three to sixtrees each of 60 cultivars that werenaturally infested withN. malicorticis(Zang et al., 2011). Trees were nurs-ery-budded in Aug. 2012, planted atWSU NWREC in Apr. 2014, andwere in their second growing seasonin 2015. Trees were trained to a tall-spindle trellis system, spaced 6 ft in-row and 14 ft between rows. Thediameter of the central leader was�0.5 inch in 2015, 0.7 inch in2016, and 0.8 inch in 2017. Weatherdata (mean air temperature, relativehumidity, total precipitation, and so-lar radiation) were recorded every 5 sand summarized every 15 min byWSU AgWeatherNet, the monitoredMount Vernon station located �0.4miles from the cider apple researchorchard (WSU, 2017). Disease distri-bution, as defined by appearance and

number of anthracnose cankers, wasuniform across cultivars in the or-chard with 77% of trees in the orchardinfested with three or more cankersper tree at the beginning of the studyeach year; this level of infection isrepresentative of the severity of thisdisease in this region. Trees selectedfor the experiment each year boreanthracnose cankers of similar size,and different trees were included inthe experiment each year. The exper-imental design did not block thetreatments by cultivar as it was notfeasible given the orchard design, andthere is no evidence in the literaturethat there is any cultivar effect ondisease incidence or severity. Treat-ments were assigned to trees in a com-pletely randomized fashion with 10single-tree replicates per treatment.All cankers on each tree received theassigned physical and/or fungicidaltreatment, but only one randomlyselected canker on the central leaderof each tree was monitored in eachexperiment. All cankers on the treeswere new each year; that is, theyappeared within a few months beforeeach experiment was initiated. Treat-ments were applied once each year,in December; as spores are releasedfrom cankers during the late summerand fall (Pscheidt and Ocamb,2017), this time of year was selectedfor this study to test efficacy oftreatments when there likely was nonew inoculum present to cause newinfections.

2015 EXPERIMENT. Fifty trees of30 cultivars were evaluated: BlancMollet, Brown Thorn, Bulmer’sNorman, Chisel Jersey, Domaines,Fillbarrel, FinkenwerderHerbstprinz,Frequin Rouge, Granniwinkle, HarryMasters’ Jersey, Jouveaux, Kermer-rien, Kingston Black, Major, Maude,Mettais, Muscadet de Dieppe, Peaude Vache, Reine des Hatives, RossNonpareil, Roxbury Russet, Smith’sCider, Stembridge Jersey, Stoke Red,Sweet Alford, Sweet Coppin, Tay-lor’s, Vilberie, Yarlington Mill, andZabergau Reinette. Five treatmentswere applied only once, on 16 Dec.2014: 1) BM only; 2) CE + 0.5%sodium hypochlorite (5.25% sodiumhypochlorite, household bleach;James Austin Co., Mars, PA); 3)CE + CAU; 4) CE + CAU + copperhydroxide (Nu-cop 50 DF; Albaugh,Ankeny, IA); and 5) CE + copperhydroxide. The BM used in this

Funding and support for this project are gratefullyacknowledged from Washington State UniversityExtension, Washington State Commission on Pes-ticide Registration, Northwest Cider Association,Northwest Agricultural Research Foundation,and USDA NIFA Hatch projects 1000194 and1017286.

The mention of a trademark, proprietary product, orcompany does not constitute a guarantee or warrantyof the product by the USDA-ARS and does not implyits approval to the exclusion of other products orcompanies that also may be suitable.

1Department of Horticulture, Washington State Uni-versity Northwestern Washington Research and Ex-tension Center, 16650 State Route 546, MountVernon, WA 98273,

2U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Re-search Service, Physiology and Pathology of TreeFruits Research Laboratory, 1104 N. Western Ave-nue, Wenatchee, WA 98801

3Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Washing-ton State University, Pullman, WA 99164

4Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].


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experiment was a 10–10–100 ratio,prepared by mixing 10 g of basiccopper sulfate (CuSO4) and 10 g ofcalcium hydroxide [Ca(OH)2] with100 mL water;�2 mL of the BM wasapplied with a paint brush (1 inch) tothe canker. A 0.5% sodium hypochlo-rite solution was prepared bymixing 1part household bleach with 9 partswater, and 1 mL of the solutionwas applied with a hand-spray bottle.The copper hydroxide was mixedaccording to label directions, appliedat 12 lb/acre with a hand-spray bot-tle. For CE, the canker was cut outwith a pruning knife that was steril-ized with 0.5% sodium hypochloritebefore each excision. Following Rahe(2010), healthy tissue beyond theperceived margin of infection was re-moved as the pathogen may reside inthis tissue. The resulting excisionswere 1 to 3 mm beyond the originalcanker margins, but cambium tissuewas present throughout the excisionzone. Excised material was removedfrom the orchard. The CAU treat-ment was carried out with a self-igniting hand-held propane torchkit (Bernzomatic TS3000 and TX914.1-fl oz cylinder; WorthingtonIndustries, Columbus, OH). Alltreated tissue was flamed for 5 s withthe full flamed torch held �6 cmfrom tissue (Fig. 1). Per manufac-turer labeling, flame temperature inair was 3600 �F.

2016 EXPERIMENT. Sixty trees of36 cultivars were evaluated: AmereForestier, Blanc Mollet, Bramley’sSeedling, Bramtot, Breakwell Seed-ling, Brown Thorn, Brown’s Apple,Campfield, Chisel Jersey, Fillbarrel,Frequin Rouge, Golden Russet,Grimes Golden, Jouveaux, Kermer-rien, Lambrook Pippin, Major,Medaille D’Or, Mettais, Michelin,Muscat De Bernay, Peau De Vache,Redstreak, Reine des Hatives, Reinedes Pommes, Royal Jersey, Stem-bridge Jersey, Stoke Red, SweetAlford, Sweet Coppin, Taliaferro,Taylor’s, Tom Putt, Whidbey, Yar-lington Mill, and Zabergau Reinette.Six treatments were applied only onceon 11Dec. 2015: 1) BM only; 2) CE +0.5% sodium hypochlorite; 3) CE +CAU; 4) CE + CAU + copper hy-droxide; 5) CE + BM; and 6) CE +copper hydroxide (control). Treat-ments repeated from 2015 were for-mulated and applied identically. Forthe new treatment, CE + BM, the

canker was cut out with a sterilizedpruning knife as described above andthe excised area was painted with BM(2 mL).

2017 EXPERIMENT. Forty trees of26 cultivars were evaluated: Amere deBerthcourt, Ashmead’s Kernel, Bou-teville, Brown Snout, Brown Thorn,

Table 1. Treatments applied to anthracnose cankers on cider apple trees in 2015,2016, and 2017.

Treatmentz Yry

1. BM only 2015, 20162. CEx + 0.5% sodium hypochlorite 2015, 2016, 20173. CE + copper hydroxide 2015, 2016, 20174. CE + CAU 2015, 20165. CE + CAU + copper hydroxide 2015, 20166. CE + BM 2016, 20177. CE only 2017zBM = Bordeaux mixture, prepared as 10 g (0.35 oz) basic copper sulfate, 10 g calcium hydroxide, and 100 mL(3.38 fl oz) water; CE = canker excision, canker cut out with a pruning knife sterilized with sodium hypochloritesolution (0.5%), 1 part of sodium hypochlorite with 9 parts water applied to excised area with a hand-spray bottle;copper hydroxide, mixed according to label directions, 12 lb/acre (13.45 kg�ha–1) applied to the excised area witha hand-spray bottle; CAU = cauterization, carried out with a hand-held propane torch (Worthington Industries,Columbus, OH), flame held to the excised area for 5 s.yTreatment application dates were 16Dec. 2014 for the 2015 experiment, 11 Dec. 2015 for the 2016 experiment,and 13 Dec. 2016 for the 2017 experiment.

Fig. 1. (A) Anthracnose canker on cider apple tree before treatment application;(B) Bordeauxmix applied to excised canker (1 to 3mmof tissue beyond the cankermargin was removed); (C) cauterization applied to excised canker; and (D) arrowsillustrate the area that was measured pre- and posttreatment; 1mm = 0.0394 inch.

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Bulmer’s Norman, Campfield, ChiselJersey, Doux Normandie, Fillbarrel,Finkenwerder Herbstprinz, FrequinRouge, Golden Russet, Harrison,Harry Masters’ Jersey, Hewe’s Vir-ginia Crab, Liberty, Major, Maude,Puget Spice, Roxbury Russet, RoyalJersey, Russet King, Stembridge Jer-sey, Stoke Red, and Tom Putt. Fourtreatments were applied only once on13 Dec. 2016: 1) CE only; 2) CE +0.5% sodium hypochlorite; 3) CE +BM; and 4) CE + copper hydroxide(control). Treatments repeated fromthe two previous experiments wereformulated and applied as describedabove. ‘‘CE only’’ was added as atreatment, and no CAU treatmentswere applied in 2017.

DISEASE SEVERITY. Two objec-tive response variables were measuredin the three experiments to assessdisease severity: 1) initial canker sizefollowed by the size of the treatedcanker or the excised area, and 2)number of new cankers. Initial cankersize (length and width) was measuredimmediately before treatment appli-cation, and then the size of the treatedcanker or the excised area was mea-sured 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 (2017only) weeks posttreatment (Fig. 1).The area was calculated using anequation for an ellipse [PI function(Excel 2013; Microsoft, Redmond,WA)], and the size posttreatmentwas compared with the pretreatmentcanker size. The number of cankerspresent on each tree was recordedbefore treatment application and atthe time of the final size measure-ment of the treated canker or excisedarea each year. The number of newcankers observed was calculated bytaking the difference between pre-and posttreatment measurements. Asubjective response variable, brownstreaking indicative of the disease(Byther, 1986; Rahe, 2010), wasevaluated in the tissue below thetreated canker or the excised area.The surface of the treated canker orthe excised area was removed witha sterilized pruning knife, as describedabove, 15 months posttreatment,on 17 Mar. 2016, 14 Mar. 2017,and 15 Mar. 2018. The amount ofcambium tissue that exhibited darkbrown streaking was then visuallyrated on a scale of 0 to 5 where 0 =no streaking; 1 = 1% to 20% streaking;2 = 21% to 40% streaking; 3 = 41%to 60% streaking; 4 = 61% to 80%

streaking; and 5 = more than 81%streaking. Each year, symptomatictissue was collected from the selectedtreated canker or the excised areathat was monitored for size in eachexperiment, five trees per treatment,for pathogen isolation and identifi-cation. Tissue was surface sterilizedin 0.5% sodium hypochlorite andrinsed with sterile distilled water, thensmall sections were plated onto po-tato dextrose agar [PDA (Difco,Betcon, Dickinson and Co., Sparks,MD)] amended with chlorampheni-col (Sigma-Aldrich Co., St. Louis,MO). Plates were incubated at 20 to22 �C, and cultures were transferredto fresh PDA weekly.

STATISTICAL ANALYSIS. All datawere analyzed in SAS (version 9.3;SAS Institute, Cary, NC) using proc

mixed procedure. To determine ifthere was a treatment effect for can-ker size, data were analyzed as a re-peated measures analysis of variance(ANOVA). Treatment and weekswere considered fixed effects andreplicates considered random. Theassumptions of normality and homo-geneity of variances were assessed inall cases using the Shapiro-Wilk testand the Levene’s test respectively(using a = 0.05). Canker size datawere log transformed to meet nor-mality and equal variance assump-tions. Treatment effects by each yearwere analyzed by ANOVA and com-pared using Tukey’s honestly sig-nificant difference at a 5% level ofsignificance. For the number of newcankers, which was a discrete countvariable, a generalized linear model

Fig. 2.Mean daily air temperature and relative humidity (RH) and precipitation atWashington State University Northwestern Washington Research and ExtensionCenter in Mount Vernon, WA during the 2015 experiment on cider apple trees;(1.8 · �C) D 32 = �F, 1 mm = 0.0394 inch.

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with a Poisson distribution was used.For tissue streaking rating, an ordinallogistic model was used. Treatmentmeans for the number of new cankersand tissue streaking were comparedusing Student’s t test at a 5% level ofsignificance.

The evidence in the literatureregarding cultivar effect for anthrac-nose canker incidence or severity islimited and contradictory, and cur-rently all apple cultivars, includingcider cultivars, are considered to besusceptible to N. malicorticis (BritishColumbia Ministry of Agriculture,2016; Creemers, 2014; Pscheidt andOcamb, 2017). Therefore, this studywas not designed for testing a cultivareffect on canker size or treatmentresponse, and cultivar effect wasassessed post hoc by comparing datafor each treatment across the cultivarswhere possible. Data were subset byeach treatment and year and analyzedas a repeated measures design withreplicates random. Similarly, to de-termine if there was a year effect, datafor the two treatments that wereapplied all 3 years (CE + 0.5% sodiumhypochlorite, CE + copper hydrox-ide) were analyzed as repeated mea-sures ANOVA, with year, treatment,and weeks as fixed effects and repli-cate as a random effect.

ResultsCLIMATE.Daily mean air temper-

ature tended to be lower each con-secutive year, and was 7.7 �C in 2015and 4.2 �C in 2017 (Figs. 2–4).Relative humidity also was lowereach year, and was 88% in 2015 and81% in 2017. Daily mean precipita-tion was higher in the 2016 experi-ment (3.9 mm average) than in 2015and 2017 (2.8 mm average).

DISEASE SEVERITY. There was ayear effect (P < 0.0001) for the twotreatments that were applied in allthree experiments, CE + 0.5% sodiumhypochlorite and CE + copper hy-droxide. Size of cankers in 2016 wassmaller than in the other 2 years [P =0.001 (data not shown)]. However,there were no differences in cankersize among treatments within a year.Initial mean canker size was 0.49 cm2

in 2015 (P = 0.92), 0.26 cm2 in 2016(P = 0.17), and 0.38 cm2 in 2017(P = 0.88).

There were significant effects fortreatment, week, and the interaction

of treatment and week for size of thetreated canker or excised area in 2015and 2016, and the relative responseto each treatment was similar bothyears (Fig. 5). The size of the excisedarea increased over time comparedwith the pretreatment area (P <0.0001), while there was no increasein the size of the treated canker. Fortreatments without CAU, the size ofthe excised area increased on aver-age 4-fold in 2015 and 3-fold in2016. For the two treatments thatincluded CAU, the size of the excisedarea increased on average 16-fold in2015 and 40-fold in 2016. In 2017there was only a significant effectdue to treatment (P = 0.03). Increasein canker size was greatest with the

CE only treatment (5-fold), and waslowest with the CE + BM treatment(3-fold) (Fig. 6). Cultivar effect oncanker size pretreatment and the sizeof the treated canker or excised areaposttreatment was not significant(P > 0.05) for any treatments exceptCE + 0.5% sodium hypochlorite [P =0.008 (data not shown)]. The CEonly treatment, evaluated solely in2017, had inadequate replicates totest for cultivar effect. Overall, therewas not a cultivar effect to influencethe efficacy of the treatments.

The number of new cankersrecorded 13–15 weeks after treat-ment application differed across ex-periments (P = 0.03), but there wereno differences within the experiment

Fig. 3.Mean daily air temperature and relative humidity (RH) and precipitation atWashington State University Northwestern Washington Research and ExtensionCenter in Mount Vernon, WA during the 2016 experiment on cider apple trees;(1.8 · �C) D 32 = �F, 1 mm = 0.0394 inch.

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in 2015 or 2017 (P = 0.83 and 0.16,respectively) (Table 2). In 2016, thetreatments BM only and CE + BMhad on average fivemore new cankers,while the treatments CE + 0.5% so-dium hypochlorite and CE + CAU +copper hydroxide had two on average(P = 0.01).

Fifteen months after treatmentapplication, dark brown streaks indic-ative of the disease were observed inthe cambium tissue below the treatedcankers and excised areas for all treat-ments each year (Table 2). Ratingsranged from 1 to 3 (1% to 60%) anddid not differ due to treatment in anyyear (P = 0.21, 0.12, and 0.06,respectively).

Discussion and conclusionsThe current recommendation

for managing established anthracnosecankers in the Pacific Northwest isexcising symptomatic tissue duringdry weather (Pscheidt and Ocamb,2017; WSU, 2016). This study testedthe treatments that are commonlyapplied to anthracnose cankers, andmeasured disease severity when, intheory, there was no new inoculumpresent, as spores are released fromcankers during the late summer andfall (Pscheidt andOcamb, 2017). Thesize of the excised area increased withthe CE only treatment, and CE alonedid not prevent new cankers from

developing on the trees. This resultwas similar to observations of Rahe(2010) where CE did not limitthe number of new cankers that de-veloped the following year. In thecurrent study, CE followed by anapplication of 0.5% sodium hypochlo-rite had the lowest increase in size ofthe excised area compared with theother CE treatments, and the fewestnumber of new cankers. However,some cultivars appeared to show sen-sitivity to the solution by developingdark black tissue around the marginof the excised area, and this responselikely accounted for the cultivar effectwith this treatment. Other reportshave indicated that sodium hypochlo-rite loses its disinfecting propertieswithin 24 h of application (Ono,2006), thereby reducing its ability toprevent infection of the wound. So-dium hypochlorite may be more ef-fective if it is applied to the excisedarea and then covered with BM(Zaiger, 1968; Zaiger and Zentmyer,1965); however, this may exacerbatesensitivity to the sodium hypochloritesolution in some cultivars.

There was also a relatively lowexpansion of the excised area whenCE was followed by an application ofcopper hydroxide. The spray applica-tion of copper hydroxide was rela-tively quick and only required a smallamount of product, which are impor-tant cost considerations. However,some cultivars developed dark blacktissue surrounding the margin of theexcised area, similar to that observedwith the CE + 0.5% sodium hypo-chlorite treatment. This may havebeen a phytotoxicity response or aneffect of a host defense mechanism.The size of the excised area treatedwith BM was similar to other CE pluschemical treatments in this study, butmore new cankers developed withBM than with other treatments. Onlya single application of BMwas used inthis study (as the product was notwashed off by rain events), and eithera different timing of the application ormore applications may be needed toreduce new canker development. Inthe current study, application of BMwas by hand with a paint brush, whichwas time consuming and laborious.This application method is likely notcost-effective, and it may be moreefficient to spray BM on affected areasor the entire tree, but efficacy wouldneed to be tested. Some growers have

Fig. 4.Mean daily air temperature and relative humidity (RH) and precipitation atWashington State University Northwestern Washington Research and ExtensionCenter in Mount Vernon, WA during the 2017 experiment on cider apple trees;(1.8 · �C) D 32 = �F, 1 mm = 0.0394 inch.

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been cauterizing the excised area,although there is no evidence tosupport the efficacy of this treatment.In the current study, CE plus CAUcaused themost damage to the area ofthe tree that was treated, and the

number of new cankers was not re-duced. CAU of the excised area fol-lowed by copper hydroxide also didnot reduce new canker development.This finding is similar to Byther(1986) that reported CE plus CAU

did not limit canker disease incidenceor severity in the year following treat-ment application. Thus, CAU can beeliminated from an anthracnose can-ker management plan.

For all treatments in this study,15 months after treatment applica-tion, brown streaking was observed inthe tissue directly below treated can-kers and where cankers had beenexcised. Streaking occurred despiteremoving all visible symptoms of fun-gal infection in the cambium plus anadditional 1 to 3 mm of healthy tissueat the time of treatment application.Others have reported that N. mali-corticis colonizes host tissue beyondthe sites of visible symptoms (Byther,1986; Rahe, 2010). Thus, it may benecessary to extend the excision evenfurther to remove fungal myceliumthat may be present. Although N.malicorticis was not successfully iso-lated from symptomatic cambium tis-sue in the current study, symptommorphology aligned with descrip-tions of N. malicorticis by Byther(1986) and Rahe (2010). Whilestreaking may have been due to injuryof the cambium cells caused by thetreatments, symptoms were presenteven when cankers were not removed.Streaking also occurred when cankerswhere excised and no fungicide wasapplied. It is possible that toxicantsmay have diffused or were translo-cated downward from the site oftreatment application, causing dam-age to the cambium tissue. Furtherstudies are needed to determine thecause of the streaking found underthe cankers and the excised areas.

The climatic conditions weremildly cold and moist during thewinter months when the currentstudy was carried out. These condi-tions mirrored those found to befavorable for disease incited by N.malicorticis as reported by Hortov�aet al., (2014), Miller (1932), andSpotts (1985). The study period of2016 tended to have the highestaverage precipitation and the greatestnumber of new cankers, but the initialsize of cankers was smaller than in theother 2 years of this study. Little isknown regarding the impact ofweather conditions (temperature,precipitation, relative humidity, andsolar radiation) on N. malicorticis in-cidence and severity. Measuring cli-mate data during future studies mayhelp to explain treatment results.

Fig. 5. Effect of Bordeauxmixture only, or canker excision (CE)with a subsequentapplication of cauterization (CAU) and/or chemical treatment, on the mean sizeof the treated canker or excised area on cider apple trees in 2015 (top) and 2016(bottom). Treatments were applied once each year (on 16 Dec. 2014 and 11 Dec.2015, respectively) to different trees that were naturally infested with anthracnosecanker. Each data point represents a mean of 10 replicates ± SE, pretreatment (Pre-trt) to 13weeks posttreatment. Some error bars not visible due tomasking by datapoint symbols. NS indicates nonsignificant differences, and *, **, *** indicatesignificant differences among treatments at each measurement time at P £ 0.05,0.01, and 0.0001, respectively, as determined by Tukey’s honestly significantdifference test; 1 cm2 = 0.1550 inch2.

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None of the treatments evalu-ated in this study reduced the occur-rence of new infections 13–15 weeksafter application. It is important tonote that new cankers observed in thecurrent study could have been latent

infections that were not evident atthe time the tree was treated. Alter-natively, new cankers could be a resultof new infectionsoccurring after treat-ments were applied. In both cases,this study shows that the pathogen

appears to be active throughout thedormant season in the westernWashington maritime climate. Thus,a year-round management plan isneeded, potentially including apply-ing protectant fungicides in the au-tumn and/or winter. Future researchshould evaluate CE and fungicide ap-plications to the entire tree through-out the year, and additional fungicidechemistries should be evaluated toprevent pathogen resistance to copper-based products that are currently usedextensively in some orchard sprayprograms. While results from thisstudy for the most part indicate nocultivar effect on disease susceptibil-ity or incidence and severity, somecultivars displayed sensitivity to ap-plications of 0.5% sodium hypochlo-rite and copper hydroxide. Futurestudies should target cultivar effectsfor disease resistance and chemicaltreatment.

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TreatmentszNew cankers (no.)y Brown streaking (1–5 scale)x

2015 2016 2017 2015 2016 2017

BM only 2 5 aw –v 2 3 –CE + 0.5% sodiumhypochlorite

2 2 b 1 2 2 3

CE + copper hydroxide 3 3 ab 1 2 2 2CE + CAU 2 4 ab – 3 2 –CE + CAU + copperhydroxide

4 2 b – 3 3 –

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