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Effort of Nepalese Army in DevelopingEffort of Nepalese...

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Effort of Nepalese Army in Developing Effort of Nepalese Army in Developing Preparedness Capacity for Effective Response to Disaster in Nepal Response to Disaster in Nepal

Effort of Nepalese Army in DevelopingEffort of Nepalese Army in Developing Preparedness Capacity for Effective

Response to Disaster in NepalResponse to Disaster in Nepal


Vulnerable to natural disaster.

Types of natural disasters:





Fire hazards

IntroductionRisk of Manmade disaster cannot be ruled out

ReasonsEmergence of variousarmed groups .

Terrorist activities in SA.

Possession of WMD byPossession of WMD byneighbouring countries

Sequence of Presentation

Role of NA in Disaster Response OpsRole of NA in Disaster Response OpsEfforts of NA in Developing PreparednessCapacityChallenges faced by the NAChallenges faced by the NAWay AheadConclusionVideo Clip: Role of Nepalese Army in DMVideo Clip: Role of Nepalese Army in DM

NA in Disaster Response (DR) Operations

Government of Nepal views the NA as an inseparable pagency for DR operation

Constitutionally no restrictionConstitutionally no restriction to mobilize NA for DR operations.

NA in Disaster Response Operations

C i t dCarrying out rescue andrelief operation as a leading& i t& prominent agency

Mentioned in the DefencePolicy and Military Doctrine

Inherent Tasks- first reactInherent Tasks- first reactthen report

Military Assistance to Disaster Response Ops

Search and rescue.Assist in communicationAssist in communication,Engineering, Medicalevacuation, and supplyevacuation, and supplyservices.Transportation anddistribution of reliefmaterial.E t bli h t fEstablishment ofEmergency Aid camps andrelief centersrelief centers.

Military Assistance to Disaster Response Ops

Assist in reopening ofsupply routes, repair andsupply routes, repair andreconstruction of thedamaged infrastructureslik d b id dlike roads, bridges andairports.


C di i i h F iCoordination with ForeignMilitary during HumanitarianAssistance/DisasterAssistance/DisasterResponse (HA/DR)Operations.

NA as a First Responder

Organizational and managerialeffectiveness.effectiveness.

Quick reaction and mobilizationcapabilities due to its presencecapabilities due to its presencein almost all parts of the countryand own aviation service.

Equipped with engineering,communication, transportation,communication, transportation,medical and other specialequipments.

NA as a First Responder

Immediate response andemergency service capabilityemergency service capability.Ability to work under adverseweather condition due to highweather condition due to highstandard of physical fitness andendurance.

Organized and disciplinedcommand structure as well asknowledge and experience onthe related task.

Capability to launch immediatesearch and rescue operations.

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Physical Planning and Strategy to Develop NA's

Preparedness Capacity




HHuman Resources


NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Physical Resource Managementy g

Procuring some specialg pequipments for search andrescue operations.

Pre-positioning of equipmentsdi t i it b daccording to priority based on

vulnerabilities of particular area.

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Human Resource Development

DM B i T i iDM Basic Training

DM k h i iDM workshop cum exercise ineach Divisional Headquarter toimpart basic knowledge on DM.

DM package included in all themajor courses of the officers.

Human Resource Development

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Human Resource DevelopmentSkilled Training

Conducted Collapsed StructureSearch & Rescue (CSSR), MedicalFirst Responder (MFR) andFirst Responder (MFR) andHospital Preparedness forEmergencies (HOPE) trainingswith the support of ADPCwith the support of ADPC.

NA has regionally recognizedInstructors.

NA is planning to re-start theseCourses in near future.

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

H R D l tHuman Resource Development

Organizing DM Workshops & Exercises

TEMPEST EXPRESS-17Representatives from 24nations & other regional andnational stakeholders.

Focused on the responsemechanism in case of a megascale earthquake in Kathmanduscale earthquake in Kathmanduvalley.

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Human Resource DevelopmentOrganizing DM Workshops & Exercises


Representatives from 14different countries & relatedgovernmental, NGOs, INGOs &UN agencies.

F d thFocused on the responsemechanism during an out breakof Pandemic.

Human Resource Development

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Human Resource Development

Multinational Communication Interoperability Program (MCIP).

Establishes a process that identifiesand documents interoperabilitybetween communication andbet ee co u cat o a dinformation (CIS) of the nations in theAsia-Pacific Region.NA's HF and VHF radio set wereNA s HF and VHF radio set weresuccessfully tested.In Aug 2010, NA participated in MCIP

i i Si d t t d lexercise in Singapore and tested longhaul signal equipment from Nepal toSingapore in different frequencies.In April 2011 MCIP workshop will beheld in Nepal, Approx 100 participantsfrom 18 countries.

Human Resource Development

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Human Resource DevelopmentParticipation in International, Regional and National DMWorkshops/ Seminars/ ExercisesWorkshops/ Seminars/ Exercises

Active participation in all levels ofDM k h / i dDM workshop/ seminar andexercises.

"INSARAG" jointly organized byINSARAG , jointly organized bythe Ministry of Home Affairs andInternational Search and RescueAdvisory Group in April 2009Advisory Group in April 2009.

Also focused on the earthquakescenario in Kathmandu Valley.

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Human Resource Development

Specific Training on Planning Process in DMSpecific Training on Planning Process in DM

Since last 3 years NA and USSince last 3 years, NA and USDefence Institute of MedicalOperations (DIMO) jointlyorganizing Disaster planner'sorganizing Disaster planner scourse for security personneland all the civilian stakeholders.

In Sep 2010 AdvancedDisaster Planner's Course

d t dconducted.

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Planning & Preparation

NA' Di t M t SOPNA's Disaster Management SOP

NA reviewed it's Disaster g]kfnL ;]gfManagement StandingOperating Procedure (SOP)

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especially based on thelessons learnt from two majorworkshops cum Exercises

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workshops cum Exercisesnamely "TEMPEST EXPRESS-17" and "INSARAG". anflws[t ljefu -Jo=o"=_ o"$sfo{

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NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness CapacityFormulation of NA Response Plan

NA's Efforts in Developing Preparedness Capacity

Coordination with USPACOM to FormulateCoordination with USPACOM to Formulate Response Support Plan.

Challenges faced by the NA to Enhance Response Capabilityp p y

Difficult geo-physical condition of the country.Inadequate resources.Inadequate resources.Lack of trained skilled manpowerLimited Air transportation (air lift) capability.p ( ) p yLack of clarity on job description and responsibilityamong various agencies involved in disasters ops.g g pLack of effective data collection, networking andinformation sharing system.Lack of communication facilities, logistic support, andwarehouse to store relief and rescue materials .Lack of technological advancement.

Way AheadNational Response Plan

Many districts have their ownMany districts have their owndisaster response plan but atcentre it is lacking.

Central Emergency OperationCentre has been functional.

MoHA has initiated variousactivities to formulateactivities to formulateIntegrated National DisasterResponse plan based onNSDRMNSDRM.

Way AheadSkilled Development Training

Needs to conduct more CSSR, MFR HOPE & Fi fi hti

P iti i /St ki f

MFR, HOPE & Fire fighting training.

Pre-positioning/Stocking of Rescue and Relief Supply

NA has planned to preNA has planned to pre-position additional rescue aswell as bridging equipmentsin various locations.Needs to construct awarehouse at least in eachwarehouse at least in eachregion and stock minimumrequired relief materials.

Way Ahead

Integrated Approach

Need clear job description aswell as information sharing and

NA has given emphasis to

coordination mechanism.

NA has given emphasis todevelop better coordinationmechanism with all relatedNational, Regional andInternational actors.

Way Ahead

Civil- Military Relation

After mega scale disaster- allstakeholders with military haveyto work together for commonobjective.

Civil–Military relation must beestablished and strengthenedduring preparedness phase ofdisaster.

Way Ahead

Military to Military Relation

The 2004 Tsunami and the Pakistanearthquake in 2005, the deployment offoreign military assets for rescue & reliefforeign military assets for rescue & reliefoperation has been increasing.


UU tapaotapao

CC--130 x 1130 x 1Ships x 7Ships x 7Helos x 3Helos x 3Fixed Wing x 2Fixed Wing x 2


Med TeamMed Team

1 x DVI 1 x DVI TeamTeamShips x 1Ships x 1

Helos x 1Helos x 1Eng TeamEng Team

Ships x 3Ships x 3LST/AOE/DD LST/AOE/DD CHCH--47 x 3 47 x 3 UHUH--60 x 260 x 2SHSH--60 x 260 x 2

CC--130 x 2130 x 2Ships x 2Ships x 2Helos x 3Helos x 3Med Team Med Team Eng TeamEng Team Fixed wing x 1Fixed wing x 1

MP TeamMP Team

Forensic Forensic TeamTeam

Field HospField HospEng Team x 2Eng Team x 2

Helos x 4Helos x 4

Helos x 1Helos x 1

Colombo Colombo



Khao LakKhao Lak

Med TeamMed Team

211 pax211 pax

CC 130 x 1130 x 1

Field HospitalField HospitalField Hospital Field Hospital Eng TeamEng Team Ship x 1Ship x 1

CC--160 x 2160 x 2Helos x 5Helos x 5

Eng Team x 2Eng Team x 2ALT x 2ALT x 2

HHHH--60 x 2 60 x 2 Field Field HospitalHospital

CC--130 x 1130 x 1LST to SLLST to SLETD: 29 JanETD: 29 Jan


LPA LPA –– CJTF 629CJTF 629Helos x 2Helos x 2


Hospital ShipHospital ShipHelos x 2Helos x 2

CC--130 x 1 130 x 1 Ships x 2Ships x 2

CC--130 x 1130 x 1Water SystemWater System

gg Ship x 1Ship x 1CC--130 x 2130 x 2Helos x 2Helos x 2Med TeamMed TeamEng TeamEng Team

MeulabohMeulabohShip x 1 Ship x 1 Helo x 1 Helo x 1 DART TeamDART Team

ROWPU x 4ROWPU x 4Med TeamMed TeamEng TeamEng Team


Helos x 1Helos x 1


Helos x 2Helos x 2


Med TeamMed TeamShips x 1Ships x 1Helos x 1Helos x 1

CC--130 x 6130 x 6LST x 2LST x 2

CC--130 x 5130 x 5CHCH--47 x 347 x 3

Ships X 2Ships X 2Med TeamMed TeamEng TeamEng Team

CC--130 x 2 130 x 2 Ships x 2Ships x 2Eng TeamEng Team

CC--130 x 2130 x 2

INDONESIAINDONESIABB--707 x 1707 x 1UHUH--1 x41 x4

Military in the Indian Ocean tsunami

29292 x C2 x C--130130DarwinDarwin

RNZAF BRNZAF B--757 757 in regionin region

tsunami35 Nations, 41 Ships, 43 Aircraft,75 Helicopters, 30,000 + Troops Source: UNOCHA

Way Ahead

Considering Nepal's geographicall biliti biliti

Military to Military Relation

vulnerabilities, capabilities,international trend and pastexperience, Nepal is likely to acceptexperience, Nepal is likely to acceptforeign military support in case ofmega disaster.NA giving priority to develop Militaryto Military relation with friendly

t i t i th d fcountries to increase the speed ofresponse, interoperability, missioneffectiveness, and unity of efforteffectiveness, and unity of effortamong foreign military Forces forHA/DR operations.

Nepal Can't afford to create separate forcesfor disaster response operationsfor disaster response operationsIn Nepal Military has become first respondernot last resort legally and practicallyg y yInvolvement and acceptance of the nationaland international military forces is in incliningt dtrendMilitary and all the stakeholders must form aunited front to counter new threat of 21stunited front to counter new threat of 21stcentury i.e. natural and man induced disaster
