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Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider...

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Efficient Haar + Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute Error Measure Jinhyun Kim Seoul National University Seoul, Korea [email protected] Jun-Ki Min Korea Univ. of Technology and Education, Cheonan, Korea [email protected] Kyuseok Shim Seoul National University Seoul, Korea [email protected] ABSTRACT Several wavelet synopsis construction algorithms were pre- viously proposed based on dynamic programming for unre- stricted Haar wavelet synopses as well as Haar + synopses. However, they find an optimal synopsis for every incoming value in each node of a coecient tree, even if dierent in- coming values share an identical optimal synopsis. To allevi- ate the limitation, we present novel algorithms, which keep only a minimal set of the distinct optimal synopses in each node of the tree, for the error-bounded synopsis problem. Furthermore, we propose the methods to restrict coecient values to be considered to compute the optimal synopses in each node. In addition, by partitioning all optimal synopses in each node into a set of groups, such that every group can be represented by a compact representation, we significantly improve the performance of the proposed algorithms. PVLDB Reference Format: Jinhyun Kim, Jun-Ki Min, and Kyuseok Shim. Ecient Haar + Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute Error Measure. PVLDB, 11(1): 40 - 2, 2017. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136614 1. INTRODUCTION Synopsis structures are widely used for approximate query answering to handle big data. Among various synopsis struc- tures, the variants of Haar wavelet synopses have been used widely in diverse applications such as image processing [20, 24], OLAP/DSS systems [21, 27], time-series mining [2], query optimization [21, 22], approximate query answering [7, 12] and stream data processing [3, 7]. Since Haar wavelet synopses minimizing L2-error suer from wide variance and severe bias in the quality of approx- imations [4], dynamic programming algorithms [5, 6, 8, 9] to minimize L1-error have been investigated. Such algorithms consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve the quality of approximations, unrestricted Haar wavelet synopses [10, 11, Primary contact author. Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Articles from this volume were invited to present their results at The 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, August 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 11, No. 1 Copyright 2017 VLDB Endowment 2150-8097/17/09... $ 10.00. DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136614 16, 26], whose coecients can take any real value, have been studied. In addition, the Haar + tree [16] extends the Haar tree structure and achieves the highest quality among un- restricted Haar wavelet synopses. The existing algorithms focus on the space-bounded synopsis problem whose goal is to minimize error measures satisfying a space budget. Re- cently, the algorithms [17, 18, 23] for the error-bounded syn- opsis problem to find a space-optimal synopsis, which is a synopsis with the minimum size satisfying a maximum error threshold, are proposed and utilized to solve eciently the space-bounded synopsis problem. Thus, we develop ecient algorithms to find a space-optimal Haar + synopsis for the error-bounded synopsis problem. For ease of presentation, we mainly present our algorithms to obtain a space-optimal unrestricted Haar wavelet synopsis and then describe how to extend them for the space of Haar + synopses. The state-of-the-art algorithms [17, 18] consider only mul- tiples of a resolution step δ as the coecient values since it is impractical to enumerate every real value. A space-optimal synopsis by taking the multiples of δ rather than any real value is called a space-δ-optimal synopsis. In the rest of the paper, if a synopsis is space-δ-optimal, we simply say that it is optimal whenever the context is clear. In the state-of-the-art algorithms [17, 18], a table Ei is kept in each node ci of a coecient tree. An entry Ei [v] stores the minimum size of a synopsis satisfying the error bound for an incoming value v where v is computed by the coecients of ci ’s ancestor nodes. Since there are many incoming values v to ci , we need to maintain a large number of entries Ei [v], even if the space-optimal synopses for dif- ferent incoming values could be identical. Thus, to compute space-optimal synopses for ci , we examine a lot of entry pairs E2i [v] and E2i+1[v] which store the sizes of optimal synopses in ci ’s left and right child nodes, respectively. To alleviate the limitation of the state-of-the-art algo- rithms [17, 18], we propose the algorithm OptExt-EB for un- restricted Haar wavelet synopses to solve the error-bounded synopsis problem. Our algorithm OptExt-EB keeps only a minimal set of the synopses each of which is optimal for an incoming value in each node ci . For each optimal synopsis, we annotate it with its canonical error range which allows us to compute the error of the synopsis for every incoming value to ci . Then, we compute a set of the optimal syn- opses in ci by examining only the distinct pairs of optimal synopses in ci ’s left and right child nodes, respectively. We observe that the optimal synopses in a node ci , which are constructed from a pair of synopses in its child nodes by varying ci ’s values, have the property that their canonical 40 5
Page 1: Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve

Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the MaximumAbsolute Error Measure

Jinhyun Kim

Seoul National University

Seoul, Korea

[email protected]

Jun-Ki Min

Korea Univ. of Technology and

Education, Cheonan, Korea

[email protected]

Kyuseok Shim

Seoul National University

Seoul, Korea

[email protected]

ABSTRACTSeveral wavelet synopsis construction algorithms were pre-viously proposed based on dynamic programming for unre-stricted Haar wavelet synopses as well as Haar+ synopses.However, they find an optimal synopsis for every incomingvalue in each node of a coe�cient tree, even if di↵erent in-coming values share an identical optimal synopsis. To allevi-ate the limitation, we present novel algorithms, which keeponly a minimal set of the distinct optimal synopses in eachnode of the tree, for the error-bounded synopsis problem.Furthermore, we propose the methods to restrict coe�cientvalues to be considered to compute the optimal synopses ineach node. In addition, by partitioning all optimal synopsesin each node into a set of groups, such that every group canbe represented by a compact representation, we significantlyimprove the performance of the proposed algorithms.

PVLDB Reference Format:

Jinhyun Kim, Jun-Ki Min, and Kyuseok Shim. E�cient Haar+

Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute Error Measure.PVLDB, 11(1): �40�-��2, 2017.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136614

1. INTRODUCTIONSynopsis structures are widely used for approximate query

answering to handle big data. Among various synopsis struc-tures, the variants of Haar wavelet synopses have been usedwidely in diverse applications such as image processing [20,24], OLAP/DSS systems [21, 27], time-series mining [2],query optimization [21, 22], approximate query answering [7,12] and stream data processing [3, 7].

Since Haar wavelet synopses minimizing L2-error su↵erfrom wide variance and severe bias in the quality of approx-imations [4], dynamic programming algorithms [5, 6, 8, 9] tominimize L1-error have been investigated. Such algorithmsconsider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of theHaar wavelet coe�cients only. To improve the quality ofapproximations, unrestricted Haar wavelet synopses [10, 11,

⇤Primary contact author.

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work forpersonal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies arenot made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copiesbear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, torepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specificpermission and/or a fee. Articles from this volume were invited to presenttheir results at The 44th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases,August 2018, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment, Vol. 11, No. 1Copyright 2017 VLDB Endowment 2150-8097/17/09... $ 10.00.DOI: https://doi.org/10.14778/3136610.3136614

16, 26], whose coe�cients can take any real value, have beenstudied. In addition, the Haar+ tree [16] extends the Haartree structure and achieves the highest quality among un-restricted Haar wavelet synopses. The existing algorithmsfocus on the space-bounded synopsis problem whose goal isto minimize error measures satisfying a space budget. Re-cently, the algorithms [17, 18, 23] for the error-bounded syn-opsis problem to find a space-optimal synopsis, which is asynopsis with the minimum size satisfying a maximum errorthreshold, are proposed and utilized to solve e�ciently thespace-bounded synopsis problem. Thus, we develop e�cientalgorithms to find a space-optimal Haar+ synopsis for theerror-bounded synopsis problem. For ease of presentation,we mainly present our algorithms to obtain a space-optimalunrestricted Haar wavelet synopsis and then describe howto extend them for the space of Haar+ synopses.The state-of-the-art algorithms [17, 18] consider only mul-

tiples of a resolution step � as the coe�cient values since it isimpractical to enumerate every real value. A space-optimalsynopsis by taking the multiples of � rather than any realvalue is called a space-�-optimal synopsis. In the rest of thepaper, if a synopsis is space-�-optimal, we simply say thatit is optimal whenever the context is clear.In the state-of-the-art algorithms [17, 18], a table Ei is

kept in each node ci of a coe�cient tree. An entry Ei[v]stores the minimum size of a synopsis satisfying the errorbound ✏ for an incoming value v where v is computed bythe coe�cients of ci’s ancestor nodes. Since there are manyincoming values v to ci, we need to maintain a large numberof entries Ei[v], even if the space-optimal synopses for dif-ferent incoming values could be identical. Thus, to computespace-optimal synopses for ci, we examine a lot of entry pairsE2i[v] and E2i+1[v] which store the sizes of optimal synopsesin ci’s left and right child nodes, respectively.To alleviate the limitation of the state-of-the-art algo-

rithms [17, 18], we propose the algorithm OptExt-EB for un-restricted Haar wavelet synopses to solve the error-boundedsynopsis problem. Our algorithm OptExt-EB keeps only aminimal set of the synopses each of which is optimal for anincoming value in each node ci. For each optimal synopsis,we annotate it with its canonical error range which allowsus to compute the error of the synopsis for every incomingvalue to ci. Then, we compute a set of the optimal syn-opses in ci by examining only the distinct pairs of optimalsynopses in ci’s left and right child nodes, respectively.We observe that the optimal synopses in a node ci, which

are constructed from a pair of synopses in its child nodes byvarying ci’s values, have the property that their canonical



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error ranges have the same length and are shifted by � fromeach other. Thus, we can represent all optimal synopses inci by a set of such sets, called extended synopses, and de-note each extended synopsis by its compact representation.Then, for a pair of extended synopses SL and SR in c2iand c2i+1 respectively, we show that the optimal synopses,which are produced from every pair of synopses in SL andSR respectively, form an extended synopsis whose compactrepresentation can be computed directly with O(1) time.

Among various synopsis structures, since a Haar+ treeis known as the most e↵ective wavelet-inspired structure,MinHaarSpace-HP [18] was previously developed to find anoptimal Haar+ synopsis satisfying an error bound. Thus,we also develop OptExtHP-EB by extending OptExt-EB tosearch the space of Haar+ synopses. As a resolution step� decreases, although the quality of an optimal synopsis isenhanced, the execution times of both MinHaarSpace andMinHaarSpace-HP in [18] increase quadratically. On the con-trary, our OptExt-EB and OptExtHP-EB have the desirableproperty that their execution times are less a↵ected by �.By utilizing the notion of extended synopses, our algorithmsspeed up the execution times up to orders of magnitude com-pared to the state-of-the-art algorithms.

By conducting performance study with both synthetic andreal-life data sets, we demonstrate that our OptExtHP-EB tofind an optimal Haar+ synopsis is the best performer com-pared to MinHaarSpace-HP [18] and OptExt-EB for the error-bounded synopsis problem. In addition, we show that theindirect algorithm [18] by invoking MinHaarSpace-HP withbinary search to solve the space-bounded synopsis problembecomes much faster by utilizing our OptExtHP-EB instead.

2. RELATED WORKThe research on constructing wavelet synopses has a long

and rich history. Since the quality of wavelet synopsis algo-rithms to minimize the overall root-mean squared error (i.e.,L2-error) usually varies widely [4], the algorithms minimiz-ing the maximum-error (e.g., L1-error) are proposed in [5,8]. To construct optimal wavelet synopses, two problemshave been studied. The space-bounded synopsis problemfinds an error-optimal synopsis minimizing some error mea-sures for a given space budget. On the other hand, the error-bounded synopsis problem discovers a space-optimal synopsiswith the smallest size satisfying a given error bound.The space-bounded synopsis problem is studied in [5, 6, 8,

9, 13, 15]. Some algorithms [5, 13, 15] find an error-optimalrestricted Haar wavelet synopsis consisting of Haar waveletcoe�cients only. The other class of algorithms [10, 11, 16,26] discovers an error-optimal unrestricted Haar wavelet syn-opsis whose coe�cient values take any real value but takeonly multiples of a resolution step � to delimit the domain ofcoe�cient values. The unrestricted wavelet algorithms leadto higher quality than restricted wavelet algorithms [10, 11,16, 26]. The wavelet synopses based on a refined wavelet-inspired data structure, called a Haar+ tree, is shown to bemore accurate than the other unrestricted wavelet synopses[16, 18]. A simplified variant of the Haar+ tree, called thecompact hierarchical histogram (CHH), is introduced in [17,26]. The concept of winning intervals used in our algorithmswas previously investigated in [14, 17].Karras et al. [17, 18] propose the state-of-the-art Haar+

synopsis algorithm to minimize the weighted maximum er-ror for the error-bounded synopsis problem and show that




𝑐2 𝑐3


16 8 8 -4 410 2 6




4 -1 -4



12 9 0 4

10.5 2





𝑙=3𝑑0 𝑑1 𝑑2 𝑑4 𝑑5𝑑3 𝑑6 𝑑7

(a) A coe�cient tree T



𝑐2 𝑐3



መ𝑑05 9 -1 79 3 3



4 -4

9 9 3 3

9 3


መ𝑑1 መ𝑑2 መ𝑑3 መ𝑑4 መ𝑑5 መ𝑑6 መ𝑑7

(b) An unrestricted synopsisFigure 1: A coe�cient tree and a synopsis

the space-bounded synopsis problem can be more e�cientlysolved indirectly by utilizing the algorithm. The algorithmsare proposed in [25] to find an unrestricted wavelet synopsiswhose size is close to that of a space-optimal synopsis forthe error-bounded synopsis problem. However, since thesealgorithms do not generate the synopsis with the smallestsize satisfying the error bound, they cannot be utilized tosolve indirectly the space-bounded synopsis problem.

3. PRELIMINARY3.1 The Error-bounded Synopsis ProblemA coe�cient tree is a hierarchical structure [12] where each

internal (i.e., coe�cient) node and leaf node are associatedwith a wavelet coe�cient and a data value, respectively. Werefer to each leaf node and its data value, as dj . When acoe�cient with a value x is selected in a node ci, we representit by ci:x. Every internal node ci except the root node c0has two child nodes c2i and c2i+1. Let T be the coe�cienttree obtained from a data vector d=hd0, . . . , dN -1i and Ti

be the subtree of T rooted at ci. We denote the sets of allinternal nodes (i.e., coe�cients) and all leaf nodes (i.e., datavalues) in Ti as coe↵(Ti) and data(Ti), respectively.For a coe�cient tree T , when the coe�cient in the root

node has the overall average value of data in data(T0) andthe coe�cient in every other node ci has the half of the dif-ference between the averages of data values in data(T2i) anddata(T2i+1) respectively, T becomes a Haar wavelet coe�-cient tree. Figure 1(a) shows an example of a coe�cienttree for a data vector d=h16, 8, 8, 10, -4, 4, 2, 6i. Let A be asubset of the ancestor nodes of ci in T . Then, the incomingvalue v to ci is calculated as v=


:x2A signik ·x wheresignik=-1 if ci appears in T2k+1; otherwise, signik=1.Given a coe�cient subtree Ti, the set of non-zero coe�-

cients is called a synopsis of Ti (or Ti-synopsis). When asynopsis s has no coe�cient in ci, the incoming values v` toc2i and vr to c2i+1 are v. On the contrary, when a coe�cientci:x appears in a synopsis s, the incoming values v` to c2i andvr to c2i+1 become v+x and v�x. Given a T0-synopsis s, theincoming value to dj computed from the ancestor nodes ofdj appearing in s becomes the reconstructed value of dj . Forexample, for the synopsis s={c0:6, c1:3, c4:4, c6:-4} of the co-e�cient tree T in Figure 1(b), since the incoming value tod4 is 6�3+(-4)=-1, the reconstructed value of d4 is -1.

Definition 3.1.: For a coe�cient subtree Ti, we define

(1) d̂j(Ti, s, v) is the reconstructed value of dj2data(Ti)for the incoming value v to ci with a synopsis s.

(2) FTi



)|dj�d̂j(Ti,s,v)| is the error fun-ction to compute the maximum absolute error of asynopsis s with data(Ti) for the incoming value v to ci.


Page 3: Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve






9 10 11 12 131 1 1 2 2𝐸2[𝑣]


3 2 3 2 3𝐹2[𝑣]


0 1 2 3 42 2 2 1 2𝐸3[𝑣]


3 2 2 3 3𝐹3[𝑣]



𝑐3:1𝑐3:-1𝑐3:-2𝑐3:-4 𝑐3:-3𝑐3:-5 ……

𝑠2,1 𝑠2,2 𝑠2,3𝑐2: 1, 𝑐4: 4 𝑐4: 4 𝑐2: 2, 𝑐4: 4coefficient

set {𝑐3:-2, 𝑐6:-4, 𝑐7:2}

{𝑐3:-3, 𝑐6:-4} {𝑐6: −4}

𝑠3,1 𝑠3,2 𝑠3,3 𝑠3,4 𝑠3,5{𝑐3:-2, 𝑐6:-4}

{𝑐3:-1, 𝑐6:-4}


𝑑2 𝑑3

10 11 12 13 141 1 1 1 1𝐸4[𝑣]


2 1 0 1 2𝐹4[𝑣]



7 8 9 10 110 0 0 0 0𝐸5[𝑣]


3 2 1 2 3𝐹5[𝑣]



2 3 4 5 61 0 0 0 1𝐸7[𝑣]


2 3 2 3 2𝐹7[𝑣]



-2 -1 0 1 21 1 1 1 1𝐸6[𝑣]


2 1 0 1 2𝐹6[𝑣]




8 10Ԧ𝑑𝑑0 𝑑116 8


2 6


-4 4𝑑4 𝑑5 𝑑6 𝑑7

𝑐4: 4 ∅ {𝑐5: −1} ∅ {𝑐7: −2}{𝑐6: −4}𝑠4,1 𝑠5,1 𝑠5,2 𝑠7,1 𝑠7,2𝑠6,1coefficient





Figure 2: The tables stored in each node by MinHaarSpace when ✏=3 and �=1

Example 3.2.: Consider a synopsis s={c0:6,c1:3,c4:4,c6:-4} in Figure 1(b). Since the incoming value to c1 is 6and the coe�cient value 3 is chosen in c1, the incoming val-ues to c2 and c3 are 9 and 3, respectively. Since c2 and c5are not chosen in s, the incoming values to d2 and d3 are 9.Thus, d̂2(T, s, 0)= d̂3(T, s, 0)=9 and we get FT5,s(0)=1.

Definition 3.3. : Given a data vector d and an errorbound ✏, the error-bounded synopsis problem is to find a syn-opsis s of the coe�cient tree for d such that (1) the maxi-mum absolute error (i.e., maxd


2data(T0) |dj�d̂j(T0, s, 0)|) isat most ✏ and (2) the number of coe�cients in s is mini-mized. When there are several such synopses, the one withthe minimum error is selected.

We next review the MinHaarSpace algorithm [18] whichis the state-of-the-art to find an optimal unrestricted Haarwavelet synopsis for the error-bounded synopsis problem.

3.2 The MinHaarSpace AlgorithmLet vHi be the incoming value to a node ci when every an-

cestor node cj of ci has its Haar wavelet coe�cient value xHj

in a coe�cient tree T . The incoming values and coe�cientvalues in a node ci can be restricted as follows.

Lemma 3.4.: [18] For a Ti-synopsis s satisfying an errorbound ✏, let v be the incoming value to ci computed by onlys’ coe�cients appearing in ci’s ancestor nodes. Then, theincoming value v is always located in [vHi �✏, vHi +✏]. In ad-dition, if the synopsis s has a coe�cient value xi in ci, thevalue xi always lies in [xH

i �(✏�|v�vHi |), xHi +(✏�|v�vHi |)].

Since MinHaarSpace considers the � multiples for coe�-cient values in ci, by Lemma 3.4, the candidate incomingvalue set IV(i) consists of every multiple of � in [vHi �✏, vHi +✏]and the candidate coe�cient value set CV(i, v) consists of ev-ery multiple of � in [xH

i �(✏�|v�vHi |), xHi +(✏�|v�vHi |)].

For an incoming value v to ci, MinHaarSpace finds a Ti-synopsis with the minimum error among all Ti-synopses withthe minimum size satisfying the error bound ✏. It utilizesEi[v] and Fi[v] to store the minimum size and the minimumerror of the synopsis discovered, respectively. Due to lack ofspace, we only provide the recursive equation of Ei[v]. Givena data vector d=hd0, . . . , dN -1i, we compute Ei[v] with ev-ery incoming value v in IV(i) as follows.

When ci is an internal node (0 < i < N):



[v] = min




{E2i[v+x]+E2i+1[v�x]+1} . (1)

E2i[v]+E2i+1[v] (2)

(a) If the coe�cient value x is selected in ci, since theincoming values to c2i and c2i+1 become v+x and v�x,we obtain Equation (1).

(b) If no coe�cient is chosen, since the incoming values toc2i and c2i+1 are v, we get Equation (2).

When ci is the root node (i = 0): Since the root node hasa single child node c1, E0[0]= min(E1[0], min


When ci is a leaf node d(i�N) (i � N): If |v�d(i�N)|✏,Ei[v]=0. Otherwise, Ei[v]=1.

Note that MinHaarSpace takes O(N(✏/�)2) time since itconsiders only the multiples of � for coe�cient values in ci.

Example 3.5.: For a data vector d=h16, 8, 8, 10, -4, 4, 2, 6iwith the coe�cient tree T in Figure 1, we show how to com-pute E3[v] in the node c3 with an error bound ✏=3 and a res-olution step �=1. From Lemma 3.4, IV(3)={-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}and CV(3, 2)={-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1} for the incoming value22IV(3). By Equations (1)-(2), E3[2]= min(E6[2]+E7[2],minx2CV(3,2){E6[2+x]+E7[2�x]+1})=2. We provide the val-ues of Ei[v]s and Fi[v]s in Figure 2. We also show an opti-mal synopsis for each incoming value v in Figure 2, althoughMinHaarSpace does not store the optimal synopses.

The space-bounded synopsis problem: We can solvethe space-bounded synopsis problem more e�ciently by us-ing the error-bounded synopsis algorithm [18] rather thandirectly computing an error-optimal synopsis. The indi-rect algorithm IndirectHaar [18] computes an error-optimalsynopsis by invoking MinHaarSpace repeatedly with binarysearch on the error value. It takesO(N(✏/�)2(log ✏⇤+ logN))time where ✏⇤ is the minimal error in the required space B.

4. THE OUTLINE OF OUR ALGORITHMIn this section, we present an overview and pseudocode

of our proposed algorithm OptExt-EB to compute a space-optimal unrestricted Haar wavelet synopsis.

4.1 An Overview of How OptExt-EB worksMinHaarSpace[18] stores Ei[v] and Fi[v] in each node ci,

even if di↵erent incoming values share an identical Ti-synopsis.For instance, in Figure 2, when ✏=3 and �=1, although thesynopsis s7,1 in c7 is optimal for the incoming values 3, 4and 5, it stores E7[v] and F7[v] individually for v=3, 4, 5.

Representing by distinct synopses: To alleviate theine�ciency of MinHaarSpace [18], we store the size and errorfunction of each distinct synopsis only once for the incomingvalues where the synopsis is optimal. With the error func-tion for a Ti-synopsis, we compute its maximum absoluteerror for any incoming value v. For the tables stored byMinHaarSpace in Figure 2, our new representations of thetables are shown in Figure 3(a). For example, the size 0 anderror function FT7,s7,1(v) of the synopsis s7,1 are kept forthe incoming value interval [3, 5] only once in the node c7.


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𝑑2 𝑑3




8 10Ԧ𝑑𝑑0 𝑑1


16 8



2 6


-4 4

𝑑4 𝑑5 𝑑6 𝑑7

𝑐3:-3 𝑐3:-2 𝑐3:-1 ……

1𝐹𝑇4,𝑠4,1 𝑣

𝑐4: 4

0𝐹𝑇5,𝑠5,1 𝑣

1𝐹𝑇5,𝑠5,2 𝑣{𝑐5:-1}

0𝐹𝑇7,𝑠7,1 𝑣

1𝐹𝑇7,𝑠7,2 𝑣{𝑐7:-2}

2𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,1 𝑣𝑐2: 1, 𝑐4: 4

1𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,2 𝑣𝑐4: 4

2𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,3 𝑣𝑐2: 2, 𝑐4: 4

3𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,1 𝑣

{𝑐3:-2, 𝑐6:-4,𝑐7:-2}

2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,3 𝑣{𝑐3:-2,𝑐6:-4}

1𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,5 𝑣{𝑐6:-4}

[9,11] [12,13]8 [0,1] 2 3 4-1 5

[9,15] [7,11] 126

1𝐹𝑇6,𝑠6,1 𝑣{𝑐6:-4}

[-3,3] [3,5][1,2] [6,7]

𝑣 𝑣

𝑣 𝑣 𝑣𝑣

𝑠2,1 𝑠2,3𝑠2,2

𝑠4,1 𝑠5,1 𝑠5,2 𝑠7,1 𝑠7,2𝑠6,1

𝑠3,1 𝑠3,2 𝑠3,3 𝑠3,4 𝑠3,5

size error functioncoefficient set

size error functioncoefficient set

size error functioncoefficient set

size error functioncoefficient set

size error functioncoefficient set

size error functioncoefficient set

2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,4 𝑣{𝑐3:-1,𝑐6:-4}

2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,2 𝑣{𝑐3:-3,𝑐6:-4}

(a) Representing by distinct synopses in each node

𝑑2 𝑑3




8 10Ԧ𝑑𝑑0 𝑑1


16 8



2 6


-4 4

𝑑4 𝑑5 𝑑6 𝑑7

𝑐3:-2 ……

1𝐹𝑇4,𝑠4,1 𝑣

1𝑐4: 4

0𝐹𝑇5,𝑠5,1 𝑣


1𝐹𝑇5,𝑠5,2 𝑣


0𝐹𝑇7,𝑠7,1 𝑣


1𝐹𝑇7,𝑠7,2 𝑣


2𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,1 𝑣

2𝑐2: 1, 𝑐4: 4

1𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,2 𝑣

1𝑐4: 4

3𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,1 𝑣

1{𝑐3:-2, 𝑐6:-4,𝑐7:-2}

1𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,5 𝑣


[9,11] [12,13]8 [0,2] 3 4-1 5

[9,15] [7,11] 126

1𝐹𝑇6,𝑠6,1 𝑣


[-3,3] [3,5][1,2] [6,7]

𝑣 𝑣

𝑣 𝑣 𝑣𝑣

𝑆2,1 𝑆2,2

𝑆4,1 𝑆5,1 𝑆5,2 𝑆7,1 𝑆7,2𝑆6,1

𝑆3,1 𝑆3,2 𝑆3,5

2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,2 𝑣


synopsis size error function

group sizecoefficient set

synopsis size error function

group sizecoefficient set

synopsis size error function

group sizecoefficient set

synopsis size error function

group sizecoefficient set

synopsis size error function

group sizecoefficient set

synopsis size error function

group sizecoefficient set

(b) Representing by extended synopses in each node

Figure 3: An example of how our proposed algorithm OptExt-EB works when ✏=3 and �=1

Representing by extended synopses: Consider theoptimal synopses s3,2, s3,3 and s3,4, whose error functionsare FT3,s3,2(v), FT3,s3,3(v) and FT3,s3,4(v) respectively, forthe node c3 in Figure 3(a). The synopses have the same size2 and are constructed from the same pair of s6,1 and s7,1 byvarying the coe�cient value in c3 from -3 to -1 with resolu-tion step �=1. Although the constructed synopses are dis-tinct synopses, we show later that FT3,s3,4(v)=FT3,s3,3(v��)=FT3,s3,2(v�2�) in Example 5.12. Thus, we represent thethree synopses by an extended synopsis which can be de-noted by a compact representation of the synopsis size (i.e.,the number of selected coe�cients), a single error functionand the group size (i.e., the number of the represented syn-opses). For the stored tables in Figure 3(a), the extendedsynopses stored by OptExt-EB are shown in Figure 3(b). Forinstance, the extended synopsis S3,2 representing the syn-opses s3,2, s3,3 and s3,4 is represented by the synopsis size2, a single error function FT3,s3,2(v), and the group size 3.

We show later that the synopses, which are obtained bypruning the useless synopses from the synopses constructedfrom a pair of extended synopses, form an extended synop-sis as well as its compact representation is constructed inO(1) time. Since a single synopsis is a special case of anextended synopsis, our OptExt-EB simply represents the op-timal synopses stored in each node ci by a set of extendedsynopses, called a Ti-optimal extended synopsis set. By usingTi-optimal extended synopsis sets, our proposed OptExt-EBbecomes much faster than MinHaarSpace.

4.2 The Pseudocode of OptExt-EBThe pseudocode of OptExt-EB is presented in Figure 4.

For each coe�cient node ci, it computes a Ti-optimal ex-tended synopsis set from a pair of a T2i-optimal extended

Procedure OptExt-EB(i)Input: the coe�cient node id i of a subtree T


1. if i � N then Oi

= ; // for a leaf node2. else if 0 < i < N then // for an internal node3. O2i = OptExt-EB(2i); O2i+1 =OptExt-EB(2i+1);4. hm2i,M2ii=GetSizes(O2i); hm2i+1,M2i+1i=GetSizes(O2i+1);5. for b=m2i+m2i+1 to M2i+M2i+1+16. D


(i,b) = ExtSynCoef(O2i,O2i+1, b) // c


is selected

7. D

;(i,b) = ExtSynNoCoef(O2i,O2i+1, b) // c


is not chosen

8. D(i,b) = RequiredSet(Dc

(i,b) [ D


9. hO(i,b), Ub

i = StrictOptSet(D(i,b), Ub�1)10. if U


=IV(i) then break

11. else // for the root node12. O1 = OptExt-EB(1); O0 = OptExtRoot(O1)13. return O





Figure 4: The pseudocode of OptExt-EB

synopsis set and a T2i+1-optimal extended synopsis set in abottom up fashion as follows.

(1) When ci is a leaf node (i.e., i � N): Since coe↵(Ti)is empty, OptExt-EB returns the empty set (line 1).

(2) When ci is an internal node (i.e., 1i<N): Tocompute a Ti-optimal extended synopsis set Oi, OptExt-EBfirst calculates a T2i-optimal extended synopsis set O2i and aT2i+1-optimal extended synopsis set O2i+1 (line 3). It nextfinds the smallest and largest synopsis sizes m2i and M2i

(respectively, m2i+1 and M2i+1) of the extended synopsesin O2i (respectively, O2i+1) by invoking GetSizes (line 4).When a Ti-extended synopsis s is constructed from a pair ofextended synopses in O2i and O2i+1 respectively, the small-est (respectively, largest) synopsis size of s is m2i+m2i+1

(respectively, M2i+M2i+1+1). Let O(i,b) be a T(i,b)-strictlyoptimal extended synopsis set, which is the set of all ex-tended synopses with synopsis size b in Oi. Then, the for


Page 5: Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve

Table 1: Notations

Notations Description


, s) the T


-CER of a T


-synopsis s





, s


) the T


-constructed coef (resp., nocoef) synopsis(resp., set constructed from a T2i-synopsis s






, s


)) a T2i+1-synopsis s






, S


) the T


-constructed coef (resp., nocoef) synopsis(resp., set constructed from a T2i-extended synopsisS




, S


)) S


and a T2i+1-extended synopsis S




(s, S) the winning interval of a T


-synopsis s (resp., a(resp., T


-extended synopsis S) wrt a T


-synopsis setI


(S, SE

)) S (resp., a T


-extended synopsis set SE


loop (lines 5-9) generates each T(i,b)-strictly optimal extendedsynopsis set O(i,b) one by one starting the index b from(m2i+m2i+1) to (M2i+M2i+1+1).

To compute O(i,b), the procedure ExtSynCoef (respec-tively, ExtSynNoCoef) calculates the set Dc

(i,b) (respectively,

D;(i,b)), which is the set of the extended synopses with syn-

opsis size b generated from every pair of extended synopsesin O2i and O2i+1 respectively, when a coe�cient (respec-tively, no coe�cient) is selected in ci (lines 6-7). Based onthe properties of extended synopses to be explored later,OptExt-EB removes the extended synopses, which cannot beoptimal in ci, from Dc

(i,b)[D;(i,b) by invoking the procedures

RequiredSet and StrictOptSet (lines 8-9).The procedure RequiredSet generates D(i,b) by pruning

the useless extended synopses among the b-sized extendedsynopses from Dc

(i,b)[D;(i,b). Let Ub be the set of incoming

values whose optimal synopses exist in a T(i,b0)-strictly opti-mal extended synopsis set O(i,b0) with b0b. For an incomingvalue to ci, if there exists a b0-sized synopsis satisfying an er-ror bound ✏, since a b-sized synopsis with b>b0 is not optimalby Definition 3.3. Thus, the procedure StrictOptSet com-putes O(i,b) by removing such useless synopses from D(i,b)

by examining Ub�1, and returns O(i,b) and Ub.After computing O(i,b), if Ub=IV(i), since there is an opti-

mal synopsis for every incoming value to ci, we do not needto compute O(i,b00) with b00>b (line 10). Thus, we stop thefor loop and union every O(i,b) to compute Oi (line 13).

(3) When ci is the root node (i.e., i=0): We first callOptExt-EB(1) to obtain a T1-optimal extended synopsis setO1. Then, OptExt-EB computes an optimal synopsis by in-voking OptExtRoot with O1 (line 12).

More detailed descriptions of the procedures invoked byOptExt-EB are presented in Section 6.2.

5. EXTENDED SYNOPSESWe introduce an extended synopsis to denote a set of the

same sized synopses whose error functions are �-shifted fromeach other. The notations to be used are in Table 1. Dueto the lack of space, we omit the proofs in the rest of thepaper. The proofs can be found in our technical report [19].

5.1 Properties of SynopsesWe first provide the error function FT


,s(v) of a Ti-synopsiss with its properties. We next show how to obtain the errorfunction of a Ti-synopsis s and how to limit the coe�cientvalues in each node ci when the Ti-synopsis s is constructedfrom a pair of a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR.

Error functions of synopses: The canonical error rangeof a Ti-synopsis s is used to define the error function FT



Definition 5.1. : For a Ti-synopsis s and an incomingvalue v to ci, emin(Ti, s, v) and emax(Ti, s, v) are the mini-mum and maximum signed errors of all data values dj indata(Ti), respectively. That is,

emin(Ti, s, v)= mindj


)(dj�d̂j(Ti, s, v)),

emax(Ti, s, v)= maxdj


)(dj�d̂j(Ti, s, v)).

Moreover, [emin(Ti, s, 0), emax(Ti, s, 0)] is the Ti-canonical er-ror range (abbreviated by Ti-CER) of s, denoted by CER(Ti, s).

Since emin(Ti, s, v)dj�d̂j(Ti, s, v)emax(Ti, s, v), the max-imum absolute error defined in Definition 3.1 is the larger of|emin(Ti, s, v)| and |emax(Ti, s, v)|. Because an incoming valuev to a node ci contributes positively to the reconstructedvalue of every dj in data(Ti), d̂j(Ti, s, v)= d̂j(Ti, s, 0)+v re-sulting in that emin(Ti, s, v)=emin(Ti, s, 0)�v and emax(Ti, s, v)=emax(Ti, s, 0)�v. Thus, we can compute FT


,s(v) as follows.

Proposition 5.2.: For a Ti-synopsis s with CER(Ti, s)=[emin, emax], FT


,s(v)= max(|emin�v|, |emax�v|).

By Proposition 5.2, for a Ti-synopsis s, we obtain FTi

,s(v)for every incoming value v to ci from CER(Ti, s) only, evenif we do not compute the reconstructed value of every datain data(Ti) with the selected coe�cient values in s. Thus,when a Ti-synopsis s is optimal for several incoming valuesto ci, we store its Ti-CER only in each coe�cient node ci.

Example 5.3.: For a coe�cient node c7, consider the syn-opsis s7,1 in Figure 3(a). The subtree T7 has two leaf nodesd6 and d7. Since d6�d̂6(T7, s7,1, 0)=2 and d7�d̂7(T7, s7,1, 0)=6, the T7-CER of s7,1 is [2, 6]. Then, FT7,s7,2(3) becomes 3(= max(|2�3|, |6�3|)) by Proposition 5.2.

The error function of a constructed synopsis: Whena Ti-synopsis s is constructed from a pair of a T2i-synopsissL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR, CER(Ti, s) can be computed fromCER(T2i, sL) and CER(T2i+1, sR) in O(1) time as follows.

Lemma 5.4.: When a Ti-synopsis s is constructed froma pair of a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR withCER(T2i, sL) = [eL,min, eL,max] and CER(T2i+1, sR) = [eR,min,eR,max], we have CER(Ti, s)=[emin, emax] where

• When a coe�cient value x is selected in ci,emin= min(e

L,min�x, e

R,min+x), emax= max(eL,max�x, e

R,max+x) .

• When no coe�cient is selected in ci,emin= min(e

L,min, eR,min), emax= max(eL,max, eR,max) .

Example 5.5.: Consider the T3-synopsis s3,2 in the coef-ficient node c3 in Figure 3(a). The T3-synopsis s3,2 is con-structed from the pair of a T6-synopsis s6,1 and a T7-synopsiss7,1, whose CER(T6, s6,1)=[0, 0] and CER(T7, s7,1)=[2, 6] re-spectively, with the coe�cient value -3 in c3. By Lemma 5.4,the T3-CER of the synopsis s3,2 becomes [-1, 3].

Properties of error functions: To discard useless syn-opses which cannot contribute to generate optimal synopses,we devise the following proposition, definition and lemma.

Proposition 5.6.: For a Ti-synopsis s whose Ti-CER is[emin, emax], we have FT


,s(v)✏ for every v in [emax�✏, emin+✏].In addition, if emax�emin>2✏, we get FT


,s(v)>✏ for every v.

By Proposition 5.6, if the Ti-CER’s length of a Ti-synopsiss is larger than 2✏, we can safely prune the Ti-synopsis s.

Definition 5.7.: For Ti-synopses s and s0 whose Ti-CERsare [emin, emax] and [e0min, e

0max] respectively, if e0minemin and

emaxe0max, we say the Ti-CER of s0 contains that of s.


Page 6: Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve

-2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7The 𝑇7-CER of 𝑠7,1: (2,6)The 𝑇6-CER of 𝑠6,1: (0,0)

(3,3)+3-3with a coefficient value -3 in 𝑐3



(4,4)with a coefficient value -4 in 𝑐3



(1,1)with a coefficient value -1 in 𝑐3


Figure 5: CERs of s6,1 and s7,1 shifted by coe�cients

Lemma 5.8.: If the Ti-CER of a Ti-synopsis s is containedby that of another Ti-synopsis s0, FT



,s0(v) for allincoming values v to ci.

Based on Lemma 5.8, for a pair of the same sized Ti-synopses s and s0, if CER(Ti, s

0) contains CER(Ti, s), we canfurther prune s0 even if the Ti-CER length of s0 is at most 2✏.

Restricting the coe�cient values: Consider the T3-CERs of the T3-synopses constructed from a T6-synopsis s6,1and a T7-synopsis s7,1 with a coe�cient value x in [-1,1].As shown in Figure 5, when x is smaller than -3 (e.g., x=-4),the T3-CER of the constructed T3-synopsis always containsthat of the constructed T3-synopsis with x=-3. Similarly,the T3-CER of the constructed T3-synopsis with x>-1 (e.g.,x=0) also always contains that of the T3-synopsis with x=-1.Thus, by Lemma 5.8, we only consider the coe�cient valuesin [-3, -1]. Based on the observation, we obtain the following.

Lemma 5.9. : Consider a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR with CER(T2i, sL)=[eL,min, eL,max] and CER(T2i+1,sR)=[eR,min, eR,max]. When a Ti-synopsis s is constructedfrom sL and sR with coe�cient value x in ci, it is su�cientto consider x only in [min(amin, amax),max(amin, amax)] whereamin=(eL,min�eR,min)/2 and amax=(eL,max�eR,max)/2.

Similar to MinHaarSpace [18], we consider only the mul-tiples of � for coe�cient values. By Lemma 5.9, we definethe candidate coe�cient value set to be used in Lemma 5.11and to define a Ti-constructed coef synopsis set later.

Definition 5.10.: Consider a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR with CER(T2i, sL)=[eL,min, eL,max] and CER(T2i+1,sR)=[eR,min, eR,max]. Let amin=(eL,min�eR,min)/2 and amax=(eL,max�eR,max)/2. The candidate coe�cient value setCi(sL, sR) is {xs+j·� | 0j<m} where m=(xe�xs)/�+1,xs=dmin(amin, amax)/�e·� and xe=bmax(amin, amax)/�c·�.

For two ranges [emin, emax] and [e0min, e0max], if e


and e0max=emax+j·�, we say [e0min, e0max] is shifted by j·� from

[emin, emax]. By restricting the coe�cient values in Ci(sL, sR),we obtain the following property of constructed synopses.

Lemma 5.11. : Consider a pair of Ti-synopses s and s0

constructed from a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sRwith the coe�cient values x and x+j·� in Ci(sL, sR), respec-tively. Let [emin, emax] and [e0min, e

0max] be the Ti-CERs of s and

s0, respectively. Then, if the length of CER(T2i, sL) is at most(respectively, larger than) that of CER(T2i+1, sR), [e

0min, e


is shifted by j·� (respectively, by -j·�) from [emin, emax].

Since FTi

,s(v)= max(|emin�v|, |emax�v|) by Proposition 5.2where [emin, emax]=CER(Ti, s), the error function of a synopsiss0 is shifted from that of s by j·� (i.e., FT



,s(v�j·�)),if the Ti-CER of s0 is shifted from that of s by j·�.

Example 5.12.: For a T6-synopsis s6,1 and a T7-synopsiss7,1 whose Ti-CERs are [0, 0] and [2, 6] respectively in Fig-ure 3(a), C3(s6,1, s7,1)={-3, -2, -1} with �=1. By Lemma 5.9,the synopses s3,2, s3,3 and s3,4 are constructed from the syn-opses s6,1 and s7,1 with values -3, -2 and -1, respectively. AsLemma 5.11 states, the T3-CERs of s3,3 and s3,4 are shiftedfrom that of s3,2 by � and 2� respectively in Figure 3(a).

5.2 Properties of Extended SynopsesFor a pair of a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR, the

Ti-constructed coef synopsis set, denoted by SCi (sL, sR),

is {s1, . . . , s|Ci



)|} where every Ti-synopsis sj is con-structed from sL and sR with the j-th coe�cient (respec-tively, (|Ci(sL, sR)|+1�j)-th coe�cient) in Ci(sL, sR), if thelength of CER(T2i, sL) is at most (respectively, larger than)that of CER(T2i+1, sR). In addition, the Ti-constructed no-coef synopsis set, denoted by SNC

i (sL, sR), is {s} where sis constructed from sL and sR without selecting any coe�-cient in ci. Note that the synopsis set {s3,2, s3,3, s3,4}, whichconstructed from a pair of s6,1 and s7,1 in Example 5.12, isthe Ti-constructed coef synopsis set of s6,1 and s7,1.To denote a set of Ti-synopses whose Ti-CERs are shifted

by � from each other, we introduce an extended synopsis.

Definition 5.13.: A Ti-CER set P={p1, . . . , pm} is calledan extended Ti-CER set if every pj is shifted from p1 by(j�1)·�. For a Ti-synopsis set S, its Ti-CER set is the set ofthe Ti-CERs of all synopses in S. A Ti-synopsis set is calleda Ti-extended synopsis (or simply extended synopsis)if (1) its Ti-CER set forms an extended Ti-CER set and (2)the sizes of all its synopses are the same. For an extendedsynopsis S={s1, . . . , sm}, its head and tail synopses ares1 and sm, respectively. In addition, its head (respectively,tail) Ti-CER is the Ti-CER of s1 (respectively, sm).

Since the Ti-CERs of the synopses in a Ti-extended synopsisS are shifted from each other by �, we can obtain the Ti-CERs of all synopses in S from that of its head synopsis.Thus, instead of keeping the Ti-CER of every synopsis in S,we denote compactly an Ti-extended synopsis S by its headTi-CER, its synopsis size and its group size only.

Example 5.14.: Consider SC3 (s6,1, s7,1) of s6,1 and s7,1 in

Figure 3(a). The group size of SC3 (s6,1, s7,1) is |C3(s6,1,s7,1)|

=3 by Definition 5.10 and the head T3-CER of SC3 (s6,1, s7,1),

is [-1, 3] as shown in Example 5.5.

We generalize the notions of Ti-constructed coef and no-coef synopsis sets for extended synopses as follows.

Definition 5.15.: For a pair of a T2i-extended synopsisSL and a T2i+1-extended synopsis SR, the Ti-constructedcoef synopsis set, denoted by SC

i (SL, SR), is SCi (SL, SR)=S





SCi (sL, sR). In addition, the Ti-constructed

nocoef synopsis set, denoted by SNCi (SL, SR), is S

NCi (SL,






SNCi (sL, sR).

5.3 Computing Required Synopsis SetsGiven a set S of Ti-synopses with the same size, to find

every synopsis in S which is optimal for an incoming valueto ci, we define a required synopsis set of S below.

Definition 5.16.: For a Ti-synopsis set S whose synopsissizes are the same, let P be the set of all distinct Ti-CERsof the synopses in S. The required Ti-CER set of S in Ti,


Page 7: Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve


5𝐹𝑇1,𝑠1,1 𝑣


{𝑐1:{4,5}, 𝑐2:{1,2}, 𝑐4:4, 𝑐3:{-3,-2,-1}, 𝑐6:-4}

(b)𝑆2,1 𝑆3,2

𝑆1,1 2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,2 𝑣


{𝑐3:{-3,-2,-1}, 𝑐6:-4}

2𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,1 𝑣


𝑐2: {1,2}, 𝑐4: 4


error functionhead 𝑇2-CER

coefficient setgroup size

sizeerror functionhead 𝑇3-CER

coefficient setgroup size

sizeerror functionhead 𝑇1-CER

coefficient setgroup size

𝑐1:4 𝑐1:5 𝑐1:4

5𝐹𝑇1,𝑠1,1 𝑣


5𝐹𝑇1,𝑠1,2 𝑣


5𝐹𝑇1,𝑠1,3 𝑣


5𝐹𝑇1,𝑠1,9 𝑣


synopses whose sizes and error functions are the same



𝑠1,1, 𝑠1,2, 𝑠1,9 form an extended synopsis

2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,2 𝑣


2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,3 𝑣


2𝐹𝑇3,𝑠3,5 𝑣


𝑠3,2 𝑠3,3 𝑠3,4

2𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,1 𝑣

[9,11]𝑐2: 1, 𝑐4: 4


𝑠1,2 𝑠1,3𝑠1,1 𝑠1,9

2𝐹𝑇2,𝑠2,2 𝑣[10,12]𝑐2: 2, 𝑐4: 4



5𝐹𝑇1,𝑠1,5 𝑣


5𝐹𝑇1,𝑠1,6 𝑣



𝑐1:4 𝑐1:5

sizeerror function

𝑇2-CERcoefficient set

size error function




Figure 6: Synopses built from extended synopses

denoted by Preq(Ti, S)={[e1,min, e1,max], . . . , [em,min, em,max]},is the maximal subset of P such that (1) ej,min<ej+1,min (with1j<m), (2) ej,max�ej,min2✏ and (3) every [ej,min, ej,max]does not contain any other Ti-CER in P . Let SP (pj , S) bethe set of every synopsis s2S such that its Ti-CER is a pj .Then, a required synopsis set of S is {s1, . . . , s|P


(S)|}where sj2SP (pj , S) with the j-th pj in Preq(Ti, S).

Example 5.17.: For T1-constructed coef synopsis set SC1 (

S2,1, S3,2)={s1,1, . . . , s1,9} in Figure 6(a), since CER(T1, s1,1)=[3, 7], CER(T1, s1,j)=[4, 8] with 2j5 and CER (T1, s1,j)= [5, 9] with 6j9, the required Ti-CER set of SC

1 (S2,1, S3,2)is {[3, 7], [4, 8], [5, 9]} with ✏=3. Thus, a required synopsisset of SC

1 (S2,1, S3,2) has a single synopsis from {s1,1}, {s1,2,. . . , s1,5} and {s1,6, . . . , s1,9} respectively.

We next show that a required synopsis set of a Ti-synopsisset S contains every optimal synopsis appearing in S.

Lemma 5.18.: For a Ti-synopsis set S with the same syn-opsis size, if S has an optimal synopsis s for an incomingvalue v to ci, every required synopsis set of S contains aTi-synopsis s0 such that FT




To compute the optimal Ti-synopses, we need only re-quired synopsis sets of SC

i (SL, SR) and SNCi (SL, SR) by

Lemma 5.18. We will show that the required synopsis setalso forms an extended synopsis, and present how to com-pute its compact representation in O(1) time.

(a)Arequired synopsis set ofSCi (SL,SR): If we blindly

union all Ti-constructed coef synopsis sets SCi (sL,sR) for ev-

ery pair of synopses sL2SL and sR2SR, there exist manyTi-synopses whose Ti-CERs are the same (i.e., their errorfunctions are the same too). However, we need to keep only asingle synopsis among them, as illustrated in Example 5.17.Based on the observation, we obtain the following lemma.

Lemma 5.19.: For a pair of a T2i-extended synopsis SL

and a T2i+1-extended synopsis SR, every required synopsisset Sreq of SC

i (SL, SR) is a Ti-extended synopsis such thatthe head (respectively, tail) Ti-CER of Sreq is the same asthat of SC

i (sL, sR) where sL and sR are SL and SR’s head(respectively, tail) synopses, respectively.

Example 5.20.: Consider Example 5.17 again. Every re-quired synopsis set of SC

1 (S2,1, S3,2) is an extended synopsiswhose head T1-CER is [3, 7] which is computed by Lemma 5.4.By Lemma 5.19, the head T1-CER is computed from the T2-CER of S2,1’s head synopsis s2,1 and the T3-CER of S3,2’s headsynopsis s3,2 with the smallest value 4 in C1(s2,1, s3,2). Fig-ure 6(a) shows the T1-CERs of the synopses in SC

i (S2,1, S3,2).The set {s1,1, s1,2, s1,9} is a required synopsis set of SC

1 (S2,1,S3,2) computed by Lemma 5.19 and it forms an extendedsynopsis S1,1 as illustrated in Figure 6(b).

The smallest (and largest) coe�cient value in Ci(sL, sR)can be calculated in O(1) time by Definition 5.10. More-over, the Ti-CER of the Ti-synopsis constructed from a pairof a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR with a coe�-cient value can be computed in O(1) time by Lemma 5.4.Thus, the head and tail Ti-CERs of a required synopsis set ofSCi (SL, SR) in Lemma 5.19 can be obtained in O(1) time.We next consider the case of constructing a required syn-

opsis set of SNCi (SL, SR).

(b) A required synopsis set of SNCi (SL, SR): For a

pair of a T2i-extended synopsis SL={sL,1, . . . , sL,n1} and aT2i+1-extended synopsis SR={sR,1, . . . , sR,n2}, let PL={pL,1,. . . , pL,n1} be the T2i-CER set of SL and PR={pR,1, . . . , pR,n2}be the T2i+1-CER set of SR as well as p(pL,j , pR,k) be theTi-CER constructed from pL,j and pR,k. We generate a re-quired synopsis set of SNC

i (SL, SR) di↵erently dependingon whether there exists a containment relationship betweenevery pair of pL,j2PL and pR,k2PR or not as follows.Case (b-1): When there is no containment relation-

ship between any pair of pL,j2PL and pR,k2PR, the Ti-CERpclosest constructed from the closest pair (i.e., the pair whosemin values are the closest) of a T2i-CER in PL and a T2i+1-CER in PR is contained by those constructed from every otherpair of pL,j2PL and pR,k2PR. Thus, if the length of pclosestis at most 2✏, the required Ti-CER set Preq(Ti, S

NCi (SL, SR))

defined in Definition 5.16 contains a single Ti-CER pclosestand is trivially an extended synopsis. For instance, in Fig-ure 7(a), the closest pair in PL={pL,1, pL,2, pL,3} and PR={pR,1, pR,2} is (pL,3=[-3, 1], pR,1=[0, 2]). By Lemma 5.4,the Ti-CER p(pL,3, pR,1) is [-3, 2] and is contained by theTi-CER constructed from every other pair of pL,j and pR,k.Thus, Preq(Ti, S

NCi (SL, SR)) contains p(pL,3, pR,1) only.

Case (b-2): We next examine the case of when there isa containment relationship between pairs of pL,j2PL andpR,k2PR. Without loss of generality, assume that pL,j con-tains pR,k. It implies that the length of pL,j is at least thatof pR,k. By Lemma 5.4, p(pL,j , pR,k) is the same as pL,j

and (1) pL,j=p(pL,j , pR,k) is contained by p(pL,j , pR,k0) with1k0n2. Furthermore, (2) p(pL,j , pR,k) is contained byp(pL,j0 , pR,k) for pL,j0 which does not contain pR,k. Based on(1) and (2), to compute the required Ti-CER set Preq(Ti, S

NCi (

SL, SR)), we only need to consider the set P 0L which is the set

of every p(pL,j , pR,k) such that pL,j2PL contains pR,k2PR.Since p(pL,j , pR,k)=pL,j , we have P 0

L✓PL. Thus, there isno containment relationship between any pair of elementsin P 0

L. In other words, P 0L becomes the required Ti-CER

set Preq(Ti, SNCi (SL, SR)). In addition, since PL (respec-

tively, PR) is an extended T2i-CER set (respectively, extendedT2i+1-CER set), when pL,j contains pR,k, pL,j+x also containspR,k+x with 1j+xn1 and 1k+xn2. Therefore, P 0


is an extended Ti-CER set.From the cases of (b-1) and (b-2), we obtain the following.


Page 8: Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

the closest 𝑇𝑖-CERs

An extended 𝑇2𝑖-CER set 𝑃𝐿An extended

𝑇2𝑖+1-CER set 𝑃𝑅𝑝𝑅,1𝑝𝑅,2


𝑝 𝑝𝐿,1, 𝑝𝑅,2𝑝 𝑝𝐿,1, 𝑝𝑅,1

𝑝 𝑝𝐿,2, 𝑝𝑅,2𝑝 𝑝𝐿,2, 𝑝𝑅,1

𝑝 𝑝𝐿,3, 𝑝𝑅,2𝑝 𝑝𝐿,3, 𝑝𝑅,1

(a) Without any containmentrelationship

-5-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3An extended 𝑇2𝑖-CER set 𝑃𝐿An extended

𝑇2𝑖+1-CER set 𝑃𝑅



𝑝 𝑝𝐿,1, 𝑝𝑅,2𝑝 𝑝𝐿,1, 𝑝𝑅,1

𝑝 𝑝𝐿,2, 𝑝𝑅,2𝑝 𝑝𝐿,2, 𝑝𝑅,1

𝑝 𝑝𝐿,3, 𝑝𝑅,2𝑝 𝑝𝐿,3, 𝑝𝑅,1

(b) With a containmentrelationship

Figure 7: A required synopsis set of SNCi (SL, SR)

Lemma 5.21.: For a pair of a T2i-extended synopsis SL

and a T2i+1-extended synopsis SR, every required synopsisset of the Ti-constructed nocoef synopsis set SNC

i (SL, SR) isa Ti-extended synopsis satisfying the following properties.

(a) If there is no containment relationship betweenany pair of elements in SL’s T2i-CER set and SR’sT2i+1-CER set: Let sL and sR be the pair of a T2i-syn-opsis and a T2i+1-synopsis, whose T2i-CER and T2i+1-CER are the closest, and s be the Ti-synopsis constructedfrom sL and sR with no coe�cient in ci. If the Ti-CERlength of s is at most 2✏, every required synopsis setSreq of SNC

i (SL, SR) has a single synopsis s. Other-wise, Sreq=;.

(b) Otherwise: Without loss of generality, assume thatthe T2i-CER’s length of a synopsis in SL is at least thatof SR. Let m1 (respectively, m2) be the smallest (re-spectively, largest) integer such that the T2i-CER of sm1

(respectively, sm2) in SL={s1, . . . , sm} contains thatof a synopsis in SR. The head (respectively, tail) Ti-CER of every required synopsis set of SNC

i (SL, SR) isthe same as the T2i-CER of sm1 (respectively, sm2).

Example 5.22.: Consider a T2i-extended synopsis SL={sL,1, sL,2, sL,3}, whose head and tail T2i-CERs are [-5, 1]and [-3, 3], and a T2i+1-extended synopsis SR ={sR,1, sR,2},whose head and tail T2i+1-CERs are [-2, 2] and [-1, 3], in Fig-ure 7(b). Since pL,2=[-4, 2] has pR,1=[-2, 2] and pL,3=[-3, 3] has pR,2=[-1, 3], Preq(Ti, S

NCi (SL, SR)) is {[-4, 2], [-3,

3]} which forms an extended Ti-CER set.

We can check in constant time if there is a containmentrelationship between a pair of pL,j2PL and pR,k2PR. Inaddition, if there is a pair of pL,j and pR,k with a contain-ment relationship, the head and tail Ti-CERs of a requiredsynopsis set f SNC

i (SL, SR) can be obtained in O(1) time.For instance, when the Ti-CER’s length of SL is larger thanthat of SR, the head T2i-CER sL,H of SL is the head Ti-CERof Sreq if sL,H contains the T2i+1-CER of a synopsis in SR.Otherwise, we can obtain the first T2i-CER of SL containingthe T2i+1-CER of SR in O(1) time.


In this section, given a pair of optimal extended synopsissets in c2i and c2i+1 respectively, we show how to generatean optimal extended synopsis set in a node ci.

6.1 A Required Extended Synopsis SetWe define a required extended synopsis set in each node

ci which is the result of eliminating the synopses in every

-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9-6

A required 𝑇𝑖-CER set of 𝑆1 ∪ ⋯∪ 𝑆5




A 𝑇𝑖-extended synopsis Set S𝐸= 𝑆1, 𝑆2, 𝑆3, 𝑆4, 𝑆5

A 𝑇𝑖-extendedsynopsis 𝑆1



A 𝑇𝑖-extendedsynopsis 𝑆2



𝑠7𝑠8A 𝑇𝑖-extended

synopsis 𝑆3


𝑠9𝑠10𝑠11𝑠12A 𝑇𝑖-extended

synopsis 𝑆4𝑠13𝑠14

A 𝑇𝑖-extendedsynopsis 𝑆5

𝑠13𝑠14Figure 8: A required extended synopsis set

generated extended synopsis whose Ti-CERs contain that ofa synopsis in another generated extended synopsis.

Definition 6.1. : A T(i,b)-extended synopsis set is aset of Ti-extended synopses with the same synopsis size b.Let SALL(SE) be the set of all synopses represented by eachextended synopsis in a T(i,b)-extended synopsis set SE. Also,let P1, . . . , Pm be a disjoint partition of the required Ti-CERset Preq(Ti, SALL(SE)) such that (1) all elements in Pj forman extended Ti-CER set contained by the Ti-CER set of an ex-tended synopsis in SE and (2) the minimum error of the firstelement in Pj is smaller than that in Pj+1 with 1j<m.Then, let SP


be an extended synopsis in SE whose Ti-CER setcontains Pj and let S0


be an extended synopsis consistingof every synopsis in SP


whose Ti-CER appears in Pj . Then,a required extended synopsis set of the T(i,b)-extendedsynopsis set SE is the set of every S0


with 1jm.

Example 6.2.: For an extended synopsis set SE={S1, . . . ,S5} with their extended Ti-CER sets in Figure 8, SALL(SE) is{s1, . . . , s14}. Figure 8 shows the required Ti-CER set Preq(Ti,SALL(SE)) by pruning the X-marked Ti-CERs, based on con-tainment relationships. Then, Preq(Ti, SALL(SE)) is parti-tioned into four subsets P1, . . . , P4 each of which forms anextended Ti-CER set, as in Figure 8. {{s1}, {s4, s5, s6}, {s7,s8}, {s13, s14}} is a required extended synopsis set of SE.

For a set S of synopses with the same size, we define thewinning interval of a synopsis s in S as the incoming valueinterval such that s has the smallest error among all synopsesin S. Note that the concept of winning intervals was previ-ously investigated for a hierarchical structure, such as CHHor LH, in [14, 17]. Meanwhile, we compute the winning in-terval of each synopsis in the synopses constructed in eachnode of a coe�cient tree. The following lemma allows us tocalculate the winning interval of every synopsis in S. Notethat vHi is defined in Section 3.2 and used in Lemma 3.4.

Lemma 6.3. : For a synopsis set S with the same-sizedsynopses, let Sreq={s1, . . . , sm} be a required synopsis set ofS where CER(Ti, sj)=[ej,min, ej,max]. Also, let (1) mid(s0, s1)=vHi �✏, (2) mid(sj , sj+1)=(ej,min+ej+1,max)/2 with 1j<m,and (3) mid(sm, sm+1) =vHi +✏ where [vHi �✏, vHi +✏] is thecandidate incoming value interval in ci by Lemma 3.4. Then,the synopsis sj has the minimum error for every value v in[mid(sj-1, sj), mid(sj , sj+1)] among all synopses in S.

To generalize Lemma 6.3 to extended synopsis sets, parti-tion a required synopsis set Sreq into disjoint subsets S1, . . . ,Sm, where Sj is an extended synopsis. Let mid(Sj , Sj+1)=(eTj,min+eHj+1,max)/2 where eHj,max (respectively, eTj,min) is the


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maximum (respectively, minimum) error of Sj ’s head (re-spectively, tail) Ti-CER. In addition, let mid(S0, S1)=vHi �✏and mid(Sm, Sm+1)=vHi +✏. Then, by Lemma 6.3, each ex-tended synopsis Sj has a synopsis with the smallest errorfor every value v in [mid(Sj-1, Sj),mid(Sj , Sj+1)]. Thus, weobtain the following corollary.

Corollary 6.4.: For an extended synopsis set SE withthe same synopsis size, consider a required extended synopsisset Sreq={S1, . . . , Sm} of SE. Then, each extended synopsisSj in Sreq has a synopsis with the smallest error for everyvalue v in [mid(Sj-1, Sj),mid(Sj , Sj+1)].

By Corollary 6.4, for a required extended synopsis set Sreq

={S1, . . . , Sm}, the winning interval of the extended syn-opsis Sj with respect to Sreq, denoted by IW (Sj , Sreq), is[mid(Sj-1, Sj),mid(Sj , Sj+1)].

Example 6.5.: Consider SE’s required extended synopsisset Sreq={S0

1, S02, S

03, S

04} where S0

1={s1}, S02={s4, s5, s6},

S03={s7, s8} and S0

4={s13, s14} in Example 6.2. As shownin Figure 8, mid(S0

1, S02)=(eT1,min+eH2,max)/2=-4 and mid(S0


S03)=(eT2,min+eH3,max)/2=1. Thus, IW (S0

2, Sreq)=[-4, 1].

6.2 An Optimal Extended Synopsis SetIf there exists an extended synopsis with the synopsis size

smaller than b such that its winning interval contains an in-coming value v to ci, an extended synopsis with the synopsissize b cannot have an optimal synopsis for v to ci by Def-inition 3.3. Thus, we eliminate such non-optimal extendedsynopses for computing a Ti-extended synopsis set such thatthere exists an optimal Ti-synopsis for every incoming valueto ci. We define a Ti-optimal extended synopsis set con-structed from a pair of a T2i-optimal extended synopsis setand a T2i+1-optimal extended synopsis set as follows.

Definition 6.6.: Consider a pair of a T2i-extended syn-opsis set SEL and a T2i+1-extended synopsis set SER.

• Let UCi (respectively, UNC

i ) be the union of the Ti-constructed coef (respectively, nocoef ) synopsis set SC

i (SL, SR) (respectively, S

NCi (SL, SR)) for all pairs of SL

in SEL and SR in SER. The T(i,b)-extended synop-sis set constructed from SEL and SER, denoted byU(i,b)(SEL, SER), is the set of every extended synopsiswith the synopsis size b in UC

i [UNCi .

• Let S(i,b)={S(i,b),1, . . . , S(i,b),m} be a required extendedsynopsis set of U(i,b)(SEL, SER). A T(i,b)-strictly op-timal extended synopsis set O(i,b) constructed fromSEL and SER is a set of every S(i,b),j whose winninginterval IW (S(i,b),j , S(i,b)) contains a value v that isnot contained by the winning interval of any extendedsynopsis in S(i,0)[S(i,1)[ . . . [S(i,b-1).

• A Ti-optimal extended synopsis set constructed fromSEL and SER is the union of the T(i,b)-strictly optimalextended synopsis sets constructed from SEL and SER

with 0b |coe↵(Ti)|.To find an optimal synopsis e�ciently, we compute a Ti-

optimal extended synopsis set for every coe�cient node ci byinvoking OptExt-EB (in Section 4.2) which calls the proce-dures presented below. Let Nb be the number of pairs of ex-tended synopses hSL, SRi such that SL2O(2i,p), SR2O(2i+1,q)

and p+q=b (i.e., N




p=0 |O(2i,p)|·|O(2i+1,b�p)|).

The procedure ExtSynNoCoef: When no coe�cient ischosen in ci, MinHaarSpace considers the pairs of E2i[v] andE2i+1[v] to fill Ei[v]. Similarly, we return D;

(i,b), which isthe set of the extended synopses with synopsis size b gen-erated from every pair of extended synopses in O2i andO2i+1 respectively without a coe�cient in ci. It is producedby unioning SNC

i (SL, SR) for every pair of SL2O(2i,p) andSR2O(2i+1,q) such that IW (SL,O(2i,p)) and IW (SR,O(2i+1,q))overlap and p+q=b. Thus, ExtSynNoCoef takesO(Nb) time.

The procedure ExtSynCoef: For every pair of extendedsynopses SL2O(2i,p) and SR2O(2i+1,q) with p+q=b�1, therealways exist an incoming value v and a coe�cient value x inci such that v+x 2 IW (SEL,O(2i,p)) and v�x 2 IW (SER,O(2i+1,q)). Thus, we return Dc

(i,b), which is the set of the ex-tended synopses with synopsis size b generated from everypair of extended synopses in O2i and O2i+1 respectively witha coe�cient in ci (i.e.,



2O(2i+1,b�p�1)SCi (SL,

SR)). This procedure requires O(Nb�1) time.

The procedure RequiredSet: It takes a Ti-extendedsynopsis set Dc

(i,b)[D;(i,b) and returns its required extended

synopsis set. We first obtain SE={S1, . . . , Sm} fromDc(i,b)[

D;(i,b) by sorting the elements in Dc

(i,b)[D;(i,b) in increas-

ing order of the minimum errors of their head Ti-CERs. Foreach extended synopsis Sj2SE , we next examine every ex-tended synopsis Sk2SE with j<k until the maximum errorof Sj ’s tail Ti-CER is at least the minimum error of Sk’shead Ti-CER. For a pair hSj , Ski, if there is any synopsiss2Sj (respectively, s02Sk) whose Ti-CER contains that ofs02Sk (respectively, s2Sj), we remove every such synopsiss (respectively, s0) from Sj (respectively, Sk) in O(1) time.Since |Dc

(i,b)[D;(i,b)|=Nb�1+Nb, for each Sj , there may ex-

ist (Nb�1Nb) number of Sks. Thus, the time complexity ofRequiredSet is O((Nb�1+Nb)

2) in the worst case. However,for each Sj , because SE is sorted by the minimum errors ofSk’s head Ti-CERs, the number of Sks to be checked is muchsmaller than (Nb�1+Nb) in practice. Thus, RequiredSettakes O((Nb�1+Nb)· log(Nb�1+Nb)) time due to sorting.

The procedure StrictOptSet: From the result D(i,b) ofRequiredSet as well as Ub�1={IW (S,O(i,b0))|S2O(i,b0) and0b0b�1} which is the union of the winning intervals ofall Ti-extended synopses contained in O(i,0)[ . . . [O(i,b-1),StrictOptSet computes a T(i,b)-strictly optimal extendedsynopsis set O(i,b). Every Ti-extended synopsis S in D(i,b),whose IW (S,D(i,b)) contains an incoming value v that is notcontained by Ub�1, is inserted into O(i,b). Finally, StrictOpt-Set returns O(i,b) and Ub=Ub�1[{IW (S,D(i,b))|S2O(i,b)}.Since D(i,b) is a required synopsis set of Dc

(i,b)[D;(i,b), we

have |D(i,b)||Dc(i,b)[D;

(i,b)|=(Nb�1+Nb). Thus, the timecomplexity of StrictOptSet is O(Nb�1+Nb).

The procedure OptExtRoot: It computes a T0-optimalextended synopsis set O0 from a T1-optimal extended syn-opsis set O1. Let Bi be the smallest synopsis size of allextended synopses in a Ti-optimal extended synopsis set Oi.If there is an extended synopsis S with zero2IW (S,O(1,B1))in a T(1,B1)-strictly optimal extended synopsis set O(1,B1),there is an optimal synopsis s; with zero2IW (s;,O(1,B1))in S. Thus, a T(0,B0)-strictly optimal extended synopsis setO(0,B0) becomes {s;}. Otherwise (i.e., there is no such anextended synopsis in O(1,B1)), there is no optimal synopsis


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with the size B1 and we need to find an optimal synop-sis with the size B1+1 by selecting a coe�cient in the rootnode. Thus, we first select an extended synopsis S in O(1,B1)

with the shortest T1-CER length. We next set O(0,B0)={sc0}where sc0 is the synopsis constructed from S’s head synopsiswith a root coe�cient. OptExtRoot takes O(|O1|) time.

Time complexity of OptExt-EB: To obtain a Ti-optimalextended synopsis set, we need to calculate every T(i,b)-strictly optimal extended synopsis set. Furthermore, sinceRequiredSet is the slowest among all procedures used in thefor loop of lines 5-9, it takes O((Nb�1+Nb)· log(Nb�1+Nb))time for an iteration of the for loop. Thus, the for loop

takes O(P(M2i+M2i+1)+1

b=(m2i+m2i+1)(Nb�1+Nb)· log(Nb�1+Nb)) time.

Note thatP

b Nb= |O2i|·|O2i+1| because every pair of ex-tended synopses in O2i and O2i+1 respectively is examinedexactly once by each ExtSynCoef and ExtSynNoCoef duringthe course of OptExt-EB. Thus, OptExt-EB takes O(|O2i|·|O2i+1|· log(|O2i|·|O2i+1|) time to compute a Ti-optimal ex-tended synopsis set, and the overall time complexity of ourOptExt-EB is O(N ·|O2i|·|O2i+1|· log(|O2i|·|O2i+1|)) where Nis the number of nodes in the coe�cient tree T .Let m be the maximum number of extended synopses in

every Oi. The running time of OptExt-EB isO(N ·m2· logm).Because m⌧d2✏/�e in practice (See the experiments in Sec-tion 8.1), where d2✏/�e is the size of the candidate incom-ing value set IV(i), the running time of OptExt-EB is muchsmaller than that of MinHaarSpace (i.e., O(N(✏/�)2)).

7. EXTENDING TO HAAR+ SYNOPSESIn this section, we describe how to apply our techniques

to a Haar+ tree. The root node of a Haar+ tree has a singlecoe�cient whose value contributes positively to all data val-ues. The internal nodes of a Haar+ tree correspond to triadswhich consist of head, left supplementary and right supple-mentary coe�cients. A head coe�cient in a triad Ci acts inexactly the same way as an unrestricted Haar wavelet coe�-cient. Thus, our techniques can be applied directly for headcoe�cients in Ci. A left (respectively, right) supplementarycoe�cient contributes positively to the data values in its left(respectively, right) subtree only. We only provide the de-tails for left supplementary coe�cients since the details forright supplementary coe�cients are symmetric.To apply our techniques to the case of when a left supple-

mentary coe�cient is selected, the following lemma is usedto restrict the left coe�cient values in ci and to calculatethe Ti-CER of a Ti-synopsis from a T2i-CER and a T2i+1-CER.

Lemma 7.1. : Consider a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR with CER(T2i, sL)=[eL,min, eL,max] and CER(T2i+1,sR)=[eR,min, eR,max]. To construct a Ti-synopsis s from sLand sR with a left supplementary coe�cient value x in ci, itis su�cient to consider x in [min(aL

min, aLmax), max(aL

min, aLmax)]

where aLmin=eL,min�eR,min and aL

max=eL,max�eR,max. Further-more, for a left supplementary coe�cient value x in ci, theTi-CER of s is [min(eL,min�x, eR,min),max(eL,max�x, eR,max)].

Since we consider only the multiples of � for coe�cientvalues, we define the candidate left supplementary coe�cientvalue set and Ti-constructed left coef synopsis set.

Definition 7.2.: Consider a T2i-synopsis sL and a T2i+1-synopsis sR with CER(T2i, sL)=[eL,min, eL,max] and CER(T2i+1,sR)=[eR,min, eR,max]. Let amin=eL,min�eR,min and amax=eL,max

�eR,max. The candidate left supplementary coe�cient

Table 2: Implemented algorithms

Algorithms Description

Error-bounded synopsis problemOptExt-EB Our unrestricted wavelet synopsis algorithmOptExtHP-EB Our algorithm for Haar+ synopsesMinHaarSpace The state-of-the-art [18] for unrestricted waveletsMinHaarSpace-HP The state-of-the-art [18] for Haar+ synopses

Space-bounded synopsis problemIndirectExt The indirect algorithm based on OptExt-EBIndirectExt-HP The indirect algorithm utilizing OptExtHP-EBIndirectHaar The indirect algorithm [18] using MinHaarSpaceIndirectHaar-HP The indirect algorithm [18] with MinHaarSpace-HP

value set CLi (sL, sR) is {xs+j·� | 0j<m} with m=(xe�xs)/�+1 where xs= dmin(amin, amax)/�e·� and xe=bmax(amin,amax)/�c·�. Furthermore, the Ti-constructed left coef syn-opsis set, denoted by SLC

i (sL, sR), is {s1, . . . , s|CLi



)|}where each Ti-synopsis sj is constructed from sL and sRwith the j-th coe�cient in CLi (sL, sR). In addition, for apair of a T2i-extended synopsis SL and a T2i+1-extendedsynopsis SR, the Ti-constructed left coef synopsis set isS





SLCi (sL, sR) which is denoted by SLC

i (SL, SR).

Lemma 7.3.: For a T2i-extended synopsis SL and a T2i+1-extended synopsis SR, every required synopsis set of a Ti-constructed left coef synopsis set SLC

i (SL, SR) is a Ti-extendedsynopsis such that the head (respectively, tail) Ti-CERs of Sis the same as that of SLC

i (sL, sR) where sL and sR are SL

and SR’s head (respectively, tail) synopses, respectively.

Similarly, we can define the Ti-constructed right coefsynopsis set, denoted by SRC

i (SL, SR). By Lemma 7.3, wecan obtain the required synopsis sets of SLC

i (SL, SR) andSRCi (SL, SR) in O(1) time. By utilizing the techniques pre-

sented in Sections 5 and 6, it is straightforward to obtainOptExtHP-EB extended from OptExt-EB for Haar+ synopses.Since OptExtHP-EB also exploits extended synopses, the pro-cedures RequiredSet and StrictOptSet of OptExt-EB arealso utilized in OptExtHP-EB. However, to utilize the proce-dure ExtSynCoef in OptExt-EB for OptExtHP-EB, we needto compute T(i,b)-extended synopsis set constructed froman optimal T2i-extended synopsis set and an optimal T2i+1-extended synopsis set based on SLC

i (SL, SR) and SRCi (SL, SR).

The details on how to extend our techniques to Haar+ syn-opses can be found in our technical report [19].

8. EXPERIMENTSThe tested algorithms are shown in Table 2. We use Javac

1.7 compiler for our implementations. Although we gotthe C++ source code of MinHaarSpace-HP used in [18], wereimplemented MinHaarSpace-HP. We conducted the exper-iments on the machine with Intel i3 3.3 GHz CPU and 8GBRAM running Linux. We compare the performance of ourOptExt-EB (respectively, OptExtHP-EB) with MinHaarSpace(respectively, MinHaarSpace-HP) for unrestricted wavelet (re-spectively, Haar+) synopses. In addition, we demonstratethe superiority of our IndirectExt and IndirectExt-HP forthe space-bounded synopsis problem compared with the ex-isting algorithms IndirectHaar and IndirectHaar-HP [18].We ran our proposed algorithms ten times and report theaverage execution times. Some algorithms which do not ter-minate within 3 hours are not plotted. The parameters usedin our experiments are summarized in Table 3.Data sets: We used both synthetic and real-life datasets.

The synthetic dataset was generated with a Zipf distribution


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0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1


tion T

ime (


Error bound ratio (ε)



(a) Synthetic dataset







0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1


tion T

ime (


Error bound ratio (ε)



(b) WC dataset







0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1


tion T

ime (


Error bound ratio (ε)



(c) TM datasetFigure 9: Varying the error bound ratio " for the error-bounded synopsis problem






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


tion T

ime (


Resolution step (δ)



(a) Synthetic dataset







200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000


tion T

ime (


Resolution step (δ)



(b) WC dataset







0.0002 0.0003 0.0004 0.0005 0.0006 0.0007 0.0008 0.0009 0.001


tion T

ime (


Resolution step (δ)



(c) TM datasetFigure 10: Varying the resolution step � for the error-bounded synopsis problem

in the domain [0,M0] varying the data size n and the skew-ness ↵. The real-life datasets are WC [1] and TM datasets(http://kdd.ics.uci.edu). WC dataset contains the requestfrequency of 98 World Cup Web sitefrom Apr. 30 to Jul. 26in 1998. TM dataset has the sea surface temperatures mea-sured from the equatorial Pacific. WC and TM datasetsinclude 89,997 and 161,072 values whose averages are 9,714and 26.75 as well as standard deviations are 237,733 and1.91 with the domains [0, 16777216] and [17.35, 31.26], re-spectively. WC dataset is far more skewed than TM dataset.Recall that all algorithms consider the multiples of � for

the coe�cient values. Thus, we varied � from 1 to 10 forsynthetic datasets, 200 to 2000 for WC dataset and 0.0002to 0.001 for TM dataset. The default value of � for thesynthetic, WC and TM datasets are 1, 1000 and 0.0005, re-spectively. Since datasets have di↵erent data value domains,for the error-bounded synopsis algorithms, we used an er-ror bound ratio "=✏/(M0�m0) instead of an error bound ✏.The error bound ratio " is varied from 0.02 to 0.1. For thespace-bounded synopsis problem, we used the space boundratio �=B/n by a similar reason where B is a space boundand varied the space bound ratio � from 0.01 to 0.05.

8.1 The Error-bounded Synopsis ProblemVarying the error bound ratio ": Figure 9 shows

the experiment results varying " on the synthetic, WC andTM datasets. For each node ci, MinHaarSpace computesEi[v] and Fi[v] for every incoming value v in [vHi �✏, vHi +✏]as mentioned in Section 3.2 and the range grows with in-creasing an error bound ✏. Thus, the execution times ofMinHaarSpace increase over all datasets with incrementingan error bound ratio ". In contrast, the performance ofOptExt-EB is less a↵ected by changing an error bound ratio" since OptExt-EB keeps a Ti-optimal extended synopsis setin each node ci and represents it as a set of Ti-extended syn-opses by their compact representations (i.e., the head Ti-CERand the group size). Furthermore, the compact representa-

Table 3: Parameters for synthetic datasets

Parameter Range Default

Resolution step (�) 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9, 10 1Data size (n) 218 ⇠ 221 218

Domain of data values ([m0,M0]) [0, 8192 ⇠ 65536] [0,16384]Skewness (↵) 0.125 ⇠ 8 1

tion of each Ti-extended synopsis in a Ti-optimal extendedsynopsis set is computed from those in a T2i-optimal ex-tended synopsis set and T2i+1-optimal extended synopsis setin O(1) time. Thus, OptExt-EB is superior to MinHaarSpaceover all datasets with varying ". Similarly, in the Haar+

case, OptExtHP-EB is much faster than MinHaarSpace-HP.As shown in Figure 9, MinHaarSpace-HP is slower than

MinHaarSpace. The reason is that the time complexity ofMinHaarSpace (i.e., O(N(✏/�)2)) is smaller than that ofMinHaarSpace-HP (i.e., O(N((�+✏)/�)2)) where �=M0�m0. To see how many entries are stored in each level of thetree T0, we show the average numbers of entries Ei[v]s keptin a node of the top-3 levels ` of the tree by MinHaarSpace-HPand MinHaarSpace for WC dataset in Table 4.Meanwhile, OptExtHP-EB is faster than OptExt-EB. Since

each node of a Haar+ tree has more opportunity to select aleft or right supplementary coe�cient, OptExtHP-EB is likelyto generate an extended synopsis covering a wider winninginterval. Thus, the number of extended synopses stored byOptExtHP-EB tends to be smaller than that by OptExt-EB.We report the average numbers of extended synopses storedin a node of the top-3 levels ` of the trees by both algorithmsfor WC dataset in Table 4. Note that the numbers of entriesstored by the traditional algorithms are much larger thanthose by our algorithms. In addition, for the default valueof ✏ on WC dataset, we found that the sizes of the optimalsynopses generated by OptExtHP-EB and MinHaarSpace-HPare 126, while those of OptExt-EB and MinHaarSpace are229. Thus, OptExtHP-EB is the best performer since it is thefastest and finds the smallest synopsis.We also compare the memory usages of the implemented

algorithms onWC dataset. The memory usages of OptExtHp-EB, OptExt-EB, MinHaarSpace-HP and MinHaarSpace are 9,52, 552 and 76 KBs, respectively. Note that the memoryusages of our algorithms are smaller than those of the tra-ditional algorithms. The reason is that the numbers of en-

Table 4: Statistics for WC dataset


# for �=1000 (# for �=500)# of extended synopses # of computed entries E


[v]sOptExtHP-EB OptExt-EB MinHaarSpace-HP MinHaarSpace

0 18 (18) 160 (225) 18120 (36239) 1341 (2683)1 10.5 (10.5) 111 (156.5) 9731.5 (19462) 1341 (2683)2 7.8 (8.3) 76 (107) 5707.8(11414.5) 1341.5(2683.3)


Page 12: Efficient Haar+ Synopsis Construction for the Maximum Absolute … · 2019-07-12 · consider restricted Haar wavelet synopses consisting of the Haar wavelet coecients only. To improve







218 219 220 221


tion T

ime (


Data size (n)



(a) Varying n







8192 16384 32768 65536


tion T

ime (


Max value (Μ0)



(b) Varying M0







0.125 0.25 0.5 1 2 4 8


tion T

ime (


Skewness (α)



(c) Varying ↵

Figure 11: Varying n, M0 and ↵ on synthetic datasets for the error-bounded synopsis problem







0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05


tion T

ime (


Space bound ratio (β)



(a) Synthetic dataset







0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05


tion T

ime (


Space bound ratio (β)



(b) WC dataset







0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05


tion T

ime (


Space bound ratio (β)



(c) TM datasetFigure 12: Varying the space bound ratio � for the space-bounded synopsis problem

tries stored by our algorithms are much smaller than thoseby the traditional algorithms as shown in Table 4, eventhough a single Ti-extended synopsis used in OptExt-EBor OptExtHP-EB requires more memory than an entry (i.e.,Ei[v] or Fi[v]) used in MinHaarSpace or MinHaarSpace-HP.

Varying the resolution step �: We report the experi-ment result with varying � in Figure 10. MinHaarSpace andMinHaarSpace-HP become slower with decreasing � since thenumbers of incoming values and coe�cient values to be con-sidered increase in each node. When � becomes half, thenumbers of stored entries Ei[v] in each node by both al-gorithms [18] are doubled. (See Table 4.) Meanwhile, inOptExt-EB and OptExtHP-EB, although the number of syn-opses in a extended synopsis increases with decreasing �, werepresent it by a single representation regardless of �. Thus,the numbers of extended synopses stored in each level by ourproposed algorithms change much less than the traditionalalgorithms, as shown in Table 4, and OptExt-EB as well asOptExtHP-EB tend to be slightly slower with decreasing �.

Varying n, M0 and ↵: We experimented with the syn-thetic datasets generated by varying the size n, maximumdata value M0 and skewness ↵ of the Zipfian distribution.The execution times of the algorithms varying n, M0 and ↵are plotted in Figure 11(a), (b) and (c), respectively. Similarto the experiments with varying " or �, our OptExt-EB (re-spectively, OptExtHP-EB) performs better than MinHaarSpace(respectively, MinHaarSpace-HP) with varying n, as shownin Figure 11(a), due to the use of the compact representa-tions of extended synopses. Furthermore, as shown in Fig-ure 11(b), increasing M0 has a similar e↵ect of decreasing� since the number of incoming values to be considered foreach node also becomes larger with growing M0.

We reported the result with varying the skewness ↵ of theZipfian distribution in Figure 11(c). The higher ↵, the moreskewed the data and the number of values belonging to thelong tail grows. As values in the long tail are less frequent,the more such values there are and the less burdensome itis to represent them. Since we can represent the values inthe long tail e↵ectively with less coe�cients, all algorithmsbecome faster with higher ↵. Moreover, as the skewness ↵decreases, the gap of execution times between OptExt-EBand OptExtHP-EB widens. In short, OptExtHP-EB outper-forms all the other algorithms regardless of the skewness.

8.2 The Space-bounded Synopsis ProblemTo see the performance of the indirect algorithms, we var-

ied the space bound ratio � and report the execution times inFigure 12. Since IndirectHaar (respectively, IndirectHaar-HP) invokes MinHaarSpace (respectively, MinHaarSpace-HP)repeatedly, they did not finish within three hours with thedefault � values. Thus, we use 10, 5000 and 0.005 as thevalues of � for the synthetic, WC and TM datasets, re-spectively. Note that the direct algorithm computing anerror-optimal Haar+ synopsis is faster than that calculat-ing an error-optimal unrestricted Haar wavelet synopsis [16].But, for the indirect algorithms, IndirectHaar is faster thanIndirectHaar-HP, as shown in Figure 12. As we expected,IndirectExt-HP is the best performer for the space-boundedsynopsis problem among all indirect algorithms.

9. CONCLUSIONWe proposed the dynamic programming algorithms for

the error-bounded synopsis problem based on unrestrictedwavelet synopses and Haar+ synopses. Our algorithms storea distinct set of optimal synopses and restrict the coe�cientvalues to consider in each node. By partitioning all optimalsynopses in each node into a set of extended synopses andrepresenting each synopsis by its compact representation, weimprove the performance of our algorithms significantly. Byexperiments on synthetic and real-life datasets, we demon-strate that our OptExtHP-EB (respectively, IndirectExt-HP)is the best performer for the error-bounded synopsis (re-spectively, the space-bounded synopsis) problem. We planto study how to generalize our algorithms to handle theweighted maximum error as future work.

Acknowledgments. This research was supported by BasicScience Research Program through the National ResearchFoundation of Korea(NRF) funded by the Ministry of Edu-cation(NRF-2016R1D1A1A02937186). It was also supportedby the MSIT(Ministry of Science and ICT), Korea, underthe ITRC(Information Technology Research Center) sup-port program(IITP-2017-2013-0-00881) supervised by theIITP(Institute for Information & communications Technol-ogy Promotion) and Basic Science Research Program throughthe National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) funded bythe Ministry of Education(2015R1D1A1A01058909).


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