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efmaruial S N 0 ITXDKR JKt f · I aay, behuinbly ibmikful loVIUgferpoarrsthal thflj dta not __a_!...

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-more, 1 aay, than the fonnaltT granted lnderanttlee to fte trelra of tha Judfcle-ty-mr-rdered iaeanrgnea, jP**""1 ander an theie GoTernmcnta. la the pennUelon by bu thete Goverunente of tbe eoenio preaentation of tne fonrrtcr S L70B - [tho drnmatlo and, in flaaaaMBM iHell, hi.toriuai oreoentiitlon of IMfrptWa Btrletly hiitorical, preaeii ea*e. on t^e Parialan _^k____* JKt__f _ob 3-,\ all flfltflflBBBtBIJ France, dffTcrlng m 'tb mnn ln hia Iutiirmte oo.iriction. aa bTe mnn i any otber 1!tb inan TO-'-n Iint ta| Srmei armnmna aaaumed aiinm that the rkomjugm. i. e., the h..7.B d 'd*... tMna. becomoa.byTirt.it.. of 0. inry or ,"-..rt deO-aio*in_a_bla »nd u*,u,-.t.imablc. lu- ..-..¦BtionaMe hko 0" t»lyinpif4_0.d.-creer Thia naaninp- t on that a ladiaialtymnrdered tanoeont maa oaa Barar br nh..l.ibUt.d; Ihb .fMfral uaauinption thut tbfl HO riflced Innocent lndiudual is as i.otfcmu ln fomponson witb the B-daain _n.poftv.re of corrmonion*", sbam-big- Wigged. foruiallv anti.on/rd b'gnl pro.-ednre. Jtut let ua be tiuiuMy thunkful to tho gOBOrooj in«pi- ra- oa rf the highei rowers wotcbfully remt'intierlng na, when iro «o cooBtant-T, lu waaton aetf-aoaeeit, ob-ti- nab-li utrii e t" forcot them.let ub. I aay, be huinbly ibmikful loV IUgfer poarrs thal thflj dta not __a_! ibat tiay to mpport tbrir wonted luvontf-a, chirfeat Btnong WhOB wn.-, and i* idwavK. JBh 1 Farre. Tralned bw* per, inapin d orator, "highly practical eoinmon tenso tiiun, M. Itivre, aft.tr iwrtawtag thfl wblo BaldatfOWB wBh the fiicta af tbo laiuentalile Lesurgues co.i<\ nafl graadly from couaideratiun rf dctalla aud ipecialitiea to a Bnrrey, Bob btahflt point of Tiew, of their fatod, fatidie, broadly indicatire Bigniticancr. J r j>oor, pitifuiiy airogant iinitatiou of liYioc Jub- tn.:- bl uiidiviiirly aided tninib'.erB of human juatico m or it not fla_MBflflfl_I Tbe nt.cmpt ia well. Aa naaump- tion uf aaaaBM i* fearfi.lly woree than ridiculou*. Think .I it now, ye .mon- or I.-sbj i-boa-u reprc»eiitativc(i of all the fortv ¦LQUoaarf Fraaeei are tbe ordi-iury crlminal courta of BBBlSB, tbc proaidiiig Judgoa, nnd the jurlrsi cf them. gods. or dtaeatty-tafljimd agont* of tbe goda, of th*. miKi*rnlyr44cociiii«Hl uno t.od rf JtiKticul BaaUj, aow, wen it aol w*flU that, ln rtaw *>f this boarible nnd fltrietly lagaBaed talqnlt, oi Jodiclally. murdered Leenrgoea, waeoafcafloai baaaa adraa and dr, .an- our f. DoW'hflflBflb aaflbfl jndgca Incot.'.pvtt'nt. tatabfoai btuaaaity, t<> utter decrt-ca mrpaBiag ta th. li applieatioB the boandary that oeparati 11 ur ,ittlr lives from tho nnknown futr.re.fntnre na nnknown to juiigo and jury aa to Jonoa or Je-iki;-... ABthfl eztrflflaeiytateraatiag dim-tinalon rf the Lo- anrgn.-B caat- batl-hmdaj tathe Ccrrt LtgitUtifhat for it* nonunal toit an nmrndinnit to the grncrul Bill of tbe Badgai Thia imeiulment bore dirctly on achm»e in tbe eeooad iBtflaaa al Iha gaaaaal aapropri iti tn! la Iha Mlniatry rfTtaanoea. l'he i::.::..-ti. it.- aim cf tbe prop-L. <1 amenibi-ritt BM U- Bttribute a oeit.dn nutcber of thotiiand fronca to the btet furvnine bettrf the Judicirt!.'. uiurdcrcd I.cfnrguot.. Well enmigh to note, in p.iBsu.g, that Leeuivaefl'a fan-.tly wna thn.wn iiit-i BtUaflflfl mnt.'rial 11a w. 11 ,1* Boral dlKtr.^n by tho firtt uniuBt datdfltoafl rf thfl aewrtoi that, at diiTi-n-nt dataje i>l!ic<- r*t, bb t-nrviving bebt have re\-. unl, trom tir, t.'timc. nnd nniler atrangaty oor-.tradirViry cmidi- ttaaa lorg.-ttwnafn.in Gorawiaent. Tbe aaa of theee tarihh-made paTruentf, graiit<Ml with aeeaaearBytah plird." Bliamef-Ulvd.-ul.-,! BflB-reproaeb, ty the Tnrion* Irrtuch Gora laf fo i-'-i. aiao-tatrto more tban 4m .-¦X.' Branos. Kerer Derham * aa ao lar^-e a .-im rf Boney ut. aagraeioBaly ___rlbhlea <>ut. mo angra- Ci04_rl> to tho n-i :r ents, who hud piwred cliui:- tu more;" _K*di!>gracefi-lly to the givrr. -ho wat n-ally, i. raafly to-day, thr ciimltu1B1 proBBog ri;:.i,,-r aad 4le;«..itarv of 1 - ,r. mtrt orign al y-Kt/^d pOflfflfltT. Bat let tbat i-tse. Tb.-I.r*_r_Turt cu-ie g"t liitr-du, ¦- V I liacnflflloo of the V-n.ig.-t in thia wtae: Anamendment toflM g>-.. f tne budret wa« paopoeed baariaaapaa fbc Baeoad aaclioB of tw* appjopriationi f*.r th. Miaiotry of b, Thb. bbobbI flflotion of tbe Mlniatry rfFl- catice, k-t r.ir wiv m paflBing. oorera BMNropriatiotia t--' tbc aefloaat of atae auilioi-i propoaafl to appropriateafowthtauaala, ta iti- ttttiom, ie b >'.i,; r-::nt i.iM'd lo Ihfl B'.irriiu.g roprearal ItiTO f thfl odioially-mardered Leaargaaa, a %alt< aoa grasd 'dai.ghtrr of thfl m.happv mnn. Now BBBBrrfl tbat t:.n proflbred ni:.crd::.r:.t wa- not tadeed Intentionalh political; ut tbal anj to tbr taupuaod badgai bill, ta_a becaaae it i- Baaea-b mmt. doea nnd mitrt or.!i:.ivi!y nnn* by nn aot w-it.ot. to Governmcnr. Bat thb .im-nilmc:;t .-*t:nlng f:;-o MacaaMoa, n«d Jt:!'"< Fnvr.- takina hoM rf n aalraiatacH apaborapttifbl pnrty poBtfaa, nutl the P M prejndioea of hia bmther lawyera aai p. ni atiiB'-il brotb'-r tt;:-.¦.¦:.:..Btoi Ifl the < ti! iUii3.ii.nlii>' lt v.it!i hii* trlMBenOfl tbat fQikc-i ard illuetr.ifc* u o&ea- thb aaam chnent, I aay, ; ta awh ooadkloaa, and gattlagpai t<> v.,t<-, reealtJ ta thi*: th*- Beabeia rf tba I iarpe LegiMatlf bya Mt<- or iu la ii2. m:.*i baal thaaaeaal awtfaB ad th* aaaara priationt for the Mnicrv of It'icani-e, i<> OorarBBent, ©r toConncilof Ru-..*, whirh mral-:* t._- ..il-;- Iblag. to aanaal BB IhM indrnu-itT lor tbe Lcaurgu.i- tatmOj may Bad BBBoa taB AmoLg aeTi-ral notablo f.-atnreauf thli r.-::..irkab.e Tof-1 pi*k t-heae twai A wb..leaaoMaa *.f a Miuu-t'-rnd appiopriatioa amouTitlng ta all to ntne uiilliiir.t, forninl- ly propoa. d_to tho Corpa l_*gi»iallf. it lurued haok for a:-ie.n.':i.orit to tbe CnncU of iJtate by a T.-te of 11-1 tu U'-J. lt wnld be a Lopoloa* tu*k to ci]j_ain t.) laoee who OflflflbM are the ..rrgnant »igt:i_ic«'jce rf a TC-fl like t> Qaear, aai bu-gh-tbla feattuae rfiBta-ponaaofl bove d.v.l..pr_l". dtgi.bhleit t-tftaaalaBfl mo*t droliy ln tb.-p'vat f'-urdavs. votera in th" ocont m)t>)rity tur- nri.nl at th.-ij own temcrity, vot.-ra in tbe BtaorttJ. iint rwaortaa-faa thki o_tet Bttla toteraal to tbe Bnnat Mflflbto *.! T_ta Tatauaa. Whaaarai tbe n-nd-r* of Tun TnibLXE are reudy to otodi. Icajrn. mark^ and ta- w,_r'!'. ...r'r.-! i-ivthingof tho wealtb of obbWorld ex- iK.riei.'«-e aad fligfli-B-Bflad teaibing und ttifT.-.ri:;g.tb.-n iuvj t30tnavoniani b.H r.-f-rt, nnd Im- bald, ..ot un- Tvatrioticforn-portlng. no end offaate and bBflottaM J t aad aotewQirthy instanc-i. BrnBoa ofwhlrt to- .. ttu ua I can nndemtacd. Ifl whimmed b> bfl BB> vIm Ood b'-lr ui all. Ln mc your uuwortt y aad Booh m _tt-r»ato- waToepoBdeat, any hb ooai k T! *-re ;» ..*'»o b )lv. g.KKl tliiug ae tnilh. >*"*>. ikmgij ..galu_t or for u*. that if a datalL Iha grare tbongh tacldeatal dobatu on tno ouaget, f tc b'of thii _>*.; BB_ad_ared fo ^ote agataMOoreram. m. Okd'.r the rr.flu.-nec of Julonl'avre'a eloqutK-te an<l th.-li natui.il feeling., in re-f*tt of iriorooahla, hu;,,,iii.y pn.- punnc-pd fkata i-aaltira, at-brtlb ta haoa if Bflfl la <-i Slauition. Gorerntneiit roenibera of the (!or|* lr>-g:*- itlt coaitag to thmk thnt tbay had MftotaaarOoT. <¦. li'..-; I B< IvB ar.d acted aadei th* faroc of U.clr Indi- TidnaJ humau aujim, were m __nawfu. fn.k. Battol d*. tht-.n j iftioe.-God know* that itir mseh they aaa aek fr.r.t-.-r.- ar«- fymptom* of b-gl.lativc v:tnlity, rf inrti Ti-taal *«!f rcapri-t. flYBfl among thfl herd ofGoirru n,r: f IL )-it:r. jn the Corp*. Legislntlf. V.'.'..-r. ihaB I tind BaM to aay a word of art'.tbe Sa- lon i* nrw two wei-k* oj».u-d. and of btirutnre.n.-ry h forth it* nrv. *,\,i.. orthodoi or! l-r.M|,,x n, r.>':¦.¦.: rf tbe graudly Bt-iinug raBgiaafl qut-ftiu:., but Btriktaf proof ln nther caao of tbo vitility, Tigor, asd hop. ti.l rho-n.t. Ah vi.ll yea, ana very w*-!l: Of the '-.'.lOtipHli.tmga DOB ou nl.li.itio:. ta th. B-Beriflfl rf the Ire:.. ,'. s..i.,.i tl i" year, r<*i <t art* f<-rhi<l thut I abt.uld dan tu e-y om Bwacptag fcaBak flro_rd of prni»e or e_mdflauiatfon. Al .! .!*- Favr*-, aprop<-i rf tbc i.ri.-r **, innny tinn worked cn*»-, baa reprod-icrd aad rccn-ati-.l a viiitl, .T.-i<t::^ trlfrc*pe<_lng, liajaerwuB inter.-it m th.it -. -. gone Leiurgu^e oace, *o, lf lour u wortliy corretpondent were a critle in art, a*. if he tlaicd preeutnptuou.lv to it.-er.t bimeeli ly. [Tl |.ao, if i-r cn-itra. bo __ad the creutive taalHy of Jub'* .-.giy I iaw« from qneatioiif of nr? to th<- ra.1:- oai tu.Matlou'ralai d by Julee Kavre iu tbe d-aoLition of I_u-t M'tiday. ilie real ./n'etion there lebated WBI the quretion (.f'l'apital PnaiabmeBt And ao fur ua tbo lote tft.. houac vaaadeciion, it waa adeclaioa in oai fiiv.r. Thoae of na whu wiuti-d fur tbia 'ron.ing" in .t-.-of Negro Sluvt-.-y wiU undcrttuE.l tl.ivli.. tinrt. profuund. tnorougb lunaniLg of the eewencm aud ai-cid.-niaof t-ied-actiffcion in tbe Legialatif Aascnitiiy laat kfouday of a ao old and tecniingly dkd-away n_at- tcr aj. the vlvid rmlneiitly poiulor and prorooative qnertion of laeaurgur*. Thfl town i* (all, u* it alwaya i«, of anccdoba of. ,- and *ei__iutiontti waiiduC Solomou l_otl_*cbild aicd tbe other day, rrallr and tincercly UniciiU-d, do« apite bia exc-Bptioni-J rfcbeit. He waa, iri rvcrv paM a aa rf tha word, a good yeaag mnn. BM I do not ban that his aarrli Ing relatiToj oropoae t<. bnitatfl '.ia tiio.-t ireneron*. expenaive rjialitic*. It wonld teom that they nr.- flMflfl ttt ilrly horiorcl Jn taaaraal d.-inon- atr.iUuiiB Ui_u> Kiiit.ilajd iu dow:,i_t-ht, ui.pi .U'litioua, ig praeta i Taratan to tii« l^-_urguet or.ee. It u th^ ha_Baa taae of the day. iu diecuaa,on in tba < 'orpa Lec.r.ut.f haa been cff.ctiTcly a diaooeaiim of the giaawa rf onlahment Ko one dincuMlon rf tV.t qo.-ttion probahly ha* g.*»;" *o f__r b.ward ita favomtuv Boaeln. aJaa ue ihlfl aatiic Monday a Maaaafltaa, Jiut uiorr than it* l uierlt, it ba* llto un.m, tlu* e .liac ,l,n uaaion. of piovoking all readers of the reaorted lohata, aud all r.-ader* and retailcrt. tolrarbfl] raaaitolrflrf th(_t_ de liaU-a, to taik oT'-r, Uiink on r, aml. in th- long run. dr- a_4_a over tl ta queaUun of c-ipital puuithinent. if, t'-n <r twenty ytnr* from i ow, nanee. ag forwar* atnoiig ciTllixedeountriea. put* un ond to tbi* _b*H-king ly. horribly feetile human Tanity of infallibility. and to pLt* un tnd to oupitnl puuishiuclit, the* .lou't lvrg.-t th>- imi>i-,rtance aa a nieanb to that bl'-ssrd end of laat Mon lay'a drbate ,n tho Curpt Ltfitlmtif. Ot oairent llt-arary and uttle politlrul neun, of Itoaaa lan I'tcriitureaiid d____enaof oth.-r foaoad tbciutti, 1 mu»t «ny nothirig thia wiek. Ilef.r DOXl Bfl 'L.y tl.* y BMB) bare lot*t all their baportaBOe. 1 Bk»a bfltfl Iv... or tbrt:.- ane. lotaa. l'oordearoidi_ip«LordHroughiimihiii I'arit again tin. j'nt'id.iy. in u wuBdasfld -t_it'-"f deereyU pri Mrratba be aaa baaa worklng .it an edltion oi the gpaaohflfl aad BStora "f Lord Ptaakatt, with prefato- iy work of hi* om), beeidefl tl it, buhfl ooi ibarplyat uuil Kvana'tfoi thfl et.-l" rf Ilifl U* tl ufwbloll < .-_. | -j ,.*¦¦> mtam . -i' .'¦ ~ * v.-*.<..¦;, false s. t#. KrtrrraeJy clevcr, wofnlly faJJen, brUUanUy doUng IL Ilrtmgbuaii: be ir not what he waa, poor man. Hia very teeth-mrudtjra Laugh (reipcctfally alwaya, bnt laugh. ln aplte of tbeir teetb) at bim. Ie it wonh tho while t Will, soelng that It befell at tbe oowt of Nanttra, tbe place wbere tbe ('. .S. A. shipe and ablp-builden ara in favor, it ia worth the while to report the prare caae bronght to trial tbere the other day, and how lt waa arguod. Tho c-uii. ta bnelly this: M. Catpenter bad a male dog; MlK I). bad a femalo ditto. Mile. D.'s dilto bronght forth two ponplee. M. Carpenter nl&imed at baiKt one of them as hn ihare of tho prodnct rosultlbg from ndatmns of bli King fharba with Mile. I) 's fe- male png. "Oori't lsngb. The eaee wua gravely antl rx pensiTelv arpued before the Tribunal at RantoB.whrro tho '<infY-.lt rnte iteamen are bnildinp and lannobing, and in ull wai s getiiag theuiielvcs and their cause pop- ularlzod.argucd tbere, I esy, only two weeki apo. And very eleverly ai.d eruditrly argned by the couniel for the (lefrindaut.tbat ii. lt tbe counsel for MUe. Ib. wbi claimed prorteriy in \>oth puppb*. For. nfter gtniig over the weil trampled gruui.d of Frcncn law, | and of tbo M.wriic oode, and nj-L-iiing rigbt and left to the extent of his ability, ho camo oown with thli wdemn argunjent, tha*. tbo puppiea kakaBgai to Mile. II., being tiorn ot* her femnlo Kmg Ca*a*BB and ea her pn-oiiscs: for it waa coustaut, tbat iu tbo Southern Statre of tb*bat* United BtatM of Amerlca theproduet uf the femalo sbive was the propertv of tbe ma.tcr of the pro dnocr. without refcrtuce lo any posaiblc uc-Mure of pa- ternity. it ts aartsaMa to ffto bigb.-t.Ting Am.aieaa abroiyi. t0! firjfl that the lute tl.orom-b gotngeat, c metituytfr.iUeiet, c-oneervativost, Irone-and mturuw institBtlua of his conntry ge te its 8888*848 (juoted ae le*t Lopvfui argu Baeattqr"MUe. D. tohold bt.th the poj piee eo b( gottcn by tba Segof Monsreur Cni-rvntpr. Toench degroe baa linibetl Statoe glorv snnk m Nrtntea, tbe verv plaeo wbere, 0, 8. A. gfory or substituto Ior glory la tuude most of l Ornca BMbBJ Abbbicab Fikb Inh-ilascx Co.,1 So. 114 Br.eu way, NbW-YorX. Ma; Bl, 1864. J# DrV'IDENI).. The Uoani of Dirtt'tow of this Coinpauy batr tbi. day drelarrd » Sl ItlP DIVIDKNT) OP K1KTY PKR CF.NT eu tl.e etrurd preuiiu.n. of all tbe oolirlo. eulitk-d to particl- pttr tn tbe prontt of tho Coiuparrt . buaitioai for tbd* yrdir rr.d ing Maf, 1H64, rrtiursitr. for w'biib will be iMnrd ou aud attrr the Intli daf of Aogn«t next. AJae t aad aaaal ditidtmd of S1X (6) PliR CKNT Bbxart Oovi-rmrnt taii. paTtb> to the atockh- Idrrn on diunttid. Sn tCfprr ertit taMgaM in r<t»h tu n.o urdrrrd MB4 p"dd on 'be ontataiidinf Certakaaefl of nruhtt for Ihfl yaaralatl, 1H87 and llf.a. oo pret.a,Ulion of tbr rwrting ite on nnd aftrrtbe 1 Uth day of Augti.lneiL K. B lil.i-.KCK.JiK. Ncretaiy. OfflCE Of QlABTX MlU. (ri'LD MlBIBO ( 0., I N 2.1 Wall ar., Naw ItiRX, May '24, lis>4. 1 THK AN'NI'AL MEKTlNi. of the St.xk- Iiolder. of tbe QJOAMXZ llll.L liOLD MININU OOaaVAJRT, for ihe baaattaa of tiflicer* ior thr aaartaaj yrar, will be held at the office ef the Companj, on Tl'KSli.l V, JINE 7, tt 12 oVlock. Tb" TiaartM Hoi kt will be tlotrd from tbr Ut to tbe 7th of June, luclu.ite._J. H. TYLl'.R. Sr«td*ry.*B i'soaaJWAT^UAJiB, .Naw Yoata. May i', 16M. IrM.r.CTloN.. The an:ni(il elt-ction Ior 1>I- ^ Kl'f Tullri ,f tbi. Hai.k f,.r U,» ri.ulng yrar. and for I.NSPKCT'IKS of tbr i^-At iiiirreding .Irrtion, will !<. bfld I m tha BaakAa*Haaaa, aa TVEaDAY.the Htb day of June uiiXUiio, betiAren tbr Uar. of 12 m., tuJ 1 "'.:.~ k p DL I" J. L. KVERITT. CaMtar. iirmx Abixius Wood Pirin (o. 1 No 171 liBOAi.WAT. Naw yor.B. M.y 2a, lkdji. 1 NOTICK..A .nevnnir, of tbe Wockhoblani of AMTRTCAR W.).')l. PAPER I'oMPANY" will br hrld at thr ^.fhrr of Ibr tempanv, ln thr City of Nrw York. <n MTI KDAY, l!» UUi d.y of Jimr. ItM, at , i .oi k bl By oidrr. M. lll'FFl'M, t-r. retary. V 1 N T B NITIONi L li A N K l*4j 01 THK f'lTV Ob Nl.w YollK DIUCCTORB: W.M. A. KOUI1F-. of Kobbo k l orlie^ AuC.br.eera, Not. 97 and wi Leeaard «t. THuMAS A VTRB, jr.. of Vyar k Baaa, Iiuportrrt, No.. TA u MBroadway. QBO. A WKKri of Wirkt, Siaith A Co., luiportrr. Vn fj.Kal. V 81 fraukan dt B. L. BULU.MON, of II. L. tiolomon k r'm, IpboUtrry, No. dway. UL). A PKLLOWO.afOerdta,Fe lowtb MtMillan. \Nbole- tah) (rroreia. Noa. 14 tr,d 16 B"it, r if ISOLOBON 1. HlT.L. of Ilu!l, Caiabir A Arnold, Attornryt, No lo Wtll tt C'UA-a. MIN'/i.-llMMlH. af BlasukslmBi Bx.t, M.nuftc turrra Shirt., No. :r77 Paotdway. J. O. WHITKHDUSr., 8boa Matiufact.irer, Nol S and " Ltrt Bt 8F.PH t' UBM", r (rr*I. Bawrtta k Siultb, Bilkt. kr., No. »:. Broadw.T. II. M. UL'ktPHRXT, Caah'r. J08EPB V. UHVLS. Prrft. TafAAritT IHifA«T«a^T, > Urrica or loairrBoi Lta of tbui < rttucr,. U». ;,. ,, April IH, '4 S BArrtnt Py i.tufari ry ri l.l.-i, r i-rr-ri.trd |,llrin.Ur »lgi*d. ll ba. Iwrn iii.or I" ap(*ax t!»t 1 be Mnth b'tt: iaal l.aat ftiir t ,iv ,!N,-»','.,ii, la tbaCBaatyrt BVwTatb aud r4tatr of Nrw Yoik. I a* b. n. dult IIBtlilarl uudrr ai.d acrerd.ng lo tbd* re.iolreii.rnta r,f Ihe a t 14 M gtr.a, el.til.rd An act to ptot.dr a .V.U-nal Cnfraa * tr<urrd by ap'.rdgr of t'nitrd .-'t.'oa f»Wk. an 1 goproilda f,* Ibr nr. ulatio'i and rwtrmpti. n Ihrfeof." aaaxfavad Fak d*. "f/J. aliil ha. romp.ied » .lb aii lbe provbAaaa af it d»art rrouired to b< eottTpll. d -aith brtirr roininrnrlDg tbr bniUMM. of ltatikiiig: ... 4, thm, lAtrt/.r,, I, Hugb McCbUocL, ( OJnptl 1 rr .f thr ( ul- rency, do ber-by r.-rtlft tbal Thr rltotb National Huuk af tbe City of Bew xask I < .my of N.w York ..i,d Htttr of New-1 Y.rrk. lt autl, .nt,A to . "uin.*ir I t..<- I ..itir.. o! llai.kiug uLdrr tbe t.-t af,. r.-.td. In tratliiioiiy \\ narrof, witnrtt u.j L.r.d and aatl of offltr, thi. fcigbu-rutb dav rt April, BM i.£..jV'f'th.-.. iu on Mci ui.ir-ici. :Coujpt.of lbeC'riart)i7.: CorupUo.lt..' of tbr l utireury. . . NINTJI NATKiNAL BANK. GOVFHNMK.'.r AORNTB.4 Al'll Al. ajl.iaaj.rjfio, Kta i ri bti.rl fat lu.m-ahVtr rt. Ittrry, V. ^ NA'illl.NAL IiN-HiHTV LOAN. Tb* tafett aud uai il BOatabta ini.-itu.n.t Baa u UM uaaikrl. LIViiKMUKL. CLEWQ A C"., UANKlRtt1, l*.8.(J0VF.RNMK,Nr LOAN AOF-NIH No Sl Wk!..i., R. Y. Biib-.iitaionA .... r.u 1 to tbe NATIONAL 18-M LOdUf. Atlthr vtrloBitlruaiiiiittWn.oi. h«nd BBBBf BBtB*BMataM 'ou'e lligbth Ct>tuiiii..lou allowrd to 1*4*4, HtukeM, md l!r0k"'k C. R Sl,. .'IUTIK9 of all dfaeriptiori. Poreba.nl and Ior >ale. 8TOCK8. DUNUB, aad Unl.D, Boir!a and Bald or. ( aaaaktaiaav f-u- raah only. < OJ.Lr CTIONo madr on Wa.uiiixt"U and .:i eUiei flrtata t fthr l.'i.itd-d Htate. tnd i anada, at low raU-« Bttl t|ai-k rc 7J-10TKKASIUY NOTh.S Coovarlrd lato 1181 B«,nd«. !NT>:hI>1 ALtdUWKll IIN DKPfHtlTS BBBl by litiik-, I'.aiikrXf aud indititluaJ., .ubjett taj tirtP tt ...bl. _ Cli I f A O AND '".KKAT EASTEUN RAII.WAY C-OMI'AliY BRN 01 1T-H ta NT 1 IitST MOICTGAOI: BOND8 Thr taTtarrlbttra BOW >A't Tor ..> tbf ren laln lai rttbrlttufl efBRVBR PKR CKNT FIRlfT atUBTOBUB BUBIW «* tba CBICAOO ARD OREAT lOBTRRN BAILWAk CliMPANY, approiiriattvl to the coni^rurtrou ef tii.-ir roail fn.in C4.in.g,. r'o l.t I r -..-. Inditua. Tbe r.i!, baaa all baaa aaicbaacd ti* lbe aeiaalatioti \ot tha entirr Unr. uiu. b brlow thr prr.rnt lu.rkrl talor, BBd arr aow going forward to CkBBBJB. inr work ii tapldly progrr-iia/ tnd thr Company rxj^l lo efwa lbe raa_ f.,r traffic turly tbr rniiiing K.1I fonnlr.f a nrw ar:J trry tbart truidt Imr Irirn Ibbago tn tiie Ka»t»ni BBBBBBB. Tl.r n.trrr.t oayablr d,nii,g to.i.ti," ti".. ba. Irn. pr viord, aud lt now ou depo.lt wltb tba Banarrfaf lbe C£5K7. Aprlyto M Ml'l'MAKLiT it OKbilAilf) ¦ No. 21 Nanau .t, M. MOROAFPfl tOW No. J7 Wb'.iam it. Nrw York. May 21. 1804._ IkJOTlCE IH HKItl'.KV lilVKN, that (.Vrfili- 11 caleNo. 8X1 for .'di ibarr. ol KLINT ORJCL Itl\r;il M1NINO (OMI'ANYM ataek. .t.nding ba BM aaaa rt Jaaa Tyler, aad CtatkhMa R* *"3 <i IM aaaa Gaagaaj'a Meek fuilOOibarra in lbe natiaa u! (iro. V. Riiet. tiott.-. wi b- anldatput.a. aaetloa tt the ofT.ra, oi tba c.i.|,ar,y on 1 Ul DAY. tbr 10th d.y of Juiir next. al noou. Hy ordrr, ' V. K. McCl LLY.Serretty. llltniM, ABB ToLEDO lUlLBOAU CeBFABT. j OfflCB Of >fraBTABT A»D 'iBBAtCBSB, / I IJ1TX1 AJIO Ohl". May 21. DW4. ) Tllla ANM'AL .MKliTIM. of .StockholftiT.4 ,^Lt.rl'LKIKLA.NP AM) T( >L> IK) KAII.itOAIl l 4lM PANY fof tlir Kln ti'.n of liirivitori for tbr eaioiug yrur ind th« iraiiaarilon of oibrr appropriati bueiaaaa, wUJIba held a> tbe Company . eaa* la C >v.ia.,d, oi. WEDRXRDAT, Jmm LMh nrxt. , Tlir p.U. will be oprn Iroir, 11 o llaca a. Bt, to ] a ka I p, Tba Moak txaaalri l.k. will .!¦... aaBatardayp bl. .d unti! haturduy inoridiig. Junr Ut Ll CK, Ba rtUry HOLMAN A ClfO/dlhlt, MININU bROKKK.«. No. 2oOIIIlOAI>WAY. NKWVORK. OOLU AND WLVER kdBBjq^ liOLUHT AND jo-I-T'l'l W. ilOLMAN, CekrrtleTer. llIit \M P- CROZIrTJa, BawTark. NO. .'-J KXCBaJIIIB PLAt B, Aprli22. Is I \\TK are Drepared ini-.-uo i"r » 41,'..rd' (jKOKOK. I'K.AUOiiYACo TKAfBLi.oCaaoiTs, araUaklala _J_?/!_W **" «* CkfakT I'.BITAI.f, tl," I OWTIVBBT, and tli" B44* Bills 0Ml.oi.Oo* al .1 d.y.. «> day., oi 75 day.. Fo, a^e ta BBBM to flrtl V']"^^^ MOKOAN RCa. TaTitBwl"Oai"CB^KdiL _*nJMABCO I Twi.rkixiDrnci AinaxT. M..y l«. 1«.<. J 10AN of ill.WW.OWl--I>ti«4 June lo. i*-oi.. i Rattee labereby draa tbal ibb -'"I ¦'.:.' " "f" >r' |..i.-!t.,r, ,i,,., ::.."|i.'i.,|. ,.f tba abol. bfia, "' '"¦' I"" .i t..ii ....'.).. Ii.uk ol 1-iin.ri .-in N.wl.rk, m ,r aa* KUBtiAiiltltli, JUlJit V.aaffAlVaaB. »MBB*t, N Jitianrift.. 0RT1I CLEAR CREEK QOLD AND SILVEIt MININQ Co., GILPIN CO-TSTY, CuLORADO TERR1TORY. TnrrrBBf: 11. l. JOHN A. 1)1X, Uon. EDWARDS PIEflllEPONT; JOSEPIl KRANCIH, t*.., T. B. BTJNTTNO, eaq,, A. 0. I" 'I'HSII. r». Cfdorad' twmmmmwtl Bon. JOHN A. DIX. TnairFBiB: JOSEPH KIIA-.I IH, rao, 0_BbbbV CBARLLS y. ULAKK, fOf __.bb._-.t: CllARLEH it. BWORDS, f-Kj. Thli Company _. fenued for tbe purpoio of poiob-flni *%& Wc.kinj J,---. fee.t on the OROL'Nll 1100, OREOORY No 2. 8IMM0NS, CONCORU, and olber relvbrated, deTt-loped, gold boarlna loda* in the tx-.t mlnin* dii'riot of Colorado. Al»u, (ha HENllERSON MIIX, with twelve (12) Staiupa, now runnlng »nd ln aaaahaal ordrr, The Co-np-rry haa the refutal of thia property, and wlll pur chaMtha u-ur lut a380,M0 ln eaih, aad 27,-00 ah_rea of -t-ck at \>ai. The Ctpltal Stock m thr CaapeB) wiil be gl.OliO.OOO. TYholn numher of flharn ino,0(«i. Pir, * 10. Vitly tboatand ibaret of tbe ilork wiil b* told at par flaflj. A laifn portion of thii ha* been takrn by prirtte lubferTption. BcK.kt wlll be opened 011 \Vedue*d_y, June 8, at No. »,9 Ite* Ter ak, where the rrmalndrr of the Mi.Oun iharej ran be n.b toribed for by ipplyluf to the Treaaurer of the Company, be. tweru the hoan ol 10 a. m. and Jp.ni. lt needl_-a to ip< ak of tb* immentt mdaantage oi h.Tin. a Dilll and m-vhlnery nn Ihe ip^t alri.idy vorking. With tbe f_.-l!liiei the Company fl!re-dy bu, liuiurdiite re- turnt nnyba looked fur. TweNe (12) men ci»u tulne ufWn (I.) tuu* BfflflB l~r day, and ilf hundred inJ nlnety (Ma) BBB ran be work.d to idv-i.t-,'', B thtrty l*>) men to earh buud rrd fea-L h tt propoied to paa) the work with the utmoit enirry, *Dd the IMrecfari h.Te erery ronOdenea tbat their rflort* wiil pio duce tatiifnotory and IflflB-fldl ,tr irault*. Coplr* of lb* Proipeartua curi he oblained »t tbe offiee ef the Tompiny. ^________-__________.. ICopyl VOTICE to BHAKEHOLDEB-S of the ia rrrrsBUROH. pobt watnb .ud cwr.-oo R.VII.WAY ( i.Ml'AN'V -1 ba nn1rr.t|(n--d ('o_,n,i--i"nrr. Bathfltoad to.rli thlrty fire tl«.t.a__u_l uew ahore* of lbe C»p ilaj Btockof taidf. uipany, brjoiut TOtfl of tbe Mhareho'der* and HLndhi.i-.er.. for th. pn'rt>a..«. of ennatrurUn* a d..ubl* tr*. k pm :.*i'.n| add tiut al iualpuioB-, be.. n-w ptop. .* t till Ihlrloaa Ihnaagntl thtrif tflBf toaartf Wtofrfl They propo-e ta, iaaur to tl.e .baialioll-'i- wbo itai.J rr. trred ». a.irh Offlba kltkl W thr CaOBBOa*. Bil rl,. k n. fll. ol tbe Mtk of tbia luuiilh, one new il.ar* l«r r«rJi B.r ___rr. t'i:, it«ndii-| in thilxr.uueat thr poiTiue of 0'-*' BflflBB '''***' aa. , 4,->%_-_l H.-okj rf l.tb-a-riptirn -ill be Tipe:,rd al tbr .¦-O.-a' rf « 1*48 I.l)\V. LANII.K < N' I-' U..U'., *n tbr llth 11 NE, and kej.t Ofaa BBIl Iha INk JI'NK.al .1 {,. n.., mlierer,. I, ihatabat-Wr t-an twll and »n tcHbi er aaa a_aa__p ka wjakaa by iriiri *ddt_«_-nl la J 9. J). L-kBIER. « kabrnia Th* _*. ibiiH thunuhicntrd f..r. wM br»r d;T.d. ud f:u-i lbe 111 Jl I.V [.r.i. l'ajt..rr ta wai; b* faflalred ai I. - a . . lur f.,irtbon tlie 21.1 Jjtir, on n.itlfiralion of a rei^anre, oiie leofth ta u.r Wb .'..ir ai..l..r.-- fOOItk ->. lt". lJtbALj,.it, and i.. f. iirtn ,.t, tba I'i.. BaaeoMkai Tr_u.ferr_a.le .t.-ck a* np wU Itoaod, IBdoeBBakla In fu'l than eertM_al_M m taal paya-aa* ef tba toaoBiBooU N..ri4 ..mi lianee »,th aur "I Iba cot,diti-ii,i <¦! t-* fubartip lioa ulli ti.h;*.. r i..f..:f..-_:.re in. B_ya_*BU__-_< tkora-B Thu fl-xk ia uiaiuly lu pay Ua uou r»i.i. rafi-Bfl f.o, I, be., .'r.-aJy adTant_f.< t.i.y pi.rrh.-. 1 T.m l.i_h pnc* uf libor ati.ltb* fr*at iDMr-liy tf BHUffcafl thr ¦_¦_-, and thr M tiat-a-J ra:. . f.r aU gullfllll th. aB olaa I tba I'h.rf K... fir.rrr and th<- ri.' ... <._<-. ri .(.:... t- r i- a;t.,frt_.r il.i r.Lat tl,a' ai,. firtlrr ajuuui.t -f tbe >t f k ». !.' flVr-d luri-., tba acaai a y.ar If » f' Itbai amounl au be eoajuou.l._JlT npenla-1 in i;. rrealoj th-rapacille. of IhaHaelk-f year,'thr ClBtpaBy <*.H Bfl 'b*hlr U»e ot/iar l_en!_i to ., a lbe BBB mnilttlfaan rtaarn tkg rbhl i<, eiuwl lUtluieof I'l'.a r.l..r.f lo t..iii realdrnt fbfliafcfTilllll. who uuj deaifo lo a»... ibaaaaa-aae -f tb.- boaad-f .' flhlfl aaabfl ou *ur_i»erir.a ai.d .'ondlti.ia a* th, ( .:,.:. taai. r.rra nay ,n.,rO** gti ... nefi. (Im r.-.'r,r'_T r |!.t to dl»'-ott of, at Ihrtr du<_. ti B.I - th 'an.. f tfth* I l-.- any *_y <4 Ba thacet uol lairii by lliflleknliblB ur.dar lt.lt ootloe..N»» Vork. Jun. I, 1 M elrn. .). J. V. H I.ANIEK, I M. J -.T.DEN, ¦ J Kl.i.AR 'ril.iM.iOH l'.)D..,.loa_a*i*. ,-4'K..S'.l-.R ItAMiAl i.U. L M M i I II. I ¦a, Laaa. alto*. *»uiim iiacra k. r io. t-T I awa, April lut 4 , rpH£ ANKI VI- MEKT1MU >'i tti» ttot 1 1 K.,lr:.ai Ib i of thlt ( ,,inpari», f-,r lbe el»« n. o(1HIK1'K.i:n UlKBCToaa tm u.r _aa-__ajyaai tad f t , b .-ii.r b....r.'..i ti.*T b. kreacbi bafre tiin. w:,l!.-h'l.l a PAMi i Irl.t.ati '< o.ir.T. MO-iBAY, 'h- aahdeyal I. nr, <4 al l ./¦;, kp tf All the trar.f. r !_¦. ki .' tv«- CoBpaiiy. Botk of b-.i.di iad ,t, k, »i.l hr rloarl ri t:r t.tl, -.1 llay untll the fl'b ef June, |i ... Tr. Ily rd-r-t n.t Board af Otr_rla>rt I B. Rai>td_.n BBcfaaary 17H)fJHTH NATIONAL HANK of thcTrrif ' '. \'. 'lth. ^.r.i«i....~,l aa I l'rp-...tarv aud fiOalr Ul Af. ut | Ibf I i. tad B ... >. V. 2" at.d M ¥¦¦.. m fw., do'.rt hrb.w tha->-,.b Trrlatirr 1-tTr .,.-. I ar.d tnd < t, atfof ta Ir.N rUBTl UONIW, ...iiT.rt ll.e M'.J V TlllRTIEii lato 1. I BoNIW anl tttoad to aU baafctaat Ml li ertth ih- OOi KIISMKNT lalilSS T*i.rlir. etftaTW-l lllfl i.IBBlllllll nl .ld--4-.li.- '. TBitnuerit br .pp.T.Ufl l- 11...1!. k MORjU- RETCBUM, l'rr.i-en.. D, VV v'.cqb.b. Caakb r. lur \*r...,i. i.x.taaaaa H.aa, .-.¦. loaB Hay I, lw>4. 17LECTI0N.-*TheAuraal __lect_on fur Cnn- Jri;._»a...l Intr-ti.ri. iba f-r linaflttafi ..l tba rn. Ing J- ,.t, v,,.| be beld at th* _fBte |f tijt B.uk ,-u VVEBME-- l)AV, J,.aa I. fiom I2t-1 .. ¦'t n u. *' ll MiRItA'i, t-oab . rpEN-POKTY <.<>\ l.KNMI.M I10ND* J rl.i uMi MATIQb IL BANK Uk' N.U V'HtK Habicrlpli tn rr. r.Ted b-r (hia Hnnk a 4 I..I.J. ou bar.d ful icii- rl.itr ibllTriy. IIKSHT A tll'HLHt'T, fraaidei.t. A.O. AlxaB. Cf _ _ u-ncaorTua C_aT____aa. I'aibutii lbabo Ata t TABt U ItAltB-iAO IO.. I M B-laO-I, M.J W. l<+>t > NTJTlCE..Tbe fatnaal Meeting of tflo Suitk- k-alaet of the CtaBeload, PaBirrllla at.d Aaht«h..i* Rall load l ..nipauy wi.l Ie brld al thr .Bi - of the 4 oir^-LT m Clr.U:.l. Obi ,, ':- tV-dneaday, (he -tb dny if J*n«- ncit, ot I't o _vk a. ir. fur the olo. li-i, <f MfB. t r*. ar.d the tit-.i... laeii ol ta. b olber fuainr., aa )..»> oaM l^'.r» Ibaru. tiio. H > I.V. fi- t-*ary. L118K . UATCU, HANKKKS, l.PAi.Eit.-. is dovk'k'nmi'NT N-CtTB-T-BB INO r. S. I.OAN \.1I-.N I s, no :in wau. miji i-. r, RffriT* Babteflptiea* lb* orw l.S 10-10 I.OAN.ol l.wlr.| lbe ui-.al 4 uiun.rai, ti la llA.NKKBri a id DE-d-d-M. A'..,, IHV aid 11 l.l,,.' .__..-. afU.8 SEltTBITIEe aaaaket rate*. I 7-"10 Tltl.ASI fl. MilM r..i.verte_ lulo tli» 41, I'lll CENT IKINHS ,.t 11*041, ou favorab'e tat-M OmcB I'Laarui.tan (oil abp lawa Ca, i ( ob or Hitiinctt tto VA'ati. »T., > Baa>TaaB_,Map_l, MM. J ^^0TIC_. \<>fi< < ir b< t, i.v giv.'ii. ti.iu the I AN'NUAL IIXETIBO-fU.eST(K,i-BOLUERa--f tnrt ( I'MHl.RI.ANI.rOAI, ai,d IRt.K ('(IMPANV, fi.r.ti, .* (i.,i, *f. PREMDENToimI ii.iABD-f IiIEKOTIIBH a.,rt tm Iba b-B-aetlaa ofotbat baaUaea*. wlll be l-:d .t Iba ¦" Ihe OaoBBOBy in lln* rhT. .n MORDAT, »he 6lb daj of Jniii. r,>it, tBafl f.vjaek Baaa. ., Tbetroaalef keaka wlUbe* leead CrealhalBhdaya M.» t- thr Lth day "f Jm.r t:.. Inalir. II. Itoi 08KL. Be. .-'. J IKVJNfJ 8AVING8 IN8TITI TION, 1 No. <lli W_r»: ¦' InU-rett tlloued at the ratr i,f t, p,-r ent on tll 10ml fntit'jil! tl,»felo. D|*n daily from IUI.i '/ p. __, aad .." MnNKAT^, THUK-DAY a.idr-'ATI'KDAV AfTl,llN(MrNS,from4 ie lj i.. bj. N. B.-M.....-y lo h'.n .n b.n.d ai.,1 mortaafr, tVALTEl t\ (")N< KLiN. Pre-ldaai ValDBBBIIT I* llriToB. eUry. _______' Naw-Yoaa I'aom.-B K_-a_-_raa tourkttt. t New Yoao.MaT-0. IflfljL I J ri^IIK BOARD of Tl.I STI-:l> bare TIII8 X DAY aatmtmi . D1TIDEN0 ..i tVt KH 1*KH TKNT .... thr ( apltal K-oek oftbe ompany, |..yable at tbe ofb.-e ..I t*";' Tr-_ru.tr. E-Wold < loawt tW, >'" " ' -,J ¦'_ *""*'' !___ ... ai.dafler J.inr7. Ir.t.'.-tli k.«illhe r!otrd iinlll tbat d.t... BAMUEL BIMMOBB,-aereary ~"orr.-«*.r Naw VoaB Mimao'.' . Nll SOBI, Juuni, HN. I ThJOTirE is berebv givt-ii tliHt, at a Bpeetal il M-tit.f *.f Ihe piraelortrf the "aw-York MlnUCOj, b.!d thi* day. an ASSEr- i.MENT of ONK DOlaLAR Ykti MIARE wa. l«Tl.d on lbe Cupilal Mtock (-0,00". ...*re.) or Uia t-oatpany, aayoMa at thr .«*¦ r ..f the CouiB-fty- "a-F Nawn il Sew Y.,rk City, .m .., brf.r« lbe 2-lh d.y of Jl Wm, Ail a..r..ti.rut. reinaiuliif unpald aflrr thal da'r wlll be , h_r.ed witn lutnr«t *t thr rate of 7 per BW-fl l*r anni.tu. * A. 1. -TANa-a-T, BoLtttuy. Orni'Bor lOLnanun Mibibm C_>8»AirT, t .>.--.' WU i.,..i..N. Y.,Juoa l, H>4. I QAlXS OF PORFEITED 8TOCK..Noticob il herehT f.Tei, that th* followinf HT1»( K in tha COI UM II1AN BININOCOMPABY ia KollKEITED fur i,< ¦> Pjiy andtha(tl,e..,.rw,llh..SOI.l. at f'l'l.l.K- AOOTOMol tb* ota.-e uf ti..- C-Bpaay, U wii,... 5 bb ia«ay nl Iat) r'l.'-'.l-.k ai .,.T.Ti-...lvrr.t..u:..l <. llflrst-.No. 310. ACdUHTI'S IlKNTON, T.iitee, DO .D-iei, -¦'^'^^"^''¦b^UiilUVii^' finane\a\. 0 FF1CE UF VKHMIIirYl'. ft Co., TlANKKBS, No. 4t UALL-S'l., M.W-YollK. We ..re pr. bbn 11) taaexrt ' I'. S. 7 aWJjfTttAR CRY R8Jtk*4j into the 6 pM BBM BnNDS rt ISSjlwirh I romptie >. ALd on isjaaBBB I*"' .. AJeo BUY tnd SF.LL at txarket retea all kindt of OOV. ERNMENT snct.MlITlE'"., in. ludiug U. H.5-'dMIB<)NDf?, U. 8. T.30 TREASURY NOTF.P., U. 8. IB bio*. CERTIFICATES OF 1NDEBTEDNTSS, TJ. 8. CUURiFRMASTEILS CilECkS, U. 8. TWOYF.AK 3 per rent LEUAL TENOER I NOTE8,' U. 8. . P*r eentt, COlPON tud REOISTERED. of JSXI _ MATIIRINO CF.RTIFICATE3 of 1NDEBTKDNES3 eelkectcd or purrb.at.-d. U. 8. 5 Plali CI'NT 10-40 IlONDS. »e krepon bind for Immrdiate drlivery an t.iortuirut of BONDS of tbi. NEW LOAN. VEBM1 IaYF. & Co. DIVIDKNI) NOTICE..Ata tBeetifla of fh> Triiiiiiifiki nnnir weil oil i 0MPANY,i.eid MayM, IBM.a Beothly Dliidrnd ei ONR PCT CRNT an tbaCapkal Stor.k . m drclarvd I r tue mot.'h of May. Raa af lir.trrrinii nt tm, j it,.b!r nn and aBci June I", ut thr MBM ot the 1'ninpaiiy, No. 131 Hror.twey. TrtLifer llooki wlll ar cl.trd Junefl. ond reoaened .'one IX JNO. K I.F.Fr'INOWELL, Trniurrr VOTICF...Tothe St(K'kh.,l.loi-H off hel'M«)\ II PAt 1KH! RAILWAY COMRABT, Kt'trm Irr.ition, lormerly eeOed Ihr LaBvaWWartk. Pkwi.*, aud Wl .'riu Ittil- road Couiptiy, and tl. efher. whom it m.iy r rn-rru: Ai a merting ut tba Dira i, nof thr abafe aamed Ceapany, b. Id B Lrnvrnwrirth. Aiiril 5. 18J.4. Ihfl fuilowing re.oiutiollf wrre ad"j>t.-l aad .rdrtrd nakHibrl Rr«Artd, That an iiurtahmirit of per rmt np"ii all ttock Imii.-.i ,,i > a.-.' bed f. ,. ,.. iv ,i,.-.i BajaWaMtbf of tbr .lo< kbradi-n. titl.ir to John K-rr. Tr-.iA.ir.-r af tb" I'lii.f.i v »¦ I.ravrnworth Cilv, or La Kdward LeaiBfld, Pl nanr'tl Agmtof IbaCnataeay, tt N«. 41) I'it,.-.t, Nrw Y-rk. on or br! r.- tba Mth day ol May next, aad tiiut tlir Sriri-tary ia h.-rrt.v Rtra. (r.l (.. ,..-..- ta, r,-t r c, ba pub nthed ia t»n ur liior.-|»p«rd of .rtier.il c.irrilatiiin in r.-h of tl.r Sf.-tn "! Kiu... a_ Mi... on. tud alao ln tacb ol lbe tiltr. ol V»- Y' rk and Waahington. K-.'/irJ Tbal all authority to tny prr»"U or laofty i.rrrt" Culr tafcll.l toa.-l a. au a/vr.l or rr|,rr,rnlAtltr .f thi. ...iu (BHViMtdabxart i, l.r Beeeaeaad byaappaeaea ,,r pmy id r-r.-bv r. v, krj md rsatladad. aad all gaxaebre "i tatbvrity hrreafterib.il ouly be ext-rritrd by peraai. B paitir. tutbm i/4d ,-r re. mnladaj Iba praaaM m rafaea i;¦.. llir< Bad Ibat tbr Srrrrlary br dire, '.-d l" .'lf.- pubii,- notii e al tba latacBliiia kireM nntals ti lli Mti FtHJTE, ttotitatary. NOTICE..TO tln- MoikllolilH-.KS oi tbf CNION PACIFIf RAILWAY CoMPANY, EA8T- I.UN DIYWION, laaawlT talldj*. the t.KAV£NWORTH. PAWMF.K iM. WEITeRB RAILROAD taOMPABT.aad all ofheri whou, lt may lorkrrri- At a marlug "f BM Btatfc' ho.J. ii ui il» au, fa BaaardC aujaay, b.-id atLaafaawi rtb ea thr Itb aad >.h il.y.oi AarUtBa., th'e folioalng prr.mhle tud rr.oliit'i'i. arrr IflapBBai MArrrai. By thr r. ritri, . rf fo-r pirti katWl ra. thil CflM nny. J"h,i f. lr. ntont H".a Strel k lo.. and Rdflfald arii'd ilJ't' te.1 b) tt,la Baatbsj laraj al ...-'¦ r . .loui of bi. a aeasa .. i aaaBkkaloea ii.ve br..n madr |, ¦ .il r raa M M [Biaaula Ihe epa dj Betntettea f L.r i,,ad. and 14 trrrai, It id prr,hr.!,!r tbat dill::ll*r i-,,iii-,-.,iiin. luny bo agieed tu by utl.ri ftv, khol'L-ri; tbrretoidL H-t'Utd. T7:tr BBti l-eajmd. a. tbe ftntn-ial atrnt ol tbr! lalkiiiawfl aad aaipawagad Ifi aaaatt*t Trttb any partira, Wbo ai* tl.- In-ldrr. ot arr .nt.'rl iu tbe ,Um-.« of tbr loiiipti T. |N Hr trtufir tnd d.irrry to hlra. li. .,..ui A .u. h. aad ea aacb et «al.i it.M-k, a..-.. b pai tira may he t.11 uig .o lo .-on fdr.lo t* l.y luiii u.ed, di.j-.^d ni. dVribut' d. .ii ,.K i.i.l rr ,-.d fu tba SMBSpilIBlialB .. I. in ¦ .ul afTrruimt pfov.dj-d, witb i. friri, a la Uaabareal axxaadtebf -r ri.:. .rr.fr. iaui !y tt:,i Krrr.ont. tndln roniid arailua Ihaaafar, tl..- . Bl i.u.n. la aaaM .. saBharbad ai.d aa> -it. n^.-i BMatM up n tb. .. r'ili.-a'.". atehaewe wbti li n.at r ,e'a d bt al, !i abalrboldrr., Mffraily, or to m.i. b tl.r'y aai.- ba tantfad ay. u. kn.a ...t. I. tr uaafi r-, t, .'. rn ii,r.| .t iu rr.tidr.i BtuWaa ara full pala :' Babjacl te aaaaaaatrat; | r...iJrd ll.ai luib uaaia.Bf or'L-id ,:.. ,rut i- _1 :. I i I...L- ai tiorrnid iu ant mr i" ai to ex>plT Of be "f rflrcl R. to !!l"rr ill.lr. in tl ul'..irt; .,,,) ,.' r iaj t., . r ihataa ao traaafrrred to ti,.- aa.il Bnaa. i.i mbbi ta parpaaara lierr.fby aa babmbotd ,m rripr ti.,.1, . d tt.rrr.ff.-r aU larb aarkeda tadorard ,-. lt'..|. .te,.ba.l b* deeiued full J-...I :¦¦) tl.r loill.h.a "I ih.lr. euibrt rj iu ..yU Bdaraetbcati reapaetlTaiT, aad absatech 1,. lert makbig tba euaraaalo . ...l UatitlVraLair iibefora pro tilr.t ¦: tbal !¦. r,., .iirr Ur beld byXBaCsataanytr. » BUa t- M bai.ilillrt '..r 1 ¦(, or in any u.tuiiaj ir!a!lax l tbr .riain w u"b tliry ilull to aeteiaily tiai-ifrr I" taid Bn ta ta. «.-, t Kn Ind '.i/thrr, Id we it ,b.U tnrur that ftoin ant -aud" Bay fll tbf .t.arri WBaflb i..ay be Iftifatrad to Ihe fcnanclal agri.t b. iffrraaid. r :o p...i-itucr .1 tbe afurraaid f.iu'rti-t. tLkll at ant tirir hr. Iiuudto lr .ngwhoUy or iu poit Mia*y t'.r aaraaa "r iwrty Ibaa th.- teriin or party wbo iha.l bufe aa aTMMBaiart IBaaaflM tbf i.id l.i..i,.1tl ajBBlahaUba aud briebj ,f a .ib r.rr.t. tratafM ta tacb ptraaaar iarrp. a shtllto bf foandin hethe rightful owrvrtbrreof, tbe .htrr. io tir i'i lr.uiler.-rd t" buu pjtiiiiil That tl,. boldrri rt earaaaaaaa, akRaaBaaa, or Iba ir..o.o.-ai.daia.oed lu taa nan.r at aa beiialfof J. pant.whl hirr.lainiedt.. rntitlr iu, b hnldrr total p.id or aaaaiaaaala .n.rr. .i tbe eaftaal Baak, ba i.otifie.1 oy th.. in j. t.t. I,p.' .. altrrtiirn., :,t. .t .:. iu, b "ihrr a.Bb...-r a. lAalHiertaa iua/ ilelrru,Iin lo i*»»ri.t lb. aMBB, taflatbM wbbaay avidrnxaaol ibatr rlfbt te raqiHi .. itbarMtaba b.aJe fui: aad ... aaaaaweeaAAa .. tfa.eMd, toihr !.». ttfa CvBBBd*l*a ef tba Ceoapaaj B Ihe City ot l_4w-Tark a_llbta ..... dat.ia it foi owlng the l.-nlng of lu, h noti. rt TMpett- :..., ,l aa*. t Mallafl bMartM ..¦» ..,, i^iii. i... ,r i.,r...o rii.Ja in.v !-.! ili ai.d. arid pr prr f"rrtiAl r. rlltlcalr. br l..i...i iu iire u.rrr,i. iu to rar .>., B B4a4afB al.ad ba dreuo-d ga barntttled thrrato by aall Elei iltraCotan Ite* Ib aaa aaj hulAYr aball rrfaaae*eart toflaaaart biacwrtiiieair, obll . .1 ,i i. .i.r.Ja, A. af. :.-aalJ, ai.d f- i ihfl | irpow. BBd wttbin tb. r at irrtatd, oi in naer ant ,.! tl, *. :. D -t U utllitda. a.'.. -..,14 «ba.i deruard t tl.r K.xecutito C. n. aiittea Ui ;.r lai .B. i-.,t t, eeittl tha b Ulal t" lai h '¦.:. \n\A .t.Araa. tbr 4V. r. ,A the l ompant th«ll IheeaaftM Mfaaa M [ravafuiM ,r tdiixll aoy ttabilkV af tba C Bxpaayto BMBaai baaa lud p.:d niairi, ou areo.jil of aay iu. h partirulax i-nitib ».,. .¦¦. t -i ,., -i i.,r,i,orai.ila, or Lo tr.-it 'br taiur iu any nitiinrr at f.K ptbi ib.rr. rit-I-t upon the riaun. of botia h!. .. ..|, r. rl.er.ol bnng r.t.Lb.t.. d l.y daa [ii-¦.. A li** ciuipni-ntlixsi etiJr..,-.- tJod .. k gdelai ,r. abiiaav ii ,n. aa Ihr Cou.|»u. la Ibarfaatrt aay iiraaxdarkj i____ fr. ritr ..)¦..rt Mthai Bi Ifter af any sofb .rrt.n r.., oi,-i. i". .,r ataaiwaaliiai. Iba 11., ..m. ..buiuio.. aia bati b itl aftaa to rtju.l tba I.i ... of m* .uth hoairr. in saeb aeaaa a. uid Caiinattea ai^ drarr. .-, .;fth t tnd i...a..e labalat Bal ta attlkfif rl Ibatflrt Baab.aaBBba ¦¦' ful! r_iit.irrt a. "aiil I < u.Ui.'r, ,bs au drrm tu bu juit tnd I -,i,|ra:,.. V,,, Bbl I iheforee acg Raadeataai tnd m dlrrrdont of UtaEsi Ui ixanditef all paTaenaBUai«ete4Arairaqtiaata4 lotraafuiil tba bb ir- ;. .. -I. M blaeBoa, No. 4S I :n-it ui .I., |i ,.f Nrw Y-rk. au I. .i.irniriii., p-|. ...I at aaaaiaaawUlrat Irt tU ftopoaad batirtU .*,:'.!.. I aoi ,r.|^t..ely .iid.».ur.-!bei.!i;rwi!lil..llir tuur 88MCXUMd !,.,,.. , .!gjd....frn, tl. du-.. h.;re.-.f KI»\VI> 1.K4RNKD. F_aiJ'.alAgruLl 1 K «- * L. U. \«k !'...» AprBM *.<M. ______ FTOU N. T. CM>Nt*rOLlDATErJ STAOE 1 (dViPANl. '1 ,.. tBNI Al. Kl.l. TION FtlilUIKF.l I'OHr .';i,i-C ".. par.t wlll la- hi Id al llr I'ompany . OflV .. Hroadway. anier !i:ki. .I ,u» MONUAY, Jaaa ¦, i»4. Tba p-li. *Aii: be opm froui 12 B I" 1 "'.'b-.-k p. ni v lAdOOB t AlaPBELL, S.«-r.-r«rv. riiKV-lulMY l.oVKli'NMI-.Nr I»ON'i>S. I TINTII NATIONAl. HANK, 24) BROAUWAT, llainnbtivt ftw laaildlMa eVrrTIXX ar. aaaonnieut oftbrAe Iruida. Our ai.oU. ol .nr per rriil abowrd buj.rd. TbJa B.uk rwrlte. ail N.tlon»l Baak M-nrt ou drpojt, aM ( hfi k. ou l ity ll-u.n iu ptjturul for O ,trrt oaent Ilondi. I). L. ROSri. i'rr.ldrtit. J. II STOCT ' a.bar._ _ raxni: < ol _in.M'.liSIIlI' li.mioior.1 t'\!-ti!ikf 1 uiideill.r bati. "I JAM1 I M DRAM k < o.. ,. I.ei-by b. r i) mart. Mi. lau.er M. Druk" r.-'re; Irom td-tl.. baalaasa Kitlrr partnrraili tba ka Bqnidalioa. Tbr t ii. nt a.. iDl. i-'ii' bOOk. ol M I). L l ... will br t,la..-l in Ihe laadsol DKAK1, llRilTIIKIlS, tbrli WtrfkH r.,.-N.» -i.rk J.!.. 4 IAMES M iiltAKK, A. A. IlKAti:. I.IMirtD l*ARi.NKR.HHIl'.-Tbrund.r.igt,r,I..u.t,-roruied: .1 l-mltrd I'artnrr.hlp, paraBsM lo fir l.wt of 'he Statr ol New l.k.tr thr purj.I ,vnrlnirtii| tbo STul K AND ( X( !' '.M.I. ItltllKFll \t',Y. bu. nr,. atidfl tbf irtlr of DIIAKI. I'.HOI lll.HS .. au, ,.-<tUi JAMliS M. DIlAKK. 1 i.. 1 nr Pnrt;.,a i.i" '.ni'ueiii e tbr lrt of Juue. IMA. and irrni.i.atr ,,u Iba Itt ol Jtaaf. IP-I IAMES M. DllAK B baa i-aatribulad tMO.iaJO La rwrb to t!,r roiinuoo atoek ui S|.i ri. I'.irn.rr. Tar BM B b. rt of thr late (Irru likr thi. op p.i-uu,i) I'li'i.ii'i .! .-i' a. kiiuwl..|gii..iit. to, ti,. ftgrylrberal pslraeaie they u, r beratrt ra tfailttal. aad la aoBrft tm tba nrw Brin a . < niinuin. a al lbe mntv.Nea York .Juue I. lif.4 IVILLIAM ¥ IIKM.K, j ,.,.n,.. ALBERT A. DKAKK, l'"""*1 ' -'«"".¦ lAMEd M DRARR, ¦pecltl <*Mxa*r. HffKB t iiotTBruo (OAI. C Ni W Tflflk, Maf tk, IHe4. KO'I'K'K is hi'i-chv givrii that ii iiicctiiiif ot M,.kle...Irrt 4* thfl (-lll)M'lll ItO lllAl. lIlMIMN. I.,, ibeein i, I'i.. !. ,t .r.d B. Btrd ¦¦' Dlreet. I fo lb.. tifi-ai-ilmi I4" ii'mf . 11.. *.ill ba bt i .tt Kouii N 13 ,.i, Ka ... *¦.»» York, un M'lMiAY, lbe 8thaay ef jmir at ll o.-iork, noon. I'obd aill M aaaa Bmm tl to I , p. m W. IV, MoKAlO, l'i...b a MlIWAUKKE CITY KKAUJI .sj.Str.NT [."Mi- I., COl'PONB dnaJaaa I 1884,84 MIL- WACKil- ( ITY RKADJtiBTAIENT UONIiS. wlll !..¦ aatd .., ii,.. i.tji.otia' tb. ofli.-. rt « IHTtALLACo., No«. .'^i tn.) eu RaaaBMBi pliia I.MNSIKIN, KtHSKM'KIil) A Co , !j IIANM U-. I.K.WIS K.1NS, P.|M aai| (,,._,] ,. I8AAI RObENk K1.D, it., New Yoik. j.l.u IN P.INKTEIN. lute.rat altowed aa aaaaaate, iiiaadlafjte tha etataot AM nia)krl, from BBM ta tin liepoiii. rar..|ted aaktart M <lr»ft M tight. UMMM088 bl city bauki. Sto.k., Roada, C.-ill'i itrt of lu I.ti.-,!ii, .. (lof "io'dbo,igi.ttiidi..id eaaar tfaTDiabla ti-i.i" i.itllpai ai.d Kraur", (1. rinany, rl Nl.W Y.1KK, I'i."' I. I1"'4- rlly DOUld. ^ir..., io,i,ii., i ,-ru ,i,-. ,.| luu.-r.ri.n, ernment Baaaitliaaaaurially, tndi.o d bou.l.t tnd i.dd paaea uiiitiou Coiir. tloni u«. la aa iiiu.tli.ioi.iiJe Iriai. IbB*I vut* ofthe I'nllnl Male. I'ani-.da, F.n|land Fraur", (1. -niiauy, MB IHAVK this day lukt-u inn. rAKi;M':iWLlli,t RllHARIl P CORNWF.LL. unlrrth, aaineanil |rleol H. li (oKNU'F.I.l.a.siiN fottheliBBBeedea rttMBTtaJOa CO.MMIS.-ION IH SINtRs, at 21 rine-et .,_..,, , R. H. CORNW ELL. Stock. Bartfl (ii.frrmi.nt Serarit ¦¦ >. I"dd tr., boaght Uid a..d .t tlir lla gul.ii lloaid uf Hlok. ia. _,_ I II 11 arltSWI'.l.l. ' SON MIMNfi ST'K'KS, aa weil aa all otherkindB Ot .-erait,.-. lllll'I.HT ,1-1 >OI II tl All UM St"'k BaaiattaNaw lofk. B atou PbUadalaha, hc »«;_'" _" ""¦ M tvwiAaUiivii tr Ai.bdWi'l tt ttltuLAJf, R* H »> aaaaraA efmaruial_ T'jirran PTiTEflTaaafCBT, NbW-Yobb, Jnne 3, 10-4. ITXDKR IN'STRCCTIOXS from tho Secre- > t.-iry of tbe Tr.-uury, noth e ii hereby jiren th-t lutere*! at the rate nt tl per cent per annnm wiil bepald rn all depoilt* ui*dr un -md afti-r thli date on ar.onnt of Temporary Loan. _ JOHN J. CISCO, Ai*-ttant -Wturer, N. Y. I'«it-d St.tiu TaaAtuat, Naw-Yobk, June 3, 1864. V"OTICE IS HEREBY (JIVEN thut I am 11 preptred to pty ln odTance the Coupunt of intereit ao- cnilnf on the lit ef July u-xt. in Oold, ou all th* Public Debt of tb* I'uited flutea. JOHN J. CISCO, AnUtantTrentirer, V. S H Bnmmcr Rctrcota. BOARD WANTKDforthe fiiimrncr months loraBey 12 faflflaafaaa a a fann hou»o arbblaW milai of Jerary City; food li.uig tad klnd treatmer-.t requtred. Ad.lrr-, K. tl., Hux Nu. 160 Jer»ey City. C~ oTntry BOAKD..WANTED, bf a . Youi.f Man, a aiiifle ROOM. with Hr.¦¦akf.-.tt arM Tea, in a I'rlvate at Knruihouaa, uot niure tl: an onr h.ui t rlde from thr ftty. Addreia, itatini termf, which ir.ntt bo moderite, 11. K. (' Box No. 2.2W. I'. a COtN'f KYIToAT.I) WANTl-D-Fitra Latiy, Child and Ntirae, ru-ar tho city, elthrr hyrail or ir.jon keet, oa a ftfB wkeN thern are u- ttbeff iiMiJed. Tenut ¦taatereaa, Arhirr*. s. u. h., Be. IM Bl*«. krr-*u I/Ul.llT PKR.SON'S wiil be iwioniinodat-d JT-I witb BOARD ,iunua! the tfuniiier, iu a mrxiern H.mae, wi:h w.-ll aha.irdOro.indf, tliundant Kru'.t, Vi^ittablea, Ite.; eratially loeatrd iu Lyme, at thr awuth of Coiineotlrut Rtrer. Adrtrrai, boi No. 15, l.y_ne, Coiin._ rFHB RIVER8IDE H0U8E, Bed Bank. 1 Baaaitlb Ce.. N. J.. wll! hcOPKNfirthc rereption ol l,_.,.Nuuth.:ril.-'l OF JUNE- . , IVtiet wiihin- to fernre room. wil! ploate tfldrefft C. (i. k. W. A. PRENCXI, I'roprli .ort. CODNTRT RKSIDENCE to LET.Two- ,t.ry DWbXLINU ofl Too.a, Bara ''--Tlif- H< aae. i. ladeaa arr.. B. I.»wn Md.Oardaa, wkb aonnyt-nr-. oi Prokaadtmmm Tr.-.-a. Lo-ati-.u, lliirr r_f_ute*' -*.k r-m Ilahrii llrpot, New H»Ten Railriwd. P ia/ rl,n l_,-rie.li.,te. C. H. OUVjaB, N->. I _______* H008S8in BROOKXTM to RKNT..4 n"w tbrre atory and BttliBMt bii-k IIOI'Sl'H, ci"« of 1'ark a% an<t . ai.t.n «t., frontint on Cily Park. AaBBMfBBea aruund thr I'arlt ti .-.ulr-. led lor l.y the rity. They ha..- ail in fleifl rnnv.tiier.r-.-,. __erad-Bfl Balh-Bbf, iu,d Wlll _?¦ let .K !.. pfiftte lai.tiie*. Appiy to Mr. \ oOhlll.trf or. tbc BremUea ur tu tba *BI_B*. oGlce Nu. 1, BIB l"i.lton Bmk, Nrw | :_, from 11 to 2._ rpo H\NK>;iLs, INBURAMCE COMPAN1E8 1 «nd 0THER_-OPPICEII la I.K. r I.K'VSE.-OtOi-e. t., Ie*.. ,.n the ...e .ri,t Iwhi.'h »:lhri hi,-h haaernrnl). Iat, ML ld. B 1 4*h fiuora of th- UuiMu-f Nu*. I.V> and 167 l.rotid- -*T, li'.ia- iti r.i.r.e ni |lll_fll0.Ilua I.i flalihgd flnrl fllttrl .i|, tn ihe inoet couiplete uianner, witu .or.-ial r-re t- li_ht aud .".-.n. , ¦ .. I Tbt front li lo bo of rnarble, of a t_nd»or.-.o itylo of arobi fllf l.rlldinj wPl baBOflbfld f. rward with tl-ntmo«t .Kl ¦etek n..t 1* t" ho undcr th.. i ii* r.:.'-.,,'.. :.. ..: K.rTJ.m fc I .ii. Ar I::'. .-.. T * .. i*n Oi .ren and r**.'4 rnad. korwri *: th* ofli. fl of (141, HOMER MOK'IAK, Ng, I'iu. .1. rf-0 LET.A CorNTl.Vl.KSIDi'.Ni'K. iirar l .l.tcrin. wi'h fl aa-re* f r md: ii boaaBflfl-b l,**te un I'lutkluc Bay, h_* e*rry la.. ity f. r l--.-t.i_. b __M "Ld bth ,:,f ui: aareoUd f. r lb. H lauD. n!y tl dathraa. PfllMifloB eaa be __.! _-¦ .nile.y. lor f-rtnef puiticuial, addreia W. II B..Trflt-aaOd-aa,_ TX) LET orfor SAI.K, ut RYE, Wostchcster 1 CiimtT. N Y...f>imlil..-d ( iM'STRY J-'EAT. with.x tmiire Ore-ndf, l-iaa a__ a, t raa aow, aaapia watar v >.,in .',..! ted ....t.-i.i. a t: .-.rry r<-.p,rt; arare ih.l.r. lliataal la-l. _J.ll ite. lld- tr .Ul l_llr^ ld depot. Illl ll.. l.atr ,.¦ -,|[_tl.,ll flTrn. Ir.'ji..re of A. J. HI.EKi KKR. OONb Co^No. Ti Cedar >t_ r|T(> I.I'.ASK POR . YEARS..A I'LoT of L OROUND, B-rlh-oaa aa«aaaef abk ar. aad Tldab Suita ble BM ...1 Yard. t'ui p.rli! uUur. apply to ALI.EN II BBOWV, Be *V3 "roadway. fJonscB anb /armo UJantcb. IlffO I.OT8 WA.MED to PURCHAM. or LXaibE- il.twrru W Ir-it-T «t. -Ifl the il.w.ry. Ad di.-.i rtat-rur pni-e aud iucation, HOLSKE KNEELAM), Nu. li.' VValkai «t N. Y._^^^^^^ a----BM-aa-a»M--^-a».a-^^---a-aM^w»a*ataB^watiiiaiili Ktol dolalt_fox Solit. [Srt riltoAurtion SttUt.] A I 4 SAEE INVE.STMENT.--\.r SALE-A l\ KlHM ff 41 -,-:.., near depot; dy. II -.rr. (iarden I.and Ul theCrop*. wltii CoitAfe lloiue, Burn, and Sh*p*. f.a- (UO; in. lofMacrofl, tV**\ llto, * tui* K»:m of KO tcrot io lr«. I«>. IW Baaaa, *nd 22 _.-rea. ttxo. 10 atcaa. t.i' 1 ... u_f-«velaahla Irael* ln I'Uit.fi.-d, raaariaaafl ... lldintLoU, and a toraaf L t. wMh mea (ott_fr- iiuu.-, BiOOOi do. lar.e Iloaoa, 4I..11, and : -ir otberj a.lin Mwr.-. («;: un STEPHEN VAlla. No. ... 1'ry-it. Hoo--, MtiNllAYS, trmn lOtol; other dayi at P__.._-.d Hrpoti ot TlltlKN k MvRl I.EY, No. 1-0 Wtn-.lnrton Mtrket. PIR8T-CLA88, Eitra-Wlda, 1%i«je4S-Ofj _. anl Attlo Hn, k li" H'-K, Nu. I«* Prea..-ei-t tt.. wrrh fonr l.,tl b.-.w.r-: Ci.i.-in. a-.l < « irt .'... Bi oklya, kBUtatba be.iand 111-xf lb am aah Baaaaar, by day.' wmk. for th» .ata l.dw.id KeUoff; boaM Jl fa*4 »i.t' |.»<- '.'¦." l:1 windowj, naHoT. and baflf fre.roed. \V..ald be aohi without the *d- ^lu___:.<*ifdr..e,i. E. R KElXOtfU. 130 faatVaU, B. T. stORNER BTORB u.i FULL LOT, H0U8E \J >..: aaraaa, Wmmmd Qaa ettt Boaiaea suind »t Klifabethport.N. J. 1'rr SALF. on Terr libe-al tenni. Apply le ow-aar, E. R. tLttLLOQQ, Be. Ufl raarl it,, NewY.oTk- DncK PROPERTY for BALE.With largo STOY_EHO_rHE, be., aa *icr_a-ut h> *li..n fran _u»n, ui,1-r .r aaicompaay ft*a loo lurt wau-r frua:, wKb-.^k Uitwitbtla* i-nfft' R-Orood ol New letbi y: la ait- ,,.-ei al K__*betbp..rt. N. J lur u-itioalw. apu.y j E. jj. ^K.lLO.jll.No. 1__P^. «t, N. Y. -4ABM AT AlC'l'D'-V..»Tli"' FABM lutely mi|_ii ftoaylfl bl OllutUT il. TBAYII (e> h .di, laeatadb thetoimof -M-hflt, Cbaaly of -k-kaB, M ajthaflaa Cfaaaa Nb tai at the dirrat aaadle LakeM_bo- par. artd ruutairiiuf Ul Aain ol Taliabi- JAM>, und i. oneof ,|r.rrohh ;Ha.«i for K»:miit* tj-irp^a.-i erat-ULN- 1K. BEMIiEMiElutlun'ouBlyol PuM-tau >«. ta.r ,..». e ..l the piemlaal. Jtl....|, I" I lOfc-.-Ch r .,. tm pati Bhaa mtrnt. n atbaa ul_Ua 3a_bjoribawa. LYUJkM H. KlBCt-ARP. LX)R8a4LE-A CoiNTRY R1.SIDV.NCE7 1 at VUlb'.ih, Ir..,| liiand. O.Whic Boeaa. with Jl tbe ui.drru litipr<.Trr..ent*,to|etherwitn _.....-¦.«' Brreaef I.ibd. .rnwiiirtiu! inUfriat Ireo*. frape-, ireen u'u.e fcc. lbe ,e-iaai -I propafty l* TBTJ dr.ir.ui bi-.n« i_aly -I nukT front r -, -.» K.iry. Itrooklyu <'Hy r»ilro*d OJJ- rwiiuini the ,, ,. - . (1.0, blTillll B flrUt .'ll t_r Ur* l iljt i'-tt t 01 .,.,.treof JO-TB lTpFbRTB. f-S-ai j 1X)k SAI.K.A COnRTRT BOMB uear the ,itv ou!v U.r onie* ff.'tu Kalton yerty. A bofntifnl ,, r m'iK. .'or.uinlnj 11 Rr ,mi. lo peftecl .Hitid'.'.un. wtlh tliree «.-re..'oi Oardaar,. f.ill ot thr rho-ce 1 Krnita, rShruba and 1 ,er. ...1 UuthuiUinp,enaalallaatt Oatmnwtt Iloua.-. VVeOi i. |.-«t--,l ln . iLulllTely hei tir r_-:fhb<ir- _',k1. iLipoir "I HENRY JOllNBON. N. fl, Ke. kaian *t., kflbfl-fl if *'.! 1-' » lu., .d 1 to 4 p nu _ , .,... BALE.A VALUABLE CORNEB LOT l' on Chur -t, ne. CaaaJ .t. ,,..,. A :... I...I. OB (r-.tiard. Kranklln, Y. htla at-J M olkaB at. Al**i', * valuihlr I'liproTed I'larX t ot pro^. rty 00 Rr idual n,.*r ltr.«lw..y. f|.. ulh.r .ir.irible b-'ared property Par 'pai'K-ti.-ai.. a.c, apply io ALll.N k HUOWN, No. MBf-Wtway,_ I"?n)t SAI.K.A H0U8E anl LOT, nitaato rn ihr i.-rlli*r:y *ide ol r-l«t-«t 230 fewl aaate-rly (Yom 2,1 a*. Arp'Y «" laBTWM MATHK Wt, l.ie. i.tor of thfl e.t.lr of Bl --AN Dl.ti'llAU d*,«**rd, No 102 Utb *T oor- nrr uf 18U. it. H uot f.ld belur* Ihe iMli day of June, hattaaa i' b.:: bfl aaM un iint day tt aurtiou. 1PARM 'l,r BALE.Ib WeBtehMter, Oo.. H. \ ,|,r iml.-fr,,n. tbrre il«[.ita; lu .la-l ba-tween'Mo-nt V, raaa tad Braaaa--ai about luoiurra, vuaU tU the »iiuie or iti i»rt.. Inrjiiir.. oa th* premia-*. M. ODEfiL. OEA SHORE RESIDEirOE FOR BALE.. ^ Thr Maitiiti.-i ilouie, ntutted Iu MjiIIiou, New Htven c .ini> (.iiii--. li. ot, "ii tl.e tbore of l.o.,. I.k.t.,1 Sound, aiwet Ihraa qaartarf ol a mUe frum the drput, *. ith nll tlie luiaitnre *:.,! Iiitiir* ,. S.ld h.uie wiil .«, ouiUiod.tr 40 hu.:nk*ri. A!.J Urr ,' I'llr anl *ine pin all.v. Tbe l.,t c~tain. abont S »4tre* u| Und. Al-, i-'-tj,.-r .,i.r ,,l tl." hl.. at '¦«. ... m* ,-n tho rfouud. (for tuttlirrpartl, ulari auplT to M.y lb, 14,4. VVM. .". Hl'I.I., Ifltiirr <oan. LOTS in SOUTll BROO**L**N. SAI.K »t ll.. Kor (jrirPiN. I ,IKH) Al IITION, .ln;,.- 9. .1 1- ui tl tl... . ir 11*" i.rookly*' .. .|- Mtd l..r:i,-.l,-ri ii.|u-re ul Mll.l.l.H 1 ''.'"'"} Attornert, So. K.O Kult.-n «t Nrw ..rk. ANTHOS) .' BLEECKER, AmtlOMOf, No. HCedar at. w IVINtilt."* TER BRITTAN, Refer-e, Be tt Ceatt-f- Bi*aeldyB._, y |(Wl(l.Wl *|.> "l/>AN 'Tn City tB&\ 0 I IrtMllfU Oaatiira I'r.perty. I. inoatu ....4. Ai.o lara.- au»b-« of rAli.M- FORMlaE, at Trry t-w pri, «.a. A|.j.ly t.. IV H. M1TCUULL, TT l>l..f »tj INVAKIDS'TRAVEKINtKHAll-S. tioii.-ilJi 1 laBMaaeb PaBoatCaBUrbajHoi - '.. ful lutiuiid Irr liiTidnli; Kier, ia,.u II,i- . 1 | '' °i KTBtpiii-M >\. bhUIii Ko. BB Bioadway. |] fifllce bn Qtttcli0ti. A 0CTION NOTICE. BIBLIOTHKI A AMERICANA. Catolapie of the ontira I,lbr*ry of Anitrew Wlfht of Phlta. delphia, apaclaliy r.eJi in rare book* re.'attaf to Amrrica, ootn* prtab-if Ueoeral, State. and Leeal UutorUw, -UU i'apart, fcc A rery teleet K-rle. of hir.e |.nper and eirty prlutt-J TTookfl, to* rludint orar two Uto ,l,rd by Heujaunii Krank ;u and otbel early Am.¦_.:, _; prit (. ,a A!.o, a ttip. rb coileotion of Bookfl .in deneral Llterature, Bilili'trrophy, and the Flne Artt, tnoftly in the flneajf poaaihl.- .on.ltM'in, m.ny nnrnt. The whole ot wbk-h wiil be iold hr luetioa at the "Trade Halo' Roothf, No. 409 Broadway, Nr'w-Yoik. br J. E. COOLI-Y, OEO. .- IajtAVITT, Anetlonea-r, mi MON.MY, Jone «, Hr*l .d tth lawhtf dayo, eoBuu«ii.-iu( aaeh day tt 4 o'eloek tt. m. The Book* wiil be on Tiew 01. TI'ESOAY M.t attrl f. ntleoiro ui.Ah.e to attend the aale ran bare thelr ordt .-a a' tn- !rd t* by the An. .tor.ea-r. For par.iculara, *e* CeUlo_uei, now readyt price 90 c.-nU. Wa I)ar*BTMaT-rr, Catalbt Btraiua. ) Orrua er Cn.ar <4n.aTKkna.raB, > '.YAauiaiaTu- AnrilJC, tt ) AUCTION SALE OF COND-MNED H'IKSKS..WUl be ttkt at public lu.ttou. to tbt hi.hea bidder, at tbe tlraet and n..i,. * namrd helow, Ti*: Newpnrt, I'enn., lliiifi.lay, -May 5, Oettyaburf, IVun Muuiiay, May 9, Alf.iona, Pann., Tbiira.t.y, May 12, Miffl.ti. Penn.. Thumlay. Mty !.. Ttradiiig, l'cnn., Tburad-y, kiaj -'*>, Ltbaaaa, Penu., Thtir.day. I.ti- 2, Nortt.iiii.br-Uiui. r.:i i 11 :r- uy.Jnna t, Berant'.n, I'.-nn 1 huraduT, Jaae H, ¦Vtlhaniitniirt, p. ou,. iWaday, Juu* 23. One Huudrrd (luO) borae* ar. (JrUyiburr, and Two Hnndrod BBd Kifty .'-*!) at earh ot tbfl olh.-r |.la.-.-.. Hmm borae* ba.a beea .¦¦'i..' ¦"¦ -.i-l ** unht for tbe i-aitfry er\ir,- fthr United Stataw Army. Kor road aod farm purpoaea 10*11 y food barjaiu* may be bad. 11 a: »i-1 wiii be -i--i liujlr. Pale. h..fin at I" a. rr,.. ar.d rontin.i* d.!!y ».1!1 -II ire iold. TKIlXSi CASH.'la L'uited tltaira Treatury noti-aonlT. JAJ.lr.Si A. KKIN, Mitut. fol. andC Q. M. fav-ir- Huraao. AJ. BLEECKEK. SON tt Caa*. wiU oell at a Ao.tion oa Sa 1'l.llDA V. Jun* 4, tt 12 0 laak a the Kirhange Salrnroorn. No. 111 HruadwiT.Aa»i_ii*<-'l Sale by order ofW'm. 9. I'latt e*<i aiaiftiee, all the rni,.ir,lni uaeta, a.,., of thelate firui vf 1'iiyft, 4. Ji- u»i., conaialiLg uf Book* -.nt Bodk Areoqnt* Jjjdrrn'--.U, lrr. lor i^irticuliri IJrpTy t&'t.,e Au< iloneert, No. " Ceder tt. and Bodlt Ai-ff.unta iydrniriiU, i p-Ty t-"ti,e Au-1 Ry K. T. Wiui, Auotioneer. AUC'TION NOTICK..Larifri and rioremptorY ¦ala of KAKTHBNWARK, PITTSHUROIl OLA89, PARIAN OOOI>_. kA. ou WEDNE-DAY, June I, at ll o'elork, at No. 13 Mtirray it.. romiitlnt of 200 rratei.-OOboxe* lila.., 100 barre!aJ.eroieuu Chiiunlea, Table Cutirrr, fce. The u babl to ba so.d WitboB reaerve. CaBBafB 1 on Monday, Bth init. BOOK TRADE BALE ROf).MS, V... 498 ll w*T.n-«r!yopp.xiteSt.Nirhol«ilIot*l.--OF.O. A.LKA- V1TT. Aiittiuiir. r. I.t J. E. i'.«,.«T, CoruanuiMtnti toiu-'dai. A. M. Meawin. Atictlonear. BY BANGS, MKRW1N 4k Co., Irvinc Build- btmJBee S-4 and -:* Bro.-.lway..S*I-tof rYo-kt, SlaV -.luuery. I'i, tnret. Wurk. of Art. I*a_-T (rooda. Kiirnitar.. <-_, TUK.SI'AY KVEBTNO, June 7. tt 7J o'cioek- STANHARI) ANI* MISCLLANEOl'fl IKinKS.4,0m pri-ii.f a rariety of 8tandaid -.1.J MUeeJbuntou* LiteraUre, kc Aiao, a uuinbrrof artu Ir. ui At.ti.jti.- Kurr.it.ire, *c. WEbNEBBAT. THL'RalJAV. and TRIUAV EVENINOB, Juiir I. B. and 10, at 7. o'eloek. VALl'ABIaE PRIVATK LIRRaRY Containin* many Htandard and Rare M r«i *n Throlngy, Kf.-h .i-inral and St. ,il*r Hiitory, and (.Vueral l.iierai'ife.au,un_ IBBB ari the . -uir.ila of liie iirea-k and l_atin iauri-iia-i, lb.- UulUt of tba 1'upea. ibeWorkaof raitblui flo.raaa. So-aiiu«n, Theodo- rrt, B*rr,iiiiia, Rayuold, and ttber writeri ou thr CjaBflaV lb* >'¦ r....-< .f lbe Kaibcr. ai.d tUttanamtt, bue eiii-i-u* of the Oreek ad Baenea Chaak*, too) telael Rngliah AnthortoaRa- lilrfon, M-T_la, Pliiloiopuy, Hiatory. I'oatty, aVo. Kor particulara »,.* l ataJoKue and the Book*._ PCBLICSALE ol CAPTUREI) and ABAN- I BOBED rRoI'IRTY. Tbbaiobt I)rr.BT*iB.Tr. Ornob or 2o Srr_ia_> asmit. w_aiiaaiaw M*y t», n*J4. J Al-nrelotol'RA.i.*- OI.DIRdN, aod Miic.-i-oi.eoua (loodt. wiilbeirMattii.t. I, B MONDAV. June 6. 18.4, *t No. ll Kiii-.Lm', A .landria, Va. Thu ia)e e_bra. Of ..vrrM.OOO p. nndi of li-4_t, and lt Mn* of untrai (mortly wrr-oghtl Irotu AlioaLiffelotof Mi-eellam.-'-'JtO'ioili, luch aalanned Kroif*, Meata and Oyitert, Pi-klei. taudiei Jalha*. Kaaru-ei. S»r- diu.-*, l akei, CoucrDiraied MJf, Cheeau, kc., kc. Term* Ca*b, iu liuTernmeut baaa. II. A. RvISLKY, Rup. «t-r-).^f/t Tr. IVpt^ rpRVVTKtV* BALE of VALUABLE IRON- J. VYOHKS..ByTtrtur ,f a derree of tbe Ctrrnit Caurt of \\ aabliaftuti Coonty, .¦» l onn 01 Eqnity, th.' uud'-rrnned, Tri^te.-, wlll ath, at jr.i-ii, aiuV, ui frout of tlie Coujt-Iluuae, ¦ H(^r'TTF>r>AY, THK MTH DAY OF JCNE, UM, *U tbal T*ldable KKAL K.STATE, oltaaB in Ua*biu|ton Cooaay, tttllkmi kr^.a-u a* the OREEN HFBlKirEI ItNAi'E I»IIT_tBT. whirh waa fcr mauv ) rar- ned and cair^l 01117 J. iM AOS, H* (MA N k. fo.. aiid li now fur «!.¦ on arro-.tut of lbe dealb of one- ol tbe partnera. Said propertv rontaia* l.A ACRilS UK CaSD.VOIiI OR LF.S8. of whith »0O0t 2<X) are r.h-ared and ln »n e.ceileot ttat* OT .: Jitltalluu, U ) alau- e b«LU« TIMIIK.R I.ANi). Tho Famace on aaid UuJ li thirtyfeTe fee>t hlfh. wllhfB fllaht f«»,t ooth, cattirui b..u*e. OOflbflBBTOO and brdfle-houaa. »ndii ruu by BB ovenbut wb.-ei fofty feet h^h. lt ia in tootl rrrttfr. .nd the water power unftilinf md .!! rittirlent. Said faiaiB ii onry one n.lle BWB tbe ( heaapeak* and t. hloCaBad, aud abuot tbe aauie daTtOBMfrctii the Irou Ore Bauk. Therrla *l*o a ooou u\vi:i,i.iNO-uocs>: uear the furnn-e »*>o, * larga bauu and -itLer cutbildiiifi tad nn ,lL*!.rrut parf. uf «*id'rart of land there are a ntimber of tenaut boniea.in aH 18 ur 20.iu lood repaij. Ihe aLove property » iii be icdrntire. or in p;_re-i to fuit Btiri-liawr*, aurh parrrl. to hr 1:. ,d,- known at the aale. Tha -.-. Jen^n-d wus BBB BBB. *t tbe .aviue Uiue uid plaoa, * °Ut FllTY-THRKK ACREfl OF LAND. .enerated from Lbe ahuve hy the Uada of Oeo. Keldt. Alao, a I.IMESTONK UUARRV, ou laidcana!. near McCwT'l Krrry. rortaininf K1KTV MIUJlBE PEBCBEB OK LAND. Thr t.rmi of a.l*. 11 rr.-.rrihed hy tbe Jea-nre, are one-tbird of the piir.haie money fn Bflflk <n the day af «*!>,¦ or on tha ntifi. ati.;u tltereof, au'ii the boiauce in two equai aiuiual 10- atllmffltf of onr and two yraii from tbe dar of aale, ivith in- tantt from thtt diy. tlw porrhsaer to |ive hii note, with tp- pr',T»d leciirity, for the deferred pjyru.-nU. and on paymaut of the aiitlre purchaae u,oneT thr ti'tatar* wil! rxr.ule a dead to tbc paichtier, a* roiiulred hy tb- deriee. P ^ K. M. DARBY, Trurtee. P. C Et-i_LaT Anetioueer, WILL SElala, ou TUaEBDAT, June it, at 11 o'rlock, atthe K.rLange Saj-arwuui. No. 111 Biuad- war. ta ebaa *n Eeteto; The ..>_.!.t COUNTRY BEBIDENCE foraterly owned widoocapled by itie l«B fUMtlBb P. AYRHS. iltuatod it N.-w-RoeJielle, Weitaheater Co-iuty. tbont uur e:?hth of a D.Uefriun tba Depot, witb ten acrv* of fine LAND. Tha Hoinit- ia two itory Kttuiie, abaat Mitti. with Uf|r KxWntion, tii.tbeaiitlfiilly fRoatad. Ihere ii a lar_e Oanlen. l.reen- Houi»,Oardi-u«r'iHouie, Carnair,«-Uuu»*, aud ft'.abrf. Tba vrh.,r Lr'tx-tiy t* in pcrf.-ct order. nARLiM l^rrt.Three l.ol'S, wert tid* of Sth ar., lonth- w*at c.irner of lXJd-.t. ., flMMM On* Ja'JT. toutb tidr ul UMot, in rrar of ibo abore, B byW.ll. , Alao. Btthetaroetinve and raoe: ,,..,_,. . _ LBooKtlB l*BoraaTT. Ti^ Ttvlnah'j. (ORNFR.*l<rT with cuurt yard and party wall a-uthw-ata-rly oorn ff 0f Kor Oreene pla.e and IaOfayettr »T.; 20 hjrBb. A >ery de^rab.r Ul! M'KV BEfUDBHCl "»t Naw Ro gocbelle, four iuit,ute.' welk ftoB ttie Depo*. The Dwellini 1, n,,.lrm rtrat-i'.a**: ha* Iwo Raiife*. tv^, Ktuntae*. Oa*. and . the improvrmei.t*. 'onu-.m <2 Rouiu*, and coit au.ono. t.. bni'.i Trbarearaaaa tr>a* offlne l.ind pirnty of BhaflV, t'«rr_ate lloutetud llaii-^ »cd mur* tban !".¦> Viull- Treea of cbuioe vaxietie*. Alio, th* Tal.i*l>le fooriVrry BTnwnSlor.r HOl'SK anfl LOT, known a* Nu. 13 v\atk, New-lork. llouie lb by M; Lot 02 feet J liiehea AneatCOINTRY RF.SIDF.NCE u. Roredu'.e, Wertcbea- l.-i 1 ,intj, vi.lb >-Ten a.*** of Land, tbrra* iuiu-* from tba Pepelft. v\ liltaj PiaJua, t'.idthie,. faa Mainaron. ,-k TiepoC K.'tnip't. fc*fc., tpply to tue auctiouoer, Ko. 43 Wall-ft, lai.'n. ey Co-.iit, ProfeBeional N'otices. CD. HAMJdOND, M. D_ f.irm«riv Pro- . laM-or ol Speci»l Aiiaioruy. aVc. in tbo *'vifaf* M*du-*1 (..reflTT CoafnrUttonroa^ERVoUfl DflBIMTY, Med (oa! aad Snrarlra! Atfectlnut, trom Oto 10, l lo 3,*ndT lo »*T*o- Umk Nu. Jl Eaat 27lh ,t br'.»c«i 4lb and Midiamu «..._ DH. CULVERWELL ot London, autfinr of tVktfl to Ka, Dnnk and Avoid, M»tr.a_r. tc^ wiil Tiait N.w Yurk. ,.rofe*iioutu'iv. Tel oaa »rek. ar.d wiil irHTe by lb* Olaafi.w .n or about tbe 25tr, and ouy be couiufted of uefy- ou. deb.lity. 4V4:. A.Urea* wr particuiar* on all BBflBB, No. ol Woatta «t., New-York. ^______________________ D* K. LEWIS'"~MEDICAL aud SL'KfilCAL INSTITI-TE, Nu. 7 Bef<-h-«t., betwrrn Vajri.k wd M'e«t Broadway. ia the only piar* where tbe aaiWe<l ariu rerrir* i»oi>er medi.alueai.ouU Hoar* froa 9 *.j*_oJ___-- |;i»\\'ARD 11. DIXON,'M. I)..JM^OTyt- Tho 1_ ¦sBtael, .tteu.l. ei, lu.l.r.y taiOPKRAl IVJ .il Ri.KRY Md the Sbw omtma amrnnt ot tbe IM ~%»",'.. Heni^boidl. V.r.oo,e.e aadnflbBa. ^JtS*^ S, J ,. j. and 7 tO I Ev nmni, »' B* g M;lJ' ""'"'-_ MRS. DR WTXJN, OCVUSt and AO- K.sl uf Krmch Dipiou-.acy, haviuf ueat. dt..« Ey* for Ih. i.«t elfht year. with luark-d and irr.ft.lrBf .-.<.*.-.,, .uatat. L.e.tor-..r»a>ieklywe*ka.-*el«ad dl-Me. -I tha ev. ,,.| Ud* tlia'. b*Tel«.ii found ineurabl*. 0f aaj nature 01 Jenfth of iuudtrf. Wur.t toi*..1 4.fhepela«bllndn*..r..r*d, without oprmoon or poin *A'.--k idflbt la th. old or yo.i.u ueru.t nrutli .tired tuoiiediate'y, bf lnnorent rerr.edlea. Auiple city itfBiiBiaa 4 ooauliaiion. belw.tteleTen aad two. Arlut lioutr, tootu NualB-_| N.wVotf, May 1084. r|MlE utidprsiiiaed bave oponotl Lt.w-Otitk<,B iu I New-York City, ou tlu- roruer uf Piua tud Naaaiu at*.. B'-r 0 .or orar lb* Hauk of tli* Conimonwafrttl^ aud wlll .tteu.l tu Ih* huiiliMi of llutir Liuliaai.-u in tbe eily aud the IIJ Judi- 1*1 IMatrti-l (Long li.mJ tnd the -lT*r eountlei). J.'.Mf.j KMOiT. ORiiNYILLE T. JENK8. afnmitnre I^NAMELED CHAMBER FORNITURE.. J The be*t ...ortmint of KNAMKI.KU Fl RNIXt RK, lu .raandrtyk - V\'*lniit a.,1 1 ii..*ioiTt, PI1I0 *«d On* ...,-, la >ut*ja, Wbobtial* and 1*4*4 Al»o, Mfttreaawtaud I'antaMe* W..KHK.N WARD, No. 2T7 Oin*l it_ Cf'lKniI. V\ 1!MTI RK^-Kui'SAl.K, Kight kjO leBCUOOIa-DESKS.wltkl ,-ira»..do,ir.uii|H*u,-h, L_.i4....t- 3 uiode aud iu p.'Cr..t .il\.. Arp'y at t" ub bt.
Page 1: efmaruial S N 0 ITXDKR JKt f · I aay, behuinbly ibmikful loVIUgferpoarrsthal thflj dta not __a_! ibat tiay to mpporttbrir wonted luvontf-a, chirfeat Btnong WhOBwn.-, and i* idwavK.

-more, 1 aay, than the fonnaltT granted lnderanttlee tofte trelra of tha Judfcle-ty-mr-rdered iaeanrgnea, jP**""1ander an theie GoTernmcnta. la the pennUelon by bu

thete Goverunente of tbe eoenio preaentation of tne

fonrrtcr S L70B - [tho drnmatlo and, in flaaaaMBMiHell, hi.toriuai oreoentiitlon of IMfrptWaBtrletly hiitorical, preaeii

ea*e. on t^e Parialan _^k____* JKt__f _ob3-,\ all flfltflflBBBtBIJ France, dffTcrlng m'tb mnn ln hia Iutiirmte oo.iriction. aabTe mnn i

any otber 1!tb inan


ta|Srmeiarmnmna aaaumed aiinm that the rkomjugm. i. e., theh..7.B d 'd*... tMna. becomoa.byTirt.it.. of 0. inryor ,"-..rt deO-aio*in_a_bla »nd u*,u,-.t.imablc. lu-..-..¦BtionaMe hko 0" t»lyinpif4_0.d.-creer Thia naaninp-t on that a ladiaialtymnrdered tanoeont maa oaa Barar

br nh..l.ibUt.d; Ihb .fMfral uaauinption thut tbfl HOriflced Innocent lndiudual is as i.otfcmu ln fomponsonwitb the B-daain _n.poftv.re of corrmonion*", sbam-big-Wigged. foruiallv anti.on/rd b'gnl pro.-ednre.

Jtut let ua be tiuiuMy thunkful to tho gOBOrooj in«pi-ra- oa rf the highei rowers wotcbfully remt'intierlng na,when iro «o cooBtant-T, lu waaton aetf-aoaeeit, ob-ti-nab-li utrii e t" forcot them.let ub. I aay, be huinblyibmikful loV IUgfer poarrs thal thflj dta not __a_! ibattiay to mpport tbrir wonted luvontf-a, chirfeat BtnongWhOB wn.-, and i* idwavK. JBh 1 Farre. Tralned bw*per, inapin d orator, "highly practical eoinmon tensotiiun, M. Itivre, aft.tr iwrtawtag thfl wblo BaldatfOWBwBh the fiicta af tbo laiuentalile Lesurguesco.i<\ nafl graadly from couaideratiun rf dctalla audipecialitiea to a Bnrrey, Bob btahflt point of Tiew, oftheir fatod, fatidie, broadly indicatire Bigniticancr.

J r j>oor, pitifuiiy airogant iinitatiou of liYioc Jub-tn.:- bl uiidiviiirly aided tninib'.erB of human juatico m or

it not fla_MBflflfl_I Tbe nt.cmpt ia well. Aa naaump-tion uf aaaaBM i* fearfi.lly woree than ridiculou*. Think.I it now, ye .mon- or I.-sbj i-boa-u reprc»eiitativc(i of allthe fortv ¦LQUoaarf Fraaeei are tbe ordi-iury crlminalcourta of BBBlSB, tbc proaidiiig Judgoa, nnd the jurlrsicf them. gods. or dtaeatty-tafljimd agont* of tbe goda,of th*. miKi*rnlyr44cociiii«Hl uno t.od rf JtiKticul

BaaUj, aow, wen it aol w*flU that, ln rtaw *>f thisboarible nnd fltrietly lagaBaed talqnlt, oi Jodiclally.murdered Leenrgoea, waeoafcafloai baaaa adraa anddr, .an- our f. DoW'hflflBflb aaflbfl jndgca Incot.'.pvtt'nt.tatabfoai btuaaaity, t<> utter decrt-ca mrpaBiag tath. li applieatioB the boandary that oeparati 11 ur ,ittlrlives from tho nnknown futr.re.fntnre na nnknown tojuiigo and jury aa to Jonoa or Je-iki;-...

ABthfl eztrflflaeiytateraatiag dim-tinalon rf the Lo-anrgn.-B caat- batl-hmdaj tathe Ccrrt LtgitUtifhatfor it* nonunal toit an nmrndinnit to the grncrul Bill oftbe Badgai Thia imeiulment bore dirctly on achm»ein tbe eeooad iBtflaaa al Iha gaaaaal aapropri ititn! la Iha Mlniatry rfTtaanoea. l'he i::.::..-ti. it.- aimcf tbe prop-L. <1 amenibi-ritt BM U- Bttribute a oeit.dnnutcber of thotiiand fronca to the btet furvnine bettrfthe Judicirt!.'. uiurdcrcd I.cfnrguot.. Well enmigh tonote, in p.iBsu.g, that Leeuivaefl'a fan-.tly wna thn.wniiit-i BtUaflflfl mnt.'rial 11a w. 11 ,1* Boral dlKtr.^n by thofirtt uniuBt datdfltoafl rf thfl aewrtoi that, at diiTi-n-ntdataje i>l!ic<- r*t, bb t-nrviving bebt have re\-. unl, tromtir, t.'timc. nnd nniler atrangaty oor-.tradirViry cmidi-ttaaa lorg.-ttwnafn.in Gorawiaent. Tbe aaa of theeetarihh-made paTruentf, graiit<Ml with aeeaaearBytahplird." Bliamef-Ulvd.-ul.-,! BflB-reproaeb, ty the Tnrion*Irrtuch Gora laf fo i-'-i. aiao-tatrtomore tban 4m .-¦X.' Branos. Kerer Derham * aa ao lar^-ea .-im rf Boney ut. aagraeioBaly ___rlbhlea <>ut. mo angra-Ci04_rl> to tho n-i :r ents, who hud piwred cliui:- tu

more;" _K*di!>gracefi-lly to the givrr. -ho wat n-ally, i.raafly to-day, thr ciimltu1B1 proBBog ri;:.i,,-r aad4le;«..itarv of 1 - ,r. mtrt orign al y-Kt/^d pOflfflfltT.Bat let tbat i-tse.

Tb.-I.r*_r_Turt cu-ie g"t liitr-du, ¦- V I liacnflfllooof the V-n.ig.-t in thia wtae: Anamendment toflM g>-..

f tne budret wa« paopoeed baariaaapaa fbcBaeoad aaclioB of tw* appjopriationi f*.r th. Miaiotry of

b, Thb. bbobbI flflotion of tbe Mlniatry rfFl-catice, k-t r.ir wiv m paflBing. oorera BMNropriatiotia t--'

tbc aefloaat of atae auilioi-i propoaaflto appropriateafowthtauaala, ta iti- ttttiom, ie b>'.i,; r-::nt i.iM'd lo Ihfl B'.irriiu.g roprearal ItiTO f thflodioially-mardered Leaargaaa, a %alt< aoa grasd'dai.ghtrr of thfl m.happv mnn.Now BBBBrrfl tbat t:.n proflbred ni:.crd::.r:.t wa- not

tadeed Intentionalh political; ut tbal anjto tbr taupuaod badgai bill, ta_a becaaae it i- Baaea-bmmt. doea nnd mitrt or.!i:.ivi!y nnn* by nn aotw-it.ot. to Governmcnr. Bat thb .im-nilmc:;t .-*t:nlngf:;-o MacaaMoa, n«d Jt:!'"< Fnvr.- takina hoM rf naalraiatacH apaborapttifbl pnrty poBtfaa, nutl theP M prejndioea of hia bmther lawyera aai p.ni atiiB'-il brotb'-r tt;:-.¦.¦:.:..Btoi Ifl the <

ti! iUii3.ii.nlii>' lt v.it!i hii* trlMBenOfl tbat fQikc-iard illuetr.ifc* u o&ea- thb aaam chnent, I aay, ;ta awh ooadkloaa, and gattlagpai t<> v.,t<-, reealtJ tathi*: th*- Beabeia rf tba I iarpe LegiMatlf bya Mt<- oriu la ii2. m:.*i baal thaaaeaal awtfaB ad th* aaaara

priationt for the Mnicrv of It'icani-e, i<> OorarBBent,©r toConncilof Ru-..*, whirh mral-:* t._- ..il-;- Iblag. to

aanaal BB IhM indrnu-itT lor tbe Lcaurgu.i- tatmOj mayBad BBBoa taBAmoLg aeTi-ral notablo f.-atnreauf thli r.-::..irkab.e

Tof-1 pi*k t-heae twai A wb..leaaoMaa *.f a Miuu-t'-rndappiopriatioa amouTitlng ta all to ntne uiilliiir.t, forninl-ly propoa. d_to tho Corpa l_*gi»iallf. it lurued haok fora:-ie.n.':i.orit to tbe CnncU of iJtate by a T.-te of 11-1 tu

U'-J. lt wnld be a Lopoloa* tu*k to ci]j_ain t.) laoeewho OflflflbM are the ..rrgnant »igt:i_ic«'jce rf a TC-fl liket> Qaear, aai bu-gh-tbla feattuae rfiBta-ponaaoflbove d.v.l..pr_l". dtgi.bhleit t-tftaaalaBfl mo*t droliy lntb.-p'vat f'-urdavs. votera in th" ocont m)t>)rity tur-

nri.nl at th.-ij own temcrity, vot.-ra in tbe BtaorttJ.iint rwaortaa-faa thki o_tet Bttla toteraal to tbe BnnatMflflbto *.! T_ta Tatauaa. Whaaarai tbe n-nd-r* ofTun TnibLXE are reudy to otodi. Icajrn. mark^ and ta-w,_r'!'. ...r'r.-! i-ivthingof tho wealtb of obbWorld ex-

iK.riei.'«-e aad fligfli-B-Bflad teaibing und ttifT.-.ri:;g.tb.-niuvj t30tnavoniani b.H r.-f-rt, nnd Im- bald, ..ot un-

Tvatrioticforn-portlng. no end offaate and bBflottaMJ t aad aotewQirthy instanc-i. BrnBoa ofwhlrt to-

.. ttu ua I can nndemtacd. Ifl whimmed b> bfl BB>

vIm Ood b'-lr ui all. Ln mc your uuwortt y aadBooh m _tt-r»ato- waToepoBdeat, any hb ooai kT! *-re ;» ..*'»o b )lv. g.KKl tliiug ae tnilh. >*"*>.

ikmgij ..galu_t or for u*. that if a datalLIha grare tbongh tacldeatal dobatu on tno ouaget,


tc b'of thii _>*.; BB_ad_ared fo ^ote agataMOoreram. m.Okd'.r the rr.flu.-nec of Julonl'avre'a eloqutK-te an<l th.-linatui.il feeling., in re-f*tt of iriorooahla, hu;,,,iii.y pn.-punnc-pd fkata i-aaltira, at-brtlb ta haoa if Bflfl la <-i

Slauition. Gorerntneiit roenibera of the (!or|* lr>-g:*-itlt coaitag to thmk thnt tbay had MftotaaarOoT.

<¦. li'..-; I B< IvB ar.d acted aadei th* faroc of U.clr Indi-TidnaJ humau aujim, were m __nawfu. fn.k. Battold*. tht-.n j iftioe.-God know* that itir mseh they aaa aekfr.r.t-.-r.- ar«- fymptom* of b-gl.lativc v:tnlity, rf inrtiTi-taal *«!f rcapri-t. flYBfl among thfl herd ofGoirrun,r: f IL )-it:r. jn the Corp*. Legislntlf.

V.'.'..-r. ihaB I tind BaM to aay a word of art'.tbe Sa-lon i* nrw two wei-k* oj».u-d. and of btirutnre.n.-ry

h forth it* nrv. *,\,i.. orthodoi or! l-r.M|,,x n,

r.>':¦.¦.: rf tbe graudly Bt-iinug raBgiaafl qut-ftiu:.,but Btriktaf proof ln nther caao of tbo vitility, Tigor,asd hop. ti.l rho-n.t.Ah vi.ll yea, ana very w*-!l: Of the '-.'.lOtipHli.tmga

DOB ou nl.li.itio:. ta th. B-Beriflfl rf the Ire:.. ,'. s..i.,.itl i" year, r<*i <t art* f<-rhi<l thut I abt.uld dan tu e-yom Bwacptag fcaBak flro_rd of prni»e or e_mdflauiatfon.Al .! .!*- Favr*-, aprop<-i rf tbc i.ri.-r **, innny tinn

worked cn*»-, baa reprod-icrd aad rccn-ati-.l a viiitl,.T.-i<t::^ trlfrc*pe<_lng, liajaerwuB inter.-it m th.it

-. -. gone Leiurgu^e oace, *o, lf lour u

wortliy corretpondent were a critle in art, a*. if hetlaicd preeutnptuou.lv to it.-er.t bimeeli ly. [Tl |.ao,if i-r cn-itra. bo __ad the creutive taalHy of Jub'*

.-.giy I iaw« from qneatioiif of nr? to th<- ra.1:-oai tu.Matlou'ralai d by Julee Kavre iu tbe d-aoLition ofI_u-t M'tiday. ilie real ./n'etion there lebated WBI thequretion (.f'l'apital PnaiabmeBt And ao fur ua tbo lotetft.. houac vaaadeciion, it waa adeclaioa in oaifiiv.r. Thoae of na whu wiuti-d fur tbia 'ron.ing" in

.t-.-of Negro Sluvt-.-y wiU undcrttuE.l tl.ivli..tinrt. profuund. tnorougb lunaniLg of the eewencm audai-cid.-niaof t-ied-actiffcion in tbe Legialatif Aascnitiiylaat kfouday of a ao old and tecniingly dkd-away n_at-tcr aj. the vlvid rmlneiitly poiulor and prorooativeqnertion of laeaurgur*.

Thfl town i* (all, u* it alwaya i«, of anccdoba of.,- and *ei__iutiontti waiiduC Solomou l_otl_*cbild

aicd tbe other day, rrallr and tincercly UniciiU-d, do«apite bia exc-Bptioni-J rfcbeit. He waa, iri rvcrv paMa aa rf tha word, a good yeaag mnn. BM I do notban that his aarrli Ing relatiToj oropoae t<. bnitatfl '.iatiio.-t ireneron*. expenaive rjialitic*. It wonld teomthat they nr.- flMflfl ttt ilrly horiorcl Jn taaaraal d.-inon-atr.iUuiiB Ui_u> Kiiit.ilajd iu dow:,i_t-ht, ui.pi .U'litioua,

ig praeta iTaratan to tii« l^-_urguet or.ee. It u th^ ha_Baa

taae of the day. iu diecuaa,on in tba < 'orpa Lec.r.ut.fhaa been cff.ctiTcly a diaooeaiim of the giaawa rf

onlahment Ko one dincuMlon rf tV.t qo.-ttionprobahly ha* g.*»;" *o f__r b.ward ita favomtuv Boaeln.aJaa ue ihlfl aatiic Monday a Maaaafltaa, Jiut uiorr thanit* o» l uierlt, it ba* llto un.m, tlu* e .liac ,l,n uaaion. ofpiovoking all readers of the reaorted lohata, aud allr.-ader* and retailcrt. tolrarbfl] raaaitolrflrf th(_t_ deliaU-a, to taik oT'-r, Uiink on r, aml. in th- long run. dr-a_4_a over tl ta queaUun of c-ipital puuithinent.

if, t'-n <r twenty ytnr* from i ow, nanee. ag forwar*atnoiig ciTllixedeountriea. put* un ond to tbi* _b*H-kingly. horribly feetile human Tanity of infallibility. and to

pLt* un tnd to oupitnl puuishiuclit, the* .lou't lvrg.-t th>-imi>i-,rtance aa a nieanb to that bl'-ssrd end of laat Monlay'a drbate ,n tho Curpt Ltfitlmtif.Ot oairent llt-arary and uttle politlrul neun, of Itoaaa

lan I'tcriitureaiid d____enaof oth.-r foaoad tbciutti, 1 mu»t«ny nothirig thia wiek. Ilef.r DOXl Bfl 'L.y tl.* y BMB)bare lot*t all their baportaBOe. 1 Bk»a bfltfl Iv... or tbrt:.-ane. lotaa. l'oordearoidi_ip«LordHroughiimihiii I'aritagain tin. *¦ j'nt'id.iy. in u wuBdasfld -t_it'-"f deereyUpri Mrratba be aaa baaa worklng .it an edltion oi thegpaaohflfl aad BStora "f Lord Ptaakatt, with prefato-iy work of hi* om), beeidefl tl it, buhfl ooi ibarplyat

uuil Kvana'tfoi thfl et.-l" rf Ilifl U* tl ufwbloll< .-_. | -j ,.*¦¦> mtam . -i' .'¦ ~ * v.-*.<..¦;,

false s. t#. KrtrrraeJy clevcr, wofnlly faJJen, brUUanUydoUng IL Ilrtmgbuaii: be ir not what he waa, poor man.Hia very teeth-mrudtjra Laugh (reipcctfally alwaya, bntlaugh. ln aplte of tbeir teetb) at bim.

Ie it wonh tho while t Will, soelng that It befell attbe oowt of Nanttra, tbe place wbere tbe ('. .S. A. shipeand ablp-builden ara in favor, it ia worth the while toreport the prare caae bronght to trial tbere the otherday, and how lt waa arguod.Tho c-uii. ta bnelly this: M. Catpenter bad a male

dog; MlK I). bad a femalo ditto. Mile. D.'s diltobronght forth two ponplee. M. Carpenter nl&imed atbaiKt one of them as hn ihare of tho prodnct rosultlbgfrom ndatmns of bli King fharba with Mile. I) 's fe-male png. "Oori't lsngb. The eaee wua gravely antl rxpensiTelv arpued before the Tribunal at RantoB.whrrotho '<infY-.lt rnte iteamen are bnildinp and lannobing,and in ull wai s getiiag theuiielvcs and their cause pop-ularlzod.argucd tbere, I esy, only two weeki apo.And very eleverly ai.d eruditrly argned by the counielfor the (lefrindaut.tbat ii. lt tbe counsel for MUe. Ib.wbi claimed prorteriy in \>oth puppb*. For. nftergtniig over the weil trampled gruui.d of Frcncn law, |and of tbo M.wriic oode, and nj-L-iiing rigbt and left tothe extent of his ability, ho camo oown with thli wdemnargunjent, tha*. tbo puppiea kakaBgai to Mile. II., beingtiorn ot* her femnlo Kmg Ca*a*BB and ea her pn-oiiscs:for it waa coustaut, tbat iu tbo Southern Statre oftb*bat* United BtatM of Amerlca theproduet uf thefemalo sbive was the propertv of tbe ma.tcr of the prodnocr. without refcrtuce lo any posaiblc uc-Mure of pa-ternity.

it ts aartsaMa to ffto bigb.-t.Ting Am.aieaa abroiyi. t0!firjfl that the lute tl.orom-b gotngeat, c metituytfr.iUeiet,c-oneervativost, Irone-and mturuw institBtlua of hisconntry ge te its 8888*848 (juoted ae le*t Lopvfui arguBaeattqr"MUe. D. tohold bt.th the poj piee eo b( gottcnby tba Segof Monsreur Cni-rvntpr. Toench degroe baalinibetl Statoe glorv snnk m Nrtntea, tbe verv plaeowbere, 0, 8. A. gfory or substituto Ior glory la tuudemost of l

Ornca o» BMbBJ Abbbicab Fikb Inh-ilascx Co.,1So. 114 Br.eu way,

NbW-YorX. Ma; Bl, 1864. J#DrV'IDENI)..The Uoani of Dirtt'tow of this

Coinpauy batr tbi. day drelarrd »

Sl ItlP DIVIDKNT) OP K1KTY PKR CF.NTeu tl.e etrurd preuiiu.n. of all tbe oolirlo. eulitk-d to particl-pttr tn tbe prontt of tho Coiuparrt . buaitioai for tbd* yrdir rr.ding Maf, 1H64, rrtiursitr. for w'biib will be iMnrd ou audattrr the Intli daf of Aogn«t next.

AJae t aad aaaal ditidtmd of S1X (6) PliR CKNT BbxartOovi-rmrnt taii. paTtb> to the atockh- Idrrn on diunttid. SntCfprr ertit taMgaM in r<t»h tu n.o urdrrrd MB4 p"dd on 'beontataiidinf Certakaaefl of nruhtt for Ihfl yaaralatl, 1H87 andllf.a. oo pret.a,Ulion of tbr rwrting ite on nnd aftrrtbe 1 Uth dayof Augti.lneiL K. B lil.i-.KCK.JiK. Ncretaiy.

OfflCE Of QlABTX MlU. (ri'LD MlBIBO ( 0., IN 2.1 Wall ar., Naw ItiRX, May '24, lis>4. 1

THK AN'NI'AL MEKTlNi. of the St.xk-Iiolder. of tbe QJOAMXZ llll.L liOLD MININU

OOaaVAJRT, for ihe baaattaa of tiflicer* ior thr aaartaaj yrar,will be held at the office ef the Companj, on Tl'KSli.l V,JINE 7, tt 12 oVlock.Tb" TiaartM Hoi kt will be tlotrd from tbr Ut to tbe 7th of

June, luclu.ite._J. H. TYLl'.R. Sr«td*ry.*Bi'soaaJWAT^UAJiB, .Naw Yoata. May i', 16M.

IrM.r.CTloN..The an:ni(il elt-ction Ior 1>I-^ Kl'f Tullri ,f tbi. Hai.k f,.r U,» ri.ulng yrar. and for

I.NSPKCT'IKS of tbr i^-At iiiirreding .Irrtion, will !<. bfldI m tha BaakAa*Haaaa, aa TVEaDAY.the Htb day of JuneuiiXUiio, betiAren tbr Uar. of 12 m., tuJ 1 "'.:.~ k p DL

I" J. L. KVERITT. CaMtar.iirmx Abixius Wood Pirin (o. 1

No 171 liBOAi.WAT. Naw yor.B. M.y 2a, lkdji. 1

NOTICK..A .nevnnir, of tbe Wockhoblani ofAMTRTCAR W.).')l. PAPER I'oMPANY" will

br hrld at thr ^.fhrr of Ibr tempanv, ln thr City of NrwYork. <n MTI KDAY, l!» UUi d.y of Jimr. ItM, at 1», i .oi k bl By oidrr.

M. lll'FFl'M, t-r. retary.

V 1 N T B NITIONi L li A N Kl*4j 01 THK f'lTV Ob Nl.w YollK

DIUCCTORB:W.M. A. KOUI1F-. of Kobbo k l orlie^ AuC.br.eera, Not. 97

and wi Leeaard «t.THuMAS A VTRB, jr.. of Vyar k Baaa, Iiuportrrt, No.. TA

u MBroadway.QBO. A WKKri of Wirkt, Siaith A Co., luiportrr. Vn

fj.Kal. V 81 fraukan dtB. L. BULU.MON, of II. L. tiolomon k r'm, IpboUtrry, No.

dway.UL). A PKLLOWO.afOerdta,Fe lowtb MtMillan. \Nbole-

tah) (rroreia. Noa. 14 tr,d 16 B"it, r ifISOLOBON 1. HlT.L. of Ilu!l, Caiabir A Arnold, Attornryt,

No lo Wtll ttC'UA-a. MIN'/i.-llMMlH. af BlasukslmBi Bx.t, M.nuftc

turrra Shirt., No. :r77 Paotdway.J. O. WHITKHDUSr., 8boa Matiufact.irer, Nol S and "

Ltrt Bt8F.PH t' UBM", r (rr*I. Bawrtta k Siultb, Bilkt. kr.,No. »:. Broadw.T.

II. M. UL'ktPHRXT, Caah'r. J08EPB V. UHVLS. Prrft.TafAAritT IHifA«T«a^T, >

Urrica or loairrBoi Lta of tbui < rttucr,.U». ;,. ,, April IH, '4 S

BArrtnt Py i.tufari ry ri l.l.-i, r i-rr-ri.trd |,llrin.Ur»lgi*d. ll ba. Iwrn iii.or I" ap(*ax t!»t 1 be Mnth b'tt: iaall.aat ftiir t ,iv ,!N,-»','.,ii, la tbaCBaatyrt BVwTatbaud r4tatr of Nrw Yoik. I a* b. n. dult IIBtlilarl uudrrai.d acrerd.ng lo tbd* re.iolreii.rnta r,f Ihe a t 14 Mgtr.a, el.til.rd An act to ptot.dr a .V.U-nal Cnfraa *

tr<urrd by ap'.rdgr of t'nitrd .-'t.'oa f»Wk. an 1 goproildaf,* Ibr nr. ulatio'i and rwtrmpti. n Ihrfeof." aaaxfavad Fakd*. "f/J. aliil ha. romp.ied » .lb aii lbe provbAaaa af it d»artrrouired to b< eottTpll. d -aith brtirr roininrnrlDg tbr bniUMM.of ltatikiiig: ... 4,thm, lAtrt/.r,, I, Hugb McCbUocL, ( OJnptl 1 rr .f thr ( ul-

rency, do ber-by r.-rtlft tbal Thr rltotb National Huuk af tbeCity of Bew xask I < .my of N.w York ..i,d Htttr of New-1Y.rrk. lt autl, .nt,A to . "uin.*ir I t..<- I ..itir.. o! llai.kiuguLdrr tbe t.-t af,. r.-.td.

In tratliiioiiy \\ narrof, witnrtt u.j L.r.d and aatl of offltr,thi. fcigbu-rutb dav rt April, BMi.£..jV'f'th.-.. iu on Mci ui.ir-ici.:Coujpt.of lbeC'riart)i7.: CorupUo.lt..' of tbr l utireury.. .

NINTJI NATKiNAL BANK.GOVFHNMK.'.r AORNTB.4 Al'll Al. ajl.iaaj.rjfio,

Kta i ri bti.rl fat lu.m-ahVtr rt. Ittrry,V. ^ NA'illl.NAL IiN-HiHTV LOAN.

Tb* tafett aud uai il BOatabta ini.-itu.n.t Baa u UM uaaikrl.


l*.8.(J0VF.RNMK,Nr LOAN AOF-NIHNo Sl Wk!..i., R. Y.

Biib-.iitaionA .... r.u 1 to tbeNATIONAL 18-M LOdUf.

Atlthr vtrloBitlruaiiiiittWn.oi. h«nd BBBBf BBtB*BMataM'ou'e lligbth Ct>tuiiii..lou allowrd to 1*4*4, HtukeM, mdl!r0k"'k

C. R Sl,. .'IUTIK9of all dfaeriptiori.

Poreba.nl and Ior >ale.8TOCK8. DUNUB, aad Unl.D,

Boir!a and Bald or. ( aaaaktaiaav f-u- raah only.< OJ.Lr CTIONo madr on Wa.uiiixt"U and .:i eUiei flrtata

t fthr l.'i.itd-d Htate. tnd i anada, at low raU-« Bttl t|ai-k rc

7J-10TKKASIUY NOTh.SCoovarlrd lato 1181 B«,nd«.

!NT>:hI>1 ALtdUWKll IIN DKPfHtlTSBBBl by litiik-, I'.aiikrXf aud indititluaJ., .ubjett taj tirtP tt



1 IitST MOICTGAOI: BOND8Thr taTtarrlbttra BOW >A't Tor ..> tbf ren laln lai rttbrlttufl

efBRVBR PKR CKNT FIRlfT atUBTOBUB BUBIW «*tba CBICAOO ARD OREAT lOBTRRN BAILWAkCliMPANY, approiiriattvl to the coni^rurtrou ef tii.-ir roailfn.in C4.in.g,. r'o l.t I r -..-. Inditua.Tbe r.i!, baaa all baaa aaicbaacd ti* lbe aeiaalatioti

\ot tha entirr Unr. uiu. b brlow thr prr.rnt lu.rkrl talor,BBd arr aow going forward to CkBBBJB. inr work ii

tapldly progrr-iia/ tnd thr Company rxj^l lo efwa lbe raa_f.,r traffic turly tbr rniiiing K.1I fonnlr.f a nrw ar:J trry tbarttruidt Imr Irirn Ibbago tn tiie Ka»t»ni BBBBBBB.

Tl.r n.trrr.t oayablr d,nii,g to.i.ti," ti".. ba. Irn. pr viord,aud lt now ou depo.lt wltb tba Banarrfaf lbe C£5K7.Aprlyto M Ml'l'MAKLiT it OKbilAilf)

¦ No. 21 Nanau .t,M. MOROAFPfl tOW

No. J7 Wb'.iam it.Nrw York. May 21. 1804._

IkJOTlCE IH HKItl'.KV lilVKN, that (.Vrfili-11 caleNo. 8X1 for .'di ibarr. ol KLINT ORJCL Itl\r;ilM1NINO (OMI'ANYM ataek. .t.nding ba BM aaaa rt JaaaTyler, aad CtatkhMa R* *"3 <i IM aaaa Gaagaaj'a MeekfuilOOibarra in lbe natiaa u! (iro. V. Riiet. tiott.-. wi b-anldatput.a. aaetloa tt the ofT.ra, oi tba c.i.|,ar,y on 1 UlDAY. tbr 10th d.y of Juiir next. al noou. Hy ordrr,' V. K. McCl LLY.Serretty.


I IJ1TX1 AJIO Ohl". May 21. DW4. )

Tllla ANM'AL .MKliTIM. of .StockholftiT.4,^Lt.rl'LKIKLA.NP AM) T( >L> IK) KAII.itOAIl l 4lM

PANY fof tlir Kln ti'.n of liirivitori for tbr eaioiug yrur indth« iraiiaarilon of oibrr appropriati bueiaaaa, wUJIba held a>

tbe Company . eaa* la C >v.ia.,d, oi. WEDRXRDAT, JmmLMh nrxt. ,

Tlir p.U. will be oprn Iroir, 11 o llaca a. Bt, to ] a ka I p,Tba Moak txaaalri l.k. will .!¦... aaBatardayp bl.

.d unti! haturduy inoridiig. Junr Ut

Ll CK, Ba rtUry




jo-I-T'l'l W. ilOLMAN, CekrrtleTer.llIit \M P- CROZIrTJa, BawTark.NO. .'-J KXCBaJIIIB PLAt B, Aprli22. Is I

\\TK are Drepared ini-.-uo i"r» 41,'..rd' (jKOKOK. I'K.AUOiiYACoTKAfBLi.oCaaoiTs, araUaklala _J_?/!_W **" «*CkfakT I'.BITAI.f, tl," I OWTIVBBT, and tli" B44*

Bills 0Ml.oi.Oo* al .1 d.y.. «> day., oi 75 day..Fo, a^e ta BBBM to flrtl V']"^^^ MOKOAN RCa.

TaTitBwl"Oai"CB^KdiL _*nJMABCO I

Twi.rkixiDrnci AinaxT. M..y l«. 1«.<. J

10AN of ill.WW.OWl--I>ti«4 June lo. i*-oi..i Rattee labereby draa tbal ibb -'"I ¦'.:.' " "f" >r'

|..i.-!t.,r, ,i,,., ::.."|i.'i.,|. ,.f tba abol. bfia, "' '"¦' I"".i t..ii ....'.).. Ii.uk ol 1-iin.ri .-in N.wl.rk, m ,r aa*

KUBtiAiiltltli, JUlJit V.aaffAlVaaB. »MBB*t,




TnrrrBBf:11. l. JOHN A. 1)1X,Uon. EDWARDS PIEflllEPONT;JOSEPIl KRANCIH, t*..,T. B. BTJNTTNO, eaq,,A. 0. I" 'I'HSII. r». Cfdorad'

twmmmmwtlBon. JOHN A. DIX.



__.bb._-.t:CllARLEH it. BWORDS, f-Kj.

Thli Company _. fenued for tbe purpoio of poiob-flni *%&Wc.kinj J,---. fee.t on the OROL'Nll 1100, OREOORY No 2.

8IMM0NS, CONCORU, and olber relvbrated, deTt-loped,gold boarlna loda* in the tx-.t mlnin* dii'riot of Colorado.Al»u, (ha HENllERSON MIIX, with twelve (12) Staiupa,now runnlng »nd ln aaaahaal ordrr,The Co-np-rry haa the refutal of thia property, and wlll pur

chaMtha u-ur lut a380,M0 ln eaih, aad 27,-00 ah_rea of -t-ck

at \>ai.The Ctpltal Stock m thr CaapeB) wiil be gl.OliO.OOO.TYholn numher of flharn ino,0(«i. Pir, * 10.

Vitly tboatand ibaret of tbe ilork wiil b* told at par flaflj.A laifn portion of thii ha* been takrn by prirtte lubferTption.BcK.kt wlll be opened 011 \Vedue*d_y, June 8, at No. »,9 Ite*

Ter ak, where the rrmalndrr of the Mi.Oun iharej ran be n.b

toribed for by ipplyluf to the Treaaurer of the Company, be.tweru the hoan ol 10 a. m. and Jp.ni.

lt t» needl_-a to ip< ak of tb* immentt mdaantage oi h.Tin. a

Dilll and m-vhlnery nn Ihe ip^t alri.idy vorking.With tbe f_.-l!liiei the Company fl!re-dy bu, liuiurdiite re-

turnt nnyba looked fur. TweNe (12) men ci»u tulne ufWn

(I.) tuu* BfflflB l~r day, and ilf hundred inJ nlnety (Ma) BBB

ran be work.d to idv-i.t-,'', B thtrty l*>) men to earh buudrrd fea-Lh tt propoied to paa) the work with the utmoit enirry, *Dd

the IMrecfari h.Te erery ronOdenea tbat their rflort* wiil pioduce tatiifnotory and IflflB-fldl ,tr irault*.

Coplr* of lb* Proipeartua curi he oblained »t tbe offiee ef the

Tompiny. ^________-__________..

ICopylVOTICE to BHAKEHOLDEB-S of theia rrrrsBUROH. pobt watnb .ud cwr.-ooR.VII.WAY ( i.Ml'AN'V -1 ba nn1rr.t|(n--d ('o_,n,i--i"nrr.Bathfltoad to.rli thlrty fire tl«.t.a__u_l uew ahore* of lbe C»pilaj Btockof taidf. uipany, brjoiut TOtfl of tbe Mhareho'der*and HLndhi.i-.er.. for th. pn'rt>a..«. of ennatrurUn* a d..ubl*tr*. k pm :.*i'.n| add tiut al iualpuioB-, be.. n-w ptop. .* t

till Ihlrloaa Ihnaagntl thtrif tflBf toaartf WtofrflThey propo-e ta, iaaur to tl.e .baialioll-'i- wbo itai.J rr.

trred ». a.irh Offlba kltkl W thr CaOBBOa*. Bil rl,. k n. fll.ol tbe Mtk of tbia luuiilh, one new il.ar* l«r r«rJi B.r ___rr.

t'i:, it«ndii-| in thilxr.uueat thr poiTiue of 0'-*' BflflBB'''***'aa. , 4,->%_-_l

H.-okj rf l.tb-a-riptirn -ill be Tipe:,rd al tbr .¦-O.-a' rf « 1*48I.l)\V. LANII.K < N' I-' U..U'., *n tbr llth 11 NE,and kej.t Ofaa BBIl Iha INk JI'NK.al .1 {,. n.., mlierer,. I,ihatabat-Wr t-an twll and »n tcHbi er aaa a_aa__p ka wjakaa byiriiri *ddt_«_-nl la J 9. J). L-kBIER. « kabrnia Th* _*.

ibiiH thunuhicntrd f..r. wM br»r d;T.d. ud f:u-i lbe 111Jl I.V [.r.i.

l'ajt..rr ta wai; b* faflalred ai I. - a .. lur f.,irtbon tlie 21.1 Jjtir, on n.itlfiralion of a rei^anre,

oiie leofth ta u.r Wb .'..ir ai..l..r.-- fOOItk ->. lt". lJtbALj,.it,and i.. f. iirtn ,.t, tba I'i.. BaaeoMkai

Tr_u.ferr_a.le .t.-ck a* np wU t» Itoaod, IBdoeBBakla In fu'lthan eertM_al_M m taal paya-aa* ef tba toaoBiBooU

N..ri4 ..mi lianee »,th aur "I Iba cot,diti-ii,i <¦! t-* fubartiplioa ulli ti.h;*.. r i..f..:f..-_:.re in. B_ya_*BU__-_< tkora-BThu fl-xk ia uiaiuly lu pay Ua uou r»i.i. rafi-Bfl f.o, I, be.,

.'r.-aJy adTant_f.< t.i.y pi.rrh.-. 1 T.m l.i_h pnc* uf liborati.ltb* fr*at iDMr-liy tf BHUffcafl thr ¦_¦_-, and thr Mtiat-a-J ra:. . f.r aU gullfllll '¦ th. aB olaa I tba I'h.rf K...fir.rrr and th<- ri.' ... <._<-. ri .(.:... t- r i-

a;t.,frt_.r il.i r.Lat tl,a' ai,. firtlrr ajuuui.t -f tbe >t f k». !.' flVr-d luri-., tba acaai a y.ar If » f' Itbai amounlau be eoajuou.l._JlT npenla-1 in i;. rrealoj th-rapacille. ofIhaHaelk-f year,'thr ClBtpaBy <*.H Bfl 'b*hlr U»e ot/iarl_en!_i to ., a lbe BBB

mnilttlfaan rtaarn tkg rbhl i<, eiuwl lUtluieofI'l'.a r.l..r.f lo t..iii realdrnt fbfliafcfTilllll. who uuj deaifo loa»... ibaaaaa-aae -f tb.- boaad-f .' flhlfl aaabfl ou *ur_i»erir.aai.d .'ondlti.ia a* th, ( .:,.:. taai. r.rra nay ,n.,rO**

gti ... nefi. (Im r.-.'r,r'_T r |!.t to dl»'-ott of, atIhrtr du<_. ti B.I - th 'an.. f tfth* I l-.- any *_y <4 Bathacet uol lairii by lliflleknliblB ur.dar lt.lt ootloe..N»»Vork. Jun. I, 1 M elrn. .).

J. V. H I.ANIEK, IM. J -.T.DEN, ¦

J Kl.i.AR 'ril.iM.iOH l'.)D..,.loa_a*i*.,-4'K..S'.l-.R ItAMiAl i.U.L M M i I II. I

¦a, Laaa. alto*. *»uiim iiacra k. r io.t-T I awa, April lut 4 ,

rpH£ ANKI VI- MEKT1MU >'i tti» ttot 11 K.,lr:.ai Ib i of thlt ( ,,inpari», f-,r lbe el»«

n. o(1HIK1'K.i:n UlKBCToaa tm u.r _aa-__ajyaai tadf t , b .-ii.r b....r.'..i ti.*T b. kreacbibafre tiin. w:,l!.-h'l.l a PAMi i Irl.t.ati '< o.ir.T.

MO-iBAY, 'h- aahdeyal I. nr, <4 al l ./¦;, kp tfAll the trar.f. r !_¦. ki .' tv«- CoBpaiiy. Botk of b-.i.di iad

,t, k, »i.l hr rloarl ri t:r t.tl, -.1 llay untll the fl'b ef June,|i ... Tr. Ily rd-r-t n.t Board af Otr_rla>rt

I B. Rai>td_.n BBcfaaary

17H)fJHTH NATIONAL HANK of thcTrrif' '. \'. 'lth. ^.r.i«i....~,l aa I l'rp-...tarv aud fiOalr Ul

Af. ut | Ibf I i. tad B ... >. V. 2" at.d M ¥¦¦.. m fw., do'.rthrb.w tha->-,.b Trrlatirr 1-tTr .,.-. I ar.d tnd :¦ < .¦

t, atfof ta Ir.N rUBTl UONIW, ...iiT.rt ll.e M'.J VTlllRTIEii lato 1. I BoNIW anl tttoad to aU baafctaat _«Ml li ertth ih- OOi KIISMKNT lalilSS T*i.rlir. etftaTW-llllfl i.IBBlllllll nl .ld--4-.li.- '. TBitnuerit br .pp.T.Ufl l-11...1!. k MORjU- RETCBUM, l'rr.i-en..

D, VV v'.cqb.b. Caakb r.

lur \*r...,i. i.x.taaaaa H.aa,.-.¦. loaB Hay I, lw>4.

17LECTI0N.-*TheAuraal __lect_on fur Cnn-Jri;._»a...l Intr-ti.ri. iba f-r linaflttafi ..l tba rn. Ing

J- ,.t, v,,.| be beld at th* _fBte |f tijt B.uk ,-u VVEBME--l)AV, J,.aa I. fiom I2t-1 .. ¦'t n u. *'

ll MiRItA'i, t-oab .

rpEN-POKTY <.<>\ l.KNMI.M I10ND*J rl.i uMi MATIQb IL BANK Uk'

N.U V'HtKHabicrlpli tn rr. r.Ted b-r (hia Hnnk

a 4I..I.J. ou bar.d ful icii- rl.itr ibllTriy.

IIKSHT A tll'HLHt'T, fraaidei.t.A.O. AlxaB. Cf

_ _

u-ncaorTua C_aT____aa. I'aibutii lbabo Ata t

TABt U ItAltB-iAO IO.. I M B-laO-I, M.J W. l<+>t >

NTJTlCE..Tbe fatnaal Meeting of tflo Suitk-k-alaet of the CtaBeload, PaBirrllla at.d Aaht«h..i* Rall

load l ..nipauy wi.l Ie brld al thr .Bi - of the 4 oir^-LT mClr.U:.l. Obi ,, ':- tV-dneaday, (he -tb dny if J*n«- ncit, otI't o _vk a. ir. fur the olo. li-i, <f MfB. t r*. ar.d the tit-.i...

laeii ol ta. b olber fuainr., aa )..»> oaM l^'.r» Ibaru.tiio. H > I.V. fi- t-*ary.

L118K . UATCU, HANKKKS,l.PAi.Eit.-. is dovk'k'nmi'NT N-CtTB-T-BB


r. S. I.OAN \.1I-.N I s,no :in wau. miji i-. r,

RffriT* Babteflptiea* '¦ lb* orw l.S 10-10 I.OAN.oll.wlr.| lbe ui-.al 4 uiun.rai, ti la llA.NKKBri a id DE-d-d-M.

A'..,,IHV aid 11 l.l,,.' .__..-. afU.8 SEltTBITIEe aaaaketrate*.

I 7-"10 Tltl.ASI fl. MilM r..i.verte_ lulo tli» 41,I'lll CENT IKINHS ,.t 11*041, ou favorab'e tat-M

OmcB I'Laarui.tan (oil abp lawa Ca, i( ob or Hitiinctt tto VA'ati. »T., >

Baa>TaaB_,Map_l, MM. J

^^0TIC_. \<>fi< < ir b< t, i.v giv.'ii. ti.iu theI AN'NUAL IIXETIBO-fU.eST(K,i-BOLUERa--f tnrt

( I'MHl.RI.ANI.rOAI, ai,d IRt.K ('(IMPANV, fi.r.ti, .*

(i.,i, *f. PREMDENToimI ii.iABD-f IiIEKOTIIBH a.,rt tmIba b-B-aetlaa ofotbat baaUaea*. wlll be l-:d .t Iba ¦"

Ihe OaoBBOBy in lln* rhT. .n MORDAT, »he 6lb daj of Jniii.r,>it, tBafl f.vjaek Baaa. .,

Tbetroaalef keaka wlUbe* leead CrealhalBhdaya M.» t-

thr Lth day "f Jm.r t:.. Inalir.II. Itoi 08KL. Be. .-'. J

IKVJNfJ 8AVING8 IN8TITI TION,1 No. <lli W_r»: ¦'

InU-rett tlloued at the ratr i,f t, p,-r ent on tll 10ml fntit'jil!tl,»felo. D|*n daily from IUI.i '/ p. __, aad .." MnNKAT^,THUK-DAY a.idr-'ATI'KDAV AfTl,llN(MrNS,from4 ie lji.. bj. N. B.-M.....-y lo h'.n .n b.n.d ai.,1 mortaafr,

tVALTEl t\ (")N< KLiN. Pre-ldaaiValDBBBIIT I* llriToB. S« eUry. _______'

Naw-Yoaa I'aom.-B K_-a_-_raa tourkttt. tNew Yoao.MaT-0. IflfljL I J

ri^IIK BOARD of Tl.I STI-:l> bare TIII8X DAY aatmtmi . D1TIDEN0 ..i tVt KH 1*KH TKNT ....

thr ( apltal K-oek oftbe ompany, |..yable at tbe ofb.-e ..I t*";'Tr-_ru.tr. E-Wold < loawt tW, >'" " ' -,J ¦'_ *""*'' !___... ai.dafler J.inr7. Ir.t.'.-tli k.«illhe r!otrd iinlll tbatd.t... BAMUEL BIMMOBB,-aereary

~"orr.-«*.r Naw VoaB Mimao'.' .

Nll SOBI, Juuni, HN. I

ThJOTirE is berebv givt-ii tliHt, at a Bpeetalil M-tit.f *.f Ihe piraelortrf the "aw-York MlnUCOj,b.!d thi* day. an ASSEr- i.MENT of ONK DOlaLAR YktiMIARE wa. l«Tl.d on lbe Cupilal Mtock (-0,00". ...*re.) or Uia

t-oatpany, aayoMa at thr .«*¦ r ..f the CouiB-fty- "a-FNawn il Sew Y.,rk City, .m .., brf.r« lbe 2-lh d.y of Jl Wm,

Ail a..r..ti.rut. reinaiuliif unpald aflrr thal da'r wlll be, h_r.ed witn lutnr«t *t thr rate of 7 per BW-fl l*r anni.tu.

*A. 1. -TANa-a-T, BoLtttuy.

Orni'Bor lOLnanun Mibibm C_>8»AirT, t.>.--.' WU i.,..i..N. Y.,Juoa l, H>4. I

QAlXS OF PORFEITED 8TOCK..Noticobil herehT f.Tei, that th* followinf HT1»( K in tha COI UMII1AN BININOCOMPABY ia KollKEITED fur i,< ¦> Pjiyandtha(tl,e..,.rw,llh..SOI.l. at f'l'l.l.K- AOOTOMoltb* ota.-e uf ti..- C-Bpaay, B« U wii,... 5 bb ia«aynl Iat) r'l.'-'.l-.k ai .,.T.Ti-...lvrr.t..u:..l <.

llflrst-.No. 310. ACdUHTI'S IlKNTON, T.iitee, DO .D-iei,




VKHMIIirYl'. ft Co., TlANKKBS,No. 4t UALL-S'l., M.W-YollK.

We ..re pr. bbn 11) taaexrt ' I'. S. 7 aWJjfTttARCRY R8Jtk*4j into the 6 pM BBM BnNDS rt ISSjlwirhI romptie >. ALd on isjaaBBB I*"' ..

AJeo BUY tnd SF.LL at txarket retea all kindt of OOV.ERNMENT snct.MlITlE'"., in. ludiugU. H.5-'dMIB<)NDf?,U. 8. T.30 TREASURY NOTF.P.,U. 8. IB bio*. CERTIFICATES OF 1NDEBTEDNTSS,TJ. 8. CUURiFRMASTEILS CilECkS,U. 8. TWOYF.AK 3 per rent LEUAL TENOER

I NOTE8,'U. 8. . P*r eentt, COlPON tud REOISTERED. of


MATIIRINO CF.RTIFICATE3 of 1NDEBTKDNES3eelkectcd or purrb.at.-d.U. 8. 5 Plali CI'NT 10-40 IlONDS.»e krepon bind for Immrdiate drlivery an t.iortuirut of

BONDS of tbi. NEW LOAN.VEBM1 IaYF. & Co.

DIVIDKNI) NOTICE..Ata tBeetifla of fh>Triiiiiiifiki nnnir weil oil i 0MPANY,i.eid

MayM, IBM.a Beothly Dliidrnd ei ONR PCT CRNT an

tbaCapkal Stor.k . m drclarvd I r tue mot.'h of May. Raa aflir.trrrinii nt tm, j it,.b!r nn and aBci June I", ut thr MBM ot

the 1'ninpaiiy, No. 131 Hror.twey.TrtLifer llooki wlll ar cl.trd Junefl. ond reoaened .'one IX

JNO. K I.F.Fr'INOWELL, Trniurrr

VOTICF...Tothe St(K'kh.,l.loi-H offhel'M«)\II PAt 1KH! RAILWAY COMRABT, Kt'trm Irr.ition,lormerly eeOed Ihr LaBvaWWartk. Pkwi.*, aud Wl .'riu Ittil-road Couiptiy, and tl. efher. whom it m.iy r rn-rru: Ai a

merting ut tba Dira i, nof thr abafe aamed Ceapany, b. Id BLrnvrnwrirth. Aiiril 5. 18J.4. Ihfl fuilowing re.oiutiollf wrre

ad"j>t.-l aad .rdrtrd nakHibrlRr«Artd, That an iiurtahmirit of 2« per rmt np"ii all ttock

Imii.-.i ,,i > a.-.' bed f. ,. ,.. iv ,i,.-.i BajaWaMtbfof tbr .lo< kbradi-n. titl.ir to John K-rr. Tr-.iA.ir.-r af tb"I'lii.f.i v »¦ I.ravrnworth Cilv, or La Kdward LeaiBfld, Plnanr'tl Agmtof IbaCnataeay, tt N«. 41) I'it,.-.t, Nrw Y-rk.on or br! r.- tba Mth day ol May next, aad tiiut tlir Sriri-taryia h.-rrt.v Rtra. (r.l (.. ,..-..- ta, r,-t r c, ba pub nthed ia t»nur liior.-|»p«rd of .rtier.il c.irrilatiiin in r.-h of tl.r Sf.-tn "!Kiu... a_ Mi... on. tud alao ln tacb ol lbe tiltr. ol V»-Y' rk and Waahington.K-.'/irJ Tbal all authority to tny prr»"U or laofty i.rrrt"

Culr tafcll.l toa.-l a. au a/vr.l or rr|,rr,rnlAtltr .f thi. ...iu

(BHViMtdabxart i, l.r Beeeaeaad byaappaeaea ,,r pmy idr-r.-bv r. v, krj md rsatladad. aad all gaxaebre "i tatbvrityhrreafterib.il ouly be ext-rritrd by peraai. B paitir. tutbmi/4d ,-r re. mnladaj Iba praaaM m rafaea i;¦.. llir<Bad Ibat tbr Srrrrlary br dire, '.-d l" .'lf.- pubii,- notii e al tbalatacBliiia kireM nntals ti lli Mti FtHJTE, ttotitatary.


I.UN DIYWION, laaawlT talldj*. the t.KAV£NWORTH.PAWMF.K iM. WEITeRB RAILROAD taOMPABT.aadall ofheri whou, lt may lorkrrri- At a marlug "f BM Btatfc'ho.J. ii ui il» au, fa BaaardC aujaay, b.-id atLaafaawi rtb eathr Itb aad >.h il.y.oi AarUtBa., th'e folioalng prr.mhle tudrr.oliit'i'i. arrr IflapBBai

MArrrai. By thr r. ritri, . rf fo-r pirti katWl ra. thil CflM

nny. J"h,i f. lr. ntont H".a Strel k lo.. and Rdflfaldarii'd ilJ't' te.1 b) tt,la Baatbsj laraj al ...-'¦ r .

.loui of bi. a aeasa .. i aaaBkkaloea ii.ve br..n madr |, ¦ .ilr raa M M [Biaaula Ihe epa dj Betntettea f L.r i,,ad. and14 trrrai, It id prr,hr.!,!r tbat dill::ll*r i-,,iii-,-.,iiin. luny bo agieedtu by utl.ri ftv, khol'L-ri; tbrretoidL

H-t'Utd. T7:tr BBti l-eajmd. a. tbe ftntn-ial atrnt ol tbr!l» lalkiiiawfl aad aaipawagad Ifi aaaatt*t Trttb any

partira, Wbo ai* tl.- In-ldrr. ot arr .nt.'rl iu tbe ,Um-.«of tbr loiiipti T. |N Hr trtufir tnd d.irrry to hlra. li.

.,..ui A .u. h. aad ea aacb et «al.i it.M-k, a..-.. b paitira may he t.11 uig .o lo .-onfdr.lo t* l.y luiii u.ed, di.j-.^dni. dVribut' d. .ii ,.K i.i.l rr ,-.d fu tba SMBSpilIBlialB ..

I. in ¦ .ul afTrruimt pfov.dj-d, witb i. friri, a la Uaabarealaxxaadtebf -r ri.:. .rr.fr. iaui !y tt:,i Krrr.ont. tndln roniidarailua Ihaaafar, tl..- . Bl i.u.n. la aaaM .. saBharbad ai.d aa>

-it. n^.-i BMatM up n tb. .. r'ili.-a'.". atehaewewbti li n.at r ,e'a d bt al, !i abalrboldrr., Mffraily, or tom.i. b tl.r'y aai.- ba tantfad ay. u. kn.a ...t. I. tr uaafi r-,t, .'. rn ii,r.| .t iu rr.tidr.i BtuWaa ara full pala :'

Babjacl te aaaaaaatrat; | r...iJrd ll.ai luib uaaia.Bf or'L-id ,:..

,rut i- _1 :. I i I...L- ai tiorrnid iu ant mr i" ai to ex>plTOf be "f rflrcl R. to !!l"rr ill.lr. in tl ul'..irt; .,,,) ,.'

r iaj t., . r ihataa ao traaafrrred toti,.- aa.il Bnaa. i.i mbbi ta parpaaara lierr.fby aa babmbotd,m rripr ti.,.1, . d tt.rrr.ff.-r aU larb aarkeda tadorard,-. lt'..|. .te,.ba.l b* deeiued full J-...I :¦¦) tl.r loill.h.a "I ih.lr.euibrt rj iu ..yU Bdaraetbcati reapaetlTaiT, aad absatech1,. lert makbig tba euaraaalo . ...l UatitlVraLair iibefora protilr.t ¦: tbal !¦. r,., .iirr Ur beld byXBaCsataanytr.

» BUa t- M bai.ilillrt '..r 1 ¦(, or in

any u.tuiiaj ir!a!lax l tbr .riain w u"b tliry ilull to aeteiailytiai-ifrr I" taid Bn ta ta. «.-, tKn Ind '.i/thrr, Id we it ,b.U tnrur that ftoin ant -aud"

Bay fll tbf .t.arri WBaflb i..ay be Iftifatrad to Ihe fcnanclalagri.t b. iffrraaid. r :o p...i-itucr .1 tbe afurraaid f.iu'rti-t.tLkll at ant tirir hr. Iiuudto lr .ngwhoUy or iu poit Mia*yt'.r aaraaa "r iwrty Ibaa th.- teriin or party wbo iha.l bufe

aa aTMMBaiart IBaaaflM tbf i.id l.i..i,.1tl ajBBlahaUba aud

briebj ,f a .ib r.rr.t. .¦ tratafM ta tacb ptraaaar iarrp. ashtllto bf foandin hethe rightful owrvrtbrreof, tbe .htrr. io

tir i'i lr.uiler.-rd t" buupjtiiiiil That tl,. boldrri rt earaaaaaaa, akRaaBaaa, or

Iba ir..o.o.-ai.daia.oed lu taa nan.r at aa beiialfof J.pant.whl hirr.lainiedt.. rntitlr iu, b hnldrr total p.id or

aaaaiaaaala .n.rr. .i tbe eaftaal Baak, ba i.otifie.1 oy th.. inj. t.t. I,p.' .. altrrtiirn., :,t. .t .:. iu, b "ihrr a.Bb...-r a.

lAalHiertaa iua/ ilelrru,Iin lo i*»»ri.t lb. aMBB, taflatbMwbbaay avidrnxaaol ibatr rlfbt te raqiHi .. itbarMtabab.aJe fui: aad ... aaaaaweeaAAa .. tfa.eMd, toihr !.». ttfaCvBBBd*l*a ef tba Ceoapaaj B Ihe City ot l_4w-Tark a_llbta..... dat.ia it foi owlng the l.-nlng of lu, h noti. rt TMpett-:..., ,l aa*. t Mallafl bMartM ..¦» ..,, i^iii. i... ,r i.,r...o

rii.Ja in.v !-.! ili ai.d. arid pr prr f"rrtiAl r. rlltlcalr. brl..i...i iu iire u.rrr,i. iu to rar .« .>., B B4a4afB al.ad ba dreuo-dga barntttled thrrato by aall Elei iltraCotan Ite* Ib aaa

aaj hulAYr aball rrfaaae*eart toflaaaart biacwrtiiieair, obll. .1 ,i i. .i.r.Ja, A. af. :.-aalJ, ai.d f- i ihfl | irpow. BBdwttbin tb. r at irrtatd, oi in naer ant ,.! tl, *. :. D -t Uutllitda. a.'.. -..,14 «ba.i b« deruard t tl.r K.xecutito C. n.

aiittea Ui ;.r lai .B. i-.,t t, eeittl tha b Ulal t" lai h '¦.:. \n\A.t.Araa. tbr 4V. r. ,A the l ompant th«ll IheeaaftM Mfaaa M[ravafuiM ,r tdiixll aoy ttabilkV af tba C Bxpaayto BMBaaibaaa lud p.:d niairi, ou areo.jil of aay iu. h partirulax i-nitib».,. .¦¦. t -i ,., -i i.,r,i,orai.ila, or Lo tr.-it 'br taiur iu any

nitiinrr at f.K ptbi ib.rr. rit-I-t upon the riaun. of botiah!. .. ..|, r. rl.er.ol bnng r.t.Lb.t.. d l.y daa [ii-¦.. A li**

ciuipni-ntlixsi etiJr..,-.- tJod .. k gdelai ,r. abiiaavii ,n. aa Ihr Cou.|»u. la Ibarfaatrt aay iiraaxdarkj i____fr. ritr ..)¦..rt Mthai Bi Ifter af any sofb .rrt.nr.., oi,-i. i". .,r ataaiwaaliiai. Iba 11., ..m. ..buiuio..

aia bati b itl aftaa to rtju.l tba I.i ... of m* .uth hoairr.in saeb aeaaa a. uid Caiinattea ai^ drarr. .-, .;fth t tndi...a..e labalat Bal ta attlkfif rl Ibatflrt Baab.aaBBba ¦¦'

ful! r_iit.irrt a. "aiil I < u.Ui.'r, ,bs au drrm tu bu juit tndI -,i,|ra:,..V,,, Bbl I iheforee acg Raadeataai tnd m dlrrrdont ofUtaEsi Ui ixanditef all paTaenaBUai«ete4Arairaqtiaata4lotraafuiil tba bb ir- ;. .. -I. M blaeBoa, No. 4S I :n-it ui

.I., |i ,.f Nrw Y-rk. au I. .i.irniriii., p-|. ...I at

aaaaiaaawUlrat Irt tU ftopoaad batirtU .*,:'.!.. I aoi

,r.|^t..ely .iid.».ur.-!bei.!i;rwi!lil..llir tuur 88MCXUMd!,.,,.. , .!gjd....frn, tl. du-.. h.;re.-.fKI»\VI> 1.K4RNKD. F_aiJ'.alAgruLl 1 K «- * L. U.\«k !'...» AprBM *.<M.



'1 ,.. tBNI Al. Kl.l. TION FtlilUIKF.l I'OHr .';i,i-C "..

par.t wlll la- hi Id al llr I'ompany . OflV .. Hroadway. anier

!i:ki. .I ,u» MONUAY, Jaaa ¦, i»4.Tba p-li. *Aii: be opm froui 12 B I" 1 "'.'b-.-k p. ni

v lAdOOB t AlaPBELL,S.«-r.-r«rv.


H« 24) BROAUWAT,llainnbtivt ftw laaildlMa eVrrTIXX ar. aaaonnieut oftbrAeIruida. Our ai.oU. ol .nr per rriil abowrd buj.rd.TbJa B.uk rwrlte. ail N.tlon»l Baak M-nrt ou drpojt, aM

( hfi k. ou l ity ll-u.n iu ptjturul for O ,trrt oaent Ilondi.I). L. ROSri. i'rr.ldrtit.

J. II STOCT ' a.bar._ _

raxni: < ol _in.M'.liSIIlI' li.mioior.1 t'\!-ti!ikf1 uiideill.r bati. "I JAM1 I M DRAM k < o.. ,. I.ei-by

b. r i) mart. Mi. lau.er M. Druk" r.-'re;Irom td-tl.. baalaasa Kitlrr partnrraili tba ka Bqnidalioa.Tbr t ii. nt a.. iDl. i-'ii' bOOk. ol M I). L l ... will brt,la..-l in Ihe laadsol DKAK1, llRilTIIKIlS, tbrli WtrfkHr.,.-N.» -i.rk J.!.. 4 IAMES M iiltAKK,

A. A. IlKAti:.I.IMirtD l*ARi.NKR.HHIl'.-Tbrund.r.igt,r,I..u.t,-roruied:

.1 l-mltrd I'artnrr.hlp, paraBsM lo fir l.wt of 'he Statr ol

New l.k.tr thr purj.I ,vnrlnirtii| tbo STul K AND( X( !' '.M.I. ItltllKFll \t',Y. bu. nr,. atidfl tbf irtlr ofDIIAKI. I'.HOI lll.HS .. au, ,.-<tUi JAMliS M. DIlAKK.1 i.. 1 nr Pnrt;.,a i.i" '.ni'ueiii e tbr lrt of Juue. IMA.and irrni.i.atr ,,u Iba Itt ol Jtaaf. IP-I IAMES M. DllAK Bbaa i-aatribulad tMO.iaJO La rwrb to t!,r roiinuoo atoek ui

S|.i ri. I'.irn.rr. Tar BM B b. rt of thr late (Irru likr thi. opp.i-uu,i) I'li'i.ii'i .! .-i' a. kiiuwl..|gii..iit. to, ti,. ftgrylrberalpslraeaie they u, r beratrt ra tfailttal. aad la aoBrft tm tbanrw Brin a . < niinuin. a al lbe mntv.Nea York .Juue I. lif.4

IVILLIAM ¥ IIKM.K, j ,.,.n,..ALBERT A. DKAKK, l'"""*1 ' -'«"".¦

lAMEd M DRARR, ¦pecltl <*Mxa*r.HffKB t iiotTBruo (OAI. C Ni W Tflflk, Maf tk, IHe4.

KO'I'K'K is hi'i-chv givrii that ii iiicctiiiif otM,.kle...Irrt 4* thfl (-lll)M'lll ItO lllAl. lIlMIMN.

I.,, ibeein i, I'i.. !. ,t .r.d B. Btrd ¦¦' Dlreet. I folb.. tifi-ai-ilmi I4" ii'mf . 11.. *.ill ba bt i .tt Kouii N 13

,.i, Ka ... *¦.»» York, un M'lMiAY, lbe 8thaay efjmir at ll o.-iork, noon. I'obd aill M aaaa Bmm tl to I

, p. mW. IV, MoKAlO, l'i...b a

MlIWAUKKE CITY KKAUJI .sj.Str.NT[."Mi- I., COl'PONB dnaJaaa I 1884,84 MIL-

WACKil- ( ITY RKADJtiBTAIENT UONIiS. wlll !..¦ aatd.., ii,.. i.tji.otia' tb. ofli.-. rt « IHTtALLACo.,

No«. .'^i tn.) eu RaaaBMBi pliia


!j IIANM U-.I.K.WIS K.1NS, P.|M aai| (,,._,] ,.

I8AAI RObENk K1.D, it., New Yoik.j.l.u IN P.INKTEIN.lute.rat altowed aa aaaaaate, iiiaadlafjte tha etataot AM

nia)krl, from BBM ta tinliepoiii. rar..|ted aaktart M <lr»ft M tight. UMMM088 bl

city bauki. Sto.k., Roada, C.-ill'i itrt of lu I.ti.-,!ii, .. (lof"io'dbo,igi.ttiidi..id eaaar

tfaTDiabla ti-i.i" i.itllpaiai.d Kraur", (1. rinany, rl

Nl.W Y.1KK, I'i."' I. I1"'4-

rlly DOUld. ^ir..., io,i,ii., i ,-ru ,i,-. ,.| luu.-r.ri.n, .«

ernment Baaaitliaaaaurially, tndi.o d bou.l.t tnd i.dd paaeauiiitiou Coiir. tloni u«. la aa iiiu.tli.ioi.iiJe Iriai. IbB*I vut*ofthe I'nllnl Male. I'ani-.da, F.n|land Fraur", (1. -niiauy, MB

IHAVK this day lukt-u inn. rAKi;M':iWLlli,tRllHARIl P CORNWF.LL. unlrrth, aaineanil |rleol

H. li (oKNU'F.I.l.a.siiN fottheliBBBeedea rttMBTtaJOaCO.MMIS.-ION IH SINtRs, at N« 21 rine-et .,_..,, ,R. H. CORNW ELL.

Stock. Bartfl (ii.frrmi.nt Serarit ¦¦ >. I"dd tr., boaghtUid a..d .t tlir lla gul.ii lloaid uf Hlok. ia. _,_ I

II 11 arltSWI'.l.l. ' SON

MIMNfi ST'K'KS, aa weil aa all otherkindBOt .-erait,.-. lllll'I.HT ,1-1 >OI II tl All UM St"'k

BaaiattaNaw lofk. B atou PbUadalaha, hc »«;_'" _" ""¦

M tvwiAaUiivii tr Ai.bdWi'l tt ttltuLAJf, R* H »> aaaaraA

efmaruial_T'jirran PTiTEflTaaafCBT, NbW-Yobb, Jnne 3, 10-4.

ITXDKR IN'STRCCTIOXS from tho Secre-> t.-iry of tbe Tr.-uury, noth e ii hereby jiren th-t lutere*!

at the rate nt tl per cent per annnm wiil bepald rn all depoilt*ui*dr un -md afti-r thli date on ar.onnt of Temporary Loan.


JOHN J. CISCO, Ai*-ttant -Wturer, N. Y.I'«it-d St.tiu TaaAtuat, Naw-Yobk, June 3, 1864.

V"OTICE IS HEREBY (JIVEN thut I am11 preptred to pty ln odTance the Coupunt of intereit ao-

cnilnf on the lit ef July u-xt. in Oold, ou all th* Public Debtof tb* I'uited flutea.

JOHN J. CISCO, AnUtantTrentirer, V. S H

Bnmmcr Rctrcota.

BOARD WANTKDforthe fiiimrncr monthsloraBey 12 faflflaafaaa a a fann hou»o arbblaW

milai of Jerary City; food li.uig tad klnd treatmer-.t requtred.Ad.lrr-, K. tl., Hux Nu. 160 Jer»ey City.

C~oTntry BOAKD..WANTED, bf a. Youi.f Man, a aiiifle ROOM. with Hr.¦¦akf.-.tt arM Tea,

in a I'rlvate at Knruihouaa, uot niure tl: an onr h.ui t rlde fromthr ftty. Addreia, itatini termf, which ir.ntt bo moderite,11. K. (' Box No. 2.2W. I'. a

COtN'fKYIToAT.I) WANTl-D-Fitra Latiy,Child and Ntirae, ru-ar tho city, elthrr hyrail or ir.jon

keet, oa a ftfB wkeN thern are u- ttbeff iiMiJed. Tenut¦taatereaa, Arhirr*. s. u. h., Be. IM Bl*«. krr-*u

I/Ul.llT PKR.SON'S wiil be iwioniinodat-dJT-I witb BOARD ,iunua! the tfuniiier, iu a mrxiern H.mae,wi:h w.-ll aha.irdOro.indf, tliundant Kru'.t, Vi^ittablea, Ite.;eratially loeatrd iu Lyme, at thr awuth of Coiineotlrut Rtrer.Adrtrrai, boi No. 15, l.y_ne, Coiin._rFHB RIVER8IDE H0U8E, Bed Bank.1 Baaaitlb Ce.. N. J.. wll! hcOPKNfirthc rereption ol

l,_.,.Nuuth.:ril.-'l OF JUNE-. ,

IVtiet wiihin- to fernre room. wil! ploate tfldrefftC. (i. k. W. A. PRENCXI,

I'roprli .ort.

CODNTRT RKSIDENCE to LET.Two-,t.ry DWbXLINU ofl Too.a, Bara ''--Tlif- H< aae.

i. ladeaa arr.. B. I.»wn Md.Oardaa, wkb aonnyt-nr-. oiProkaadtmmm Tr.-.-a. Lo-ati-.u, lliirr r_f_ute*' -*.k r-m

Ilahrii llrpot, New H»Ten Railriwd. P ia/ rl,n l_,-rie.li.,te.C. H. OUVjaB, N->. I _______*

H008S8in BROOKXTM to RKNT..4 n"wtbrre atory and BttliBMt bii-k IIOI'Sl'H, ci"« of

1'ark a% an<t . ai.t.n «t., frontint on Cily Park. AaBBMfBBeaaruund thr I'arlt ti .-.ulr-. led lor l.y the rity. They ha..- ailin fleifl rnnv.tiier.r-.-,. __erad-Bfl Balh-Bbf, iu,d Wlll _?¦ let.K !.. pfiftte lai.tiie*. Appiy to Mr. \ oOhlll.trf or. tbcBremUea ur tu tba *BI_B*. oGlce Nu. 1, BIB l"i.lton Bmk,Nrw | :_, from 11 to 2._rpo H\NK>;iLs, INBURAMCE COMPAN1E81 «nd 0THER_-OPPICEII la I.K. r I.K'VSE.-OtOi-e.

t., Ie*.. ,.n the ...e .ri,t Iwhi.'h »:lhri hi,-h haaernrnl). Iat,ML ld. B 1 4*h fiuora of th- UuiMu-f Nu*. I.V> and 167 l.rotid--*T, li'.ia- iti r.i.r.e ni |lll_fll0.Ilua I.i h» flalihgd flnrl fllttrl.i|, tn ihe inoet couiplete uianner, witu .or.-ial r-re t- li_ht aud

.".-.n., ¦ .. I

Tbt front li lo bo of rnarble, of a t_nd»or.-.o itylo of arobi

fllf l.rlldinj wPl baBOflbfld f. rward with tl-ntmo«t .Kl¦etek n..t 1* t" ho undcr th.. i ii* r.:.'-.,,'.. :.. ..: K.rTJ.m fcI .ii. Ar I::'. .-..T * .. i*n Oi .ren and r**.'4 rnad. korwri *: th* ofli. fl of

(141,HOMER MOK'IAK, Ng, I'iu. .1.

rf-0 LET.A CorNTl.Vl.KSIDi'.Ni'K. iirarl .l.tcrin. wi'h fl aa-re* f r md: ii boaaBflfl-b l,**te un

I'lutkluc Bay, h_* e*rry la.. ity f. r l--.-t.i_. b __M "Ld bth,:,f ui: aareoUd f. r lb. H lauD. n!y tl dathraa. PfllMifloBeaa be __.! _-¦ .nile.y. lor f-rtnef puiticuial, addreia W.II B..Trflt-aaOd-aa,_TX) LET orfor SAI.K, ut RYE, Wostchcster1 CiimtT. N Y...f>imlil..-d ( iM'STRY J-'EAT. with.x

tmiire Ore-ndf, l-iaa a__ a, t raa aow, aaapia watarv >.,in .',..! ted .¦....t.-i.i. a t: .-.rry r<-.p,rt; arare

ih.l.r. lliataal la-l. _J.ll ite. lld- tr .Ul l_llr^ ld depot. Illlll.. l.atr ,.¦ -,|[_tl.,ll flTrn. Ir.'ji..re of

A. J. HI.EKi KKR. OONb Co^No. Ti Cedar >t_r|T(> I.I'.ASK POR . YEARS..A I'LoT ofL OROUND, B-rlh-oaa aa«aaaefabk ar. aad Tldab Suita

ble BM ...1 Yard.t'ui p.rli! uUur. apply to

ALI.EN II BBOWV, Be *V3 "roadway.

fJonscB anb /armo UJantcb.

IlffO I.OT8 WA.MED to PURCHAM. orLXaibE- il.twrru W Ir-it-T «t. -Ifl the il.w.ry. Ad

di.-.i rtat-rur pni-e aud iucation, HOLSKE KNEELAM),Nu. li.' VValkai «t N. Y._^^^^^^a----BM-aa-a»M--^-a».a-^^---a-aM^w»a*ataB^watiiiaiili

Ktol dolalt_fox Solit.[Srt riltoAurtion SttUt.]



4 SAEE INVE.STMENT.--\.r SALE-Al\ KlHM ff 41 -,-:.., near depot; dy. II -.rr. (iardenI.and Ul theCrop*. wltii CoitAfe lloiue, Burn, and Sh*p*.f.a- (UO; in. lofMacrofl, tV**\ llto, * tui* K»:m of KOtcrot io lr«. I«>. IW Baaaa, *nd 22 _.-rea. ttxo. 10 atcaa.

t.i' 1 ... u_f-«velaahla Irael* ln I'Uit.fi.-d, raaariaaafl... lldintLoU, and a toraaf L t. wMh mea (ott_fr-

iiuu.-, BiOOOi do. lar.e Iloaoa, 4I..11, and : -ir otberj a.linMwr.-. («;: un STEPHEN VAlla. No. ... 1'ry-it. Hoo--,MtiNllAYS, trmn lOtol; other dayi at P__.._-.d Hrpoti ot

TlltlKN k MvRl I.EY,No. 1-0 Wtn-.lnrton Mtrket.

PIR8T-CLA88, Eitra-Wlda, 1%i«je4S-Ofj_. anl Attlo Hn, k li" H'-K, Nu. I«* Prea..-ei-t tt.. wrrh fonr

l.,tl b.-.w.r-: Ci.i.-in. a-.l < « irt .'... Bi oklya, kBUtatbabe.iand 111-xf lbam aah Baaaaar, by day.' wmk. for th» .ata

l.dw.id KeUoff; boaM Jl fa*4 »i.t' |.»<- '.'¦." l:1 windowj,naHoT. and baflf fre.roed. \V..ald be aohi without the *d-^lu___:.<*ifdr..e,i. E. R KElXOtfU. 130 faatVaU, B. T.

stORNER BTORB u.i FULL LOT, H0U8E\J >..: aaraaa, Wmmmd Qaa ettt Boaiaea suind »t

Klifabethport.N. J. 1'rr SALF. on Terr libe-al tenni. Applyle ow-aar, E. R. tLttLLOQQ, Be. Ufl raarl it,, NewY.oTk-

DncK PROPERTY for BALE.With largoSTOY_EHO_rHE, be., aa *icr_a-ut h> *li..n fran _u»n,

ui,1-r .r aaicompaay ft*a loo lurt wau-r frua:, wKb-.^kUitwitbtla* i-nfft' R-Orood ol New letbi y: la ait-

,,.-ei al K__*betbp..rt. N. J lur u-itioalw. apu.y j

E. jj. ^K.lLO.jll.No. 1__P^. «t, N. Y.

-4ABM AT AlC'l'D'-V..»Tli"' FABM lutelymi|_ii ftoaylfl bl OllutUT il. TBAYII (e>

h .di, laeatadb thetoimof -M-hflt, Cbaaly of -k-kaB, Majthaflaa Cfaaaa Nb tai at the dirrat aaadle LakeM_bo-par. artd ruutairiiuf Ul Aain ol Taliabi- JAM>, und i. oneof

,|r.rrohh ;Ha.«i for K»:miit* tj-irp^a.-i erat-ULN-1K. BEMIiEMiElutlun'ouBlyol PuM-tau>«. ta.r ,..». e ..l the piemlaal. Jtl....|, I" I lOfc-.-Ch

r .,. tm pati Bhaa mtrnt. n atbaa ul_Ua 3a_bjoribawa.LYUJkM H. KlBCt-ARP.

LX)R8a4LE-A CoiNTRY R1.SIDV.NCE71 at VUlb'.ih, Ir..,| liiand. O.Whic Boeaa. with Jl tbeui.drru litipr<.Trr..ent*,to|etherwitn _.....-¦.«' Brreaef I.ibd..rnwiiirtiu! inUfriat Ireo*. frape-, ireen u'u.e fcc. lbe

,e-iaai -I propafty l* TBTJ dr.ir.ui bi-.n« i_aly -I nukTfront r -, -.» K.iry. Itrooklyu <'Hy r»ilro*d OJJ- rwiiuini the,, ,. - . (1.0, blTillll B flrUt .'ll t_r Ur* l iljt i'-tt t 01

.,.,.treof JO-TB lTpFbRTB. f-S-ai j1X)k SAI.K.A COnRTRT BOMB uear the

,itv ou!v U.r onie* ff.'tu Kalton yerty. A bofntifnl,, r m'iK. .'or.uinlnj 11 Rr ,mi. lo peftecl .Hitid'.'.un. wtlh

tliree «.-re..'oi Oardaar,. f.ill ot thr rho-ce 1 Krnita, rShruba and1 ,er. ...1 UuthuiUinp,enaalallaatt Oatmnwtt Iloua.-.

VVeOi i. |.-«t--,l ln . iLulllTely hei tir r_-:fhb<ir-_',k1. iLipoir "I HENRY JOllNBON. N. fl, Ke. kaian *t.,kflbfl-fl if *'.! 1-' » lu., .d 1 to 4 p nu


, .,... BALE.A VALUABLE CORNEB LOTl' on Chur -t, ne. CaaaJ .t.


A :... I...I. OB (r-.tiard. Kranklln, Y. htla at-J M olkaB at.Al**i', * valuihlr I'liproTed I'larX t ot pro^. rty 00 Rr idual

n,.*r ltr.«lw..y.f|.. ulh.r .ir.irible b-'ared propertyPar 'pai'K-ti.-ai.. a.c, apply io ALll.N k HUOWN, No.


I"?n)t SAI.K.A H0U8E anl LOT, nitaatorn ihr i.-rlli*r:y *ide ol r-l«t-«t 230 fewl aaate-rly (Yom

2,1 a*. Arp'Y «" laBTWM MATHK Wt, l.ie. i.tor of thfle.t.lr of Bl --AN Dl.ti'llAU d*,«**rd, No 102 Utb *T oor-

nrr uf 18U. it. H uot f.ld belur* Ihe iMli day of June,hattaaa i' b.:: bfl aaM un iint day tt aurtiou.

1PARM 'l,r BALE.Ib WeBtehMter, Oo.. H.\ ,|,r iml.-fr,,n. tbrre il«[.ita; lu .la-l ba-tween'Mo-nt

V, raaa tad Braaaa--ai about luoiurra, vuaU tU the »iiuieor iti i»rt.. Inrjiiir.. oa th* premia-*. M. ODEfiL.

OEA SHORE RESIDEirOE FOR BALE..^ Thr Maitiiti.-i ilouie, ntutted Iu MjiIIiou, New Htvenc .ini> (.iiii--. li. ot, "ii tl.e tbore of l.o.,. I.k.t.,1 Sound, aiwetIhraa qaartarf ol a mUe frum the drput, *. ith nll tlie luiaitnre*:.,! Iiitiir* ,. S.ld h.uie wiil .«, ouiUiod.tr 40 hu.:nk*ri. A!.JUrr ,' I'llr anl *ine pin all.v. Tbe l.,t c~tain. abont S »4tre*u| Und. Al-, i-'-tj,.-r .,i.r ,,l tl." hl.. at '¦«. ... m* ,-n tho rfouud.(for tuttlirrpartl, ulari auplT toM.y lb, 14,4. VVM. .". Hl'I.I., Ifltiirr <oan.

LOTS in SOUTll BROO**L**N.SAI.K »tll.. Kor(jrirPiN.

I ,IKH)Al IITION, .ln;,.- 9. .1 1- ui tl tl... . ir 11*" i.rookly*'.. .|- Mtd l..r:i,-.l,-ri ii.|u-re ul Mll.l.l.H 1 ''.'"'"}Attornert, So. K.O Kult.-n «t Nrw ..rk. ANTHOS) .'BLEECKER, AmtlOMOf, No. HCedar at. w IVINtilt."*TER BRITTAN, Refer-e, Be tt Ceatt-f- Bi*aeldyB._,y |(Wl(l.Wl *|.> "l/>AN 'Tn City tB&\0 I IrtMllfU Oaatiira I'r.perty. I. inoatu ....4.

Ai.o lara.- au»b-« of rAli.M- FORMlaE, at Trry t-w

pri, «.a. A|.j.ly t.. IV H. M1TCUULL, TT l>l..f »tj

INVAKIDS'TRAVEKINtKHAll-S. tioii.-ilJi1 laBMaaeb PaBoatCaBUrbajHoi - '..ful lutiuiid Irr liiTidnli; Kier, ia,.u II,i- . 1 | '' °i

KTBtpiii-M >\. bhUIii Ko. BB Bioadway. |]

fifllce bn Qtttcli0ti.A 0CTION NOTICE.

BIBLIOTHKI A AMERICANA.Catolapie of the ontira I,lbr*ry of Anitrew Wlfht of Phlta.

delphia, apaclaliy r.eJi in rare book* re.'attaf to Amrrica, ootn*prtab-if Ueoeral, State. and Leeal UutorUw, -UU i'apart, fccA rery teleet K-rle. of hir.e |.nper and eirty prlutt-J TTookfl, to*rludint orar two Uto ,l,rd by Heujaunii Krank ;u and otbelearly Am.¦_.:, _; prit (. ,a A!.o, a ttip. rb coileotion of Bookfl.in deneral Llterature, Bilili'trrophy, and the Flne Artt, tnoftlyin the flneajf poaaihl.- .on.ltM'in, m.ny nnrnt. The whole otwbk-h wiil be iold hr luetioa at the "Trade Halo' Roothf,No. 409 Broadway, Nr'w-Yoik. br J. E. COOLI-Y, OEO. .-

IajtAVITT, Anetlonea-r, mi MON.MY, Jone «, Hr*l .d tthlawhtf dayo, eoBuu«ii.-iu( aaeh day tt 4 o'eloek tt. m. TheBook* wiil be on Tiew 01. TI'ESOAY M.t attrl f. ntleoiroui.Ah.e to attend the aale ran bare thelr ordt .-a a' tn- !rd t* bythe An. .tor.ea-r. For par.iculara, *e* CeUlo_uei, now readytprice 90 c.-nU.

Wa I)ar*BTMaT-rr, Catalbt Btraiua. )Orrua er Cn.ar <4n.aTKkna.raB, >'.YAauiaiaTu- AnrilJC, tt )

AUCTION SALE OF COND-MNEDH'IKSKS..WUl be ttkt at public lu.ttou. to tbt hi.hea

bidder, at tbe tlraet and n..i,. * namrd helow, Ti*:Newpnrt, I'enn., lliiifi.lay, -May 5,Oettyaburf, IVun Muuiiay, May 9,Alf.iona, Pann., Tbiira.t.y, May 12,Miffl.ti. Penn.. Thumlay. Mty !..Ttradiiig, l'cnn., Tburad-y, kiaj -'*>,Ltbaaaa, Penu., Thtir.day. I.ti- 2,Nortt.iiii.br-Uiui. r.:i i 11 :r- uy.Jnna t,Berant'.n, I'.-nn 1 huraduT, Jaae H,¦Vtlhaniitniirt, p. ou,. iWaday, Juu* 23.

One Huudrrd (luO) borae* ar. (JrUyiburr, and Two HnndrodBBd Kifty .'-*!) at earh ot tbfl olh.-r |.la.-.-..Hmm borae* ba.a beea .¦¦'i..' ¦"¦ -.i-l ** unht for tbe i-aitfry

er\ir,- fthr United Stataw Army.Kor road aod farm purpoaea 10*11 y food barjaiu* may be bad.11 a: »i-1 wiii be -i--i liujlr.Pale. h..fin at I" a. rr,.. ar.d rontin.i* d.!!y ».1!1 -II ire iold.TKIlXSi CASH.'la L'uited tltaira Treatury noti-aonlT.

JAJ.lr.Si A. KKIN,Mitut. fol. andC Q. M. fav-ir- Huraao.

AJ. BLEECKEK. SON tt Caa*. wiU oell ata Ao.tion oa Sa 1'l.llDA V. Jun* 4, tt 12 0 laak a the

Kirhange Salrnroorn. No. 111 HruadwiT.Aa»i_ii*<-'l Sale byorder ofW'm. 9. I'latt e*<i aiaiftiee, all the rni,.ir,lni uaeta,a.,., of thelate firui vf 1'iiyft, 4. Ji- u»i., conaialiLg uf Book*-.nt Bodk Areoqnt* Jjjdrrn'--.U, lrr.lor i^irticuliri IJrpTy t&'t.,e Au< iloneert, No. " Ceder tt.

and Bodlt Ai-ff.unta iydrniriiU, ip-Ty t-"ti,e Au-1

Ry K. T. Wiui, Auotioneer.

AUC'TION NOTICK..Larifri and rioremptorY¦ala of KAKTHBNWARK, PITTSHUROIl OLA89,

PARIAN OOOI>_. kA. ou WEDNE-DAY, June I, at llo'elork, at No. 13 Mtirray it.. romiitlnt of 200 rratei.-OOboxe*lila.., 100 barre!aJ.eroieuu Chiiunlea, Table Cutirrr, fce. Theu babl to ba so.d WitboB reaerve. CaBBafB 1 on Monday, Bthinit.

BOOK TRADE BALE ROf).MS, V... 498ll w*T.n-«r!yopp.xiteSt.Nirhol«ilIot*l.--OF.O. A.LKA-

V1TT. Aiittiuiir. r. I.t J. E. i'.«,.«T, CoruanuiMtnti toiu-'dai.

A. M. Meawin. Atictlonear.

BY BANGS, MKRW1N 4k Co., Irvinc Build-btmJBee S-4 and -:* Bro.-.lway..S*I-tof rYo-kt, SlaV

-.luuery. I'i, tnret. Wurk. of Art. I*a_-T (rooda. Kiirnitar.. <-_,TUK.SI'AY KVEBTNO, June 7. tt 7J o'cioek-

STANHARI) ANI* MISCLLANEOl'fl IKinKS.4,0mpri-ii.f a rariety of 8tandaid -.1.J MUeeJbuntou* LiteraUre, kcAiao, a uuinbrrof artu Ir. ui At.ti.jti.- Kurr.it.ire, *c.WEbNEBBAT. THL'RalJAV. and TRIUAV EVENINOB,

Juiir I. B. and 10, at 7. o'eloek.VALl'ABIaE PRIVATK LIRRaRY Containin* many

Htandard and Rare M r«i *n Throlngy, Kf.-h .i-inral andSt. ,il*r Hiitory, and (.Vueral l.iierai'ife.au,un_ IBBB ari the. -uir.ila of liie iirea-k and l_atin iauri-iia-i, lb.- UulUt of tba1'upea. ibeWorkaof raitblui flo.raaa. So-aiiu«n, Theodo-rrt, B*rr,iiiiia, Rayuold, and ttber writeri ou thr CjaBflaV lb*>'¦ r....-< .f lbe Kaibcr. ai.d tUttanamtt, bue eiii-i-u* of theOreek ad Baenea Chaak*, too) telael Rngliah AnthortoaRa-lilrfon, M-T_la, Pliiloiopuy, Hiatory. I'oatty, aVo.Kor particulara »,.* l ataJoKue and the Book*._PCBLICSALE ol CAPTUREI) and ABAN-I BOBED rRoI'IRTY.

Tbbaiobt I)rr.BT*iB.Tr. Ornob or 2o Srr_ia_>asmit. w_aiiaaiaw M*y t», n*J4. J

Al-nrelotol'RA.i.*- OI.DIRdN, aod Miic.-i-oi.eoua (loodt.wiilbeirMattii.t. I, B MONDAV. June 6. 18.4, *t No. llKiii-.Lm', A .landria, Va. Thu ia)e e_bra. Of ..vrrM.OOOp. nndi of li-4_t, and lt Mn* of untrai (mortly wrr-oghtl IrotuAlioaLiffelotof Mi-eellam.-'-'JtO'ioili, luch aalanned Kroif*,Meata and Oyitert, Pi-klei. taudiei Jalha*. Kaaru-ei. S»r-

diu.-*, l akei, CoucrDiraied MJf, Cheeau, kc., kc. Term*Ca*b, iu liuTernmeut baaa.

II. A. RvISLKY, Rup. «t-r-).^f/t Tr. IVpt^rpRVVTKtV* BALE of VALUABLE IRON-J. VYOHKS..ByTtrtur ,f a derree of tbe Ctrrnit Caurt of\\ aabliaftuti Coonty, .¦» l onn 01 Eqnity, th.' uud'-rrnned,Tri^te.-, wlll ath, at jr.i-ii, aiuV, ui frout of tlie Coujt-Iluuae,¦ H(^r'TTF>r>AY, THK MTH DAY OF JCNE, UM,*U tbal T*ldable KKAL K.STATE, oltaaB in Ua*biu|ton

Cooaay, tttllkmi kr^.a-u a* theOREEN HFBlKirEI ItNAi'E I»IIT_tBT.

whirh waa fcr mauv ) rar- u» ned and cair^l 01117 J. iM AOS,H* (MA N k. fo.. aiid li now fur «!.¦ on arro-.tut of lbe dealb ofone- ol tbe partnera. Said propertv rontaia*l.A ACRilS UK CaSD.VOIiI OR LF.S8.of whith »0O0t 2<X) are r.h-ared and ln »n e.ceileot ttat* OT

.: Jitltalluu, U ) alau- e b«LU«TIMIIK.R I.ANi).

Tho Famace on aaid UuJ li thirtyfeTe fee>t hlfh. wllhfBfllaht f«»,t ooth, cattirui b..u*e. OOflbflBBTOO and brdfle-houaa.»ndii ruu by BB ovenbut wb.-ei fofty feet h^h. lt ia in tootlrrrttfr. .nd the water power unftilinf md .!! rittirlent. SaidfaiaiB ii onry one n.lle BWB tbe ( heaapeak* and t. hloCaBad,aud abuot tbe aauie daTtOBMfrctii the Irou Ore Bauk.

Therrla *l*oa ooou u\vi:i,i.iNO-uocs>:

uear the furnn-e »*>o, * larga bauu and -itLer cutbildiiifi tadnn ,lL*!.rrut parf. uf «*id'rart of land there are a ntimber oftenaut boniea.in aH 18 ur 20.iu lood repaij.Ihe aLove property » iii be icdrntire. or in p;_re-i to fuit

Btiri-liawr*, aurh parrrl. to hr 1:. ,d,- known at the aale.Tha -.-. Jen^n-d wus BBB BBB. *t tbe .aviue Uiue uid plaoa,


.enerated from Lbe ahuve hy the Uada of Oeo. Keldt. Alao, aI.IMESTONK UUARRV,

ou laidcana!. near McCwT'l Krrry. rortaininfK1KTV MIUJlBE PEBCBEB OK LAND.

Thr t.rmi of a.l*. 11 rr.-.rrihed hy tbe Jea-nre, are one-tbirdof the piir.haie money fn Bflflk <n the day af «*!>,¦ or on thantifi. ati.;u tltereof, au'ii the boiauce in two equai aiuiual 10-

atllmffltf of onr and two yraii from tbe dar of aale, ivith in-tantt from thtt diy. tlw porrhsaer to |ive hii note, with tp-pr',T»d leciirity, for the deferred pjyru.-nU. and on paymautof the aiitlre purchaae u,oneT thr ti'tatar* wil! rxr.ule a deadto tbc paichtier, a* roiiulred hy tb- deriee.P^ K. M. DARBY, Trurtee.

P. C Et-i_LaT Anetioueer,

WILL SElala, ou TUaEBDAT, June it, at11 o'rlock, atthe K.rLange Saj-arwuui. No. 111 Biuad-

war. ta ebaa *n Eeteto;The ..>_.!.t COUNTRY BEBIDENCE foraterly owned

widoocapled by itie l«B fUMtlBb P. AYRHS. iltuatod itN.-w-RoeJielle, Weitaheater Co-iuty. tbont uur e:?hth of a

D.Uefriun tba Depot, witb ten acrv* of fine LAND. ThaHoinit- ia two itory Kttuiie, abaat Mitti. with Uf|r KxWntion,tii.tbeaiitlfiilly fRoatad. Ihere ii a lar_e Oanlen. l.reen-Houi»,Oardi-u«r'iHouie, Carnair,«-Uuu»*, aud ft'.abrf. Tbavrh.,r Lr'tx-tiy t* in pcrf.-ct order.nARLiM l^rrt.Three l.ol'S, wert tid* of Sth ar., lonth-

w*at c.irner of lXJd-.t. ., flMMMOn* Ja'JT. toutb tidr ul UMot, in rrar of ibo abore, B

byW.ll. ,

Alao. Btthetaroetinve and raoe:,,..,_,. .


LBooKtlB l*BoraaTT.Ti^ Ttvlnah'j. (ORNFR.*l<rTwith cuurt yard and party wall a-uthw-ata-rly oorn ff 0f KorOreene pla.e and IaOfayettr »T.; 20 hjrBb.A >ery de^rab.r Ul! M'KV BEfUDBHCl "»t Naw Ro

gocbelle, four iuit,ute.' welk ftoB ttie Depo*. The Dwellini1, n,,.lrm rtrat-i'.a**: ha* Iwo Raiife*. tv^, Ktuntae*. Oa*.and . the improvrmei.t*. 'onu-.m <2 Rouiu*, and coitau.ono. t.. bni'.i Trbarearaaaa tr>a* offlne l.ind pirntyof BhaflV, t'«rr_ate lloutetud llaii-^ »cd mur* tban !".¦> Viull-Treea of cbuioe vaxietie*.

Alio, th* Tal.i*l>le fooriVrry BTnwnSlor.r HOl'SK anflLOT, known a* Nu. 13 v\atk, New-lork. llouie lb by M;Lot 02 feet J liieheaAneatCOINTRY RF.SIDF.NCE u. Roredu'.e, Wertcbea-

l.-i 1 ,intj, vi.lb >-Ten a.*** of Land, tbrra* iuiu-* from tbaPepelft. v\ liltaj PiaJua, t'.idthie,. faa Mainaron. ,-k TiepoC

K.'tnip't. fc*fc., tpply to tue auctiouoer, Ko. 43 Wall-ft,lai.'n. ey Co-.iit,

ProfeBeional N'otices.

CD. HAMJdOND, M. D_ f.irm«riv Pro-. laM-or ol Speci»l Aiiaioruy. aVc. in tbo *'vifaf* M*du-*1

(..reflTT CoafnrUttonroa^ERVoUfl DflBIMTY, Med(oa! aad Snrarlra! Atfectlnut, trom Oto 10, l lo 3,*ndT lo »*T*o-

Umk Nu. Jl Eaat 27lh ,t br'.»c«i 4lb and Midiamu «..._

DH. CULVERWELL ot London, autfinr oftVktfl to Ka, Dnnk and Avoid, M»tr.a_r. tc^ wiil Tiait

N.w Yurk. ,.rofe*iioutu'iv. Tel oaa »rek. ar.d wiil irHTe by lb*Olaafi.w .n or about tbe 25tr, and ouy be couiufted of uefy-ou. deb.lity. 4V4:. A.Urea* wr particuiar* on all BBflBB, No. olWoatta «t., New-York. ^______________________

D* K. LEWIS'"~MEDICAL aud SL'KfilCALINSTITI-TE, Nu. 7 Bef<-h-«t., betwrrn Vajri.k wd

M'e«t Broadway. ia the only piar* where tbe aaiWe<l ariu

rerrir* i»oi>er medi.alueai.ouU Hoar* froa 9 *.j*_oJ___--|;i»\\'ARD 11. DIXON,'M. I)..JM^OTyt- Tho1_ ¦sBtael, .tteu.l. ei, lu.l.r.y taiOPKRAl IVJ .il Ri.KRYMd the Sbw omtma amrnnt ot tbe IM ~%»",'..Heni^boidl. V.r.oo,e.e aadnflbBa. ^JtS*^S, J ,. j. and 7 tO I Ev nmni, »' B* g M;lJ' ""'"'-_

MRS. DR WTXJN, OCVUSt and AO-K.sl uf Krmch Dipiou-.acy, haviuf ueat. dt..« Ey* for

Ih. i.«t elfht year. with luark-d and irr.ft.lrBf .-.<.*.-.,, .uatat.

L.e.tor-..r»a>ieklywe*ka.-*el«ad dl-Me. -I tha ev. ,,.|

Ud* tlia'. b*Tel«.ii found ineurabl*. 0f aaj nature 01 Jenfth ofiuudtrf. Wur.t toi*..1 4.fhepela«bllndn*..r..r*d, withoutoprmoon or poin *A'.--k idflbt la th. old or yo.i.u ueru.t

nrutli .tired tuoiiediate'y, bf lnnorent rerr.edlea. Auiple cityitfBiiBiaa 4 ooauliaiion. belw.tteleTen aad two. Arlutlioutr, tootu NualB-_|

N.wVotf, May 1084.

r|MlE utidprsiiiaed bave oponotl Lt.w-Otitk<,B iuI New-York City, ou tlu- roruer uf Piua tud Naaaiu at*..

B'-r 0 .or orar lb* Hauk of tli* Conimonwafrttl^ aud wlll .tteu.ltu Ih* huiiliMi of llutir Liuliaai.-u in tbe eily aud the IIJ Judi-1*1 IMatrti-l (Long li.mJ tnd the -lT*r eountlei).




.raandrtyk - V\'*lniit a.,1 1 ii..*ioiTt, PI1I0 *«d On*...,-, la >ut*ja, Wbobtial* and 1*4*4 Al»o, MfttreaawtaudI'antaMe* W..KHK.N WARD, No. 2T7 Oin*l it_Cf'lKniI. V\ 1!MTI RK^-Kui'SAl.K, KightkjO leBCUOOIa-DESKS.wltkl ,-ira»..do,ir.uii|H*u,-h,L_.i4....t- 3 uiode aud iu p.'Cr..t .il\.. Arp'y at t" ub bt.
