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EGP Jounral

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The Egp Journal of 5771
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shivim shono

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This journal is dedicated to the

Lubavitcher RebbeMelech HaMoshiach Shlita

Whose Brochos have been a continuous source of inspiration and encouragement and has made this summer possible.

יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד

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Who made

this thing?!

This Journal was

created by all those

enthusiastic and

hardworking staff

members of EGP.

A thank you to

the Mouk and his

Chipmunk, Jack

Boomchatz, the Grill,

and Ben Reuven.

This Journal is not

copyright in any

such form, and

may / should be

reproduced in every

way possible.

The editorial board

does not take any

responsibility for any

offence lest there

be, from reading

any material in this



Check out the EGP website for all

news and updates:


DISCLAIMER:If you find mistakes, or are offended by this Journal, please

remember that there is a purpose. We publish something for everyone, and some people are always looking for mistakes or

negative comments on this type of material.

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a message from the camp

administrationDear Campers and Staff of Chayolei Hamelech,

What a great summer it was and we will miss all of you when you leave for the cold and long winter ahead. We know that you have been inspired in camp. We watched you Daven, and learn. The Chayos that you displayed, the energy that you gave in everything that you did inspired us as well. You should know that everything that we’ve invested to make camp work was worth it. But now that you are going home, we want you to take that Chayos and inspiration with you and pass it on to your family and friends. We want them all to realize that you are a new boy and matured both Begashmiyus and Beruchniyus. we hope that you will return and we are sure that you will, but don’t worry: our separation won’t be for long. Just as we did in previous years, we are planning ongoing programs for the upcoming winter months. Reunions, to rejuvenate the Chayolei spirit with your devoted staff. Don’t forget all the lessons you have learned in camp. Make sure you use the inspiration every day and share it with your friends who weren’t lucky enough to be in Chayolei Hamelech this year. Remember that we live to give Nachas to the Rebbe MH”M and the he is guiding our every step.To the staff, we thank you for the most successful two months ever. The dedication you showed, the care for every single camper and the excitement that you displayed makes Chayolei Hamelech the family it has become. We wish you every bit of Hatzlocha in your upcoming year of Yeshiva. Remember that your Shlichus didn’t just end but rather it was only a beginning.To all of you, don’t forget we live for one goal. Everything we do in camp and outside of camp is with one thing in mind and that is to bring Moshiach, where we will all be able to see our Rebbe again. May that happen now!Yechi Adoinainu Morainu Verabainu Melech Hamoshiach Leolom Vo’edYours Truly,Rabbi Yankel SpritzerRabbi Shloime RutmanZalmy Spritzer

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A word from the “Camp Mashpia”

צו די אלע תמימים פון ע.ג.פ.:איך קען נישט גלויבען אז די זומער האט שוין גע‘ענדיגט און עס איז געגאנגען אזוי שנעל, אבער

מען זאל געדענקען אלע ענינים וואס מען האט געטאן אין קעמפ די מבצעים די לערנען און די החלטות וואס יעדער האט אנגענומען אויף זיך, זאל מען עס געדענקען צו טאן און נישט

פארגעסן, מען זאל אויסנוצען אלע כוחות וואס מיר האבען אריינגעלייגט אין דיר.

איך וויל אייך געבן א ברכה אז איר זאלט האבען א סאך הצלחה סיי בגשמיות און סיי ברוחניות אין די אפקומענדיקע יאהר און מען זאל נעמען די אלע כוחות וואס מען האט געהאט אין קאמפ

און דאס אויסנוצען אין ישיבה.

איך וויל געבן א דאנק פאר אלעמען וואס האבען געמאכט די זומער די בעסטע זומער אויף דער וועלט, און בפרט דובער בריסקי וואס אן עם וואלט דער זומער ניט געווען די זעלבע.

נ.ב. דער וואס איך האב נאכאלץ ניט געצאלט פאר די מבצעים אויפ’ן “גראנג טריפ” זאל נישט שעמן צו פרעגן ביי מיר, און אי”ה וועל איך צוריק צאלען.

און יעצט צו מיין טייערע כיתה: איך וויל אז איר זאלט אלע וויסען אז אונזערע כיתה האט געדארפט זיין דער דוגמא חיה פון

גאנץ ע.ג.פץ, איך האף אז מיר האבען געטאן מער פון נאר שרייבען YYM אויפען ווייסען לוח. יעדער טאג האט איר געפרעגט פאר “לייט נייטס” און “הייקס” און איך מיין אז צום סוף ווען איר

האט דאס באקומען האט איר אסאך הנאה געהאט, איר קענט נאך אלץ גייען און אויפהייבען די “פעניס” וואס ליגען אויפען “טריינטראקס”. דער עיקר איז, אז איך האף אז איר אז איר האט

הנאה געהאט פון די אלע פארברענגענישען און די צייט וואס מיר האבען געהאט צוזאמען אין אונזערע כיתה ביזן לעצטען סקונדרע פון סדר. איך דערווארט צו אייך אלע זעהן ביי דעם

פארברענגען וואס איך האב אייך צוגעזאגט, צוזאמען מיט דער רבי מה“מ שליט“א אין

תשרי תשע”ב

“קיפ אפ דא גוד ווארק”ווי וואנט משיח נאו

רבי חיים ישראל ווילהעלם שיחי’

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A parting message from the

Head CounselorDear Bochurim,

The story goes about this poor peddler, who traveled from town to town trying to sell his tattered wares.

One day, the peddler arrived at the home of a very wealthy and good-hearted man, who invited him in for a meal and seated him around his lavish table together with all the other poor townsfolk. The table was laden with beautiful china dishes and silver cutlery that glistened brightly, as did the magnificent chandelier that was suspended high above the heads of the many guests.

Without any warning, the host suddenly picked up a bell and began ringing it loudly. Servants came dashing into the room and began to serve the guests the first course of the delicious meal.

How wonderful,” thought the peddler. “if only I owned such a bell!”

When the meal was about to end, the host stood up, thanked the guests for coming, and told them they could each take one object from the table home with them. The peddler, of course, overjoyed by his good fortune, went straight for the bell. The host looked at him, surprised and said, ‘my friend, there are many more objects of much greater value for you to take. Why do you want this silly old bell?”

The peddler, avoiding the question, thanked the host for his warm hospitality and took his leave, heading home as fast as his legs could carry him.

“Look what I have,” he exclaimed as he excitedly burst into the house. “We’ll be happy forever!!”

Upon seeing the bell, his wife looked at him as if he was absolutely crazy and very calmly said, “I guess the traveling must be getting to you!?!”

“No, no, no, I’ll show you,“ said the determined peddler. “Now tell me what you want and I’ll ring my bell and...

Well, as you can imagine, our poor peddler rang the bell not once, not twice, but three times, and to no avail. Finally realizing his silly mistake he broke down in tears. Without the excellent meal and the many waiters, what was the bell worth?

Bochurim! We have sadly reached the end of EGP 5771 with totally awesome and smashing spirit. You are now going on your own separate ways. Take with you all that you have learnt this summer: the Koch in Moshiach, the Chassidishkeit, and of course the Ahavas Yisroel and Midois Toivois. Keep the EGP spirit with you to Mesivta and keep it alive and going throughout the year. Share it with your friends, and don’t be like the peddler who forgot what the main thing was.

In EGP this year – we proved our goal: having a blast while having very high Chassidishe standards. Keep the standards throughout the year – it will make you feel good and you’ll be doing what the Rebbe wants.

Dovber Bryski

P.S. I would like to thank everyone who came to my wedding and made it very happy. Thanks alot.

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Dear campers of EGP,About six months ago around Chanukah time, I was sitting in 770

Shtaiging away with my amazing Chavrusa (Jo-Jo Shlita). I got a phone call. As I look at caller ID I see it’s Dovber. So (because it’s in middle of Seder, when I don’t answer phone calls) I ignored it and put it away. Like a true Bryski he didn’t give up, he called not twice, not three times, but I believe five minutes later I had about 13 missed calls(!) so by the next time, I sincerely apologized to Jo-Jo, and answered. This is (almost) what it sounded like:

Me:Yechi Hamelech, Hello! Dovber: Hi Menachem I tried calling you. Me: REALLY?! Didn’t notice. Dovber: haha funny. Me: yeh… so what is the big emergency? Dovber: emergency? There is no emergency; I just called to say hi. Me: to say hi… hmmm… you called me 15 times within 5 minutes just to say hi?! I don’t think so… Dovber: yeh well… also to ask you a little question… Me: aha… what’s that? Dovber: um… what are you doing this summer? Me: summer?! That’s in like six months! I have no idea! Maybe go on ‘Merkaz Shlichus’ with the Mashpia, maybe get married, or maybe even stay in 770 and learn… I don’t know! This is no “little question”, why do you ask anyway? Dovber: I just wanna know if you maybe want to be learning director of EGP in Chayolei this year. Me: learning director… I don’t think so… well maybe, it’s very early… Dovber: ok so you’re doing it? Good! I’ll tell Shliome, Zalmy, whoever k? Bye! *CLICK*

and he just hung up.

While he understood, somehow, from our conversation that I was coming, I was nowhere near that thought. To be honest (maybe for the first time in my life), I really didn’t want to do it. I’ve been in camp for quite a few years now, and I felt that this year I’m just not gonna do it, not that I had anything specific to do otherwise, but I had my time in camp, I had my fun, I’m older now, it’s over. Deciding that to myself wasn’t such a big deal, but now I had to make sure Dovber understood the same… a task I found very hard to do…

Then there was something inside me telling me that maybe I should do it. After all I love camp and everything about it… I loved being a counselor last year, so If anything I would do that again… but I don’t want to do camp again, I’ll do Shlichus somewhere… and this is what my mind sounded like for the next week… back and forth, and back and forth… WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!

So I called my Mashpia.

At first he had the same kind of debate, camp is important and Shlichus is important. Obviously there’s no need to elaborate… after a few days of long phone calls and allot of thinking and debating between me and my Mashpia I decided im going to camp.

Now after camp and I am looking back I must truly say that this summer was the best summer, not just bigashmiyus but also biruchniyus, with all the hachlotos that everyone took i can say that everyone has truly grown this summer spiritually.

Saying that, I would like to end off that you should all keep to all your hachlotos that you took and you should use out what you got from EGP throughout the year.

Pif (Menachem)

A Message from our dear Learning Director

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what if???Dovber wasn’t engaged…We didn’t have an ATM…

We didn’t have to do clean up… Dovber wouldn’t have anything to speak about after daveningShesleh didn’t have a grill…

EGP didn’t have two head counselors…We had an EMT…

The play would have actually been an act…There would be no Sponja…

There would be 8 sports teams…Dubi blasberg would have come to camp… Josh wouldn’t have been counselor for a week

Josh wouldn’t have left… Chazz wouldn’t have been counselor Chazz wouldn’t have become counselor… there would have been Rebbelution

There was Rebbelution…Our waiter would have reached the kitchen table…

We never brought life to the moon…The Weinbergers wouldn’t teach us Flemish…

The campers knew French…SGP wouldn’t steal our fans... we wouldnt have color war

Levi marlow would write a song this year…Machluf’s father wouldn’t have come to camp… the staff would have starved

There was no Ravak room… the Ravakim would have slept in the T-Building (Mazal Tov!!)We didn’t have ShmaHunkee…ML knew it the whole time…

The Misnagdim wore Yarmulke and Tzitzis in the water park…JZ didn’t teach us how to Kutti a Wrap…

There were Videos in the time of George Washington…The steak of team Simcha was real (YES!!)…

The goyim knew how to roller skate…There were noodles in the noodle soup…

Robin was married…Chayim Yisroel didn’t make a Mivtza to go on Mivtzoim… the campers would have gone on rides in the Amusement Parks…

Mendel Notik worked in a pizza shop… the campers’ pizza would have tasted betterThe Amish really used their common sense… they would hire a Mashpia

There were no bibles.. the OTnicks would have burned down the hotelLevi Varnai came to Camp…

The campers didn’t listen in to the staff meetings… they wouldn’t have known it the whole timeWe cried on Tisha Bav…

Dovber didn’t cry on Tisha Bav…Campers fainted in the elevator…

The staff of Ga’aguim would have stayed on their team…We knew where to stop on the overnight…

Dovber didn’t take us to visit his family in Amish townPif didn’t take up all the space on the golf cart… there would be room for Dovber and to give rides for the campers

Dovber wasn’t deranged… pif wouldn’t be learning director

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ABC'sof E.G.P.

A - amish

B -bbqs every night, bible

C - cemetary

D - dr. midos, degolim

E - “elevators which we got stuck in them.

F - fort delaware

G - grill,garbage director

H - hotel 3 times this summer

I - ik heb di zon zen zaken in de zee vechu.

J - jaaack boomchartz, josh

K-king dominion,kings soldiers,king of the aliens

L -leeeeooooiiiiiilam voed, bnigun hayadua)

M - mouk,magnets

N - no shmutz,nasa

O - oh sheken oh shelo

P - pizza @ 2 am

Q - quiet 3 2 1..R - rebbelution that never happened

S -steaks and up, shivim shono

T - twelve steps

U - up and ups

V - videos of the rebbe

W - waffles/wrap

X - xtreme muktzan )

Y - y.y.m., yuda on the moon

Z -zzz something jz and mendy flamer never got


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Yaakov Zevulun’s

Job in camp

SECRET“What are you doing this summer??” Dovber

asked me just a couple days after Yud Shvat. He had recently received a very clear and definite letter from the Rebbe MhM regarding going back to Chayolei as Head Counselor of HaEGP. “I was planning on EGP. You didn’t know that??”, I replied.

“You? What can you do? What will your job be?”

“Well, I promised in the journal that I’ll be a counselor, and the bochurim were looking forward to it”

“I think I know why they would be looking forward to it. They’d be doing just whatever they want!”

“Learning Teacher?”, I suggested, giving it another try.

“You’re too deep for them, they wouldn’t understand you (who knows what that means!!).”

“So maybe I can be a second Head Counselor?”, I asked.

“I already hired Mendel Turen for that”.


“Got two already”

The conversation continued so on and so forth and on and forth, until Dovber said that he had an idea.

“You know, slowly slowly, in the camp world there comes to light new jobs. Like sports director, survival director and waiters. You think in the Shtetl they had those?” Dovber continued, “From year to year they are created. For instance, I already made up a new job for Shesle called BBQ director,

and I switched the old fashion ‘camp director’ for a job named ‘Shloimi’. I’m sure I can think up a good one for you.”

I was patient, and a few months later, I got a mysterious email the Subject it said ‘job description’-about chocolate and marshmallows. This is what it said:

“Moshiach Now and Shalom Aleichem.

Hershey’s Milk Chocolate only has that special shape to it due to a mold. The same is true about funny marshmallows and other candies. If you want Hershey Kisses or a Chocolate bar, you

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must first have a mold. See you this summer.

Dovber, (soon-to-be) Chatan Hageulah.”

I thought to myself that Dovber must have gone crazy on his Shidduchim or something. A BBQ director, meileh, but does Dovber want me to be.....a Smores director?? (It’s a class joke, it’s ok if you didn’t understand.)

A few weeks later we had our first meeting. That’s when we get together in some hideout and go over the philosophies (and up!! or down, or some other direction) of keeping a group of eighth graders in control. “Rule number fifty eight: say ‘and’ instead of ‘but’. Like let’s say it’s hot, it’s better to say ‘I know it’s hot, AND..’, than to say ‘I know it’s hot, but..’.” Dovber went on and on.

At around 2 am, we called it a night (by the way, in camp almost no meeting started before 2:30-3). I went over to Dovber and asked if he had a minute to explain exactly what my job is. He said that on our way back to 770 he’ll explain it to me.

He said like this:

“Why do we come to camp? There are many reasons: to have fun, to get to know a lot of chassidim and friends, to taste the amazing food, to go on visits to cemeteries. Some come to camp to smash windows and to write YYM. And some come to eat steaks and make BBQs.

Well, the Rebbe said that camp is a mold to make Chassidim. Not the green mold that there is on the walls of your bunkhouse; more like the (yellow?) molds there are in Hershey’s Milk Chocolate. Your job will be to insure that every one of the Tayere Bochurim will come out of camp changed, different, more chassidish, and a bit more yellow. That each

and every one of the Bochurim will finish camp and come out with good hachlotos and at least to start off their Yeshiva life in the right direction, well, a bit more.. moldy. We’ll call you the Mold Director.”

I replied, “Oh Sheken Oh Shelo.”

Exactly what the details of the job are is kept confidential*, to the public for sure and maybe even to the private (which happens to include me), but what I CAN tell you is that I still didn’t get my paycheck, and I think that it is dependent on you: by YOU continuing in the paths of the camp, in Mikveh, Davening like a Mentch, chassidishe lachluchis (like wearing Chof’s Hats), kuchin in inyonei geulah umoshiach, the EGP achdus and simcha, working on lessening shmutz as much as possible, chazering tanya baal peh wherever you go, negel vaaser, brushing your teeth (thanks for that), speaking to your Mashpia or the other Mashpia (the Rebbe said that we shouldn’t be involved in politics--ehehehehehem!!), watching videos of the Rebbe, keeping up the Mivtzoim even without the extra incentives, and especially by looking at a picture of the Rebbe before bed for at least ten seconds, YOU WILL HELP ME EARN MY PAYCHECK!! So please, have rachmonus.

In short: Do all you can do to bring Moshiach right NOW! And thanks to you, I’ll see y’all right now in the Beis Hamikdosh (oh, and Mouk, you still didn’t tell me where the bathrooms are in the

Beis Hamikdosh, and it’s URGENT!!)

*About the Learning Teacher Job, it was just a cover-up. And besides, what did we learn anyway??**

**Actually, I think we learned the most out of all the classes, so DON’T MAKE FUN OF OUR CLASS!

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BlownChai B’seret On The Moon ShreklichJZ

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The 770


It’s Shabbos afternoon the first shabbos of camp and there has already been 3 games of tryouts and I still don’t know who I am picking for the captains. All the campers are bugging me to know who the captains are, could they just leave me alone already and let me enjoy my shabbos! Which by the way was my hardest part of being sports director: walking in to zal and hearing from one camper without mentioning names “what’s for sports today” and another “is there sports today” and a third “my captain screamed at me” and another “could I switch teams” (I will stop here or I’ll be here all day). Now back to what I was saying. It is already 4 days into camp and I don’t know who to pick and all the campers are bugging me, so I give the usual answer that I don’t speak about sports on Shabbos etc. But really I was worried because I had to pick my captains by Motzei Shabbos.

So after running around speaking to different refs and staff and then sitting there to convince some campers to do the job, I finally got my 8 captains together. But then there was another problem. I forgot to tell Dovber that I need to speak to them. So after crying to Dovber a little we came to the conclusion that we will pick only the first picks. And the next day, since anyway no one learns, we will pick the rest -each captain with his first pick.

So Motzei Shabbos comes around and I told the captains to meet me in the YKC Zal - of course we started late. (BTW, sorry counselors for not telling you that I took them out after lights out.) So finally after printing out all the papers and all the captains showing up we sat

down to decide (I must tell you, these guys take so long to pick). Well, after a half hour of thinking (some of them for their first time…) each captain finally decided to pick someone. Then, after an hour, everyone went to sleep (sorry Dovber, I know I promised 45 min). I walked away after an hour all tired only to come to the staff lounge and get screamed at for not telling the counselors.

Well the next day, Sunday, comes around and learning classes starts and we got together and get the teams divided and assign the names (which, by the way, it

was Argued in much debate whether to do magnets or Mashpiim. But since, firstly, if we

would do Mashpiim I would have to cheat for the Mashpia’s team, and secondly, as a preparation for Tishrei we wanted everyone to get used to 770, we decided that we are going

w i th the magnets.)

Sunday sports started and of course Cohen clarinet loses - but its normal for teams to lose. After a few days of sports, however, and the same teams kept on losing and the guys weren’t showing up, and worst of all, we lost two players etc… that’s when the crying began. “We want to switch teams,” “we need to make switches,” etc… on and on.

After meeting with the staff we decided that we were going to try to keep the teams to eight and make some switches. But after a couple of days the crying still persisted. So following another meeting with the refs and our coaches Menachem and Bini, we decided to go down to six teams.

behind the scenes

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Well after a day of sports the crying resumed (I must tell you, everything I give you guys all you do is cry), so I told everyone that I will take care of it. But then I got busy with arranging the all-star game, which I have got to say you guys did a great job, and you made your coaches Menachem and Bini happy.

Then the nine days came around when I thought we would do lots of sports but boy was I wrong.

Finally after having the all-star game I decided to make more switches, but it was too late already and it was time to have the playoffs.

Playoffs started with a bang when we were supposed to have a basketball game between AviNoam and Eliezer, but as usual YKC decided to mess it up and we had a volleyball game instead, which ended with Eliezer winning and the second game where we had Mendelbaum and Sammy play a game of soccer which ended in a win for Sammy.

For the second game of the playoff we had two games. One was soccer where Avi Noam played Eliezer again, and I have got to congratulate team of Avi Noam for putting up a fight – it’s sad that you lost just from a shoot out. The second game was a volleyball with team Sammy Vs. team Mendelbaum which Mendelbaum won.

For the third playoff game there was only one game. Teams Sammy and Mendelbaum played basketball, which started off looking like Mendelbaum will win but in the last few minutes Sammy caught up and in the last 39 seconds they scored the winning shot. All I have to say to team Mendelbaum is that you guys did a good job trying to stay in and it’s a shame you lost in the last 40 seconds.

For the second round of the playoffs we played basketball. I must say that it was a very tight game with team Eliezer in the lead but at the last 2 min team Sammy caught up. It must be disappointing that at the last second someone decided to foul the other team (like I always say don’t play like animals), and give the score away to other team and let them win (if you want to see the video just let me know, you have my info).

After a weeklong break, with the grand trip in the middle, we finally had the championship where both captains decided to do it outside. The game was boring with no score but then team Eliezer let off one score with Mendel Braun (by the way nice catch Mendel), and like it says in Chasiduss once you go down one step you will continue to drop in Yidishkeit, so the next inning they let off a few more scores and let the other team win.

Now that camp is over and the season is finished, I was able to relax and write this

up so we should never forget the fun time we all had.

Before I go I would like to give you all one message:

As I started writing this article I was thinking back a little how about 3 months ago, when I first started working on sports, I had mixed feelings

as to how the summer would come out, because, as everyone knows by now, when it comes to sports I am not exactly the biggest expert. So as you can see, I didn’t exactly feel so easy and comfortable about what will be. But now, looking back, I can say that this year’s sports was a success, and the only reason that it was so was because of each and every one of you. Through always being ready to listen and never losing your cool.

Before I finish off I would like to thank all the counselors for refing, and for all the learning teachers who were ready to ref when needed. I would also like to really give a special big thank you to our dear waiter Binyamin Lerner for helping me out with everything by sports, and for coaching by the all-star game, and even before camp he was already helping with sports. Thanks a lot Binyamin.

I would like to give everyone a Bracha that they should have much success in this upcoming year in Yeshivah and take what you learned this summer into your day to day life and teach all your friends out there the same message. Have much success.

From Your Sports Director

Mendy Flamer

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Remember when?Dovber gave his first day speech

Chazz was Tzivos Hashem director

All the staff woke up (some say: stayed up) for reveleii

Jack Boomchartz died (boruch dayan haemes)

The staff won paintball shooting (second year in a row)

We had a normal day in EGP

We had ShmaHunkee!!

We ate our pet chickens at two AM

YMS waved Moshiach flags in\ the water park

We broke down the Fort Delaware

Chazz fell in the well

Dovber made a break out (did he?)

We made a heart for Dovber in Fort Delaware

We won the war at Fort Delaware

Dovber left his L’chaim to be at the Rebbe’s Minyan

EGP came back from the moon (not yet-that’s for sure)

Dovber had k’los hanefesh by the overnight (don’t tell his wife)

Pif acted like a learning director

The Mikve was clean and hot

The food wasn’t oily

The busses didn’t break

Chazzz wasn’t high

Rabbi Liberow Farbrenged for us on Gimmel Tammuz

SZP made a siyum on Besuras Hageulah

SGP stole our fans

SOMEONE stole a Yellow flags

We had clean laundry

Someone spoke during Rabbi Avtzon’s Moshiach Shiur

We found Shloimy on the Moon

We had unlimited Soda

It rained in Chayolei

We were 2 hours in a gas station and half an hour in the elevator

Gedalya Goomber got lost in the coal mine

We played baseball with our pajamas in the swimming pool on an ice skating rink and came back to camp

with our Tefillin

We had a Kiddush Rabosi on Wednesday night

JZ was the only one who threw berelach the whole Tisha B’av

Pif popped the tires of the golf cart

Pif wore a shirt

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Staff in 20 YearsChazz - a kabalist in Yeka

JZ - playing videos in 770

Dovber - on the Rebbe’s Shlichus in Flatbush

Pif - the Mashpia’s biggest Mushpa

Shesle - a chef making steaks in a restaurant

Mendy Flamer - a photographer

Mendel Turen - camp director

Naftoli Turen - Mendel’s assistant

Yankel Raskin - training chipmunks to be Mouks

Yisroel Ohana - still fighting with Machluf

Binyomim Lerner - will be able to reach the counter in the kitchen

Asher Simpson - principal of ULY

Mendel Fogelman - training for Mushpa hunting

Mashpia - the Mashpia of the world (what else?)

JoJo - videographer for news station/chabad.info

Shua - win the Olympic bike tournament

Josh - making his way off the moon

Levi Marlow - making the biggest PJ party

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Counselors Letters

Hey fluffy faces, loved ones, and tayere zizkaits, I love you all. Being that you fell asleep during my farbrengens every night (thank g-d) I’d like to present you with the final farbrengen in written form. I’m not even gonna write about the grand trip because it’s still fresh in your mind and I hope it stays that way and yah. I guess I owe ya’ll an apology for letting myself mess you over by being your counselor. As you know being a counselor is not an easy task. It is not

just about making sure you don’t blow anything up and putting you guys to sleep (which you did pretty well thank you) but caring about your spiritual wellbeing. Smelly socks will give you smelly feet. The farbrengens we had, the hachlotos we made, the songs that we sang in my heart will always remain. Not a night went by that I did not go around and check if your yarmulkas were on your heads.

G-d is alive and well in Jerusalem yea. He’s also alive in you. Farby on eggplant. Love the Rebbe he loves you. Give a hug get a hug. You all grew. You all will grow. Mesivta has come. Time to drop the video games and baseball cards (no, I will not say anything specific so not to embarrass you) but yea take it personal but don’t take it offensive. Judaism is fun. As my guru told me “have fun, get high, ha ha ha”. If being a chossid is good then it’s good for you, you can have fun doing mitzvos. So hold on Chabad’s comin’. Late nights are not only about staying up late but enjoying yourself because you want to have a good time. Chassidus makes sense, Judaism makes sense and it’s supposed to make sense that’s how you enjoy it.

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What if Presents In 20 YearsDovi katz didn’t kratz his feet a lifetime supply of bendels lighting a public chanuka menorah by a M.L.B. gameAbba prager didn’t know every trip a flashlight that won’t contractor before it happened be taken away Yakov Raymond wouldn’t learn chitas Knife a chossidYisroel Jacobson wouldn’t imitate robin an actual recorder an oivedBerel holzman wouldn’t have pif a mirror hair stylistEli kapalushnik would keep the door open langeh hoisen the same nice guy he always wasSchneur shuchat would talk a parrot a boki b’shasSholom Samuels wouldn’t make jokes a bike stand up comedianMendel lazar wouldn’t do Tanya baal pe what can I get you, a politician your life is perfectSimcha haberman could chill in the free hugs party planner staff loungeMendel gajer missed a day of mikve more ties standing in a field in tzfas screaming “abba ten li kesef”

Mendel bogomilsky wouldn’t capture the a bigger memory card photographer memories of a blown summerMendy schlanger would have all his more time to use your graphic designer (not that “goodies” phone you're not one already)

Fluff comes in all sizes but the best is refined. Stay pure, stay aidel. You being alive is G-d’s way of saying you matter. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot (or any other place for that matter). The question is why are you still reading this bunch of haka chainik, go open a sicha or something like that (personally I like maamorim better but that’s just me), you’ll enjoy it a lot better, trust me.Anyways I really enjoyed being your counselor and I hope you enjoyed being my campers. See ya’ll in 770, chovivai and over the phone. Give, live, and love. Good luck in mesivta. Sorry again for being such a rotten guy and never spending time with you, never giving you late

nights and missing all the key ingredients to a good counselor, hopefully next year you’ll have someone much better.

Your counselor. Mendy chazan.

P.S. If you’re going to chovivai I’ll always be available, and if I will farbreng with you please join, and if you’re not in chovivai also please join and come visit once in a while, it’ll make me happy, thanks

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Tayere bochrim, ziskaits, chamudas and shmenim,

Wow!!! Oy-vay!! That’s it. Time fly's by faster than you think it does, Tamuz, Av, Elul, Yeshiva, Shrek!!!

I remember the day that Dovber came to me saying "so you'll get the O.T. bunk"… To tell you the truth, I was a bit scared, frightened, shreked-up, I know what it means O.T.nicks... But b"h, I got to tell you, it was amazing, booming, bombastic, through the roof, just “and up”. Although you guys made trouble (no, nothing too big, just… locking me in my room, escaping from Dovber, making noise every night till 5am, or just waking up at 5am...) nevertheless, you guys rocked the house: by davening (Shmuly Butler whining every day), learning class (oh shken oh shelo), learning gumash (SZ Pape making a shiur), learning chitas (yes Sruly, we all saw you) ... The chayus you guys had, just rocked the house. So take that chayus and lebedikeit of E.G.P. and bring it to Troy Ave., Postville, Cincinnati or Natzrat-Elite. Make a kulleh, ker a velt, just vibrate the place with your davening and learning, making the Rebbe proud of his soldiers, his Chayolim.

Make sure that over there in Mesivta it’s just one big AND UP in davening, learning, shteiging, chassidus'ing, nigle'ing, mivtzoiem'ing, mikva'ing, ahavas yisroel'ing, dish'ing, bendel'ing, rebbe-video'ing, 770'ing, moshiach'ing, geulah'ing, chitas'ing, rambam'ing, t.b.p.'ing, shturem’ing, farbreng’ing, muk’ing, kule’ing, atzmus'ing and shrek'ing.

Take it away with miseches kidushun. Go to your Ramim, Mashpiyim and Shluchum (p.s. in O.T. Maychee is a Shliach and Chaim Yisroel is a Mashpia) and milk them away. Ask them questions. Make sure they explain to you the Gemara. Make sure you understand it. If you didn't get it the first time go back to them; don't be scared of them, just ask them again and again... and again. Farbreing with them. Hear what they have to say. Trust me they have a lot of "geshmake inyonim", just hear them out, milk them out, get out all you can from them.Give it all you got. Try finishing Meseches Kidushin or Succos, they’re both not that big. I know that ALL of you guys can do it. I’m telling you, with all that chayus and energy you have, it’s a

piece of cake. So just ker a velt, make the Rebbe proud, and bring Moshiach now!!!

P.S. I really apologize for any broken teeth that I caused. Yes indeed, we’re O.T.nicks and we’re proud, but what can I do, I was forced to write in English.

What ifs are on next page

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What if 20 YearsDovid Grossman missed a day of mikvah Mashpia Levi Minsky never had a headache fancy business man M.M. Kozliner woke up 31 min. before chassidus stargazerSZ Pape wouldn’t have an alarm clock Mendy HendelReuven Korn didn’t go crazy at the hotel Yosef (then his clothes wouldn’t rip)

Shmuly Butler’s beard wasn’t bigger than mine Rosh Vaad Hakohol/ ShadchanZalmy Chayo didn’t clean the bunk everyday photographer (competition with Bogo)

Nisim Ben-Chayon didn’t give me (and everyone else) making a kidush in shul a daily tackle with his mother's Moroccan fishLevi Shanovitz would make more noise lamed vov-nick Tzemach Lerman went to mikvah Daniel Libersohn’s (he’d win the championships) bodyguardSruly Raksin wore his pajamas normally English teacherLevi Raizes wouldn’t have a voice recorder world famous baal menagen,Shmuly Bryski would get punished by lights out director of Chayolei (EMT)

Yosef Chaim Tobi would go to Parksville Rosh Yeshiva of PostvilleMenachem Levi-Chaim would stay for the second month/would unpack his suitcase head Shliach

To my “tayere” campers and Mouks (mekushers “davke!!!”), “sheyichyu”,I didn’t think this day would come as fast as it did, but it did (duh!). They say “Chassidim never say goodbye,” which I guess means we are always connected - which obviously means that you pick up the receiver and you call me. Even though you can’t stand my “kishkus”, you ain’t gotta choice!Time is a funny thing. Sometimes it goes sloooow and sometimes it goes fast, and once it’s gone you can’t pull it back. It teaches us how we must use out our time to the fullest, not letting one moment slip away without using it to the fullest.The Rebbe once made a chavrusa to learn Tanya with Reb Reuven Dunin, and once Reb Rueven came late. The Rebbe told Reb Reuven, “not now, and not ever!” We see how important time is, and how we must use it out.It’s a big world out there, yet we have the ammunition to do what we gotta do! The Rebbe is our captain and he gave the orders and capabilities to each and every one of us to carry that mission too.

On our grand trip, one of the most exciting parts was the International Spy Museum, which showed so many awesome exhibits. In the beginning of the museum there was a fascinating

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and up

shreklichep i c t u r e s

film that asked us a few questions. The first question was, “why would you want to be a spy?”, while the second was, “ do you have what it takes to be a spy?”I think these questions apply to us, yet the answers are the same. We want to be Chassidim for we all love our Rebbe so very much, and automatically the Rebbe gives us the “kochos“

to do what is right and make it all happen.

So my dear ones, let’s make it happen and show the world that we got what it takes. Ready or not, here we come!!!Moshiach now!

Best wishes for a great year,, Yankel Raskin

The Mouk Wants you

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Dear my best bunk ever,

Guess what? I don’t believe it either! EGP 5771 has come to an end way too quickly!

I am sitting here writing this letter remembering all the great times we had together. But to tell you the truth, as you have noticed, the times that we really spent together was pretty much by “lights out,” or if you want to call it “late nights” (and maybe a little on trips).I am sure you guys all noticed, that very often by lights out and at Farbrengens together I would speak about thinking about the Rebbe over and over, and how you have to think “what did I do extra today to make the Rebbe proud of me,” and “what will I do tomorrow that Moshiach should come now.”I hope that after the seven weeks we were together we all somewhat etched this point into our minds and are all able to make sure that before we go to sleep at night we look at the Rebbe’s picture and think about what we spoke about.One thing I definitely want to tell all of you is that you all made this summer the most

unforgettable one I’ve ever had. You should all have hatzlacha in Yeshivah this year, and I really want to keep-in-touch with all of you so please feel free to contact me.

[email protected]

Mendel TurenDEAR Mendel Rubshkin, Menachem Meltzer, Yossi, Mendel Bisk, Heshy, Avrohom, Shmulik, Chaim Dovid, Kalmen, Menachem Wagner, Mendel Erlenwine, Sruli and Dovid

3....2...1... SSSSHHHH whispering. Lights out was... I said WHISPERING sshhhhh... why are you brushing your teeth NOW? Get into bed...

OK tonight's story is about a group of Bochurim. Some from Toronto (some?) some from Monsey, one from New Heaven and one from New Jersey...please turn off the flashlight! (you know who i mean:)they all came together to spend the summer in a special place called

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EGP..... and you know what happened?? I was speaking to their counselor (btw he’s really crazy) and he told me that "FOR SURE they had a BOMBASTIC summer!!!. But you know what really counts is that every one of these Bochurim proved how they could be a true Chossid". And you know what? He said they all added something over the summer.

WOW that was a good story... A gutte nacht chassidishe chalomos (this part you should know by heart) don’t forget the Rebbe loves you... you have no idea how much the Rebbe loves you, a gutte nacht.

Your counselor Levi.

Taking a Hochloto (check off what you did):___to start wearing a Bendel ___to start preparing Neggel Vasser ___to take the shmutz off my ipod :)___to go to Mikvah (at least for a period of time)___to wear Yarmulka and Tzitzis while sleeping___to look at a picture of the Rebbe before going to sleep________________________________________(other)

menachem wagner: a mashpia (obviously...)mendel erlenwine: magid shiur,artist,violin player... whatever you want.sruli goodman: builder. and still learning chitas!!!dovid labkovsky: shliach, (and also selling flashlights:)

shmuly serebransky: counsler, making waffles for his campers:)

chaim dovid merkur: dovbers biggest mushpa!!avrohom eidelman: professional diablo juggler.. and M wagners mushpa mendel bisk: saying payecheli!!!, and still top of the mivtza...:)kalman shuchat: GM for EGP (and a guitar player)heshy gitlin: captian of the WINNING team!yossi soifer: a sofer busy writing rabeinu tams teffilin...:)menachem meltzer: champion ping pong player (he understands...)mendel rubashkin: a very chssidishe yid!!! (i mean it..)

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EGP STATS1 - Towel used by all E.G.P. campers and staff.2 – Mashpiim (or is it only one...) 3 – nights in hotel.4 – days with normal schedule5 – Nights BLT JZ slept in a normal bed (Maybe it was less…)6 – Flags (“More flags more fun”)7 – days of fun each week.8 – Teams in sports (or was it really 6)9 – Times was said yechi each day10 - Times the propane of the EGP grill needed to be refilled.11 – Parts to the grand trip12 – Steps to Moshiach.13- Hours shesle slept every day14- Hours that shesle spent by the grill per day15 (elul) – the day Dovber is unravak16 – Full cows were eaten over the 2 months.17 – Lines of Tanya learned by heart18 – Seconds waited between scenes by the EGP play19 – Time that the ATM made problems in a day20 – Times that we had learning classes21 – Trips this summer22 – Bottle of Montreal steak spice that was finished this summer23- The age to become a ravak.24 – Pounds some campers lost this summer25 – Hours Dovber spent with Liborow26 – The amount of time pif popped the tires of the golf cart27 - Games played in the magnet league season28 – For yechi30 - Min. 38 campers spent in the elevator in the post office in Washington.38 – Campers were stuck in one small elevator in Washington DC.70 – shivim shono..80 – Points you can get a day for the mivtza73 – Pounds gained by Pif.89 – Hotdogs eaten90 – Years old of jack boomchatz. 93 – The amount of videos played by best LT YZ this summer111 – Minutes between scenes by the SGP plays

129.2634 – total minutes of learning467 – bottles of BBQ sauce that was finished this summer536 – Steaks for campers678 – Brownie bars given out. 1432 – Burgers eaten22546 – Steaks for staff 23675 – Laffy taffys given out

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Arrival of Bochurim; Announcement of counselors; Individual

bunk BBQ’s; Announcement of Learning Classes; Scream-your-head-

off night activity; Six Flags Great Adventures; Announcement

of Magnet Sports Teams; Announcement of ‘The Mivtza’; Gimmul

Tammuz preparations; Traveling to the Rebbe Shlit"a; Farbrengen

in Crown Heights; Seder Sichos; Bowling; Outside BBQ; Kiddush

Levana; Canoeing to Overnight; BBQ -Bonfire; Chabad of Goshen;

Paintball shooting; Dodge ball game staff vs. campers; GAN’s bog

war; Raffle on bicycle; late-night pizza; Visiting Day; Fort Delaware

Museum; Shechita Workshop; Late-night chicken-shish-kabobs;

Fast day; Tackle-steal-the-flag; Chabad of Newburgh; Chicken

Wraps; Waterpark; Surprise Hotel stay; Canoeing; Tubing with Dovid

Feldman; EGP Play; Biking Trip; Golfing; Batting Cages; BBQ; Special

Melave Malka; Roller Skating; Pizza; SGP plays; EGP 3-day Bunk War;

GAN staff play; Camp Picture; All-star Basketball Game vs SGP; All-

Star tackle football game vs YKC; Tisha BeAv; Steak BBQ; Dance

night; Ice Skating; Amish Town; Hershey park; Playoffs; Laser

Tag; Pizza; Hotel; “and up”Breakfast; Jet Boating; White House;

Holocaust Museum; Spy Museum; Old Post Office; Chabad of the

Tysons; BBQ; Hotel; Kings Dominion; Bowling; Championship Game;

Packing; Grand Banquet; Boarding buses; IS IT OVER????

Did all this really happen???

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10 things you need to know about EGP

#1 Hot Dogs are not permitted on the grill.

#2 The staff are always up.

#3 Thirty Seven Bochurim in one elevator will NOT get you there faster.

#4 Don’t keep your towels in Zal if you don’t want to lose them.

#5 The ATM is the camp director.

#6 Don’t go in the staff lounge even if you just want to say hi.

#7 he golf cart is off limits even when Dovber and Pif are not around.

#8 Dovber knows that it’s hot, and…

#9 You do not have to keep your robe on when entering the Pool.

#10 Kiddush does not have to be on Shabbos.

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Dovber- More times with his kallaPif- A golf cart with steel tires

YZ- BerelachRaskin- Clothing

Chazz- JoshShua- A Kappotah

Maichie- No CompetitionShesle- A new grill and apron

Josh - Someone to help his parents move and to take over his summer jobs

Levi Marlow –An alarm clockMendel Turen –A radio

Ohana - MashkeChaim Yisroel-A babysitter

Jojo –Another brother in campMendel Fogelman - Mushpa hunting

lessonsBini lerner –A bigger Class

Naftali turen –A White ShirtAsher simpson –An iTouch case

with a lock

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Dear campers and staff,

We have ended this summer leaving many of ours on the moon (Josh was actually spotted on a spaceship in King’s Dominions but he was in a glass case). Of those of us that are still with us I would like to address in this farewell letter. Camp is a place where everyone tries to leave their mark especially when some of us may never see each other again; right now I would like to leave my mark. The day me and my two friends departed I told them that I would try to spread something in camp which I have spread all over New Haven, this is not something. This is not something found on a grill, nor is it something like the ice cream found in canteen, you have probably guessed already, it’s the impotance of not speaking Loshon Hora. I, as a camper, witness how kids act to each other, and I must say in Chayolei – EGP even though there are times when someone had something to say bad against another and we weren’t happy with another, still we all tried to keep our mouths shut, I am not saying that everyone was perfect but overall everyone tried their best. Like everyone knows the whole reason why the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed was because of loshon hora and through us working hard on loshon hora we will have the zechus to see the ultimate redemption, with the coming of Moshiach Now, Amen!

Yours truly,Menachem Meltzer

A Word From A deAr CAmper

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Teacher ’sLetters

Tayere Chassidim and Heilike Yidden:In Brunoy, when a Bochur is finished Yeshiva and has lots of leftover random things, like needles and thread (he might have had that for nittel nacht--see Sicha first night of Chanuka 5750), Mivtzoim Yarmulkas, kovtzim, food, toilet paper (although most don’t have left over toilet paper), Eiffel Tower key chains, socks, graggers (from Mivtzoim Purim parties), berelach, etc. etc. - he gives them over to his roommates and best friends. In Brunoy they call this ‘yerushos’ (inheritance). Then there’s another minhag that goes on when Bochurim leave Brunoy, which is

called tzava’a (will). In English, we call it “Mushpa Hunting”.

So here’s mine (don’t worry, it says a tzavaah is a segula for long life).I’ll start with a tzavaah to my dear chay-bseret-most-learning-in-the-entire-egp-learning-class (it’s true! ask anyone) (ED’s NOTE: Names omitted upon request):1 If you put yourself to it like you do to basketball, you’ll realize that Chassidus is much more challenging, and in the end, more fulfilling, than basketball. And maybe you can make up a new kind of baseball with sticks. 2 You are chay bseret, but yesh licha tikva. Really (on the second part, at least)!3 I hope you can find honey to dip the apple in this Rosh Hashana, as I heard there was a lack of bees (thanks to you). But don’t forget the hachlotos we made, and when you have a chance you should farbreng with your bro-in-law who has almost the same name as your Chitas Chavrusa.4 It was great you came back this year, and enjoyed it tons. Now continue with your amazing hachlotos, and take things in slowly, and you will have success. 5 You should find somewhere in chayolei to build a tree house, and make sure it’s in the shape of 770, like your Chabad house. And Hatzlacha Rabba in Yeshiva next year.6 Not like others, you find the bees as nice pets, not as prey. You are a big Chossid like the name you carry, and you are slowly but surely revealing it.7 Remember our late night on Tisha Bav, and you should know I think of you often.8 See you in Eretz Yisroel with Moshiach. Maybe then you won’t be in Canteen every bathroom break as the ice cream will be on trees! Just don’t forget to throw the wrapper away.

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EGPinTheEyesofYZ..and now for some general advice, from my many years of life experience:It’s not chassidish to come back late from Mivtzoim.Be chai b’seret with my iPod, (btw, please keep up the tehillim for a refuah shleima ukrova for my iPod).770 is the coolest place in the world!! I’ve been to France, Switzerland, England, Scotland, Canada, Italy (twice), Niagara Falls, the Alps, Texas, Maine, in the Capitol, Belgium, Germany, Singapore, the Philippines and almost in Japan and Hong Kong, and there’s nothing like 770!! Do what the Rebbe wants, not what chassidishe Bochurim do.Be chassidish with the Rebbe behind it, not yourself.You’ll get kicked out of Brunoy (bru-n-WA) if you don’t come exactly on time for chassidus.You’ll get kicked out of Tomchei Tmimim in Lubavitch if your Yarmulka falls off when you’re asleep and you don’t wake up to put it back on...and some questions:When and where was the Rebbe’s pidyon haben?Why why MMMM?Do pineapples grow on pine trees or apple trees?

Can a lady be a king?Which mitzva can only be done on Wednesday and Thursday?Does pasta grow on water or on land?Is the tachlis to be a Tomim or a Shliach? - For whoever understands, the answer is that the tachlis is to daven ba’avodah and go to hodu (India).Where does the covered-over and painted etc. door in the stairway connecting upstairs and downstairs 770 lead to?Which rule will change in the game of chess when Moshiach comes? (Based on the famous ‘chess sicha’ of 5708, printed -among other places- in Sefer Yemei Bereshis)What do you like better-Ashrei or Yishtabach?Why are your kids blown??Will your children say Ad Mosai?...a couple facts:Ipods weren’t invented in the 1700s.I am not the PA director.Not many smiled in the concentration camps.Baseball will be much funnier when Moshiach comes.Yechi is serious stuff.

Being Mold Director (see article) my job extends not only to my dear learning class, but to the entire EGP and UP (hunted!).And therefore, let’s go on to the bunks (ED’s NOTE: names of bunks were omitted upon request):1 Don’t forget our mivtza; but please keep it to yourselves--and remember the nekudah of it. 2 Chassidishe Bochurim, what can I say? Maybe it’s about time to work on being a bit more Yellow.3 One question: did any of you actually hear the end of my story??

4 Thanks for being my bunkmates, and making sure I went to sleep like you all do: negel vaaser, cheshbon nefesh, picture of the Rebbe.5 I love you too....to my dear friends in scene 1 and in the last scene:After a full trip to the moon and back, I’m still waiting for you to come on Mivtzoim with me.

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Dear learning class after being in camp for so many years I can truly say that this year was my best summer, no not “one of my best summers” but the best summer, the learning experience we had together and the friendship that we created I don’t remember having ever before. Even though this is true regarding the whole program it’s more illustrated with you guys with the day in day out interactions we had which made our connection greater.

In the light of the above mentioned, I would like to take this opportunity to express my true feelings about each and every one of you first as a whole, then in particular.As a whole: throughout the summer watching you guys learning and your behavior I saw great talent,

sharpness, generosity in all of you, each one excelling in different areas, but over all a solid group of guys. You should not overlook that, what I mean to say is that some times people don’t see themselves in their true context they over look their advantages “malos”, but chassidus teaches us that “the same way one has to know his defaults, same too does one have to know his advantages”, equally if not more. Even though at times things got tough and I could have got upset, nevertheless at the end of the day you still have these “malos” and I acknowledge that, and I hope that you do too.

...special thanks to:Rabbi Wilhelm, for making my Mivtzoim easier....a few words of kabbala:Z’a and malchus=Moshiach, gam vegam, through atzmus, Atzmus u’mehus melubash biguf=Rebbe Akudim, Nekudim, Berudim

So....Have a nice flight, and keep smiling (not stewardess smiles)le...olam va..ed!! and yechi..melech hamoshiach, leolam vaed--like hakofos!!He’s smiling!!DON’T FORGET: SHIVIM SHONO!!!AND DON’T FORGET: YOUR HACHLOTO AND YOUR OTHER HACHLOTA.AND MAKE SURE NOT TO FORGET TO


Let’s go!! Wake up!! Do something with your life!!We ALL Want Moshiach NOW!! Yechi Admur Maham Leo!

Your Head Counselor next year,YZ

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with honesty that he is “a goote bochur” bh on you I could. May you grow in your learning and chassidishkeit with great success.

shneur zalman shuchat: “my tzadik” I actually mean it you have great qualities in learning and in chasidishkeit and like I said previously how everyone has to cherish their malos bh you have malos to cherish. May you be successful in cherishing them and bringing them out to their fullest capacity.

shneur jacobson: my tape recorder I hope you don’t just record me to repeat it to others but actually listen to them yourself keep on taking in every word being said by the right people, and you should know that its a big male, the male of listening and taking in something, and internalizing it!

mendel gordon: take advantage of your learning skills and good midos and may they come bigger and better.

sholom yaffe: bh I am thankful for having you in my class watching you throughout the summer not just in learning class I got to see your malos in many fields and hope you hold on to them and strengthen them.I wish you a lot of success in your upcoming year.

I hope noone takes any of the above mentioned in a bad way I’m saying truly the malos I saw in you and I hope you grow in them. There is a lot more to be said about each and every one of you and iy”h we will have the opportunity to do so, hopefully over a bottle in mesivta.

Mashpias Personal Hashpah

In particular just a short word for every one:

nachi gershovits: keep up your strong desire to do what’s right and even againts all odds

dovid: may you always have that chayos and smile, it’s something that “takes” people over, who ever they are and turns enemies into best friends.

tzemach: you have a head and I know that when you wanted, you knew everything. You should continue growing not just in your learning but in all aspects as well as your chassidishkeit, your devotion, etc.

mendel brandwine: among the other malos that you have there is one I could say stood out over others which is the chassidisher lachluches and chayus you have. May you continue growing in that direction and share it with others as well.

nechemya: not on everyone could you say

To conclude i anticipate to see you all very soon in Yerusholaim in the third beis hamikdosh together with the hisgalus of the rebbe melech hamoshiach teikef umeyad now mamash!

Sincerely,Your learning teacher

the Mashpia (AKA Maytchee)

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Dearest Learning Class Shlita,I am certain that this summer has proven to be one of your most interesting learning experiences ever. This does not mean to say that we learned for long periods of time or that we learned with great diligence and toil in Hashem’s Torah like we would have done if we would have been alone in our own houses (shrek!) or like we will be doing very soon in yeshiva (betach!) - but it does mean that we learned a lot in “quality” (“du lacht men...”).

It all started on that fine summer day when we all headed out together to the “Table”. The “Table” is a simple way of describing the wooden table we sat on, which was under a tree, and a great place for us to sit, and also for many small insects to join us too.The “Table” was a place where life was pleasant, the weather was good, and everything was simple and easy. We sat down together, and before you knew it, time had passed and class was over. We would start every day with a “milsa debdichusa” - a good joke to make us laugh and open up our minds and hearts to the study of Torah. According to Sholom and other experts, it was absolutely an obligation. If one joke wasn’t enough, we would say two. And if two weren’t enough, then we would say three. And if we said three, then it’s already a “chazakah”, and you know what halachah requires in that case... we have to go around the whole table!

And then, some of you started to grumble... The bugs, and some other stuff, I don’t remember exactly what it was. So we were promised that there is a room being worked on for us. But we all knew that it’s no use to rely on that kind of thing. We decided to take action. We decided to move... to “the dining room.”In the dining room, life turned philosophical. We started having discussions like “What does Hashem want from a person between the age of 13 and 20?”, with some heated opinions about yes or not learning limudei chol. The debate became so serious that we had to take it (thanks A.M.E.) to the Rov of Crown Heights (!) for his final halachic verdict.

There we became chassidish. Every morning, we would religiously get cookies and milk from the kitchen for “mezonos far’n davenen”, in order that we would be able to daven with the proper kavanah and we wouldn’t be hungry. B”H, everyone was nice to us for the most part, and Robin only screamed at us once (thanks M.G.). Our new location was also closer to the mikvah, which many of

us would go to in order to purify ourselves before speaking to the Ribbono Shel Olam.

One day we walked out of camp. We crossed railroad tracks. We learned about Shloimeh Cunin, legendary head Shliach of California, who proclaimed “I am a train coming down the tracks. Either you hop on, step aside, or I’ll run you over!” Then we hiked up. We got tired. We hiked some more. We trespassed. We almost

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got arrested. We crawled through a drainpipe. We went to the stream. We came back. (T.G. did you ever get your bathing suit back yet?!) Life / Learning Class continued as usual in the dining room. But not all good things last. YKC came. So we went to EGP dining room. It seemed, however, that we were disturbing the setup of lunch - just by sitting there! So it was decided from above that we have to move.And it was then that we heard the news that workers had finished our room. And it was in the game room! It seemed too good to be true. We ran there at top speed, with great excitement (O sheken, O shelo...).On the first day in our new room, we finally got everyone together, after some confusion, and we sat down to learn with great excitement. But as we were sitting there, the thought suddenly hit us, it suddenly dawned upon as... that this type of room looked very familiar. We scratched our heads for a few seconds, - and then we realized what was going on. This room looked very much like... a classroom. There were wooden walls. Wooden floor. Wooden ceiling. Windows. A Table. Benches to sit on.Wait a second! Isn’t this the summer?! What are we doing in a classroom?! What had we gotten ourselves into?

Anyways, to make a long story short, the summer is over and now you guys are all going to Mesivta.Some of you might walk into Zal or a shiur room, open up a gemara or a maamer, sit in front of it for a few hours, and say “What in the world have I got myself into?!”Guys, don’t worry. Keep up the good work. Rock the house / raise the roof - whatever fits your style best - with nigleh, chassidus and Avodas HaTefillah. Even if things ever feel a bit tough - “when the going gets tough, the tough get going.” Little piece of advice: sit by as many Farbrengens as you can. Even if sometimes it seems boring. Look beyond that. A Farbrengen is very healthy thing. Great Chasidim were made by chasidishe farbrengens. And hey, maybe you’ll get some good farbeisen too.

Anyways, I am really glad that I chose to come to EGP and get to know all you guys. You guys are the best! You guys are amazing! You guys rock the house! Please come by my place in 770, or drop me a call any time at 323-494-8112. I will be more than happy to speak to you.May we merit speedily the ultimate redemption and the Rebbe MH”M should come and take us all out of Golus right now!

Yours Truly, Mendel FogelmanMany of you took hachlotos to do certain things over the summer. Try to keep them now also. Don’t feel pressured, there’s no one who’s going to whack you over the head if you don’t do them. But on the other hand, you can go for it.

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As the delegation walked through the city, they turned mistakenly down a small street where the Chassidish Shul was located. The Jewish community representatives were getting nervous, they needed more money for their schools and Shuls, and now the government sent a delegation to see if they were worthy to get the raise. “Showing these guys the Chassidish Shul will just mess up their reputation,” they thought to themselves. “We can’t show them the Shul,” they concluded. But now they were stuck, the delegation had turned down the street and insisted on seeing the Shul.With fear and embarrassment one of the Jewish community representatives walks up to the Shul and opened the door, while the whole delegation walked in behind him. The sight that met their eyes was horrible: it was the morning after a full night Farbrengen, and the Shul wasn’t yet cleaned. In one corner the messy Farbrengen tables were still set up, around it were some sleeping Chassidim, some with their heads on the table, others on the benches - one of them was even sleeping on the floor under the table. In the other corner there was a small Chassidus Shiur. In the center there were some Chassidim with their Taleisim on their backs preparing for Davening, while another Chossid was screaming “Minyan Minyan,” trying to rush the others to start Shachris.“Here goes all are money” thought the Jewish community representatives to themselves. This was the last thing they wanted to happen. After all, the delegation was very impressed with their Shuls and schools. But after seeing the Chassidish Shul, their hopes were down.But to their great surprise, the delegation was very impressed. “You schools and Shuls are very organized,” they said. “You guys are so organized. We especially realized it with the Chassidish Shul, the way you guys brought all the crazy people together into one Shul!...”***I reminded myself of this story one day during one of our learning classes (and later when I got to see other learning classes).

On my left side lying on the ground was Mendel Rubashkin (killing bugs), and Nissim on my right. In front of me, Menachem Meltzer and Dovi scribbling, as Evin was sitting quiet and Kalmen was digging holes in the ground. On the bench lay Daniel, asking to go to the bunk house (chouse, or hhhouse), while Hershy (with a sad face still from the hike) and Sruly (on the bike) were begging for some time in the gym to play basketball.The words of the government’s delegation flashed through my head, especially with me being the learning teacher. All the crazy people were

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actually all together!***Being together reminds me of an interesting lesson I learned from our Dr. Sacharov (the story we said over in class).Dr. Sacharov survived Auschwitz through the help of a friend, a doctor from Berlin, who claimed he wanted a Jew as a guinea pig. And despite the danger, he took Dr. Sacharov with him back to Berlin and turned him from a dead skeleton back to a human being.However, to his great surprise, Dr. Sacharov wasn’t happy that he survived, he felt guilty. “Why did I survive? Why me out of 6 million Jews?” Life was worthless for him; it had no meaning. He felt lonely and depressed.His only request to the doctor who saved him was “Please bring me to a place where there are Jews. I have to meet a Jew now. That will be the only way that I will feel less lonely and guilty.”His request got fulfilled, and he got to meet a Jew who happened to be a Chossid. The Chossid told him stories about his Rebbe, and quoted him saying that even in the hardest and most painful times “Yiddin, never give up!” Later on, he even moves to a DP Camp full of Jews where he meets his sister-in-law, who was also the only survivor of her family. They eventually got married and moved to Israel.We might not understand and appreciate Dr. Sacharov all the way. After all, what did it mean that being around Yiddin will help him out of his depression? But there is a clear Ahavas Yisroel lesson we can learn from him:A Yid is precious, and there is nothing greater than being together with Yidden, even more so with Chassidm. The atmosphere and love between Chassidim is greater than the love between brothers. It was this that Dr. Sacharov was missing after the war; life meant nothing to him being by himself.We might take this for granted being that we are the whole day with our friends, we were never (and will never be) in such a situation like Dr. Sacharov. Therefore we might sometimes even disrespect a friend in one way or another. But this is what Dr. Sacharov comes to teach us: every Yid is precious, thus we have to love each and every one of them.A second lesson we can learn from this story is from the line the Chosid told Dr. Sacharov in the name of his Rebbe: “Yiddin never give up!”The Rebbe told us that we have to live and learn about Moshiach, and bring the ultimate revelation of Moshiach. It’s not that we should “never give up!”, we are not allowed to give up!I hope we will keep in touch and together we will bring Moshiach!

SincerleyJo-Jo AKA Yossel Weinberger

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Wow that was fast! Time really does fly when you’re having fun! And believe it or not, between all the digging (Shmulik), kicking dirt (Asi, Mendel A.), sleeping (Simcha, Levi), picture taking (Zalmy, Mendel B.), arguing (Srolik), and disturbing (emm... everyone), we even managed to squeeze in some learning (some scary stuff, I might add).

Being that it was so much fun reminiscing while writing this letter, time went by so fast and I’m gonna have to leave you there (or, it was actually a very long letter which just seemed so short as per said reason - your choice. Ok, I’m kidding. I was actually forced to write something despite not having

anything (of value). So this is what you get).

Anyways, remember to keep in touch ([email protected] 718 288-4065). Oh, and your late night, btw, is still in the mail...

Sincerley,Your best learning teacher Shua

To My Dear Learning Class,

Two months flew by indeed, so fast. Amongst the many other things you did camp, your achievements in learning were beyond any of my wildest expectations. We learnt such a diverse array of topics that we don’t get to learn on a regular day in school and we also learnt that learning can be great fun.

My only hope is that you continue to learn in this manner and take all the inspiration with you during the course of the next year.

The warmth of the summer should accompany you through the cold winter!Good luck and Moshiach NOW!

Your learning teacher,Asher Simpson

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7:15 - PA Maneger Mendy Flamer realizes it’s time to get off the computer and do Reveille. 7:20 - Reveille tape begins waking up campers. 7:25: Menachem wakes up campers. 7:30 - Campers start getting up. 7:33 - There are 45 minutes left. 7:34 -

Chaim Yisroel comes to wake up the staff (or was he was looking for a babysitter). 7:35 - PAM Mendy Flamer falls asleep in SGP staff lounge. 7:36 - campers start rolling into Mikvah. 7:37 - Staff start waking up campers that are still sleeping. 7:38 - Staff start water fight with campers (or was it the campers that started). 7:40 - Menachem screaming over the pa “there is 35 min left.” 7:42 - Menachem forces the campers to go to Mikvah. 7:45 - Menachem starts to wonder where Mendy Flamer went. 7:50 - Why are there still campers in bed? 7:55 - Counselors decide to wake up and get their campers out of bed. 7:56 - Menachem tries to wake up the learning teachers. 7:57 - After not being able to sleep for a half hour, Dovber gets out of bed to make sure Reveille started on time. 7:59 - Menachem announces there are 15 min left. 8:00 - Cocoa Club (what’s that?). 8:02 - Menachem starts screaming at the learning teachers to get out of bed. 8:03 Menachem wakes up Ravakim. 8:05 - Mendy Flamer wakes up and rolls out of SGP staff lounge. 8:06 - Mendy Flamer announces there are 10 min left. 8:07 - “3 minutes left to be out of bunkhouses.” Everyone runs to Mikvah. 8:08 - Menachem makes last round to wake up learning teachers. 8:09 - “1 min left.” 8:10 - “30 seconds left.” Everyone starts running (oh sheken oh shelo). 8:11 - “Everyone must be out of the bunk houses.” 8:12 - “3 minutes left to Seder (Menachem wonders why there are still campers in the bunkhouses). 8:15 - Learning classes

begin. Where are the learning teachers? 8:17 - Learning teachers show up. Where are the campers? 8:20 - Finally learning classes begin. 8:21 - Dovber radios Menachem to come give him a ride to Mikvah, 8:22 – Mashpia’s class show up and he starts farbrenging. 8:30 - After huffing and puffing Menachem reaches Dovber’s room. 8:31 - Menachem takes Dovber to Mikvah. 8:40 - Menachem and Dovber reach the Mikvah (why are there so many campers still there?). 9:00 - Learning classes end. 9:01 - Everyone goes to the bathroom. 9:02 - Staff go to Mikvah. 9:03 - Learning teachers go back to sleep. 9:05 - Dovber comes in screaming on top of his lungs that there are 10 minutes to hodu. 9:06 – Dovber’s getting upset that the campers aren’t

saying korbonos. 9:10 – “1 min to have your Tefillin on.” 9:11 - Dovber starts marking. 9:13 - The campers start putting on their Tefillin. 9:15 - Staff show up for Shacharis. 9:20 - Shacharis finally begins. 9:50 - Tefillin start coming off behind Dovber’s back. 10:00 - Dovber starts saying the Hayom Yom. 10:01 - Dovber makes everyone sit down

because there is too much noise. 10:05 - Dovber finishes and lets everyone stand up and leave Zal. 10:06 - Yechi circle forms. 10:08 - The daly Shivim Shono dance begins. 10:10 – Breakfast. Where are the waiters? 10:15 - Campers and staff set up tables. 10:20 - Waiters show up. 10:30 - Clean up (what’s that?). 10:40 - ATM gets upset that there are still campers in the lunch room. 10:50 – “10 min to learning class.” 10:53 – “Two min to be outside the bunk area.” 10:55 - Menachem goes around making sure everyone is out of the bunk area. 10:56 - Mendy Flamer goes to babysit. 10:57 - Learning teachers wake up from their nap. 11:00 - Learning classes get pushed off because the EMT is upset that the bunks aren’t clean. 11:03 - Chaim Yisroel wonders where his students are. 11:05 - Menachem notifies Chaim Yisroel that learning class is pushed off. 11:10 - Campers show up for learning class


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(counselors begin learning in staff lounge – oh sheken…). 11:20 - Shua takes his class to the stream. 11:25 - Mashpia starts his Farbrengen. 11:30 - Osher Simpson takes his class to the gym. 11:35 - Chaim Yisroel takes his class up the mountain (poor Gerlitzky). 11:40 - JZ takes his class on a hike. 11:50 - Mendel Fogelman takes his class to the game room. 12:00 - Everyone has a break from so much learning. 12:15 - Break’s over. 12:17 - JZ runs off from his learning class. 12:18 - Osher Simpson goes on a hike with Yossel’s class. 12:31 - Most of the Bochurim begin coming back from the break. 12:37 - Some Bochurim also learn. 12:42 - Rabbi Wilhelm’s class starts chazara. 12:45 – Dovber’s arranging the daily trip. 12:48 - Shesle rolls over in bed (and gives a krechtz). 12:58 - Bini heads towards the dining room. 1:06 - Staff finishing up their learning in the staff lounge. 1:12 - Fogy’s class dismissed to lunch. 1:15 - The rest of the classes dismissed. 1:19 - Food served. 1:20 – No food left. 1:22 - “We want food.” 1:26 - Waiters convince Mendy Freidman to give some more food. 1:35 - “10 min to Mincha.” 1:40 – Half of EGP are at the canteen. 1:49 - “30 seconds to be in Zal.” 1:52 - Mincha begins. 1:55 - Mendy Flamer’s looking for the counselors. 1:58 - Yisroel Ohana: “Do I really have to ref again? I alread Reefed twice this summer!” 2:07 - Moshiach Shiur delivered by a special guest speaker. 2:14 - Dovber begins talking… 2:21 - …Dovber is still talking. 2:23 – Menachem’s turn to talk. 2:29 – Dismissal. 2:46 - Mendy Flamer runs to the staff lounge to get the refs. 2:51 - Mendy Turen starts running to the football field. 2:53 He starts calling the captions to start the game. 2:55 - Yisroel Ohana goes to the baseball field. 2:57 - The refs are (obviously) cheating. 3:11 - Meltzer still looking for his team. 3:30 - Water is brought to the game (the baseball game is still waiting for their water). 3:45 - Game over. 4:00 - 2nd activity begins. 5:00 - Some teams are very happy because they won basketball. 5:20 - Swimming (where is your towel?). 5:33 - Counselors meeting in the staff lounge. 5:42 - Fogi spotted Mushpa Hunting. 5:59 - “There are 30 seconds to be out of the pool.” 6:06 - Snacks

are placed on the porch of the staff lounge. 6:22 - “There are 3 min to be out of the bunk area.” 6:30 - Chavrusas in Zal (did that ever happen this summer?). 6:44 - “Abba your Chavrusa is waiting for you.” 7:00 – The “12 steps” booklets come out. 7:11 - “CHAIM DOVID sit down!” 7:30 – Supper. 7:31 - The dining room is full. 7:33 - Chicken again. 7:35 - “Naftali could I have fries.” 7:46 - Shua shows up. 8:03 - Seder Chitas. 8:06 Mendel is still learning. 8:27 - Dovber asks the counselors if there will be Night Activity tonight. 8:29 - Night Activity. 8:31 - Entering in the gym. 8:42 - A lot of screaming. 9:16 – Maariv. 9:27 - Krias Shema. 9:34 – Duch. 9:36 - Rebbe video. 9:43 - Seder Sichos. 9:59 – Raffles. 10:04 Yisroel Ohana asks Dovber if he can make a

late night. 10:14 - Basketball game in the gym. 10:27 - JZ making announcements on the PA. 10:34 - “There are 30 seconds to be in your bunk house.” 10:45 - Light Out. 10:46 - maase rav. 10:47 - Mouk takes his bunk on a late night. 10:59 - JZ takes a Mushpa to the canteen. 11:07 – Yisroel Ohana takes his bunk to play basketball. 11:32 - Shesle starts preparing the grill. 11:49 - Fogi and Naftali learning together in Zal. 11:56

- Levi is thinking of taking his bunk on a late night. 12:04 - Shua and JoJo editing the video. 12:16 – Mendy Flamer goes to collect the cameras from the bunk houses. 12:28 - Mouk brings his bunk back from a late night. 12:52 - Levi takes his bunk to the dining room. 1:08 - JZ brings his Mushpa back to his bunk house. 1:17 – Steaks are almost ready. 1:31 - Mendel wakes up his bunk with blasting music., 1:51 - Dovber starts staff meeting, 1:52 - Shua… 2:18 - JZ takes out another Mushpa. 2:47 - Shesle enters the staff lounge fully loaded. 2:59 - Flamer working on the computer. 3:13 - Osher starts thinking about going to the shower. 3:40 - Dancing in the staff lounge (with Menachem hoisted on Bini’s shoulders). 4:03 - BBQ nears completion (tears can be seen forming in Shesle’s eyes). 4:21 - Some of the staff start heading to bed/couch. 4:52 – JZ’s still Mushpa Hunting. 5:16 - Levi returns from late night. 5:38 – Mendy Flamer falls asleep on couch. 6:01 - Starts getting a little quiet on this side of camp. 6:18 - Some staff are still saying Rambam. 6:42 - Dovber falls asleep. 7:01 - The early risers get up. 7:05 - The staff lounge is finally asleep. 7:10 – “There are 10 minutes to reveille!!!”

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Ravak Leolam Voed!Disclaimer: for amusement purposes only. Not to be taken literally.

Dear Tech Support,

Last year I upgraded from BochurLife 7.0 ™ to Wife 1.0™ and noticed that Wife 1.0™ installs itself into all other programs and launches during system initialization, where it monitors all other system activity. Applications such as FarbrengenNight 3.0™, PartyNight 2.5™, BaglesSnoozes 6.1™ and Hangout 5.0™ no longer run, crashing the system whenever selected. In addition, applications such as Garbage Out 3.3™ and House Work 2.1™ have gone from select-as needed to continuous schedule, ignoring them causes Night-on-the-Couch 1.0™ to take over all activity. I cannot seem to keep Wife 1.0™ in the background while attempting to run some of my other favorite applications. I am thinking about going back to BochurLife 7.0™, but the uninstall does not work on this program. Can you help me, please!!



This is a very common complaint, which is mostly due to a primary misconception. Many people upgrade from BochurLife 7.0™ to Wife 1.0™ with the idea that Wife 1.0™ is merely a UTILITIES program. Wife 1.0™ is an OPERATING SYSTEM and was designed to run everything. It is unlikely you would be able to purge Wife 1.0™ and still convert back to BochurLife 7.0™.

It is impossible to uninstall, delete, or purge the program files from the system once installed. You cannot go back to BochurLife 7.0™ because Life9.01 is not designed to do this.

Some have tried to install BochurLife 7.0™ or Wife 2.0™ but end up with more problems than the original system. Look in your manual under "Warnings-Alimony/Child Support". I recommend you keep Wife 1.0™ and just deal with the situation. I suggest installing background application program C:\YES DEAR to alleviate software augmentation. Having Wife 1.0™ installed myself, I might also suggest you read the entire section regarding General Partnership Faults (GPFs). You must assume all responsibility for faults and problems that might occur, regardless of their cause. The best course of action will be to enter the command C:\APOLOGIZE. In any case avoid excessive use of YES DEAR because ultimately you will have to give the APOLOGIZE command before the operating system will return to normal. The system will run smoothly as long as you take the blame for all the GPFs. Wife 1.0™ is a great program, but very high maintenance.

Consider buying additional software to improve the performance of Wife 1.0™. I recommend Flowers 2.1™ and Diamonds 5.0™. Do not, under any circumstances, install OtherFriends 3.3™ as a primary operating system. This is not a supported application for Wife 1.0™ and is likely to cause irreversible damage to the operating system.

Best of luck. Tech Support.

Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat.A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase.You can open all your own jars.You don’t have to learn to spell a new last name.You can leave the motel bed unmade.You can kill your own food.Wedding plans take care of themselves.Your underwear is $10 for a three-pack.If you are 34 and single, nobody notices.Everything on your face stays its original color.You can quietly enjoy a car ride from the passenger’s seat.Three pairs of shoes are more than enough.You don’t have to clean up if the meter reader is coming.Car mechanics tell you the truth.

It’s great to be a man because...Gray hair and wrinkles only add character.Wedding dress - $2,000. Tuxedo rental - 75 bucks.You can drop by to see a friend without having to bring a little gift.You are not expected to know the names of more than five colors.You don’t have to stop and think of which way to turn a nut on a bolt.You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.One wallet and one pair of shoes, one color, all seasons.Channuka shopping can be accomplished for 25 relatives, in 45 minutes.

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Instructions:Place on firm surface.

Follow instructions in circle.Repeat until stress is gone, or unconscious. (If you are unconscious,

we’ll call the EMT).Don’t try this anywhere but in Chayolei!

Bang Head Here

Stress ----------------------Relief

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Theme song of team simcha

Darkness, confusion, depression so great,

A generation uncertain, of its very fate,

A Concealment for so many years

We are waiting.

Yeridos Hadoros in-the darkness of night

Politics, hatred, so many fights,

Oh how do, we break through, this prison,

This great Golus.


The Rebbe has told us, again and again.

There’s only one way, for this Golus to end.

With Simcha, and dancing, and joy,

We are leaving.

Moshiach is here, no more worries, no fears,

The Giloi Hashchina is everywhere,

The simcha, the dancing, the joy,

Oh so beaming.

Oh Rebbe it’s been so many years,

our eyes and our hearts, filled with sorrow and tears,

A concealment on the Nosi hador,

So painful.

But with your lessons, we know what to do,

Your personal example of Simcha so true,

Once again we will dance and sing,

Together with you.



Winning song of team gaguimI stand on the side as I watch the sun go down,I think of what I did to bring Moshiach now,The hours fly by as the light fades away,We need the Geulah, the time’s today

The day has past so fast, we yearn and we do cry, 2xWe need to see the Rebbe the face that always shines,Achake lo, we await him every day, Oy tatte it seems like your away.

It feels like I am alone, the darkness is too tough,Oy hashem Ad mosai it’s enough

Chorus:The golus lasting long, the pain is way too strong, we yearn to see a leading hand, as the Nosi leads at last. 2x

But soon our pain will vanish to no more, when the Rebbe will come and bring us home.

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Trying to make Machluf skinnier

Abba once again finds his place

New way of Mushpa Hunting

The Chai B’seret brothers

Staff Show What They're Best at

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EGP’s new Mashpia

EGP staff making the campers Chai B’seret

Atzmusfeing with his new partner (or is he trying to get the cookie)

Eating a snack

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An important

LESSONwe can all learn from being stuck in the

ELEVATORThere we were, having a blast in Washington, and the fun was just piling up

and we had no clue what would happen next. We all knew it would be a very inspiring day, but didn’t know just how uplifting it would be. After a full day of visiting such exciting places, such as the White House, Washington Monument, and the Spy Museum, we finally made our way to the Old Post Office.

The plan was to go to the top and get a nice view of Washington. However, as I always say ‘Rabos Machshovos B’lev ish v’atzas hashem hi sakum.’ As the first group went up, piling into the elevator, it seemed like a good idea to follow suit. And so, a grand total of 38 Bochurim piled into the elevator. The guard standing there smiling, we were sure everything would be okay. As soon as the doors shut, we realized we made a mistake.

With a smile on our faces, we thought ‘it’s ok, we’ll suffocate for a minute.’ But then we realized that it would be a lot more than a minute. As we started rising about an inch off the ground, the elevator came to a halt. There went our uplifting experience. As the windows and mirrors and doors started to fog up, we realized it would be a matter of time till we would be in a very uncomfortable situation.

It was then that we reiterated the two teams of color war: on the one hand we are upset about where we are and we are desperate to leave, on the other hand we know not to despair and to hold strong as in just a moment we would be out.

The heat was on, the sweat pouring down our faces as if we were in a fiery furnace. The minutes passing by, each moment more painful and uncomfortable than the previous one. The singing started, first slow hopeful Niggunim, and then we moved on to lively and exciting ones. Unfortunately this all came to an abrupt halt, as a few uncomfortable campers started to lose their fuse.

However what was clear from this uncomfortable experience that when there is a tragedy by Jews out comes the Achdus between Yidden. We saw Bochurim lifting others to get more air. We saw Bochurim lifting others emotionally with words of inspiration. We saw a certain trust, a certain bond not seen before.

So too, wherever we experienced hard times, WE KNOW that this was just a path to connect stronger and to have more Achdus. So, would I choose to go through that again? Probably not. But now that I’ve gone through it, there is surely lots we can learn from this experience.

Keep it up zeeskietin, and Moshiach we will bring.

A kosher and freilichen year.

by chazz

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a letter from your waitersWow, the summer really flew by. And whether it was the trips, late nights, steak BBQ (because those were the only ones we had), or just the "regular meals," we both had a great time with all of the awesome EGP Ravakim, Mouks, Jack Boomchartzs, (campers.) So now that the summer is over we want to give you all a Bracha that you should take your nourishment from all the different parts of the summer, be it learning, Davening, playing, and eating of course (it’s said that oil gives lots of nourishment) and everything else that went on and use it to be successful in Mesivta and to grow to be true Chassidim of the Rebbe and together bring Moshiach now! Your waiters,Binyomin and Naftali

Lost and foundLost1. Chazz’s clothing2. Mouk’s undershirts3. EGP’s towels4. Dovber’s radio5. Money

****Found1. Jack Boomchartz in the Hotel and in the Laundromat2. Josh on the moon3. Shloimy Rutman together with Josh on the moon4. Dovber’s radio in the dumpster

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if there was a fire

in the staff lounge…

CHAZZ – would take his keyboard YANKEL RASKIN - would take his ChipMoukMENDY FLAMER - would take Pif’s Laptop

JZ - would take his Ipod and the wires to connect itBINYOMIN – would take his YSP cap

MENDEL TUREN – would take the MegaphoneNAFTALI TUREN – would take his iPod

SHESLE – Would be busy bringing IN the steaks from the grill Hageula JOJO – would take his Video camera

[isn’t he the one putting out the fire? -ed)

SHUA - would take his computer and hard drivesDOVBER - would take his psychology books

MASHPIA - would take his Mushpo’imASHER SIMPSON – would take his towel

JOSH - would take his Samach Vov (who’s Josh?! -ed)

LEVI MARLOW - would take his pantsMENDEL FOGELMAN - would take his hat and jacket

CHAIM YISROEL - Wouldn’t be in the staff lounge (unless it’s the morning to wake up staff)

PIF – would take his radioOHANA – would take his red/yellow hat

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Inspired From Friday Night...

Now that we’re all back home, or settling into yeshiva, we start getting used to the new style of Mesivta. With longer hours and more intense learning, it can sometimes get a bit depressing. At that point I think of the wonderful time I had in camp. I want to share something with you that keeps me going, and I think it’ll do the same for you.

True, in camp we all had a great time, and there are many factors to that: the trips, the special stuff always happening (hefty breakfast, color war, steaks and up, etc.), the amazing staff, late night, one-on-one Farbrengens - these were all wonderful and brings that warm and fuzzy feeling to my insides. But there is one thing that stands above all else. This is something often overlooked, something taken for granted. This is something that nobody takes pictures or videos of, rather it remains impressed in my heart forever. I am of course talking about Friday night in camp. The energy, the love, the singing, the laughing. Friday night was truly the highlight of my week.

It all started with the staff walking in half way though Seder Chitas, dressed up in the camp spirit and ready to roll. After Seder Chitas came a quick speech from Dovber and then it began. Who can forget the beautiful melodies sung at Seder Nigunim? To be honest, at the beginning I thought all the slow ay ay ay stuff was kinda boring but after a while I realized the message that these songs have and now I really enjoy them. The spirit of Shabbos is just beginning.

After the gorgeous songs, we are finally ready for kabollas shabbos. Wow, such excitement cannot be compared to anything. And then it comes, the highlight of the evening, lecho dodi. I cannot describe the chayus and joy, but it must have filled the air to the point that you could have cut it with a knife.

And now it’s time for Yechi, the camp joins together in a circle of unity. At first I felt slightly uncomfortable but with a bit of edging on from my counselor I soon found myself in the circle dancing with all the others, getting stronger as it goes on.

As Davening continues the mood gets more and more intense. The feeling of happiness grows ever stronger as Davening ends, and now it’s time for the meal. How can we forget the meal? The stories, the jokes, the arm of my counselor over my shoulder as we sing in unison. The room is filled with laughter as the weekly newsletter is handed out, and we farbreng into the night.

The truth is that I don’t have to write this because you were all there, you lived it, you experienced it. The memories are all yours. Let it carry you through the year as it does for me and don’t ever forget it.

I’d like to thank the staff who made Friday night so meaningful and enjoyable, without you none of this would have happened. Thank you so so much!

See you in 770.An inspired Bochur in EGP.

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EGP DictionaryAlarm clock - A device not yet known to EGP staff.

Amish - BHC Dovber Liberow’s long-lost family. They don’t use electricity because it ‘separates the family.’ Have any other questions about the ? Just use your common sense!!

And up- Usally added as a suffix to things we hold dear. The motto embodies man’s eternal search to reach ever greater heights.

ATM (Camp Director, EMT)

- Originally came to camp as EMT, but ended up

sending everyone to the hospital and becoming camp director (garbage).

Berelach- A universal Chabad custom solidly rooted in the teachings of Chassidus and elucidated in the Sefer Haminhagim. Instituting the custom caused major upheaval amongst many Lithuanian poskim, but was widely accepted by Chabad Chassidim. In this year’s EGP program its use was substituted by that of miniature pinecones.

Chai B’seret – Lit. “Living in a movie.” Not generally used in flattering context.

Chipmunk – The main protagonist in many of Professor Mouk’s scientific articles published weekly in the most

widely distributed paper in the EGP ‘and up’ (another central characters in his works is a pig with lipstick).

EGP 5771 - The greatest summer program ever known to mankind.

Elevator - The scariest ride of all amusement parks.

Gedalia Gooomber- A well-known character who has accompanied EGP on many of their treks this summer, amongst them, their trip to the moon, visit to a coal mine, and even to our grand Kiddush rabosi.

Grill- A large cooking device located in front of the EGP staff lounge, with a large creature hovering overhead. It was used throughout the summer to supply the most-achieved campers and staff with nourishing ‘steaks and up’. Its day consisted of three general periods: From 12 AM until 4:30 AM it was surrounded by staff. From 4:30 AM until 11 AM the staff were replaced by myriads of small furry creatures. And the rest of the day, it was simply surrounded by inquisitive campers, wondering why a tornado strikes the same location every night.

Jack – A nickname given by Shesle to anyone he comes in contact with.

Jack Boomchartz- The ever-elusive EGP character known only for his life wish for “all to be satisfied.” Several uncorroborated sightings were reported during the summer months including

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those claiming to have seen him lying around in the 5-Star (oh sheken…) Sheraton Hotel and in a Monticello Laundromat. Doubts have been raised whether he still counts himself amongst the living; however, no conclusive evidence has been presented to that effect.

Kiddush Rabosi - A large banquet held commemorating the passing of Jack Boomchartz’s late neighbor, uncle Melech (may he arise with the Messianic resurrection NOW!). The meal included much food and drink, a Shiur by the world renowned Mashpia, and some Mashke from Belgium.

Mashpia – The title and job description of the world renowned BLT Rabbi Avrohom Meir Halevi Sherr Shlita (who’s that?) aka Maychee. Despite some rabblerousers attempting to

challenge his authority, his position has only strengthened as well as the subservientness of his Mushpoim (as delineated in the Talmud regarding a ‘שטר שיצא עליו ערעור’)

Moon - A large yellow celestial body inhabited by the likes of Shloimy Rutman and Josh Hageula (along with many other EGP family members).

Mouk- A cordial moniker bestowed upon best counselor Professor MOUK, a.k.a. Yankel Raskin. It was first uttered in the summer of 5771 in camp Chayolei hamelech amidst the joyous

celebrations accompanying the finding of his long-lost clothing.

Oh Sheken Oh Shelo – A nice way of saying “NO”.

Pif- A frenchy that was shipped off to become a renowned educator in the US. He can generally be found in Cincinnati, EGP, SGP, OTEG, 770, just to name a few. Some years ago he

earned the title of Biggest Mishichist and Biggest Mushpa .

Pizza Trip - A Yud Beis Tammuz Farbrengen lasting way into the night. Hachlotos were made to learn Chassidus with Hunkees, and Shmahunkees, and of course, Yechi was recited as it hastens the coming of the redemption.

Ravak – From the most sought after titles in the Chassidic world today. Stories are told of some who worked twenty, thirty, or even forty years to receive the cherished

appellation. Ravakim are known to be group-oriented individuals, usually preferring to dwell together in what’s known as a Ravak room.

Rebbelution - The Duch, which included some unheard of and foreign tasks such as brushing your teeth, and others. Many blame its inclusion for the Duch’s ultimate demise. Others are still wondering the difference between this system, and another very similar one which had BC Mendel Broun winning a bike and BC Avigdor Shifrin an MP3 player.

Seven Seventy Magnets - Someone’s idea of league names as way of commemorating the departure of Best Magnet Josh Hageula on his journey to the moon. Sadly, he took Charlie Buttons and Cohen Clarinet along with.

Shampoonick – Someone who takes a shower more than once a month, or takes one with adding the repulsive lotion known as ‘Shampoo’ (Hashem Yishmor!). It has brazenly taken the youth by storm, inflicting many innocent souls, and leaving a

path of destruction in its wake. People who apply this notorious substance are known for their tendencies of leaving the fold of ravakut.

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Shesle – A grotesque creature often referenced in

cryptozoological literature, known for his strong

resemblance to the bear family. He’s mostly spotted

between the hours 12 and 5 in the AM. Recent studies by the Cryptozoological Research Institute indicate that most sightings take place within the close vicinity of a grill, or other cooking utensils. The data also includes first-hand accounts of his presence being accompanied by cantorial singing, and other strange sounds. Scientific consensus believes the Shesle creature to be a relic from some prehistoric animal kingdom.

Shivim Shono-A slogan, song, and lifeline all in one. It conveys the Chasidic fervor and excitement overthe Rabbe’s arrival to the states seventy years ago, which resulted in the entering of a new stage in the spreading of the wellsprings of Chassidus, through it reaching the western hemisphere.

Shloime Rutman - Still not defined if it’s a name, object, place or concept, or where, what, who and why he/it is. Some reported seeing him/it driving around with the camp director, the ATM.

Shmutz - Something Dovber exuberantly koched in. He displayed his unique affinity to it by not letting a day go by without making mention of it.

Shreklich (or Shrek) – From the most common utterances in the EGP program. It’s the way of expressing when something is

Shreklich. The saying of the word is usually accompanied with a unique beard stroke.

Steaks- A slice of red meat which wields hypnotic power over the campers of EGP, getting them to do practically anything, from learning full pages of Tanya by heart, to even behaving in learning class (our emphasis of the power it wields over the campers shouldn’t in any way negate the unparalleled clout it maintains over the staff as well).

TBP - The only thing SGP beat us in…

Tzemach – To grow, or be grown - as in Tzemach Lerman. Merely mentioning the word hastens the

coming of Moshiach. It is also a concept in Chassidus which the staff deeply koched in.

Yellow – Moshiach’s color. To attest their affinity for the color, some are known for their preference of having yellow teeth or Tzitzis and even yellow water in the Mikva.

YYM Graffiti – A form of wall art most detested by the Spritzer and Rutman sheriffs

as well as the LPD (Lackawaxen Police Department). A ‘Laffy Taffy’

reward has been offered for anyone offering information leading to the arrest and conviction of anyone seen writing the abominable slogan on any of Camp Chayolei Hamelech’s 87 acres of property.


EGP DictionaryContinued

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Job offerAnyonelookingforajobforthesummerof5772:thereisspaceopenfor“JTP”(Janitor





FarbrengenThere will IY”H be a Farbrengen on the fourth

night of Chol Hamoed Sukkos with the

Mashpia Rabbi Chaim Yisroel Wilhelm

stay tuned for more info at WWW.EGP5771.COM

WANTEDEGP is looking for

someone to fill in the position as counselor.

Must be someone that is not living on the moon

and will stay in camp the entire summer.

NoticeThere will be cocoa

club every morning at 8:00AM

we just need someone that will do the job.

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“YaamodRebYosefNisanBenPinchasYehudaHalevi…Maftir,”isheardeveryweekforthepast20yearsintheBeisMenachemShulinAntwerp.ButwhoisthisindividualwhoisgettingMaftirforthepast20years?ItisnoneotherthanthefamousAdmurMichantshienShlita,RebYosefNisanHaleviLubinsky.Forthepast20yearshedidn’tgiveup,notevenonce,ontheweeklyMaftirfollowedbyhisChazonesbyMusaf.TheAdmurMichantshienwasaverycloseMushpaofRebSaadiaLiberow,thefamousMashpiafromAntwerp.Sincethen,evenafterRebSaadia’spassing,hehangsaroundandfarbrengswiththeLubavitcherChassidim.Afterwritinghisfirst(andmaybelast)Sefer,hemadesuretosenditintotheRebbe.TheSeferthenbecamepartoftheRebbe’slibrary.WhenIwasborn,IhadthezchustohavehimasmySandekatmyBris.Sincethen,I’minhiseyeslikeapieceofsteak.Hegetsexcitedeverytimeheseesme.Tomygreatsurprise,thisyearduringChodeshNisanhegaveuponHISMaftirandgaveittome,sayingwithabigsmile“ichbingeveinzanSandek”(IwashisSandek)!Once,onSimchasTorah,hegotdrunk(somethinghedoesquiteoften-ifnotdaily!),andstayedinShulafterallofusleft.Wefoundhimhourslateronthefloorcrying.Hethenbrokehisfoot,andwasbroughttothehospital.Ithenhadthezchustogoandbemevakercholehhiminthehospital.Hisbestfoodis(notsteak…but)herring.Hetakesdownafullplatterofherringinjustafewmoments!TheonlywaywecangethimtocometoShabbosMinchaisifwepromisehimthatwebringhimherringforSholoshSeudos.Hethencomesandeatsalltheherring.Then,afterdrinkingabottleofSlivovitz(aMashkemadefromplums),hemakesallofuslistentohisweeklyChidusheiTorah,whichheusuallyquotesfromhisSefer.“EsShteitinmainSefer”hesays(somesaythatthegrand“Kidush Rabbosi”Imadeactuallyoriginatesfromhim).Inadditiontohisherringanddrinking,hehasaMinhagtosmelltobacco(Tabbik).Aftersmellingforsomanyyears,hiswholefacechanged:hiseyesprotrudefromhisface,andhisbeardandeverythingaroundhimisbrown(includingmyhandsaftershakinghis-eeeeeeeeeeeeew).Thetobaccoissosharpthatwhenitgoesuphisnosehemakesinterestingnoises.Ionceaskedhimifthenoiseshavesomespecialmeaningberuchniyus,buttomysurprisehetoldmethatitwas“stamamishugaas,”andtoldmenottocopyhimwiththat.Once,someonedaringlyhidhistobacco.Afterafewseconds,herealizedthatitwentmissing,andbecamefuriousandbeganscreaming.Theonewhotookitwasforcedtoreturnit,andwiththathepreventedthebreakoutofathirdworldwar!Ironically,despitehisstrongaddiction,hehasaMinhagnottosmelltobaccoonPesach.SoforafullweekeveryyearhisbeardandhisTalisarewhite,andwecansitclosetohim.ThisisagreatlessonthatIlearnedfromhim:despitehowstrongheholdsofhistobacco,hestillknowshowtoholdhimselfinforafullweek!FromhimIlearnedthatwhenyouREALLYwant,youCANactuallydoit!Astheysayinggoes“ifthere’sawillthere’saway.”

andAdmur michantshien

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Jodenmogenalles,enwij mogenniks!”(TheJewsareallowedtodowhatevertheywant,andweareallowednothing).WehadwrittentotheRebbenumeroustimes,butthingswerejustgettingworse.WeknewtheRebbewilltakecareofit;afterall,theRebbe’sbrachoswereveryclear.RabbiLeibelGroneronceevenaskedhowthingsaredoingwithJacqueBoomchartz.Afterayearortwohesuddenlydisappeared,hedidn’tcometohishouseanymore,andwedidn’thearfromhimforalongtime.Afterafewmonths,therewasaknockonourdoor,andtoourgreatsurpriseitwashimstandingthere.Hebeggedustoforgivehim,andclaimeditwasn’thisfault.Ahalfayearlaterhiswifecametotellusthathe’sinthehospitalwithbleedinginhisbrain(wedidn’tevenknowhehadone).Duringthesummerwewereupdatedthathisbleedinggotworseandthatheisnowparalyzedonhisleftsideandcan’ttalk.ItwasalltheRebbe’sbrachosthatputthisguydown!ItwasalsoduringthissummerthatJacqueBoomchartzbecameaLevi,andinvitedpeopletocometohisSholomZachor.Evenmoreso,startingfromthebeginningofcamphestronglydesiredthateveryoneshouldbesatisfied.Asthesonggoes“JacqueBoomchartzrotzehshetiyumerutzim.”


and Jacque Halevi Boomchartz

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Geulah & Moshiacha lesson from being stuck in the elavator

I am aware that much has been written, and much attention has been given to the elevator, but I am coming from a different point of view. I am coming from where "you're sick!" and "you don't have a heart" and "how would you feel?" and "you don't understand how it felt" was heard again and again throughout the night. I want to explain to you how it really felt.

It seemed like those in the elevator were in Golus and I was coming from on high.

They were stuck inside, suffering every moment. I felt their pain, and was suffering along with them.

They started off looking at it with hope, "we'll be here for only a moment." I was hoping they would too.

How dear was the singing of Ani Ma'amin being heard from right outside, when those stuck trusted in Hashem to get them out.

After so long in the elevator, comes a call. "The firefighters are on the way." The Rebbe

sees it, it's true. Yet those inside don't see it, all they can do is believe.

Inside, they begin

to despair. It's hard to handle. We outside know that help is really on the way, and the announcement of the redemption has already come.

All there is to do, is believe. He's coming. "Even though he is delayed..."

The sounds are heard as the door is being yanked open. Hashem shows us miracles upon miracles of the Geulah.

And finally, the door is open and a breath of fresh air.

Moshiach is here!!I didn't ask, but I assume those inside

afterwards felt that it was like a dream. An entire half hour in the elevator---over, as if it never happened. And furthermore, they felt that they could have done better (I won't continue as I don't want them to continue their above-mentioned complaining). As it says about Moshiach's coming that we will miss doing hard things and pushing ourselves, and feel that we could have done more.

It should be NOW!!

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Bumper Stickers...that were spotted on trips

I don’t steal, I just scoop.

If you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own.

Don’t steal. The government hates competition.

Want a taste of Yiddishkeit? Bite a Rabbi.Always remember you’re unique, just like everyone else.

As long as there are tests, there will be prayer even in public schools.

Be nice to your kids. They’ll choose your nursing home.

Ever stop to think, and forget to start again?

I’m not just a janitor, I’m a Garbage Director.

Out of my mind. Back in five minutes.

Sometimes I wake up grumpy; Other times I say Yechi.

If you don’t like the way I drive, get off the sidewalk!

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Yankel Raskin finally talks openly about his one and only

My ChipmunkSo it’s that time again I’m sitting here in front of my computer watching how the leaves are starting to change colors, becoming more fantastic every day. Is it possible that it’s already tishrei? I remember still being in “machene”, eating a hamburger like a cookie and trying to put something wacky on paper as my campers were playing tackle football in the mud. But now it’s all memories, stored up on my mental hard drive for the years to come popping up at just the right time (or wrong…hopefully not).

If only I had some of that same ole’ forest camp feels even here in the city of Toronto, than it happened (funny how I always use this phrase). There was a rustling in the trees a huge flash of color, that magic twinkle, the wonderful zeal and out came the wonders of all furry animals and mammals………….a squirrel, what, hey, where’s my chipmunk, I

screamed , that’s pure deceit, lies, untruth etc. (add, adhd, ocd, bhmc). Yo, what’s the deal! Hey man, why you screaming at me? He replied,

you scared my

kishkis out of me big time! Sorry, it’s just I miss Mr. j.t.. No way he screamed in astonishment that my forth cousin twice removed with “the mabul” in between you how do you know him. from there the friendship grew to having farbrengens and BBQ’s

with Montreal steak spice and all other things coming from “Benz’s gourmet” like bone licken mustard (yummy jelly ummy) and learning lekutei torah and meseches rosh hashanh together.

So you see guys you can never really run away from EGP it’s always there no matter what. All you gotta do

is wipe off some of that dust give yourself a pinch and get to it and the rest follows over.

Wishing you a great and sweet year,

From the federation of mouk and the conservation of squirrels, chipmonks and other furry animals under the height of one foot. Peace out, and moshiach now

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so What is the deal with all these


Written Monday afternoon 5 minutes after arriving in Crown Heights

Dear Bochurim,

As I’m sitting here in Empire Grill eating a juicy steak (finally a steak that I didn’t have to work hard for) and I’m thinking back to the all the times I stood by the grill preparing all the food ‘and ups’ for everyone (whether for campers or staff), I’m realizing how this summer was just so amazing. No, it’s not because we had an unlimited amount of ‘steaks and up,’ rather truly this summer was my best summer in camp (hey, you can say what you want, but this was better than serving Shloimy).

One second, Pif is entering the restaurant (and I also would like to eat my food before it gets cold).

“Oh hello Pif, how are you?”

“Boruch Hashem,” replied Pif. “I have got to tell you that the steaks here aren’t as good as the ones you make in camp. I think you should start working here.”

“Na Pif,” I answered. “But could you tell me the part you most enjoyed this summer?”

“Of course,” he answered promptly. “It was all the steak BBQs. Thank you Shesle for making them!”

“You’re very welcome,” I replied.

“I’ve got to go to the office. We’ll talk later,” he said as he scurried out the door.

“Bye” I screamed as the door shut.

“Phew” I thought, “He finally left. He always loves disturbing.”

So what was I writing? Right, that this summer was the best summer, and as I was saying, it wasn’t just because of all the ‘and ups,’ which by the way let me tell you this whole inyan of up it isn’t just a line but rather an avoda in Chassidus. It means

that bichlal in life you should always look up and ahead, never behind. Now back to what I was saying. I always get sidetracked. So I was saying that this summer was the best summer and it’s going down in history (or as Mr. Liborow would say, that this summer is going up in history), and what made this summer the best was not the BBQ but rather the fact that we were all together as one big family, all as one. So once again let’s all be together united and let us learn and take everything we learned from this summer and use it out the entire year, and teach it to all our friends who weren’t zoche to be part

of the best program. And like this we will bring Moshiach, where we will really enjoy some good juicy steaks from the Shor Habor.

I would like to finish off with these two points:

1. Always remember that ‘and up’ means never look behind, always look up.

2. Always be b’achdus.

Your Griller

Sheslehp.s. Jack Boomchats is still alive, albeit very sick.

So say lots of Tehillim.

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The Best of The HaEGP "Shrek News"

MASHPIA ROSHI VS. MASHPIABLDPifhasrevealedinhisfirstspeechaboutadisputeaboutwhoisTHEMashpia,is itBLTRabbiChaimYisroelorBLTMaychee.Althoughit was printed that Rabbi Chaim Yisroelwas the Mashpia Roshi, BC Gerlitzky saysproudly and so do many others (his size)


SPECIAL MICROWAVES EGGS New experiments were revealed by BCGelitzky thateggscanbecooked inSeven–Elevenmicrowaves.“It’sthewayit'sdonein

Mermelsteins” he claims. Somesaythisideamightbebroughtto


RESTROOM IN BUSSES Campwillbeinstallingarestroominoneofthebusses(guesswhich

one...).Campadministrators say that thebus ridesmightbeshortenedbyuptoonefullhour!

NEW MASHPIABest driver Rabbi Robin is running to become camp's

Mashpia.“Thekidsdon'tunderstand”hesays inpain.“Theycanlose theirheadby sticking it outof thewindowof thebus.Withoutaheadyoucan't live!”hesays,hintingto


Bus driver not to become MashpiaAsperourrecentdiscussionifBusDriverReuvain(AKARobin)shouldbeournewMashpia,whichwasbroughttodiscussionafterrealizinghisgoingoutofthewaytoteachandfarbrengwiththeMushpoim:ithasbeennoticedarecentpushtowardsothercircles-especiallyMusar.“Wedon’t want a Mashpia who fights!”. “A Mashpia whofollowsthewaysofMussarisdefinitelynotforus,Chas


E.G.P. SAUNA E.G.P. staff and Bochurim were“enjoying”thispastweekintheirnewlypaintedZalahotSauna.“Afterallwhysitinacoldroomifyoucansitahotroom!”saysoneofthecampers.“Air-conditioningisnothealthy”protestsoneofthecampers.


JZ reading ‘eicha’ SomeaskedDovberwhywasEichareadbyLTJZShlita?Dovber: Iknewhe isverydangerouswhen itcomes toTishaB’avandthrowingstuff,soIthoughttheonlywayto be safe would be by making him chazan, and guess


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The Best of The HaEGP "Shrek News"

Excuses Excuses Some campers were asking “WhyBLTJZ,BLTJo-JoandSDMendyFlamer helped out team Simchaduring theirplay?”Weaskedall 3ofthem,andthesearetheanswerswegot:BSD Mendy Flamer: “I like sticking my nose intowhereeverIcan”.BLTJo-Jo“Icouldn’tstandbeingonateamthatwasagainsttheMashpia(Maychee)”.BLT JZ “I walked on stage in middle of the teamSimcha play - I simply didn’t know it wasn’t myteam”.

Absent Minded Professor Finds his

ClothesRight after the endof theninedays,Prof.Raskin(AKAMouk)miraculously found all of his



Who is the REAL chay bseret??There was a seriouschakirahgoingonwhetherwe are REAL chay bseretortheAmish.Aftervisiting

the Amish and see how they are living,breakingeveryruleintherulebookthattheydon’thave,we canbe assured thatWEaretheREALchaybseret.

ALARM CLOCK Lookingtobuyanalarmclockforthewaiters.

PA Manager Learns from WaitersAfter seeing the waiters take off meals, thePA Manager apparently decided to learn


theywerefinallyabletosleepinfortheFIRSTtime!“HOW TO WRAP?”

GUIDEDuetopopulardemandaspecial“How to wrap?” guide will beprintedbyJZinconjunctionwithRabbiKuttiRapp.“What’sthepointofservingwrapsifnooneknowshowtowrapit”saysJZinpain.DespiteJZ’sgeneraltendenciestowards“hafshata,”our sources tellus that JZ’s familiaritywithwrapsstemsfromthemanyhourshespentparticipatingattheSiyumHaRambamsin770.

RUMORS ABOUT BC CHAZZManyrumorshavebeengoingaroundforthereasonwhyBCChazzdidn’tcomeonthewaterparktrip.Weupdateyouassoonas“it”willbeofficial.

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The Best of The HaEGP“Lines of the week”

Line of the week: Dovber (about the hotel) “Everyone already knows about it!”

Question of the week: “Why is there a Kiddush on Wednesday night???”

Line of the week: Shesleh

“I am a Vegetarian!

Question of the week:

“Are you a Mouk?”

Line of the week: “If Shloime can

live on the moon why can’t we!?”

Line of the week: Shesle “Why do you need

a bun just eat the burger like a cookie?”

Line of the week: “Ya Chamor…”Line of the week: BC Mendel Gerlitzky “I never grew!”

Line of the week: Shesle “Not always do

you need a BBQ to have a good supper”Line of Friday: BC Levi Marlow “Could I change my best camper”

Line of the week: Machluf to BHC Dovber: “You wish you were my color!”

Line of the week:

“Maychee hu HaMashpia”

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“Six Flags!!”Everyone is so excited. We are going to Six Flags on the SECOND day of camp!! Dovber announced that we should bring Suntan lotion, water bottles, and the new ‘EGP hat’. EGP is running around, all busy…But some are not so excited. ‘Shivim Shono to Chof Ches Sivan, the day which the Rebbe was saved (as is mentioned in Kuntres Chof Ches Sivan) from the Nazis ym’s and arrived in America

I will spend in Six Flags?!’ I think to myself. Ye, Gimmel Tammuz we are going to the Rebbe, but what about today? The Rebbe’s personal Chag Hageulah, a Groise Yom Tov! I debate back and forth. Dovber is going in to the Rebbe, he claims it’s for Chosson classes. A few SGP staff are too, they say it’s for a chassuna. Maybe I can catch a ride.The Rebbe gave out a special Kuntres for Chof Ches Sivan, about how this is the day that chassidus started being spread in America. The Rebbe said a Sicha how it’s like Yud Tes Kislev. It’s the day the Rebbe spoke about 770, and that there is where the Shchina will be first revealed and how 700 and 70 shows on Moshiach. Now it’s 70 years since then, and I’m going to Six Flags??But then I thought a bit more. Chof Ches Sivan is the day when the Rebbe came to take over America. Take over the physical day-to-day life. Six Flags is the best place to do that!! Where people think this is ‘vacation’, to add in a bit of Chitas, Moshiach, and of course another Flag. From there it just continued on by itself. “Wow, Seventy Years!” is heard here and there. A shiur was given about it. Signs were put up. And then it became into a fight (that is, by the way, the Siman that Shivim Shono really ‘took off’--it must be something worthwhile to fight over). After that the ‘other side’ realized that ‘if you can’t beat them, join them’. And Boruch Hashem we all took from this

summer that the Rebbe came to America on Chof Ches Sivan, turned over America, and now the world is ready for Moshiach and all we have to do is add in one last Mitzva.And by the way if you were wondering why on the canoes and on the Speeddog we sung Shivim Shono more than any other time: it’s because the Rebbe came to America on a boat.

What Is All This "Shivim Shono" Thing About? YZ Explains

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Pageהשפעה חסידים איין משפיע

Amar, Mendel200 Ocean Blvd. Golden Beach FL 33160786 337 1261 טו אב[email protected]

Bass, Levy 406 Lilac Lane Postville, IA 52162 563 564 2639 יג אלול

Ben-hayon, Nissim Israel 580 Crown St. #006 Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 771 8084 ל ניסן

Bisk, Mendel17 Shenstone Rd.Toronto, ON M2R3B3416 667 0730 פורים קטן[email protected]

Bogomilsky, Mendel98 Overlook Rd.Pomona, NY 10970845 517 2004יט אדר ב[email protected]

Brandwine, Mendel 116 Cheryl PO Box 1035 Postville, IA 52162 563 864 3627 רח אדר ל שבט

Braun, Mendel46 Balfour Pl.Brooklyn, NY 11213718 877 4440 רר רררר

Bryski, Shmuel 804 Montgomery St. Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 771 2214 הושנעה רבה

Butler, Shmuli 711 Eastern Parkway Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 771 7708 ה טבת [email protected]

Chayo, Shneur 332 New York Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 735 4227 ג אב[email protected]

David, Yaakov 1637 President St. Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 778 9137 כב תשרי

Eidelman, Aryeh Dov816 Montgomery StreetBrooklyn, NY 11213718 953 6260 כד תשרי

Eidelman, Avraham Moshe 50 Townsgate Dr.Thornhill, ON L4J8A4 905 761 6698 ב אדר ב[email protected]

Elkayam, Menachem2145 NE 124TH STN. MIAMI, FL 33181 786 360 6144 Cel 305 494 2409 ד תשרי[email protected]

Erlenwein, Mendel 49 Mill Arbour Lane Thornhill ON l4j6n4 647 701 4314 ו אדר

Ezagui, Levi 1229 President St. #2B Brooklyn, NY 11225 718 771 4172 כ אדר[email protected] Faistman, Sruli346 New York Ave apt 5DBrooklyn, NY 11213718 200 7997 טו אלול[email protected]

Feldman, Dovi 2932 W. JarvisChicago, IL 60645 773 381 0691 Cell 773 381 0691 יט כסלו[email protected]

ם י ע פ ש ו 5מ 7 7 1

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Fried Nechemye323 W. 96th St. #TH9New York, NY 10025212-865-0863 ל שבט[email protected]

Gajer, Mendy 1227 President St. #4B Brooklyn, NY 11225 718 953 4014 כה שבט

Gerlitzky Mendel1509 Union StBrooklyn, NY 11213718-774-3617 ג כסלו[email protected]

Gershovitz, Menachem 821 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 778 1064 יט תשרי

Gitlin Heshy48 willowbrook rdthornhill, ON L3T4W9 905-886-3231 ג ניסן[email protected]

Goldenberg, Adir P.O. Box 177 Postville, IA 52162 563 864 7911 יט חשון

Avi golomb 81 lyndhurst rdengland s119bj44114 284 7459

Goodman, Yisroel 317 Harper Place Highland Park, NJ 08904 732 545 2365 ד חשון[email protected]

Gordon, Menachem M. 7142 Rolllingridge Dr. Charlotte, NC 28211 704 442 9131 כא חשון[email protected]

Gottlieb, Dovid665 Crown St. #2 Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 493 3734

Greenberg, Tzvi Aryeh 1274 55th St. #C3 Brooklyn, NY 11219 718 778 7136 ה טבת[email protected]

Grossman, Dovid 793 Montgomery St. Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 778 1884 ז אייר[email protected]

Haberman, Simcha 446 Kingston Ave. C25 Brooklyn, NY 11225 718 972 5016 ח כסלו

Holzman, Berl 699 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11203 718 778 8661 כט שבט[email protected]

Jacobs, Evin 234 Oak Drive Postville, IA 52162 563 380 8689 חי סיון

Jacobson, Shneur Z. 580 Crown St. #511 Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 771 8716 חי אלול[email protected]

Kapeluschnik, Eliyahu 760 Montgomery St. #3G Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 735 8359 כו אדר ב[email protected]

Katz, Dov 1338 President St. Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 493 9508 ו מנחם אב[email protected]

Katz, Mordechai 700 NE 178th St. North Miami Beach, FL 33162 305 749 7424 יב אדר[email protected]

Korn, Reuven 9 Woodlawn Dr. Morristown, NJ 07960 973 214 9270 Cell 347-838-2171 כט תשרי[email protected]

Kozliner, Mendel673 Crown stBrooklyn, NY 11213718 774 8093 ד טבת

Lobkovski, Dovid 46 Ranch Trail West Williamsville NY 14221. 716 580 4680 ד אייר

Lazar, Mendel1650 president stBrooklyn, NY 11213718 467 9482 כב אייר

Lederman, Simcha 534 W. Tilden St. Postville, IA 52162 563 380 8098 יב אייר[email protected]

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Lerman, Tzemach695 Montgomery St.Brooklyn, NY 11213718 735 9009 ר“ח חשון

Levy-Haim, Menachem M. 1703 Union St. #4B Brooklyn, NY 11213 718 604 7637 יא שבט[email protected]

Libersohn, Daniel-610684Mexcio, DF [email protected]כה תשרי

Meltzer, Menachem 606 Ellsworth Ave, New Haven, CT 06511 203 777 3836ח שבט[email protected]

Merkur, Chaim Dovid 11 Frontenac Ave. Toronto ON m5n1z4 416 783 5340 כב תמוז[email protected]

Minsky, Levi510 Crown St. Apt. 3-EBrooklyn, NY 11213718 953 5995 ב תמוז[email protected]

Pape, Schneur Z. 361 New York Ave. Brooklyn, Ny 11213 347 224 2988 טז אייר

Prager, Avraham Abba 858 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, Ny 11213 718 493 4535Cell 718 809 1446 ד טבת

Raksin, Yisroel 646 Empire Blvd. Brooklyn, Ny 11213 718 773 1404 כב ניסן

Raymond, Yakov C. 1560 Union St. Brooklyn, Ny 11213 718 953 3341 י מנחם אב[email protected]

Reizes, Levi 686 Eastern Pkwy. Brooklyn, NY 11213 347 740 1519 כ אייר[email protected]

Rubashkin, Mendel 6 Crab Apple Ct. Monsey NY 10952 319 327 4154 ד חשון[email protected]

Samuels, Shalom 21 Mountain View Rd. Weatogue, CT 06089 860 217 0276 כג שבט[email protected]

Schanowitz Levi718-604-9169

ב תשרי

Schlanger, Mendy 383 Kingston Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11213 347 326 4546 טז אב[email protected]

Serabrensky Shmuli7 Esther Cres thornhill, OT L4J-3J8 905 709 9208 [email protected]ל ניסן

Shifrin, Avigdor 16740 N.E. 9th Ave. North Miami Beach, FL 33162 305 770 4476 כא אדר[email protected]

Shuchat, Kalman248 York Hill Blvd.Thornhill, ON L4J2P6905 886 5985

Shuchat, Shneur 420 Troy Ave. Brooklyn, NY 11213 347 365 9922 כו כסלו

Simon, Zalmy1241 Carrol St.Brooklyn NY 11213718 953 4966 טז אלול

Sofer, Yossi122 Grove streetMonsey NY 10952845 426 0496 כט כסלו

Tobi, Yosef Chaim Elazar 1703 Union St. #2A Brooklyn, NY 11225 718 221 0174 יד תשרי[email protected]

Steinberg, Yossi 770 Lefferts Ave. Brooklyn NY 11203 718 604 2167 ב חשון[email protected]

Teichman Asi770 Lefferts ave. # C1RBrooklyn NY 11203563 380 1146 [email protected]ז תמוז

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ם י ע י פ ש 5מ 7 7 1

Wagner, Menachem 26 Frontenac Ave. Toronto ON m5n1z4 416 551 5570 ב תשרי[email protected]

Yaffe, Sholom479 Crafts St.W. Newton, MA 02465617 965 2739 כ חשון

Spritzer, Rabbi

(718) 2075903

Menachem Benarousse (Piff)1414 President St. Brooklyn, NY 11213 (011-331) 43399369

513-886-8073 ט אב[email protected]

Dovber Bryski 804 Montgomery St. Brooklyn, NY 11213 718-406-3915 ט כסלו[email protected]

Mendy Chazan (Chazz) 734 Empire Blvd. Brooklyn, NY 11213 (917)-628-3144 ב אב[email protected]

Mendy Flamer 119A S. Main St. Spring Valley, NY 10977 347-77-5749 כו תמוז[email protected]

Fogelman, [email protected]כז חשון

Yaccov Zevulan Horovits (JZ) 1040 NE 170 Terr N Miami FL 33162 (305)-653-9028

347-666-5665 כז אב[email protected]

Shua Kornblit 1480 Union St. Brooklyn, NY 11213 (718)-288-4065 כט אדר[email protected]

Lerner, [email protected]

Levi Marlow 645 NE 173rd Terrace N Miami FL 33162 (305)-467-4573 יא אב[email protected]

Ohana, [email protected]

Raskin, Yankel (mouk)[email protected]

Rabbi [email protected]

Mashpia (Maychee Sherr) 1650 president st. Brooklyn, NY 11213 (347)-585-3360 יז אייר[email protected]

Simpson, [email protected] President St.Brooklyn NY 11213

Mendy Turen 6237 N. Whipple Chicago IL 60659 (773)-338-0080 כז אב[email protected]

Naftoli turen6237 N. Whipple Chicago IL 60659 (773)-338-0080

Moshe Weinberger (shesle) Oedenkoven St. 66 2140 Borgerhout Belgium (419)-464-9654 [email protected]

Yossel Weinberger (Jo Jo) Oedenkoven St. 66 2140 Borgerhout Belgium (419)-464-9654 כט אייר[email protected]

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EGP honors the following Bochurim



M.V.P. - berl holzmanSportsmanship - tzemach lerman


Mendel BrandwineLEvi Bass

Simcha haberman


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“So what can sayingיחי המלך

accomplish already?”It’s dark outside, all is quite.We slowly approach the dimly lit wooden home. It’s the home of the famed Maggid of Mezritch. A peek into the

window reveals an emotional scene: the holy Maggid is sitting at the head of the table, surrounded by his saintly Talmidim. They’re singing unique Nigunnim, songs that rouse the hearts of those listening.

But wait. Now it’s quite... the Maggid is closing his holy eyes… they’re tight together now... It seems as he is now in a different world. The Talmidim look on in awe, as their Rebbe soars to the high heavens. After a short while which seems as eternity, the Maggid’s eyes suddenly open.

“Am I the Tzaddik of this generation?” he asks. The Talmidim are bewildered, “What?! … Tzaddik? Generation? ...”What does the Rebbe want from us? …

Tzaddik?! For sure, but… what are we supposed to answer?” Receiving no answer, the Maggid tries again. “Am I the Tzaddik of this generation?”Again, the Talmidim are confused, not knowing what to answer. “Who are we to establish the status of the holy

Rebbe? We are just plain simple people…”The same occurred a third time, and again no straight answer from his Talmidim.A look of disappointment is recognizable on the Maggid’s face. “A pity, we lost our chance…” The Maggid then goes on to explain what has occurred: “For a while now, I have been working to finally bring about the Geulah to the world. Today, during the

Nigunnim, I was finally able to enter the heavenly court and demand the coming of Moshaich. “Who are you to make such a demand?” they asked. “I am the Tzaddik of the generation, and hold their

responsibility” I replied. “And who says that you are the Tzaddik, maybe it is someone else?”, “That’s what my Talmidim say, and they can testify to that!” I answered.

That’s why I asked of you to affirm that I am indeed the Tzaddik of the generation. If you would have answered, you would have given me the strength to bring the Geulah… but now…”

Dear Campers שיחיו:Yes, the above story really did happen. Sometimes, even simple Chassidim like us can give the Rebbe the strength

he needs to bring Moshaich.The Rebbe explains in a Sicha, that we, Chassidim, can actually add power to the king (the Rebbe) through

being bottul and given over to him. Through proclaiming “Yechi Hamelech” we add additional Chayos to Melech HaMoshaich!

It’s no joke! Right now it is in our hands to make it happen… Let us not make that same fatal mistake the Maggid’s Talmidim made…

יחי אדוננו מורנו ורבינו מלך המשיח לעולם ועד

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