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Egypt Revolution-basic Case Study

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  • 8/3/2019 Egypt Revolution-basic Case Study


    Hosni Mubarak committed horrendous crimes, but we have to ask, who benefits from his

    overthrow? It is not the Egyptian people. In every contrived crisis, there are certain

    characters with just the ''right'' connections (went to Western controlled schools,received honors from suspicious organizations, work for NGOs and foundations with

    suspicious seed money, connected to intelligence, work for mega-corporations) who are at

    the center.

    The Daily Telegraphreported that it obtained a secret document outlining the systemic

    preparation and support for the protesters by the US. [1] and [2]

    [1]- Egypt protests: secret US document discloses support for protesters-



    [2]- Busted: America behind uprising in Egypt- http://www.terminalx.org/2011/02/busted-


    So, what happened in Egypt that led to the overthrow and who are the puppets involved?


    Mohamed ElBaradei he is elite pedigree is already

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    well known. The turmoil in Egypt is another contrived, Illuminati backed "color"

    revolution designed to install puppets more subservient to their London-based masters.

    Over the last decade, we have seen such "revolutions" in Serbia, Georgia, Ukraine,

    Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia and recent failed attempts in Burma, Iran and Thailand.

    "Human rights" and "democracy" is always the pretext for these Illuminati gambits, dating

    back to the French and Russian Revolutions. They take advantage of genuine grievances to

    hoodwink the public and gain power.

    This time there was no color scheme tip-off but the unanimous support by the Illuminati-

    controlled mass media was enough. You wouldn't hear about it otherwise. (For example, did

    you know that real nationalists took over the government of Hungary?)

    The confirmation is the man they are touting to replace Hosni Mubarak.

    Globalist widget, Mohammed El Baradei is a trustee of the "International Crisis Group" an

    "independent" non-profit group run by bankers to incite revolutions and profit from them.

    His fellow trustee is none other than the ubiquitous Rothschild front man, George Soros.

    El Baradei, who recently resigned as Director of the International Atomic Energy Agency,

    is being groomed by the Illuminati to replace Mubarak. (He and his agency won the 2005

    Nobel Prize.) In April, he gave a speech at Harvard saying he was "looking for a job" and

    wanted to be "an agent of change and advocate for democracy" in Egypt. This is code for

    local boss in the NWO banker tyranny. (Barack Obama has taught us about "change.")

    In February, El Baradei was part of a new non-party political movement called the

    "National Association for Change" which included a leader of the banned Masonic Muslim

    Brotherhood. The Muslim Brotherhood is a proxy for Britain's MI-6 masquerading as

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    Muslim fundamentalists. In November they were roundly defeated in elections, so this

    "revolution" seems to be their answer. Mubarak wisely jailed their leaders.

    On Thursday, El Baradei returned to Egypt to lead the demonstrations. Friday he and hissupporters were subjected to water canons and batons. Today, he announced: "We are

    seeking a change of regime. President Mubarak should step down. We should head towards

    a democratic state through a new government and free democratic elections...The whole

    world should realize that the Egyptians are not going home until their demands are

    realized...We are talking about taking down the Pharaonic dictatorship."

    Egypt has accused the US of helping to engineer this revolt by training "activists."

    Is it going too far to say that removing Mubarak would be a victory for Israel in its

    expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates? Their surrogates are already in Baghdad.

    This article is not intended to garner sympathy for the Mubarak regime but merely to

    point out that this turmoil is about the Illuminati tightening their grip on Egypt. Imagine a

    Mafia gang that has been raking off a share of profits for decades. One day it decides to

    increase its take by eliminating the middle man. At the same time, it can create turmoil

    which always provides new opportunities.

    One thing is for sure: Our "leaders" care little about human rights and democracy. The

    Illuminati agenda ultimately is to degrade, disinherit and and enslave us mentally and

    spiritually, if not physically. The Egyptian turmoil is another step in this direction.

    Wael Ghonim:

    Wael Ghonim, left, is being proclaimed the hero of the revolution

    by the Western media. An Egyptian who is the Head of Marketing for Google Middle East

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    and North Africa, he received his MBA from the American University in Cairo. According

    to the BBC, ''the Egyptian-born Google marketing executive first played a role in

    organizing the opposition through Facebook, only to disappear into police custody for 12


    ''Mr. Ghonim has thanked Google for its support, explaining that he tricked the

    corporation into allowing him to return to Egypt from Dubai last month, citing a "personal


    Even though this explanation is laughable at best, Ghonim ironically confirms himself the

    nature of the movement, when he stated, "They were 100% convinced that foreigners are

    behind us, that someone manipulates and finances us. But if I was a traitor I would have

    stayed in my villa with my swimming pool in the Emirates. We are not traitors."

    Ghonim went on CNN Wolf Blitzer's show and thanked Facebook for their contribution in

    the overthrow. "Egypt's Facebook Revolution: Wael Ghonim Thanks The Social Network."

    Mohamed Hussein Tantawi:

    Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi was one of Mubarak's

    closest allies. Tantawi is the head of the army, deputy Prime Minister and Minister of

    Defense. He was in contact with the US during the Egyptian crisis, most likely taking

    orders from them or acting as a ''negotiator'' between Mubarak and the US. It has been

    reported that Tantawi had been speaking with Defense Secretary Robert Gates and

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    Admiral Mullen. ''It was his [Gates] fifth phone conversation with the Egyptian defense

    minister since the situation in Egypt began, according

    ''The Gates and Mullen phone calls are emblematic of the sustained but quiet engagement

    with their military counterparts that the Pentagon has been undertaking throughout thecrisis. That effort has been especially important in recent days, as the military's role has

    increased and its allegiances have come under closer scrutiny. Tantawi is now the military

    dictator in charge of Egypt through the ''Supreme Council of the Armed Forces''.

    Subsequently, the Constitution has been completely annihilated.

    Omar Suleiman:

    Omar Suleiman is Egypt's top spy chief. He is known as a

    ''torturer'' and a ''CIA-man''. This was quite evident during the crisis, as Suleimanheaded the negotiation talk table on TV between the ''opposition'' and Mubarak, and it

    was he who made the final announcement of Mubarak's ouster.

    The CIA's man in Cairoexplains, "Suleiman has long been favored by the US government

    for his ardent anti-Islamism, his willingness to talk and act tough on Iran - and he has long

    been the CIA's main man in Cairo...Omar Suleiman is not the man to bring democracy to

    the country. His hands are too dirty, and any 'stability' he might be imagined to bring to

    the country and the region comes at way too high a price. Hopefully, the Egyptians who are

    thronging the streets and demanding a new era of freedom will make his removal from

    power part of their demands, too." People have wondered why Mubarak was ousted even

    though he was a loyal servant to the Illuminati. The answer is he wasn't 100%. The US was

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    not in complete control of Mubarak, and this became evident when Mubarak by his refusal

    to provide troops for Iraq/Afghanistan. Webster Tarpley has also reported that he

    refused to back an Arab coalition against Iran. Apparently he was getting too friendly with

    Russia and China. Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Russian Foreign Minister SergeyLavrov held important talks over common regional and international interests, according

    to Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmed Abul Gheit.

    Among the most important issues discussed, Abul Gheit told reporters, was the Israeli-

    Palestinian conflict. Mubarak and Lavrov stressed the importance of reconciliation between

    Palestinian factions and the urgent need to lift the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip.

    Mubarak welcomed a proposal to hold a ministerial meeting in Moscow for parties involvedin the peace process.

    Answering a question about the prospects for peace in the absence of a serious Israeli

    commitment to negotiations, Lavrov said that hope still exists, and assured that his

    country will continue to do its best to achieve a solution. Lavrov said Egypt and Russia have

    the same position vis-a-vis the peace process, stressing that both countries take

    international resolutions as the starting point for their policies.

    Lavrov affirmed the importance of re-activating the 2005 agreement on movement over

    the Rafah crossing and also stressed the need to take unified steps to eliminate the siege

    and stop weapons smuggling across the Egypt-Gaza border.

    On the other hand, Egypts foreign minister said that implementing the 2005 agreement

    will require the presence of the Palestinian Authority at the crossings, which makes a

    reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah all the more necessary.

    Abul Gheit plans to attend a meeting Paris on Thursday which will include foreign ministers

    of Norway, France, and Spain, in addition to the Quartet envoy, Tony Blair, and the

    European Unions foreign affairs representative, Cathrine Ashton.

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    The Illuminati does not differentiate between friends and foes, based on past

    contributions. It demands constant obedience to an agenda which has little to do with

    democracy or the welfare of the Egyptian people.

    The Obama administration was caught by surprise when President Hosni Mubarak spoke

    to the Egyptian people and initially declined to step down as leader of the country.

    Following the speech, Defense Secretary Robert Gates and Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm.

    Mike Mullen quickly phoned their counterparts in the Egyptian military.

    Today, the military assumed control of the Egyptian government and Vice President Omar

    Suleiman announced in a recorded statement that Mubarak had stepped down from the

    presidency. "Secretary Gates spoke with [Defense Minister] Field Marshal Mohamed

    Hussein Tantawi again last night," Pentagon press secretary Geoff Morrell confirmed toThe Cable. "It was his fifth phone conversation with the Egyptian defense minister since

    the situation in Egypt began."

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    Captain John Kirby, spokesman for the Joint Chiefs, confirmed to The Cablethat Mullen

    called Egyptian Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Sami Anan following the Mubarak speech.

    Mullen and Anan have spoken four times since Jan. 25, and the last call before Thursday

    night was on Saturday, Feb. 5, Kirby said. Both Morrell and Kirby declined to give detailson the substance of the calls. Press secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters on Friday

    morning that President Barack Obama did not call Mubarak after the speech. The last

    reported call between Vice President Joseph Biden and Suleiman was Feb. 8, when Biden

    pressed Suleiman to expand his dialogue with opposition groups. The Gates and Mullen

    phone calls are emblematic of the sustained but quiet engagement with their military

    counterparts that the Pentagon has been undertaking throughout the crisis. That effort

    has been especially important in recent days, as the military's role has increased and its

    allegiances have come under closer scrutiny.

    The Pentagon even sent out a quiet request to scores of U.S. military officers last week,

    asking them to contact any Egyptian military members they might know through past

    associations at American military colleges, the Washington Postreported. The officers

    weren't told to deliver any specific messages. The outreach has been rather about

    collecting information from the Egyptian military and making sure that the military-to-

    military relationship remained intact, a Pentagon official said, adding that similar outreach

    has occurred between the Pentagon and its interlocutors in other countries, including

    Israel. The White House and the State Department have disagreed on how much pressure

    to place on Mubarak and Suleiman. The Pentagon has sided mostly with State, arguing for

    more support of existing Egyptian institutions of power, especially the military. Some

    observers see the Pentagon as inclined to favor supporting the Egyptian military due its

    own interests and natural institutional biases.

    "The Pentagon is simply so used to letting the Egyptian military have what they want," said

    one former U.S. official who dealt with the Pentagon on Egypt. "The Pentagon has wanted

    to keep their involvement at a strictly military-to-military level. So they are reluctant to

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    be part of diplomacy at the top level, but insistent in being engaged in their own diplomacy

    for their own interest."

    Regardless, the direct intervention of top Pentagon and U.S. military officials at key times

    throughout the crisis may have influenced the Egyptian military's behavior at key

    junctures, such as when the Egyptian military was implicated in the crackdown of

    journalists and human rights activists last weekend. Pentagon officials believe their

    outreach contributed to the relative restraint of the Egyptian Army. It's unclear whether

    Gates and Mullen's telephone diplomacy last night actually influenced the events that

    unfolded only hours later. But the Pentagon's relationships with the Egyptian military are

    now among the most crucial avenues of communication and influence for U.S. policy towardEgypt going forward. On January 29, Omar Suleiman, Egypts top spy chief, was anointed

    vice president by tottering dictator, Hosni Mubarak. By appointing Suleiman, part of a

    shake-up of the cabinet in an attempt to appease the masses of protesters and retain his

    own grip on the presidency, Mubarak has once again shown his knack for devilish

    shrewdness. Suleiman has long been favored by the US government for his ardent anti-

    Islamism, his willingness to talk and act tough on Iran - and he has long been the CIAs

    main man in Cairo.

    Mubarak knew that Suleiman would command an instant lobby of supporters at Langley and

    among 'Iran nexters' in Washington - not to mention among other authoritarian

    mukhabarat-dependent regimes in the region. Suleiman is a favorite of Israel too; he held

    the Israel dossier and directed Egypts efforts to crush Hamas by demolishing the tunnels

    that have functioned as a smuggling conduit for both weapons and foodstuffs into Gaza.

    According to a Wiki Leak(ed) US diplomatic cable, titled 'Presidential Succession in

    Egypt', dated May 14, 2007:

    "Egyptian intelligence chief and Mubarak consigliere, in past years Soliman was often cited

    as likely to be named to the long-vacant vice-presidential post. In the past two years,

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    Soliman has stepped out of the shadows, and allowed himself to be photographed, and his

    meetings with foreign leaders reported. Many of our contacts believe that Soliman,

    because of his military background, would at least have to figure in any succession


    From 1993 until Saturday, Suleiman was chief of Egypts General Intelligence Service. He

    remained largely in the shadows until 2001, when he started taking over powerful dossiers

    in the foreign ministry; he has since become a public figure, as the Wiki Leak document

    attests. In 2009, he was touted by the London Telegraph and Foreign Policy as the most

    powerful spook in the region, topping even the head of Mossad.

    In the mid-1990s, Suleiman worked closely with the Clinton administration in devising and

    implementing its rendition program; back then, rendition involved kidnapping suspected

    terrorists and transferring them to a third country for trial. In The Dark Side, Jane

    Mayer describes how the rendition program began:

    "Each rendition was authorized at the very top levels of both governments [the US and

    Egypt] ... The long-serving chief of the Egyptian central intelligence agency, Omar

    Suleiman, negotiated directly with top [CIA] officials. [Former US Ambassador to Egypt

    Edward] Walker described the Egyptian counterpart, Suleiman, as 'very bright, very

    realistic', adding that he was cognizant that there was a downside to 'some of the

    negative things that the Egyptians engaged in, of torture and so on. But he was not

    squeamish, by the way'. "Technically, US law required the CIA to seek 'assurances' from

    Egypt that rendered suspects wouldn't face torture. But under Suleiman's reign at the

    EGIS, such assurances were considered close to worthless. As Michael Scheuer, a formerCIA officer [head of the al-Qaeda desk], who helped set up the practice of rendition,

    later testified, even if such 'assurances' were written in indelible ink, 'they weren't worth

    a bucket of warm spit'."

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    Under the Bush administration, in the context of "the global war on terror", US renditions

    became "extraordinary", meaning the objective of kidnapping and extra-legal transfer was

    no longer to bring a suspect to trial - but rather for interrogation to seek actionable

    intelligence. The extraordinary rendition program landed some people in CIA black sites -and others were turned over for torture-by-proxy to other regimes. Egypt figured large

    as a torture destination of choice, as did Suleiman as Egypts torturer-in-chief. At least

    one person extraordinarily rendered by the CIA to Egypt Egyptian-born Australian

    citizen Mamdouh Habib was reportedly tortured by Suleiman himself.

    Suleiman the torturer

    In October 2001, Habib was seized from a bus by Pakistani security forces. While

    detained in Pakistan, at the behest of American agents, he was suspended from a hook and

    electrocuted repeatedly. He was then turned over to the CIA, and in the process of

    transporting him to Egypt he endured the usual treatment: his clothes were cut off, a

    suppository was stuffed in his anus, he was put into a diaper - and 'wrapped up like a spring


    Frustrated that Habib was not providing useful information or confessing to involvement in

    terrorism, Suleiman ordered a guard to murder a shackled prisoner in front of Habib,

    which he did with a vicious karate kick. In April 2002, after five months in Egypt, Habib

    was rendered to American custody at Bagram prison in Afghanistan - and then transported

    to Guantanamo. On January 11, 2005, the day before he was scheduled to be charged, Dana

    Priest of the Washington Post published an expos about Habib torture. The US

    government immediately announced that he would not be charged and would be repatriatedto Australia.

    A far more infamous torture case, in which Suleiman also is directly implicated, is that of

    Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi. Unlike Habib, who was innocent of any ties to terror or militancy, al-

    Libi was allegedly a trainer at al-Khaldan camp in Afghanistan. He was captured by the

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    Pakistanis while fleeing across the border in November 2001. He was sent to Bagram, and

    questioned by the FBI. But the CIA wanted to take over, which they did, and he was

    transported to a black site on the USS Bataan in the Arabian Sea, then extraordinarily

    rendered to Egypt. Under torture there, al-Libi "confessed" knowledge about an al-QaedaSaddam connection, claiming that two al-Qaeda operatives had received training in Iraq

    for use in chemical and biological weapons. In early 2003, this was exactly the kind of

    information that the Bush administration was seeking to justify attacking Iraq and to

    persuade reluctant allies to go along. Indeed, al-Libis "confession" was one the central

    pieces of "evidence" presented at the United Nations by then-Secretary of State Colin

    Powell to make the case for war.

    As it turns out, that confession was a lie tortured out of him by Egyptians. Here is how

    former CIA chief George Tenet describes the whole al-Libi situation in his 2007 memoir,

    At the Center of The Storm:

    "We believed that al-Libi was withholding critical threat information at the time, so we

    transferred him to a third country for further debriefing. Allegations were made that we

    did so knowing that he would be tortured, but this is false. The country in question [Egypt]understood and agreed that they would hold al-Libi for a limited period. In the course of

    questioning while he was in US custody in Afghanistan, al-Libi made initial references to

    possible al-Qaida training in Iraq. He offered up information that a militant known as Abu

    Abdullah had told him that at least three times between 1997 and 2000; the now-

    deceased al-Qaida leader Mohammad Atef had sent Abu Abdullah to Iraq to seek training

    in poisons and mustard gas.

    "Another senior al-Qaida detainee told us that Mohammad Atef was interested in

    expanding al-Qaidas ties to Iraq, which, in our eyes, added credibility to the reporting.

    Then, shortly after the Iraq war got under way, al-Libi recanted his story. Now, suddenly,

    he was saying that there was no such cooperative training. Inside the CIA, there was sharp

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    division on his recantation. It led us to recall his reporting, and here is where the mystery


    "Al-Libi's story will no doubt be that he decided to fabricate in order to get better

    treatment and avoid harsh punishment. He clearly lied. We just don't know when. Did he lie

    when he first said that al-Qaida members received training in Iraq - or did he lie when he

    said they did not? In my mind, either case might still be true. Perhaps, early on, he was

    under pressure, assumed his interrogators already knew the story, and sang away. After

    time passed and it became clear that he would not be harmed, he might have changed his

    story to cloud the minds of his captors. Al-Qaida operatives are trained to do just that. A

    recantation would restore his stature as someone who had successfully confounded theenemy. The fact is, we don't know which story is true, and since we don't know, we can

    assume nothing. (pp. 353-354)"

    Al-Libi was eventually sent off, quietly, to Libya - though he reportedly made a few other

    stops along the way - where he was imprisoned. The use of al-Libis statement in the build-

    up to the Iraq war made him a huge American liability once it became clear that the

    purported al-QaedaSaddam connection was a tortured lie. His whereabouts were, in fact,a secret for years, until April 2009 when Human Rights Watch researchers investigating

    the treatment of Libyan prisoners encountered him in the courtyard of a prison. Two

    weeks later, on May 10, al-Libi was dead, and the Gaddafi regime claimed it was a suicide.

    According to Evan Kohlmann, who enjoys favored status among US officials as an 'al-

    Qaeda expert', citing a classified source: 'Al-Libis death coincided with the first visit by

    Egypts spymaster Omar Suleiman to Tripoli?

    Kohlmann surmises and opines that, after al-Libi recounted his story about an al-Qaeda

    Saddam-WMD connection, "The Egyptians were embarrassed by this admission - and the

    Bush government found itself in hot water internationally. Then, in May 2009, Omar

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    Suleiman saw an opportunity to get even with al-Libi and travelled to Tripoli. By the time

    Omar Suleimans plane left Tripoli, Ibn al-Sheikh al-Libi had committed 'suicide'."

    As people in Egypt and around the world speculate about the fate of the Mubarak regime,

    one thing should be very clear: Omar Suleiman is not the man to bring democracy to the

    country. His hands are too dirty, and any 'stability' he might be imagined to bring to the

    country and the region comes at way too high a price. Hopefully, the Egyptians who are

    thronging the streets and demanding a new era of freedom will make his removal from

    power part of their demands, too.


    People have wondered why Mubarak was ousted even though he was a loyal servant to the

    Illuminati. The answer is he wasn't 100%. The US was not in complete control of Mubarak, and

    this became evident when Mubarak by his refusal to provide troops for Iraq/Afghanistan.

    Webster Tarpley has also reported that he refused to back an Arab coalition against Iran.

    Apparently he was getting too friendly with Russia and China.

    The Illuminati does not differentiate between friends and foes, based on past contributions. It

    demands constant obedience to an agenda which has little to do with democracy or the welfare of

    the Egyptian people.
