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Egyptian History Class 7

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Discussion of Egyptian Medicine which was very advanced for its time. Combination of magic, spells, organized procedures for treatments of ailments. Basic Surgery and homeopathic medicine.
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Herbs Used in Egyptian Medicine Ancient Egyptian History Class 7a Instructor Joe Boisvert
  • 1.Herbs Used in Egyptian Medicine
    Ancient Egyptian History
    Class 7a
    Instructor Joe Boisvert

2. Egyptian Medicine
The Egyptian concern for body preservation, mummification and anatomy, allowed this culture to develop highly advanced medical practices, and achievement of great contributions in this field
These important advances included knowledge about a large variety of Herbal remedies, medicinal drugs and some contraceptive devices.
Egyptian medical knowledge was transferred by the Greeks into other Middle Eastern and European civilizations.
3. Egyptian Medicine Gods and Herbs
4. Lotus Plant in Egypt
5. LotusHistory:
The Lotus is seen everywhere in ancient Egyptian tombs and temples, often held in the hands of gods and royalty.
The Lotus grows in muddy waters, yet emerges from them pure and unblemished.
Accordingly, the Lotus is the symbol of resurrection, purity, serenity and peace.
The Lotus flower was part of the Ancient Egyptian creation story. Because the flower opens each day and closes each night, it is a symbol of rebirth and eternal life, the main theme of Egyptian religion.
6. Lotus History
According to the creation story, Ra, the Sun God, created himself from amidst chaos and first emerged from the petals of the lotus flower.
When Ra returned to the lotus flower each night, its petals enfolded him once again.
The Lotus was the symbol of the Upper Kingdom of Egypt, seen as the tall white crown, symbolic of the Lotus bud.
7. Uses:of the Lotus
The lotus has a historical tradition of use as an aphrodisiac.
The seeds and roots are now used for a nutritive tonic, an astringent skin wash, a hemostatic agent for bleeding disorders, and has mildly sedative properties for irritability, anxiety and insomnia.
Lotus root is widely used in Oriental cuisine.
8. Cautions With Lotus Plant
Taken internally in large quantities, may slow down digestion, and cause indigestion and constipation. Individual dose tolerance varies.
9. Overview of Use of Herbs
Ancient Egyptian remedies consist of alimitednumber of cultivatedherbs and plants
Egyptians usesimplerecipes for medications, which were commonly added to common food in the form of spices and drinks
Egyptian foods and herbs spread to the rest of the world from antiquity, and became part ofuniversallyknown culinary ingredients
Egyptian herbs and medications can be considered as "healthy foods", though theyarenot effectivemedicines for acute diseases, they aresafeto take and eat used today as homeopathic remedies.
10. Egyptian Treatment of Infections
Honey- Carvings in temples, on sarcophagi and obelisks prove that bees and honey had a vital significance in the daily life of ancient Egyptians
- TheEbers Papyrusrefers to the medicinal value of honey. Almost all Egyptian medicines contained honey, wine and milk- Due to it's antiseptic and antifungal properties, honey was both used internally and externally, to soothe irritated skin, and aid in the healing of wounds and infections,
Doctorsof ancient Egypt put this property of honey to work, treating open wounds with honey to prevent infection. This treatment is described in theEdwin Smith Papyrus, and the method must have saved untold numbers of lives from deadly infections at pyramid work sites where scrapes, gashes, and cuts would have been common
11. Treatment for Diarrhea
Acacia- The gum derived from the acacia tree was used for gastrointestinal, and urinary tracts diseases. It was often mixed with boiling water to form a mucilage, and provided a soothing coating to the digestive tract, especially in cases of gastritis and ulcers.
12. Coriander Used for Pain Killer
This herb and its seeds were commonly used by the Egyptians, coriander seeds have been found in ancient tombs, and is one of the first herbs mentioned in ancient scripts. Its Egyptian name is Kuzbarah derived from the Greek "Koris"
It has pain relieving properties and is useful for headaches, muscle pain and stiffness, arthritis and rheumatism.
Coriander essential oil was known to remove toxins and stimulate circulation. Rubbing it on the body eased muscular aches, pains and stiffness, including arthritis and inflammatory conditions
The seeds were used as a paste for mouth ulceration and a poultice for other ulcers
13. Egyptian Medicine for Sexual Problems
14. Respiratory Disorders
15. Cardiovascular Problems
16. Egyptians Treatment for Eye Diseases
Castor Oil- Beans of this plant have been found in ancient Egyptian tombs dating back to 4000 BC According to theEbers Papyrus
Egyptian doctors used castor oil to protect the eyes from irritation and dryness
17. This hieroglyph shows Egyptians harvesting grapes and counting jars of wine. Researchers say traces from two jars show herbs and wine were mixed for the sick as far back as 3,150BC
18. The End Class Seven
Egyptian Medicine was combination of Magic, Basic Surgery and Medicine
