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eh-/lK...to reter the l.gal aspeete ot this itato the 81zth CeDd.tt.e. Iou are requ.uted to...

Date post: 31-Jan-2021
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eh-/lK fl. tJ '1;1c I {AUG! IJ 101ft cJl/ /l u q I ! 0 d)t c . I Cf L/ to ( - I " il L;; 1" I
  • eh-/lKfl. tJ '1;1cI

    {AUG! IJ 101ft

    cJl/ /luq I 91.1~! 0 d)tc . I Cf L/ to

    ( -




  • ."1


    .....----_.-.... "'~... . ..,----..

  • 1,\, \-G~~"c·-·· r ...... '"""'-",

    ~~~ '.. .


    \~ •• Perea-OuerreJlO.




    QM'ne!. It 18 na-at.ecl that t.he cba1JWa1lship ntat.••• Utecbau.. or the to. __ ~t,". ta.k1q t.uu to be lba1JoMa ottbe joillt ee-it...... 10 obaage of oba1J"11111 aho1lld tate place,in t.he Jdddl.. of t.be ex_:l_t.1oa of aD 1"-.

    A ..,.uoa~v ahould be appo1nted. !gr_.eat. bet.weeathe tow. t.be re&d1ea\ -7 of propoaial a oaadidate.A. .epal'&~ '!0f!\!!7 IdIo1Ilcl .. cIe.1&a\ecl "" t.be 8eoretariat(p1"8fera~ ~ tAM tw A..sa.O. 00Il0e1'Ded..)

    D!J.!e1JeM ebMlcl be aU.ed to -'.toe \heir repN.-tat,1ft rnawtd........" OO8I1ttee 1. _at.~ \0 t"', or a Wrd par't.J'(nUl taM caba1l'8D'. ~t.) - • pre...... eat by the ........u.s or 2 e-1t.\ee _ 21 Jaaar;r, 191tP•.Il!toQ to pl!!U7, 1\ _1114 be ..\ ..-.a1eD\ tv t.Ile jo~co.dt.w. to repcno\ d1rec\ \0 tJae p1.«J8'7. Bat. tM P~\'a1et.\er U8\11tc tM 1\_ retVl"ed to each e-it,\M 1I01Ild .td.l,it .-p11ect wit.h at.ri~. ..pars.t.e rep0rt,8 back troa __ oftM t_ oa.1t..........rae4.

    It. _1I1cl be balp.tulit 111'. Cordier bold t ...Uq with tbe t._cba1J'MD COIlOeraed to ngpat. \M prooecluN Uow. !be t.wenlnaa\ aecntarl•• ad pnter&b17 \be t.wo ...c1at.e

  • 1 11111'•• lWiI6


    1'itA ..,... to ., ,.,••'.

    -..I edd Ml ., •••, ..

    .. ..~ __ ~·II a.1h1 _n.. lrl¥.....• lll .r... ., ...._....,e.tI••• ., ,...... JlIU.'"............ 111111'''',

    p......~."'I "'.'1' fit tillt ••I"'" "In",.

    ... I r llJMMr ... ·0Ul -,11...

    ..... fit Ute !bUd o· ",.'

  • Dear Slr Carll

    '1'be QceJ'81 qa_lT. at ita tort7-81x.th plena" meeting

    held on '1 October 1946. retWl'ld the toUGri.Dg it.. t:rcllll tbe

    Agenda to the Third ee:-d.tt.. tor OOMideratlol'u-

    (1) Deport of the lcoDc8Jo and 8Oo:l.al. Counou on theQ,Wtn1oD of rerua... and coruddwettoD of thecoanit:01oD of the Int.enaat1oDa1 B.etug..Or8ard1ation.

    (2) Ruolut1oD ot the Jcoac:a1c and SociAl Councll~ the traDIIt.. of the wlt'are act1rtt1eaor tmRnA to the United Nat1...

    (;~) BNolut.1on or the~c and Social Councu~ the Mtabl!abllet11; at III Internat100alCh!ldJoen', -I"PDq P'ed.

    (4) Baolut1cm ot the EdoIlClld.o and SOC1a.l C0un01l~ the wor1.4 Health Organist1on.

    (5) Beaolut1on ot the EoancaSc and Soc1aJ. COuncurep.N1rJc _tJ.Onal Bed ero•• 8oc1tt1ea.

    (6) Report c:4 the~c ard Social Council on the....-ptton of tunctiAms &ad pIW'W'~G'8I"C1Md b7 the 1.Mgue of lat10De \ltd.,. -.riou1ntematioMl COIlYctiona _ naroot.1c tb:"up.

    (7) Orpniaatioo of an tnt.",.t1onal r..... Contvenoe.

    (8) Draft 4eolarat1on OIl tund..ftt.al m-n r1&hta and~.

    Hie ...u.." Sir Carl BeNnda_.Cba1Jw,n 01 the !bird Co.IIa1tt...

  • · g

    (9) Report of the BeoDfaio &Dl Social Comacll.

    (10) Be1&t1oDe Ntnen the t1Dited. I&tio_ and the apec1Alizedagcc1ea.

    (11) CoM1d.aat.1on and approval of agr...t. conclwied. withtM 8pec1a11zed apncie8.

    (12) Report of the EeoDrD1c and. 1001&1 Oo..U and report o!the Secret.ar,r-GenV&l on the traut.. of other tunoUouand ut1vi't1.. 01 the LeagQ of ",:Lou.

    (13) Pollt1cal rights of ....

    1M oone14eftt1oD ot tho•• art1c1.. of the oonat1tut1oA of the

    IDt..,.tioDal a.tugee Orgardu.tion cleal~ng with t1nanc.., aad the

    bwlget ot the Intemat1ona1 Betua•• Orsan.1:&at1oD in It.. 1 baft bee

    reterred. to the F1ttb COmadtt.e. '1'be advic. of the F1tth ea-1tt••

    ld.ll be taken into account by the Third COJIIld.ttee in Mking 1t,

    "port to tlM G_eraJ. "-a.ml7.

    Itt. 2 to S U4 Ita 7 w1ll be cons14erecl bY' the 'J.'h1rd e-dtt..

    aloM. which wUl report. thereon to the GeDel"8l .b• .m!7.

    It. 6 baa bee referred to the '.l'h1rd C

  • ltell , t.o 12 lvlw been reterre4 to a J~ SeotuJd and~

    e-D-t.ee, I.Rt )"iN an requa-W to c~t, the~ of the s-at

    Co9dtte. with resa:rd 1;0 the t~t.~ or th1a ee-:1ttee, ito vG'k IUd

    .rePGl't to thu a.:m.-al Afltl~ ..In Add1't1Gu Its. 1'1 _ 121mw ... ftfC"X'lflld to th'it JQint ~14

    the lep.l 8.SI.acte or u·'t!4te 1.tfl'2. Y\"tl rr.ft l"OqUe8ted to conault with

    th. ~"''1 fit' t~.'j1.xt}, C

  • Cop, of letter t.o Ill". Belt. 21 Aquat 1946. aigned by h. Andrew Cord1er

    21 August 1946


    I haTe the honor to acknowl.dge on behalf of the Seeret.ar,y-GeDeralreceipt of your letter no. 1 ot 2 Aupat. 1946 eneloaing cow ot are.ol.t.ioD reaarding the use ot Spanieh ae a third WOl"kin& 1.......eieb the Cu.~ Delegat10n wiehee to eubmit to the second part ot thetiret ....101l ot the o.eral A••.-b17.

    I WO'lld like; howner, to draw your attention to the tact thatBale 51 of the Pran.lonal Rul.. ot Procedu.re haa been nperaeded bythe ".ohltion ot 1 'ebNa17 1946 adopted on the Report. ot the Fireteo.uttee BDd lIIbich read••e follow1

    "aeaolTed that the Gener&1 Aa.!t!!P:lrl1

    (a) adopt. rul.. of procedure concem1ng l8ZlgUag•• inoontorm1ty with tbe rule. herewith preaented (annex);

    (b) recQlllll8nda to the other organa of th_ United Nation.the adoptlon ot laDgUaCe Nlea in contondt)' 'With the Nle.herew1th pre.entedJ

    (c) recoanende that the Secret&r1-General make. athorough enquiry into the que.tion of the installation ottelephonic .yat... ot interpretation end, it po••ible,

    arrange. tor the e.tabllehaent ot alcb .. 81.tem tor tbe.econd part. ot the tiret ••••ion.

    ,(!wnty-fir.t plenary Metine, 1 'ebruary 1946¥/I

    1. In all the oriana ot the United lationa, other thanthe Intemational Courtot Juatice, Chin••e, French, liilgl1eh,a.t.a1an cd Spenish .hall be the otficial 1NlCUl&e., enclIngli.h and. french the 1lIOrld.n& 1I1\&\1&Ie••

    2. Speeches IUd. in either ot the 1lIOrking language••hall be interpreted into the other working l&niUage.

    3. Speeches made in any ot the other three otticial language••hall be interpreted into both working langu~e••

  • 31 oetober 1946/

    Dear Air. Ai lCbour.;y

    The General Aa.err-bl1, at. it.. to"'T-e1xth plAnld.ry meetin&

    held on 31 OCt.ober 1946 J referred. the foll.owing it..niB f'rooI. the

    !"genoato the 11fth CoDID1tt•• tor consideration.

    ( 1) COJUlicleration and approval ot the first.and eecond annual bUdget. II ot the Organ1:r,at10fJtor t.be years 1940 and 1947 r••pecti.eq

    (2) Report. ot the Secret.U7-General 011 theorganization and adDdn1stration of the secNt.amt.

    (:3) Report. ot tne Secretary-General on budgetaryand t1n::.ncial &r1"Ill\g-.nt.

    (4) hport. or t.be Contributions COJIID1tte. on IlL.cal. 'or the apport1cruact. of expen.e.

    (5) Consideration of tho.e articl•• ot theconstitution of tM Intemational Retug..Oraan1zat i on dealing 1d.th finance., Ulc:l

    the budget. ot the lntemational Hetua..Organ! ..ation

    (6) Report. ot the Secret.lU7-Gentll"&1 on IlL ayat_ot .imultaneous interpretat10n

    H1$ Excellency tarts Al Kbour.JChainaan ot the Firth c~tt...

  • (7) Reeolution ot \he ~c a.DG Social CO\Q1011regardin& t.he u:pen••s ot • ....,.$ of c08l1.81011.of the &'Jonoaic and. 3OOia.l Council

    (8) Resolution of the FAODOJd.c aDd Social Councilftlard.1n& th. ut.1UsatlC1l ot the property dgnt.or the League or Nati ma 1n the lJIt,erD&tionalIutitout. ot Im.ellectual Co-opera'UOI1

    (9) Joint report. ot the Secret.a17-Genera1 and or tbe".aot1at,lngC.-1tt.. OIl the transter to theUnited Nation. ot c.rt.a1n as.et. ot the Leagueot Na\.1011••

    (10) Amendlilent to the Provisional Rule. ot PJ'oceaur8to ciwlg. the date of the reaular annWLl ...81onot the General A••.t>17.

    (ll) Report. of tbe secret.a17-a.neral on reoo-.eDdatlonsooncerning the adll1n1.Jtratlon or the Int.matlonalCoU1"t ot Ju8t.ice

    (12) Approval ot agl'Mrllent concerning th'~ premi.e. otthe PeaCe Pa.lace at the Hap.e

    It.. 1, ) and 4, aDC1 , \0 9 1nolu.si1"e abo.,.. 11111 be conadaered b7

    the Fifth Co.s.:1tt.. aleme, which w111 report tm-reon to the Genera.l A..a.bll.

    It. S baa been reterre4 to the n..t\h COIIIII1t t.ee tor cona1c1el'ation and

    J"eport, D.t"ck to the a-teral .uaMb1¥J the F1tt.b eo-1tt...hould, how..-r,

    eo-..nicate ita findinga to the Third c.mitt...

    It.. 2 and 10 han been referncS to the n.n.h CoIIIIlttee, 1I1th

    in.t.ruct.lona to reter t.he 1.,.1 aepecto or the•• it.. to the Sixth C~ttee.You are requelJt.ed t.o connlt with t.he Chdl"lllUl ot the S1xtb COllla1.tt... to

    4et-ermine t.he legal aspecta ot tbe.e two 1t_. whlch m1ght 'be roterred to

    tbe Sixth Committe.. The a.cince ot the Sixth Ca.1ttee will be t.ukc into

    account b7 the nn.h C~tt.. 1n _k1ng it. report. to the Gcleral Aa.embl1.

  • -,-

    It.. 11 and 12 haft Hen relen«t to a joint 'ltt.h and su.th

    OOlll1tt.., and 1OtJ. are requllted to cons;.~lt with the Chairman of the

    Sixth COIJIId,t.t.. with regard. t.o the toraation or this CODIIId.tt.e, it. work

    and report. t.o the (}enere.l A••ebJ,y.

    You haft ., ••r,y beet wi.. tor the ~..dy furt.herance of theb_Y7 ta. wnch 11•• belon the C--.1tt...

    Yours a:1ncerel1,

    P-H. 8p&akPresielet of theGeneral AaHRlbl¥.

  • DR.AFT

    The Advisory Group of ~lClrtB d1aeussed with the SocretaJ",,"'GceraJ.

    the generaJ. plan of organ.1.zation and it l;as a..:::reed t.hat functions at

    the :~reta.r1at should conti...'1oo to be defined as eJ~early as l;oasiblo

    so as to artord a bas1s for the "Wfing o.t tho Organization and the

    f,lam:dng of the work J',rog,ram. :lS.rYtondetlCy tov."&I'd frema.ture eatabl1shment

    ot spee:SaJ'lIed units will be earetull)" watched. Divis10mJ and sections

    will not be set up that duplicate the tunct1an8 of other I.:nrtS or the

    Secreta:l"1At or perfom embryonic or undefined !unctions. Specialized

    units will not be attached exclusive17 to individual cCllWi8a1ona, sub-

    00J£Ild a10ns or cormd.ttees. ra.rt.icular care will litJ..ao be taken to aY01d

    the crea.tjon of separate div1a1ons or sect.ione dupl1cating the work ot

    other intema.tianal 8.t:~enciea. The ex.Uting systs and methods of

    adminiBtrative control will be .tI:>re .f'uJ.JJ' developed. and atrcmgthened

    so as to A'9Oid the proilleration of smell units which tend to (1) produce

    an over-eomlPlicated o!"ganization with weakened adm:1n1st,ratlve control

    and overlD.flP1ng lines of rosrona1bllitT; (2) d.iridn18h the scope of senior

    aM 1n~te statr; &rd (:3) li..--d.t oprortunit;! for dowloping the

    potentWitiea o! jun10r stat.!.

  • Jfr. 'h7P'. L1e,Sec~n.l. - Attention of: Mr. Cordier

    I. c. ~._, D1ract.or,Bveau of ,dwd 8 18tra\ ! ",. JlanagwaMt al'¥1 !N4&et.Doc'1_.t !/:lJJ3.

    c..s.t"•• I, at. 1t.. 'thir\1e\h Ileetir.tc on 28 loY.... 1946, reo_waded thatthe GMenJ. .....b11 &4opt a zoeao1ut.lon on the tOl'CU ot •• Tben of the Unit.ed.lat10u on non...., t.erritoriu (A/JIJ3). fbi. NII01a\1oB, it appl"CmMi, wouldnnlt in acae aldit1enal work tortbe secretar1&t., Sa ~lng the Wonat.icmsubm'ltHd and prepa1"in& reporta tor \be seoUl"1\y CowacU. Ilowinr, I 40 not.bell... that a IJUppl.eMntaI'T eatlJlat. wotWl be requ1recl.

    Den the proposal .. cI1IIcuee4 in the GaDenl , ....q. \h. UIl1t.ecl K1ngclQllleubId.\te4 an aaendMnt (A/203IAdcleod- 1) to Nta'bUah a Suparrl.eoJ7 C.....tt.eeto conduct uudnatlona OIl the .pot. IJh1a would requ1re peater ~tuJ'e8.

    Uaclel' the rules of prooedu:re (Bale 112) ,tuttJa1\ed. nrc" PropoeaJ. J'1'Obabl7IJhoQl4 be Mterred to the r1fth CoaId.t"-. tor conaid.-at.ion of the eft.., an. UlebwIpt.

  • TO,


    m_oLED NATIONS • NATIONS UNn.:...,



    The Secretar,y-General

    Martin Hill





    SUBJECT: Date _

    It might be useful if you were to remark. during the

    discussion of the paper concerning the specialized agencies, etc ••

    that certain of the committees of the AssemblY and their sub-

    committees may wish to invite representatives of the specialized

    agencies for I-urroses of consultation. It would avoid much waste

    of time if there were to be a general authorization to committees

    in this sense.

  • FOR








  • 11

    I .... tAe koaov ...okMwl..... t.Il. ftOfI1~ of .,.. ~t....

    ot 18 aeto__ 19\\6 w1\l1 Wib1_ 1ft eMloHCl a eo" or a ft'f1etM'l

    5'-'.__ t. tu 4aiaUu.U_ 'trilJual a40pt.M lt7 'b. tn.....t.10D1l1

    I bay. NUllu4 eloa17 \It. qUftlQU 1'81aed " .,..,.,

    1.,... 04. in 'fl_ Or the aaaaJ.tlp)l1'01S1 aoool'd.a to \he tran~taw_ 1tr tJAe iJ....1a.l..1U4 ...1.. aa4 or ~. tu\ uat. \M~

    ,:~lr 1. a1.na47 1a 1_. 1 ..... 4..14" iaa\ t .. woul4 .. 1a

    \he It-oat. 1a--.W of all 114 M 1AIllelt. -.u Dftn S\Ilww ...pro)'lON4 It-J \he;:d.Y1M1"1 00M1" .... \b.. ;;.en...1 , .....17.,

    I ........ t.ha, "'. 400'Wf4Ul' .U1 be tUMWtHd 117 •

    Ab--.tt.t.. ot ~ .rl1'tlt 0-.1" .. \0 .....".\1_ I


  • npuenMt.l... to lIM' .1\0 .. "w __lt" ..... ,

    I bope \ba' \b.l. prNe4ue tor dallA(S wit.h the ."'.t-will _. ea\1erli.loJ7 t:r8 ,... pt'Ilat. ot Y1. Q4 1 Qo1ald l1ke

    'i*17f1ft L1e,~"'-Gen....l

    jiiJ'. .u.. J. 'phelAn,Dlnewr,ta.....U01'lA11AMu' 0JllUi_t,1oa.~ Ua1~enl\J' Joi'tt. J

    , liDa~, ,i,.~..b..,0aM.4.a.

  • ~ .. , •••11~~ ,.. 1946~ 1947(-.l~~~.)

    fJJ1M f1nt, ....')"-~ 04 ,."Me dMt.\ tAtm .. \M~ tit


    ...~~ of i..... 1!U ~ Ipen. Ofu. ...,....... 11\1.'. of .., ,.*' .. 1.7 ( ..AI'I9) •~ '" \be ". _, 0.,' ....

    ••••••• o.ra.e ill 1'47, (~._~M A/l.?4. i/111o/8w.l -Al'l")•.. c...... La .. 1ft 1ft • pclJI1ti. to .....t .....1WM. n...

    "", .. .u .u.-. 1\a .lfUt....U._ ct ., $\tpi;~tcra.u....... td(_ .......... U. 8.....~n1 ta I/C.J/tI, .....~4..,...,.,loaJINU••.,. ••••••1. Ie \be fifth 0 ~ __ ~........,

    ..u tba .1.1'.,. a..na ., t em -..pl_ tbGM tIlIhHb .,

    .... ,.. ~ 01 'M~~1y4~ t/b- p,...' 1.1 '-)_ .... po\ MlIt1&b19. "'i'll ~t;\.W11l ,.,.,\~ an~~••I.•''''' 11-

    t ..t"~,,, j . LAC_i..... end. thtt~. c.p1M1 r.1. 1\ ~·jir••• \t • n..l. "'11 Try ...,.. __~ t.otal M\b ,... at4 4Oftt.a~ ....... df'aft .t'.....

    ,...1. I ...~~t. 1946 19L?1._ 11£. -.1Iti.1 ..c.a,-,- ..... oloM--~ of .u../9'.0+ 1'!\('1, It l

    "U--rillf·~~U4s:• ..ullbl.~~;t.. .1\~_ b....r, tMt; the

    'ft1!dtty or~~ tJI· ... pct.:nt.•. res.-.:i hv 6Wr.-_ loft. 'nil ftN'l: ~,__~.qh-. Me~.~~ b7 ....~~U., ... \)f •.., of~~tv¥ ...-.. \bara .. 1.~J.~1'~l.. .u \.be n.tth

    o-l'" .. Wo~ • 2' lw__ 1946. ~ AdY11017 t':Otllll,,,,, ......fIJf tM t. ,hat t.hff~ b8Il~ Mfa ....... i:r.i' ~.~ ...., ...... ~., ~ ~U\h$~_. fa ....

    .....~, ~~ \M C...u.* ,l II" , MIl'"

    nUIII•• .." \be.~~, .u. utl. 1ilIlIth bI4 '1 ..... 1Mr i I".

    ..., ... Sa au ... 1 I.'...... Sa ........U. !\J,

  • itM Q _ *


    _' ~ _" _ i _-/-_/,...+1 ~';J_ (' ieffl-'-" -t: Ie . .

    a. "'lIIILtd~tll iIIIIa1J" s.a \M ~,- I' ..d....',~.~~ -.,.uw:~ 1....... '~ ........

    "~t \be pel'•• In4~.. laW~ ll-r \he 0••1'11 ' ••••11 ~b•

    •'$.~ U. e..t.,.. bat~ "r.~ f'~~U( .. tM __ sa t-i• .-l.Mht 11 h -.........

    \hit••~ ..~.~ of ~ho~ .. til yet JJ,a an~

    ... of f1~'~t.... t.b&t. u ....... ~f;'LO""'-....-~'-"~~

    /_~~..... ,.,.......- Uft~~"~~",,-~d-. (ae-... ' U!(jv---J ~' __.,., iCiWbW.~Itt ., .,••, 1\

    '''' ..... ,',.".,.,,

  • -- --$

    J f;, ' ",lI '

    .., ..... h o.c,,"~ .,., ........,t~wl~ tMnpJ••,' ••nt. of ~il'••nt ,~'_lW~ M!lt'.:rrbl~~~.t ........

    .,.";U.", ,bGtl.1£i .,.~ \.~ tl.,...,. iM t.() ..", lw~twrk 1*. __~ ......._* lMd, wl~ t -...t,.~4, ",. ~\_ ,~ M1i t.hat _oth.t~ ~ al. ~~.........~ bl:P~e optl"lltolcM$ Ui tn. '::~utu. hl~~..~l."'tl.. ~,,"1.. ~.l'di"... i~.. 'It.- ~~I'~ .u~"

    ~ be~ .a:.r .. 't"ba ~. Gtw.u~ p1aI"4J .~ "1"0 ........-ul.~ It -..u \he M ,.1~1II .t'~ t.he ~t.o .uml~ Dei.1dd.." not. 'P"'N ....toW .It ~ adJU'. 'ho r ~:;.t Gllliptrdl,,," tor d-tlt'w'tnt.~~,,,he ~ of th~lrrelAU:"1t!'~q. h~~Jti1_

    ..... the e..L'.. "'~ 1a &i4J.t.1cIJ. to ~£A;~ i\. v;Lpr..~~ ._

    ••••_*".:n~. t,o~, helillllU. in -~1!:)n.r:r..u~ Ire'toM~.., ~, .... r-tt tn fUl.... ,1ft ~If 'to bo iD, .. pMlU. M

    __ t\4.3 .".. to the ~.t,1ane ... -.s.-.~ l'i.>- t..,,~ ~t"._,_ tv ..~u. \0 .. .,....••~ .......~ ........ to U.


    /)I~. a-.......~i .. i.. ~ ~ ~1t 1U t 1oulU. t8lllng ,~ VI<S~~em11a bU .,to'" ,... 'he~~~.J')~.~ • .-....

    . ' t.! " ~ C-ll- ;" ~~;;;~~/h N....10 pi.,........ i.e t.t'ii\,tMtt.h.' ,*tw ~~le ~ 1e:lt.1at. -.1...


    f6l.m~.Mt1t~Pf'tJ~1 \Qr~ .'them. ~~,t~~:~~~~.r eft•• "t-f..CM.,'Y~' t-" > , { -: ,,~ ,~

    ~ ~;jit_.l\lt t.b~ c.nel:a .P7~ .... ~.ttL_...... _I:. ~ .'.'I"it. toMI

    t-.lt. $t...... ~,)ltu"fjl DOt Nl\«~'" ia ,t.b8i_:l., ~,:tn.l ..~~w~,hf}..t,

    ceU'el ..~ 1'''__ 01 U". ~""18I'l"'f~"'. ~, \h.

    5~:t'~j$nl_' .f1J\I,d it S.rO#$lbl~ tA eAWr,' M ,~.u ~.~,UlU.8 t~"

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    OA w.~ *1.fJ U. c.-.tue~.... "'hAlt. t.he .t'.1M9iM ,. \-lU ottJ.-.~. " ....,••Id i4 ,~. MJ~~.

    J ~ ,'~,-..(' .,

    1!"'11~" ef catt1.....Wt;lal ~~t. ot.

    ().. J.:,. - "..' "r : ./d_

  • _k


    Ja the Uibt. ., ........~_ t.ae ~~\tiMl INa'" \bat t.b~

    Q.... at eltJ.... ~d be r ..ri-.:l to,"~ ....tt. fIfta \,iAt. ~,f ..

    by twll,. .ttfd~ ~'G \Nt..-t. ~, toM ~t.,.....' tit. t.n.(11,

  • AppropriationSeotion

    As Submitted by Secretary -6eneral

    IDf'ormationHeadquarters Geneva P&Oilio Centres

    (A/?9) (A!174, 1/l74/Rev.1, AIl76)Total Headquarter8

    As Recommended by Advisory Committee

    IDf'orutionGeneva pacilic Centres Total

    I. 790,000 - - - 790,000 790,00011. 13,401,318 600,857 133,595 316,949 14,452,719 12,e8S,SS7

    III. 4,969,000 196,000 58,000 194,574 5,417,574 4,669,000

    IV. 2,622,600 15,000 88,000 47,535 2,772,535 2,622,000

    $21,782,318 m,S57 279,595 '5',e,s 23,432,828 • 20,766,557


    527,214 ~2'/ OV'O

    156,000 ~2.5,woo

    12,000 ""ie11}"O/017"0

    695,214 ~









    A~ C: ,,,,,C3u£i"£f

    J'Z1 '73'77 1. ,;






    Mr. Andrew W. Cordier

    Dr. Yuen-li Liang

    In order to facilitate the work of the Secretariesof the main committees it is suggested that certain decisionswhich have alre~dy been made be implemented as follows:

    1. It has come to my attention that a certain amount ofconfusion exists regarding the names of the Secretariesof the Committees and their Assistant Secretaries.Delegates and other departments of the Secretariat have,for example, frequently mistaken one or the o~her ofmy Assistant Secretaries 'for the Secretary ot the LegalCommittee. It is, therefore, suggested that a circularlisting the names of the Committee Secretaries_and oftheir Assistant Secretaries should be circulated. Thispaper should also contain information concerning theoffice numbers of the Committee Secretaries, theirtelephone extension numbers, etc.

  • Continued:--2

    car and driver who will be permanently attachedto each Committee Secretary will make it possiblefor punctual attendance at commit,tee meetingsand for appointments. At the discretion of theCommittee Secretary the use of the car may beassigned to one or more of his Assistant Secre-taries.

    Yuen-li Liang


    cc: Mr. David BlickenstaffMiss Constance Rhodes

  • •o;WRn. ASfGUI:lI • • 1

    L!Dt of OcDal\toe 8ooretat'1ate for tbesOCOD4 l'*1't at tID t1I'8t .-eSorr



    Ur. Ccllrd1..

    Ur. 'G3 'ckedrrtaftU5..oo tlllodee

    Ur. IteraoUr.1'ol1erttl'. SObre1bar




  • JQaIta. .............. Ul-• CcIrd1eJ.' A2-108 S12.-=t. ~. B1.WteoJtat.t !t2-Jl11 !A12Ulee RhodeG J\2-1JY1 ~'4tII MJiII.t£!. . tfr. Itomo



    film Ur.GardoDLtDsr.tIagz (2), ar' poa8~ , OJ' 4 (not Ch1Deso)

    =r Yeo - !ft£9E8I: Y08.. To be euppl1cd by Docur.mxt;s D1v18:lon,I2W3M\1 Yea

    DE.. Mr. BJ.1cIc:m8tatt /t2-lJ11 S12.. s... T ~. ~ ~ ...............lI:1BD Rhodes taOJJ11 ~

  • l'InST C

  • t~m son u;LthEx;putivo Offieo

    ,~ Advisors

    Frees L1q.ioon

    ltr. ABlion

    llr. ll1tehieUr. Vax'loyHr. Ricbardot

    llr. Hill

    Ur. Schachter

    llr. 31Deon1dest1r. I3ayldonUiDs ICohane

    Room no. Te1.. J.iRd;.



    (2) Ql" (3) (Spmleh)

    If poss1blo


    To be supplied by Docummt;e Div1oion


    llias SCmJBrtz

  • Room Ilo. tel. Ii9c.tU"'. stanCZ~t

    Lb.'. LIUlumdtil'. IIassel311' ik"\phaol Cilento (Ilefugeos)Ill'. Ste1nig (Uarootice)

    I4tdson pithH;ec!1tiw Offico l1r. Hill

    L0wY- Adviaorji

    fEeso lJ.a1~n

    DQC!pmt.a. .QW.s


    lll". Gcbachtor

    Dr. ~leioyIJr. Johanaenll1.oo Ippen

    It IX>oe1blo

    1J:lso Drod1o1.J.I;!s U1d'\'4.ntorIJ:1SD na.vTo be supplied by Doc1JtB'1ts Division



  • FOUR'l'Il C

  • .~\ I',,- .


    =:tes Ur. ".iattors'Ur. FrJo.:t~fiCei: llr. Hill

    l.t9tJal MWm Ur. FellorlJr. SchachterUr. Fabry

    ",..IriS9F Ur. lJos!ma

    L!R£I¥¥ (2)

    !sJlIt4I11oco~If poaa:1ble

    .M'P8T Bf!SoB rasa tlahonll1Do UcDanieJ.allis~ Lorooe


    To be supplied by DocUl:lm1to Division


    .LtA1em OUicerJ1ti1a pgm!!J!M!l;8, 1lr. Janos&tortll,J.'NMP9


  • ,r

    Pooo no. Til· Ii5M.Ur. L1JmgSS'$ka


    tlr. RathUr. Schro1bortlr. Koo

    111ft'J!2D witb tIr. ViglerPiMlit4n O££~co

    LoeAL Mvit3sp

    Press I~!.1§on To be announced lator


    If };X)ssible

    §]!PN7 Records Yos

    R~D OfficO£ To be supplied by Documcntfl Division

    iqprm1 Yoo

    LIr. 1(00


  • ,~



    ...... t]ltd!.: ..,miD 91fico

    JdIaA1. 4E1y;I.Dsg

    "., I4t1 '9Rtepcog (2)

    !sItIDi Rt99£dI No

    !"'EY REs£ds no

    14&i8cn ot1'1cerwJIh 1)0011,....... , Ur. Kco~,


    A2-142 4SO

  • ADVISalI cowr.rtJE 011 ft.UL:I.tasTRA'l'lVS Am BWGmAlttaumiORS or

    lIr. Anderoen

    M1-. 'M1che1.aoreMr. JcmesUr. Let.hbr:ldgeMias lIameraon

    .lrWs ntt9


    MAl MVisers Mr. Feller1Jr. Sd1aChteZ'LIr. Fab17

    fresl 14a1aon -.

    Lamua!ms (2)

    vt£blli.l@Sdp It posoiblo

    RsemrHOmS To be supp11ed by UocUlilEnte Div1Dion

    JPUD'MQ Yes

    . t


  • . ,

    fl9r0W7 lIr. Elv1m

    .",EG.~ Ur. iloDr:J4

    ,.1dlr.a1.M:'Y¥lF . tr. Koo

    f£J.te W-W0l,l~ (2)



    Dp9l1P'2'lt1'. 2&Ucer

    I£mmtlWIMm 9.tUm..~,.~,



  • .....,.

    ...Ji'ae! wawmkIYmmeYtCtQ~1l9mrtm

    1h'. ate1"mantaao SmithL:4se Uussott

    Hr. li'~ .UI'. scbro1ber

    tir. itennoy



    To bo suppliod by Docomon\a D1:v101on


  • _ M _

    I~. It is not. nntio:lPltod tha.t tb10 Cam4ttoe nUlmeet VGI7 fJooqu.ently, if at all. Prov1s1onalSecretarJ.at ~er:leIltl3 shou14, hoMvel't bemade.
