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 · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor...

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Page 1:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••

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Page 2:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••


Page 3:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••
Page 4:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••
Page 5:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••
Page 6:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••

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Mrs. Frankl in Del ano Roosevelt % Ui sa Elizabet h McClave Rues Building San rranoi sco , Cali f .

Uy dea r Mr s . Ro osevelt :

ol'fOIO • a'A LioiO YN AV.NrJ•

... .... ......... ••o• • u••c'-'- .,....n lt iVCiteiOC, DALirctltNIA

T'IUI:~ ... . ... . ·IVa.···· •...

lla roil 21 , 1947,

s {rfJ P. Pe- I ft'l '

I t hought you ' d be intere~ted i n my enclosed sor i pt of your r ecent visit to t he Uni versity of Redlands . It ie eclf- e >.-p l anatory of ho\7 I reacted to your splendid , stim.. ulating address .

I ' m sorry my brief mee t ing with y~u again following the address was so brief. But I ful~ realize the demands on your t i me. I did want t o r efr esh your memory on our pre~ious meeting in the winter of 1942 in Boston , when y ou reoeived your Phi Beta Kappo a t Radclif f e . I was t hen a fea t ure writer on t he Boston ~RALD, and •covered" you t he ent i r e dey from the Russ ian l uncheon to your talk about the "ivory tower• a t Rad­c l i ffe , And I r ecal l bow t hri lled I was over my f r ont page , by l ine s tory t he next day , with your pi cture • • . I was r eared i n Fort ~orth and a t t ended col lege at t he Universi t y of Texas and my ma s t er ' s f rom Duke •. • So, I ' ve met ~~ny people with whom you ' re acquainted, Only recent l y have I f orsaken t he f nurth es t ate f or t he FIFTH. I ' m ver y busy but t he work is fasc i nat i ng,

Again, I ' d l ike to commend and congratul ate you on your inspi r i ng worl: wi t h t he United Na t i ons . I am sure your nart i n t he organization ' s efforts to i nsure peaoe will bear frui t .

Cordially ,

(~J~~/3.~ lURJORii B. Slti\RPJ: Women' s Direo t or

118/dm IC IIti:D

• •v couoo c • . _. .. •II" "'""'"OI IND OCAOD

1'&i.C.Vt.l0 1ol I("D R , .. ""0" .lltAW"-a-Y Aili. IJ!l "''f•O !,.0 10 . f'Al.M ·~-~ .....

Page 7:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••

.. American ~twork Riverside, California.


To···llre·; ····F'n!l>l<·l!l·n .. ·De-leno .. Rooe&ve:l.~--...... - ..................................................... --................ .

a news atory conGeming you w;u broadcut over KPRO

on .... J.ADI.l~ ... DL.T~ .. Y.A!;.ti!iiJ .......... -............ at ... UJ.l5 ... a..JJ>. . .. .llonday., .. .llazah .. l2.th r -194 7. with Marjorie Sharpe

We- thought )'OU might be im~t~ in hnin_g a copy of it ror ~ur filet. 'At least two t houeand people packed t he Redlsnd.e llemoriel Chapel Saturday evening. The reason, lire. Franklin Delano RoosBvslt was the orincipal speaker, And the enthusiaetio aoolai;!! tha t greeted her wae suf!'ioient cause to under stand why she ' s been nomina ted f or one of the Puli t zer pri zes t hi s year. As El eanor Roosevelt, looking r ega l in a simple bleak drass, With a gold and diamond l apel •atoh on her eh ulder , WBl ked onto t he platform, the entire eud1enoe s tood up , So, as far as the eyo oould see, c en, women, and children ~aid t heir r e•peots to t he former first l ady •. . Ther e ' a e noticeable change 1n El eanor R0oeevolt. She ' s still the graoioUa , friendly per son she a l ways r:'a&, but t bere 1 e a mell owness abOJ.t h e·r. She ' s not as outspoken ee ehe waa when Ul' . Roosevelt was in the ··Thite P.ou&e. And ohe ts.lka , and Speake, i n a d i p l oma t ic t one, empl oying tact , and eomatimea, evasi vaneaa , so t ypi cal of career diplomate. ,. Eleanor Roosevelt is a lady, s be wee schooled to be a ladY , from the tillls eba was a young girl and s tudied in Fre:noe. And , beiqf the '!IOt iler of five childr en l\&turally has i mparted t o ber a humane88 that' a understanding and warm •• . As the first lady, ens enter tained and was entertained by the most i~portant people in t he world • •. Her pr esent assignment, as chairman of the h\unan Rights Commission of tre United Nations, calla for all t he experience, both pe r sonal, and imper sonal, t hat she ca.n muster •. . Her talk Saturday night was otrai gbt!ornrd, to the point, and, i n many i netsncse, revealing •.. But the question ID4 answer period pointed up Sleanor 1 s paraor~lity to a T ••. To acm e questions, she om­pha tioelly answered NO, and to others , she talked fr eel y with ominous impl i cations , . . Her aubjeot, IS TAE UNITED NATI ~r.e AN INS TROWXBT FOR PEAOE wee ans,ered time and again, .. Eleanor R0 oanelt declared it !'.AD to be an instrument for peace, or t he world will taco deatruotion •••. Among t ha ~ny inter e.t ing rsmar~e tbet Kre. Roosevelt made .sa that Americana usual l y expect other d1gneteriee to u.ndoretand, and apeak , Engl i sh ..• And tnat speak1Qi a person's langu~ge was ao vital to undcrotend1ng hi s point o! view at ell • .. Kr• · Roosevelt advoc•tod tha t all college etudente learn eeveral languages •. , And ehe s hould 1onow, ehel a qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane • • , She1 a et11I a f i rnt la4y , and ie oarrYiD&

KPRO ir aJiiliatrd with th• American Bl'<lOdcuti"l Compony - Dial 1440 full "-<:iatrd '- Wire Smrk< - Compl.,. Local N<W> ~

Page 8:  · ehela qui te a linguist •.•. After speaking tonight at t he ililahiro Eball, Eloanor R~oeevelt l aavea tor B~• York, and you can just bet aha ' a traval'*l by plane ••


llarJorio BbAorp ....

' the banner high tor Amer ica and Aaoer icana, , • ••• O~*ulaticua to the Univeraity ot Redlanda for making it ~aatble for eo many of ua-•o ~oar bar •••• By tbe •ey, to'ar' • t ho wedding anntvo~eary of t~e Rooseyelta • •. They were u.rried on llarob 17th in 1905 ••• • 1

