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EI 23BB - Kurukshetra Universitykuk.ac.in/userfiles/file/Year2018/LeftLinks...(ii) After this...

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Question Booklet Code EI , RollNo. Question Booklet Sr. No. 23BB OMR Sheet No. ET:-l811 B.A.LL.B. (5 YEARS) (HONS.) Time:2 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 100 lnstructions for the Candidates (i) Check this booklet carefully for the sequence of pages and questions. If it is defective due to pages/questions missing or not in serial order or any other discrepancy it should be got replaced immediately from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards neither the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given. (ii) After this verification write your Roll No. and OMR Sheet Number on this Question Booklet. (iii) Use only Bf,ack or Blue ball point pen. (iv) This paper consists of 100 multiple-choice type questions. Each question has four alternative answers (a), (b), (c) and (d). Onlv one of these alternative answers is correct You are required to darken completely the circle of correct answer in the OMR Sheet. (v) There is no nesative marking. (vi) Do not write anyhing other than relevant entries or put any mark on any part of the OMR Sheet, which may disclose your identity, otherwise you will render yourself liable to disqualiiication. (vii) Use of electronic gadgets such as pager, cell phone, calculator and log table etc. is prohibited. (viii) Rough Work may be done in tre end of this booklet. (ix) You have to return the OMR Shee! to the invigilator at the end of the examination compulsorily. (x) In case of any discrepancy in English and Hindi version, English version should be taken as final. j B
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Question Booklet Code

EI ,


Question Booklet Sr. No.


OMR Sheet No.

ET:-l811B.A.LL.B. (5 YEARS) (HONS.)

Time:2 Hours Maximum Marks: 100

Number of Pages in this Booklet : 16 Number of Questions in this Booklet : 100

lnstructions for the Candidates(i) Check this booklet carefully for the sequence of pages and questions. If it is defective due

to pages/questions missing or not in serial order or any other discrepancy it should be got

replaced immediately from the invigilator within the period of 5 minutes. Afterwards neither

the Question Booklet will be replaced nor any extra time will be given.

(ii) After this verification write your Roll No. and OMR Sheet Number on this Question Booklet.

(iii) Use only Bf,ack or Blue ball point pen.

(iv) This paper consists of 100 multiple-choice type questions. Each question has four alternative

answers (a), (b), (c) and (d). Onlv one of these alternative answers is correct You are

required to darken completely the circle of correct answer in the OMR Sheet.

(v) There is no nesative marking.

(vi) Do not write anyhing other than relevant entries or put any mark on any part of the OMR

Sheet, which may disclose your identity, otherwise you will render yourself liable todisqualiiication.

(vii) Use of electronic gadgets such as pager, cell phone, calculator and log table etc. is prohibited.

(viii) Rough Work may be done in tre end of this booklet.

(ix) You have to return the OMR Shee! to the invigilator at the end of the examination


(x) In case of any discrepancy in English and Hindi version, English version should be taken

as final.



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B.A.LL.B. (5 Yearsl (Hons.l Entrance Test, 2018-19

Maximum Marks : 100Time : 2 Hours

1. If "guilto' is related to "pasf' then "hope" is related to :

(a) Today

(c) Present

2. Find the missing number in the following :

2, 3, 4, 6,',|, 8, 9, ll, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, t9,20, 21, ?

(b) Yeqterday


t{zz(c) 24

(b) 23

(d) 2s

3. Which one of the following is different from others ?

In the number series given below find the wrong number :

4, 10,23, 50, 104,216, 439

(b) 23

(d) 43e

6. A is B's sister, C is B's mother, D is C's father. E is D's mother. Then, how is A related

toD?(a) Grandfather

(c) Daughter

L-ET-181 1/D

(a) January

(c) March

(a) 123301

(c) 213301

(b) 012334

(d) 2t3310

(b) Grandmother

J{ Cranddaughter


*--<rf'rebruary(d) May

If BAT is coded as 283, CAT is coded as 383 and ARE is coded as 801, then BETTE /will be coded as :


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7. Choose the pair which is different from others :

(a) 7 :22 (b) t2 : 37

(d) 15 :46)!V8 ' tt

Find the odd one out :

(a) Flower : Petal

Jfrouo: Page

g. If .,Kilogram" is related to "Quintal" then "Paisa" is related to :

(b) Circle : Arc

(d) Chair : Leg

(a) Coin

(c) Cheque

10. Typist : TYPewriter : Writer : ?

(a) ScriPt

(c) PaPer

(a) TuesdaY

(c) ThursdaY

aG) 2r

(c) 23


-lbf Pen

(d) Book

(b) WednesdaY


-4bf 28

(d) 30

(b) le(d) 20


, O) MoneY

J{ RuPee

11. Today is Monday. After 61 days' it will be :

12. Find out the odd one out in the following series :

6, g, 15,21,24,28, 30

(a) 24

(c) 2t

Rita is 7th from the left and Juhi is 5th from the right. when they interchange their

position, Juhi becomes 19th from the right, what is Rita's position from the left ?13.

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14. Hqw many 4's are there in the following sequence of numbers which are immediately

preceded by I ?

5 114 364 3341 38

.-rlt,(c) 3

Which is the odd one out in the following :

Green, Red, Colour, Orange



(b) Red

(d) Orange

)g-'A + C - B

(b) Only (I) and (II!./

{og (rl) and (IV)






(a) Green


16. Pointing to Lakshmi, Varun said "She is the wife of the only son of my father's father."

How is Lakshmi related to Varun ?

(a) Sister (b) Daughter

(c) Daughter-in-law Jg- Mother

17. If A x B means "A is the brother of B", A + B means "A is the son of B" and A -- B

means "A is ihe sister of B", then which of the following relations shows that B is the

matemal uncle of A ?

(a) B+C-A(c) AxC-B

(b) BxC+A

Statements : All boxes are benches. All boxes are chair.

Conclusions : (I) All benchs are chairs

(ID AII benches are boxes

(III) Some benches are chairs

(IV) Some chairs are boxes

(a) All

(c) only (II) and (v)

L-ET-I81 1/D P.T.O.

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19. Ram walked 40 metes facing towards North. From there he walked 50 metres after

turning to his left. After this he walked 40 metres after turning to his left. How far and

in what direction is he now from his starting point ?



20, Statements : All clocks are alarms. No clocks are cuckoos. All cuckoos are alarms.

Some cuckoos are birds.

Conclusions : (I) Some alarms are birds

(II) No clock is a bird

(IID All birds are alarms

(c) Only conclusion (III) follows

Only conclusion (II) follows

Both conclusion (I) and (II) follows

21. If STRAY is coded as TUSBZ then how will MOURN be coded ?

(b) 61

(d) tzo-g


23. As 'Needle' is related to "Thread" in the sarne way 'oPen" is related to what ? -t(a) Word

-.-lcf l*

L-ET-181 1/D

.6" Only conclusion (I) follows

(a) 40 m North

(c) l0 m East



22. In a school 120 boys

eliminates one player.

champion ?

(a) 60

.-<t\* 50 m West

(d) 10 m West

,-{$aalvso(d) NPSVo

have registered for a single carum tournament. Each match

How many matches are to be organised to determine the

(b) Cap

(d) Paper


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24: Name the

(a) Lion

(c) Dog

(b) ElePhant


State animal of Chandigarh :

(a) Sh. Narendra Modi



(a) lst (b) 2nd

(d) 4th,!*ala

26. \Vho is the Vice-Chairman of NITI Aayog ?

Sh. Arvind PanagariYa

Sh. Arun JatelY


(c) Sh. Madhuban Chatterjee (d)

27. which couritry of the world has its Legisrative, Administrative and Judiciar Headquarters

in three different cities ?

(a) USA

(c) UK

91AYt Srrrth Africa

(d) Australia

28. Olympics 2016 to be held in August 2016' will be held in :

(d) u.s.A.

(d) France



-,rl Brazil

, (c) U.K'

L-ET-181 1/DP.T.O.

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29. What is the currencY of China ?

-6t u*Renminbi

(c) Fuan Renminbi

(b) Chuan Renminbi

(d) Franc Renminbi

30. Which is the highest Gallantry Award in India ?

(a) Bharat Ratna (b) Parm Vishisht Sewa Medal

(d) Ati Vishisht Sewa Medal-leftP*arn Vir Chakra

31. In which of the following states the elections were not herd for the State Legislative

AssemblY in APril/IvIaY,2016 ?

-lu\/ttrt'ltva Pradesh

(a) Chandigarh

(c) Bangalore

(c) Assam

(b) Kerala

(d) Tamil Nadu

which city of India was declared as the cleanest city of the country in the survey

conducted in FebruarY, 2016 ?


Jb) Pondicherry

;@'o'eAs per Census 2}ll, the sex ratio in Haryana is :

(a) 789 females per 1000 males 'lsvf-tl9 females per 1000 males


The Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana is aimed at :

(a) Providing free electricity in every village

(b) Providing free food grains to people below poverty line

(c) Providing water to all villages in India

J$Krding LPG connections to women below poverty line

L-ET-181 l lD

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How many countries signed the Paris climate Agreement in April, 2016 ?

(a) 115

(c) 201

-w-175(d) 2s0

36. At which place the intemational conference on zero was held in April, 2016 ?

(b) Rome

(d) New York(c) London

37. Operation Meghdoot

(a) Teesta

(c)-_!iacnin Glacier-r/

is related to :

38. Which day is celebrated as lnternational

*@-\,th March

(c) 21st June

(b) Run of Kachh

(d) Bay of Bengal

Women's Day ?

(b) 15th March

(d) 3rd December

39. Who is the author of the book

(a) Justice Holmes

(c) Justice Krishna Iyer

"Discipline of Law" ?

40. Which gas is used in Air conditioners ?

(a) Neon

(c) Nitrogen Oxide

41. Bharat Natyam is the dance of which

(a) Assam/-

@)Aanil Nadu

>-Oftf"rd Denning

(d) Lord Buckingham

(d) Carbon Dioxide

State of India ?

(b) Kerala

(d) Andhra Pradesh

7L-ET-I81 1/D P.T.O.


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42. which of the following is the National capital city of Australia ?

(b) SYdneY


is located at :

(a) Melbourne

(c) Perth

The National Police AcademY

(a) Bangalore

(c) Dehradoon


O) Dhaka

(d) SingaPore

the sound travels fastest ?

(b) Hot water

(d) Hot air

--''-4bf Hyderabad

(d) Madhuban

4i. The prime Minister in April, 2016 unveiled a scheme cailed "stand up lndia", the said

scheme is aimed at :

(a) Providing free education to all


tC;ring impetus to entrepreneurship among women' SCs and STs

(c) Providing rail, road and air link throughout the courtry

(d) To eliminate female foeticide in India

45. The 37th session of SAARC council of Ministers concluded in March, 2016. The session

concluded at :

i;"khara(c) New Delhi

46. In which of the following media

(a) Cold water


(a) Whales O) Dogs

(c) Human beings

L-ET-181 1/D


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-k -6" added tax

Planning Commission has been replaced by :

National Development Authority

48. " What does VAI stand for ?

(a) Value and tax (b) Value assessment technique

(d) Various added tax

(b) 2000

(d) 20t4

49. The


,o)Institution for transforming India Aayog

Development Commission

S0. The government has decided to print one rupee note again from this year. The printing

of these notes was stopped in the year :

-*ta;(c) 2004

51. What was the primary aim of 'Ghadar Party' ?

(a) To improve socio-economic conditions of Indians

O) To get more jobs for Indians-/'

6 m oust Britishers from lndia

(d) To have free education for Indians

52. Who is called the "Grand Old Man of India" ?

(a) Jawatrarlal Nehru

(c) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Lala L3jpat Rai

'adabhai Naoroji

53. Simon Commission was appointed by the British Goyt. in the year :

(a) rele Jwe27(c) te4s (d) 1946



L-ET-181 1/D P.T.O.


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54. In October, 2lls,Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi laid the foundation stone of the

new capitar of Andhra pradesh-Amravati at Uddandayauruni palm v,lage. It is located

on the banks of river :

(a) Narmada

(c) Ganga

55. NREGA, later on renamed as MGNREGA was passed by the Parliament in the year :

)bfloos(d) 20rs

56. E-Sa$rog is the pilot project of the Department of :

;fftcome Tar O) RailwaYs

(c) Post and Telegraph (d) Social Welfare

57. China scrapped its one child policy in the year :

(a) 2000

(c) 2010

(a) English

(c) SPanish

59. The edible part of coconut is called

(a) EndosPerm

(b) 20t4

(d) 2016

5g. which is the third most common language in Parliament of canada ?

(b) French

-.JO'{uocarP60. Food in onion is stored

-&uulose(c) Sugar

L-ET-I81 1/D




,9 Punjabi

in the form of :

O) ExosPerm

(d) Seed coat



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(a) PolYgamY (b) PolyembryonY

(d) Parthenogenesis

(b) Haryana

(d) Matrarashtra




Internatiqnal SuIi Conference was held in March' 2016 at z

,/gr4"* Delhi O) Lahore

(c) Dhaka (d) Kathmandu


(c) 15th Aug.

(b) 15th March

(d) 24th Dec.

67. Which State

(a) Punjab

is known as "Sugar Bowl of India" ?

@ly Pradesh



62. The leaders of Khilafat Movement were :

(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru and Mahatma Gandhi

-.6Ytturcnd. Ali and Shaukat Ali

(c) Jinnah and Mansoor Ali

(d) LajPat Rai and Patel

63. Rabindranath Tagore gave up his knighthood because of:-,,.

(a) Chauri Chaura Incident >Wlatianwala Bagh Tragedy

(c) Lahore Incident (d) I(hilafat Movement


(a) New Delhi (b) Gandhinagar

(d) Mumbai






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Who is the author of the book "The State of the Nation" ?

O) N.A. Palkhiwala(a) Soli Sarabjee ,,(c) Arun Jaitley 'prtruti

s' Nariman


(a) France(b) Switzerland

(d) Pakistan

a panel for pay revision of academic staff' Who is the

. (b) Sh' JasPal Singh Sandhu

-/-*.t*l"st'' v's' chatrhan



70. RecentlY, the UGC has set uP

Chairman of this Panel ?

(a) Sh. Ved Prakash

(c) Sh' Mahesh Kumar

7r. which State has raunched o.Rajvayu,, mobile apprication for sharing data of air quality

index ?

(a) Punjab

(c) Himachal

O) Haryana

72. Who is the Chairman of Law Commission of lndia ?

(a) Justice D'K' Jain -''<rT /nstice B'S' Chauhan

(c) Justice T'S' Thakur (d) Justice Balakrishna Reddy

which state has become India,s first state to raunch open government data portal ?

(b) Rajasthan

(d) Punjab








---\--6 Sikkim

(c) HarYana

74. Select tle correct sPelling :

ff tnitanttrnoPist

(c) PhilanthrowPist

L-ET-I81 1/D

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75. Select the correct sPelling

(") Procesionn

(c) Proccession

76. Select the correct sPelling

(a) Tution

--.,W Tuition

77. Select the correct sPelling

(a) Millenium

(c) Milenium

78. Select the correct sPelling

(a) OfensivelY


79. Select the correct sPelling

(a) Indispensible

(c) Indespansible

--/,-fff Millennium

(d) Millineum

O) Offencively

(d) Offensivly



6) Procession

(d) Procesion

(b) Teution

(d) Tusion

(b) Indespensible

80. Choose the correct meaning of alma mater :

(a) Any institution where one wishes to study in the near futtre-.--

JD-fry institution from where one has graduated/passed out

(c) Any ceremony held for your education

(d) Any graduate

81. Choose the.conect meaning of bona fide :

(a) fickle and unsteady (b) beneficial to all

*!X genuine (d) faithtul

L-ET-181 l/D 13 P'T'O'

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82. Choose the correct meaning of de facto :

(a) fiction (b) a faction

(d) expected to haPPen

(b) as per nation

(d) per familY

O) this

(d) that

/q-n realitY

Choose the correct meaning of status quo :

(a) One's status

(c) something that is non-existent

84. Choose the correct meaning of vis-a-vis :

(a) as soon as Possible

(c) feeling high

85. Choose the correct meaning of per-capita :

(a) as P9r caPital of the country

,/j{v"r Person


Look at.................flowers growing here' Arent't they pretty ?

,Jq these

(c) those

87. Fill in the btank by choosing most appropriate option :

I like reading jouma1s...............'novels' ,1 ..-/ .'

n /fff more than(a) most than -attl


(c) the least (d) the less than

L-ET-1811/D 14


lM existing state of things

(b) status of a Person


Jgt in relation to


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Surprisingly, we don't know"""""""'lives next door'

O) that


agg( fil in the blanks by choosing most appropriate option'

' Air pollution is"" """ ""'had for environment""""""""'for our health'


I cannot part"""""""'this music CD'

(a) at -W- ""*(c) from (d) awaY

gl, Fill in the blank by choosing most appropriate option :

make................'..honest attempt to improve our work'

(b) a

(d) few

We must



(c) the

92. What is the opposite of osummoned' ?


(a) met '-t{aitmissed

(c) dissolved (d) revoke

93. What is the oPPosite of "curtait' ?

' (b) renounce(a) criticise

(c) forbid *J'ilY'irrcrease

15L-ET-I81 1/D

(a) which

(c) what

(a) not onlY, and

(c) quite, but

(b) not onlY, but onlY

(d) also, and



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94. What is the opposite of "Elevation" ?

(a) deflation



95. What is the opposite of "defendant" ?

(b) oPPositi PartY

(d) clerk

Find the appropriate word to fill in the blank :

tv{ake hay..............""the sun shines'

(a) when


97. Find the appropriate word to fill in the blank :

You will-./'afir

pass................you work hard'

o) fill

(d) until(c) unless

98. What is the meaning of interpret ?

JtffiPrain(c) obstruct

gg.Ramisl6thboyfromeitherendofarow.Howmanyboysarethereinthatrow?o) 30(a) 2s

(d) 32

r00. If "soldier" is related to "army'' then "pupil" is related to :


-l*f cta"s

(c) Teaching

L-ET-I81 1/D

(b) dePreciation

(d) aPPreciation

O) where

(d) whence

(b) hide

(d) suPPort

(b) Student

(d) Teacher


(a) claimant
