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EICAP Strategic Plan 2011

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EICAP's 2011 Strategic Plan
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July 2011 Strategic Plan
Page 1: EICAP Strategic Plan 2011

July 2011

Strategic Plan

Page 2: EICAP Strategic Plan 2011

Table of Contents Section I – Mission/Vision Statement, Values .......................................................................................... 1

Mission Statement............................................................................................................................... 1

Vision Statement ................................................................................................................................. 1

Agency Values ..................................................................................................................................... 1

Section II – Organizational Mandates and Stakeholders ........................................................................... 2

Organizational Mandates ..................................................................................................................... 2

Stakeholders........................................................................................................................................ 2

Section III – SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis .......................................... 3

Strengths ............................................................................................................................................. 3

Weaknesses......................................................................................................................................... 3

Opportunities ...................................................................................................................................... 4

Threats ................................................................................................................................................ 4

Section IV – Results Oriented Management and Accountability Goals and Strategic Objectives ............... 5

1. Low-income people become more self-sufficient. ....................................................................... 5

2. The conditions in which low-income people live are improved. .................................................. 6

3. Low-income people own a stake in their community. ................................................................. 6

4. Partnerships among supporters and providers of service to low-income people are achieved. ... 7

5. Agency increases its capacity to achieve results. ......................................................................... 7

6. Low-income people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their potential by strengthening

family and other supportive environments. ..................................................................................... 9

Section V – Updating the Strategic Plan ................................................................................................. 12

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Section I – Mission/Vision Statement, Values

Mission Statement Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership helps individuals and families meet their basic needs and

increase their independence through support and education.

Vision Statement Eastern Idaho Community Action Partnership is widely recognized by the public as an organization that

makes a difference in peoples' lives. EICAP creates opportunities for individuals and families to reach

their highest level of independence and self-sufficiency. EICAP Board of Directors, staff and volunteers

work together to expand our role and impact in the community by responding to local needs.

Agency Values Empowerment: EICAP believes in empowering participants with the skills, means, and opportunities to

achieve maximum independence and self-sufficiency. We will design services and processes that

empower people to take responsibility for their lives.

Opportunity: EICAP believes in the personal development of individuals. Everyone can move to a better

place in life; EICAP creates and provides options for success.

Respect: EICAP values the dignity of all human beings and seeks to treat all with kindness and respect.

Working Together: EICAP Board of Directors sets the mission, vision, and goals for the organization and

works with the staff and the community to accomplish the partnership’s mission.

Continuous Learning: EICAP believes a well-trained organization is best able to serve participants. We

continuously work on the personal and professional growth of Board, staff, volunteers and customers.

Accountability: EICAP believes in operating fiscally responsible and compliant programs focused on


Integrity: EICAP Board and Staff believe that integrity means living by the values we hold. We ask to be

shown where our actions conflict with these values.

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Section II – Organizational Mandates and Stakeholders

Organizational Mandates

Eliminate the causes and conditions of poverty

Empower low-income families and individuals to become fully self-sufficient (CSBG Act-1998)

and independent

Strengthen community capabilities for coordinating a broad range of federal, state and local

assistance (CSBG Act-1998)

Organize a range of services related to the needs of low-income families and individuals (CSBG


Increase innovative community based approaches (CSBG Act-1998)

Broaden the resource base of programs directed to the elimination of poverty

Maximize participation of low-income community members (CSBG Act-1998)

Produce and execute programs within the financial constraints of the organization

Adhere to funding regulations, policies and guidelines in the execution of initiatives and



Low-income residents of nine county service area

Eastern Idaho community members

Residents of EICAP Housing

Board and staff of EICAP


Other elected officials


Partners/Service Providers/Landlords


Contractors and other Vendors: Accountants, construction, legal, etc.

Vulnerable adults

(Note: Some stakeholders fit in more than one group, but interests of different groups may vary)

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Section III – SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) Analysis


EICAP is becoming more visible/viable

Fiscally Sound

Strong Leadership Group/Team

Board/staff desire to grow agency

Innovative Organization

Executive Director/Leadership Team

Experienced and dedicated staff

Head Start

Housing-- comprehensive homeless to home ownership

Positive fulfilling work environment

Haven GED program benefits client and creates name recognition in community

Respect in community (industry, partner and client perspective)

Diversity of programs

Many community partners

Employee Council

Improved Board/Staff relationship

Expanding-closing gap between need and availability


Area Agency on Aging

Pursuing excellence through formal process that will

measure success and offer direction

Career development training

Strong core Board leadership

Marketing plan and communication

Management of Stimulus and job creation

Well focused


Lack of input from low-income

Lack of full Board involvement/understanding

Lack of unity/cross training

No State funding for Head Start

Low Head Start teacher pay

Lack of career training/ development opportunities for staff

Communication across program lines lacking

Metrics not used for program personnel evaluations within agency

CSBG funding stalled by Haven spending

Limited non-government funding stream

Underserved geographic areas

Lack of community understanding of EICAP’s impact or role

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Increase awareness of EICAP to people who can help EICAP

Volunteers and web site to increase visibility

New building with access can be used by EICAP in the summer

Enhance employee development opportunities and salaries

Award for Excellence

Improve marketing—public service announcements

Expand participant fiscal literacy/”life” counseling/mentoring

Educate legislators

Mutual Self Help Housing home/resale

Opportunity for expansion of LIHEAP and Weatherization


Weatherization for profit

Micro business/credit union

Enhance Family Development Program

Increase funding

Expand Head Start to unserved counties

After business hours public computer lab

Initiate migrant/immigrant programs

Leverage existing training/mentoring programs to reach more clients

Using EICAP owned property in summer for programs or to gain revenue

Expansion Head Start Funds


o Foreclosures downtown—rentals and infill

Year-round energy assistance


Center for New Directions expansion statewide


Lack of local and state legislative support

Inaccurate poverty formula (public misinformation)

Underpaid staff limits ability to acquire “best in class” and contributes to high turnover

Cuts in funding

Bigger demand in services

Public perception of handouts

Changes in funding mandates/implementation

Uncertainty in acquiring new building funds

Undefined legal liability

Diversity of clients served pose some dilemmas and risks (i.e. Head Start children and registered sex offenders)

Unreliable cash flow puts EICAP in tenuous position

ACORN Response and reactions/perception of misuse fraud

Maintaining personnel/family insurance benefit

Level of preparation for stimulus sunset

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Section IV – Results Oriented Management and Accountability Goals and

Strategic Objectives Based in part on our community assessment, self-assessment and other forms of ongoing monitoring,

the following goals and strategies have been decided upon for our strategic plan.

1. Low-income people become more self-sufficient.

Strategy Provide services that reduce barriers for at-risk individuals and families.

Metric: The number of eligible households receiving emergency services. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of eligible households receiving LIHEAP services. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of seniors who receive assistance with Medicare enrollments. (Quarterly) Metric: The average cost savings for Weatherization clients based on the energy audit tool. (Quarterly)

Strategy Facilitate life skills training, education, and other opportunities.

Metric: The number of new students enrolled in the GED Program at both the Haven and in Salmon. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of students enrolled in the GED Program at both the Haven and in Salmon that obtain their GED. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of adults that completed a post-secondary education program. (Annually) Metric: The number of households that participate in the Earned Income Tax Credit incentive and the aggregate amount received. (Annually) Metric: The number of people demonstrating the ability to complete and maintain a budget for 90 days. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of tutoring hours provided to Haven residents through the Family Literacy Program. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of tutoring hours provided to GED participants. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of Haven adults that gain employment. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of Haven adults that maintain employment for 90 days. (Quarterly)

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2. The conditions in which low-income people live are improved.

Strategy Provide opportunities that improve the quality of life for residents throughout our service area. Metric: The number of households receiving transitional housing and case management through the Homeless to Homeowners program. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of families/individuals that found housing after living at the Haven. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of consultations and complaints resolved through the Ombudsman program. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of hours of legal assistance for clients paid for by the Area Agency on Aging. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of homes completed by the Weatherization program. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of Mutual Self-Help Housing homes completed. (Annual) Metric: The number of children moved into Mutual Self-Help Housing homes. (Annual) Metric: The vacancy rates of each housing property. (Quarterly) Metric: The percentage of housing units that cleared a regularly scheduled inspection. (Annual) Metric: The number of hours of volunteerism by RSVP volunteers. (Quarterly)

3. Low-income people own a stake in their community.

Strategy Involve participants in program development from design to delivery.

Metric: The number of low-income hires. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of individuals who have participated in focus groups. (Quarterly) Metric: The percentage of participants completing the required 65% involvement in actual construction of Mutual Self-Help Housing homes. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of housing sites that solicit input from residents. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of tenants to participate and respond to input solicitations. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of Head Start parents participating in parent meetings at their centers.


Metric: Then number of parents participating with their children by volunteering in their

classroom. (Quarterly)

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Metric: The number of parents participating on the Head Start Policy Council. (Quarterly)

Strategy Empower and encourage individuals to create and maintain safe neighborhoods.

Metric: The number of Adult Protection reports. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of prosecutions as a result of Adult Protection investigations. (Quarterly)

4. Partnerships among supporters and providers of service to low-income

people are achieved.

Strategy Foster and develop productive partnerships Metric: The number of new Memorandums of Agreement/Understanding within the agency. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of updated and renewed Memorandums of Agreement/Understanding within the agency. (Quarterly) Metric: The average partner effectiveness score of partnership scorecards. (Annual)

5. Agency increases its capacity to achieve results.

Strategy EICAP will use our marketing plan to become more visible and viable in the communities


Metric: The percentage of people who respond Strongly Agree or Agree to the Perception Survey question “I know what EICAP does” given at the Mayor’s Business Day and during an event that attracts the general public. (Semi-Annual)

Metric: The percentage of people who indicate that they are familiar with two or more of EICAP’s services on the Perception Survey given at the Mayor’s Business Day and during an event that attracts the general public. (Semi-Annual) Metric: The number of presentations given to inform members of the community about the scope of EICAP services. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of quarterly newsletters distributed. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of press releases issued by EICAP. (Quarterly)

Strategy Increase funding sources and amounts in response to the growing need for service.

Metric: The number of requests and amounts requested to outside foundations/groups within the agency. (Quarterly)

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Metric: The number of requests granted and amounts received to outside foundations/groups within the agency. (Quarterly)

Strategy Encourage and train the Board of Directors to be more involved in agency activities.

Metric: The percentage of Board members who are satisfied with their involvement on EICAP’s Board of Directors.

Strategy Maximize efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.

Metric: The percentage of customers who respond “Yes” to the question “My needs were met” on customer satisfaction surveys. (Quarterly)

Metric: The percentage of customers who respond “Yes” to the question “I would recommend EICAP to friends and family” on customer satisfaction surveys. (Quarterly)

Strategy Foster a supportive work environment for employees.

Metric: The percentage of employees who respond with a 4 or 5 to the following questions on the Employee Satisfaction Surveys: (Semi-Annual)

Overall, I am satisfied with my work at EICAP.

My supervisor cares about my professional development.

This year at work, I have had the opportunity to learn and grow.

At work, my opinion counts.

I have the materials at work to do my job right.

I have had recognition for doing a good job.

I am comfortable approaching my supervisor with a problem.

Metric: The percentage of employees who responded Excellent or Good to the question “How do you rate the training overall?” as it pertains to internal trainings. (Quarterly) Metric: The percentage of employees who responded Excellent or Good to the question “How do you rate the training overall?” as it pertains to external trainings. (Quarterly)

Strategy Maintain sound fiscal stewardship

Metric: Percentage difference between expenses and budgets for each program. (Quarterly) Metric: The change in Net Assets during the past fiscal year. (Annual) Metric: The total dollar amount of EICAP’s revenue. (Annual) Metric: EICAP’s current ratio. (Annual) Metric: EICAP’s working capital. (Annual) Metric: EICAP’s debt to worth. (Annual)

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Metric: EICAP’s interest coverage. (Annual) Metric: EICAP’s cash flow coverage. (Annual) Metric: The opinion of Financial Statements and Major Programs per EICAP’s annual audit. (Annual) Metric: The integrity level per EICAP’s annual risk assessment report. (Annual)

Strategy Train employees to utilize the scope of supportive services within EICAP and the community at large.

Metric: The number of internal referrals made from one EICAP program to another. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of unduplicated households served. (Annual) Metric: The percentage of employees who respond with a 4 or 5 to the following questions on the Employee Satisfaction Surveys: (Semi-Annual)

I have the information I need to make accurate and valuable referrals to other EICAP programs.

The "Cheat Sheet" (AKA Program Service Guide) is an effective tool for making referrals. Strategy Actively engage legislative, regulatory and community institutions regarding EICAP’s Board adopted advocacy issues.

Metric: The number of meetings with state and federal legislators, including their support staffs, regarding EICAP’s advocacy issues. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of publications, including Annual Reports and Quarterly Newsletters, distributed to legislative, regulatory and community institutions. (Quarterly)

6. Low-income people, especially vulnerable populations, achieve their

potential by strengthening family and other supportive environments.

Strategy Provide services that reduce barriers to stability for vulnerable populations.

Metric: The number of bed nights to homeless families and individuals at the Haven Shelter. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of units of Respite service. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of units of Homemaker service. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of Home Delivered Meals served. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of Congregate Meals served to seniors. (Quarterly)

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Metric: The number of food box vouchers distributed. (Quarterly) Metric: The percentage of HS Children who are currently up to date on immunizations.


Metric: The number of HS children with an ongoing source of continuous, accessible health

care. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of HS children who are up-to-date on a schedule of age-appropriate

preventative and primary health care. (Quarterly)

Metric: Number of children who received preventative dental care. (Quarterly)

Metric: Number of all children who have completed a professional dental examination in the

past year. (Quarterly)

Metric: Number of children who measure secure in all ten child developmental domains.


Metric: The number of households that received emergency rental assistance. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of households that received emergency medical care. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of households that received emergency car repair. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of households that received emergency fuel/utility assistance. (Quarterly)

Strategy Provide information and educational opportunities that empower vulnerable populations.

Metric: The number of drug court or homeless individuals enrolled in the Haven GED program. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of drug court or homeless individuals enrolled in the Haven GED program that obtained their GED. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of contacts within the Information & Assistance program. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of caregivers participating in the Caregiver Support Group. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of grandparents participating in the Grandparents Raising Grandchildren Support Group. (Quarterly) Metric: The number of children whose families participate in regularly scheduled activities

designed to involve fathers/ father figures. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of children whose families participate in regularly scheduled activities

designed to increase life skills or parenting training. (Quarterly)

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Metric: The number of families who develop an Individual Family Partnership Agreements

designed to improve self-sufficiency or other family goals. (Annually)

Metric: Number of families who show progress on their IFPA or other family goals. (Quarterly)

Metric: The number of families who show progress towards self-sufficiency as measured on

family assessments. (Quarterly)

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Section V – Updating the Strategic Plan The following timeline indicates the process the agency will use to keep the Strategic Plan current and

up to date.

The following table specifies the sources of information, how frequently that source is reviewed or

accessed, and how it is used to assess poverty conditions, constituent needs, and/or available resources

to eliminate poverty, as part of our strategic planning process.

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Source Frequency of Review

Poverty Conditions Constituent Needs Available Resources to Eliminate Poverty

Current Publish Information

US Census Data Annual Used to evaluate distribution of populations in our service areas to ensure we are effectively targeting the communities with greatest need.

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality

Annual Used to evaluate the cost of health care in relation to income for households in poverty.

Economic Policy Institute (epinet.org) Family calculator

Annual Used to evaluate the typical budget for a two parent, two child household in Eastern Idaho.

Idaho Child Care Program Annual Used to evaluate costs of child care in Idaho.

US Department of Labor Consumer Expenditures Report

Annual Used to evaluate expenses required for a typical family in Eastern Idaho.

Idaho Commission on Aging’s Needs Assessment Report

Tri-Annual Used to evaluate the conditions in which seniors in Eastern Idaho live.

Used to evaluate the needs of seniors in Eastern Idaho.

Race/Ethnicity Reports Annual Used by our Housing Department to ensure that we are targeting populations with greatest need.

Community Surveys

Head Start Community Needs Assessment

Conducted Every Three Years/Updated Annually

Used to evaluate the conditions our Head Start families live in based on input from Head Start families and community partners.

Used to evaluate the needs and our response to the needs of our Head Start families based on input from Head Start families and community partners.

Community Services Community Needs Assessment

Bi-Annual Used to evaluate the living conditions of our participants who live in poverty.

Used to evaluate the needs and our response to the needs of the participants of our programs.

Input From Individual Customers

Comments from Head Start Community Needs

Annual Used to evaluate the effectiveness of our response to community need.

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Comments from Community Services Community Needs Assessment


Input from Stakeholders in Low-Income Communities

Bonneville Interagency Council

Monthly Discussions frequently involve the living conditions of our various participants.

Discussions frequently involve the needs of our various participants.

The intent of these meetings is to apprise each other of the activities of organizations with similar missions and the resources that may be available to our respective consumers and clients.

Affordable Housing Taskforce


United Way Participating Agency Roundtable


Geriatric Forum Monthly The Geriatric Forum informs participant agencies of the various conditions elderly people face.

The Geriatric Forum informs participant agencies of resources available for elderly people in Eastern Idaho.

Community Action Partnership Association of Idaho (CAPAI) Meetings

Semi-annual During meetings with our sister organizations across the state, we may be made aware of conditions that may affect people in poverty in other areas that may also apply to people in our service area.

During meetings with our sister organizations across the state, we may be made aware of constituent needs in other areas that may also apply to people in our service area.

Meeting with our sister organizations across the state help us to identify potential resources and new programmatic opportunities. Idaho Association of Area

Agencies on Aging Meetings


Idaho Head Start Association


Idaho Housing and Finance Association


Community Action Partnership Annual Convention

Annual Attending national meetings of stakeholders in low-income communities allows us to learn best practices nationwide so that we can streamline our operations and better deliver services to residents of Eastern Idaho.

National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (N4A) Annual Conference


CAPLAW Conference Annual

National Head Start Association’s Leadership Institute


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