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PART IV EIGHT PAGES. u $ta»*i0 NEW-YORK, SUNDAY arilraî«. REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL JANUARY U. l»12. WITH DEEP SEA TRAMPS Sturdy Steam Craft That Roam the Seven Seas. THE SKIPPER IS SUPREME He'll Take Any Cargo, from Rail¬ road Ties to Contraband Sinews of War. i\h»t«,'r ther»'- ivat<-r Wherever there's fr.-itrht. That's «»here the tramp g««e«: That's wheie the- tramp goe*! .Old Sons TlM "hobo" of the sea is no relation to th' Wear** Willie <>f tlM land, ami although thf old song of "Whareve. (here's freight, that's where the tramp goes" applies, in a measure, to the pilgrim who steals his way on the cargo carriers of the steel rail, It was penned by some- one who had in mind the thousands of sturdy steam craft that are known on the seven seas as tramps. All vessels that do not ply on recular routes may be Maid lo Le tramps, and, while tramping may he looked upon with disfavor by those who live ashore, those afloat and th«. shipping interests hold the tramp ship in high favor. A manufacturer gets a latee order to deliver, say, at Tampico, Ifexii,' There are no regular freight ships plying «rom hi» nearest «-*."»* port. What dor«, he d".' He iel«graphs Of telephones to a ship broker at that port, and the agent charters a tramp steamer of the required cargo ca¬ pacity. And one may always, or neatly always. Imd a (ramp at the hinter (¡ties laid up waiting for »harter. The skipper of the tramp is the man with whom 10 talk. He does not care what the i arg., may be.fruit, oil in cat».», wheat, lumber, ties, dyamite or sinews of war for a re» oltitionary party in any p;»rt of the unrld-just so the price is in keepintt with the risk and the time required Among the calculations of the proposed revolution that certain dissatisfied patriota may be contemplating th*' question of transportation of their "army'' and stores M a minor one. for the members of the junta know that t«>r the price a tramp, steamer may be chartered. The risk to the owner'.' Oh, that's nothing if the price is rieht. During the Russo-Japanese War it was ommon to read of both the Japs and Rus¬ sians destroying steamers found to be car¬ rying contraband Th* owners of the. steamers were satisfied, for the men «vho chartered the vessels had paid enough freight money to justify the loss. As for th.« skipper and crew, if they escaped with i heir lives to enjoy their portion of the money paid, well anl good, if they went down, well, Is It not all in the business? The business of tramping is as old as ships, but it was developed to a high degree by the Yankee skippers of the early days of this country. In those days a young man returned from a voyage with a ratine of second or first mat" and a knowledge of navigation. He wanted a vessel of his own; so he organized a company on a slock basis. THE OLD STYLE TRAMP. With the ship In commission the captain's r»al work began, and when he slipped his moorings for a voysge be was going tramp¬ ing, although he called it 'trading.-' In his quest for e-argoes he did not bother »»here he might have to go, his only atlpu- j latlon being that he should have a return freight or a monetary consideration- Those were the days when trading B-a* not so prosaic as to-day. for the doughty skippers of sailing craft took all kimls of chance«, especially those who went over on the African coast, swapping beads, mir¬ rors, calico, knives and othet gimcracks for Ivory. Many of those* skippers were no! averse to "blackblrdlng." as running ¦laves was called, and many a cargo of blanks was run to the States, even after the British government started In to break DP slave trading. Just as soon as the procuring of blacks «a« difficult then the rewards were greater, as was the temptation, and many a »«.¦¦el that left her home port as a trader became a "hlackbirder." sometimes with profit and »omet i mes not. During tin- Civil War the tramp ¦hip ma«le üs appearance, lust as ¦ block¬ ade runner. In that business a sue voyage meant quick and ample returns, for the freights wer«* net ally worth more than the ships. One round trip paid for the. vessel; aft« r that it was all proflt It is t«> the tramp steamer that England o»v«*a her position as the fortm>oa1 maritime peiwer. The crown has eiiiouraiîed the' building e.f liners ami traapf by the- giving Of subsidy In otner words, the crown is a part o»vt*er. but. only in time of war do«M the crown assert ils rights Then these tramps mii.^t respond, to he used as ti'oop iraiasporta, ;i« in mv wer«* during the Hoer war The «hip subsidy bill that has been agi¬ tated in this e-ountry for years provides that kind of i ..iiragetnenl for our peo¬ ple, hut Congreaa ha«- BO. fot been con¬ vinced of it«; necessity Th»- result Is that th» ¡»"Mrs an*l Strip«4»- le rapidly disappear¬ ing from the oversea trade. in the mean lime England and Norway. will»h also has n subsidy system, are» en- ig the ma lor profits of carrying the were* the wirld m bottoms that yield fiom ¡S to to per cent Interest annually, KngUii'l leads the world be.-ause of th» t«-n«liness of he» people to invest, and the t aridity with whl.-h the «reaoele can be turned out <»ne shipyard alone for several >ear- maintained an average of one 3,000- tot. -t»ani<i evecry three memtns. fio*" Hie leyiOfJ if t ,.i .,, the eifficlal tr'=» rip. The <ab¡. .,,.. wonder« for ihe mas¬ ter of Ihe trump He no longer sails "in l.allast" »m s.-, k." Rather than that la»s up. Mining only enough of his coy to keep p hie ship. Then he aivaits orden from hie shore agent »rho, in the m. en time, has ftoea notltle<i. The latter then g«».s aller huslncss. K«»r Installée, a. t>hip toads coo] at one e,f the Chesapeake Ha.- porte for Tampko. and upon arrival there limi; that the only out «argo i- ON i"i- "Delaware Breakwater foi orders.'' MODERN CARGO GETTING. CaergM i- taken, an.I »»h. n the vessel :*iriv,s at tin* BRToakwater she r. roc. ni te, Now York. At the latter port th«-r.- is i.e. ..nth«.und cargo for h.i ;inI«-*»> she is willing to wait l»v., trtfihg After having Just come off | short voyage does not the aklpper .«-graph:: his agents- at all the Coast ports aaklng for charter, and until eowethhig doee the- ship must lit- up in a basin While there It an erMrmoue ¡«mount of husir.e:», done, "n, may always find one or more «>f these trampe laid na, and tlies« are th* ?«¦**«.],, that may he engaged for any enterm Ue, from seeking treasur«- to run- rlnt; « ontrahami for a bund of patriots. As th«. .-xi-, lli-n. c .,f ¡K-ceinimodatlons on ihe big lirur.- Jia-TniU-an»'«1«! the a«Tiimttiii. dation«, on ii1(. tramp haaja kept ph«-«*, until tin master e,f bJM of th.se- modem free lanes is an well «.IT M ¡r» the skipper of ' UM Me.aiiiiK iM.l'ls " II«. has a »"'.*.' il i ..mfoitabh ..n.I even handsomely furnlahcd, his but! ..". m. prl- sat.- paiiii-, and kltcb» n, « Hie Ughl . nil fan« all ,.f th.- . uni. BOaalbly havi ,,t mag, \ »mall réfrigérât« lag plant keep, his f,m(|s rtmi. fiirntahes cooling liquid when in th«> tropfc». And in tonnage, too, the tramp lias grown until then are boom of the«*, that register tm tons. *,ioSt of th(.m |10Wev.-i, are less thnn 5,(i0n tons, for they have been found to b«- more economical to operate In a Hn«- c.f business that is more or letM uncertain. As the tramp carries her cauro at so much a ton only the restraining ha mi of Lloyds, the Insurance company, prevents much of the overloading that is something «>f a practice. In carrying coke, which light for its hulk, it is USUS] not only to rill the hold, but to build up huge wooden hexes on dock and till them. Lumber, too, '.- often piled high on dock. A new type of tramp ship is the turret. dcalgned to evade the tonnage tax. and although this type- 0f vessel does not ap- i-«-ar to be able to carry as much as an ordinary tjrpe of the same length, appear- ; n«es are deceptive. Oftentimes lumber Is carried on the tops of the turret«, but the practice la g'-ti« rally dis, oui '-'. ¦> Tlie Norwegian maritime laws are more lax than the laws of L'ngland; hence, when the British tramps I«. «in to outlive ttxslf usefulness they ar<- BOM t" fitRTway. The new owners patch them UP ami sent! them forth under their own Hag. On the Other hand, th«- Norwegians turn out some cx<eedlngly nice craft, scores of uhich are engaged In the West Indies fruit trade under charter to American fruit com¬ panies. These little vesse'.s are smart In speed, cheap t" operate and «arry lO.WV» to 12,<V» stems, or bum-lies, which is considered as being an ideal cargo.quick to load and quick to discharge. Besides, being small, they can get Into many of the poorly stiel¬ te! ed harbors. Many of them are lost, hardly a year passing without two to six Striking OH ,rir l*ef*, mid as a rule striking means the end of them, as the cost of sal¬ vage and repair would amount to more, than they are worth Time to Go South Rhrzardy storms ami the grip of winter make one buig for southern summer« land«. Why not visit Jacksonville Palm Beach Tampa St. Augustine Miami St. Petersburg or otlipr Florida Resorts. New Orleans and the beautiful Gulf Coast Southern Pines Pinehurst Asheville Aiken Augusta Summerville and oilier rcfnrjrr«. among««! the pine- n! the Carolinas and Georgia. PULL, WINTER TRAIN SERVICE i«. now in operation between New Vork ami the reports in Florida, Georgia, the Carolina and the Gulf Coast, by the Pennsylvania Railroad in connection with ihc SOUTHERN RAILWAY ATLANTIC COAST LINE.and SEABOARD AIR LINE Full information concerning train service, tickets, f'nllinan reservations; aUn regarding WINTER TOURS TO FLORIDA Mary hr obtained of Ticket Agents, nr < Studd Di*trtc. Par-'encer Agent, 263 Fifth Avenue, New Y<uk Citj R. H. Macy A Co.'s Attractions Are Their Low Prices. HHRAl/D ¦Qu-tSX, Broadway, Mth to 86th 8t. j First Class Groceries !i wc merely sold groceries at low prices we should noi boasi about it. What we pri«le ourselves on 1«. the fact thai we sell QUALITY groceries at prices lower than other houses who -I'll quality ^roceric«. We pride ourselves further on the evidence that we arc able to furnish. We maintain our own factory-- over lOO/HY) square feet. We practically do away with manual handling, ami we employ rrted machiner} which insures absolutely correct weighl and liftl, Klon, imp« mea: tire. Sale of " Star" Ham and Bacon THE DUTFBRBNCE IN HAMS. 'RED STAK" HAMS are the flnMt products Of Western i.icklii« tu,us« s. WE NEVER BACRIPICE QUALITY TO MAKE A LOW PRICE. We have said this often; say it aj?ain now. When applied to Ham-., it means that WK DON'T BELL "BKIN-BACKS" such as are getteeaily sold In ham sales aboul town. Skin-baeks atA hams that ha\e been damaged bj bruising ami have been peeled »o as t«> remove the damaged part. They are unappetising and not desirable; and, in accordance with the Mac) rule . >r not selling se'-'inds where health Is con« <-\ n »d, we do nol keep them. AI.I. HAMS OFFERED IN THIS BAUE ANO AT ANY TIME. AT M.M'Y'S. AME PIRBTQUALITT. Weights range from U t<« r_' ii«¦ our regular price 18c. in.This sale 16H« New California Asparagus "AMERICAN BZAUTT" BRAND ASPARA 'it S l_ifs» «hit» si*ais; No 8 COM', «>ur prl.a. 07c. DMW. $4.33 "AMERICAN BEAUTT" BRAND ASPARA <;r.- -l.arup «r««>n «p^to«. I sqMT« an, Our rirl««», 34c: nnien. S3.97 "I.II.Y VlHITK" BRAND OatdaaaJ, larga -, --i'-«, No. 34 ran: our prlr<», Whit«, 32r. Doten, $;;.7Í. "I.II.Y WHITE" BRAND Lars« «pwr«; No. i:'.- an « ur prie». <;i*tn. _9c Dozon. $3.39 "JKSSAMINtB" BHaMi No, 2-i can lar*,«- WpttXTf, ('111 prlrr. Watt« _8c: Do«en. $;i._«3 dl It FAMOUS "RED STAR" BRAND BONELESS BAOON Onl) Hi* hl«he»l Kiale ari.I ,-rto!r»st *<l»,t|,>n, th« brand on « mil |l«<- our «mirante-, n«l«hl« .'! 10 «i lbs.; regularly sold ai ISc lb For tills Mir, II, | Ó'*«' SPECIAL BALE OF MATTHEW'S "ROSE HHASn < 'AN ADIAN BON BLBBB SMOKED PORK LOINS.Our own Importation from Canada. Just received; in strip« from 8H lo s pi». .i.i«.. 3*i<" "MATTLOWBR «'MOP'' TKA \lix»«1 and Formosa-. Oolor.R, onl) J lb «aiions; our K-KUiar pil««- 64«- for «arton. BpfcUil for this sal«1 . 54e "ORIENT" BRAND COrPKE Pull flavor«-,! satisfy'MS l«l«nd of Orl«-ntul i-off,»»-*: roast «-a In It,'- I"''1". :ianui:i!f.l <n pulvrlzcrl; 'I'« where 4,tc ¦ I*>uiid; our prie«, .", lb. Urn'. «1 79: __.*¦ "" 37c BEBT WHITE ORANl'LATEI) CARINA- r, n, i,a«t. 29c.Pound urion«, .ll-.l.i.V r<»'-v DER.- I.II \\ ami. in eluding I'-',"". -'lanK-. raspberry, Klrnw l.tr\. vanll«. p-acli. rhWTy, ho-olui'-, p|h«appl*< ",,r" an<1 Plain, in»,:.»- a a,-ll<-l<ius dtiiceii. 79c. i;.. n. 7<- .[ n y WHITE" BRAND loll.; WHITE , i a.Tf«. Fr«-"ti »lilpineni j.i -I i.-.., .,l. full uelsiit 2 rnrio,,.; -pf ial for tin* sal«-. 9< vV ni: MI'llIO IMPERIAL si A LAOA , L'BTER R «WINS « ,, ,, ,, octal Im ,.,r'uti»r: «.¦"'"»*. 38o: Wooden lox or :,', n,. $ \ g/4 KMil l<> PERRRRO MALAOA CLI STEH u « i*siN**.UU1 own Importation; «artona, "r;. ..wood n ..%-. v. iu $1 ,ci4 i .|T-,-''l. SALE WABHED Pl'LLEDVlOtrJ I ¦.\t.i,... r'"''' ,1n,"", ?¦*.«*,, M '-I»»« Jars, one .... , pj ni'«' Mai'fau" l,iai>,l; i,.l Hud '.Vu.-' |in«nt ";l11 '. » " «rhJU straw T. .. ,-,'t .<^' w,,l? ¡mr.«' «I«» I'M«. 9 '. i JESSAMIN K ' BRAND Mo, IH «prai«: our rrP I. «'¦ir-on. 26r; Deram, $a.nfS "MA.V7.XN ITA BRAND While Hn,l srfi-n No 'J': «lur pri, .-, 0'4(. r«'7.rn. B2.T7 "I.II.Y tMHTK HRAN'li ASPARAOl S WHITE TIPS Square ran; ( « '-ir rlc«. 24c "'".. ». $J 7 7 "I.II.Y WHITE" BRAND AM-\ I: M ;i .-' UREEN ni ram °"r "¡". 1 « Dot«n, S J. ? I Kt.nRinx PURE 01TAVA IELLY I.ih \\ lui« " bran'l; larKi« «la«, jai im« -Hir. 24c SPECIAL BALE Of IREN« II llti SES ".Mm. mu i,i..n,, our own «n»l«l ,r :,'|,|- ll'«t r«-,-.i\,,l. fly»! ,|i|,li|, PM k«-.l i" R. ut«. S2.84 ¦. lb. tin. $1.14 Hawaiian SLICED PINEAPPLE " «loba" brand; Ka ''. «an; «laawbar« '.'",¦ ran ihla Mil«- Csa. l5c;doz.$| 74 "JESSAMINE" BRAND LEMOM CUNO PEACHES OR BARTLBTT PEARS Hi -ii NO. tH «an; i-Ihi-u h. rt .'!.' «sie, «tr oes _4c.i»»z. $2.74 ''EMPRBSB*' BRAND LEMON CLINQ PEACHE8 No J' ,.«u «old «aatwhtf« al ¦_.-,,, ,,nr prtt« f"r ihl« sal»; Cm. 18c.i"'-: $2.04 BOOTH'S PEARS In hMV) «yrop; larg» It«- ,|.>7«-n. $ | 57, .«-.m, J 40 ..OI'RBAR" BRAND TEA Indi« and Cayloa 1.., ¡ii .«. ii«-,i I'-m'i ..ni,,,« mi rrgular ,.. .. is. ounil; ¦facial foi tin« sal« "BilLTANA" BRANDCOPPEE Pull lUror I ;. - . -lion of Sooth \. ,it., run«. «iualll\ «old ,!>,-« Ii. i,- at Spt ,,iir 11 U <-. 5 lb. .iiitoti« (b*_Monly), -s >\. Su il, sark« Ibson« only) $ii>_'t ''"»ei J'. TtjMATOES 'American 11. .»n,.. bi_ad; aa nv ,-ir>j.- ,;in: «holr^st ««iKtlon .' trull: ran, 1 .',, Doaan, $| ,60 BTRAINED TOMATO Por »»up«. ,'..... U «KB1 IB I«" BB \N'li si OAR CORN i:.i'i.-,i quality «old «toorsiatM «I l-, ,Ui i"«- '."". 8«" lx,/. ,, j, -JESSAMINE" BRAND sriiAi; CORN Equal quality BOM <-l*,-wli« r«- hi U p. i 'an, our ,,ii'«-. parean, })(- .Dow, B1.04 FRENCH I'Kas "alarcoau" brand iniport.tlon; Sa*«« parfe^d; rstfulai »i/..-,an. ni", -i"- S_ B '. 52« (IM «an. « »tia fin«. <\nj. $;{ ( )(-, _'<V' ,;.ii DEN W \.\ BE »Ni 'Ulj Whit« ,11 l ll.II- N Ko .' »i t""" Si .:y\ >¦¦'¦¦>¦ I2f MKY nun.- IIRV (.«Min- l»RY liOIIIK DRY GOOD«« For Every Special Value Advertised on This Page There Are Hundreds of Unadvertised Values In This Store.Just as Good. ¦ H Mary A Co.'» Attractions Are Their Low Price**). _-_fe4X Interest on Every Dollar You Save -^ DEPOSIT MSW-OT *^ 1% Dfrtte»* tft -B?ory IteitliiFYtMSKiá^^JtT HÄWS i 2r, dividend on the total amount1 AT hm I', Intere-i compounded quarterly i while ynur money ¡a lying on deposit. I charged on your account for the year. PEMOT CU8T0MEM _VT MAW'S MIA« H THE MMFITS W WHAT THWillY 1 ome up to the balcony and open a deposit account. We require no reference and the transaction occupies hut two «"»r three minutes Onlv aerounta Inteudevl for purchasing pur po««» accepter!. \v> ,io n»> banking business. lb In 9 We maintain our own factories all over the world. We main¬ tain a fixed underselling policy over all the rest of the world ! Our stocks of China and Glassware on sale and in reserve are greater than the combined stocks o;' all the other New York Department stores. We manufacture in our Decorating Shops and Potteries in France, Germany and Austria much of the China offered iii this sale. We manufacture in our glass-cutting shops in New York the famous "Straus" Cut (.la-*s. now, as in the past, unapproached in quality. VVe introduced open-stock Dinnerware in America. We are still headquarters for it. Ouropen- stock ware now amounts to one hundred and fifty-one patterns. If you select one of these patterns you can periodically replenish or increase your service at your convenience. \\ e specialize in first quality kitchenware. We have every utensil that is needed in any kitchen, being quite as particular about Stone Bread Crocks. Butter Tots. Mixing Bowls. Cake and Jelly Moulds and heavy Blue Labelled Jars as we are about ornamental ware for the dining table. A touch of distinction is given to any dinner by serving some dish "en casserole." Our French and (.crinan sturdy wiiitc-liucjl casseroles are identical with those used in the best Continental res¬ taurants. Dutch Coffee Pots, English Tea Bots. Shirred Kgg Dishes and quaint earthenware novel; lie-, including [Egyptian and old fashioned Cottage Tea Pots. Oriental1 Rugs Reduced An Average ... 1-3 .Saving. 5partas. BASEMENT 20 % Off To make this sale more complete For Three /lore Days We Shall Continue the 20% RE¬ DUCTION on All Fine Fancy Goods in These Departments 20% Off ( IIIW INCLUDING AN UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT OF RICH SERVICE PLATES, GLASSWARE, LAMBS. ELECTROLIERS, CLOCKS. BRONZES, MARBLES. JO', will be taken off the marked prices <-f any piece of fine fancy goods when you buy. Decorated Dinner Ware. TEN GREAT «-\SKS OF THEO- I m IRE HAV1LAND CHINA. i 'inn.i. t.-t latir Havlland daalgn i'1 floral « rr.. t. \>iil. handle« Hnlthed in le.nil. el gold. .«.-»> DINNER IM. \'l'l.s .I Be TE \ PI. «.TES . soll- PLATED .12<- IN'h'l, BUTTERS . ;' FI'I'IT R U'i'KltS .10c TE v iVI'S \.\r> SAUCERS. ¦. 100 OPEN VEiiETABI/E DISHES >'>' Dinner Sets Reduced Austrian Fancy China «-ÍRI! $6.S9 r«*gularl. $689. PORCE- TEN GREAT CASKS, TO BE SOLD LAIN' DINNER BETS of 1**> AT ONE-THIRD LESS THAN ELSE« pieces, decorated with neat gold de- WHERE. Decorated »¦ itli grape design in n.it- itral colors; gold line. Sale rri«-*- Kie.-l' TEA CUPS and SAUCERS.28< RRKAD-AND-Rl'TTKR PLATES. 1 B TEA PLATES .19c BREAKFAST PLATES.23«" FRUIT SAUCERS.18c OATMEAL SAUCERS .I7c 9p regularly $8.97. not. D- tNITIALED DINNER BETS .'f UNI piri-r>«i, ilf>,«uratoel with gelid Initial ;md line to order. regularl* $16.80 A US- TRIAN ('MINA DINNER SETS "f HM placet, decorated »vith doral d«*«.ign and gol«l ein each placa. $12.8«? iÄÄ 28 ¡¿¡»¿^iàTLAnS g{fvEB^^v.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.::::::::::g: MEAT DISHES .69c ? " " RAMEKINS AND PLATES.19« $-14 80 regularl> $21.80. THEO. TEAPOTS . 2 li 'V^'V* m A v l LA N I> DINNER SUGAR Rowi.S ,.-ov'd... sie; \ i: ni iivi.s fcov'd».. CREAM PITCHERS BUTTER DISHES . PICKLE DISHEH . P M.,\n DISHES . De ....29c .'..*' HETH "f 100 piereu, decorated with CREAM PITí'HKRS .19« floral «I« sign and «old on handlet. WATER in« PITCHERS .D7C CHOCOLATE POTS .89c ..I9r Thlt Bel Include« a Soup Tureen. Straus" Cut Glass the Quality That Won First Prize at the World's Fair OLIVE DISHES .. lft si'i.'iN' HOLDERS . $1.97 ICE TITRB . $2.69 BERRY now i,s . $1 98 WATEB PITCHERS . f_.97 FERN DISHES . __t.4H MAYONNAISE BET8 . $3.411 ,i i w-'i* $1 7'.» PRESSED GLASS .!.» Noa $ I. 19 O LASS TUMBLERS Peí Doten TUMBLERS Ball» Ware- Hal. »9e sruAR and CREAM. $2.49 87.39 $1.29 ICE CREAM TRAYS . $3.W $2.9 $1.09 CELERT TRAVS . ¡-4.K0 $2.97 $1.1.9 SALAD BOWLS . SUSI) $i SO $l.«9 FRCIT HOWLS . S», K!t S 9 $2.49 LEMONADE CUPS .Per dozen $9.81) $5 88 $1 97 ICE CREAM TRAYS .$13.89 19.8 Te» ;ip|ii-f» iatc »»hat these value« mean, flrtt i rlct rtmllar qitalltiat in other high grade* itoret. To appréciait how we «an give these value! you mutt know that art have "iir own activa organizaren* in <'oiisi;iiitino|>l<'. The advantage of being «>ii th» i|"vt rmanlan us t«> cul out the usual miei- dleman's profit, and. »»hat is .if greater Importance, it enables us to in*-";»» only selected Rug« finding then \»ny iiiti« thll ftore. When either sienes make* \a».ii<^ an- noiin<ementu as to their *Tm il it I*»«*" jusi ,-isk them »»hat their farilltlet an*. We carry Ruga up te( a ¦uperb Sul- tanie at $I,27tViM). In a si m i laity «tora within, a stone's throw of Ma« ys an Identical specimen is priced at $2,000.00. This «e.nflrnis what we have aiways pointed out. that y>ur saving l.v buying at Mary's Is greafest on fine fOOdt r'!."lr.[ o.ii furnici <>'ir lowest In the* present prl««e». S fi 11 in. x T ft. 1 in. -:.«. ", $(jy.ÓC 9 11 \ ; :* In. IM.Sfl SÖ'^»JV !" ft 1 In x 7 ft. *!«h..-^i Sñ4.u< !> ft. ._. in. x 7 n J In.«.:.«* .^i $nrt W !' ft .1 m. x 7 ft. WaiV) Srt.« gi II ft. 11 1(1 X H ft. .1 In_|l'.4«a> «8_ Kl 1" ft. -, In. x h ft. l m.1124.00 $87 i>{ 11 ft. s in. xi» ft. -.' In_II60.M STQ'' üQ 11 ft. 11 In i 9 ft, I in llfHt.SO $ I QS 50 »S ft. X (t ft .115» .Ve $ 1 Qft jiQ 1J ft \ lee ft. O In.$1!l-ei.. g « _f> __ 1^ ft. I In x ft.|!Jt Mi $ IS ft. | In. x 10 ft 6 In. ...$1i»*i>e. II ft '.' in. x lo ft. 9 In.. |ieMt If ft. ;. In. v !> fi 'J in.IIMtV» i.i rt. 2 in. x i" rt .sn>«.eA 1! ft 2 In. i H) ft.$1»«* «m U ft SI In x II f». 11 In ..ttt4.es I", it | m. x 12 ft.I274.IIO $ Oriental Hall Runners In special widths which gT* usually flirTlrult to procure at even hitçher prices elsewhere. H ft. 0 in. x 2 ft. 4 In.$'52 89 S ft. 11 In. x 2 ft. *". In.$."..9.8.3 ft. .''. In. x 2 ft. :> in.$35.94 112 ft 2 in. x 2 ft. 7 In-$;*>5.00 IS ft 1 in. x 2 ft. in.$«o.OO is ft. x 2 ft. ¡"f In.$75.00 Mahal Carpet-Size Rugs ^-Too numerous to mention them til. Here are a few examples. 11 ft. 6 In. x 9 ft. o In.$90.00 11 It. 11 in. x S ft. S in.$95.00 12 ft. 1 in. x H ft. H in.$90 OO 12 ft. '1 In. x X ft. 4 In.$80.00 VI ft. 2 In. x H ft. 7 In.j?9'>i£? 12 ft. H in. x 7 ft. Í) in.$98.00 Kirmanshahs Average size. 4 ft. 6 In. x 3 ft. Prices for tuctl Kirmanshahs elsewhere, range tnim $86.00 to .«rtO.tlO, ae»«ord- intr to the store. Our price, $24.74 to $44.74 Antique Daghestans Average size, 5 ft. fi In. x 3 ft. rt in. Píleos for such Danhostans else¬ where range from $.10.00 to Í45.00. according to the store. f)ur price. $19.94 to $24.7 4 Were 23c BLOWN N'.m 1 8c «¡LASS I*, r Dozen ;|TI'MBLKRS Were 4Sc ¡| BLOWN v.at Now Uñe- ¡GLASS dfat-o Per Dozen !|Tl'.MBLERS Were .'.0'- Now 44c Per Dozen fllcH Happy Time for Home-Lovinp; Housewives included in the sale are sturdy and elaborate damask, both by the yard ami in sets: fancy Em¬ broideries, Kitchen Towels for pots, china, silver, p;lass; huge Bath Sheets of Turkish towelling:, sev¬ eral s,,rt> ..f Friction Towels; Damask Towels in all sizes ; tiny individual Towels for your guest room or travelling bag; exquisitely embroidered show rowels and favorite kinds of face cloths, livery sec- tion of the globe which produces worth) linens is well represented in the unsurpassed values of this spécial '-ale. _|____ioor.j TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKIN5 AND DAMASK BY THE YARD i s n ALL-LINEN TABLE BCOTCH ALL-LINSN TABLBlODD lots dp TABUE ('LOTUS ,'l.iiTlIS CLOTHfl I l"l*h All llne*n. In g...l eicslKn«, hut without r.*\\ qUAllly, minor a .. "m .11:'.' Iiiiportatlon, In tie»» .l-algn». n»;.klna to match. .Il-n ;.'«7e> ntmM T-v 1 .¦. ato. 7f»x7» 7<ixh>« 7i>*1t>»ln. Sir-«. «*»>.rt2 RCxVJ 7U71 Kate, 11.49 11.98 B2.29 $1.79 $2.29 $2.79 19.. Napklnt to match- Hfa, 2«"^i2l> Htvl nx33 in -ale«. $| .«)8 $2.29*1^1 N;i|ekins l" match Mix- ^..il'fi bi'.I 2*>s28 In. s 11.08 ''"' DAMASK Blut, 71xsa 71xm m .»to. $1.08 $2.39 satin-FINISH TABLE DAMASK. a7to«iwh>a*a, *i ."»> v,i mtU, 89 TAFtl hi St'PKRIoR DiltHLE DAMASK I'^i" hl-ach«.<l. 72 Inerte«« »vide«, in an -xt-n- D 111 Bl«IS UABABH c\i»i.r- ~ fyfug "Iv* ««*»ortme>nt of de-aiRna. ', ,,'?T,,,i,^. e.,*ra kam «»v-r -xrr»»»l«; ladadtot 'n»nr w <1-»t«n» In R'tolan. SDPKRIOR DOt'BLR DAMABK. .""., ir,"-.i.v,;,r«. ^^.v.,^^ r *.***. «^ .««. ¦__* *^- ». .«.»»¦ ^-^.'.?»?¦ !x72 7»«.!>» TîttOS In .,r,c* '"'"'tlon- »n «*»a«r. H-a«*)r quality, our own Importation; sold at 72x 72 In 7.« li» la., .; "Pride of An-.«.«. Broadway «»**> «.*** expressiv ftf The New * M. Mac» Sheets 6t *** Pillow Cases SHEETS. ptllow CASE1 (Size liefer» Muslin PlHotl lioniming.» r a . ., |i#m- _4^. «'.97CI »tltrlieri. I'.x.ttl. AtxOO. at.41c . . .___. TJxlX». «i.i7c rained fro« SIxlK», Ht.49«'! 1 «'' » o '3r !V»x!)0, at.i57o e.ach. Other sheets in regular slock .tTtHM ea«*h for a Uno «innlitv linen im¬ ported from Relfast. Other pillow »-ases in ftock up to $2.21 -ach for the same nuality. BMBBOIDBMH) INITIAL PILLOW CASES, flnislied with a neat «scal¬ loped edge. These pillow e-anea gell in other stores at T."*.- eaeh M-i'v'i has 2.000 of them, size .'»"ixW. to sell at 49«' each. MUSLIM SFtF.HTS-Extra heavy. ioft tlnisli, with wiele hem. Torn -[¿e Slxim, 56e each. Bedspreads Reduced Thousands reduced for the January sale. Baa* meini HEMMED CBOCBET, la all new'd«- signs, ready for ti»'\ iWx76, at 63c 72xKO, at 81«^ 70x82, at 74c Tik'.h). at 99»^ HEMMED HONBTOOMBS, in all rfttlT. and a numl.er of designs not touni elsewhere, even In higher prl«ed g«»ods. $1.23 to $1.79 -l/c-, SI/»-» ".'Iv'»'! iiicl 26x38 In $4.96 $.'».D(-l d../. 7.x IOS III «¦Il Ni 111 1:8= s im by ua. B8.69 S4 <U) B5.89 Napkins to match *»lx ¦ i i" ä-£.VjI 1rf f»o« »» In ;;4'49 to SCOTCH LINEN TABLE CLOTHS- *-««. «¦«.T4.Ö0 "> I.viih un-. lle-d Hier' Hand, In d-«l«.Tia Vankins to match. -.ov.li nprcnb '".;;'; _*£. In., $5.9(3. $«.89 «ml $7.89 Slz-«. 72xe'.' rSxPO ,2x1"* .,-,.,- ,. efcû no ,,, «»-¡»S on tatoTsS.19 82.94 83.66 ..».. m. S8.D« t'5-i».HH pit«! 7:«i;i; 72\mi in Bato, S4.08 84.66 Napkins t" mal« h *- re*, -vivíf» 25X23 -:.x2i in sai»' 82 8x.69 83.19« DAHASK, MUCK AND TURKISH TOWELS a «iniil. protlt ALL-LINEN GERMAN DAMASK. ««>! In. wide«; -ale«. 79i'' v(i- 72 In. »Id«*, »ale., &Ç)r yd. Ona of th« mom durable» i.lnfns Imported doz. ALL-LINEN STIN DAMASK. nut 74«- >d.. mi-, 59r. Full b|e«ache>d. In »ntlrely n*»w devilfrn» that | nra «e»!dom purchaaahla at thl» «eriet ODD LOTS OF NAPKINS MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK- \H llne»n. full and allv-er bleached, tn d«airn« 63 In. .Ide.; aale, tyftc. that n-lll »«ally match atandard cloth d-tlirna. 72 In. wide; «al*, -tftc. Sizo» 17x17 1*1 IN -Ox.n In suitable for kitchen or emerfency u»e; an lato.'98c '. 78C ^ *l 98r 4 mm. -xcellent «rade, in really getod pattern«. INDIVIDUAL TOWELS....6 for 47o|PACE CLOTHS.« for 27r i GLASS TOWELS.«for$t.3S i»' .-n in I... i.hva|r|ana of Mat. 14x1« In. In all whlta. or with Mr.r- 2.X.1« In Heinm-d and loop-,1 ' t _1 Wl... ¦ I aa TfAA\ tf\r 11««». la« t-._/4 klua, -.-. Ui,. 15c fl.e. «rie.'. i"omi oi tia\e>IHn«; u»«*. all whit« "i «n Hr.e-tt HUCK TOWELS...*18c Rlxi ItVixM ¡" v;' Ha*W. Ii'innifd. with te i t.*.¦.!. r '¦' nil Hiui". ALL LINEN TOWELS.19c ' '-,,,. ii.v.is ni iieiuinci s.i.t.-h hack, ,, ,; MiMiiii k aiata cira, h." I tvROE HUCK TOWELS.24c " Si/. e.|s4«¡ ¡n \|| Un.... with «.neu 'l.im.eïi. I'.i'l"'-". Iie-ii,«titehcd. PIQURED HUCK TOWELfj .36c - /(. 21x4-1 xl1 l""'"- l'",in,,,1; wov-n ,¦.,.. HEMSTITCHED TOWELS.39c f\V> 21x42 "f mi\ linen hi».% With Aammâm i«''lpi'í l»\\l Í.8K TOWELS.» MS 5i- jft_M Paw """"¦ h>*»»h»',l wl,h i. M,"it,i,inS. or henwtltrtlnt »»«»' l>ink in»1 bluo bordara SCALLOPED TOWELS.49n si/.p 22x40 A-ll linen, e-hoice. d<M'<:! « Hi,. l.orde«r he>matltchell or hematlt.-hel GREEK BORDERED TOWELS.«B9c Um ¦.".'x.'i'.i Itogatorl» 78c; fi-h or Urd'l eye» j.attern. with lire«!» key l*or .1« -i.-aH.ip««-! fnda. HEMSTITCHED TOWIaL».80<" Mm '.'-"x4.'l. Import«*.! fron» France; all linen, i.eautlful deal-ma. i ; I KST TOW ELS.49c <\i<' 1,".\24 In rich damaak dealfti« with heniatitcheil en.ta. <">ne of the I.-at valiiea In the «ale*. TURKISH TOWELS.tOc sue ItxSS, hcmmril. Full bleached and extra li«arjr. si/.. .Osât, Aum toi, 1 4f», Si?.. 2tx44, Special. I 7c. Sir. j;lx47. "Xtra heBv\. weiglnnK 7'x Hi» to the« tataa; a|.«*ciai, 24c readv for uae. in red, blue or whit checka DISH TOWELS. Size. 17x3.','. in All linen. fu!l bleached; all white or with colored hordT« heitimM i.a*K for uae. CRASH DISH TOWELS.22c Size 2»'x.t.". In. All linen, with coloir.i hordcii.- henim«M readv for uae. LINEN DISH TOWELS.29c Size- 2*>\.'t.V.. Kxtr.i h.a\y linen craah; aaaortment of neat colored bordera; hemme 1 ready for ii.ee ROLLER TOWELS.46c .-"- yda. each. All lln*>ti iif-a». with '..lored border» and readv for use RUSSIAN ROLLER TOWELS... 36c m .1«. each. Hard made linen i-iiuh very durable and leady lor uae. BATH MATS Size 2-.-ÍX41 In. Three» atvle-. In em boaa«d effect»; all uaual colora anl whit« -.-.c .FANCY TABLE AND MISCELLANEOUS L.NENS % TO 0 LESS HAND-EMBROIDERED POR üi IN CHINA. JAPAN AND THE MADEIRA ISLANDS. .69c ,»'7 IN. ¦QUARBS.............19c CHINESE HAND - BMBROIDBRED 4S IN CENTREPIECES < .,, n..| gtvme-rl. «i -". _. T. IN. LUNCH CLOTHS... Ilematlt« li«-.l I'tilon linen, with th.*-*- r.ma «.f Auatrlan .liawnwork. Suitalh- ,, m .im*« r'eiiiiie'rly 24c. ?±fâïïn^.$*?*^^« « W. 1M..LOW SHAMS.24 v i- ,i.,i, h.... i $ .g Kor.uer i ri.e 44c ;:^;;.!,s;r,e',i ¿Em _*«_^___;_w"rkl"p tv ,i<-"k"s_ GRAND OPERA-THE TENTH WEEK Scores and Librettos, lowest-in-the-ctty prices s,,., Uhrftt(1 IK DONNB L*UBIOtB.Wolf ».>rr,"rl $4.49 29c S_ ¦»*......' HANHKL CM» «'KKTKI,.Humperdlnck .$3 89 1 Dc ... -AVAI.I. KltlA lil'STK'ANA.Ma».a«nl . QAr \QC \::: v.. ..,».»,¦.» .tmm.s .04 6c .1 «i IhUlK Kv. Kndav Kv .-«i kv.' nrkiy»«» I AI s teUBOFRlEL) l.\ BOHBUK Waaii* r »ie>un<-i 1 S»> W, 1.98 89c 1.24 19c -¦«.||1llMi:i: s l IBRART OK MI'SI' AI. I.'UASHICH at I.caa Than Tnia'-flxed ITIcen , TANCXM Ham South American Dance«. The (mM o' two e'oiilllient». Ilxlii.-ive with H II MM Y à CO m tmtk. M .nana iTan*.. Aitzentitn-i. I 4C '.il.iii.ii!.. iI.i.iko Argentine). 1 4f St h Floor Hear. TA RLE LINENS. B] -i.ecinl arrangement with a laine Ici [e.rter of Chine«« tn,i,haiv!|.e. w,. ar». en_ ¡el!..¡ to >'l*er the«« qu«intiv .l.ce.ratlve eiriental hand embrolderle«. at at»»ut landed The pi UN are all round, all of .m. *. k;««s linen, with a pleaaing out rust In th. solid white embr«old«ry Knti. Partial luncheon a«-ia can be made up of the following «It.» at little «..-t: dm. Wia UaUe. si»e. Wa«. - ,i.. t»1» In., Nk*... 24cll7 In., $2.tH» $1 I Ó 10 In., 74c. 34«? i2l'-» I". »- Il'AS 12'. In. »v 49ci2-.,v. i". «W-l«-. $t'<<9 ¡12 IP wa« $:. «a», now $2.97 MADEIRA HAND EMBROIDERED DQILIE8 AND CENTREPIECES- The nntt elee-oratlv», moat durable em l.rul.leri.a obtainable at similar pike» Fur, linen, all whit.-. 8 I». »1=0; »ale, J5C!I2 In. «Is«; tmle, yQf. In. »Ize; aale. 29cU«ln «Ixe; aale. f^Qp II KM ST IT« HED SCA RFS.29c "Ize 1Hx72 In ,.f fnlon lnic-rt. with row eif Austrian drewnwork. «er>. j|, Brass Beds. The Best French Lacquer Wo have sold thousand«» up«in thou¬ sands of these selfsame hruss beds and hA\o never had a complaint. Actual experience of this kind is your best guarantee. | Fourth Fi<>o7"T L'-iiuh «nntiniiotis post, rive %-ln<*h filler rods in head and foot; height of head end, "i feet; hetght of fe><n rn.l. 3 feet.$14.67 2-ine-li continuous p«>st, 11 l«ln«*h filler repris, ¡i large husk on every filler straiRht across; height at head end. «"» ft. 2 in.; height of foot end. 3 ft. - in.$24.24 Other brass heds in larg« assortment, ranging in prices from $9.24 to $63.25. IfACT'fl OWN MATTRESSES. .\larie by hand In our factory on the premlaaa. 2-6 3-0 3-H 4-0 4-fi . Mixed hair. 16.69 9S-24 $.,.$>ft $ii.ixi *i2..;i Special South American hair. 112.29 $1.V 10 $1S.S0 $i>l.l» $23.76 No. I black drawings. $13.69 $17.34 $21.24 $28.67 $2H.H7 Bttptr extra black drawings. $i:..!H $20.24 $24.71 $27. HO S'.1.27 Silver Plated Table QiSuiat Ware h^ M.eln l-'loo:-. U m An opportunity craated b> the .«.ten k-taklng »learanee of one «if ;h«« largest silver factories, «.f whom »»«. are «jne of the largest rustomer». «.» Xo» liltKAt) T«AY8. n.-v. pi. r.el «le«l«n . $1.7» S 1 Ad BREAD TKAYS. «.nain. tun.. ~ l>«ttern . .!' K< <t- | ' "LU TKA IHlTf», KnglUh Ihreaci '""1er.$..!..VJ $-2 7 '. <«.>.-«KUOI.EÏI. pl,-r«-ed de-lgn; > i"- »xa; .u.'M $3 {ja CHOCOLATE POT8, two pretty «-»««JO pattern» . $3 2* $2 1 4 M'.ee.I.ATK IH>TK. hexagon * . Ilil'K PISCa TEA SETS, floral -»««-' ¡a i tar .»9.74 S6 74 8YRFF AND PLATE, floral . b<> '1er . $2 4t> $ 1 74 THREE PIECE COFFEE i-'l'.T*-. * *~ lluted thread border. $*» «h J!A il» AFTER-DINNER »'OF F E E ..».*.- POTS, he-XilRI II rha;«' .|3...,« $«> Ü7 BSDROOtvl TEA 1'»)T3, en-rin- «-»-¦-¦ turned; «quat shape. I-".I7 SI QQ CANDUCtTICKH ..v.il. plain «««-o beaded edte . *l S 1 «2 i i'\NiiI.KSTli'KS, seiuart*. gtmgm deainn . »..*....« « I to PBRVINO TltWS, I in.he» .».»-».i '«nu .Í3 «*.» <K_ 40 «Itr.MI» Si:iV. engiaved deslirn $3 71 B9*JW r'Hl;.\ DI8HB8, P.I; v; **..«j«u cetoln lined . *- «O $ 1 rt» \Ki: IIASKETf. three ett» c ¦ .«J- »I«"" .»I U4 $2.97
Page 1: EIGHT PART IV $ta»*i0 arilraî«. AND REAL · REALESTATE ANDFINANCIAL JANUARY U. l»12. WITH DEEP SEA TRAMPS Sturdy Steam Craft That Roam the Seven Seas. THE SKIPPER IS SUPREME He'll




JANUARY U. l»12.

WITH DEEP SEA TRAMPSSturdy Steam Craft That Roam

the Seven Seas.


He'll Take Any Cargo, from Rail¬road Ties to Contraband

Sinews of War.i\h»t«,'r ther»'- ivat<-rWherever there's fr.-itrht.That's «»here the tramp g««e«:That's wheie the- tramp goe*!

.Old Sons

TlM "hobo" of the sea is no relation to

th' Wear** Willie <>f tlM land, ami althoughthf old song of "Whareve. (here's freight,that's where the tramp goes" applies, in a

measure, to the pilgrim who steals his way

on the cargo carriers of the steel rail, It was

penned by some- one who had in mind thethousands of sturdy steam craft that are

known on the seven seas as tramps.All vessels that do not ply on recular

routes may be Maid lo Le tramps, and, while

tramping may he looked upon with disfavor

by those who live ashore, those afloat andth«. shipping interests hold the tramp shipin high favor. A manufacturer gets a latee

order to deliver, say, at Tampico, Ifexii,'There are no regular freight ships plying«rom hi» nearest «-*."»* port. What dor«, he

d".' He iel«graphs Of telephones to a shipbroker at that port, and the agent chartersa tramp steamer of the required cargo ca¬

pacity.And one may always, or neatly always.

Imd a (ramp at the hinter (¡ties laid upwaiting for »harter.The skipper of the tramp is the man with

whom 10 talk. He does not care what thei arg., may be.fruit, oil in cat».», wheat,lumber, ties, dyamite or sinews of war fora re» oltitionary party in any p;»rt of theunrld-just so the price is in keepintt with

the risk and the time requiredAmong the calculations of the proposed

revolution that certain dissatisfied patriotamay be contemplating th*' question of

transportation of their "army'' and stores

M a minor one. for the members of the

junta know that t«>r the price a tramp,steamer may be chartered. The risk to theowner'.' Oh, that's nothing if the price is

rieht.During the Russo-Japanese War it was

ommon to read of both the Japs and Rus¬

sians destroying steamers found to be car¬

rying contraband Th* owners of the.steamers were satisfied, for the men

«vho chartered the vessels had paid enoughfreight money to justify the loss. As for th.«

skipper and crew, if they escaped with

i heir lives to enjoy their portion of the

money paid, well anl good, if they went

down, well, Is It not all in the business?The business of tramping is as old as

ships, but it was developed to a high degreeby the Yankee skippers of the early daysof this country. In those days a youngman returned from a voyage with a ratineof second or first mat" and a knowledge of

navigation. He wanted a vessel of his

own; so he organized a company on a slock


THE OLD STYLE TRAMP.With the ship In commission the captain's

r»al work began, and when he slipped hismoorings for a voysge be was going tramp¬

ing, although he called it 'trading.-' In

his quest for e-argoes he did not bother»»here he might have to go, his only atlpu- jlatlon being that he should have a return

freight or a monetary consideration-Those were the days when trading B-a*

not so prosaic as to-day. for the doughtyskippers of sailing craft took all kimls of

chance«, especially those who went over

on the African coast, swapping beads, mir¬

rors, calico, knives and othet gimcracksfor Ivory. Many of those* skippers were

no! averse to "blackblrdlng." as running

¦laves was called, and many a cargo of

blanks was run to the States, even after

the British government started In to break

DP slave trading.Just as soon as the procuring of blacks

«a« difficult then the rewards were greater,as was the temptation, and many a »«.¦¦elthat left her home port as a trader became

a "hlackbirder." sometimes with profit and

»omet imes not.During tin- Civil War the tramp

¦hip ma«le üs appearance, lust as ¦ block¬

ade runner. In that business a sue

voyage meant quick and ample returns, for

the freights wer«* g« net ally worth more

than the ships. One round trip paid forthe. vessel; aft« r that it was all proflt

It is t«> the tramp steamer that Englando»v«*a her position as the fortm>oa1 maritime

peiwer. The crown has eiiiouraiîed the'

building e.f liners ami traapf by the- givingOf subsidy In otner words, the crown is

a part o»vt*er. but. only in time of war do«Mthe crown assert ils rights Then these

tramps mii.^t respond, to he used as ti'oop

iraiasporta, ;i« in mv wer«* during the Hoer

warThe «hip subsidy bill that has been agi¬

tated in this e-ountry for years providesthat kind of i n« ..iiragetnenl for our peo¬ple, hut Congreaa ha«- BO. fot been con¬

vinced of it«; necessity Th»- result Is thatth» ¡»"Mrs an*l Strip«4»- le rapidly disappear¬ing from the oversea trade.

in the mean lime England and Norway.will»h also has n subsidy system, are» en-

ig the ma lor profits of carrying the

were* oí the wirld m bottoms that yieldfiom ¡S to to per cent Interest annually,KngUii'l leads the world be.-ause of th»t«-n«liness of he» people to invest, and thet aridity with whl.-h the «reaoele can beturned out <»ne shipyard alone for several>ear- maintained an average of one 3,000-tot. -t»ani<i evecry three memtns. fio*" Hie

leyiOfJ if t ,.i .,, the eifficlal tr'=» rip.The <ab¡. .,,.. wonder« for ihe mas¬

ter of Ihe trump He no longer sails "inl.allast" »m s.-, k." Rather than thath« la»s up. Mining only enough of hiscoy to keep p hie ship. Then he aivaitsorden from hie shore agent »rho, in them. en time, has ftoea notltle<i. The latterthen g«».s aller huslncss. K«»r Installée, a.

t>hip toads coo] at one e,f the ChesapeakeHa.- porte for Tampko. and upon arrivalthere limi; that the only out «argo i- ONi"i- "Delaware Breakwater foi orders.''

MODERN CARGO GETTING.CaergM i- taken, an.I »»h. n the vessel

:*iriv,s at tin* BRToakwater she r.

roc. ni te, Now York. At thelatter port th«-r.- is i.e. ..nth«.und cargo forh.i ;inI«-*»> she is willing to wait l»v., trtfihgAfter having Just come off | short voyage

does not the aklppert« .«-graph:: his agents- at all the Coast portsaaklng for charter, and until eowethhig doee

the- ship must lit- up in a basinWhile there It an erMrmoue ¡«mount ofhusir.e:», done, "n, may always find one or

more «>f these trampe laid na, and tlies« areth* ?«¦**«.],, that may he engaged for anyenterm Ue, from seeking treasur«- to run-rlnt; « ontrahami for a bund of patriots.As th«. .-xi-, lli-n. c .,f ¡K-ceinimodatlons on

ihe big lirur.- Jia-TniU-an»'«1«! the a«Tiimttiii.dation«, on ii1(. tramp haaja kept ph«-«*, untiltin master e,f bJM of th.se- modem freelanes is an well «.IT M ¡r» the skipper of

' UM Me.aiiiiK iM.l'ls " II«. has a»"'.*.' il i ..mfoitabh ..n.I even

handsomely furnlahcd, his but! ..". m. prl-sat.- paiiii-, and kltcb» n, W» « Hie Ughl. nil fan« all ,.f th.- . uni.BOaalbly havi ,,t mag, \ »mall réfrigérât«

lag plant keep, his f,m(|s rtmi. fiirntahescooling liquid when in th«> tropfc».And in tonnage, too, the tramp lias grownuntil then are boom of the«*, that registertm tons. *,ioSt of th(.m |10Wev.-i, are lessthnn 5,(i0n tons, for they have been foundto b«- more economical to operate In a Hn«-c.f business that is more or letM uncertain.As the tramp carries her cauro at so

much a ton only the restraining ha mi ofLloyds, the Insurance company, preventsmuch of the overloading that is something«>f a practice. In carrying coke, which i«light for its hulk, it is USUS] not only to rillthe hold, but to build up huge woodenhexes on dock and till them. Lumber, too,'.- often piled high on dock.A new type of tramp ship is the turret.

dcalgned to evade the tonnage tax. andalthough this type- 0f vessel does not ap-i-«-ar to be able to carry as much as anordinary tjrpe of the same length, appear-; n«es are deceptive. Oftentimes lumberIs carried on the tops of the turret«, but

the practice la g'-ti« rally dis, oui '-'. ¦>

Tlie Norwegian maritime laws are more

lax than the laws of L'ngland; hence,when the British tramps I«. «in to outlive

ttxslf usefulness they ar<- BOM t" fitRTway.The new owners patch them UP ami sent!them forth under their own Hag.On the Other hand, th«- Norwegians turnout some cx<eedlngly nice craft, scores of

uhich are engaged In the West Indies fruittrade under charter to American fruit com¬

panies.These little vesse'.s are smart In speed,

cheap t" operate and «arry lO.WV» to 12,<V»stems, or bum-lies, which is considered as

being an ideal cargo.quick to load and

quick to discharge. Besides, being small,

they can get Into many of the poorly stiel¬

te! ed harbors. Many of them are lost,hardly a year passing without two to six

Striking OH ,rir l*ef*, mid as a rule striking

means the end of them, as the cost of sal¬

vage and repair would amount to more,

than they are worth

Time toGo South

Rhrzardy storms ami the grip of wintermake one buig for southern summer«

land«. Why not visit

JacksonvillePalm BeachTampa

St. AugustineMiamiSt. Petersburg

or otlipr Florida Resorts.

New Orleans and the beautiful Gulf Coast

Southern Pines PinehurstAsheville Aiken

Augusta Summerville

and oilier rcfnrjrr«. among««! the pine- n!the Carolinas and Georgia.

PULL,WINTERTRAINSERVICEi«. now in operation between New Vork amithe reports in Florida, Georgia, the Carolinaand the Gulf Coast, by the

Pennsylvania Railroadin connection with ihc


Full information concerning train service, tickets, f'nllinanreservations; aUn regarding

WINTER TOURS TO FLORIDAMary hr obtained of Ticket Agents, nr < Studd Di*trtc.

Par-'encer Agent, 263 Fifth Avenue, New Y<uk Citj

R. H. Macy A Co.'s Attractions Are Their Low Prices.

HHRAl/D ¦Qu-tSX, Broadway, Mth to 86th 8t. j

First Class Groceries!i wc merely sold groceries at low prices we should noi boasi

about it. What we pri«le ourselves on 1«. the fact thai we sellQUALITY groceries at prices lower than other houses who -I'll

quality ^roceric«.We pride ourselves further on the evidence that we arc able to

furnish. We maintain our own factory-- over lOO/HY) square feet.We practically do away with manual handling, ami we employrrted machiner} which insures absolutely correct weighl and

liftl, Klon,imp«mea: tire.

Sale of " Star" Ham and BaconTHE DUTFBRBNCE IN HAMS.

'RED STAK" HAMS are the flnMt products Of Western i.icklii« tu,us« s.

WE NEVER BACRIPICE QUALITY TO MAKE A LOW PRICE. Wehave said this often; say it aj?ain now. When applied to Ham-., it means

that WK DON'T BELL "BKIN-BACKS" such as are getteeaily sold In

ham sales aboul town. Skin-baeks atA hams that ha\e been damaged bjbruising ami have been peeled »o as t«> remove the damaged part. Theyare unappetising and not desirable; and, in accordance with the Mac) rule. >r not selling se'-'inds where health Is con« <-\ n »d, we do nol keep them.AI.I. HAMS OFFERED IN THIS BAUE ANO AT ANY TIME. ATM.M'Y'S. AME PIRBTQUALITT. Weights range from U t<« r_' ii«¦ our

regular price I» 18c. in.This sale 16H«


'it S l_ifs» «hit» si*ais; No 8 COM',«>ur prl.a. 07c. DMW. $4.33

"AMERICAN BEAUTT" BRAND ASPARA<;r.- -l.arup «r««>n «p^to«. N« I sqMT«an,

Our rirl««», 34c: nnien. S3.97"I.II.Y VlHITK" BRAND OatdaaaJ, larga

-, --i'-«, No. 34 ran: our prlr<»,Whit«, 32r. Doten, $;;.7Í.

"I.II.Y WHITE" BRAND Lars« «pwr«;No. i:'.- an « ur prie».

<;i*tn. _9c Dozon. $3.39"JKSSAMINtB" BHaMi No, 2-i can lar*,«-

WpttXTf, ('111 prlrr.Watt« _8c: Do«en. $;i._«3

dl It FAMOUS "RED STAR" BRANDBONELESS BAOON Onl) Hi* hl«he»lKiale ari.I ,-rto!r»st *<l»,t|,>n, th« brand on

« mil |l«<- ,« our «mirante-, n«l«hl« .'! 10 «i

lbs.; regularly sold ai ISc lbFor tills Mir, II, | Ó'*«'


Canada. Just received; in strip« from 8H los pi». .i.i«.. 3*i<"

"MATTLOWBR «'MOP'' TKA \lix»«1 andFormosa-. Oolor.R, onl) J lb «aiions; our

K-KUiar pil««- 64«- for «arton. BpfcUil for

this sal«1 . 54e"ORIENT" BRAND COrPKE Pull flavor«-,!

satisfy'MS l«l«nd of Orl«-ntul i-off,»»-*: roast «-a

In It,'- I"''1". :ianui:i!f.l <n pulvrlzcrl; 'I'«

where 4,tc ¦ I*>uiid; our prie«, .", lb. Urn'.

«1 79: __.*¦ "" 37cBEBT WHITE ORANl'LATEI) CARINA-

r, n, i,a«t. 29c.Pound urion«, 7«.ll-.l.i.V r<»'-v DER.- I.II \\ ami. in

eluding I'-',"". -'lanK-. raspberry, Klrnw

l.tr\. vanll«. p-acli. rhWTy, ho-olui' -,

p|h«appl*< ",,r" an<1 Plain, in»,:.»- a a,-ll<-l<iusdtiiceii. 79c. i;.. n. 7<-

.[ n y WHITE" BRAND loll.; 1« WHITE, i a.Tf«. Fr«-"ti »lilpineni j.i -I i.-.., .,l. full

uelsiit 2 1» rnrio,,.;-pf ial for tin* sal«-. 9<

vV ni: MI'llIO IMPERIAL siALAOA, L'BTER R «WINS « ,, ,, ,, octal Im,.,r'uti»r: «.¦"'"»*. 38o:

Wooden lox or :,', n,. $ \ g/4KMil l<> PERRRRO MALAOA CLI STEHu « i*siN**.UU1 own Importation; «artona,"r;. ..wood n ..%-. v. iu $1 ,ci4 i

.|T-,-''l. SALE WABHED Pl'LLEDVlOtrJ I¦.\t.i,... r'"''' ,1n,"", ?¦*.«*,,M '-I»»« Jars, one

.... , pj ni'«' Mai'fau" l,iai>,l; i,.l Hud

'.Vu.-' |in«nt ";l11 '. » " «rhJU straw

T. .. ,-,'t .<^' w,,l?

¡mr.«' «I«» I'M«.9 '. i


«prai«: our rrP I.«'¦ir-on. 26r; Deram, $a.nfS

"MA.V7.XN ITA BRAND While Hn,l srfi-nNo 'J':

«lur pri, .-, 0'4(. r«'7.rn. B2.T7"I.II.Y tMHTK HRAN'li ASPARAOl SWHITE TIPS Square ran;

(« '-ir rlc«. 24c "'".. ». $J 7 7

"I.II.Y WHITE" BRAND AM-\ I: M ;i .-'UREEN ni ram

°"r "¡". 1 « Dot«n, S J. ? IKt.nRinx PURE 01TAVA IELLY I.ih

\\ lui« " bran'l; larKi« «la«, jaiim« -Hir. 24c

SPECIAL BALE Of IREN« II llti SES".Mm. mu i,i..n,, our own «n»l«l I«

,r :,'|,|- ll'«t r«-,-.i\,,l. fly»! ,|i|,li|,PM k«-.li" R. ut«. S2.84 ¦. lb. tin. $1.14

Hawaiian SLICED PINEAPPLE " «loba"brand; Ka ''. «an; «laawbar« '.'",¦ ran ihlaMil«- Csa. l5c;doz.$| 74

"JESSAMINE" BRAND LEMOM CUNOPEACHES OR BARTLBTT PEARS Hi-ii NO. tH «an; i-Ihi-u h. rt .'!.' «sie,«tr oes _4c.i»»z. $2.74

''EMPRBSB*' BRAND LEMON CLINQPEACHE8 No J' ,.«u «old «aatwhtf« al

¦_.-,,, ,,nr prtt« f"r ihl« sal»;Cm. 18c.i"'-: $2.04

BOOTH'S PEARS In hMV) «yrop; larg»It«- ,|.>7«-n. $ | 57, .«-.m, J 40

..OI'RBAR" BRAND TEA Indi« and Cayloa1.., ¡ii .«. ii«-,i I'-m'i ..ni,,,« mi rrgular,.. .. is. ounil;

¦facial foi tin« sal«"BilLTANA" BRANDCOPPEE Pull lUror

I ;. - . -lion of Sooth \.

,it., run«. «iualll\ «old ,!>,-« Ii. i,- at Spt,,iir 11 U <-. 5 lb. .iiitoti« (b*_Monly),

-s >\. Su il, sark« Ibson« only)$ii>_'t ''"»ei J'.

TtjMATOES 'American 11. .»n,.. bi_ad; aanv ,-ir>j.- ,;in: «holr^st ««iKtlon .'

trull: ran, 1 .',, Doaan, $| ,60BTRAINED TOMATO Por »»up«.


U «KB1 IB I«" BB \N'li si OAR CORNi:.i'i.-,i quality «old «toorsiatM «I l-,,Ui i"«- '."". 8«" lx,/. ,, j,

-JESSAMINE" BRAND sriiAi; CORNEqual quality BOM <-l*,-wli« r«- hi U p. i 'an,

our ,,ii'«-. parean, })(- .Dow, B1.04FRENCH I'Kas "alarcoau" brand

iniport.tlon; Sa*«« parfe^d; rstfulai »i/..-,an.

ni", -i"- S_ B '. 52«(IM «an. « »tia fin«. <\nj. $;{ ( )(-,

_'<V',;.ii DEN W \.\ BE »Ni 'Ulj Whit«

,11 l ll.II- N

Ko .' »i t""" Si .:y\ >¦¦'¦¦>¦ I2f

MKY nun.- IIRV (.«Min-l»RY liOIIIK DRY GOOD««

For Every Special ValueAdvertised on This PageThere Are Hundreds ofUnadvertised Values InThis Store.Just as Good.

¦ H Mary A Co.'» Attractions Are Their Low Price**).

_-_fe4X Interest on Every Dollar You Save -^ DEPOSIT MSW-OT*^1% Dfrtte»* tft -B?ory IteitliiFYtMSKiá^^JtT HÄWS i

2r, dividend on the total amount1AT hmI', Intere-i compounded quarterly iwhile ynur money ¡a lying on deposit. I charged on your account for the year.

PEMOT CU8T0MEM _VT MAW'S MIA« H THE MMFITSW WHAT THWillY1 ome up to the balcony and open a deposit account. We requireno reference and the transaction occupies hut two «"»r three minutes

Onlv aerounta Inteudevl for purchasing purpo««» accepter!. \v> ,io n»> banking business.

lb In 9We maintain our own factories all over the world. We main¬tain a fixed underselling policy over all the rest of the world !Our stocks of China and Glassware on sale and in reserve are greater than the combined stocks

o;' all the other New York Department stores. We manufacture in our Decorating Shops and Potteriesin France, Germany and Austria much of the China offered iii this sale. We manufacture in our

glass-cutting shops in New York the famous "Straus" Cut (.la-*s. now, as in the past, unapproachedin quality.VVe introduced open-stock Dinnerware in America. We are still headquarters for it. Ouropen-stock ware now amounts to one hundred and fifty-one patterns. If you select one of these patterns youcan periodically replenish or increase your service at your convenience.

\\ e specialize in first quality kitchenware. We have every utensil that is needed in any kitchen,

being quite as particular about Stone Bread Crocks. Butter Tots. Mixing Bowls. Cake and JellyMoulds and heavy Blue Labelled Jars as we are about ornamental ware for the dining table.

A touch of distinction is given to any dinner by serving some dish "en casserole." Our Frenchand (.crinan sturdy wiiitc-liucjl casseroles are identical with those used in the best Continental res¬

taurants. Dutch Coffee Pots, English Tea Bots. Shirred Kgg Dishes and quaint earthenware novel;lie-, including [Egyptian and old fashioned Cottage Tea Pots.


An Average... 1-3.Saving.



20 %Off

To make this sale more completeFor Three /lore Days We Shall Continue the 20% RE¬DUCTION on All Fine Fancy Goods in These Departments


( IIIW INCLUDING AN UNUSUAL ASSORTMENT OF RICH SERVICE PLATES,GLASSWARE, LAMBS. ELECTROLIERS, CLOCKS. BRONZES, MARBLES.JO', will be taken off the marked prices <-f any piece of fine fancy goods when you buy.

Decorated Dinner Ware.TEN GREAT «-\SKS OF THEO-

I m IRE HAV1LAND CHINA.i 'inn.i. t.-t latir Havlland daalgn i'1

floral « rr.. t. \>iil. handle« Hnlthed inle.nil. el gold. .«.-»>

DINNER IM. \'l'l.s .I BeTE \ PI. «.TES .

soll- PLATED .12<-IN'h'l, BUTTERS .


FI'I'IT R U'i'KltS .10cTE v iVI'S \.\r> SAUCERS. ¦. 100OPEN VEiiETABI/E DISHES >'>'

Dinner Sets Reduced Austrian Fancy China




pieces, decorated with neat gold de- WHERE.Decorated »¦ itli grape design in n.it-

itral colors; gold line.Sale rri«-*-




regularly $8.97. not. D-tNITIALED DINNER BETS

.'f UNI piri-r>«i, ilf>,«uratoel with gelidInitial ;md line to order.

regularl* $16.80 A US-TRIAN ('MINA DINNER

SETS "f HM placet, decorated »vithdoral d«*«.ign and gol«l ein each placa.


iÄÄ28 ¡¿¡»¿^iàTLAnS g{fvEB^^v.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.::::::::::g:MEAT DISHES .69c ? " " RAMEKINS AND PLATES.19«

$-14 80 regularl> $21.80. THEO. TEAPOTS .

2 li 'V^'V* m A v l LA N I> DINNER SUGAR Rowi.S ,.-ov'd...sie; \ i: ni iivi.s fcov'd»..CREAM PITCHERSBUTTER DISHES.PICKLE DISHEH .P M.,\n DISHES .


.'..*' HETH "f 100 piereu, decorated with CREAM PITí'HKRS .19«floral «I« sign and «old on handlet. WATERin« PITCHERS .D7C

CHOCOLATE POTS .89c..I9r Thlt Bel Include« a Soup Tureen.

Straus" Cut Glass the Quality That Won First Prize at the World's Fair

OLIVE DISHES .. lftsi'i.'iN' HOLDERS . $1.97ICE TITRB . $2.69BERRY now i,s . $1 98WATEB PITCHERS . f_.97FERN DISHES . __t.4HMAYONNAISE BET8 . $3.411

,i i w-'i* $1 7'.» PRESSEDGLASS .!.» Noa $ I. 19 OLASSTUMBLERS Peí Doten TUMBLERS

Ball» Ware- Hal.

»9e sruAR and CREAM. $2.49 87.39$1.29 ICE CREAM TRAYS . $3.W $2.9$1.09 CELERT TRAVS . ¡-4.K0 $2.97$1.1.9 SALAD BOWLS . SUSI) $i SO$l.«9 FRCIT HOWLS . S», K!t $ó S9

$2.49 LEMONADE CUPS .Per dozen $9.81) $5 88$1 97 ICE CREAM TRAYS .$13.89 19.8

Te» ;ip|ii-f» iatc »»hat these value«mean, flrtt i rlct rtmllar qitalltiat in

other high grade* itoret. To appréciaithow we «an give these value! you muttknow that art have "iir own activaorganizaren* in <'oiisi;iiitino|>l<'.The advantage of being «>ii th» i|"vt

rmanlan us t«> cul out the usual miei-dleman's profit, and. »»hat is .if greaterImportance, it enables us to in*-";»»only selected Rug« finding then \»nyiiiti« thll ftore.When either sienes make* \a».ii<^ an-

noiin<ementu as to their *Tm il it I*»«*"jusi ,-isk them »»hat their farilltlet an*.

We carry Ruga up te( a ¦uperb Sul-tanie at $I,27tViM). In a si m i laity «tora

within, a stone's throw of Ma« ys an

Identical specimen is priced at

$2,000.00. This «e.nflrnis what we have

aiways pointed out. that y>ur savingl.v buying at Mary's Is greafest on fine

fOOdt r'!."lr.[o.ii furnici <>'irlowest In the* present

prl««e».S fi 11 in. x T ft. 1 in. -:.«. ", $(jy.ÓC9 11 \ ; f» :* In. IM.Sfl SÖ'^»JV!" ft 1 In x 7 ft. *!«h..-^i Sñ4.u<!> ft. ._. in. x 7 n J In.«.:.«* .^i $nrt W!' ft .1 m. x 7 ft. WaiV) Srt.« giII ft. 11 1(1 X H ft. .1 In_|l'.4«a> «8_ Kl1" ft. -, In. x h ft. l m.1124.00 $87 i>{11 ft. s in. xi» ft. -.' In_II60.M STQ'' üQ11 ft. 11 In i 9 ft, I in llfHt.SO $ I QS 50»S ft. X (t ft .115» .Ve $ 1 Qft jiQ1J ft \ lee ft. O In.$1!l-ei.. g « _f> __

1^ ft. I In x I» ft.|!Jt Mi $IS ft. | In. x 10 ft 6 In. ...$1i»*i>e.II ft '.' in. x lo ft. 9 In.. |ieMtIf ft. ;. In. v !> fi 'J in.IIMtV»i.i rt. 2 in. x i" rt .sn>«.eA1! ft 2 In. i H) ft.$1»«* «mU ft SI In x II f». 11 In ..ttt4.esI", it | m. x 12 ft.I274.IIO $Oriental Hall RunnersIn special widths which gT* usually

flirTlrult to procure at even hitçherprices elsewhere.H ft. 0 in. x 2 ft. 4 In.$'52 89S ft. 11 In. x 2 ft. *". In.$."..9.8.3!» ft. .''. In. x 2 ft. :> in.$35.94

112 ft 2 in. x 2 ft. 7 In-$;*>5.00IS ft 1 in. x 2 ft. "» in.$«o.OOis ft. x 2 ft. ¡"f In.$75.00Mahal Carpet-Size Rugs^-Too numerous to mention them til.Here are a few examples.11 ft. 6 In. x 9 ft. o In.$90.0011 It. 11 in. x S ft. S in.$95.0012 ft. 1 in. x H ft. H in.$90 OO

12 ft. '1 In. x X ft. 4 In.$80.00VI ft. 2 In. x H ft. 7 In.j?9'>i£?12 ft. H in. x 7 ft. Í) in.$98.00

KirmanshahsAverage size. 4 ft. 6 In. x 3 ft. Prices

for tuctl Kirmanshahs elsewhere,range tnim $86.00 to .«rtO.tlO, ae»«ord-intr to the store. Our price,

$24.74 to $44.74Antique Daghestans

Average size, 5 ft. fi In. x 3 ft. rt in.Píleos for such Danhostans else¬where range from $.10.00 to Í45.00.according to the store. f)ur price.

$19.94 to $24.7 4

Were 23c BLOWNN'.m 1 8c «¡LASS

I*, r Dozen ;|TI'MBLKRS

Were 4Sc ¡|BLOWN v.atNow Uñe- ¡GLASS dfat-oPer Dozen !|Tl'.MBLERS

Were .'.0'-Now 44cPer Dozen

fllcHHappy Time for Home-Lovinp; Housewives

included in the sale are sturdy and elaborate damask, both by the yard ami in sets: fancy Em¬broideries, Kitchen Towels for pots, china, silver, p;lass; huge Bath Sheets of Turkish towelling:, sev¬

eral s,,rt> ..f Friction Towels; Damask Towels in all sizes ; tiny individual Towels for your guest roomor travelling bag; exquisitely embroidered show rowels and favorite kinds of face cloths, livery sec-

tion of the globe which produces worth) linens is well represented in the unsurpassed values of this

spécial '-ale. _|____ioor.jTABLE CLOTHS, NAPKIN5 AND DAMASK BY THE YARD


,'l.iiTlISCLOTHfl I l"l*h All llne*n. In g...l eicslKn«, hut without

r.*\\ qUAllly, minor a.. "m .11:'.' Iiiiportatlon, In tie»» .l-algn». n»;.klna to match.

.Il-n ;.'«7e> ntmM T-v 1 .¦. ato. 7f»x7» 7<ixh>« 7i>*1t>»ln. Sir-«. «*»>.rt2 RCxVJ7U71

Kate, 11.49 11.98 B2.29 $1.79 $2.29 $2.79 19..

Napklnt to match-Hfa, 2«"^i2l> Htvl nx33 in

-ale«. $| .«)8 $2.29*1^1N;i|ekins l" match

Mix- ^..il'fi bi'.I 2*>s28 In.

s 11.08 ''"'


Blut, 71xsa 71xm m.»to. $1.08 $2.39

satin-FINISH TABLE DAMASK.a7to«iwh>a*a, *i ."»> v,i mtU, 89

TAFtl hi St'PKRIoR DiltHLE DAMASK I'^i" hl-ach«.<l. 72 Inerte«« »vide«, in an -xt-n-

D 111 Bl«IS UABABH c\i»i.r- ~ fyfug "Iv* ««*»ortme>nt of de-aiRna.

', ,,'?T,,,i,^. e.,*ra kam «»v-r -xrr»»»l«; ladadtot 'n»nr w <1-»t«n» In R'tolan. SDPKRIOR DOt'BLR DAMABK..""., ir,"-.i.v,;,r«. ^^.v.,^^ r *.***. «^ .««. ¦__* *^- ». .«.»»¦ ^-^.'.?»?¦

!x727»«.!>» TîttOS In .,r,c* '"'"'tlon- »n «*»a«r. H-a«*)r quality, our own Importation; sold at

72x 72 In7.« li» la.,


"Pride of An-.«.«.

Broadway «»**> «.***expressiv ftf

The New * M. Mac»Sheets 6t ***Pillow Cases

SHEETS. ptllow CASE1(Size liefer» Muslin PlHotllioniming.» r a . ., |i#m-

_4^. «'.97CI »tltrlieri. I'.x.ttl.AtxOO. at.41c . . .___.

TJxlX». «i.i7c rained fro«SIxlK», Ht.49«'! 1 «'' » o '3r!V»x!)0, at.i57o e.ach.

Other sheets in regular slock

.tTtHM ea«*h for a Uno «innlitv linen im¬

ported from Relfast.Other pillow »-ases in ftock up to

$2.21 -ach for the same nuality.BMBBOIDBMH) INITIAL PILLOWCASES, flnislied with a neat «scal¬loped edge. These pillow e-anea gellin other stores at T."*.- eaeh M-i'v'ihas 2.000 of them, size .'»"ixW. to sellat 49«' each.

MUSLIM SFtF.HTS-Extra heavy. iofttlnisli, with wiele hem. Torn -[¿eSlxim, 56e each.

Bedspreads ReducedThousands reduced for the January

sale. Baa* meini

HEMMED CBOCBET, la all new'd«-signs, ready for ti»'\

iWx76, at 63c 72xKO, at 81«^70x82, at 74c Tik'.h). at 99»^

HEMMED HONBTOOMBS, in allrfttlT. and a numl.er of designs nottouni elsewhere, even In higherprl«ed g«»ods. $1.23 to $1.79


SI/»-» ".'Iv'»'! iiicl 26x38 In

$4.96 $.'».D(-l d../.

7.x IOS III«¦Il Ni 111

1:8=I» s im by ua.

B8.69 S4 <U) B5.89Napkins to match

*»lx ¦ i i" ä-£.VjI 1rf

f»o« »» In ;;4'49 to


I.viih un-. lle-d Hier' Hand, In d-«l«.Tia Vankins to match.-.ov.li nprcnb '".;;'; _*£. In., $5.9(3. $«.89 «ml $7.89

Slz-«. 72xe'.' rSxPO ,2x1"* .,-,.,- ,. efcû no ,,, «»-¡»S ontatoTsS.19 82.94 83.66 ..».. m. S8.D« t'5-i».HH

pit«! 7:«i;i; 72\mi inBato, S4.08 84.66

Napkins t" mal« h*- re*, -vivíf» 25X23 -:.x2i in

sai»' 82 i° 8x.69 83.19«DAHASK, MUCK AND TURKISH TOWELS

a «iniil. protltALL-LINEN GERMAN DAMASK.

««>! In. wide«; -ale«. 79i'' v(i-72 In. »Id«*, »ale., &Ç)r yd.

Ona of th« mom durable» i.lnfns Imported


ALL-LINEN STIN DAMASK.nut 74«- >d.. mi-, 59r.

Full b|e«ache>d. In »ntlrely n*»w devilfrn» that| nra «e»!dom purchaaahla at thl» «eriet

ODD LOTS OF NAPKINS MERCERIZED TABLE DAMASK-\H llne»n. full and allv-er bleached, tn d«airn« 63 In. .Ide.; aale, tyftc.that n-lll »«ally match atandard cloth d-tlirna. 72 In. wide; «al*, -tftc.Sizo» 17x17 1*1 IN -Ox.n In suitable for kitchen or emerfency u»e; an

lato.'98c '. *¦ 78C ^ *l 98r 4 mm. -xcellent «rade, in really getod pattern«.

INDIVIDUAL TOWELS....6 for 47o|PACE CLOTHS.« for 27r i GLASS TOWELS.«for$t.3Si»' .-n in I... i.hva|r|ana of Mat. 14x1« In. In all whlta. or with Mr.r- 2.X.1« In Heinm-d and loop-,1

' t_1 Wl... ¦ I aa TfAA\ tf\r 11««». la« t-._/4 klua, -.-. Ui,.

15cfl.e. «rie.'. i"omi oi tia\e>IHn«; u»«*. all

whit« "i «n Hr.e-tt

HUCK TOWELS...*18cRlxi ItVixM ¡" v;' Ha*W. Ii'innifd.with te i t.*.¦.!. r '¦' nil Hiui".

ALL LINEN TOWELS.19c' '-,,,. ii.v.is ni iieiuinci s.i.t.-h hack,,, ,; MiMiiii k aiata cira, h."


Si/. e.|s4«¡ ¡n \|| Un.... with «.neu

'l.im.eïi. I'.i'l"'-". Iie-ii,«titehcd.

PIQURED HUCK TOWELfj .36c- /(. 21x4-1 xl1 l""'"- l'",in,,,1; wov-n


HEMSTITCHED TOWELS.39cf\V> 21x42 "f mi\ linen hi».% WithAammâm i«''lpi'í

l»\\l Í.8K TOWELS.» MS5i- jft_M Paw """"¦ h>*»»h»',l wl,h

i. M,"it,i,inS. or henwtltrtlnt »»«»'

l>ink in»1 bluo bordaraSCALLOPED TOWELS.49n

si/.p 22x40 A-ll linen, e-hoice. d<M'<:! «

Hi,. l.orde«r he>matltchell or hematlt.-hel

GREEK BORDERED TOWELS.«B9cUm ¦.".'x.'i'.i Itogatorl» 78c; fi-h or

Urd'l eye» j.attern. with lire«!» key l*or

.1« -i.-aH.ip««-! fnda.

HEMSTITCHED TOWIaL».80<"Mm '.'-"x4.'l. Import«*.! fron» France;all linen, i.eautlful deal-ma.

i ; I KST TOWELS.49c<\i<' 1,".\24 In rich damaak dealfti«with heniatitcheil en.ta. <">ne of theI.-at valiiea In the «ale*.

TURKISH TOWELS.tOcsue ItxSS, hcmmril. Full bleached andextra li«arjr.

si/.. .Osât, Aum toi, 1 4f»,Si?.. 2tx44, Special. I 7c.Sir. j;lx47. "Xtra heBv\. weiglnnK 7'x

Hi» to the« tataa; a|.«*ciai, 24c

readv for uae. in red, blue or whitchecka

DISH TOWELS.Size. 17x3.','. in All linen. fu!lbleached; all white or with coloredhordT« heitimM i.a*K for uae.

CRASH DISH TOWELS.22cSize 2»'x.t.". In. All linen, with coloir.ihordcii.- henim«M readv for uae.

LINEN DISH TOWELS.29cSize- 2*>\.'t.V.. Kxtr.i h.a\y linen craah;aaaortment of neat colored bordera;hemme 1 ready for ii.ee

ROLLER TOWELS.46c.-"- yda. each. All lln*>ti iif-a». with'..lored border» and readv for use

RUSSIAN ROLLER TOWELS... 36cm .1«. each. Hard made linen i-iiuhvery durable and leady lor uae.

BATH MATSSize 2-.-ÍX41 In. Three» atvle-. In emboaa«d effect»; all uaual colora anlwhit«




.,, n..| gtvme-rl. «i -". _.


Ilematlt« li«-.l I'tilon linen, with th.*-*-

r.ma «.f Auatrlan .liawnwork. Suitalh-,, m .im*« r'eiiiiie'rly 24c.

?±fâïïn^.$*?*^^« « W. 1M..LOW SHAMS.24v i- ,i.,i, h.... i $ .g Kor.uer i ri.e 44c

;:^;;.!,s;r,e',i ¿Em _*«_^___;_w"rkl"p tv ,i<-"k"s_

GRAND OPERA-THE TENTH WEEKScores and Librettos, lowest-in-the-ctty prices s,,., Uhrftt(1

IK DONNB L*UBIOtB.Wolf ».>rr,"rl $4.49 29cS_ ¦»*......' HANHKL CM» «'KKTKI,.Humperdlnck .$3 89 1 Dc

... -AVAI.I. KltlA lil'STK'ANA.Ma».a«nl. QAr \QC\::: v.. ..,».»,¦.» .tmm.s.04 6c

.1 «i .¦

IhUlK Kv.Kndav Kv.-«i kv.' nrkiy»«» I AI s


Waaii* r


1 S»> W,1.98 89c1.24 19c

-¦«.||1llMi:i: s l IBRART OK MI'SI' AI. I.'UASHICH at I.caa Than Tnia'-flxed ITIcen ,

TANCXM Ham South American Dance«.The (mM o' two e'oiilllient».

Ilxlii.-ive with H II MM Y à CO m K« tmtk.M .nana iTan*.. Aitzentitn-i. I4C'.il.iii.ii!.. iI.i.iko Argentine). 1 4f

Sth Floor Hear.

TARLE LINENS.B] -i.ecinl arrangement with a laine Ici[e.rter of Chine«« tn,i,haiv!|.e. w,. ar». en_¡el!..¡ to >'l*er the«« qu«intiv .l.ce.ratlveeiriental hand embrolderle«. at at»»ut landed

The piUN are all round, all of.m. *. k;««s linen, with a pleaaing out rust

In th. solid white embr«old«ry Knti.Partial luncheon a«-ia can be made up of thefollowing «It.» at little «..-t:

dm. Wia UaUe. si»e. Wa«. - ,i..t»1» In., Nk*... 24cll7 In., $2.tH» $1 I Ó10 In., 74c. 34«? i2l'-» I". »- *» Il'AS12'. In. »v 49ci2-.,v. i". «W-l«-. $t'<<9

¡12 IP wa« $:. «a», now $2.97MADEIRA HAND EMBROIDEREDDQILIE8 AND CENTREPIECES-The nntt elee-oratlv», moat durable eml.rul.leri.a obtainable at similar pike»Fur, linen, all whit.-.

8 I». »1=0; »ale, J5C!I2 In. «Is«; tmle, yQf.!» In. »Ize; aale. 29cU«ln «Ixe; aale. f^QpII KM ST IT« HED SCARFS.29c

"Ize 1Hx72 In ,.f fnlon lnic-rt. with .«row eif Austrian drewnwork. «er>. j|,

Brass Beds.The BestFrench LacquerWo have sold thousand«» up«in thou¬

sands of these selfsame hruss beds andhA\o never had a complaint. Actualexperience of this kind is your bestguarantee. | Fourth Fi<>o7"TL'-iiuh «nntiniiotis post, rive %-ln<*h

filler rods in head and foot; heightof head end, "i feet; hetght of fe><nrn.l. 3 feet.$14.67

2-ine-li continuous p«>st, 11 l«ln«*h fillerrepris, ¡i large husk on every fillerstraiRht across; height at head end.«"» ft. 2 in.; height of foot end. 3 ft.- in.$24.24

Other brass heds in larg« assortment,ranging in prices from $9.24 to$63.25.IfACT'fl OWN MATTRESSES.

.\larie by hand In our factory on thepremlaaa.2-6 3-0 3-H 4-0 4-fi

. Mixed hair.16.69 9S-24 $.,.$>ft $ii.ixi *i2..;i

Special South American hair.112.29 $1.V 10 $1S.S0 $i>l.l» $23.76

No. I black drawings.$13.69 $17.34 $21.24 $28.67 $2H.H7

Bttptr extra black drawings.$i:..!H $20.24 $24.71 $27.HO S'.1.27

Silver PlatedTable QiSuiatWare h^

M.eln l-'loo:-. U m

An opportunity craated b> the.«.ten k-taklng »learanee of one «if ;h««largest silver factories, «.f whom »»«.

are «jne of the largest rustomer».«.» Xo»

liltKAt) T«AY8. n.-v. pi. r.el«le«l«n . $1.7» S 1 Ad

BREAD TKAYS. «.nain. tun..~

l>«ttern . .!' K< <t- | ' )«"LU TKA IHlTf», KnglUh Ihreaci

'""1er.$..!..VJ $-2 7 '.

<«.>.-«KUOI.EÏI. pl,-r«-ed de-lgn;> i"- »xa; .u.'M $3 {ja

CHOCOLATE POT8, two pretty«-»««JO

pattern» . $3 2* $2 1 4M'.ee.I.ATK IH>TK. hexagon * .

Ilil'K PISCa TEA SETS, floral-»««-'

¡ai tar .»9.74 S6 748YRFF AND PLATE, floral .

b<> '1er . $2 4t> $ 1 74THREE PIECE COFFEE i-'l'.T*-. * *~

lluted thread border. $*» «h J!A il»AFTER-DINNER »'OF F E E


POTS, he-XilRI II rha;«' .|3...,« $«> Ü7BSDROOtvl TEA 1'»)T3, en-rin- «-»-¦-¦

turned; «quat shape. I-".I7 SI QQCANDUCtTICKH ..v.il. plain


beaded edte . *l "« S 1 «2 ii'\NiiI.KSTli'KS, seiuart*. gtmgmdeainn . »..*....« « I to

PBRVINO TltWS, I in.he» .».»-».i

'«nu .Í3 «*.» <K_ 40«Itr.MI» Si:iV. engiaved deslirn $3 71 B9*JWr'Hl;.\ DI8HB8, P.I; v;


cetoln lined . *- «O $ 1 rt»\Ki: IIASKETf. three ett»

c ¦ .«J-

»I«"" .»I U4 $2.97
