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EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical...

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THE LEICESTERSHIRE ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY EIGHTY- EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 YouR Committee, in presenting the 88th Annual Report, feels justified in claiming the continued progress of the Society and the maintenance of iits high standard. of achievement. For this the Society is deepiy indebted to the assiduous work of its Honorary Secretaries and, in particular, to the devotion and expert guidance of Mr. S~llington, who, in spite of recur- ring periods of ill health during the past year, has yet never spared himself in the best interests of the Society whose welfare and prestige are so dear to him. The product.ion of yet another Volume of Transactions is mainly due to his inspiration and your Committee believes the part issued maintai.ns the high place your Society holds in the Archaeological world. Once agaiin we are indebted to three of our members for papers of the outstanding value and. interest which we have come to expect from them, and your Committee desires to convey its sincere thanks to Dr. Hamilton Thompson, Dr. Hoskins and Mr . .Nlbert Herbert. Members .will be grateful to our President for hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Ben efi ces and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents in our parish churches fall far short of the complete documents so admirably described in this paper. Here, · · then, is a stimulus to research which may inspire some ~f us to action. Our Publications and General Purposes Sub-Committee would be delig hted to receive, for publication in Transactions, lists of Incumbents compiled with the references and particulars so cogently set forth i.n our President's paper. ' Dr. Hoskin's_ The Leicestershire Farmer in the 16th Century is another of his enthralling and informative papers, based on original research of documents within the reach, of all our mem- bers, and is a fitting companion to his earlier paper on The Leic estershire Country Parson in the 16th Century.
Page 1: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents



YouR Committee, in presenting the 88th Annual Report, feels justified in claiming the continued progress of the Society and the maintenance of iits high standard. of achievement.

For this the Society is deepiy indebted to the assiduous work of its Honorary Secretaries and, in particular, to the devotion and expert guidance of Mr. S~llington, who, in spite of recur­ring periods of ill health during the past year, has yet never spared himself in the best interests of the Society whose welfare and prestige are so dear to him.

The product.ion of yet another Volume of Transactions is mainly due to his inspiration and your Committee believes the part issued maintai.ns the high place your Society holds in the Archaeological world.

Once agaiin we are indebted to three of our members for papers of the outstanding value and. interest which we have come to expect from them, and your Committee desires to convey its sincere thanks to Dr. Hamilton Thompson, Dr. Hoskins and Mr . .Nlbert Herbert. Members . will be grateful to our President for hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents in our parish churches fall far short of the complete documents so admirably described in this paper. Here,

· ·then, is a stimulus to research which may inspire some ~f us to action. Our Publications and General Purposes Sub-Committee would be delighted to receive, for publication in Transactions, lists of Incumbents compiled with the references and particulars so cogently set forth i.n our President's paper. '

Dr. Hoskin's_ The Leicestershire Farmer in the 16th Century is another of his enthralling and informative papers, based on original research of documents within the reach, of all our mem­bers, and is a fitting companion to his earlier paper on The Leicestershire Country Parson in the 16th Century.

Page 2: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents


Theddingworth and its Church with the usual informative plates is yet one more example of Mr. Albert Herbert's competent and illuminating contributions on our county churches and to many members will also recall a delightful day spent in South Leicestershire when Mr. Herbert proved himself so able a guide and expositor of church architecture.

Your Committee takes this opportunity of welcoming a new contributor who has given us a skilfully compiled pedigree of a county family. It is interesting to note that there are numerous references to the families of Horton, de Merley, Gobion and Turpyn in Farnham's Quorndon Records and Leicestershire Medieval Village Notes, and a Pedigree of Turpyn of Knaptoft showing the descent of this county family from the marriage of Richard Gobion and Agnes, sister of Roger de Merley in the same author's Leicestershire Medieval Pedigrees. At the end of the notes on Shearsby and Knaptoft in Leicestershire Medieval Vil­la,ge Notes, Vol. V, Mr. Farnham mentions a manuscript history of Knaptoft by the late rector, Rev. J. H. Green, referred to by Mr. Horton-Smith on page 105 of his The Hortons of Leicester­shire. Mr. Farnham's note runs .as follows :-"The Rev. J. H. Green, for many years rector of Knaptoft, has written a history of Knaptoft in manuscript. It 1is carefully done, and, but for the limited interest in so small a place, would be worth printing, etc" This history, if now ava1ilable, might prove acceptable for the Society's Transactions.

Your Committee has transacted much business essential to the SooiE;ty's well-being and is always pleased to receive reports of archaeological or architectural interest concerning the County and its monuments, and is in regular communication with the Society for the Preservation of Ancient Buildings (S.P.A.B.) This year it supplied information concerning Ragdale Old Hall and forwarded to the S.P.A.B. a copy of Transactions containing Dr. Hamilton's comprehensive paper on this unique County building.

The following members have been elected during the year:­Mr. J. H. Dronsfield, Dr. Plumb, Mr. Trevor Thomas and

Mr. John L. Woolley. Four members resigned and the Society lost two members by

death:-Mr. J. Allen and Rev. C. E. Young.

Page 3: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents


Transactions Vol. XXII. Part 2. 1941-42.

Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Incumbents by A. Hamilton Thompson, C.B.E., M.A., LL.D ., D.Lltt.,

F.B.A., F.S.A. The Leicestershire Farmer in the Sixteenth Century

by W. G. Hoskins, M.Sc. (Econ.), Ph.D . The Hortons of Leicestershire

by L. G. Horton-Smith, F.S.A. (Scot.), M. A., Barrister-at-Law.

Theddingworth amd its Church by Albert Herbert, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A.


27th July, 1942. The Origin and Growth of the Ruman People­the Latins of the East, by Mr. J. K. Peel, M.A.

11th January, 1943. Hadrian's Wall, by Capt. T. Nicholson, R.A.

Both lectures were well illustrated with slides and Mr. Peel also displayed beautiful examples of peasants' dress, while Capta<in Nicholson made reference to new discoveries on the Roman Wall by the Durham University Excavation Committee. Members may be interested to learn that one of the lost forts on the Wall has been unearthed at Stanwix, now a suburb of Carlisle. Both Lectures were well attended and thoroughly enjoyed.

Notes on Meetings

The Annual General Meeting was held on 8th June, 1942, when our Chainnan, Sir Robert Martin, presided with his usual efficiency and homeliness. He paid a well merited tribute to the considerable debt of gratitude the Society owes to Mr. Skillington for the flourishing condition of the Society and its prestige .in the country.

The Chairman then dealt in his inimitable manner with the papers in Transactions for 1941 with special reference to our President's scholarly and delightful paper on the history of the Society, a paper which will be treasured by all who have such pleasant memories of the varied personalities who, in the past, so ably built up the Society.

Page 4: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents


After the formal business and the re-election of all officers and the adoption of the report and the Honorary Treasurer's Statement of Accounts, Mr. Albert Herbert, Mr. Keay, and Mr. Keith Thomson voiced suggestions as to future possible activities. These included a plea for research on the history and develop­ment of crafts and craftsmanship peculiar to the County, and a suggestion that our President might contribute to Transactions a paper on the technical words and phrases necessarily common in medieval documents and in papers on archaeological subjects.

Votes of thanks to our Chairman and the Officers of the Society closed a ,thoroughly enjoyable meeting.

Page 5: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents

' \.

Page 6: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents



To Balance forward on Research Fund Account ... ,, Balance in hand

,, Subscriptions and Donations ,, Interest on £101 5s. 4d. Leicester 3 per cent.

Stock less Tax ,, Interest on £250 Os. Od. Leicester 4:¥ per cent.

Stock less Tax ,, Interest on £150 Os. Od. 3½ per cent. Conversion

Loan less Tax ,, Interest on £300 Os. Od. 3½ per cent. War Loan

Gross ,, Income Tax reclaimed 1941 / 42

,, Sale of Transactions

£ s. d. 50 0 0 32 11 7

227 15 0

1 10 4

5 18 9

2 12 6

10 10 0 10 1 7

0 10 0

£341 9 9

Page 7: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents

ARCHAEOLOGICAL SOCIETY for the Year ending 31st December, 1942.

By Balance overdrawn ,, Subscriptions :


, , Archaeological Congress ,, Canterbury and York Society ,, English Place Name Society ,, British Record Society , , Society for the Protection of Ancient

Buildings ,, Council for the Preservation of

Rural England ,, Leicester and Leicestershire Record

Committee (Donation)

,, Printing Transactions ,, Printing and Stationery ,, Rent ,, Postages and Sundry Expenses ,, Lecturers' Expenses and Lantern , , Fire Insurance ,, Bank Interest and Charges

£ s. d.

1 0 0 1 1 0 0 15 0 1 11 6

1 1 0

1 1 0

, , Balance in hand on Research Fund Account ... ,, Balance at Bank


£ s. d.

6 9 6 161 10 0 23 18 6 11 2 6 7 0 0 4 6 0 1 17 6 2 12 6

50 0 0 72 13 3

£341 9 9

Page 8: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents


General Reserve Fund (Value £919 Os. 7d.)

Excursion Secretary's Account

SELWYN PARKINSON, F.C.A. Honorary Treasurer

£ s. d. 856 18 1

11 7 4

£868 5 5





Page 9: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents


£101 5 4 Leicester Corporation 3 per cent. Stock (Value £101)

£250 0 O Leicester Corporation 4i per cent. Stock 1945/55 (Value £259)

£150 0 0 3½ per cent. Conversion Loan 1961 (Value £160)

£300 0 0 3½ per cent. War Loan (Value £315) ...

Cash at Bank : -Excursion Account Society's Account


£ s. d.

101 5 4

246 2 9

121 4 9

315 12 0

11 7 4 72 13 3

£868 5 5

I have examined the Funds Account dated December 31, 1942, and the Receipts and Payments Account for the year ending December 31, 1942, ,and certify such accounts to be in accordance with the Books and Vouchers of the Society. I have satisfied myself that the Scrip of the abot e Investments is in the possession of the Bank. I


Honorary A uditor

Page 10: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents


To Balance at Bank

,, Interest on £1,250 3½ per cent. War Loan Gross

,, Interest on £400 Leicester 4¾ per cent. Stock

" less Tax

,, Interest on £150 3 per cent. Defence Bonds

,, Income Tax reclaimed 1941 / 42

£ s. d.

62 6 3

43 15 0

9 10 0

4 10 0

9 10 0

£129 11 3


To Present Balance (Value £2,056 lls. 3d.)


£ s. d. 2,018 3 8

£2,018 3 8



HuGll G. GoonAcRE, EsQ. ,, A. A. IRONSIDE, EsQ.

Page 11: EIGHTY-EIGHTH ANNUAL REPORT, 1942 · hii.s iinvaluable and scholarly article on Ecclesiastical Benefices and their Indxmbents. It may well suggest to them that many lists of incumbents

ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESEARCH FUND for the Year ending 31 st December, 1942.


By Balance in hand

31st December~ 1942.

By £1,250 3½ per cent. War Loan (Value £1,313)

" £400 4! per cent. Leicester Stock 1945 / 55 (Value £414)

" £150 3 per cent. Defence Bonds (Value £150) ...

,, Cash at Bank

, , Cash in .the hands of the Leicestershire Archaeological Society

£ s. d.

129 11 3

£129 11 3

£ s. d. 1,293 11 5

395 1 0

150 0 0

129 11 3

50 0 0

£ .2,018 3 8

I have examined the Funds Account dated December 31, 1942, and the Receipts and P ayments Account for the year ending December 31, 1942, and certify such accounts to be in accor­dance with the Books and Vouchers of the Trustees of the Research Fµnd. I have satisfied myself that the Scrip of the above Investments is in the possession of the Bank.

G. KEITH THOMSON, Honorary Auditor
