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EIM Customer Success Stories Turning Information into Innovation OCTOBER 2013 MARK BARRENECHEA OpenText President and CEO OPENTEXT CEO WHITE PAPER SERIES

EIM Customer Success StoriesTurning Information into Innovation

O C T O B E R 2 0 1 3

MARK BARRENECHEAOpenText President and CEO


ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3

Maximizing the Value of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Governing the Power of Information with ECM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Energen – Achieving compliance and efficiency gains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Hong Kong Polytechnic University – Creating competitive advantage . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Accelerating the Power of Information with BPM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

Nationwide – Capturing market share with process improvements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7

AIA Australia Ltd – Gaining a holistic view of the customer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8

Experiencing the Power of Information with CEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

Hyatt – Reinforcing a global brand of excellence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9

City of Edmonton – Creating compelling constituent experiences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10

Extending the Power of Information with Information Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Mumbai International Airport Limited – Saving time and money . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Penn State University – Raising the bar for research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Discovering the Power of Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

The Globe and Mail – Enabling content discovery to increase revenue . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Marathon Oil – Protecting and preserving content as an asset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Mobile Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

EMP – Improving physician productivity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16

DDR – Enhancing real-time sales . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Cloud Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) – Promoting cloud-based open government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18

Mizuno – Strengthening their retail supply chain with cloud technology . . . . . . . . . .19

The Social Enterprise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

G-20 Summit – Enhancing global communications and policy development . . . . . . .20

Barrick Gold – Centralizing knowledge as an asset . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22


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EIM Customer Success Stories

IntroductionThe OpenText Enterprise Information Management (EIM) White Paper Series is a set of publications from OpenText™ on the topic of Enterprise Information Management .

EIM is the discipline of discovering, managing, extracting value from, and building applications on top of unstructured enterprise information . At OpenText we know these Enterprise Information Management practices as the next generation of enterprise software .

To help present the topic of EIM, it will be described and detailed in the following white paper series:

n Enterprise Information Management (EIM)

n The Social Enterprise

n Focused on the Value

n Enterprise Content Management (ECM)

n Business Process Management (BPM)

n Customer Experience Management (CEM)

n Information Exchange

n Discovery

n Mobile Computing and the Cloud

n Information Security

n Information Governance

n Information Flows and The Journey

n Customer Success Stories

These white papers will be delivered in a series starting in the fall of 2012 and completed by the fall of 2013 .


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Maximizing the Value of InformationEvery Enterprise is an Information Enterprise because every enterprise operates according to its data . Whether its business is to sell insurance or sell hotel rooms, to build airplanes or manage airports, to deliver citizen-based services or empower physicians to do their jobs – every transaction, project, marketing campaign, purchase, sale, or conversation is based on information .

Most information enterprises keep their information in repositories that are vast . These repositories house information of significant volume and velocity that is compounding on a daily basis . Information and data, and often the processes that underpin them, are fragmented . Information flows across the enterprise are interrupted and disconnected, their paths aren’t clear, vulnerabilities lay hidden, and opportunities can be lost . Many organizations do not have a consolidated view into their enterprise information . They are unable to perceive their information enterprise as a whole and understand its strategic significance .

As the set of technologies and practices that maximize the value of information while minimizing its risks, EIM provides control for the information enterprise, creating the opportunity for unlimited growth and responsiveness . It builds information confidence through security, insight, governance, and agile processes from a set of comprehensive capabilities that lay clear the path to innovation and growth . As a suite, EIM assembles information flows and expands them beyond single tasks to help drive value as information moves through the enterprise . At every touch or click or process, opportunities for efficiency and innovation are created .

EIM turns information into innovation . It helps to build an information enterprise that is responsive – one that understands a complex environment made up of its business, markets, customers, challenges, and opportunities . One that can respond accordingly with agility to business needs .

This paper paints a portrait of the information enterprise through a collection of stories about organizations who have embraced EIM to address the challenges of their information and capitalize on its potential . All of the organizations described are learning to optimize their information flows to find new markets, increase revenue, reduce costs, and drive innovation . Each story illustrates the transformative power of EIM .

As the organizations in this paper have discovered, a significant set of capabilities is required to exploit information for business value and competitive advantage . EIM encompasses the full range of technologies, best practices, and solutions that deliver on the promise of orchestrating information flows across the enterprise to convert challenges into opportunities . These include: Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Business Process Management (BPM), Customer Experience Management (CEM), Information Exchange (IX), and Discovery . As we have explored in previous papers, each builds upon the other to empower the information enterprise through the ability to act on, augment, and leverage information, regardless of what system it resides in .


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Governing the Power of Information with ECMToday, organizations are struggling with overwhelming amounts of information across business systems from sources both inside and outside the enterprise . Current estimates put the amount of unstructured data in an organization that is unmanaged at 90 percent . As the governance facet of EIM, Enterprise Content Management (ECM) delivers a breadth of offerings designed to manage this explosive growth of information and minimize the costs and risks associated with unmanaged content .

As enterprise information grows, the need have an effective ECM strategy in place becomes more critical . Access to increasing amounts of information requires a comprehensive ECM solution that can address demands for backups and auditing, tighter security, compliance, data classification (metadata), protection from threats of litigation, effective risk mitigation, and discovery technologies .

The following stories about Energen and Hong Kong Polytechnic University demonstrate how ECM brings content to the fingertips of people, integrates critical content with business processes, and promotes compliance with internal policies and external regulations . ECM delivers a seamless experience across multiple environments to manage content and unlock the potential of information in both organizations . The results are significant and tangible: decreased risk and cost, and increased revenue, business continuity and business transformation .

EnergenAchieving compliance and efficiency gains In the natural gas business, records have a long life . Government regulations require that service lines be tracked for the life of the corporation . Many other aspects of energy production are also highly regulated . Energen was looking for an ECM solution that would help them comply with regulations and automate their procure-to-pay process to improve competitiveness and overall profitability .

Energen needed to decrease the amount of time spent searching and re-filing documents . Specifically, the company wanted to improve invoice tracking, streamline the approval process, reduce the length of time spent responding to vendor inquiries, and ensure a more efficient internal control system .

Its ECM solution offers integration, extensibility and interoperability . Touching all depart-ments at the organization, 400 users move seamlessly between Microsoft® Outlook® and SAP, fully integrated into their ECM system . By controlling the information flow – and making the process more transparent – Energen is now able to process key business documents much more quickly and efficiently . The integrated solution provides a much higher level of internal control to the entire procure-to-pay process, helping Energen comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act .

The benefits from the system are significant and quantifiable: An improvement in ratio of purchase orders to non-purchase orders from 65:35 to 85:15, an increase in early payment discounts, a decrease in late-payment penalties, reduced time spent on vendor calls, and a minimum of 85 percent success for vendor compliance of invoice requirements .

“The most significant business benefits resulting from the implementation of OpenText ECM Suite for SAP Solutions are the speed at which an invoice is approved (minutes vs. days) and the improved ability to view documents and track invoices in the approval process. We can now also easily summarize our un-posted liabilities. These benefits were anticipated and achieved.”

Brunson White, CIO, Energen


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Hong Kong Polytechnic UniversityCreating competitive advantageHong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is the largest government-funded tertiary institution in Hong Kong with more than 30,000 students, and nearly 3,500 teaching and non-teaching staff . It offers over 230 programs on campus .

The growing student population, number of employees, and courses offered had increased at PolyU over the years and led to a huge growth in data generated . To better manage and leverage this information, individual units had implemented independent and isolated solutions . These disparate document management systems were becoming harder to manage .

Realizing that the ability to manage, control, and secure information is critical to their success, Hong Kong Polytechnic has implemented ECM . The seamless integration of content with collaboration tools and social media platforms will give the University better control over its content, ensure greater data integrity, and address its growing data needs .

Effectively managing information throughout its entire lifecycle creates business value and competitive advantage . From information capture, to classification, management, storage, distribution, archiving, and disposition, ECM manages the flow of information across the university . Fast and seamless access from multiple environments web, desktop, mobile, within business processes and applications improves user productivity and organizational efficiency .

“Innovation is important to our University, and we aim to deliver state-of-the-art technology to support our teaching and administrative staff, and enhance our students’ learning experience. The solutions we are implementing will enable us to better manage and control the access of our documents, while enabling knowledge and information sharing across the University.”

Gerrit W Bahlman, Director of Information Technology at PolyU


Hong Kong PolyU—Creating Competitive Advantage


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EIM Customer Success Stories

Accelerating the Power of Information with BPMBusiness Process Management (BPM) is one of the core technologies of EIM . Whether conducting millions of high volume processes per day in cases like claims management, or running a lower volume of high-value procedures such as commercial lending approval, BPM helps companies to better understand their operations, track the information that flows through those operations, recover cost, and optimize efficiencies .

ERP systems often lie at the core of transactional processes within organizations—from financials and human resources to supply chain, customer relationship management, invoicing, accounts payable, and other critical aspects . And while they do an admirable job of executing process and serving as the “system of record,” they fall short in meeting the growing need to harness agility and adaptability to maintain competitive advantage .

Effective BPM allows for the rapid modeling and automation of Smart Process Applications, and the ability to constantly improve them . Next-generation Smart Process Applications provide agile solutions that are quickly developed and deployed to support both structured and unstructured business processes, and adapt to rapidly changing business requirements .

The results of successfully extending BPM beyond its traditional role to allow for agile process improvement can be profound . Enterprises like Nationwide and AIA Australia Ltd have focused an opportunistic lens on their enterprise information . In their stories below, they have embraced advanced BPM capabilities to complement process management and continually improve processes – ultimately enhancing operations for competitive advantage .

NationwideCapturing market share with process improvementsNationwide Building Society is one of the largest financial services institutions in the U .K . With assets of around £190 billion, Nationwide has more than half the market share for all UK building societies and is the country’s third largest mortgage lender and second largest savings provider .

Nationwide was in need of a better way to manage the application process for cash and fixed-rate ISAs (Individual Savings Accounts) . The process was extremely paper-intensive for both customers and staff . Applications and account transfers required the completion of paper forms, huge volumes of which had to be physically transferred between Nationwide’s 700+ branches, its distribution centers, and the customer operations teams .

ISA applications are a multi-stage, multi-day, paper-driven process governed by complex business rules . Many of the applications are account transfers between different ISA providers, as customers move their accounts to take advantage of better interest rates . This requires cooperation with other financial institutions and adds another layer of complexity to the process .

“The 2011-2012 ISA season was the busiest and most successful in Nationwide’s history. The surge in new applications has made us the largest provider of ISAs in the UK. But success isn’t just measured by the number of ISAs that we processed and the amount of new business we brought in—it was in the speed, accuracy, and timeliness that we were able to process applications and the exceptional experience that we were able to provide to our customers.”

Ian Thompson, Head of Customer Operations, Nationwide


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To automate this process, Nationwide implemented Project Quantum, based on the OpenText BPM platform with OpenText Process360 at its heart, replacing its legacy workflow management system . With this new solution, time-consuming and paper-based tasks such as generating letters, account opening, validation, and data entry are fully automated . Complying with government regulations, cash transfer time has been reduced from 21 to 15 days .

Only two years after implementing Project Quantum, Nationwide has secured a 25 percent share of the ISA market, while simultaneously eliminating 8 million pieces of paper and saving on associated IT and infrastructure costs .

AIA Australia LtdGaining a holistic view of the customerAIA Australia Limited is an independent life insurance specialist with over 40 years of experience building successful partnerships . As one of the country’s leading life insurers, AIA Australia offers a range of products that protect the financial health and welfare of more than two and a half million Australians .

AIA previously relied on a series of disparate legacy systems across their policy administration, new business underwriting processes, and claims management which underlie both their group and individual insurance operations . As a result, systems were not integrated across the business, which meant that AIA didn’t have a precise, end-to-end view of a customer’s engagement with their services . This lack of transparency into operational productivity affected AIA’s ability to make informed and strategic business decisions .

To address this issue, AIA implemented an OpenText Smart Process Application, OpenText Case360—a collaborative case and business process management platform for AIA’s retail business . In under six months, it was rolled out across all three of AIA’s key business functions: policy administration, new business underwriting, and claims management .

With this solution in place, AIA now has a platform that enables their team to collect all information relevant to a particular case, task, or project in one place, providing them with a unified view of all related information, regardless of its source . Management is given a constant view into the performance of the business and can quickly respond to workload queries, prioritize business processes, and identify trends that are impacting service levels . Service levels are improving, and the company is saving time and money with a holistic view of customer service engagement across all business units .

“OpenText provided us with a core capability that could keep pace with our company’s strategy and growth objectives. We now have the tools to streamline our business operations and provide our employees with a 360-degree view of our workload across all our operation departments.”

Graeme Turner, Chief Strategy, Projects, and Technology Officer, AIA Australia


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EIM Customer Success Stories

Experiencing the Power of Information with CEMAs one of the five foundational pillars for EIM, Customer Experience Management (CEM) aims to creates a richer, more interactive online experience—across multiple channels like websites, mobile devices, social networks, and more—without sacrificing the requirements for information governance . CEM ensures the consistency of brand communication and messaging by effectively managing all brand assets throughout their lifecycle, automatically and on a self-service basis to improve efficiency and reduce errors in brand communication .

CEM powers some of the world’s highest traffic brand sites, the most compelling mobile experiences, and the most recognized eCommerce portals on earth . A company’s presence and the management of the customer’s experience, from visiting the website and using the mobile app, to consuming media or conducting a transaction and consuming brand material is vital to ensuring the survival of an organization . All of these interactions and the assets which surround them require proper management and use – that’s what Customer Experience Management is about .

CEM gives marketing departments the ability transform information into a source of productivity, innovation, and revenue . Having customers engage directly with a company’s brand improves conversion rates and customer loyalty—and transforms customers into brand evangelists .

With CEM, successful brands like Hyatt and the City of Edmonton are creating online experiences that attract constituents, engage users, generate loyalty, and drive revenue .

HyattReinforcing a global brand of excellenceHyatt is one of the world’s premier hotel companies and is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois . Hyatt properties—whether owned, operated, managed, or franchised by its subsidiaries or affiliates—provide hospitality to guests around the globe . With a commitment to personalized service and cultural relevance, Hyatt is focused on providing authentic hospitality to its guests .

To keep a global hotel company like Hyatt delivering the excellent customer service that it is known for requires the engagement of many individuals . This is particularly challenging considering that these individuals span continents, time zones, cultures, and languages . How do you build an infrastructure to communicate and receive information for such a large and diverse group of associates? How do you reinforce the global brand over such a disparate community?

Hyatt was looking to connect employees to promote community, facilitate day-to-day work, and enable the sharing of information across all the properties of its global portfolio . It opted for a CEM solution that combined a portal with collaboration, web experience management, and web media management . Called “Hyattconnect,” the personalized portal acts as a gateway to information and is fueled by social collaboration among associates .

“Using OpenText, associates working in our corporate office and at Hyatt properties can quickly update and locate fundamental information and benefit from the knowledge of other individuals—regardless of location. That translates into more time dedicated to our guests.”

Robb Webb, Chief Human Resources Officer, Hyatt Hotels Corporation


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Project timelines are reduced through improved collaboration and a range social features that includes wikis, blogs, ratings, reviews, tags, clouds, and threaded discussions . The solution streamlines the content flow from associates to guests . Armed with the latest infor-mation on policies, procedures, best practices, and internal articles, associates are better able to deliver a customer experience that delights .

City of EdmontonCreating compelling constituent experiencesThe City of Edmonton in Alberta, Canada is well-known for its scenic river valley, oil and gas industry, and North America’s largest shopping and entertainment complex, the West Edmonton Mall .

Servicing more than one million residents in the area, the City of Edmonton’s website needed to be revitalized in order to keep pace with constituent expectations . The home page was rigid, dated, and not organized in an intuitive way . The search function was broken, and both usability and efficiency were hampered by an IT-intensive publishing process . The City of Edmonton needed a website that reflected the vibrancy of the city while providing user-driven architecture, rich media support, social media compatibility, and easy-to-find, relevant information and services for constituents .

With a CEM website management solution, the site has transformed into a customer-oriented website, incorporating social media tools like blogs and wikis with straight-forward navigation and rich media videos to showcase the community . The solution also offered the integration of legacy and future applications (written in a variety of programming languages), third-party search, and, most of all, ease of use for content authors to minimize training and accelerate adoption .

As Joe Citizen, I know that if I need a car towed away because it’s parked illegally in my driveway, I phone the City. If I want to find out what time the bus is coming, I phone the City. If I need to find out what time they’re picking up my garbage, I phone the City. I don’t care how the City’s organized inside; I just know I’m contacting the City. So, with our website, we wanted to follow the same line of thinking. Now it’s a City website built entirely around how our customers expect to find information.

Paul Strandlund, Web Operations Manager at the City of Edmonton


City of Edmonton’s Website


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The marketing-driven website provides an efficient communications platform for citizens – giving them access to accurate, real-time information and services they need . As a result, the City of Edmonton is more responsive to their constituents and the site has become the Number 1 information source for citizens . Overall hits on the site increased by 19 percent in the first year and a survey indicated a 92 percent satisfaction rate with the site by visitors .

Extending the Power of Information with Information ExchangeInformation Exchange is the name given to the praxis of conversational data exchange . It defines a set of offerings that facilitates efficient, secure, and compliant exchange of information inside and outside of the information enterprise, from electronic faxes and cloud services to EDI and large managed file transfers .

Information Exchange is the secure management of transient, communicative exchanges of varying electronic format . This is the conversation of an organization; internally among its employees and externally with its customers and partners . An information exchange can be described as a payload of data, moved between one or more parties for the purposes of communication, sharing, or transacting business . These services generate truly massive amounts of data and often are tied into other practices such as ECM with very specific collection parameters .

As an EIM category of offerings, Information Exchange solutions safely move information from where it is to where it needs to be, regardless of which business systems it resides in, what devices it is required on, from user to user, company to customer, agency to constituent—from anywhere at any time . Data integrity and security are built-in to protect against threats of internal information leaks and cyber-attack .

The opportunities to drive business value through effective, secure information exchange are boundless, and demonstrated in the stories below about cost savings realized at Mumbai International Airport Limited and the enhanced ability to conduct innovative research at a major U .S . university .

Mumbai International Airport LimitedSaving time and money Mumbai International Airport Limited (MIAL) is a joint venture company owned by a GVK Industries-led consortium and Airports Authority of India . The company manages India’s busiest airport, the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA), which serves 40 million passengers and handles 1 million tons of cargo annually .

Predictably, managing multiple projects across an airport that employs hundreds of people and spans an operational area of 1,450 acres demands both expeditious and secure communication .

MIAL employees send and receive hundreds of faxes, many of which require a signature, every month to and from vendors and government agencies . MIAL handles emergency faxes coming to the airport control center or from various consulates regarding regulations or VIP passengers . Fast turnaround and security is required for these information exchanges .

“The cost of toner, paper, maintenance fees, even the cost of office space and electricity to run machines 24/7—all of that expense is gone now.”

Pankaj Srivastava, Manager of information technology for the MIAL Project Management Office, Mumbai International Airport Limited


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Previous paper-based faxing methods did not uphold timely turnaround or essential privacy . MIAL relied on close to 50 fax machines that required consistent and costly maintenance as well as constant supply refills . Along with the inefficiencies of handling paper-based faxes, there was a lack of security for sensitive documents sitting on fax machines . For example, a consulate may fax arrangements for a VIP passenger arriving at the airport—only security personnel need access to that information . This information was not secure sitting in hardcopy format on resident fax machines .

MIAL selected a document delivery and fax software solution to automatically route fax-based documents securely to inboxes, other existing business applications, and mobile devices .

Using this Information Exchange solution, MIAL staff members have increased efficiency and productivity with access to fax documents from any place, at any time . Faxes that used to take 15-20 minutes to process are now delivered and tracked electronically within seconds . Employees who link to the office via mobile devices are more responsive as urgent information flows directly to authorized users, helping them to make more informed decisions . Finally, as the company expects to eliminate close to 40 fax machines, the costs associated with maintaining fax machines are now designated as cost savings .

Penn State UniversityRaising the bar for research Founded in 1855, The Pennsylvania State University has a long and distinguished history of pursuing their tripartite mission of teaching, research, and service in the finest way possible . Today, Penn State continues this tradition with twenty-four locations and over 95,000 students worldwide .


Secure and Streamlined Information Exchange at MIAL


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Researchers and engineers at the University, some of whom are conducting revolutionary field research across the globe, are using graphical applications to analyze complex data . As part of Penn State’s Research Computing and Cyberinfrastructure (RCC) group, close to three thousand users want to visually interact with their research data through model-ing applications or visualizations tools . These applications help Penn State to develop the highest forms of research, in turn attracting more potential students .

Penn State wanted a solution that performed better than existing solutions in terms of rendering either two-dimensional or three-dimensional user interfaces . The system had to be easy to manage, enable users to resume their sessions, and operate on Penn State’s current system, especially since some of the research data was typically several terabytes or more in size .

They landed on a managed application access solution, Exceed on Demand, to provide remote access to graphical applications . It offered the ability to deliver complex 2D and 3D applications access to users, whether they are just down the hallway or halfway across the globe, along with low cost scalability and trusted secure access over any network connection .

Paving innovative ways to approach research, the solution has enabled Penn State researchers to produce a higher quantity of research papers . The more scholarly output that researchers can provide, the higher Penn State climbs in stature as a preeminent research institution .


Penn State – A Public Research University

“Exceed onDemand has enabled our researchers in engineering and other data intensive sciences to become much more productive when using and manipulating three dimensional representations of large datasets.”

Michael Fenn, Systems Administrator, Penn State University


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Discovering the Power of InformationAs a facet of EIM, Discovery solutions organize and visualize all relevant enterprise information to make it possible to find and learn about the right information at the right time and place . The integrated set of technologies that comprise Discovery enhances an organization’s capacity to “remember” .

The expense and time associated with traditional legal or other information discovery is very high . Having a set of tools available to reduce and make accurate the data sets retrieved in a discovery represents immediate savings and competitive turnover for an organization .

Business insight is gained by capturing, combining, and transforming information to identify relationships, risk, and new opportunities for growth . By linking structured and unstructured information across multiple formats and sources, Discovery lays the foundation for analyzing large volumes of information in real time with superior accuracy .

With Discovery solutions, organizations like The Globe and Mail and Marathon Oil gain leading-edge capabilities, including progressive search, semantic analytics and navigation, and categorization, all designed to mine, extract, and present the true value of enterprise information for decision making and analysis .

The Globe and MailEnabling content discovery to increase revenue The Globe and Mail, Canada’s largest national newspaper is using Discovery solutions to deliver rich, relevant and contextualized content experiences on its website .

In the past, Globe and Mail website readers complained about poor search and retrieval of information, a “clumsy” experience, and an overall inability to find what it was they were after in a timely manner . This had negative implications for the business as visitors and potential subscribers would move on quickly to another source where they could get the news they were after . Ad revenue was also lost as visit times were so short that advertisers felt that visitors needed a more targeted and compelling experience, or they were less likely to visit the site or act on their promotional offers .

The solution? An overhauled website with a Discovery solution to provide the semantic search and navigation capabilities needed to keep visitors on the site longer and provide a rich, meaningful experience .

Overcoming the challenge of organizing a huge and growing amount of content, Semantic Navigation is now used to generate many of the pages on the site, saving the newspaper considerable time and money . Content Analytics suggests metadata for all of the published articles . It also suggests similar articles to the ones being written or edited, which allows the newspaper to create a much better user experience based on serving up contextually relevant content, keeping people on the site much longer .

“Being able to surface relevant content is critical to help our audience understand the news that affects them on a daily basis. From a business perspective, it helps further that engagement where you’ve got users consuming more pages that are more relevant to them on a more regular basis. So the faster we can surface that information to them via search or through automatic triggers through Semantic Navigation, the better it is for us as a business.”

Craig Saila, Director, Digital Products, The Globe and Mail


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Delivering SEO-rich web pages with an automated solution helps the Globe and Mail maximize their web business strategy . Readers now report being able to find what they are looking for much faster and indicate approval of the suggestive search capabilities on the site which provide context and further reading on a predictive, or proactive basis . Overall satisfaction and click-through rates for advertising have increased substantially and readership and the time spent per visit rates have also increased – generating a wider readership and more ad revenue .

Marathon OilProtecting and preserving content as an assetMarathon Oil is the fourth largest United States-based integrated oil company and the nation’s fifth largest refiner . The company also operates in nine countries outside of the U .S .

Marathon Oil adopted a combined EIM solution with Discovery capabilities in order to preserve and protect their information across 20,000 users worldwide . Seeking to elevate their information to an asset on par with other assets like oil, gas, refineries, vehicles, and marine vessels, the company specifically wanted to enhance the ability for employees to create, find, and share relevant, up-to-date and trusted information . They also sought to eliminate out-of-date or duplicate information, and preserve information that is required for legal and regulatory compliance .

Implementing an eDiscovery Early Case Assessment tool has enabled Marathon Oil to quickly and accurately explore data where it resides, before collection and preservation . Used by the discovery management team, a part of Marathon Oil’s legal organization, the solution will save the company a tremendous amount of time and money, without having to engage with an external third party to process the information for them .


Semantic Navigation at the Globe and Mail

“You have the productivity savings; you have the ability to make decisions based on relevant information, so you’ve got more trusted information.”



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Mobile SolutionsWhile mobility has a massive impact on how information is created and consumed, it also introduces new challenges to the information enterprise in terms of security and compliance . Inside the enterprise, mobile devices are vital productivity tools for both employees and customers . Not only do mobile devices offer convenient access to information, business processes, and other functionality, they also add a great breadth of context to enterprise information that includes location-based awareness, support for rich media, and pervasive Internet . Each of these works to enhance user experience, provide invaluable insights, and improve productivity . In the context of EIM, mobile solutions help organizations like EMP and DDR create targeted mobile experiences, without losing control or governance over the information that is gathered, shared, or transferred .

EMPImproving physician productivityEmergency Medicine Physicians (EMP) is one of the largest privately held providers of emergency care in the United States, with 1,200 physicians at 80 sites practicing medicine from coast to coast .

With remote sites across the country and physicians frequently on the road, EMP uses EIM mobile solutions to keep employees informed and connected . After deploying the MyPulse intranet, EMP realized that presenting an optimized end user experience for mobile devices would increase user adoption and use of the intranet . The objective was to go beyond a simple web interface and deliver apps on preferred mobile devices, so that physicians could perform many of their administrative tasks outside the hospital, whether from the subway, their car, or their couch .

EMP was able to meet their launch plan in seven weeks, releasing to a beta group of 65 physicians . For the launch, EMP introduced six of their most popular apps, which made up 80 percent of the content accessed by physicians on a daily basis .

As well as supporting remote administrative tasks, some of the apps aggregate and deliver statistical data to physicians, such as a patient satisfaction app that gives them access to patient feedback (patient satisfaction is tied to a physician’s compensation) . Similarly, a productivity app lets physicians track their performance on measures of efficiency .

“The initial reactions we received were nothing short of ecstatic; our users loved it and subsequent user adoption has been fantastic. In our soft launch to 65 users at the annual conference, we had probably 80% of them downloading it right away. They’ve since spread the word and we soon expect our adoption rate to hit 100%.”

David Peppard, CIO and CTO, Emergency Medicine Physicians


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With their mobile solution, EMP’s physicians can effectively access enterprise content on-the-go using their preferred smartphone or tablet device . In addition to saving the company money and improving physician’s productivity, the solution is also helping to recruit new physicians straight out of med school .

DDR CorporationEnhancing real-time salesDDR Corporation is a real estate company that owns and manages approximately 450 retail properties in the continental United States, Puerto Rico, and Brazil . The prime portfolio features open-air, value-oriented shopping centers in high barrier-to-entry markets with significant trade area populations and high growth potential .

To cement their position as an admired provider of retail destinations and the first consideration for retailers, investors, partners, and employees, DDR wanted to develop content-driven mobile and web apps . The goal was to provide access to a wealth of business-critical content for their sizable property portfolio in many different formats, irrespective of device .

DDR sought to mobilize their data without rewriting code and administering multiple operating systems . They selected the OpenText Mobile Wave Platform because of the seamless integration with their existing technology infrastructure . The mobile solution gives them the tools they require for the creation, development, and delivery of mobile apps for all leading mobile devices on the market, and integrates easily with their enterprise content .

In just four weeks, DDR installed, configured, developed, and deployed the first version of their mobile app, a portfolio application that was rapidly adopted by field representatives . The application provides on-the-go access to up-to-date structured data and unstructured content, supporting DDR’s property portfolio . An advanced search functionality allows users to drill down to find properties in a given country, state, or city .


EMP’s Intranet

“The solution provides a level of professionalism and a wow factor for our tenants and prospects. Our leasing reps can access up-to-date content and drill down to get rich images and detailed information. Using an HDMI or VGA connector, the content can be displayed on a large screen during presentations. No more carrying reams of paper, trying to track down information on laptops, or trying to access content stored on the network via mobile devices.”

Kim Scharf, Senior Director of IT Enterprise Services, DDR Corp .


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A survey performed shortly after the launch confirmed that 78 percent of users have already found it to be a very effective presentation tool . Being able to publish content and use it in many different formats, customized for the needs of each internal group allows DDR’s employees to be more productive and have tools at their fingertips to enhance sales, customer service, and other important business functions .

Cloud SolutionsCloud services help organizations balance the need to reduce costs, cut resources, and address information security with the demand for better information responsiveness to the business, scalability, and agility .

Regardless of the volume or format of enterprise information – from documents, business records and fax to video, audio, email and SMS – the cloud combines the benefits of lower overhead and minimal infrastructure and deployment costs with enterprise-grade security, compliance, and social services . Companies such as the Institute of Public Administration of Canada and Mizuno are using the OpenText Cloud to drive business value through the rapid establishment of a global social network to deploying a highly secure and streamlined EDI solution in the cloud .

The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC)Promoting cloud-based open government The Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC), founded in 1947, is dedicated to excellence in public service through the creation of knowledge networks and research . As a membership-based organization, IPAC consists of 18 chapters across Canada, partnering with all orders of government and aboriginal and academia, as well as similar associations from around the world .

As communication methods between members have evolved, IPAC wanted to meet the call for more open government and greater transparency, while staying within the challenges of budgetary and security constraints . They were looking for a collaborative solution that was both secure and flexible enough to facilitate connectivity and interaction with individuals with specific needs and areas of expertise .

IPAC found a cloud-based collaboration solution with PSWB .net, a purpose-driven social platform built on OpenText Tempo™ Social . Public Service Without Borders (PSWB) provides a central location for all the public services of the world to share and exchange information, and learn from each other . PSWB is offered at no charge to all levels of public service employees to support real-time collaboration for the exchange of ideas and the development of policies and citizen-centric services across the globe .

“PSWB allows dialogue to happen in a safe and secure environment, encouraging the free flow of information and ideas. We’re finding that it is a support mechanism for networking across borders that users have probably have never experienced before.”

Robert Taylor, Chief Executive Officer for the Institute of Public Administration of Canada


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Within its first year, over 4,000 registered users engaged via PSWB within both public and private communities that focus on healthcare, social sciences, policy creation, and many other areas . Since its creation, some 50 communities have been added to help in a global fight against corruption and to support leaders of areas that have undergone democratic transitions, for example .

PSWB is accessible at anytime, anywhere in the world on mobile devices with information that is protected centrally, not at the device level . Secure file sharing and synchronization are straightforward and permit access to critical content on the go, delivering a convenience that breaks down borders and time horizons . IPAC is confident that the cloud-based network will result in improved decision- and policy-making to promote open government .

MizunoStrengthening their retail supply chain with cloud technologyMizuno USA, Inc . a division of Mizuno Corporation headquartered in Japan has been manufacturing and distributing the highest quality sports equipment for over 100 years . With its rapid expansion in the North American market, the company was quickly outgrowing its in-house EDI supply chain capabilities . These restrictions were impeding Mizuno USA’s ability to operate at full speed and take advantage of new revenue and partner opportunities .

The company’s retail partners wanted a more agile and flexible supply chain to foster collaboration and maximize efficiency and the organization needed an aggressive strategy to control its supply chain costs and avoid “surprises” . As well, Mizuno USA was migrating to a new ERP system and didn’t have the internal EDI expertise needed to integrate the supply chain with the new ERP environment .


Cloud-Based Collaboration to Improve Program Excellence

“We’ve realized greater efficiencies and alleviated the stress on our sales teams and distribution centers.”

Keith Neely Vice President, Information Technology and Customer Support, Mizuno USA


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To address these issues, Mizuno USA outsourced its entire EDI operation to OpenText EasyLink EDI Managed Services, which now acts as Mizuno’s EDI department, providing cloud-based global supply chain services on an EDI network that eliminates the need for any in-house infrastructure . The solution is effectively managing the entire North American retail partner network – both brick-and-mortar and online retailers – with a full array of services including hosted translation, mapping, onboarding, connectivity, reporting, and notifications .

Thanks to the elimination of in-house EDI infrastructure and operational costs, Mizuno USA realized a full return on their investment in only nine months – less than half the time expected . The company can now onboard a new retail partner three times faster than before the transition, improving productivity and partner relationships and they have experienced a 90 percent reduction in chargebacks from retailers, a huge cost-savings .

The Social EnterpriseWith the proliferation of consumer social networks such as Facebook® and LinkedIn®, employees are demanding access to the digital water cooler that consumer social sites give them . The challenge is that these social interactions can represent both value and risk to every organization . While they present new opportunities for engagement and productivity gains, much of the content generated is not moderated or managed by IT, and falls outside of governance policies .

The loss of intellectual property or leaked information is a huge risk for today’s Social Enterprise . Customer Experience Management can provide a safe social harbor for organizations by enabling employees, customers, partners, and the public to interact socially in a forum that can be archived, moderated, managed, and explored for both value and risk . Enterprise social capabilities also deliver a medium through which the organization can customize their social experience to suit their objectives and integrate with today’s colloquial consumer platforms . Spanning this bridge in a way that is both compelling for end users and safe for the organization – as both the G20 Summit participants and Barrick Gold have realized – is critical in a world where the search volume on social networks has surpassed those on pure-play public search engines .

G-20 SummitEnhancing global communications and policy developmentThe main focus of the G20 multilateral events is global fiscal planning and management in an effort to stabilize the world’s economy . The Summits bring together the heads of state of the world’s advanced and emerging economies in order to help regulate and manage the world’s financial sectors, discuss related development topics, and ensure financial security .

Organizations and participants in such events have typically collaborated on policy issues and negotiations via outdated technologies such as the telephone or email or in person during these Summits . Policy-makers needed a more effective way to store and share content such as policy development, logistics, and the agenda, leading up to the event .

For the first time in history, a secure, collaborative, and community-based environment was created to enhance the sharing of government leaders’ stance on important world financial issues . The shared workspace supported multiple languages to improve the ability of delegates to come together across time, geographical, political, and organizational barriers to communicate more productively .

“This social networking platform is a great example of private business stepping up and ensuring Canada’s leadership in the digital economy. The application will help bridge geographic and cultural gaps and get full value from global events of this kind.”

Tony Clement, Industry Minister, Government of Canada


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A key strength of the social network is the speed of deployment . From the first meeting between the Summits Management Office and OpenText to deployment was approximately one month . The G20 Summit participants who used the OpenText social network reported that it required minimal training and provided an intuitive web browser experience tailored to their needs .

The social media platform proved to be a more productive environment than email for effective communication . Documents could be accessed at any time—a capability appreciated by invitee countries like Spain, Vietnam, and the Netherlands because it was the first time they were able to easily and securely access content .

The G20 collaborative workplace enabled the delegations to arrive at the conference better prepared, work more effectively, and capture more value from the meetings .

Barrick GoldCentralizing knowledge as an asset Barrick Gold Corporation is the gold industry leader, with a portfolio of 26 operating mines and advanced exploration and development projects located across five continents . The company employs more than 20,000 people worldwide .

Barrick faces many of the same information management challenges that most companies face today . They had many different repositories and users storing information across various sites, systems, and devices . As a result, there was no central location from which to share best practices and employees were unable to find the information and expertise they needed, making it more difficult to retain knowledge as an asset .

To document organizational expertise and ensure that corporate knowledge and best practices are identified and shared, Barrick created the Barrick Knowledge Centre—a central repository for policies and procedures, standards, guidelines, good ideas, and best practices . It uses the power of popular social networking tools such as wikis, blogs, and forums to enhance content sharing .


Using Social Media to Support Multilingual Dialogue

“The Knowledge Centre has become Barrick’s official library for institutional memory.”



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With the help of the Barrick Knowledge Centre, knowledge as an asset is staying within the company . Employees with similar challenges can reach out to one another, weaving new social networks to share news, ideas, and opportunities .

ConclusionThe core sets of technologies adopted by all of the information enterprises described in this paper form a comprehensive platform for Enterprise Information Management . Despite the differing facets of technology adopted, whether it be ECM, BPM, or CEM, each company shared one common challenge – the impediment of information flows across the enterprise . Likewise, they shared a common solution to overcome their enterprise information challenges, EIM, which has helped them to more effectively manage and optimize the information flows that formulate the foundation of their commercial operations .

As illustrated in this collection of stories, EIM turns information into innovation . It unlocks the potential for superior quality and less costly operations, reduced regulatory cost and risk, optimally efficient business processes, an engaging customer and social experience, and effective online commerce and information exchange—on premise, in the cloud, and on mobile devices .

For more examples of the transformative power of EIM, visit: http://www.opentext.com/2/global/customers.htm


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