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Electio Brochure V5 TMs Pages

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  • 8/12/2019 Electio Brochure V5 TMs Pages


    Technology Metals (TM)


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    The market for technology metals may double by the middle of the decade.

    2011 report by Ernst & Young LLP

    2 | Electio

    Electio TM products

    The opportunity

    Why invest in TMs?

    Client security

    Electio Regulatory Framework

    Delivery Vs Payment (DVP)

    Tangible asset / Commodity

    What is a bonded warehouse?

    Bank / Custodian

    Regulated Administrator

    Opening your account

    Managing your account


    Offi cial Partner of the PGA of South Africa

    About us

    Worlds first TM trading platform

    Worlds first with liquidity

    Worlds first TM trading app

    What are Technology Metals (TMs)?

    What do we use TMs for? Almost Everything.

    A global monopoly

    Supply and Demand

    In the News

    Supply chain issues

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    China, supplier of 95 percent of the 17 elements known as TMs, has clamped down on mining and cut export quotas, boosting prices andsparking concern among overseas users such as Japan about access to supplies. The government may further reduce export quotas, pushingprices higher(Goldman Sachs, Australia)

    3 | Electio

    While investor confidence is generally considered to be at an all time low by most analysts and theglobal economic outlook bleak, trading traditional asset classes can often be associated with far toomuch risk. Time and time again, investors look to alternative investments when market condi-

    tions are poor for traditional asset classes.

    Historically, when stock markets crash, property markets usually suffer a similar crash. In theseconditions, investors increasingly run to commodities as a safe haven.

    Nothing demonstrates this better than oil and gold. Since 1997, the price of gold has rocketedfrom $150 to its current levels of $1700. Similarly, oil has risen from $40 to $110 in just fiveyears.

    But has the ten-year gold rally come to an end? Many analysts say yes. The purchase ofcommodities continues to be seen as a safer option by many professional investors, relyingas it does on the most basic of trading principles: supply and demand.

    What if we could no longer build aeroplanes, satellites, wind turbines or mobile phones?

    What if a monopoly over an entire industry was in place and this monopoly could dra-matically affect the way we operate on a global scale?

    The Technology Metals (TM) market is often described with many different names andabbreviations, such as: Critical Materials; Critical Earth Elements; and; Rare Earth Ele-ments to name a few. At Electio we believe in keeping things straight forward and clearand for that reason you will see one name and abbreviation used consistently: Technol-ogy Metals (TMs).

    TMs are often described as the most valued commodities on earth. They are used tobuild, create and manufacture almost everything we use and rely upon on a daily


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    4 | Electio

    At Electio we understand the patience and strategic thinking behind lining upthe perfect golf shot . This is why we are delighted to announce that Electiohas been selected as the Offi cial Alternative Investment Partner of the Profes-sional Golfers Association of South Africa (PGA).

    In the same way that professional golfers always carry different clubs in prep-aration for the shots they may have to take under any condition, a smart in-vestor will always have diverse assets in his portfolio so that he is preparedfor any financial climate.



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    Official Alternative

    Investment Partner of the

    PGA of South Africa

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    7 | Electio

    About usElectio was founded by a group of like-minded high net worth investors as a nicheinvestment platform enabling judicious investors to diversify their portfolios into theAlternative Investment Sector.

    Aided by trade-on-the-move technology, Electio offers a leading-edge trading space,backed by the necessary market knowledge and expertise to give investors what theywant and give credence to its ambition to become a world-leading alternative in-vestment provider.

    Fundamental to the Electio model is our use of technology in an online tradingspace in which investors have:

    the ability to monitor their investments on the move; liquidity and an online platform facilitating 24/7 trading; access to TM investments;

    the means to diversify investments for an optimal portfolio and spread risk; enhanced protection and safeguards for non-traditional asset classes.

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    Worlds first TM trading platformAt Electio we view technology as one of the most important aspects of our business. Our dedication to fosteringan aspirational brand has seen us develop the worlds first TM trading platform. This creates a marketplace forElectio customers to buy and sell TMs simply and effi ciently within the same platform. *

    This allows you to:

    Buy and transfer TMs

    View your trading account history

    View the payment history for your account

    Contact customer support

    View todays trading price at the touch of a button

    Request additional access for a representative or advisor to view your account

    Restrict additional users permission levels as you wish

    *All trades are subject to liquidity in markets.

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    Worlds first with liquidity

    Our global scale and reach allows us to connect buyers and sellers across all market jurisdictions. Our customers enjoy online access to their accountsand all the information they need to make an informed decision. This is why Electio is proud to be in the unique position of being the first to offer

    liquidity. This flexibility to buy and transfer TMs is an industry first within the TM market*.

    *Subject to trading volumes and liquidity

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    Worlds first TM trading appAt Electio we understand a third of all internet access is mobile, which is why we have devel-oped the worlds first TM trading app.

    The Electio TM trading app allows you to:

    Buy and transfer TMs

    View your trading account history

    View the payment history for your account

    Contact customer support

    View todays trading price at the touch of a button

    Request additional access for a representative or advisor to view your account

    Restrict additional users permission levels as you wish

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    What areTechnologyMetals (TM)s?

    As defined by The International Unionof Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC),Technology Metals are a set of 17 chemicalelements in the periodic table, specificallythe 15 lanthanides plus scandium and yt-trium.

    TMs have extraordinary properties and are

    hence indispensable in the world of mod-ern technology. They help increase effi ciency,productivity and accuracy of components.They have been highlighted as critical bythe US government. They are vital to eve-ryday life, scarce by their nature and verydiffi cult to extract.

    The extraction and, in particular, the pro-cessing of TMs is extremely capital inten-sive, ranging from $100 million to $1 bil-

    lion of capital expenditure depending onthe location and production capacity.

    The estimated financial investment neededjust to prove the resource (i.e exploration

    and drilling) can be up to $50 million.

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    What do we use TMs for?

    Almost Everything.In the modern world we now use TMs on a daily basis without even re-alising it. They are now key in the technology industry and comprise thekey components of everything from mobile phones or laptop computersto emulsion paints and medical implants. There is no doubt that someof the worlds industries depend heavily on them.

    Many of these TMs are also essential in the production of green en-ergy alternatives such as wind turbines, electric cars and energy effi -cient light bulbs. As an industry set to expand exponentially over the

    coming decades, it is easy to see why a secure supply of these metalsis of paramount importance

    Also, with current population growth estimated to grow from 7.9bil-lion to 11.9billion by 2025, TMs are paramount to sustainable, safe

    growth and commercial evolution.

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    Computer chips LCD screens

    Disk drive manufacturing Medical implants Aircraft turbines Mobile phone batteries

    Laptop computer chips

    Renewable Energy

    Electric car batteries Solar cells Wind turbines Hybrid cars Carbon capture storage pods

    Geographical surveying equipment

    National Security

    Nuclear technology Satellites Missiles Radars Lasers

    Night vision Communication systems

    Other uses

    Dying of ceramic glass Super alloys

    Fuel catalytic convertors X-ray films Fluorescent lighting Fuel additives and catalysts Doping agent for optical equipment


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    China effectively controls the current global supply of TMs, which is a well docu-mented and major concern for Western economies.

    Currently China:

    Supplies over 95% of global TMs

    Is expected to consume most of the supply

    Has reduced export quotas by an average of 12% per year

    since 2005

    As an example, there is currently no known substitute for one of the 17 TMs knownas yttrium. Without yttrium, you cant make the refractory molds needed to

    make jet-engine turbine blades. If you cant make jet-engine turbine blades, youdont have jet engines or power turbines. The price points for TMs including thelikes of yttrium are predicted by most financial analysts to rise in the face of unalterabledemand.

    An act was recently tabled in the US to take all necessary initiatives to reintroducea domestic technology metals supply chain so as to ensure a secure source of thesevital metals. However, new mining set ups are prohibitively expensive and are likely

    to push the prices up further.

    A global monopolyIn the UK, a Science and Technology Committee reportwarns: The UK will need to secure supplies of TMs or

    future economic growth will be put at risk.

    The Royal Society of Chemistry, which contributed tothe report, says: emissions targets could be missedif the UK fails to formulate a plan for TMs.

    As demand for technology metals increased, fol-lowing the development of newer technologies re-quiring them, China began to steadily reduce thesupply of these metals. In the second half of 2010

    China suddenly announced they were cuttingtheir export quota by 72 percent, and announced

    that they have only limited resources.

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    Supply and Demand

    Market share

    Global demand and supply shifts are altering the dynamics within theTM market, presenting both challenges and opportunities.Global demand is expected to reach 200,000 MT by 2015,(US Congressional research report, 2012)

    To provide most of our power through renewables would take hundredsof times the amount of technology metals that we are mining today,(Thomas Graedel, Clifton R. Musser professor of Industrial Ecology andprofessor of Geology and Geophysics at the Yale School of Forestry & En-

    vironmental Studies)

    Other Technology Metals are essential for solar cells, cell phones, com-puter chips, medical imaging, jet engines, defence technology, and much


    Every megawatt of electricity needs 200 kilograms of neodymiumor 20

    percent of one ton, he said. So if every big wind turbine produces onemegawatt, five turbines will require one ton of neodymium. If wind is go-ing to play a major part in replacing fossil fuels, we will need to increaseour supply of neodymium, (Peter Kelemen, Arthur D. Storke Memorialprofessor of Geochemistry at the Earth Institutes Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory)

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    A recent MIT study projected that neodymium demand could grow by as

    much as 700 percent over the next 25 years; demand for dysprosium, also

    needed for wind turbines, could increase by 2,600 percent.

    China currently supplies 97 percent of global Technology Metal demand, and

    100 percent of heavy technology metals such as terbium and dysprosium, used

    in wind turbines.

    In 2005, it began restricting exports to preserve resources and protect the environ-

    ment, causing prices to soar. Today, the US is 100 percent dependent on imports for

    TMs. However, from the mid-1960s through the 1980s, Molycorps Mountain Pass

    mine in California was the worlds main source of TMs.

    As the US share of TM production declined, China used government support,

    research and development, training programmes, cheap labour and low prices to de-

    velop its supply chain, increasing its share of TM production from 27 percent in 1990

    to 97 percent in 2011. In March 2012, the US, Japan and the European Union lodged acomplaint with the World Trade Organization over Chinas limits on technology metal


    The US, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Brazil, India, Russia, Malaysia, and Malawi

    also have deposits of TMs, and while the US Geological Survey expects global reserves

    and as yet undiscovered deposits of TMs will be able to meet future demand, new mines

    may take up to ten years to develop, and resources in remote areas will likely be much

    more diffi cult to extract.

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    In the News

    Dysprosium oxide, used in lasers, has jumped 338 per cent since January...Even prices for the most common technology metals, such as lanthanum,used in hybrid car batteries, have risen sharply (Investment Banking Times,December 2011)

    These ores, called TMs, can be refined into 17 technology metals, most ofwhich were of little interest until the past decade. In recent years, however,demand has surged because the metals and their compounds are used inalmost every modern electronic device, from flat-screen televisions to mobilephones, as well as hybrid cars, wind turbines and even defence missiles(Financial Mail on Sunday, April 2012)

    TM shortages can threaten the growth of Western Europe, so the EU has nowlaunched a campaign against the shortage(Spiegel online, February 2012)

    Electric cars to be hit by supply disruptionsthats the verdict of a new reportfrom the US Department of Energy entitled 2011 Critical Materials Strategy,which looks at supply challenges for five technology metals. These met-als were found to be near critical (US Department of Energy 2011 Critical

    Materials Strategy)

    Dysprosium, along with terbium, europium, neodymium and yttrium, havebeen reported as already reaching critical levels of short-term supply(2011 Critical Materials Strategy US DoE)

    Theres no substitute for yttrium. Without it, you cant make the refractorymoulds needed to make jet-engine turbine blades. If you cant make jet-en-gine turbine blades, you dont have jet engines or power turbines. The pricepoints for these TMs will reflect true scarcity and unalterable demand. Peo-ple will bite the bullet and pay what they have to in order to get the yttrium(Financial Times, November 2011)

    Industrial buyers are in shock after witnessing the price of TMs, such as ce-rium oxide jumping 475 per cent in just five months, amid falling supplies(Financial Times, November 2011)

    TMs are the economic and technological foundation of a safe and secure na-tion. To possess them imparts independence, immunity to coercion, andthe tools to invoke scientific advancement

    (James B. Hedrick, US government mineral resources advisor)

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    Supply chain issues

    The supply chain for Technology Metals generally consists of min-ing, separation, refining, alloying, and manufacturing (devices andcomponent parts). A major issue for TM development in the UnitedStates is the lack of refining, alloying, and fabricating capacity thatcould process any future TM production.

    An April 2010 Government Accountability Offi ce report illustratesthe lack of US presence in the TM global supply chain at each of thefive stages of mining, separation, refining oxides into metal, fabri-cation of alloys and the manufacturing of magnets and other com-ponents. According to the GAO report, China produces about 95%

    of the TM raw materials, about 97% of TM oxides, and is the onlyexporter of commercial quantities of TMs. As an example, specialmagnets that operate at the highest temperatures include smallamounts of TMs, which are currently only available from China.

    Around 90% of the TM alloys are produced in China (with someminor production in the US), thus, even if US TM production rampsup, much of the processing and metal fabrication would still occur

    in China.

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    *Please note the above brand names are used for illustrative purposes only.

    Demand from companies around the world

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    Electio TM products

    Before offering TMs to our clients, Electio conducted over 12 months ofmarket analysis both externally and internally through our large client

    database to determine how and when professional investors would wishto trade TMs.

    We found clients considered diversification to be at the top of their wishlist and the general consensus was clients would feel more vulnera-ble holding one type of TM. For this exact reason, Electio has designedtrades to be executed in baskets to diversify risk across a number ofdifferent metals.

    Holding more than one type of TM aims to spread your risk across themarket and is less focused on the individual performance of a specificmetal. As you will see below, Electio has also structured its baskets sothey have specific sector or industry focus. This allows clients to not onlydiversify the types of TM but also diversify the sectors and industriesthose TMs are used in.

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    Smartphone basket

    Europium Oxide

    Terbium Oxide

    Dysprosium Oxide Erbium Oxide

    Technology Basket

    Erbium Oxide

    Dysprosium Oxide

    Praesodynium Oxide Ytterbium Oxide

    Green Energies Basket

    Erbium Oxide

    Lanthanum Oxide

    Neodymium Oxide

    Yttrium Oxide

    Defence Basket

    Ytterbium Oxide

    Neodymium Oxide

    Cerium Oxide

    Gadolinium Oxide

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    The opportunity

    Electio has created a full service solution for private clients to:

    Buy TMs

    Hold TMs, and

    Sell TMs

    The below are some of the key attributes to purchasing TMs through Electio:

    2-5 year recommended hold period

    3 years bonded warehouse storage

    Insured at full market value

    Simple buying process

    Security of a regulated administrator

    Security of a regulated custodian (i.e a bank)

    Simple exit option through Electio platform*1

    Take physical ownership of your asset if desired*2

    Global demand predicted to increase by 8-12% pa until 2015 (Houses of Parliament department

    of Science and Technology research note, June 2011)

    China controls 97% of world exports - export quotas will fall to 65% by 2014

    (Chinese Government Export Quota, May 2011)

    *1: Subject to market conditions and liquidity.*2: Client would be responsible for any taxes due dependant on delivery jurisdiction.

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    Why invest in TMs?The simple answer: supply and demand. Experts agree global de-mand for TMs is set to soar in the next 5-10 years and worldwide,exponential sales growth is forecast for consumer electronics andelectronic vehicles - all of which rely on TMs for production.

    Demand for TMs is further enhanced by the looming deadlinesmany nations have agreed to lower their carbon emissions by, asthey move to greener sources of energy production, such as windand solar - technologies heavily reliant on TMs.

    These governmental pledges were further endorsed by a swathe ofnew commitments made recently at a United Nations Conferenceon Sustainable Development in Brazil (rio+20). In January 2012, theUS Energy Department warned limited supplies of the five TMs used in

    green technologies would pose a threat to production by 2015.

    David Sandalow, assistant secretary for policy and international af-fairs at the Department, said: Demand for technology metals hasgrown more rapidly than that for commodity metals such as steel.

    A unique phenomenon is occurring in the TM industry that expertshave described as the perfect storm for business. While TM de-mand increases, uncertainty about the industrys ability to keep upwith supply continues to make headlines. China currently controlsover 95 percent of the worlds supply of TMs but has been restricting

    export quotas.

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    In July 2010 China reduced these quotas by 40 percent. In March,

    the US, EU and Japan asked the World Trade Organization for areview of Chinas policies, accusing it of attempting to give its ownhigh-tech industries a competitive edge over the rest of the world.

    Although China only has about 40 percent of global estimated TMdeposits - and there are several projects worldwide underway toextract the ore - it seems unlikely production will be able to satisfycurrent demands any time soon. In fact, China itself could becomea net importer of TMs by 2014, according to Mark Smith, CEO ofColorado-based TMs mining company Molycorp. Recent reportsin the media suggested China has begun buying and stockpilingTMs, taking advantage of current low prices.

    Experts believe TM shortages are likely in the coming years, TheDaily Telegraph recently reported. It also quoted Pricewaterhouse-Coopers as likening the TM supply situation to a ticking timebomb. Ina recent Technology Metals report, TM expert, Jack Lifton, said Thecritical TMs will maintain strong demand and associated pricing.Certain TMs have offered staggering returns ... over the past four


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    Client security

    At Electio we believe we have developed the safest andmost secure trading and holding structure for TMs globally.We are proud of the structure we have developed including:

    Electio Regulatory Framework Delivery vs Payment (DVP)

    Tangible asset / commodity Electio Platform Regulated administrator Bank / Custodian Bonded warehouse


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    Electio Regulatory Framework

    Electio has incorporated many operational and man-agement practices and principles akin to those found inregulated markets in an effort to, among other things,

    Distinguish itself from other market participants byestablishing itself as a more professional, secure and vi-able business

    Provide greater confidence and security to its clientsand other stakeholders Position itself for its long term expansion and growth

    initiatives and aspirations

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    Delivery versus payment or DVP is a common form of set-tlement for securities and commodities. The process in-volves the simultaneous delivery of all documents neces-sary to give effect to a transfer of securities in exchangefor the receipt of the stipulated payment amount. Ideally,title to an asset and payment are exchanged simultane-ously.

    Electio has the resources and scale to offer clients theability to receive delivery / title of their purchased TMsin exchange for payment. This means there is no orderperiod or waiting period.*

    *Subject to banking hours, warehouse hours and ElectiosTerms & Conditions.

    Delivery Vs Payment (DVP)

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    Tangible asset / Commodity

    While investor confidence remains low, Electio believes youshould physically own what you are paying for. TMs are aphysical, tangible asset / commodity that can be physically

    delivered to a warehouse of the clients choosing if required.

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    What is a bonded warehouse?

    Given the physical nature of TMs, Electio stores clients purchased TMsin secured bonded warehouse in reputable jurisdictions.

    A bonded warehouse is a building or other secured area in which du-tiable goods may be stored and managed or undergo manufacturingoperations without payment of duty. It may be managed by the state orby private enterprise. In the latter case, a customs bond must be postedwith the government. This system exists in all developed countries of theworld.

    Below are some of the key attributes of a bonded warehouse:

    Delivery to and storage at load port

    Ocean transportation if required

    Discharge and storage at the destination port

    Customs formalities

    Delivery to final destination if required

    High security

    Title certifications

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    Bank / Custodian

    Bermuda Commercial Bank (BCB) - a fully licensed andregulated bank - provides global custody services tofunds, trusts, corporate entities and individuals through

    its international correspondent network. BCB operatesin 85 countries and can hold equities, debt instruments,commercial paper, commodities and metals, for or on be-half of its clients.

    Below are some key facts about BCB:

    Established by an act of Parliament in 1969 Licensed and regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Au-thority

    Previously part owned by Barclays Bank Listed on Bermuda Stock Exchange One of only four licensed banks in Bermuda BCB is a member of the SWIFT (Society of WorldwideInterbank Financial Telecommunication) networkThe TMs of Electios clients are under the custody of BCB.This world-first arrangement for custody of TMs offers en-hanced service and security with investor peace-of-mind

    as the fundamental cornerstone of our client relationships.

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    Regulated AdministratorBeacon Fund Services (Beacon) provides comprehensive and sophisticated management, consulting, administration, accounting and other relatedservices to a wide range of offshore and domestic hedge funds, and other international entities with over $10BN of assets under administra-tion.

    Below are some key facts on Beacon:

    Beacon is licensed and regulated by the Bermuda Monetary Authority (BMA) under the Investment Funds Act 2006 Established in 1995 Over $10 billion USD of assets under administration

    The TMs of Electios clients are under the custody of Bermuda Commercial Bank (BCB). The appointed authorized agent of BCB is BeaconFund Services, a regulated administrator, responsible for the management and administration of BCBs custody arrangements related toTMs of Electios clients which includes confirmation of bar-codes, storage, insurance and custody in respect thereof.

    This is another world first and another important part of the service and security Electio prides itself on.

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    Opening your account

    We set-up an Electio account in your name and assign you a Electio account number.

    Your platform access is granted once we have emailed you your login details for iPhone app, iPad and computer.

    The trade price is locked down before payment is made.

    We send you confirmation of payment and trade direction by way of the Trade Notification.

    Complete application form and provide 2 forms of identification.

    We email you the Contract Note which confirms the quantity and price of TMs purchased.

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    Managing your account

    We allocate you a broker to keep you updated as often as you request.

    We will invite you to corporate days at major sporting and sponsored events.

    We send you monthly TM news.

    We will send you important announcements via Electios online platform and iPhone app.

    The Electio Client Liaison Team is just a phone call or email away and ready to answer your queries.

    You will receive general Electio electronic newsletter feed.

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    balance your decision

    This document is for professional investors and advisors only and notintended for distribution to the general public. There is no guarantee of

    performance and/or price and past or projected performance and/or priceis not necessarily indicative of future performance and/or price.

    This document does not constitute a prospectus, offer, invitation orsolicitation for the sale of technology metals (TMs) nor should it beconstrued to constitute any investment advice. It is not intended toprovide the sole basis for any evaluation of TMs or any other instrumentor product which may be discussed in it. Purchase of TMs can only bemade by completing the order form of Electio and/or its affiliates and/or its agents and agreeing to Electios terms and conditions referencedtherein. A copy of the Electio terms and conditions may be obtainedfrom Electio and/or from Electios website (www.electio-invest.com) at nocharge.

    An investment in TMs involves a degree of risk. Prospective investorsshould consider carefully the risk factors described in the Electio termsand conditions and their own circumstances, before deciding to invest in

    TMs. In making an investment decision, investors must rely on their ownexamination of the TMs and Electios terms and conditions, includingthe merits and risks involved. No assurance can be given that theperformance and/or price of TMs will be maintained or increase.

    This document may not be used for the purpose of an offer or solicitationfor the sale of TMs by any person in any jurisdiction (i) in which such offeror solicitation is not authorized, or (ii) in which the person making suchoffer or solicitation is not qualified to do so, or (i ii) to any person to whomit is unlawful to make such offer or solicitation.

    Investors interested in acquiring TMs should inform themselves as to: (i)the legal requirements within the country of their nationality, residence,ordinary residence or domicile for such acquisition; (ii) any foreignexchange restrictions or exchange control requirements which they mightencounter on acquisition or disposal of the TMs; and (iii) the incometax and other taxation consequences which might be relevant to theacquisition, holding or disposal of the TMs.


    Unit 20, 1 Melrose Boulevard

    Melrose Arch, Johannesburg

    South Africa 2193

    Telephone: +27 (0) 11 684 1747

    email: [email protected]


    Office #1702, One by Omniyat

    One Business Bay, First Al Khail Street

    Dubai, UAE

    Telephone: +971 4447 0990

    email: [email protected]


    Level 22, Tornada Tower

    Al Funduq Street, West Bay

    Doha, Qatar

    Telephone: +974 4429 2554

    email: [email protected]

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