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Electrical Conduits

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  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits




     E N  P r o g r a m m


    Ed ition II/1

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Economical and Environmentally SoundPipe Systems Made of Thermoplastic Materials

    Structural Engineering, BuildingConstruction and IndustrialConstruction

    • conduit systems consisting of

    pliable plastic pipes

    • conduit systems consisting of rigid

    plas tic pipes for surfa ce wiring

    • conduit systems meeting highest

    fire protec tion req uirements

    • pliable and r igid c onduit systems

    ma de of ste el and aluminium for

    indus tria l insta lla tions

    Special Applications

    • f lexible corrugated protective tubes

    for sa nitary a nd hea ting e ngineering

    • flexible and rigid tubes mad e ofengineering plastics to be used for

    example in machine a nd a pparatus

    co nstruction, a utomotive industry

    a nd me dica l engineering

    Civil Engineering

    • waste water sewer pipe systems

    • s torm wa ter sewer pipe systems

    • drainag e pipe systems for the

    protection of structures

    • inspection manholes for subsoil

    drainage systems

    • seepag e systems for preclarif ied

    wa ste wa ter and storm water

    • drainag e pipes for road construc-

    tion and civil engineering purposes

    • cab le ducting systems for under-

    ground installation

    Agricultural Drainage

    • f lexible drainag e pipes• heating pipes for horticulture

    Special machine construction

    • extruder downstream eq uipment to

    produce corrugated and twin wall

    pipes for a great va riety of a pplica -



    Heglerstraße 8

    D-97714 Oerlenba ch/Unte rfra nken

    P hone: + + 49 (0) 97 25 66-0

    Fax: + + 49 (0) 97 25 66-115

    P rod uction a nd ma rketing o f pipe

    systems and extruder downstream

    eq uipment, R &D centre, head office

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits





    HEGLERFLEX pages 4 - 7pliable electrical conduits

    HEGLERPLAST pag es 8 - 9sm ooth rigid e lec trica l cond uits

    STAPAFLEX page 10pliab le a rmoured cond uits mad e of s teel

    STAPA pag es 12 - 13smoo th rigid a rmoured cond uits ma de of steel

    HEGLER-ALU page 14smooth rigid conduits made of aluminium

    Accessories for ELECTRICAL CONDUITS



    HEGLER-ALU page 18


    HEKAPLAST page 20structured-wa lled c a ble ducts ma de o f PE-HD

    HEKAPLAN/HEKAWELL page 21structured-wa lled c a ble ducts mad e of P VC-U

    Accessories for CABLE DUCTS

    HEKAPLAST page 22

    HEKAPLAN page 23

    HEKAWELL page 24



    SYNOPTICAL TABLE pag es 28 - 29

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    HEGLERFLEX-EYLF DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 22322

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥10.5   ≥13.5   ≥17.4   ≥23.5   ≥30.1   ≥37.7   ≥50.1

    Coil leng th (m) 100 100 50 50 25 25 25

    Item No. 93100.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories grooved couplers , s ee pa ge 16


    strength: light (320 N)

    impact: light

    low er temperature rang e: -25 ° C

    upper tempera ture range : 105 °C


    Raw material: P E/P P (ha log en-free)

    Colour: orange

    Application: for surface and con-ce aled w iring a s w ell a s for insta l-

    lation in preca st c oncrete

    HEGLERFLEX-EYL DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 22432Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥10.5   ≥13.5   ≥17.4   ≥23.5   ≥30.1   ≥37.7   ≥50.1

    Coil leng th (m) 100 100 50 50 25 25 25

    Item No. 93000.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories grooved couplers , see pa g e 16



    pliable electrical


    Due to their special corrugated shape

    a nd c onsta nt q uality, HEGLERFLEX

    electrical conduits meet all require-

    ments to a llow eas y a nd progress ive

    ins ta lla tion. The prod uct is a vaila ble

    in a great va riety of s tiffness es , raw 

    ma teria ls a nd mec hanica l properties

    to suit the different requirements

    res ulting from the wa y of c onstruction

    and deg ree of loa ding.







    strength: light (320 N)

    impact: light

    low er temperature rang e: -15 ° C

    upper tempera ture range : 90 °C


    Raw material: P E/P P (fla me-retar-dant)

    Colour: black with and withoutcoloured marking stripes

    Application: for surface and con-

    ce aled w iring a s w ell a s for insta l-

    lation in precas t co ncrete, ca vities

    and false floors






  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    HEGLERFLEX-EL DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 22212

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide dia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible to lera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm)   ≥10.7   ≥14.1   ≥18.3   ≥24.3   ≥31.2   ≥39.6   ≥50.6

    Coil leng th (m) 100 100 50 50 25 25 25

    Item No. 92000.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories grooved couplers , see pa ge 16



    HEGLERFLEX-ESPM DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 33212Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide dia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible to lera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm)   ≥10.7   ≥13.0   ≥16.9   ≥21.4   ≥31.2   ≥39.6   ≥50.6

    Coil leng th (m) 50 50 50 25 25 25 25

    Item No. 92300.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories smooth couplers , see pa ge 16


    strength: light (320 N)

    impact: light

    low er temperature range : -5 °C

    upper temperature rang e: 60 ° C


    Raw material: PVC-U (flame-retar-dant)

    Colour: white (acc. to RAL 1013)Application: for surface and con-

    cea led wiring a s w ell a s for insta l-

    la tion in ca vities and false floors






    st reng th: me dium (750 N)

    impa ct: me dium

    low er temperature rang e: -5 °C

    upper temperature rang e: 60 ° C


    Raw material: P VC-U/P (fla me-reta r-dant)

    Colour: grey (acc. to RAL 7035)Application: for insta lla tion in vibra -ted, heaped a nd tamped concrete as

    well as in floor finish






    HEGLERFLEX-ESPM 105 DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 33333

    Nomina l d ia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63P ermiss ib le tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥10.5   ≥13.5   ≥17.4   ≥23.5   ≥30.1   ≥37.7   ≥50.1

    Coil leng th (m) 50 50 50 25 25 25 25

    Item No. 92500.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories g rooved couplers , see pa ge 16


    streng th: me dium (750 N)

    impa ct: me dium

    low er temperature rang e: -15 °C

    upper temperature ra nge: 105 ° C


    Raw material: spe cial thermoplas ticmaterial (flame-retardant)

    Colour: reddish brownApplication: for insta llation in vibra -ted, heaped a nd tamped concrete as

    w ell a s in floo r finish w here high re-

    sista nce to thermal deformation is

    req uired






  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    HEGLERFLEX-EYSPMH DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 33232

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)

    Coil leng th (m) 50 50 50 25 25 25 25

    Item No. 91200.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories grooved couplers , s ee pa ge 16


    HEGLERFLEX-ELH DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 23232Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥10.5   ≥13.5   ≥17.4   ≥23.5   ≥30.1   ≥37.7   ≥50.1

    Coil leng th (m) 100 100 50 50 25 25 25

    Item No. 91000.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories grooved couplers , see pa g e 16



    strength: light (320 N)

    impact: medium

    low er temperature rang e: -5 °C

    upper tempera ture range : 105 °C


    Raw material: PP mod (halogen free,


    Colour: blackApplication: for concealed and sur-

    face wiring as well as for installation in

    ca vities and false floors a nd precas t

    co ncrete for a pplica tions subject to

    strict sa fety regula tions






    streng th: me dium (750 N)

    impa ct: me dium

    low er temperature rang e: -5 °C

    upper temperature ra nge: 105 ° C


    Raw material: spe cial thermopla sticmaterial (halogen-free, flame-retar-


    Colour: blackApplication: for installation in vibra-ted, heaped and tamped concrete as

    we ll as in floo r finish for ap plica tions

    subject to s trict s afety reg ulations






    HEGLERFLEX-ESPS DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 43212

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide dia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm)   ≥10.7   ≥13.0   ≥16.9   ≥21.4   ≥31.2   ≥39.6   ≥50.6

    C oil leng th (m) 50 50 50 25 25 25 25

    Item No. 92400.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Acces sories smooth couplers , see pa ge 16


    strength: heavy (1250 N)

    impa ct: me dium

    low er temperature rang e: -5 °C

    upper tempera ture rang e: 60 ° C


    Raw material: P VC-U/P (fla me-reta r-dant)

    Colour: blackApplication: for insta lla tion in vibra -ted, heaped a nd tamped concrete as

    w ell a s in floo r finish a nd for all appli-

    ca tions req uiring high com pres sion







  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    HEGLERFLEX-EGL DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 22412

    Nomina l d ia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ib le tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥10.5   ≥13.5   ≥17.8   ≥23.5   ≥30.1   ≥37.7   ≥50.1

    Coil leng th (m) 50 100 50 50 25 25 25

    Item No. 93400.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories smooth couplers , see pa ge 16


    strength: light (320 N)

    impact: light

    low er temperature rang e: -25 °C

    upper tempera ture rang e: 60 ° C


    Raw material: P E

    Colour: orange

    Application: for concealed a nd s ur-face wiring






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    HEGLERPLAST-EL DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 22211Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥13.7   ≥17.4   ≥22.1

    Contents of bundle (m) 111 111 57

    Item No. 97000.. 16 20 25

    Accessories bends , couplers , c la mps , see pa ge 16



    smooth rigid

    electrical conduits

    HEGLERP LAS Te lectrica l co nduits for

    surface a ss embly where an impecca -

    ble a ppea rance is req uired. The

    smo oth P VC-U co nduits in straight

    lengths are perfectly suitable for sur-

    face and concea led w iring a nd in

    co ncrete co nstruction. Only few 

    fastening points are necessary, which

    makes an economy-priced installation

    possible. All rigid HEGLERPLAST

    pipes are provided with integral coni-

    ca l so ckets, w hich offers further

    advantages in assembly.

    HEGLERP LAS Tc onduits a re a vailab le

    in a standard length of 3.00 m.


    strength: light (320 N)

    impact: light

    low er temperature rang e: -5 °C

    upper temperature range: 60 °C


    Raw material: P VC-U (fla me-reta r-dant)

    Colour: grey (acc. to RAL 7035)Application: for surfac e w iring aswe ll as insta lla tion in ca vities a nd

    false floors






    HEGLERPLAST-EPKM DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 33211

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥13.0   ≥16.9   ≥21.4   ≥27.8   ≥35.4   ≥44.3   ≥55.6

    Contents of bundle (m) 111 111 57 57 21 21 21

    Item No. 97100.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories bends , couplers , c la mps , see pa ge 16

    st reng th: me dium (750 N)

    impact: medium

    low er temperature rang e: -5 °C

    upper tempera ture range : 60 °C


    Raw material: PVC-U (flame-retar-dant)

    Colour: grey (acc. to RAL 7035)

    Application: for surfac e w iring aswell as installation in cavities and

    false floors and in concrete construc-







  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    HEGLERPLAST-EPKMU DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 33411Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide dia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible to lera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm)   ≥13.0   ≥16.9   ≥21.4   ≥27.8   ≥35.4   ≥44.3   ≥55.6

    Contents o f bundle (m) 57 57 57 21 21 21 21

    Item No. 97200.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories bends , couplers , c la mps , see pa ge 16


    HEGLERPLAST-EPKS DIN EN 50086-2-1 classification 43211

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide dia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible to lera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm)   ≥12.2   ≥15.8   ≥20.6   ≥26.6   ≥34.4   ≥43.2   ≥54.8

    Contents o f bundle (m) 57 57 57 21 21 21 21

    Item No. 97300.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories bends , couplers , c la mps , see pa ge 16


    HEGLERPLAST-EPKMH DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 33421

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide dia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible to lera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm)   ≥13.0   ≥16.9   ≥21.4   ≥27.8   ≥35.4   ≥44.3   ≥55.6

    Contents o f bundle (m) 111 111 57 57 21 21 21

    Item No. 96000.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories bends , couplers , c la mps , see pa ge 16



    strength: heavy (1250 N)

    impa ct: med ium

    low er temperature rang e: -5 °C

    upper temperature range: 60 °C


    Raw material: PVC-U (flame-retar-


    Colour: grey (acc. to RAL 7035)

    Application: for surfac e w iring as

    well as for installation in vibrated,

    heaped and tamped concrete






    st reng th: me dium (750 N)

    impa ct: med ium

    low er temperature rang e: -25 ° C

    upper temperature range: 60 °C


    Raw material: P VC-U (UV-sta bilized ,flame-retardant)

    Colour: white

    Application: for surface wiring out ofdoors






    streng th: me dium (750 N)

    impa ct: me dium

    low er temperature rang e: -25 °C

    upper temperature ra nge: 90 ° C


    Raw material: P P O (haloge n-free,


    Colour: grey (acc. to RAL 7035)

    Application: for surfac e w iring a s

    well as for installation in vibrated,

    heaped and tamped concrete for

    applications subject to strict safety







  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    STAPAFLEX-EPY DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 44412

    Nomina l d ia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ib le tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥10.7   ≥14.1   ≥18.3   ≥24.3   ≥31.2   ≥39.6   ≥50.6

    Coil leng th (m) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

    Item No. 90100.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories threa ded couplers , see pa ge 17


    STAPAFLEX-EP DIN EN 50086-2-2: classification 44562Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥10.7   ≥14.1   ≥18.3   ≥24.3   ≥31.2   ≥39.6   ≥50.6

    Coil leng th (m) 25 25 25 25 25 25 25

    Item No. 90000.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories threa ded couplers , see pa ge 17



    plia ble a rmoured

    co nduits ma de o fsteel

    P liab le a rmoured ste el conduits a re

    made of a high-quality lead-coated

    she et iron in multi-la yer d es ign.

    Tha nks to the ir narrow groo ving, they

    are extraordinarily flexible.

    Depending o n the type of pipe, there

    a re layers of impreg nate d pa per in

    betw een the iron s heet to provide

    moisture-proo f insulation. One pipe

    des ign is covered w ith a P VC-P c oa t

    for protec tion a ga inst c orros ion. B y

    this, these pipes offer protec tion

    ag ainst moisture, a gg ress ive da mps

    and liq uids as well as da ngerous co n-

    tact electricity. All types of armoured

    ste el conduits a re s uited for high

    mec hanica l loa ds . The pipes w ithoutcoating are resistant to temperatures

    of up to 250 ° C. They a re light in

    weight and allow economical installa-

    tion w ith no need of s pecial tooling o r

    bends. Fixing is easily done by means

    of clam ps . The na rrow g roo ving s uits

    all standardized steel pipe connectors

    a nd provides tensile c onnection.

    Threa ding is no t nec es sa ry.


    strength: heavy (1250 N)

    impac t: heavy

    low er temperature range : -45 ° C

    upper temperature ra nge: 250 ° C


    Raw material: lead-coated sheetiron, with layers of insulating paper in


    Application: for installation in ma-chine c ons truction, ma nufac ture of

    appa ratus a nd vehicles as well as in

    melted as phalt






    strength: heavy (1250 N)

    impac t: heavy

    low er temperature rang e: -25 ° C

    upper tempera ture range : 60 °C


    Raw material: lead-coated sheetiron, with layers of insulating paper in

    between a nd co vered w ith a plastic

    coating for protection against corro-


    Application: for installation in ma-chine construction and manufacture

    of appa ratus and vehicles






  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    ELTEFA sho w a t S tuttga rt

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    STAPA-EGs DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 55561

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥13.0   ≥16.8   ≥21.8   ≥28.8   ≥36.8   ≥46.8   ≥59.4

    Contents of bundle (m) 30 30 30 21 15 15 15

    Item No. 95100.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories threa ded bends , threa ded couplers , see pa g e 17


    STAPA-ESs DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 44561Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥14.0   ≥18.0   ≥22.6   ≥30.6   ≥37.6   ≥47.6   ≥60.0

    Contents of bundle (m) 30 30 30 21 15 15 15

    Item No. 95000.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories bends , couplers , s ee pa ge 17



    smooth rig id a r-

    moured conduits

    mad e of steel

    Armoured stee l cond uits ma de of

    rolled mild steel are suitable for high

    compression and temperature loads

    and for highest mec hanica l dema nds.

    S TAPA pipes a re a vaila ble in a s ta n-

    da rd length of 3.00 m.


    strength: heavy (1250 N)

    impac t: heavy

    low er temperature rang e: -45 ° C

    upper tempera ture range : 250 °C


    Raw material: mild steel, rolled, bent,high-frequency welded, with stove-


    Application: for applica tions whe rehigh temperatures occur and highest

    mechanical protection is required






    strength: very heavy (4000 N)

    impact: very heavy

    low er temperature rang e: -45 °C

    upper temperature ra nge: 250 ° C


    Raw material: mild steel, rolled, bent,

    high-frequency welded, with stove-


    Application: for applica tions whe re

    high temperatures occur and highest

    mechanical protection is required






  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    HEGLER ALU-EG DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 55561

    Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥12.7   ≥16.5   ≥21.5   ≥28.4   ≥36.2   ≥46.2   ≥58.8

    Contents of bundle (m) 30 30 30 30 15 15 15

    Item No. 95300.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories threa ded bends , threa ded couplers , c la mps , see pa ge 18


    HEGLER ALU-ES DIN EN 50086-2-1: classification 44561Nomina l dia meter DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    P ermiss ible tolera nces (mm) 0/-0.3 0/-0.3 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.4 0/-0.5 0/-0.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm)   ≥14.0   ≥18.0   ≥22.6   ≥29.2   ≥37.2   ≥47.0   ≥59.4

    Contents of bundle (m) 30 30 30 30 15 15 15

    Item No. 95200.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Accessories bends , couplers , c la mps , see pa ge 18



    smooth rigid

    co nduits ma deof aluminium

    Aluminium c ond uits for highes t

    mechanical requirements, easy to

    insta ll and co rros ion resista nt.


    strength: heavy (1250 N)

    impac t: heavy

    low er temperature rang e: -45 ° C

    upper tempera ture range : 250 °C


    Raw material: a luminium

    Application: for applica tions whe re

    aggressive conditions affect the pro-

    duct, e. g . che mica l industry, s hip

    construction etc.






    strength: very heavy (4000 N)

    impact: very heavy

    low er temperature rang e: -45 ° C

    upper tempera ture range : 250 °C


    Raw material: a luminium

    Application: for applica tions whe re

    aggressive conditions affect the pro-

    duct, e. g . che mica l industry, s hip

    construction etc.


    * in preparation





  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Light + Building s how a t Fra nkfurt

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Bendbelled at one end,grey, of PVC-U forHEGLERPLAST-EPKM and EPKS, ofPPO for HEGLER-PLAST-EPKMH

    Grooved couplergrey for HEGLER-FLEX-EL, black forHEGLERFLEX-EYL,EYLF, ESMP 105,ELH and EYSMPH

    Smooth couplerwith inside lockingcam, grey, of PVC-Ufor HEGLERPLAST-EPKM and EPKS aswell as HEGLERFLEX-ESPM, ESPS andEGL, of PPO forHEGLERPLAST-EPKMH

    Bendbelled at one end,grey, of PVC-U forHEGLERPLAST-ELand black, of specialthermoplastic materialfor HEGLERPLAST-EPKMU

    Clampssuitable for stringing,grey for HEGLER-PLAST-EPKM, EPKS,

    EL; of PPO forHEGLERPLAST-EPKMH and black,ofspecial thermoplasticmaterial for HEGLER-PLAST-EPKMU

    Smooth couplerwith inside locking

    cam, grey, of PVC-Ufor HEGLERPLAST-EL and black, of spe-cial thermoplasticmaterial for HEGLER-PLAST-EPKMU



    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 50 50 50 50 10 10 10


    Item No. 98110.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 98410.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 100 100 50 50 25 25 10


    Item No. 98600.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 98700.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 100 100 50 50 25 25 10



    Item No. 98100.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 98400.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 50 50 50 50 10 10 10


    Item No. 98010.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 98111.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 100 100 100 50 25 25 10


    Item No. 98120.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63EPKMH

    Item No. 98420.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 98121.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 100 100 50 50 25 25 10EL

    Item No. 98000.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 98101.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Couplerpush-fit type, for rigidarmoured steel condu-its STAPA-ESs andESv

    Couplerthreaded, for pliableand rigid armouredsteel conduits STAPA-FLEX-EP, EPY andSTAPA-EGs and EGv

    Bendthreaded, for rigidarmoured steel condu-its STAPA-EGs andEGv

    Bendpush-fit type, for rigidarmoured steel condu-its STAPA-ESs andESv

    Accessories: STAPAFLEX and STAPA


    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 25 50 50 50 25 10 5

    EP, EPY, EGs

    Item No. 99700.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    EP, EPY, EGvItem No. 99701.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 25 50 50 50 25 10 5


    Item No. 99800.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 99801.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 15 25 25 20 15 5 3


    Item No. 99710.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 99711.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 15 25 25 20 15 5 3


    Item No. 99810.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    Item No. 99811.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Couplerpush-fit type, for alu-minium conduits ALU-ES

    Couplerthreaded, for alumi-nium conduits ALU-EG

    Bendthreaded, for alumi-nium conduits ALU-EG

    Bendpush-fit type, for alu-minium conduits ALU-ES

    Accessories: HEGLER-ALU

    Clampfor aluminium conduits

    ALU-EG and ALU-ES

    Bolted clampfor aluminium conduitsALU-EG and ALU-ES

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 50 50 50 50 25 20 20

    Item No. 99500.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 50 50 50 50 20 20 20

    Item No. 99600.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    Item No. 99510.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 10 10 10 10 10 10 10

    Item No. 99610.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 50 50 50 25 20 20 20

    Item No. 99621.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63


    DN 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 50 50 50 50 20 20 20Item No. 99620.. 16 20 25 32 40 50 63

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    ELTEC s how a t Nürnberg

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    P ipe in twin wa ll des ign with a co rru-

    ga ted outside and smooth inside, with

    pull wire, pliable. Resistant to tempe-

    ratures from –40 to 105 ° C.

    Raw material: P ESta ndard co lour: black

    Alternative colours: on request

    Application:as ca ble ducts underground a nd in

    co ncrete; suita ble to withstand traffic

    loads. Due to its extraordinary flexibili-

    ty in longitudinal direction, HEKA-

    P LAS T-R is a lso s uitab le for difficult

    cable installations, such as around

    foundations or other obstacles.


    P ipe in twin wa ll de sign with a c orruga -

    ted outside and smooth inside; stan-

    dard length: 6.00 m. Resistant to

    temperatures from –40 to 105 °C .

    Raw material: P ESta ndard co lour: black

    Alternative colours: on request

    Quality:a) general purpose grade and

    b) grade to DIN EN 50086-2-4.

    Application:as ca ble duct underground and in

    co ncrete; suita ble to withstand traffic




    cable protection

    and cable ductingpipes

    It is a lwa ys a problem to repla ce or to

    extend ducting systems under traffic

    a rea s, no ma tter whether in public

    roa ds or industria l pla nts. Digg ed-up

    traffic areas handicap activities, annoy

    local residents, cause considerable

    costs and leave a ” mended” surface.

    Ca ble ducts prevent a ll this.

    They s hould be insta lled w herever an

    increas ing need of ca bles ha s to b e



    HEKAPLAST-R DN 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Tolera nces (mm) + 0.8 + 1.0 + 1.2 + 1.4 + 1.7 + 2.0 + 2.3 + 2.6 + 2.9 + 3.6Ins ide dia meter (mm) 32.0 39.5 51.0 62.0 76.0 95.0 107.0 120.5 139.0 173.0

    Tolera nces (mm) ± 0.5 ± 0.6 ± 0.7 ± 0.8 ± 0.9 ± 1.1 ± 1.3 ± 1.4 ± 1.6 ± 2.0

    Coil leng th (m) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

    Item No. 7629.. 004 005 006 007 009 011 013 014 016 020

    Accessories couplers , bends , profiled sea ling rings , see pa ge 22

    HEKAPLAST-S DN 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Tolera nces (mm) + 1.2 + 1.4 + 1.7 + 2.0 + 2.3 + 2.6 + 2.9 + 3.6

    Ins ide dia meter (mm) 51.0 62.0 76.0 95.0 107.0 120.5 139.0 173.0

    Tolera nces (mm) ± 0.7 ± 0.8 ± 0.9 ± 1.1 ± 1.3 ± 1.4 ± 1.6 ± 2.0

    Contents of s tilla ge (m) 918 1260 720 780 612 360 390 210

    Item No. 7621.. 063 075 090 110 125 140 160 200

    Accessories couplers , bends , profiled sea ling rings , see pa ge 22

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    P ipe in twin wa ll des ign, c orruga ted

    outside a nd s mooth inside, with inte-

    gral socket; standard length: 6.00 m.

    Resista nt to tempe ra tures from –5 to

    60 ° C.

    Raw material: P VC-UCo lour: blac k

    Flexible corrugated cable duct, com-

    press ion a nd impac t resistant a cc. to

    DIN 1187. Resistant to temperatures

    from –5 to 60 °C .

    Raw material: P VC-UCo lour: ye llow 

    Application:An economy-priced alternative for

    subo rdinate jobs a nd jobs with infe-

    rior loa ding.


    Application:P a rticularly suited for applica tions

    like tunnel or concrete construction

    in which the pipes are installed in

    solid b undles a nd c as t in concrete.



    Cables often have to be installed in

    bund les , like in structural eng inee ring ,

    industrial buildings or civil engineer-

    ing. P rotec tion pipes with integral

    soc kets a re a very goo d option to al-

    low multiple-way ducting in concrete.

    HEKAWELL DN 50 65 80 100 125 160 200

    Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 50 65 80 100 125 160 200

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm) 44 58 71.5 91 115 144 182

    Coil leng th (m) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50

    Item No. 7495.. 050 065 080 100 125 160 200

    Accessories see pa ge 24


    HEKAPLAN DN 110/100 165/150Outs ide d ia meter (mm) 110 163

    Ins ide d ia meter (mm) 100.5 151.0

    Insert depth or depth of coupler (mm) 100 120

    P ush-fit coupler/outs ide dia meter (mm) 114 168

    Contents o f s tilla ge (m) 780 390

    Item No. 7615.. 110 165

    Accessories couplers , bends , profiled s ea ling rings , see pa ge 23

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Bend 45°r = 1.0 m, shapedfrom HEKAPLASTpipe, black

    Couplerwith locking cam (w. l.c.) or without lockingcam (wo. l. c.), madeof PP, black

    Bend 90°r = 1.0 m, shapedfrom HEKAPLASTpipe, black

    End capmade of PE, natural-coloured


    Profiled sealing ringmade of elastomeric


    Accessories: cable ducts HEKAPLAST


    DN 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 1 1 1 100 50 75 60 45 36 20

    w. l. c.

    Item No. 7710... 004 005 007 008 009 011 013 014 016 020

    wo. l. c.Item No. 7710... 108 109 111 113 114 116 120

    DN 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    Item No. 7710... 208 209 211 213 214 216 220

    DN 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

    Item No. 7710... 408 409 411 413 414 416 420

    DN 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25

    Item No. 7720... 204 205 207 208 209 211 213 214 216 220

    DN 40 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 100 100 100 100 100 200 50 25 25 25Item No. 7720... 304 305 307 308 309 311 313 314 316 320

    DN 50 63 75 90 110 125 140 160 200

    available in 2-/4-/6-/8-strand version and one- or two-sided version

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Bend 45°r = 1.0 m, shapedfrom HEKAPLAN pipe,black

    Couplermade of PVC-U, black

    Bend 90°r = 1.0 m, shapedfrom HEKAPLAN pipe,black

    End capmade of PVC-U, black

    Profiled sealing ringmade of elastomeric


    Accessories: cable ducts HEKAPLAN


    DN 110/100 165/150

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 75 1

    Item No. 7700... 011 015

    DN 110/100 165/150

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 1 1

    Item No. 7701... 011 015

    DN 110/100 165/150

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 100 100Item No. 7704... 011 015

    DN 110/100 165/150

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 1 1

    Item No. 7702... 011 015

    DN 110/100 165/150

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 1 1

    Item No. 7703... 011 015

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    End capmade of PVC-U, black

    Couplermade of PVC-U,yellow

    HRH round hoods withsuspension fastening

    PL cover plates

    Accessories: cable ducts HEKAWELL


    DN 50 65 80 100 125 160 200

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 100 100 100 50 50 15 10

    screw coupler

    Item No. 7774... – – – 010 012 016 020

    sleeveItem No. 7774... 005 006 008 – – – –  

    DN 50 65 80 100 125 160 200

    Bag quantity (pcs.) 200 100 100 100 50 50 1

    Item No. 7774... 105 106 108 110 112 116 120

    Type (width in mm) 40 50 60 80 100

    Bag quantity (m) 1000 1000 1000 500 500

    Item No. 7611... 040 050 060 080 100

    DN 120 180

    Bag quantity (m) 1000 1000

    Item No. 7612... 120 180

    Accessories: cover hoods and plates HEKADUKT

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Resistance to flame propagation

    orange flame propagating

    any colour non-fla me propa ga ting

    apart fromorange,

    yellow andred

    Colour of pipe


    To a llow the Europea n co untries to

    " grow tog ether" , impediments to

    trad e a re to b e reduced . The harmo-

    nisation of national standards into

    international ones (CEN and CENE-

    LEC) comes up to this political


    In the field of electrical conduits,

    several sta ndards ha ve been pre-

    pa red by CENELEC in order to

    gua ra ntee a uniform product q uality

    in Europe. So there are now standard-

    ized nominal diameter se ries instea d

    of nominal diameters differing from

    country to country.

    In contrast to the so far inch system,

    these d iameters a re ba sed on metric

    mea surements. Nominal diameters

    are now ba sed on the outside diame-

    ters a nd c orresp ond to the follow ing

    DN series: DN 16, DN 20, DN 25,

    DN 32, DN 40, DN 50 and DN 63.The follow ing ta ble show s the sys tem

    of the new standards:

    The new s tand a rds also include

    different specifications regarding

    de signa tion and m a rking . The lette rs

    have been turned into a numerical

    cod e, the meaning of which ca n be

    taken from the following table.

    Classification Code for Properties Claimed for a Conduit System

    Marking of pipe, code No.:

    No. of DIN s ta nd ard Title

    DIN EN Conduit S ys tems for Electrica l Ins ta lla tions

    50086-1 P a rt 1: G enera l Req uirements

    DIN EN Conduit S ys tems for Electrica l Ins ta lla tions

    50086-2-1 P a rt 2-1: P artic ula r Re quirements fo r Rig id C ond uit S ys tems

    DIN EN Conduit S ys tems for Electrica l Ins ta lla tions

    50086-2-2 P a rt 2-2: P a rtic ula r Re q uire me nts fo r P lia b le C ond uit S ys te ms

    DIN EN Conduit S ys tems for Electrica l Ins ta lla tions

    50086-2-3 P a rt 2-3: P a rtic ula r Re q uire me nts fo r Fle xib le Co nd uit S ys te ms

    DIN EN Conduit S ys tems for Electrica l Ins ta lla tions

    50086-2-4 P a rt 2-4: P a rtic ula r Re q uire me nts fo r C o nd uit S ys te ms B urie d Und erg ro und

    DIN EN Elec tric a l conduits

    60423 Outs id e Dia me te rs of Ele ctric a l c ond uits and Thre ad s fo r Ele ctric a l c ond uits

    a nd Their Acc es so ries

    Example: light weight pipe with light impact re-sistance, temperature resistant f rom –5 °C upto +60 °C, non-flame propagating.

    1st figure – resistance to compression

    1 very lig ht compress ion force 125 N

    2 light compress ion force 320 N

    3 medium compress ion force 750 N

    4 hea vy compress ion force 1250 N5 very he avy c ompre ss io n fo rc e 4000 N

    2 2

    2nd figure – resistance to impact

    1 very ligh t fa lling energy 0.5 kg/100 mm

    2 light fa lling energ y 1.0 kg/100 mm

    3 me dium fa lling e ne rg y 2.0 kg /100 mm

    4 hea vy fa lling energ y 2.0 kg /300 mm

    5 very heavy falling energy 6.8 kg/300 mm

    3rd figure – lower temperature range

    1 + 5 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, installation

    2 – 5 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, installation

    3 –15 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, insta llation

    4 –25 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, insta llation

    5 –45° C transport, perm. application, installation

    2 1

    4th figure – upper temperature range

    1 60 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, insta llation

    2 90 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, insta llation

    3 105 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, insta llation

    4 120 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, insta llation

    5 150 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, installation

    6 250 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, insta llation

    7 400 ° C transport, perm. applica tion, installation

    5th figure – resistance to bending

    1 rig id a cc . to EN 50086-2-1

    2 plia b le a c c . to EN 50086-2-2

    3 plia ble, se lf-rec overing   EN 50086-2-2

    4 fle xib le a c c . t o EN 50086-2-3


  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Nominal Diameters

    The new DIN EN 50086-1

    In the new EN sta nda rd, no minal dia-

    meters (DN) are defined differently!

    The new nominal diame ters refer to

    the real outside diameters. For exam-

    ple, a pipe defined as DN 25 now has

    an outside d ia meter of 25 mm, while

    previously the nominal diameters

    referred to inside diameters.








    DN 9 11 13,5 16 19 21/23 29 36 42 48

       N  e  w  n  o  m   i  n  a   l   d   i  a  m

      e   t  e  r  s  a  s  p  e  r   E   N

    Previous definition of types (previous nominal diameters)

    The table below shows how the new nominal diameters (DN) compare with the previous nominal diameters (DN)

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


    Product Range, Product Data and Applications



    pliable electrical



    smooth rigid

    electrical condu-



    pliable armoured

    steel conduits


    smooth rigid

    armoured steelconduits


    smooth rigid alu-

    minium conduits

    Cable ducts

    Product group Short description of product Product name DN (mm) Colour Raw material Pipe Standard/ testgeometry regulations

    electrical conduit, pliable, corrugated, HEGLERFLEX-EYL 16 - 63 orange PE/PP corrugated DIN EN 50086-2-2/  

    for light duty VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    electrical conduit, pliable, corrugated, HEGLERFLEX- 16 - 63 black PE/PP mod corrugated DIN EN 50086-2-2/  

    for light duty, flame-retardant EYLF VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    electrical conduit, pliable, corrugated, for HEGLERFLEX-EL 16 - 63 RAL 1013 PVC-U corrugated DIN EN 50086-2-2/  

    light duty, flame-retardant white VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    electrical conduit, pl iable, corrugated, for HEGLERFLEX- 16 - 63 RAL7035 PVC-U with corrugated ins. DIN EN 50086-2-2/ 

    medium duty, flame-retardant ESPM grey PVC-P coat smooth outs. VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    electrical conduit, self-recovering, corru- HEGLERFLEX- 16 - 63 reddish special thermo- corrugated DIN EN 50086-2-2/ 

    gated, for medium duty, ESPM 105 brown plastic material VDE 0605 Teil 2-2


    electrical conduit, pliable, corrugated, for HEGLERFLEX- 16 - 63 black PVC-U with corrugated ins. DIN EN 50086-2-2/ 

    heavy duty, flame-retardant ESPS PVC-P coat smooth outs. VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    electrical conduit, pliable, corrugated, HEGLERFLEX-ELH 16 - 63 RAL 7035 PPmod corrugated DIN EN 50086-2-2/ 

    for light duty, halogen-free, flame-retardant grey VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    electrical conduit, pliable, corrugated, HEGLERFLEX- 16 - 63 black special thermo- corrugated ins. DIN EN 50086-2-2/ 

    for medium duty, halogen-free, EYSPMH plastic material smooth outs. VDE 0605 Teil 2-2


    electrical conduit, pliable, smooth, HEGLERFLEX-EGL 16 - 63 orange PE smooth DIN EN 50086-2-2/  

    for light duty VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    electrical conduit, smooth, rigid, for light HEGLERPLAST-EL 16 - 25 RAL 7035 PVC-U smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    duty, flame-retardant grey VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    electrical conduit, smooth, rigid, for HEGLERPLAST- 16 - 63 RAL 7 035 PVC-U smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    medium duty, flame-retardant EPKM grey VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    electrical conduit, smooth, rigid, for heavy HEGLERPLAST- 16 - 63 RAL 7 035 PVC-U smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    duty, flame-retardant EPKS grey VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    electrical conduit, smooth, rigid, for HEGLERPLAST- 16 - 63 white PVC-U smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    medium duty, flame-retardant, UV-stabilized, EPKMU VDE 0605 Teil 2-1impact resistant

    electrical conduit, smooth, rigid, HEGLERPLAST- 16 - 63 RAL 7 035 PPO smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    for medium duty, flame-retardant, EPKMH grey VDE 0605 Teil 2-1


    armoured steel conduit, pliable, STAPAFLEX-EP 16 - 63 sheet iron, lea- grooved DIN EN 50086-2-2/  

    for heavy duty ded, with paper VDE 0605 Teil 2-2


    armoured steel conduit, pliable, for STAPAFLEX-EPY 16 - 63 sheet iron, lea- corrugated ins. DIN EN 50086-2-2/ 

    heavy duty, corrosion resistant ded, with paper smooth outs. VDE 0605 Teil 2-2

    by PVC-P coating layers and

    PVC-P coating

    armoured steel conduit, rigid, STAPA-ESs 16 - 63 black steel smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    smooth, for heavy duty VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    STAPA-EGs 16 - 63 black steel smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    STAPA-ESv 16 - 63 galvanized steel smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    STAPA-EGv 16 - 63 galvanized steel smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    aluminium conduit, smooth, rigid, ALU-ES 16 - 63 aluminium smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    for heavy duty VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    aluminium conduit, smooth, rigid, for ALU-EG 16 - 63 aluminium smooth DIN EN 50086-2-1/  

    heavy duty VDE 0605 Teil 2-1

    twin wall pipe, corrugated HEKAPLAST-S 63 - 200 black PE-HD DIN EN 50086-2-4/  

    outside, smooth inside, for heavy special VDE 0605 Teil 2-4

    duty colours

    HEKAPLAST-R 40 - 200 black PE DIN EN 50086-2-4/  sp. colours VDE 0605 Teil 2-4

    twin wall pipe, corrugated outside, HEKAPLAN 110/100 black PVC-U

    smooth inside, for heavy duty, 165/150


    plastic pipe, flexible, corrugated, HEKAWELL 50 - 200 yellow PVC-U corrugated DIN 1187

    for light duty, flame-retardant

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


       C   l  a  s  s   i   f   i  c  a   t   i  o  n

       S  u  r   f  a  c  e

       i  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n

       C  o  n  c  e  a   l  e   d

       i  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n

       h  e  a  p  e   d  c  o  n  c  r  e   t  e

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n

      v   i   b  r  a   t  e   d  c  o  n  c  r  e   t  e

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n

       t  a  m  p  e   d  c  o  n  c  r  e   t  e

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n

       b   i   t  u  m   i  n  o  u  s  m  a   t  e  r   i  a   l

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n

      m  e   l   t  e   d  a  s  p   h  a   l   t

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n

       f   l  o  o  r   f   i  n   i  s   h

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n  p  r  e   f  a   b  r   i  -

      c  a   t  e   d  c  o  n  c  r  e   t  e  p  a  r   t  s

       I  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n   i  n  w  o  o   d  e  n

      a  n   d  p  r  e   f  a   b  r   i  c  a   t  e   d  p  a  r   t  s

      a  n   d   i  n   f  a   l  s  e   f   l  o  o  r  s

       M  a  c   h   i  n  e  a  n   d  a  p  p  a  r  a  -

       t  u  s   i  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n

       V  e   h   i  c   l  e  a  n   d

      w  a  g  o  n   i  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n

       S  u   b  s  o   i   l

       i  n  s   t  a   l   l  a   t   i  o  n

       T  e  m  p  e  r  a   t  u  r  e

      r  a  n  g  e   f  o  r  u  s  e

      s  e  e  p  a  g  e

    22432 O O O -25 to 105 °C 4

    22322 O O O O O -15 to 90 °C 4

    22212 O O -5 to 60 °C 5

    33212 O O O O O O O O O O -5 to 60 °C 5

    33333 O O O O O -15 to 105 °C 5

    43212 O O O O O O O O O O -5 to 60 °C 6

    23232 O O O O O O -5 to 105 °C 6

    33232 O O O O O O O O O -5 to 105 °C 6

    22412 O O O -25 to 60 °C 7

    22211 O O O O -5 to 60 °C 8

    33211 O O O O O O O O O -5 to 60 °C 8

    43211 O O O O O O O O O -5 to 60 °C 9

    33411 O O O O O O O O O -25 to 60 °C 9

    33421 O O O O O O O O O O -25 to 90 °C 9

    44562 O O O O O O O O O O -45 to 250 °C 10

    44412 O O O O O O O O O O -25 to 60 °C 10

    44561 O O O O O O O O O O -45 to 250 °C 12

    55561 O O O O O O O O O O -45 to 250 °C 12

    44571 O O O O O O O O O O -45 to 400 °C 13

    55571 O O O O O O O O O O -45 to 400 °C 13

    O O O O O O O O O O O 14

    O O O O O O O O O O O 14

    O O O -40 to 105 °C 20

    O O O -40 to 105 °C 20

    O O O -5 to 60 °C 21

    O O O -5 to 60 °C 21

  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits


  • 8/17/2019 Electrical Conduits

