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Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)

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  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Chapter 13: Three-Phase

    Induction Motors (2)

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Squirrel-cage Motors

    Typical performance over the power range: 1 kW to 20 MW

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Squirrel-cage Motors

    Motor operating at no-load

    the no-load current is similar

    to the exciting current in a


    composed of a magnetiingcurrent that creates the

    revolving flux! "m

    small active power component

    that supplies the iron! windage!

    and frictional losses

    considera#le reactive poweris needed to create the

    revolving flux

    a larger air-gap re$uires greater

    amounts of reactive power

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Squirrel-cage Motors

    Motor operating under load

    active power delivered from

    the source increases

    proportionally to the

    mechanical loado efficiency at full-load is

    particularly high

    the stator and rotor currents

    produce mmfs that are

    similar to those found in theprimary and secondary

    windings of a transformer

    o leakage fluxes are created in

    the stator and rotor circuits

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Squirrel-cage Motors

    Motor with a locked rotor

    the locked-rotor current is % to & times the full-load current

    I2R losses are 25 to 36 times higher than normal

    the rotor must never remained locked for more than a few seconds

    a strong mechanical tor$ue is developed

    even though no power is delivered

    power factor is low #ecause the leakage fluxes are larger

    the stator and rotor windings are not tightly coupled due to the air-gap

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Estiating Motor Currents

    The full-load current approximate value #ased on

    empirical models

    where I = full-load current

    Ph = output power in HP

    E = rated line voltae

    The starting current

    % to & times the full-load current

    The no-load current

    0'( to 0'% times the full-load


    E!aple estimatethe full-load current!

    locked rotor current! and no-load

    current of a %00 hp! 2(00 )! (-

    phase induction motor

    estimatethe apparent powerdrawn under locked-rotor


    statethe nominal rating of the

    motor in kW

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)



    estimatethe full-load current! locked rotor current!

    and no-load current of a %00 hp! 2(00 )! (-phase

    induction motor

    estimatethe apparent power drawn under locked-

    rotor conditions statethe nominal rating of the motor in kW

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    "cti#e Po$er %lo$s

    *otor power

    the power flowing across the

    airgap is the product of therotating flux speed and the

    magnetic tor$ue

    Mechanical power

    the developed power is e$ual to

    the power transmitted to therotor less the rotor copper losses

    and the windage and friction


  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    "cti#e Po$er %lo$s

    *otor power the power flowing across the

    airgap is the product of the

    rotating flux speed and the

    magnetic tor$ue

    Mechanical power

    the developed power is e$ual to

    the power transmitted to the

    rotor less the rotor copper lossesand the windage and friction


    *otor copper losses

    for constant power and speed!

    the magnetic tor$ue and

    mechanical load tor$ue must #e


    Motor tor$ue the tor$ue developed at any

    speed is

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    "cti#e Po$er %lo$s


    + (-phase induction motor draws ,0 kW synchronous speed is 1200 rpm

    stator copper and iron losses are % kW

    windage and friction losses are 2 kW actual speed is 11%2 rpm


    the active rotor power

    the rotor copper losses

    the developed mechanical power the delivered mechanical power

    the motors efficiency

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)



    + (-phase induction motor draws ,0 kW

    synchronous speed is 1200 rpm

    stator copper and iron losses are % kW

    windage and friction losses are 2 kW

    actual speed is 11%2 rpm


    a' the active rotor power

    #' the rotor copper losses

    c' the developed mechanical power

    d' the delivered mechanical power

    e' the motors efficiency

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    "cti#e Po$er %lo$s


    + (-phase! &0 .! ,-pole! s$uirrel-cage! induction motor stator copper and iron losses are % kW and 1 kW! respectively

    the motor a#sor#s /0 kW

    calculate the tor$ue developed #y the motor

    what is the relationship #etween the developed tor$ue and the shaft


  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    "cti#e Po$er %lo$s


    + (-phase! 100 hp! &00 )! induction motor synchronous speed of 1,00 rpm

    stator iron loss is 2 kW! windage and friction losses are 1'2 kW

    stator copper resistance #etween two terminals is 0'(/ ohms

    two-watt-meter reading e$ual to 0 kW and line current of , + at a rotor

    speed of 1&( rpm


    a' power supplied to the motor

    #' rotor copper losses

    c' mechanical power delivered to the load

    d' efficiency

    e' developed tor$ue

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    E!aple: "cti#ePo$er %lo$s

    + (-phase! 100 hp! &00 )! induction motor

    o synchronous speed of 1,00 rpm

    o stator iron loss is 2 kW! windage and friction

    losses are 1'2 kW

    o stator copper resistance #etween two

    terminals is 0'(/ ohms

    o two-watt-meter reading e$ual to 0 kW andline current of , + at a rotor speed of 1&(



    a' power supplied to the motor

    #' rotor copper losses

    c' mechanical power delivered to the load

    d' 3fficiency

    e' developed tor$ue

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    E!aple: "cti#ePo$er %lo$s

    + (-phase! 100 hp! &00 )! induction motor

    o synchronous speed of 1,00 rpm

    o stator iron loss is 2 kW! windage and friction

    losses are 1'2 kW

    o stator copper resistance #etween two

    terminals is 0'(/ ohms

    o two-watt-meter reading e$ual to 0 kW andline current of , + at a rotor speed of 1&(



    a' power supplied to the motor

    #' rotor copper losses

    c' mechanical power delivered to the load

    d' 3fficiency

    e' developed tor$ue

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Torque-speed Characteristic

    The developed tor$ue depends upon the speed

    the relationship is more complex than a single e$uation

    characteristics are provided #y graphs with tor$ue-speed curves

    shown on a per-unit #ase with the full-load tor$ue " as the #ase tor$ue

    important points starting



  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    Torque-speed Characteristic

    4tarting tor$ue tor$ue at ero speed

    typically 1'% times the full-load


    5ull-up tor$ue the minimum tor$ue developed #y

    the motor while accelerating from

    ero speed

    greater than full-load tor$ue6 less

    than starting tor$ue

    7reakdown tor$ue the maximum tor$ue that the motor

    can develop

    typically 2'% times the full-load


    8ormal operation at full-load! the motor runs at n


    rotor speed decreases slightly from

    synchronous speed with increasing

    load tor$ue motor will stall when the load

    tor$ue exceeds the #reakdown


    for small motors 91% kW; the

    #reakdown tor$ue is a#out ,0< of

    the synchronous speed

    for large motors 9=1000kW; the

    #reakdown tor$ue is a#out >,< of

    synchronous speed

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    &otor &esistance

    The tor$ue-speed characteristics are greatly affected #y the

    rotor resistance

    the rotor resistance of a s$uirrel-cage rotor is essentially constant

    the rotor resistance of a wound rotor can #e modified #y adding an

    external three-phase resistance load

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)


    &otor &esistance

    + high rotor resistance produces a high starting tor$ue and a

    relatively small starting current

    desira#le for motor starting

    pro#lems appears as a rapid fall-off in speed with increasing load! a

    high slip at rated tor$ue! and large copper losses

    ?nder running conditions it is prefera#le to have a low rotor


    speed decreases much less with increasing load

    slip is small at rated tor$ue efficiency is high

  • 7/26/2019 Electrical Power and Machines- - Three-Phase Induction Motors (2)



    5ro#lems: 1(-1! 1(-20! 1(-2(! and 1(-2/
