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Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm...

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Vol. 155, No. 1 JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, July 1983, p. 381-390 0021-9193/83/070381-10$02.00/0 Copyright © 1983, American Society for Microbiology Electron Microscopy of Frozen-Hydrated Bacteria JACQUES DUBOCHET,l* ALASDAIR W. McDOWALL,l BEATE MENGE,2 ERNST N. SCHMID,2 AND KARL G. LICKFELD2 European Molecular Biology Laboratory, D-6900 Heidelberg,1 and Institut fur Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Klinikum der Universitat Essen GHS, D4300 Essen,2 Federal Republic of Germany Received 18 February 1983/Accepted 30 April 1983 Amorphous, unstained, frozen-hydrated sections of bacteria provide a faithful high-resolution image of procaryotic cells. Conventional preparation artifacts due to fixation, staining, and dehydration are nonexistent. Freezing damage is avoided by using glucose as a cryoprotectant. Cutting damage on frozen material is severe, but sectioning artifacts, being always related to the cutting direction, can be systematically recognized and thus taken into consideration. Geometry and density distribution of the bacterial envelope can be resolved to about 3 nm. The following main features have been observed. In Escherichia coli the inner and outer membranes have an approximately uniform density profile. The distance between the two membranes is constant, ca. 33 nm. In Staphylococcus aureus the cell wall is ca. 40 nm wide. It is bordered on the cytoplasmic side by an asymmetric 5.5-nm-wide bilayer. The bacterial nucleoid, clearly visible with conventional preparation methods, appears in exponentially growing bacteria as an ill-defined central region with approximately the same density as the rest of the cytoplasm. It becomes more clearly visible when bacteria are in the stationary phase, plasmolysed, fixed, or stained. We confirm that "mesosomes," hitherto quite often considered to be essential organelles in all procaryotes, are artifacts. They appear in large numbers during osmium fixation. Conventional specimen preparation methods for electron microscopy involve steps which are artifact prone. It is widely believed that chemi- cal fixation, staining, and replacement of water by dehydrating agents and resins are particularly harmful to biological structures. Continuing a long effort in cryoelectron microscopy (20), the recent development of a method for high-resolu- tion observation of sectioned, frozen-hydrated biological material overcomes these artifacts (J.- J. Chang, A. W. McDowall, J. Lepault, R. Free- man, C. A. Walter, and J. Dubochet, J. Mi- crosc., in press; A. W. McDowall, J.-J. Chang, R. Freeman, J. Lepault, C. A. Walter, and J. Dubochet, J. Microsc., in press). For the first biological application of the new method, we studied how the structures of some typical gram- positive and gram-negative bacteria appear in frozen-hydrated sections. In particular we fo- cused our attention on the fine structure of the bacterial envelope and addressed the question of whether the confined bacterial nucleoid and mesosomes are naturally occurring procaryotic structures or artifacts of conventional prepara- tion techniques. (This work is being submitted in part by A.W.M. for the Fellowship Thesis of the In- stitute of Medical Laboratory Sciences [Institute of Medical Laboratory Sciences, London].) 381 MATERIALS AND METHODS Bacteria. Bacillus subtilis (clinical isolate), Esche- richia coli ATCC 11775, Klebsiella pneumoniae biovar d, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 12600 were grown in LB broth (13) with 10 to 15% glucose (0.6 to 0.9 M) added as a cryoprotectant. E. coli cells were harvested at a concentration of 5 x 107 CFU/ml while growing in exponential phase and 109 to 1010 CFU/ml in stationary phase. S. aureus cells in exponential growth phase were harvested at 3 x 108 CFU/ml. Preparation for electron microscopy. The general procedure for the preparation and observation of fro- zen-hydrated specimens has been described previous- ly (McDowall et al., in press). The bacteria in their growing medium are pelleted by centrifugation at 12,000 x g for 15 s. A ca. 10-,ug fraction of the pellet is applied to the 0.3-mm-diameter flat surface of a micro- tome specimen holder and immediately projected into liquid ethane. The total time for this maneuver is less than 30 s; the exposure of the pellet to air before freezing is less than 1 s. After freezing, the specimen is retained under liquid nitrogen until required. The specimens are sectioned with a diamond knife in an FC-4 cryoultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung) oper- ating at 120 K. Individual sections or groups of sec- tions are transferred at low temperature onto a carbon- coated 700-hexagonal-mesh supporting grid, where they are pressed between two polished copper sur- faces. The transfer from the copper block to a cold- stage PW 6591/100 of a Philips 400 electron micro- scope takes place under liquid nitrogen. The specimen is immediately introduced into the microscope. It has on July 10, 2020 by guest http://jb.asm.org/ Downloaded from on July 10, 2020 by guest http://jb.asm.org/ Downloaded from on July 10, 2020 by guest http://jb.asm.org/ Downloaded from
Page 1: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,

Vol. 155, No. 1JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, July 1983, p. 381-3900021-9193/83/070381-10$02.00/0Copyright © 1983, American Society for Microbiology

Electron Microscopy of Frozen-Hydrated BacteriaJACQUES DUBOCHET,l* ALASDAIR W. McDOWALL,l BEATE MENGE,2 ERNST N. SCHMID,2 AND


European Molecular Biology Laboratory, D-6900 Heidelberg,1 and Institut fur Medizinische Mikrobiologie,Klinikum der Universitat Essen GHS, D4300 Essen,2 Federal Republic of Germany

Received 18 February 1983/Accepted 30 April 1983

Amorphous, unstained, frozen-hydrated sections of bacteria provide a faithfulhigh-resolution image of procaryotic cells. Conventional preparation artifacts dueto fixation, staining, and dehydration are nonexistent. Freezing damage is avoidedby using glucose as a cryoprotectant. Cutting damage on frozen material is severe,but sectioning artifacts, being always related to the cutting direction, can besystematically recognized and thus taken into consideration. Geometry anddensity distribution of the bacterial envelope can be resolved to about 3 nm. Thefollowing main features have been observed. In Escherichia coli the inner andouter membranes have an approximately uniform density profile. The distancebetween the two membranes is constant, ca. 33 nm. In Staphylococcus aureus thecell wall is ca. 40 nm wide. It is bordered on the cytoplasmic side by anasymmetric 5.5-nm-wide bilayer. The bacterial nucleoid, clearly visible withconventional preparation methods, appears in exponentially growing bacteria asan ill-defined central region with approximately the same density as the rest of thecytoplasm. It becomes more clearly visible when bacteria are in the stationaryphase, plasmolysed, fixed, or stained. We confirm that "mesosomes," hithertoquite often considered to be essential organelles in all procaryotes, are artifacts.They appear in large numbers during osmium fixation.

Conventional specimen preparation methodsfor electron microscopy involve steps which areartifact prone. It is widely believed that chemi-cal fixation, staining, and replacement of waterby dehydrating agents and resins are particularlyharmful to biological structures. Continuing along effort in cryoelectron microscopy (20), therecent development of a method for high-resolu-tion observation of sectioned, frozen-hydratedbiological material overcomes these artifacts (J.-J. Chang, A. W. McDowall, J. Lepault, R. Free-man, C. A. Walter, and J. Dubochet, J. Mi-crosc., in press; A. W. McDowall, J.-J. Chang,R. Freeman, J. Lepault, C. A. Walter, and J.Dubochet, J. Microsc., in press). For the firstbiological application of the new method, westudied how the structures of some typical gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria appear infrozen-hydrated sections. In particular we fo-cused our attention on the fine structure of thebacterial envelope and addressed the question ofwhether the confined bacterial nucleoid andmesosomes are naturally occurring procaryoticstructures or artifacts of conventional prepara-tion techniques.

(This work is being submitted in part byA.W.M. for the Fellowship Thesis of the In-stitute of Medical Laboratory Sciences [Instituteof Medical Laboratory Sciences, London].)


MATERIALS AND METHODSBacteria. Bacillus subtilis (clinical isolate), Esche-

richia coli ATCC 11775, Klebsiella pneumoniae biovard, and Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 12600 weregrown in LB broth (13) with 10 to 15% glucose (0.6 to0.9 M) added as a cryoprotectant. E. coli cells wereharvested at a concentration of 5 x 107 CFU/ml whilegrowing in exponential phase and 109 to 1010 CFU/mlin stationary phase. S. aureus cells in exponentialgrowth phase were harvested at 3 x 108 CFU/ml.

Preparation for electron microscopy. The generalprocedure for the preparation and observation of fro-zen-hydrated specimens has been described previous-ly (McDowall et al., in press). The bacteria in theirgrowing medium are pelleted by centrifugation at12,000 x g for 15 s. A ca. 10-,ug fraction of the pellet isapplied to the 0.3-mm-diameter flat surface of a micro-tome specimen holder and immediately projected intoliquid ethane. The total time for this maneuver is lessthan 30 s; the exposure of the pellet to air beforefreezing is less than 1 s. After freezing, the specimen isretained under liquid nitrogen until required.The specimens are sectioned with a diamond knife

in an FC-4 cryoultramicrotome (Reichert-Jung) oper-ating at 120 K. Individual sections or groups of sec-tions are transferred at low temperature onto a carbon-coated 700-hexagonal-mesh supporting grid, wherethey are pressed between two polished copper sur-faces. The transfer from the copper block to a cold-stage PW 6591/100 of a Philips 400 electron micro-scope takes place under liquid nitrogen. The specimenis immediately introduced into the microscope. It has

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Page 2: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,


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Page 3: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,


been demonstrated previously (8) that the transfer ismade without raising the section temperature above135 K and without severe contamination by ice crys-tals or condensed amorphous solid water.

Control samples were prepared by the conventionalprocedure involving osmium fixation (19) and Eponembedding.

Observation. Frozen-hydrated specimens were ob-served at around 110 K in a Philips 400 electronmicroscope operating at 80 kV in the bright-fieldimaging or electron diffraction mode. The images wererecorded at magnifications not larger than 20,000 timeson Kodak Electron Image Film SO 163 developed for 4min in full-strength D19 Kodak developer. Unlessotherwise stated, the total irradiation of the specimenwas less than 1,000 electrons per nm2. After observa-tion at low temperature, the specimens were warmedup in the electron microscope (approximate rate at 160K, 10 K min-1). Crystallization and freeze-dryingwere observed during warming.Mass thickness and density values from one point

on the section were calculated on the basis of opticaldensity readings made on the negative (10). The massthickness pt is given by the equation:

pt = X ln DOID, (1)

in which p is the density (grams per cubic centimeter),t is the thickness (nanometers), and Do and D1 are,respectively, the optical density of the image of anempty region of the section (hole) and of one point onthe section. All optical densities are measured abovefog level. X is the mean mass thickness which, underthe conditions used in this study, has a value of 200 mgm-2. Equation 1 holds with the following assumptions.(i) The optical density above the fog level is propor-tional to the electron dose. For the photographic filmused in this study this hypothesis holds to within 5%up to an optical density of 1.5 U. (ii) The number ofelectrons scattered in a volume element is proportionalto the density of the material. According to theoreticalcalculations, this hypothesis holds to within 3% for thevarious constituents of biological material.The density p at one point of the section is given by

the equation:

p = pj[ln(D0/D2)9][ln(Do/D1)] (2)

where p, is the density of the solute and Do, D1, and D2are, respectively, the optical density of the image of anempty region of the section, of the frozen solution(interspace between bacterial), and of the biologicalmaterial. Equation 2 holds with the following addition-al assumption: (iii) the thickness of the section is

constant over the region where D1 and D2 are mea-sured. Furthermore, (iv) the density of the solution (asmeasured between the bacteria) is arbitrarily given thevalue of 1 g cm-3. This normalization is acceptableinsofar as the relative density between solution andbiological structure is independent of the presence ofsugar or other ingredients of the growth medium and isunaffected by freezing. If this is the case, our measureof p represents the density in a dilute liquid growingmedium without sugar.

Optical-density measurements were made in whitelight with a Joyce-Loebel 3CS optical microdensitome-ter.

RESULTSSections. Sections clearly showing biological

structures can easily and reproducibly be ob-tained on amorphous frozen-hydrated samples.If, however, water crystallizes during freezing,obtaining thin sections is extremely difficult andbiological structures are severely damaged. Inthis study, only amorphous frozen-hydrated sec-tions were considered.Amorphous frozen-hydrated sections have an

electron diffractogram characterized by twobroad rings situated at 2.7 and 4.7 nm-1, respec-tively, with a half-width of approximately 0.3nm 1 (Fig. la). Upon warming, frozen water ofthe section transforms at around 145 K intocubic ice, characterized by three sharp ringssituated at 2.73, 4.46, and 5.21 nm-1 (Fig. lb).Further warming causes most of the water toevaporate during the temperature rise from 175to 185 K. During freeze-drying, the mass thick-ness of the section decreases and the contrast ofthe biological material increases. In most cases,the section shrinks considerably, and rearrange-ment of the residual material causes the loss offine detail (Fig. lc). Comparing the mass thick-ness of the section before and after freeze-dryingallows determination of the proportion of wateroriginally contained in the sample. For thiscalculation the shrinkage of the section duringfreeze-drying must be compensated for by multi-plying the mass thickness of the section by theinverse square of the linear shrinkage ratio. Inthe case of the specimen shown in Fig. 1, thelinear shrinkage ratio was 0.63 and the dry mass

FIG. 1. Transformation upon warming of an amorphous frozen-hydrated section of E. coli in 15% glucose.The three images of the same region have been recorded and printed under the same conditions to show thecontrast variation that takes place during freeze-drying. Corresponding electron diffractograms recorded from adifferent but similar series are shown in inserts. The scale is given by the middle sharp ring of cubic ice [insert in(b)] corresponding to 4.46 nm-1. Contaminating ice crystals are marked by arrowheads. Regions where bubblinghas taken place while the beam was concentrated on this area are designated B. A typical region used forhydration measurement is circled. Initial thickness of the section was 140 nm. Temperature: (a) 120 K; (b) 155 K;(c) 210 K. Bars, 3 p.m.

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Page 4: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,


thickness in the interspace between bacteria was17 ± 4% of the mass thickness of the hydratedsample.The process of sectioning causes damage to

the sample. Besides folds, tears, chatter, andknife marks, which are also common (thoughless pronounced) in plastic sections, the follow-ing cutting-induced artifacts are characteristicfor frozen-hydrated sections.

(i) Sections suffer from a compression alongthe cutting direction. The phenomenon, whichalso takes place in plastic sections (17), is muchmore severe in frozen-hydrated sections. As

measured from the average ellipticity of S. aure-us (see Fig. 9), dimensions along the cuttingdirection are reduced by 30 to 50%.

(ii) Crevasses, clearly visible, for example, inthe region marked C in Fig. 2 and in the inter-space between bacteria in Fig. 9, are character-ized by irregular, densely packed fracturesroughly parallel to the cutting edge. They appearin a minority of amorphous sections and ingeneral are limited to those regions with a lowerconcentration of biological material.

(iii) Local distortions or fractures frequentlytake place in regions with abrupt changes in


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FIG. 2. Amorphous frozen-hydrated section of E. coli harvested while growing in exponential phase. Aregion with crevasses is marked C. Fractures along the cell membranes are marked F. Bar, 1 p.m.

FIG. 3. Same material as in Fig. 2, but harvested in stationary phase. For two bacteria, the smooth centralregion has been delineated. Bar, 1 ,um.FIG. 4. Enlarged view of Fig. 2 showing the smooth (S) central and rough (R) external regions of the E. coli

cytoplasm. A tentative borderline has been drawn between these two regions. Bar, 0.2 p.m.FIG. 5. Enlarged view of Fig. 2 showing the typical aspect of the E. coli cell envelope. Bar, 0.2 p.m.


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Page 5: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,




10 nmFIG. 6. Average density profile of E. coli envelope.

density. This can be seen, for example, in Fig. 2,where two fractures (F) associated with the cellenvelope are marked, and in Fig. 9, where thebacteria appear asymmetric in respect to theknife direction, one side appearing sharper thanthe other. In the same micrograph, the bacterialenvelope at the region of sharper curvaturefrequently seems to be divided into two adja-cent, wedge-shaped layers, as is the case in thecircled region.

Frozen-hydrated sections are beam sensitive.The damage appears initially as bubbling (8),starting at around 2,000 electrons per nm2. This

threshold dose for bubbling decreases with in-creasing concentration of biological material.

Gram-negative bacteria: E. coli and K. pneu-moniae. The general aspect of a sectioned bacte-rial pellet is shown in Fig. 2 and 3 for E. coli.Sectioned K. pneumoniae pellets have a similarappearance (not shown). In Fig. 2, the bacteriaare in exponential growth phase, whereas In Fig.3 they are from a stationary culture. Bacteria areclearly visible and are sharply delineated by thebacterial envelope. Flagella and pili can be seenin the interspaces between cells. The averagedensity inside E. coli is 1.11 ± 0.04 g cm-3. Asshown in Fig. 4 (enlarged view of Fig. 2), thecytoplasm exhibits two kinds of structures: (i)the nucleoid, a smooth region with sometimesfilamentous appearance in the center of thebacterium, and (ii) the coarse peripheral cyto-plasm with ribosomes, which lie individually orarranged in short rows. In exponentially growingbacteria there is no measurable density differ-ence between these two regions. They are sepa-rated by an irregular transition zone (Fig. 4). Thedifferentiation of the two regions of the cyto-plasm is enhanced when bacteria are in station-ary phase (Fig. 3) and even more when they areplasmolysed, chemically fixed, or stained (seeFig. 7).

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FIG. 7. Amorphous frozen-hydrated section of K. pneumoniae fixed for 15 min in OS04 before freezing. Bar,1 p.m. (Insert) Enlarged portion of this micrograph showing the cell wall. Bar, 0.1 p.m.FIG. 8. Conventionally prepared specimen of K. pneumoniae (OS04 fixation; Epon embedding; poststaining

with lead citrate; observed at room temperature). (Insert) Typical aspect of conventionally prepared cell wall (E.coli). Bar, 0.1 p.m.

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Page 6: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,


The envelope of E. coli has a characteristicaspect (Fig. 5). The average density profilededuced from 12 measurements is drawn in Fig.6. The sharply defined outer membrane approxi-mates to a rectanfular profile with a density of1.35 + 0.07 g cm- . Its width at half height is 7 +

1 nm. The inner membrane has a more Gaussianprofile (5 ± 1 nm wide) with a maximal densityof 1.25 ± 0.07 g cm-3. The center-to-centerdistance between inner and outer membranes is

39 nm. This distance seems to be very constant,even though our measurements may be impre-cise due to the compression of the section. Afaint, 8-nm-wide line (measured at half height;Fig. 6), with a density of 1.15 in the center,occupies a part of the space between inner andouter membranes. The periplasmic space closeto the inner membrane has a density of 1.05 gcm-3. This space becomes irregular when bacte-ria are not exponentially growing, when they are



FIG. 9. Amorphous frozen-hydrated section of S. aureus harvested while growing in exponential phase. Bar,

1 p.m. Circled area marks a typical cutting artifact.FIG. 10. Enlarged view of the same sample as the one shown in Fig. 9. The envelope and part of the

cytoplasm of two neighboring bacteria are visible. Bar, 0.1 p.tm.FIG. 11. Septum of S. aureus. Enlarged view of Fig. 9. Bar, 0.1 pLm.


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Page 7: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,


in close contact with each other, or when theyare plasmolysed, and also after fixation or stain-ing.The structure and mass distribution of K.

pneumoniae cells fixed with osmium tetroxidebefore being frozen (Fig. 7) are very differentfrom those of unfixed, frozen cells. A nucleoidregion of low density is visible in most bacteria,as is also the case in conventionally embeddedpreparations (Fig. 8). The nucleoid frequently isfilamentous, probably due to aggregated DNAstrands. The cytoplasmic region between enve-lope and nucleoid is dense (1.5 to 2.2 g cm-3),demonstrating that it contains a large amount ofstain. The cell envelope of the fixed, frozenbacteria is similar to the envelope seen in con-ventionally embedded bacteria. The outer andinner membranes have the characteristic "unitmembrane" aspect (Fig. 7 and 8, inserts).

Gram-positive bacteria: B. subtilis and S. aure-us. The general appearance of a sectioned bacte-rial pellet of exponential-phase S. aureus cells isshown in Fig. 9. B. subtilis appears similar (notshown). The average density inside S. aureus is1.16 ± 0.04 g cm-3. As is the case for gram-negative bacteria, a smooth central nucleoid issurrounded by a more granulated zone. In expo-nential growth-phase bacteria, the two regionshave the same density. No mesosomes or anysimilar structures have been observed in unfixedfrozen preparations.The ca. 40-nm-thick envelope of S. aureus

appears as shown in Fig. 9 and 10. The realwidth and density profile of the gram-positiveenvelope are still uncertain due to the warpingeffect of the sectioning process. A density pro-file, deduced from 12 measurements on regionsof relatively good preservation, is given in Fig.12. On the cytoplasmic side, the density profileis characterized by an asymmetric double layerof dense material 5.5 ± 1 nm wide.

Septa in dividing S. aureus are shown in Fig.9. An enlarged view is given in Fig. 11, and thedensity profile for the septum is shown in Fig.

Q, 1.11.0


*o I\n,zJ V~~~~~~

10nmFIG. 12. Average density profile of S. aureus enve-


1.3-E'.' 1.2

'a 1.11.0 -

FIG. 13.Fig. 11.

10nmDensity profile of the septum shown in

13. As is the case for the cell envelope, theseptum is characterized by a 5.5-nm-wide,asymmetric double layer on the cytoplasmicside. The density distribution through the sep-tum depends on the growth phase of the bacteri-um. The high-density layer in the medial plane isalso observed by conventional thin-sectioningtechniques.

After fixation with OS04 and freezing, gram-positive bacteria are characterized by conspicu-ous nucleoids with filamentous structures andmembranous mesosomes (N and M, respective-ly, in Fig. 14, which shows S. aureus cells fixedovernight). These bacteria are similar to thoseobserved in conventionally embedded speci-mens (Fig. 14, insert). Fixation for 15 min causesa similar condensation of the nucleoid and alsoinduces the formation of mesosomes, thoughsmaller and less numerous. The density profileof the envelope is not uniform, and a low-densitygap appears on its cytoplasmic border. Thedouble layer visible in unfixed frozen specimenscannot be seen.

DISCUSSIONUnstained, amorphous, frozen-hydrated sec-

tions provide a faithful, high-resolution repre-sentation of living material. This statement iscorrect if we accept (i) that the bacteria have notbeen damaged during growth in the presence ofglucose and during the short harvesting process,(ii) that we have demonstrated that the originalhydration of the biological material is reallypreserved in the sections, and (iii) that either thesections are free of artifacts or the artifacts canbe circumvented. With the preparation methodused in this study, chemical fixation and stainingartifacts do not exist. The possible sources ofdamage are therefore only freezing, sectioning,and irradiation.That the original hydration of the bacterial

pellet is preserved in the section was demon-strated by freeze-drying experiments whichshowed that the mass loss during freeze-dryingwas as expected for fully hydrated specimens.The possibility that after the section has been

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Page 8: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,


FIG. 14. Amorphous frozen-hydrated section of S. aureus fixed overnight in 1% OS04 before freezing.Nucleoids and mesosomes are marked by N and M, respectively. A conventionally prepared S. aureus cell isshown in insert. Bar, 1 ~Lm.

made the surface undergoes partial freeze-dry-ing, sufficient to modify contrast although toosmall to be detected by hydration measure-ments, was ruled out for the following reason.Only amorphous frozen-hydrated sections wereobserved in this study. Since crystallization ofamorphous dilute solutions is an irreversibleprocess which takes place within minutes ataround 145 K, we know that our specimens werenot warmed above this temperature before ob-servation. On the basis of the known evapora-tion rate of water as a function of the tempera-ture, it can then be deduced that the maximumevaporated layer is in the range of 0.1 nm.No trace of freezing damage was observed on

amorphous frozen-hydrated sections. In particu-lar, the sample was not divided into domains ofpure ice or concentrated biological material.This is not surprising since the crystalline orderof water in amorphous samples, judged from thehalf-width of the diffraction rings, does not ex-ceed 3 nm. Whether the molecular structure ofthe liquid is also preserved in the amorphoussample is presently a matter of debate (12) whichis outside the scope of this study.

Apart from irradiation damage, sectioning isthe only source of artifacts which can clearly berecognized on amorphous frozen-hydrated sec-tions, as discussed previously (Chang et al., inpress). Such artifacts all have in common theproperty of being related to the cutting direction.Consequently, sectioning artifacts can surely berecognized as such, in contrast to those due tofixation and dehydration which are encounteredin conventionally prepared specimens.The observation of unstained frozen-hydrated

specimens provides a unique method for themeasurement of density. In principle, determi-nation can be made down to the resolution of theimage. Controls made previously on model spec-imens have shown that this method is precise(7). When measurements are made on sections,the main source of error is probably the nonuni-form thickness of the section. The use of ascanning transmission electron microscope willmake density mapping more accurate and morerapid and, when the apparatus is used in the Z-contrast mode of image formation (6), shouldallow observers to eliminate errors due to sur-face irregularities.


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Page 9: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,


The resolution at which biological observa-tions can be made on sections of conventionallyembedded specimens is generally limited bypreparation damage (fixation, staining, embed-ding). In amorphous frozen-hydrated sections,since most of this damage is suppressed, theresolution limit is set by the low contrast ofunstained biological structures and by electronbeam damage. The contrast limit is overcome infavorable cases: for example, when membranesspan most or all of the section thickness. Struc-ture details which would be very difficult to seewith conventional methods can thus be ob-served. This is exemplified by the 5.5-nm-widedouble layer visible on the cytoplasmic side ofthe gram-positive cell envelope. Judging by thesharpness of the density profile tracing, thesignificant resolution on well-defined structuresis less than 3 nm.

Our observations on the division of the cyto-plasm into two structurally different regionssupport the concept that in procaryotic cells theDNA is localized in a confined area. The classi-cal image of a well-confined, filamentous nu-

cleoid observed in conventionally embeddedsamples (16) is exaggerated, however. The factthat the density in the two regions is the same,

and that they have an ill-defined transition,explains the finding that a distinct DNA regioncannot be demonstrated by freeze-fracturing un-

less chemically fixed cells are used (15, 18).So-called mesosomes (11) do not exist in

exponentially growing S. aureus bacteria. Weconfirm that they are fixation artifacts generatedimmediately after the onset of fixation (1, 5, 9,18; A. Ryter, personal communication).Conventionally prepared membranes always

have the characteristic three-layer "unit-mem-brane" configuration, which is sometimes inter-preted as representing the two hydrophilic sur-

faces of the membrane separated by thehydrocarbon tails of the lipids bilayer. Moreprobably, the three-layer configuration resultsfrom nonspecific heavy metal deposition on thedenatured surfaces of the membrane (14). Ourobservations of unfixed, unstained frozen-hy-drated bacterial membranes show that each typeof membrane has its typical fine structure. Theouter membrane of E. coli has a nearly rectangu-lar density profile. The somewhat thinner innermembrane has a more bell-shaped profile. Thevery thin membrane observed on the cytoplas-mic border of the cell wall of S. aureus appearsas an asymmetric bilayer. We have shown in a

previous study (McDowall et al., in press) thatmyelin sheaths present a further aspect, compat-ible with results obtained from X-ray studies.The fact that membranes which are known to bebiochemically very different also appear withdifferent structures is a favorable hint on the

credibility of our observations. One can alsonote that the density profile of the outer mem-brane is compatible with the one obtained fromthree-dimensional reconstruction of porin crys-talline layers (A. Engel, personal communica-tion).The space between inner and outer mem-

branes in E. coli has a uniform width. Ourobservations do not support the idea that thereare many well-defined sites where inner andouter membranes come in close contact (2, 3).We would not, however, be able to observe suchcontacts if they were less than 20 to 30 nm wide.

Previous observations of the peptidoglycan ofE. coli lead to a postulated 3.4-nm-thick layerwith a density of 1.4 g cm-3 (4), directly at-tached to the outer membrane. The diffuse denseline we have observed between inner and outermembrane (Fig. 5 and 6) does not fit well withthis description. More work needs to be done onthe biochemical nature of this layer.


We thank E. Kellenberger and A. Ryter for advice andunpublished information.


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Page 11: Electron Microscopy ofFrozen-Hydrated BacteriaFROZEN-HYDRATED BACTERIA 385 E Ca 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 10nm FIG. 6. Averagedensity profileofE. colienvelope. density. Thiscanbeseen, forexample,

AUTHOR'S CORRECTIONElectron Microscopy of Frozen-Hydrated Bacteria


European Molecular Biology Laboratory, D-6900 Heidelberg, and Institut fur Klinikum der Univer.sitat Essen GHS, D4300 Essen,Federal Republic of Germany

Volume 155, no. 1, p. 381-390: The above paper is part of a series of several articles from four different laboratories. Itpresents a technical report on a method illustrated by some biologically relevant observations. An extensive discussion ofthese and other observations will be presented in a subsequent paper. A weighted discussion of the results from the above-mentioned article is attained by additionally citing the following article: M. L. Higgins, H. C. Tsien, and L. Daneo-Moore, J.Bacteriol. 127:1519-1523, 1976.

