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Electronic Appendix - California Institute of Technology

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201 Electronic Appendix This thesis includes a CD-ROM containing 70 interferograms we made of the po- tentially active volcanoes and calderas in the central Andes, but does not include all of the interferograms we have made. The interferograms are linked to HTML tables of the volcanoes (volc.html) and calderas (calderas.html). A clickable map (map.html) is also available, whereby the user can click on a volcano or caldera to see the interferograms. The tables of the volcanoes and calderas are also available online – volcanoes (http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechBLOB:ETD.etd-06022003-105512.1) and calderas (http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechBLOB:ETD.etd-06022003-105512.2).


Electronic Appendix

This thesis includes a CD-ROM containing 70 interferograms we made of the po-

tentially active volcanoes and calderas in the central Andes, but does not include

all of the interferograms we have made. The interferograms are linked to HTML

tables of the volcanoes (volc.html) and calderas (calderas.html). A clickable map

(map.html) is also available, whereby the user can click on a volcano or caldera to

see the interferograms.

The tables of the volcanoes and calderas are also available online – volcanoes

(http://resolver.caltech.edu/CaltechBLOB:ETD.etd-06022003-105512.1) and calderas




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