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Elementary School Level Glossary€¦ · ENGLISH BENGALI cable K¨vej calendar K¨v‡jÛvi...

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Glossary Elementary School Level Social Studies Glossary English | Bengali Translation of Social Studies terms based on the Coursework for Social Studies Grades 3 to 5. Updated October 2018 THE STATE EDUCATION DEPARTMENT / THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK / ALBANY, NY 12234 This glossary is to PROVIDE PERMITTED TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS of ELL/MLL students. It should also be used for INSTRUCTION during the school year. The glossary may be downloaded, printed and disseminated to educators, parents and ELLs/MLLs. Please click here for the New York State Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages Webpage on "Assessment and Testing Accommodations"
Page 1: Elementary School Level Glossary€¦ · ENGLISH BENGALI cable K¨vej calendar K¨v‡jÛvi campaign cÖPviYv/Awfhvb Canada KvbvWv Canadian Bill of Rights KvbvWxq AwaKvi wej canal



y Elementary School Level

Social Studies Glossary

English | Bengali

Translation of Social Studies terms based on the Coursework for Social Studies Grades 3 to 5.

Updated October 2018


This glossary is to PROVIDE PERMITTED TESTING ACCOMMODATIONS of ELL/MLL students. It should also be used for INSTRUCTION during the

school year. The glossary may be downloaded, printed and disseminated to educators, parents and ELLs/MLLs.

Please click here for the New York State Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages Webpage on "Assessment and Testing Accommodations"

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Education - P-16 Office of Elementary, Middle, Secondary, and Continuing Education and Office of Higher Education

Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign Language Studies http://www.emsc.nysed.gov/biling/


Regents of the University

MERRYL H. TISCH, Chancellor, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. ....................................................................... New York MILTON L. COFIELD, Vice Chancellor, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D. ......................................................... Rochester ROBERT M. BENNETT, Chancellor Emeritus, B.A., M.S. ............................................................... Tonawanda SAUL B. COHEN, B.A., M.A., Ph.D................................................................................................ New Rochelle JAMES C. DAWSON, A.A., B.A., M.S., Ph.D. ................................................................................ Plattsburgh ANTHONY S. BOTTAR, B.A., J.D. ................................................................................................... Syracuse GERALDINE D. CHAPEY, B.A., M.A., Ed.D. ................................................................................. Belle Harbor HARRY PHILLIPS, 3rd, B.A., M.S.F.S. ........................................................................................... Hartsdale JOSEPH E. BOWMAN, JR., B.A., M.L.S., M.A., M.Ed., Ed.D......................................................... Albany JAMES R. TALLON, JR., B.A., M.A. ............................................................................................... Binghamton ROGER TILLES, B.A., J.D. ................................................................................................................ Great Neck KAREN BROOKS HOPKINS, B.A., M.F.A........................................................................................ Brooklyn CHARLES R. BENDIT, B.A. ............................................................................................................. Manhattan BETTY A. ROSA, B.A., M.S. in Ed., M.S. in Ed., M.Ed., Ed.D..................................................... Bronx LESTER W. YOUNG, JR., B.S., M.S., Ed. D. ..................................................................................... Oakland Gardens CHRISTINE D. CEA, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. .......................................................................................... Staten Island WADE S. NORWOOD, B.A. ............................................................................................................. Rochester Interim President of the University and Commissioner of Education CAROLE F. HUXLEY Senior Deputy Commissioner of Education, P–16 JOHANNA DUNCAN-POITIER Associate Commissioner for Curriculum and Instructional Support JEAN STEVENS Coordinator, Office of Bilingual Education and Foreign language Studies PEDRO J. RUIZ Acknowledgements: The New York State Education Department Glossaries for English Language Learners were reviewed and updated during the 2008-2009 school year. We would like to thank in these efforts the New York State Education Department Language BETACs (Spanish, Asian and Haitian Bilingual Education Technical Assistance Centers), the NYS Office of Curriculum, Instruction and Instructional Technology; the New York City Department of Education Office of English Language Learners, and the NYC Department of Education Translation and Interpretation Unit.

The State Education Department does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, religion, creed, disability, marital status, veteran status, national origin, race, gender, genetic predisposition or carrier status, or sexual orientation in its educational programs, services and activities. Portions of this publication can be made available in a variety of formats, including brailed, large print or audio tape, upon request. Inquiries concerning this policy of nondiscrimination should be directed to the Department’s Office for Diversity, Ethics, and Access, Room 530, Education Building, Albany, NY 12234.

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


AA.D. wLª÷vã

abilities mvg_©¨

absence of government miKvinxbZv

absentee ballot Abycw¯’Z †_‡K †fvU †`qv

accomplishments AR©b

achievements AR©b

acid rain A¨vwmW e„wó

across time and place me©Kvj I ¯’vbe¨vcx

action plan Kg© cwiKíbv

activities Kvh©µg

adults cÖvßeq¯‹

aerial photographs AvKvk †_‡K †Zvjv Qwe

AFL-CIO G.Gd.Gj.Ñwm.AvB.I.

Africa Avwd«Kv

agriculture K…wl

Algonquians A¨vjMbwKqvb fvlv A_ev gvbyl

alike/different m`„k/wem`„k

allegiance AvbyMZ¨

alternative solutions weKí mgvavb

altiplano gvjf‚wg (j¨vwUb Av‡gwiKvb)

altitude D”PZv

amendment ms‡kvabx

American democracy: ideals, values/principles of

Av‡gwiKvb MYZš¿: Av`k©, g~j¨‡eva/g~jbxwZ

American Revolution, the Americas Av‡gwiKvb wecøe, Av‡gwiKv gnv‡`k

Americas Av‡gwiKv gnv‡`k

ancestor c~e©cyiæl

Antarctic Circle Kz‡giæe„Ë

Antarctica A¨v›UvwU©Kv

anthem ¯ÍeMvb, m½xZ

appoint wb‡qvM`vb

appointed leaders wbhy³ †bZ…e„›`

appointed office wbhy³ `ßi

archaeologists cÖZœZË¡we`

Arctic Circle my‡giæ e„Ë

areas GjvKv

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


arid Abye©i

art wkíKjv

artifacts cÖZœmvgMÖx

assembly mgv‡ek

assembly line A¨v‡m¤^wj jvBb

authority KZ©„cÿ

autobiographies AvZ¥Rxebxmg~n

autobiography AvZ¥Rxebx

automobiles †gvUiMvwo

availability jf¨Zv/cÖvc¨Zv

avenues of participation AskMÖn‡Yi wewfbœ cš’v

aztecs AvR‡UK

BB.C. wLª÷c~e©

backgrounds cwi‡cÖwÿZ

barter wewbgq

basic g~j

basin AeevwnKv

Battle of Quebec KzB‡e‡Ki hy×

battles hy×weMÖn

before/after c~‡e©/c‡i

belief wek¦vm

belief system wek¦vm e¨e¯’v

beliefs wek¦vmmg~n

Bill of Rights AwaKvi wej/wej Ae ivBUm&

biographies Rxebxmg~n

biography Rxebx

bodies of water Rjivwk

border mxgvšÍ

Boston Tea Party e÷b wU cvU©

boundary mxgvbv

boycott eR©b

branches of government miKv‡ii wefvMmg~n

British North America Act weªwUk DËi Av‡gwiKv Pzw³

budget ev‡RU

Ccabinet gwš¿cwil`

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


cable K¨vej

calendar K¨v‡jÛvi

campaign cÖPviYv/Awfhvb

Canada KvbvWv

Canadian Bill of Rights KvbvWxq AwaKvi wej

canal Lvj

capital (state and money) ivRavbx/g~jab

capital goods g~jabx cY¨

capital resources g~jabx m¤ú`

capitalism cuywRev`

cardinal directions ¸iæZ¡c~Y© wb‡`©kbv

cause KviY

celebrate D`hvcb Kiv

celebration Drme

celebrations Drmemg~n

census Av`gïgvwi

Central America ga¨ Av‡gwiKv

century kZvãx

change cwieZ©b

checks and balances mseiY I fvimvg¨

child labor wkïkªg

children †Q‡j‡g‡q

Chippewa wP‡àIqv

choice cQ›`

choices cQ›`mg~~~n

citizen bvMwiK

citizenship bvMwiKZ¡

civic life bvMwiK Rxeb

civic values bvMwiK g~j¨‡eva

civil rights bvMwiK AwaKvi

civil rights movement bvMwiK AwaKvi Av‡›`vjb

civil wars M„nhy×

civilization mf¨Zv

civilizations mf¨Zvmg~n

clans †MvÎ

classroom †kªwYKÿ

climate Rjevqz

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


clothing †cvkvK

collect taxes LvRbv Av`vq

colonial Jcwb‡ewkK

colonial governments Jcwb‡ewkK miKvi

colonies Dcwb‡ekmg~n

colonists Dcwb‡ekKvix

colony Dcwb‡ek

Committees of Correspondence †hvMv‡hvM KwgwU

common good mgv‡Ri c‡ÿ g½jRbK

commonwealth KgbI‡qj_

Commonwealth of Nations KgbI‡qj_fz³ RvwZ‡Mvôx

communication †hvMv‡hvM

communism mvg¨ev`

communities mgvR‡Mvôx

community mgvR

community service mgvR‡mev

compact Pzw³

compare/contrast Zzjbv/cÖwZZzjbv Kiv

compass K¤úvm

compromise Avcm Kiv

compulsory education eva¨Zvg~jK wkÿv

computer Kw¤úDUvi

confederacy Kb‡dWv‡iwm

conflict Ø›Ø

conflict resolution Ø›Ø gxgvsmv

conflicts Ø›Ø

congress Ks‡MÖm

conquistadorKbKzB¯Ív‡`vi (`wÿY Av‡gwiKvq ¯ú¨vwbk Dcwb‡ek cËbKvix `j)

consequences cwiYvg

conservation msiÿY

consideration we‡ePbv

Constitution of the State of New York wbD BqK© †÷‡Ui kvmbZš¿

Constitution of the United States hy³iv‡óªi kvmbZš¿

constitutional democracy mvsweavwbK MYZš¿

consumer †fv³v

consumers †fv³v‡Mvôx

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


consumption †fvM

consumption of goods cY¨ e¨envi

continent gnv‡`k

Continental Congresshy³iv‡óªi ¯^vaxbZv hy‡×i Ae¨ewnZ Av‡Mi I c‡ii `ywU Ks‡MÖm

Continental Divide gnv‡`k wefvRK Rjaviv

continents gnv‡`k

contour †iLvb¨vm

contrast cÖwZZzjb

contributions Ae`vb

cooperation mn‡hvwMZv

costs e¨q

cotton belt Zzjv Drcv`bKvix AÂj

credit FY

criteria gvcKvwV

cultural characteristics mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewkó¨

cultural contributions mvs¯‹…wZK Ae`vb

cultural differences mvs¯‹…wZK cv_©K¨

cultural diffusion mvs¯‹…wZK cwie¨vwß

cultural diversity mvs¯‹…wZK ˆewPΨ

cultural groups mvs¯‹…wZK †Mvôx

culture ms¯‹…wZ

cultures - characteristics, distriubtion, complexity of

ms¯‹…wZ Ñ ˆewkó¨, †kªwYe×KiY, RwUjZv

currency gy`ªv

customs ixwZ

Dday w`em

De Witt Clinton wW DBU wK¬›Ub

decade `kK

decision wm×všÍ

decision-making wm×všÍMÖnY

decisions wm×všÍmg~n

declaration †NvlYvcÎ

Declaration of Independence ¯^vaxbZvi †NvlYv

delta eØxc

democracy MYZš¿

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


Democratic Party †W‡gvµ¨vwUK cvwU©

democratic principles MYZvwš¿K bxwZgvjv

democratic values MYZvwš¿K g~j¨‡eva

developed nations DbœZ †`kmg~n

developing nations Dbœqbkxj †`kmg~n

developments Dbœqb

diagram QK

diagrams QKmg~n

dictatorship GKbvqKZ¡

different/same wfbœ/Awfbœ

direction w`K wb‡`©kbv

diseases †ivM

display cÖ`k©b

disputes we‡iva

distance `~iZ¡

distribution eÈb

diverse eûwewPÎ

diversity ˆewPΨ

document `wjj

due process h_vh_ cÖwµqv

Dutch colonies WvP Dcwb‡ekmg~n

Dutch West India Company WvP I‡q÷ BwÛqv †Kv¤úvwb

Eearn AR©b Kiv

Earth’s surface f‚c„ô

economic A_©‰bwZK

economic capital A_©‰bwZK g~jab

economic concepts A_©‰bwZK aviYv

economic decision making A_©‰bwZK wm×všÍMÖnY

economic decisions A_©‰bwZK wm×všÍ

economic development A_©‰bwZK Dbœqb

economic factors A_©‰bwZK KviYmg~n

economic growth A_©‰bwZK cªe„w×

economic interdependence cvi¯úwiK A_©‰bwZK wbf©ikxjZv

economic systems A_©‰bwZK e¨e¯’v

economics A_©bxwZ

economies A_©‰bwZK †kªwYwefvM

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


effects cwiYwZ

elect wbe©vPb Kiv

elected leaders wbe©vwPZ †bZ…e„›`

elected office wbe©vwPZ c`

election wbe©vPb

Ellis Island Gwjm AvBj¨vÛ

emigrants ev¯‘Z¨vMx

empathy mg‡e`bv

employee Kg©Pvix

employer wb‡qvMKZ©v

encomienda system Gb‡Kvwg‡qÛv c×wZ

encounter msNl©

enforce Kvh©Ki Kiv

English colonies Bs‡iR‡`i Dcwb‡ekmg~n

environment cwi‡ek

environmental factors cwi‡ek msµvš— welqmg~n

equality mvg¨

equality of opportunity mgvb my‡hvM

era hyM

eras hyMmg~n

ethnic RvwZMZ

ethnic group RvwZ‡Mvôx

ethnicity RvwZMZ cwiPq

Europe BD‡ivc

European encounter and exchanges-of technologies, plants, animals, diseases

BD‡ivcxq hy× Ges cªhyw³, e„¶, cïcvwL, I †ivM wewbgq

events NUbvewj

exchange wewbgq, †jb‡`b

executive wbe©vnx

executive branch of government miKv‡ii wbe©vnx wefvM

expansion we¯—vi/m¤úªmviY

exploitation †kvlY

exploration AbymÜvb/A‡š^lY

explorers A‡š^lK/AwfhvÎx

exports ißvwb

Ffacilities myweav

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


fact/opinion NUbv/AwfgZ

factors of production Drcv`‡bi Dcv`vb

factory KviLvbv

family cwievi

far/near `~‡i/Kv‡Q

federal †dWv‡ij

federal government †dWv‡ij miKvi

festival Drme

festivals Drmemg~n

flag cZvKv

folktale †jvKKvwnwb

folktales †jvKKvwnwbmg~n

food Lv`¨

forced relocation ejc~e©K ¯’vbvšÍiY

foreign policy ciivó« bxwZ

foreign relations ˆe‡`wkK m¤úK©

Fort Orange †dvU© A‡iÄ

foundation wfwË

free enterprise gy³ wk‡ív‡`¨vM

free trade gy³ evwYR¨

freedom ¯^vaxbZv

French Canadians †d«Â KvbvwWqvb

French colonies divwm Dcwb‡ek

frontier mxgvš—

functions of government miKv‡ii Kvh©vewj

fundamental economic questions †gŠwjK A_©‰bwZK cÖkœvewj

fundamental values †gŠwjK g~j¨‡eva

future fwel¨r

Ggame †Ljv

gender wj½cwiPq

generation cªRb¥

geographic characteristics †fŠ‡MvwjK ˆewkó¨mg~n

geographic factors †fŠ‡MvwjK welqmg~n

geographic features †fŠ‡MvwjK ˆewkó¨mg~n

geographic features/areas †fŠ‡MvwjK ˆewkó¨/GjvKv

geographic information †fŠ‡MvwjK Z_¨

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


geography f‚‡Mvj

geological processes f‚ZvwË¡K cªwµqv

global warming ˆewk¦K Dòvqb

globe f℠MvjK

globes f℠MvjKmg~n

goods and services - production, distribution, exchange, consumption of

cY¨ I cwi‡lev Ñ Drcv`b, weZiY, wewbgq, †fvM

goods cY¨

govern cwiPvjb

governance kvmb ev cwiPvjb cªwµqv

government miKvi

Great Depression gnv g›`v

grid wMªW, QK

Gross Domestic Product †gvU †`kR Drcv`b

Gross National Product †gvU RvZxq Drcv`b

groups †Mvôx

growth cÖe„w×

Gulf Stream DcmvMixq Rjcªevn

Hhabitat Avevm

Haudenosaunee n‡W‡bvmwb

health ¯^v¯’¨

hemisphere †Mvjva©

historic events HwZnvwmK NUbvewj

historical HwZnvwmK

historical evidence HwZnvwmK cÖgvY

historical narratives HwZnvwmK eY©bv

history BwZnvm

Holidays ( Columbus Day, Election Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, New Years Day, Dr. Martin Luther King Day, Presidents Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day)

QzwU (Kj¤^vm †W, B‡jKkb †W, †f‡UivÝ †W, _¨vs·wMwfs †W, wbD Bqvm© †W, †cÖwm‡W›Um †W, †g‡gvwiqvj †W, d¬¨vM †W

home M„n

hopes Avkv

House of Representatives cªwZwbwa cwil`

human gvbe

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


human capital gvbe cyuwR

human migration gvbe cwihvqb

human migrations gvbe cwihvqbmg~n

human resources gvbem¤ú`

human rights gvbevwaKvi

human settlements gvbe emwZ

human systems gvbe e¨e¯’v

Iideals of American democracy Av‡gwiKvb MYZ‡š¿i Av`k©mg~n

ideas aviYv

identity cwiPq

immigrants Awfevmx

immigration Awfevmb

important ¸iæZ¡c~Y©

imports Avg`vwb

inaugurated confederation cÖewZ©Z Kb‡dWv‡ikb

Incas BbKv RvwZ

income Avq

indentured servant Pzw³e× `vm

independence ¯^vaxbZv

indigenous peoples Avw`evmx m¤úª`vq

individual e¨w³

individual rights e¨w³i AwaKvi

individual rights to life, liberty, pursuit of happiness.

Rxeb, ¯^va©xbZv I my‡Li A‡š^l‡Yi e¨w³i AwaKvi

individuals e¨w³mgwó

industrial expansion wkí m¤úªmviY

industrial growth wk‡ívbœqb

industrial growth/expansion wkí cªe„w×/we¯—vi

Industrial Revolution wkí wec −e

industrialization wkívqb

industry wkíÑKviLvbv

inhabitants Awaevmx

interdependence cvi¯úwiK wbf©ikxjZv

interdependent ci¯úiÑwbf©ikxj

international organizations Avš—R©vwZK ms¯’v

interpret law AvB‡bi e¨vL¨v Ki

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


interpret laws AvBbmg~‡ni e¨vL¨v

interpretations e¨vL¨vmg~n

Inuits BbyB

invention Avwe®‹vi

inventions D™¢veb

Iroquois BivKzB

Iroquois Confederacy BivKzB Kb‡dWv‡iwm

irrigation †mP

issues mgm¨v

isthmus †hvRK

Jjudgments ivq

judicial wePvimsµvš—

judicial branch of government miKv‡ii wePvi wefvM

judicial branch wePvi wefvM

junta Rvš—v

jury Rywi

jury service Rywi cwi‡lev

justice b¨vqwePvi

Kkindergarten wKÛviMv‡Ub

Llabor kªwgK, kªg

labor force kªg kw³

labor movement kªwgK Av‡›`vjb

labor union †jevi BDwbqb

land formations f‚wg MVb

land masses ¯’jf‚wg

languages fvlvmg~n

Latin America jvwZb Av‡gwiKv

latitude A¶vsk

laws AvBb

laws/rules AvBb/wbqg

leaders †bZ…e„›`

League of Nations RvwZcyÄ

learn †kLv

legal AvBbm¤§Z

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


legends †jŠwKK DcvL¨vb

legislative branch AvBb wefvM

legislative branch of government miKv‡ii AvBb wefvM

legislature AvBbmfvi m`m¨

liberty ¯^vaxbZv

library jvB‡eªwi

library resources jvB‡eªwi‡Z cvIqv Z_¨m~Î

life Rxeb

lifestyle Rxebaviv

like/dislike cQ›`/AcQ›`

limited mxwgZ

limited resources mxwgZ m¤ú`

limited/unlimited mmxg/Amxg

local ¯’vbxq

local government ¯’vbxq miKvi

local region ¯’vbxq AÂj

location Ae¯’vb

lock Zvjv

locomotive †jv‡Kv‡gvwUf

long ago eûKvj Av‡M

longhouse we‡kl DcRvZxq Kgy¨wbwU Avevmb

longitude `ªvwNgvsk

loyalist AbyMZ

loyalty AvbyMZ¨

Mmaize fzÆv

majority rule msL¨vMwi‡ôi kvmb

make laws AvBb cÖYqb

manor †gŠRv ev ZvjyK

manufacture Drcv`b Kiv

manufacturing Drcv`b

maps gvbwPÎ

markets evRvi

mass starvation MY Abvnvi

Mayas gvqv RvwZ

Mayflower Compact †gd¬vIqvi Pzw³

megalopolis †gMv‡jv‡cvwjm

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


member m`m¨

memorials ¯§iY‡mŠa

merchant ewYK

meridians ga¨‡iLv

midwest ga¨Ñcwðg

migration cwihvqb

migration/immigration cwihvqb/Awffvemb

millenium mnmªvã

millennia GKvwaK mnmªvã

mining Lwbwe`¨v

minority rights, respect for msL¨vjNy‡`i AwaKv‡ii cªwZ m¤§vb

minutemenwgwbUg¨vb (Av‡gwiKvb wecøex hy‡×i m`vcÖ¯‘Z AvavmvgwiK evwnbxi m`m¨)

Mississippi River wgwmwmwc b`x

modernization AvaywbKvqb

modify cwigvR©b

monarchy ivRZš¿

money A_©

months gvmmg~n

monument ¯§…wZ‡mŠa

monuments gby‡g›Umg~n

motives D‡Ïk¨

movement of people and goods gvbyl I cY¨ PjvPj

multicultural eûmvs¯‹…wZK

myself Avwg wb‡R

myths cyivY/KíK_v/AwZK_v

NNAFTA bvdUv (b_© Av‡gwiKvb wd« †UªW A¨v‡mvwm‡qkb)

nation RvwZ

national RvZxq

national level of governments RvZxq ch©v‡qi miKvi

nation-state RvwZ-ivóª

Native American Indian Avw`evmx Av‡gwiKvb BwÛqvb

Native American Indians Avw`evmx Av‡gwiKvb BwÛqvb Rb‡Mvôx

natural resources cªvK…wZK m¤ú`

near/far Kv‡Q/`~‡i

needs Pvwn`v

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


neighborhood cÖwZ‡ek

neutral wbi‡c¶

New Amsterdam wbD A¨vg÷viWvg

New Netherlands wbD †b`vij¨vÛ

northwest passage DËiÑcwðg Mgbc_

now GLb

nuclear family `¤úwZ‡Kw›`ªK cwievi

OOAS IGGm (AM¨©vbvB‡Rkb Ae Av‡gwiKvb †÷U&&m&&)

objects e¯‘

oceans gnvmvMi

oligarchy †MvôxZš¿

opportunity cost nvZQvov n‡q hvIqv my‡hvM

oral history †gŠwLK BwZnvm

others Ab¨vb¨

Pparallel mgvš—ivj

parallels m`„k

parent wcZvgvZv/g~j

Parliament msm`, AvBbmfv

participatory skills AskMÖnYg~jK MYZš¿

past AZxZ

past/present AZxZ/eZ©gvb

patriot †`k‡cªwgK

patriotism †`k‡cÖg

patriotisms †`k‡cÖg

patriots †`k‡cÖwgK

patroonwbD BqK© I wbD Rvwm©i f‚Zc~e© WvP miKvi KZ©„K ZvjyKcÖÖvß f‚¯^vgx

people RbMY

person e¨w³

perspectives cwi‡cÖwÿZ

Peter Stuyvesant wcUvi ÷vB‡fmv›U

petition Av‡e`bcÎ

physical †fŠZ

physical characteristics kvixwiK ˆewkó¨

physical environment †fŠZ cwi‡ek

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


physical feature kvixwiK ˆewkó¨

physical features kvixwiK ˆewkó¨mg~n

physical map †fŠZ gvbwPÎ

physical setting †fŠZ KvVv‡gv

physical systems †fŠZ e¨e¯’v

places ¯’vbmg~n

plan cwiKíbv

pledge cªwZkª“wZ

Pledge of Allegiance †cøR Ae GwjwR‡qÝ/AvbyM‡Z¨i kc_

points of view `„wó‡KvY/`„wófw½

political ivR‰bwZK

political boundaries ivR‰bwZK mxgvbv

political map ivR‰bwZK gvbwPÎ

political party ivR‰bwZK `j

political power ivR‰bwZK ¶gZv

political systems ivR‰bwZK e¨e¯’v

pollution `~lY

population RbmsL¨v

population density RbmsL¨vi NbZ¡

population distribution RbmsL¨v eÈb

population movement - rural to urban to suburban - 20th century

Rb‡Mvôxi ¯’vbvšÍi Ñ Mªvg †_‡K kn‡i, kni †_‡K Dckn‡i Ñ wesk kZvãx

power ¶gZv

practices Abykxjb

prairies †cªBwi

Preamble to the Constitution msweav‡bi cª¯—vebv

present eZ©gvb

president †cªwm‡W›U

Prime Meridian wMÖwbP eivei KwíZ c~e©-cwðg wefvRb‡iLv

Prime Minister cªavbgš¿x

principles of democracy MYZ‡š¿i bxwZgvjv

problem solving mgm¨vmgvavb

problems mgm¨vmg~n

producers Drcv`K

production Drcv`b

productivity Drcv`bkxjZv

products cY¨

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


profit jvf

projects cÖKímg~n

property m¤úwË

protect iÿv Kiv

protests cÖwZev` Av‡›`vjb

province cª‡`k

public benefit ev‡ivqvwi myweav

public education miKvwi wkÿv

purpose of government miKv‡ii D‡Ïk¨

pursuit of happiness my‡Li A‡š^lY

Qquantities cwigvY

Rrace RvwZ

radios †iwWI

railroad †ijc_

rain forest †iBb d‡i÷

raw material KvuPvgvj

reason KviY

receipts iwm`

recycling cybie¨venv‡ivc‡hvMxKiY

reference books mnvqK MÖš’

reform cybM©Vb

region AÂj

regions AÂj

relationships m¤úK©

relief (physical) map D`&MZ (†fŠZ) gvbwPÎ

religion ag©

religious ag©xq

renewable resource bevqb‡hvM¨ m¤ú`

repeal cªZ¨vnvi, evwZj

representation cÖwZwbwaZ¡

representative cÖwZwbwa

representatives cÖwZwbwaeM©

republic cªRvZš¿

Republican Party wicvewjKvb `j

reservation Avw`evmx BwÛqvb‡`i Rb¨ msiwÿZ GjvKv

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


resources m¤ú`

respect m¤§vb

responsibilities `vwqZ¡vewj

revolution wec −e

Richard Nicholls wiPvW© wbKjm&

rights AwaKvi

Robert Fulton ievU© dzjUb (L¨vwZgvb cÖ‡KŠkjx)

role fzwgKv

roles fzwgKv

roles of citizens bvMwi‡Ki f‚wgKv

roots of American culture Av‡gwiKvb ms¯‹…wZi Drm

rules wbqgvewj

rural MªvgxY

rural to urban to suburban migration Mªvg †_‡K kn‡i, kni †_‡K Dckn‡i Awfevmb

Ssachem mv‡Pg, †iW BwÛqvb †Mv‡Îi †bZv

safeguarding individual liberties e¨w³K AwaKvi iÿv Kiv

safety myiÿv

same/different Awfbœ/wfbœ

satellite-produced images m¨v‡UjvB‡Ui gva¨‡g M„nxZ wPÎ

satisfy mš‘wóweavb

scale †¯‹j, cwigvcK

scarce resources AcÖZzj m¤ú`

scarcity `y®úªvc¨Zv

school ¯‹zj

science and technology weÁvb I cªhyw³

scientific/technological exchanges and connections

ˆeÁvwbK/KvwiMwi wewbgq I †hvMv‡hvM

seaways mgy`ªc_

secondary source AcÖavb Drm

security wbivcËv

self wb‡R

selling weµq

Senate of the United States hy³iv‡ó«i wm‡bU

separatists wew”QbœZvev`x

services cwi‡lev

settle emwZ Kiv

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


settlement Dcwb‡ek

settlements emwZ

settler emwZ ¯’vcbKvix

shape AvK…wZ

shelter Avkªq

similarities/differences mv`„k¨/ˆemv`„k¨

slave µxZ`vm

slave trade `vm e¨emv

slavery `vmZ¡

social mvgvwRK

social/cultural changes and connections mvgvwRK/mvs¯‹…wZK cwieZ©b I †hvMv‡hvM

socialism mgvRZš¿

societies mgvRmg~n

society mgvR

solutions mgvavb

solving problems mgm¨v mgm¨vavb Kiv

songs Mvb

Sons of Liberty mÝ Ae wjevwU© (Av‡gwiKvi ¯^vaxbZv mg_©bKvixMY)

South America `w¶Y Av‡gwiKv

Spanish colonies ¯ú¨vwbk Dcwb‡ek

spatial organization gvwÎK web¨vm

speeches e³v

standard of living RxebhvÎvi gvb

stars and stripes ZviKvLwPZ I †WvivKvUv (hy³iv‡óªi cZvKv)

state †÷U, A½ivóª

state government †÷U miKvi

Statue of Liberty ÷¨vPz Ae wjevwU©

steamboat ev®úxq RvnvR

steamboats w÷g‡evU

stock market ÷K gv‡K©U

stories Kvwnwb

strategy †KŠkj

strengths mvg_©¨

strike ag©NvU

student rights wkÿv_©xi AwaKvi

suburban DcKÉxq

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


suburbs kniZwj

subways mveI‡q

suffrage †fvUvwaKvi

supply and demand mieivn I Pvwn`v

supply and demand 4 symbols mieivn I Pvwn`vi 4wU cÖZxK

Supreme Court mywcÖg †KvU©

surplus DØ„Ë

symbolize cªZxKxKiY

symbols cªZxK

systems e¨e¯’vmg~n

Ttables mviwY

tariff ïé

tax Ki/LvRbv

taxes Ki

teach †kLv‡bv

teacher wkÿK

technological cÖhyw³MZ

technology cªhyw³

telegraph †UwjMªvd

television †Uwjwfkb

tenant farmer eM©v Pvlx

themes w_g

then/now ZLb/GLb

time mgq

time zones UvBg †Rvb

timeline mgqmxgv

today AvR

tolerance mwnòzZv

tomorrow Kvj

tools nvwZqvi/miÄvg

towpath hvbevnb †U‡b †bqvi c_

trade evwYR¨

traditions cª_v

traffic lights UªvwdK evwZ

trains †Uªb

traitor wek¦vmNvZK

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


transmit UªvbmwgU

transportation cwienb

transportation revolution cwienb wec −e

treaty Pzw³

trends aviv

tribe †MvÎ/DcRvwZ

tributaries Ki`ivR ev Ki`ivR¨

Tropic of Capricorn gKiµvwš—

Tropic of Cancer KK©Uµvwš—

trucks cY¨evnx †VjvMvwo

truth mZ¨

tundra Zz›`ªv

turning points µvwš—jMœ

turnpike Uvb©cvBK

Uunify GKxKiY Kiv

unions BDwbqb

unique Abycg

unite GK Kiv

United Nations RvwZmsN

United States of America hy³ivó«

unlimited Amxg

unlimited needs and wants Amxg cÖ‡qvRb I Pvwn`v

up/down Dc‡i/wb‡P

urban bvMwiK/kvnwiK

urbanization bMivqb

uses of geography f‚‡Mv‡ji e¨envi

Vvalues g~j¨‡eva

veteran mv‡eK ˆmwbK

veto †f‡Uv

village MÖvg

vote †fvU

voting †fvU`vb


wampum Iqv¤úyg, Avw` Av‡gwiKvb‡`i gy`ªv wn‡k‡e e¨en«Z wSbyK

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Elementary-Level Social Studies Glossary


wants Afve

war hy×

war strategy iY‡KŠkj

water masses Rjivwk

weaknesses `ye©jZv

week mßvn

Western Hemisphere cwðg †Mvjva©

westward expansion cwðggyLx we¯—vi

wigwam DBMIqvg, Avw` Av‡gwiKvb‡`i Avevm

work KvR

worker Kg©x

world bank wek¦e¨vsK

world in spatial terms c„w_exi Ae¯’vb

writings wjLb

Yyear eQi

yesterday MZKvj

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