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Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

Date post: 01-Nov-2014
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Favorite excerpts, from the book "The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating," by Elizabeth Tova Bailey, enhanced with photography from www.sxc.hu The design caught my eye, the typography reeled me in, then the writing ensnared me. Had no idea that snails could make for "can't put it down" reading!
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FIRST THINGS FIRST... If you click on “full size” you can view the PDF much larger, it will be more readable, and these beautiful photos will look spectacular. You are also welcome to download it. So, now, please... CLICK “FULL” 479293
Page 1: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

first things first...

if you click on “full size”

you can view the PDf

much larger, it will be more

readable, and these beautiful

photos will look spectacular.

You are also welcome to

download it.

so, now, please...

click “full”


Page 2: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

a baker’s Dozen

twelve, or so, excerpts from

the book, these are the words

and ideas that impressed



Page 3: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book


what this is...

a baker’s dozen from the

book. these were the words

or ideas that struck me

as particularly well put,

or especially intriguing.

gratefully, a well-written

book, like this one, can send

your mind wandering to

interesting new places, and,

when it does, you want to

tell everyone, “You just gotta’

read this!”

so, this is my own unique

way of doing just that. hope

you enjoy...

Page 4: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

The photos are by terrific

people who freely share their

beautiful work at www.sxc.hu.

the number below is the

reference number for the

photo on that page.

the second number is the

page number where you

can find the quote (in the


sxc number > 220233

Page 5: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book


all statements on the

following pages that are not

attributed are quoted word-

for-word from the book, and

the author...

Elisabeth Tova Bailey

[ image from dust jacket ]

Page 6: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

917984 : 5

when the body is rendered

useless, the mind still runs

like a bloodhound along

well-worn trails of neurons,

tracking the echoing

questions: the confused

family of whys, whats, and

whens, and their impossibly

distant kin how.

Page 7: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

whereas the future had

once beckoned with many

intriguing paths, now there

was just one impossible route.

so it was into the past, with its

rich sedimentary layers, that

my mind would go instead.

1239412 : 11

Page 8: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

i was a reminder of all they

feared: chance, uncertainty,

loss, and the sharp edge of

mortality. those of us with

illnesses are the holders of

the silent fears of those with

good health.

1209370 : 39

Page 9: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

there are times when

i wished my viral invader

had claimed me completely.

how much better to live an

exhuberant life and then

leave as one exits a party,

simply opening a door and

stepping out.


Page 10: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

1211855 : 9

the snail gets up

and goes to bed

with very little fuss

kobayashi issa


Page 11: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

one evening i put some of

the withered blossoms in

the dish beneath the pot of

violets. the snail was awake.

it made its way down the side

of the pot and investigated

the offering with great interest

and then began to eat one of

the blossoms. a petal started

to disappear at a barely

discernible rate. i listened

carefully. i could hear it


781810 : 12

Page 12: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

each evening the snail

awoke and, with an

astonishing amount of poise,

moved gracefully to the

rim of the pot and peered

over, surveying, once again,

the strange country that

lay ahead. Pondering its

circumstances with a regal

air, as if from the turret of a

castle, it waved its tentacles

first this way and then that,

as though responding to a

distant melody.


Page 13: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

in the fourth century bc,

in the History of Animals,

aristotle noted that snail teeth

are “sharp and small, and

delicate.” My snail possessed

around 2,640 teeth, so i’d

add the word plentiful to

aristotle’s description.

1087055 : 49

Page 14: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

while homo sapiens have

internal mucus, and more

of it than we realize, it’s the

extravagant nature of the

gastropod to be completely

coated externally.

1147461 : 69

Page 15: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book


if we homo sapiens thought

we were in charge of the

planet, here was clear

evidence to the contrary.

the humble snail and its clan

have a far older, and stickier,

foothold on the earth than we

more recent creatures.

Page 16: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

the sentence that best

expresses a snail’s way

of life: “the right thing to

do is to do nothing, the

place to do it in a place

of concealment, and the

time to do it is as often as


Tony Cook,

The Biology

of Terrestrial



Page 17: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

what majesty is in a creeping

snail, what reflection, what

earnestness, what timidity,

and yet at the same time

what firm confidence! Surely

a snail is an exalted symbol

of mind slumbering deeply

within itself.

Lorenz Oken,

late 19th century

German naturalist


Page 18: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

humanity is exalted

not because we are

so far above other

living creatures, but

because knowing them

well elevates the very

concept of life.

Edward O. Wilson,

1984, Biophilia


Page 19: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

The End

more info >


Page 20: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

all background images from www.sxc.hu


Page 21: Elizabeth Tova Bailey book

finD Me here...


Don nissen

columbus, indiana

