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Ellie goulding media analysis calvin

Date post: 31-Jul-2015
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Emily Grimshaw A2 Media Studies: Advanced Portfolio Scottish Producer and DJ, Calvin Harris collaborated with English Singer songwriter Ellie Goulding with the song ‘I need your love’. The music video was first released in April 2013 and depicts the couple on holiday appearing to behave in a romantic manner towards each other. The video follows a narrative, non-linear structure and has an element of performance when Calvin is in a club near the end of the video. An amateur, home footage style of filming has bee n used to create the idea that the couple have gone abroad and are filming their journey. The couple look frequently into the camera and appear as though they are checking to see if it’s still working, they also playfully pose in front of it. In terms of semantic code these images give the impression that the video is quite personal therefore making the audience feel as though they are sharing an intimate moment with them. The two main characters in the video are Calvin and Ellie who are represented to be in love and romantic with each other. As the video progresses we are introduced to other characters who find the camera left behind by the couple and begin to film themselves. The first is a skateboarder who rides down the beach filming himself, then a bike picks it up followed by a guy on a jet ski, a group of girls on a boat in which one of them then takes it to a club that Calvin is performing it. He then sees the camera and collects it from her. The narrative follows the two main characters as they travel abroad, which appears to be for Calvins tour, the footage shows the couples holiday whilst they’re away. The video follows a time distorted structure meaning that the footage shows different shots from different times without indicating this to the audience. This causes the audience to engage further into the text so that they can piece the storyline together. This distorted structure also makes the video more believable as home footage as it doesn’t appear professionally made. The

Emily Grimshaw

A2 Media Studies: Advanced Portfolio

Scottish Producer and DJ, Calvin Harris collaborated with English Singer songwriter Ellie Goulding with the song ‘I need your love’. The music video was first released in April 2013 and depicts the couple on holiday appearing to behave in a romantic manner towards each other. The video follows a narrative,

non-linear structure and has an element of performance when Calvin is in a club near the end of the video. An amateur, home footage style of filming has bee n used to create the idea that the couple have gone abroad and are filming their journey. The couple look frequently into the camera and appear as though they are checking to see if it’s still working, they also playfully pose in front of it. In terms of semantic code these images give

the impression that the video is quite personal therefore making the audience feel as though they are sharing an intimate moment with them. The two main characters in the video are Calvin and Ellie who are represented to be in love and romantic with each other. As the video progresses we are introduced to other characters who find the camera left behind by the couple and begin to film themselves. The first is a skateboarder who rides down the beach filming himself, then a bike picks it up followed by a guy on a jet ski, a group of girls on a boat in which one of them then takes it to a club that Calvin is performing it. He then sees the camera and collects it from her.

The narrative follows the two main characters as they travel abroad, which appears to be for Calvins tour, the footage shows the couples holiday whilst they’re away. The video follows a time distorted structure meaning that the footage shows different shots from different times without indicating this to the audience. This causes the audience to engage further into the text so that they can piece the storyline together. This distorted structure also makes the video more believable as home footage as it

doesn’t appear professionally made. The narrative begins with shots of Ellie in bed which is filmed from the side of her which gives the impression Calvin is lay down and recording her whilst this is happening she is lip syncing to the song so that the audience know she is the singer, It also implies that the lyrics are based around the situation they are showing us in the video. The middle section of the

footage mainly shows the other characters who have found the camera up, this idea has been used to split the narrative up and create a break from shots just of Ellie and Calvin. This gives a variety in settings

and allows for a wider range of shots from the different character, which will make the video more enjoyable to watch for the audience. In between the footage of these new characters, occasionally jerky and slightly distorted shots of Calvin and Ellie will be shown, this effect over the shots creates the idea

Emily Grimshaw

that the camera has rewound and is showing you previously taking filming of them. This has been done by the director as a way of reminding the audience that the story is mainly about the characters.

In terms of mise-en-scene the video is set abroad in a hot country, here we see a range of settings from the beach, a hotel, a club and a boat this makes the video more exciting for the consumer because they get to view a range of locations. In terms of Blumer and Katz uses and gratification theory this video will be used as a diversion from the audiences everyday routine, because the song has been created by two successful artists it gives the impression through the intimate camera filming that this is their everyday life, this will make the consumer envious of their lifestyle and also intrigued to watch more. It also acts as a diversion because they’ve been able to delve into their personal life which will make the audience feel as though they are much closer to the artist because of this. Throughout the video a lot of natural lighting is used, with bright streaks across the shot which gives the impression its summer which connotes happiness and also makes the couple are extremely happy.

In terms of costume, the clothing is appropriate to each character however they all are wearing loose clothing to reflect that the video has been filmed abroad and that they’re in a warm location. Ellie often wear shorts and a shirt, she also wears a bikini when they are on the beach and she also has only a bed sheet wrapped around her in a few shots. The fact that the singer is wearing revealing clothing is conventional for a Pop video because it will encourage men to watch the video if the artist is attractive it will also make the females watching the video see how attractive she looks and also see how males like this and then aspire to be like her. Calvin is wearing weather appropriate clothing

and is topless in the shots taken on the beach, this will make their demographic want to watch the video because he is attractive, and similarly to the way they will because of how Ellie is dressed. The rest of the cast that pick up the camera when the couple leave it on the beach are wearing clothing that fits their character. For example the male that finds the camera originally is a skateboarder and he is shirtless and wearing oversized jeans and trainers, this is a stereotypical

image for a skater and informs the audience immediately of his hobbies and personality through this costume.
