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Elona Values 080712

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8/10/2019 Elona Values 080712 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/elona-values-080712 1/120 Value Buff Value Item Modifier Value 0 None 0.00 None 2.00 1 Holy Shield 21.00 Causes Random Teleport .00 2 Mist of Silen!e 22.00 "re#ents Teleportin$ 10.00 Re$eneration 2.00 Ne$ates Blindness 11.00 % &lemental Shield 2%.00 Ne$ates "aralysis 12.00 ' Speed 2'.00 Ne$ates Confusion 1.00 ( Slo) 2(.00 Ne$ates *ear 1%.00 + Hero 2+.00 Ne$ates Sleep 1'.00 , Mist of *railness 2,.00 Ne$ates "oison 1(.00 - &lement S!ar 2-.00 Speeds up tra#el 1+.00 10 Holy Veil 0.00 "rote!ts from ether)ind 1,.00 11 Ni$htmare 1.00 Ne$le!ts ad )eather 1-.00 12 /i#ine isdom 2.00 *loats you 100.00 1 "unishment .00 "rote!ts from mutations 101.00 1% ul)ys Tri!3 %.00 &nhan!es spells 102.00 1' In!o$nito '.00 See in#isile !reatures 10.00 1( /eath ord (.00 4sors Stamina 10%.00 1+ Boost +.00 Brin$s an end 10'.00 1, Contin$en!y ,.00 4sors M" 10(.00 1- u!3 5 u!3y /ay -.00 4solute "ier!in$ 10+.00 %0.00 Stops time 10,.00 %1.00 "rote!ts from thie#es 10-.00 %2.00 di$est rotten food 110.00 %.00 "rote!ts from Cursin$ ords 111.00 %%.00 Criti!al Hit 1'0.00 %'.00 Su!3s lood 1'1.00 %(.00 disturs $ro)th 1'2.00 %+.00 attra!ts monsters 1'.00 %,.00 pre#ents aliens 1'%.00 %-.00 in!reases 6uality of re)ards 1''.00 '0.00 &7tra Melee 1'(.00 '1.00 &7tra Ran$ed 1'+.00 '2.00 /e!reases "hysi!al /ama$e ta3en 1',.00 '.00 Sometimes nullifies dama$e ta3en 1'-.00 '%.00 /eals Cut dama$e to the atta!3er 1(0.00 ''.00 /iminishes Bleedin$ 1(1.00 '(.00 Cat!hes si$nals from $od 1(2.00 '+.00 Infli!ts massi#e dama$e to dra$ons 1(.00 ',.00 Infli!ts massi#e dama$e to undead 1(%.00 10002.00 In!reases ife 1('.00 1000.00 In!reases Mana 1((.00 10010.00 In!reases Stren$th 1(+.00 10011.00 In!reases Constitiution 1(,.00 10012.00 In!reases /e7terity 1(-.00 1001.00 In!reases "er!eption 1+0.00 1001%.00 In!reases earnin$ 1+1.00 1001'.00 In!reases ill 1+2.00 1001(.00 In!reases Ma$i! 1+.00 1001+.00 In!reases Charisma 1+%.00 1001,.00 In!reases Speed 1+'.00 1001-.00 In!reases u!3 1+(.00 200'0.00 Resistan!e to *ire 1++.00 200'1.00 Resistan!e to Cold 1+,.00
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Value Buff Value Item Modifier Value

0 None 0.00 None 2.00

1 Holy Shield 21.00 Causes Random Teleport .00

2 Mist of Silen!e 22.00 "re#ents Teleportin$ 10.00

Re$eneration 2.00 Ne$ates Blindness 11.00

% &lemental Shield 2%.00 Ne$ates "aralysis 12.00' Speed 2'.00 Ne$ates Confusion 1.00

( Slo) 2(.00 Ne$ates *ear 1%.00

+ Hero 2+.00 Ne$ates Sleep 1'.00

, Mist of *railness 2,.00 Ne$ates "oison 1(.00

- &lement S!ar 2-.00 Speeds up tra#el 1+.00

10 Holy Veil 0.00 "rote!ts from ether)ind 1,.00

11 Ni$htmare 1.00 Ne$le!ts ad )eather 1-.00

12 /i#ine isdom 2.00 *loats you 100.00

1 "unishment .00 "rote!ts from mutations 101.00

1% ul)ys Tri!3 %.00 &nhan!es spells 102.00

1' In!o$nito '.00 See in#isile !reatures 10.00

1( /eath ord (.00 4sors Stamina 10%.00

1+ Boost +.00 Brin$s an end 10'.00

1, Contin$en!y ,.00 4sors M" 10(.00

1- u!3 5 u!3y /ay -.00 4solute "ier!in$ 10+.00

%0.00 Stops time 10,.00

%1.00 "rote!ts from thie#es 10-.00

%2.00 di$est rotten food 110.00

%.00 "rote!ts from Cursin$ ords 111.00

%%.00 Criti!al Hit 1'0.00

%'.00 Su!3s lood 1'1.00

%(.00 disturs $ro)th 1'2.00

%+.00 attra!ts monsters 1'.00%,.00 pre#ents aliens 1'%.00

%-.00 in!reases 6uality of re)ards 1''.00

'0.00 &7tra Melee 1'(.00

'1.00 &7tra Ran$ed 1'+.00

'2.00 /e!reases "hysi!al /ama$e ta3en 1',.00

'.00 Sometimes nullif ies dama$e ta3en 1'-.00

'%.00 /eals Cut dama$e to the atta!3er 1(0.00

''.00 /iminishes Bleedin$ 1(1.00

'(.00 Cat!hes si$nals from $od 1(2.00

'+.00 Infli!ts massi#e dama$e to dra$ons 1(.00

',.00 Infli!ts massi#e dama$e to undead 1(%.00

10002.00 In!reases ife 1('.001000.00 In!reases Mana 1((.00

10010.00 In!reases Stren$th 1(+.00

10011.00 In!reases Constitiution 1(,.00

10012.00 In!reases /e7terity 1(-.00

1001.00 In!reases "er!eption 1+0.00

1001%.00 In!reases earnin$ 1+1.00

1001'.00 In!reases ill 1+2.00

1001(.00 In!reases Ma$i! 1+.00

1001+.00 In!reases Charisma 1+%.00

1001,.00 In!reases Speed 1+'.00

1001-.00 In!reases u!3 1+(.00

200'0.00 Resistan!e to *ire 1++.00

200'1.00 Resistan!e to Cold 1+,.00

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200'2.00 Resistan!e to i$htnin$ 1+-.00

200'.00 Resistan!e to /ar3ness 1,0.00

200'%.00 Resistan!e to Mind 1,1.00

200''.00 Resistan!e to "oison 1,2.00

200'(.00 Resistan!e to Nether 1,.00

200'+.00 Resistan!e to Sound 1,%.00

200',.00 Resistan!e to Ner#e 1,'.00

200'-.00 Resistan!e to Chaos 1,(.00

200(0.00 Resistan!e to Ma$i! 1,+.00

0100.00 Impro#es on$ S)ord S3ill 1,,.00

0101.00 Impro#es Short S)ord S3ill 1,-.00

0102.00 Impro#es 47e S3ill 00.00

010.00 Impro#es Blunt S3ill 01.00

010%.00 Impro#es "olearm S3ill %00.00

010'.00 Impro#es Sta#e S3ill %01.00

010(.00 Impro#es Martial 4rts S3ill %02.00

010+.00 Impro#es S!ythe S3ill %0.00

010,.00 Impro#es Bo) S3ill %0%.00010-.00 Impro#es Crosso) S3ill %0'.00

0110.00 Impro#es *irearm S3ill %0(.00

0111.00 Impro#es Thro)in$ S3ill %0+.00

01'0.00 Impro#es itera!y S3ill %0,.00

01'1.00 Impro#es 8ene &n$ineerin$ %0-.00

01'2.00 Impro#es Ta!ti!s S3ill %10.00

01'.00 Impro#es ei$ht iftin$ S3ill %11.00

01'%.00 Impro#es Healin$ S3ill %12.00

01''.00 Impro#es Meditation S3ill %1.00

01'(.00 Impro#es Ne$otiation S3ill %1%.00

01'+.00 Impro#es Stealth S3ill %1'.00

01',.00 Impro#es o!3 "i!3in$ S3ill %1(.0001'-.00 Impro#es /ete!tion S3ill %1+.00

01(0.00 Impro#es In#estin$ S3ill %1,.00

01(1.00 Impro#es 4natomy S3ill %1-.00

01(2.00 Impro#es Sense 9uality S3ill %20.00

01(.00 Impro#es Minin$ S3ill %21.00

01(%.00 Impro#es Ma$i! Capa!ity S3ill %22.00

01('.00 Impro#es Memori:ation S3ill %2.00

01((.00 Impro#es /ual ield S3ill %2%.00

01(+.00 Impro#es T)o Hand S3ill %2'.00

01(,.00 Impro#es Shield S3ill %2(.00

01(-.00 Impro#es Hea#y 4rmor S3ill %2+.00

01+0.00 Impro#es Medium 4rmor S3ill %2,.00

01+1.00 Impro#es i$ht 4rmor S3ill %2-.00

01+2.00 Impro#es Castin$ S3ill %0.00

01+.00 Impro#es &#asion S3ill %1.00

01+%.00 Impro#es Ma$i! /e#i!e S3ill %2.00

01+'.00 Impro#es /isarm Trap S3ill %.00

01+(.00 Impro#es Carpentry S3ill %%.00

01++.00 Impro#es Tailorin$ S3ill %'.00

01+,.00 Impro#es 4l!hemy S3ill %(.00

01+-.00 Impro#es ;e)eler S3ill %+.00

01,0.00 Impro#es 8ardenin$ S3ill %,.00

01,1.00 Impro#es *aith S3ill %-.0001,2.00 Impro#es Tra#elin$ S3ill %%0.00

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01,.00 Impro#es "erforman!e S3ill %%1.00

01,%.00 Impro#es Coo3in$ S3ill %%2.00

01,'.00 Impro#es *ishin$ S3ill %%.00

01,(.00 Impro#es &ye of Mind S3ill %%%.00

01,+.00 Impro#es 8reater &#asion S3ill %%'.00

01,,.00 Impro#es Control Ma$i! S3ill %%(.00

01,-.00 Impro#es Mar3smanship %%+.00

(0010.00 Maintains Stren$th %%,.00

(0011.00 Maintains Const %%-.00

(0012.00 Maintains /e7 %'0.00

(001.00 Maintains "er!eption %'1.00

(001%.00 Maintains earnin$ %'2.00

(001'.00 Maintains ill %'.00

(001(.00 Maintains Ma$i! %'%.00

(001+.00 Maintains Charisma %''.00

(001,.00 Maintains Speed %'(.00

(001-.00 Maintains u!3 %'+.00

+00'0.00 *ire /ama$e %',.00+00'1.00 Cold /ama$e %'-.00

+00'2.00 i$htnin$ /ama$e %(0.00

+00'.00 /ar3ness /ama$e %(1.00

+00'%.00 Mind /ama$e %(2.00

+00''.00 "oison /ama$e %(.00

+00'(.00 Nether /ama$e %(%.00

+00'+.00 Sound /ama$e %('.00

+00',.00 Ner#e /ama$e %((.00

+00'-.00 Chaos /ama$e

+00(0.00 Ma$i! /ama$e

+00(1.00 Cut /ama$e

,0000.00 In#o3es &lemental S!ar ,0001.00 In#o3es /ra) Shado)

,0002.00 In#o3es Ni$htmare

,000.00 In#o3es Ra$in$ Roar 

,000%.00 In#o3es Chaos Ball

,000'.00 In#o3es ul)ys Tri!3

,000(.00 In#o3es /imensional Mo#e

,000+.00 In#o3es Shado) Step

,000,.00 In#o3es i$htnin$ Breath

,000-.00 In#o3es Ner#e Breath

,0010.00 In#o3es Nether Breath

,0011.00 In#o3es /i#ine isdom

,0012.00 In#o3es Holy Veil

,001.00 In#o3es Hero

,001%.00 In#o3es Speed

,001'.00 In#o3es Re$eneration

,001(.00 In#o3es Holy Shield

,001+.00 In#o3es Mist of Silen!e

,001,.00 In#o3es e

,001-.00 In#o3es i$htnin$ Bolt

,0020.00 In#o3es /ar3ness Bolt

,0021.00 In#o3es Mind Bolt

,0022.00 In#o3es I!e Bolt

,002.00 In#o3es Healin$ Rain,002%.00 In#o3es 8renade

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,002'.00 In#o3es /e!apitation

-0000.00 "ier!in$

-0001.00 &7plosi#e

-0002.00 Rapid

-000.00 Ma$i!

-000%.00 Stop

-000'.00 Burst

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Stat Tra!3in$ Value Material Value House Type Value

ife 1.00 eather 0.00 Ca#e 0.00

Mana 2.00 Sil3 1.00 Sha!3 1.00

Stren$th .00 Cloth 2.00 Co:y House 2.00

Constitution %.00 S!ale .00 Mansion .00

/e7terity '.00 8lass %.00 Cyerdome %.00"er!eption (.00 <<< Blan3 sho)ed as =>?= '.00 Small Castle '.00

earnin$ +.00 Mithril (.00

ill ,.00 &ther +.00

Ma$i! -.00 Steel ,.00

Charisma 10.00 Metal -.00

Speed 11.00 Crystal 10.00

u!3 12.00 Bron:e 11.00

on$ S)ord 1.00 /iamond 12.00

Short S)ord 1%.00 Spirit Cloth 1.00

 47e 1'.00 Ruynus 1%.00

Blunt 1(.00 "aper 1'.00

"olearm 1+.00 /a)n Cloth 1(.00

Sta#e 1,.00 Bone 1+.00

Martial 4rts 1-.00 Chain 1,.00

S!ythe 20.00 @sidian 1-.00

Bo) 21.00 Mi!a 20.00

Crosso) 22.00 "erl 21.00

*irearm 2.00 &merald 22.00

Thro)in$ 2%.00 /ra$on S!ale 2.00

itera!y 2'.00 Sil#er 2%.00

8ene en$ineer 2(.00 "latinum 2'.00

Ta!ti!s 2+.00 Aylon 2(.00

ei$ht iftin$ 2,.00 8riffon s!ale 2+.00Healin$ 2-.00 Titanium 2,.00

Meditation 0.00 Chrome 2-.00

Ne$otiation 1.00 4damantium 0.00

Stealth 2.00 8old 1.00

o!3 "i!3in$ .00 Coral 2.00

/ete!tion %.00 Iron .00

In#estin$ '.00 Ra) %.00

 4natomy '.00

Sense 9uality (.00

Minin$ +.00

Ma$i! Capa!ity ,.00

Memori:ation -.00/ual ield %0.00

T)o Hand %1.00

Shield %2.00

Hea#y 4rmor %.00

Medium 4rmor %%.00

i$ht 4rmor %'.00

Castin$ %(.00

&#asion %+.00

Ma$i! /e#i!e %,.00

/isarm Trap %-.00

Carpentry '0.00

Tailorin$ '1.00

 4l!hemy '2.00

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;e)eler '.00

8ardenin$ '%.00

*aith ''.00

Tra#elin$ '(.00

"erformer '+.00

Coo3in$ ',.00

*ishin$ '-.00

&ye of Mind (0.00

8reater &#asion (1.00

Control Ma$i! (2.00

Mar3sman (.00

"i!3po!3et (%.00

Ridin$ ('.00

Heal i$ht ((.00

Heal Criti!al (+.00

Cure of &ris (,.00

Cure of ;ua (-.00

Healin$ Rain +0.00Healin$ Tou!h +1.00

Holy i$ht +2.00

Van6uish He7 +.00

Teleport +%.00

Teleport @ther +'.00

Short Teleport +(.00

Identify ++.00

n!urse +,.00

@ra!le +-.00

Ma$i! /art ,0.00

Nether 4rro) ,1.00

Ner#e 4rro) ,2.00Chaos eye ,.00

/ar3 eye ,%.00

I!e Bolt ,'.00

*ire Bolt ,(.00

i$htnin$ Bolt ,+.00

/ar3ness Bolt ,,.00

Mind Bolt ,-.00

Summon Monsters -0.00

Summon ild -1.00

Blan3 Spell 1 -2.00

Blan3 Spell 2 -.00

Return -%.00

Ma$i! Map -'.00

Sense @e!t -(.00

I!e Ball -+.00

*ire Ball -,.00

Chaos Ball --.00

Ra$in$ Roar 100.00

/ominate 101.00

e 102.00

Mist of /ar3ness 10.00

all Creation 10%.00

Restore Body 10'.00Restore Spirit 10(.00

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ish 10+.00

Holy Shield 10,.00

Mist of Silen!e 10-.00

Re$eneration 110.00

&lemental Shield 111.00

Speed 112.00

Slo) 11.00

Hero 11%.00

Mist of frailness 11'.00

&lement S!ar 11(.00

Holy Veil 11+.00

Ni$htmare 11,.00

/i#ine isdom 11-.00

Mutation 120.00

 4!id 8round 121.00

*ire all 122.00

/oor Creation 12.00

In!o$nito 12%.00Crystal Spear 12'.00

Ma$i! Storm 12(.00

Resurre!tion 12+.00

Contin$en!y 12,.00

%D/imensional "o!3et 12-.00

i:ards Har#est 10.00

Meteor 11.00

8ra#ity 12.00



























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Map Value Monster Value

0E50 0.00 &mpty 0.00

1E50 1.00 shop3eeper 1.00

2Eilderness52 2.00 FAeomeG The *alse "rophet 2.00

Eesimas5 .00 putit .00

%ENorth Tyris5% %.00 red putit %.00'EVernis5' '.00 rait '.00

(E4rena5( (.00 snail (.00

+Eour Home5+ +.00 fallen soldier +.00

,E50 ,.00 mer!enary ,.00

-ETest 8round5- -.00 e$$ar -.00

10Ethe $ra#eyard510 10.00 )ild sheep 10.00

11E"ort apul511 11.00 flyin$ fro$ 11.00

12Eo)yn512 12.00 $an$ster 12.00

1E51 1.00 3oold 1.00

1%E/erphy51% 1%.00 !entipede 1%.00

1'E"almia51' 1'.00 mushroom 1'.00

1(Ethe To)er of *ire51( 1(.00 1(.00

1+E the !rypt of the damned 51+ 1+.00 or! 1+.00

1,Ethe 4n!ient Castle51, 1,.00 )arrior of &lea 1,.00

1-Ethe /ra$ons Nest51- 1-.00 mandra3e 1-.00

20Ethe Tru!e 8round520 20.00 or! )arrior 20.00

21ECyer /ome521 21.00 :omie 21.00

22E*ort of Chaos FBeastG522 22.00 eetle 22.00

2E*ort of Chaos FMa!hineG52 2.00 F@rpheG the !haos !hild 2.00

2%E*ort of Chaos FCollapsedG52% 2%.00 )i:ard of elea 2%.00

2'Earna52' 2'.00 F8odaG the !aptain of or! 2'.00

2(Ethe Mountain "ass52( 2(.00 FMad s!ientistG 2(.00

2+Ethe "uppy Ca#e52+ 2+.00 FIs!aG the fallen an$el 2+.002,Ethe ee3s Nest52, 2,.00 Fhom d)ell in the #anityG 2,.00

2-Ethe mansion of youn$er sister52- 2-.00 FoyterG !rimson of Aanan 2-.00

0EShelter50 0.00 FMi!hesG the apprenti!e 0.00

1E50 1.00 FShenaG the dra) 1.00

2Ethe &massy52 2.00 Fdun$eon !leanerG 2.00

ENoyel5 .00 FarnneireG the listener of )ind .00

%EMiral and 8aro3s or3shop5% %.00 FomiasG the messen$er from Vindale %.00

'ESho) House5' '.00 to)n !hild '.00

(Eumiest5( (.00 old person (.00

+Ethe "yramid5+ +.00 J +.00

,Ethe Minotaurs Nest5, ,.00 elder ,.00

-E50 -.00 -.00%0E"et 4rena5%0 %0.00 trainer %0.00

%1E;ail5%1 %1.00 )i:ard %1.00

%2Ethe Void5%2 %2.00 at %2.00

%E50 %.00 #ampire at %.00

%%E50 %%.00 dra$on at %%.00

%'E50 %'.00 fire ent %'.00

%(E50 %(.00 i!e ent %(.00

%+E50 %+.00 li!h %+.00

%,E50 %,.00 master li!h %,.00

%-E50 %-.00 demi li!h %-.00

'0E50 '0.00 hound '0.00

'1E50 '1.00 fire hound '1.00

'2E50 '2.00 i!e hound '2.00

!iti:en [normal, talkative type 1]

!iti:en [normal, talkative type 2]

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'E50 '.00 li$htnin$ hound '.00

'%E50 '%.00 dar3 hound '%.00

''E50 ''.00 illusion hound ''.00

'(E50 '(.00 ner#e hound '(.00

'+E50 '+.00 poison hound '+.00

',E50 ',.00 sound hound ',.00

'-E50 '-.00 nether hound '-.00

(0E50 (0.00 !haos hound (0.00

(1E50 (1.00 $iant s6uirrel (1.00

(2E50 (2.00 3iller s6uirrel (2.00

(E50 (.00 $rud$e (.00

(%E50 (%.00 hun$ry demon (%.00

('E50 ('.00 ele!tri! !loud ('.00

((E50 ((.00 !haos !loud ((.00

(+E50 (+.00 floatin$ eye (+.00

(,E50 (,.00 )y#ern (,.00

(-E50 (-.00 informer (-.00

+0E50 +0.00 artender +0.00+1E50 +1.00 sailor +1.00

+2E50 +2.00 !aptain +2.00

+E50 +.00 arena master +.00

+%E50 +%.00 healer +%.00

+'E50 +'.00 )arrior +'.00

+(E50 +(.00 $uard +(.00

++E50 ++.00 $uard ++.00

+,E50 +,.00 puppet +,.00

+-E50 +-.00 +-.00

,0E50 ,0.00 FKaiG the 3in$ of "almia ,0.00

,1E50 ,1.00 )asp ,1.00

,2E50 ,2.00 red )asp ,2.00,E50 ,.00 !y!lops ,.00

,%E50 ,%.00 titan ,%.00

,'E50 ,'.00 imp ,'.00

,(E50 ,(.00 nether imp ,(.00

,+E50 ,+.00 !haos imp ,+.00

,,E50 ,,.00 hand of the dead ,,.00

,-E50 ,-.00 hand of the !haos ,-.00

-0E50 -0.00 hand of the murderer -0.00

-1E50 -1.00 $host -1.00

-2E50 -2.00 siren -2.00

-E50 -.00 man eater flo)er -.00

-%E50 -%.00 !haos flo)er -%.00

-'E50 -'.00 !ora -'.00

-(E50 -(.00 3in$ !ora -(.00

-+E50 -+.00 fire dra3e -+.00

-,E50 -,.00 i!e dra3e -,.00

--E50 --.00 lesser mummy --.00

100E5- 100.00 mummy 100.00

101E5- 101.00 $reater mummy 101.00

102EStora$e House510% 102.00 $olin 102.00

10EStora$e House510% 10.00 $olin )arrior 10.00

10%EStora$e House510% 10%.00 $olin shaman 10%.00

10'EStora$e House510% 10'.00 $olin )i:ard 10'.0010(EStora$e House510% 10(.00 red aptist 10(.00

FStershaG the 6ueen of "almia [type 1?]

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10+EStora$e House510% 10+.00 lue aptist 10+.00

10,EStora$e House510% 10,.00 ro)n ear 10,.00

10-EStora$e House510% 10-.00 $ri::ly 10-.00

110EStora$e House510% 110.00 li#in$ armor 110.00

111EStora$e House510% 111.00 steel mass 111.00

112EStora$e House510% 112.00 $olden armor 112.00

11EStora$e House510% 11.00 death armor 11.00

11%EStora$e House510% 11%.00 medusa 11%.00

11'EStora$e House510% 11'.00 euryale 11'.00

11(EStora$e House510% 11(.00 stheno 11(.00

11+EStora$e House510% 11+.00 !upid of lo#e 11+.00

11,EStora$e House510% 11,.00 lesser phantom 11,.00

11-EStora$e House510% 11-.00 harpy 11-.00

120EStora$e House510% 120.00 $reen dra$on 120.00

121EStora$e House510% 121.00 red dra$on 121.00

122EStora$e House510% 122.00 )hite dra$on 122.00

12EStora$e House510% 12.00 12.00

12%EStora$e House510% 12%.00 nether dra$on 12%.0012'EStora$e House510% 12'.00 !haos dra$on 12'.00

12(EStora$e House510% 12(.00 !ererus 12(.00

12+EStora$e House510% 12+.00 spider 12+.00

12,EStora$e House510% 12,.00 la!3 )ido) 12,.00

12-EStora$e House510% 12-.00 paraly:er 12-.00

10EStora$e House510% 10.00 tarantula 10.00

11EStora$e House510% 11.00 lood spider 11.00

12EStora$e House510% 12.00 )ood $olem 12.00

1EStora$e House510% 1.00 stone $olem 1.00

1%EStora$e House510% 1%.00 steel $olem 1%.00

1'EStora$e House510% 1'.00 $olden $olem 1'.00

1(EStora$e House510% 1(.00 mithril $olem 1(.001+EStora$e House510% 1+.00 s3y $olem 1+.00

1,EStora$e House510% 1,.00 adamantium $olem 1,.00

1-EStora$e House510% 1-.00 FSlanG the shado) of "almia 1-.00

1%0EStora$e House510% 1%0.00 FVesdaG the fire dra$on 1%0.00

1%1EStora$e House510% 1%1.00 FIssi::leG the dar3 aomination 1%1.00

1%2EStora$e House510% 1%2.00 F&rystiaG the s!holar of history 1%2.00

1%EStora$e House510% 1%.00 FynanG the lord of the 4n!ient Castle 1%.00

1%%EStora$e House510% 1%%.00 F9urui:aG the redDeyed /e!ei#er 1%%.00

1%'EStora$e House510% 1%'.00 FCor$onG the steel dra$on 1%'.00

1%(EStora$e House510% 1%(.00 FaramG the lonely )olf of arune 1%(.00

1%+EStora$e House510% 1%+.00 fire !ra 1%+.00

1%,EStora$e House510% 1%,.00 fire !entipede 1%,.00

1%-EStora$e House510% 1%-.00 elie#er of fire 1%-.00

1'0EBe$inners To)er5, 1'0.00 s3eleton )arrior 1'0.00

1'1Ein$s To)er5, 1'1.00 s3eleton erser3er 1'1.00

1'2EChaoti! To)er5, 1'2.00 missionary of dar3ness 1'2.00

1'EBe$inners *orest5, 1'.00 F"a)nG 1'.00

1'%EBe$inners *ort5, 1'%.00 FRoo3G 1'%.00

1''EBe$inners To)er5, 1''.00 FBishopG 1''.00

1'(ESafe *orest5, 1'(.00 Fni$htG 1'(.00

1'+EChaoti! /un$eon5, 1'+.00 F9ueenG 1'+.00

1',ESafe To)er5, 1',.00 Fin$G 1',.00

1'-EChaoti! /un$eon5, 1'-.00 mer!enary )arrior 1'-.001(0EBe$inners /un$eon5, 1(0.00 mer!enary ar!her 1(0.00

ele! dra$on [sic]

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1(1Ein$s /un$eon5, 1(1.00 mer!enary )i:ard 1(1.00

1(2Ein$s To)er5, 1(2.00 erles ma!hine infantry 1(2.00

1(EChaoti! *ort5, 1(.00 ro!3 thro)er 1(.00

1(%ESafe To)er5, 1(%.00 !at 1(%.00

1('ESafe *ort5, 1('.00 do$ 1('.00

1((Ein$s To)er5, 1((.00 little $irl 1((.00

1(+ESafe *orest5, 1(+.00 rat 1(+.00

1(,ESafe To)er5, 1(,.00 hermit !ra 1(,.00

1(-ESafe *ort5, 1(-.00 slime 1(-.00

1+0ESafe *orest5, 1+0.00 puli! performer 1+0.00

1+1EChaoti! *orest5, 1+1.00 1+1.00

1+2Ein$s *ort5, 1+2.00 1+2.00

1+EChaoti! *ort5, 1+.00 sales person 1+.00

1+%EBe$inners To)er5, 1+%.00 1+%.00

1+'ESafe *ort5, 1+'.00 F*risiaG the !at 6ueen 1+'.00

1+(EBe$inners *ort5, 1+(.00 youn$er sister 1+(.00

1++E&7!itin$ /un$eon5, 1++.00 FtimaG the destroyer of Keren 1++.00

1+,ESafe *orest5, 1+,.00 F4::rssillG the impure 1+,.001+-E4d#enturers*ort5, 1+-.00 master of pet arena 1+-.00

1,0EBe$inners *orest5, 1,0.00 t)intail 1,0.00

1,1E4d#enturers/un$eon5, 1,1.00 sil#er )olf 1,1.00

1,2E&7!itin$ *ort5, 1,2.00 nurse 1,2.00

1,E4d#enturers/un$eon5, 1,.00 ri!h person 1,.00

1,%EBe$inners *orest5, 1,%.00 nole !hild 1,%.00

1,'ESafe *orest5, 1,'.00 tourist 1,'.00

1,(EBe$inners /un$eon5, 1,(.00 lade 1,(.00

1,+EBe$inners To)er5, 1,+.00 lade alpha 1,+.00

1,,Ein$s To)er5, 1,,.00 lade ome$a 1,,.00

1,-E*earful /un$eon5, 1,-.00 deformed eye 1,-.00

1-0E50 1-0.00 impure eye 1-0.00

1-1E50 1-1.00 )isp 1-1.00

1-2E50 1-2.00 hed$eho$ 1-2.00

1-E50 1-.00 shinin$ hed$eho$ 1-.00

1-%E50 1-%.00 a!id slime 1-%.00

1-'E50 1-'.00 !hi!3en 1-'.00

1-(E50 1-(.00 pump3in 1-(.00

1-+E50 1-+.00 $reater pump3in 1-+.00

1-,E50 1-,.00 1-,.00

1--E50 1--.00 stal3er 1--.00

200.00 shado) stal3er 200.00

201.00 201.00202.00 202.00

20.00 FMoyerG the !roo3ed 20.00

20%.00 20%.00

20'.00 maid 20'.00

20(.00 sister 20(.00

20+.00 20+.00

20,.00 20,.00

20-.00 FMiralG the le$endary smith 20-.00

210.00 youn$er !at sister 210.00

211.00 youn$ lady 211.00

212.00 212.0021.00 F8)enG the inno!ent 21.00

!iti:en of !yer dome [blond male]

!iti:en of !yer dome [redhead female]

!iti:en of !yer dome [blue-haired female]

hallo)een ni$htmare [sic]

puppy [the weaker pumpkin, not Poppy]F&onG the fire $iant [captive]

palmian elite soldier [sic]

F&onG the fire $iant [freed]

F8aro33G the le$endary smith [sic]

FStershaG the 6ueen of "almia [type 2]

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21%.00 thief 21%.00

21'.00 roer 21'.00

21(.00 $reat ra!e of ith 21(.00

21+.00 master thief 21+.00

21,.00 ShuDNi$$urath 21,.00

21-.00 $a$u 21-.00

220.00 spiral 3in$ 220.00

221.00 lonely F"aelG 221.00

222.00 "aels mom FilyG 222.00

22.00 FRaphaelG the )omani:er 22.00

22%.00 F4in!G the no#i!e 3ni$ht 22%.00

22'.00 F"oppyG the little do$ 22'.00

22(.00 FRilianG the do$ lo#er 22(.00

22+.00 FTamG the !at hater 22+.00

22,.00 !arun!le 22,.00

22-.00 lion 22-.00

20.00 FCa!yG the !at tamer 20.00

21.00 21.0022.00 22.00

2.00 uere infantry 2.00

2%.00 erles elite ma!hine infantry 2%.00

2'.00 2'.00

2(.00 2(.00

2+.00 3ami3a:e yee3 2+.00

2,.00 yee3 )arrior 2,.00

2-.00 2-.00

2%0.00 master yee3 2%0.00

2%1.00 ee3 ar!her 2%1.00

2%2.00 2%2.002%.00 FarnordG the inured soldier 2%.00

2%%.00 3ami3a:e samurai 2%%.00

2%'.00 om ro!3 2%'.00

2%(.00 sil#er !at 2%(.00

2%+.00 FMiaG the !at frea3 2%+.00

2%,.00 tyrannosarus 2%,.00

2%-.00 youn$er sister 2%-.00

2'0.00 fairy 2'0.00

2'1.00 troll 2'1.00

2'2.00 FRentonG the sufferin$ )i:ard 2'2.00

2'.00 FMar3sG the $reat thief 2'.00

2'%.00 an!ient !offin 2'%.002''.00 s!orpion 2''.00

2'(.00 3in$ s!orpion 2'(.00

2'+.00 FTu)enG the master of the pyramid 2'+.00

2',.00 iron maiden 2',.00

2'-.00 FNoelG the omer 2'-.00

2(0.00 la!3 !at 2(0.00

2(1.00 !ute fairy 2(1.00

2(2.00 android 2(2.00

2(.00 la!3 an$el 2(.00

2(%.00 e7ile 2(%.00

2('.00 $olden 3ni$ht 2('.00

2((.00 defender 2((.00

2(+.00 lame horse 2(+.00

F8ilertG the !arnel [sic]yerles selfDpropelled $un [sic]

 uere s)ordman [sic]

yee3 [normal]

!iti:en [untalkative, of Larna]

yee3 [boss]

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2(,.00 o)yn horse 2(,.00

2(-.00 farmer 2(-.00

2+0.00 sister 2+0.00

2+1.00 ro$ue 2+1.00

2+2.00 artist 2+2.00

2+.00 miner 2+.00

2+%.00 nole 2+%.00

2+'.00 Noyel horse 2+'.00

2+(.00 2+(.00

2++.00 2++.00

2+,.00 mutant 2+,.00

2+-.00 FI!olleG the iolo$ist 2+-.00

2,0.00 2,0.00

2,1.00 li:ard man 2,1.00

2,2.00 minotaur 2,2.00

2,.00 spore mushroom 2,.00

2,%.00 !haos mushroom 2,%.00

2,'.00 lue ule 2,'.002,(.00 ule 2,(.00

2,+.00 mass monster 2,+.00

2,,.00 FRe#lusG the ma$e $uildmaster 2,,.00

2,-.00 ma$e $uild memer 2,-.00

2-0.00 Fe7usG the $uild )at!hman 2-0.00

2-1.00 F*rayG the fi$hter $uildmaster 2-1.00

2-2.00 FSinG the thief $uildmaster 2-2.00

2-.00 thief $uild memer 2-.00

2-%.00 F4yssG the thief )at!hman 2-%.00

2-'.00 fi$hter $uild memer 2-'.00

2-(.00 minotaur ma$i!ian 2-(.00

2-+.00 F/oriaG the fi$hter )at!hman 2-+.00

2-,.00 minotaur o7er 2-,.00

2--.00 minotaur 3in$ 2--.00

00.00 Fn$a$aG the minotaur 3in$ 00.00

01.00 FConeryG palmian maor $eneral 01.00

02.00 ro$ue oss 02.00

0.00 ro$ue )arrior 0.00

0%.00 ro$ue ar!her 0%.00

0'.00 ro$ue )i:ard 0'.00

0(.00 0(.00

0+.00 e7e!utioner 0+.00

0,.00 messen$er of death 0,.000-.00 asura 0-.00

10.00 mitra 10.00

11.00 #aruna 11.00

12.00 hun$ry sea lion 12.00

1.00 super hun$ry sea lion 1.00

1%.00 death $a:e 1%.00

1'.00 !haos eye 1'.00

1(.00 mad $a:e 1(.00

1+.00 sil#er eyed )it!h 1+.00

1,.00 FBi$ daddyG 1,.00

1-.00 Fittle sisterG 1-.00

20.00 !leaner 20.0021.00 hard $ay 21.00

)ild horse [lower level, orane]

)ild horse [hiher level, red]

FBal:a3G the aniator [sic]

Fulu)yG [sic]

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22.00 FStran$e s!ientistG 22.00

2.00 shade 2.00

2%.00 6ui!3lin$ 2%.00

2'.00 6ui!3lin$ ar!her 2'.00

2(.00 ard 2(.00

2+.00 !ue 2+.00

2,.00 sil#er ell 2,.00

2-.00 $old ell 2-.00

0.00 alien 0.00

1.00 F&he3atlG 1.00

2.00 stray !at 2.00

.00 $uild trainer .00

%.00 FMysteri! "rodu!erG %.00

'.00 '.00

(.00 F$od inside &he3atlG (.00

+.00 prisoner +.00

Courier Ne) Ldummy ( ,.00



































prostitue [sic]

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$old pie!e

platinum !oin



lon$ o)

3ni$ht shield




FS!ythe of VoidG


li$ht !loa3


de!orati#e amulet

potion of !ure minor )ound

potion of !ure maor )ound

potion of !ure !riti!al )oundpotion of healin$

potion of healer 


potion of healer F@dinaG

potion of healer F&risG

potion of healer F;ureG

round !hair 

pair of hea#y oots

lu7ury dra)er 

orin$ ed

ra$ doll

toymodern tale

dinin$ tale


lot of $oods

lot of a!!essories

$rand piano

ar tale alpha

ar tale eta


modern !hair 



de!orati#e armor 


!losed pot

open pot

a!ademi! tale

ra!3 of potions

s6uare !hair 

!heap !hair 



neat shelf !loset

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#ariety of tools

#ariety of $oods


#ariety of !lothes




!rossroad si$n


spelloo3 of minor teleportation

empty as3et

spelloo3 of summon monsters

rod of !ure minor )ound

rod of ma$i! missile

rod of summon monsters

rod of i!e olt

rod of fire olt

sho) !ase of readsrod of heal


al!hemy 3it


small folia$e plant


lar$e folia$e plant





fo7tail $rass!arnation

statue ornamented )ith plants

statue ornamented )ith flo)ers



food ma3er 

undle of o)s

undle of )eapons

de!orated !loth

de!orated armor 

statue of armor 

disorderly oo3

lot of oo3s

!raft ra!3

!raft oo3 shelf 

lot of al!ohols



3it!hen o#en

narro) dinin$ tale

ele$ant tale

$or$eous !andlesti!3

simple shelf se)in$ 3it

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!arpenters tool

messy !loth

sil3 !loth

!ollapsed $ra#e

!rumled $ra#e

$ra#e of ornamented )ith flo)ers

rand ne) $ra#e

solemn tom

pair of hea#y oots

old $ra#e


!eremony altar 


un3 ed

rod of li$htnin$ olt

rod of slo)


aloeedile )ild plant








s)eet potato




api nut


healthy leaf 

raino) fruit




$reen pea



le!!horod of ma$i! mappin$

rod of !ure


ottle of )his3y

F&ther /a$$erG

FBo) of VinderreG

)orthless fa3e $old ar 

s!roll of un!urse



staff spear 

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ore pie!e

lot of empty ottles


empty o)l


ti$ht rope

dead fish

pair of hea#y oots

animal one




attle a7e



lon$ staff 

short o)

ma!hine $un!laymore




s!roll of return

fi$urine of )arrior 

fi$urine of s)ord

ee)eled !hestL&mpty



s!roll of ma$i!al maps!roll of $ain attriute

s!roll of )onder 

s!roll of minor teleportation

spelloo3 of ma$i! mappin$

spelloo3 of ora!le

spelloo3 of return

spelloo3 of !ure minor )ound

spelloo3 of !ure !riti!al )ound

spelloo3 of !ure F&risG

spelloo3 of !ure F;ureG

ottle of eer 


portale !oo3in$ tool

spelloo3 of ma$i! arro)

sti!3 read

ra) noodle

sa!3 of flour 

om fish


spelloo3 of nether eye

spelloo3 of !haos eye

spelloo3 of ner#e eye


spelloo3 of dar3ness eam

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spelloo3 of illusion eam

spelloo3 of i!e all

spelloo3 of fire all

spelloo3 of sound all

spelloo3 of !haos all

fire )ood



lon$ pillar 

ro3en pillar 

street lamp

)ater tu

!omfortale tale

inner tue

mysterious map

suit!aseLost propertyL&mpty

)alletLost propertyL&mpty

potion of restore odypotion of restore spirit

potion of potential

s!roll of !urse

spelloo3 of )ishin$

rod of )ishin$

)ell 3ept armor 

ra!3 of $ood

ra!3 of a!!essaries


ra$$ed tale


lu7ury ed


hi$h $rade dresser 

neat ar tale

lar$e ou6uet

!hest of !lothes

$iant ed

plain ed


food pro!essor 

soft ed

!heap ra!3dresser 

!lean ed


pa!hisuro ma!hine

!asino tale

slot ma!hine

darts oard

i$ folia$e plant

old shelf 

old oo3shelf 

!heap ed

!heap taleneat ra!3

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simple dresser 

i$ !upoard

sa!red altar 

!omfortale ed

simple ra!3

)ide !hair 

upri$ht piano

statue of !ross




tra#elers food


$olden pedestal

$olden statue





fishin$ pole












pair of F8lo#es of VesdaG

FBlood MoonG

FRin$ of Steel /ra$onG

FStaff of InsanityG


F"almia "rideG

shop3eepers trun3LTemporal

s!roll of $reater identify

s!roll of #anish !urse

potion of defender 

spelloo3 of holy shield

rod of silen!e

spelloo3 of silen!e

potion of silen!e

spelloo3 of re$eneration

potion of troll lood

spelloo3 of resistan!e

potion of resistan!e

spelloo3 of speed

spelloo3 of slo)potion of speed

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potion of slo)

rod of speed

spelloo3 of hero

potion of hero

spelloo3 of )ea3ness

spelloo3 of )ea3n resistan!e

potion of )ea3ness

spelloo3 of holy #eil

s!roll of holy #eil

rod of holy li$ht

spelloo3 of holy li$ht

spelloo3 of holy rain

s!roll of holy li$ht

s!roll of holy rain

s!roll of mana

rod of mana

ottle of sulfuri!

$em !utter material o7L&mpty

s!roll of $ain material

spelloo3 of ni$htmare

spelloo3 of 3no)led$e

s!roll of 3no)led$e

ra$ doll






$ra#etuna fish


nole toy

inner tue

spelloo3 of dete!t oe!ts

s!roll of dete!t oe!ts

rod of un!urse

red treasure ma!hine

lue treasure ma!hine

treasure allL&mpty

rare treasure allL&mpty

#e$etale seed

fruit seed

her seed

un3no)n seed

artifa!t seed







sleepin$ a$potion of )ea3en resistan!e

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s!roll of $ro)th

s!roll of faith

potion of mutation

potion of !ure mutation

spelloo3 of mutation

anded mail

plate mail

rin$ mail

!omposite mail

!hain mail

pope roe

li$ht mail


reast plate

ulletproof a!3et

pair of $lo#es

pair of plate $auntlets

pair of li$ht $lo#espair of !omposite $auntlets

small shield

round shield


lar$e shield

3ite shield

to)er shield

pair of shoes

pair of oots

pair of ti$ht oots

pair of armored oots

!omposite $irdleplate $irdle

armored !loa3


feather hat

hea#y helm

3ni$ht helm


!omposite helm



ne!3 $uard


ee)eled amulet

en$a$ement amulet

!omposite rin$

armored rin$


en$a$ement rin$


s!roll of ally

rod of domination

spelloo3 of domination


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spelloo3 of )e

rod of )e



trainin$ ma!hine


mi!ro)a#e o#en



trash !an


lan3 dis!

shot $un

pop !orn

fried potato

!yer sna!3

s!roll of inferior material

s!roll of !han$e materials!roll of superior material



little sisters diary

s!roll of en!hant )eapon

s!roll of $reater en!hant )eapon

s!roll of en!hant armor 

s!roll of $reater en!hant armor 

heir trun3L&mpty

deed of heirship

laser $un

ener$y !ellFRail 8unG

s!roll of re!har$e

ottle of )ater 

rod of !han$e !reature

rod of al!hemy

ottle of dye


deed of museum

deed of shop

tree of ee!h

tree of !edar 

tree of fruitless

tree of fruits

dead tree

tree of :el3o#a

tree of palm

tree of ash




$iant folia$e plant

i$ tale

paintin$ of madampaintin$ of lands!ape

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paintin$ of sunflo)er 

statue of !at

la!3 !rystal

sno) man

deed of farm

deed of stora$e house

dis! FB8M0G

rod of )all !reation

spelloo3 of )all !reation

salary !hestL&mpty

spelloo3 of healin$ rain

s!roll of healin$ rain

spelloo3 of healin$ hands

rod of healin$ hands


$em seed

ma$i!al seed

shelter pair of se#en lea$ue oots

#indale !loa3

aurora rin$

potion of !ure !orruption

deli#ery !hestL&mpty

shop stron$o7L&mpty


te7too3 titled F4rt of G

spelloo3 of a!id $round

rod of a!id $round

a!idproof li6uid

fireproof lan3et!oldproof lan3et

spelloo3 of fire )all

rod of fire )all


deed of ran!h


ottle of mil3


playa!3 dis!


3itty an3L'00 8"


modern ra!3

rod of ma3e door 

spelloo3 of ma3e door 



fan!y lamp

modern lamp

handful of sno)

tree of na3ed

tree of fir 

sno) s!are!ro)mini sno) man

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sno) arrel

modern lamp

statue of holy !ross


stained $lass )indo)

!hristmas tree

sno) man

!hristmas tree


empty ottle

holy )ell

president !hair 

$reen plant

money tree

are!ue set

$iant !a!tus

s6uare )indo)

)indo)trian$le plant

house oard

ni!e )indo)

3in$s ed

flo)er ar!h


ta7 o7L&mpty

ait F)ater fleaG



lo#e potion

treasure mapsmall medal

!at sisters diary

$irls diary


ottle of hermes lood

FSa$es HelmG

spelloo3 of in!o$nito

dis$uise set

material 3it

moon $ate

flyin$ s!roll





s3eleton 3ey

s!roll of es!ape

happy apple

uni!orn horn

!ooler o7L&mpty

ri!e arrel

eastern ed

de!orated )indo)3in$ dra)er 

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menu oard

la!3 oard




!raft !upoard



doule ed

hero !heese

eastern lamp

eastern )indo)



spelloo3 of dar3ness arro)

pair of F/alDiDthalionG

ma$i! fruit

monster heartspeed rin$

statue of @partos

statue of ul)y

sisters lun!h

oo3 of Ra!hel No.0



nu!lear om

se!ret treasure

Find Bo)G

Fin!hester "remiumG

Fumiromi SytheGF&lemental Staff

FHoly Ran!eG

Fu!3y /a$$erG

8aia HammerG

ul)ys $em stone of $od speed

;ueres $em stone of holy rain

umiromis $em stone of reu#enation

$em stone of Mani

$ene ma!hine

monster all e#el 0L&mpty

statue of ;ure

an!ient oo3 titled FVoyni!h Manus!riptG

iron maiden


pan flute




eastern partition

F47e of /estru!tionG

spelloo3 of ma$i! all

spelloo3 of ma$i! laser 

handful of saltlittle all

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to)n oo3


raits tail



FBe$$ers "endantG

potion of des!ent


oo3 of resurre!tion

s!roll of !ontin$en!y

spelloo3 of !ontin$en!y

potion of e#olution

deed of dun$eon



se!ret e7perien!e of umiromi

FVanilla Ro!3G

se!ret e7perien!e of omiasFShenas "antyG


happy ed

statue of &he3atl


FT)in &d$eG

musi! ti!3et

Fill ill "ianoG


FShield ofThornG

FCrimson "lateG

!heap $iftto3en of friendship

spelloo3 of % dimensional po!3et

spelloo3 of har#est


small $amle !hest e#el 0L&mpty


fireproof li6uid

s!roll of name

fortune !oo3ie

F*risias TailG

Fn3no)n ShellG


li!ense of the #oid e7ploerler 

plan3 of Carneades

S!hrodin$ers Cat


tamers )hip

Boo3 of Bo3onon

Summonin$ Crystal

Statue of Creator 



ne) years $ift L&mpty3otatsu

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/oor Type Value N"C Type Value

Stairs /o)n)ard 1000 0.00

ooden /oor @pen 1001 4rmory 1.00

Cyer /oor @pen 1002 Coo3ed *ood Seller 2.00

arna /oor @pen 100 Ba3er .00

ooden /oor Closed 100% Ma$i! Vendor %.00Cyer /oor Closed 100' Inn eeper '.00

arna /oor Closed 100( 8eneral Vendor (.00

larna )ater 100+ Bla!3 Mar3et +.00

Verti!al Crop 100, &IR/ L/eedsP rodsP a shield and some random furniture ,.00

Hori: Crop 100- Nothin$ -.00

1010 anderin$ Mer!hant 10.00

1011 Cyerdome Mer!hant 11.00

1012 Middle Vendors in &massy

101 /eed Vendors In &massy

101% *ishin$ Vendor 

101' Moyer the Croo3ed

101( Miral 8iro3P non pre!ious items

101+ /ye Vendor 

101, Sou#enir Vendor 

101- Sisters un!h Seller 

1020 Nothin$5LSpelloo3 )riter if in ma$es $uild

1021 Thie#es 8uild Mer!hant Ldis$uise 3its

1022 ittle of &#erythin$ Lfen!e<

102 Random Stuff L)ell too

102% Random stuff a$ain L)ell too

102' Random Stuff 484INQ



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*urniture Modifier Value N"C Relation Value Bitist L2K #alue

None D.00 Hostile 2

stupid D2 Brin3 Hostile %

lame D1 Indifferent ,

!ool 0.00 Tal3ati#e< 1(

madams fa#orite 10.00 *riend 2 *loat 'e)it!hed (% In#isile (

mania! 12, See In#isile +

ma$nifi!ent 2'( Resist Confuse ,

royal '12 Resist Blind -

masterpie!e 102% Resist *ear 10

hea#enly 20%, Resist Sleep 11

$odly %0-( Resist "araly:e 12

,1-2 Resist "oison 1

1(,% &at *ood 1%

2+(, Resist Steal 1'

(''( In!o$nito 1(

110+2 /rop $old Lell< D 1+

2(21%% Sui!ide 1,

'2%2,, /eath Master 1-

10%,'+(.00 Rapid Ma$i! 20

20-+1'2 ay Hands 21

%1-%0%.00 Horse 22

,,,(0, Split 1 2


''%%2 No Horse 2'




10++%1,2% "o)er Bash 0


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Value 9uest Types Value Body "art

100%.00 Birthday 10000.00 Head

100(.00 Har#est Time 20000.00 Ne!3

100+.00 Beauty Beast 0000.00 Ba!3

100,.00 Challen$e %0000.00 Body

100-.00 "arty Time '0000.00 Hand1010.00 "ani! (0000.00 Rin$

1011.00 I )ant it +0000.00 4rm

,0000.00 aist

-0000.00 e$

100000.00 Shoot

110000.00 4mmo

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