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Elves of Mirkwood Roleplay.pdf

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  • Some nerds from the NaNoWriMo Young Writers Program present

    The Elves of Mirkwood A Roleplay

    FEATURING: Isis as Thranduil LegolasWannabe as Legolas and Elie ElvenGirl as Tauriel Quill and Inkwell as Araniss CannonsMcChop as Revion WesleyJ123 as Legion Origameep as Yonyarmen Goodwriter565 as Jane and eventually Legolas

    Tauriel climbed up into a tree, her bow and arrows slung onto her back along with

    two knives. She needed to have a break from her duties for a while. Thranduil stood at the edge of one of Mirkwood's many beautiful passages,

    waiting. He abruptly turned to a guard. "Where is Tauriel?" he asked. The guard shrugged. "I saw her out by the borders."

    Thranduil shut his eyes in exasperation. "She forgot. Please get her." The guard bowed and strode off to find her. Araniss approached Thranduil cautiously. "My liege, where is Legolas?" she

    asked, bowing low. "He is not...the orcs are trodden, but no trace of Legolas can be found."

    "I assume he is off fighting the spiders," Thranduil said, lifting his chin to examine a curving pillar. Thranduil turned to her suddenly and with a startling precision. "Do you miss him?"

    Araniss lowered her eyes, not daring to look her father-in-law in the eyes. "Yes," she whispered. "It's like the moon is forever darkened when he's away. Yet it reminds me of him all the same. I wish he were not away so oft..." She traced her fingers along the bark of an aspen.

    Tauriel saw the guard before he saw her. She swung down from the tree and he

    told her that she needed to go back to the palace. She sighed and headed back. Thranduil turned as the guard entered the hallway again, and his eyes narrowed at

    Tauriel. "I thought you were off with Legolas. Did I not order those spiders out?" "Yes, you did," Tauriel held his gaze. "I'm sorry. I will return to my duty now."

    She turned to go. "Tauriel," Thranduil's voice softened, ever so slightly. "I expect a full report on

    both the spiders and the orcs when you get back." Araniss bit her lip. "I should like to go to him." Then, turning to Tauriel, she

    asked, "Perhaps...you could take me to him? I do have a good shot, and I have quick

  • reflexes with the double rapier..." She twisted a lock of red hair around her finger, staring into the cloudless sky. "Although, I suppose that wouldn't be good for the substantiality of the line of succession. But," she turned to Thranduil, "might I have your word?"

    "No," Thranduil said rather sharply. He frowned. "You're right, it wouldn't be good for the line of succession should you wind up dead like..." Thranduil shook his head to clear it. "Enough. No, Legolas will be back soon. Go, Tauriel. Come, walk with me, Araniss."

    Araniss knelt, crossing her sword at her breast. "As you wish." Legolas walked quietly through the forest with his guards. "Be on the look out for

    the spiders, they are near," he said as he loaded an arrow. A guard stayed close to Legolas, loading arrows into his bow. Legolas stopped as a spider in the distance spotted them and screeched as it

    charged. Legolas drew back his bowstring and released, hitting the spider in the eye, killing it instantly. More spiders started to come down from the trees. Legolas continued to shoot arrows at the oncoming spiders.

    Revion dropped through the trees, landing on a spider. He slashed it with his blades.

    Legolas shot two arrows at a spider. The spiders retreated. Lets check the western borders once more before we head back," Legolas said as he put his bow away.

    Thranduil strode down the halls, watching the curving vines of the winding

    pathways and pillars. "Have you spoken to your family recently?" Thranduil asked. Araniss paused, closing her eyes. "Oh, how I would love to see the

    golden floors of Laurelindrenan again. I can feel the wind at my fingertips, see the Elanor on my beloved Cerin Amroth...how I long to be under the gold eves of Lothlrien again." She bit her lip. "There is some trouble in Lrien...orcs gathering at the border and such. My mother is doing her best to act against them--she knows not what the cause is, nor the feeling of toil gathering about the land. But there is, no doubt, evil growing about Middle-earth. You have, I suppose, received word of this?"

    "I have," Thranduil said, pouring himself a glass of wine. He handed a cup to Araniss. "As of yet it waits to reveal itself. What do you plan to do about the orcs?" "I...don't know." Araniss sighed, taking a long drain from her goblet. "We've lost many of our people trying to ward them off. We're just waiting to see what happens next. Our world is hanging on the edge." She stared at the ceiling, her sharp green eyes flickering back and forth, tracing the curves of the stone. "It wouldn't be too much to ask for aid? We won't need many..." "Araniss, you have a strong kingdom, and you must learn to protect yourself." Thranduil set a hand on her arm. "But I'll see what I can do." "Thank you," she breathed, a hint of a smile spreading across her lips for the first time after Legolas had left. Eager to change the subject, she asked, "When do you suppose Legolas will be back?" "I cannot say for certain," Thranduil said, turning away. "He can be gone mere minutes or hours. It depends on what he finds - but worry not. He'll be back for the feast this evening."

  • Legolas walked slowly through the forest. He thought of Araniss as he did. He did not like the distance between them, but he wanted to see the borders himself to see how the enemy was advancing onto their lands. Legolas walked when orcs ambushed from over a small hill that was thick with brush. Arrows flew in very direction. Most of the guards fell prey to the orcs flying arrows. Legolas took cover and returned fire. Legolas shot arrow upon arrow till the orcs numbers were low enough that Legolas could escape. He ran a good distance, turning around every once in a while to shoot a following orc. Until the wargs started to catch up. Araniss closed her eyes, praying in her heart that she would see her husband again. She could see him in that moment; she could envision him clearly in her heart.

    Then a feeling of danger and dread came over her and she gasped, forcing her eyes open. She grabbed a pillar to steady herself, leaning against it. Her goblet dropped to the ground with a crash, wine spilling across the floor.

    "He's in danger." It hurt so much more to say it. It was so strange that a single whisper could increase the pain in Aranisss heart so drastically. "I can sense it."

    "Araniss..." Thranduil set a hand on her shoulder, a flare of worry in his cool eyes. "What is it?"

    "I...he..." Araniss couldn't bring herself to say the words. "Legolas...is in danger. That's why our distance troubles me; the farther we are apart, the stronger the pain. I can sense when he's in danger, and I..." She clutched her arm, squeezing her eyes shut and leaning against the wall for support. "I can feel it when he's wounded." She slid down the wall, trembling. Her green eyes searched the hall frantically, as if there were some sign of comfort.

    Thranduil knelt beside her, hand tightening around her arm. "Guards!" he barked over his shoulder. "I want more guards out with my son. Now!"

    As several guards hurried off to Legolas, Thranduil stayed beside Araniss. "He'll be fine, Araniss," he assured her. "Take deep breaths."

    A warg fell as an arrow appeared in the side of its skull. "Need some help?"

    "Yes," Legolas said with relief. He shot an arrow at a warg rider, then another at a warg. A warg jumped out from behind a large dead stump and took Legolas to the ground with a thump. Revion stabbed it. "You should work on not getting pounced." Legolas got up, his arm bleeding. He would not be able to pull back his bowstring, so he put his bow away and pulled out his daggers. "Enough talking and keep fighting now!" he said as he hewed the head off of an orc. "I can do two things at once." Revion said, still fighting. Tauriel finally arrived where Legolas was. "How can I help?" she asked as she began fighting. Revion stabbed two orcs, and kept running. In the midst of the battle, Tauriel glanced over and saw Legolas's arm bleeding and gasped. "Are you okay?" Legolas stuck both his daggers in an orcs shoulders, then pushing the orc down, bringing its head to Legolas's knee. He pulled his daggers out of the orc in time to kill

  • another. Legolas ignored Tauriel's question, embarrassed to be injured. "Revion! Tauriel! we must fall back. There are too many," he said between breaths. Orcs ran over the hill one by one, some riding wargs, others by foot. Tauriel's eyes narrowed slightly, as Legolas did not respond to her question. She began to fall back, according to his command. Legolas ran away from battle. He would never usually do so, but since all who were left were Revion, Tauriel, and he, he decided it would be for the best. Especially since there were nearly thirty orcs chasing them. Tauriel ran alongside Legolas, worried. "Where are we going now? We can't lead them back to Thranduil's halls. Then they would try to break in." Guards swarmed into the area, overrunning orcs. "Your wife worries, sir!" one called to Legolas as they fought the orcs. Legolas stopped. "I had figured you would be near," he said catching his breath. He looked to Tauriel. "I trust my wife. She is always looking out for me." Araniss took comfort in Thranduil's eyes, for they reminded her of Legolas. She held his gaze for a moment, then directed her eyes towards the ceiling. She managed to say between gasps, "I...I hope the pain isn't...this unbearable...for him...I think it's just...just the distance. I'm used to it...it happens...every time...he's away..." Tears trickled down her checks as she screamed in pain. Then her eyes rolled back into her head and her vision went black. Thranduil's vision clouded with flashbacks of another elf in his arms, of her eyes going cold and the blood...

    He snapped out of it and lifted her into his arms, a swirling cloud of desperation in his body. There was another person, another person he'd tried to save. And he'd failed...

    Thranduil squeezed his eyes shut. No. No, Araniss wasn't dying. Not yet. Clutching her close to him, he sped off to the healers, who immediately took her. He braced himself against the wall of the room for a minute as they massed over her, voices murmuring. She dreamt of darkness, of a world unknown, beyond the deepest taverns and caves of the earth, beyond everything--the greatest evil, the greatest pain, and she knew that a great distance lay ahead.

    Distance. It was the distance that pained her now, and the distance that would lie dark in her

    heart forever.

    Legolas winced at the pain of his arm and shoulder. He tried to shake it off and not let it show that he was injured, but it was hard when blood was trickling down his golden chest plate. He just looked around and said, "Lets move back to the castle. We need to replenish with weapons and gear," he said. He really just wanted to get back to see his wife, for something did not feel right.

    Revion stood ahead of Legolas. "Yes. Yes we do." Tauriel sensed Legolas's unease. She said quietly, "She'll be all right. Araniss

    will be all right." She looked ahead and saw the castle growing nearer. In a louder voice, she said, "Which entrance shall we use?"

  • Guards ushered them inside. Aranisss lips parted in her sleep, letting out a strangled scream. But she felt the

    pain lessen gradually afterwards, and she knew unconsciously, beneath the veil of darkness, that Legolas was drawing nearer.

    She sat up, gasping, finding that the intensity of the pain had reduced. She sensed his presence in the castle as her vision returned.

    Legolas entered through the front gates and walked straight to Araniss. He ignored his shoulder and stepped into the doorway of the room she was in. "My lady, I have returned. Word reached me that you were distressed. Are you alright?" he asked as calmly as he could.

    Aranisss mind was filled with a voice fairer than any other, the one she had desired, craved, longed for. It was like a candle shining bright in the darkness. Her doubts melted away and she peered behind a curtain of hair to see a pair of clear blue eyes. Loving eyes. The eyes she trusted above any others. She flung her arms around Legolas, pulling him close, clinging to him with all of the strength she had, never wanting to let go. She buried her face in his chest and broke down in sobs, her tears mixing with blood. "Legolas," she cried, "Is our marriage not cursed? Every mile, every league--mere minutes cause me pain! Why must I suffer so for love?" She cried harder, salty tears blurring her vision as she hugged him tighter. Then she fingered the edge of his wound gently, whispering, "I hope it didn't pain you as much as it did me..." She shook her head. "Sorry," she muttered. "A selfish thought."

    Legolas held her tight. "I do not believe our marriage is cursed. The only pain I felt was the pain of battle. I longed to see you, for my heart always does. The pain I cause you hurts me as well. I will go to battle in the future, be gone long periodsso you must not worry about that, and I promise I shall always return to my only love. I love you, and if it should sooth your pain I shall not leave your side for the rest of the day," he said calmly.

    Araniss smiled fully for the first time since he had been away. "You will attend the feast with me tonight? It's Nost-na-Lothion. Nothing would bring me more joy than to see you safe and enjoying yourself."

    "Of course, it will make me very happy. Are you sure you are okay?" he asked worried. He placed his hands on her shoulders as he looked her in the eyes.

    "I'm fine," she assured him, stroking a strand of his hair. "The pain is wearing away now that you're here."

    Legolas smiled and kissed her. He reluctantly pulled away. "I am going to go have my wound tended to and put on some fresh clothes, then I will come find you," he said.

    Araniss smiled softly, kissing him back. "I'll be in my chambers." Tauriel didn't mean to eavesdrop. She was just passing by the door of the room

    and heard them talking. About love. Love. She wondered if she'd ever find love herself. She brushed the momentary thought off as quickly as she could and continued on her way. She hoped that Araniss would be all right.

    Thranduil watched Tauriel walk by, silent and quiet as she always was. "Love hurts, Tauriel," he said softly. "As they will find out. Remember that."

  • Tauriel heard Thranduil's remark. She felt a wave of doubt come over her. "Will Araniss be all right?" She asked. And how could love hurt?

    Thranduil's eyes glittered. "It pains me to see my son so in love. I would not get involved with it."

    Revion decided to take a walk around the forest. It's not like anyone was going to

    stop him. He noticed something moving in the shadows. "Who's there?" He called, drawing

    his blades. Revion repeated himself. He waited. The shadow leapt out, stabbed Revion in the shoulder, and dragged his

    unconscious body away.

    Legolas smiled and went to tend to his wounds. He bandaged himself and changed into clothes that did not smell like orc blood and sweat. As he left his chambers he walked slowly down the hall that led to Aranisss chambers. He knocked on the door and took a deep breath. Araniss set down the book she was reading about halfling lore, standing as she hastily brushed off her skirt. She smiled, and sighing, sat back down in an armchair by the fire and motioned for him to sit beside her. "To see you safe...there is no greater gift, Legolas." Legolas walked over and sat down next to her. He looked at the fire and then to her with smile. "Every time I look into your eyes they shine like the stars of the north," he said trying to ignore the pain in his shoulder. Tears burned in her eyes. "Oh, that I could gaze upon those stars with thee under the silver light of the Isil, carefree and without the weight of the darkness of the world" She smiled back, but wistfully. A tear rolled down her ivory cheek, but she didn't bother to brush it away. Legolas sat silent for a moment. "I wish for that as well. But nothing can compare to your beauty." She smiled shyly. "And no man, elf, or dwarf can match your skill with the arrow, your swiftness, your nimbleness, your wits, and above all, your noble, courageous, loving heart." Araniss asked, "Did Revion and Tauriel fight well? How are they?" Legolas sighed. "Yes, they fought well. Tauriel is talking to my father, and Revion...." he paused for a moment, thinking. "I am not sure where he is. I think he went into the forest to think?" Araniss bit her lip. "I don't think he should be out there alone for too long..." She stood and gazed out the window, pressing her palm against the glass. "We should send somebody for him...you could yourself, but...I don't want you to leave me in case something happens..." Her eyes grew glassy and she blinked, reminding herself that Legolas was safe. Legolas thought a moment. "I think I shall go and look for him. He is one of the top scouts we have," he said standing up. "I shall not be gone for very long," he said, giving her a hug. Araniss blinked back tears, hugging him tightly. "Promise you'll be back by sundown."

  • Legolas sighed and looked her in the eyes. "I shall be back before sundown, and then you and I can feast and drink at the feast of Nost-na-Lothion." Araniss walked him to the atrium, kissing him tenderly as a goodbye. Legolas grabbed his bow and strapped his quiver of arrows on. He did not bother with the armor, for it was still stained with his blood and he did not plan on taking that long anyway. He blushed slightly when Araniss kissed him and then ran off into the forest in search of Revion. As she watched his figure sprint out of sight, Araniss fingered the hilt of her sword nervously. Then she turned shakily, meaning to go find Tauriel. She hoped that speaking to a friend would ease her worries, but then she felt a sharp pain in her foot. "Ugh," she muttered. "He must have stubbed his toe." The shadowy figure awoke Revion, tied to a tree. "Who are you?" Revion said, struggling. The shadow didn't answer the question. "Ah, Revion, you have so much in common with your father."

    "Do not bring him into this." "Give me what I want, and I'll let you go." The shadow said. "You know it's the only viable option." "I'd rather die than do what you want." Revion said. "Really? That's a shame. Darkness is spreading, Revion. The time of elves is

    coming to an end." "How is that even relevant?"

    "Everything is relevant in the grand scheme of things." "Listen, I'm not going to do your evil bidding."

    "Who do you think I am, some guy who can be bribed or blackmailed into submission? I'm Revion, a [censored] elf, one of the best swordsmen in the freaking forest!"

    "Well, if you don't want to cooperate, I can kill her..." "You even touch her and I will kill you."

    Legolas walked through the forest looking around and wondering what Revion

    could be possibly doing. Yonyarmen, as he stabbed an orc, saw someone in the woods. "Hey, who are

    you?" he yelled. Legolas stopped, knocked an arrow and pointed it in the direction of the voice.

    "State your being? Come out!" Legolas said. "Right here," said Yonyarmen, starting to walk down the hill. Legolas saw Yonyarmen and lowered his bow and arrow. "Oh its you, have you

    seen Revion?" he asked. "No," said Yonyarmen. Legolas saw the orc on the ground. "Were there more that escaped?" Legolas

    looked around for more orcs. "Revion!" he shouted hoping for a reply. Revion kept struggling, trying to reach his swords, which had been put tauntingly

    close to him. "Over he---"

  • The shadowy figure slammed his gloved hand against Revion's mouth and gagged him.

    Legion walked around the forest looking for Revion. "Revion!" Legion shouted. Legolas ran toward his voice an arrow knocked and ready to fire. "Revion!" he

    shouted again hoping for another reply. "Mmmfmffm!" The shadow ran away into the forest. Legolas came around a tree and saw Revion on the ground. "Revion, are you all

    right?" he asked. "Revion!" Legion continued to shout. Legion saw something around a tree when

    he ran over he saw Revion on the ground, "Revion, are you okay?" "MMMFMFMFM!" "Here, let me help you with that," Legion said, removing the gag. Revion was still tied up.

    "Legolas, do you have a knife on you?" Legion asked. Legolas pulled out one of his daggers and handed it to Legion. "Where did the person go?" he asked Revion once he was untied. "Somewhere off into the forest." Revion said, picking up his swords. "Which direction?" he asked. Legolas was not going to let that person get away with this. Revion pointed southward. He picked up his bow. "Well, let's go," Legion said. Legolas helped Revion up and ran off toward the direction the figure went. He new what he said to his wife but leaving someone as good as this person lose on their lands was not good.

    The person in question slowed down. He opened his palm, revealing the item that he had taken from Revion, after he had refused to give it willingly. Thranduil turned to see Araniss limping towards them. "Ah, Araniss. Feeling better?" "Yes...much better, thank you." Araniss toyed with the edge of her sleeve nervously, asking, "Have you seen Revion of late? Legolas just went out to look for him, and I..." Her voice trailed off. "I haven't. I'm sure Legolas will find him, and Revion can care for himself." Araniss wrung her hands, looking over her shoulder nervously every few minutes. "He promised to be back before sundown." She took a side-glance out of the window, trying to ignore the fact that already the light had dimmed ever so slightly. "Worrying doesn't help anything, Araniss," Thranduil said gently. "Come with me. I'll walk you back to your chambers." Araniss bowed her head, knowing that he was right. But it hurt all the same--the distance, the danger, everything. Revion followed quickly behind.

    The figure turned, saw faint images of two elves, and ran.

  • Legolas with his elf eyes spotted the figure and sped up towards it yelling, "Stop now, in the name of the king!" The figure raised an eyebrow under his hood. "King of what? Of Mirkwood?" Legolas loaded an arrow and shot it at the figure. 'Who else would rule the land that you trespass on?" Legolas said loading another arrow. The figure sidestepped the arrow with ease, not even looking. "Many people. One in particular." Legolas started to get annoyed and was not liking what he was talking about either. He sped up starting to gain ground on the mysterious person. The man drew a long, dark blade. "Hm. So be it." Legolas ran up a fallen tree that was leaning on another and leapt off at the person, his bow at full draw. The man slashed at Legolas with surprising speed. The mans blade cut Legolas's leg as he released his arrow hoping to hit him. He hit the ground with a thump. He took a deep breath and got back up putting his bow away and pulling out his daggers. "You just made a mistake, man of shadow," he said twirling his daggers in his hands. "Did I?" The man said, holding his light yet sharp blade. "I honestly don't think I have." Legolas smirked and lunged at him with one of his daggers bringing the other one up towards the mans chest. The man dodged out of the way, slashing at his legs. Legolas jumped, the blade missing. He slashed at the guys neck with both daggers. The man blocked them and stabbed at him.

    Legion, who finally caught up to them, shot an arrow at the mysterious figure. The man stabbed him in the shoulder the blade piercing deep into his flesh. He

    screamed in agony, knowing how much pain Araniss was probably feeling. He pulled the blade out of his shoulder and slowly stood up. He slashed his dagger at the man and then swung his fist as hard as he could.

    The man blocked the dagger. He didn't notice the fist, though, and he was knocked out cold.

    "He's out," Legion said. Legolas stood over the top of the man, wanting to punch him more till he died, but

    thought the king would want to see him. So he just said, "I told you that you made a mistake."

    "Let's bring him back," Legion said. "Yes, tie him up. I don't want to even look at him," he said with a scowl. He

    limped over and sat next to a tree, his shoulder and leg in serious pain. Legion tied up the mysterious person. Revion walked over to Legolas. "Are you alright?" Legolas looked at the dark blade of the sword. It reminded him of something. He

    did not like it. He slowly stood up and grabbed Revion's shoulder for support. "No. I need to get back to the castle. I need to get to Araniss and I must treat my injuries. The blade of his sword is not a normal blade," he said pointing to the sword.

  • Thranduil walked Araniss back to her room. "Is there anything I can get you? I'm sure Legolas will be back soon." "No..." Then she crumpled to the ground, screaming and writhing in pain. Tears puddled on the floor beneath her as her screams echoed off of the walls. Never had she felt so much pain in her lifetime--it was like white-hot knives were puncturing every inch of her flesh. She managed to crawl over to the wall, pressing her back against the cool stone in attempt to ease the pain. Nothing worked.

    She knocked her head against the wall, tears flowing like a waterfall. Would he ever come back to her?

    "Araniss!" Thranduil barked. "Tauriel!" Tauriel knelt beside Araniss and set her gently on her bed. "Araniss," she said

    softly. "Calm down." Thranduil left Tauriel to Araniss to address the matters in his throne room. "I

    want more guards out! I want whatever darkness festers on the edge of our borders to break at the tip of our blades. We will not allow such terror in our lands." He collapsed down on the throne, leaning back. It had been an awfully stressful day.

    "I'll take him back," Legion said grabbing the mysterious guy. Legolas stood up again and followed Legion back to the castle, where the

    mysterious guy would have a stern talking to with his father. Revion followed behind Legolas. Legion reached the castle. Legolas limped through the front gates his shoulder and leg shaking. "Take this

    man to my father, before I end up killing him," Legolas said irritated. He had not been so injured in a fight since he fought a stone troll down close to Dol Guldur.

    Revion nodded and took the man. Legion went with Revion. Revion dragged the man in. Well, tried to at least. He was quite heavy. Thranduil frowned, gazing at Revion stumbling in. "Leave us," he snapped at

    those wanting his attention. "Where is my son? Has he returned?" he asked Revion. "Yes, although he is quite injured." Revion said. Thranduil clapped his hands and pointed at a guard. "Locate my son. Make sure

    he is well and send him to see Araniss immediately." With that, Thranduil's attention turned to Revion. "Hold him," he spat and stepped down off of his throne.

    Legion stayed outside the door. Revion held the man and put his sword to his throat. The man became conscious

    again. Thranduil felt anger and the desire to cause incredible pain pump through his

    veins. "Speak." "Sure, why wouldn't I?" The man said. Thranduil's desire deepened. "Who are you?" "I am known by many names." Thranduil grabbed his cloak and ripped it off. "Tell me one of them or all of them.

    I do not care if I stay the rest of your life." "Some people call me Tiolas. There, satisfied?"

  • "What were you doing in my borders?" "What wasn't I doing?" "Don't test me, liar," Thranduil snarled. "Your actions have caused me to question

    whether or not you still deserve that head." "How is asking a question lying, hmmm?" "You speak as if you are afraid," Thranduil said, smile glittering. "Should you

    enjoy spending time in the dungeons? I can be a quite charming host, I assure." "Do I speak as if I am afraid?" The man said, smiling straight back. "I honestly

    thought that after stabbing your son, I'd feel pretty good. Ah, well." Thranduil grinned. "I thought you might, too. Unfortunately, it still looks as if he

    managed to beat you." "Yes, but looks can be deceiving." The man smirked. "He's as good as dead

    already." "Are you as stupid as you are clumsy? There isn't a wound that elven healing

    cannot mend. Or, at least, cover." Thranduil's scar rippled briefly. "Yeah, keep believing, elf." Revion pressed the knife against the man's throat

    tighter. Elie quickly walked up to Thranduil and Revion, a look of urgency on her face.

    "My lord, orcs are approaching from the north. Nearly 80 orcs. A good bunch are riding wargs, she said with a slight bow.

    Revion stood up. "I'll handle it." Elie gave Revion a slight smile then quickly walked off to find her captain,

    Tauriel. Legion, who had been standing around for a while, said, " I'll go with Revion." Revion made sure the man couldn't escape then walked away to fight the orcs. Legion went off after Revion. Thranduil dug his heel into the shadow-man's shoulder, twisting it to cause pain.

    "You'll spend your time in the dungeons." Thranduil nodded to the guards, who led him away. Thranduil turned his attention to Elie. "Stay," he ordered. "Elie, what do you know of that might be bringing the Orcs closer to our borders?" Elie stopped and turned around. "I am not sure, my lord, but I have a suspicion that he has something to do with it," she said, gesturing to the man being dragged away. "There is a great evil growing, one that is getting stronger by the day, my lord," she then added. The man, as he was being dragged, simply smiled. Thranduil nodded. "Legolas will be interrogating him," he said and sank down on his throne. Yes, Legolas had been injured. Foolish of him to have gotten himself into a situation. Thranduil's eyes hardened. Legolas stumbled to his chambers where guards and an elf with a bowl of herbs stood waiting. He lay down on the bed and shut his eyes, waiting for the pain to strike. As the elf tended to his injuries dark thoughts swarmed in his mind and pain struck his heart like lightning. That sword was a Morgul-blade. It had poison on it, poison of darkness. When the elf finished Legolas did not want to move for the pain was too much. Legolas sat up after some of the pain went away and got up to go see Araniss. He knew he owed her a big apology. He limped down the long narrow hallway and stopped

  • at the doorway of her chambers. With a look of sorrow on his face he knocked on the door. "My lady, I have not yet found the words to say my apologies. I can only hope I was in more pain then what you felt," he said grieving the decision he made to go after the man. Araniss thrashed in pain, another scream escaping her lips. But then she heard the soothing sound of her husband's voice, and the pain lessened, but only slightly. She could not speak, but she gazed up at him with fear in her eyes. Legolas walked over to her and knelt down next to the bed. He reached over and grabbed her hand tightly. "Please forgive me. I am sorry," He said as he looked into her eyes full of fear. She managed to choke out the words, "There's nothing to forgive. You did what you had to..." Another tear trickled down her cheek as she squeezed his hand. Tauriel frowned, pouring Araniss a glass of water. Legolas held her hand and thought. "No, there is no way I will forgive myself or what happened. I caused you pain, much pain and I shall find out what that man was doing, no matter the cost," he said giving her a kiss on the forehead and walking out of the rood to the dungeon where the man was being imprisoned. Araniss couldn't help feeling torn as she watched him leave. she didn't want this man anywhere near Legolas--he had caused them both pain unimagined. But at the same time, she trusted him. She knew he would tear them down, whoever they were that were causing them such pain.

    Legolas always found a way. Tauriel sat beside Araniss and held her gently, hoping to calm the girl. Araniss collapsed into Tauriel's arms, taking what little comfort she could at the

    moment. "I'm sorry," she breathed. "I know I'm causing stress." "Worry not," said Tauriel gently. "He can be... reckless, at times. I understand." "Reckless indeed," she sighed. "Because I can't go with him everywhere, keep

    him in line for me, all right? Ensure that he doesn't do anything unnecessarily dangerous, unless it be his only option."

    "I will do what I can," Tauriel responded. "Thank you." She made her best attempt at a smile. Araniss sat up, shaking her head to clear it. "What's the situation with the

    spiders?" But then she jerked suddenly, a sharp pain stinging her thigh. Aranisse winced, then writhed, screaming. The pain was duller, as Legolas was within the castle, but it was still enough to make her head throb. "Please," she gasped. "Help him."

    "Hush," Tauriel said gently. She appeared calmer than she really was. She put her arm around Araniss, trying to comfort her. Aranisss words, 'Help him', struck a bit of fear into Tauriel's heart.

    Revion was shooting at approaching orcs. One down, two down, five down... Legion came up behind Revion and shot down three orcs. Legolas walked to the dungeon and stood there staring at the man. He signaled the

    guard to open the door to the cell and he walked in. "I must compliment you on your fighting skills, there very well played. But I did not come to talk about that; I want answers about for whom you are working, why you have come here and why you

  • assaulted one of my best men. If you don't..." Legolas paused taking out a dagger. "I will just have to force you," he finished.

    The man simply chuckled. Legolas stepped forward, placing his blade underneath the guys chin. "I will not

    ask again, and if I don't get an answer then you will start dripping blood. Who are you working for?" he asked.

    The man smiled, his hands behind his back. "Do you really, really want to know?"

    "You make me sound as if I am pleading for you to tell me. I want an answer and will get one. Who is it?" he asked once again pressing is blade against the mans chin, causing a drop of blood to drip from his blade.

    The man smiled even more, fiddling with something behind his back. Something sharp, shiny, and aimed at Legolas's heart. Legolas only caught a glimpse of the shiny object. He kicked the guy in the gut.

    "What is that in your hand?" he asked pressing the blade against his chin even more. Why don't you find out?" He made a stab, quicker than most elves could even

    make, at Legolas. Legolas quickly jerked back and the thing in the mans hand cut his thigh. He

    struck back by swing his fist at the guys face. The man rolled to the side and stabbed again. Legolas moved to the side and jumped on top of the man, siting on top of him and

    punching him. He was sick of this guy. The man stabbed at Legolas's side. Legolas gave a grunt of pain but continued to punch the man in the face. He kept stabbing. Legolas grabbed the mans arm and brought his fist down on his forearm. The man stabbed Legolas again, wincing in pain nonetheless. The pain of the stabs traveled through his body but he did not give up. He reached

    behind him and pulled out one of his daggers then stabbed the man in the shoulder. "Arrrgh!" The man roared in fury, making another stab. Legolas grabbed the mans hand that had the knife and squeezed it tight as he

    pressed his dagger further into the mans shoulder. The man yelled in pain and attempted to stab again, despite knowing this was

    probably the end. For now. Legolas managed to keep the knife that the man had away from his side. He

    pulled the dagger out and sliced the mans wrist open. The man simply smiled and passed out from blood loss. Legolas stood up and kicked the guy in the stomach. He yelled to the guards, "Get

    this man bandaged! We need him alive." Revion came back, cleaning his blades of orc blood. Legolas walked out of the cell ignoring his stab wounds. He walked over to

    Revion. "Start talking..." Legion walked in after Revion. Revion looked confused. "Talking about what?" "You know what... why was he after you? I know more is going on than him just

  • capturing you and torturing you," Legolas replied. "I don't know." Revion said. "Don't lie, I know there is more to this story," Legolas persisted. "I'm not lying! Do you honestly think I would---" Revion stopped himself. Legolas raised an eyebrow. "Would you what? If you don't tell me you will be

    spending the night in that dungeon with him," Legolas said pointing back to the bleeding man.

    "It's related to my past. I don't know exactly what he wants, but I have a faint idea."

    "What do you think it is related to?" Legolas then asked. "As mentioned before, my past." "Yes, but what about your past?" Legolas asked again. Revion didn't answer. Legolas had no patience. "Last chance before you start talking to my father," he

    said coldly. "Listen, this is my personal problem." Revion snapped. "You listen. It may be your personal problem but when it starts to involve the

    safety of the kingdom then it is my business as well." Legolas signaled the guards to come over. "You will be put in one of the cells till my father comes to deal with you," he said.

    Revion sighed. This is what he got for having common sense. Aranisse caught Tauriel's gaze for a moment, and her mind briefly lingered in

    emptiness. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and she spoke in a voice she did not know, "Blood will be spilled...Middle-Earth will perish...there is no hope...we must return...to the lands from whence we came..." Then she sat up, gasping, fear filling her mind as she realized what had just happened.

    Her oath. The Undying Lands. The darkness spreading and deepening about Middle-Earth. Her mother. Her sister. The pieces were all coming together...

    Her gaze wandered to a portrait of Celebrian hanging over the hearth. "We are failing. The age of elves is coming to a close...many times has my mother told me this, yet I failed to listen." Then she snapped out of whatever daze she had been in, and shaking her head to clear it, she whispered, "Tauriel...no one must know of what you heard. Our time is coming to pass...Legolas cannot know of what has been spoken. These matters...should be left to be dealt with by elves of the past ages."

    Tauriel's eyes were wide. She nodded shakily in agreement. "I will not say a word. Not to anyone."

    The guards locked Revion up and Legolas went back to Aranisse. He stopped at the doorway and knocked.

    Aranisse breathed an almost inaudible thank you, then turned to the door and called, "You may enter."

    "Legolas!" Thranduil barked at him outside of Aranisse's chambers. Legolas stopped and turned to attention. "Yes father?" he said with slight

    concerned in his voice. "What happened with the shadow-thief?" "He is in the cellar. He will not talk. He cut me multiple times so I knocked him

  • out from blood loss. He should be fine," Legolas explained. He did not want to tell him about Revion, though.

    Araniss sat up abruptly when Legolas didn't enter, hearing voices outside her

    door. Tauriel got up and opened the door slightly, trying to see the reason why Legolas

    was not coming in. She saw that Thranduil was talking to him and quickly closed the door. She turned back to Aranisse and said softly, "Thranduil is speaking to him. Perhaps he will come in in a minute or so?"

    "I suppose," Araniss said, turning her head to look out the window. It had grown dark, and the lanterns were being hung about the trees. "The feast of Nost-na-Lothion will begin in the next hour."

    Thranduil nodded. "Go to Aranisse. Keep her safe. Send Tauriel out to me." Legolas bowed his head and went into Aranisse's room. "Tauriel, the king

    requests to see you," he said. Araniss hugged herself, not looking him in the eyes as she muttered, "I can tell

    there was some excitement in the dungeon." Then she shook off her dark tone, looking up at him and smiling. "The feast will begin in an hour. We should get ready. I'm rusty on dancing; I'll need your help." She grinned mischievously. "You're the agile one."

    Legolas smiled. "Yes, but even if you are not good at dancing, your beauty makes up for it," he said sitting down next to her.

    She chuckled, saying, "I should be a dwarf. You're a good six inches taller than me...and I don't need to practice the clumsiness." She stood, stumbling for emphasis, then fell over, laughing.

    Legolas laughed and held a hand to help her up. "I am sure you will be fine." Araniss kissed him, dramatically emphasizing the fact that she had to stand on

    her tiptoes to reach him. "As long as you're there to lead me, I won't fall on my face, at least."

    Legolas blushed slightly. "Well, I guess I should get going. Get dressed into proper clothing," he said.

    "Of course." She mockingly mimed a clumsy curtsy, steadying herself by putting a hand on his shoulder. Then she saw him to the door, whispering, "Don't tell your father I stole one of the cakes this morning."

    Legolas smiled at what she said as he left. "Alright," he said walking out of her room and to his chambers to get dressed. Arainss sighed as she closed the door, wondering how long she could put on the happy act. Her memories were closing in on her...

    She paused for a moment to gather her thoughts and breathe. Ignoring the voices screaming inside her head, she rifled through her wardrobe for something to wear.

    Yonyarmen decided he wanted to know about this shadow guy thing, so he went

    down to the dungeon. Surprised to see Revion, he asked "Revion... What are you doing down here? Who put you in this cell?"

    Legion walked up behind Yonyarmen. Yonyarmen greeted Legion with a bow of his head.

  • Legion greeted Yonyarmen back. "What do you know of this? A shadow man, Revion in the dungeon....what sense

    does it make?" asked Yonyarmen. Yeah, it doesn't make sense to me either." Revion yelled.

    "Nothing ever makes sense anymore," Legion said. "So you can talk," Yonyarmen said, turning to Revion. "Now will you explain what you know?" "I would if it weren't just my personal problem." "It isn't," said Yonyarmen. "At least not anymore," Legion said. The shadow man continued formulating a plan. Thranduil slid his final rings onto his fingers and set his crown atop his head. Aranisse's symptoms, and Legolas's lack of efficiency with the shadow-man... what on earth could he be? Thranduil didn't like not knowing. He didn't like not being in control. No, no, he was in control. Soon, that man would lose his head. But not before Thranduil found out who he was. Araniss laughed at the fact that the hem of the skirt of one of her newer dresses, one she had never worn, was too long. It was green velvet, with gold embroidery in the shape of mallorn leaves, and the sleeves dropped to her knees elegantly. She would wear it for Legolas as a joke. "Truly, I must have dwarven-blood in me," she thought. "I'll have to ask my mother if there is an accidental dwarf in our family tree." Araniss painted a smile on her face, setting a golden circlet atop her head before striding out into the corridor to knock on Legolas's oaken door.

    Legolas finished getting dressed before he put his circlet on his head. "The dwarf summons!" Araniss called through the door. Legolas smiled and opened the door. "Alright dwarf, I am ready. Shall we?"

    Legolas asked holding out his arm. Araniss kicked at the hem of her skirt. "Nothing better than a dwarf in an elven

    dress." Then taking his arm, she said, "I've never been more ready. This is my first Nost-na-Lothion in Mirkwood since before you were born--let it be more grand than ever!"

    "Indeed it shall be grand," Legolas said, smiling. They walked to the feasting hall where a large table sat filled with good smelling food.

    Araniss laced their fingers together, taking short, shallow breaths. One thousand years ago, she had been led into the same hall, on the same night, on another elf's arm...but this was different. This was right. She had never loved...him. She loved Legolas. "It is, in fact, lovelier, now that the darkness has fallen upon this realm; the lights are far brighter, and..." She leaned her head on his shoulder. "And you're here. When you're with me, it's as though all of the evil in this world has melted away, and the trees have awakened once again, and we walk under the light of a thousand stars..." She found herself lost in his eyes. The eyes she had loved since they first saw the world. The eyes that she trusted. The eyes that were always there, always in her heart, always loving. She only wished that she could stare into those crystal blue pools until the ages melted away...

  • "You glow in the sliver light of the stars. Leaving me breathless. I dream of you walking through a forest of trees with sliver and white leaves, a flowing dress behind you," Legolas said. His hands outlined her waist as he pulled her in closer to him.

    Araniss collapsed into his arms, feeling his heat rushing through her body. "That dream is not complete without you," she whispered. "I am not complete without you."

    Legolas held her close, not wanting to let her go. "After the feast and dancing let us walk beneath the stars tonight. We will go deep into the forest. How does that sound?" he asked.

    "Of course." Araniss held him tighter, remembering the moment when she had first looked into his eyes.

    Legolas closed his eyes and kissed her forehead before the trumpets sounded for the feast to begin.

    In that moment, she felt his breath warm against her skin, and she wished she could cherish and savor the feeling forever. Then she took his arm again, sitting next to him at the great oaken table.

    Legolas ate silently and drank his dark red wine. "This is very good food," he then said.

    Araniss nodded, her mouth stuffed with a warm, fresh-baked, soft bread smothered in butter.

    Legolas smiled and finished eating. "I am very full. And slightly of my senses thanks to the fine wine," he said with a slight laugh.

    "AsamI," Araniss slurred mockingly, laughing. "Come. Let us dance." Legolas took her hand and pulled her to the dance floor. "Let us se if you are as

    bad a dancer as you say you are," he said swaying back and forth to the rhythm of the music.

    Araniss blushed. "Here is the fateful moment." She glanced at Thranduil, then quickly looked away, her mind stinging with memory. "It's been at least one thousand years since I've danced in this hall. Before you were born, I..." she doubled over, laughing. "I always used to dance with your father."

    "You did?" Legolas asked, a bit surprised. "Yes..." she laughed bitterly. "We were never more then good friends, but of

    course there were always rumors..." "Of course there were," Legolas said with a smirk. He continued to sway to the

    music and looked into Aranisse's eyes. Araniss caught his gaze, forgetting her past and only seeing him, only seeing

    Legolas, and she put her arms around him, having the sudden urge to dance, to feel the chords thrum deep in her body, to feel his arms around her, and for the first time in her life, she had the true desire to dance until night's end.

    Legolas was very happy to have her. And very lucky. It was not easy to find an elf maiden that met his fathers expectations.

    Araniss squeezed his hand, whispering, "Let's do this." He was perfect. They were perfect.

    She sighed with relief when she recognized the tune. At least it wasn't completely foreign.

    Thranduil watched Aranisse dance with his son. He'd once danced with her, when

  • he was many years younger. Of course, the memories were only painful. He turned away as Tauriel approached. "Tauriel." He swept an eye over her choice of clothing. "You look very lovely tonight. Do you have any opinions on the man we imprisoned earlier?"

    Tauriel was not sure what to make of the Shadow Man yet. "I think I shall wait until we get more information about him before making any assumptions."


    OWMADLEGOLASWILLBEWHENHEFINDSOUT?" yelled Yonyarmen. "So," Legion said. Jane ran to the feast. She didn't want to be late. Jane got to the feast but she

    noticed that a lot of people were there. Jane sat on the nearest chair. Jane sat there waiting for something to happen

    Tauriel saw Jane sitting on the chair. She didn't think she knew her yet, so she headed over. "Hi, I'm Tauriel. I like your dress - it looks very good on you."

    Jane was startled by a girl walking up to her. "Why, thank you. Yours looks nice too."

    Tauriel smiled. She extended her hand in greeting. "Thank you. My name is Tauriel."

    Jane smiled and shook the girl's hand. "My name is Jane." "That's a pretty name," Tauriel replied, smiling. "I don't think I've seen you

    around here before. Are you new, or are you visiting from another place?" "Thank you. And no, I am a resident. Though most people don't see me that

    often." Jane replied. "Ah. It's always nice to be able to slip about unseen. Are you hungry? I am, a little

    bit." "A little bit." Jane admitted. "Shall we go and get something to eat? I hear the food is very good." "That would be great!" Jane replied. "Okay. Come on!" Tauriel wove her way through the dancing people and over to

    the table of food. "Wow, the desserts look good," she admitted. She began reaching for one, and then stopped self-consciously. "Maybe I should get something else first..." she laughed.

    Jane followed. "Why?" she asked when she heard the girl say that. "Well, you know, it's proper for us to eat the main part of our meal first. I'd much

    rather eat desserts first, and only desserts, but then I'd be making a bad impression on people. We could always go for desserts first, if you wanted to, I guess...." she looked at Jane, her eyes sparkling.

    Jane laughed, "I would have to agree with you. Desserts are better than the main course."

    "What is your favorite dessert?" Tauriel asked Jane while picking up a raspberry something-or-other. "I like raspberry anything."

    "Hehe, I like any dessert." Jane said. "Alright then, shall we feast?" Tauriel smiled. "It's not often that I get to help

    myself to whatever I like. I only allow myself to do so on rare occasion."

  • "I think we shall. Hehe, and what special occasion is this?"Jane asked. "Why, meeting you, of course!" Tauriel acted surprised, and laughed. She felt

    very comfortable around this girl and was letting her guard down. Usually, she was very serious. Jane laughed.

    "Hehe, well I guess meeting you would be also mean a feast." Jane felt like she had known this girl for her whole life. Tauriel whisked two plates off of the table and handed one to Jane. "Here you are.

    What shall we begin with?" Her eyebrows raised questioningly. "Thank you.. Um... The....." Jane hesitated. "So much food. You chose." Tauriel chuckled and served a slice of apple cobbler. "Now, you pick something." Jane picked apple pie. "There." "Mmmm. Shall we go sit down outside?" "Yes."

    "Okay, come on." Tauriel led Jane outside and she breathed in the fresh night air. Jane followed Tauriel. "So, let us begin." Tauriel began to eat. Jane smiled and ate. "What brings you to the banquet?" "I was supposed to meet my father here but he didn't show up." Jane replied. "Why are you at the banquet?" "I'm sorry," Tauriel said, her green eyes full of sympathy. "I was summoned by Thranduil. And I also came because I wanted to. My favorite part of banquets is what I'm doing now: sitting outside by myself and listening to the joy inside." "It's okay." Jane said. "Well, you aren't exactly by yourself." Jane smiled. "You're right. But sometimes quiet company makes things all the better. So, have you been living in Mirkwood all your life?" "As far as I can remember... But I would like to get out of here once in awhile." Jane admitted. "Where do you live?" "I live in the palace - I'm one of the guards. But, I also live in the trees." Tauriel's eyes filled with a faraway look. "I like nothing better than to be up in the trees, near the very top. With the wind rushing around me, because then I am free."

    Legolas looked at Araniss's eyes.... Araniss drew in a sharp breath. "I'm a klutz...help me try not to look stupid..." "How should I do that?" Legolas replied. "I don't know...I can't dance..." Araniss laughed nervously. "I believe you can dance better than me." He replied. "Then help me." Araniss laughed again. "How may I do that?" Legolas asked. "I don't know..." Legolas laughed. "Well," He said. "Just do the best you can." He smiled. "I'll try, but don't expect too much of your clumsy dwarf." Araniss smiled in

    return. "You are not that clumsy." Legolas assured her.

  • "You sure?" Araniss faked a stumble. Legolas laughed. "I am pretty sure." Araniss laughed with him. "It has been three thousand years since last I danced

    in this hall." Legolas smiled. Araniss paused for a moment. "Except...my memory did slip me...two thousand

    years ago, I went to your parents' betrothal feast..." She bit her lip. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't talk about things like that."

    Legolas looked away... Araniss closed her eyes, putting a hand on Legolas's shoulder. "I think you need

    a moment to breathe," she sighed, leading him to the corner of the room where she let him lean on her.

    Revion snuck about the palace. He wasn't safe here anymore; Legolas thought he

    was a traitor. He needed to find the shadow man, get the two of them out of the palace, and then finish the shadow man once and for all. Legion went off after Revion.

    Suddenly, Tauriel thought she caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her

    eye. She whipped her head around and saw a dark figure. "Jane? Do you see that?" "What?" Jane suddenly saw a dark figure. Tauriel rose slowly, her hand on her knife. Before now, it had been hidden in the

    folds of her dress. Jane followed, her hand on her dagger. "What do you think it could be?" Jane slightly whispered. "I don't know... But I'm going to find out." After staying still for a moment,

    Tauriel sprang after him. It was a little bit harder than usual, what with her dress trailing after her, but luckily it was loose and plain and didn't get in her way as much as an elaborate gown would have.

    Revion cursed under his breath. He was spotted. There was no use in trying to hide now. Revion accepted his fate. Jane ran towards the figure, but tripped on her gown. Tauriel reached him, her knife at the ready. She wanted to turn and make sure Jane was alright, but she knew that the stranger might take that chance to bolt. He was no one she knew. Then, recognition crossed her face. "You are the one we captured earlier. What was your name...?" "You mean the one that Legolas captured? My name's Revion, and I'm innocent." "What is happening, Tauriel?" Jane said as she got up. She looked down. She was bleeding from the dagger cutting her leg. "Yes, yes, the one that Legolas captured. I didn't mean that I captured you, I... Never mind." She directed her voice toward Jane without taking her eyes off of Revion. "This is Revion. Legolas captured him earlier. He claims he's innocent. I'm willing to hear him out without raising the alarm... If he promises not to try to run yet." "What did he supposedly do?" Jane asked. "Supposedly I'm in allegiance with the shadow man that I captured earlier. The one that refused to give answers and attacked Legolas." Revion said. "Shadow man?" Jane asked.

  • "Yes. Honestly, I didn't think we had enough evidence to throw him in prison after what I heard later, but it was already done. So, will you speak now? Perhaps, if your story rings true, I will believe you and not even mention seeing you or knowing that you escaped." Jane stood in silence, not knowing what to do.

    "Ouch!" Jane fell down to the ground. "My dagger cut me deeper than what I thought."

    "Oh, no..." Tauriel's expression changed instantly. She spun around and saw Jane on the ground with blood seeping through her dress. "No..." She knew that Revion could get away now, but Jane was hurt. She could see how deep the cut was. Jane needed Hallasbreath, an herb that would slow the bleeding. "Revion?" she turned back to him, doubting that he'd help, but still asking anyways. "Will you get some Hallasbreath for her? It's just over there behind that tree. Please."

    Revion nodded and went to the tree, then came back holding some. "I'm fine..." Jane winced with the pain. "Thank you so much." Tauriel took the Hallasbreath and crushed it in her palm.

    "No, you're not fine. Your wound is very deep. This may sting..." she pressed the crushed herb into the wound, getting blood on her hand.

    Jane let a little scream out. Tauriel bit her lip. She hated seeing people in pain. "Revion? Can you grab some

    of the plants over there that have the little yellow flowers? They'll help dull the pain." Revion ran and grabbed the plants she indicated. "No, no, I'm fine." Jane said, with her eyes watering. "Thank you again." She broke off the flowers and picked a few of their petals off

    and put them in the wound. "Is that any better?" She asked. "Much." "Good." Tauriel sat back on her heels, staying by Jane's side, and turned to

    Revion again. "Who is this Shadow Man, anyway?" Jane smiled. She didn't feel any pain. "Who is this Shadow man?" Jane asked

    also. Araniss squeezed Legolas's hand. "I'm sorry. I just...I'm so used to everyone

    missing her...and you above all, and sometimes I forget that you never..." She bit her lip, blinking tears back. Suddenly she heard a scream. She jumped, turning around to see an elven girl collapsed on the ground, blood pooling about her, and Tauriel leaning over her.

    Then she saw Revion. Revion. She narrowed her eyes. Why wasn't he at the feast earlier? She turned to Legolas. "What happened in the dungeon? I could tell you didn't want to tell me a few hours ago."

    "It's nothing," Legolas said. Araniss glared. Why was he so distant suddenly? "Nothing. Nothing happened,

    resulting in...Revion injuring someone." Tauriel sensed that someone was looking their way and glanced back. Oh, no.

    Aranisse was looking over at them with a confused expression on her face. She saw Jane on the ground. With blood around her. And Revion standing there. If she had been

  • Aranisse, she'd have connected the dots and thought that Revion had done that. "Revion, they see you," she warned.

    Jane pushed Revion out of sight and walked toward Araniss. Tauriel stayed where she was, watching Jane and Aranisse.

    Araniss removed her hand from Legolas's shoulder, rolling her eyes when he didn't answer. Her eyes darted towards the elven girl. "Did Revion hurt you?"

    "No. Revion helped me," Jane said. "Wait, Revion escaped?" Legolas cried. "Helped you." Araniss eyed the girl's leg. "Makes sense." The she turned to

    Legolas, raising an eyebrow. "Escaped? He was locked up?" Legolas was quiet. Revion quickly snuck around, trying to make his way to the exit as unseen but

    swiftly as possible. Tauriel made no move to stop him. She wondered what Legolas would think about that. Tauriel walked up to the trio and surprised herself by saying, "I believe his story." Jane looked at Tauriel. "Legolas, under what sentences did you lock him up?" Tauriel was again surprised at her speech. "He is working with the shadow man." Legolas exclaimed. "But did you listen to what he said?" "How could I know if he were telling the truth?" Jane looked back at Tauriel. "But there was no good proof that he was lying." Jane looked at Legolas. "But there was no 'good proof' that he was telling the truth either," Legolas said. Tauriel sighed. "Well, I guess you're right. Maybe we should follow him at a distance and see if he's telling the truth or not?" Jane looked at Tauriel then back at Legolas. "Maybe..." Legolas said in a whisper. "He is leaving right now. If we want to follow him, we'd best go now, while his tracks are still fresh. From what I've seen, he covers his tracks well, so they will have disappeared soon." Jane and Legolas followed Tauriel. Legolas took the lead. Aranisse grabbed Legolas's arm. "Speak to me! For once, speak! What "shadow man?" Where are you going?" "I... I just can't." Legolas said. Araniss hesitated for a moment before speaking. Then she leaned over to whisper in his ear, "You can tell me anything." "I don't know how to explain..." "Then don't." She squeezed his hand briefly. "I'm trusting you. But I'm coming with you." "That is fine with me." Good."

    Revion broke the shadow man out. Before he could say anything, a gag was put in the man's mouth. "Seems fair." Revion muttered and dragged him off into the woods.

  • "Come, let's go," Tauriel urged. "Wait." Araniss pulled the circlet off of her head, weaving her hair into a tight braid, then bent down and ripped off the bottom few inches of her skirt. "Now I can walk without falling over myself." Tauriel looked at Aranisse in surprise. "You just... Ripped your dress..." She snapped out of it and went back into 'this means business' mode. "He went that way. Don't call up any of the other guards, please!" Jane didn't know what to think. Araniss smirked, flashing a grin at Legolas. Then she pulled two white daggers from her boots. "I don't go anywhere without these." "Wow," Tauriel said, "You're way more prepared than I thought you to be... Anyways, let's go before we loose him!" She started off, hoping the others would follow and that Legolas would take the lead since he was the best tracker. Cool. How many daggers do you have?" Jane asked Aranisse while running. "He went this way." Tauriel pointed. Okay," Legolas said. Awkward silence hung in the air. Jane spoke up, "Well if we want to catch him we better get going!" "Okay, sounds good." Tauriel ran. Soon they were out of the walls and into the forest. Legolas was looking around for Revion. Araniss snapped out of her daze, noticing the others ahead of her. She ran to catch up. "My apologies. I seem to be...disconnected this evening. What did you say?" "It's okay," Tauriel replied. "Oh, and Legolas, I think Revion went that way." she looked at the tracks. "It looks like he's got someone else with him now." "Probably another one of his friends. " Legolas said. "Like...that "shadow man" you won't tell me about?" Araniss asked, a hint of bitterness in her voice. "Do you think he went toward the east?" Legolas said, not answering Araniss. Araniss rolled her eyes, spinning her daggers in her hands absentmindedly. Jane stepped away from Aranisse. Araniss tossed her daggers into the air, and they cleanly slipped into their hidden sheaths. She stopped for a moment, glancing at the moon. "The light is so bright...there are doubtless people watching us..." Tauriel sighed. "You're probably right. But as long as they don't follow us, I think we're fine." "They're bound to follow us. Let's try to stay within the shadows." Araniss tightened her grip on her daggers. Jane put her hand on her dagger. Araniss glanced at the ground, searching for something. Anything. Something caught her eye to the right. "There's a footprint...and another one...and snapped twigs." Legolas followed the footprints. Then he stopped. "There are no more footprints," he said. "There have to be." Jane said. "Unless..." Araniss peered into the nearest tree. "I know you're up there! Show

  • yourself!" "Where are you?" Legolas asked. Revion kept going until he ran out of breath. He threw the shadow man down onto the ground hard. Jane fond another set of footprints. "Over here!" She called. Araniss ran over to where Jane was. "These aren't the same...they're smaller. They look more elven. Those other ones...I don't know." "I'm so confused. What is happening?" Jane asked. "I don't know...yet," answered Araniss distractedly as she stooped to follow the tracks. She stood abruptly, squinting to peer through the darkness. "These don't end, as far as I can see. Let's follow them!" "All right, let's go." Tauriel followed Aranisse. Araniss knelt, catching a glint in the path. She stood, holding up a silver chain with fine links, an iridescent green stone wrought in a dragon-shaped pendant. "Somebody dropped something very dear to them this night." She stuffed it in her boot and continued forward. "What was that?" Tauriel asked as they continued to move through the woods. "No idea..." Araniss stopped again. "We should be walking inside the footprints so no one can follow our tracks." "Yes, of course..." Tauriel quickly stepped into the footprints. Jane rubbed her own necklace. Seeing if it was there. A whisper seemed to echo in the leaves. Araniss stopped for the fourth time. "Legolas...what are we going to tell your father?" "I don't know," Legolas replied. Araniss sighed. It wasn't irregular that she got in trouble with the king. And now, under her...condition, she didn't really have any excuses. "Wait." Araniss cupped her ears. "Did everyone just hear that?" "Hear what?" asked Legolas. "A twig snapping...it was that way." She pointed to the right. Legolas walked over to the right. Araniss sighed, following Legolas. "It may not be anything. Are you sure we shouldn't stick to the footprints?" "I didn't think of that... Well, we could split up into two groups of two." Legolas said. "Jane and I can follow the twig-snapping, if that's okay," Tauriel suggested. "Or we can go the other way around. What do you say, Legolas?" "You can go the way of the twig snapping, and Araniss and I can go the way of the footprints," Legolas said. "Alright." Araniss edged closer to Legolas, gripping her daggers. "Okay. Come, Jane. Let's go." Tauriel started toward the direction of the noise. She stepped carefully to avoid noise. Jane accidentally stepped on a twig. Thankfully it didn't break. (She's very light and it was very strong.) Tauriel thought she saw a flash of movement, but couldn't be entirely sure...

  • "Did you see anything?" Jane asked. "Maybe..." Tauriel glanced around, standing stock-still. "What?" Jane asked. "I'm not sure..." Tauriel replied. She shrugged the movement off. She hadn't seen anything else, and hardly anything ever passed her unseen. "Come, let's keep looking." Jane took Tauriel's hand and ran. "I heard a loud noise." Araniss followed behind Legolas, gaining confidence. There was nobody she trusted more. She pulled the chain out of her pocket, handing it to him. "Would you be able to recognize this? As...Revion's, perhaps?" Legolas looked back at the chain and didn't know what to say. "Just wondered..." Araniss stuffed it back in her boot, glancing at the sky above, illuminated with stars.

    When she had spoken to Legolas about venturing into the forest earlier this evening, this wasn't quite what she imagined...but at least it was exciting. It had been so long since she had the chance to do something like this. Legolas slowed down so he could walk next to Aranisse. Araniss jumped, hearing a loud . Her eyes darted towards Legolas, hesitating before running towards the sound. Legolas followed Aranisse. Araniss ran until she found Tauriel and Jane. "What was that? Did you find anything?" "No..." Jane started. But then she heard the noise again and she alone ran out of sight. Araniss jumped again, then saw Jane dart out of sight and into the darkness. "Quickly!" Araniss motioned for the others to follow, tearing after Jane. "Jane?" Tauriel called after her friend, running alongside Aranisse. "Where did she go?" Araniss glanced back at Tauriel, giving her a meaningful look in the eye. Jane climbed up a tree to see if anything was around her. Tauriel ran ahead to see where Jane was. "Where did they go?!" Legolas asked irrationally. Araniss stopped. Where was Legolas? "LEGOLAS!" she called frantically. Legolas looked around but he couldn't see anyone. "Great, this is just great." Legolas said. "LEGOLAS!" Araniss screamed again. She turned to Tauriel and Jane. "We have to go back." "But where?" Jane asked. "To Legolas." Araniss's breath grew shorter and shorter. She screamed again, "LEGOLAS!" "But..." Jane started but she thought it best not to say any more. Legolas looked around. The girls did not leave any footprints. Araniss blinked back tears. "LEGOLAS! Please answer...please..." Legolas could hear a soft noise, but he wasn't sure what it said. Araniss ran back several fathoms. "LEGOLAS!" She screamed again.

  • Legolas could hear the noise. It was louder this time. Araniss stopped, waiting. Nothing. She fell to her knees, tears stinging her eyes.

    She stood, angrily wiping away tears. Why was she so worried? She knew Legolas could take care of himself. This was his own realm, let alone the fact that he was the best fighter in the Age.

    So what was that growing feeling of darkness inside her? Legolas ran towards the voice. But he had this dark feeling coming on to him. Araniss heard fast, steady footfalls, and the darkness began to fade. "LEGOLAS!" Araniss screamed again.

    To be continued It is your turn to decide the future of

    the Woodland Realm.

    of the Lord Nerds the
