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Emaad Khalid exposes Zaid Hamid

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Emaad Khalid who was Zaid Hamid's Staff Officer, Media Coordinator and Personal Assistant/Accountant from 2009 to 2013, has finally decided to leave Zaid Hamid and Brasstacks. He has written a 111 page document that exposes all the dirty work of Zaid Hamid. It includes his financial & moral corruption and more importantly his anti-state agenda.
The Real Face of Zaid Hamid First-hand account of the real face behind the mask and façade of words, and what lead me to the decision of leaving him by Emaad Khalid – Zaid Hamid’s Staff Officer / Media Coordinator / Personal Assistant / Accountant [from 23rd January 2009 to 17th March 2013] ______________________________________________________________________________________ Table of Contents Section A – Introduction – Reality of Zaid Hamid and his fake “mission” – Zaid Hamid using the name of Ishq-e-Rasul (saww), Ghazwa-e-Hind, Khilafat-e-Rashida, United States of Islam, Pakistan and its armed forces, Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, Takmeel-e-Pakistan for his own ulterior motives and for obtaining fame and fortune – Zaid Hamid portraying a false image to the world about himself with deception, lies and Munafiqat – Why and when I joined Zaid Hamid – Why I left him Section B – Zaid Hamid: Getting Rs. 6,06,500/- per month from ISI – Planning assassinations of prominent personalities – Making a “hit-list” – Wishing there were more Mumtaz Qadris – Speaking against Army Chief and Corp Commanders – Trying to create mutiny in the army – Rushing anarchy in Pakistan – Getting blacklisted by MI and MI’s letter against him – Saying that ISI is his agent – Wishing that Army Chief is assassinated by a junior officer – Brainwashing army officers against top command of armed forces – Using his links with armed forces for personal reasons and threatening people – Using name of army and ISI to promote his own business and for self-projection – Boasting that Army will bring people of his choice in Caretaker setup – Not being sincere with armed forces and ISI – Claiming to do more work than ISPR and ISI/MI put together – Claiming that if CIA or RAW had a Zaid Hamid they would pay him much more

The Real Face of Zaid HamidFirst-hand account of the real face behind the mask and faade of words, and what lead me to the decision of leaving him by Emaad Khalid Zaid Hamids Staff Officer / Media Coordinator / Personal Assistant / Accountant [from 23rd January 2009 to 17th March 2013]______________________________________________________________________________________

Table of Contents Section A Introduction Reality of Zaid Hamid and his fake mission Zaid Hamidusing the name of Ishq-e-Rasul (saww), Ghazwa-e-Hind, Khilafat-e-Rashida, United States of Islam, Pakistan and its armed forces, Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, Takmeel-e-Pakistan for his own ulterior motives and for obtaining fame and fortune Zaid Hamid portraying a false image to the world about himself with deception, lies and Munafiqat Why and when I joined Zaid Hamid Why I left him

Section B Zaid Hamid: Getting Rs. 6,06,500/- per month from ISI Planningassassinations of prominent personalities Making a hit-list Wishing there were more Mumtaz Qadris Speaking against Army Chief and Corp Commanders Trying to create mutiny in the army Rushing anarchy in Pakistan Getting blacklisted by MI and MIs letter against him Saying that ISI is his agent Wishing that Army Chief is assassinated by a junior officer Brainwashing army officers against top command of armed forces Using his links with armed forces for personal reasons and threatening people Using name of army and ISI to promote his own business and for self-projection Boasting that Army will bring people of his choice in Caretaker setup Not being sincere with armed forces and ISI Claiming to do more work than ISPR and ISI/MI put together Claiming that if CIA or RAW had a Zaid Hamid they would pay him much more

Section C Zaid Hamid: Being involved in financial corruption and nepotism Havingan average income of a million rupees per month Receiving 40 million rupees from ISI from Dec 2007 till April 2013 Receiving millions of rupees from interest-based banks and corporations Receiving donations of more than 5 million rupees from 2009 onwards Filing inaccurate tax return Wanting a position in government for personal gain and benefit Being a self-acclaimed Defence and Security Analyst Lying about sources of income and about receiving donations Encouraging wealthy patriots to give donations to his mission Wanting to receive 7 lac rupees per month from a new TV channel owned by Zardaris special advisor Encouraging and supporting his frontman Rizwans frauds and bogus think tank Pak Turk Institute or Business Economic Forum Treating people according to their wealth and status Being a self-acclaimed Faqeer and man of God Deliberately creating an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty Wanting to bring anarchy and war before its preordained time

Section D Zaid Hamid: Hurting and disobeying his old parents Using his fathersproperty against his will and permission Not sending his father the monthly rent of his house regularly Being cruel towards his immediate family Being suspected by his own family in Yusuf Ali aka Yusuf Kazzab matter Keeping his parents and their tasks or orders always at lowest priority Equating his Turkey trip to Maqbool Umrah despite parents displeasure Torturing his first wife physically and emotionally Cheating on his wife Being ungrateful to his first wife for all her sacrifices and support Divorcing his first wife after obtaining fame and fortune

Section E Zaid Hamid: Having extra-marital affairs and relationships Spending timealone with young non-Mehram women Taking a non-Mehram woman to Umrah without her Mehram Deliberately encouraging emotionally-distressed non-Mehram women to come close to him and making them fall in love with him Touching young non-Mehram women Encouraging a young married woman to spend time with him against her husband s orders Being careless about his wifes feelings Being harsh with his wife but very loving with non-Mehram women Tricking his second wife into marrying him Making his in-laws financially dependent upon himself and then using them Craving to be in the company of young women Preferring to have young female women as anchors in his programs and as guests at his residence and office Sharing vulgar jokes about women

Section F Zaid Hamid: Saying that Allah needs him and that only his mission is right Deceiving the masses on social and mainstream media through clever use of words and emotions Comparing himself to Quaid-e-Azam, Allama Iqbal, Salahuddin Ayyubi, AuliaAllah, Sahabah (RA) and even Rasulullah (saww) Making unjust and biased decisions

Deciding who will go to Heaven and who to Hell Being jealous of important and famous personalities and defaming them Falsely accusing people without having any evidence whatsoever Teaming up with his fake Peer to rob and misguide people Calling himself the reference for a Hadith Being a real coward at heart Making fun of Sunnah and disrespecting the sanctity of Rasulullahs (saww) name Using third-party or private platforms for abusing or mocking someone Boasting that he was the one instructing Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri throughout the long march of Jan 2013 Wanting chaos in the long march for an army takeover Being arrogant and hypocritical Portraying a larger-than-life image of himself Lying blatantly about his Supreme Court appearance Basing his entire mission on a failed event [Takmeel-e-Pakistan Resolution 2010] and fooling the masses on a grand scale

Section G Zaid Hamids lies, accusations, propaganda and desperate attempts fordamage control after I left him Conclusion My contact details Zaid Hamids and Rizwan Imtiaz Warraichs contact details______________________________________________________________________________________

A person who, Compares himself with, and equates himself to, Allah, Rasul Allah (saww), and Khulafa-e-Rashideen.. Lies frequently, believes in falsehoods, and puts Buhtan (false accusations) on others, without having proof.. Wears a misleading mask and practices hypocrisy as a persistent habit, weaving a web of deception with his words.. Wants chaos and bloodshed in Pakistan, and mutiny in the armed forces of Pakistan.. Craves a position of great power, authority and influence (mainly for his own personal gain and financial benefits).. Is Mutakkabir, arrogant, unjust, selfish, ungrateful, cowardly, attention-seeking and self-centred.. Lies about and hides his real sources of income, lies about his assets / finances and about receiving donations.. Likes the company of non-Mehram young women and is involved in anti-Shariah practices with them.. Lacks the basic understanding of the word Insaaf (justice) and the concept of Musawat (equality) between the rich and the poor.. Neglects, ignores, hurts and disobeys his old parents, and misuses their assets / finances, and is cruel / uncaring towards his wives.. Thinks that he does not need to follow any Maslak, and creates a Maslak for himself to his own liking.. Can such a person be, A Wali-Allah and Faqeer of the highest order, the flag-bearer of Ghazwa-e-Hind, the one who can bring about the system of Khilafat-e-Rashida, the one who can establish the United States of Islam, the Danday Wali Sarkar, the Green-Eyed Mujahid, and the Saviour of Pakistan and the Muslim Ummah?


A man bore witness in the presence of Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allah be pleased with him), so Umar (RA) said to him: I do not know you, and it does not harm you that I do not know you, but bring someone who does know you. So a man said: I know him, O Chief of the Believers. Umar (RA) said: What do you know of him? The man said: Uprightness. Umar (RA) said: Is he your closest neighbour; so that you know about his night and his day, and his comings and goings? The man said: No. Umar (RA) said: So have you had (monetary) dealings with him involving dirhams and deenars, which will indicate his piety? The man said: No. Umar (RA) said: Then has he been your companion upon a journey which could indicate to you his good character? The man said: No. Umar (RA) said: Then you do not know him. Then Umar (RA) said to the man (who bore witness): Bring me someone who knows you. ______________________________________________________________________________________

Section A[1] It must be obvious and clear to many people, especially in the BrassTacks team, that why this incidentfrom Hazrat Umars (RA) life has been selected to begin this email with. Alhamdolillah, keeping the criteria given by Hazrat Omar (RA) in mind, it can safely be said that Emaad Khalid knows Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid very well (real name: Zaid-uz-Zaman Hamid). This cannot be said for the people who have seen Zaid Hamid from a distance, mainly on social and mainstream media, or those who just meet him now and then in his office. Sometimes it happens that the image of a person projected in front of the world is very different from his real and actual self. What Zaid Hamid has done using social and mainstream media is to develop personality worship for himself in the youth of Pakistan. The image that Zaid Hamid and his diehard followers want to be portrayed to the world can be observed clearly in this video. Point to note is that this video was officially and happily approved by Zaid Hamid himself for circulation on the internet as this is exactly what he wants the world to think of him: The Mujahid nation waits for The ONLY ONE who can save us now! [http://vimeo.com/59716803]. Those of you who believe in the image depicted in this video and who put Zaid Hamid on a very high larger-than-life pedestal (like I used to do), will learn several things in this email which will cause you to seriously question your current beliefs about Zaid Hamid, InshaAllah. And then one is bound to ask the maker of this video, When did you see or witness Zaid Hamid to be all that you say he is? Have you forgotten that one day you will have to face Allah, who is in reality the ONLY ONE who can save us? Why have you made a god out of Zaid Hamid, what is your majboori to lie to such an extent just to please this erring human being?

[2] Understandably, the dawn of reality upon the people who love Zaid Hamid will be painful (like it waspainful for me, very painful indeed), but it is a pain and hurt which cannot be avoided, and which is necessary for the salvation of a Muslim. Allah does not like it when we start loving someone much more

than he deserves, when we start thinking of pleasing only him, when we start believing in each and every word that he utters, so much so that we become almost totally blind at heart and mind. It is only when we start reverting back to Allah, when we start trying our best to please Him alone, and start begging Him for guidance and for the knowledge of the reality of things, that Allah starts lifting the veil from our eyes, hearts and minds, by His Will. He has been very Merciful to me and has listened to my prayers. Allah has shown me my error and corrected me by showing me the real face of Zaid Hamid, Alhamdolillah. Allah is my witness that I wished to lay down my life and everything I had for Zaid Hamid and his mission, and I could never have even imagined leaving him. Allah is my witness that now that I have left Zaid Hamid and BrassTacks, it was NOT for any personal reason at all (as stated by Zaid Hamid). It was because I gradually came to the only possible conclusion (after seeing all that I have seen) that Zaid Hamid was just USING and CASHING the name of Ishq-e-Rasul (saww), love for Pakistan and its armed forces, Ghazwa-e-Hind, Khilafat-e-Rashida, Allama Iqbal, Takmeel-e-Pakistan etc. for his own fame and gain, with a Munafiqat of the highest order. I had joined Zaid Hamid for Allah and Rasulullah (saww) and I have left Zaid Hamid for Allah and Rasulullah (saww), Alhamdolillah. I want to make it very clear, especially to those people who have the misconception/misunderstanding that I have left THE mission, that Zaid Hamids so-called mission is a faade and drama. Some people are blinded and fooled into believing that they will be on the right path and mission ONLY if they are working with Zaid Hamid, and only if they are a part of Zaid Hamid team. Allah is not Muhtaj of Zaid Hamid. I have left Zaid Hamid and Zaid Hamids self-created mission. I would never leave the REAL MISSION of working hard and steadfastly for Allah, Rasulullah (saww), Pakistan and the whole Ummah, InshaAllah. I was working for Pakistan and Islam since the age of 25 (almost 8 years before I met Zaid Hamid), Alhamdolillah. Now I am almost 38 years old. Every sincere Muslim and Pakistani wants to work for the real cause and mission, just like I do, and being part of this faade of Zaid Hamid was the direct opposite of working for the real cause and mission. So as soon as Allah removed the veil from my eyes and showed me clearly the reality of this man Zaid Hamid, it was Farz (obligatory) upon me to denounce him completely and separate myself in every way from his grand plan based on Munafiqat and personal gain. If I was looking for worldly gain, I would not have left him, or I would at least have waited for the month to end. But Alhamdolillah, I am not looking for any worldly/personal gain. Instead, I have taken up this task of denouncing Zaid Hamid and telling the world his reality, fully aware that there will be difficulties and obstacles in my way. But I know that Allah and Rasulullah (saww) are with me because I have taken a stand for Haq, and have rejected Baatil and spoken against it, in this effort to expose a great Fitnah. Alhamdolillah. Another misconception that would naturally arise in the minds of many people is that, Now Emaad is telling all this about Zaid Hamid BECAUSE he has left him. The reality is the opposite of this I have left Zaid Hamid BECAUSE I wanted to tell the world all this, because I had seen his real face, and because I found myself duty-bound to let the nation know what Allah had shown to me, especially those thousands of people who had joined Zaid Hamid and his mission directly or indirectly because of my words, actions and efforts. It is Allah who assigns various duties to us, even if we never imagined having such heavy duties upon our shoulders, and from Allah alone comes the power and strength to fulfil these duties. May Allah accept my effort of fulfilling this duty that is upon me now, and may He not hold me accountable on the Day of Judgment, Ameen.

[3] I would never have left, if I had remained under the false impression that Zaid Hamid was a greatWali Allah and Faqeer (as he likes to call himself), and a great patriot and Mujahid who could really bring about the system of Khilafat-e-Rashidah in Pakistan, and form the United States of Islam. Alhamdolillah this false impression finally ended. I had been getting glimpses of the reality of Zaid Hamid ever since I started working closely with him, but I kept ignoring them. Sometimes I would be a little concerned about an action or word of Zaid Hamid, but then I would brush away that thought. It was as if I were under a spell which made me think that everything Zaid Hamid does MUST be right (even if it was clearly against the Sunnah and Shariah). But gradually, especially in the past few months, I started being seriously concerned about things which could not be ignored anymore. So I started making dua to Allah for guidance and truth. After Allah lifted the veil from my eyes and ended the spell that was on me, it became impossible to stay with Zaid Hamid anymore, because carrying on in such circumstances would mean that I was also playing a part in this grand-scale Munafiqat and faade being carried out in the name of a sacred mission, in this great Khiyanat being done with the innocent, Islam-loving and patriotic people here in Pakistan and abroad.

[4] The main purpose of writing this email is that I find it obligatory upon myself to share the informationand knowledge that Allah has provided me about Zaid Hamids official / social / financial / personal / family life, which are hidden from the public eye, from his thousands of followers, many of whom joined Zaid Hamid and his mission directly or indirectly because of me, by Allahs will. It would have been very easy for me just to say goodbye and walk away, thinking about saving myself only. But then the sense of duty towards Allah and Rasulullah (saww), and the fear that Allah will hold me answerable on the Day of Judgment for not conveying to other people what Allah had shown me, made me write this email in an attempt to present to others who the real Zaid Hamid is, so that the people may save themselves as I have saved myself with the Help and Will of Allah. May Allah accept this effort which I am making only for the sake of Allah and Rasulullah (saww), ameen. Allah and Rasulullah (saww) are witness to the fact that what I am disclosing in this email is the truth and a first-hand account of what I have witnessed and observed over a period of more than four years, in which I have worked more closely than anyone else with Zaid Hamid. The whole BrassTacks team, Zaid Hamids immediate and extended family, and many armed forces officers and media personnel are aware of this undeniable fact. They have also witnessed the utter respect, humility, dedication and hard work with which I have served Zaid Hamid day and night, keeping myself on standby for him 24/7 throughout the year, not taking a single day off even on Eid. I used to believe that if anyone, including myself, opposed Zaid Hamid or left him, then that person would face the wrath of Allah and Rasulullah (saww). Surely, as now I have come to understand, Allah and Rasulullah (saww) were not pleased with this un-Islamic belief of mine. May Allah prevent every Muslim from all Mushrikana practices and beliefs, ameen. I feel myself bound in duty to Allah and Rasulullah (saww) to reveal the following facts to the followers of Zaid Hamid, for the own khair (good), in the national interest of Pakistan, and for the good of Ummat-e-Rasul (saww) at large. _______________________________________________________________________________

Section B[1] Zaid Hamid has been receiving (since the end of 2007) a monthly stipend of Rs. 6,06,500/- (Six lac, Six thousand and five hundred rupees ONLY) from the ISI and is still getting this amount every month. Since November 2011 Zaid Hamid has been sending me to get theamount from the ISI. I have been going alone to collect the amount in my own vehicle and signing the receipt for Zaid Hamid and stamping it with the BrassTacks official stamp. I personally feel that there is nothing wrong if our prestigious ISI funds somebody to protect the image of the armed forces in the cyber world and on mainstream media, but then I think that the ISI should be spending this Amanat of Pakistan on someone who is worthy of it, and who is more influential in the mainstream media. Being the son of a retired Air Commodore, I am writing this only in the national interest of Pakistan and its commendable armed forces, because I am witness to the unworthiness of this man Zaid Hamid on whom the money is being wasted. According to Zaid Hamid, it was because of the personal initiative taken by one officer in the ISI (Admiral Shafique), that Zaid Hamid got this contract with the ISI. His words were: Allah bhala karay Admiral Shafique ka, jis ney mujhay yeh ISI ka contract dilwa diya apnay personal initiative per (May Allah bless Admiral Shafique, who got me this contract with ISI, on his own personal initiative). He has often said that if CIA or RAW had a Zaid Hamid, they would have paid him at least 10 times more than he is getting from ISI.

[2] Zaid Hamid uses his contacts in the armed forces, ISI and MI, for pure personal benefit and gain, for making himself a highly-influential and feared personality, for giving threats to innocent civilians in his own personal matters and in the business concerns of his close friends (for example,threatening some shopkeepers with an ISI raid and subsequent arrest if they did not pay 35 million rupees for a shop, which was worth 20 million rupees at the most, within a couple of days to his close friend details given in point 13 of Section C), for petty issues like threatening a kid on Facebook or a careless driver on the highway who could have caused damage to Zaid Hamids car (he asked an MI Major to get that drivers details through his cars registration number, to grab hold of that driver, to harass and physically assault him, and to teach him a lesson), and even for giving me threats after I left him, asking an MI Major to call me 3 a.m. in the morning who told me that I should keep silent about the real reasons for which I left Zaid Hamid, and go along with the resigned for personal reasons story that Zaid Hamid had circulated all around, and that I should go and meet Zaid Hamid at the earliest (further details given in point 5 of Section G). For such threats, Zaid Hamid asks MI or ISI officials to call the party involved from untraceable private numbers (secure landlines).

[3] Zaid Hamid has on numerous occasions told close team members that they should be ready andavailable, and during a possible civil war / anarchy and chaos or a military takeover, some people from media, judiciary, government will be assassinated on the direct orders of Zaid Hamid, and the blame will be automatically directed towards Jihadi outfits / sectarian and militant organizations / terrorist wings of political parties. The prominent names on Zaid Hamids hit list are: NAJAM SETHI, ASMA


SHARIF, ALTAF HUSSAIN, OFFICIALS OF MQM and ANP etc. Zaid Hamid has recently received adrum magazine for his Kalashnikov (AK-47) as gift from a serving Colonel and has asked me several times to get the rates of a crate of AK-47 bullets. Last year, he purchased a locally-made silencer for Rs. 19000/which he has fitted on his TT pistol. He has been searching the market for a silencer for his AK-47 and an imported silencer for his 9mm pistol, but nobody has been able to provide these 2 items to him yet. He tested the locally-made silencer for his TT pistol in his back lawn, and told me that the sound of the gunfire was still a bit too much as compared to the high-quality imported silencer, but nobody would notice the sound in the middle of rush hour / traffic. Probably this is what he really means by vigilante justice, about which he has talked/written frequently, especially in the recent past. An interesting thing to note is that, in front of the world, Zaid Hamid never insinuates what has been mentioned above (secret assassinations on his orders), but instead talks about taking these people (Hamid Mir, Najam Sethi etc.) to Shariah/Qazi Courts and getting them punished through those courts.

[4] Zaid Hamid also claims that the assassination of Moulana Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri and his son on 11thMarch 2010 was because of Allahs wrath upon them, because on the morning of 12th March 2010, Jalalpuri was going to register a case of 295-C against Zaid Hamid in a court of law (Karachi). On 11th March 2010, Zaid Hamid, a couple of students of the International Islamic University Islamabad and I were sitting in the conference room of the previous BrassTacks office (777-A, Ammar Shaheed Road, Chaklala Scheme 3, Rawalpindi). It was around 8 or 8:15 p.m. when Zaid Hamid started talking about Moulana Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri and said about him, Yeh sarkon per maaray jaen gey (They will be killed

on the streets). Barely 8 to 10 minutes had passed, when one of the office staff members camerushing into the conference room and told us that Moulana Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri, along with his young son, had been assassinated in Karachi. On hearing this news, Zaid Hamid told us that Allah lets Zaid Hamids enemies rise to a certain level only, and when they cross the critical line, then Allah takes care of them (kills them). [Now probably I am also crossing that critical line by writing all this about Zaid Hamid.] Zaid Hamid said that Allah had the 12-year-old son of Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri murdered only because Jalalpuri and other officials of Aalmi Majlis Tahaffuz Khatam-e-Nabuwwat had made public the names of Zaid Hamids children, and had also disclosed the names of the educational institutes where they were studying, because Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri wanted someone to go and kill Zaid Hamids children. http://umersultan.wordpress.com/2010/03/12/mawlana-saeed-ahmed-jalalpuri-today-inkarachi/ Similarly, in October 2010, when Doctor Farooq Khan of Mardan was assassinated by gunmen in his workplace, Zaid Hamid said the same thing about Dr. Farooq also, that he has been assassinated because he was speaking against Zaid Hamid and was against Zaid Hamids mission, and then he repeated the same statement that he had said earlier on the assassination of Moulana Saeed Ahmed Jalalpuri, that Allah lets Zaid Hamids enemies raise their heads to a certain level only, and when they cross that limit, Allah takes care of them (kills them).

[5] Zaid Hamid is not as sincere to the armed forces of Pakistan as he portrays himself to be in front ofhigh-ranking ISI/army officers and on the social and mainstream media. When he is sitting with young army and intelligence officers who are close to him, he subtly ignites anger in them against the Army Chief and Corp Commanders. Zaid Hamid on a couple of occasions has boasted that the day he utters

one word against the Pakistan Army, or the Army Chief (General Ashfaq Pervaiz Kayani) on mainstream media, there will be mutiny within the ranks, and the young armed forces

officers will stage a coup or will assassinate senior highest-ranking officials in the chain of command, especially the Army Chief; there will be total anarchy all around, and when the dustsettles down, Zaid Hamid will be the only patriot left standing (because all others would have run away), and then he will grab power and bring the system of Khilafat in Pakistan. Perhaps this is the reason that Zaid Hamid uses these words frequently: anarchy, chaos, existential crisis, existential threat, urban war, bloody, collapse, mass violence, horrific, impossible, lawlessness, suicide, destruction, dismemberment, Balkanization etc. After reading such words over and over repeatedly for months and years on end (in Zaid Hamids weekly Situational Reports, Facebook posts and emails), it seems as if he is fond of creating unnecessary hype and wants to rush anarchy and war in Pakistan, even before its pre-ordained time. Zaid Hamid, on dozens of occasions in the past 4 years, has given the impression to junior armed forces officers and team members that the senior command of the armed forces, especially Army Chief General Kayani, is either not capable of comprehending the existential threat that Pakistan faces from India and the USA, or does not want to comprehend it.

[6] Zaid Hamid has openly declared, during the very private gatherings at his house, that the Army Chief is a bastard, haramzada, lowest of the low, totally compromised/sold out, and is working on the agenda of the enemies of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan . Zaid Hamid saysthat he himself and majority of the Fuqarah in Pakistan are doing bud-dua for Army Chief General Kayani. On social and mainstream media, Zaid Hamid says that 3 people will be held accountable if something happens to Pakistan, while in his private close circles he says that Army Chief General Kayani is the most accountable and that Zaid Hamid will send him to the gallows and make him pay for destroying Pakistan once Zaid Hamid attains a position of power in this country. Zaid Hamid has levelled serious allegations of corruption and fraud on the Army Chief and his brothers, basing his allegations upon the information which he receives from his like-minded army officers. Zaid Hamid claims that the anger/frustration level against Army Chief General Kayani in the young army officers has crossed the dangerous level, that the junior and middle level officers are now openly abusing Army Chief General Kayani in their cell phone conversations (referring to the Army Chief as Pervaiz Bobby etc.), and are questioning his actions / inaction. Zaid Hamid has told people that the Army Chief will either resign, or be removed or assassinated by a young army officer. On a few occasions, Zaid Hamid has said very clearly that

Army Chief General Kayani might die in a car accident or a helicopter crash, and then ZaidHamid would bring his own lot of caretakers, whose list has been drafted by Zaid Hamid and other patriots. Zaid Hamid claims, Jo hum kahain gey wo hi qanoon hoga (whatever I say will become the law). Zaid Hamid makes his future plans with a strong assumption that he will come into a position of absolute power in the near future.

Hazrat Umar (RA) said: Beware of fitnah, for a WORD at the time of fitnah could be as devastating as the sword. Salahuddin Ayyubi (RA) said, "If you want to destabilize and destroy a country, all you have to do is create enmity between its people and their army". (And this is exactly what ZaidHamid is doing discreetly and cleverly in his close circles and subtly in front of the world in his Facebook posts and emails).

[7] Zaid Hamid once commented while talking to an officer of the MI, that he wished there were a few Mumtaz Qadris near the top level leadership of this country, and if he (Zaid Hamid) wasever given this opportunity to be near someone in the top leadership, carrying a loaded weapon, he would not miss that chance. The statement was deliberately kept vague, not making it clear whether he was pointing towards Army Chief General Kayani or Zardari. On another occasion, when Zaid Hamid was hinting towards the possibility of assassinations of the top leadership of Pakistan, he commented to the armed forces officer, Aisee batain poochi nahi jateen, bas kar di jati hain (Permission is not taken for such acts, they are just performed). Zaid Hamid has said in front of his closest team members, that it is

his wish that some junior army officer assassinates Army Chief General Kayani.Read the reply that Zaid Hamid gave to one of his followers (not a close team member) in a private email:From: W.A. [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 12:18 AM To: Zaid Hamid Subject: Re: AS-SLAM-MU-ALAIE-KUM

AoA, sir peoples including you, who are affiliated by some slasal and babas, is know the current spiritual position of COAS. when he was able to do some thing and having spiritual backing he did nothing .... now what he can do ??? ?? ? his own murhsid left him ... .. now COAS is just like a normal army person ... .. . who will be retired next year ... .. . now what type of hope you have form COAS ???? JA----------------On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 12:47 AM, Zaid Hamid wrote:

No hope from this one. Sabr.______________________________________

[8] Zaid Hamid told me himself that a Lt Colonel and hundreds of his fully-armed troops and commandoes were waiting to march forward on Islamabad and take over power, butZaid Hamid had stopped him for the time being because he feared there will be too much bloodshed. According to Zaid Hamid, those troops are still on standby and the Lt Colonel awaits further instructions. Zaid Hamid once showed us his (Zaid Hamids) picture with the crew of one of the nuclear submarines in Karachi, and he boasted to some guests who had visited our office for the first time, that one of the religiously-inclined crew members on the submarine listens to Zaid Hamids lectures when the submarine hits the depths of the oceans, and that he had especially requested Zaid Hamid not to make fiery speeches against India, otherwise he would one day launch something into the air.

[9] Several of Zaid Hamids followers and the young army officers who are close to him worship him. I donot say that as a figure of speech only. A commando of 7 CDO did Sajdah (prostration) at the feet of Zaid Hamid (this year), few days before Dr. Tahir ul Qadris long march. Zaid Hamid did not mind that the commando did a full Sajdah at his feet (forehead completely on the ground, 3 inches away from Zaid Hamids shoes). Zaid Hamid encourages personality-worship and has on many occasions indoctrinated / brainwashed his followers by the Man and the Mission philosophy, saying that the man is as important as the mission. He has stated in very clear terms that if he (Zaid Hamid) is assassinated, or if his mission comes to a halt, then it would be catastrophic for the future of Pakistan, as then Allah would put this nation through the severest of trials and tribulations, and millions would die.

[10] Zaid Hamid has told his close team members that in the Musharraf era, he was THE advisor toMilitary Intelligence (from 2002 to 2007). He has boasted many times that he could meet Musharraf at will, and that HE was the one who was taking care of the national security of Pakistan. Zaid Hamid kept defending Musharraf and all his actions while Musharraf was in power, and very cleverly distanced himself from Musharraf in 2007, when he knew that Musharrafs downfall was imminent. Zaid Hamid claims that he never asked Musharraf or MI for any favour or financial benefit worth even 1 rupee. Zaid Hamid boasts in front of his clients that he was the official advisor to Musharraf and MI, and it was he who used to draft top-level security reports for Musharraf till 2006; apparently that is why he is able to trap multinational companies as his clients who give him millions of rupees every year for his valuable security reports (see details in points 1 and 2 of Section C). It is highly probable that it is because of Zaid Hamids boasting about his strong links with armed forces and intelligence agencies, that the multi-national companies hire the services of Zaid Hamid. It is very strange that if Zaid Hamid was the official advisor of MI and if MI depended so much upon the valuable reports of Zaid Hamid, then why did MI blacklist him afterwards, and stopped all armed forces personnel from having any contact with him?

[11] Zaid Hamid claims he was a very close aide to the then DG MI Nadeem Taj, and drafted the mostsecret and sensitive documents that were to be presented to Musharraf, and that he was the ISPR and MI of those times (he claims that even today he alone is doing more work than the whole of ISPR and other army cyber warfare wings put together, and that the ISPR is stupid and clueless, does not know what to do, and is always late in its actions; he said that sometimes even the ISI is asleep, and if it wasnt for Zaid Hamids timely instructions/advice, the safety and security of Pakistan would be in certain jeopardy). But now as the MI has put an official ban on the entry of Zaid Hamid into military institutions

(since 2011), has circulated a letter warning the whole army not to meet Zaid Hamid and not to distribute his materials (CDs, DVDs, booklets, papers, magazines etc.), so Zaid Hamid is highlydispleased with the DG MI of today (General Naushad Kayani), and has abused him many times in front of team members, saying that the DG MI has been compromised, praying that the DG MI dies of the cancer that he has, and even going to the extent of spreading rumours that the DG MI is a Qadiyani. Zaid Hamid claims that he got this information about the DG MI being a Qadiyani from serving officers of the MI, who have serious concerns regarding this matter. Zaid Hamid has told us that the MI banned/blacklisted him only because of General Naushad Kayanis personal enmity with him, and that General Naushad Kayani has used the office of the DG MI to get even with Zaid Hamid.

[12] Zaid Hamid also boasts to the army officers and his select few close team members, that out of all theCorp Commanders, four are very close to Zaid Hamid, and eight or nine are fully on board with Army Chief General Kayani, and those Corp Commanders are beighairat and bastards. Zaid Hamid has been trying

for almost a year now to convince one of the Corp Commanders (who, according to Zaid Hamid, is very close to him and respects him a lot), to put some sense into other Corp Commanders heads, and to take over Islamabad. The Corp Commander had to finally invite Zaid Hamid (along with his wife) to spend some time with him and to explain to him that there was no chance of a military take over, and that all the Corp Commanders were on the same page, backing Army Chief General Kayani 100%, and that certainly a mutiny / uprising would not take place against Army Chief General Kayani. After this meeting, Zaid Hamid has stopped talking of this Corp Commander as frequently and fondly as he used to. A point to note: the text messages which used to go from Zaid Hamids cell phone to this Corp Commander and vice versa were shared by Zaid Hamid only with his close associate and known con man / money swindler Rizwan Imtiaz Warraich, whose real name is Rizwan Bin Imtiaz (details about Rizwan given in Section C).

[13] Zaid Hamid has always claimed that he has been very close to General Pasha. When the Memoscandal details were made available on the mainstream media, Zaid Hamid told us that there was serious disagreement between Army Chief General Kayani and the then DG ISI General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, and that there was a war of words between the two, because General Pasha wanted to pursue the Memo scandal investigation and subsequently remove the government of Zardari, while Army Chief General Kayani was totally against this line of action demanded by General Pasha, and it was because of this reason that General Pasha was not given further extension, and he preferred to leave the country and live in the UAE.

[14] Zaid Hamid compares himself to Allama Iqbal, who once said, Iss qoum ki aanay wali naslain merimuthi mein hain. Zaid Hamid claims that the present young officers of the armed forces of Pakistan are in his muthi (firm grasp). Zaid Hamid says that the current top leadership of the armed forces is secular and useless, but in 10 to 15 years time, the young officers of today would have become the top leadership and then they would bring about real change in Pakistan and its army. And then he compares himself to Imam Khomeini of Iran, when he was asked while being taken away in a helicopter, Where is your army? Khomeini replied, My army is in the laps of their mothers.

[15] Zaid Hamid leaked highly confidential details of his meeting with some important members ofAhmed Shah Masoods family (the meeting took place in 2009 in Dubai). The ISI is well aware of the agenda that was discussed in this meeting. Zaid Hamid, upon his return to Pakistan, told members of the team that the ISI did not have any asset in the Afghan government and that it was he who had set up the meeting, and was gathering Afghan contacts for the ISI, so that the ISI would have a greater influence in the next Afghan government/situation. He even told the name of the person who would play a crucial role in forming the next government in Afghanistan and how Zaid Hamid convinced him to travel from Kabul to Dubai secretly and then arranged a secret meeting between him and the Pakistani intelligence officials in Dubai.

[16] Zaid Hamid took Rs. 1000,000/- (1 million rupees) from ISI for his case against Pakistani media /SAFMA in the Supreme Court, for payment to his lawyer Ahmed Raza Kasuri. But only Rs. 5,00,000/- (5 lac rupees) were paid to the lawyer as advance (Rs. 250,000/- paid on 20th March 2012 and Rs. 250,000/paid on 30th March 2012). The remaining 5 lac rupees were spent by Zaid Hamid elsewhere, because the case did not proceed.

[17] Zaid Hamid believes and tells other people that only those armed forces officers are patriots andsincere with Pakistan who respect and follow Zaid Hamid. He has said more than once that Jo army officer hamain nahi jaanta woh army officer ho hi nahi sakta (The army officer who does not know me cannot be an army officer at all).

[18] Zaid Hamid should be asked why he told a Major of the MI that he wanted the original handwritingof Army Chief General Kayani (something that the General had written directly on a paper himself). Zaid Hamid has also obtained Imran Khans and Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadris handwritings a few months ago. Zaid Hamid has been accused by various people (including his family members) of doing black magic on people through his Peer (spiritual mentor) and friend in Gujjar Khan (Haji Safdar). It is a well-known fact that the original handwritings of people are required by anyone who wants to perform black magic on them. Zaid Hamid has known this Peer for the past 18 years and has visited him every third or fourth day, all the four years I have been with Zaid Hamid. The Peer has told me himself that he is the one behind Zaid Hamid and his mission and also that he is the one responsible for each and every major decision that has taken place in the life of Zaid Hamid for the past 18 years. Zaid Hamid is also accused by many of only using the word Syed with his name, being a non-Syed in reality. He is using four names at the moment: Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, Zaiduzzaman Hamid, Zaid Zaman Hamid, and Zaid Hamid. Moreover, he has been accused by many people of being a Qadiyani and the follower / frontman of a fake prophet Yusuf Ali (or Yusuf Kazzab as many call him) (see point 4 in Section D for more details). http://www.khatm-enubuwwat.com/zaid%20hamid%20sawal.pdf

[19] These emails, which Zaid Hamid sent to BrassTacks emailing groups, will be of particular interest tothe armed forces officers:From: Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Date: 16 December 2012 01:48 Subject: RE: My comments

I appreciate your decent post and respect your views. Though it is based on sincerity but indeed a result of ignorance about what's happening in Pakistan and what we are doing. 4GW is a reality. Pakistan Military Academy and National Defense Universities have separate departments dealing with it now. Please visit our website www.zaidhamid.pk and read the policy papers on 4GW and Af-Pak. Pakistan army has taken them seriously but the nation and its leaders are sleeping. CJ has refused our petitions not on merit or evidence but on locus standi, meaning that "who are you to come here, go somewhere else"! You may have faith in this CJ but unfortunately he is now part of the demolition job against the state. You will see later just as you will see the reality of 4GW later. Bringing in caretakers is our idea and now every mainstream writer, even those opposed to us are demanding a caretaker government for 3 years. The idea of a "buffoon" has become a mainstream demand dear brother. As we write, Peshawar airport is under attack. Karachi is in a lockdown and Baluchistan is out of bound for outsiders. These things happen in war times and still people ask when will the war start which I promised? This is 4GW dear, this is fought in the cities, not on the borders. Don't you see Syria, Libya and Iraq???????? I am actually frustrated that why our nation cannot see that??? Khair inshaAllah. We are close to seeing it with Haqqul Yaqeen ZH_____________________________________

From: Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Date: 16 December 2012 02:27 Subject: RE: My comments

When we raise an alarm, it affects the future Geo-politics. After the Mumbai attacks, we had raised an alarm that Indians will attack any day and that PAF must be alerted. Mercifully, PAF listened to us and our fighters were on air patrol when Indian fighters entered our air space near Muridke and in AJK, and were forced to turn back when confronted by PAF.Breaking News: PAF Chases away Indian Jets http://pakistankakhudahafiz.wordpress.com/2008/12/14/breaking-news-indian-jets-violate-pakistan-airspace/ 14 Dec 2008 News just coming in Indian fighter planes have violated Pakistan's air space by ... Planes of Pakistan Air Force (PAF), which were already on alert, quickly -----------------

When we raised the alarm about Indian Cold Start, Pak army launched the exercise Azm e Nau to counter that.Cold Start (military doctrine) - Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cold_Start_%28military_doctrine%29 Cold Start is a military doctrine developed by the Indian Armed Forces for use in ... named Azm-e-Nau 3 which focused on offensive defense against Cold Start... Azm-e-Nau: Hot start against cold start pakobserver.net/detailnews.asp?id=33725 Sunday, May 30, 2010 - Pakistan Army's Azm-e-Nau-III exercise ends with 35 days round-the clock, almost non-stop, drill for sharpening wits and weapons... -----------------

When we raised the alarm about 4GW, Pak army started new training sessions in PMA on urban warfare. Ask any new cadet of PMA. NDU started a centre of excellence on 4GW.Fourth generation warfare - Wikipedia en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fourth_generation_warfare Fourth generation warfare (4GW) is conflict characterized by a blurring of the lines between war and politics, soldier and civilian. The term was first used in 1989..._____________________________________

Zaid Hamid sent this picture via email to the BrassTacks emailing groups on 10th April 2013, which is a classic example of how Zaid Hamid uses the youths patriotism and love for the armed forces for promoting himself, for his own personal gain and benefit, and to give the false impression to the youth and the young armed forces officers, that he is doing as much for Pakistan as the armed forces, and that the youth and young officers of the armed forces should follow Zaid Hamid, as only then Pakistan will be saved:

Similarly, see how Zaid Hamid uses the names/sacrifices/spirit of the brave lions of the armed forces of Pakistan, for promoting himself and his think tank business, and for attracting youth and young armed forces officers. Point of interest is that Captain Omer Tirmizi (about whom Zaid Hamid has posted on his Facebook page) does not even like/follow Zaid Hamid, and his sister Maheen Tirmizi was stopped by most of her family members from having anything to do with Zaid Hamid and his mission. Maheens husband is also a serving Major and had told Maheen to stay away from Zaid Hamid because of the negative image Zaid Hamid has in the Military Intelligence circles. This is the reason Zaid Hamid could not even attend the Jinazah (funeral) of Maheen (which took place 7 kilometres away from Zaid Hamids house). Zaid Hamid knew very well that ugly scenes would be witnessed at the Jinazah of Maheen if Zaid Hamid even dared to go near the Race Course graveyard on the day of the Jinazah. That is why he had to send me instead to attend the Jinazah, where I met both of Maheens brothers Captain Omer and Imran. This is the Facebook post of Zaid Hamid, which he posted just a few minutes before he emailed the above picture on 10th April 2013. Zaid Hamid does not even know that Lt Omer is Captain Omer now, MashaAllah: This is the amazing story of Lt Omer Tirmizi, brother of BrassTacks team member Maheen Tirmizi, who embraced shahadat in her own way. Like sister, like brother, MashAllah. While BrassTacks team fight on the battle front of Informaiton warfare and psy-ops, our brothers and sons are fighting on ground to defend this beloved Pak Sarzameen. Blessed are these souls who have given everything for Pak sarzameen, without uttering a word of complaint or moment of hesitation.

May Allah bless them all. Today, we recite Fatiha for Maheen and do dua for Omer.The Unsung Hero of Bajaur http://www.facebook.com/notes/sami-alvi/the-unsung-hero-of-bajaur/10151526176614837


Some more pictures of Zaid Hamid:

[20] Zaid Hamid wants to give the impression that the armed forces and ISI are totally dependent uponZaid Hamid, as Zaid Hamid is indispensable for them and they cannot do their work without having Zaid Hamids constant guidance and security analysis / reports. Zaid Hamid frequently says, especially in his close circles, that the senior command of the armed forces and intelligence agencies formulate their policies according to what Zaid Hamid tells them. Zaid Hamid does not want his value with the intelligence agencies to be lessened to any degree, so much so that he could not bear that the intelligence agencies get in touch with a person who REALLY knew about geopolitics, defence and security analysis, who had inside information, and who could have proved useful and helpful to the intelligence agencies and armed forces of Pakistan. The persons name is Jonathan Azaziah, and his website/blog is: http://www.maskofzion.com/ Jonathan Azaziah has extraordinary knowledge and information about Pakistan, India, Kashmir, Palestine and Israelis, Zionists etc. Visit his website and read his amazing articles to see the calibre of his work and investigative reporting. The day Zaid Hamid realized that Jonathan Azaziah had much more knowledge and much better writing skills than Zaid Hamid himself, he stopped responding to his emails and requests for Zaid Hamid to come on his radio show/podcast, and stopped forwarding his articles. Before this, Zaid Hamid used to forward a few of Azaziahs articles to BrassTacks team members, and also to armed forces officers and the Directorate of Intelligence. Zaid Hamid was surprised when one day I

received a call from the office of the Directorate of Intelligence; they were very impressed by Azaziahs reports and especially by the knowledge he had about the intelligence agencies working in India against Pakistan and Kashmir and other inside information he had about Israeli operatives working to destabilize Pakistan and other Muslim countries. The person who called me from the intelligence agency asked me for the personal cell number and some other details of Azaziah (who is based in the Middle East), but when I took permission from Zaid Hamid for giving Azaziahs number, he stopped me from doing so, telling me not to respond to the requests of the intelligence agency.

[21] For the past year or so Zaid Hamid is telling his team/office members that he has prepared a list ofpeople to be in the caretaker setup in Pakistan, and has presented the list to the Army. On some occasions, he insinuates that it was the Army itself who had asked Zaid Hamid to contribute in making the list of caretakers. He is proudly boasting these days that this time the people who will come in the caretaker government will be the ones who respect Zaid Hamid and who are in his club. Zaid Hamid says that he knows the names of the people who will be in the caretaker setup, but it is a closely-guarded secret between him and the Army so he cannot tell the names to his team members. The following was posted by Zaid Hamid on his Facebook page on 31st March 2013. By the way, before Zafar Hilali wrote this article, Zaid Hamid used to call him Zafar Harami: Former PPP stalwatrt and writer Zafar Hilali also joins "Zaid hamid" club :)) Alhamdolillah, more and more people from all schools are demanding aggressive army intervention to clean the system from traitors and the corrupt. This is what we mean. Keep raising the voice and soon we will have millions demanding the same thing -- a patriotic caretaker government backed by army to hang all the traitors in a single night !!! Pak army -- are you listening ???? Article link: http://naibaat.pk/?p=43828c ___________________________________ And this was posted by Zaid Hamid on his Facebook page on 6th April 2013: InshAllah, these elections will be the last elections in Pakistan under parliamentary democracy. The politicians and judiciary have been measured, weighed and found to be wanting. They have betrayed Allah and Rasul Allah (sm) and the millat. Now the politicians and the judiciary cannot complain. They had their chances and they stabbed the nation. Now no more democracy. NO more elections InshAllah after this dirty exercise. InshAllah, Pak army will intervene to bring a patriotic caretaker government when the chaos will get out of hands of these idiotic rulers. Very soon inshAllah. Sabr. Let the politicians make more mess of it. ___________________________________

Till just a couple of weeks ago, Zaid Hamid kept on boasting, We KNOW that elections will NOT take place, and now as usual he has conveniently and cleverly modified his words to: these elections will be the last elections in Pakistan under parliamentary democracy. By giving such statements on Facebook, and by telling/ordering/instructing the army what has to be done during every situation that arises in the country, Zaid Hamid wants to convey the message that he understands the national security / interest of Pakistan more than its armed forces, and that HIS

statements and ideas have more weight than that of the whole armed forces and intelligence agencies combined. Zaid Hamid always gives the impression that he is in close and continuous contact with the most senior command of the military establishment. He proudly boasts that, People think that I am the agent

of ISI, whereas its the other way around. The ISI is my agent, and they do what I tell them to do. He often tells his team members that serving Colonels and even Brigadiers forward his securityreports and analysis to their superiors after removing Zaid Hamids name from the reports, giving the impression that they themselves had written those reports. Zaid Hamid also boasts that THOUSANDS of armed forces officers (Pak Army, PAF, Pak Navy), follow him very closely and regularly. _______________________________________________________________________________

Section C[1] Zaid Hamids estimated total income from December 2007 to March 2013 = at least Rs. 62, 500, 000/- (62.5 million rupees)Break-up of the 62.5 million rupees: Amount received from ISI (Dec 2007 to April 2013) = Rs. 40, 000, 000/- (40 million rupees) Amount received from Sit-Rep clients and TV channels (Dec 2007 to March 2013) = Rs. 13, 000, 000/- (13 million rupees) Amount received as donations (January 2009 to March 2013) = Rs. 5, 000, 000/- (5 million rupees) Amount received from sale of BrassTacks magazines, DVDs/CDs, From Indus to Oxus and other books (June 2008 to March 2013) = Rs. 4, 500, 000 (4.5 million rupees)

Zaid Hamid s average income per month = Rs. 1,000,000/- (1 million rupees)This 1 million rupees is the average monthly income, but actual monthly income in 2008, 2009, 2010 was around Rs. 1,200,000/-, whereas in 2011, 2012, 2013 his monthly income has been around Rs. 8,00,000/rupees. The income was higher in 2008-10 because Zaid Hamid then had contracts with TV channels (News One, Royal TV, Aag TV of GEO News Network), and also had more clients (Standard Chartered Bank, Alcatel, Tullow etc.) for his weekly Situational Report (Sit-Rep). But the income which Zaid Hamid shows while paying his income tax is around 30% of his actual yearly income; the only income he shows in tax return papers is the fees he is paid by his Sit-Rep clients. In the tax return of 2012 the income shown by him was turning out to be too low, so he covered it up by saying that he had received 5 lac rupees as gift from his father. The above income details are according to the sources of Zaid Hamids income that I am fully aware of. Of course there must have been other sources too, especially in the form of donations from special guests of Zaid Hamid whom he meets at his house privately, not in the BrassTacks office. And more importantly,

besides all this income, he also uses hundreds of thousands of rupees from his fathers money without his permission (from his fathers Bahria Town house rent see points 6, 7, 8 in Section D for details). Zaid Hamid formed his think tank in the year 2000. He says that he was the official advisor to the Military Intelligence for a number of years, and from 2004 to 2007 he was the closest official advisor to General Musharraf. Zaid Hamid says that he got access to many foreign embassies and that he was offered bribes from the American Embassy. He was also offered tours of Pentagon and respected think tanks of the USA. I do not know details about the amount and sources of Zaid Hamids income from the year 2000 till 2007. In spite of earning millions of rupees, Zaid Hamid complains about his financial conditions and gives the impression that his income is not much, that he is going through a touch time financially, and is out of funds. The usual impression his followers have of him is that he lives like a Dervaish eating daal roti only (which is a false impression, as Zaid Hamid is not fond of eating vegetables and daal, instead he regularly eats mutton and chicken, getting it cooked from his mother-in-law). But people get this false impression because of the fact that whenever there is a general gathering/meeting of volunteers etc. at his house or office, he serves them just daal and roti. Zaid Hamid has 4 vehicles, 3 of which he uses for himself and his family, and 1 for the office. Even after having such a huge monthly income, he has the shamelessness of writing and speaking frequently about how the Sahabah (RA) and Aulia-Allah used to spend their lives in a very humble manner, and what meagre incomes they had, and that what we need are leaders like them, and like Quaid-e-Azam (RA) whose income was 1 rupee a day. Zaid Hamid also says that an income of 7 to 8 thousand rupees should be enough for a ruler of today, but for Zaid Hamid himself even 10 lac rupees per month is not enough. After receiving

10 lac rupees per month, he is going through a difficult time and is waiting for the time when he will come to power (get a high position in the government), will be able to spend money freely, and will give hundreds of thousands of rupees to his close team members every month (this is also confirmed by his spiritual guide and mentor Haji Safdar). Nowwhat about the Sahabah (RA) who always used to become poorer when they came to positions of authority or responsibility, and about whom Zaid Hamid loves to talk and write so frequently? Zaid Hamid is all talk, empty talk, nothing else, because practically in his real life he is as far away from the things he talks about as it is possible to be. He likes badmouthing politicians and other people for their financial dealings and frauds, and for not paying their taxes. What about Zaid Hamid himself? Why does he lie to the tax department and why does he hide his real income? If it is ok for him to lie and do fraud in paying taxes, then why is it not ok for the politicians to do so? Zaid Hamid boasts that though this whole tax system is a gift of the Kuffaar (non-Muslims), even then he dutifully pays all his taxes and gives back to Pakistan his fair share, since he is a law-abiding citizen. But this is just another of Zaid Hamids lies and deception to impress people, because in reality he is a tax-evader and therefore punishable by law.

Read these words of Zaid Hamid which he posted on his Facebook page a few days ago:

http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=172798226210372&set=a.172797946210400.1073741826.100004405868177&type =1&theater

The last time I saw Zaid Hamids balance sheet, he was NOT a poor man at all and could definitely afford much more than simple daal roti. Here are the details of the three bank accounts Zaid Hamid is currently using, according to my knowledge. Only the payments from his Sit-Rep clients (official BrassTacks clients) are deposited in the bank, while all other payments (stipend from the Agency, donations, book sales etc.) are received by Zaid Hamid in the form of cash. Sit-Rep clients use the Askari Bank and HBL accounts. Bank Al-Falah account is where Zaid Hamid used to deposit the cheques for the rent of his fathers Bahria Town house (the previous tenant used to pay rent in the form of cheque, but the current tenant pays cash). Any other payment that comes on Zaid Hamids name, and not on BrassTacks name, is also deposited in Bank Al-Falah account. Askari Bank, Chaklala Scheme 3 Branch, Rawalpindi Account title: BrassTacks Account number: 00400101034940 IBAN: PK39ASCM0000400100034949 HBL, Airport Road Branch, Rawalpindi Account title: BrassTacks Account number: 10117900752103 Bank Al-Falah, Chaklala Scheme 3 Branch, Rawalpindi Account title: Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Account number: 009801001165 BrassTacks National Tax Number: 1186573-3

[2] Besides obtaining more than Rs. 40, 000, 000/- (40 million rupees) from ISI (mentioned in point 1 ofSection B), Zaid Hamid has also been receiving millions of rupees regularly in several other ways, for example, receiving donations from followers, getting paid for appearing on TV channels, sale of books, magazines, DVDs etc., and from Riba-based banks/multi-national corporations (for example, Habib Bank Limited, Standard Chartered Bank, Telenor, Tullow, MOL etc.) for providing them with his mediocre, non-professional, copy/paste job of a weekly Sit-Rep (Situational Report) only 4 or 5 times a month, with news pasted from online newspaper websites and just a brief analysis of the situation done by the selfacclaimed Defence and Security Analyst/Consultant/Advisor Zaid Hamid, who has been using the same rhetoric again and again since 2000 (the year he established his think tank BrassTacks); only Allah knows how he has been able to trap such large multi-national and local business concerns, and why they pay him the way they do (see point 10 in section B). Why would the multi-national companies need security reports of Zaid Hamid, when they have their own Security departments, and have hired retired officers from armed forces and intelligence agencies who bring with them a wealth of information and experience and who are very well capable of making their own security analysis/forecast/reports. These companies also have their own security apparatus and proper qualified security managers, whom they pay millions of rupees every year plus benefits. So WHY do the companies fund Zaid Hamid? Zaid Hamid does not have any educational degree in Defence and Strategic Studies; instead he studied Engineering. Zaid Hamid also has almost no experience at all for being a defence and security strategic advisor, except for his claim that he fought in the Afghan war, whereas he had gone mainly because of his media project, for taking photographs and filming, and for getting his own photographs taken with a rocket launcher, antiaircraft gun or machine gun etc. Zaid Hamid has thousands of pictures that he took in Afghanistan and hundreds of hours of video footage also. But I must agree that Zaid Hamid did learn something from the war between Afghanistan and Russia, he learned how to be a propagandist and he has been successfully using this skill of his for the past decade or more. Zaid Hamid has the inborn skill and tact of being a good fund collector. He claims that he was the fund collector for Yusuf Islams (formerly Cat Stevens) Muslim Aid also (in Karachi), and that he collected millions of rupees in donations, charity and sponsorships, as mentioned by him on page 133 of his book From Indus to Oxus. At another place in his book (page 2), Zaid Hamid writes: Since the last 6 years, I was associated with the Afghan resistance, from fighting as an ordinary foot soldier in the fiercest of battles, to becoming a part time doctor, journalist, media consultant, photographer, technical assistant, propagandist, and even a negotiator with the Pakistan government on behalf of the resistance I also interacted with power players in Pakistan Army responsible for inflicting the death by a thousand cuts strategy against the Soviets. Zaid Hamid sends the same Situational Report (Sit-Rep) to all his clients (multi-national companies), and also to hundreds of officers from the armed forces / intelligent agencies. A sample of this confidential SitRep with Zaid Hamids cutting-edge analysis can be viewed here: http://www.zaidhamid.pk/samplesitrep.pdf Point to be noted, Zaid Hamid has often accused Mufti Taqi Usmani (of Karachi) for giving the Fatwa which permitted the introduction of Islamic banking in Pakistan, and of getting 7 to 8 million rupees monthly from local and international banking groups in return for supporting the concept of Islamic banking. Then

why is Zaid Hamid himself having financial dealings with Riba-based companies when he

is officially at war with Riba and why is it ok for Zaid Hamid to receive millions and millions of rupees from the same banking groups (both local and international)? [3] Zaid Hamid projects himself as someone who is out of funds in front of wealthy guests/team memberswho are his fans and who immediately start thinking of funding Zaid Hamids mission in some way. And most of the times, he does accept the donations given by these wealthy people. He gives a general impression to his followers at large that he does not receive donations, with clever use of words like: We never ask for donations on his Facebook page. This statement should have been, We never ASK for donations, but we do ACCEPT them. On Zaid Hamids personal and official Facebook page, we can see the words Non-Profit organisation immediately above his full name Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid, which in the first place does not make any sense, and is of course once again the use of his cleverness to deceive his followers by using vague words/statements, which are actually not true. Why doesnt he make it clear whether he is saying that BrassTacks is a non-Profit organization, or whether he himself is not involved in any financial dealings, does not make profit in any way, or does not encourage people giving him donations? He has clearly given this false impression to his followers that neither is he concerned about money matters, nor does he like to handle any financial dealing, of course to give a boost to his image of being a highly-spiritual being, a Godsend and a Bay-Niaz Faqeer. His close acquaintances have witnessed Zaid Hamid receiving donations/funds in the form of cash/gold biscuits/gold and silver coins/PC tablet/laptop/iPhone/BlackBerry/designer wear/weapon accessories etc. not only from his close team members and friends, but also from people whom he is meeting for the first time, or whom he has never met. On at least one occasion, he has even asked for a major donation himself, through me, for the printing of the second edition of his memoirs From Indus to Oxus, though there was no need to get the second edition printed then. Even now, after a year of getting the second edition printed, about 150 books of the first edition still remain in stock. The second edition books are untouched till now, eating dust in the office cabinets or waiting for Rizwan Imtiaz Warraich to take them on credit and not pay for them later (see details in points 9, 10 and 15 in Section C). The BrassTacks official website www.brasstacks.ca and Zaid Hamids personal official website www.zaidhamid.pk have been made by Zaid Hamids second wife T and are run independently by her, and of course by Zaid Hamid. So everything present on these websites is directly from Zaid Hamid and his wife. Same is the case with the posts on Zaid Hamids official Facebook page: www.facebook.com/syedzaidzamanhamid (all the posts are written by Zaid Hamid or his wife, no other Facebook admin is authorized to post anything on this page without the approval/orders of Zaid Hamid or his wife). The following sentences are written on Zaid Hamids official BrassTacks website [http://www.brasstacks.ca/profile.htm]: BrassTacks is a private venture of Mr. Zaid, and some close like-minded friends who all share the common cause of commitment and patriotism to Pakistan. BrassTacks accepts no funding from any outward source, and is not affiliated with any political party or institution. However, BrassTacks maintains a friendly and advisory role to key institutions of Pakistan including the government of Pakistan, the foreign office, Pakistan army, and embassies of friendly Islamic countries. The above lines that Zaid Hamid has given about his think tank BrassTacks contain ambiguous phrases which have been used cleverly in such a way that any reader would get the impression that firstly, Zaid Hamid does not accept any funds from anyone or any institution/agency, and runs the think tank on his

own personal and private expenditure, which is a TOTAL lie; secondly, that the think tank is a private venture of his and his friends, which is yet again a lie. BrassTacks is a sole/individual proprietorship on the name of Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid only (BrassTacks National Tax Number: 1186573-3). Zaid Hamid has often boasted that HE ALONE founded BrassTacks in the year 2000. The last sentence written by Zaid Hamid (BrassTacks maintains a friendly .. of friendly Islamic countries.) is of course an exaggeration just to impress his followers. Also note the cunning use of word outward with source in the second sentence. Only Zaid Hamid can tell us whether the following are outward or inward sources: the intelligence agency of Pakistan from whom he has received more than 40 million rupees, the local and international banks and corporations from which he has received more than 13 million rupees, the volunteers and followers in general (living in Pakistan or abroad) from whom he has received more than 6.5 million rupees in donations (the people from whom he has received donations range from a wealthy team member living in Pakistan to a divorced woman living in UK whom he has never met and with whom he has spoken just once over the telephone). I will quote one example here of Zaid Hamid receiving major donations from businessmen of Karachi and Lahore. Zaid Hamids followers are unaware of the fact that the printing of the monthly BrassTacks magazines was not paid for by BrassTacks, but by 2 businessmen. These patriotic people gave Rs. 1,85,000/- every month to Zaid Hamid for printing of all the issues of the BrassTacks magazines (from June 2010 to August 2011). So only for the magazines Zaid Hamid received a donation of more than 2.7 million rupees.

[4] Zaid Hamid receives thousands of rupees in donations every month from various sources in Pakistanand from abroad, and also encourages people in subtle ways to keep on giving him donations in cash and kind. Sometimes he would highly praise, give many duas (prayers) to, and be loving towards someone who had given a donation or an expensive gift to him, in front of other team members who had not given him any such gift/donation, and then naturally the team members who are not so wealthy feel guilty and embarrassed and also wish that they could give Zaid Hamid some expensive gift or at least a donation. I will narrate one incident here: When the wealthy business man E (see point 15 for details about E) gifted to Zaid Hamid a 10-Tola gold bar (worth around 5.5 lac rupees at that time in January 2012) wrapped in an envelope, Zaid Hamid immediately opened the envelope in front of the other wealthy team member (who had not yet given any major donation or expensive gift to Zaid Hamid, and is earning 3 lac rupees per month, and drives a 2.5 million rupees Honda), and holding the gold bar high above his head, displayed it to all the people present there and repeatedly said to E in a rhythmic and emotional way, Yeh aap ko kis ki dua laggi hai? Yeh aap ko kis ki dua laggi hai? (Whose prayers have brought these blessings to you?), implying that E was successful in Duniya and Akhira (both the worlds) because he gives such huge donations and gold bars to Zaid Hamid, and that other team members should also follow Es example if they want to be successful in both the worlds. When I was dropping E back to where he was staying in Islamabad after this incident, E said, Emaad bhai I feel embarrassed. I had no idea that Zaid sb would open the envelope in front of everybody. I did not want the others to know what I had given to Zaid sb.

[5] In majority of cases when he is sitting with wealthy people, Zaid Hamid makes a point of mentioningthat he does not have any asset of his own, sometimes he says that the only assets which he has on his name are his weapons and his 2007 model Toyota Corolla (LV 626), that only one room would fall to his lot

as inheritance (when his father passes away) and that too he would give back to his mother, and that he is living in a rented house and his office is also on rented premises. Zaid Hamid has only two more brothers (one of whom cannot live independently as he is mentally unwell), and his father has one 5-bedroom house in Bahria Town Rawalpindi, one house in Karachi, one house in Abbottabad, and one 3-bedroom apartment in Askari 3 Rawalpindi, so his Ill get only one room story is a fabrication to deceive people (see section D for more details).

[6] An example of how important money has become for Zaid Hamid is that he is willing to get 7 lac rupees per month from a new channel Capital TV, which is owned by two brothers, one ofwhom was the special advisor to Zardari (who was then President of Pakistan). Zaid Hamid told the senior management of Capital TV that he wants at least Rs. 7,00,000/- in advance every month for a talk show that will have Kamran Shafi (SAFMA supporter and anti-army) as a co-host with Zaid Hamid, and if the payment is not made in advance, then the contract will not be signed. The owners of Capital TV made it crystal clear to Zaid Hamid that they were looking for a very serious talk show and they would not appreciate Zaid Hamids typical fiery style. Zaid Hamid tried to convince them that he had the ability to remain calm and decent during a live appearance, mentioning his interviews on Press TV, Aljazeera and RT, and requesting the owners to watch those programs. During the meeting the special advisor to Zardari told Zaid Hamid that he would invite Zaid Hamid to the presidency for lunch, and Zaid Hamid smiled in return, giving the impression that it would be absolutely ok for him to visit the presidency. The first meeting between Zaid Hamid and the Capital TV owners/management took place on 29th December 2012 and the second meeting took place on 30th January 2013. I was present in both the meetings. I asked Zaid Hamid after the second meeting, What if, during a live program, Kamran Shafi asks you a question regarding Zardari, then in what way will you respond? Zaid Hamid was silent, pondering over my question. Then I told him that this could be a trap to tarnish his image on media, or it could be possible that Capital TV was willing to give him 7 lac rupees per month to keep him from insulting Zardari on mainstream media. To this Zaid Hamid responded, I am going to take Zardari s money, and then abuse Zardari on his own channel. Probably that is why Zaid Hamid wanted the payment to be in advance. But the reason that he gave to the owners of Capital TV, for demanding advance payment, was not true. His reason was that Tahir Khan (owner of News One TV channel who used to pay Zaid Hamid Rs. 250,000/- per month for his program series) had not cleared his dues after they abruptly and without notice, ended their contract with Zaid Hamid due to CIA/American pressure (according to Zaid Hamid), that Tahir Khan owed Zaid Hamid 5 lac rupees, so now he is careful and has decided to always take the payment in advance. This was a lie, because I myself had shown Zaid Hamid the accounts related to News One more than once, and had reinforced that the News One dues had been cleared. I had checked each and every payment that I myself collected from News One office in F-7, and the Finance Manager at News One had shown me their accounts ledger also. Zaid Hamid has been repeatedly lying that News One owes him 5 lac rupees in front of wealthy team members, sponsors, media personnel etc.

[7] The financial corruption and irregularities of Rizwan Imtiaz Warraich played a major role in opening my eyes to the reality of Zaid Hamid. Rizwan and I both joined BrassTacks aroundthe same time in 2009, and were the closest of team members/friends of Zaid Hamid. Rizwan lived in Lahore, while I have been at the BrassTacks base (Rawalpindi). An important point to note here is that the impression given to BrassTacks team members by Zaid Hamid that I (Emaad Khalid) had left BrassTacks because of Rizwan, and that I wanted Rizwan to be kicked out of BrassTacks or to be admonished in

front of others, is totally false. Why would I leave for the individual practices of any team member, if the leader and Sipah Salaar of the team (Zaid Hamid) was taking the essential and right course of action needed in such cases, keeping the commandments of Islamic Shariah foremost, instead of making decisions according to his own human and erroneous wisdom, logic and majbooris (needs). The weak character and pitiable decision-making ability of Zaid Hamid was made clear to me time and again by his continuous attempts to cover up and even support the corrupt practices of Rizwan Imtiaz Warraich. All

this made me question that how can such a weak personality like Zaid Hamid be a leader of the Ummah, or bring about the system of Khilafat-e-Rashida? When Zaid Hamid cannoteven control and do tarbiat (character building) of his few closest team members (mainly Rizwan), is MAJBOOR (helpless) in front of them, and lacks the moral courage to decide justly between two team members (one of whom is the oppressor / liar and the other the oppressed / truthful), then how will he decide justly in matters of much graver importance if he is handed over any position of authority and decision-making over millions of people?

[8] Rizwan Imtiaz Warraich (real name on ID card: Rizwan Bin Imtiaz) is a known con man (a man whotricks others into giving him money) and fraudster, who is involved in many financial scams and irregularities. He himself told Zaid Hamid and me in 2009 that he owed 40 to 50 million rupees to different parties in Dubai , and had gone to jail because of non-payment of these dues. The amount has still not been paid. Dubai CID had blacklisted Rizwan, therefore Rizwan cannot enter any emirate of the UAE. He also informed Zaid Hamid and me that he had to eventually leave Dubai illegally by sea (in a fishermans boat/trawler). Rizwan also claims that he was the General Secretary of Minhaj-ul-Quran UK, and had collected donations worth hundreds of thousands of pounds for Minhaj-ul-Quran. He has

levelled serious allegations of embezzlement of funds against Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. Rizwansays that on one occasion he collected 70 to 80 thousand pounds under the head of Zakat Fund for Minhajul-Quran in UK, but he received instructions from the Minhaj head office to deposit this amount in the personal bank account of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. Rizwan says that he tried to resist this order in the beginning as he knew that the Zakat Fund could only be deposited in the appropriate/designated bank account, but then on the insistence of the UK Minhaj official, the 70 to 80 thousand pounds were deposited in the personal bank account of Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. Rizwan says that after depositing the amount, he resigned from Minhaj-ul-Quran immediately, because a clear wrong had been committed by Minhaj-ul-Quran and Dr. Tahir-ul-Qadri. I have known Rizwan since 2009, and have worked very closely with him in some instances, and what I write here is a first-hand account. More than a dozen team members are already aware of what I am writing about Rizwan, but they remain silent because of the hush-hush policy so forcefully imposed upon all of us by Zaid Hamid, especially when it involves the financial irregularities/ frauds of his close friend/aide/fund collector Rizwan Imtiaz Warraich. (Incidentally, Zaid Hamid himself is considered by many to have been the frontman and fund collector for Yusuf Ali, also known as Yusuf Kazzab).

[9] My personal observation of Rizwans financial dealings and behaviour started in the beginning of 2012,after Zaid Hamids book From Indus to Oxus (first edition) was launched in Dec 2011. Rizwan took several books at different times on credit (saying that he will pay for them later on) starting from the day of the launch on 18th December 2011. But to this day, he has not cleared the major part of the payment he has to make for the books. These payments have been outstanding for about a year and a half now, adding up to Rs. 1,69,000/-. Rizwan also collected payment from other team members but failed to deliver those payments at BrassTacks office. I was keeping record of all the books being sold and gifted and the

payments being received. I used to follow up on all pending/arrear payments, including Rizwans. In the beginning he replied to one or two of my emails, but then he stopped responding to my emails regarding books sales follow up, and even stopped responding to my general text messages. The following email thread will make the situation around the mid of 2012 clearer to the readers. Note

Zaid Hamid s instructions that I should remain normal even if I see Rizwan committing a murder. What of the poor man who is being murdered, and what of his family? Is this what Islam teachesus? Zaid Hamid likes the concept of purdah rakhna a lot and compares this quality of his with Allahs quality of sattar-poshi. Zaid Hamid has told me more than once, Meray saath hisaab kitaab na rakhna, warna nuqsan mei raho gey (If you keep hisaab kitaab with me you will be in loss), insinuating that I should remain quiet even if I see a financial irregularity taking place, otherwise I would be in trouble myself. Zaid Hamid is skilled at twisting and misusing Islamic concepts / moral values according to his own convenience and need. He fails to differentiate between keeping purdah, guiding and admonishing someone to abstain from the evil he is performing and protecting other people and their assets from a fraudster, admonishing the one who is at fault instead of the one who has not done anything wrong, thinking of the betterment of the society at large instead of the sattar-poshi of just one individual which could lead to great damage / loss to other individuals. The concept of purdah rakhna (covering up someones evil doings) cannot be applied to full extent in ALL cases, as is clear to everyone who is sane and who understands Islamic Shariah in its true spirit. For example, if two people go to an Islamic Shairah court, and one of them has fraudulently taken some amount of cash or a piece of land from the other person, should the Qazi (judge) listen to the fraudsters lies and stories, forgive him and try to cover him up, telling the wronged party to forget about that money / land and to forgive the fraudster? Has such a right been given by Allah to any Qazi, to impose such a thing upon the one who is oppressed and wronged? How can a Qazi forgive an oppressor on behalf of the oppressed? A Qazis job is to give Insaaf (justice) and to listen to both the parties, not to put purdahs, to lie and to make biased decisions. In such cases it is essential to state that yes, the oppressor has wronged the oppressed one, and he will have to pay/make amends for his actions. Purdah rakhna means that one should not expose someones personal habit etc. to the world, when exposing it would bring no good to the world, but only shame to that person who has been exposed, and when that personal habit of his is not harming other people in any way. On the other hand, if an evil action / habit of someone has caused, is causing or will cause harm to fellow human beings and society, then such an action must be exposed to the required extent and among the concerned people.From: Zaid Hamid Date: 27 June 2012 14:16 Subject: salam and dua from ZH To: [email protected] Cc: Rizwan Imtiaz WARRAICH , emaad khalid

Sahir Beta, InshAllah a CD or DVD will be sent to you. Stay blessed and spread the message. With love and dua ZH Riz, Imaad, pl do the needful._____________________________________

From: emaad khalid [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 10:43 PM To: Rizwan Imtiaz WARRAICH; [email protected] Cc: Sir Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid Subject: DVDS and CD's / materials for the office

Dear Rizwan bhai , I had requested you earlier that Zaid sahab wanted to buy 10 sets of dvd's and books/booklets for the office Kindly let me know what the status is on that and what is the cost price at which you will be providing the materials to us so we can send you that amount - also please let us know when you can provide us with the dvds and books/bookletskindly send Sahir the dvd that he has requested because we do not have any material to gift or to sell in the Brasstacks office best regards and JAZAKALLAH khaira_____________________________________ On 27 June 2012 23:51, Zaid Hamid wrote:

Imaad, yar, when you talk to close brothers and team members, please do not be so formal as if we are doing a commercial transaction or running a formal command centre. Treat them with friendly brotherly tone. Team members and clients should be dealt in different tones. Kub sumjho gey yar L(_____________________________________ From: emaad khalid [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, June 28, 2012 5:10 AM To: Zaid Hamid Subject: Re: DVDS and CD's / materials for the office

understood loud and clear ji , I will try my best to use friendly and brotherly tone inspite of the fact that Rizwan bhai has not responded to more than a dozen of my emails and similarly does not respond to my sms also - I am at a loss to understand this attitude of his I have been wanting to let you know since many months but did not do so , but now I feel that I must Rizwan bhai over the past couple of years had the best of communication with me He used to call me before coming to pindi office and used to always let me know when he wanted to go back to lahore communication in everything was perfect , he used to reply to all my emails and sms But his attitude changed completely and somewhat suddenly , when I sent him detailed i2oxus book hisaab and copied you the email , which mentioned the amount payable by him for all the books he had taken at various times Just want to remind you that besides his own payable amount , he has not delivered to us the 10k that he received from Talha mujaddadi 4 months ago , the Pounds that were sent to Rizwan's brothers account by Talha Ahad , that also we never received and payment for the books that Rizwan bhai took on Zohayr's name has also not been received You had asked me not to remind Rizwan bhai about any book sales payable amounts and I have followed your instructions ji -

I cannot understand what I have done that has offended Rizwan bhai so greatly that he cannot bring himself to even acknowledge or respond briefly to me You know that it is a fact that Rizwan bhai was one of the closest team members to me , especially after all that happened during Takmeel. It was not my intention to become formal with him, but I guess it was a natural reaction to his lack of communication with me It has always been my endeavour to let you know what is in my heart and mind , and I am sorry that it upsets you sometimes May Allah forgive me and keep me rightly guided JAZAKALLAH khaira for your constant nigah and guidance_____________________________________ On 28 June 2012 14:58, Zaid Hamid wrote:

We know what you have just us Imaad. Still, we do not this disturb us. Learn to forgive and

remain normal even if you see him doing a murder. Parda rakhna Allah ki shan hai._____________________________________

[10] Now read this thread of emails. The reply sent by Rizwan on 4th Feb 2012 was the last one he evergave me regarding book sales payment. The last email I sent him regarding this matter was on 17th Feb 2013 (notice the years in the email dates). Rizwan failed to even acknowledge receipt of this email, but Zaid Hamid was quick in replying to both me and Rizwan (even though I had kept Zaid Hamid in BCC in when I sent this email to Rizwan). Read what he has written, and then think that when complete hisaab kitaab of book sales payment is kept with all other team members, then how come such a leverage is continuously being given to Rizwan? And these books had not been printed using Zaid Hamids own finances, so how can he tell Rizwan to contribute at his ease? These books were printed from funds (around Rs. 8,50,000/- for first edition only) given by a patriotic businessman of Karachi, so that when the books are sold at profit after getting printed, the sales would go into the betterment of the mission. These books are part of Bait-ul-Maal, using the term that Zaid Hamid himself likes to use.From: [email protected] To: [email protected] CC: [email protected]; [email protected] Subject: status of books and outstanding payments at lahore Date: Tue, 31

Jan 2012 09:49:16 +0500

dear Rizwan bhai , we are updating our records so kindly give us the following info 1- number of books that lahore team has given to lahore book shops2- number of books left at kamila aapa's place 3- number of books at any other location JAZAKALLAH khair for depositing the 52.5k sangemeel cheque - it has cleared pl follow up on outstanding payments whenever you get a chance riz
