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Email Marketing Metrics to Watch... and a Few to Ignore

Date post: 15-Jul-2015
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Jessica Best Digital Marketing Evangelist [email protected] Email Marketing Metrics to Watch @emfluence or @bestofjess From Open (Rates) to Close (Sales)

Jessica BestDigital Marketing Evangelist

[email protected]

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@emfluence or @bestofjess

From Open (Rates) to Close (Sales)

@bestofjess @emfluence

Email can send direct: At the time that it’s most relevant to the recipient

With the products/content that are personalized

Can track individual recipient engagement

… and automate your follow up

Email gets delivered: Average email read rate: 25-30%

(compared to < 10% with social media)

Why Email Marketing Matters in 2014 and beyond

@bestofjess @emfluence

It’s 2014… Why Email?

Why Email Marketing Matters in 2014 and beyond

@bestofjess @emfluence

It’s 2014… Why Email?

Why Email Marketing Matters in 2014 and beyond

@bestofjess @emfluence

How do you know if you’re earning your $28 Return on Investment?

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

First, the basics: Open Rate (or View Rate)

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

First, the basics: Click Through Rate (Unique, Total & Click-to-Open)

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

First, the basics: Link Clicks

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

2.0: Click-to-View Rate

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

First, the basics: Bounces, Opt outs, Complaints

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Next, Segment Metrics: Which audience engaged most?

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Design for your audience: Where are they opening?

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

And everyone’s talking about going Mobile

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch


Desktop 79.4%

Mobile 20.6%


Desktop 49%

Mobile 51%

@bestofjess @emfluence

But a caveat about iOS…

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Finding & re-engaging Inactives

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch


@bestofjess @emfluence

Deliverability is a constant battle

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

Source: Return Path 2014

@bestofjess @emfluence

Deliverability is a constant battle

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

Source: Return Path

Source: emfluence

@bestofjess @emfluence

Tying Clicks to Traffic (and Sales)

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch


@bestofjess @emfluence

Acquisition metrics: gaining the opt-in

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Acquisition metrics: gaining the opt-in

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Acquisition metrics: the cost of opt-in

Customer Acquisition Cost


Lifetime Value of an Email Address &

Revenue per Email

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Email ROI metric: the value of the opt-in

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Metrics you can basically ignore: Instead use:

“Delivered” or “delivery rate” Inbox placement rate

Soft bounce rate Hard bounce rate

“Raw” click-through rate Click-to-open rate

Email Marketing Metrics to (Not) Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

If you only get 5…

The Top 5 Email Marketing Metrics to Act On

Rate of list growth

Inactive %

Opens and click-to-open rate

Time spent on your website

Revenue! (ROI)

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@bestofjess @emfluence

Other awesome resources on email marketing metrics:



& if you want it ALL in GA (works in all/most email platforms): http://www.lunametrics.com/blog/2013/06/17/email-tracking-google-analytics

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

Jessica BestDigital Marketing Evangelist

[email protected]

Email Marketing Metrics to Watch

@emfluence or @bestofjess

From Open (Rates) to Closed (Sales)
