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  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University



    United International University


  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University



  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    Origin of the report:

    As a business student it is reallyimportant for us to know community norms andvalues. We know community behavior and culture areimportant to start new business. Analyses basicconcept of community is help to determine businesspolicy.


    The purpose of preparing this report is to identifycommunity norms and values. We are also interestedto know

    1. Why should educators be concerned withcommunity?

    2. How can community develop?3. What is community sense?


    We have got access to the information which is

    most relevant for this report. We have prepared areport that can help us to get ideas about the abovequestions of community.


    While preparing this report, we have faced someproblems. Such as

    Time limitation:


  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    We have got only 9 days for preparing this reportwith all other activities. This time is not enough toprepare a report.

    Data limitation:

    We have prepared this report based onbooks, articles and internet. In this report, theancient community concept is not available which wasnecessary for this report. Besides, we could notcollect any information from the real world.


  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University



    In biological terms, a community is a group of interacting organisms

    sharing an emvironment. The word community is derived from the latin

    communitas, which is in turn derived from communis, which means

    "common, public, shared by all or many. Communis comes from a

    combination of the Latin prefix com- which means "together" and the

    word munis which has to do with performing services.

    Community is a group of people who interact and share certain thingsas a group.


    Community is a social group with some degree ofwe-feelingand living

    in a given area.


    Community is the small territorial group that oan embra ce all aspects

    of social life.

    Kingsley Davis

    Community is an area of social living marked by some degree of social



  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    R.M. Maclver

    community is any circle of people who live together and belong

    together in such a way that they do not share this or that particular

    interest only, but a whole set of interest.


    Types of Community













  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    Geographic and physical communities

    Human geography, who people are and where they live.

    European Community

    Founded on March 25, 1957 by the signing of the Treaty of Rome.

    Community Council

    Tier of local government in Wales and Scotland.

    Autonomous Communities of Spain

    Spain's fifty provinces are grouped into seventeen autonomous


    Communities, regions and language areas of Belgium

    Local Community

    A town, city, neighborhood, rural area, or any locale and everyone in it.

    Unincorporated community

    A geographic area having a common social identity.


  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    Residential Community

    A community, usually a small town or city that is composed mostly of


    Intentional Community

    A planned residential community, usually of people that share personal

    and cultural values.

    Co housing communities, a kind of intentional community

    composed of private homes centered around a common house and other

    common facilities.

    Ecovillage, a kind of intentional community formed with social,

    economic, and ecological sustainability as its goal.

    Commune (intentional community), a kind of intentional

    community where most resources are shared and there is little or no

    personal property (as opposed to communities that only share housing).

    Monastery, a community of usually monks practicing a religious


    Convent , a community of clergy particularly in the Roman

    Catholic Church and, to a lesser degree, in the Anglican Church.


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    World Brotherhood Colonies, idea for spiritual based intentional

    communities based on shared spiritual principles, begun by

    Paramahansa Yogananda.

    Global Community

    World community

    The global aspects of community from the perspective of

    governance and the humanities.

    International Community

    The global aspects of community from the perspective of

    governance and the humanities.

    Global village

    The global aspects of community from the perspective of


    Ideational or Abstract Communities

    Business Community

    The total body of business peoples its relationships and


    Religious Community

    The total body of religious peoples its relationships and


    Scientific community


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    The total body of scientists, its relationships and interactions.

    Epistemic Community

    Those who accept one version of a story.

    Discourse Community

    Used in linguistics to describe the users of a particular style of


    Moral Community

    A group of people drawn together by a common interest in livingaccording to a particular moral philosophy.

    Voluntary Association

    A group of individuals who voluntarily enter into an agreement

    to accomplish a purpose.


    A group of persons who join together (co-operate) to carry on aneconomic activity of mutual benefit.

    Associative communities

    Community of...

    Action, a group of people organized to support a cause or bringabout social change.

    Circumstance, a group of people bound together because of

    circumstances usually beyond their control.


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    Interest, a group of people who share a common interest or


    Place, a group of people bound together because of where they

    spend a continuous portion of their time.

    Position, a group of people who share a particular station in life

    (such as teenage years, marriage, parenthood, etc.).

    Practice, a group of people who choose to collaborate over an

    extended period to share ideas, find solutions, and build innovations.

    Purpose, a group of people who are going through the same

    process or are trying to achieve a similar objective.


    Housing Cooperative, a legal entity that owns real estate, usually

    one or more residential buildings.

    Retailers' Cooperative, a network of retailers which employs

    economies of scale to get discounts from manufacturers and to pool


    Consumers' Cooperative, a type of cooperative which employs

    economies of scale to get discounts from distributors.

    Utility Cooperative, a public utility such as electric, water or

    telecommunications owned by its members.

    Worker Cooperative, a type of business entity owned in part or

    exclusively by its workers.


    Affinity Group, is a small group of activists (usually from 3-20)

    who work together on direct action.


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    Intentional Community, a planned residential community with a

    much higher degree of social interaction than other communities.

    Learning Community, a cohort-based, interdisciplinary approach

    to higher education covering distinct fields of study.

    Virtual Community

    Web Community

    Online Communities

    Craig list: A centralized network of online urban communities,

    featuring free classified advertisements (with jobs, housing, personals,

    for sale/barter/wanted, services, community, gigs and resumescategories) and forums sorted by various topics.

    Basic community concepts, movements and schools of


    Sense of community, a look from the psychological perspective at

    how and why communities form and why people join them.

    Scientific Community, Metaphor, an approach in computer

    science to understanding and performing scientific communities.

    Community politics, a movement in British politics to re-engage

    people with political action on a local level.

    Imagined communities, a concept that nations are socially

    constructed by the imaginations of people.

    Internationalism (politics), a political movement which advocates

    cooperation between nations for the benefit of all.

    Communitarianism, a group of related but distinct philosophies

    advocating phenomena such as civil society.


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    Consensus decision-making, inclusive decision-making processes

    that accommodate even the minority.

    Meritocracy, a form of government based on rule by ability

    (merit) rather than by wealth or other determinants of social position.

    Interpersonal relationship, a connection, affiliation or association

    between two or more people.

    Social capital, a concept with a variety of inter-related definitions,

    based on the economic value of social networks.

    Communitas, a Latin noun for the spirit of community having

    significance in cultural anthropology and the social sciences.

    Community television, television stations that are owned and

    operated by communities rather than governments or corporations.

    Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft, terms introduced by German

    sociologist Ferdinand Townies to distinguish community from society

    Group dynamics, the field of study within the social sciences that

    focuses on the nature of groups.

    Small-group communication, communication in a context that

    mixes interpersonal communication interactions with social clustering.

    Socialization, the process by which people learn to adopt the

    behavior patterns of the community in which they live.

    Collectivism, a school of thought, antithetical to Individualism, in

    which the collective takes precedence over the individual.

    Organizational learning, an area of knowledge that looks at how

    an organization learns and adapts.

    Affinity (sociology), in terms of sociology, refers to "kinship of

    spirit", interest and other interpersonal commonalities.

    Cenobitic, a monastic tradition that stresses community life as

    opposed to eremitic like a hermit.


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    Collective, a group of people who share common interests,

    working together to achieve a common objective.

    Consanguinity, the quality of being descended from the same

    ancestor as another person.

    Emergence, complex pattern formation from simpler rules.

    Group (sociology), a collection of people who share characteristics,

    interact and have a common identity.

    Liminality, a period of transition related to initiation, rite of

    passage or other entry into a group.

    Meeting, two or more people coming together to have discussions

    or produce a predetermined output, often in a formalized way.

    Organization, a formal group of people with one or more shared


    Plenary session, the part of a meeting when all members of all

    parties are in attendance.

    Solidarity (sociology), the feeling or condition of unity based on

    common goals, interests, and sympathies among a group's members.

    Community Development

    Community development refers to efforts to improve communities:

    Community organizing, a process by which people are brought

    together to act in common self-interest.


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    Community building often refers to the more informal (or

    intangible) aspects of community development.

    Community economicdevelopmentrefers to efforts to improve the

    material aspects of local communities.

    Community practice, a type of social work practice that focuses on

    community level interventions.

    Community service, service (voluntary or compulsory) that a

    person performs for the benefit of his or her local community.

    Virtual community concepts

    Category:Internet culture

    Virtual community, a group of people communicating with each other

    by means of information technologies:

    Bulletin board system

    Chat room, an online site in which people can chat online (talk by

    broadcasting messages to people on the same site in real time)

    Computer-mediated communication

    Discourse community

    Electronic mailing list, a special usage of e-mail that allows for

    widespread distribution of information to many Internet users

    Internet activism

    Internet forum

    Internet social network

    Massively distributed collaboration

    Motivations for Contributing to Online Communities

    Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Games

    Network of practice

    Online deliberation

    Social network

    Social evolutionary computation

    The Virtual Community


  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    Usenet, a distributed Internet discussion system that evolved from

    a general purpose UUCP network of the same name

    Virtual Community of Practice

    Virtual Ethnography

    Virtual reality

    Web community

    Web of trust

    Wireless community projects, the development of interlinked

    computer networks

    World Wide Web, a global, read-write information space


  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    The Ending Summary

    After conducting our data we have reached thefollowing conclusion:

    A community is a territorial group. It alwaysoccupies some geographical area. Locality is thephysical basis of community. The physical factor suchas fertile soil, minerals, forests, weather climate etc.are included in the locality.


    From our report on basic concept of communitywe try to find out sense of community, communitydevelopment, community types and identity.

    There can be no vulnerability without risk; therecan be no community without vulnerability; there canbe no peace, and ultimately no life, withoutcommunity


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    The recommendations of our report are as follows:- Community change their behavior rationally or


    Community can change custom in any event.


  • 8/14/2019 EMAM HOSSAN United International University


    The data we used in this report was collected fromthe below sources:

    We have collected much information from thebook

    Principles of sociology C. N. Shankar Rao .

    The websites we visited were-www.google.comwww.yahoo.comwww.gmail.com

    Besides this we have collected data from thebelow books-

    We were helped a lot from our family.


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