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Embroidery - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · de bresh or rocks ilonn' pop you ober be-f-you kin...

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B lift Vol. XV. No. 17(3. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, JUL 28, 1891. subscription O Of-N- PKB MOW AMONG MOONSHINERS. BY AUTHORITY. " DAILY BULLETIN " Embroideries! i j jc 'Direct from the Embroideries! Manufacturers. I JUtujr Mrttet fl AN IMMENSE ASSORTM ENT NOW OPEN AT N. S. SACHS', 104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu. We have just reeeived an Immense invoice of Embroideries direct from the factory, and can therefore offer CASH CLEARANCE SALE ; FOR TWO WEEKS ONLY ! Commend- - g M ir.dy, July 13. h. Ctmmencing Mond ty, July 13th. BEFORE MOVING TO OUR NEW STORE WE WILL OFFER OUR ENURE STOCK AT Hodrot'k lJrieii IAi 4 7iili! CONSISTING OF Dry k Fikj toils, Gait's FofoisMiss, Cliii, TriEis, Big Bargains in Edgings, Insertiogs Etc., Etc., Etc., JOHN NOTT, " 'Importer and Denier In Steel and In Ranges, Stores and Fin j Flounc a; Swiss, Hamburg & Nansook Edgings, In all widths and in the latest designs and insertiugs to match. Irisi Piiit utoiij, Eiilcss k Mil IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF Hemmedstitch Embroidery Flounces In skirt and boloku lengths ; ' Children's Skirt Length, Embroidery Flounces at exceptionally low pricea. ALL-OVE- EMBROIDERIES ! rs wii rrt: . 04 a An immense, assortment at very low prices; in plain nnd broken plaid's, fauu figured open plaids, stripen, etc., etc. India Liuncs, Naiisonks, plain mid plaids ; Victoria Lawns, Per- sian Lawns, Mulls, Linen Lawns, Doited Swisses in "rent variety. SOT" Jf you are in search cf cool and prt tty Miminur dies? inutcrials, call and see our mammoth asset tim-- before milking your puichaes elsewhere. POrULAR mLIJMlY HOUSE, . .104 Fort .Street, Honolulu. - i CASTLE COO UK, run. Shipping & Commission Merchants, , I J I HH! g.mi ii A i Of II. Housekeeping Goods & Kitclitn Utensils, AGAiE WARS iUAR.E VARlBiY." WHITE, GHAT AND 8II,VEtf-ILAT- EI LAMPS-- - AND - FIXTURES. Crockery; Kcbbfiosp, Lift and Force Pumps, Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes. Plumbing, Tin, GoppaPand Sheet Iron Work, PLANTATION & INSURANCE AHtiNTH, DKALfc'riS IS- - LBrgestStock, Largest Store, LowBstPrices, ''ON NEW and SECONDiAND furniture at the Auction & Commission House Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements, i """ " ..'.... .PLANTATION clTIlljt fcJW, Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinists' & Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS ! Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods aud J tii?rtJ l'rtltfMitiM. Bliia's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifagals, " " i . Wilcox Gibbs, & Remington Sowing Machines, Dr. Jayns & Sons Family Mtm A TRAVELER IN THE CUMBERLAND RANGE HAS TO PROVE UP. , A PblloNoi.lilcal Col.irtil Buy Hlwd by MuuiitullK-r- r Tlio rroc-ri- of "Ir. Inn t" Orlm l'u,illlltlr of Being Shot Ut fnra lilollflputliin. , ' i ; . As I was to taku a short cut o?er a spur of the CitmlH-Han- mountains In northern Tennessee I hired a colored boy about 15 years of ajre to go a part of the distance with me. IIo had a solemn, serious look, mid I soon discovered that he was a philosopher. I had been told that there were inoonnhiners in theCnm-bnrlancl- s, and that the chances were 1 would be stopped and sharply investi- gated. When ready to part from the yonth, I linked: I. , ' "Do you think I'll meet any moon-shinerH- "Dat depends, sail." ' "On what?" "On wheddcr somebody hidin behind de bresh or rocks ilonn' pop you ober be-f- you kin meet. If lie'un's gnn hangs finh yo'iin will probably meet." It vras a hot day in July, but I asked him if ho thought the weather would hold, mid be looked at the sky and re plied: "Dunn' want to say, sah. If you should hold, you'n wouldn't give ine no credit; and if it hliould snow, you'n would cn-- a mo all day, (iood day, sah. Ktvp'to the rifht nrfer you cross de brancli. If d;it Ho.m' bring you out, den cum back an' keep to d left.'- - I hud gou n bout a mile when the trail branched. a;;.l after debating the case I took the rigl:t hand aaiu and went forward, with tiie comfortable feeling that I had half of n big state at my per- sonal disposal to get lost in. IN .4 STKA.NOE PLACE. The path suddenly ended, and about that time a mountaineer stepped from a thicket on my left and confronted me, and inquired: "Whar' from, stranger?" I told him. "What you'u doin' hyar?" ''Traveling" "Look hyar!" he said, us he came near- er. "Yon's kin either prove np or ye can't." "That's so." "Yon's either all right cr yon's cum fuasin'." "Well?" "Kin ye prove up?" "I'll try." . "Then walk along." He walked beside me, or behind me, through thickets and over rough ground to a shanty just at the mouth of a ravine. There was a man, a woman and a boy of 12 there, uud my uoho detected the odor of a still. The three people mentioned stood ut the door as we cams up, and the man queried of my conductor: "Who's ho'un?" "Gwiue ter prove up." I sat down cm a rock, and, leaving the boy to watch me, the other three with- drew a few yards and held a consulta- tion. This lasted about five minutes, and when they returned the man who had captured me said: "We 'uns is agreed on it. Yon's either revenue or not. You's kin prove np or ye can't." "Can any of yon read?" I asked. "We kin or we can't," replied the woman, who was smoking plug tobacco in a clay ripe. "Well, perhaps you've heard of at Monroe?" "We tuought or we moughtn't," re- plied the husband of the woman. . pbovi.no UP. "Well, here's a line from him. If yon are moonshiners you have sold him whisky, aud know him to be all right Here's my card, here are letters addressed to me at Monroe, and you can overhaul my knapsack." They couldn't read a line of writing, and put up a job to catch me. After consulting together a bit the woman said: "What did you say he'uns first name was George or William?" . "Neither one; it's Henry." "And does he'un live in a single or double log house?" "Iu a frume house." "Which eye is he'un blind in?" "Neither one. Come, now, he's a big, fleshy man, wears long whiskers, is bald on top of the head, and has a front tooth out. His wife is a little cross eyed wo- man and has two children." That settled it, and I was at once given a bite to eat and told to make myself at home. I bad some tobacco for the man and pins aud needles for the woman, and the present of a harmonican set the boy wild with delight " 'Sposin' you'n had shot be'nn down tharl" suggested the woman to my cap- tor. "Then he'un would hev bin dead, of co'se," he calmly replied. By and by the men went np to attend the still, and the woman unrolled the pa- per of pins to the last row, opened the paper of needles, and, placing the two spools of thread beside them, she called to the boy: "Danny, cum hy'ar." "Yaas." "Look in my eyes." . "Yaas." "Is 1 flighty?' "jSkeercely, ma'am." "Well, I'ae either flighty or the richest woman on these yere mountain, an' 1 wish pop wo hurry back an' tell me which!" .. t'ree Press. Tie Other Tkittc An Iowu ja.-ac- of the peace didn't actually fir--e a man $11 for declaring that the wi.rU was flat, but because be knocked tie- - poi master down for insist-in- that it v uud. It was a narrow ebcape, thi i,,;,, iuid the defendant was cautioned tu iuok out next time. De- troit Free Press. Tb Same Thing. "That let's ine out," exclaimed Mint Bleecker. "Yea," assented Miss Beacon Street, of Boston, "that permits your xii." 18 rCBUSHKD luti ifternoon Except Sundays At th Office,. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. DANIEL LOGAN .......... .Editor Manager FOB THR Daily Bulletin Publishing Company, (Limited ) CHSCBIPTlOXlti Daily Bulletin, I year 6 00 " " luoiiths 3 00 " " month per (de livered).. '60 Webklt Bulletin Summary, 1 year 5 00 it u t foreign ..' 6 00 srBOk Telephoaaa Wo. - S&Addrer all business communica- tions 'JIanagkk Daily Bullktin." JSTAddress nil matter or publica- tion "Editor Daily Uullkvin " IMI. HniNI). Il.tmiln'il. II. I. I : Mi MON8ARRAT l Attorney at Law and Notary i'lrtiiio. Vlerchait street. Honolulu. ) '.. ALP51ED MAGOON. . ul Lh' and N'.tury l'tfliUi-- . Jio. 42 Merelmnt Mieet, tioii"-Jiii- u. ' I javid Dayton (Kowiki) 1 Will lie in bis private nliii-- fnin l'.:30 to l:H0 P. m. Ullice: l Kinc street, (up stairs) HW. Schmidt & Sons, Importers & Cnuiiuislnu Mer- chants. Fort street, Honolulu. HHACKFBLD & CO , Co mmission Agents. Oornt-- r Fort and yue u utrnets, nono-Julu- , U. I. GW MAOFARLANE & CO., Importers and Commission Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. GONSALVE8 & CO., Grocers and Wine Merchants. beaver Block, Honolulu. H. 1. JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE, Importer and Dealer lu General Merchandise. Queen stieet, iloiiolulu. fl. I. VV ILDER & CO., Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Suit and Building Materials of every kii.d. Coruer Fort aud Que n streets, Honolulu. L' ewers & Cooke:, Importers aud Dealers in Lum- ber and all kiuds of Building Materials. Fort street, Honolulu. A Auction & Commission House pays the highest cash price for all kinds of Second-han- d Furniture, .Stoves, Etc. Furnished houses bought In their en- - 107-9- 1 HONOLULU IRON WORKS, t .Honolulu, i i H. I, Steam E urines, Sugar Mills, Boilers, Cooleis; iron, Brass and Lead Casting; Machinery of every description made to order. , Particular atteution paid to Ship's ; Blacksmithing. Job Work ex- ecuted at short notice. T. B. WALKER, Contractor uud Builder. Brtck, Ktone and Wooden Building esti- mates given. Cemetary Work and Job- bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono- lulu, ..Belt Telephone 107. 9-- CARPENTER & CONTRACTOR, 1845. JOHN COUK. 1801. 1' EMOVED from Alakea street to 177 Fort street. Will contract for building all kinds of wooden buildings and do all kinds of jobs. 81-- 91 Dr. EMERSON No. 13B FORT H'MIUT. Belt Telephone SI. HOURS: 8:30 to 10:30 a. mSsi 2 to 3 P. M. to 10 a. m. Residence, t School st. Bell Tel. 149. i 111-t- f. C. B. RIPLEY, , ARCHITECT. Ot tick : Room 5, Spreckels' Block. Mutual Telephone 208. Haw Designs t Modern Buildings ! Complete plans and specifications for every description of building. Contracts drawn aud careful superintendence of construction glveu when required. ; Call and'examlue pla'iis.' ' aprly iw - " H. LOSE, COUHJSMOX Aii EXT. Patentee of "Le's Chemical Coin-poun- d" for Clarifying Cane Juice; of which supplies are kept on baud. tW Hp will attend to any business entrusted to blm. OFFICE; No. 42 Merchant Street. Telephone: Mutual 128; Bell 152. " P. O. Box 338. 143 m ; Near Fort. Etc., Etc., Etc. 4 KING STREETS. gfiT MUTUAL TEL. 90. &f Goods Sold on Commission! I Sideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks. ' Baby Cribs & arriages, Yard Brooms, Crockery & (iliisswaro, Towels, Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads. Brown & Blue Mottled Soap, Etc., Etc. IX L Auction & Commission House, and King streets. LEDEREH, Proprietor. & iron :. vai tety all former teaaons, and low price CORNER OF NL'UANt; 0F P. O. BOX 480. jgfif Prompt lieturns Made on Department of Finance. The following persons have been commissioned as Deputy Tax Asses- sors and Collectors for the year 1891 : District 1st. . Honolulu T. A. Lloyd Ewa and VVaianae S. Hookano Waialua P. Mahaulu , Koolaupoko, No. I Asa Kaulia Koolaupoko, No. 2 E. P. Aikue . Kooiauloa W. C. Lane ; District 2sd. t, t - Labaina David Taylor Wailuku Win. T. Robinson Maka wao , . David Morion Hana J. P. SyW Mblokat aud Lanai...S. K. Kupihea ' i District 3d. : Hilo and North Hilo. ..N. C. Willfong Haoiakoa Chas. Williams South' Kohula .Geo. Bell North Kobala Eben P. Low North Kona J. Kaelemakule South kona D. II. Nahinu Kau ...O. T. Shipmao Puua J. E. Elderta District 4th. ' ?" Waimea Th. Brandt Koloa ...A. K. Mika Libue.. J. B. Hanaike Kawaihau...t S. Kaiu ' Hanalei w. E. H. Deverill Ftora and after July 1st. 1891, they will be at their offices for the purpose returns of all persons liable to taxa- tion in their respective districts. , Personal taxes are due and pay-- ; ble upon demand after July 1st. All returns must be made not later than July 31st, or no appeals can by law be granted. No return is valid " in law unless sworn to before the As- sessor or Deputy Assessor, or a per- son authorized to administer oaths. Blank forms on which to make re- -, turns can be had at the ofllce of the above named persons. C. A. BROWN, Assessor 1st Division, Island of Oahu. H. G. TREAD WAY, Assessor 2nd Division, Island of Maui. II. C. AUSTIN, Assessor 3d Division, Island of Hawaii. J. K. FARLEY, Assessor 4lh Division, Island of Kauai. Approved: SAMUEL PARKER, Acting Minister of Finance. I57tf Irrigation Notice. Honolulu, H. 1., May 27, 1891. Notice is hereby given to all holders jI water urivilcires that owinir to th prolonged drouth, it is necessary that care be used in the use of water. Holders of privileges and the publio generally are therefore respectfully requested to the Department by exercising economy in the use of water. The irrigation hours are from 7 to 8 a. M., and 5 to tf o'clock p. m. JOHNC. .VHITE, Supt. Honolulu Water Works. Approved : C. N. Spbnckr, Minister of the Interior. ' 121 tf Pursuant to a resolution of the Legislative Assembly passed July 30, 1890, FRIDAY, July 31st, instant, Restoration Day, will be observed as a National Holiday, and all Govern- ment Offices throughout the King- dom will be closed on that day. C. N. SPENCER, Minister of the Interior. Interior Office, July 6, 1891. 161 17t HAWAIIAN JOCKEY CLUB. THE following nominations will clove 31, mi: Futurity Stakrs ok 1893 For Hawaiian bred two year old. A Sweepstake of $50 as follows: 15 on Nomination, 10 January 1, 1892, f 10 July 1, 1892, 25 Januauy 1, 1893. A Hawaiian Dkrby of 1894 For Hawaiian bied three year i.ld. A Sweetake of $100 as Mlowo: $5 on Nomination, $10 January 1, 1892, $20 July 1. 1M'J, $25 January 1, 1893, $40 January 1, lb94. C. O. BERGER. Steamer & Veranda Chairs or sale at the Single & Double Bedroom Sets for sale ut the Single & Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whipsr Bridles & Saddles for sale at the Books, by standard authors, only 50cls, for sale at the Extra Quality Safety Matches, 75cts a gross, for sale at the All Makes of Second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at the Meat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stoves, Rugs, Mugquilo Net, Tables, Chairs, Minors, Hanging Lamps, handeliers. Feather Pillows, Bed Louriises, Sofas, Spring & Hair Mattiasscs, Wardrobes, Sold at th- - Lowest Cash Prices at the corner of Nuttanu MAGNEAL & URBAN SAFES! j FIRE PKOOF ! BUUGLAR PROOF 1 FIRE and BURGLAR PROOF! jM Nearly 1,000 in use on the Hawaiian Islauds. Mj S. W. Store Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'clock -- m may 7-- OLD 8AFE8 TAKEH IM EXCHANGE 1 REFRESHING, DELICIOUS Geners.1 Agent for the Hawaiian Islands. DRINKS ! MANUFACTURED BY THE 119 3m Telephones, No. lia.- - Tahiti Lemonade Works Go. SARSAPARILLA Chas. Husface, Lincoln Block, King Street, bet Fort & Alakea Streets, IMPORTER & DEALER IN Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed. Fresh California Boll Butter & Island Butter i l O. Box 372. ON HANI). steamers from Sau Frauclsco. to and satisfaction guaranteed. Island -- P. O. Box 297. lemonade, Hoda,0mm ?oclfi, iir- - ABSOLUTELY PURE I -- giar - REASONABLE IN PRICE I ; DELIVERED TO ANY PARI' OF THE CITY. o Mutual 3G0. J. TELK PHONES mi&- - Bell 372. ALWAYS New Goodi received by tvery g0T AH orders faithfully attended orders solicited and packed with care. Telephone 240.- - LEWIS & CO.. Ill Foxt Street, "HONOLULU, H. I., Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions, 6; I EELBBS & CO.. i ;; OO-FOH- T fTHEKl'. J The attention of ladies is respectfully invited to our complete aud elegant line of New Goods just received. New Sis, New Sisss, New Gloves, New Liens. ' ' ' New Trimmings,' I New Embroideries, New Parasols, New Curtains, New Pineapple Tissue, Ladies', Children's & Infant's Wear. By each steamer of the O. 8. S. Co. from California fresh Calafornia Roll Butter, Froien Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables, etc., etc. A complete line of Crosne & Black well's i J. T. Morton's Canned Sl Bottled Goods always on band. Alxo, jint reeeived a fresh line of German Pates sod Potted Meats and Bottled l'n eel ved Fruits, Lewis A. Co.'i Maltese Brand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfat-- t Cereuln, Cream Oat Flukes and Cream Wheat Flukes, Sicily Lemon aud California Riverside Oranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc.. Ex. SutisfaCiou guaranteed. tW Our Immense stock surpasses lu cannot be equaled. t 152 td Secretary.
Page 1: Embroidery - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · de bresh or rocks ilonn' pop you ober be-f-you kin meet. If lie'un's gnn hangs finh yo'iin will probably meet." It vras a hot day in

B liftVol. XV. No. 17(3. HONOLULU, II. I., TUESDAY EVENING, JUL 28, 1891. subscription




Embroideries!i j jc 'Direct from the



N. S. SACHS',104 Fort St., : : : : Honolulu.

We have just reeeived an Immense invoice of Embroideries direct from thefactory, and can therefore offer


Commend- - g M ir.dy, July 13. h. Ctmmencing Mond ty, July 13th.BEFORE MOVING TO OUR NEW STORE WE WILL OFFER


Hodrot'k lJrieii IAi 4 7iili!CONSISTING OF

Dry k Fikj toils, Gait's FofoisMiss, Cliii, TriEis, Big Bargains in Edgings, InsertiogsEtc., Etc., Etc.,

JOHN NOTT," 'Importer and Denier In

Steel and In Ranges, Stores and Fin

j Flounc a; Swiss, Hamburg & Nansook Edgings,In all widths and in the latest designs and insertiugs to match.

Irisi Piiit utoiij, Eiilcss k MilIMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF

Hemmedstitch Embroidery FlouncesIn skirt and boloku lengths ;


Children's Skirt Length, Embroidery Flounces at exceptionally low pricea.ALL-OVE- EMBROIDERIES !

rs wii rrt: . 04 a

An immense, assortment at very low prices; in plain nnd broken plaid's,fauu figured open plaids, stripen, etc., etc.

India Liuncs, Naiisonks, plain mid plaids ; Victoria Lawns, Per-sian Lawns, Mulls, Linen Lawns, Doited Swisses in "rent variety.

SOT" Jf you are in search cf cool and prt tty Miminur dies? inutcrials, calland see our mammoth asset tim-- before milking your puichaes elsewhere.

POrULAR mLIJMlY HOUSE,. .104 Fort .Street, Honolulu.

- i


Shipping & Commission Merchants,

, I J I HH!

g.mi ii A i Of II.

Housekeeping Goods & Kitclitn Utensils,AGAiE WARS iUAR.E VARlBiY."


LAMPS-- - AND - FIXTURES.Crockery; Kcbbfiosp, Lift and Force Pumps,

Water Closets, Water and Soil Pipes.

Plumbing, Tin, GoppaPand Sheet Iron Work, PLANTATION & INSURANCE AHtiNTH,

DKALfc'riS IS- -

LBrgestStock, Largest Store, LowBstPrices,''ON NEW and SECONDiAND furniture at the

Auction & Commission House

Builders' and General Hardware, Agricultural Implements,i """ " ..'....


Carpenters', Blacksmiths', Machinists' & Plumbers' Tools,


Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods aud

J tii?rtJ l'rtltfMitiM.Bliia's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifagals,

" "i . Wilcox Gibbs, & Remington Sowing Machines,

Dr. Jayns & Sons Family Mtm



A PblloNoi.lilcal Col.irtil Buy Hlwd byMuuiitullK-r- r Tlio rroc-ri- of "Ir.

Inn t" Orlm l'u,illlltlr of BeingShot Ut fnra lilollflputliin. , ' i ; .

As I was to taku a short cut o?er aspur of the CitmlH-Han- mountains Innorthern Tennessee I hired a colored boyabout 15 years of ajre to go a part of thedistance with me. IIo had a solemn,serious look, mid I soon discovered thathe was a philosopher. I had been toldthat there were inoonnhiners in theCnm-bnrlancl- s,

and that the chances were 1

would be stopped and sharply investi-gated. When ready to part from theyonth, I linked: I. , '

"Do you think I'll meet any moon-shinerH-

"Dat depends, sail." '

"On what?""On wheddcr somebody hidin behind

de bresh or rocks ilonn' pop you ober be-f-

you kin meet. If lie'un's gnn hangsfinh yo'iin will probably meet."

It vras a hot day in July, but I askedhim if ho thought the weather wouldhold, mid be looked at the sky and replied:

"Dunn' want to say, sah. If youshould hold, you'n wouldn't give ine nocredit; and if it hliould snow, you'nwould cn-- a mo all day, (iood day, sah.Ktvp'to the rifht nrfer you cross debrancli. If d;it Ho.m' bring you out, dencum back an' keep to d left.'-


I hud gou n bout a mile when the trailbranched. a;;.l after debating the caseI took the rigl:t hand aaiu and wentforward, with tiie comfortable feelingthat I had half of n big state at my per-sonal disposal to get lost in.


The path suddenly ended, and aboutthat time a mountaineer stepped from athicket on my left and confronted me,and inquired:

"Whar' from, stranger?"I told him."What you'u doin' hyar?"''Traveling""Look hyar!" he said, us he came near-

er. "Yon's kin either prove np or yecan't."

"That's so.""Yon's either all right cr yon's cum

fuasin'.""Well?""Kin ye prove up?""I'll try." .

"Then walk along."He walked beside me, or behind me,

through thickets and over rough groundto a shanty just at the mouth of a ravine.There was a man, a woman and a boy of12 there, uud my uoho detected the odorof a still. The three people mentionedstood ut the door as we cams up, and theman queried of my conductor:

"Who's ho'un?""Gwiue ter prove up."I sat down cm a rock, and, leaving the

boy to watch me, the other three with-drew a few yards and held a consulta-tion. This lasted about five minutes,and when they returned the man whohad captured me said:

"We 'uns is agreed on it. Yon's eitherrevenue or not. You's kin prove np orye can't."

"Can any of yon read?" I asked."We kin or we can't," replied the

woman, who was smoking plug tobaccoin a clay ripe.

"Well, perhaps you've heard of atMonroe?"

"We tuought or we moughtn't," re-

plied the husband of the woman.. pbovi.no UP.

"Well, here's a line from him. Ifyon are moonshiners you have sold himwhisky, aud know him to be all rightHere's my card, here are letters addressedto me at Monroe, and you can overhaulmy knapsack."

They couldn't read a line of writing,and put up a job to catch me. Afterconsulting together a bit the woman said:

"What did you say he'uns first namewas George or William?". "Neither one; it's Henry."

"And does he'un live in a single ordouble log house?"

"Iu a frume house.""Which eye is he'un blind in?""Neither one. Come, now, he's a big,

fleshy man, wears long whiskers, is baldon top of the head, and has a front toothout. His wife is a little cross eyed wo-man and has two children."

That settled it, and I was at once givena bite to eat and told to make myself athome. I bad some tobacco for the manand pins aud needles for the woman, andthe present of a harmonican set the boywild with delight

" 'Sposin' you'n had shot be'nn downtharl" suggested the woman to my cap-tor.

"Then he'un would hev bin dead, ofco'se," he calmly replied.

By and by the men went np to attendthe still, and the woman unrolled the pa-

per of pins to the last row, opened thepaper of needles, and, placing the twospools of thread beside them, she calledto the boy:

"Danny, cum hy'ar.""Yaas.""Look in my eyes."

. "Yaas.""Is 1 flighty?'"jSkeercely, ma'am.""Well, I'ae either flighty or the richest

woman on these yere mountain, an' 1

wish pop wo hurry back an' tell mewhich!" .. t'ree Press.

Tie Other TkittcAn Iowu ja.-ac- of the peace didn't

actually fir--e a man $11 for declaringthat the wi.rU was flat, but because beknocked tie- - poi master down for insist-in-

that it v uud. It was a narrowebcape, thi i,,;,, iuid the defendant wascautioned tu iuok out next time. De-

troit Free Press.

Tb Same Thing."That let's ine out," exclaimed Mint

Bleecker."Yea," assented Miss Beacon Street, of

Boston, "that permits your xii."


luti ifternoon Except Sundays

At th Office,. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

DANIEL LOGAN .......... .Editor Manager


Daily Bulletin Publishing Company,(Limited )

CHSCBIPTlOXltiDaily Bulletin, I year 6 00

" " luoiiths 3 00" " monthper (de

livered).. '60

Webklt Bulletin Summary, 1

year 5 00it u t

foreign ..' 6 00

srBOk Telephoaaa Wo. -

S&Addrer all business communica-tions 'JIanagkk Daily Bullktin."

JSTAddress nil matter or publica-tion "Editor Daily Uullkvin "

IMI. HniNI). Il.tmiln'il. II. I.

I : Mi MON8ARRATl Attorney at Law and Notary

i'lrtiiio. Vlerchait street. Honolulu.

) '.. ALP51ED MAGOON.. ul Lh' and N'.tury

l'tfliUi-- . Jio. 42 Merelmnt Mieet, tioii"-Jiii- u.


I javid Dayton (Kowiki)1 Will lie in bis private nliii-- fninl'.:30 to l:H0 P. m. Ullice: l Kincstreet, (up stairs)

HW. Schmidt & Sons,Importers & Cnuiiuislnu Mer-

chants. Fort street, Honolulu.

HHACKFBLD & CO ,Co mmission Agents.

Oornt-- r Fort and yue u utrnets, nono-Julu- ,

U. I.

GW MAOFARLANE & CO.,Importers and Commission

Merchants. Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

GONSALVE8 & CO.,Grocers and Wine

Merchants. beaver Block, Honolulu.H. 1.

JOHN T. WATERHOTJSE,Importer and Dealer lu General

Merchandise. Queen stieet, iloiiolulu.fl. I.

VV ILDER & CO.,Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Suit and Building Materialsof every kii.d. Coruer Fort aud Que nstreets, Honolulu.

L'ewers & Cooke:,Importers aud Dealers in Lum-

ber and all kiuds of Building Materials.Fort street, Honolulu.

A Auction & Commission Housepays the highest cash price for all kindsof Second-han- d Furniture, .Stoves, Etc.Furnished houses bought In their en- -

107-9- 1


t.Honolulu, i i H. I,

Steam E urines, Sugar Mills, Boilers,Cooleis; iron, Brass and Lead Casting;Machinery of every description made toorder. , Particular atteution paid toShip's ; Blacksmithing. Job Work ex-ecuted at short notice.


Contractor uud Builder.Brtck, Ktone and Wooden Building esti-mates given. Cemetary Work and Job-bing attended to. 86 King street, Hono-lulu, ..Belt Telephone 107. 9--


1845. JOHN COUK. 1801.

1' EMOVED from Alakea street to 177Fort street. Will contract for

building all kinds of wooden buildingsand do all kinds of jobs. 81-- 91


Belt Telephone SI.HOURS:

8:30 to 10:30 a. mSsi 2 to 3 P. M.to 10 a. m.

Residence, t School st. Bell Tel. 149.

i 111-t- f.


Ot tick : Room 5, Spreckels' Block.Mutual Telephone 208.

Haw Designs t Modern Buildings !

Complete plans and specifications forevery description of building. Contractsdrawn aud careful superintendence ofconstruction glveu when required. ; Calland'examlue pla'iis.' ' aprly

iw -"H. LOSE,

COUHJSMOX Aii EXT.Patentee of "Le's Chemical Coin-poun- d"

for Clarifying Cane Juice; ofwhich supplies are kept on baud.

tW Hp will attend to any businessentrusted to blm.

OFFICE; No. 42 Merchant Street.

Telephone: Mutual 128; Bell 152." P. O. Box 338.

143 m

; Near Fort.

Etc., Etc., Etc.


gfiT MUTUAL TEL. 90. &fGoods Sold on Commission!

ISideboards, Whatnots, Hammocks. '

Baby Cribs & arriages, Yard Brooms,Crockery & (iliisswaro, Towels,Clothes Baskets, Blankets, Bedspreads.Brown & Blue Mottled Soap, Etc., Etc.

IX L Auction & Commission House,and King streets.


& iron :.

vai tety all former teaaons, and low price


0F P. O. BOX 480. jgfifPrompt lieturns Made on

Department of Finance.The following persons have been

commissioned as Deputy Tax Asses-sors and Collectors for the year 1891 :

District 1st. .

Honolulu T. A. LloydEwa and VVaianae S. HookanoWaialua P. Mahaulu ,

Koolaupoko, No. I Asa KauliaKoolaupoko, No. 2 E. P. Aikue .

Kooiauloa W. C. Lane

; District 2sd. t, t -

Labaina David TaylorWailuku Win. T. RobinsonMaka wao , . David MorionHana J. P. SyWMblokat aud Lanai...S. K. Kupihea

'i District 3d. :

Hilo and North Hilo. ..N. C. WillfongHaoiakoa Chas. WilliamsSouth' Kohula .Geo. BellNorth Kobala Eben P. LowNorth Kona J. KaelemakuleSouth kona D. II. NahinuKau ...O. T. ShipmaoPuua J. E. Elderta

District 4th. ' ?"Waimea Th. BrandtKoloa ...A. K. MikaLibue.. J. B. HanaikeKawaihau...t S. Kaiu '

Hanalei w. E. H. Deverill

Ftora and after July 1st. 1891, theywill be at their offices for the purpose

returns of all persons liable to taxa-tion in their respective districts. ,

Personal taxes are due and pay-- ;ble upon demand after July 1st.

All returns must be made not laterthan July 31st, or no appeals can bylaw be granted. No return is valid


in law unless sworn to before the As-

sessor or Deputy Assessor, or a per-

son authorized to administer oaths.Blank forms on which to make re- -,

turns can be had at the ofllce of theabove named persons.

C. A. BROWN,Assessor 1st Division,

Island of Oahu.H. G. TREAD WAY,

Assessor 2nd Division,Island of Maui.

II. C. AUSTIN,Assessor 3d Division,

Island of Hawaii.J. K. FARLEY,

Assessor 4lh Division,Island of Kauai.


Acting Minister of Finance.I57tf

Irrigation Notice.Honolulu, H. 1., May 27, 1891.

Notice is hereby given to all holdersjI water urivilcires that owinir to thprolonged drouth, it is necessary thatcare be used in the use of water.

Holders of privileges and the publiogenerally are therefore respectfullyrequested to the Departmentby exercising economy in the use ofwater.

The irrigation hours are from 7 to8 a. M., and 5 to tf o'clock p. m.

JOHNC. .VHITE,Supt. Honolulu Water Works.

Approved :

C. N. Spbnckr,Minister of the Interior.

' 121 tf

Pursuant to a resolution of theLegislative Assembly passed July 30,1890, FRIDAY, July 31st, instant,Restoration Day, will be observed asa National Holiday, and all Govern-ment Offices throughout the King-dom will be closed on that day.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, July 6, 1891.161 17t


THE following nominations will clove31, mi:

Futurity Stakrs ok 1893 ForHawaiian bred two year old. ASweepstake of $50 as follows: 15 onNomination, 10 January 1, 1892, f10July 1, 1892, 25 Januauy 1, 1893. A

Hawaiian Dkrby of 1894 ForHawaiian bied three year i.ld. ASweetake of $100 as Mlowo: $5 onNomination, $10 January 1, 1892, $20July 1. 1M'J, $25 January 1, 1893, $40January 1, lb94.


Steamer & Veranda Chairs or sale at theSingle & Double Bedroom Sets for sale ut theSingle & Double Sets Harness, Surcingles, Whipsr Bridles &

Saddles for sale at theBooks, by standard authors, only 50cls, for sale at theExtra Quality Safety Matches, 75cts a gross, for sale at theAll Makes of Second-han- d Sewing Machines for sale at the

Meat Safes. Ice Boxes, Stoves, Rugs,Mugquilo Net, Tables, Chairs,Minors, Hanging Lamps, handeliers.Feather Pillows, Bed Louriises, Sofas,Spring & Hair Mattiasscs, Wardrobes,

Sold at th- - Lowest Cash Prices at thecorner of Nuttanu



FIRE and BURGLAR PROOF!jM Nearly 1,000 in use on the Hawaiian Islauds. Mj

S. W.

Store Open Saturday Evenings till 9 o'clock --mmay 7--



Geners.1 Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.DRINKS !


119 3m

Telephones, No. lia.- -

Tahiti Lemonade Works Go.


Chas. Husface, Lincoln Block,King Street, bet Fort & Alakea Streets,


Groceries, Provisions, Flour & Feed.Fresh California Boll Butter & Island Butter


l O. Box 372.


steamers from Sau Frauclsco.

to and satisfaction guaranteed. Island

-- P. O. Box 297.

lemonade, Hoda,0mm ?oclfi, iir--



Mutual 3G0. J. TELK PHONES mi&- - Bell 372.


New Goodi received by tvery

g0T AH orders faithfully attendedorders solicited and packed with care.

Telephone 240.- -

LEWIS & CO.. Ill Foxt Street,"HONOLULU, H. I.,

Importers, Wholesale & Retail Dealers in Groceries & Provisions,

6; I EELBBS & CO..i ;; OO-FOH- T fTHEKl'. J

The attention of ladies is respectfully invited to our complete aud elegantline of New Goods just received.

New Sis, New Sisss, New Gloves, New Liens.' ' 'New Trimmings,' I New Embroideries,

New Parasols, New Curtains,

New Pineapple Tissue, Ladies', Children's & Infant's Wear.

By each steamer of the O. 8. S. Co. from California fresh Calafornia RollButter, Froien Oysters and Fresh California Fruits, Fish, Game, Vegetables,etc., etc. A complete line of Crosne & Black well's i J. T. Morton's CannedSl Bottled Goods always on band. Alxo, jint reeeived a fresh line of GermanPates sod Potted Meats and Bottled l'n eel ved Fruits, Lewis A. Co.'i MalteseBrand Sugar Cured Hams and Bacon, New Breakfat-- t Cereuln, Cream OatFlukes and Cream Wheat Flukes, Sicily Lemon aud California RiversideOranges, Oregon Burhauk Potatoes, Etc., Etc.. Ex. SutisfaCiou guaranteed.tW Our Immense stock surpasses lu

cannot be equaled. t 152 td Secretary.

Page 2: Embroidery - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · de bresh or rocks ilonn' pop you ober be-f-you kin meet. If lie'un's gnn hangs finh yo'iin will probably meet." It vras a hot day in

Auction Sales bj James F. Morgan.Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.BY AUTHORITY. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE GO. OF NEW W.lilJHAKI A. 91clHJKIY. l'ri-Hioi- t.

time been acting Minister of Finance.With a Cabiuet of only four Minis-

ters, it is of course a drawback tohave one of them laid aside from

active service, however well the

affairs of his department may be

conducted by another Minister and

Issues Every Dasirable Form of Policy !

It has paid its members since its organization THREE HUNDRED AND FOUR MILLIONS OF DOLlARS.Its New Distribution Policy is the most liberal ever offered by any Insurance Company.

tor For full particulars apply to

OJenernl Agent for the Hawaiian Islands,



do batter in this world than help ourcustomers. You're one of them audwe're going to


a pointer on China for the table. TheIIaviland Ware sold by us is ad-

mitted to be the best on the face of


You are not compelled to buy awhole set but any number of piecesyou want. You will

BE SATISFIEDwith it because it lends a refined ap-

pearance to your table. You havenever been satisfied

WITHthe full set you bought because eversince the first piece was broken ithas not been full. The IIavilandsets are always full, and THEHAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO. hasthe finest assortment on



5 1






Rrfligerators A Ice Chests !

Mottu: "The Survival of lib Fittest."


rhe Old Favorite "Eddy" ,r'0NCK


I X L Pocket CutleryWade & Butchers' Razors,


Shelf Hardware, Agrlriilturiil Imple-

ments, Vacuum Oil,

Plantation Suppl es in Great Variety.

the chief of the departmental staff.Important questions of genecal gov-

ernment are liaMe to arise any day,which it is due to the country shouldbe considered by a complete CabinetCouncil. Sound public policy has

therefore directed the Queen in mak-

ing the change in question, which it

is understood the retiring Ministerhas for some time been urging.

It will hardly be disputed that Mr.

Widemann's retirement will be re-

garded with general regret. Hiswell-know- n conservative habits ofmind, his longtime connection with

public affairs to which he was alwayswilling to sacrifice private interests,and his identification with the devel-

opment of the country's wealth andprosperity, all tended to inspire con-

fidence in an administration whereinhe had a leading voice, and producea feeling of security regarding thenational finauees under his immedi-

ate control. The regret is deepenedon account of the physical disability

that has compelled Mr. Widomann'ssurrender of his portfolio.

At the same time there will no

doubt be general concurrence of

moderate men in the choice of Dr.

Smith for the position. He is not

new to the duties, having been Fin-

ance Minister as well as Minister of

the Interior in former times. He

was also a member of the House of

Nobles under the old Constitution,

faithful to duty and with a voice

always for what he deemed the best

interests of the country. His Excel-

lency is also credited with consider-

able diplomatic tact, which, with his

age and public experience, ought to

give assurance that he will be a safeadministrator of thj national fin-

ances. In the meantime we con-

gratulate the honorable gentlemanon his accession, feeling glad thatthe community has recovered agenial gentleman alter a long ab-

sence, aud the natiqn had restored toit one of itsoldtime public men, who

have by death and departure from

the country been sadly diminishingfrom view in the past few years.


The departure of the Australia to-

day was witnessed by an unusuallylarge crowd, cAving probably to theprominence of some of the departingones, leaving according to presentintentions tor good, after havingcome to be regarded as part and parcel or Honolulu lire, me HawaiianHand played enlivening music pre-vious to the steamer's sailing. Acontinuous stream of people passedup und down the gangway for fullyhalf an hour. On tiie steamer leisand bouquets of flowers literally cov-

ered the bulwarks. Prominent amongthe departing passengers were: Mr.1. C. Jones aud wife, Mr. E.A. Jones and wife, Mr3. E. C.Damon, Mr. E. M. Walsh, Mr. H.F. Wichmnn and a host of otherswhose familiar faces will be missedfrom our community. Musical selec-

tions by the band were unusuallygood, winding up with "Auld LangSyne," a3 the steamer swung offshortly after 12 o'clock.


Editor Bulletin:In one of the last numbers of your

valuable paper, small land ownerswere advised to plant coffee trees,pineapples, etc. Some of the hintsare quite useful, but as for the latterfruit, the residents of places with-

out direct steam communication withthe centres of consumption are at aloss what to do with their productsbefore they spoil.

We would with pleasure experiment in the canning of our pine-

apples, were you to answer the fol-

lowing question:1st, Where can the right kind be

secured, as the one we get now don'tplease us altogether?

2d, Have we, when importing tio-pic-

fruit preserves in the UnitedStates to pay (as on guava jelly)duties, and how much? And if so,can our Ministers not have this arti-

cle put on the free list' '."

3d, Which are the best recipes forcanning?

4th, Which are the best containersand where can they be procured?

5th, How, and where, can spirits(if needed, as we suppose) be pur-

chased in smalt quantities exempt ofduties for industrial purposes?

6th, Any useful item concerningthe matter would be gratefully

i.If by chance your knowledge in

the art of the 'conliseur" fell short,some of your 'eordoiisbleus" ladyreaders might perhaps kindly givesome valuable information in ourdear Bi llktin to



UnclainiBQ Packages'

By order of the Collector-Gener- al ofCustoms,! will fell at Public Auction atmy Salesroom, Queen street,

On THURSDAY, Aug. 27th,, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M..

The following Unclaimed Packuges re-

maining at the Custom House January 1,1891.:-

D. D. Baldwin, 1 PackageChurch Chronicle 1 PackageLieut. Strickland, 1 cs UniformsG. Weston, 1 cs ClothingJ". Brown, 1 cs MdseV. B. Smith, 1 pkg MdseW. H. P. lu diamond, 1 cs MdseW. C. Boeaberg, 1 cs MdseJ. W. Furlong, 1 cs MdseW. 8. L., 1 JarJ. J. Williams, 1 pkg Mdse

C. S. Thomas, 1 cs Uniforms11. E M , 1 pkg MdseMrs. J. Coburo, 1 cs ClothingSister Rose Gertrude, 1 cs MdseH. F. H. No. 121), 1 b.x MdseH , 18 cs LiqueresM. Paget. 1 bdl ChairsW. J Brodlc, 1 cs MedicineR. More, 1 pkg MdeJ. E. Brown, 1 cs MdseE. II. F. W oilers, 1 cs PicturesM. J. Keeler. 1 pkg PicturesJ. Taylor, 1 pkg MdseB B., M cs. MdseJ. B. W., 1 cs Mdse

Terms Cash in U. 8. Gold Coin.

JAS. F. MORGAN,176 It Auctioneer.


Fine WinesAnd LIQUORS !


Imported for His late Majesty, willtake place at my Salesroom,

Quoeti street,

On MONDAY, Aug. 3rd,AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M.



To be sold at the same time, will be onexhibition at my Salesroom from

Thursday, July 3i)th, tilldate of sale.

JAS. F. MORGAN.17(i fit Auctioneer.

Building Lots, Store Sites and

Other Properties


I have received instructions to sellat Public Auction, at. my Salesrooms,yi(een street,


the following Property, namely:

HOUSE AND LOTon the west corner of Hotel and Kektu-lik- e

streets, adjoining the property ofMrs. aryE. Foster, and having an areaof 1425 square feet with a frontage of 8.1

feet on Hotel street and 314 feet onstreet, and with a piece of land

the shape of an I running back from thestreet. Rents by the mouth for $10. Nolease on the premises.

2 LOT uear the west corner of Qnetnand Alakea streets, area 3067 square feet.Leased to the Union Iron Works Co, forli years from the 1st of March, 1S91.with a privilege of 1" years more at a netrental of lM) per annum payable, quar-terly. The Uuin Iron Works pays alltaxes aud water rates.

3 L ND situate on the Pauoa road inPauoa valley near the Booth premises,area 1 37-1- 00 acres This hind consistsof a good bouse lot and taro patches andcommands a flue view of Honolulu andthe ocean. Leased to Tai Kook Co. (YeeWo ' ban, agents,) for $100 per annum,payable iy in advance. Thelease has 6 years more to run from 1stJuly, 1891.

TKIIIH C4-.ll- .

ISrMaps of the property can be seenat my salesroom. Queen street, where alldesired information cau be given.

JAS. K. MORGIX,176 16t Auctioneer.

Lo-- t, ritiMel or Stolen.ROM Kinau street

a Hay Pmiv withthree while feet andwhite spot on forehead,branded on left hi d

lee "J." A Suitiib e reward will hegiven on leaving s:nne at

W. W. WRIGHT SON'S,174 St King street.


XF yon want a First-cla- ss Job of Paint-ing of any description dune, call ou

the Practical Painter, J. L. Mkyeb, onlyFort street 1:10, P. O. Box 387. 156 tf


OA TONS of Kanuhii!'s Island Guanoi)U (Phosphates of Llun ) for sale.Apply to74 U J. 8. WALKER.


HouseholdJFumiture !

On THURSDAY. July 30th.AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M ,

At the residence corner of Palace Walkaud Likolike stree'. by order of S. W.

Lederer of the 1XL,1 will sell atPublic Auction

The Entire Household FurnitureComprising ;

B.W. Plush Parlor Set,and Double Bedroom Sets,

B. W. Marbletop Table,

Ebony Fancy Table, Lamps,

Vienna & Veranda Chairs,Center fc Sofa Bugs, ,,.

'KH,ny Hookers,Curtains, Mattrasses,Mosquito Nets, Bed Llneu,

tove & Kitchen Utensils,Crockery & Glassware, Ilose,Meat Safe, Bath Tub, Etc., Etc.

J VS. P. MORGAN,176 2t Auctioneer.

Household FurnitureAT ATJCTION.


At the residence In lans at rear ofChurch, J will . still at Public


Vienoe Parlor Fornitnre,Rugs, Tables,

Chairs, Curtains,

linnjiug; LnmpN,Bedsteads & Mattrasses.

Also, a large lot of '

Ferns & Plants, Etc.J AS. F. MORGAN,

175 2t , Auctioneer.

irail&F innsOn WEDNESDAY, July 20

AT 11 O'C LOCK A. M ,

At the premises, Bethel street, above thePost OtHce. I will sell at Public Auction,the Stock and Fixtures of the

8As it now stands complete in all


' The Restaurant is andlilted throughout and Is doing a largetrade.

The property is under lease for aboutthree years at a monthly rental of 855.This include) the upstairs yhieh con-

tains Four Good-size- d Rooms nicelytitted up.

WST Further particulars apply to

JAS. F. MORGAN,17-- i 3t Auctioneer.


AT AUCTIONI have received instructions to sell at

Public Auction, at iny Salesroom,Queen street,


AT JCA.r.1111.

About a quarter of a mile beyondthe Kanuhameha School. The lotsare all staked out and can easily belocated.

The lots have been laid out and di-

vided in such a manner aud size as tobring them within the reuch of allwho desire a home of their own withinconvenient distance from the businesscentre of the city.

The location and general advan-tages of these lots are uneipialed byany. property of the kind offered inthis city for years.

Situated at the mouth of KalihiValley, at a good elevation, pure airand healthful conditions are assured.

All these lots front on Kaili Ave-

nue 55 feet wide, running through theplace connecting King and Beckley

and being the widest streetin the suburbs of Honolulu.

The lots are situated at less than 3

minutes' walk from the terminus ofthe King Street Tram Cars.

WATER The plans are perfected,and it is now the intention of theGovernment to lay an waterin tin along t tie line of King Streetfrom the foot of Liliha Street to thero.id pasting the Kalihi Churches,from which extension water is expect-ed to be available wiibin 8 months.

For the present, water for domesticuse can be obtaimd from Kanieliu-inch- a

School premises.TERMS ONE HALF CASH,

Balance in 1 year at i percent, se-

cured by mortgage. ,A large map of the property can be

seen at my Salesroom, Quecu street,where all desiied information will begiven.

JAS. F. MORGAN,107 18t Auctioneer.


'pMISN to give notice that I will not1 be responsible for debt contracted

by my wife without mv written order.JOHN DEGREAVE8.

Honolulu, July 37, 1891. 175 3t

Heidsieck Oil'sCHAMPAGNE ;



Hawaiian Wine Co,,

23 & 30 Mer hvr Jtreetrx,(

13 im ...


"FOOHNG SUEY,":aft. hkahke,

Mas arrived from Boston, making- uetto the quickest trip on record. She laI liming nut her cargo in splendid, condi-tion uud has brought for


EASTERN iflDS!!Among which are

Wire Mnts. ''ansil Barrows, PanAiiierie n (iron tiny) Whtielbar-row- sl

l"iliickuiii.liS'l? Hows, An-

vils Mini Vise. I'aper BagM, Oars,


Mast (loops Manila anil f'isalHope,' Balei--ft'- Duck, KegsN il- -, Tasf'S Yellow Metal, Felt-iii- jt,

i ottou v aste, Cases ,

it H OS E Nt OIL.Fi'i'Hli and Good, I'lirpcntine,Laid Oil. (Tvlindcr ill, l.'ometoil. Bi.ls. Pitch. Ki sin, Tar, Re-- fi

iterators and lv l.hegts,

8.lfisifti Wafer. Pirn,Halei Oakum, Wood Mi.rups,

Oa-i- s Hoe and x Handlus.Hum's Axes and flaUthi'ts, Oil

Siouex, HuhIi Hooks, eytheand Sua: lis, Forges aud Dlow-ei- s,

Uh ircoal rous, l lothespiua


For which spare parts are kept in stock,Marlin Spikes. Shovels aud.spades. Fod-der Cutlers, Rowlocks, Cases Ox Bows,

Iron Ox Bows, Shoo Ink. Cases DoorLocks, Ox Yokes, Hammers, Towel andHat Racks, Koad Scrapers, Shoe Black-ing, Hinges, .Move Polish, Hoes, HayForks, Boat Nails. Planes, Sandpaper, alarge assortment or

SHIP CHANDLERY,Carpet Tacks, Copper Tacks,Shoe Nails, Screws, Boat SailPrilling, Horse Cards, Galvanlofalteries. Soap and PumiceStone, Paiut Brushes, YardBrooms, Rakes, Etc., Etc.

Also, coming lu the new crop ot

HAWAIIAN SALT,from the SALT FARM at Kakaako, thefinest in the eouutry; sold in lots fromOae Bag to Ten Tons.

All of the above and many other arti-cles for sale by

E Q. HALL & SON,Comer King & Fort Stiects,



It has pleased Her Majesty theQueen to appoint the Honorable Juh:Ifott Smith to be Minister of Finance,vie Hon. Hermann A. Widemanu,reigned.

lijlani Palace, Honolulu, July 28,1891." 170 3t. a'..

'jttbu L. Kanakaoluna, Esq., hasthhrday been appointed an Agent to

Grant Marriage Licenses for the Dis-

trict of Hamakua, Island of Hawaii.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, July 28, 1891.176 3t

.ohn Naliinu, Ee q , has this day

been appointed an Agent to GruntMarriage Licences for the Did riot of

8. Koua, Inland of Hawaii.C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, July 28, 1891.

176 3t

Sate of Lease of the Govern-

ment Land in Kaupo, Maui.

On THURSDAY, Aug. 27, 1891, at12 o'clock noon, at the front entranceof Aliiolani Hale will he sold at pub-li- c

auction the lease of the Govern-

ment land called "The Nakula Moun-

tain Tract" in Kanpo, Maui, contain-

ing an area of 3900 acres morejor less.

Teim Lease for 9 years.Upset price $20 per annum, pay-

able semi-annuall- y in advance.' C. N. SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, June 24, 1891.

175 4t

Sale of Lease of Five Tractsof Government Land at

Hamakna. Hawaii.

Op THURSDAY, July 16, 1891, atIS o'clock noon, at the front entrance

;of Afliiolani Hale will be sold at pub-

lic auction the lease of 5 tracts of

Government land at Nienie andDistrict of Hamakua, Hawaii,

vix:Tract 1 In Nienie, 10,000 acres.

Upset rental per annum, $500.

Tract 2 In Kaohe, 15,000 acres.

Upset rental per annum, $400.

Tract 3 In Kaohe, 37,000 acres.Upset rental per annum, $300.

Tract 4 In Kaohe, 138,000 acres.

Upset rental per annum, $300.

Tract 5 In Kaohe, 25,000 tieres.Upset rental per annum, $300.

Term Lease Tor 15 years.Rental Payable y in

advance.The lease of these tracts of land are

old with the condition that the Go-

vernment may at any time during theterm of the lease, enter upon, takepossession, and dispose of all or anyportion "of the same for homesteadpurposes, the Government allowing

in such case a corresponding reduc-

tion too, the rents.

The time of the above sale has been

postponed jun til WEDNESDAY, July2Sf, 1891, at the same hour and plae.

The time of the above sale has been

further postponed until WEDNES-

DAY; September 9, 1891, at the same

hour and place.C.N.SPENCER,

Minister of the Interior.Iuterior Office, July 20, 1891.- 169 3t


Will be received at the office of theDepartment of the Interior until 12

o'clock noon, on MONDAY, the 29th

day of June, , for the furnishingof an Iron Fence for the Palace

Grounds.The designs and measurements are

to be seen at the office of the Super-

intendent of Public Works.All bids must be distinctly endoised

"Tender for Iron Fence around Palace

Gtounds."The Minister of the Interior does

not bind himself to accept the lowest

or any bid.

The time for receiving the above

tenders has been postponed untilWEDNESDAY, August 12, 1891.

C. N. SPENi ER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, June 29, 1891.152 6t

poUg $u"irf:PUdfd to ntttktr Sect nor Party,But ntablitktd for tkt beneit of all.

TUESDAY, JULY 28, 1891.


Ad official announcement is made

of the appointment by Her Majestyof Hon. J. Molt Smith to 1k Ministerof Finance in place of Hon. H. A.

Widemann, resigned. Owing to the

ontioued of the latethe Premier bts for some


Art Rooms, : : Mclner y Hall.ritTIHE Fit AM I X; TO OHUF.lt!


Delightful Cooling Boverag sFROM THE SODA WORKS OF



The only Soda Works using the Hyatt Purk Water System.





Editor Blli.etix:Would one of your subscribers he

kind enough to inform me of a radi-cal process for getting rid of the ani-

mal contents of shells land, sea, orfresh water shells a subject inwhich Hie inquirer takes a great in-

terest. It y the publication of theselilies you will oblige ene of vournumerous subscribers. H.

Honolulu, July 27, 1891.

Thousands are In use! Ihcy ill last for years without repaid! fsed ou manv plantations with complete satlsfuctioamong which we may nieutloii llonokaa Sugar Co., Union Mi l Co., R. R. Hiud, Waiakea Mill t o.,Paia Plantation, Ewa Plantation and Kohala Sugar Co. :

Anotralian Naddleo ! Anlraiian Kaddl. m ! Australian Saddle !

A fine line of tbftM just to hand. Also, a new assortment of Ei gllh Saddlery, P.ugav TTarnesg, Horse Collar, Millfid hir, M.'jtican Middles. Colonial and American Saddle-- . L .dies' saddles, Br dies, (ji.ilis in otton and Wool, CarriageW hips, .sircingles, Hair Cinches. Riding Whips, Saddle Tiees, saddle Klaukeis, Saddle Fells, Spurs, Mexican sud Englh-E-;Bltu, Sweat l'adj, htlrrupg . Carriage Lamps, Buggy Lamps, Daudy Brui.hi.-8- , lluir Brushes, Curry Combs, Maue tuoibi,Halters, Barnou Leather, Saddle Leather, Ktc, Etc., Etc., Etc.

Page 3: Embroidery - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · de bresh or rocks ilonn' pop you ober be-f-you kin meet. If lie'un's gnn hangs finh yo'iin will probably meet." It vras a hot day in



By''liif Jnnti.. and Mr. Jinld Inir.iMnr ..f (Jcattral and ilie HInmi'MAruntronic aod JHtaw Acnes J add

Ilis Honor Chief Justice Judd andwife gave a great reception at theirresidence on Nuuanu Avei.ue yester-day evening to General S. C. Arm


The Government schrol at Puia,Maui, held its closing exercises onJuly 17. The ; main room of theprincipal had been tastefully' decor-ated with ferns and flowers, prepar-atory to the entertainment set forthe aftei noon of that day. Theforenoon was devoted to the examin

The British bak fallao is now Kingin tbe stream. Mie has been receivingse eral carloads of ballast the past week.

The steamer (' R Bishop arrived onSunday with 278 bunches of hau inas forexportation ou tbe steamer Australia.

The S S Australia sailed to-d- wilh alarue list of freight Including 14 582 bagssugar, 8130 bags rice, 6 bxs betel leaves,682 hdls green hides, 1H bdls goat skins,33 bxs fruit. 3 bags coffee and 6U86 bnchsbananas. Domestic value (100,546.






Leave Honolulu. ..6:15 1:45 4:30farrive Honoulluli.. 7 :2C' 9.4!) 2:4!) fi:35tLeave Honouiluli..7!30 10:613:51 6:45farrive Honolulu. ..8 :35 11:66 4:65 6 :50f

PEARL ClTt LOCAL.Leave Honolulu 6:30 ....Arrive Pearl City 6:07 ....Leave Pear1 City.. fl:03Arrive Honolulu... 6 :40

t Saturdays only.Sundays excepted.Saturdays excepted.



A Fioe Line of Table Cutlery.New Styles Stoves and Ranges.Starrett's Fine Machinist's Tools.

. The Latest Patterns (if PictureMouldings direct from the East.

Disslon's Hand Saws, one man saw,Cane Knics and Wire Nails.

Rubber Garden Hohh of the bestquality with special couplings.

White Mountain IeeCruain Freezers.Ice Chests and Refrigerators of the

mtst approved makes.


The leading question now is:"Are you provided with a' bottle ofChamberlain's Colic, Cholera andDiarrhoea Remedy, as a safe-guar- d

against an attack of bowel complaintduring the summer months?" Nofamily can afford to risk being with-out this invaluable medicine duringilie hot weathert "It 1s almost cer-tain to be needed, and is a friend in-

deed when required, s it never fails-an-

is pleasant and .safe lo take."25 and 50 cent. bottles for sale by alldealers. Benson, Smith & Co.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.


In the spring theyoung man,trying

To preservei.;- - vui,..ih.altb,

Will displaymmd xnime hv

With a little of his wealth, ';Dr. Jaeger's famous Woolen

Underwear, which guaranteesRoom to stretch, and grow, and pull

iuWith comfort and with .rase.

In the summer at vacation,W liiisur.iiL'. It., ..idi. .

Or at daily occupationIn his oilice, store, or home;

Of his comfort and liis pleasure ,

ne win ever n ive a care, ,,

Well provided with that treasure--D- r.

Jaeger's Underwear. ' ;

In. the fall, when fishing, rowing,- - .

Or uulo the hunt he rides ; , yOr on yachting oru'ise he's, going. ,;

T...i:.... i.a.u i j !!:.uuiii iuu ami iiaeaProof against all stormy Weather,

With this shield he'll not dec pairStrong as steel, but light as fenther

Dr. Jaeger's Underwear,

When the winter's snow is fallingAnd the frost is sharp and keen,

Though the storm may he appalling,Cheerless, bleak, anil wild the scene ;

He'll defy the cold, possessingA protection grand and rare '

In that hygienic blessing - ?V-

Dr. Jaeger's Underwear I - r





M. GOLDBERG,Sole Agent for the Genuine Dr. Jaeger'133 Underwear. 2m

Hawaiian TramwaFS Co.,L'il

Beretiinla Street Line.ON AND AKTKB

Saturday, August Ut,A 20 Minute ServiceOf Cars will bo run between the 'Wharf

and Punahou, via Bcretnnia streetat the following times ; - ,

From the Wharf - 6 :22 a. ui , 6:42, 7:02and every 20 minutes until 10:02 p. oi ;ou Saturdays until 10:42 p. in. The flrstcar on Sundays will be the 7 :02 a. m.

From Pjnaho i Corner for Towa- -fi :,V2 a.in., 6:12, (i:82, and every 20 minutesuntil 9:32 p .m - ou Saturdays until 10:12p iu. The first car on Sundays will betbe 6:32 a. m.

Fiom 'he Col ege tor Town -- 6:50 a. m.,7:10. and so on throughout tbe day uutll9: 10 p. m ; on Saturdays until 10:10 p.m. The Hist car ou Sundays will be tbe7 :fi0 a. in.

From Punahou Slablet tor Town-6:- 80 a.in. and every hour until 9 :30 p. ru. .

From PenncoU Street Loop for Town erPunahuu At 19 min., 39 min., and 69min. past each hour.

Fran Central Union Church for Town orPunahou -- At 9 min, 2!) min., and 49min., past each hour.

KaCar leaving the wharf at 22 min.and 42 min. past the hour will run to theCollege; those leaving at 2 min past willrun to the Mables. On Sundays, if re-quired, the 12:03 p. in. .from CentralUnion Church w ill run to the College.

The Ritle Range Oar will be discon-tinued.

All Beretania street cars will connectat the wharf wilh the .Valley cars, andvice versa. "i. ,

Cut This Out lor Reference." 103 3 w

..JRead This ! Something New I

Tki Pacific 'Mr Co.

Is now prepared to do all kinds of cart-ing. Ring up Bell Telephone 212 audyou wi.l always tlnd It on hand. Bag- - .

gngc and Goods delivered to all parts oftuu city with despatch. 1'lauos, Furni-ture, Etc., moved with care and at rea-sonable rates. Baggage checked .towithin one hour of tbe sailing of foreignsteamers.

PACIFIC TKANSKKR CO.,130 3m T. O. McUuikk, Manager.

so tick.'I'MIK stockholders of th Hawaiian

X. Mercantile Co. are desirous of dis-posing of their Store, at Puebuelm, Ko-ba- la,

and will be pleased to h ar fromanyone disposed td make au offi r.

NT For any particular. appl uJ AS KENTON,JXO. HIND, or- -


P S. Annual business, $Ul)ax)0.Kobala, Hawaii, July lo, 1S91.

16. aw


Estimates given ou all kinds of Brick.Iron, .stoue and M oedeu Buildings. AUkinds of Jobbing iu the Building Tradeattended to Kecpsior sale Brick, Lime,Cement, Iron Stone Pipe and Filtlugs,Old and New Corrugated Iron, MiutooTiles, Quarry iles, asaorUid sizes andcolors; California and Monterey Sand,Granite Curbing and Blocks, lute.

toT Otlice and Yard : Cor. King andSmith streets, (illlce Hours: 6 to Ita. m., aud 1 to 4 r. u. '

r Telephones : Bell, S5I; MutuxJ,417. Resideuce: Mutual, 410. P.O.Boi, 117. . m ly



lluiiolli 'Ofks Co.

(I; 13x241(1 ( liuitner Kugiue.

(I) lOvJOiu. Cummer Kugiue.

(1) Putnam k'crew Cutting Lathe, loin,swing, U'ft. bed; most improvedtype.

(1) l-Ton Vhcuiiiii Pan. f II. I. W. Co.make), built ill sections; completewith irou stage and Blake's-Direc- t

Vacuum Pump, lsx'.'4x24in.

(4)-30- in. Westou's Centrifugals.

(1; Complete Diffusion Plant fo- - a ca-pacity of 4nt) lung tons cane perilium. Mauufaelured by the San-ge- rh

itisen Co , and to arrive in Sept.The two ane slicing Machines forthis Diffusion Plant are the latestunit most improved type, (sel'-fced-i-

with Cane Carrier) aud havebeen successfully used on -- iignreaiieat factory and given the highestsatisfaction.

(I)-- Hft. Cell to Multiple Effect (II. 1.W. Co make). Can be easily con-nected to any of the 11. I. W. Co.'sMultiple Fffects.

(75) Wheeled Coolers. 30x30x30lu.

(1)-Di- i)lex Water Pump, Ixl4xl2in.Capacity, 2 million gals, iu 24 hoursto a height of 120 iect with a boilerpressure of 2olbs per square inch.

lisSrAII tbe above Machinery is new.in perfect order and right from the man-ufacturing establishments where it wasmade.

Jejyllaviiig a very large stock of ma-terials on hand, purchased at the lowestpossible prices by our Manager whenrecently in Europe and ihe 1 ultedStates, we are prepared to furnish anykind of Sugar Mach nery on short noticeand at prices to suit the' times.


170 tf

Fort Street House,1M3 Fort Mlreet, Honolulu.

Furnished Rooms, Single & Suites

The House has been Thoroughly andNewly Furnished Throughout.

Quiet, Cldan Rooms. Moderate Prices

W, H. HEINE,1115 lm Proprietor


y LARGE Furnished House in town.Rent moderate. For further par-

ticulars enquire of173 lw Mil A. J, CART WRIGHT,

FOIt SALE4 CHOICE Lot aud Cottage on Bero-x- V

tania street near Punchbowl street,opposite H. W. Schmidt's residence.Apply on premises. 173 lw


'I "UK large estaUj kuown as1 Kuhiikti Ranch, Kau,

Hawaii, with all its belong-ings. The Ranch contains184,000 acres. There is on

the Ranch a large and valuable forestof Koa and Ohia. For further parti-culars,' apply to KAUUKU,I tf Kan. Hawaii.


IURMSllEI) Collageavenue


above School street, for threemonths or longer. Apply at this oillee.

172 lw


"NE GoJ Punahou street, contain

Inir 2Ui acres mora fir leius.I1 or particulars euqiiiie of105 tf J M. DOWSKTT.


at NK or Two Nice Bedrooms on Punchbowl

street, between King and Be- -retauia streets; rent $7 per month each.Inquire at this nlllee. 107 tf


I 4. ut rillit liruilUhtlo fwii.lliiturlASSESS by Mr. J. A. K nnedv, con

taining double pirlors, four bedrooms,dining-room- , bathroom, large dining-roo-

kitchen and pantry; servant'sroom, stabling, etc., on rear of mainbuilding, liiouuds, 300x10 feet, welllaid out. Vacant on 14lh August Lota Ijolning 301x105 feet may be purchasedon reasonable terms,

R. I. 1 .11. LIE,108 tf With Tbeo It. Davie A Co.

TO KENT or LKAE'IM1AT Family Res. denee oni Bingliam ami Artesian

streets, Punahou House contain seven rooms, kitchen, pantry, bath-room, etc Also, a deuciicd cottage,bathroom and two servants' cottages,carriage house, staples, and other out-buildings, including a large Henuery.House newly papered and painted smlnil iu perfect order. Ar'es an water laidon throughout house and grounds. 'Iken- arness of these promises to tlm Tram-ways system inukes it n very desirablefamily residence. Apolv tolt lm W. O. SMITH.


'I'MIF. regular quarterly meeting of tbeL 1'i.cille Hardware Co., (L'd)., will

be held al their olllcn on Till 1WMY,Jury 31, lS'.H, at 10 o'clock a. m

J AS. U. sPENCER,173 5t secretary.

strong of Hampton Institute and histwo daughters, who have been visit-

ing tbe Islands for several weeks,and to Miss Agnes Judd, eldestdaughter of the host and hostess, iuanticipation of her early departurefor Wellesley College in Massachu-setts.

The stately new house,' with itslarge lawn well-stock- ed with tropicaltrees, shrubs and flowers was a glit-

tering sight, illuminated by innumer-able colored lanterns arranged togive an artistic effect. The RoyalHawaiian Band stationed amidst theJhrubbery played its delightful musicthroughout the two hours of the re-

ception.Between four and five hundred in-

vitations had been given informally,,and the attendance did not fall farshort if the bids. The old houe ofthe honored family and the galleryconnecting it with the new one wereused as cloak and hat rooms, fromwhence the guests promenaded in animposing procession by couples to '.hereception rooms. The Chief Justice,his sons and young friends of thefamily gave all needed direction totbe throng. Mrs. Judd stood by theguests of the evening, in the rearparlor, graciously presenting thevisitors to each. There was alwaysan animated, chatting crowd aroundthe interesting central group, whilethe surrounding space, the front par-lor and adjacent apartments rapidlyrilled up with the bright iind pleas-ant assemblage. It was one of thoseoccasions where a person can fullyiealize what a din the human voicein only modulated tones can producewhen multiplied by scores in closecombination.

Her Majesty Queen Liliuokaluniand Prince Kawanaunkoa, attendedby Major J. W. Robeitson. II. M.'sChamberlain, and Mrs. Robertson,

attended the recep-tion. Others present were His Ex-

cellency Sam. Parker, Minister ofForeign Affairs ; His Excellency W.A. Whiting, Attorney-Gener- al ; HisExcellency John L. Stevens, UnitedStales Minister; Senlior J. de S.Canavarro, Portuguese Charge d'Af-faire- s,

and wife ; His Honor JudgeBtckerton, Hon. J. Molt Smith, Hon.S. M. Damon, Hon. H. M. Whitney,Hon. W. F. Allen, Hon. W. D.Alexander, Hon. J. T. Waterhouse,Jr., and wife, Hon. G. W. Macfar-lan- e,

Hon. II. P. Baldwin, Hon. R.D. Walbridge and wife, Hon. J. B.Atherton and Miss Alherton, Hon.D. Dayton and Miss Dayton, Mr.II. W. Severance,. United StatesCousul-Gener- ; Mr. II. F. Glade,German Consul, and wife; Ilis Lord-ship bishop Willis and wife; Rev.K. G. Beckwilh, I). D., and MissBeckwitb, Rev. II. Bingham andwife, Rev. S. E. Bishop and wife,Rev. Alex. Mackintosh and wife,Rev. A. N. Fisher, Rev. O. P.Emerson, Rev. VV. B. Oleson andwife, Rev. J. B. Alexander (Kuuai),Dr. J. S. McGrew, Dr. C. T. Rodg-er- s,

Dr. N. B. Emerson,- - Dr. Stau-genwal- d,

Prof. W. T. Brigham,Prof. Lyons, Messrs. Thompson andRichards of Kauiehauieba School,Mrs. A. (). Forbes, Mrs. .1. O. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Glade(Kauai), Mr. and Mrs. A. Young,Mr. and Mrs. Gideon West, Mr. andMrs. P. C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. W.W. Hall, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Atkin-son, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hopper,Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Dillingham andMiss Dillingham, Mr. and Mrs. VV.

E. Foster, Mr. A. S. Hartwell andMiss Hartwell, Mr. and Mrs. C. W.Ashford, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Brown,Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Carter, Mr. andMrs. Geo. W. Smith, Mr. and Mrs.H. von Holt, Mr. and Mrs. II. Reji-je-

Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Board-ma-

Mr. and Mrs. Wray Taylor,Messrs. W. R. Castle, L A. Thurs-ton, W. J. Lpwrey, W. A. Bowen,J. II. Soper, F. M. Hatch. 11. W.Peck, etc.

Ice cream, cake and lemonade werein constant circulation. A very so-

ciable lime was spent until the largecompany dispersed at 10 o'clock.So large a social gathering lias notbeen assembled in Honolulu for along time. Pfants and flowers wereeffectively set at different points inthe interior, beyond which the apart-ments were not specially decorated.Indeed, it would have been a pity toconceal with extraneous adornmentthe elegant decorative art perma-nently embellishing the mansion, asdoubtless many had. on this occasionthe first opportunity of inspectingthe interior of Ilis Honor's beautifulnew bouse.


Police Justice William Foster hasbeen granted leave of absence fromAugust 11 to November 24. Mr. C.L. Hopkins will occupy the PoliceCourt bench in his absence, he havingbeen commissioned as a DistrictJustice. Mr. VV. L. Wilcox, DistrictJustice for Kona aud Deputy PoliceJustice, cannot be spared so longfrom his duties as interpreter lSupreme and Circuit Court term-- .

Hence the appointment of a subili-tut- e

Justice, and .Mr, Hopkins is achoice that will be generally accept-able.


Very few cases were up before thePolice Justice this morning, aud theymet quick despatch. Two cases ofdrunkenness suffered the usual pen-ally. A young reprobate was repri-manded and discharged. Lee Kid,for violating Section 5, Chapter 41,Laws of 188G, pleaded guilty andwas fined 125 and costs.

ation of different classes in their sev-

eral rooms.Neatly written exercises on the

various subjects pursued during theyear were exhibited for the inspec-tion of visitors, and were highlypraised for the'r excellence. Tbeblackboard work in dictation andpunctuation, in Mrs. Cook's room,elicited much praise on account ofthe uew departure iu teaching thesebranches,: The pupils of the different classes,after a searching oral examination,gave a good account of themselves,and reflected much credit on theirteachers, and iiiade their parentsvery prbud of thera. r '

An intermission of half an hourwas giveu at uoon. At 12:30o'clock, at the sound of the bell, tbepupils marched into school. Everyseat was taken in the main room,leaving no accommodation for thepupils, who were crowded togetherin the room of the 1st assistant. Tbeeiiiertaimnent opened with a drill insol-l- a singing by the school, conduc-ted by the principal, the notes beinggiven by the motions of the hand.Then followed a song iu two parts,written in sol-f- a characters, on . theblackboard. This was very wellrendered. ,

Next came recitations, dialogues,declamations aud songs in great pro-fusion. Iu most of the recitations,tbe pronunciation was bo clear, theaccent so true, and the modulationof voice so correct, that one mightshut his eyes and itmigine that bewas listening to children whosemother tongue was the Euglish lan-

guage. All the songs, eight iu num-ber, were nicely rendered. Theevening song iu three parts with vio-

lin accompaniment by the 3rd assist-ant teacher, Win. Cook, deservesspecial mention. The crowningevent of the day was a song in char-acter by 12 scholars under 12 yearsof age, who represented the differenttrades, each having his tools andeach singing his accomplishments,followed by all 12 iu chorus,. afterevery four individual songs. The ex-

citement during the rendering of thisnumber was so great that everyonein the audience rose to a standingposition. Au encore was called for,and the chorus given over again.The following are the names of theparticipants: Farmer, J. le Silva;Miller, Muu'l Medenu-?;- . Uuker,Enos Vicoute ; Butcher, Jose Aina-rad- o

; Blacksmiih, Sidney Cook;Carpenter, Joaquin Vicente; Tailor,John Medeiros; Shoemaker, JohnNunes ; Hatter, John Brown ; Tinner, J. Andrade; Painter, John deSouza; Dentist, Eugene Capellas.

The whole concluded with HawaiiPonoi iu three parts. The perform-ance wus pronounced a grand suc-cess. During the two hours occu-pied by the. entertainment no onewas bored or looked ,tired and allwent home in good humor.


TO BE A V. S. r

Mr. J. R Shaw, brother of Mr. S.I. Shaw, manager of the HawaiianHotel Stables, was given a farewellparty at Waikiki Saturday eveningby his many friends. Mr. Shaw leftto-d- on the Australia. He goes tostudy in the Montreal VeterinaryCollege. Mr. Shaw was given an-

other send-of- f yesterday evening atthe Hawaiian Hotel, where manyof his friends assembled. Musicwas furnished by the Quintet andQuartet Clubs. Several presentswere given, the more prominentdonors being Dr. Rowat, who pre-sented an elegant silver ice pitcher;Quartet Club, a locket set with dia-monds ; ' employees of the HotelStables, an excellent cane of nativewood, having as a head a boar's tusk,with inscription. At the steamerthis noon a stack of leis was seem-ingly imbued with power to move..It was only ,l,Joe" carrying thetokens of aloha of his many warmfriends. "


Her Majesty will leave by theClaudine this evening, on a visit toliana, Maui, to return on the samesteamer Sunday. Those accompany-ing the Queen are: Princes Kawana-nuko- a

and Kalaniamtole, Mrs. C. B.Wilson, J. Wilson, Mrs. Clark, MajorE K. Lilikalani, Sirs. Kellett, MissKellett and P. Kellett, Mrs. Smithand family, and J. Heleluhe.

Other passengers booked for theClaudine are: Hon. R. D. Walbridgeand wife, F. Lecte, Geo. Robertsen,Hon. L vou Tempsky and wife, H.(i. Treadway and wife, C. Willis,Missus Wodebouse, Mist aud Atkin-son, .1. Blaney, A. Hocking, J.Crowder, jr., J. Crowder, J. McAn-drew- s,

Mrs. Doyle and others.


Several months ago, Mr. Henryl'luinuier, of Clements, t.'ul., whois subject to lamps, was taken witha severe i k. lie had been

Id gel. relief by dosing-ii-

mor;'' '. but the disagreeableffcel ilia, .u !oed would make him

miserable for hour alier the cramphad been 1. 1 persuaded himto try Ch:oi.be I tin's Colic, Choleraand Diai io' i Remedy. He wasmuch pie ed with it, as its effectwas almost instantaneous, and nodisagreeable after effects accompan-ied its use. ('has. PiAMHiT, Manager,'Farmers' Trade I'uion, Clements,Cnl. For sale by all dialers. Ben-son, Smith & Co., Agents for tbeHawaiian Islands.


H OLLI V GER t Waikiki, July 27,1 8111, Edward, youngest son of Thomasand Jennie Hollitiger, wged 9 monthsand 1 days.


Reading matter on the outside'pages.

There will be cvuugelistic servicesevery night this week in Qneen EnimaHall, to be conducted by Key; Dr.Hammond. ''

The Australia took a large consign-ment of fruit to-da- 50S6 bunches ofbananas and about 33 boxes of otheitropical fruit.

The mail dcipatchtd by the Aus-tiul- ia

comprised 4753 letters and 2058papers. It would have bijcn largeronly that iho Oriental mail was with-held.

Edwakd, the youngest son of Mr.and Mrs Thos; lIollinger, died yester-day evening at their residfiiee, Wai-kiki. The fuui'ial took place at 2o'clock this afternoon.

Swau.mb of people wi-r- e inspectingthe new engine of Co. No. 1 this noon.The engine is a beautiful piece ofmachinery, and will be housed in afew days with a grand flourish.

Two beautiful mangoes attractedmuch attention y in the Hawai-ian News Co.'s window. They are ofthe Chutney variety, have a brilliantpeachblow cheek, uml were raised byMr. A. Kraft.

Mit. Morgan will sell at pubiic auc-tion at 10 o'clork to morrow, furni-ture of a house iu Kawaiahao lane,and at 11 o'clock the stock and fix-

tures of the New Model Restauranton Bethel street.

An assistant superintendent for theOahu Railway arrived just as theseven o'clock whistles wre blowingthis morning. Ho weighs 11$ poundswithout his uniform. Mr. wasreceiving congratulations all aroundduring the forenoon.


The appointment of Hon. J. ilottSmith to be Minister of Finance isofHcially announced.

Mr. Morgan will sell building lots,store sites and other properties, speci-fied in advertisement, on the 15th ofAugust.

Ma. Morgan will auction off thehousehold furniture of the house ati'nlnce Walk and Likelike street at 10o'clock Thursday.

Justice Foster, as Commissionerof Boundat ion for First Judicial Cir-cuit, gives an important notice to allinterested in. the Island of Mokuu-meum- e.

v '.

Mr. John L. Kanakaoldna hasbeen appointed an agent' to grantmarriage licenses for Hamakua, amiMr. John Nuhinu has been appointedin a similar capacity for South Kona.

By order of the Collector-Genera- l ofCustouis, Mr. J. F. Morgan will sellunclaimed packages remaining at theCustom House, Jan. 1, 1S91, at hissaleroom on Thursday at 10 o'clock.The lint is giveu in an advertisementin this paper.

The sale of tine wines and liquorsimported for His late Majesty will beresumed at Mr. Morgan's salesroomat 10 o'clock next Monday. At thesame time will be offered the beauti-ful Henley regatta boat, which willbe on exhibition previously fromi hursday.


Monday, July 17, before Dole, J.,the Queen vs. Joseph Libornio.Defendant was indicted 6th iust. ona charge of assault and battery witha weapon obviously and imminentlydangerous to lite. Tried by a foreignjury who return a verdict of guilty,two jurors dissenting. On motion ofprosecution defendant was forthwithsentenced to one year's imprisonmentat hard labor and to pay (1 fine; costsin this case were remitted. , The de-

fendant is a member of the UoyalHawaiian Band. G. K. Wilder forprosecution ; J. L. Kaulukou for tbedefendant.

There are three courts going onall at once The Chief Jus-tice is hearing the case of PollyMokunui against Moke Mokunui, apetition for separation. Still ou.A. Uosa for plaintiff, J. M. Kanea-ku- a

and J. IJ. Barenaba for defend-ant.

Before Bickertoo J. and a foreignjury, James L. Duncan" against

V ilder S. b. Co., damages for illegalimprisonment. Still on, continuedfrom yesterday. Neumann and Peter-son for plaintiff ; Asbford & Asbfordfor defendant. "

Before Dole J. and foreign jurydown stairs. The Queen 'against AhRung alias Cbong It Tung, on appealfrom Police Court of Honolulu,churned with selling- spirituousliquor without license. Still on.Attoi for, prosecution;

. K. Castle for defendant appellant. - -

The clerks find it pretty livelywhen they each have to attend somelieanug and no one iu otlice to an-

swer calls for records, geueral in-

formation, etc.


ITkf Horstard'a Arid Fneephate.

Dr. T. C. Smith, Charlotte, N. C,says: "It is an invaluable neive tonic,a delightful beverage, tnd one of thebest restorers when the energies flaga id the spit its dr p."

Tides. Ban and Moon.BY C. 3. LYONS.

3 B c dDAT. 5155 aB 3

a ... 'n m a n M

Mob. xi biu iu x m 4 aul o .11! 6 41 11 44Tue. ;zs ou iu w, s uo tu.tn a u ....WoU. W 11 00 11 10 40, 6 SO. 6 83 411 0 2

Thurs.'sO; 0 80 ..'...I 4 40! 6 W S3 6 40' 1 20!l I in I Oil: A nn; I) iin K iw a sii o imi

Hut. I 1 SO 1 00 6 OS 00 6 8 8 3 2 SO

Bud. I S 1 3S. 6 86 9 40 S M 6 S8, 8 4S

Last quarter of the moon on the 27th at 6 h.1 mill. p. m.

The time for the poit ID Kiven at 121i.Oni. Oseo. (midnight) of Greenwich time orlb. 28m. a4sec. p. in. of Honolulu Observatorytime. It la Kiven by the steam whistle of theHonolulu Planing Mill, a few doors abovethe Custom House. The same whistle issounded eorrnctly at Honolulu mean noon.Observatory meridian, or lull. 81m. Sittsec. ofGreenwich, tiinn

I" 14 J

ailu iUtlefhiTUESDAV, JULY 28, 1891.


Stmr Pele from Kauai


S S Aupiralia, Houdlutte, for San Fran-cisco 12 m

fttmr Kiaau for Maui and Hawaii at2pm

Stmr Claudine for Maul at 5 p m '

Stmr Mikabala for Kauai at 5 p mISchr Moiwahlne for HamakuaSi'br Kawailani from KoolauBohr Sarah and Eliza for Koolau.


btmr Kaala for Waianae, Waialua andMokuleia at 9 a ui

Stmr V R bishop for Kalniku and Puna- -luu .

Stmr Jag Makee for Kapaa, Oanamaulu,Kilauea and Uanalei at 5 p m


Schr Ka Moi 3500 bags sugar..Stmr Kaala 700 bags sugar, 1800 bag

poddy.Stmr O R Bishop R20 b:igs rice, 278

biiclis bananas, 2656 bags paddy aud40 bugs taro


For San Francisco per S S Australia.July 28 W F Leser, A H Scott, MasterW Stubbs, Master Blaisdell, Mrs D DStubbs, Miss M Stobbs, Misses Brunucll

2), Mrs Tucker and 2 children, J H'Jol.-r- . P 8 Woolsey, B L Arnold. Rev AJJ Fisher. Miss Coruuhan, Mrs McBryduand sou, 1, fi Piukham, J A Dunker," l)rA M Barker and wife, O Mwife and child, .1 R Shew, L Sonuiksen.Mrs EC ljamon and 2ebildren, J BAlexander, Mis T A Mitchell aud fain-tly, E M alsb, SEhrlich, Miss A ss

Dickson, P C Jones and wife.Miss Ada ones, Miss "toddard, Mrs LR Walbridge, Mrs H J Nolte. 11 F VVi,

F Turrill, Miss Moore, Mr Mooreaud wife, Rev W B Olenon. Mrs 0Paine, Mrs Fowler, Miss West, MissOtis, Miss Jackson, O A (Jbapin & wife,R P Ritber, E A Jones, wife aud child,M de Miada, wife aud 3 children, MrsKaluna, D A McBryde, Mrs 11 Klemmerand child, R Ray, 1) Douglas, Mrs Mc-Gregor, Mrs M Jarrett.

For Maui aud Hawaii per stmr Kinau,July 28 For Volcano: Miss Merwia.J S Low, Miss ( arnahu, Miss Hugos, TH Douglas. Dr J D Douglas, A B Wood,H O Reinge. For way ports: Miss Hop-pe- n,

Mrs mlthies. Miss Mary Parker, JParker, S Parker jr, E Parker, P Parker,J C Peacock, Moore and wife, Misses

Hall (3), Rev S E; kju, E Styles, CHedeinann. Miss S K Ooekett, D hahau-leli- o.

Rev Waiamau, ; r Valentine, II AHeenand8 children. Mi's Highr, Mrsaud Miss Adams, MisE P Low aud child,

K Thrum, W J Forbes, a G Curtis,Miss J ' urtis. Miss Cornwell, MasterCornwell, Misses Widditield, S Keliiuoi,and 50 deck.


Am bk" Qeorgina, Stanley, from New-castle, NSW

Am bktne Discovery, McNeil, from SanFrancisco

Noi ship Hangesund from Newcastle,NSW

Br bk Cailao, James, from LiverpoolGer bk Orient, Gontald, from HongkongGer bk J i; Glade, from LiverpoolAm bk Ceylon, Calhoun, San Francisco.Peru bk Japan, Yauela,from Hongkong.Am ship Pactolus. from Mocao, China.


II8S Charleston from San FranciscoUSS Marion from San FranciscoR M S S Alameda from the I olonies,

July 30R M S S Monowai from San Franci-co- ,

July 30Am bk Aiiuie Johnson, Miller, from

LiverpoolAm bk Mount Washington, from Port

Blakely. Aug. toAm bk Harvester, (llilo) from San Fran-

cisco, July 15Am bk C D Biyant, from San Francisco,

July 30Am bk Ceylon, from San Francisco,

July 15Am schr John G North, (Maliukona)

frtnu San Francisco. July 2Aid kt Wary w iukelniau, Nissen, from

Pol t GambleAm bgtne i iirliue, (llilo) from Sin

Kiancisco, July 15Am bk Melrose. Poll Blakely. Jnlv-'i-

Am bk Martha Davis from New YorkBU Harrison j .lohusou from New Yorktierbk Woosung from Itr. inenGer bk H Hackleld from LiverpoolGer bk Sabino from y

Nor bk Gamen from Newcastle, N S W


The bark Ceylon wbich arrived yester-day is already linling the batches withsugar.

Tbe German bark J C Glade was re-

ceiving sugar from both port aud star-board y.


For two years I suffered terriblywith ptoniach tronble, and was forall that time under treatment by aphysician. He finally, after tryingeverything, said stomach was aboutworn out, and that I would have tocease eating solid food for a time atleast. I was so weak that I couldnot work. Finally on the recom-mendation of a friend who had used

your preparationsA worn-o- ut with beneficial re-

sults, I procured aStomach. bottle of August

Flower, and com-menced using it. It seemed to dome good at once. I gained instrength and flesh rapidly ; my ap-petite became good, and I sufferedno bad effects from what I ate. Ifeel now like a new man, and con-sider that August Flower has en-tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in itsworst form. James E. Dbdkrick,Saugerties, New York.

W. B. Utsey, St. George's, S. C,writes: I have, used your AugustFlower for Dyspepsia and find it anexcellent remedy.

Notice of Hearing by Boun-dary Commissioner.

ON application of C. A. Brown,will settle the Boundaries of the

northern half of the Isl-in- of Mnkuume-um- e,

Ewn. O.ihu, at the Police CourtRoom iu Honolulu on TUESDAY. Aug4, at 3 o'clock p. m., mid all partiesinterested In said matter are herebv notified to attend at said time and place.

WILLIAM FOSTER.Commissioner of Boundaries for-Fir--Kt

Judicial Circuit. 170 I w


stem Elsctro-Dlaii- oi Co.

WORKfli Yoong St,, Honolulu.

Having received the latest and most im-proved machinery, we are pre- -.

pared to do

Platiag in Nickel, Silver & Gold.

Cutlery, Forks, Spoons. Fancy Lamps.Surgical and Dental Instruments platedor skillfully r paired. Tools, Instiu-nient- s.

Bicycles aud parts of machineryplated in Nickel.

Jay-- Work or orders leftwiih Mnller's,corner King and Bethel sine's, willreceive prompt attention. Sati factionguaranteed. i73 3m


Carpenter & Builder.37 King street, mauka side, below

Mauuakea street,

Begs to inform tbe public that he is wellprepared to contract on till kinds ofBuildings aud to do General Jobbing.

ltepulrlriK u Hpeelally!ftgr Mutual Telephme 385. 173 3m



undersigned being fully author-ized to hetlle ihe business of Ked-wat- d

& Howell (dissolvtd). herebygives notice to all persons havingclaims against said iiim, to presentthem at once, aud all persona indebt-ed to said linn to make immediatepayment to the undersigned at hisoffice over Bit-ho- & Co.'s Bank.

W.F.ALLEN,Assignee F. H. Itcdwatd.

July 15th 10.) 2w


THE power of attorney given by theI undersigned to Chun Hoy of Hono-

lulu, rice planter, has this day been can-celled and is now of no effect whatever.And further, Mr. Samuel M Damon ofHonolulu has been appointed my attor-ney at Honolulu and the Inlands of Ha-w- aji

in the place of the said Chun Hoy.C1IL XG ArONO.

Dated Hongkong. June f, 18U1.m lw


r"IIE iiiPiiibes of I he Chine-- e Thea--- L

trie.il Coinpan. who weie s

ou I he "Au-oaf'.i- "' limn San Frail-- eco on her last nip down, deire to

tender their sincere Uciiik lo I'ap aiulloudleiin and Ihe OlViccts lor their verykind and unfailing courtesy Jtn ing thevojaae, 173 lw


IVE J. L Mkvkh the 'Painter a callG ami hiiVft Vulir l.iur lltintriutr limit.promptly and ueatly. 130 Fort street.P. O. Box 387. 130 tf

Page 4: Embroidery - evols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu · de bresh or rocks ilonn' pop you ober be-f-you kin meet. If lie'un's gnn hangs finh yo'iin will probably meet." It vras a hot day in



iYhl G.:

Irwin "4 Company,





Felt Steam Pipe Coferins, size



Grand kauctionm m m rtw. m

in in

Worl Sliuduwe.

Uutlef this title a writer IxJ The At-

lantic Monthly discourses upon the fanci-

ful and grotesque dialect of the southernnegro. In the "plantation patois" aremany expressions which display genuinehumor and a happy knack at picturesquestatement, as, for example, when an un-

productive piece of ground is called"failery lan'," and an obedient andtractable servant an "orderly gal."

The favorite and indispensable breadof the field hand that made of commeal is "John Constant," while wheatenbread is "Billy Seldom." Our word "ac-cuse" becomes "'scuse" in the negro'smouth. There are few of his race, alas,who have not lxen, at some time orother, '"scuse of a cow," "'sense of apig," " 'sense of a pa'r shoes" and so ondown the scale.

A half starved calf is a "calf dat's'been whipped wid de churn dasher."To keep down grass is to "fight widGen'al Green." A matter well accom-- "

plished is "essentially done," as, forinstance, "When she cooks, she des es-

sentially cooks good." A proud personis an "nmptious somebody."

To live easily and happily is to live"jolly and wid pleadjure." To be ill isto "have a misery." To be quite well isto be ."des sorter tollerbla." Entertain-ing conversation is "luockin' bird talk."

Lively tunes are "sinner songs," or"reels," or "corn-hollers,- " "jump upsongs," or "chnnes dat skip wid debanjo." Religions songs are "membersongs" or "hymn chimes."

Not to be a church member Is to be"settin on the shiner seat," "still in deopen fiel', " "drinkin' de cup of damna-tion," and many other such phrases. Toenter the church is to "jine de band," to"take np de cup er salvation," to "git aseat wid do members," to be "getheredin," to "put on a shine line gyarment."and so on indefinitely.



MONDAY, July the 20th!.1 I. V '


Big Bargains Will be Offered !


S. EllKLJCil & CO.,Corner Fort & Motel Street.HI


J. N. 8. WILLIAMS,R. MORE, : :

Engineers & Iron Founders,Office & Works, : Quee Street, Honolulu.

1. o. JtOX 3HO.


Sugar Machinery, Steam Engines,Plain or Automatic Cutoff, Boilers for land and marine ue,

Vacuum Pans up to 11 feet iu diameter,Double, Triple or Quadruple Effects,

Wrought Iron or Cast Iron Tanks for all purposes,

Cane Wagons, Sugar Wagons, Cranes,it d Hoisting Machinery, Rice Mill Machinery and

Wrought & CaBt Iron Work for House Building.

A Large & Varied Assortment of Bar Iron always on hand !


Difiusion Machinery in all its Branches.;

. Sole MAsuvACTtftKRS in Hawaiian Islanus forWilliam's Patent Furnaces lor burning cane trash.William's Patent Cane Slicing Machines, the most suecessiul and econo-

mical made.Martden & Rickard's Patent Evapotor, utilizing the waste heat in smoke-

stack the latest improvement.

Mole AjcemOn Hawaiian IttlamlK tor tli

Pelton Water Wheel Co. of San Francisco.Bell's Asbestos Packing Co. of Loudon, England.

Sheet Packing, Stuffing Box IVking,Manhole & liaudhole Uaskets, Steuin Pipe & Boiler Coverings.

g0 These Packing are used exclusively by the British Admiralty inwar vessels.

. o

g0T Repairs to all kinds of Machinery dune at reasonable rates and atshort notice.

mm Mm CuVs


LOCAL LINE.Arrive Honolulu. Leave Honolulu.Aug 4 Zealandia Aug 11Aug 18 .... .Australia Aug 25Sept 1 Zealandia Sept 8Bept 15 Australia Sept 22Sept 29 Zealandia Oct 6Oct 13 Australia Oct 20

THROUGH LINE.Arrive from San Arrive from the

Francisco. Colonies.Monowai. . . . July 30.. . . . . ...AlamedaAlameda . . Aug 27 MariposaMariposa. . . . Sept 24 Monowai"Monowai. .. .Oct 22 Alameda

Nov 19 Mariposa

Australian Ml Service!

FOK MAN FHAltX'INl'O,The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

"ALAMEDA,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from Sydneyand Auckland on or about

July 30. 1891,And will leave for the above port with

malls and passengers ou orabout that date.

For freight or passage, bavinssi perior accommodations, apply to

.', Vb 3. IKWIS ft CO., I'd,Agents.

For Sjfdntj aod Auckland !

The New and Fine Al Steel Steamship

' MONOWAI,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company will

be due at Honolulu from .auFrancisco on or about

J Ay 30, 1891,And will have prompt dispatch with

mails and passengers forthe above ports.

tW For freight or passage, havingsuperior accommodations, apply to

Q. IRWIS & CO.. LM,Agents.

Baldwin LociiiRThe undersigned having been sppointea

sole agents for the Hawaiianislands

For the Celebrated

Baldwin tawli's.)From the works of

Burham, Parry, Williams St Co.,

, Philadelphia. l"eunM

Are now prepared to give estimates andreceive orders for these engines, ofsize aud style.

The Baldwin Locomotive Worksare now manufacturing a style of Loco-motive particularly adapted -

For PlantatioD Purposes.

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Islands, and we willhave pleasure in furnishing plantation"gents an I managers itb particular?

'.of same 4

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all other makes is not only knownhere but is acknowledged thronghou'the United States.

Win. G. IRWIN & Co., LM,Sole Agents for Hawaiian Islands

'" ;


General Mercantile

Commission Agents.LIST of officers :

J. O. Carter President & ManagerG. H. Robertson TreasurerE. F. Bishop .....SecretaryW. F. Alien Audltoi

directors :

Hon. O. K. Bishop, 8. O. Allen,H. Waterhouse.


Hardware, ShippingAND

Commission MerchantsUEALXRS IS

General Merchandise I

Plantation Agents,Life. Fire ft Marine

Insurance Agent.1 HONOLULU, H. . 91

INOTICKITHE patrons of the Oceanic S. 8. Co,

hereby notified that hereafteino round trip or excursion ticket willoe issued for any of the through mat1steamers. These tickets will, however,be Umed as customary for the localsteamers "Australia" and Zealandia."Passengers who bold round trip ticketsaud wish to take the through mallsteamer will he charged so exti. fare of

Per order o the Ooeanle 8. 8. Co,Wm, O, illWIN A CO.,

M " General Afeutf,

F -


ions !

WOiP 00., L'd,: Manager.


Value. $8,449.45in premiums, which is equivalent to. . ... - .


--Cor. Edinburgh & Queen Sts.


satisfaction guaranteed.


ST MR. 'KINAU,'CLARKE, Ccmntan.jr,

Will leave Honolulu at 2 o'clock r. M..

touching at Lahuina, Maalaea Bayand Makena the same day; Mahu-kon- a,

Kawaihaeand Laupahoeboe thefollowiug day, arriving at Hilo atmidnight.


Friday. .. .Aug. 7thTuesday Aug. 18thFriday Aug. 28thTuesday Sept. 8thFriday Sept. 18thTuesday ept. 29thFriday Oct. 9thTuesday Oct. 20th

Returning leaves Hilo, touching atLaupahoehoe same day; Kawaihae,a. m. ; Mahukona, 12 noon ; Makena,6 P. M. ; Maalaea Bay, 8 P. M. ; Laha-in- a,

10 p. M. the following day ; arriv-

ing at Honolulu 6 A. M. Wednesdaysand Saturdays.


Wednesday Aug. 5thSaturday Aug. 15thWednesday Aug. 2ithSaturday Sept. 5thWednesday Sept. lothSaturday Sept. 26thWednesday .... .Oct. 7thSaturday Oct. 17thWednesday ; . .Oct. 28th

B" No Freight will be receivedalter li noon of day of sailing.

STMR. 'CLAUDINE,'f' DAVIL&, Commander,


Will leave Honolulu every Tuesdayit a o clock P. m., touching at Kabului, Huelo, liana, Hamoa and Kipuhubi. Returning will arrive at Honolulu every Sunday morning. "' "

No Freight will be ' receivedalter 4 P. M. on day of sailing.

Consignees must be at the landingsto receive their freight, as we will nothold ourselves responsible after suchfreight has been landed. While theCompany will use . due diligence inhandling live stock, we decline to assume any responsibility iu case of theloss of same, and will not be responsiblefor money or jewelry unless placed mi he care of Pursers.

W. C. WILDER, President. ':

: S. B. ROSE, Secretary.CAPT. J. A. KING, Port Supt




Hartford Fire Insurance Co.,

Assets, $6,219,458.98.

London & Lancashire Fire I nr. Co.

Assets, $4,3 1 7,052.

Thames & Mersey Marine ins. Co.,(Limited;,

Assets, $6, 1 24,057.'

New York Life Insuranoe Co.,

Assets, $115,947,809.97.


General Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $115,947,809.97

"Facts are Stubborn Things."

At every age, on every premiumtable, in every year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontine Policiesof the New York Life Insurance Co.have been LARGER than those OF

NY OTHER COMPANY issuingsimilar policies.

For particulars apply to

CO. BEKUEK.Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Islands.

CASTLE & COOKE,Lite, Fire & Marine ,

Insurance Agents !


Set England Motoal Life Ins. Co.,


tna Fire Ins. Co. cf Hartford,


Insuranoe Company.Mr A rU,

or sad rBAVOiauo, California,

3 r "3W i 'Si! tX3







'DRAYMEN.All orders lor cartas promptly attended

to. I'articuhir nttentioupaid to the .

Storicg k Shipping- -

Of good in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black & White S.u o

In quantities to suit tit lowest price.

tSf Office: Next door to .las. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual 19 -- a Telephones W "ell !

Barry's Tricoplieroaststabliahed 1801.

Infallible for renewing, Invigorating andbeautifying the hair, removing acurf , dandruff,and all affection! of the scalp, and caring erup-tions of the akin, diseases of the glands, muscles

'and Integuments, and relieving stings, cuts.or ilees, sprains, etc. The affinity between theaembranea which constitute the akin and the

I hair which draws its sustenance from this tripleenvelope is very close. All diseases of the hairoriginate In the akin of the head, r If the poresof the scalp are clogged, or if the blood and otherfluids do not circulate freely through the smallvessels which feed the roots with moisture andimpart life to the fibres, the result la scurf,dandruff, shedding of the hair, graynesa, drynessand harshness of the ligaments, and entire baldness, as the case may be. Stimulate the skin tohealthful action with Barry's) Trtcopher-ei- Si

and the torpid vessels, recovering theiractivity,1 will annihilate the disease. In allaffections of the skin and of the substrata ofmusc.es and Integuments the process and theeffec . are the same. It la upon the skin, themuscular fibre, and the glands that Barry'sTrlcopherouaj has its specific action, andin all affections and injuries of these organs itis a sovereign remedy.

Beware of Counterfeit!.

from the Greatest Living Prima Donna,Madame Adelina

Montevideo. Julv 30th. 1888.Hesses. Barclay & Co., New York.

Dear Sin :l taKe pleasure in announcing toyou that Barry's Florida Water is one ofthefew articles always to be found on my dressingcase. In my conception it Is one or the best ortoilet waters, and for the bath it is not only de-licious, bat refreshing and invigorating. 1recommend it witaout reserve.

HOLLISTtR & CO..165 : . Distributing Aeenfs. , )m


Wm. G. Irwin. . ..President A ManagerClaus Spreckels nt

Walter M. GiffardSecretary & Treasurer

Theo. C. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.


Mm Siiip Cein'y,Of Man Francisco. Cat. ,'

pecial Notice to Bathers at


rpilE proprietor of Long Branch BiithsL begs to announce to the public

that the wonderful Marine Toboggan, atWaikiki, i now iu very successful ooera- -tion, affording the most enjoyable andexhilarating exercise to sea" bathers,aud a sport without an equal in theworld, for old aud voun&r. Wednesdaysand Thursdays will be reserved more especially for ladies and childreu. A ridecosts only Five (5) Cents. For furtherInformation, apply to

U. J. SHEKW'OOD,104 tf ' Proprietor.


Bethel street, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

Surglcul & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at reasonable rates, sewingMachines and renuirlnir of all kindsspecialty. All kinds of Safes A Scalesrepaired. Household Hewing Machinesfor nle, 1.0,1

WiiiNNLR & CO.,Maaafaetarlaa- - Jewellora.

Constantly on haml a large sssortmeatuf evi y dewiptliiu ot Juutilry, Watches,Uold aud Silver i I ted W are, Kui, J.uj





Higb Grade Chemical Caoe Uanort




Refined Sugars,Fiirbank Canning Co.'s Cornet

Beef, 1 and 2 lb. Una.



Contractor BSSSi.-'- . ft Bulidor.

Honolulu Steam Pinning Mills, Esplanade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings.brackets, window Frames, i limls,Sashes, Doors, and h11 kinds of woodwork finish. Turniuti, Scroll aud liaudSawing. All kinds of andriamng. aiorticmg ami lenaiitiiig.1ST Orders promptly attende l to am

work guaranteed Orders from tinother Islands 8 liel ted. l

S'Hf5 -


3 m ?o to3! ' x


Hr.o 3

w s J c 50 as p. 5S oKW

i-- t9

O Or t3 E3


s 1 t O3o o o O

6 W. a s fW

s.5 a.W

6.1 -w 5S

V. w15 9(I f-- r--



CD30.5o ? e2 - g

Si i!

mm salooe

The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at ill HoursThe Finest Brands of

OUR, filiacc

Always on llund.H. X KOl.TK. Proprietor.

f ""v ja a n nmrm fiMRTrnnniiTan s.uanf i

Meat CompanyA i. ;M .i ..A . V

; .81 KING STREET,', ; ; a

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale ft Retail Butchers

... . isD.


pio ioi:idTB&R CANDY FACTOB!


F. HORN,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook A


TJ Hotel 8t. Telephone 74.



.lewder Jfc Vutliinalior,KUKUI JEWELRY IPECIALTV.

Ring Street, Honolulu, II, J,

Imp Particular atieutlon paid to allkinds of repairs, ))

The Baby's Bath.Nursery conveniences have been sup.

plementeil by the introduction of a newsponge basin, This is a pretty and deepchina bowl, decorated iu quaint Green-awa-

figures and divided into two dis-

tinct receptacles by a porcelain partition.Hot and cold water are thus directly atnurse's hand, with a powder box and asoap cup of a pattern to matck'. To fur-ther increase the usefulness of vtiis novel-ty," small willow ware stands in white andgold are provided, on to which the spongeboth may be lifted and readily trans-ported to any part of the room.

Huge but light weight willow wovenhampers, exquisitely trimmed with whiteesprit and pale blue ribbons, are fittedup with every knewn nursery luxury,,from an ivory and silver rattle to keepthe small bather quiet, to the day's ward-robe and a cushion fine enough for aduchess' toilet table; no single article islacking. The bassinet, with its lowBwung rockers and graceful canopy, isdone up in the same manner and leavesthe infant nothing to desire. IllustratedAmerican.

A Pardonable Mistake.Editor What is that proof you havethe Morse alphabet?Assistant No; an interview with a

parrot, Puck.




Ready IViixed



All Shades & Colors.

Put up In y, t aud 5 Gal. Cans.

3?" For Sale By

WILDER & CO.ln3 lm

For Yokslama & HoneKona.


Pacific Mail Steamship Co.


Occidental & Orient?.! S. S. Co

Will call at Honolulu on theirway to the above ports,

as follows :

Stmr. "City of Peking" " Am?. 18.Stmr. "Belpio." " " Oct- - 15.Ssmr. "China." " " Dec 15.

Round Trip Tickets to Yokohamaand return, via San Francisco, 8350.for particulars apply to

H. HACKFELD 4 CO .138 tf Aarents.

All Night Hack I


Hack IV. 14,Hereby notltle bis friends and the pub-

lic generally, that he can beculled at

All Hours ot the Night I

Stand at Club Stables, Tele-phones No, 477.

Honolulu, April , 1691. ly

Htlas Assoraoce Gomaiyor liONuus.


Ageuts for the liawallau UhtmU,

The Equitable Life AssuranceSociety of the United States.

Mew Assurance Written in 1890 $ 203,826,107 00Ineome : 35,036,683 24Surplus (from which dividend will be made) 23,740-44- 7 34

ir'L 7 . "

An Investment Worth Knowing About!

Before assuring your life, or investing your money, examine the Twenty- -

Year Tontine Policies of The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S.

Policies maturing in 1891 realize cash returns to the owners, of amountstrying from 120 to 176 per cent, of the money paid in, besides the advan-

tage of the Assurance during the whole period of twenty years.tIh following is one of many actual cases maturing this year:

Endowment Policy No. 64,925.Issued in 1871, at age 27. Amount, 15,000.

Premium, $239.90. Total Prerns. Paid, 84,798.

at End of Tontine Period in 1891 :

Cash Surrender

fEaual to $176.10 for.

each $100 paid... 1 . I

return Of all premiums paiu, WilU niiKresi. ai, J pur ueoi. ier milium.;Or, in lieu of cash,

A Paid-u- p Life Policy for $19,470

(Equal to $405.80 for each $100 paid in premiums.)Or,

A Life Annuity of $633.55.- o--

ALEX. J.Ctaural Agent for the Hawaiian Inlands, Equitable Life An8urance

of the U. 8. 1"fll

Telephones; No. 175.- -


California Wheat, Oat Hay, in large and rum preyed bales ; Barley, Rolled

ft Ground Barley, California & New Zeitl.mcl Oats, MiddlingH, liraii, Corn,Cracked Corn, Wheat, Etc., Etc., Etc., Ku Also,

Drifted Snow and Victor Flour !


W keep constantly in stock the celebrated Fertilisers manufactured by Mr,

A. Haas of San Francisco, via.: B ne Meal, Wool lust and Hinli Gradethipr Phosphate, all of which can be had at bedrock price.

" Vy Island orders solicited and
