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Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05

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Embry-Riddle Fly Paper Newspapers 5-5-1941 Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05 Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05 Embry-Riddle School of Aviation Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper Scholarly Commons Citation Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05" (1941). Embry-Riddle Fly Paper. 55. https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper/55 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Embry-Riddle Fly Paper by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected].
Page 1: Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05

Embry-Riddle Fly Paper Newspapers


Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05 Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05

Embry-Riddle School of Aviation

Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper

Scholarly Commons Citation Scholarly Commons Citation Embry-Riddle School of Aviation, "Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05" (1941). Embry-Riddle Fly Paper. 55. https://commons.erau.edu/fly-paper/55

This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Embry-Riddle Fly Paper by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected].

Page 2: Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05



Vol . 2 Yay ~ · 1941, Mia.mi , Florida No . 3


As predicted some time ago in this publication, Miami Municipal Airport will become a "cont:rolled field", a safety measure necessitated by the tremendous number of Pan }, erican Airways and National Airlines passen­ger ships and Embry-Riddl6r training ships operating there . Fulfilling a long felt need, the new control system, under C.A.A· regulations , will not only elirrdne.te many 1 ding ha.zzards, but will give the Embry-Riddle flight students much valu ble training against the day when every com­mercial airport will be c •ntrolled. Effective as soon as the ecessary equipnent can be purchase and installed, control of ships will be intained 24 hours a day by radio from the trnffio tower used during the All Amorica.n Air Rnces . As a temporary me sure., effec­tive May 2, a "light" con rol system will be used, the rules f r which we present for the benefit o ~ our own flight students and visi t .µig friends : TO\~R: The control tower •ls located at the west edge of the fiel , 500 feet north of the North Hangar • All control signals will emanate fr this tower. Pilots must observe same .

Continued on


,.lther ~t. time to

hir.l fly

Page 3: Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05



Ed:rtorial Staff J o h n P au l R i ddl e { Bud Belland

President Edi tor

Associate Editors Web st e r Wiggin { Seaplane Ad Thompson Division

Th oma s Ha l pin { Technical Don Wn ts on Div i sion

Cap't. Le n P o v ey !U.S. krrr.1P-rioory K B l . t t Schoo i P.1.d.d i6 1.e.,-0

ay rem 1 Institute Da l e De J anty Oadstrom .Piel..i,

.A,..cadia, Ftodda

Lt. Van H. Bur ginG Nunic i pal Bob J oh nst on Ai rpo rt

Land Division Cha rli e Ebbc t s ~ Photographer

E D I T 0 ~ I A L

NE1 i EMERGEMCY FIELDS--WHY 1;0T? Popular Aviation in a r ecent issue car­r iod quito a story about the small town which likod both flying and golf, but couldn ' t afford both an air port and a golf course, so, the golfers and aviators worked out a mutual agreement wher eby golfers 1r1ould vacate the fair­way to uny ship circling three times . And a..fter the landing was completed, tho usual story was that the aviators hauled out golf bags and t .. 1osomos be­crune foursomes , which looks like a sensible solution to the small tovm ' s problem.

All of which brings forth the thought that someone is overlooking an out­standing defense measure if they are not planning to convert our hundreds of golf coursos into emergency fields i!l case of ivnr. In both d of on si vc and offensive avio.tion operations, it has beon said that operations can be best made by small groups of ships opora·t­

ing from widely scattered fields , both from the standpoint of servicing the ships and protecting them against enemy attacks .

It is the hope of the FLY PAPER that the powers thnt be in V.fashington will give serious thought to this suge,:ostion. Operating under the direction of a national chairman, ~tate chairmen could orge.."'lize local country club members into corrani"ttoos to survey their golf courses , p r c­po.ro topographical :naps sh01d.ng ob~tructil'.'n.3, length of fairways avail­able for runways , an nccurato cstiz=l;.ttc 01 earth leveling necessary to­gether with the runO\mt of fill needed, .. ,.1 ere it could be obtained and · O\v it could be moved. ., .r "M" do.y plan, ca..lplctc in over-:r deto.i 1,

lld be pluced in tho hanus o; the n i.on 1 chalrman enabling him to making emcrg.:mcy .fields ,.ri thin few minutes by calling the cho..ir­

f' tho local committee c.nd telling him to execute the alr eady c on­lan. And as much as golfers love golf, vre truly believe that ld gi vc every coopcr· .. tion i..Yl. the f~co of tho present emer gency.

Page 4: Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05

LIGHT SIGNALS: SHIPS IN TlIE AIR - Groen light from tower, clear for landing . Red light - Go around for another approach. (DO UOT L.AND l )

SHIPS ON THE GROUND - Red light - Stay where you are . (DO NOT MOVE t) ureen flicker - Taxi back for take­off position. Green flicker - Ta..~i out for take ­off position . Green light - clear for takeoff .

And thoro 's the story, boys and girls , so to..ko off your dn.rk glo..sses , o.nd don •t forgot to "Look for the light l"


If we keop getting feathers in this old cap, we ' ll soon look like u full fledged Indian bruve on the wurpo.th, - but this is just too good for us not to take a bow. Before Civil Aeronautics Inspector J . H. Nall left this district he remarked that our pilot • s ground school was the best he had ever seen. In fact , he spent much time studying our instruction procedure -..... and ho.s taken a copy of our curriculum which he will advocate be adopted in other flight training schools . Credit for this feather goes to Van Burgin and Wilbur Sheffield who conceived and put into effect this so importa.n·I:; phase of our training program.


Ea.stern Air Lines flight steward L· D. Hudson, v·:ho flies on his "off0

days with Embry-Riddle at the Municipal base , reports that more than a third of the pussengers on his New York to Miami run pay their fares in "script" , a form of pre - paid ticket on i.:.rhich there is a 15% discount if bought in blocks of $500 . or more . Which indicates the percentage of travelers who use air r-assage exclusively.

* * * We met ex- flight student TOI\: LINDSEY in the corner drug store the other day. Tommie is shooting for an appointment as Na.val Aviation Cadet . Since he got his private license, Tom comes around from time to time to fly with us, in fn.ct , he told us tha.t his futl:er wouldn't let him fly

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anywhere except o.t Embry- Riddle , which is a swell compliment on his opinion of our equipment . Tho.nks i

* * * And have you seen our new ship??? ' Tis a Curtis P- 36 , a darned fine model which Jimmie Cousins built for Professor Barnhardt to use in demonstrating proper technique to secondstry flight students . The boys have tagged it company ship =/1.:100 .

* * * .An orchid to Hal Leyshon and Howe Saddler, recently appointed public relations representatives for Embry- Riddle , for the swell job they are doing in the local and national publications l And many thanks, too , to Hal and Peggie Leyshon for the fried shrjlmp dinner they had at their "ra.nch11 down the country on Old Ingraha.'TD. High111Uy ·where we met many S\Vell folks including Tom Smith, of the Miami Ihily NC'ws , and his charming wife HMike", pert little TVA seoretary Margaret Roos , Alice ana Louise Cox , Mr . and Mrs . Ed Sclwmrtzman, Ed rs sister n futchtt, from Chattanooga , and Peggie Mee , Mio.mi gal who is just about to take fly­ing lessons with Embry - Riddle .

Interesting sidelight of the party was le~arning that "~:~ike" Smith once handled publicity for Boss Riddle back in the days of the old Miami Aero Corporation, and is sho sold on E~bty-Riddle i Quoting her word for word, "I ' m so glad for Paul l You kno11r, he ' s the finest man I ever met, and it ' s wonderful to see all his dJreams of a big air school in 11iami coming true l " Kind words , "Mike" , but hold your hat , we ' re just beginnine; i Cooperating vrith Leyson- Saddler on public relations is Gus Dorr ,, of Parsons , Dorr and Hu.me , who vrill handle all advertising . vre lcot1e into the company~

* * * More and more , employees and friends of 1t;he company a.re tl.rorping in a.t ·che Main Office at the Technical School Buil<ling, some on business and many just to say "hello" a.nd look around at the new developments . Sit­ting here nov; is Bob Lape , instructor at our Army training school in Arcadia, who is in Miami on a two day i'uJrlough . Then~ too, in the last vreek,, we ' ve seen Flight Instructors Ray Morton, Hike Co~ert nnd Jack Wantz; Municipal Operations llanager Van Burgin and stock room chief H. o. Bates, to name just a. few. Come in again, fellows, we •re always glad to r..ave you \.risi t and never too busy to show you around the school, and that goes for all our readers J

* * * -,Te see by the papers, oh , boy, oh, boy l Flight student Warren Garne r Reid ' s engagement to Miss Janet Elaine s·tevvard has recently been an­nounced in the Miami papers , and if Jane·t is just half as pretty as

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her pitcher,- again we sa.~ , oh, boy l at the }.iiami Bea.ch Connnuni ty Church.

The wedding is set for June 17th And plenty congratulQtions to

you , rrarrcn l

* * * ~ Watch out, little bug l Bob I:ndson, vrho ~~ ... recently passed n plenty smooth conunercial . '<" ~ -~\~)} flight test, has l;One back to crop dusting. ~~~~·J)~:; .. Tell us, Bob, \'."hat do the boll weevils think ~::..·~~'"") of your chandelles and eights J * * * 0 ~~~

Stinson Aircraft is forming a Stinson 11Round the ·vorld11 club, open to anyone who has logged 250 hours in Stinsons . A rignt nice certificate, with seals and gold and stuff goes with the memborship, so if you arc eligible, write for membership blank to V-1 . A. Hara, c/o Stinson Air-craft, v;ayne, Michigan. /:(.?. CV

SAVE THIS ll\TE S MAY *2;r~ - FOR A GOOD TIME'!§;.; ·;Ji../f. lffucn primary CPTPer John Brennan suggested a ~ (> ~ ,J graduation Ck"l..ncc for the CPI' program, .he lmcw d ~ :...._ ~ ~ J not vrha t he v:as starting. So many "seconds'' J '"~ ~. / -to that motion have been received that it looks li!~c it vrill be a demand pcrfonnancc, and not just one dance , but it ho.s been suggested by others that tho Embry- Riddle sL-udonts and em­ployees got together once ovory month and have an inforr:lal dinner dance .

George lfiheelcr has alreudy done some research work on this , and has found tho..t we · con get the Corn] Gables Country Club , a complete full course dinner , CJl eleven piece orchestra and exclusive use of the do.nee floor and club facilities for only ~1 . 25 per person. A tentative date was set for May 16th, but since that would conflict with the student dance at RA.I in Arcadia, we arc plnnning to make our first monthly dinner dance a week later , Friday, Hay 23 nt the Coral Gables Country Club . Much work needs to be done betueen now and then, but if you want a good dinner , dan--inG nnd o. lot of real fun, keep that date open l

* * * Chief of Linc Crcvr a. t Municipn.l Warren Keller reports thn. t Maston O' Ncul ,, CPTPer, ho.s replaced Renold Hcrto.nen who had to go north, and· on the 7th, Bob Ha.lseth will leave, being replaced by "Tiny" Joe Crum, another CPT student .

* * * - 5 -

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I ( I . ..- -.~-.••• '.t,~~. ~:~ .... ••


// I \ I

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(That's Jack Wantz testing our nevr Instrument ship . )

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I I j t


It is \•;ith extreme regrets that we have just learned that Captain Donovan has received orders, effective immediately, to report elsewhere for duty . The news had a stagger­ing effect on all at the field, and an air of gloom prevails . It would be impossible to conceive of finding anyone who could re­place Capt . Donovan. As we stated in our first contribution to the Fly- Paper , "Moose'1

was undoubtedly the most popular man on the Post, and his leaving will be felt long and hard by those who have come to lmov: him. Ylfe knovr we speak for all concerned when we so.y "Best wishes on your new assignment and we hate to see you leave , Captain . "

* * * The latest of group of instructors that have passed the final check and are ready to start in on the new group of Cadets include Nick Tamposi , George Cochrane, "Pretty Boy" Bob Lape , Warr en J . North, Red McKendry; and Mr . Jones . In the refresher class nt the present are J . s. Ayala , H. B. Woolf, A. Minichiello , and. Mr . Clewis of Tampa . Mr . Clewis com­mutes occasionally with his Ryan ST .

* * * The first class of ttMisters" to a r rive were known technically as 41- H, and they are now past the half way point in their ten weeks course . Class 41- I is nov· arriving, and i:.rill report for ground aad flight training; Monday morning . We would like to take the oppor tunity, through the Fly- Paper. to 1velcome Class 41- I on behalf of the entire staff at RAI .

* * * Another diP.ner - dance is to be held in the Mess Hall on Friday evening. this one to be sponsored by the Cadets . An orchestra is being Lmported from Lakeland for the event ~ which promises to be both large and festive .

* * * The RAI Pilots, as they are latown, will play their first scheduled game in the City League on Sunday at 2 P .M. Their opponents will be a team from Nocatee , and it pr omises to be a lively affair . The team. will be composed of flight personnel , ground personnel , and administrative per­~onnel •• In this Ir.ann3r, the scl-;.ool vrill put forth its very best talent

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against the outside teams , meanwhile still holding the contests amongst the several teams wholly within the organiza:tion.

"They Wanted Wings Jn

Like the boys in the currently popular moving picture, Jimmie Parrott and Warren Reid wanted wings , too . Out at · Municipal Thursday they cornered Registrar Arthur Gibbons and said, 11 Lookey· here, 1'1r . G. , how about it , now1 11 And they got their wings . In fact , e:ny student pilot who graduates to p r ivate pi lot or better vri th Embr"J- Riddle is entitled to a. pair of vangs , and if you for any reason haven ' t gotten yours , just raise the "Dn with Mr. G.J

HONORED GUESTS Visiting l:Iiami bases this vreek vras Jl1liddleton DeCamp , Aviation Director for Standard Oi 1 of Kentuc1~y, -r1ho fleu into Mio.mi to con.fer i;ri. th C. R. l:lci~iurray, local Standard representa.ti ve on the aviation gas si tua.tion. A hastily orga..--iized entertainment c armni ttee including Ed Chinn., Ch:u-lie Ebbets and George ~fueeler took the "gas g,-uys" out for a.fl e-vening of dining and dancing, and from. all reports filtering back, everyone had a good time.

other visitors included Captain Kar 1 Vo el ter, in charge of Marine Corps flight training at Opa Locka, who l anded at our ]:lunicipal base to hangar fly a bit with ol d f r iends ; CAA Inspector Dick Vavrina, Tampa, · who came over to give fli ght tests but was r ained out; and Bob Wemple, Jr., Atlanta, CP..A chief of pri vr..-te flying who ·was mo.king a routine in­spection tour . True to the spi r i t of spr ing, vfo found lir . Bob writing poetry to Elaine Devery1 Oh, Yes , Bud Heck was in1 too,, for a fl i ght between his sales trips ~ cover ing the ~tate for Paris garters and stuff .

**:~ '-..." ~ / ABOUT YOUR FLY PAPER1 ~ ~ ~J ~

Some confusion still exists since two weeks ago - ,./~· ~ ~<'~; when the FLY PAPER vras put on a direct mail distr. ~ 0 .... Cl.') ~~:) basis . Found to be much more satisfactory than t~\;JJ.[~ haphuzzard mass distribution, the FLY PAPER _ ~'~ ~t rr;" yJill be mai l ed f r ee of charge to you each vrcek. .~: ~ J ?' Every off ort was ma.de to include all our stu- t f .. ~ \ dents and employees on the mailing lists, but ~ A . ·~..... ·

if you a.re not now receiving your copy in the ".-: mail, please give the main office telephone operator, phone 3- 0711, your name and address

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or drop us a postal - c/o FLY PAPER, 3240 llJ" . w. 27th Avenue, Miami . And the same story applies for change of address . For instance, A. Brotton, M. Householder and L. Hickson have been dropped from the mailing list for lack of proper addresses .

SAFETY THOUGHT FOR TODAY "Neirer tell a student "HO'tf' viithout immediately telling him nwh"Y't .

* * * BEST LAUGH OF THE YIBEK - \Then Peggie 0 tDonnell Patton answered the phone and said, "Miss O' Donnell speakingJ 11 Wait, Peggie, you're married, remember?


Jimmie Cousins , ·who takes great pride in putting his students thru the different stages right on time, raising tho devil with flight student Joe Bonnano for being five minutes overtilnc •• Philip

do la Rosa, just returned from Arcadia, 1ri 11 begin Spanish classes at Tech on 1Ionday •• c. W. Tinsley is seeking advice •• can t\1110 live as cheap­ly as one •• and the gal in the case is June Colt •• it ~un't be long nowl

Philip Ogden waL"\cing nTuggie" up and dor:m in front of Tech nhile await­ing for Jean •• or was "Tuggie11 walking Philip? •• the weather department double crossed all Chamber of Commerce boosters vrl. th three days of wind and rain •• veddy, veddy unusual for Miami v:!here "every day is a flying day" •• well, usually, anyway •• sheet metal student J . G. 'Nason, Lake ~ales printer, who cmne into aviation to get a~ray from the nerve strain of the composing room •• Vultee Aircraft dedicated its nevr plo.nt in Ten­nessee on Mo.y 3rd •• the new passenger elevator at Tech acutully works •• first official passengers were Ye Edi tor and Jimr.tle Ross •• kind of a. test flight , one might say •• there are several good, completely over­hauled 50 horsepo11.rer Lycoming motors for sale at P.funicipal stock- room.

* * * THE FLYil~G JACKASS FLIES AGAIN I Tho good old "fil.rnbry- Riddlc Flyin' Jackass, the highest honor of honors awarded to flight students for "boners" has found a naw pal in L . 11. Fisher, primary CPTPer who tried to steal "Downwind" Jackson ' s landing tactics the other day. A mild :form of punishment borrowed from the Army Air Corps, the Flyin ' Jackass ha.s ma.de several flights during the past year and has al"Pro.ys been vrell talcen care of by the boys . Last honoree wa.s ~.!orton DuPrcc, ·who tried to start o. taxiing o.rgmn.ent be­tween the ·,la.co and th0 Fairchild.

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BEST ALIBI OF THE WEEK: - Jimmie Brickell explained a four bounce landing to Mike Covert by tel ling Hike that he had to sneeze just as he levolod off. Four sneezes, four bounces . Hope Jimmie never gets sleepy about that time! AND AS FOR TEE FIRST PRIVATE PILOT CONTEST BET\"IBEl\J JDfi'HE AND JOE DE­VALENTINE - things are in a pretty state of affairs, both lads are ready to take flight tests, both have been held up by the wind and rain. and as we go to press on Friday, it appears to be just a matter of whether Bob Jolmston gets to Municipal or the seaplane base first . By next ·week we can give you the complete results in this contest.

* * * Congratu~.~~..,ons t~-·.ann. y Bowen, sheet metal student, who won the jitter-

{ .... , .. '7'" bug and rumba contest la.st Fri day ~~ '~ ~ :.;· night at the Coral Gables Country ~-<:z It ."; ~\ Club . Thay tell us Danny worked so

iJ · .... , \ hard because he thought the prize _.: \\) was 020 . instoa.d of .. )2 ., but for our

part, we vrouldn ' t even call it work ~~ .... , .. ~... . ~'' to da.:nce with the beautiful Jackie

t'( f/f \' · · Watson, his partner. \I ~\_--...\\. r; * * *

Welding Instructor Billy Barr just crune in to report the.t Harry Lane, one of his welding graduates , had left for Lock Haven, Penna., to ac­cept a job vrith Piper .Aircra..f't . Another graduate, Irving Kneitel left for New York City where he has a job lined up in an uircruft factory and Bob Shively, sheet metal graduate , is reported to be working with Curtis Wright in Buffalo . Nice ~oing, lads J

* * * Mary Bee, mascot and majorette for the national prize winning Harvey Seeds .American Legion Post drum o.:n.d bugle corps, i.:13.s flonn to the state convention in Key '\Yest last 1·.reek by !ii.lee Cavort, o. member of the local Post.

STUDENT E:NROWJIE1'1T KEEPS INCREASING Like a snow~nll rolling dovm n steep hill, enrollment at the Technical School kocps increasing by leaps und bounds . Since reported here a week ago, 50 more students have been added, in the follovring courses : sheet metal, 20 ; iircraft, 5 ; airline maintenance, 12; engines ., 2; welding, 3 ; riveting, l ; instruments , 4 ; pilots ground school,l; and Aircraft und Engine, 2.


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Newest addition to the Thlbry- Riddle training fleet is the five place Fairchild vanier bought from Bort Strook for Instrument instruction and charter flying. First official flight of the nevi plo.no was to tako w. c. Giddings and A. J . Bergman., "'.Jashington R. F. C. officials, and John McKe.y on an inspection flight from Miami to Arcadia. On the return trip, Lt . Burgin let Mr. Bergman do the flying,, which pleased Bergman and sea.red heck out of Mr . Giddings . After lunch at RAI,, boys fran ·,vashington accused Capt . Povey of putting on a. "special" lunch for visitors, but El C ... pitan shouted an emphatic denial., "Absolutely not, gentlemen. this is merely a. regular luncheon (breast of chicken, by the way) and the only reason the boys aren ' t fat is because they are working so hard on their flying l "

* * * AND SPEAKING OF LETTERS - here is one from old friend Bob !fills to Boss Riddle: "I have just received the March 13 edition of the FLY Pi:.PER and it certainly is growing. From "That I read, the 1vhole organization is groJ·t.i.ng, and I 'm certainly glad to see it.

Your training certainly has stood well by me. I 'm now a member of the 7lst squadron of the 1st Pursuit Group . I 1m lucky because it's a new squadron and I ' ll soon be a flight commander .

At present we are flying -- (tltal inf'ormation deloted) . Yfe get a lot of cross country in tho - - ---' s so don ' t be surprised if I drop in sano time. Ono of my buddi cs was dovm. there lo.st woek.

Please write and let me knovr what has happened to Peter Brooks, and say hello to everyone for me.

Sincerely, Bob Hills ." Bob ' s address is Selfridge Field, Mt . Clemens , Michigan. And he ' s prom-1sed to send some cartoons for the FLY PAPER as soon as he can find time .


~Il.fuITE BRICKELL buys the "Cokes" . - A direct short-wave radiogram to the FLY P.i~ER nov.rsroom just stated that Joe DeValentine, Idunicipal ehtrJ in the race to be first private pilot to gr .... duatc on the present ¢PT prot,ra.m, passed his pr: vate flight test Friday afternoon, just a scant tvro hours ahead of Jim Brickell, Seo.plane bnso entr"J1 who passed his private flight test later the same dey. Congratulc..tions, boys, \twas a good race. and we ' ll all be arol.Uld to collect those "cokes" t'rom Jimmie!


Page 13: Embry-Riddle Fly Paper 1941-05-05

£ •oN t ·10A

~SdVd ! 'I ~

·~ 9 ., 'd i9~ ·:>3s a 'la a I a - .A 8 aw g



America's greatest plane ya.lue ••••• this new,

de ltDce Stinson "Voyager", ,completely equipped

and ready for immediate delivery - can be seen

e.."ld flown at the ELillRY-RIDDI.E hangar J Miami

Municipal Airport. For a demonstr~tion call

F. c. Belland, phone 3-0711.
