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Emerging Architectures and UQ: Implications and...

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Emerging Architectures and UQ: Implications and Opportunities Michael A. Heroux Scalable Algorithms Department Sandia National Laboratories Collaborators: SNL Staff: [B.|R.] Barrett, E. Boman, R. Brightwell, H.C. Edwards, A. Williams SNL Postdocs: M. Hoemmen, S. Rajamanickam MIT Lincoln Lab: M. Wolf ORNL staff: Chris Baker Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energyʼs National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
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Emerging Architectures and UQ: Implications and Opportunities

Michael A. Heroux Scalable Algorithms Department

Sandia National Laboratories

Collaborators: SNL Staff: [B.|R.] Barrett, E. Boman, R. Brightwell, H.C. Edwards, A. Williams SNL Postdocs: M. Hoemmen, S. Rajamanickam MIT Lincoln Lab: M. Wolf ORNL staff: Chris Baker

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin company, for the U.S. Department of Energyʼs National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. !

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1.  Brief Introduction to Trilinos (Why I think the way I do). 2.  Why you should care about parallelism (if you don’t already). 3.  Why SPMD (think MPI) is successful. 4.  Most future programmers won’t need to write parallel code. 5.  Extended precision is not too expensive to be useful. 6.  Resilience will be built into algorithms. 7.  A solution with error bars complements architecture trends.

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Trilinos Background & Motivation

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Trilinos Contributors

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Target Problems: PDES and more…



Inhomogeneous Fluids

And More…

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Target Platforms: Any and All (Now and in the Future)

  Desktop: Development and more…   Capability machines:

  Cielo (XE6), JaguarPF (XT5), Clusters   Titan (Hybrid CPU/GPU).   Multicore nodes.

  Parallel software environments:   MPI of course.   threads, vectors, CUDA OpenCL, …   Combinations of the above.

  User “skins”:   C++/C, Python   Fortran.   Web.

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Evolving Trilinos Solution   Trilinos1 is an evolving framework to address these challenges:

  Fundamental atomic unit is a package.   Includes core set of vector, graph and matrix classes (Epetra/Tpetra packages).   Provides a common abstract solver API (Thyra package).   Provides a ready-made package infrastructure:

•  Source code management (git). •  Build tools (Cmake). •  Automated regression testing. •  Communication tools (mail lists, trac).

  Specifies requirements and suggested practices for package SQA.   In general allows us to categorize efforts:

  Efforts best done at the Trilinos level (useful to most or all packages).   Efforts best done at a package level (peculiar or important to a package).   Allows package developers to focus only on things that are unique to

their package.

1. Trilinos loose translation: “A string of pearls”

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A Solutions Capability Maturity Model

Forward Analysis

Accurate & Efficient Forward Analysis

Robust Analysis with Parameter Sensitivities

Optimization of Design/System

Quantify Uncertainties/Systems Margins

Optimization under Uncertainty

Each stage requires greater performance and error control of prior stages: Always will need: more accurate and scalable methods.

more sophisticated tools.

Systems of systems

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maherou@jaguar13:/ccs/home/maherou> module avail trilinos

------------------------------------------------ /opt/cray/modulefiles ------------------------------------------------- trilinos/10.0.1(default) trilinos/10.2.0

------------------------------------------------- /sw/xt5/modulefiles -------------------------------------------------- trilinos/10.0.4 trilinos/10.2.2 trilinos/10.4.0 trilinos/8.0.3 trilinos/9.0.2

-  6,200 Registered Users - 20,400 Source Downloads.

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Capability Leaders: Layer of Proactive Leadership

  Areas:   Framework, Tools & Interfaces (J. Willenbring).   Software Engineering Technologies and Integration (R. Bartlett).   Discretizations (P. Bochev).   Geometry, Meshing & Load Balancing (K. Devine).   Scalable Linear Algebra (M. Heroux).   Linear & Eigen Solvers (J. Hu).   Nonlinear, Transient & Optimization Solvers (A. Salinger).   Scalable I/O: (R. Oldfield)

  Each leader provides strategic direction across all Trilinos packages within area.

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Trilinos Package Summary Objective Package(s)

Discretizations Meshing & Discretizations STKMesh, Intrepid, Pamgen, Sundance, ITAPS, Mesquite

Time Integration Rythmos

Methods Automatic Differentiation Sacado

Mortar Methods Moertel


Linear algebra objects Epetra, Jpetra, Tpetra, Kokkos

Interfaces Thyra, Stratimikos, RTOp, FEI, Shards

Load Balancing Zoltan, Isorropia

“Skins” PyTrilinos, WebTrilinos, ForTrilinos, Ctrilinos, Optika

C++ utilities, I/O, thread API Teuchos, EpetraExt, Kokkos, Triutils, ThreadPool, Phalanx


Iterative linear solvers AztecOO, Belos, Komplex

Direct sparse linear solvers Amesos, Amesos2

Direct dense linear solvers Epetra, Teuchos, Pliris

Iterative eigenvalue solvers Anasazi, Rbgen

ILU-type preconditioners AztecOO, IFPACK, Ifpack2

Multilevel preconditioners ML, CLAPS

Block preconditioners Meros, Teko

Nonlinear system solvers NOX, LOCA

Optimization (SAND) MOOCHO, Aristos, TriKota, Globipack, Optipack

Stochastic PDEs Stokhos

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Emerging Architecture Algorithms & Programming Challenges

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Why care about parallelism: Riding the commodity curve

• In the past: – Clock speed, ILP. – Number of nodes.

• Now and future: – Core count, vector length. – Number of nodes (somewhat).

• But I have ensembles, all the parallelism I need. – Yes, but, – Fine grain parallelism (SIMD, SIMT) is part of the

commodity curve formula.

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Three Parallel Computing Design Points

• Terascale Laptop: Uninode-Manycore

• Petascale Deskside: Multinode-Manycore

• Exascale Center: Manynode-Manycore

Common Element Goal: Make Petascale = Terascale + more Exascale = Petascale + more

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Factoring 1K to1B-Way Parallelism

• Why 1K to 1B? – Clock rate: O(1GHz) → O(109) ops/sec sequential – Terascale: 1012 ops/sec → O(103) simultaneous ops

•  1K parallel intra-node. – Petascale: 1015 ops/sec → O(106) simultaneous ops

•  1K-10K parallel intra-node. •  100-1K parallel inter-node.

– Exascale: 1018 ops/sec → O(109) simultaneous ops •  1K-10K parallel intra-node. •  100K-1M parallel inter-node.

• Current nodes: – SPARC64™ VIIIfx: 128GF (at 2.2GHz). “K” machine – NVIDIA Fermi: 500GF (at 1.1GHz). Tianhe-1A.

Stein’s Law: If a trend cannot continue, it will stop. Herbert Stein, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers under Nixon and Ford.

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Data Movement: Locality

• Locality always important: – Caches: CPU – L1$ vs L2$ vs DRAM: Order of magnitude latency.

• Newer concern: – NUMA affinity. –  Initial data placement important (unless FLOP rich). – Example:

•  4-socket AMD with dual six-core per socket (48 cores). • BW of owner-compute: 120 GB/s. • BW of neighbor-compute: 30 GB/s.

• GPUs: Not so much a concern.

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Memory Size

• Current “healthy” memory/core: – 512 MB/core (e.g. MD computations). – 2 GB/core (e.g. Implicit CFD).

• Future: – 512 MB/core “luxurious”.

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• Individual component reliability: – Tuned for “acceptable” failure rate.

• Aggregate reliability: – Function of all components not failing. – May decline.

• Size of data sets may limit usage of standard checkpoint/restart.

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Summary of Algorithms Challenge

•  Realize node parallelism of O(1K-10K). • Do so

– Within a more complicated memory system and – With reduced relative memory capacity and – With decreasing reliability.

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Designing for Trends

• Long-term success must include design for change. • Algorithms we develop today must adapt to future changes.

• Lesson from Distributed Memory (SPMD): – What was the trend? Increasing processor count. – Domain decomposition algs matched trend.

• Design algorithm for p domains. • Design software for expanded modeling within a domain.

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New Trends and Responses

•  Increasing data parallelism: – Design for vectorization and increasing vector lengths. –  SIMT a bit more general, but fits under here.

•  Increasing core count: –  Expose task level parallelism. –  Expresss task using DAG or similar constructs.

• Reduced memory size: –  Express algorithms as multi-precision. – Compute data vs. store

• Memory architecture complexity: –  Localize allocation/initialization. –  Favor algorithms with higher compute/communication ratio.

• Resilience: –  Distinguish what must be reliably computed. –  Incorporate bit-state uncertainty into broader UQ contexts?

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Observations and Strategies for Parallel Algorithms Design

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Tramonto WJDC


•  New functional. •  Bonded systems. •  552 lines C code.

WJDC-DFT (Werthim, Jain, Dominik, and Chapman) theory for bonded systems. (S. Jain, A. Dominik, and W.G. Chapman. Modified interfacial statistical associating fluid theory: A perturbation density functional theory for inhomogeneous complex fluids. J. Chem. Phys., 127:244904, 2007.) Models stoichiometry constraints inherent to bonded systems.

How much MPI-specific code?


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dft_fill_wjdc.c MPI-specific


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Single Program Multiple Data (SPMD) 101 Separation of Concerns: Parallelism vs. Modeling

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2D PDE on Regular Grid (Standard Laplace)

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2D PDE on Regular Grid (Helmholtz)

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2D PDE on Regular Grid (4th Order Laplace)

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More General Mesh and Partitioning

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SPMD Patterns for Domain Decomposition

• Halo Exchange: – Conceptual. – Needed for any partitioning, halo layers. – MPI is simply portability layer. – Could be replace by PGAS, one-sided, …

• Collectives: – Dot products, norms.

• All other programming: – Sequential!!!

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Computational Domain Expert Writing MPI Code

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Computational Domain Expert Writing Future Parallel Code

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Evolving Parallel Programming Model


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Parallel Programming Model: Multi-level/Multi-device

Stateless and vectorizable computational kernels!

run on each core!

Intra-node (manycore) parallelism and resource


Node-local control flow (serial)!

Inter-node/inter-device (distributed) parallelism and resource management!


Message Passing!


computational node with

manycore CPUs!and / or!GPGPU!

network of computational



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Domain Scientist’s Parallel Palette • MPI-only (SPMD) apps:

–  Single parallel construct. –  Simultaneous execution. –  Parallelism of even the messiest serial code.

• Next-generation PDE and related applications: –  Internode:

•  MPI, yes, or something like it. •  Composed with intranode.

–  Intranode: •  Much richer palette. •  More care required from programmer.

• What are the constructs in our new palette?

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Obvious Constructs/Concerns

• Parallel for: forall (i, j) in domain {…} – No loop-carried dependence. – Rich loops. – Use of shared memory for temporal reuse, efficient

device data transfers. • Parallel reduce: forall (i, j) in domain {

xnew(i, j) = …; delx+= abs(xnew(i, j) - xold(i, j)); } – Couple with other computations. – Concern for reproducibility.

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Other construct: Pipeline

• Sequence of filters. • Each filter is:

– Sequential (grab element ID, enter global assembly) or – Parallel (fill element stiffness matrix).

• Filters executed in sequence. • Programmer’s concern:

– Determine (conceptually): Can filter execute in parallel? – Write filter (serial code). – Register it with the pipeline.

• Extensible: – New physics feature. – New filter added to pipeline.

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Other construct: Thread team

• Multiple threads. • Fast barrier. • Shared, fast access memory pool. • Example: Nvidia SM • X86 more vague, emerging more clearly in future.

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Thread Team Advantanges

• Qualitatively better algorithm: – Threaded triangular solve scales. – Fewer MPI ranks means fewer iterations, better

robustness. • Exploits:

– Shared data. – Fast barrier. – Data-driven parallelism.

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Finite Elements/Volumes/Differences and parallel node constructs

• Parallel for, reduce, pipeline: – Sufficient for vast majority of node level computation. – Supports:

• Complex modeling expression. • Vanilla parallelism.

– Must be “stencil-aware” for temporal locality. • Thread team:

– Complicated. – Requires true parallel algorithm knowledge. – Useful in solvers.

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Programming Today for Tomorrow’s Machines


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Programming Today for Tomorrow’s Machines

• Parallel Programming in the small: – Focus: writing sequential code fragments. – Programmer skills:

•  10%: Pattern/framework experts (domain-aware). •  90%: Domain experts (pattern-aware)

• Languages needed are already here. – Exception: Large-scale data-intensive graph?

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FE/FV/FD Parallel Programming Today

for ((i,j,k) in points/elements on subdomain) {!!compute coefficients for point (i,j,k)!!inject into global matrix! }!

Notes: •  User in charge of:

–  Writing physics code. –  Iteration space traversal. –  Storage association.

•  Pattern/framework/runtime in charge of: –  SPMD execution.

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FE/FV/FD Parallel Programming Tomorrow

pipeline <i,j,k> {! filter(addPhysicsLayer1<i,j,k)>);!! ...! filter(addPhysicsLayern<i,j,k>);!! filter(injectIntoGlobalMatrix<i,j,k>);! }!

Notes: •  User in charge of:

–  Writing physics code (filter). –  Registering filter with framework.

•  Pattern/framework/runtime in charge of: –  SPMD execution. –  Iteration space traversal.

o  Sensitive to temporal locality. –  Filter execution scheduling. –  Storage association.

•  Better assignment of responsibility (in general).

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Portable Multi/Manycore Programming


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Generic Node Parallel Programming via C++ Template Metaprogramming

• Goal: Don’t repeat yourself (DRY). • Every parallel programming environment supports basic patterns: parallel_for, parallel_reduce. – OpenMP:

#pragma omp parallel for for (i=0; i<n; ++i) {y[i] += alpha*x[i];}

–  Intel TBB: parallel_for(blocked_range<int>(0, n, 100), loopRangeFn(…));

– CUDA: loopBodyFn<<< nBlocks, blockSize >>> (…);

• How can we write code once for all these (and future) environments?

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Kokkos Compute Model

•  How to make shared-memory programming generic: –  Parallel reduction is the intersection of dot() and norm1() –  Parallel for loop is the intersection of axpy() and mat-vec –  We need a way of fusing kernels with these basic constructs.

•  Template meta-programming is the answer. –  This is the same approach that Intel TBB and Thrust take. –  Has the effect of requiring that Tpetra objects be templated on Node type.

•  Node provides generic parallel constructs, user fills in the rest:

template  <class  WDP>    void  Node::parallel_for(      int  beg,  int  end,  WDP  workdata);  

template  <class  WDP>  WDP::ReductionType  Node::parallel_reduce(      int  beg,  int  end,  WDP  workdata);  

Work-data pair (WDP) struct provides: •  loop body via WDP::execute(i)

Work-data pair (WDP) struct provides: •  reduction type WDP::ReductionType •  element generation via WDP::generate(i) •  reduction via WDP::reduce(x,y)


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Example Kernels: axpy() and dot()!

template  <class  WDP>  void    Node::parallel_for(int  beg,  int  end,                                            WDP  workdata        );  

template  <class  WDP>  WDP::ReductionType  Node::parallel_reduce(int  beg,  int  end,                                              WDP  workdata        );  

template  <class  T>    struct  AxpyOp  {      const  T  *  x;      T  *  y;      T  alpha,  beta;      void  execute(int  i)    

   {  y[i]  =  alpha*x[i]  +  beta*y[i];  }  };  

template  <class  T>  struct  DotOp  {      typedef  T  ReductionType;      const  T  *  x,  *  y;      T  identity()              {  return  (T)0;            }      T  generate(int  i)    {  return  x[i]*y[i];  }  

   T  reduce(T  x,  T  y)  {  return  x  +  y;          }  };  

AxpyOp<double>  op;  op.x  =  ...;    op.alpha  =  ...;  op.y  =  ...;    op.beta    =  ...;  node.parallel_for<  AxpyOp<double>  >                                    (0,  length,  op);  

DotOp<float>  op;  op.x  =  ...;    op.y  =  ...;  float  dot;  dot  =  node.parallel_reduce<  DotOp<float>  >                                                      (0,  length,  op);  


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Compile-time Polymorphism

Kokkos functor (e.g., AxpyOp)

Serial Kernel

+SerialNode pthreadKernel

+TpiNode Thrust Kernel +ThrustNode

Future Kernel


. . .

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Tool: Tpetra Reduce/Transform

• Set of stand-alone non-member methods: –  unary_transform<UOP>(Vector &v, UOP op) –  binary_transform<BOP>(Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, BOP op) –  reduce<G>(const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, G op_glob)

•  This levels provides maximal expressiveness, but convenience wrappers are available as well.

// single dot() with double accumulator using custom kernels result = Tpetra::RTI::reduce( *x, *y, myDotProductKernel<float,double>() ); // ... or an composite adaptor and well known functors result = Tpetra::RTI::reduce( *x, *y, reductionGlob<ZeroOp<double>>( std::multiplies<float>(), std::plus<double>()) ); // ... or using inline functors via C++ lambdas result = Tpetra::RTI::reduce( *x, *y, reductionGlob<ZeroOp<double>>( [](float x, float y) {return x*y;} , [](double a, double b){return a+b;} ); // ... or using a convenience macro result = TPETRA_REDUCE2( x, y, x*y, ZeroOp<float>, std::plus<double>() );

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Future Node API Trends

• TBB provides very rich pattern-based API. –  It, or something very much like it, will provide environment

for sophisticated parallel patterns. • Simple patterns: FutureNode may simply be OpenMP.

– OpenMP handles parallel_for, parallel_reduce fairly well. – Deficiencies being addressed. – Some evidence it can beat CUDA.

• OpenCL practically unusable? – Functionally portable. – Performance not. – Breaks the DRY principle.

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Additional Benefits of Templates


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•  Tpetra is a templated version of the Petra distributed linear algebra model in Trilinos. –  Objects are templated on the underlying data types:

MultiVector<scalar=double, local_ordinal=int, !! ! ! global_ordinal=local_ordinal> …

CrsMatrix<scalar=double, local_ordinal=int, !! ! ! global_ordinal=local_ordinal> …!

–  Examples: MultiVector<double, int, long int> V; CrsMatrix<float> A;!

Mul$precision  possibili$es    

Scalar   float   double  double-­‐double  


Solve  $me  (s)   2.6   5.3   29.9   76.5  

Accuracy   10-­‐6   10-­‐12   10-­‐24   10-­‐48  

Arbitrary precision solves using Tpetra and Belos linear solver package

Speedup of float over double in Belos linear solver.

float double speedup 18 s 26 s 1.42x

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class FloatShadowDouble {

public: FloatShadowDouble( ) { f = 0.0f; d = 0.0; } FloatShadowDouble( const FloatShadowDouble & fd) { f = fd.f; d = fd.d; } … inline FloatShadowDouble operator+= (const FloatShadowDouble & fd ) { f += fd.f; d += fd.d; return *this; } … inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, const FloatShadowDouble& fd) { os << fd.f << "f " << fd.d << "d”; return os;}

FP  Accuracy  Analysis:      FloatShadowDouble  Datatype  

•  Templates enable new analysis capabilities

•  Example: Float with “shadow” double.

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Initial Residual = 455.194f 455.194d Iteration = 15 Residual = 5.07328f 5.07618d Iteration = 30 Residual = 0.00147022f 0.00138466d Iteration = 45 Residual = 5.14891e-06f 2.09624e-06d Iteration = 60 Residual = 4.03386e-09f 7.91927e-10d

Sample usage: #include “FloatShadowDouble.hpp” Tpetra::Vector<FloatShadowDouble> x, y; Tpetra::CrsMatrix<FloatShadowDouble> A; A.apply(x, y); // Single precision, but double results also computed, available

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#include <Tpetra_Operator.hpp> #include <Tpetra_Vector.hpp> #include <Teuchos_ScalarTraits.hpp>

namespace TpetraExamples {

/** \brief Simple power iteration eigensolver for a Tpetra::Operator. */ template <class Scalar, class Ordinal> Scalar powerMethod(const Teuchos::RCP<const Tpetra::Operator<Scalar,Ordinal> > &A,

int niters, typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitudeType tolerance, bool verbose)

{ typedef typename Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitudeType Magnitude; typedef Tpetra::Vector<Scalar,Ordinal> Vector;

if ( A->getRangeMap() != A->getDomainMap() ) { throw std::runtime_error("TpetraExamples::powerMethod(): operator must have domain and range maps that are equivalent."); }

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// create three vectors, fill z with random numbers Teuchos::RCP<Vector> z, q, r; q = Tpetra::createVector<Scalar>(A->getRangeMap()); r = Tpetra::createVector<Scalar>(A->getRangeMap()); z = Tpetra::createVector<Scalar>(A->getRangeMap()); z->randomize(); // Scalar lambda = 0.0; Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitudeType normz, residual = 0.0; // power iteration for (int iter = 0; iter < niters; ++iter) { normz = z->norm2(); // Compute 2-norm of z q->scale(1.0/normz, *z); // Set q = z / normz A->apply(*q, *z); // Compute z = A*q lambda = q->dot(*z); // Approximate maximum eigenvalue: lamba = dot(q,z) if ( iter % 100 == 0 || iter + 1 == niters ) { r->update(1.0, *z, -lambda, *q, 0.0); // Compute A*q - lambda*q residual = Teuchos::ScalarTraits<Scalar>::magnitude(r->norm2() / lambda); if (verbose) { std::cout << "Iter = " << iter << " Lambda = " << lambda << " Residual of A*q - lambda*q = " << residual << std::endl; } } if (residual < tolerance) { break; } } return lambda; } } // end of namespace TpetraExamples

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Example: Recursive Multi-Prec CG for (k=0; k<numIters; ++k) {

A->apply(*p,*Ap); // Ap = A*p

T pAp = TPETRA_REDUCE2( p, Ap,

p*Ap, ZeroOp<T>, plus<T>() );// p'*Ap

const T alpha = zr / pAp;


x + alpha*p ); // x = x + alpha*p


r ); // rold = r


r, Ap, // fused:

r - alpha*Ap, // : r - alpha*Ap

r*r, ZeroOp<T>, plus<T>() ); // : sum r'*r

// recursive call to precondition this iteration

recursiveFPCG<TS::next,LO,GO,Node>(out,db_T2); // x_T2 = A_T2 \ b_T2

auto plusTT = make_pair_op<T,T>(plus<T>());

pair<T,T> both = TPETRA_REDUCE3( z, r, rold, // fused: z'*r and z'*r_old

make_pair(z*r, z*rold),

ZeroPTT, plusTT );

const T beta = (both.first - both.second) / zr;

zr = both.first;

TPETRA_BINARY_TRANSFORM( p, z, z + beta*p ); // p = z + beta*p


Courtesy Chris Baker, ORNL

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Example: Recursive Multi-Prec CG TBBNode initializing with numThreads == 2 TBBNode initializing with numThreads == 2

Running test with Node==Kokkos::TBBNode on rank 0/2

Beginning recursiveFPCG<qd_real>

Beginning recursiveFPCG<dd_real>

|res|/|res_0|: 1.269903e-14

|res|/|res_0|: 3.196573e-24

|res|/|res_0|: 6.208795e-35

Convergence detected!

Leaving recursiveFPCG<dd_real> after 2 iterations.

|res|/|res_0|: 2.704682e-32

Beginning recursiveFPCG<dd_real>

|res|/|res_0|: 4.531185e-09

|res|/|res_0|: 6.341084e-20

|res|/|res_0|: 8.326745e-31

Convergence detected!

Leaving recursiveFPCG<dd_real> after 2 iterations.

|res|/|res_0|: 3.661388e-58

Leaving recursiveFPCG<qd_real> after 2 iterations.

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Example: Recursive Multi-Prec CG

•  Problem: Oberwolfach/gyro •  N=17K, nnz=1M •  qd_real/dd_real/double •  MPI + TBB parallel node •  #threads = #mpi x #tbb •  Solved to over 60 digits •  Around 99.9% of time spent

in double precision computation.

•  Single codebase.

4 8 16

qd_real MPI 1




MPI 16

4 8 16

dd_real MPI 1




MPI 16

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Resilient Algorithms: A little reliability, please.


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My Luxury in Life (wrt FT/Resilience)

The privilege to think of a computer as a reliable, digital machine.


“At 8 nm process technology, it will be harder to tell a 1 from a 0.”

(W. Camp)

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Users’ View of the System Now

• “All nodes up and running.” • Certainly nodes fail, but invisible to user. • No need for me to be concerned. • Someone else’s problem.


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Users’ View of the System Future

• Nodes in one of four states. 1.  Dead. 2.  Dying (perhaps producing faulty results). 3.  Reviving. 4.  Running properly:

a)  Fully reliable or… b)  Maybe still producing an occasional bad result.


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Hard Error Futures

• C/R will continue as dominant approach: – Global state to global file system OK for small systems. – Large systems: State control will be localized, use SSD.

• Checkpoint-less restart: – Requires full vertical HW/SW stack co-operation. – Very challenging. – Stratified research efforts not effective.

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Soft Error Futures

• Soft error handling: A legitimate algorithms issue. • Programming model, runtime environment play role.

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Every calculation matters

•  Small PDE Problem: ILUT/GMRES •  Correct result:35 Iters, 343M

FLOPS •  2 examples of a single bad op. •  Solvers:

–  50-90% of total app operations. –  Soft errors most likely in solver.

•  Need new algorithms for soft errors: –  Well-conditioned wrt errors. –  Decay proportional to number of errors. –  Minimal impact when no errors.

Description Iters FLOPS Recursive Residual Error

Solution Error

All Correct Calcs

35 343M 4.6e-15 1.0e-6

Iter=2, y[1] += 1.0 SpMV incorrect Ortho subspace

35 343M 6.7e-15 3.7e+3

Q[1][1] += 1.0 Non-ortho subspace

N/C N/A 7.7e-02 5.9e+5


Soft Error Resilience

•  New Programming Model Elements: •  SW-enabled, highly reliable:

•  Data storage, paths. •  Compute regions.

•  Idea: New algorithms with minimal usage of high reliability.

•  First new algorithm: FT-GMRES. •  Resilient to soft errors. •  Outer solve: Highly Reliable •  Inner solve: “bulk” reliability.

•  General approach applies to many algorithms.

M. Heroux, M. Hoemmen

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68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11






Outer iteration number

Fault−Tolerant GMRES, restarted GMRES, and nonrestarted GMRES(deterministic faulty SpMVs in inner solves)

FT−GMRES(50,10)GMRES(50), 10 restart cyclesGMRES(500)

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With C++ as your hammer, everything looks like your thumb.


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Compile-time Polymorphism Templates and Sanity upon a shifting foundation


“Are C++ templates safe? No, but they are good.”

Software delivery: •  Essential Activity

How can we: •  Implement mixed precision algorithms? •  Implement generic fine-grain parallelism? •  Support hybrid CPU/GPU computations? •  Support extended precision? •  Explore redundant computations? •  Prepare for both exascale “swim lanes”?

C++ templates only sane way: •  Moving to completely templated Trilinos

libraries. •  Other important benefits. •  A usable stack exists now in Trilinos.

Template Benefits: –  Compile time polymorphism. –  True generic programming. –  No runtime performance hit. –  Strong typing for mixed precision. –  Support for extended precision. –  Many more…

Template Drawbacks: –  Huge compile-time performance hit:

•  But good use of multicore :) •  Eliminated for common data types.

-  Complex notation: -  Esp. for Fortran & C programmers. -  Can insulate to some extent.

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Solver Software Stack

Bifurcation Analysis # LOCA#

DAEs/ODEs:#Transient Problems #


Eigen Problems:#Linear Equations:#

Linear Problems #

AztecOO#Ifpack, ML, etc...#


Vector Problems:#Matrix/Graph Equations:#

Distributed Linear Algebra# Epetra#




Nonlinear Problems# NOX#






ic D






Phase I packages: SPMD, int/double Phase II packages: Templated


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Solver Software Stack

Bifurcation Analysis #

DAEs/ODEs:#Transient Problems #


Eigen Problems:#Linear Equations:#

Linear Problems #AztecOO#

Ifpack, #ML, etc...#


Vector Problems:#Matrix/Graph Equations:#

Distributed Linear Algebra# Epetra#



Nonlinear Problems# NOX#






ic D







Phase I packages Phase II packages





T-Ifpack*, #T-ML*, etc...#


Phase III packages: Manycore*, templated


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Advanced Modeling and Simulation Capabilities: Stability, Uncertainty and Optimization

•  Promise: 10-1000 times increase in parallelism (or more).

•  Pre-requisite: High-fidelity “forward” solve: –  Computing families of solutions to similar problems. –  Differences in results must be meaningful. –  Forward solve becomes “petascale kernel”.

SPDEs: Transient Optimization:

- Size of a single forward problem

Lower Block Bi-diagonal

Block Tri-diagonal





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Advanced Capabilities: Readiness and Importance

Modeling Area Sufficient Fidelity?

Other concerns Advanced capabilities priority

Seismic S. Collis, C. Ober

Yes. None as big. Top.

Shock & Multiphysics (Alegra) A. Robinson, C. Ober

Yes, but some concerns.

Constitutive models, material responses maturity.

Secondary now. Non-intrusive most attractive.

Multiphysics (Charon)

J. Shadid

Reacting flow w/ simple transport, device w/ drift diffusion, …

Higher fidelity, more accurate multiphysics.

Emerging, not top.

Solid mechanics

K. Pierson

Yes, but… Better contact. Better timestepping. Failure modeling.

Not high for now.

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Advanced Capabilities: Other issues

• Non-intrusive algorithms (e.g., Dakota): – Task level parallel:

• A true peta/exa scale problem? • Needs a cluster of 1000 tera/peta scale nodes.

• Embedded/intrusive algorithms (e.g., Trilinos): – Cost of code refactoring:

• Non-linear application becomes “subroutine”. • Disruptive, pervasive design changes.

• Forward problem fidelity: – Not uniformly available. – Smoothness issues. – Material responses.

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Advanced Capabilities: Derived Requirements

•  Large-scale problem presents collections of related subproblems with forward problem sizes.

•  Linear Solvers: –  Krylov methods for multiple RHS, related systems.

•  Preconditioners: –  Preconditioners for related systems.

•  Data structures/communication: –  Substantial graph data reuse.

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Summary •  Parallelism is the new commodity curve:

–  Tasks/threads, vectors. –  Ensemble approaches OK. ICN cost not so big. Power is.

•  Most future programmers won’t need to write parallel code. –  Pattern-based framework separates concerns. –  Domain expert writes sequential fragment.

•  Extended precision is not too expensive to be useful. –  Multi-precision, intervals also possible.

•  Resilience will be built into algorithms. –  High-reliability declarations. –  Bit-flips and UQ?

•  A solution with error bars complements architecture trends: –  Problem size growth. –  Computation/communication ratios improve. –  Memory usage an issue.
